D;a I L Yr J QU RN A lVOB S E E V E R : EBIi) A'.r:;JIJ' 8,'iT C -, ! 1: i - t TSjotsxd it ra Pc??Omci x CXAXurm, K. C. is 8toon-cua iUrm 1 v - THE JOXTRSAIrOBaXRTMM wB be eemt, pcetmge prepaid, at thtfoUomng rate qftubecripCioni One Vw ; fix rrxmVie, A75; (Arm tnontAt, 93 . Weekly Bditto; Cm year, $2; nx monOu, tl. Special rtttm to dube. - ; STRICTLY ZX ' ADYASOW",: -The foOowinff -or Oer rate qf advertising :; One - eqwxre erne tirrw., 1 ;tv)o tfmot, $1.50. iAr 4ddn aS fiwinm omnumtcacioM (0 ' i .i JOVS&AIrOBJSMXYMK, '; - ; FRIDAY. JUNE S, 1883. SOKE FACTS ABOUT THE IN TER--V'vVf : HAURETESUE. ..."..-.. ' The" Democrats of North Carolina ' demand the" abolition ' of the internal revenue taxes. They demand it be-, cause these taxes are not required for , the support of the Government, and they demand it because the system Is a hateful one to the people, and in direct Antagonism to Democratic principles.' The late commissioner stated, in his - last report that, in six years, nearly seven hundred and 'fifty millions of dollars (or in exact figures 5743334.081) . , had been collected out of the pockets .of the people under this system. " - -j ." There are four thousand persons em ployed In and under the Internal revfrf nae' bureau. There are 126 collectors, whose salaries range from '. 82A25 to 84,500 a year. There 'are 076 deputy collectors, whose salaries . range from 8100 to S300, and under these colleo- ' tors and deputy collectors there are 190 employes of different kinds, whose pay ranges from $100 to $1,700 a year; : Be sides these there are 867 gangers and , 1,552 storekeepers whose pay is from ; lis to $5 per day., To all these are to be added the 2& clerks and employes in u the Oomlnissipner's office in Washing ton, whose aggregate pay amounts to 8300,000 a year. The total cost of the internal revenue bureau is over five millions of dollars a year. - The persons employed in It are an organized corps of political workers In behalf of . the administration upon which they are dependent, . and their power is felt in every election, in the Southern States especially. This is another reason in addition, to those already given, why the Democrats of North Carolina want the Internal revenue abolished. The few Democrats who are opposed to abolishing it give as reasons for their opposition that it would necessitate ' keeping up a very high tariff that the Republicans are tkeref ore in fay or of it and that we' would be playing into their hands by ' abolishing it. Neither of these allegations is true. A tariff for revenue, with incidental protection, will supply the needs of the 'treasury. The Republicans do net favor the abo lition of the system, as their conduct during the last session of Congress abundantly proves. They claimed to have reduced the amount to be collect ted by one-fourth,- but they did not provide for a reduction of the number of collectors, deputies, guagers, store keepers and other employes of the bu reau. On the contrary, the Commis sioner, while recommending a redno i tiou of - nineteen millions in the taxes, i asked Congress for an. Increase of over a hundred thousand dollars, for the ex venses of his office. There has been a good deal of talk about the consolida tion of revenue districts, but the con solidation has not yet . been made, and when made will only reduce the num ber by thirty, and these thirty will not he in the South where the services of the officials will be needed In the next camnalen. but in the East and West where they can be spared without In jury to the Republican party. The amount of taxes collected will be large ly reduced, but the expenses of collect ing will be about the same, and the force engaged will , be kept where it will "do the most good" next year. 1 Granting -all", that can be said about the evil and injustice of a high tariff, and of imposing taxes on necessaries, while removing them from luxuries, we still demand - the abolition of the . internal reveSue system, because it in volves greater evils, and more oppret- slon, and is contrary to the true princl ' pies of . the Democratic party and hate ful to the people j ; . .I v.- t J r . , m i ' aa - Ti Isotjtjie Jut , Agriculture Whfle: the ' remarkable increase of manufacturing industries in the South attracts attention, the fact has been V overlooked that in the pursuit pf agri culture she is also" making ' gratifying progress. According to a carefully pre pared statistical article, of the agricul ; tural products of the fourteen Southern States in" 1882, in the Manufactufer's f. Record, published in Baltimore It Is shown .that while the increase ioithe country at large was but five per cent. the South increased thirty-five per cent, ... representing, an f increase in money ' - Value within two years of 8214,000,000 K It must be remembered that while - the Soateni' States have an aggregate area of about 600)00,000 of acres, that ? but one-teuth '-jot ? this was under culti--i vation tis 1S82 and yet the v pnxjact - footed up the magnificent sum pf 887V . f ' With such1 a splendid : showing, on such a small proportion of the lands within . her borders, and with all the r obstacles 3a"3 disadvantages against which she nai had to contend, who can estimate the magnificent possibilities of, the future. With the introduction of labor-savagr machinery. Improved sys tems of agriculture, cheap fertilisers, and the cultivation of new and valua ble products that have heretofore re ceived but little attention, the product of these same acres, may in a few years be doubled In value, without touching an acre of the millions under forest growth, or of the swamp lands fcuseep? tible ef aralnsgs and pf. untold fertility, when " drained. What . a - magnificent '-: ; domain our South-land is - has never ,i ' ; been realized but is slowly becoming ': . so as the suggestive and eloquent ""fig .': :'. " ; urea that tell the story of her resources' :- ;Vt -. and progress ars brought to light. ;;j The Texas Sif tings says that Indicted gamblers in that State hesitate to plead guilty lest they be mistaken for mem bers tf the legislature. . ; :w : - In addition to the 60,000 ocean voya-- gers who crossed from this country the railroads for the fiscal year ending 1880 carried 270.000)00 passengers. . The National Anti-lionopoly Con ference which assembles in Chicago J uly ith, will be an important gather ing.; It is said that all the States will be represented-- - ft : t . We should judge from the solicitude shown by the , Republican ' journals about the utterances Pf Democratic leaders, that they fear these leaders will say or do something foolish. This so licitude is somewhat remarkable. - Our success in forciiiff offr a great portion of ' i I f London sends out missionaries by the score and Bibles by the thousand to the heathen but for all that it contains o000 gin mills, 150,000 . known - thieves and more than 1,000,000 of people who never enter a church. ' , , , , Has aroused the spleen of competitors, and since the insertion of our advertisement of last j week(which, by the way, our patrons have appreciated), there has been some carping by competitors on the words fat 008" To our patrons we would r say, "at . and Tinder, cost" means seUinrr them croods at a nrice lower than ther ever hAve lwn nr fvr trill hf"nnr. notfcL If-aTnafimwn chased for in- We do not mis-state facts we do not advertise we are "selling ai to re is growing in this country that twaddle from ' business," as a competitor has previously done, andlaflerUing off old goods At 01 a romantic character, muscle, pro fessional beauty, and idiotic masculine eccentricity pay better than practical usefulness." cling Aiver iiscme 11 good prices, start anew with the people's money, No! We camo hero years a'go, we came here to stay, as our fair treatment and invariable adherence to all our nromisesis oar best KMln 1 J m 1 f- . m rr . . . , I . eviuence. o nuuto roam ior improvements we are sejiing ok oar stocic u : According to the late census reports the increase In cotton manufactures in the Southern States since 1870 has been as follows; Texas 87 per cent, Arkan sas 61, North Carolina 50, . Florida 42, Georgia 31, Alabama 24, Tennessee 21. Louisiana 10K. South Carolina 127, Mississippi alone shows a decline of 0.8. Daniel Carley, Michael Fagan and Thomas Caff rey have paid , with their lives the penalty-for the assassination of Lord Cavendish and Secretary Burke In Phoenix Tark, Dublin. The fifth. Timothy Kelly, will be hanged next Saturday. WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DAYS TO BE MADE BY US 'if which is as far below anyv'selling price" as our earth from the heavens above. . It smacks too much of the ignorance of olden years to say "cost" is & secondary considera tion in firing a selling price, as, thanks to the logic of our enlightened generation, they are too well versed in the Drincinles of human action to suDnoie that "men dc nniinra fnr tha fnn The Macon Telegraph calls attention I f be thing," and we believe our friends are not apt to be caught with the snaring allusion of t. :l 1 - .n. u I th( lonllmi nnAA'' la a 1 urn Tra fMfMMlaaii lk 4w. Jr ik:. Ill 11 1 Y 1 being made on clover in upper Georgia, 1 bles, bursts into a thousand fragmentory rays when exposed to the light of day. ' ? fr!.1!"!" .Ld We are not offering to sell auction jobs of small articles amcuntinjr to 25 or 50 cents, as a in North Carolina where J fine grass hst to unsuspecting public, but are actually selling good, honest Clothing at prorjoftion- grows as the eye ever saw, vastquan-l ajiy low prices. titles of Northern and Western hay are annually purchased. Hold on to Your Money Until You Hear " From Us. Our Frecioms Metmls. By a report of the Director of the Mint, just published, the yield of the mines of the United States for 1&32 was: Gold 33200.000 Silver 4S.8O0.000 979.300,000 with the previous year decline of 2200.000 of increase of 83.800,000 oT Total... Compared una snows a gold and an silver. The comparative decline in the pro duction of gold was greater iu Califor nia than in any other State or Terri tory, the yield being S 1.400.000 less than in 1881." This resulted from the inter ruption of hydraulic mining in the northern and middle counties of the State, owing to litigation, and also from falling off in the production of the quarts mines at Bodie. In Oregon, where the mining is chiefly placer, there was a diminution, and also in Nevada. Idaho and Dakota, . - In silver the prlocial Increase was in Idaho, Montana and New Mexico, Idaho showing an Increase of S7OOJ00O, Montana- S 1.740,000, and New Mexico SlvKWXM. Colorado furnished about Soo,000 less silver than in 18SL. Of 'the bullion production of the country, 93004,058 of gold and 31,400. 072 of silver were deposited at the mints and assay offices for coinage or return in bars to depositors. Of the deposits of cold S5.60040awere paid 'in bars for manufacturing pur poses, and the remainder went into coinage ; 81400.000 were furnished by private refineries for manufactocers use, and there was antexportjof S1UJ00O contained in silver bars. Of the total silver production 915. 750,000 were exported.- $5,004,000 furn ished by the mints and assay offices to manufacturers, $330,000 by private re fineries for the same purpose, and S24 700J00 were used in coinage. BT STAT1E3 AND TERRITORIES. The production of the country was from the States and Territories as follows: Gold. 150,000 1,065,000 lejaoojuoo sso.ooo Give us a call, and we will give you what wc have always given, "PAIR AND SQUARE TREATMENT," and convince you of the fact that ' Our Word is Our Bond," and not like others to beat around the bush, but to invariably do as we promise.' Yours, most respectfully, 8 Othello s Occupation Gone! LEADING CLOTHIERS and TAILORS. IttsceUancrms. ICAUGHT A BAD COLD ! - ' - ; I Alaska.. J Arizona California Colorado...... Dakota Georgia........ Idaho Montana ...... Nevada New Mexico... North Carolina Oregon......... South Oarelina Utah.......... Virginia.. ..." Washington T. Wyoming, T...; enru. SOOJOOO 250000 1,500,000 2,550.000 : 2XXXOOO . 150,000 looooo; 83000 25,000 19000 12000 5,000 700JOOO 845J000 lSOOOO 175J080 2,000000 470,000 6,750000 100,000 25J000 . 85,000 etbogoco The SUMMER COLDS and Cough areTQuIta avs dan- trerou a thoM of - i But thy vlid to the unw treatment and ought times. For atl dlseasae of THROAT. WOSTRILS, HEAD or . BREATH INQ AP- a v av at an PerryD'aYissPainJiiiler Is the SOVEREIGN Remedy ALL DRUGGISTS KEEP - PAIN KILLER JUST RECEIVED AT THB BilUG 8TORB OP" II II. JORDAN & CO. TBYON STIiKKr. oooauKaROoaaasa. ta Ec nxxxora a cm t tout tee MUOsaL WATKS3 sf aU I Bleak TXAs, tot 1,1 TheBev.Dr. B. A. Holland, ef Chi - cago, who has just been called ; to the : recJOTihip of; Trinity Episcopal Church, L New Orleans, was known at the early . cr.of 18 as tLe-Uoyllethodist Preach ;rier."r ill' the agB o 19 ' he -entered the Confederate service, volunteering as a ' priv&te In Morgan's acouta. At the.end cf t!sswar,he loolc orders in the Frotes- , t-t rplscbpai Church.- ; r t - ! , - ' ' i' , There tra fourteen custom houses. in Haine, Lte: expenses of running Which cxcccl tta receipts about CC3.cdj, and tisy rr3 trrt up merely to rnae places frr r. :pzi::a;pcUU:?2;,,i wtorsi- I - W; ' r 3 c " " 3 some dir.:'-lty la c . . Totalr. tSlJbOOfiOO $800,000 relMh;jak'e!sKeaaaxkaMe.M81ate. Two months ago a Poleuiamed Jacob Merjwisky, came to Centralia, Pa, and opened a saloon. He was patronized by his -countrymen'and. the roughest of the .other .nationalities. -Being unable to read -or write English.' he requested the English sneakin z habitues to chare themselves with - the ' amounts they .werA indebted They .did ao, and yes terday ail the prominent business men were- startled -by -the -presentation of bills for liquor at .Polish Jake's. They indignantly refused to nay. savin r tbev had never entered the saloon, and ether parties had used their names. An in vesthratioD ef Polish Jake's books shewed this to be true. 2 Henry Waid Beech er. according to the book, owes 842: John.BGough.35; .Roscoe Conk ling, 323 i Freddy OebhanL 17; Mrs Laagtry. and Maoe. and 81ade,S4a The sheriff closed out the saloon y ester day.? The loss to the saloon keeper is fepedal to Kews and Obernt. Nkwbekn. N C June 5. The man- 'damus eases of Stewart : Ellison and others against the aldermen of the citv oft BaleTgli were beard to-day before Judge Phinps. ; Messrs Fowls & Argo represented the: plaintiffs, and Messrs Snew & Busbee the defendants. After argument the Judge decided that the 8 leadings raised issues ox xaet, and con nued the cases for the issues to be tried before a Jury-at the next regular term of -Wake Superior Court. The Uudee granted an order in each case for the plaintiffs to justify their prose cution bonds by the 2Sth of June, or to rive new bonds. Each side submitted motions - to xnaxe.aaaiuonai parties, which motion the Judge has not yet Gray Brother TOfLrracura OTTXS .'VI Spring and Siimmer : s h o JEiS ! SA.CEXT FOW9ZSS. FOXD ULT TOIXJCT WA3S, , R. II. JORDAN & CO. DBUGGISTS. J. & AN ENLIGHTENED PUBLIC Prefers Buying at a Truthful Profit to t XISOTJI861 "COST." orVB&a 700 THB Varnislied Pricte; "iva rnished Facts!" Wholesale Retail TRADE A Large : Stock of v- .BATS , NOT A" CUKE-ALU I n val uabi e C u re f o r : SCROFUU. ;i : Tke Cases. Added to". Onr Kcw Stock op anoES. - a mos lttm ef Lanrxs opxha biimsa , , XXWFOaX TICS, aad a vadatir of a aui aststts aklw .mi iCatU STRAP SANDALS. XIm, U aamtm to ear Larc Btoek ef Omta. Ladiaa' and Ch Udreti aboea. w ka w JoM lemtmA sUimoC CbUdrea'aBicbiM j t . , BUTTON BOOTS.: Lotst - - reapC2.0.afoalaoasartt: LaweaylOa. Uaseta Ooity. W. C ItoelMasotrto atata taat Mia. J Pr aa Bnatadf has bmem Um -anawa ef alatoat otmir eartaai a aJti'B ber ntr farm, who auOoteS tnmaemtute, tie the, aat wo years. Tb boy b4 aotmiaa ae ax&letad (Sat aa.waa lnaaaaejtia4 tot work, and had nlao ruonlox aoroa oa Sla aoek, laea, aad traa feoa oara, Wueh -were aradnaUf aieateC wor eatU tho Bwartj waaaifwaaiaw iu ta for alx wka ao Improved hta aoaditloe that ha waa enabled Is oan y oa aU fclada at fans wOffe aad I beiieva Ra eonUnued oae would have enttrely eored bin. Be haa now but eoa aoraaad haa reaataed hia roa eoeecifc. - . a. t. aunitiimii. . GEO. 3BE. XBIG3LE:R.S ' .iAiUes'aDdlOaMa'eaoes. ' ; decided, r. ' Don't fonet when roa wish a pair ef ahoes of any kind. Traoh or Tauaa, to eaU eo4 aee tu aooda and prteea. - f - . . GRAY& BROTHER ns.1888 -!; ! m ti '.: - : Dtium .XFianiTBMTZDZS AracrTafaUB. Z -"r Ther make It soft to eto ever ta Chtitottara enjoy the exoalieat fare ef oar peoatar hotels, to So to ear eaarehea and har the lntreUa aer awna ei cae vmvnu aaxi aw air aoirva. eouara lenffttotae Cbanoua.uonUTt wtre tHar ean bavetaeia dooecB in Srat-eiaai atrta. wUa a etur. oah and Maar saiaa. ladMe1 toe white 4ret ISaxhor BXsvkes ; Clean ahave-HmxtX Senrr M- TleaaUns. a barter, of Ko. Tfi8 Dear bora at.. Chl5co. bought a Hfta tieknt for one dot Mriniaeapru I ia J oraw-n ox ue ixmusiAna Btate Lottery, and ripi f the eapiuu aora&er i,887. and reoalved S1S.00O bf t&e imrtoia xpre tliortir rtrui rswmrt lot tit fiXtCT( toe In brari" f limine. L U 81 jr o J; t-'n ta We?Sorf tiorwnj b a w! mm4 I ve r t tfrT, et54 l"'.;mti c t iTtait.. rn4 ID t Jw A-I .. -a, 1 C- - . L. i - .- . t4 13 ! r.la 1 1 i I- -ui i t ,, in v.. id fcii-A--juai 49 U.-ji.;:... eartafaa aad PLRGWOtTE LEADS, 1 VARNISHES, &C5 J - . .. . We do'n't keep varnish yot8,,br brashes in. our establish menty our goods are yard wide, died in th -wool Fast Colors warranted not to fade, rip or tear, and sell well a little abovi "Cost." V .An occasional stranger, when for the first lime he exam ines onr goods, with great temerity asks the question, "An these handsome colors stamped?? Appreciating his simplic itywe reply, No, they i are bought from reliable honses, no at CosV and are offered -by - a reliable, house, not at Cost, 1 Being thus assured : the articles for which a moderate com pensation is asked have a value, he buys with confidence, ei plahiin; as his reason for such extreme caution to having one bought from '".AW IMMENSE STOCK" sold "JLT COST to HIE koomI itob . xmpeqyement (Y)& "varnished suit at a VAL otshed price, leaving as a lifelong impression the TJ2rVAI NISHED' FACT?' that he had been ' WELL STUCK!" - We -are aware that contact with varnish Teesels or p ots c any kind must leave, a gltjet; impressionf and until the .stinc pipe.is:hightened and the. water supply C increased Tre x?i 5ease;td;ji6Uce;im froia the editors ihe Sdewalk fiar: :- -'V:;1 ' ; ' ' : ' : Our -. hats at 50 cents ; ?vvr well,' and the fact of net b ing 'at cost'? w lends enchantment to the "purchase, ; , CO ar pc c pie like to patronise a prosperous firm , TWO ; CAR LOADS Pt ISW1SD tSTTTT. HJ iMr-nr XT. EL tV Ha i ig'hiA, wi.ii apicJmaii ef KavU Arc. 'tcro ef all a reoacd of Wonderful iTriie t.-ie Int-r' frttoA . yn-e eaTjt-t U e- 1 me flCOw(-) tr ib1w e f,U -liJ aft i rati J. ft i.oOurrr c jl 1 Au! .iL.a i-a. . .. - r - - . .,aiajlL: l t i rirn fcr rt.ji- iff I' 1 1 e"tL' j,.,, t & t,..t--;f'.t.ia,a,.- WQIeeanay l?t?v. 7"er?tr-tKaa from btwi&r, en t ooe sru fn. cttruAa B. B -iiarwew-be at Eprtn Etaiion oa. arrival of er7 t" tu t - A rnoJ "T ' :nl fO1' f"t tie aoo f .. I '.-tf i .' ' e...-'r t .. rm tits . . i i 3 t KIOSEI - r ' f j: . . .. 1 - - - . I US Bi?o. 'r-' ? m.--mmem .mmr ' I . . -e ;h - -;t J. .... ..... S'.' ... ; - , "'TT'Vr" r- :-"'T" T'' Av " - ' 2?T27XS3, if r

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