THE DJLIL.1T CLUtltEOTTE JO UIUrMZ,, jgJTD TUB DAILY C 1AIIEOTTE On&EIU'EIl, CONSOLIDATED JtZJLIlCIIllI, 1SS3. Dally I earl site Observer, Established Jaaaary 15. 1S6. Dally CharleUcJsaraal, Katahllshrd imi it, ISH. CHARLOTTE, Nal j 3.. WEDNESDAY, MAY 1G. 1883. PRICE FIVE CENTS, TO SUBSCRIBERS AHD'PATRONS. Br the term of the consolidation of Tn Jotjk immRTia Um Dronteton ol the consolidat ed paper agree to carry out all contracts for adver tising ano subscription, maim witu uuai vayw previous to sued consolidation. , -x Persona who hare pal( In advance for eubecnp tton fur ooib patters will harm the time extended on the nw subacrlpilon books, and persons who have paw In advance lor euner paper wm receive Thk 4 iukm aia'OBSXBYXB to the expiration ol the , time paid- ANNOUNCEMENT. Mr. W. B. Griffith having witharawn from the business management of this paper, all letters and communications should, in future, be addressed to, and all drafts should be made in favor of the JJournai. Obsebver." Cole, the circus man, is worth $4,000, 000, and is yet young. There are fire murder trials on the docket of Orangeburg. S. C. court of .sessions. E Governor Israel" Washburn. Jr, of juaine, meu ai tiie j-iaiajrcim uuvn iu Philadelphia, last Saturday, in the 7ist year; of his age. It able an I is noted as a singular and remark fact that no Ohio man has put in application for CommlssioHer Uauto's place. Th Confederate monument was un veikil at Goldsboro last Thursday in the jpris-mce, of about 3,500 people. Senator Ransom delivered the address. Atj a negro debating society in Rich mond last week, it was decided that Gen. Grant was a greater man than George Washington. - j : Parliament has at last taken up the ltnd-Vent question raised by the English farmers, and now we shall see whether they jw ill make flesh of the Euglish and still lay the Irish foul. Wni. Powers killed John Sullivan in Nashville last Saturday for alleged wane of politeness. If killing for this causa becomes the rule, what a thinly populated world this soon would be. The snake story now comes to. the frontj and takes a prominent place in ftie current literature of the day. So far that Pender county story which the Wilming on Utview narrates takes the leadJ - For a medium-iz??d town, Nashville, Tend, must have been pretty well sup plied with gamblers if it be true that 600 pigrated to other burgs when the penal law against gambling went into effect there. - Mrs Fair has been granted a divorce from! her husband with an allowance of $4,250,000 and the custody of the three youngest children. The oldest son, the same who tried to shoot his father sometime ago, remains in custo dy ofj the father. The Norfolk (Ya) Landmark, in dis cussing the trials and triDuiaiions or rich men. takes for a caption: "Give me neither poverty nor riches." That's wha we think about it, but if we were compelled to choose between the two, we 'think we'd strain a point and risk it on' the riches. i A f razy lawyer created a sensation In the court room where the star route trial j are in progress Monday. lie took his place in front of the jury and shout ed "These men are innocent. There is a conspiracy. Not guilty. Not guilty." After a hard struggle he was forced from the room. We achieved the Amsrican Revolu tion without having a single woman on the nlatform. fGeoree A. Town- send What, not Molly Stark, and the woman who fought bar gun at Brandy wine? We also achieved the American Revolution without a Washington cor respondent. Springfield Republican. Stl Louis Republican: Twenty years ago the Manchester road, a fine, broad turnpike leading from the city of St. Louis a distance of nearly thirty miles through St. Louis county.w as inhabited on fxth sides almost exclusively by American farmers whose homes were the abodes of a liberal hospitality. Per haps there was too much hospitality in them; perhaps this accounts for the change that has taken place. At any xate nearly all the farms on this noble roadj have passed out of the hands of Americans iuiu iuc uauus ui uctiuauo, and jit is now a German highway from one end to the other. Fred Douglas defends the motives of himself and associates in calling a col ored convention in Washington, and says, that it has no secret purpose ; that its only object is to advance the inter- tiSLS Ol IQD UUlUiCV 1 ovr, uu tuai. .wt- J is uk more reason why there should not be 4 colored-c invention than that the conventions of Irishmen, women, tem- n,krV intrm an unH rail rr. lous societies should be abandoned. Thej colored men of the District of Co lumbia are 'much excited over the re moval by the marshal of the district of Perry Carson, who" f jr many years has been one of the leading deputies of that a Fight With Three Desperadoes. Chicago. May 15. Special despatch - tss report a riht wuich occurred in the Indian Territory last Saturday, twenty rive miles east of Coado. Three hard characters named Carson, ara all ged to have murdered near Delaware Uena, a short time ago two white men named Dlackenson and Iliddleson. and an old negro named Wiley. List Saturday marshal Mensn, of Fort Smith, ArkM -and constable Butler, of Gay son coun ty. Texas, attempted to arrest the Car suns but. they snowed -flzht and ex changed a duzan shots with the officers. Marshal Meulou was slightly wounded. Two of the Carsons werw killed. Their father was released. The dead were : l:f t on the field uuburitrd. f Knights wf Pyninn. ATLUiTA,May 15. The Grand Lodge Kniirbta of Pythias met nere wany, The address of welcome by the mayor. John It. Good win. was responded to by It. K. Richards, of Savannah. An ad dress on the crineiDle of the order was delivered by Sam. W. Small. The ban FROM COLUMBIA. The Palmetto State , JSoTiaa; In the Right Direction. Cortes pocdsnoe Journal-Obseiver. Columbia, May 15. South Carolina is following in the wake of the old North State in a measure of some im portance, especially to the. farming in terests of the people. This is in the organization of a chemical laboratory in connection with the department of ag riculture. This has been a need long felt. Ever since the State undertook to control the manufacture and sale of commercial fertilizers the services of a chemist have been called into requisi tion, but. at its last meeting, the Stte Board of Agriculture elected Philip E. Cbazel, a talented young scientist of Charleston, as the regular chemist of the department, and are now arranging to organize upon an extensive scale this branch of the public service. The board has purchased for their use the large and well known building near the capital, which was built in the flush daj s of Radical misrule by Parker, the notorious ex State Treasurer, and is aptly called, even to this day, "Parker s nam. i s , . i ,- .-. . , Columbia has been stirred up 'consid erably on the question ol graded schools. Rut it may be said that they are now a flxed fact. At a public meet ing iu February last, the question of a local tax of one mill tor ineir support was admitted to the taxpayers or the city. The tax was voted but not with cousiderable opposition, and the friends of the movement were not very hope ful of the ultimate success of the un dertaking until receully. Rut when the commissioners secure! the lease of the two large academies in the city for the use of the white schools, and when the Hon J L Curry, agent of the Peabody fund came in with a very substantial appropriation in aid of the enterprise, then things began to look brighter. At the present time the outlook is exceedingly en couraging and the prospect is tuat the various schools will open iu the fall with from 1,000 to 1.2U) pupils. This will be a very considerable increase, as the average attendance during the last school year was scarcely 3ot. It is hoped too that the length of the school year will be increased irom three to at least ten months, 'lhe commissioners have advertised that they will elect on the 23 ih of May, a city school superin tendent at a aJary of S1.5O0 per year from July. At the same time an elec tion will be held lor principals of the BChooIs. One male principal, (white) at 8 100 per mouth, one female principal. (white) at 875, aud one of the colorea school at 875. Applications should be be addressed to Col. T. W. McMaster of this cay. Col. McMaster is the chair man ot the school board. lie has Ions been nobly championing the cauae of puulic education, and success seems now to have crowned his labors. .he friends of higher education in the State are quite elated at the success of the two State institutions, the Uni versity at Columbia and the Citadel in Charleston. These institutions were both organ ized last fall and put upon a substantial basis. The number of students at the University has increased from 67 in lSl-"82 to 195. which is the number who have matriculated during the present term. The trustees m;et on the 23rd of the present month for the purpose of elect ing a president. Prof-. J. M. -McBride, ot the chair of agriculture, has been acting president, and he has made such an acceptable officer that the trustees could scarcely do better than to elevate him to a position which was graced iu former days by a Preston and a Bur well. The annual encampment which is provided for the cadets of the Citadel has been foregone for the present year, and the pleasures and pains of camp life will be postponed until next sum mer, when the corps will be more thoroughly equipped for field duties. it may not he generally known in your State that prominent positions are held in both these institutions by North Carolinians. Dr. Wm. Rurney, of Davidson College, and an alumnus of oneof the German universities is profes sor of chemistry in the University, and Capt Wm Cain, of iiillsboro, so long and favorably known in connection with the late C M I, in your city, and who ranks among the verv ablest of the mathematicians of this country, tills the chair of mathematics and engi neering in the Citadel. Dr Burney has achieved an enviable reputation for himself as an instructor of ability and as a brilliant manipulator. xt is a source or gratification to onr people here that the State Board of Education has again selected Columbia as the place for holding the Normal Institute. So the coming summer will bring its influx of teachers once mora. and with its many advantages it is hoped that this citv will be the nlara for the permanent location of these teachers' institutes. It is contemplated to establish at our university here as earlv as is Doeaible a chair of pedagogics, and this will cer tainly be a step towards bringing the noble profession of the teacher into higher dignity and usefulness. lhe latest Phase in the Secreat case is that the Governor of North Carolina has made a reauisition nrjon the an- thoritles here for the prisoner- SnrrMt is now in Richland count lail. IIm it will be remembered, escaned soma Um ago from the North Carolina Lunatic Asylum, and is now awaiting trial her for some petty violation of the laws of the State. The requisition calls for his rendition, after he has been discharged from the process of the law here, to an swer for the old charge of the murder of his wife and child for which an in dictment is still pending in McDowell county. Uis trial here comes off in J une next. An order was granted bv the Supreme court yesterday staying the execution of Riley Anderson, who was to have been hanged iu Greenville next Friday. The execution is stayed nntil his appeal is heard. Tiiemis. The Creea Mastering for m Big War. Chicago. May 15. A special from Helena, Montana, says Col Ilgss, com manding at Fort Assiniboine, has in formation that the Crees are preparing for a general war. Three hundred lodges, under Big Bear. Lucky Man and Little Pine, are camped within 25 miles of Fort Walsh, ready to cross into Mon tana to avenge the losses of the Crees in their last horse stealing raids. Col Ilges has sent couriers to Fort Walsh with a demand that the British author ities take steps to prevent lhe Indians from crossing the line. Col Iiges thinks the first attack will be made on Grosventres and Assini boine, causing a general war and loss to the Northern Montana stock Inter ests. A party or urees a few days ago stoie rorty norses from the Benton and t Louis cattle company, and are being pursued Dy two companies or cavalry from Fort Assiniboine. A fight will probably occur. : . . , Trial Btfaa Special ElecUoa for Coa retinas jf Montgomeby. Ala , May 15. The trial of United States marshal Stro- bach, began to-day. Demurrers were entered to all five indictments and the day was consumed in argument. The Governor has ordered and elec tion to fill the vacancy; caused by the death of Congressman T II Herndon.1 in the Mobile district, to be held on the first Tuesday tn July. . , A illTCU IN RALEIGH. The Boara of Aldenaea veraioa, aad Threaten menu Get Di JJual (Govern Raleigh, N. C,May 15. 4-At the elec tion of aldermen May 11th eleven Dem ocrats and six Kepubl leans were elect ed. The Democrats refused to affiliate with their party in caucus for selecting nominees ror city o racers. Among the Republicans . were five men holding places under the U S government. To night at a meeting of the board one of these was declared ineligible under sec tion 7, article 14 ol the at ate constitu tion, whereupon all the Republicans and the three recalcitrant Democrats left the balL The remaining Demco- crats proceeded to elect a member to the vacancy and then declared the other four fedsral place men ineligible and elected another alderman in place or one or tnem. td Democratic toard then proceeded to elect city officers. The three recalcitrant Democrats and all the Republican aldermen reassem bled elsewhere and announced their purpose to elect city officers. The Pope to the Irish Clergr -- Rosea, May 15.-The Pope in bis cir cular to the Irish bishops says whatever Parnelfs object may be his followers naveoxten adopted a course openly against the rules of the Pope's letter to Cardinal McCabe, and instructions sent to the Bishops which were accepted at tneir recent meeting in Duulin. while it is lawtul for the Irish to seek redress for their grievances and to strive for their rights, they should at the same time seek God's justice and reiuetuber the wickedness of illegal Uit-ans iu furthering even a just cause. It is the duty of the clergy to cuib the excited feelings of the people aud to urge justice and moderation. The clergy are not permitted to depart from these rules aud to join and promote movements inconsistent witu them. Collections to reliee the distressed are permitted, but subscriptions to lutlame popular passions are condemned. The clergy must hold aloof when it is plain that by such movements hatred and dissensiou are aroused or distinguished persons insulted, and when crimes and murders go uurebuked and when patri otism is measuied by the amount sub scribed. People are thereby intim idated. Therefore the Parnell fund is disapproved and no clergyman should recommend subscriptious theie- to i r promote ir. tiea. Topaz's Opiaioa of the Apache 0,aestioa. Hekmosillo. Mexico. May 15. Gen. Topaz, commanding the troops iu Souora. thinks that Gen. Crook has en countered the Apaches and driven them iuto lLer stronghold in the Sierra Madre mountains. He believes the Apache qaestiou will never be set tled while tiiey retain the San Carlos reservation, it being too near the rene gade Indians in booora. lie says it is the general opinion of the people of bonora that Indian agents encourage the Indians to leave the reservation to depredate and steal iu Sonora and carry back their plunder to the reserva tion and exenange it lor arms and am munition. He thinks the removtl or extermination of the Apaches the only solution of the difficulty and has con fidence in Gen. Crjk's ability to con quer the renegades, lie hopes the United states government will appre ciate the difficulty and hardship that Gen. Crook is now encountering. The Choctaw anal his Emancipated Slave St. Louis, May 15 A special session of the Choctaw Indian Council was held at Armstrong Academy, in the capital of the nation, yesterday, having been called by the principal chief. Mc- Curlin, to consider the freed man ques tion. By the treaty of I860, between the Federal government and the Con federated Indians, the Choctaws and Chlckasaws agreed to emancipate and give the usual rights to the colored people tn their nation within two years. for which the United States was to give them 830,000, and if they failed to adopt them in that time the money was to be used to remove and settle them else where. The Choctaws failed to adopt themtnd the government did not move them, and they have been there ever since without either citizenship, rights, or a title to the land they work. The Choctaws now desire to adopt them. and for this purpose the council was called. The Debt or Memphis. Memphis. May 14. The auditing board to settle the debt of the old City of Memphis have agreed . upon the amount of new bonds to be issued for old under the recent act of the Legisla ture. They adopted the calculation of Drexel & Co., of Philadelphia, which allows S 1,1 45 of new bonds for every 82,000 of old. and adds 8147 to every 81,000 of the Flipper compromise bonds. The auditing board are now daily fund ing the debt of the old City of Memphis and issuing new bonds. The money to pay the July. 1833, and January. 1884. coupons on tne new Donas is now on band in bank, and the settlement is rapidly progressing. All the home creditors of the city have accepted the settlement. The Aelvaaee of the Crees Checkeet. Chicago. May 15 A special ' dis patch from Helena. Montana, says the expected advance of a large war party ot Northern Crees Into Montana, has been stopped by the mounted police ot Fort Walsh, in the northwest of the Territory, and by the action of General Ruger in this district. Every effort wilt be made by the Canadian forces to confine the Crees to their own country and no further danger Is anticipated. Straggling bands now on this side of the border win also do pjacea anuer surveillance when they reach their re servation. A Cyclone In Indiana Mst 15. A CTclone of considerable magnitude passed south of this city last night, damaging tele graph lines ana oiner property, ai Southport, both the Methodist and Presbyterian churches were demolish ed, and several farm houses in the vicinity were badly wrecked. Damage Overestimated. Cincinnati, May 15. A special to the Times-Star from Ilarrodsburg, Ky, savs the loss Dy ore Das oeen greatly overestimated, and will not exceed 845 000. against which there is an in surance of 823.000. Only 24 houses were destroyed. la tha great Southern Bemedr fcr the cure of sefofulouf taint, rbeoaaatlsm, white awelilaa axw, goitre. aooaurapUoa orooehlUa. nervooa wllj, aaalarla, and axl diaeaaes arUlnc from an la pure Mtfwlilian ot Um blood- ' The Ber tt ot this v friable preparation are so well known that a pualoc ootloe la bat necessary to naiad ths readers ot this Journal or Uis neeae altr of aiwajs havu n boaieoc Hoaartslli aaaons om&aates can he presented from mnvlea41n nhvatetana. ministers, nod beads of taaUles Kvi.iiiiii(h.iuauk auulora.n Ifaasflslla In tl)1t hubeat tarma. ws are eooatanU tn receipt of eerUAeates of cores t tne most retUbtes nieas sad we do not hesitate to reeoaimeiMt tt aa the brat known remedj for the ear ot the above dia- . hot. ! ? Ckansr. rMaf tiia laadma- salnSetera ef Ba tUnorsJtn. a Oairina Uiuim. n ilfiuili la- eiuted by the dm ef Mew Iaie. I w Bet oeafeate t acknowledge Um valoe ot tne reaaedy. and protxer my name to row select uat ol raXarenoea. 1 r aim Index to Mew Aareruoe to. i W C Marerel - Kotte. Alexander at Harrie-60 per cent a pries off. a. w. street- aresn rwawornies. J B htiAden-rore White Leaos.4 ( t ladicauoae. - , v For the South 'Atlantic Sraf. 1. cold partly cloudy weather, with lo si rairn, winds shifting to north wester t k bighir pressure. - - , i LOCAL NextSundsy is the day now set for the resumption of the ill r-Line day trains, Nos. 52 and 53. f . Capt. A. G. Neel, of "Sled Creek township, one of our county rimmia loners, has gone to Lexinrton, Ky, to attend the Presbyterian UenefI As sembly. - ! J; I The Uaile gold mine is still mak- Ino hini!anmi rtkt n m A a thai of one month's work, onlva ptffoi j ores taken out being treated reated. four large m) bricks, each worth 81.200 were exhibit ed at tue Central yesterday. Capt. W. B. Gooding, the recently elected city tax collector, yesterday filed his official bond in the sum of 810,- 000, with the finance committee. Messrs Wm Gray, It II Morse, It M Nor men t and F It Durham, are the sureties. Messrs James U Blamart, presi dent of Halle gold mining company. N V;EUiboney Spillsbury, Haile mine; Hon J W Merritt. Richmond and W W Wiender, Iteading Pa. were umong the arrivals at the Buford House yester day. Our city was treated to a sand storm yesterday, similar to the sort the Arabs sometimes encounter on the desert. The wind gathered the dust from our streets in cart loads and scat tered it on the farmers throughout the surrounding country. The following officers of the Char lotte Fire Department for the ensuing term, were appointed yesterday: Chief. Cbaa. F. Harrison; First Assistant. P. II. Phelan; Second Assistant. D. M. Uigler; Treaauier J. M. Kendrick; Sec retary, Chas. M. Creswell. In the advertisement of the State of North Carolina vs. the New York Reduction Works Company, appearing yesterday, an error of considerable im portance occurred. Instead of the de fendants to show cause on 30th day of November, it should have read 3oth day of June. A negro man named Win. Wilson. who has been crazed by an attack of typhoid fever, was brought to the guaid house yesterday afternoon and locked up to keep him from doing him self barm. Dr. Wilder, the county physician, is giving him all the aid possible. As an. evidence of the superior work done at the city laundry, Mr B It Smith yesterday exhibited in our office 1 lot of lace curtains that bad been 'dine up" at the laundry. They were old curtains, but on coming from the laundry they looked like they had just come from a store. The special term of the United States Court that was set for the 28 :h mat , has been abandoned and there will be no term of this court in Char- otte until the regular term, which commences on me 2nd Alonaay in June. It is thought that Chief Justice Waile will preside at this term. Mrs V SSrruggs. Miss Eva Scruggs, St Louis; Mrs and Miss It W Reynolds Fall River Mass; Jno Sandstreet,N Y; Miss S C Thomas. Miss Emma Thomas, Detroit Michigan. Geo S Scruggs, Ga; F Sullivan, Cleveland. Ohio; Col OP Merryman, Baltimore, and II M Sett- and, Boston, were among the arrivals at the Buford House yesterday. r Kanning Tenm ol the Tonng Ilornets. The Young Hornet Hose Company No 1. composed 0 the promising youth of the city, has organized a running team, and when on the run, the mem bers will be portioned off as follows: Ben Bernstein.wrenchman; Will Brad- shaw, plugman ; J M Davis, nozzleman ; John Manning, break coupling. To run to the rope, J A Adams, Joe Garibaldi. Thomas Arledge, Walter We am. 8 J Grose, Jim Julian. Fernando Rsed, and George Roediger. The Young Hornets will give us an exhibition of their fleetness of foot, on the 20th. Coarf, Wizard OH ana No Beer nt Shelby. Judge William Shipp and Solicitor Frank Osborne opened Rutherford court at Shelby last Monday. There were a number of visiting lawyers present. The State docket is exceed ingly light and will be finished, it is thought, by ta morrow evening. The Wizard Oil combination are on hand and are drawing big crowds. In the way of drawing a crowd, it discounts the court.. The county commissioners and board of aldermen have raised the black flag against the bars and have vanished the traffic beyond the bounds of Shelby. Opening ot the All Henliag Springs. Yesterday was the opening day at the All Healing Springs, and the season at this resort, whose popularity has yearly been on a steady increase, may be said to have commenced. Already there are about twenty people at the springs, a majority of whom are from Charlotte. Mr. Willis regram,'of this city, is engaged at the springs as book keeper. From a Charlotte man, who returned yesterday, we learn that there is a noticeable Improvement about the grounds and houses since last summer. and a great tnanv additions have been made for the pleasure and comfort of guests. A number of new and pretty cottages have been built on the lots re cently sold, and the All Healing Is fast becoming 'a fashionable watering place. ; - htra J. H. Hcoas. Littleton. M. C.aay; 1 have feeod Brown's Iron B ttrrs a sale and pleaasnf core lur general debtiuj. Xaafnent J. J. Caldwell. BtlUraore. at. D . states -I nave need Coklea'a Uqutd Beef Tonle largely 4m Tjehlittv. Vahnla aad kmoni Diseases, and t have f ooad U one of the most reliable ef notrttnt tontee ba mo or to be f ound la pharmacy.' (Take no other.) ot drocsiau. THK CELEBRATION ARRANGED. What ta tn ne Dene in the City on the 3Ut Detaile of the Celehrnllon Ar ; rnnged. ., .. . . ..1. . While the approaching celebration of the 20th' of May will veiy likely fall short of ths grandeur of last year's af fair, it will stlll .be an event of consid erable magnitude, and, from all Indica tions,' we will have a big crowd, and a good, celebration, in the city" on , next Monday. The committee to whom has been' assigned the duty of arranging the programme for the day. have com pleted their work, and -all Is now In readiness. The usual sunrise guns will not be fired. At one o'clock in the after noon the procession will form on Trade street, the head of the column resting on Church street. It will move at two o'clock promptly, and the line of mareh will be down Church street to First, up First to Tryon.up Tryon to Seventh, gown seventh 10 u ll Tr. m I Trade to Independence Square, wLenl I m m m m a each company wiu do turned over to Its respective officers to prepare for tba races. The following will be the order of the procession : . Band. Speaker in Carriage. Mayor and Board of Aldermen. Chief of Fire Department and Assist ant. Hornet Fire Company No. 1. Young Hornets. Pioneer Fire Company. Independent Hook and Ladder Com pany. Mounted Police. The firemen's tournament will begin promptly at five o'clock. A cash prize of 825. and also a fine silver trumpet. ill be awarded the successful com pany. The rules governing the race ill be: 1st To run 200 yards with 150 feet of hes e on the reel, unreel 100 feet and attach the same toping and throw a stream of water through the pipe with any nozzle chosen by the company. Time to be called when the water ap pears at nozzle; one man will be allow ed each reel to every 100 pounds of. ap paratus. Two men will be allowed to each reel over the number engaged in pulling, one to carry the wrencher and one to carry the pipe. They must stait with and at the same time the reel does. and must not pull on the reel. 2d. In no case will a second trial be allowed. The decision of the Judges must be fioaL In ease, however, of an accident happening to any company before the trial comes off. the Judges are empowered to change its torn so that it will not be lost. 3d. Each company's turn will be de cided by lot. No person whatever will be allowed on the stand except. the Judges. 4th. Hose coupling on reels must be made not less than three full turns. Each company will be allowed one man to act with the Starting Judge to see that the apparatus, etc, are in order and according to rules. Not longer than 30 minutes will be allowed between the races, .bach company must De ready at call of the Judges. 5th. Each company may use a two or four wheeled reel, whichever they choose. 6th. Three time keepers shall be ap pointed by the Judges. All members of companies not engaged in the race and all citizens are requested to keep , on the sidewalks during progress or race. The time keepers are Messrs Harri son Watts, II M. Miller, Jr.. and W. C. Morgan. Starting Judges - E D. Latta and E. B. Springs. Judge at plug Geo. H. Brock en boro. Judge at nczzle W. W. Ward. Capt, Jno. R. Erwin has been ap pointed chief marshal, and Messrs Jno. W. Wads worth, J. M. Kendrick, U. Baruch and Brevard McDowell assist ants. The railroads will put reduced tickets on sale, and crowded trains are expect ed. A large party has already been made up in Columbia to visit our city and witness the celebrationjtnd crowds from ail the surrounding towns are e 3 pected. The celebration will close night with a grand ball at the Buford House. - Another Store Robbed. The store belonging to Mr Robert Beattie, located on Ninth and C streets. close to the scene ot the fire Mondsy evening, was entered by thieves Mon dsy Dight and robbed cf goods and cash to the amount of 8100. Entrance was effected by boring a hole in the shutter. The thieves took six hams, a lot of to bacco and a quantity of other goods. Not being able to pull open the money drawer, the same bit that was used in opening the shutter was again brought Into requisition and a hole large enough to thrust a hand through was bored in the drawer, and all the cash, not amounting to much, however, was drawn out. There la no clew to the thieves. Yesterday morning about ten o'clock Mrs Codey, who keeps a store for her husband just beyond Mr Seattle's store. detected a small negro boy in the act of robbing the money drawer. She tried to catch him, but he eluded her and es caped by flight. Policemen Farrington and Boyte, who passed by shortly after ward, were Informed of, the circum stances and were on the track of the little rascal yesterday afterndbn. Uis name is David Wade, and be bad only been released from the guard house half an hour before, where he had been confined on charge of stealing railroad iron and selling it at the junk shops. He Is a nobsd little thief and has been repeatedly arrested by the police. '' ' 1 " 1 1 1 1 am , ' " LatssloAs u Hail Laaih. ' Hery hada UtUelaeab. Ite flares waa black ae rnk. . . ajMl alary bad dspepsta so bhe couUit sieep a wtnkv - " She suffered both by night and day, W a palos aad aebea aaaii e w -glad Mend snrg-eted she should i. he : P. Dana's Fata suiler. " It Qatektr tamed dyspedsla out and made her good as new. " And oat the way Ua Mary did Should ail dyspepues do. - Pike's Toothache Drops ears tn on mlautn. Mechanics Perpetual Onildtng and Lena Assoc intion. . - : . At the annual meeting of this associ ation last evening the folio winggenU men were elected directors, viz: S. Wlttkdwsky, "Wm. Johnston R- E. Cochrane. M. L. Frazler. H. Baumgar ten; W. E. Shaw. C. O. Mercer. R. F. Stokes, J. L. Hardin.' R. M. Kopf, s. O. Smith and J. W. Cobb. ' la the absense of the president, (Mr. Witikowsky) CoL Wm. Johnston pre sided. The Hornet's Neat Riflemen. At a meeting of the Hornet's Nest Riflemen held last evening, the com mittee appointed to wait on Col TJ C Jones and Capt Brenizer, having re ported that those gentlemen declined the captaincy and 1st heutenacy, re ppectively.of the company, Mr J T An thony was elected captain and Mr T iR Robertson first lieutenant. The la)c t ion of the oth - 7, rff T' I! kT "D I40W mMm4 man sat w sajaesa 1 m 4a, a a aa aV W efficient and popular ones, and the re- organizatida of the command 'Is now assured. Seat to the Aaylaaa nt JSoixnatoa. - t Special Deputy J A MeLure, left last evening for Morgan ton, having in bis charge Mrs Sarah Wilson, who is to be admitted into the Western North Caro lina Insane Asylum at that place for treatment. Mrs Wilson's mind has been badly deranged for a number of months past, but it is hoped that she will be improved by her treatment at the asy lum and will be eventually returned to ber husband and friends in this city fully restored in mind. Mrs Wilson is the first Insane patient sent from Meck lenburg to the new asylum at Mcrgan ton. hhe is the wife of Mr S tm Wilson, a butcher, of this city. Deetractive Fire at the All-IIealiag Syrtngs. Two children, aged four and fire years old. got their hands on a box of matches at the All-Healing Springs, a day or two ago. and went to a straw pile to play. The straw was stacked at a corner of the storehouse of Messrs Baker & Dilling. and the children bad not been playing in it long before they set fire to it with the matches. The storehouse was quickly in flames and from it the Ore spread to the dwelling house adjoining. The storehouse and dwelling were totally consumed. In the storehouse was a quantity of wheat. about 200 bushels, all of which was burned. AH the furniture was saved from the dwelling house, there was no insurance on either dwelling or s to cp bouse and the loss falls pretty heavily on the owners. A Telegraph Ofiee Blown Up by Light ning. Last Mondsy night daring the thun der storm, a bolt of. lightning ran Into the office of the Western Union Tele graph company, at Asheville, and tore up things generally. The office is in the Eagle Hotel, and it was about 12 o'clock at night when the bolt struck. Mr S G Weldon, the operator, was fortun ately not in the office, or the fiery fluid might have used him up. The light ning struck the wires outside, only a short distance from the bouse, and so heavy was tbe bolt that it melted all the wires in the office. A bed in an ad joining room was set fire to and was partially destroyed before it could be extinguished. A lot of written mes sages hanging on hooks in the office were burned, and the office furniture was torn up. and this is about the amount of damsge done. The instru ments were not harmed. Mr. Weldon went to work yesterday repairing the damages, and got his office in tempora ry working order. A new set of wires run into the office will make every thing all right again. Hotel Arrivals. The following were among the ar rivals at the Central yesterday: G V Hunter. J B Kennedy, Thor B Hill. New York; W II Nelsler.B W Sanders, G S Garrett. South Carolina; W W Walkup, V C Austin, Tbos Robinson, A G NeeL L M Hunter.Dr M C Hunter, W II Hoffman. Andrew Tyer, wife and three children. A P Rhyne, Mrs A P Rhyne, Miss Rhyne, Mrs T A Davis, M Melchor, J F McLean, Thoa M Barn- hard t, J D Leak, Dr J A Woodcock, Miss Lea,E McDonaldNorth Carolina; J L Kean, Jas Holmes, M S Ey tinge, Geo L Pender, Baltimore; M Slaughter. General Ticket Agent of the R& D Railroad. Wm H Green, Superintendent of the R&D Railroad, A A Wells, J A Waddell, Richmond. War laid and Killed. Galveston. May 15. A special dis- Ktch to tbe News says: Chas Wick id, a well-known contractor, left Monterey Saturday to pay off the men at the present terminus of tbe Mexican National Railroad. Two young Amer icans, Pausley and Mudd, started ahead of Wickland. On leaving the station two shots were heard and Wlckland's team was seen dashing up without the driver. The contractor was found mortally wounded on the bottom of the wagon. Tbe two men have been captured and turned over to the Mexi can authorities. The Kieeoarl Tornndo. Macon, Missouri. May 15. The cy clone of Sunday night left the business f art of the town comparatively unln ured. The loss, however, will reach 8100.000. Three persona are known to- have been killed, namely Mrs Elijah Bants. Mrs John Clarkson and Charles Ross. Tbe Injured are being cared for and ample relief is being provided by the citizens. Fire la a Dakota Town. Bartlett, Dakota. May 15. -A fire of unknown origin destroyed an entire block in the business portion of then town. The loss is SouVooO, insurance 833.000. The buildings burned were of wood and were quickly consumed. Thev were occupied by the Ramsey county bank, three flour and feed stores. two grocery stores, a 11 very stable ana two smaller estaDiianments. The Shoemakers LoekonU Cincinnati. May 15. The shoema kers lockout is enforced against all members of the Trades -Unions. So far there has - been no disturbance re ported. Between 3.000 aud 4,000 em ployees are deprived of wore. FROM ROWAN. Radget of Items from SalUbnry. Correspondence Journal cbsenex. ' . Salisbury. May 15. The protracted services are still going on in the Metho d is t church.. The coogregatitioa Sun day evening was oneof the largest ever seen in the church. . irour persons were received into membership.- Rev Dr B F Dixon, of King's Mountain, preached a very Impressive and instructive ser mon. He is a fine preacher and will always receive a warm reception at the nanus 01 this congregation, ltevu Oglesby i is ' assisting tbe pastor this week in conducting the protracted ser vices. 1 , ; Prof Chambers R Owen, who has been teaching near town for sometime, had an occasion to go a -visiting Sunday evening. A young irtena who was with him suggested that there were mad dogs in the community and he had probably better take his - pistol along. .After proceeding a short distance be thought : his Distol -was not in good order, so he concluded he would test it. .While in the act of testing it. it sud- index finger, necessitating its am puta- Uon. Drs John Whitehead, J J Summer rail. EM Summerrell and C M Pool left yesterday to attend the meeting of venes in Tarboro this week. Mr H M Jones, administrator of Chas Gordon, deceased, has commenced a suit for damages vs W N C R R. Mr Gordon was -an engineer on this road, and while in tbe discbarge of his duty, near Asheville last fall, the road bed gave away and his engine was turned over, catching him in the machinery and scalding him so badly that ne soon died. This promises to be a very im portant suit and will be ably managed on both sides. Salisbury is growing more rapid It than any one would suppess. It does not seem possible that one who is well acquainted with our citizens and who bas lived here for many years, could Eossibly be lost in the town: but such 1 the case. One of - our most distin guish ladiesmen, while out calling the other evening, was completely lost and alter wandering around lor a while at last found himself at his starting point. very much to his amusement. But be at once set out in another direction and reached the desired destination just in time to find that some one else had relieved him or his escort. Prof J F Moser.of tbe graded school. has received, an offer of a professorship in Concordia College. He bas not yet determined whether he will accept it or not. Rowan Teachers Association at its regular monthly meeting' on Saturday last elected the following officers: President J F Murdock. 1st Vice-President Geo R McNeill. 2d Vice-President W A Houck. 3d Vice-President L II Roth rock. Secretary and Treasurer J M HilL " Critic J F Moser. The Association determined to hold the Institute, commencing on the second Monday ic August. They also invited Prof T J Mitchell to address the mucon the subject of the Institute at their July meeting. A Card ol Thanks. Te tne Firemen and Citizens ef Charlotte : I take this method of expressing my heartfelt thanks for their untiring efforts in saving my property from de struction by fire on last Monday even ing. To those kind friends who ex tended courtesies to my family after the fire, I owe a lasting debt of grati tude. . Respectfullv, C O. Mercer. Brig hit's meesvav, Dlo.Beteo, KletsieT Ursr skaidl aJruaawy nueaaes. Have ne fear of any of these ctssases If roa use Hop Bitters, a they alii irevent nnd cure the wotst easea when roa have been made worm by ne great pased op pretended core. .ad WerUit are never imHatM or naUerfHtei. This ts espec ially true of a faskily medicine, and H ts poeidve nruol that the remedy trmUaim la 01 tne bianeat value. Aa aoon aa U had Dren tested and proved t tae whole World tnt Bop Blttera was tbe par- eat, best and moat valuable family medicine on earth, many Imitations apranjc np and began to steal tee notices tn woicn tne press and tne peo- le ot tne country nad expressed tne aaertta or H. B . and In evry way tTTlna to induce st. Serine: invaltaa te use tnetr atufl Instead, expecting to maae money .n tn credit and good name ot u. B. Many others started nostrums put np tn simi lar style to H. B , with variously devised namea In which tbe word -Hop" or -Hops" were used In a way to induce people to believe they were the as hod Blttera. iu soen pretenoea reme- dk-s or cures, no mtter what their style or name la. and especially those with tne word Hop" or uops" in weir name or tn any way eonoeecea with 1 nam or their name, are lmltatioos or coun terfeits. Beware of tnem. Touch none of tnem. Um nothlcg but gnnlne Hop BUters, with a bunch or duster 01 green Hope on ibe while label. Trust nothing else. Druggiswand dealers are warned ar airitt dealing tn ttitM or counterfeits. aaarzu DABBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. KamUy Var Semrlet Eradicates . ITALAftTA. Typhoid Ke-vers, Dtpbtheria, Sali vation, deermted Sore Throat, Small Fox, Keaales, aad sJlOowtogio Pia Fcnoa waiting oat the Sick ahoold au it firaiy. Scarlet Fever has sever tin a lams te spread where the Fluid waa eaed. Yettew Fever has beea cured with it after black vomit had taken place. The wont 1 01 urpataena yield to K. ivered and SfcttFerw SMAIX-POI aad ril'llAO of Saaafl Pox FKKTESTED A aii silin ofaryfiai 3y was taken with Small-pox. I need the Fkud the pstirnt was not cWBrians. was not pitted, and was about, the bouse again ia three weeks, and no others had it- J. W. Pau- refreshed aad edt by harhiag; with Darbys Fluid. Iuptr Air aaade harmless aad fanned. Tor Sore Throoa it is a Cootasrtosi destroyed. Tor Frosted Feet. Chilblains. Piles, Chsdnr. etc Bbrvraaufm card. bo ft Waits Complex- Sobs secured by us una. Ship aTever prevented. To awarlfy the Breath, Claoaae too Teeth, it eaa't be imp net i. Catarrh, relieved aad cured. PkOadelphia. ' Prevented. Erysipelas The physicians here aae Darbys Fund very succrWuliy in the treax mt nt of Ihphtheria. -A. STOujuwaaxjc, Greensboro, Ala. Tetter dried np. Cholera prevented. Ulcers puriacd aad core prevented. I) j aeatery onat Woda healed rapidly. SaJBiry CliHal. Aa Antidote for Araasal - or Vegetable rpiioni, Sdnra.ekc - land the Fluid our present affliction Scarlet Fever with de. cided advantage. It is I Xa eaaee of Death t indispensable so the sick-1 should be used about room. Wm. F. Sabs-I the corpse k will roan, tyrte. Ala. I prevent any i aatsaaea. - - The eminent Pfcy. sieian, J. MASION SIMS, hi. Dw Mew Voek. Ty. "I aaa convinced Prof. Darbys ProphyLactic Fhud is a I". hd '--"- -t VaavderbAlt Univexslty, Raalrvfno, Team. I teatifr o the most ea-rtllrnt qualities of Prof. Darbys Prophylacoc Fkud. As a dismfectant and "ll'-at it is both theoretically aad practically superior to any preparation with which I am mo euainted. N. T. Uirrom, Prof, rtuminij. - Darbys Tlald is Reoomroended by Hosw AuXAjroam H. Snretw, of Gcorct str- D sr Rev. Geo. F. Ptemce. Bishop M. E. Church. DamiPKKSABXJS TO EVEBT HOME. . Perfectly rurmlrwj. Used bterna2y or rv. ey?"a$r " w Beat. Tbe Fluid has been thoroughly tested, and we !hf C?denCS kdooelryUig her claused. For fuller informaxio. getofyoui PrnguaaiaMrphietcrscadwtheptop H. ZETXJ3T A CO.. Hanufartanpg Cbeamts, - PHILADELPHIA. Scarlet Feirer Deraford's Aeid PhospbateIttdigea- . usn froaa Orcrwstk. -Dn. D45IILT, KXIOX. Chlcaco. aaj- "i Bod It a pieaatit and valuable renwdr In ladxes ttoo, parUeuiary In overworked men.' - Fresh Strawberries EVERY MORNING, Frrra E. :.-'W. IILW GARDE-V. "-Finest in "ib MiikL B. W. BARNETT, XeBoy Dan ison's Old Stand. maris NOTICE. SprinaJlng the bustnesi streeta withia tne fire limits of the etty are requested to fi e thlr i ru- Mittl sltli ths mafnr An a. k .v.- .....wj of Kay, itss-u " mayl- . u. Mix TILL, Hiror. HJtD SCBOETLl WOO. StVESrtEv VJCili-i. IhavescSered from croftfa ahAnt tiiun ThedUease be rg mostly coD&ntdto try a.El a&aCes my ahld tjte re eoverva mi:b large ul cers and obo mass cf rot-en Behv s.1 the odor almost unbeara be., ail remedies and treating rts which I tried failed to oo roe aof cmxL. at last I cegan laanna; a a. o.. eoni.'ntucr lor about four months, and I AH CEEI aLNLY Wri I. 1 tnar SL S. 8. ander the supervlsluu of a phyM-fan o 24 years accve practice, by jour order. to taktnge. S. I at umea eou'd scarcely wale. Mow I etn wsik all day. and I have te taak s. a. &, and It only, for my cere . TBOS. XCFARL.4 3TD. 51 Fot-ndry st . Atlanta, Ga. EfZFJlt. . . L l . - . . n a 0 . m ueve iiru w i u. us Kucat - o. o. o. lor n clear ease of Krr-ma. Tbe eruptloTt has etireiy ateaater K. 6s, Conlerenae. tnlt, ti i. If roa doubt, torn to see as, xnd we wm CUKS TOTJ. cr chags notn "rme m-tbe iittis bock free. Ash any Pruggist as to oar starxHsg-. SI. COO B?WA8D win be paid to acy Cbemlst who wfii find on analys! of 1 -o bottle of S. a. S.. one tattle e cf Mercury, Icniide of Potas sium, or other Mlseral substance. SWTFT fPZfXZ OX. Proprietors, At3J.La, Gx Fr ee of smaJI szs, SI.O .- 1.15 . large :z... SOLD BT al rKUGGISTS. WE HAVE TAKEN ALL The margin and 50 Per Cent of Cost Price Off A lot of THE BEST VALUE Yet offered. Tall and See Then. AX.a?XAJIIB St HA II II IS. mails 1883. 000 SPMI&STOe OarSPSIKO STOCK t lAllca'. ISssas, Gnta, TotzUts and Children's r COOTS and SHOES Is now fun and complete, eomprtalng the best nan and moat correct stjles. Ladies', lilsses ... . andChliaren's Firs Eutlcn sni Lies Ec.t?, BtnTCJf NIWPCBTS, KKWPOHT ELIPFKE3 and S1SDALS a apeehUt . C7 Genu' and youth GlirrS3. BCTT0X and LACX BALS, STB IP 8H0KS. CONOaZiS and BUrTOJt OXTOai3 PUHPS and SLIPPZ23 aa trades. ... 137 GaiiU'Cne EK fril and Fe!t HAT3 ct the best brands and most correct stjtea. A fu'l toe of TECXX3, TALI3IS, TBATELIX3 BIG :. TUXr and E3AWI, STKAP3, I as ported E a. l ana Shoe Dresslrg. tzy Shoe BuUonsrs and Button JTastr. - they eaa be eaaJ-y oaed by famiuea and tl s . AH other Goods In oar line La TirHtJ t r I j : prices. Gm U3 A CALL. mar29 Dross Goods. quet takes placn to-night. I . .

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