.tuh ojijjuir CELMIZX.OTTZ2 jouizjrtz.r2jrjj tzzh rjiizzr cziiz2Z,ottzj ozzszizi fzzn, cojrsoziz3ZTi:z jzjiziczivi, v. H w't iWfff, tfariaa Jaaaary tl. IUI, i.J Caasiaiia Jaaraai. UUMMitll 11. U4X. -: j CHABLOTTE, IT. OWLDNESDAY; TONE 6, 1833. TO ItllKmiJUU AMU rATHU.ni. i Taa Tira-4 aa La Lai Oaiey e a XXaaiaeaa. II ts x aw. U o J um v Short! y after taUuigai woitaay. th ma rearer or yawag lla rcn-rJ. w It txlwd. T&e cuoo aatnceraii atwal Soul Tny aar- wiih dean revivers to keep tack lbs csuio4 rrja attract! or tr.e dou . mad In twatlag In tbedooraOt the jail. Ta juur rruaa to earreadar in ka-ya od um were trucihc Wbltney crunched mvm th fiur of Lis call. rrriag IwtymaUj. him vuc being auaj- Cia oatut. Tne J 'ior u compelled to to U way to rYHaaj seal! which M!t II; felopao.' A kn rtpw brwn; by Uia tsutt wa put rone J hia wait Half falaUcg.tb doomed man fell o hia aaaae wba one la th open ir ul) la re to pray again. Tnia a gtaaud. bat a McuoUau! too long B was Jtrked to hta fret and drJ throada town Info the (Som tot m 1tM.Uiaa' wft7 waxiilog U po J" latH (t fmlow and IctinWialiug tt bf 4Mi)hf rwolftr. U ciai ta try lb rctt4, tHit mbwa UwMteMMMHj jra'rTUy lbt thm til iti or u ib f 11 Urm tXM ru4hCi!ikat trtl ndthrMtof Ifbcbi4.g wvrv anad. Tb BhA wu q trUrty I La b bavVr. Natnaaka war vuia aim! uantu iImi lyocbr r rJCatiatl.. Tb lat mmn of Wuuwy a wbaa b wm tAka lato wooda by lh lyDehr. Wr.aa it wooJ war rrsceJ lb prUootr wu h att3aJ oTtJ U m &mm buImI giaci. II a a4 bUrtal euuwja Flilirto4 iwh VbiU: tbaxftu pAnraU Ut4 la Viffinla. il dUl not kttgw WblbT fc bad killad Durcbanl or not as to ar4 liU pMrtner. BansKj OUer, flrvd fi rtu II tlo huok tuoids wUi prt of tb mob b44Jloz Ibem g-ju4 by-, afwr wbti b u trosg to air Tv mb tha dliprd. Tba WrltX tk rbr of tla tbU o Kia t-l lb euioarr U hilJiDgaa VbIlny u a vpra3o ef tb Jaavra atrip-. 1J aud ootbr oau law earn fWlUr, artor rubbing raitofr In O voala cuquty u lii? tf. nei t Ujf'rttii lb alora of liarcbni A Lakra. tt tba IttUa town of tvra. at bkb tttD tWyabvt aad kUW4 yxng ll4rHard. a aoO of OM of tb propvtlnrau ' llktt!IUX CIBCt'S Ut'k.UD. t AttM at Ctii go ay la a Blaaa aa4 Jiakaa Uotao lataa. Cujcajjo. JacS -Wbaa tbo alarm' u gtvaa a t u'ciwck tbLa roornlsg. U wj 0iur-r2 tbat ttmom'i Circua wm on fir. Tbd(MarUoatrapoodMi tjieAIr. t-al baora aay aogtaea wra trvxu L t Lau AoCio lb 4 aal ructioa vf Ui cti.'3 UaU wcompiim. MararaJ ttraaaia atro pUyadoo tba biata. aad lb Oraau aoacUni la prartntlDjr a Byttti of tb Da to tbo aJjatalng-ean a. o-vJff wblH wrrt Lb csra of tbo wlta UaAatJL Tbo dcao raa op tbo eaafai to tbo cnir pol4S la a twiak lis t. a f xrocu aoma wao pcaaaat J o U: Ujio f runt for a fow caomaaia, UUrblxma Araaoafc r llocka bolog a liXtao day, wbl'.a abl;nuojf Ijlng la tbo bAbor wjji clarty o-ottlord. Toa teg ta tb b Arbor adJl to uproar by aa lacaaaaAt aeraaatlag of tbatr wbiaUaa. Tbo co vaj aad gaj rvpr lblcg da atrTad.tbo caalra pole wrto pfadpi LaUrd to tbo groaad. croabtag tbo pl vavo botao. aod rrytag tbo fir ta aaoog tbo rvoorfad Mat a. eaalof thair CocnpUta daaxractioo. Tbo aigbt watebmaa la charga of tbo atabia taaia waa appaUanl In lima to taiUt tbo b-Uar U lead out ail of tbo fc-ora qiit!r iTfco wt'4 aalmala bad aUl bw lockad H? fr tb HlgtS and U trtay ccmld not eo tb Ca dm. wr la aa orcao paafcc trick aiiboogti tbo g-c til of asaokt appotrrd to txeito aocao of tbaca. Tt actaai Inaato tho prop art y la eatiaaatfd at from tisoco to ISjCDO. w:u oo Laaoraoeo. but tbo 1 tarrapOon of tbo perform aaer will BfMATtr lacraaoo tho loao Yrry coo i!4rallf la ILm aboomao. TH naa daatroyed etrtd alg acrao of groaad. aad U ta iaJod to bar bo tbo largaat alaglo ooao la Lb a world. Tb BAaagvorcnt bava a dap4leai oo baad. avAd la tbo a ran t of tbo rottam sot bag aaUrtiy liotrojed. axpoci to throw tbo abow opoo azla U day. no juatr wrrnu tuc cocstr. ia m ii i mi aaa muwm (tKjwaiM ia. aynn n or aa aoa4,aa 4 Hri"io'f m a.1 aua, taraatar-Uii- aa auaar-elaa ajtauaaj ta m pyt " ri a a hi II NfNtMk nam mi a Kl U la 1 la I aa ml 1 mj ia m nnla'W ti a. - r imm a m- my ml in " Ui mmm Ta u u.uit aa at taa ajtraai ec Vm Uava MM. IjiTtJl Coa to ralrraoorg Ct Good aad Law rat Ha ta Trr Dabaao, Uo ZMpaia(d Jiardarar. VxTT.xswa. Jaaa i. Twtaty-f ovr Jarora bjBTO baaa assanxvned ttoax tbta ci'-r, from wbib toaalact a jury for tbo tmi ef W. T. iXjauo, at Iat Uia, Va lot tb eaardax of a ntr BsrsedJaa, laad. It waa laapoaaibi ta nlary at, l an U1. Tb caao ' w 1U bo cailad fnr UUl ta caorrow. IXibaaa raoenHy l-jrad fela lira fur C3XW far tba tan til of bia wira andcbUdra.acdtiattb7 ta'x- g4 tbia isa bo oarJered aaa arro, plmem! t body la a boaao aad aat era to tb boua tb a tbo body mlgbt to Laraad acd IdaotlSad a taa (Dod aca't bol tla r'd failed. a a v A Uralf Tiaaa aa Dadca'Clty. Txnxi C:TT. Kajtul. Jub Tbla tl:y la mach azeiud oar a prudama Uia ai::i baa rabrd o; atowOf a.1 jr.:. '.sc. Lai a biort. vboao ax p.:.a fxeca Vita piaco gnaT it It r oast cotorltty. la at bla tHacobf boaW ara a.-J ta a'i.l dSaat. Tb probata a aris?ai ef "lii ii jaJrraotJ. arvotbat X l.. taisr anoascaJ, baaTlly armed partir bolb for aad aaJoat bio pro ceeded ta tb railway at alio a to await bla tusisj. hbort aoeoancao bla da tam.sauva to lira ta tha cotamunlty Urt ta baa larga baataaaa laUmta. A Co ca 'Jiay cf tba ttlh raillUa baa baea awora la and sauiUrad by II E Urydaa ctv.9 Grreraor'a aUit, Fifty barra r 2eo wt'.cb wrr 1n pctitzslon of tb e4r5T and ordarvd to ba tamid orar to JLt) r;ndaa war lvhr Kmt or dia If. ; . 4 aziong lh Dtzr facUoo. 12.9 nwucj gaitulsg a aJl la tb ct:y Ut r!;tt oatibar oootl. faro Cor baxird taicg piayad. Trlrt at t CracVlya Cptfr Jary. ::car Ti -.: . Jots I Af!rr tailc? tnu-: .r.y r.r aartraj daya lr Inueat l-'j i: i ri.u cf tha LrAlyn t r -r. T I . j jry to-day.afiar an t "Uj'a .-. . '. - 1 t -;v .:.! cf l .'. .if - i 1 .'-! I I 1 - - tr - ' - t r f. . ;l rrrra- - ' " ' 1 ? $ t r 1 " n w r ? "- . . . ' - - . ,!',, f"T . . i ALiiounr item a. A aar-itrar eateaead tota Pealtca Uary Baa tl a g ad tbo Cooaty Caaa aalaalaaaraMiPtraataca aad OaSeoraaf tba Iaw Oaak. 1 ttAXiisuRT. Jona issl TLo 8upo- nor tArurt tooc op tbo ctato docket jea larday morning and diapooedof tbo following caaa: btato va. JobnOoaalna for A. & H , wax raaaa rxuity ana aeiiuaoed to tno eotaty JaJ I or two raonUnJ- buu ru. Jobn Cooalna, for carrying ooooaalad waapona. waa foood gulliy aoa joaiani wh lupeaaaa. btax ra. Una ttauer. for aaaaoUaad baxtary a poo bla wifa, waa found guilty ana aaatocooa tojaiixortwo tauntba and ' tbo cooaty eommlaalonora wa aaLborlaod to btro blni oat buvto Ta, Jobn Brown, fox murder. waj'dixpoood of by allow Lag- Lbe d t eodaflt to tubmit to falonioaa altjLa;. A aaraocr ox ciuxaoa xrom Taxiou porta of tb county cam to wltnaaa tbo trial, aod wbext bo waa sentenced to Tm year In tb poelienUary great aarprta waaexpraaaed at lbe Judgment. i ao onireraaj opmioa or tb duretxa la that b ongbt to bare bad tbo benefit or ine fall paaalty of tbo law. Anartbaoooo raeaaa too ooart took Bp tbo caetlpo docket to bear tbo ar go tten la in tbo caao or too uommiaaiooera of Guilford ra. V. B. March and otbera, Tbo caao of Jan a Yokeley ts. W. F. uaoderooo. oxacator, xnoTed to .tbi county from DaTldsoo. will be taken op Uua morning aad will bo Tory, ably axgoea tor we piaiauix oy AAeesra. rv ax aoo a Glenn and 1. O. liobbiaa. aad for tee defendant by Moaars. J.ki.Mo- jortl and J. at. Loacn. Tbo board of -coonty oomxalaalooers bald tbeir regular motiag yeaterday. A. dqomt ox small auowancaa to out- aula paapera war made, and a number of bvUUoos forchaorea In ecbool dla- trtct were lied and referred to tbo cooaty an pert nlex. dent. Ordered. That u. y. Baker. W. L Eluus and Jobn & Henderson bo ap- poiateu acommitteo to porcbaao aaiLa bl f arnltor for tbo aee of tbo coart aad Jary roocas. UrdaeoO. Tbat Wm. IL. Wblto bo ap- poiatad ooonty etodent to tbo Univer sity of Xiorta Carolina. Tbo Jary for tbo J oJy term of the lorenor uaart was drawn. i Adam 11. Brown reported seventeen pen per in tbo poor boa for May. ur, j. u. lumaay and otbera present ed a petlUoQ for a pa bile road in Scotch Irian township, which waa laid over oaul the next regular meeting 1 or f ar- taer larornrauoa. Tbo a bartfT reoorted t wotralx dol lar collected from inaoWent taxeo aa- der former order of tbo board. ? Tne county aaperiatendaat of public isatrucuons Bled bis claim fur xuno Collar, wbteb waa alto wed. - . Tba atcKkboldara of tb'. Vlrat Nt. tiooal Uaak of tUliabury beld a meeting yeaterday. a larce mat jelly ot the stock being rapreaantad. Tbey prooeeded to tbo el actio o of a board of directors with tho foUowlag result: Vlesars.S. W.Cole.U.M.Ilolmea. Luke Black mer. IU J. tiolma. J . rranJt tattraoo.u. A. fUerhaax Km rt Craiga. J. D.GaakUl aod J. j. zteweaaa. .xao stocknoiders tbea ad i-arad. Tba board of dl rector then orjraa- lxd by l-eilng Mai a w. Col preat deat- L II..Fooat caabler. Tbe dlreo- tore proppae to ooaa tho bank aboat Jaly 15'h. Thu will aaark a very in portent period in the blatory or oar batlaeaa boom. Dat LUUe Ptaaoae Aaaoag CatUe. wasmxoTox. jane a it is said by tbo oClcvra or tb Department of Agti- oaiture that hoe; cholera baa been pao ticaiiy exurmiaalad. Two nosoccaai f al auempc beta been made lor weeks past to aecuro vlraa from Infected bog a xuff exparimaotai porvoaea. ABotnar poat CDortam examiaauon or a cow wbtcn died ta tbe Dutrtct of Co In to bla ba peo made by aontlat ot tbe Aarrteoiiural Ilureaa. The verdict ta the It waa a well dadoed caao of pleo.ro pneumonia, but that it waa aa original case aad not one acquired by eottugioo. The doctors say tho nomber or eaere ao rar discovered In tbla section of tho co an try have been ao few that tbey have grave double of any of them hartog been broaxbloo by contagion. They aay there ts do occasion for alarm, that I bare la lea dtaeaa among cattle than ax many times In tb pasUbut that cararoi eu-opcraitoa is needed to pre- vroi stnoxs cuoaeqaeoeea. , t , m i a Stew Bet wee aveaae aad Striker. Dove. N. II, June a. Two moo the agi thirty latrs la CSoeUaau aboe factory at Fenalngton, demanded In creased wages. Tbalr rrdaest waa io- fiaaed aad tbeir plaeeo ware flued with D w enao. I3ad feeling ha ex la tad ever aleoe between the "acalaT aad ' tbo auikera, which cnlmiaated last aigbt la a row, daring wmca wm. Barrows, ooe of tb atrlker. was shot and proba bly fatally wounded. . A. Lwatbrop aod ajo:bracah were arraeted. charged wUh lbe a booting and after threat of lyncblag on tbo part of strikers wtr lodged jo Jail. Mach axdumsnt pre- 7.. . - t .! i ' u KSUaeaad rrtatara aaataaaad tat laal ,....... r 'pttsiicnii ; . . ; , . . . Dcaux. Jan 5 Edward II arris g- ton. editor of the Kerry bentioel. and the printer ot that paper, have each been sentenced to lmpriaoument for six months oo acco ant or tb pa hi! ca tion In lb tCca of tbe Sen tin i of a Llacard inviung Persons who wis bed tola tha Invtueibk to attend a meet- lag. 'Tbey will appeal.' Two cocspoaiL- ora oa the paper, pleaded gutity to a slxting la the publics ilea of tho placard aod were eacb wn ten cod to two months I bj prison man t. ., aaMMMaaMwaaf) aWaMa vwaaaaM "" 5 ratal frailer XCxaiaaiaa. . Murnts, Jane ft. By aa explosion cf the bollerof the pile driver en fine oo the Memphis and Cbarleiton Kail road, near IGranr. Taan. yesterday. .eginr uarry tioDens ana crecnaq Leo llauseomb, were killed outrigbt. TeoJ'arr, a smtth,. and. an engineer named Tom Atkins. Were seriously in jured. Boberts was formerly an engi neer on tbe river, and leaves a wife and three children living at J oka, Mlaa - Oaa4 glakera Iteaaaaed. ! Cxxccnran. Jon 6. The boot mak ers bave returned to work on agreo lritct that they receive, old rates and lX berrafler if either party deairta to change the rate of wage thej mnat give tba oiher aide notice two to on tba pre tioos to the dose ot tba season. . A JUaaaderataaetlsg. ' ' Pbovipemcx, Jon -It is a ta.ted tbat lbe atiike at Blacketooe mill grew out of a talicnderiUE'-in j of tbe jto-r--K-d chanrs by ?tZ:r tenders, and i left woflctlirowln? 800 opersUvea ec: of employmeut. lh dlculiy will rrLatJy to aJJcstJ. Par "X 1 , t t . i i -x i w a aA4 3. lit ra i thh oxorsr Xadex to flew AdrerUaexaeata X. aiaarry a Bra a faw wrarmtabad raeta. rata iwm rf -1 laaMcaUaaa. - ' Soath Atlantto and Golf States, local raina, partly cloudy weather,, variable winds, generally from east to sooth or slight rise In temperatnre, stationary or lower barometer. UOCJkX, , IU PI loss. We have received a' card ot invita tion to the commencement ezercLses of thLaarlnbori nih School, cm Thaxa- day,- tho lith. Hon- A. a. Merrlmon wm daiiver the address. . - , WL tldsa, tbs yoang man on trial at Bather ford coortiast week on charge of alsyina bla father; was found guilty of manslaughter. " Jadxa Shipp sen. tenced klm to tlx months in the eoantv M a w The Carolina Central train was de layed an hour at Hamlet yeaterday morning; waiting on the train from Raleigh, which had been delayed by tho angina Jamplnf the track. Nobody waa nuii. -r - Scaffold! do; was - erected around lieaarr. Bur well & Spring storehouse, corner ot Try on aad Fourth streets. yesterday, and a force of masona set to work at building another story to tho house. ' , r Attscbed to the RJeLmond & Dan- villa passenger train whieh arrived in the city yeaterday was a United States Fish Commission car. with about CQjOOO white ahad. en route for Macon. Qa. to stock tne stresms in that locality. . .. .. . . ' 3 The unanotte caning party return- ed from IhemoantaJns yesterday. Tbey spent their time at Mr. LW. Eates' pond, at Blowing Rock, and aay that it Is the great t fiahlng place In the State. Mr. Banders caught 14 trout, and la again tho champion. ewa a am BaaaaWaaaaaMiBMMa The Baay Beee lAaC Klght. - The lawn at Mrs. Wilkes presented a very animated scene Isst night, the oc casion being the entertainment of the Busy 'Bee ' S xrle'.y. Colored lanterns Illuminated the ground and tho groups ot prettily dre&aed littlo ones made the lawn for the time being look like a pic ture of fairy land. Tho Boxy Bees were Quite liberally patroolxed and realised handsome little sum from tho enter tainment. .- Area Brakes by a rail rreem el vTaaaa Yesterday morning Bobort Smith. son ot Mr. B. N.Smith who was riding on a dray engaged In hauling Barringer Si Trvttera goods to their new stand In tho Central Hotel building, loat his haranee and tumbled from . bla seat on the boxes to tb "pavement, r The tall broke one of hie arms . in two place Tbo boy waa picked up and carried to Jordou'a drug el ore, where he received tba neceasary attention from tho phy sicians, after which bo was sent to his borne;- -r-"".v - SpleaaUal Car aTraaa XaacaaaCar. . ' Capt. I'ride Jones brought in anew passenger train oa the Richmond ; 4 Dan Til le road ' yesterday afternoon. The ears - war turned .out from tho shops of tbe Richmond & Dauvill Com pany at Manchester, and are decidedly the finest paaeenger cars ; aver Been in this Stat. Tho second ejaae car la the equal in elegance and finish of the old first class coaches. Tbe furnishing and flslahlng ef the Interior of the. ears are elm ply magnificent, aad equal to any thing that can be done in a northern car sbop." ; .' vr. -, la laaaartaat Mayeaaeat r the atekhUer of the C.C A. Hall- A petition Is ' circulating among tbe stockholders of the Charlotte, Colnm- Dta x Attguata railroad, requesting a called meeting of the stockholders on the nth of Jane InsUnt, lor the pop pose of considering tbe bonded debt of the road, and by consolidating the debt and increasing the issue S3?Q00 to put the road la thorough condition and first class equipment. Tbe plan Is proposed to get the road in proper order aad let the money, which now goes to annual equipment, go in dividends to the stock holders. ' ' , The Dt4 awa. Cal I ears OraiaricaJ Claaw The third meeting of the Davidson College oratorical club was beld on last Saturday night and passed off fully as plaaaaally-aa the two former onea. A good aixed audience was present, and the ladles showed their appreciation of the speeches by the number of beauti ful bouquets they' showered. npon tbe orators. Owing to'slekneas there were only three speakers and not Ave as had been expected.- Bat what was wanting In quantity was made up In tbe quality' of the rpeechea. The brat speaker was W It Grey, of North Carolina. Ilia subject waa-Wick-ILSt? and In a pleasant manner, easy arid , self -possessed be : portrayed tbe beauty aad i Strength of character of this Christian hero of the fourteenth century. 1 ' ' --'-r .Next cam il u Lovy, of xouisiana. with a speech replete with chaste and beautiful allusions and figures of rbeto iiciu aoa upuiw vi ius vuomao. j Beginning with the birth, of Sobieekl, be told bow this Polish hero grew In the love and respect of bis countrymen, aod became fitted for the great work that lsy before him. The scene was then changed, and in glowing terms be pictured the dark moments of Vienna's siege, when all Europe lay slmost with in the grasp of the Turk ; howail eyes were then turned to Poland's greet son and bow at bU comics the Turkish hosts malted away as malts an lcet;r un.ler the rays of a summer son.-' . He was followed by W 2Jack, cf octh CarcMna, in a stlrrlnjf orxtion cf TtLlch its x-tjict was Peltxa. .Tts m . . a A tzzzzzr ci vz.9 rrstzfr wes very in- "lv-.tr Italia It tt3 t'.-r, cf tl3 '.:r.- :::3tui;-:t rrrir-leniil- . shot do mim his toou. snocKiJtG nunDca IW ran ' 4. - I Mr. Jeeesa G. Siltoa, Saperiateadeat f the Mary I aad and Charlotte Cop- - per 2Xiae, Shot aad Killed sty Mr. TB. lVSklelda Alleged Sedactaoa fa "later the Oaaae The Slayer Sar j reader aad Is Fat xa dall An Inter VI w la tho CNrrie--Two ide ta ' oaie Tragedy V - ''Considerable excitement wm caused In the city yesterday mornin z OTer tbe news that Mr." Joseph G. Sitton, super in tend ant of the Maryland and Char lotte copper mine, located in Hopewell township; had been abor. and killed by Mr. Thos. Lv Shields. .Tbe news of the shooting waa brougbtto the city by Mr. Shields himself, wbot came in and de livered bimself np to the o3cerstating that ha bad killed Sitton; and bad come directly to the city to give bimself up. Mr. Shields employed .Judge Bynnm to defend htm, and was arraigned before Justloa Waring for a prelintiaary bsar ing. On appearing before the Justice, Mr. Shields waived examination' and was sent to jail. Hia only statement made before the justice was that -Sit ton aedueed my aister, and refused to marry her, . and ! tailed him." The prisoner atarted oat for the jail under escort bf deputy sheriff Grifitbollowed by an excited crowd, eager , to see and bear all that they could. The reporter visited Mr. Shields a abort while after hia Incaroeratioa la tbe JaiL and found him sitting on a chair In tbe corridor. with hia valise and overcoat at bis feet. He appeared cool.and collected when tbe reporter entered, and invited on to take a seat. On being told that our mia- aioa was to take hia atatement of tbe affair. Mr. Shield, snowed a great re luctance to talk, and' for some "time would only repeat over" and over again that "Sitton seduced my aister, and re fused to make reparation, and I shot him" Mr.Shields was visibly agitated as he spoke ot the shock the occurrence would be to his aged father and mother. I knew It would almost kill them,- he said, -but I bad to do It." After some little conversation the reporter suc ceeded In drawing out Mr. Shields, and be gave bia statement aboat as follows ."The ahooting occurred early fa the morning, just after breakfast. ; Sitton at the house of my brother. David IL Shields, who lives near the mine, and bat a abort distance from my boose. : 1 carried my shot gun with ma, aad on arriving at my brother. bouse, Iset my gun down outside the room in which Sitton waa at the timer I went in and found Sitton preparing tortaave. He had bundled np bis clothing for the purpose of lea viae;. I toid him that he bad aedueed rny aister, and asked him point blank it be would not make tbe necessary reparation .by marry ins; ber. He replied: . 'No. not now. I begged bim to reconsider and aay that be would marry her. Ho replied: m not do it I'll die first. - With that I went out side the door, picked np my gun. and re-antering the room, ixbot him down. I took aim at bla head, and did not look at bim after L fired, bat turned imme diately and : left the rqpm. locking the door after me. As quickly aa possible I came on to Charlotte and delivered myself np to tbe officers. ' This is all I want to aay about it. The killing was justifiable, and I only did what. I ought to have done, . M y father ie an old man. and my mother is an old lady and this thing will almost kill them, bat I could not help it 1 begged 5itton to marry my aister, whom be bad ruined, and be refused to do it, and I killed bim., Oo being further interviewed, Mr. Shields atated ' that Sitton was about twice tbe age.of hia aister, who Is only sixteen years old. He knew that Sitton bid been . corresponding with 1 her for eotnetlsne and aaw her frequently. In answer to the question aa to when or at what time Sitton bad seduced his sis ter he staled that he did not know be only knew that Sitton bad seduced her. When he started out Tuesday morning' to find Sitton, be carried bis shot gun with him for the purpose of making Sitton marry the gixL or failing in this purpose, to kill bim.' ; He waa exceed' ingly cautious not to give, aay of the circumstances of the seduction, and as the subject seemed, to be so paint al to him, the reporter did not press him tor a history of the caao. - He expressed no regret at what he bad done and his only source of solicitude appeared to be for tbe affect it would bay on his family. who were badly broken op by rthe oc currence. ' - V' The people in the neighborhood ot the tragedy are greatly .stirred over the affair, and numbers -of them came to -the city to see what disposition would be made of the slayer. Of Course there are two sides to tbe affair and our office visited several times daring the day by neighbors to the murdered man. who desired to relate the other side of the tragedy, prompted they said, out of a desire to see ; j ostlce done the fair name or the yoang gin whom Jt is alleged Sitton seduced. The girl was questioned : by the 'neighbors immedi ately after the shooting as to the: truth ot the alleged sad action and most bit terly denied the charts." She stated in tbe presence of two reliable witnesses who will give their testimony in the court bouse, that Sitton bad : never touched ber and the charjre cf esdeo- tlonwaa all false. . Tbe people cf that community who know the young lady, regard ber as a pure and virtuous clrl end ens who is beyond the wily reach cf tbs tsducsr. They are firialy cf the r cjilniea that there has' tssa. no Educ tion and so fax ta Eppearasces are cca err: frrrs. cert-inly ,is 'nothing to tr t . 1 ti t .z. t.3 r r. mc ccaL !c3 tir r ra- dressed, and was evidently shot while sitting on the side of the bed. Blood was upon tbe floor, as well as upon the bed clothes, r The load from the gun look effect la Mr. Sittou's riht temple, making a horrible hole, . into which a fist coold almost be Uirust. From the appearance of the wound it is evident that the muzzle of the gun was in close proximity to the deceased man's bead when the shot was fired. Death was, of coarse, Instantaneous. ' There) are no witnesses to the shooting, and the evi dence that will be adduced in the court bouse, beyond the testimony of the ao cosed, will only be circnmstantlaL:'. ; v One of the nelzhbors reports that early In the morning lir. Sitton w reading a paper in - a room on the first floor ot Mr. David Shield" house, when Mr. Thos. Shields entered , with a shot gun, and asked the deceased to walk np stairs with blmi Mr. Sitton got np and accompanied Mr. Shields, the latter car rying tbe gun in his hands. When the two reached the room up stairs, Mr. Shields shot bim down, locked tbe door and left for Charlotte. The tragedy is doubly sad by reason of the family relations of the parties engaged. A sister of Mr. Sitton married Mr. David 1 - Shields, brother to the slayer, and it was under this sister's roof tbat Mr. Sitton was killed. An other sister of the deceased 'man was married to Bev. D. G.Cald welL Of Con cord, bat who is now pastor of Gilead and Prosperity ehurches, in this county. Tne deceased came to Mecklenburg several years ago, from Dae WesLSouth Carolina,where be was born and raised. For a short while after coming to this county he taught school .in the Hope well neighhorboed, and appeared to gain the respect and confidence of the community. Later, he took charge of the books of the Maryland and Char lotte copper mine, and was for a time rytnaster, bat C wss recently elected superintendent and pat in f nil charge of the mine. A telegram' was yesterday sent to the president of tbe mine, in Baltimore, notifying him of the killing of the superintendent. " Mr. Sitton comes from a very respectable family. and waa well thought of by the ueighr bora. He was not married. Mr. Shields family is one of the oldest and beet known In the county. The slayer has for some time been in tbe employment of the United States Government as a revenue officer, and baa f our brothers living, all clever men; and all having many friends. : Mr. Jaa. Y. Sittoa. of Due West, father of the mardered man, was yes terday notified by telegraph of the kill ing. Mr. Si Uon'a " rem aLns will be sent to Dae West for buriab ' Coroner Smith, in response to sum mons, arrived in the city "yesterday afternoon at four o'clock, and in com pany with Dr. Wilder, the county phy sician, went to the acene of the murder. which Is twelve miles distant from the city, to bold the inqnest. Dr. Wilder returned last night about 11 o'clockmt at the time be left tbe scene the jury had not decided upon a verdict. i Capture el the Forgers aad Mow They Set ta Atlanta. Sheriff Suttles and Mr J T BosUck, of Shelby, have arrested not only Becht- lr. but BechUer wife, besides B A D Hardin, the Shelby bank robbers and had the whole three in jail at Atlanta Monday evening.: The Atlanta Journal' after telling of tbe capture, gives the history of the movements of the forgers from the time, they left Shelby, up to tbe time thev : were arrested. 'It aava " 4 JMr iu w UtUllvJ, iWUiV ler and Hardin cut aeroes the countrv and directed tbeir steps towards Marion a town sixty miles distant which they reached the following day. Here they disposed of the 300 check, drawn to the Order of Baker and duly indors ed, for 200 in cash and $100 in goods. That night they jumped the town and struck out for Old Fort, a hamlet 14 miles away. - There they went bran Inn and registered as Ah. Baker and broth er. After ? a short stay they left and went to Ashevflle, thence f to Hender- aonville, with the view of coming far ther South. Hearing that the offloers of the law were by thiA time on their tialLthey retorned to Asheville, where they Invested it a: yellow dog that e ventaally brought them to grief, From Asheville tbey took the train to Warm Springs where they rested a short time, then left for Morristown.. Tennessee. They then came to . Atlanta. Theofil cers followed. After reaching this point they took officer Green with them and went to the boose of Wm Brown, near Dunwiddy, where they wen captured. $270 waa found on the person of Bscht- ler. His wife was arrested there on av warrant and lodged In jailT " ,. Sheriff Suttles and Mr Boatick arriv ed In Shelby yesterday with the prison ers Bschtlar and Hardin. v C :eat of Reaping X2aehiaes.tSl"; a tnai or seir-mnding reaping ma chines, arrange! aome weeks ago to take place on thee farm of Mr. E. G. Hendrick, In -Steal Creek townihlp, j came off yesterday, JJy an understand ing Jthe following machines were to compete: The Deering, sold by Brown & AVeddinxton ; JtlcCormick. by J. F. Johnston Osborne; by J, G. Shannon- house; Champion, by Brem & McDow ell, and Buckeye, by Wm. C. Morsan. Only the Champion, Deering and Buck eye were put to work; and there was a tera trtssablyof tha representative tarraers of that and 'ndzhborms sta tions oa the ground. A committee, con- j slstirj cf Ilsssrs Brown, Hovis, llier, Potts and Hart, was sslsctsd to tsclls the - contest;"' and,' ; ' after a ' c-tlsfzctcrv trial, they r'--sd the Bucks ja the t it czzZl ret cr:t?. lie. J. XT. TTr ; x.czlj. trio c;:i a Dr:CT3l2iic:;:r-:. Trill Lire t3 eilf-tladlir la c-tr tica COUflTY AFFAIRS. SecoadDaya !eetlBgof the Deardof Commissioner? Llectioa of the Cot toa Weigher FoatpaaedTreaaarer Belk'a Sehoot Faad Report, Ete -; : (The board of county commissioners continued their meeting yesterday, for the discussion of j the cotton weigher question and other matters. They took no action whatever In the - matter of the proposed election of four cotton weighers forthe city, preferring to have more light on the subject before they act? The question waa therefore poet posed for action until the next regular meeting on the first Monday In Jnly. Capt. S. E. Belk, treasurer of the county school fund, submitted : hia re port of receipt and disbursements for the first half school year beginning the 1st Monday in December, 18S2, as fol io ws: .1 . "T': . .- ' - ' - Balance on band as per last re- -port..:... i .ti.43Q.il Beceived general State : and i -.- county Doll tax . ror issa. . . .. aviso S3 Received special poll tax for 1882 L447.80 Beceived eeneral property " school tax for 1882. . . . . . . . . . . 7A17 23 From fines, forfeitures and 1 ? penalties. , - eaoo From liquor licenses. ......... ZV234.40 From other sources, nnllsted i ' ' property ana polls. .......... zo. Paid teachers of schools for whites .. .v. ....C3.1C9.C3 Paid teachers of schools for colored . ... ... . .... . . 8.724 es Paid for school bonses and sites fwhlte..i.u..;.U.;....431i Paid for school bouses and sites - (colored)..................... 272:00 Paid coonty superintendent. . . . 182jOO jraia treasurer graaea ecnooi - (white) IMA3 Paid treasurer graded school (colored;........... ........ lsto . Total diabarem'ents......t960,78 Balance. on hand 1st Monday '' - j une 4, 1883. 10,43242 . Totals ;.;;..vi.--19JWJ3X8 Tbe sheriff was ordered to summon a jury to lay out .a' public road from Pineville to the Springs place, on the Providence road. U-''-W-. JJl Sadler; (W H Hoover and T,T Sandifer resigned as school committee men for District No. 55, and J F Hipp, Philip Shall and Louis Catbey were appointed In their atead. - The board ordered the following pay ments to be made by the treasbrer: To John A Young, clerk Of Inferior Court; for half fees in insolvent cases. May term. 1&S3, ties B3; BurweU & Sprlnrx, supplies famished the poor house In April, 5028; B M Whlte.pro visions for the poor ' boose in ' May. B H Abernathy. eleven loads of ( pine poles for road in Charlotte township, CO. The board adjourned to meet next Monday. 11th instant, when all the real estate assessors In. the county are re quired by law to meet with thexsw PlaaDtas. Moteaaa. ar 1 tnflwanea at Jaoaa ealpBnt eoap. PATITTY3 PROP.aYLACTie FLUID. mUi ta Sick aboaU aa fe aaehr Scaifac fVtar mcrrx aeaa kaowa ta apiaaJ whara taafTaal waa aaea. vcaaw rer aaa aaaa cotaa wwa ttl BaaaBC vnaU luui takaaa plaea. Taa caaaaafliaalMriayieUaak. . .. , . . . WavaiadaadSXeTaTraiv f : SaTA.TJV-.TPOX v. Had Sorea Braveat - xl by bathiag with RTXXHO) uacvjra aaao.--.-. 1 Xaaaara Ala aaadi banakaa aaS Avifiad. Tor Bora KM SanA-poz. aot alliriaaa. waa aat' War Vraatad Feat, (fatted, aad waa aliiaa awiaaaaaa, araiaa. taa aaaae ania la oaaa. waaka. aaa aa ataan bad k. J. W. Paaa- iaaoaT.I-hTarn,ia. ITaamaaiii awtavraua Ibvbaaaa. tlatB Ttw an n mm il. Ta paxifx the BtH, itoaa'tba . Tihii in, f ; Clear t a)lWrwaSaBKaL T ybyalHaaa a Da rtrya 1 laid Iraealarv a uaa t rewada kaalad rapkfiy. aw'ri riatha treat. oflApktlMria. - a SWHrtata-fcr A. SmumnKE, . GaaaaaaoiaTAla. " Tattavdriadatk. . : Sttan. : iBaadthanuMdariac aw f 1 ua 1 n afirtcrina wit Scarlet vr wbk da. caded adraataca. It ia larinpaai'bla to the sick tooav Vr. r. Saas aoBD, Kyria, Ala. i MMra iiniaaa. t laer putied aad laTDaafkk abouid baaaad uot taa coryaa la wvi ria, J. X f Ai. J tkM.. XX XA, baw Yaric. mtrm -I aaa COsxjw4awSCa aTOvT. Xxx4yfj mPto&ylmctbc Flaud is 4 WaaJaj; j&gJgjfgXXBmmtm ' VaaderbUt Ualvenltr. jraahVni, Teaau" detenfcnt it ia both OianraricaHy aad practicailr anAcnor to anr preparatiaa wka which I aaa aa- (Biwa.-n. i . uvnox, tint. hniili . . . TJmt Hold fa XtaaaaaaaaaMfad tr r " Hoa. AuxaiTBsa H. Sirmin, of Gaania; ' 1 ne-- Chas. V. Oaaws, DJJ Caarch af taa Straasara. I. V. " . .,. v' Joa. !CoCohimbU1lref.,tTnI rtlty.SX: rr- A- J- STt?- ot . Merear UaiTaAity; Rct. Gao.r. Piuca, Biabop at. . Caurca. tUDISTKS S ATtT.TC TO -'KVlHtT XXOXTS. ' X,l-Wxtly bandcaa. - Usad faitanafiy or - -." 1. exteraaUy for Uaa or beaM. ' . Taa Vlmd baa been thoroorjy tested, and wa ' fMMia ahaarfaat avtdanca tht it kaa daea arerrthlae bora rhiamd. For bOler informatioa ret ot yoar ' Inaiat a paaiphlet or ed to toa poyoao. ; i V.vi y-TUZXXLXSt' A COW t Maanfitctmiog Cbewifta, PH 1 LA I; T.FrTT V. ' City aJTbia.-- Bn bHt. i.t I e'-wa r-'- - at aoaeortlutaacwwo i c-4 ca L.J I i i ta maeiunary.or aioy t att r it, at a r 1 1 AAwVaawaa ' S oat. y raa w a J A TTaaaaaold Artlel Car TgaleaeaaX ; . . XftHaOly Vaa. . ; , ... ; . ; taa xart a. T&rrVtpalaa oitd. - ' BraaialiiT(liaaiaalTr. V 1 1 - -1 :.; J! a -- - -1 a r " X 2. I. ? ' ' -t' . i a a v. -t . ilt vi-aar i i -i frleua t --t lt.ii t ,,?, bf L.r4 1 -c , . aa-4rfir-tl. I.-'- . i U "4 aur. tl la two 4.al.. no bat aJKl beacy aw J." i v J T iraralall ir.ttr t S ' "L r. C - ti t --a DHd Brnwa'a I.- i i i f ' . ,i i.r kidney eou(l&ibtaj t iUi n - FOUIID. a Loek Box ty. bkb owner east try aaUlos at uua cas. ' Juu4 DIIUST BE SOLD. A Stm appottmtty at r 1 ti f t v waatdbk ta t4. aaa ua ' it aaooay. Tba a aia - - - t ! t . t ao rautwiiiaii..ai wwa afi i"it 1 a, .,!! - e.bar wora to aemai".. v . r 1 Lis Chariot. Ail Uya re ini- JUST RECKIVKD AT m?Bu xyxtxja o?on OF H II. JORDAN 2 CO. TBYON OTBJCETY OOOaTAXOaVXiaaaSa, ta beat acutorxr nr. nxscrcrs a Cor tar 1X9 awBota. ' "' a v , -, . . 1 - ; stXXZXiX WATX2S aC an ktada ea aad Black TXAAfartiaUunTnd. rinaHaaa I aurHaa TOTXTT gQaWL aCBXT fowngJts. " PorfpuL-t Torxir wasx, aa - l a mm a co. DBUGQI3T3. : Jonat mm Co. XTmvw EiEGf.:iT 5Tc::i c? .'. TRUNKS, VALISES, usTxar aaa xzczixj ("s ttTf JF" rl. ra -as.; ? U zr? W UD'IES CD -GECTLEuHH, TBAyjaXEB3 WIIX DO TTULL J"i:"";-Tesxaadsearatci wrni.riii-g ara crrxit. cnnoTTE, a axABea ud uimuT ssubcte stscx c - ' avavriaa' TTslilr j E-i-l., ' aiBssxSaat'.tl'B.E.-:,' t aVettev eiaa Err;c-yn3t V: : usars-cr, cikiMa-ruea.' - ', , r' .trj-s.sCi-::. - ..-"". , .. . - XT X t TZ - "' "Ubuat . t (... Jul . :. I . . V... . i w ..... AC. II W tux. a t3 ST. .1 1.0- 'let- TC7r-- . i. J K i.J . It I j I. - 1 l t: 1 a 3 ncr-- I- : 1 - 1 ti ; ! f ' 1