DAILY J OURJN AIOB8ERVEli. SUNDAY, JULY 15, 1803. . 6 :: fbno?T 9 1 . i If .. HA .1 J .... i. "r-? T" . : ,f .. in ' - i. v rt tirf u.i: f"t4n r.irf I icatt tJ t ,.fc.lM.A2.iJU ' JUlleres fcedcore-1 " " I eufalifla, 1 Sciatica, Lumbago, EUDIGIZJOOTSICSI, SORE THROAT, QTJXNST, BWKULXNOS, " " " "" i: 1 lS) rBAXjrs, BVBM, SCAUW, And all other bodOyachw nm cam n bottle. ftold bran Prontoa and a and la U Dealers. laofUMea. Tha Charlaa A. Vaaalar Ca. oa.) ma. Lit. potteries 1 Tbe nabllc Is requested eurefully to nKle the new sad enlarged dehedate to be dnm Monthly. tOAPITAL PEIZE, S75.00U.a5J Tickets Louisiana State Lottery Co W do lands; -rtV at a aaaii-aw Ma c na9erai br a -ta MomtKtu nft Sani-A"-' Vrmxmng tf U Lomtitm StaU Lottery Pompa mutt peraom mrnnmgm and eemtroi Urn IMwmimm (Knrim.il that jka aau ra aoadtteiad tm0 tenafy.otriMaa. and te good faith tovxxrU Qpa - Incorporated to 1808 for 25 y aari br tta LatJa latura for KduoaUooal and Cbarttabaa porpoaaa wuiaeaDitaiotaiXX).OO0-r-whlan. a lumn run dot ARO.onn ttmrn mlatm bean added. Bf an ovarwbeUnlnc popular vota ita traneblaa waa made a part ox wo preaent State, OnatttaiiQO . LlX1877T f i if r voted on and endotaed of adopted Deeember Sd. The onlv Lottert vnx tia riMnU nf inl Rf ftt lueiuKO blnolk NCltBXa SrawlBca Or lake piaee aaomtblj. I w Lt aOAT.M on A flPT.KTInin nPHilHTDNlTT TO WlN A roarux. , sxYaNra eamo psawino. ),aaa!H.t as)!! ( i A Iw Orleauaa. TaMaafi Aaar. 14,1S83 . . ... ; t 169 Mataiy.4rawloav . , i3 . 19- CAPITAL PBIZE, $75,000. -ff 100,000 Tiacet at tire Pollar lack. Fraotwoa, in auun, in pivimruvo. - - - 1 CAPrTaX. PHIT.K.i 1.... ,.'.J.7Bi0O0 1 PK1ZB 20.000 . if . 1 PU1ZK....... - y psmaof tn.ooo..'.. 12.000 .. sfBiZKSoir.. a.ooo 10.OO0 io pbizks or....M -1 .ooo 10.000 20 - 1 6QO 10.O0O i in -r? t 4nn.::njo.ooo "loo 8 -I lrtO... SOjOOO 4 IKK... Z5.UUO. btyuo i f I APPBQXiatATioii FBtzxa.. ill i hi Approxuaauaa Prtssa at 7.w...itehsi vi approxlmaUon Prtxea at KOO. 4.AOO - V apfwoximaooa tnxas aa 250.... 1,967 Prtsaa. anocatanc ko..: J.. I tsa&fioo appileauoa for ratea to etube abeold only be made to tbe offlee of tbe eompaoy In Mew Orteana. For fanbartaformauoa wrlta oieartr, ctrtncfvll raddreaa. Send order br Bsorcas. aearad; M. A. DAUPHCf, Mew OrUnna La. W07iwtlJatieJalSjarton4lc.' $30,000 FQR $2 ?OPULAB MOXTKLT PBAWWO Of TH- In t&e CllTof LoolTma,on TwaaTayJajy;Xa A8SS. . Tbeae Prawtrs oeonr en tbe last day of month (Sondaya axaeptedV svepeatod adliidkoa- Uon by Federal and State coons nave piaeea uus rTTiranT r-T""H "1JJf of tbe law. Ta tale oatnpany baioncs tna sole honor of barlna toaaenrated ths snJy piss by which their draartnes are proven booeet and fair beyond question. . N. B Tna eosapany has now on band a large rapftal and reeerre fund. Bead earefoiiy the list J; t lftaWwy waee,eva. fa f eW sed : 1 Plastaaa wet eerr- 1 Prbnv. 10. 10 Prises, SI ,000 each..... 10.000 . 30 PrUea, - ooo - 100 Prlsee, 100 SO aeao.. 10.0UO aO eairh.... ........ 12.0OO lOOO rnsee. lOeaen. 10.000. I y aj. auaxoa la Prportioai L- . " Caaaiialalaicsa 9 HlsM,uUwBlLpgraTiniinwnrrgij,iw ' 14OPrtxaa......-'Ii 1 1X400 ' WlMlaTIofeeto.S3; Half Tldketa.ait 37Tlekata A50w 6 Tldceta, tioa v Bentt Honey or Bank Draft tn Letter , or aend ''. by Kxpreaa. DON'T SEND BT EXGIBTXHXD " LXTTSaoa FOSTOmCI OBPZB. Orders of - 5 and apward. by Kxpreea, can be eent at ewrez , . pense. Addreae an orders to ' i- r B. K. BOARDMAlt. CourVstvJoarnal JLoahwUls. Xy.- . ... .- anrl " Has been more destraetlre to hnaaaa health and Ufa than war. pestilence and famine eoea blned." bo said a dJattncalsbed writer many . yean ago, and tt la aa troa to-day as then. The . poor victim of alood disease Is dirgad with . Af ercory to enre the malady, and thea dosed . with Iodides to core - bim of tbe aferoarUU ? . Potsoninc; but instead af any relief, the first breaks down his ceneral health and makes ,- bim a erlppl. and the other rolna bis dfrasttra -; orgaoa. - To thoee aCSIoted la tbts way ewtfi's . 8psdne Is tbe greaieat. boon oa earth, and U -- worth mora than tta weiibt In cold. It anti dotes UiU Mercurial Potsoo, tones up tna sya-; trm. and brines tbe snBerer baek to naalUi ". and happiness. Xvery person who haa ever . been aaitrated aboold by ail means toks a ' Uioroaah eoozaa of thla lemedy. , ; , " . .. ' "- ? ... JrfXESOHTnxa.TwlxaCa,6a. irva years ago I found on my plantation iel- red manwao waa oe-aiy uuumiu. that fire reerti before he bad contracted a rio- . lent ease of Blood Poiaon.a'td had been treat- A ad by many aayetclans. all Camaa; taonra htm. li x . 1 1 Meatae wwaimiiw LflTC. JT? .fhH nettuna hswsmuu mot mu,uuiMifAs a symptom 01 tne disease since. - - "S: I f . v imw was 114 wWw uivivl i , f" rr " r T.V T i. . i . One rentlrmsn who had been oonnnea to ntiedto rttn Mereorw tue t, bftns praise of & m .. i y i r r t a. mmi m IM ' ' Chatianooga, Tenn. tUUUUd " C'1 f AAA BiwiBb wfll belaid .to Aril Cbernj - wlUUUlstwho wlU tlnd.oa ahalyslJaigq bottles 8. & B . one particle tmercqry, Wxhda peti ' Sftl-im. T m"T T' "vatwna. S i 1 V i,i .i 1 c-Jtsm swift sPKcnTC oa. - Drawer B, Atlaita, Oa. sdrwrfw ioi uii) jito book, wnielt wOl be - mailed free. - J "- j r r r sioa n aits, . $lJ0O pet lo; lanja . . jj .1 slas(aoU5indya&i qoanUty), $l.7parhot-l ( Tie. AildJutitUta aeiltt. i . - ' ' - .M.Si V, IT WANTED. ; : . , An expaeedclsasleal teacher to be pr3 pal , j . I IT q rranaua Aeademy, at Lanoastsf , B. C Addreae Ira B. Jonea, chairman, or H D. Twttty, eeeretary f . ,.,r of Board ot Trn.'tees, by the I5tk of August next, af rllAli .at La & C, t-Tinf rtteaoaa. , "1,Ui alyl4U -a i T T r rrVTL.1 MrTHArTIJAt, AND MntTNO kNGT- .lli! v Kl - mik.t at tae Benseelater Polyteehnle In- - f; ataaia, Troy, f. T. r Tbe oldest emrineerins; ehool ' r in America. Next term begins faeptemoer 18th. '. Tns B-sterfor 13 eontalns a Ut of he rra-ir i;!.lwu.'iM raateafort2iettd years, wtlh tielr posUloc; ' . . slso eniirae of stti-It reqaremerrs expeosee, eta. Address. PATlLt At. UiLLXax, Plreetor. ' j . jaijiadAw - - ' - il J n:PKK3 DSIVEHSIT,U i 7 ' v'- t' JA!etaf0Tlr3:tiS. an junaitOAWttt I J- -Tr:-Bw, Carson ftppeal. - , j! t " - rv .Nothing aoAoja a rtotaan more than to bare hertrtjsbaiid bring people hocae l3 dinner Mitttout, aftv previous notiii- iftjobl.' lUsvoilS thf raeal all around. for tbe wiIt,CUPSDanu ueau ok iub urn ily. Tbe guest feels uncomf ortable,and nrfttfSUer bow sclllfully tbe wife tries to conceal ber annoyance) of having a poor dinner, tbe person jrtao bad tbe misfortune to receive an iraDrijinuiu. invitation, wishes he was well oat of tH rROCTBim Thome to dinner without giving his wife I any previous warning, riaiurany nis ar . A & itAt.. tia lt J better ball ror we noia vae nan anuu' devise some plaMto teacbj bim better.' I KJia hrnirtht M vnnrilT man OD tO dinner." i "Oh. you bavei down town and iret tbe provisions.' Of course when wejiav-ecempany we want I something extra.- - ' j ..' .'"- t .She sat in tbauparloT io hours and I entertained lbeaiest. while Th mlsera- onM au vaaaaaa v Die nnBDana rn&nea a do en. in ids noisun an A trnt tti ArfcrSi nroTifiiotlsl -A trrent ctan(?e bas comejover tbeiplrit of that man's conductaliice tbejjccAaion. e The Uoraaoait la Clevelaad. auTt Inmn. . '.Two Mormon, elders passed through Shelby and tried to preach near Ca&ar to' No. 11 township. Twenty-five per sons assembled at he school house and sevej&Lt nersobaj protested pe&cably against their preacning .neTrpoivga)- mous aoctnnes in uieveiana county. A citizen publicly asked them if they wexe Mormans. This they denied, and aid thev were "Latter iDav Hainta." . ..' . k . . . flip; .uluimtaa wucu icawuij vww m puuiic. losiieTDiT uau uauancuii vui aa muij wives as uo wauicu urwmu marry.' and saidi Tals was the law of 1 L . . 1 J Cim and had not been rsvnkftd." Y They alio wad; the audlnce to decide II they shouia preacn. t mere were tmly three, Wm Parker and-his two soos. who yotea ror meoa to. preacn. So-theYdld not think it prudent to preach In Cleveland. No threats were v act t cuimuiiK uucuiuc luuniuTO u& aw and morality are allowed) to preach in North Carolina. They are a vile crew teaching hellish doctrine. - Cleveland Is not the place for Mortnanajtnd we compliment No. 11 township for not hearing these polygamous emissaries. . i a " CAArlAtrn- A North Carolina girl thad-be)r hand camBletly severed from Lheraf. by an axe. The physician, not being in v con dition to amputate the Atm above tbe. wrist, replaced the ban I secured ft wltb - silver sUches and adhdssive piasternai .hiving bound both arm and hand to a broad splint, oraerea tnem to be kept warm wlth,bofcflannelelotb. The third -day pulsation could be plainly-felt in the band, which had. also' changed its color: ' Says the physician in cnarare: "I removed the sutures en the fonr- teentdayt and afterward she carried U habd ik a llXng, and ta now three I 'nlcmths af teTstlia accident able to ex- LtiodUe fiag4ra and grasp with nearly tne asuai strengtn. -r- . The Ohio Way. r Detroit Free Press. f An Ohio man just dead made a cast Irora will giving hi ?idow 2O)OO,20O and S500 each to all tbe a omen now maids or widows whom be courted In hta pin married days. This required 05.000. Notes outstanding be destroyed to the amount of So .000. The hired girl and all his wife's relatives were remem bered in small sums. Before his dath he paid $40 to two ministers to officiate at-Jais funeral. Immediately after be I 'fhartered a train of three cars to take bis remains and no of nls friends to his funeral at West Sonora, O. and also aont. oAah" v tfiA Kor - hAtal in tVaat Sonora fordioner for the party. Not a MVWW.. WW W W W- .A V UW M tribute. When his body was-laldtn the gound no one in the world had a claim of a cent against his estste, and no one owed it a cent. 7. u j . v- . Aa Eye la Bsiwsa. A S t WaahlnaTonCilJe. ! 1 ' ! ! An Irishman entered the business office of the Critic yesterday morning with the eopy for : a small advertise ment in his hand and blandly inquir ed: ...-. ., . , ' ' -: v That will corst ter put this in ther Critic three times?" i "Fifty centy for the first time and twentyflve for each snbsequent time." politelyl answered the but in ess mana ger; ? -, ,: ; ' ' ; f - "Well," returned the son of the Green Isle with remarkable inoocense. "jest I put 'erln two, sub-si-quint times, and P here are vez two anarters? I ' " Vfcw BamaiUrail Grawm nalwaw , -A beeuUfal thtcx 'tt waa. aad raxnt yeans Xr. tjreen. who went dewn to the ee liar aboot midnight and ate about half of K, Tbe next day younc Mr Green said be didn't want any breakfast, ana ha tnoocht bo would not gt to the store. Bo wished be badnt seen that watermelon. By the prompt adaUnistrano pf Parry Dar'a's Patn Filler rouna Mr. Green's toteraal reeeomy W"" ' ! II waa feuuosa wihu ot peace apt eoaaxsss. -' XrBda,atlclL.rPt.2S.1875. film I have boon taxinc Bop tmera for lnflun maUow ot kidneys and bladder It baa done for me what four doctors failed to do. The etteet of mob suuera seemed nae to me W. L. CABTXB. I Pbaplea, blotenea, or sores disappear DndafjUia I inaiawcw ei aim a ouivuur WlVj -, . jo jj W I . - JQLX14.1883, r&..ri 1om M ATM. 8T01 Ca t KT.tfrTO ToriiTOUne ' grm. at 84a. Boatn trsJnedaadroatraliiedril3JCb , " amjrtaaTOS - BcMU of irperiilria ". irs a. 83V. Jiosin-eteaxjTt,tTTaned7fl.l7Vi: Xooddd. 81.25. Tar firm at 9TM). t waJuri pentina steady, hanlai.25; jeLow alp ana f lr ain.foa . . ' i j Baltoiobx Oate til fber : Boatbern A2AA7: Western white 44347; Imlxed 41044; Pennsyl-J Tvuirtivti. ivt istons - tower ana aau; mass pork 8170; Balk - meats shoulders and elsar, nb skies tteked.-rtfttaw. Bacon -seukJera7 8;sleajrlJ sides .10; hams i4aio. Lard e Cned, ; 11 Coffee-duU; B5o eenjoee, ordinary to- air, ' 8 8orar ateady : A soft 84. at ai.i&vsOwfLi'. mmtoM l ' uwrTlw,l' '.demand quiet, .aalea at I ii.00V4- Julj l. OCa 1.0C for1 Aasuat. I and daU,-but prioss i nnebanged; sales at 8o 84 for etaband Julr HHTtfliAii for AdctuU Vitrtr active and htcber, demand ehtoflr speenlatlre, the'f' market alostos; steady: sales at m 45&S1&ISO for easUand July, Sia 6219 al 55 for Aorast. LaraT AamanxV few eawa triea bi(bert decaand ehVtfy for;safeQ atkKi; sales ai SM.40aiMi.42w iorroaan ana MSiy. tas.iwtaa.ao xor srautv Bark meals la fairs demaadl sboul3ers Sri 25; anertrlbsldea,t7JM shoi t clea. S7.&d.. Wkl4ke7H- : . cottqcc j ; 3AZ.vavroa-8teady; mtddilnc wt; low mlddirr 94 r i aood ordinary 8c: net recetpia 9afacoe iuss; ex porta Iraat .Britain i t eonttnenx xranea t to enanne . ' r - NoxrcxjK Nom'l: middltna' net weetpta -t to ebannet . 22; AToaa 22; atock 20,16 exporm coast wise i aaiea ; exports te eraat r B4tala ' ; .. to Tontrwenr t f C J RtxiTMOAA-Quiet s ' middlfns 10e low dlina; bVx; aowd ordinary fcUes net reeetpta 80; cnaa80; aalea .i atoek 17.840: eoastwtaa ; aplnnera ; axpone to Ureat Britain t to eonanent to France ; BoBVOi-Saet; 'ml3S3n lCUt low middltna VM: yned orunary riV: aec reeetpta 125; froas g3l aalaa i soak 6,180: exomts to wrest Britain s to France ; aoastwlsa. mtui lntfW Pug v KWltne; I f Uewttti-'- fttixa.'v: ooo .etajnary io-iro net receipts 6; aroaa 16; sales' i"- 1.162; exports wise - to enat Britain, j to eon iwat 8 to ehannel . ' - PWTTTWT JWTA Dull t aUMII 10V&C? lOW" H44jU 10t aod ' erdlrary ga: a rewipe f-t - js E12; e:a : s 6415; ax- pona fA. Briu-la : to eon-aant . BavAFf ab PoTI ; - tald ""Its v tT evflew jr?! diip: fc ! rood oru(i&ry io; net r ee'rs t30: rTns2'3j sai-4 5j soca884t ' to -".. ia 5 lo'tareax Pniain ; Itiu' i toani.iatu ' ' .) Kxw CsiXAxa Quiet; mliJx Cei low Well,7 1 II go J" i.jime,.; : : -:7.'.....,....i.'--"xf '. c4 4 tut vaw yniiaina aroj mixw mmmm.. -ttoer S.0H8i expona-to -eraat Britain rraoee -i to to- oooatnent to 4- channel -. Urrprx 7e k; mlrviinB 6V j - k'w mddlrmi ,e; -oo4 erulrary e : e j oetpta It (iw ; -stock 7 ( io- lIWlM ; i" rranee ,;4-h ,wre v -I to KxMnoB 8tMK)fi -rtddlliu WVac; low twlddltac Pe; good ordinary Mai. DM rwowtpu. 19; arose 10; shipments 8WJ, sales 200. atona 16, 041; sptnnera -. ... irf'A Acaosra-ttill; mtddJtoa 8 We; w wtlddllna; 9iAe good ordinary o roeL to 18; eMp BDtS J BAleO 86 Hi.:; "V , -v f -calKT.pfiyg, Qfetf aoldjpiitar 10e: low ' " nin 94cr soon -rhaaj ( to -t te abannal tm Haw Toaa-O det- aalaa 1.728 balri nkKITta optandaiOI-ieo. aakldilnsoneaai teftlde.eoo aolldatad aat rem Iota i axporta t Great Orl- -a te rranosj ; to eonnnena . -l . , t . , -J 1 r'iJ aT7TCKs -! 'tt- ; f l5T?.r.VlKriiv -Ji 7 ootober ... . .i. . . t . 'November.. ...-.. uvAiiU-tii 5aBM1A:i.HtKiii.jt. oi eeptaaaber... 'Mairr...viA;;w.J.MiAtJu-. -laosa oi AprlLr.i . .1 4 u . w. .i i. ; 4 Q. V(a,U) t ! Ji iiia VlNAKCfiV Cxehancaw i, i i t t a.Riia ny baiaricr-aan. I t tllA.rUA aenta. t i 1.18 r eaota. t t i. t t USU :iari fry j 8 Wfj4i aaiu Money. t 8ub-traasary M 9 I Gowfffl New area. Fear and Four oar eanta. Three per eaota. t State Bonda-qaict. ' uoM awm Alabaasa Claaa A. small, t 1 t K2Vl a iiiamir- wtaae b, o a. I s I j i.ua Aiaftetta-tlaea C. Aa. i- -a. ,,,., 91 eeor a-TUre i - 1 - - - lUMVi -1 nwttisH . a l OeOrgla COld. l! '-! i - -. ( . i. - .J,-l4l-0. iaaiiuuu)QMMt, i I X 1 1 Bft Mvt. f'KH.llnA'. Morta Caroiloa'a. .' 1 't 1 f f .- 8f) NorOi Carollna'a. new. 1 1 -tj ! Noxtu Gaiotina'a. fundlns, . . . t . . x. . 10 v rtona caroiina'a. soeeiai caz. tit . . t , , a BoatliOaroHna Brawn OooaoH.' t't ft At tfa, r i - t 1 t- . 9-f new..J'.it n. if'i .t."..! Tvatnlae'a. t .. 1 . 1 . . t ,v.f41 Vtraiata. eoweol VUtefl. i ' t ' 1 87 Tbstnte. deferred. 1 '"! '' il A"-8 aaaana- ajprasa. . - - . i . - 4. . . t . . JTt Amertcan trproea. t;; i.,, a 1 ,. KM Cbeai prats and Ohio, i : ? . t.' v IB t i l l.XMa Cbteapo at North Wsstsm. twereiitaV- 1 40h a. , it m rt Cotiaoiirtated Coal; .-1 ;r - j- r -i i'-' a- Petaware and Laakawaaa. - n Ji lTMj nanvez ax wo uraaoav :-. : l I r - na Krie. - t i if t I'1 V- 9 -in araa. ; . t Hannibal and 8L Jaseak. . aiarleaa. t s -jir:. j Hooatnn and Texas. t fiilnaat Oeatral. : : : Lake Shore. t t t Louisville and NaahrfUe., i ' ' I Jis-t -t41 tit tit l t t3 a - t its ",.,- . ' i . . 65 lxue. o f 4 1 x t t 80 Attsataan Central. KVAa f waansOieaiKi rnetranonaa, teon ana udm. New ereey oentrai. . i ,t rew OrleaM Paetfla Mrst Inortcace bOtvaA, ' Maw Tor Central, t t : t New Tork Uerated. it t t t t Norfolk and W astern, preferred, i t Nartaara PaeiSe. eonaaon. , .r " t Northern Pactfia, preferred, ' 1 t Obto and MlaslaalppL t t t t Ohio and Mississippi, preferred. i i PaetSeMail. tit; Pltbbun. tr j i t jt ; a - tftt-t tSaaaUTaprafsrred.'' .' 'i " t tteadlnc. I t t t t t - BWrhnsood and APecheny, t t atrnaaond and DanvUta, t t t t Rich mood and Went Point Terminal, t Beek Island. t t t t If ec Loots and Ban FTaiyaeeo, f s t Bt. Louis, preferred. t t t t C Loola i San FrsnetMO, let preferred. 6C PanL t - t ,t t. .t .. t, 8t Paul, preferred. ' i t t t 1 ' Texas PeotOa. t t t :x . . r it rU l.V yr 8W 4xa 82 1.18 KM a SA &s Of 20 1.2I1S Mt bM LIN la4 Union reeUM. t t t t t t Patted States Ti press. t t t t Wabash Padfle. t : .i -. t. Wabash Padaa. preferred. I ' . ' Wells' Farco. t t I l I i t. S1A t'i4H union. : : t t t Mtnai BfcL , t iiOTd. IXx. Ptv. CITT OOTTOIf OAJtKET. Dmca or Tn JovnAL-Oasnvn. 1 - CeLkaxorra. H. C July 15. lnS. f -Tbe any eton Baarkee yesterday elostd meC ana siesny. m we iw mtwius quo auom. wytTi-f . M - T 10 O I sutaaand Lew HkKUtrtc. (.... Mkf r 7 O Ota - Total Beeefpts todste..... Keeelpta sasse dale. 18K2... Beealpta aaaaa data. 1881... i !C1 no tnttbo r-. 6AA14 C1TIC JPRODCCB MARKET, r&opoited by T. R. Masbx.1 JOL-Ti. 1883. Btrrtwa nucxa. m Oou.par staax, Wkbat. BBAita, white, per bushel J.' ,l rV5a70 .,..1X001.10 1.25alJiO 'eyiM,mw,..,.,..,..i., pna.w v&E&G1 :i::l:t::::- vtLl 5a70 Paurora, per bushel. .. i jt Family.. Extra.... 3.45a2.50 2 85a2.40 2.U5a2 80 I Oansbeded.' I Darax Fwrrr- ...x , aaasa I t ppiee. per Bx. .... ...... .. . . peaiea . . . .., Unpeeled. y..... 6a7 Savs Pjtatoi Iriah ..i.... ; 60a56 CABmaax. per poond. i 2a2a Oaroem. per bushel, 1 76a8 BxaawAX. S5a28 ttCaroUna....,l M,......k... totrurmn , t , . ... 7 laia cnickeoa ........iv;... znazn Bprtnc ISaiS Ducks '. ... 2A480 Torkem. bar Ib.:.....u lOall ewe.--.. .......................... bosst " PWf llV.jD6t.vce aaaasa. se,ea - 7bVS r ,aa OalO 85 25 :45AM 1 laV . m m' aFBI .Vc,,; gxxuyq.iiigteWHoi.BaiLB ; ciear no sides .;.;..:;'ti;.i...... vivtsai xju. per pouna, .. ..... lift VtsvwnrwSl VUi aT AmAB . ' t , Cuba ,. 8285 aTlac'ataf fVI'l.' e IP.1 tfCbokj0Nes ew -Orteana..1 -X 'Zttl.i C0a5 e. ee.a JjaMl Sid JZ Common ' , AOaA 8ALw 1.5 T" r tj f-j-f- 4 . Uverpool fine.... .:v....AA, 8PS ao4 ..t:::::j:::::: Tira, new. per bond to, 1.76 Tiaa. sblload. l l 1 Kfnl An Wkuaxt Com, par jallon .4.?... f 1S4 aye, - none osennc. v Apple,' per triHoat. ..v. ........ yI Peea- , ...." ' 13.00 Wxa Jjarxerrvori,per rallon......- SJ 00 Tr:-3A bit iii i : t- .iu- -Brt . Derrh.. ee ltiliw aaS :::-ib.ir -a a ea e aas a tallow, per .. ..1 N. C no round HAma,H.C. ......... IMIO Hivms. eariTaaeed.... - lftal7 Bio a.... . .. .,-t '',k - Cw.Bxoy EuraKuriasiianT; i ' ? " Wilmington, N. C June 14, 1883. J Otfwfbd ter3 June 10, 1888. the toUowlni 1 aehadolo wUl bo operated on ibis railroad: . !Pa9flaer, Kan andrTxpress Train: Dafly. i tea Wllmlx.ronat....i..::. 7 10 P.M.4 Arrive at Charlotte -t.....j..... 74)0 Avm. - W 1 1 LaaTa Charlotte a, .-i ,. aV45 R1L.- " f Atrlve at wnmlnctoTi at. 82S i. it. Train Boa. 1 and 2 stop at refrolar itattons only, and powuiaeeixaatea in the compaoy'f Time Tame. 1 i. . 1 - f Train No. I ata axoenx oinwajL A . Local Vralsbt with Fasaeai or Car aKacted. Leare Laarloban! at K.0O A.M. Arrtve atCharloiie .......,.i.-8 3 XeaTO Charlotta at...... 7.10 AM' Anlvo at ijaannours. Ul&r, AI. Shelby PhUlon. Passenger. Kali Express and - . rreixbt-PailyeaeeptSandaa. " XeareiJhsrtotta. j i . . J. . i. ; R o1 p.'Jt Arrirs at fcbelby 9.C ) Pr 1C Leare tsheiby.. ....... ..........i... 7.f A,itr ArrtTO at Charlotte .......10-SJ A. 1L. Trains ho. 1 aodjs make close connect km at Camlet wttH P. A. trains to - and rrom balel&-h, and stCl !tiH with fcbeiby It vision ttn. Itrotti a Bieepm tan betn uflilDffWn and CharioUe and ba'e rh an.l 1 , . Ttfce Trala 1 for fcmtMTl.a.-t m W.4J. B- lU-Av!::sr d tx-f u Vfett - i ' ens. At . Auto, for tiMtrtanu; LieeurM.e, Al Hmw sou au (iguiii com swi, , " L.O JO.ad,e--l!,rn:tit, 1". W. CLAXXOenejal.Paasensvr Agout, ,1 -. - ' J. -, . It Biar.4.....,.. ... ... ....... . . . . raiaea. BlpUfroaTBeptaaaber let to yeslafday. S8.08T BaceHAs yntatrttf., 3 at- esnawasaaaBaBB, Ban nrrruai, per nx, nee.... .,..1 , . i Pnsm. . t . ,,iA.ijA J wool; wsAaed,;,?. , .'maeabad1-.e.-.i-i..iv..-L TTBaHarhow, .. .. :ivf . . v. t .......... ..J r.wrtfcf-a ,rjf .aarT a Ham - ; Jl -rfiX vrii j. a en - ,i .:sv' trunk vaii d- - we w- w f a e ' r ww a ,t S i -;H !iiv . I . SATCHEL, i TriiIStrai)drS 1 J.ii'W J .. 7 i i 'iff -ti c ttt'?;! h Kit liiri I , - 'IWf.v.it - 1'JT 8 r !'- -t m:, -i j , v. , ( Can Find them AT oY bnfi F-v J- Pegran f a Co's; i-'- First rVatiwwnJ h Bailal.m. o .B.UIST'S .11-: ti-!:.t o TURNIP-SEED, r. iJ . Tresh SLtrk -i ; t! awiJjBfsff rasae; - sly Bdtf RICHHOnO?. DANVILLE R.R. A' t f.X DIVISION. Vf ' I j -..J lis . ; sjowtaaqaBsTP BOHaXPtn.w. TRAINS GOING NUstTH. 0 81. Pafly. "Ha. 63. Pally. 489 pm - lpm IMia 7 58 pm ...4.... . . . late 3uU B. 1883. Lrare Cbartotta. Leare Bailabury. . Leave HkkMM . .. .4. aasTttw 4aVS0S0toOCal f aaa Leave Green ssara.. i.a . Ardvo Bllabore.xI..,44. Anlso Parbam.;..l Arrive Balelch .... . . Leave Haietah Arrtve Gotoaboro 8 80am! 5X4 4? a m 7.25 a ml laoeam 12 I4m 12.84 am a-liipssJ x.w ass 6-OU psa ; Ho. 15 Pally exempt Bandar, Leave Greensboro 6 80 a m Arrrre at Balelch 2 45 pm Anlva Goidaboro 7-25 m Be. Bt-Oanoecta at Oraanibora with BAPBB ior au pouaa none, staw svaa wee or Amanita. At eeOlabury with W M C it B for all poiau ta WestrrnMC. At Goldaboro wuli W A W It B dally. Bos 51 and 63 eonneet at Greenabore with BAP K b an 1 for au points an TBAIMS OOLSG SOUTH. NA60. Dally. Ko.82. Lally. , Bae.Jaly3,1883. Leera GoMabOra Arrive BaMerh . Leave BalelaA.:.. l.DSpm 825pm a 40 P to 44 BBS 34pm 7A5mj luespm 1041 pm IXfOn'ct lJoam Arrive Pnrham.. ........... Arrive HUlaboro.... ....... Arrlva Graeaaboro.... . ... "WW - waewt laiOam Anita Hich Point.. ......... Antvo bailabory ...... ..... Arrtre Lhartotte ia45am IBortpm I -Dalr exotpt flan lay. i iailavoeotdabbia 8.00 am Arrive Balelch (ICO a as Leave RaJeieh B.AB a aa - . Arrive Oteensbora edOsa Ko. 6X--Cauaeta at BataOmry for an aotnta oa svsa ana at vnarione wios a at u air-Llna tor all potnU tn the tooath and Snath No. 52 -Cownects at Chartortw sttk COAtK B for aii points Sooth aad Box beast, and WKh A w V Plll a&w vwm, -,- it. Tt. ft. o hailoajj. KO. CO PaBy. l.i " ..IO IK nsa Arrrre Kernersville..... ...i.-.v. H.20 Dm Amve Balana..A.lA i..w.. 12.00 n"st Lawve GiaanabofOt;..........v...MioV21a Ainvo 8alaaa..IX.A..... .. .......... . j eorxv Leavaflalem. .... . .'-L u.l. . J tins Arm keiuai slila4M.. .t..... 4. 6.20 pm ArrliaOiaanslKau . .,...... 4...... 7.80 p m MO. C3 Dafly vf ' . Leava alemc ........ ...X. ...... a m ArrlTaXbmersTlIle 6.05 a m Arrlva Greensboro X..V..i 7.10am ;btXTB UflirVtiBXITK BAIUtOAD. I 7mIox No. 1, -w.i aonia . stobtb. uauy Sunday. 11.15 a 12.1 earn Palv' fex-Snndey, J.ir. rUi' . f Ja it j a t sjeavw unrrers?Tv..an.M...... 12.45 p aa 4.4a p m ArrivAChAnoi EuU. m,, ........ 1 ' ' ii r I a On Trains 50 ar d 8t betwa Xew Tork and Koctroraerr, and between -Balelch and Old Fort. .,-On Trains 62 and 53 between waahlngton and Auvusta, and Danville and Biebmood, and Cnar loue artd fcontaotnery. " 1 ' ,-r , ; tar-Throoch ttckets en sale at Greensborol fcfl elKh. Golds boro.i rwalUoury and Charlotte, for all poinis RoaiOiBOQuiwssi, west, -iworin aea i or X mt g aot t ates to Lonlsiana. Texas. Axkan ls and the rvmtbwest, addre s - " t sas 1MB TA LOOT ft i- . t -ra i , At 8LAPGHTX3. 1: Btenn.Tar1- " i WdridcKBboIc f Not books of Ifa'sle." bet WoTea, elaii tare, at nrleea so low as te make the old tt buyers WOKDSaV About or rp i'mq or .half a mliiioa volumes laatJ X Wlv O now realrl' aot aoytire tot exmlnatoB before payment, on evidetjee ot f-d lika. t hot aeld by uea r rteea kx low. 4i9 pse eatalnae free. JOrsN B. ALP 521. . Publisher, 18 V t bt ew Tork. , , ; : .g'lyilw - -f ate aW M '4Wu& Awl i.MW m.w a Collrra tret, Cii.IcUa. 17. C. J....J r.,t,, for l f ..-set y . i -1 atia Otua . j J fll i:ilH wlStrao a list's Joroip Seed! . : . ... 1 w' - 1 I :! - O A. - JUSTRECEIVEli;: . I 7.?tumiti -all .-aWtaWl j h'iti - i Liiii :ifu ,rwr-ij-J-iw,-:"ir '.'f..'- -iO'iv I , -a i t-j. e.f -.-, I M ai. 'i I I A 't J. J At' . K I ---cSii ----- "v - J e . ; . i i- - lw " - II. t I' -4 SPIZOTPIO SORv. - crnir: mini ctzsi si. mus 1:2, nr::::in f ? ''i iVtlj "s r.Ti- mirm'i lia ' jili ii. a..ii ..sw rriaae V !; . WMI,..MIW. tl.A LMMMMVaMf f 1 nil .TI.IX C,.-a J3 CT.f "?SwC. . -rrr"" r'av,vtTf"i '' irriTiTiziDO t.SOparbotileitdi fa fmary answered by tkbyeieiana. andelrcalata - d " i i r: . ' f 1 i CI. 4tirrZXTCX; igaatl lew Tork. . ; Wholesale and! Retail (f a:; v.-;!.:'; . XTIltVDE 5 ff t;r j It " " '-i - Large Stock of 1? ?J ii .1 i; ,.i . , PVRB TVD1TE LEADS, VARNISHES, &C. TWO CAR ini oil. J. H. McADEN. St.- hurts ; -f I ' ssnaei8T.T The Seashore I HOTEL BRnnSlTICE SEASIDE HOTEL, W'; ; . wVaBTSTTIXaT. If. . 1 . Ba L PEBBTt. f .- -r .-. Praprletwr. s Tbeae two earn mar resorts warn opened ' .'-Lai "'f'JjJ 3:i-i-s ' Tbe Hotel Bnmawlck. at Srattavaie, U 25 mllea below wamrnctoa, and aoosaatbie by twoaat-elaaa ateamera. makinc two tripe daily. - t ,m'i , 1 . T he Seaside Hotel Is slmatedlin a large arove rn wnxBaruw doudq; is eomposea or eoaaceaior famUlea, and within 7 mllea of "Wllmincton. at the bead e a One SheU Boad, the beat In too Baaatalm BTaill Vlwaf wf tXiCcamm . .-. .aiA . - ' ' 'ootid sarf and stl 1 water batblnc. . Xvery variety ot sAb. andabundaneaof oratera atama aad araba. .v.-.-.-tj .,; i t.. Bpaetooa Ball Brvma.wttB Bn4 bands of moate. . ; Ten-y.a Aliars. Billiards and Bar. - ., a fyTerma modemta.j t,7 . sw i's, - 1 ...I 1 ,11 hi. SAFES, SAFES ;:-.::.;sai?es; I WE HAVE ON UANt) A LARGE lot of Safes. .We have them so we can - j . " -deliver at ' Ono " Day's Nolicb; . ' ., Parties wishing Safes will do well to examine before purchasing. . '-5 iJ '" BKEll & MciDO WELL. JeHtf - ...t j DUnNHAWS i PAMPHLET FREE BY i mm ' - --,.-' : - :'a r r'V: . i -. -.. OFTX8BT0 THB X' .V.. v -1 . . ( j I ' ' - ' j. , - r - . -- ! ' " . " - i : - i v . . f i j-.-:.;t i;lHfcri'; $ . '. . -r --- 1 - : . .. ' rl f . ' '. J ' 1 " , A J '" i . . --i- ' Mseed Oil, Colors, : -l. v;-. --"--.i -----.: - -: j ft-.sT '-'f f. t ;.9ur fetpek-is bein rajjidly reduced rand t we propose i titrinVie iretiucmg . it giviog-'barins ee'ttill have lcj of goods oa hand and they, mutt go. X We ire jjoin to s thepi and we haven't much time to go on.' So come and -BiesrgairAS on Thu: '9ninS't?? :lie4e Iwns,f Ita new-fpatteAiijw), at 5 ancf ceii Lev i i 3 w e c na v j DEESS -GOODS,: SILKS, SATINS, OTT Jr;3IANS, GIMP, PASMENTRIE, LACES, t f .- Rannele, Blankets; Underwear, P. K'e, Tab'e Covers, Pi OorerisV'Ianett Tjiste t' Children, all -styles and qualities. Bemember," our z rnu8tbei 8old,? and,n6w io the time to get bargains such as wiAju riever, nave anotner opportunity. Ifci- hi 1 ibJ'rtfi.t ff'iJ -iijti? ioSl. J.; ijr i - PBICES THAT CAJJ ilimere clainiliat we FOR 1 J-ii; tJ'Wj s L or? if PncmM Jwliich has.b I appreSalJ our C nouiicjbf cut prices; I ! i--J-.;"--- 11 rCTl 'irsjs.Sj.ii 4.fs' ."i;..v.. A Seersucker iSuit at a Creole TT Also a Creole Linen Which wa offer at tbe aaoi e named prlcea. and an oar Sprint and Bommar Cathtna at ptopot .1 low extern. AU we ask U s4 oa a call while iookins around so ae eaa name yualcea. . HTAGEHTS F01. THE PEABL"SHIBT. .J3 Tr"rwar;.IE-3ejL IADIlIOIX)THnm TAILORS UrMD ISO With liiKeioeoia mam ma. wasn iairaia To kick up a dust when she walked, But was always intent, wherever she went, On making a noise when she talked. atlekw ma m latttw Daat, Sat Cavaa.Klckt Aloaff Jwat Uka 1 '' ' PIANOS AND ORG ANS At prices that pay ur expenses, and eiiable.na.to keef CO' AND He niijght , take a notion t and give yon a Piano jizst i jc He is not very choice, gold or silver will do. Tre I McSniith'and you rwill always have a little pin mo;f . , . Go for him and let him. say just one word. Ou p are, as far as wo know, the lowest in America, buvf tllJichseem lower , please report the facts a will - demonstrate 'iJtl contrary. "We Iwill not bc u sold. No man living can . buy. lower than we,- anc i want good work y pa-will buy of us. : 1 iodtf T . ...... THEj'CH EAPEST 1 - ; V';1; wUdAwi Polilns . . . IMMtVHW , 1 .rtihl. -V I i. I,- 4 1 t. w w t ' ! i Kl"Jjl I ' 1 W,n "T Tr.r,sn -1 sf aw - L .(JUL "MlblLU'e ON NORTH HEAVY TUUBIiE. iwp pice wkb tna teawir? n it 1 ic - lr I po. te prtoes 01 1 -n , t r . -r I J r- lliemwc-i it n f f a 1 i-'l'" V,1 ciitsirleca. '1. srvj.i tiui;.v,.i.viU I tao r of wots t3 cone. - . J f 1 X . I - -ts. r- -t, r 4 d0r, nrtl-';tu 1 1 . Ix- ii -rL ilu.1 j.axidd -t t. I s-. "''' . . . wj f Ji.tAm .- I i "le2-lir: ciiajrUfcJe Lfcut. I'.JslCJ . f .t' tie t. if - .a i nn o -4i-S"47 . ; Errra etjiloiw- ONt,YBl2 NAMED BY US, fcarrjr die largest ct;' OD. smtratr.rr,,r''ir"-;r- r 1 ITS JJUOD X - Jr-. fa Sk- . Printer's I nit ii f i it -1 ItBfavav Gets Im Aey Oa.'aErc yr Saaai,'msiwl TF;CaBtIawe aw wet 1 It McSJYllTH, Suits at ! 3 !r.f.:JT-":'7H'ivib8Mi"r' AN D LAR Ceis. ; naravra , ltl a, '.WW a-a CAROLINA." ' E. ANDRE' FOR 8 LI . fin f 1 ,J " ' i t i : I 1 1 i 1.1 . I ( I. ill-' ' f A -ft ... . "f ' Mil I -A ,rjt?a n i ', -?tt!iaee. Jl-

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