1 1 - r J I - ! I ? II f - - - I I III f - ; i 1 i i 11 7 1 i 1 1 hit 1 1883. " - A", ., , - : ; " '- PBICE FTTB CENTS, l.f... ft. Juda Rleres, of Virginia, wants it distinctly understood tht be ha been dosed epoogb wlUMahon and want ibomoriiMjllln 7il i ; ttTi rr-i i ! Atlanta, Oi, clai ns to be the grand tnt-lon centre of the Smth. This be ing so Alxnta's fntare as the great ob jdctlve point of colored excursions is assart d. - ; " , ? t : ! : o'r j -1 r .. Srrt NcM.hn StkUs aeld eleetioas ia the fall: Massacbasetta, New York, New Jfoy.nnaylvania, To wa Min nesota and Otiio. -The erection in Ohio comes off in October, in November In the others. . ; l m -i t 1 v' Mr Tilden has loaned the Louisville exposition a portrait of himself, to be placed in the art gwllrry. A portrait of himself going up the stairs atOreystooe two steps at a jump, with II Watter eon, toddling along exhaased in the 4ack ground, would be interesting as rkofart j, X)- r' , 'Secretary Chandler went to NewHamp shire "to see-his mother" and arrived just in the nick of time to enter the race for the senatorshlp. The old lady is doubtless fully impressed with this nark of filial regard,, while: Hollins " wishes - that' Chandler never had a mother. . ' " ' - , :-Tbe . Anson Times .thus' puts on re cord its appreciation of Ibe balancing capacity of the lorning Star: "The SUte would have tilted downwards at the west'; when' so much of its brains was at .WaynesvUle, had: not the ' glori ous Morning Star remained. In the east. The "Waynes ville crowd were selidj but Ibea -they were . too ; ybdsg, ' you know, asd altogether weakly.- , ; r. .r j ; Lemuel II. Park writes an address to the Georgia Legislature, now in session, asking it to either make provision fir the removal of, or the raising of a mon r ument oyer the remains of the two hnddeS and orty-eix Georgia Confed erate soldiers who died in prison at Camp Douglas, on the suburbs of Chi cago, during the war, and lie buried in Gukwood cemetery, nine -miles from that city. It is a burning shame to any Southern State to thus let the remains of the gallant men who died in the de fense of the South.be thus neglected and forgotten. j One of our..cotemporarles intimates that in the . event.. Messrs Elam j and - Beirne be tried for dueling in Virginia, ' the judge who has the privilege of de livering the charge will perhaps follow ,..therecedent of one Johnson, an Irish ) jiidf ej who some forty years ago charg-'.-edO&jway j ory follows: "It Is my ! Ida ty to; tell you,l gentlemen, that the i law-otths; land makes fighting in si duel .' a crime. At the same time it is equally toy duty to state, and I feel sure In stat ing, that from the interesting account glven bj. the witnesses, I never beard of a fairer duel in the manyJ. have been a party to or witnessed in my life." TEXAS CX1X)KD SIEJ1. rhtw Jleetia CaaveaUoa aad Jc aa I t I IC? Address -. iV. I'lz Galveston, J uly 13. A - N e ws A us tin special says: The Colored Men's State Convention before final adjourn ment adopted an address to the people. It congratulates the State upon tae friendly relations of the races in Texas, assumes that the : few cases of : wrong and oppression npon eolored people are exceptional and that the great body of whites are friendly; condemns lynch, law ; asserts that as railway passengers negroes are badly treated; says they do not want in this matter to ask for so cial - equality. - but will- freely .accept social separation with equal accommo dations on trains tor the same pay; advises their people to discharge ignor ant and immoral teachers and preachers whose teaching-and example keeps superstition and- vice : alive; discour ages immigration from the State and even from county to county unless for " the best of. reasons; recommends the purchase of lands and homes and the production of home comforts and the -necessaries, of.. life befere-prodncing . 'articles fofsale and toatyoaag men should be encouraged to learn trades; ' a 'counsels' local organizations to encour age all these alms, advises against petty litigation and recommends ; teachers , .and leaders to encourage friendly rela r r Uons with the - whites. ; The closing pATT? lets the Itepublican party know that Ihe "colored " people remain solid in; that organization. ? - - - i - - ? . A FceisstA gainst Xyaek win Texas, GAiys)TV7, July 13,-i-A. special from Austin toj the News says that- Gover ' nor Ireland has received ar letter from five colored persons of Marion county complaining of the recent lynching of L&w segrdes alleged to have been 'guilty. t of raping a' white woman in. that conn ty. The letter says that several young men have been likewise lynched and that the county judge and county offi cers would not protect them from lynch , law. .They appeal .to the- Governor or J frotecuon ana inreaten to uie me aw in their own bands if the demand is not complied with. The Governor's reply regrets that the law is not allowed to have its full sway and points out that no specific appeal . has been made for redress. He promises that if an ap peal be made the executive will en deavor to see that the law is not im peded. The Governor's reply concludes as follows: "I have to say that the threat to redress supposed wrongs through methods of your own is not calculated to do you any good." ; , . Steamer Barae at Sea. ' Havana, July 13 An English steamer has just arrived outside this harbor with intelligence that the steam ship Niagara, of the New York end Cuba Mail Steamship Company; which left New York ontho 7tb instant tor this port has been burned oft the coast of Florida. - Her, passengers were all saved and-broaght hereTby the above xnentioped English steamer. Theconr - elgnors here of the Niagara have sent a tt-ww. w u' steamer w uu on vuo rescued passengers and brinff them to - Strack by Ughtaiag While Beadlag the ' -. . V , ' t 9 . r Blhle.; t f :'"'r' Ar-fiAST, i July. IS. Michael Peets, " r a scred seventeen years, whils reading the '- Bible in his boms near this city yester day afternoon, was struck by lightning : and killed. His clothiny was striDted iffom. tia bick and his flesh lacerated. Tke Dally XXeeordlca4eras Vcttm- Alkx atobia, Joly lSv The number :'of deatts from Cholera at Ile-nzalah Jlonday and TuesJay amoonted to 43. Forty deaths from cbolera occurred at tTtrr.ieti. je;tprtsy,. 73 rt II?nourah, 11 at t Ai-oaccJ, 3 .t tiiixtia. ; COIiOBED EDITORS. They Meetta Convention and Teati late Their views. St LotJia, July 18. During yesterday .afternoon at the session of the colored press convention the committee on res olutions submitted a series of resolves declaring in favor or co-education of races and of mixed schools aDd teach ers, urging the pursuit of industrial arts by negroes, pledging every means id their power to open up machine shops, factories and industrial schools to the negro . youth as apprentices and students, advtslngf negroes to pre-empt ox purchase public lands," favoring the improvement of navigation on the 'Mississippi river and protection of its banks from overflow, declaring it detri mental to the best . interests of the negro race and repugnant to the ideal -political manhood to be made the tool of any existing political party or to be tiea to any political Kite ana pledging the colored press association to hence-. forward influence under all- circ in stances the colored voters of thecomw try to exercise their right of suffrage untrammelled by party claims to sop port measures and principles as they conceive them to be for the best interest cf their country and race, to demand recognition commensurate . with : the .strength cf ; the colored voteis of j that party to which they may see fit to be come allies and henceforth to occupy the same independent position as is occupied by the Swedes, Germans and other citizens. . i Resolutions were also adopted stating that the convention was in sympathy with the Republican party on the tariff question, and urging that ' the word "negro" be wiltten and printed with a capital TN.'. ' ' A i i - During the debate on the resolutions Miss Annie C Sneed, daughter of Rev. 8am uel K sneed of Kentucky, who, she said, freed his slaves and made himself poor because he thought it was right, was introduced and made a speech to the convention,- as did also Mrs Alice Peterson. Both of these ladies spoke on the subject of temperance, especially urging that the children be instructed regarding the evils of alco hol. : . A full list of officers were elected for the ensuing year, headed by N A Pledger, of Georgia, as president. : Tellow Fever at Shis Islaaa Qaarma tine Station. Washington, July l3th. The light house board has instructed the employ ees of Ship Island not to leave the sta tion nor do anything calculated to in troduce contagion on the mainland. The quarantine officer at Ship Island reports that four cases of yellow fever have been removed from the Norwe gian' bark Vega to the hospital, and that one of . the crew had previously died from fever. Assistant surgeon Arm strong of the Marine hospital service, stationed at Memphis, has been directed to loan certain hospital appliances, in cluding aJboat and steam launch, to the authorities of Memphis, who propose to maintain at their own expense an in spection station at President's Island below Memphis. Tragedy ia a atoae Q marry. : LkitohtivIix, July IS The Eureka stone quarry situated four miles south of this city, was the scene of another tragedy yesterday afternoon, caused by the falling of a heavy derrick. While raising a block of stone weighing three tons one of the wire guy ropes snapped, causing the derrick to fall among the crowd of .fifty workmen, four of whom were caught directly under the heavy timbers and instantly killed. This is the second occurrence of the same char acter within a week. The If ew MasBpsktre Racket. - Concord, July 13 The joint ballot for United States Senator to day. result ed as follows: Whole number of votes Six, necessary to choice 157. William 8 Ladd l,Jobn D Lyman 1, Charles H Burns 1. Chester B Jordan 1. Samuel C Eastman 2. Ben j F Prescott X, Dave Barnard 4, Walter Harrlman 4. Jacob U Gallinear 4. Orren C Moore 13, Jere miah Smith 13, Aaron F 8tevens 16, Gil mar Marston 23, Mason Tappan SO, James F Brlggs 84, Wm E Chandler 62. and Harry Bingham 113. . Salt Against the Kansas Pacific R. R. , Topkka, July IS. Attorney General Johnson yesterday commenced two quo warranto suits against the Kansas Pacific and Union Pacific Railroad Companies, which were directed to be brought by a concurrent resolution passed by the last Legislature. The ault is to forfeit the franchise of the Kansas Road because of its failure to perform certain duties, and because of its con solidation with the Union Pacific. The petition aska to have the State take charge of the property. i A Big Fare FTesa a flash of Ugatalag. .;: BiookmoTON; Ind, July 18. Last night the new department of the Indi ana University was discovered to be on fire.- The labratory was soon in flames and shortly afterwards the library and museum. The latter contained the fa mous ore collection and Dr Jordan's collection of i fishes. The library had 10,000 volumes in it. The new build ing j was entirely destroyed. The . fire was caused by lighting striking a tele phone wire. The loss is : $200,000; in surance S30.000. " - , 4. Big Powder Bxaleeion-'' :-' 1 WrjcMiiiaTON, " Dki.., - J uly IS. 2.500 pounds of powder exploded In the press room in the upper yard of Dupont's powHer works this morning. Thomas Pearl, foreman of . the press room, and Patrick Haley, laborer, were killed and Alexander Billlngsly. another laborer, was slightly injured. Pearl had been employed at the works . for twenty years. . The building - was damaged Woo..:w,;'-?-rcT -,. i . Railread Collision. T Albany, July 13 A special mall and express train, on the Central railroad collided with a derailed car at Schenec tady, at 1:50 o'clock this morning. The engine was wrecked and Edward Wem- Ele, engineer, had his head crushed. It i thought that be will die. .Wemple is one of the oldest engineers on the road. ' ; Failare eif fralt Dealers. ' ' ?( 2? New Oblkans. July 13. TTie failoie of J. P. Mackera & Co fruit dealers, is announced. It is attributed to inability to collect the outstanding indebtedness. Their liabilities are estimated at 8100, 000; the assets are not stated. The firm owns several schooners, and have interests in steamers ' engagsd in the fruit trad. : 'y-,; f -The Qaeea's CoMtUoa Jf et Alarmiag. London, July 13. Thefi Lancet, a medical journal, says there is nothing in the Queen's condition to excite the slightest anxiety. Princess, Beatrice, on next Wednesday, will go to Alx Les Balnea, in Savoj.wbere she will remain three weeksv: A-'il-f:'s : v:,: c x QUICKC i.i i T bar been k wxA BUrmtT o lor; and bl eul f"f bu nl r"- i In"' i rn, o t;;9 triwi (okaew Kul a. -.4 it., tumt I r ciiUIt4ci iAbeattne4 idi x -4. 1 1 Itii fnm f b11 I rt-o i vtr.t- nd (uxmI tbm tiiKBoa t i r I r- . I t i ba t itrj-w ail r - l ti tbt try biiBtnl an4 lsm!'y trt. a i eno r - natursi. but ttn I toti uim ul be. 1 n, uf nid, -i utJj for bop t .l bB?t.f tar proer. '' roada tuQUtt we4 a4 li 'X' H TTi OITTST. i-V BICHXOSDAKSDAHTIIXZ. ' . Lsve air Una Depot g.80 a, to. awtA-SO p. m. ; intrt 2.00 a m and 10 Bwov ... . .. , , - : ' . ? -'I AIBLIirg. h ' ' ' Leavs X20 a. at. and 2 10 p. bL ' , Arms 8 23 a, m, ana 4.10 . as. CHABXOTTX. COX.DM3U AMD AUOOSTA.' Lasts X 10 p. bl, and anirs 4.80 p. ax. : "? V p C. C Jk Av-A. T. a DIVI3I0X j Xsv 4.60 p. sod urtr at laOO v m.' : ' . - ' - - ' ' -V mwM,; j i Jt.-,,'. ' CABOLTHA CMTSit,' Lmt fMS p. and 7.10 a as.' ! I Arrtrs 7.00 a. ra. aad 8-25 p,n. ,. v C CL 8HKLBT DIVISIOK. ; K Leavs s80 p. sx. aad arrive 1O80 a. as. 1 Tl Index ta new Advertiaeaaenta , V- Its B Joors Wanted 1 C T HantaoA For mIs at saatloo. C M lilt a bargain- 1 ; . -7-ladicauona. - : w . ; . . South Atlantie and Gulf States, light local rains and partly cloudy .weather; wlnda generally from south to west, slight changes in temperature and. ba rometer. ' 5. $ H 4 1AJCAX, Rinfua. Pastors who desire to have the services for their churches announced, will please hand in the notices to-day. t J The amount realized by the two nights entertainment at the mint yard, by the ladles of the Lutheran church, was tiS.1 ?f. jp 'jfV ;.; f - A party of ' our young men went down to Fort Mill yesterdsy to attend a big picnic given In Capt Weather's yard at that place last night. I R M Raymond, of the Halle Mine, S C, and Wm Treioar of the Gold Hill Mine, were among the arrivals at the Buford House yesterday, j ef i . . Thepspers are denying the rumor lbat Col A M Waddell has been enlist ed in the service of the Richmond A Danville Railroad Company. :- Dr Paul Barringer yesterday re ceived a fine Jersey cow by express from Raleigh. She is a full blooded ani mal and came C O. D, 8125. . The commencement, exercises of the Hunters ville High School w ill come off on the 26 h of this month, and a large number of visitors are expected. Dr Young, of Nashville, Tennes see, will preach at Tryon Street church to-morrow. Bev J T Bagwell, the pas tor, is at Plneville, attending confer ference. The Gate City Guards, of Atlanta, will pass through the city in the morn ing en route to Morehead City.. They go in a special car and run through from ; Atlanta to Morehead without change.; 'J L 't -. Jim Crow Alexander, the sanitary policeman, is getting in some good work. Every clt'zer. should give himn all the aid possible in putting the back lots and premises in good order. Let's have no cholera breeding lots about town. ; i An excursion train is to be run from Charlotte to Atlanta on the 18th inst, by Mr I Y Sage,- superintendent. The train will leaye the Air Line depot, at 8 o'clock, on the morning of the 18th. Fare for the round trip, $4. Returning the train will leave Atlanta on the evening of the SOth. : Mr B F Stokes, a well known and popular, aaleaman . for, Wittkowaky A Barucb. has joined the army of com merctal tourists and Is now oat on the road for that firm. . Several handsomer men are still left ia the store, but none more accommodating or more popular than was Mr Stokes.. The ladles miss him and the children cry f of him. Asheville Rotes ... , : 1 The Asheville Light Infantry are to give a promenade concert and ball, at the Swannanoa Hotel, on Thursday night, 19lh inst. Mr ' Ed Bailey; of Charlotte, Is ball room manager. v The floor managers are Got. Z B Vance, J Aston, Dr W H Howerton, BiPear on. H Redwood, V S Luak, H H ityons, T B Lyman and B M Fnrman. : Z There are now about 000 visitors In and about Asheville, and- the ' rush has just about fairly commenced. The hotel accommodations an excellent this year. Oat of Tsva't Mrs Dr L Steere Is spending the summer at Saratoga and other summer resorts. .;-hr. , Mr Dave Jenkins has moved to Yad kin. He is in much better health since he took up his residence In that county. Mr John Oates and family are at the All Healing Springs. , Mrs Jas H Carson and family' left yesterday to take up their residence in their cottage at the All Healing. . Mrs Col Jno L Morehead is summer ing at the Rockbridge Alum Springs In Virginia. , r- ,-x .. , ; KBevT 8 Brown, pastor of St Mark's Lutheran Church, will be absent sever al weeks; having gone to Wytheville, Va, to visit friends at his old home. v :i '.- v .5T" . . - " , . f i ' . ,-. Proposed Tower Over the City Hall for fitheTowa dock.;;. r.vt-v;;;, . Now that the old town clock' has been knocked out of its roosting place in the tower, of the . Methodist church, the question 'as. to what to do with it has been raised. An examination : reveals the fact that the clock; though old, is still in good condition - and good for many more years of active service. It is suggested that the plan drawn by Mr Asbqry for tower on the city hall be carried : out y and - the clock placed therein. ' This : was suggested , at the time the improvements to the city hall were being made, bat the matter w&s forgotten and was never brought to the attention of the board of aldermen. The Idea seems to - meet ' with general favor, and . will ba pressed before the board at the next neetin j. A tower on top of the hall would set gS the Duilding finely and would be crnamen- taJ, In md Jitlon to being caefai as tLe holier cf tie city doc ZZ -the bosrd '(isciies upon U4s lc:r2T:ieiit, they should-1. once adr-rt: 3 f.rfclis and ,iva cut wi iz-isz.: 1. toira clock is c-3 cf th3 ceeis cf CL;:I- .'.j azd the city tall la thaflaca for It. I - - OUIt HTKEO.AX AT D ETI TEH. A Chance to Show the Tfealth of Worth - Carolina Side by Bide with the Great - Wealth of tie rasaed WestAn Offer . That tkonld Mot go y CJaheeded. . The great exposition of minerals at Denver, Colorado,, Is to take place on August 1st, and, through the enterprise of the Richmond,. & Danville Railroad Company. If orth Carolina will have an opportunity of showing: her superior minerals side by side with the minerals of the famed West and If the owners of mineral properties and mining in terests will obiyjake the trouble to get the- necessary specimens, . a gigantic; mining boom In the Old -North State will be tha natural result of the exhibit tlons A proper exhibit of oar North Carolina .ore at Denver, will not only be the sore, means of an early and general development of the mines of the State, bat ; will bring thocsands of dollars Into our midst; In the interests of those i who own land are operating mineral properties, the Richmond and Danville Railroad Company has deter mined to make an exhibit of the min erals of the region of country traversed by Its lines of railroads at the Denver exposition. '.. ..I While the carrying oat of this project will be attended with much expense, the company, In vie w of the practical benefits which will result from such a display and, adrerUssneat Is willing to Incur iL ' It wishes to show to the capi talists and practical operators who will congregate at Denver in great'numbers, from the Eastern States and dtles. and from foreign lands, the great attrac tions which are to be found in our rich and Yaried mineral fields; the unusual Inducements which are presented; in the mildness and healthfolness of oar climate the fortuity and adaptation of the soil to all products;' the abundance and purity of water the cheapness and ease of living; the wealth of virgin for ests and coal fields ; ; the facilities ' of transportation and proximity to the great cities and seaports: the settled rand well ordered condition of society. The question to be determlnednd that quickly, is how far the class to be most benefitted will give its aid and show. its appreciation by furnishing the material for such an exhibit as will do credit to the mineral resources of the country to be illustrated, and produce the Impres sion which can and ought to be made. Well selected specimens of the copper, gold, silver, lead and sine ores are par ticularly wanted, and, in addition, rich specimens of "free" gold ores, nuggets, placer washings, native silver. carbon ates, chlorides to embellish the display and show that all the richness of precious metal Is not confined alone to Western fields. Will our miners aid the company by a contribution of their ores, and add their finest and most valuable specimens 7 Of course, as has been the case heretofore, all such valu able specimens will be carefully pre served and returned. All specimens will be labelled with the name and ad dress of the owner. Specimens of ores should weigh as much as fifty pounds, singly or In pieces; should be carefully wrapped, boxed and shipped by express. The finer and more valuable specimens should be put in separate packages. List of contents, description of property aad name of owner should be pat in each box. An analysis, if any made. ahonld accompany the specimen. : In every ease be sure to write letter of ad vice by mail. Mark all packages with the name and address of C C McPhaiL chief of the bureau, at Richmond. ' The mm afore Cotaaojiy to Take 'the Boad. - - The Charlotte Pinafore Company, under the management -of Dr Bklez, have arranged to invade South Caro lina territory and will play in Union next Thursday night. On the follow ing night they will play in Spartanburg, and will then return - borne, aad go in practice on, Patience, which they will give to our people in rtbe coarse "Of a faw weeks.. We commend the Pina fores to our South Carolina friends and trust that they will be greeted by large houses. . . ,.. ., , - . ,; .. ... A He w Effect in Bangs. ; : The latest thing out for the ladies is crystallized bangs, and the style has just been introduced in Charlotte, al beit by accident. A young lady on west Tryon street, wishing to make her bangs stay bang, washed them in what she supposed to be a solution of soda, but immediately after the washing pro cess, she was surprised at the odd effect. Her bangs, instead of appearing fluffy. gradually stood straight out from the forehead in such a state of crystalliza tion and rigidity as to make the feat of impaling ait apple upon them an easy one; She had used pulverized alum. In stead of soda. -The effect Is unique, bat whether or not this new style ef bangs become popular with the fair sex re in aina to be seen. , "V.."- Z-'i:,)- y -..Vi-' . - i I, . ; - Arranging for the Unveiling Celea-ra- I A joint meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and the committee from the fire companies, r, was held Thursday night for the purpose of inaugurating a movement for a proper celebration on the occasion ot the unveiling of the firemen's monument in this city, next October- The .Chamber of Commerce unhesitatingly expressed its willing ness to aid In getting up the celebra tion, and to that end appointed a com mittee consisting of Messrs W. C. Mor gan, R N Tiddy, U Baruch, J II Wed- din g ton and 8 A Cohen, to confer with and assist the firemen in - forwarding the movement Mr Morgan is chair man of the committee, ; Xhe mercb&aU and busine: men of the city have ex pressed a desire to see the occasion made es t!j a thing as possible, and. It is going to be a great day.- The firemen are enersstically at work and are de termined to have besides the various fire compaales of the State, abost fif teen thousand people pre-snt to wit cess' the "unveiling. The sculptured ttatae whfch is to eurcc -nt tho ccna ment will fcs shipped f rca lU!y this t -iiaadl!r-a. Exeltias Tuae with : a Desperate Pris ' oster. - : : , ' . . . - A considerable of a rumpus was rais ed at the ofiloe of Judge Hilton, near the city, last Thursday . evening; by a negro man named George Mobley; who bad bsen arrested by the colored con stable Caldwell, on a number of charg es, one of which was for wife beating.: Mobley was convicted of the first charge and when the officer went to handcuff him, he dashed through the crowd and escaped A party of dozen or more were ; standing around and Mobley .knocked four men down as he broke through the crowd. 'The officer follow-; ed in hot chase of the fleeing negro and ran him for two miles, and. daring the' chase he fired seven shots at him. but uobiey finally escaped. Mt is thought that the last shot fired by the constable too effect, as Mobley. fell with the re port of the pistol, but quickly regained his feet and continued to ran.! The other charges preferred against Mobley were for resisting officers and retailing whiskey. He is considered a very de perate character. -'i i f - A Bridso taat Caaaea TiWeV r f A 'good deal of complaint is being made about the 1 bridge over Irwin's creek at the western end of Trade street. Notwithstanding - the fact i that this bridge is one of the most Important of any near the city, and that travel over it ia heavy and steady all day long, It Is so narrow that vehicles cannot pass each other on it, and in consequence there is a continual blockade of travel at that point, wagons and buggies having to stop some distance off in '.the road waiting their turn, or chance to cross the bridge. Tlie western approach to the bridge by a long, high, narrow em bankment, over which only one vehicle can pass at a time, and - the proximity of the burning brick kilns to this em bankments, adds danger to Inconven ience. Furthermore the bridge is said to be in a bad condition. ' The com plaint is not only general, bat it is just, and the authorities should at once look into the matter. A wider and safer bridge Is needed and should be built. - The Water Works Isaproveaaent. ; - Mr. Jas. Gamble, president of the Charlotte water works company, arriv ed in the city . yesterday from - New York; and Monday morning a meeting of the directors of the company is to be held, when the matter of the water works improvement will be discussed. Mr. Gamble says that the order for the iron necessary for the heightening of the standpipe has been placed witb the rolling mills and the work will com mence as soon as the iron is shipped. On account of the great consumption of water daily in the city, and the impossi bility of keeping a uniform height; all the water in the standpipe will have to be' drawn and that receptacle cat off from the mains daring the progress of the work. The Richmond & Danville locomotives alone draw 30,000 feet of water - per day from ' the standpipe. While the work, is going on, the city will dra v its supply of water from the mains, which will be kept full under a heavy pressure by the engine at all times. a;v . :. -j v -' '. The Crowd at the Ssoxkliag Catawaow There is quite a crowd at Dr Elliott's Sparkling Catawba Springs, and the following is the roll of guests: W H Howze and wife, Charlotte; L Meyer; wife and six children, Charlotte ; Isaac Satton, Klnston ; Dr Thos E Anderson. W E Anderson. M A Mott, Miss Louise Drake, W L Hill, Mrs W J Coite, Miss Pinck Coite, Yt W Molt, wife and ser vant, D W Miller and wife. P A Evanr, StatesviUe; Col W iV Welch. Mrs J Kaufman, Prof BP Pell, New York; Mrs Kemp Blssell and five , children, Miss Mamie Sanchez, J O Mathewson, wife, seven children and two servants, Angusta,Ga ; Prof A Banman and wife. Miss Y Penick. Raleigh; C W Boshamer, L T Pnryear, Richmond,Va ; M Holt; wife and servant; Dr J WU- ItomoAnl " ATamanAA iwni-ifw m - ifo 1sT'T aiooiiisvaaa m spaiusssjyqa wuuirj p AXaAoy ftMX. a Finellyi Miss Carrie Finally, Wilkes- boro ; Miss Jessie O'Neill. Chester, S C ; W J Miller. Miss Lola Miller. Birming ham, Ala; Sol Woolard, Tajrboro; Geo MeCorkle, Thos Worlick, Dr :jas B Camble, Neyton; Wm T Reeves and wue. Aiatnsws, q u; airs ueuncK ana daughter, Salisbury ; Miss Annie Kerr, Hickory. ,-i t .-.i-.-i -"i A Cinevoasly Wroaged Dog. S One of our good citizens, with the view to raising poultry, some weeks since stocked his poultry , yard with a number of fine fowls, and his idea of a successful poultry business was to find the nests fall of eggs every day, but in this he was daily disappointed. It was evident that the nests were robbed of their eggs, and to find oat who the rob ber was, the citizen in question set to woxk. He owned a Newfoundland pup and had a hired man on the premises who had fits. . At the suggestion of this hired man, poor Tray was singled out as the thief, and as the nest robberies continued to occur, the dog continued to receive punishment as the guilty party. Hot ezzs Were thrown into his mouth and bis Jaws pressed together on them, and m addition to this punish ment, : he '.was flogged: ontil his bones ached. ;'- Things continued in this way until ' yesterday, when pie truth, that had been crushed to earth, rose up, to gether vith the fclfed; man, who had fallen down in theC garden in a fit and wallowed around in a peek of egs that had been concealed on his person; ;This circumstance cleared up the, mystary of t!;3 c.-jperrasca ci th9 csss, and was Iilli?;7evbt ia theliXelof tha muchly wrossed coj, who had been made to suCerfor'.the sins of another, and far meaner 03. clTUlanocenti; dog xio doubt fsl3! that a. brighter day has 1 ' 0"i '1 iin.' ' . .",TM x?v treasnr ef lf?!waoks,WU., ?:!rV al k.Miii, i oq , kut tTmM- et;ocrtiljr t. J -eobsOJt - I used tatliiT"o:re' rlor tiitun t 5 . ao4 faa mr J j wat uuir (j'Ji la ua La,- la mj epuuwd tx Jeot C4 U jrsai,--.-. , . .. . . v . .. . .. tr-TsfarCo Ac! I 't',r7-,te farTTsr I 'f Pi C'1 TTorts, FroTUsnos, Notes from Keishoors. The Concord Heaister sav'athatEG Errin, Esq, of township No's, Cabarrus county. ' sowed two ounces or Dearded : wheat last year and reaped SO pounds off clean eraia. That the DrosDects for a successful exhibition at the Poplar Tent Fair were never so flattering as this year. -That Capt W H Orchard has a prayer book, printed by John Basket, printer to the King's Msiesty, in 1725. : rl:-yr.: , -. . " The Enquirer says that several bold roDoertea were committed in Union countv last week. That Tav yi l Harreil resigned the pastorate of lion- roe .Bapusc cnurcn last Sunday. The third quarterly conference of tbe Mon roe Station M E Church, South, was held - on the 9th inst. Tbe Monroe Light Infantry has been reorganized by eiocwDK x ausuq (japiaui ana N Cly burn First Lieutenant. - 1 ksA Wicked Soa-U-LAW. , . Jacksoktixij Fiji, July 13. The assassin of the Withlacoochee Ferry woman has been discovered to be her son-in-law - named Morrison, who is suffering- from a cancer in the mouth and can live bat a few - months longer. His motive waa to get possession of her small stock of cattle. He was closely pursued bat escaped; by taking refuge in a iwaoipv',';. ,t - - aU4 1 r.; Bealoess Fail ares. . . ... . New Tork, July IX The business failures throughout the: United States and Canada reported during the week to R G Dan & Co, number 159 against 188 the previous week. The distribu tion was as follows: New Enclmnd States 15, Western 42, Middle 17. South ern 28. faciac states and Territories 17, New York City 7 and Canada S3. .... - I v4 salaslo JSill Blown Ua .: ' LTOmaTOir. Mich," July 13. Hoag stroab & Cousin's: shingle - mill, near Coster, was blown ' to pieces yesterdsy by explosion of the boiler. - John Mack intosh was killed and several other per sons severeiv lniurea. 1 0 jjk -i ' - WiHBOMHOJOV010aBBBflgeSlBSSSBWoVoWBBBMMMHHMiiO O .Looking After the Cholera in Iadia. Lostdon; July IS. In the House of Commons last evening Gladstone an nounced that the Government bad de termined to send to Egypt a British Surgeon General who has had much experience in the treatment of cholera in India. : - - - - - - 1 :-.:A Fatal lMzznes. .- Mohmox, OsTABio, July 12th. Two ladies, while crossing Mori a fever yes terday on a narrow foot bridge, used temporarily daring high water, became dizzy, fell into . the stream and were drowned.' ' . ... ; aypts Seomrge. LoiroOK, July: IS. During the 24 boors ending at 8 this morning there were 25 deaths from cholera at Damiet- ta, 61 at Mansonah, 27 at Samanoud and 4 at snirmnv xnere were also s aesxns in Malta. - . . Death of aa Aged Ilea Skua. J TBOT, N Y, July 13. Louis Walso. and Indian chief, died at Lake George this morninsr in his 109th ear. Tie waa in receipt of a pension from the Do minion government. 4l 3-.eiaen He WiU Sail.: . - ; - L03a03r July 13. The Marquis of Lansdowa - will - sail '-on the steamer Circassian, on October 11, for Canada, to assume the duties of the office of Governor General of the Dominion, r , ' - TheTMo of "xouaisrajita. v . , Loktx)S. July 13. The stezmer Gre cian, which sailed from Glasgow yes- teraay, wiu use on Doara ax jroynes land 175 emigrants from the Ensis union. They are destined for Boston. v Hot a Death lor Fifty Years.; ! -. HatATino Sstorlesa. - . - - . i ; An incident of the celebration of the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cornelias, which took place yesterday at their country place, "Lawndale near Frankfort. Pa waa . tha nreaenca of all the children, and grandchildren numbering S3, wno nave been born with in fifty years. They met, a . family in wmcn, starting rxom uooers corneiina and wife, there has not been a sin trie death. All are living and . prosperous ana an were present, mere nas Deen no death within the fifty years among those who married their children or grandchildren. t - - . Vi da mat ti1ltn ta iHOutfbwmMMMit aao sotd mh ot 8wlft' Specie a & aTuiaa mu uMr mom wumi wommo. ana wsut nniMililna r mm. On gonttoim ao net tinrtlna mmtu tli.t it ha Kin AAoUier vbo basoaed a for s Tnrfnlmii sffsnrton reports a permanent trom as m. - ; ? ' -"Anroarowofaatt ' iV: If roa tOBMOB sick wna ra esa ' " M hop btoera that iMmr-ML - - T MkMt WMatO. HMUMt flblld. tavaUdosBOMi nop UUen wua Mi etr great Oid bmq toCerina aiosnd boa tldaer troobio or aar wsekBess will So new oyasmc nop utun. afrwttesAd dsocater wars sBsdo healthy by tae dm of boo bitter and I recommend taaa. to so? people, KeUMdiatClecyToa. . ; ask any rood doetoe If bop ' . BUtsn are not Um beet tamUr aaodlelao On oartli. - i ICaJartal fwrer, Xgvm and TOiwmess. wiaisave netyhborhood as soon as hop bitters arrtfo. "My mcir dpo-v tbe panlrsts and norsJ1a n.P,Act bef system waa. hop tdtters.I--A4Uor Kee tte kMnre heeJUij w&h fcos bitters and yo iteed net teer stckneea. Zee water to rendered harauess and saom re feehtns aad Rimm with hop MOersla oseh draoKht. - . , 1 . -, - Tnovlsor or yooth tor the seed aad faSrsiln hop Utters. . - The fisreaes ngattsgaie ef the VaTsery. ' The foItowlM ta aa extraet from a letter witttoa p tbe6ermaaBetoraed Messenahr. at Chaiaben baza. Fonn.1 . . t Jost open the door for her," and Mrs. Wnulow will prore the Amerlean riorenee KigbOngaie of tbe nursery. Ol this we ore so owe UMt we will tesh onr Sosr to say, -a Blesstns on sin. Wlns lowtorheiplnc her to tnrvtTO andeseapotho griping. eolicldBf end teetaing stere. -Mrs. Wins loWi geoUUnc fcrop mUeveelbeoattd from pein. and eorea dysentery end diarrhoea. It softens tbe some, rednees lnflanunaOon, eorea wind coite, and carries the Infant Uuoagh tbe teething period. It performs precisely what K professes to perform, erery part of 1 nothing lees. We hare Beyer seen Hrs. winslow know her only tbroorh the prepa raiion of her "SootMng Syrup for Chiidren Teeth ing." If we had tue power we weaid make her, a heia, m physical vnrutar to tbe Infant race, bold by efl drugsUU. 25 eents a bottle. -. 'J3eichw-palbBy . , OnWk.-aiwnnliifji mrvm ail ,Tmnri. ruu. - der and Urinary Diseases. - SL. xugglu. WANTED?1 KZ'- Aa exprieaeed elisslosl teacher to be principal of I'rarxaia. Academy, at Iaseeir, 8. c. Add rot Ira & Jones, coamaan, or H D, Xwltty, secretary of Board ot Traeteee, by the l&th of August neii. at Lane-'-T, B. C, gir.ns reler-aoes. . . . : jUijl4t ...... , . r ) For Sals at icfe V, . I wUl ser. st fatl9 snroa, at Ih eut hoae todpw, n Ho t r. f ob i amber fct, I,dsijJMi, o t l. u.e, C-i-xs, and soiss ouje hoartJ Tujurtie, . ; ... . r , laiylcilt .'. . ..... .- - - Amxdoneer. i A "BARGAIN.:, Onerw.r-rV T- r i Cc-rf. Mf-i, casv,. t! rw lari w,s-l fcan' "-' i. jou f , i, j i . t v'i ta4 X r- ror, WiU te toil exieap lr e&i. a r . JjUilw SG U Mil U LmLAU U FLUID. 1ZovsoI t ArfleTe for TJnlvenal ) Tor Scarlet aad TioU Vovors, Ciilit2terl, Eali mlioa, CleenUed SoreThmsit, CmsTl ror, tleasles, amd ail C'c: : - si. ...., rme waldngom taa . a it fee:-r. hcaitet Fevar liae aewwt fc i kaown t. spnaj vHcr th fluid esed. c-rw f ever t bees cured with it ftT liffc omit liMtl taken ploee. Tbe wont i c fipotoena yieia to it. .. STererfrdaod riciPer- exixx-ros ; rA : MM refreshed aad Bed Eorea pre Tent--; t hr ttiwg ka laaporo Air made Aaraieas aad uriaed.; For bore Xhroat it fa a Jtor tre.ted aet. ehCleAoe, Ptlea, iMseaeauii . ud m ochera : KiietPwiSft iss cured. ' .Soa.rhUeCtrpleX- hd it. J. V. Pabj tMSOat, Pkuadelua. ensjWM piwan i. XopeBrtfy tb bi-Min, CTeeeia IheXert it eaa't be nrpasaed. CaUrra nfiemt tej ISif aie1as J . Seswo vcweetad. U j aemtery ran Weaedt healed t Tbe pbysicue heso aa Dotrbrs Fluid wery snoeescmi ! y tbe treat aaemof Ifcpbtheria. . rapfaSy. A.bTousanr oreTjba. er Vegetable P -Crecaaboro. ? saan. cac -' Iaaed taerioM eerpimm a&ttctioi wiu Scariet Fever with de. cided adTaatare. - It is tTleers prified aad Xa eases ofDoaiSt h . , fWpftf ie need aboae . ta corpaa it wul htdispeBsabie to theaica4 room. wic. r. ma. Eyrie, Ala. The exoineBl Fli aw ieiaa, J. MAMIOM flMS, XL TA, Nov 'Eerie, says: I earn rmrriarrd rmt T1.il... fieyliylactic Timid ia a vaiaaUediaini tkarbrt nopbyiactie Fluid. Atc&snl M is beta thanil lii Hy aad practically iwtaebi ass ac- . Uurxom, ProC jReOtAS. F. rnaa, SJSwtcfa it (be RI Geo. rTiBil'X' ppispgjrs A TtTiTc xo Kfjatr bok& - 1 afcctiy hirailiai. Used iaternaSy er Tie FVadbaa beea tboroesUy tested, sad we haaa tiiaaiiael i ilib m. u that kldaaecvcrytaiaa aF&aiCTnferaMt get of yo5 T. H. neTTJW CO, PHILADELPHIA. TRUNK, VALISE, SATCHEL, Trai Strap orSkwlStrap, -CF- AN Y KIND OR PRICE Can Find them AT For Casli ! 1 Pair Ho we'a Platform Scales, 1 . . Counter Scales, , 1 Iarge Safe (Hall's make), 2 Office Desks. - Be We BARNETT. - NOTICE. Oa or before the 18th lnst.1 win proeeed to ad Tonise for sale the property of all peraoss whoso taxes are doe and napaJd. I hare wtted tons oa some of my friends, baying paid tae if taxes to toe State end eoonty o t of my em fw?s. Kow I sjoat eol.ee wbt is eae bm, id n ehe obieet to h&ytog tBeir r -et la rJlat wa taa icaee and act rrornpf.y. If I to ! rwny tj re&sca cf say kind lawsi. I eit 1 1? kcw It. . Mr&telth . eHonte and Democrat eopy 2 wee&af D'"e - r-f"-ip-. L-tMr m mm . , mi m mm S V. W J . : Tna itoci s1TS H fnr. E!"t prices paid for tar) oo&l.cs cf V, ae&t aoa UhhA, - JulyWU ; i, .,., LAYr SCHO OJL :t -CF , ' ,' eaa w.c t.rs.rtgi::..-t, I-E"rc' a ty Te-rt-tocis sjlr." ' 41?cti, mlj. t'K''! t la a en i-' j, ry t. t-rtju . Il uii 11 ti jr i i i t- - u. tix lc-r &tfcg?9 1 . -f f 1 s luU A. C.At.i, l rv .. cf ha.w. Ia!7i::s- a . Le r.'.an. Va. I.. y a. r 1 ! i t" I hi s r t f tCX iMtM. f l i t i 1 t f i . . t ' (i t a k Fox aS2SVX3TKO Aaaeatber T mfttim Vy wm take vka S nfcl-po. 1 seed tbe kod tbe patient waa ane n liri.ni, waa aoc pitted, aad was aboa tb house aeaia. ia. three j 0rti - Persons VisMng 1 ..-iC--' ... .-.-.-r i .