.(' r.? - DA Til Y -3 O U R N AL-O BSER VEH: T H UES DA Y JTJ KB: 21? 10 0 3. business Koncrcs. H Bitten Bitten th Pnrcit i tel BmI NEWS NOTES. Tber are compounded from Hop. Malt, ttoeha. Mutant mad. Dandelion tne oldest. beat, end mm valuable medicines la the vor.d, and eoa ban all Uw beat and bom. curat! properOee at all otAer n-medics, beta Um Greatest Blood Pan ar, Um Bagulator, anS Life end Health Beetor- i tew on una. no euseese or ui neann ou eoasioly lone exist where these Bitten are Meed, so varied and pet feet are their operation. . Thai i n new Ula and vigor to the aged and ' norm. To all wboee employ menu eanae lrrecu larity of the bowel, or urinary organ, or who require an Appetizer. Toole and mild tftlmulaot. Hop Bitters are Invaluable, being highly curative, tonle and stimulating, without Intoxicating. - - No matter what your feeiljga or symptom are, what the disease or ailment Is., use Hop Bitter. Doat wait until you are alec bat If you only reel bod or miserable, use Hop Bittern at once, it may ave your Ufa. Hundreds have been eared bvaodoto. S500 will be pakt tor a case they mi not cure or help Do not snffnr or let your friends suffer, but use and orge them to nte Hop Biners Bemember, Bop Biuere la no vile, dragged, drunken nostrum, but the purest and best medi cine ever made, the 'Invalki' Friend and Hope," and no person or family should be without them. Try the Bitters to-day. Forty Tear.' KxaeMeaee afaa old Bane. . Mrs. Wtnsiow's Soothing Byrup, for children teetblna. Is the preesripttoo. of one of the best fe mae phrtleiana nd nurses In the United States, and has bf-en usrd for f rty years with naver fall ing success br millions of mottwrs for their ehuV divKi. it relieves the ehlki from pain, cure dysen tery and diarrhoea, gnptog In toe bo els and wind eolle. By rtrlns; health to the ehUd It roU the mother. We would aay to every mother who has a child snffrrlng from any of the foregoing com-. fpuuui: uv nut tot your prejudices, nor me pps udlaes of others, stand between your suffering chUd and the relief that will be sure yea, abso lutely sure to follow the use of this medicine. Bold by druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. rotal KwrtSi Edwin Booth and his daughter Ed- I a? in a arrived in New York City Mon day by the steamship : Gallia, from Ea- P- ; ; . .. . : Mrs. Langtry's Profits for ber supple mentary season of fire weeks will reach from $12,000 to 814,000 over, and above her personal expenses. Frederick Hill, who had been on a protracted spree: committed suicide at Union Hill, N.J, Monday night, Jby taking rat poison, because his wile had declined to pay some liquor bills owed by him. . r - A young Jewess of New York has fled to Leeds, England, and thence to Paris, where . she entered a convent.; Her fathers petition to.the Court of Ap peals in England to recover his daugh ter has been dismissed. ; In Chicago on Sunday night Rudolph Brem. 60 years old. was struck ' down and killed by Albert Tuscn. The dead man met Tusch by appointment to urge him, to make reparation for the seduc tion of his daughter. The assailant is at large. James Stetzer, a German, 35 years of age, was found dead in his room in Phil adelphia Monday, with a cord round his neek. He is supposed to have commit ted suicide while worrying over finan cial difficulties. Sebast Alexander was convicted at E as ton. Pa Monday of the murder of Pietrie Philli perils brother-in law. The men were railroad laborers and roomed together. Alexander got up in the night and killed Phillipe with an axe while he was asleep, Cadet-Engineex C E. Belden, who had resigned from the navy, to take effect December 81, 1883, and who was study ing civil engineering and assaying at San Francisco, disappeared lrom that city on May 13. He left $12 in cash and an unindorsed check for $80, drawn to his order, in his room. His habits were thoroughly correct. The correspondents of the Kansas Board of Agriculture report that al though the acreage is short of last year. tne yieia per acre win oe aoove the average for the past -five years. The area of corn is greater than ever before and although backward in some locali ties, tne state nas never naa such a bright prospect for a big corn crop. STATE NEWS. .tOwa-' . ywa','i."v " 'la. 'W "'M -'V"'l "T '!r a i tars, AIM vrbita aw a alack greua. ewara ftMlwi wk attamat ta palm al IMITATIOSr , a L BSTITTJT I O YmWUI T H - S?fLRVw,,e- Tsd LASfllS PaOFIT. Nm cMsaata vrttatawt turn - twr S A F I . H. a wAsna as co ams ' ,H.T. c ATJ OPEN Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity atreoaj h and wboleaomensaa Mora eoooomloal than U a erdlnary kinds, and eannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, abort weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In eans. Wholesale by 8PBrNQ3 & BUBWXLl. mayt CharloUe, N. C CCLCSSKTEO 8 Bostetter's Stoma h Bi ters meetatbe require ments cf the raUonal medical pbOosophy which at present prevails, it Is a perfect' y pur vegeta ble remedy, embracing tha three Important prop erties f a preventive, a tonle and an altenulve It fortifl'S the body against dlsea, Invigoratee and revitalizes ihs torpid stomach and liver; and effects a salutary ehangs in the entire system. Tor sale by Druggists and Da&Iers generally. aprl . - CAUGHT A BAD COLD The SUMMER COLDS and Coughs are quite as dan gerous as those of -midwinter. '". But they yield to the same treatment and ought .. to be taken In -time. Fop all dlseasas "of THROAT. NOSTRILS, HEAD or BREATH INQ APPARATUS 7 rOTiiavissr ainiiiuer Is the SOVEREIGN Remedy i ALL. DRUGGISTS KEEP PAIN 'KILLER Greensboro Workman: It is said that track-laying on the Cape Fear and Yad kin Valley Railroad will begin on the 20, inst, so that the iron horse may come to Greensboro to get his cbrismas tricks. - While Chas. Evans,prescription clerk at Call urn. Bro & Co s drug store, was drawing a bucket of water, the rope slipped and he fell in the well,but being quite actire, he caught the rope as he went down and succeeded in drawing himself out, the only damage being a good ducking. Raleigh News and Obserrer: The death of Mr.- Wm. R. Hunter, so well known in North Carolina as the "Chil dren's Friend," who died In Baltimore recently, in his 65th year, will be uni versally regretted throughout this State where he has hosts of friends. Labor is extremely scarce in this sec tion, much scarcer than usual even.and good wages are being paid. The farm ers are complaining of the difficulty of securing farm help. Capt. Allen,of the work bouse, says dozens of applications are made to him for the hands at the work house. But there are few of these and all are kept at work. This only shows bow great is the need of labor. It is yearly becoming more and more a prooiem, wnose solution no one can think out.. Xewbern Journal: Snow Hill has had another fir. : On Thursday nixbt last tne Mtbodist parsonage, occupied by Rey Mr. Jt kitis, including the kitchenltnd furniture and Mrs. J en kin's watch and silverware wre destroyed by fire, originating, it is thought, from an asn doz. Asbeboro Courier: There is ma:h sick ness in this county. The Courier reporter counted only 72 Congressional aspirants at Trinity Com mencement, but it is to b remembered that thv weather was somewhat incle ment and the nominating conventions do not meet this year. Marmion Pugh. a young man living near Frankliosville was drowned last Tuesday nUht while seining in J. B. Makepeace's pond. He and bis three companions were attempting to swim across the pond, when from some un known causa be began to struggle and sink. His friends did all in their pow er, but could not avtrt his terrible fate. AHONG TEE LADIES ' The brilliant, fascinating tints of Complexion for whldb ladies strive are chiefly arti ficial, and all who will take the trouble may secure them. These roseate, bewitching hues follow the use of Hasan's Magnolia Balm a delicate, harmless and always reliable article. Sold by all druggists. The Magnolia Balm con ceals every blemish, remotes Sallowness, Tan, Redness, Eruptions, all evidences of excitement and erery imper fection. Its effects are immediate "and so natural that no human being can detect its application. P Qiicl: imi Easy CMU-Birtii itkwwbm or wobkbotct th land tastt fy to the wooderfn 1 effects of this great reaa edy; it will not only shorten labor and I wen the iateoaily at pain and aoScnng beyond exprMioa. but better than all. it thereby greatly dhnini-bee the dt-jrer to life o both motberana child. This g.U boon toenP fertn womaa Is Ilaimrt' ZAntmmt, or Mother' FHend. Prepared and auid by J. ADrau, Atlanta. Oa. Hold by all by Bxpreae ce receipt of price. m DM sii Easy Ckfll-Birtl Tbonaaada of women over the land teatl. St the wonderful effect of this rreat reta y: it will not only abortea labor and lennn the lntenaity of pain and anOerinc beyond axpaeaaion. bot better than all. it thereby greatly dimlainhea the danger to 11e of beta mother and child. This great boon to suf fering woman la Bohme XreawaA or MUKft Prtemd. Prepared and aotdoy J. fiuuTmLO, Atiaata, ua. Soid by au cry jcpreaa on receipt of to Stockholders. KOBTB CABOUHA RarXMMLD COSPAST, fiscaaTAST it Taa&srjKXB s Onici, Company Shops, K.C.J01M 8. 1888. - The tblrty-foorta (34th) annual Meeting of the Stockholders ot tola company will babeld la ealtsbary, on Thuraday, Jaiy 12 to, 1888. etoek holders deslrtng t atteod cab get ticket for themselves and tha immediate member of their v ramiuesi (wv tma vnauna avmg vtnatT vtttr roor) tor applrirtg to thi ouderslgaed. )ei2dlm f. B. BUlfTXy, Bec'y. . Greensboro Law SchooL - 8X3310!! C0XXX2CCX3 THTBD MONDAY, IN angost. Vor tn'ormaUoo apply to Je3dlf EOBT. P. DICK, . . Graeosboro, N. C A. B. NISBET & DBO. Call attanUon to a good stock of- - : ; Heavy and Fancy; Groceries. ; and that they are agents for Orange Blfla, Orange Docklag, aad Orange I'ghtnlng 10a Powders, and an sizes of Baek Blasting Powder. also agents ror xuat powdaf, (nltrdIxearln) In one Inch and 1VI Inch eartldges, Oapa, Soobla ; and Single Poaea PaitleswaoUngaacli goods call . andseeoa.7 ; - V; " . " :- ; -".'" VS. - To Ilining Cdnpanics and 'Tba undsrsledarsnow prepared to pnrchaM one of - ' f . :" - - . GOLD, SIIiVEK, - - ' -J ; r , t ajo SULPBTJH, j ' ' -also - -. - -.1- ' ' Oeaiplez an4 ciaiipliarat Or, - aflneral to be delivered 1 nearest rnTay station. lenaat UAsxi or tBrte monmi BKilAKi'Q. ftCX, . .Alleoiruccaabi t - ' - j t. pt l 1 1 v " "." Tv iC -I . " C'.'i i 7 " i i -1 v... .H ! - - , The Adveataree of a D11 Char eaton News and Courier. The latest authentic story concerning the famous OrloS diamond, which forma the great ornament of the Rus sian crown and which has been more or less described of late by enthosiastio correspondents, is perhaps the best of all. According to this account, which is vouched for by a descendant of one of its . former owners, the diamond in Its rough state formed one of the eyes of an idol in a temple near TrichnipoLJ, in Madras, India. A French soldier stole it and, not succeeding; in getting beyond Persia with it. sold It to a Jew merchant for 2.000. The Shah of Persia discovered the loss and offer d a prize for the recovery of - the stone and the head of the thief. The Jew, not liktng the situation, then sold it to an Arme nian merchant, named Sh arras, " for 12,000. - The aim of the Armenian was to get to St. Petersburg with it. know ing that a fine price could be . obtained there for his prize. The great difficulty was to get out of Persia with the stone. To test the government officers he pass ed the frontier several times without the stone and each time he was search ed In the most thorough manner. As a last resort he cut an opening in the calf of his les and inserted the diamond and sewed np the wound with silver thread. When it had healed he made the jour ney. As usual he was stripped, bathed, examined from neaa to root,aosea witn emetics and allowed to go. In 8t Peters burg, he offered the jewel to Catherine the Great, who had not money enough to 'pay the sum demanded. 40,000. Thence he went to Amsterdam, where the stone was cut. Count OrloS con ceived the notion of presenting his sovereign with the jewel she had not oeen aoie to Duy, ana paia . 70.000 ror It. besides giving Sbafras an annuity of 2,000 a year and -a patent of nobility. OrlofC kept bis word, and Shafras died many years afterwards, an immensely rich man. The present value of the Orloff diamond is estimated at 300,008, or .31,500,000. Those who want to be lieve the detail concerning Mr Sbaf ras's surgical operation may do so if .they see fit. , - . : S Tbonaaada of women over the land teahV to the wonderful effect of UiU great rem y; it will not only ahortea labor aad leases tha Intensity of pain aad aaHertng beyond ex i lesion, bat better than all. it thereby greatly dlminiehee the danger to life of both mother and child. Thi great boon toaof faring weman .la faawar' Xiafcwant, or MoOm'w Friend. Prepared and aoldlrya'. , fiaaAwrsut, AUaata, Oa. Sold by all Prnggau. Price SlJnbotOa. Beat . .oyJKxpfaas on receipt of price. V His Soul and. His Silver.- "Tour asking me how I earn to ase t, re ml ads me or tne story of the Scotchman who, on hla death bead, after a Ufa of in nana naa. wanted to make things all right with the Lord by leaving some money to tne airk." M 'Will the almighty paas me into Heaven If I give 10,000 pounds ta the kirk, d ye think 7 said 1 cant promise ye tbot mon,' answered the minuter, bot I ad viae ye to try tne expert meat.' " iAoghing bearUly at tha story, bev. V. a. Os borne, of do. 27M Ogden avenoe, Jeraer City pea tor or the first Bapdat Church. West Boboken, continued: That 'a what I aid witn Pakxkb a Tomic; I tried tha experiment, it mora than me my expectations, and I am vary glad to testify to Us excellence. It goea at oooe to tha root of all aigeetive ana nervoue derangementa so common among men ot my proffeeaion. V or woman and chrouio Invalids the Tonle Is a perfect lnvigorant, and Is destined to sapplalnt all other remldl-a for this pnrpoaa. A slngto dose prodnees the gentle perspirauon ana aeoae 01 11 le wnien eranicat a rtleeasa. It aeems to rooae every organ Into activ ity. I admire It. too. for tta power it a ntaganlx the noVd of the ligoor habit over laebrlatee.'" Thi preraratlon, which has been known aa F-Jtiaa'a Guana Tojtio, will hereafter bo celled simply Pabxxbs Tomio. As unprincipled dealers are eonatantiy deceiving their customer with Infe rior article undea tha name ot ginger; aad aa gin gr la really an nnlmportant flavoring Ingredient, wa drop the misleading word. - There will be no change, however, la the prep aration Itself, and all bottles In the bands of deal ers, wrapped under the name of Pikur! Oniexx Tojoo. contain the genuine medldne If the fac simile signature of Hjboox k Co. Is at tha bottom 01 tne outside wrapper. . -a. 111 a s vAA ".TInrplea. blotehee. or sores disappear coder the tniliienoa of Glenn's Solphnr Boap. . y . rrasw IIwpawBi, iiavai wit aa as nenapblaa Teaau 1 hare made use of Colden' UaaM Beef Toolo hi several eaaea of consumption and general de billtyrand have found it admirable aa a nutritive food, tonle and stimulant." (Take no other J Of druggists. -. - . - - - - . . -. ,' . . - ' - - v A CARD. '" ',;vi v ' To an who are anOermg from the errors and In 'tfiaoretlona of youth, nervoue weekneee, early de eay, lose of manhood, I will send a reelpa thai wlU cure you. PiiaJep CliABGK. Thi rreat remedy was dlseovered by a missionary in booth America. 6eod a aelf-addreesed envelops to tha Rav. JoszFH T. laifAa, iaOoa D, Kaw ;Votk City. - , - . - - . - Edward PaHalotcad, rKTEninjjaa' iTjnucojr, . ; T an or HTTrrrBD. xqlaitd, he- t tn- torm te t'o:--that fcaaepened a 1TI INAHT INtii.rfAiir ta CnarkXt, for tha tr merit cf laroe a i t ofsea, mules, Aa. Horse exa-" -"isst ut.- : s AUi t Mtjir,""l ra,r5, Ct i:.u, 1 -a t -' . . J. i r tea., wit .'tit. J . .... , . i X - After aa RsUsir Side m Caaatrr a?lipal. ' clam Talla What He- ThUaibia afl . Saa Vewple ! "I wish to sraclons some people would leam when they need a doctor and when they don't," exclaimed Doctor X . as he entered hla house In a eoayttttte Tillage tn the lcterlor of the State .of Hew York, after a tedious night ride of many miles, "shave been down among tha mmtata to tee a man. who, tha messenger said, was very sick and not likely ta live tU morning, unless he had immediate help; and found htm suSering from a rather sharp attack of colic, which his fam ily might hare relieved in ten minntea, it they had a grain of aeoae an two or three simple remedies In the house. But no; they must remain ignorant as pica, and when the least ache or pain take them, send for a doctor, whether they ever pay him or not" - - ,Why. Doctor, what kind of aim pie remedies, a yod can them, do you expect people to keep in the' Itouser aaked the wile, as she poured him a cup of hot tea. ' ; 'In this caaa," answered the Doctor, "If they had only "put a BXN8OW8 CaPCIKX POHOUS PLA3TXB on tha man's atomach, ha would have 'been an right tnaa hour, . and saved ms a drearj inda." - ! la aJiordUiary eomplalnhitt enres at ooee. . I An dlaeasei are eliminated from the system by what may he roughly ealled expulsion oreztrae- Hon, or by a union of the two processes. "Benson's 'Plaster promotes both. It Incites the torpid or gans to. act, and sends tta -soothing Influence throotf the myriad pores of the skin. All other 1. plasters e&lle the paUent to wait. They give him hope for to-morrow. ; Benson's plaster grvea him :be?'rW-.- w-fcvi la betfer, do yon thlrfcT Bry tbs cAru. iu.4 tfcp It in the hoosa. Piioe, 1.5 r. . . - t;i,-. 4 , nATiiTiinri 1 ' "p. ,-- r. uuiiiiiaa;, J. C. Vf3akrer Maniager. TnranPHinT;E7iinYi7nGnEi . , - - : . -i - . - "r r S -.-It . : THE FAMOUS BDTTERWORTH Our Spring season is now half orer and there is no time for trifling: in clear lug oat onr Spring Stock. 81ow sellers mast be converted into quick tellers, and we shall expect our REDUCED prices to accomplish this result TO-DAY We Set Apart lor Ladies. PATENT -!-.- Zi-. : i - Aim -.l-r 1 w I Speeial Sale oi Dojs9 Cheap Clolbes : . - - ' . - - j 1 1 ? - By cheap we do not mean common goods, bat something of unusual advantage t 1 i to the purchaser, something worth your while looking at, and if you bare boys to clothe you cannot well afford not to attend this sale of "Juvenile attire.' . - This Celebrated Thresher stands far apart from and ahead of all others. It has more good points, less complication of parts, is more durable, and does more and better work than any other Thresher now in use. - - -V DOUBLE PlHIOir STEEL H0S8E XrVY LOITS ENGINES " Onwheela, How to the time to make your arrangemsnts for -Thrashlns entflts. Xxamlne our llaehlnes belare buying. ADJU S T A B L E "CUT OFF ST ATCO'IIARY EHGIIIES BetnrnTabriiara&dlenniotto " "MOOMWOMGIlIFCOMinLlS, ; ' TBABX k GOV WOX0-WOSKZIfa KaXEUrXBT. COTTOlf GENS, TXXDXB3 AKS C0XD2LKS223. Cotton Presses, Hot-Polished Shafting, Hancock Inspirators, Smntters. Belting. Saws, and General Machinery. , Perfect Satisfaction Guaranteed. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. One lot of Cassimere KUt Suits to bo sold at do do do - -do do do A large lot of Knee Pants Spits, ) . . .a A lot of splendid Linen Coats, ages 10 to 16, 00 ao ! ao Jngi'anta. 8L0O 160 1.50 2JO0 ... 75 60 A large assortment of Boys' Suits, ages 10 to 18 will be sold at t$6. I f -.? , ..- -.1. . We invite prompt attention to this special bargain offering, beginning this day, tor as there is a considerable advantage in securing the "choice" in these lots, we would like our friends to be benefitted in getting just what they prefer, j The half of a dollar still buys the WHOLE dollar Straw Hat and $7.50, Successor to Ettenger & Edmond, RICHMOND, VA. WOBKS EtTABLUHED OCTOBEB. ISM. . :j BTJlU)XBOT STATIONARY AND PORTABLE ENGINES, AW Bflf.JJa OaiST JgIIJL, MILL CEABIJIB, ScCm Bii& SMaSaff"U' CAIa DOT WITH HYDRAULIC PRESSES, SOlKlmale ( Braurautlie Pwaapa fer rOohv aitenuon eaDed to ear SSrtXX ElSKAtUO TVUt for setUng lXwhsiec myS-ly Will bay an all wool Cassimere Suit, that imitators of prices cannot imitate in ! ' value. j . IE. 33. Latta fe Broi Extra Announcement Ail Who . ( . . - - Save Money & KB St M BUT MH 00 V MM If M O O V KB M MM MOO V V I A r. V AA A Im M M MOO W -' AAA T. m au aa am aa uu v 'A A XXLL S O?-00 middle of June we ahafl remove from onr present store mto the one adjoining tt: tt ta vary ttooble aaaa to laovaaocla aad mmwnntt mr ildiifu nn m mim. JiZZTtS.- LZ rai. s aooetapHan tAla wa save MAR KID WA1 LOWH the raleeaeTI all our Ldics' Siott, Misses' Stc eiC BpjV Sloov Wi Hices, aid (MJitifs Stcej (SvoCQVits, aVc J.aSP&KCSB. 3. C SMITH. J.S. SPENCER 6 1 CO., Wbolesalc; Grocers -AMD Commission Merchants, OOLr.QX8TRKXT. - - t CHaBXOTTS. X. C UEtDQVtRTEBI FOR Beavyerooeiies. lnetnalac XKtT. La&D. ICO- LAsaxa. salt. nouB. suoab, ooix, also the Ugat sraeartea oaoally carried to a Wholesale Grocery New Spring I we offer them at figures they cannot be bought at In any other store In this city, in fast AT LEES TRAS WHOLESALE PEI0ES. - TberdcI refer to oM goods box trjemdes onr latest Invoices of Gents' Hand ahd ataebine eewrd Prinea aloena ana Low Batten t-ooes. ZetelfVs Ladles Bd BoOoa aad Onera Pnpers. of watch wa have inJ nnea. THI SI OCX HUT SMRKhUCEDT euippam, ox U07EE.& nmsnniGim, msyl8, ' ! SIGN OP THE BIG BOOT. iBUR&ESSiNIGHOL S . ALL riBDs or Our Usual Large and AttractiYe Stock S SrlatlTe P&tapsco Patent flour, TBKIUISTaUOa LeTering,i Reliable Boasted Coffee. ' - ! atelUng agents for tha Boeangham 4-4 A Xxtra SsMting and Pm Dee rialda. j 8pedal attention glfwa to banaTtng eotten eantlgneiant. - ' apctr xasnoicxBaco. T. IX. BIAGIsUaU WHOLESALE GROCER - ' ' 1 AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, - : -' -;-:J '''; . CwllesreSt CAaartottav1 . . ....' t . : t - Orders solicited and promptly filled. klulbMN UfiiK'JI. bedding, &c. , CHEAP BEDSTEADS, rXJTJNGES, -TOR Spring an Summer Trade. -:oc :o:- PABLOB and CHAKBKB SUITS. nwj or au Kinds on hand. Mo. Trade street. Charlotte. North win.. .Weat T 1 - TTAT8. BO? JJ- KEd. PSATl tl BAY STATE -"-ENGINES. -1 - . . - -..... 2 .. ... . . 1 Portable and Stationary. - - ' r f B . , W -1 lYora 0 to tOO Dorse Power.." Out Tarfable CBtoft Xnglae took Gold Medal at AT. Twrla. Ka. la 1R7R. OOXX and BXXIT. The ONIIDA atOCMTXO SMOLNX on Of UM Mty aw;iit wmgtij sa the mark one ot the best. - nzitCH BTJHB OOBH MILLO The eheanest and beet on the market filse, tmea Id to 80 tneheawfH grind from 6 to 1 0 bnahels food meal perhomv Xveiyonegoaianteed.' '' PXXBXKSS THBXSHZBS and SXPABATOBS have been tried and proved good vanaot and osaleririot 80 tneh cylinders. - 'r ' CAB LOAD Daniel Pratt BerOMng Head 61ns. Xvery Olnner who has Mad one say the are the CAB LOAD Perry Bores Beepers -The simplest ssad easiest draft Beeper la- the World; - Two oog wheels sad two pinions eomprlsr all the gearing. BIS 8IAHT Corn and Cob hUlla Xwry farmer should have one -will grind from 4 to 5 bushels am m ear per boor with one man. J UOBX'S SUXXT : PLOWS The best sulky made and the one which, tarns saaare eornee, A bey eaa manage 1W . : U -r:f-;- BOSd PBXS3, watm. hafUng, PnlUaa, Jet Pomps, Baneoeklnapbators, Piping. Pips Tongs. nclne Pltanga, e, e. .Xveryarttele warranted. P ABXXBa, ooma and see these Goods and get TJttosa. Parttes who wish to porehaae Xnslnes for leotton mlllj or lux machine shops are reanested ' ta ean and examine my sample Variable Cut-off ooglne, or write for circulars and prloee. . .f ;.t . :. '- -; !Eerpeetfier,. - V: -4- i - - J.-JC3KSTCr,i; ' inar29, " - -; Co'Jsrs Ctrsct, Ci&riotte, XL CI: t"L::::ECE:;inG!iir! r 4 4 A J i i-, f :" t its;;ne BIB BOWS, L4CKS.TLOW- is. ornaMkntr. Bixjra. SATINS, cBXPSa. al. la ail the newstykas, eotors ana QaaiKiee ana wui eonatantiy and to ear stock all toe Novelttee la the lute during the season as aoonaathey apoearlasiawTork. , .... . We eerrytbe larreat and moat eompleta stock ot MILLINXBT eoODS tn the State. - Alao the moot eomptete aaaortment of Hoalery. Otovaa. Laeee, Xaaoroklertea. Trimmings, Coraeta If OTIOIf S SHSal F AHCT DBT 3O0DS , to be found tn tha etty. Oar new Parasols, )oat reeelved tha flneet stock In the etty atthtoweat CHARLOTTE, N. O. 5 f. I Prtees. anr4 We sen Goods for sash have bo credit 1IR.P.QDM. V HEW SDPPLYs GOODS. 1 j: 3- td JUST RECEIVED. ! CROCKERY, j : glassre;!; TINWARE, ' - . . . t - AIU NOTIONS erKZ3ALLT..: : An Inspection is IoTited. C. II.' Ethercdge, kwwUsisr PsibUe Will Flsial Haavt taw CKltnt AI. HOTEL kwM as wftfe svll I mtwrarrvwaarsi ta 1st Cwawfwrs eusal ITstvey avaid la Www. ave for xsn Pava. th AfALMWwleaal llewt Hotel Samthiwf WavalOarteMa Carriages ' and . Porters ! Uest all the Trains. H;. C EGCJLES, Proprietor. Frmt Jars, TUMBLERS, Tarlaty Bhwe, - maris the Traders' National Bank Hndnnt's Grits, CLEiVELLND - IflSERiL . SPRINGS wm open May IRth. These "tprmgs are two miles frera bielbv. aad ana mile froaa uaroltna Omtral B R HaekawUl be at Springs Station on arrival or evsry inuaw . Cold and warm bath. 'White and Bed Sulphar and ChAlTbaam walara. . .. -L- . . - A good btnog sand seented. for the season lesrfteemm, Water Coolers, ".- . - . ''".-. .. BeXflgerators, w . . ' -v ';;f Ply Pans, - ? Boaling Alley In rood order bates of board I s V '-y ' -. . . . I -, aanjianwses, Stnala week.Siatki four weeks. S3h.no. Chfl- I v - . . .. .. dreSBBderteavaara of ara. and noiovi t. I ann ww acaaonaow gooos, jus recaiven at tne naiipnea. bpeciai arraoementa with Iamuies for the season. For farther lnlormaaoa address. 1 '-. . ..r.. a XlcB. P03T03, Proprietor. mejidiL TTftfX Vm TwH L,",H c.-J L ui Jw.iif L i uJ 1 1 it . fTwcs tt., crroette 1st Frestjtarlaa CiinreaJ . Ati l " ft TTf a. CloeS". Jewel t rep-r-if ' t "4 v-aKaEtei1 tor one year. .. La- '. C. - a. .1 ! vr'rtcTZf tl3 e:-:u .-4 w 4-1 - T' ...ri..iii..a. GIIIIIA PilUCE r . - . -v LUDOLP at II ABTSTXTLO. ';? ' ; Successors to John BrookSeld ft Co. : -17 . " .- 150 BARRELS . . -. . : : s . - . - ; .:. : ? ARRI Vlip1 TO-DAY. BUYTSRS WILL : - -r - .- - . r- ' .. - :c- . " i'i - r . ' - - ---V- - . - - , , t . - , r-. . - ., - - SAVE .MONEY BY SENDI1JG US THE IE OHDEIID, Li i ,.a k a - J 'v. - a - - i m. '

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