i f f 'T Tf TA ttCWftimV' irl.lliltlll IIHiM&.i41. I ' . . 11 1 - 1 ' 1,11 ". i ; '.. , .... , . nnw at ah e Two ! .... 'M L. J, J I.al lOjl&O I" wC Wall street. j-Triltauin:i of Wnv pmt acre. UlJXJ fcalfeea. of NW Tofk.T ;fc 4( an a vera, one offer of ever dev from nakoowa "-of. jtoea d u. eta to like the miltkWIUMUtU IMCUSUSI wo- TiuA Lao Car. declleee to mo4 y of Ivtr family to participate la tbe o4 Gtrl WoUIcy as ho Nujrtben IWiSc U making: repJ Tlx rarcrvtaxy of the la- laat rwcelvvd epalleatloa Co Uioe Crijr n:le f rod iweoty- tf tj 6t oa 'clear tlirouih la V (b4U of tha TwW or the VaT- priviio picture lkrteia Parle V-a that f lUruo ILxbechlUl tiauoo- ; Hue d'Aomal. f.VaxMri; Sir -herd Jfalloeoi. fJ30UUX: Si. Sccre r.$iJiJBix end Uai. Cuoelu, 9ls lrUUhj itCMauaMp might learn a HwO Df a UUOX"U(tU -.03J Of LOO 4barj Radicalism to curb U trtt 1 aii the liberty of tbe Sooth. U aoeJtv of the bayuo.l recline to caHka policy spjUrd to Ireland Is kituc. mare divorcee were granted th BUprvflD ori of tkrtacuUl. Mt,0 Ttar d r. to tklnf 39 to two Of Ih'vm all rj on ue- r t' luWaa lUautio4 to wr f 114 chxticUr of hi wife. tri dl ixr ti At lrla4 b ttlo to Iwp for from tbo proMot rtUmot. mhlch L- ct It faco xlnl jTartbcr ceocrMloo. Tbo aola !itr io ry Umad U "Knjljrata." aca!s ctAcW U prrocoUd tbm I CUttLb cwoAxebT practically Ua44&) JttatUmpUof to do to. I lmUm la a rf p ' akul 1c frott'St. 1'aal, Idina, far- p rt of locraM la maaufac- wikloila trd wblcb U ipty faarvtllou. Tb g alo la whcl traUo over tbo prvvtou year la V0.cttwfcll In mn a fact a red roods g-ii la aearly t7.oou.O0a laara liim U I MO wuiUM and 1 now rtooalr oetJisateU al from OOOUO to XML Iv Tr?a aodety Iteta: . "Tbo bo ti ll aadaco03plUbrd MIjaFlyhlxb aa warotrtaaau at tbo ball laat OTeoluf to he bttlea on br ptaoap. aoowy ld4r by a vldooa caoaqolto. Tbo xag (lady UaoaadbUaiy falotod. bat x rrlaciuted and It now doing wall. .m m4elto wa aapiamS by foar of utd aad daeapttatrd with a meet Tb ho w lJooorUvof Ohio prom be bo a Kroai aoceeoa If It U ot pro Voacod ooooajtitaUooil by tbo So ttse.Coart. IttaJita tbol aor txaAo x) aear.axeooUss wlr wtaea aad Ur tialT aro sokt, la (vr of wbid.lt jf makra a diaUacUow by only lax- r toLr aa: 91Q0 a yr. lUporU uca paiti of iba Siato indlcata that i stub of aaloooa art ridl de eaallpc tbooia tbo taer b a been la re4ioo only Joco tbo tSl nit. Fotj Ivtaty year aa ladoatxlooa bar- r pteaerred evtij bitof balr that waa lit fjroca Iba poet LmarUoea bead. b4 tbo poet died a fee of tbeao ftaerea want distributed amoog liter Vy e4Jebritleo &t. UeuTe.Dutaaa, tte nd Uio ramaioder waa aeaied op aa a Uloiead banded over to a lawyer for jvfa (keeplnx. Xovr arery one. w bo Lbanbea tb iaa of 4 toward tht iatO) to bo erected to tbo pocl'a mamo- V recelrea atlay locket coot alalaa W racol kkfj tbl balr. TedUtreoa prtvalllaj la Ireland waa 11 attention to ta tbo Houeo of jit&M oo tbo 23 1 alt. by Lord Dan- tta. wbo srrd tbo adopUoa of .?brmo of omif railoo oo a larxa acale. rboiUaKiaUof LAnodowae, alaoipoaJt- lafjla fa tot of amixratloo, aal4 tbara er a qaarter of a mill loo of ten an U a Iceland wboao boldlofa wer uaabla ) eupport tbetn.Ta If tbey paid bo rent. Twelto tbooaaad pcraoaa la n;y. It la staled. bao applied to xiut Got? rn meat far aaaletaaco to eoabla 'Juta to raach America. I 0y the peoaage of a recent law ta reaiea eech eoanty ta allowed to !ey a tax of f ISO en the bar of oa ",raeaboat renalng la their yariadio tl. Tba Comber land rirer. between LNiebrllleaaJ the bead of naTigatloo. y e thrvob seveo coaollee.ecb of wictk.sdar the new law. can levy a tax of tso oa ettry tmsx's bar, or total ox fUXX. Tb steam bos ! will aUasipt to evade the law by shotting aj their bsra at laadiag place, bat tt la a xoooUd a-seatiaa wbelber the tag euid sot be collected all the tame. I - ! - The population of Ireland la lS3t waa SJ74JC1. According te the eenao of 13. there were XM4JXX) oallree of Ire Uad laibo Uelled States. Immlgra Ujo eiace tbo ceoaaa was takea baa troogt tbo Bomber folly ep ta 1000,-" A. Tnm tSJ ta the preaent time, the total tamfgrxtloa from Ireland to the Called cUates te about 1.300.00a It la, Cieref orv, evident that we have a . UUoa of pore Irtah blood quite eqoai ta Cs posHjlaUoa of Ireland, tiltitraage tAat we have Irian eoortaUooa la the t'alted Stales, aad Irish OTganlxatlona aad t7XsstbUara ml'Jx tba caaae of m t ! alt ? ' ' ami 'eajaaniao eaa M w feu I t lute hm -trtiaad 7 Hill Mi un CAI-TAIS DeVrOUTS wrraDUWi. 'By rfaracoto a eomepoadaaoa pablbod alaawbtra la tal papar It wfl bev-aeoflabU Capiaia JH Wolfa, la complUroa !IUi tbott 4wf bte Democrat frlao-la,,ajrfcU.r.W frota tbo caaIUacy ux Mayor, Upo this bappy ratralt wa coot-rat alaia tbo Do- mocracyot CbaxloUa, wblca caa now caarca aaltadly aad eolldTy ta notary. Vr TTeaana. sT Iowa, aayaala Ookat fur liM Is ZAmaxnU aad Uaola. . - . " ' CUeaxo U not a baaiOxy tltj tat prU . - . ... . e Crbura. Two aar aoaw. auuaa uua ritkla. wbo helped liayta oat ta Loalaiana, wanU. to W lllatiteT ta Max lax i Frootler so kite r Ilia mast bo bard wbea ooe aoMUr out of a eery Arab comeo a oVoertar. ' f . r Jameo Gordon Deoeatt Taluea tba II raid at ten mlllloa dollars, aad say It paya par cent, annotl tatarest oa lb at amcKiat. Mr. Tlldaa baa aoot txn to Mrs. if elkalbam. tbo tTsaddeubtaw of Tboa JaSaraoo. aa a ooaUiaaUaotajrard a fond fur bar relief. Tba XUapelpbiaTlmaa saxccaU that If tbo Cxtr wisbeo to eacapo onburt at tba corooatloo bo bad batUr baro aa American clrcoa to play la to arn that day. If tbo oootroTcrsy between Senator Ulll aad Seeratary Teller cootlnoea perbapa we may gcet at tbo trna lawardV Drea of KepuUcaa methods oat In that section. i Io tbo year 1U0 tbara were only elf bt insane asjiam la tbo United Stalee Now there are orer nloety.alxty-elx of which are supported wholly or la part by Stale aid. M There are six telephone facto riee la the Ualted States, ail doing a proaaor- oua busioaaa. Io ooe alone orders bara- been rtceired for CjXO InatruaeoU ta lx weeks' lima. Ireland had In is&i 87.497 persoaa proceeded against summarily for being drunk and disorderly; 2Sl of these ware from Ulster. U.4 Si from Monster, 34.133 from Lei niter, and 10jB63 from Coooaagbt. The Toronto Globe cellmates that the rrovlaee of Ontario baa loat lOOjOOO of lu popnlatloa by emigration doriogthe last foar years, aad that70jOOO of the number want to the United States. Illcbmood Stale: The New Orleans Item sa?s that a Florida shark wal lowed aa tight day dock accidentally dropped Into the water, and seven days Later raa ashore near rensacola to have U wound up. A very likely story. In- deed, wbea the Gall la so full of Keys. -A New York dode In the White Ilooae." If a veracious Washington cor respondent is to be credited, la Mra Blaine's designation of lbs distinguish ed lacombeat of the blstorle mansion. This la severe, but Ihere la too much avoirdupois la the President's make-op ta Justify the application of dude. A missionary returned from Iodia aaya that logersous anu-Chrtsuan pamphlet and others of the kind are translated and scattered broadcast wherever our missionaries are working. at the liis 11 gallon of eaemlee In Eng land and here. The effect la said to be demoralizing the mission a sadly. Waahlogton Critic: The Republican Major of Vlncennea, Ind, went out yesterday aad bung himself becsaso the day before bo bad been beaten by a Democrat- If every Republican who Is beaten by a Democrat la the next few years folios this example, there will be a rapid diminution of oar popula tion. The Mlchlgaa Legislature, as well ss the rnnsjlvanla and Connecticut Legislator, last week killed resolo- tions proposing a prohibitory amend ment to the constitution of the Stale. Ia Iowa the 8 a pre cue Court decision invalidating the prohibitory amend ment baa postponed prohibitory legis lation for eome years. A Freochmaa baa recently gone deeply down into statistics In regard to matches. Ills figures show that aa Eagllsbmaa burn eight matches a day. a Swede nine, a German eleven, and a Frenchman fifteen.! The number of matches consumed la Europe every year, amounts to two thousand mil lions. Nobody la likely to dUpote these figures. . i A Loaden paper 'says that nobody except aa Intimate friend know where Mr. rarnall lives la London. When be take a cab from the noose of Com mons be Invariably drives to Charing Cross, aad oa lesving the conveyance walka toward the Strand. Mr. CKelly shares with Mr. raraell the secret of his abode, Tbey live together la the a rooms. It is believed, in one of the aide street off the Strand. Fred Bean, a young Iowa farmer, de sired a wife, but did not take a fancy to the girls of bis i neighborhood. He aspired to something different, aad wrote to aa Indian agent la Jakota, Inquiring wbeiber a reaaooably good- looking sqa&w could t obtained. An exchange of letters and photographs oca aad. and be Is soon to be married ta the daughter of a Sioux chief. la spite of the general belief thatlm prlsooment for debt no longer exists la this country. It appears to be possible to keep a debtor la bonds .for a very ua tJsaispt length, of time, A man wbo gave a bouse aad lot ta Edward Moraa. the artist, la exchange for eome pie- tares, baa Just been released from the Lai a Ick street Jill la New York, alter B early two years of confinement, be csaso the axUst got a J adgment of eAOOO against bio for InteOcisat value of the real estata as compared with the pal a tings. The man - waa finally dis charged oa abowli.g his Inability to sat- lsf y the J adgment. Tax duiz.it cjtu it lotte jowjizjrjiL.1 jLjrri the DuiEY:cJ3Ujai.oTE onsEiii'iiiz, consolidated TTincn2J, i&sz. - Gem. Oreo ks Seplyto Gen. WaxxiraoTO, Msy 4 The following waa received by General Sherman this morning: i Sxm BtiMJtXDtso Sfbxjios, Arizona Terkttoby. Msy 3. Adjutant Central U. S. Army, Wash' ington: I The cU patch of the astb LniC f rom General Sherman received. It is not my intention to violate the convention be tween the two rovern menta. sly object la viarUng Sonora andChlhauhaa was to arrange for co-operation, ana in case mr trooDe followed hoetilee into Mexi co, to see If I could not secure a liberal In turn re Lallan of the terms of the arrec- tnent la regard to the time I coafd bo allowed to remain there It is my in tention ta start to-morrow morning in pore nit of the . savages via accordance wita treaty. Signed. Geokox Crook. Brigadier General. A Belief reed to Ve Raised. Lojtdox. Mav . At a conference of tba member of . the Irish nationalist Dartv la London It was resolved to or ganize a fund for the relief of the fam ilies of persons who fled the country or have been arrested la connection with the murder trials la Ireland and gener ally under the crimee act. It ia com puted that six hanarea i amines nave been rendered destitute by the flight or incarceration of their supporter. An address will bo leaned to the Irish na- tonai trt ln-Atn erica and the British colonies appealing for oontributlona to the croDoeed fund end delegates will be eeot thither to set forth the need for speedy assistance. YeeoelSeak aad at aar laves LoeU Victoria. B. CIIit a. The steamer Grappler wbich waa aunk was proceed ing north with one bund red passengers and a full cargo. It is supposed at least fifty lives were lost. Including Captain J. J agger, only twenty so far are Known to be saved, it is reareo a num ber of Canadians wbo came by the last steamer to work In tbe coast canneries perished, steamers are gone to the scene. Grappler was formerly sn im perial gunboat but waa sold to tbe mer chant service. QesraaUslsg Agslsst Yellow Fever. Austik. Trxas. May Tbe State healin officer notified the council at Brownsville today to Immediately select quarantine officers preiwratory to Quarantining agaiusi aiatamure. Tbe quarantine i to be declared within five uaja. unless cooperative measures are agreed upon with the slexicsn authorities to establish an effective quarantine at Bagdad. Tbe yellow f ever may appear at any lime, nence luese precautions are taken. A Fight wits Ilerse Thieves. St. Louis. May 4 A despersts flzbt between s pot a of Texss farmers and three horse thieves occurred In the lower part of tbe Indian Territory, near Darlington, Wednesday last. It resulted In the killing of one of tbe tbievee named Fleming, the mortal wounding of another, and the capture of tbe third. The dead desperado waa left on the prairie. The other two were taken back to Texas, wnere tne cap tured horaea had been stolen. Ex-Treaorer Polk Re-arretted. Nashville. Texn, May 4 Counsel for Ex-Treasurer Polk, who waa re arrested last eveuinc. appeared bafore Judge Allen this morning to ascertain the status of their client. Judge Allen staled that be had information wbich he deemed sufficient to justify tbe arrest to the effect that Polk contem plated flight. He therefore Increased the bond from S 20,000 to 935.000. Polk has not vet clven bond and Is still in charge of a special officer. Fotieeaaaa 8 hat. New York, Mays. Policeman Fran- cla Mellon waa shot and killed by Michael Sullivan (plumbet) In Catha rine street, at 1 o'clock this morning. Tbe only provocation was that Mellon ordered Sullivan to "move on." The first shot was fatal, but when Mai Ion was down Sullivan fired two more abota n bla head. Tbe murderer was arrest ed after severe struggle. Fire la BlehsaeaS. Richmond. Va Mav 4. A fire broke out at one o'clock to dy in W A Bragg &. Co' fertiliser manufactory. corner or S4lh and Main s treats, and thateatab liahment and several small storee have been destroyed. Kelly & White's box faeiorv waa damaged, but not wholly destroyed. Their loss Is covered by in surance. Tbe total lose is aoout ezu.uuu. Insurance 9SJXJO. A Haagtag ta Florida jACKSOXTITJjr MST 4. A Pedal to the Times-Union from Greenville. Fla ssya John Lee. colored, waa hanged to-day for the murder of C. P.Crockett, while, on the vw or ptovemocr, leoa. Leo stole a horse from Crockett, wbo went with tba Sheriff to arrest him. Lee killed Crockett with a shot son. The drop fell at 11.15. Lee's neck waa broken and no aiea witnoui a struggle. Beats ess Fail ares. S New Yor. Msv 4 The business fail ures of tbe last week aa reported to the mercantile agency of II Q Dun & Co, n amber i&i. compsrea witn isx ror me Srevloas week. Tbe New England tales bad 15; Middle States, 15; West ern States. 44 ; Southern States 23: Fe ci Be States and Territories. 15; New York dty. 0. and Canada, SO; total 152. Booght a FlertSa Ballroad. New York. Mav 4 The Plant In vestment Company purchased . to-day the controlling interest In tbe South Florida 1 tail road, extending irom Ban ford to Klsslmme. Tbe road will be completed immediately to Tampa Bay. New York parties will run 'a line of steamships from Tampa Bay to Havana, Fire in Tennessee Vintvni IT a-v a A fira whfeh started last night in the store of Rut- ledge ana Itroa, as a uuanoma, ov miiea from here, destroyed thirty houses, in dodlng tbe railroad depot and telegraph ana express oiaoes. ! Fall are of a JUataaxas Magar Firaa- ' TjAVAJfA. May . Oatna Brothers lares annr and commission house in Matantaa have suspended: .UitUltlea repoTtou : Foatsaaater Appoint meat, I Waxhjxoton, Msy 4. Tbe President today appointed to bo postmaster Boa-, a la L Boya, Knectoaxv aiississippu The fleraaee Klcaomgal af the Xarsery. TtafeTJootaa-lsaaast ta Ue Qarmaa aeforaiaS Toat epea Ota oooe toe her. and Mra. Wtaalow wtU pcor taa AaMrtoaa rxmoe Mctniie C lit nrrr. Of UHe mrm ear will Uaca our txmj to ear. "A Bieeatna eo Mra. Wins. oVlaehetplns: hr te eurrtw aoaeecepeibe ertDtnc. eottcfcine and toethtnc elera, Stra. wlna- iw1! bocthine fcrrae railevae ute abiie troea pala, aod eurae onvotwr and dtarrbaaa. It MCieaa tba mu. ndumt lnn.mni.llon. or wind aotte. and MiriM Ute tafaot Utraarti tae mmhine partod. It nirfami DrwlMir what B vrv'mmtm te ftn rrt et tt othina leaa. W aaee Barer Mrm. aipeloo trooo her only tMw" Uia prf rioa oochina Brno toe 0.adreaTeata- In.- U wa had taa pe wa woald eaake a a (ar0i moow aa ue h eeUteaaaJusxfcte, 25 swats a tattle 1 CHARLOTTE Ngoj SATURDAY, MAY 51883. rft-4 Nl CCBATXO CAXSmaTB fOB SUTOB: WILLIAM a MAXWELL. Iadex to Hew AdverUsesseats CMS Bott-TSf Rent v " np I ' Geek Wilson. A Baiaall-tti Base I laaoaa.il ; $. For the South 'Atlantic Stares, fair weather, followed by rains, light varia ble winds, mostly southerly, stationary or higher temperature, stationary pres nre. t " - 1AJCAI. KIPrLES. It's about time for the Ice factory to taxt.up. Mr, Ramoel J. Pemberton. who represented Stanly and Cabarrus in the senate ihamber of the last legislature. was in the city yesterday. Mr) E. Parmele Miller, member of the firm of Lockweod & Co, bankexa and brLkers, of New York, wbo is at tbe Ceatral, acconapauied by bis wife will visit, Warm Springs, N. O, In a few daya. 1 i . , t ; j 1 1 J j J Concord will vote next Monday on the question of Issuing bonds to ralea money for naaeadsmlxlng Union atreet from the factory to the Lutheran church. The Register fears that the proposition will be defeated. The crowd for Waco. Texas, got off aafely this morning at 1:40 o'clock Uev O F Gregory. Mr Tboe M Pittman and L Frank Osborne head the delega gation, which numbers In all 51 people, mostly from towns around Charlotte. Tbe greatest need of the Southern Express Company In this city is a new wagon. That old lumbering foar wheeled concern is about to fall to piece, and even the darkey who drives It blushes tor ahame when It rolls through the streets. Rev. Dr. Lattimer, of Davidson Col lege, will preach in the First Presbyte rian Church Sunday morning and even ing Tba pastor would remind his people that tbe most important of all our collections, tnat for Foreign Mis sions, will be taken up. Bev. J. T. Bagwell will preach Sunday morning on tbe "Universal Su premacy of Christ and the Develop ment and Immortality of all Sentient Life." There will not be preaching st Tiyoo St. M. E. Church Sunday night as the pastor will be absent. Dr. W. II. II. Cobb, of Golds boro ; P. C Carlton, of States ville; S.J. Pem berton, of Albemarle, and Chas. B- Jones,of Charlotte, left this morning at 1 o'clock for Galveston, Texar.to attend the annual session of the Su preme Lodge, Knights of Honor. The opera house was pretty well filled last night, with Mr Arthur Butt's new paintings, which were exhibited for the second time before a Charlotte audience. Although tbey bad been aeen once before by most all in the house, they appeared as beautiful and enchanting to tbe eyee as ever, and it waa with regret that the audience saw the laat scene come on. This thing of pirating news Items is becoming to be a wholesale practice with some of our esteemed cotempora- ries. In two exchangee received yes terday, we noticed a column of our locals clipped out bodily end dated Charlotte, just like special dispatches. wben if we were to steal a single local from either of those papers tbey would not get over it in a year. Tote fair, brethren. Deaaoeratle Ifeaaiaeee lor Alderaaea. Tbe following are the regular nomi nees for Alderman of this city for the ensuing term of two years: 1st Ward Ilarrison Watts, D. M. Blgler and Dr. IT. M. Wilder. 2d Ward No nominations. 3d Ward T. R. Robertson. W. W. Ward and M. A. Stauffer. ath Ward John Wilkes, E. K. P. Os borne and J. S. Spencer. Yet Awhile We Xast Wait. An order baa been issued to the effect that the day trains on the Air Line, are not to be put back on ithe road, on the 13th Instant, as was agreed upon a couple of weeks ago. The reason as signed for the delsy Is that the time was too abort and they could not get tbe trains ready by tbe lSlh. The delay will be only for two weeks, if that long. when the trains will surely be put on. We'll stake our faith on that, even if it does seem a rash thing to do. FJectieaof Officers. i j - - - t At the regular monthly 'meeting of the Hornet Steam 'File company held last night, the following gentlemen were selected as officers for the ensuing year: President J. B. MagilL Foreman L II. Wilson. iAsst. Foreman J. Ahrena. ;Rec Sec'y E. A. Thompson. Fin. Sec'y W. Bernstein. Treasurer D. M. Blgler. Engineer M. L. Frazier. , Chaplain Rev. J. T. Bagwell, i Surgeon Dr. Si m B. Jones. Fire 1 Gestoalaw , r ; A; deitruotlve'flre ccur red yesterday morning the town of Osstonla ' re sulting in the total destruction of the brick store house and stock of goods of Qmyrs Brothers. The loss of building and goods will amount to $6,000, but ia fully covered by insurance. Mr. E. L. Smyres, a member of the firm, was in the city yesterday morning, baying fresh stock of goods, wben be received a telegram informing him of the burn ing of bis store. ; lie mounted a horse and took bis departure at once for Gas ton! a. Tbe telegram did not slate how the fire originated, and gave no particu lars other than that the building: and stock of goods was totally burned. ; BaooAaJla for Bfcewaaauleaa.' 1 mVK. n. v ovu vi bmwwwiw t vt, writ aa. Jon 6. I882i MWDr So roa not adver- - .. m i 1 1 i r n Uae Boeadiila foe laflf aiatorv RaenaiatlaaiT It la dotna wonder bate In eurlnc tba disease." We L wa So adeerttaa It ta aura Bbaomauaca. as aay one eaa sea by martin oar circular. It la a plaodkl Biood aumeioa, and tt reaches the vary root aad seat af disease bv be in eoneered Uuaarh the Mood. Druczlsts. Wdioc Daratetans oa eiusaoa cm tne DiBat naafllfis; vn"r IB atMB- CAPT. DeWOLEE Withdraws by Reqaeat from the Coa- . ' j test lor Mayoralty.'! r:lS J:f We publish below the appeal of a number- of prominent gentlemen to Capt-I De Wolfe to withdraw from the contest for the mayoralty and also the answer to the appeal by Capt DeWolf e yielding to the earnest request of the gentle jaen who addressed him. V4CHARZXTTE, N. C , May 4, 1883. : Capt, F. B: DeWotfe, Charlotte, ff. C.i vDxaji Sir Your many friends have witnessed with much pleasure your very successful administration of the affairs of this dty. You nave good reason to congratulate yourself that yon bare been enabled to accomplish so much of permanent good for the people who elected you. Believing that your faithful services to the city entitled you to a re-election if yon desired it, the undersigned would gladly have supported you in an effort to secure the nomination of the Demo cratic Convention, but were led to be lieve from yoot own letter and state ments that you would not . be a candi date far the office of mayor. Tho party to which both you and we acknowledge obediejeetia4Lthrough Its convention nominated a , worthy gentleman.' and whatever may be our personal regard for yon, there is but one course open to us. We shall greatly regret It, if you shall feel obliged to oppose the election of Mr. Maxwell, and being your friends. ws feel thst we have a right; to ask that you will withdraw from the race, ia order that no harm may come to the party through any action of yours, and that friends who have heretofore cor dially supported you, may be spared the disagreeable necessity of opposing you now. The course . which we ask you to pursna seems to as the plain path of your duty to your party and your friends. Had you announced in advance of the call for a convention that you would atand for j re-election the contest, if any. would have had no political significance, but you yourself. as we think, by dediningto stand, made a convention necessary to ascertain the wishes of the Democratic voters, and now your personal and party friends do earnestly ask lhAt you will not op pose the nominee of a convention called under such circumstances. Z. B. Vance. M. E. Alexander. Clement Dowd. Piatt D. Walker. Jno. R. Erwin. R, P. Waring. A BurwelL R. D. Johnston. j C Scott. Jas. F. Johnston. Cuarlottk, N. C May 4th, 1883. Hon. Z. B. Vattce, II. I J. Alexander, Hon. Clement Dotodand other. Gentlemen: 1 have just received your communication urging me to withdraw from the race for mayor, on party and personal considerations. If I were actuated by other motives and feelings than I am, I could not wholly disregard your wishes and views so flatteringly and feelingly expressed. Tbe contest between Mr. Maxwell and myself is a repetition of what has occurred many times before without detriment to the Democratic party, and I had no thought of this contest degen erating into party strife the source of which tbe public well understand. The city government. In my opinion. should not be run in the interests of party, and from tbe course pursued. this seems to have been the prevailing opinion heretofore. If my being a candidate ia to work injury to the Democratic party, and more than this, if it is to place my friends in a false position. 1 give my assent to your wishes and withdraw from the contest. Thanking you for the flattering allu sions made to my past services and for the kindly sentiments expressed for me. I am, yours truly. &c F, S. DkWolfe. Trial ol the Davidson College Post al aster. t Henry Gillespie, the Davidson Col lege postmaster, whose ! troubles were reported in yesterday's paper, was ar raigned before the mayor yesterday morning for trial. After bearing the evidence, the mayor fined him 915 for firing his pistol at the; woman Ann Haywood, and put him under a bond of 100 for bla appearance for trial at the next term of the Inferior rourt on a charge of carrying concealed weapons. The fine was paid, the bond given, and be was released from custody. , Mr. Mott's Difficulty. Marshal L. Mott, who bad the diffi culty at Mount Monrnewlast Thursday . a a a - ' . m wun aepaiy postmaster Arougiass ana route agent Gordon, as : mentioned In yesterday's Jotjrnal-Obskbveb, com plains that our informant did not give us the facta correctly, and his version of the affair does not put him in such a bad light. Below we print his state ment of the trouble: j If V To Ute Editor of the JournaM)berTer: Tbe published report! of a difficulty between myself and J. M. Douglass, at Mount Mourn e. which appeared in your paper yesterday morning, doea me an injustice which you will please correct. I did strike Mr. Douglass under-what I considered was a just provocation and for which I am both ready and willing to be held responsible, and when the matter is legally investigated, aa I sup pose it will be, I. expect to be vindi tited. : ; ' v Mr. Gillespie had nothing to do in the affair as the matter was a purely per sonal one between myself and Mr. Dou glass, who attempted to shirt certain responsibility off on Gordon, the colored mail agent. ? Respectfully, I M.L. Mott. ' Charlotte, N. C , May 4, 1883. i tmt ! - I at. rorosfgas ,. - . Were as coo as bbxt-aigbt, how aaoeh trouMe wa poor miserable sinners would escape! W. H. Caay, At Bmtthawtua V. wrttea to Dr. T. H. BoatbalL that be was sick with a terrible eold and eoogh all last winter, and go so relief mi til be eommeneed taxtec New late, the Great Congo Bemedy. - The aame aaedlelae also eared Mr. Caja neighbors, f ' XXaairva Cavrbolie SoJvo i The beat Salve ta the world for Oota.'bralaea, 'sores, ulcer, aalt rheom, tetter, chapped hands. :eauDiaina, aorna, ana au auxu oi aaui aruiiuuu, eta, et Henrys Crrbolle Balre, aa all othera are ' bat Imltatkma. Prlna 2S eenta. GetUng a Wife by Advertising. Col. V: J. Carra way, a citizen of Polk- ton, this State, put an advertisement In the Baltimore San a few weeks ago wanting a ; wife.: A day or two after the advertisement appeared. Col Can-away received a letter from a Baltimore lady, enclosing her photograph, with a description of herself, and he was so well pleased with it all that he con eluded to go to Baltimore and see the lady in person. He went last week and when he returned he brought the lady home with him, having married her a few days after he first saw ber in Baltimore. Palling Dowa the Charek Steeple. i The steeple of the First Presbyter ian church disappeared yesterday. It was sawn off in two sections, the first about 80 feet from the top, sad the sections were pulled over and down by a rope. The disappearance of the stee ple gives that portion of the city an odd look; The second section of the steeple was pulled down late in tbe afternoon and a perfect swarm of people gathered around the church yard to witness its downfall. The rope, reaching way out across Trade street, was drawn taut by -a long string of colored men,who pulled for half an hour before the tall mass toppled over and came to the grounp with a thundering crash. .The church officers have not decided upon the height or stjle of the steeple that is to be erected instead of the old one. - Hotel Arrivals. ; Among the arrivals at the Central yesterday were the following: SJ Pemberton, B T MeAden, A L Stough, R Frank Peterson, H C Ashcraft, W T Jordon, R L Steele, J C Sullivan. P C Carlton. C C Carlton. 8 C Scofield and wife. W A Daniel, R P Dicks, J H Fer ree. C A Hartman, Maj. Fleming Gard ner, Mrs A B Young, Miss Fannie Jor don, J Q nolland, T A Davis, M L Mott, North Carolina ; J B Cook, C W Mosby, E OHinton, Jr.CF ChappeU, Geo C.Jewett, J W Snyder, H C Spen cer. Baltimore ;Mr and Mrs E Parmele Miller, W H Justice, New York: H C Dun lap. R Arndt, R P Chapman, Geor gia; W H Uowze, U Calvo, South Caro lina; Geo P Badger, R S Robertson, Virginia; W B Marshall, Philadelphia; J J Foley. New Orleans. A Ieetare by Mr. Foley. Mr. Foley, of the New Orleans bar. arrived in the dty yesterday, and one evening next week, will entertain our people in one of his celebrated lectures. He has distinguished himself in tbe lecture field, and we know our people will be glad of the opportunity to hear him. The following criticism of Mr. Foley's lecture from the pen of ex- Attorney General Youmans, himsdf a distinguished scholar and brilliant ora tor, is a good recommendation of Mr. Foley to our people: "The lecture of Mr .Foley on The Forensic Orators of tbe Old World' was something out of the commonplace line of lectures. Eighteen hundred years ago Horace said 'dijfieile est propria communia dicere. This difficulty Mr Foley met and vanquished.: ; He treated bis audi ence not only j to the morceaux ot great orators aa the old world, but to the most exquisite comments on the different styles of oratory which have prevailed from Demosthenese down to Curran. The charm which he gave in the graceful language , which he used was immeasurably enhanced by the in dividual oratory which he displayed. Leaving aside, in this brief criticism. what he said about the great orators of antiquity, no one who heard him will ever forget his resume of the brightest efforts of Erskine and Curran, which brought to the mind Byron's famous comparison of Long Bow and Strong Bow. We think speeches and lectures like this about the great of old Tbe dead but teeptred sorerelgns Who sou rale our spirits Croat their urns' are of the greatest advantage to men who would like to tread in tba heroic pathway of tbe past. One thins Mr Foley ought to do, and that is to complete his work by de livering a lecture of the forensic ora tors of. the New World. Why cannot the same accomplished pen and the same sonorous proice which, have chant ed the praises of Cicero and Sheridan say something of Pinckney and Choate, of Prentiss, Grimes, McDuffie and Preston? ExoBeaator Doreey's Baaek. Las Tegss Cor. Chicago Inter Oaaan. Just before reachiag Las Yegas there is a station bearing the name ef the ex Senator from Arkansas, wbo is now the, defendant in a celebrated case at Wash ington. He owns, or baa owned, one of the finest ranches in the ; world a few miles to the southeast, and a herd of 75,000 cattle graze upon his rangewhich extends over into tbe Panhandje of Texas, upon Jtbe tract whicMhSTirK wells. Abner Taylor - and-Amos Bab cock received as-Ibeirpay for erecting a capitol-f or the State, and which the papers to-day report them to have sold for 10,000.000. x ; During his last year In the United States Senate Mr. Dorsey erected a magnificent residence here a baronial castle and entertained bis. friends in Erincely style. It is said, however, that e has been compelled to dispose of the property in ordei to meet the enormous expense of the star route trials, and that it now stands in the name of James W. Bosler, the well known con tractor and State Senator of Pennsyl vania, i niij-i;--- V-: Waahlagtoa Blooaalag lake a Garden Washington Cor, N.T. World, : The President must have been glad to get back to the most beautiful city in tbe country at its lovllest season. The Capitol i grounds are now among the most charming sights in Washing ton. The broad slopes of the hill on which it is placed are now covered with long grass, with violets lavishly plant ed amidst it All the squares and gar dens in Washington have the effect of natural as well as artificial beauty.,The flowers about the Capitol are not pro tected by wire fences, and grim warn ings of $5 fine for treading on the grass or plucking the flowers are rare. Then plants and flowers are so plentiful that people have come to think them neces saries instead of luxuries. Dost Dh 1st aba Ileneo "Bough on Bats" clears oat rats, buos, roaches, bed-bugs, tues, ants, uotea, moles, chipmunks, gophers. 16& , a A Nice Little Game of Sir. Banna. We publiah again by request the fol lowing letter from Got. Vance: . : . 1 fcf Oiarixxttk, May 8, 1883 Xdltor JoornaMtierve. " Mr. Green B. Raum. late commission er of internal revenue, resicroed his office to take effect on the SOth of April. The following letter received Dy tne deputy " collector of this city will per haps explain why that functionary re signed, as well as tnrow some iignt on the methods of that department of the Government. : ; ; Statesttllk, N. CV April 30, 1883. , 0. W. William, Eq D. V. : : Bra I quote as follows 'from tele gram received on the 30th April from Washington: - - . "Gen. Raum wishes to represent man ufacturers and dealers in collecting their claims for rebate. - His charges will . be reasonable. - Persons wishing his services can endorse tbe following on their claims : Green B. Raum is herebyf employed and authorized to prosecute ' this claim and receipt for draft issued in payment. The collector aays please give general information of this fact. Yours, - Signed. ; ' - j T. Glenn. On official paper. ; . - It will thus be seen that this nice little scheme was all fixed up by Mr. Raum; whilst . still commissioner by which the officers of tbe revenue ser vice are officially ordered to serve tbe cupidity of aa ax-oT'ciai now a ptlrns eitizenV knd to effe. 1 ype ven t say other person whomsoever from acting as agent in the collection of these claims. Mr. Raum being fresh from the Commissioner's office is presumed to know all the ways and means of, and to have peculiar facilities for collecting such claims. A telegram ia received from 'Washington (from what official is not stated) and the -Collector wishes general information given of the fact, whereupon each deputy collector is notified officially and said deputy im- Eortunes each claimant to endorse on is claim authority- to the outgoing Commissioner to collect it, he promis ing that his terms shall be "reasona ble r Can anything be dearer than the fact that the department is thus lending itself to the enrichment of tbe ex-Co m missioner by a trick prepared whilst in office? In nine cases out of ten per sons will be disposed to believe that the authority to Mr. Raum is a neces sary preliminary to the collection of what ia due them, and will sign it as a matter of course. - When it is consid ered that the amount of these rebates will reach anywhere from ten to twenty millions of dollars It will be seen at a glance what the "reason sble" compen sation of Mr. Raum would be. I feel it my duty to warn the manu facturers of and dealers in tobacco In North Carolina, 'that if they do this their money will mostly be a present to Mr. Raum. In nineteen cases out of twenty no attorney or agent whatso ever will be needed. In fact In no case will such aid be required except where the facts are disputed or there is some suggestion of f rand. Blanks and fall instructions now to proceed are fur nished by the Treasury Department, and the sffidavits of tbe Collector and his deputies will be conclusive in all but exceptional cases, - Respectfully yours. 1 Z. B. Vance. jRoa SALISBUY. Democratic Jfaaiciaal Coaveatiaa Ticket Noeaiaatea The Void Valley Oorreapondenea Joemal Obaarver. Sausbtjbt. May 4. The Democratic convention xnet in Merony's hall last evening. Mr Theo F Klutzx. chairman or tne executive committee, called the convention to order. Upon motion of Mr J J Bruner Mr Kluttx was elect ed chairman of the convention. Mr J FMoser was elected secretary. The chairman then briefly explained the ob ject of the convention in his own feli citous style, and then declared the con vention ready for business. On motion tbe convention proceeded to vote for a nominee for mayor without any nomi nation. The first ballot resulted in no choice. All the names being dropped except the two highest, Mr J F Ross received a majority or ail tne votes cast, and was duly declared the nomi nee for msyor. On motion the wards reared to different parts of the hail and proceeded to recommend nominees for commissioners. ; They recommended the following and after being ratified Dy tne entire convention tnev were de clared to be the nominees of the party for commissioners. The following Is the ticket the Democrats present to the voters of Salisbury: ; - FOR MAYOR, John F Ross. FOR COMMISSIONERS, North Ward D B. Julian and T. S Overman. East Ward Jno A Snyder and Geo Gates. South Ward R W Price and E B Neave. West Ward J W Maunev and Kerr Craig. Messrs Theo r isjuiiz. wm smith- deal and C F Bernhardt were duly ap S in ted to the Democratic Executive mmittee for the ensuing year. After appointing a committee to re tire and request Mr. Ross to address the convention, they adjourned to meet in the public square, where nr. uoss appeared and made a capital speech. pledging nimseix to devote nis Desi energy and time to the duties of the office if elected. He invited tbe hearty support of all good citizens and urged every v man present to buckle on the fall armor of Democracy, and go forth to the contest determined upon succeed ing. The convention then dispersed. Probably it will not be amiss for us to say that this was one of the largest. most representative and narmonions con ventiona ever assembled in Salisbury- They have nominated a good ticket and If the party does lbs duty at the polls Monday next; it will be trium phantly elected. 1 ' !' .,. Mr. Theo. F. Kluttz, the owner of the Barringer or Gold Valley Mine, ia hav ing it more thoroughly developed. Tbey have found the vein to be much richer than it was at first supposed to be. The superintendent states that, at every point where the vein has been struck it is remarkably fine. Your correspon dent was shown several specimens of ore from this mine and he was utterly surprised to see such fine specimens in this country. The free gold is deposi ted in a caleite formation and many pieces weighing several pennyweights each can be readily obtained from most any of the caleite. The assays of the poorest specimens of this ore are re markably fine, while those of the best specimers are simply fabulous In value H ' ; So Tkoagbtfol aad So Kind. ' Boston Journal.',, 4 :, - ;'.y 1 ;; ! A Wilmington (Del ) man went home the other night and found the house locked up. After infinite trouble he managed to gain entrance through a Dacx window, and then discovered on tbe parlor table a note from his wife, reading: I've gone out; you'll find the key on the aide of the step.' ; llsnfsri's Aeli Pfaoaptuste Imparts y,.i-s;"r Now Ufa avnS Tlxor. -De. B. T. Keweomar. Ciaenttald. fA,aayt "Io ( the eases at several aeed men. wbo complain! vt wiKmiuiHn -ruu auuusiiOUHXI IO UilliK. move or be sooken to, or harrasaed in an aar. ther told BtettUnDSited new ilia andvi-w PRICE FIVE CENTS. For AIiermeaWard No, 2. To the Editor ot The Journd Obaerrer: Please advertise the following ticket for Aldermen on Ward No. 2 : JOHN BIX BY i HENRY. HUNTER, JOHN SMITH. ' . . j . . , j - - - Many Citizens. 'i For Aldermen Ward No, 2. Xdltor' Joornal-ObatrTen.c ."",, Please advertise the following ticket for Aldermen on the 2d ward ; - ' L. W. 8 ANDERS, R. T. WEDDINGTON. JOHNT.SCIIENCK.' ; , " " Many Citizens. A soldier on guard at Fort Wayne, Was soddenir stricken alth palo. He thought he was gone. Bat wbea ha nibbed on Bt Jieoba Oil, was all rgbt again. . . iii 1 1 ef i i Bop niteere are aba Partmaad lictl Blttcra Ever Had, Ther are compounded from Hop. Malt' Htchii, Mandrake and Iandllon-U old-ht. lnt mid moat valuable niedicioea la tbe wr 1, ni a m tela ail tba best and not) eurmtlr f"M"-'i of aU otberrrmealM, belnic ih orwu-ni n..xi I ur fler, Liver Regulator, ar.d Life uid iraitu Hi..r Inf Seent oa earth. Mo dlattMM or Hi boaim ci paaaiuly Ions exwt wbere tbeae batr ara unf-u, so vanaaaod pefare tb,r optjriiiii. Ther give new life ard vtxor to ih rd ai.d tnflrmi To all wboaa tmplf rntuu mumi Irrt-en lurKraf tbe tomit, or urinary orvaiia. or no rut' to ipprnii-r. Til 'k1 n.lj .-ilirm iv.l, J'..-l "r r Uialu' , tln lilKlit ruLirv, 't ' fm. !'MJ Intwll. ml - m I ..ut tuo.lvicar t mi ... m., r, wbat tue Claeaae or ailment l, um hop i.ULrr. Pont wait until you are vies, but if you om, rw-i bad or ailaerable. nae Bop blttera at our It aaayaavarour Hfe. Huodioda have been anm br aa dotng. S500 will be paid for a tut tbey cannot aura or belp Po not stuTer or let roar frlenda atSr, but uae and urge tbeni to aae Hop Bltvara. - Bemembar, Hop Buiera la no vile. druiin1. drankea ZKMtram. out tbe furwt and br-t u.txji eioe ever made; tbe "Invalid 'a Friend and Hop," and no peraon or family abould be wltbout tbeut. Try tba Blttera to-dy. Mr. Janaes W. WHlla. Newbarne, N. C , mm: "I have need Brown'a iron Botera very auoceof ully aa a tools and apiCUMC.' JLAND SALE. By virtu of a decree of the Superior Court ef SteeaJenaur' auatr, we will Mil at public miction at tba Court Hooao In Charlotte, n. C.. on Mont. Jaaodth. 1"HS. that valuabla tract of land la Paw Creek Township, known aa tbe "Dow Mia Tree," contain loc aboot 40W acrra Tola land ilea on Long Creek, and la wHl adapt ed to the eaJtlvatlon of ejrn aod CMtoo. It win be eotd bt atx parse la riata mar be seen at tba law efiOee ef Mneera. Birel A Walker, at Charlotte, and at Law Hi a near tbe prem- leea. TEBVS Fire per eeot. caab: balaaee at U and etghteea saoBtba; purcbaaar to give notaa with approved securiir, bearing latereat front data. GEO. E WTL80M, ' A.BOUWELU saayadlawtda Commiaalonera. FOR KENT. A Teor-roota eXlage three iqaarea from the Ceotral Hotel. '5dit c.N. a. bdtt: Quain's Dictionary ,. or nuEDiciriE. AGENTS WA1ITEO FOB TUB snUTH. Ad dress W. W. HAYNK. 184 W. Baltimore Et , BalUinore, Md. saayadlw CC KILLS AND K ILLSTC.'XS, aia.aiaxal. czaTirmiEVcr.LD I aAatnla oriuitiuiT . oa arruuai.ua. ) j tsm gaeiuaA r sutnri tx Brvwh C , C ', N. C. t-a"i;w4 liiia i khm. at17 4w WANTED. tdeidrato secure the eervlees of a Aral plana carpenter at one, to work In mr Saab nJ Mitnd aud Wood Working Mteblne enop. rMeacir Jo and eood waaea will bo clven ta a reliable, cum po tent anan. ldif josun aaucKY. KEEP COOL. Wear atitf alosav eollara. euffi and boaoma dortm op at tbe Laundry. xney mok neat and keep clean longer, and are look cooler. i ! N - - roil siLci ow. One re ntl draft anl bu,-rr hore, one two h re power bolter, arood a new. two Snt-rlaJia Ian. i t WaahtnaT tnact,lna, one second-hand one lur-. wagon, and one second band iwo-t r- - -i, i j - - . a. a. t apr29 . Charlotte t ie l :.!; .: . TO .THr: . '.; J 5' '. '" AT TVACO, TIIXlK. TEX BOUTS VIA CTTZZ3 I Z - DAILT CONNECTIOSa WIXI CZ.1. ! Z i TOOK ATLANTA TO WACO. I through co.'.cii rrooa Atlauatat to IJttle Rock Oalr , Oaao Cbavwr of Can to Tfavo. Bates from Atlanta to Waco and return. . .. Ill") The a. dc C Air Line Ballroad win faro tub round trip Ucketa to Atlanta at rate of four oeauper BaUe. Bythisrouta JN6 DctenfiShi by Hijli 7at:rs, and tt would be well for deleratea and vUltora to toe uonvemioo at Waoo, bature pnrchaalna V -tr Ucketa. to aaoertaln whLhr other llnea ill rx.i m troubled hy a eeeood rtie of the Juiaaissltpl Lirer. m ur luruter uuMriuauon auarea it. A. MIlUll'l, 0, X. PAa Arkansas and Texas tht Line. A Renowned Tonic. II 113. JOE TEIISON'3 u k n mi Ik rarsi rv wu U a.B Dl . ' . T? ' '' ' m 1 ' P t f ? ' -Wa. t"-.. - vvuvaul . w v..ii. f t . J BeiUala Erp taw Br"wa anj ;iiurn I - ' wig-ar sued IZeliZx. . . MRS. MART BATASD (XAtfl'S IL T!1-'ML1JT I ITS VAi-i a, j " Keabem, Fe trmtrft. irm. i I have used Mra. Jo Femon'a 1 omo for .-ornl d.bh-tr cooaf quertt orrQ living In a i ... r ,, and f uund gre4 beritl- froia It ataa ei ,t r Oulch gave tone to tbe aT'ri. t . , MAHXBATAnDCLAr.XX f maj3dlw .' ' , , DENTAL ASSOCIA !f TION. The Klnth Annual mettrg of l f-'orih rv- linat iR'O I-T"(U AffaOcrlAiHtfi wul lx i J ai b.orr bead Cuy, N. C, oommeuuitig V: Taeeaar. Jnna I2tb, 15N3. f The Dental Proreanton throughout tbe EUla is COr-liali Invited Io aurixt. The attention f er praM'tl per of rv"-"".rf la ererialiy e.,d t lue .t r-"M,- ' l tlce f lMitUsu I Konh arui.ua. 1 laat Wr'uira(i'6l. 1hn3X rel'' " t t ia i tt tt ot uia a rtiic.i ' ' Mate Ifintrd of I)ntal rxamiiiera, a. veuea at Uie aaute time an-i 1 ,, .jr. uUriTlI, Ire u W. IT. IIOFTMAa, fiacrUr. . . Vi U.!.u.a UJr, iva.c'-h Je ansIC ' r 9ttn& V i uir'4n hint copy for ttjoajaac l t-i Us c.vwAry at Cfcaauue. - 1 w km n " f I " t " i s .12 "1 4l tt 2 : jn stT r-f ; ! i TI m ' f

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