aT 1 I I II III! wa-" ' aw -t 9 BI'-XII 11.11 II I - 1 a a a : . a --. m '. VYLX : . j $.-?;niiafcfrfji.:l ,.Mal the Djiii4V. c1ijin1.0TTE joviurjii jrp Tim djulic ' chjHilotte onpcnrjoii, cojY'soi.iiTEoiitcuftriss ity rivMu OkMrrer. bUMuM Juitrr ss, IMt. 5 ! J "t PRICE FIVE GENTS. 1." O ; v .... . -. . - v; : f i : - , I hi a 1 f Til E 8 AM E OLD O. K. f , ' ", Tk Hettera L'aioa Oaeiala Reprt Uatlaesa Omlif Baiootklf aa4 Buikers Relaralac t Walk. New York. Aoftust 2. There seems to be no change to day lo thi altitude of Uie Weatrn Uoioo Company toward the sinking operators. The officers of tbe company reported this morning lli at tbe U3Q1 force of operators return ed to duty, and that business was all op Jat night and is now moving promptly. four more of tbe strikers returned to work this looming at tbe .Western Union cfii io Ibis city. They are said to be first class operators. I U porta from the eastern district received by tbe company this morning state tbst many operators were returning to their pjsts each day. and in mou of the offices tbe force Is as Urge as before tbe strike. In many cases It is reported tbt members of the Brotherhood who desire to re sume work Qud tbeir places occupied ad are obliged to spplr elsewhere. From Superintendent Trabae. of the southern division, word eomes that one of the opcrttors at Chattanooga and another at Mobile bad returned to duty this morning, and that both ranked as Orst clsss men. Uf potts bad come from various points in the South of railroad operators refusing lo take commercial business, but all bad been promptly dis--cbsrged by the railroad superintendents and their places readily filled by tbe Western Union officials. They denied tbe truth of the report started by the strikers that the company were cutting their own wires to have an ezeuse for lrU)lng business. Tits laat contingent of the striking drets and cloak makers returned to work this morning, having gained their int. and the trouble is now at an end. The Manhatton Suit and Cloak Com fiany wis the last to give in. The em llojvs will now get fifteen dollars a wevk for 10 hours day's wotk. and no tiight work unless paid extra. CHARLESTON IIARIIOR. Report ol te Prcress ! Ike Wovk Doae. Washington, August 2 Tbe report of Col (ill more, engineer in charge of the river and harbor improvements in' South CaroJma. Georgia, and, Florida, has beeo received at the War Depart ment. In regard to the Improvement of Charleston harbor, the report saj 9 tbe operations for . improving the en trance to this harbor were, carried out during the put year in conformity to the plan submitted in 1873 to establish and maintain a low water channel of not less than 31 feet in depth across the bar by means of two low jetties. Tbe work done consisted principally in fur ther extending the bottom course of the south Jetty, la sinking a second course of mattresses upon the foundation course of the jatty across tbe deepest point of the present ship channel and across the deep pocket eait of that channel and in enlarging the founda tion course of the work where It crosses the main ship channel by placing an additional apron of mattresses to tbe south of andadj jlnlng it. Hi parts freaa ike atcrlkiag BrOjrkoo A Raviskcr Lyacke. Nzrw York, August 2. At the head quarter of "tbe xruthrbood of Tele araphers It was . said that there was nothing new today regarding the strike and tbst the men were all satisfied with the prospect and were confident of suc ceeding in the sod. The work of pay ing ofl ike men was conducted to-day. The strikers are in high glee over the storm as it was said that much damage would be done to the Western Union r wires and would create still greater 'confusion in the affairs of the office. The reports of the dischsrge of railroad operators who refused to Lake Western Union business and the supplying of new men to fill their places were dis credited and said to be a fiction of the Telegraph Company to encourage tbeir bard worked employes last night. A crowd assembled at tbe j ail In Mayersrllle and demanded the keys from the sheriff, who refused to surren der them. The then broke In the door and took out I) W Fresel who was under arrest for the rape of a girl nine years old and hanged him in the coert house yard. TheKefT la tke Ckarek laiportaat Actio efavoatkera Episcopal iaa a. CllATTANOOOA. TENN, August 1. To-day. at Sewenee. Tenn, at a meeting of aeon vention of the Episcopal Church oaitttiu of bUapi, mini iters sod lay-i -men from thirteen Southern Slates, it was resolved, in accordance with the report of a committee constating of liiaiiop Lyman. oXorla;UirQiiaa, JJlshop Gregg, of TexaaJL f Daley, as sistantbishopof MThorap son. assistant bishop of Mississippi, aad W C WiUiatM. : llifeq wets f ad, fc II Footman, of Georgia, that the general ""convention, wbteli tsMts 'this i fall, be memorialized to establish schools for thBeducaUo efcolefe4 1 mea,who de- ' .. sire to enter the ministry of this Church and that all' colored ministers or this Church bsve equal rights and power in all Church otwccils.iTjh j TfcS 3aJvetaa Pavfllew Baraea. Galvestom, August 2. Yesterday afternoon, the Pavilion, Galveston's fa ;vcritf bsacfif reaorti owned v the City - Kali way Company was burned.1 Auum berof , other buildings In it vicinity were swept away at the same time. I tot Springer, lata of Milwaukee, a drummer In the pavilion band was killed, almost instantly, by jamptog from a window in one of the turrets and striking his hesil" foremost on tbe plank siAawaasv .The origin of the fire Is not deflaltely known. The total loss is 940JXX); Insured for ) 20.000. A JTLre aae aPewesr JSxslealea Galvestox, August 2. On Tuesday night the store of J E Tarry, wholesale grocer, was destroyed with its contents. Iom giO.oua During tbe fire a quantltv of powder, exploded, jarring the earth for blocks away, and -causing a man named Davis, who was sleeping on an upstairs porch, a square distant, to jump down and break his right thigh bone and both fore arms: His recover is doubtful. r Jut'aPvleKaecfcstke Perslaaaaeae. Cox coitrj.' N ILTAugoat 2 Tbe fol lowing is the 41st ballot for, Senator In the IgUlators which number SIS, necessary, for a choice llSi. Jlolllnsl. btsvens 1, Xadd- 1., Alaraton 19. liing ham lit, like 131. Piks having the h majority wsa declared elected i great applause fuUowed. . ' . t f, - . Tke Strike Reaches Ataxic, f : Crn of Maxico, August 2 -The 1 fUzr rh creratof s on" the Mexican '"TatUnal IUilroa4 struck this morning." They (ietaaiKt tan ineraaae. of .twenty " "JdoUars per motitb. Trains arat inter. I ':rupUl.a&J .a.,apeedy arraugemeat Is .. fyt)ytfJ,tt.1j . ;I j -m i Ea4 S Vmrmt ia Oral I ' -n i B ALT1K Q HK "A 1 2 U 5 XrVI VX SfiQl th. ' t " kfpr ' ef s scaali ' grocery t store ca Stockton-street Ml d :'::.rzty with ta w ira this snoxt. U. r wiiea LasLotfcer l" tfeadwltb a r4tL 11a Ux -wU-h the . amt wfa- . kiUf-Ihtsself. - j - , TJCB DTI US IS .ERUPTION. f The Iakahttaats Fleeing tor Safety. AwfcU Kceae la the Theatre at Cas aaiecleta when the axtkaake Oc- carrea. , Naples. Jnly 81 Mount Vesuvius Is in a state or eruption. Lava is descend ing from the crater in the direction of the town of Torre del Greco, at the foot or the mountain. The inhabitants or Torre del Greco are fleeing to places) of sareiy. - The burials of victims of the earth quake were continued throughout tbe a ay. two nunorea ana eighty oodles were buried at Casamicciola. 90 at -Loc- 00, and 29 at Forio. The latest estimate places the number of deaths at between 4.000 and 6.000. . As it would be lmDos sible to recover and bury all the bodies, Sigoor Genala,Mlnistex of Public Works, has ordered that, in view of the horrible exhalations from the decomposing re mains, the anrecovered corpses be left where they lie, and liquid lime be pour ed over tbe ruins made by the earth quake, casamiccioia win thus be con verted into a vast cemetery. The search of the ruins for bodies of victims of the earthquake on, the Island of Ischia was continued last night. All tbe bodies recovered are burled imme diately to prevent miasma.' Two thou sand soldiers digging in the ruins saved ljooo lives up to midday on Sunday and exhumed 24 persons alive on Monday. The only American known to have been injured by the earthquake was a Miss Van Allen, and she is only slightly hurt. 1 . ;.;,,-! An eye witness describes the scene at the theatre at Casamiccioia, when the earthquake occurred, aa an awful one. The curtain bad just risen when a tre mendous shock was felt. A fearful roar followed, and the ground rocked like the sea in a storm. A great cry of terror arose from the audience, who were thrown Into a heap, and a large number of them were buried beneath the timbers of the building, which fell upon them. Two more shocks occurred. All who could rushed ontsideof the theatre and hundreds of persons clam bered Into tbe trees in the vicinity for safety. Most of the people, however, escaped to the. shore, where bonfires were lighted ss signals of 'distress. Hundreds of half naked men and wo men, wild with terror and grief, ran to and fro among the ruins with torches during the night, searching for missing friends. : ; t atok ie AFSears at at Ills Tessa la Mecca. ladlan Wltnaaa. There is some agitation in Moham medan circles in Calcutta just now. growing out of a report published in the Amur til Akhbar to the effect that Mohammed had appeared to the guar dian of his tomb at Mecca, and announ ced that from the date of tbe com mencement of the next Mohurrum. which will complete the fourteenth century since the llijra, the sun will begin to rise in tbe west. confusion will break out in the world, many people will die, a great cyclone will deluge tbe land, the printing in every Koran will be effaced and the final end of all things be ushered in. It is added that as tbe terms in which these predictions are stated are such as challenge the devout respect of all orthodox Mohammedans, It is not to be wondered at that many are alarmed at the near prospect of such terrible events. Was lie a Prised IatfltaapoUa 8pecial. An old army officer gives the Journal a bit of romance connected with Gen. Ord, which, be saysls .well known in the army. ( The late general was a grandson of Gdorge IV. and Mrs Fitz herbert. His father, James Ord, son of that morganatic marriage, was raised in tbe faith of his mother, and was, like his son, a Roman Catholic. James Ord,' when a boy, was sent to France to be educated, and was afterward brought by his tutor to Georgetown college, where he became a professor, lie took part In the war of 1812, serving as a captain. He was long a clerk at Wash lngton. and died in 1872 or 1873. At Omaha be assumed the name of Ord, which was that of bis tutor, from a de sire to avoid : unpleasant notoriety. Thus the scion of a royal line has given a glorious name, sitboagh an assumed one, to adorn the pages of American history. " ' t iill4' j r? 1 Resaelsg'iaeCettof Steel Bails. I PtJsbuii CoarasreUl Qaxctta t 'ft' A new process Is In the course of in- trodqoUot at t the1 Edgar . Thompson Steel works which -will materially lee lea lh cost of . produeing'-steeii rails. Last January the method of rolliag the metal as It came from, the converter, io&tsad of putting- Into pigs and rsmelt jug. was put into practice, and to this is to be Added, the juukfrfg pits. j In these soon as they ars ,ccl enough! to lsave the 'mold, ars "placed, aad by the beat held, within them they ars; brougbt to a ; uniform) jdegree of beat and rails made with one heating of the metaL- "This method has1 been successfully used in England, airtw 01 be used here In the course of six weeks or .two months. The saving will be from Jl-M to 8155 per, of ths Western papers pJ4ce the) fifare at S3, bat they ars away out In their reck- L.S3lSMuu m ....... c k . Quick. eoapMa ears, ail anooylnc tMtwj, Blad der sod Urinary Placates. S l. imjctista, . ; 'j -i rTaOraulr-ta.ieraer t '. A gentleman la Washington saystbJat while it is true that .Garfield offered ex ben ator Ooraey a place in his Cabinet the Interior Department-Ht was only, done to oblige Dorsey and give him a chance to writs a letter declining It. Us aaya that Doraey asked for tbe sp4 pointment. promising at the same time that he would decline the honor. Ills purpose . was to aatisfy the ambition of Mrs Dorasy. Tbe same informant fays that if Djrsey ever published the letter Garfield wrota him tendering him the Interior Department, OarflekTs friends here will pobliah Dorsey's declination, which bears tbe same daistwas writ ten on the same kind of paper with the same Ink. and on the same table within tea feet or wnere uarneja sat wnen ne wrote bis letter to Domy.- ,' V;; IT "' nmrfCasaUasavlva.!i I tka keat aarva far eota, bralaca. torea. ataara. irita- abapp'a BaDda. cSJ.Diatoa. mil kiada of uia arumtoea. m ac4 rfiap'aa. (M Ucnrra OarbwM Salv.( 4S va a aoaatarteu - Pdsa eenta 4 It, j- j fj r The Paraael BoataaFML' 3 1 Before marriage : "Ex cose me.George. Did my parasol hurt yon T f" I , , ;)h no. my dear. It would be a pleas ure if it did.- . - !i. After marriage:! fGfsati Heaven! There was never a woman snaths kn w bow lo .earrv paraaol wUJbcut scratcbiBg a XsUo yee out. . Ami there never was a zoaa that knewenouxb to walk on tbe right lid cf a worn a a with, a pars sol i ;-Xhex Uu'taoy rUhVaidelo a jwo- man witn a parasoi. i- ; -. ; . . .:.''!! '..1 . . .,' . j tfi 1T :h i -J- ... ... I 11 i wi 1 111 vilavlaf HallaXla a Tu0f tait Kta ma wirti ao4 pfa ww Mnv f a xiimui friU" aa-r j lhav tur ru poianoaai prtdi u eai-iocB1 t.Sabl totiat'ei awe- - Ca feocirMr mmt - "9cta aire, rfor in su ica4 aiiu.!' f i tr"t rva -TUmia- af fsmi -a, ana i rrN4 rTtn. Tta r-" as c?fra ym. if r,., . ,f ,Dt j----tit- j i-itxikwtSfl : I & X t-rry Umruft AXaer rrca taawvc. 1 it fir. ' 1 - '- ... -. .-. x .! ; rri i oit x AffiTal m,;I)ei2ite aUCHXOKD AHD DairvtLLX. : Laavs Air Una Dapoc 8.80 a. m. and 4-3 3d. m. Antre 2.00 a m and L60 p. m. ; " asbwxjl' Laava 2.20 a In.1 aad 3 10a, aa. 3.. a 1 21' Amre 8 aO a. la. aaa 4.10 . m. : 1 CHARLOTTg. OOLUMBIA AsTD ATJQ C3TA. teavs 2.10 p. Sk, aad arrtr 4.80 p. av : i aau-iti cxDmsidic LeST 4.50 d. bs and antra at laOO a. aa. ; CAJtOLTJf A CX8TRAL. Leava R45 p. aa. and 7.10 a aa. Arriva 7.00 a. sa. aas S.2a p. am. Leeva . C. C 8HELBT DrVIMOIf. 8.80 p. bl. aad antra lasa a. fea. ladex ta Hew Advertisements. P B EofUn DtrWotx! noOas. . J B at aoiVAttouncav Hoaa,i " JV ? " 1 laaleataoasi V "0 I South Atlantic States, partly cloudy .weather and local rains, winds shifting to north and westerly, falling barome ter, stationary xr lower temperature. ; , . local, ripples; i ! Mr. Jacob R. Pkfald tefcf theJO n ited States Mint in Phifadelpfila,' yeifpteled at the central yesterday. ' Mr. J. H. Weddlngton, of tbe firm of Brown; fVeddiogton & Coiajiow in New-York buying for Uie .house., j I f. Esquire W P Davidson was yester- dsy sworn In as a magistrate and will continue to-revolve the "wheel of for- tunev -zvxiUK, yV The police will this morning com mence the killing of collarless dogs. They loaded their guns yesterday, and are ready for tbe work. Mr P B It uffin; . secretary r off the North Carolina Railroad gives' auTvi dend notice in the advertising columns of this morning's paper. The monthly meeting of the Board of Directors ul tbe Mechanics rerpetuai Building atdl)an ABsoclaiion!wUl bs held to liight. The fancy dreai baH.at7lhe Hay wood While Sulphur comes eff on tbe 8th inat. Capt Harrison . Watts ( Is on the committee of Invitation and Mr W C Morgan is one of the flor managers. A young '.bay borse, evidently un broken, was captured 'on' the -streets yesterday by tbe , police and taken to Chambers' stables, where tbe owner can gel the animal after proving prop erty and payii-g cost a. ' r ' liev Leeper, of Hopewell, is con ducting 1 jl protracted revival at Paw Creek church this week, preaching two sermons a day with bis usual zsal and fervor, ills i sermon Wednesday from the text: -That tbe.y which have be lieved God . might be careful to main tain good works," was a powerful effort and bad a great effect on tbe congrega tion. ' -;' ! ' i; :. Mr. Jasper Bigham, of Berry hill township, tells us the. following 'para graph appeared in tbe Charlotte Demo crat May 24. 1875 and Wants to kridwlf it since oceerred or wnen. will it occur 1 again.. "August will have two moons,: one on 1st and .tbe. other on the 30th of tbe month. This ia an unusual oc currence not 'having occured .before sines about 1853. rutin 1 1 Alarm of Fre LaaA Kigkl.ia i About 0 o'clock lastvUlghY the alarm nf flr waa Mil ndd from the bII toweri bringing oat the entire fire department In short order. .After a little delay, the location of IheIre wCfssad tobe In the ' kitchen of . Mr. J. Dais, corner of Church and Eighth .streets, but by the time tbe department arrived there the nalfftiborm had extinguished the names. The 0recauht in the ceiling lof the kitchen and originated from the flue Tbe damage waa alight. Peraoaal JteaUSa." "w ", Mrs Senator Z B Vancei'wli issjp log the rammer a the mountains with hr hhahand. and who has been cri sally ill tor thef paat threa wWiCHS? w are suaa sa learjo.niuziK voexier. . dangerous condition caused ber frien considerable alarm for a u ilr j aex Myers Bss-movea- with bU famUl tQ llvw and. JLa occupj- lsg 1 ta -reaidaaca.of, eiMXj C01 "WilUam B Myert, oti Tt4f treefc" j i Capt John BErwiaa.famflyiiaye gone WOwtsASrAT uwlsla 'fHAll rt nWnir ia taMarot t in tha oulsvilbs EgpositVi r. .1 Aa Iaaortaata. - . Next Monday wUPbsf an Impoi day for the coanty,Mthe wadojct ttlMlanrtviilI :ho4W tor 'TttkCUTt will mest'In' the: court hoaaa sesaion to ievy tbe tax p;M bnrj ahd tq elect o0cotc the-Inferior Odurti I XoreeuCgeg citofpLSdJ a clerk ax to'be'"elected.iina from wiat we have beard neXtasf tt the offices will go begging. ,The tax Usjs; from ths. various townahlpeas mads out by the aaaessora. wUl be. examined, .and any person thinks that he has been unduly assefs- d be should appear and make com- vl.lntfnra lr. boaid-J,t,t' ct I V -As av Omm Tim. I ' fsaaa Um Nary Xkfdat Xiafa JUWSai-t Aa aa tcmremA raaldaaaa of two vaara raara la laaionua aaaoaj mmm im uikit mt taaaC aainfai attaalra of rtaaa amatlavv -Or-aaoUallao upon . nr fe ij eminent pavai aa4 aorxsooa f anao" to aSonl tua as tightest iav-tc Xsr. Uoyia laooBiaaawtf ol to tea Bt Jaoutta Vd. tb-hvC7TDu Lua-4a of aiicii wavijr ctopieta a4 ofrtfliara. i l,l i.u. I Aa Iaurestisc CIeeUoa'oTFars. j talt nv Mi i Jobnj fl ; ttinfiy ihea J wtdrarrlStlS II0IO Uiioraav ; was uuveu jcommaj't brought' witl him a fine lot of f ara cf the various; wiU anl'uJ.futlM jA.ttt country: all neaUytnointed. with tfck iaa nf the an! mala .at,tafihfti. Qlaa eyes,' of the exact shapev s4xasdrccfleT;rt? tn -earth sr -"Oduce of tli living animal, giTa Lba.bM4a a cm iravti. evf :t icttijcul mot itar lion, wild cat, prairie dog, brown be: and a buffalo. 'Tile Tors' ! were dreasei dinsry skill la tls kttZ Thdf ale wdr!' locking li ind UrTBuhdy HSkteeA pie 4 ere in abdwli tt.rmto,tl2Tfrt5Si3, ;. fiia ,r. 1 f TVt "- f- 1. (pTr-""-l "i to ta issfors ?i;r!i rnrurt .a-waTi tsn l I . - - jta Mt t-ija I A UaefoilHTekuoB iojr 'UlB. JiJVe lxadxtbejr pleasure yesterday of rnaking,tbe acquaintance of Capt. John 'ATHariiso'n, of JXenderson K. C4 who is bow in mecuyas ins cnirat notei, selling State and county rights for seed cotton elevator and distributor for gin houses, :, We had heard of the in vention, but had Ao conception of the structure of the machine.! It is claimed that it will elevate 800 pounds of seed cotton per minute, and distribute it into different apartments of tbe bouse, saving-enotrgh-iime to pay for ginning the entire crop. "- With this help it' the. command of glnners a great amount of labor can be saved and the work of ginning expedited. ' ; - . 1 1. 1 The Poplar Teat Faur. ; : The celebrated Poplar Tent Fair is to be beld on next Wednesday and Thurs day, 8ih and Dth insta, and, Mr. J.. B Harris, the president, who was in the pity yesterday, tells ua that all the. ar rangements have been completed for a big timer Uon. R-i Tt BenaettiU de. Jlver an address before the people from me grand stana oa tne morning 01 the 8th. Gov Jar via. who has written that he will be present, will also deliver an address. Maj. W A. Graham of Gaston; county, will -add re as. tb people on tbe second day of the fair. The list of entries is large and interesting, and it is now cerin that the fair this year wfti rqual that of any previous year. ' So far no wedding has been arranged for, the fun resulting from the one had last year being legarded as sufficient to last two years. Poplar Tent is eighteen miles from Charlotte, and, as is usually the case, a barge , party of Charlotte people will be there. ' - - Tke SUhbiag of Seaator JTaaee'a Sou Mr. Ztb Vance,. who was stabbed in Asheville one week ago this : morning; is still improving and will soon be up sgain. -Fronvparlles who were present aad who ought to know all about it. we have learned additional ' particulars, fuitediffeTeat-Xirro 4be first reports. And which WMI be read with interest: Cromwell is a bad character, a bar tender inAaheyilley and . eh was neither plavrng pool with" him nor bad had any quarrel with him. Jast before the closing of tbe billiard room, Crom well left without his hat and waited at the steps io tbe street until Z-b came up going to bts room.-A negro waiter who followed with Cromwell's hat saw bim sasault Zsb.with a kaife, gat him down and stab bim ' many times, and left him weltering in bis blood. When found, twenty minutes afterwards be was nearly dead from loss of blood and his watch and money, gone-rthe watch evidently torn off with violence, as she chain waa broken in two places. : Some are disposed to think: that robbery was tbe motive of tbe assault. Mr. Charlie Vance bearing of it came up from tbe springs, and on Saturday evening at tacked Cromwell knocked bim down by a blow with a pistol and was proi eeeding to stamp him when arrested by tbepolieeJ-i O f -J'-'CCiTMA 1 . . m mm 1 aa A Deaf Mas Reagkly . . . Treat eal by aCSSBSUVSWi-x f-JS- ' : ,.: I Dr. Brers was summoned to Mat thew's Station, night before but,' to at tend the case of a colored man who bad been ion oyer by the trainjtt Wat place and badly hart - The doctor found that the man's lef azml and right leg bad been so badly broken and crushed as to necessitate amputation, and he accord ingly , cut them . bff'Tbe begro "man, whose rr name . : Is ? lahamx? iMelvin, wawnhejirallroad ipump - band - at MalleVvsandag-exeedtu VednesdaylnlhTbe was wanting along the track'when tha train attim nn inA knocked him df? into tbe t ditch, crush-J a a tm ' j- .. 1 hUiti tbfisirmsmnl to the 3ySJCjtl4ST4J2 JQni to gtecyibItLMxUnw.tmt not until the. I fV' WrtUVAWIS wa 4 7 tww Ji. fcW& vfeU; mm i m.rm wu va. wwr w J umu n0. ItrkVei to cparchfcse read til c rtltSiSienk uran, as ic s ax x. ia MtCMU-iniB next r ear.' 1 1 p. TJM;reyebte-yeax,uat .ia.oot as iaiiy Suppserai yersiata: file 1 1 due inext year.; 1884.-" Evenbbdy, knStws the insect which buiesaiid whirs from the fjihbs of our tnlss. The veins in its wings mark a vVpAitsbaqk, andlUinoUi 13 bwtrd at Intervals- pf ibo three riihbteiJ !dafAtJmCQli.7ilflsiih every year. Its brother, the seventh year visitor, has the W in red veins 6n7 !Ue'aWdW'w'riWtf smaller, it comes in great swarms, but does no great amount of damage. Popular pte f tfdlce tsagahi&t theOTfieiHreax !ocuit.U II Urflfttiy lvTedWsbme that great mortality prevails during its sut; ana was its cite is -xatai; Traese idejui 'ix e as erpnMtlwLmost popular. entoniobsicaltbrtesa The cioapd $ejUm-cUoeihiiik ! queer Insect. - Txie1 sexea only live Ions enoueh to maieL The msJeiih A dy or ajndtbe; female, with a spur which is carried be neatb, the abdomen, punctures ap amMt branch oi a tree with little holesw Aix'i egiUtndeposited laVac'&he mother dies in elghVor ten day v atnd ILelcgga.hatOi JtitAemseJ.vs; ATbe! isrv fail to the ground and commeaca tabflJtehtaaliyfthcaJ embryo In- wiuxnycAti anil a aa itmhi?., lott8t."iTneiisr'r,4ia-tther v fcf tba' L iriea' lln aavfer. -f rii5 which tbyqc - -aearia f fc t ll rTj-"n, "aivi 4kiM' lit 1" fti - lm .1 U! ' V t it- n tt U. n -enoa, a i.j ery r-lltU fSboW T t tuc4ib ... Tnossi akfirt atones should me 'ouni!'-,i c.' rt, t -i- i ttii ;r eaarKl I it t ,m- 8-1 r. i,.9"l 1TC- I- 1 iW 1 J-i sell - -i I 'a I Aattdlk ! Mr George E Witeon,; who'? has- been appointed receiver for be old Bank, of : Charlotte, is now paying the stockhold ers of that concern abput 7 3 10 cents ou the 91 of stock. This bank wasbar teted fn "ifeSS ' and1- Mx;3 Wilson has been actiog;:as ts president since the war. and by bim the funds were turned over to Mr Gsorge Wilson for disburse ment among the stockholders. This la about the only Old State bank that has TO"rvi ?.?f", .SW'f svvsvuy us v a swu j saajsaaa ? sa aaa a,u the way of dividends on tbe wind iipiT ; -: ' - ' '"a mm I" ' ' 'j-. To the MMintajfc aad Sprbigs;. W Si r-.-iVoo .Thcra -raa-a, raimlkr rf Ar Citizens yesterday fpr the mountains teonyillexj Mr. and Mriloyd'WriatonV I!7rrrr;irnrrl Miss Lou Wri8ton, MissXlllie Bethune, Mik NMcy JohastoD, Mrs.- JameS'P. JohnstonMlSB 8oe- .Johnston and Mrs DtvOibboof, ;'.tV loV'inK'f .-r"V ' - Mr: Ftiter M. Bro wn. 'and Mrs. CL J. ; L: Brown left yesterday afternoon f of the All Htattng;r;uV' fit . Mr, D. Hargra vesri With' biHaer; Mr. J.C JIargraves, and bis sister and brother, are at the All Healing .' Mr. B. J.hannonhouse; was among the crowd forVlbe All. Healing yeeter- V.-iti...Ol'Mi;j.l . . t I I) if" T. .. .... Ricaaaeaid Iatereatea I , wj.--''- f The officers I of the Rich mwd !& pan ville liailroad,, in Tlichmond ?oeda that the road has passed Into tbe bands of the Sehey syndicate. -The, question of interest In Jbft city now is whether tbe Danvilie road wilii be operated by the new party in unison with- the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia 'rail road. ,.Tbs best,'opinfon seems to be that it will.:. :he flatter road has all along depended on the Norfolk and .Western road to get to the seaboard;It may, under this verified, system, by the use: of : the Western North . Carolina road, come Into "I be Tlanfille road at SaJiBbiiry. N. C4 and rise it bait th West Point, or by a ch a ngeef wjtch at Dan. ville use tbe Midland track to Washington.- The fact that the traffic of the proposed system ' may, find Its way to deep water at, West Point is probable when It is remembered that the steam ers of Mr: Clyde,' one 'of ; the parties largely Interested In the new move ments, run between that point and. New York and now -connect at the former place with the Danville. It is not be-; Ueved that any change wilt be made in tbe staff of officers of the Bicbmond .& Danville; This uniflcatlou of the Dan ville and, Ess t Tennessee and Georgia' will direct much' of the traffic from the Norfolk and Western.. :. Major E. PJ Pink is the general manager of the East Tennessee, yirginia "and Georgiai He formerlly occupied the; same place on Mahone a old road, j UI! Boldlag Their Owe. Yesterday -was a quiet day for tbe telegraphers, and there ! was neither an; accession to 4 or desertion 5 from ' the ranks. Concerts, excursions.' etolaxe being gotten up !! over , the land lot the benefit of the "bookers? and they say that they will have ; money chough to enable them to hold out until CbrUtf mas. The following dispatch to thi Brotherhood in Charlotte from Tasbr lngton City, covers the situation yesterf day : "Notwitbstandg. ; Superintendent Zeablein has i made thiscity bis bead quarteTS,ndeayoring to bos vines thi jgovernment that theiW pf;, la able to handle any amount of busmess, ; whole sale bribery has been the . order of . the day on the part of ZneWein, and hhnrn- principled employees, but so. far only one of our membaraand be a mere boy, influenced by bis f atberY lias succumb ed tb; these tomptsftdnliAir excursioi AinAiuuwnew was raven last nutQiami the receipts will be greatly in our favor. Different rrs;de unions are subscriblnj? torbuf.lrejlef. jad"thre is iid doubt bulttsi w will iVwAblatA bold out f4rj an. uxLeantte engtn ci time. ; lis i frbtfl all a Qkrters are enauratrl aieiioo raa m ussw fexorC,, PfaiBadsJBbiaandBalUmdre aremtterlv. CtfrTBAtlOIOTaXrMGois T Gow JS;: A Mcpanld. ftck logjam,, Cj J W :Cobn,mclriM)od Var afaWodd itaIseerBeyt win. Norfolk Viti i aLLMcAiexandri CoI'G "G WeiBL rreeffflevJ B Cf H wroribhfeiga BMcbbwelC rffi?jllf 4r.Tr fTiVir.TW.ffAaw I A4JJjWsaaealTCsaeai TaUeWf JTcrrer IViFBDDer. L J Wistx aad arifojKmifiM .Vme,3SF CrJ A. Mcliea.-Mrs 11 II Nek p tticnuacblilljsai EvttiiWllmlngl W 4:5 tfnie1roTi bt.1J!vl?ra1trit-ir1 Tr.riA :riS.wbiMow -1 bt ri- , w, wt " . .tt iy-TTr--?r;T! w,jiti f:Tj-' vMiTTT v,'0.'vf -"V.Vt IXX Burgwjji, iwiesboravJS' 6 rtiXv-W Richmond sVaB? C'llarrisy '13prmgs axejuHuttrev, j rfyuawiHojaWfe MX tba Fauslfle SlapWq C ...ii n.l ltd avr.-.4UUAi.l.f Jaill A a s jDOf Xa Hon Cwwar' U1A t f rt I Iieel ao cratefol to aoma JQaargutpaotfTatnE. f I Bwt wtUa aad aaafaou to tbaak laara far tbe aoM V taej ba-dweaia.r-la.fat,!aier,ldi oogbt to be a monument erected to tbe.nieniory of tHe lnrentor or aiaeorerer or a- -rem raeaiuaettHMaiiaareuyuj in 1 I car ara lony reaie rr- I bare aoefit at Bora too, 4 a taa etv to p cured of a 1 Ouenrs elaO''a.if'-wnoiuiar. -and 4e iWarnt' eprmSj Us; ilPt r- -rhwat! njb Salpbur- Fprliiga, ana r op ay icua au u auiupiewty t"titfea a awn. . " 1 w..a a ""t. v .pu-iK"5" va 11 ereuty, 1 pre St .ir;. - bNsui4efautra4 la tf.. . I ! "ti a f '"rod from tba itrtc' iHrnadetn .ai t- i(( iiti i uc" i ca-ujsoacl tt tiuuse t n?w i:. iijr L.-esud' f tK" i- i""" 'Y;:'"-'..! r Mtaa ; : I fcui id e-s. - "1- 1 w .i r btik.. ii t "3 erer CJ In r y. j 1 1 .'Hmiil .4 to u.. 1 od dla- iis-XT1' vwrn l.r ! , t ..a4t an (any rckd vr cr 1 uorne ft LoBdOn'Bocte Kill,' 8 041 0 TajkrrV wyrWVjest . SOU I'll CAROLINA HEWS. I . ! A vounsr necrro " named ' C S McCoy shot himself dead in Charleston Toes day on account of love troubles. I At hfgh hoon Wednesday, an attempt was maae to barn tne xtewDerry juotet at Newberry ; without doubt the work incendiary. ,fH f4h tsfr i The attendance on the colored Nor tnal Institute of theState. holding its session at Columbia, has only 131 teach ers against 235 at last years institute, nodfet it bas-dpnejgreai good. v, 1 t I f . - - ' . ' av 1 If i4Jut, bmlso iswuuifiHpivuy , avpubauw (Vi the appointment to West Point from the "First rVmirreiastnnar ; nlatrlet Wed- I nesday; Henry Jerverr -of Charleston, 1 etOOCf US4)est examination. , I f i-j,. "its ?Qrtfentillebriusday JasfcJi ne-t aailed in a well by, poisonous gas and a young, man .named Parks who went .down xor'tbe txxry was unconscious wnen ne reacnea w&tn m?; Ar a meeting of stockholders of the "Greenville cotton seed OU MlU VVed nesday, a dividend- -of -9 per cent, was declared on the : capitaL stoekvr Tbe ioperations of tbe mill will be resumed The Greenville News - says . that on Satorday night some Tone , stole . two horses from the stable of. Buck Forest lioteu n c. One ot the , Animals , is a bay mars belongings to Joseph Carson; of that city,- who is xeeping the hotel: The other is a gray mare beionging to josepn isrunsont oi jtricxens. ; ; Bather Deaaevate Kxveaieat ef a JUcb- "t saeaa JDvaaasaer. t Jrtsm,, - . -- - m I L- i ?i?.5.4f : tl . IS J$ 'T -1 " Mr J W Harrison, a. traveling sales man xrom tticn mono, was oown to toe Sound a few days ago, and; oa. Sunday morning: but . got a colored Individual to take bim over to the f bammocka" in his boat, and then sent bim back with the order to call for bim at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. He?badV,his : gun and amused himself for some time shooting cranes, but. af tar awhile be began to get thirsty and bethought himself . that be bad forgotten, 1 provide,, himself with- water. Once xemmded of this fact the desire for tbe cooling beverage grew upon bim with amazing .rapidity, and finally bis . thirst i became unbeara ble, i llsr sought frantically , for some sign of a spring, bat no gurgling f oun tain'presented itself, and ths murmur ing ocean ana its many waves, spreaa "out in limitless expanse before bis vi sion, only added; b the intensity of bis misery. At last, moved to desperation by his mad thirst, he, shouldered bis Sun and: plunged into tbe Sound, at ead ) low s tide, and .actually waded through the intervening waters to a spot - near Capt E W Manning's place, where he landed and soon bad an oppor tunity of ; indnlgtng . himself to bis heart s content in the .sparkling, cool ing beverage which ? be bad so much; coveted. The water in tbe Sound only; came a llttleabove .bis ; waist , at the deepest. " Sometimes he would find him-; self getting in deep water. -but bv di verging a litUe- to the right; or left be would avoid 4ba holes and declivities; scattered along his- route s. He was one hour and a half ; in making the! journey.' i.-r.w- s I .YWkattaeTw fSeaerals eperted. Among tbe striking contrasts exhibit ed in character the most frequent were the comparisons Detween: stone wail Jackson and Ewell or Early. isOa ionO occasion Leerreceived this & devout dis patch from one flank: "By the grace of God - we 1 have - beata them on the rights and tbe next moment tram the other wingr 'By d-d hard - fighting we have whipped them out on the lefkT One lieutenant was J ackson, t ha othef jsweiU' 'teit x. C badarma. Ala'ajrftaa aas nasTS laalaaireur rw.-Waa. Bau'a Balaaaaloc tba Laaica. aaa I can aar. of a trotn. tt ts tar arroenot: to anj otbar Lnna; praparaUaa m Uta rork v Mr to aar aaetotar assa wttaa eoosB,- ana baa arary faitaatian sy as ood phya- auaaaataaseace ia, taa eoonur. ana uerau failed to Hact aecia? bo when I sot ooa battUat roar nr. Waa. aalra Balaaaa tot dw Laasa,abe d Tiagan av aaaao naxas away.'' a ana aay ia. nam taa tt vaa tba maana ef aayloa; aernfa;' I knew of flraosMa (bat Pf. Wav-tiali's- Balaam baa eaesd. and sb BMUier Is bettet ctow tbaaaaaAaa pean Daiorawiwast years.; iujm?olj?u- i . a , .m .if., iaa Win 1 ni.n.iK otj 2. The Fortieta BaJlesi;iti-Ti3 emt paiioi. rox v ( senator - ta&e n . te--dayreauJUdas follows;. rWbola,h tun-, uwjiu) yco roa icSjUcccBaxr n choice 160. XUerson, Stevena X Ladd i scrBnamtaiBg atf txaenan ;xernara- r.uauin: linrna 47. -Pike . 07. j gained ftcver, yeavexdaj's ;oe;.' "Burn foetsuidXJhaBlerii j TtBxi-in trj ji.nj J ,m " i'i .ii . Htiio liy&i-JfraiaBaiWirwaaaw yitaajDaciata. - S a. - ai . arr . w' J a aiSm a .ajuuuw twsiM aai'W't y1ssaiiM j HE Warner At Ca: BtraTraBaiaawayaa4 LlTes Caw aajradwa f Ilia amen the. dookvs cave noaoTrriooa kee Bjea, , mat jr "Jl ir imncri boot ana snoe taanufatttirVlBretsmmet street sus raedMyfnt?J.tMrAnocr filtsomelhAgovrrOO, cf 4octoool "'T:'1" -s irij srtj soIEHauiratSv J , SrnrNJWtORKiAUgSrf h 1m WlWftilWtii J-r 3fiT ,.u in a iiiiai na ia iiniiaiil aail aa aim an Otad. taa wtll afm- npwarda of tbirtai tuna and taiants nmaevorBielDalir DeelallT amdled lna tloa .and wants of this numeroua eiaaa. and. as a rMUirf luitrcffof-aodpraoUeal knawr adebtaiallB a JUetbna aent aa nuisa aaL I S byaieian, atte tiaatmpouMiat a soot bias isyrup, :oataUaeaJBeeAbla.ttiODe alatea aaat ad AaaJLh. and. la . moreove'r aura to j j.imanaier joy sy vajrjvsai-cBai nuiaivwa iffNuuui, vrvruriuuvw iaaj aaa via beoef4r-c beaitaM, eeadraa rtaiaLrtdo Tim-aaa c-wper; e-aeeia ia t qj toe. In this rtjf j JSTa t quan Jjea of 1 'a gootLlr t f "-upi im baa tmBMMrtaaead ba aaraa br tbkt fcotalaa ola article.-sod weatoeereiy biiea, Hjada of fblidrao bavabaa Tad fro'a. an e&t.r rrTa by t4c timely osa, and ti nt totiiione -yet &abra MiL bare Ks bancfi-, atKl oiitiBa-iIln bar Uaaaect aio tmtbev haa ocbar4bt d baaeuBee BrtiaL,j Butu uiu uaeu uera. "wuiin ssraw wiu. nps uionB, taparar; anrP"r,u sBai it &e bertt c7f iZrW. ina rioo Ar- fciniD. Trr U. aotlaS--try it now- ladtBeA Tlauoy. Haw ToV CrfTi -1 Soldo bij aU drnriav r r .TwentTtafaf .w'.r, ' -f j , 4Jw 8li Tbe aaeond iiaTBtantoia ra eQL on drtilnnd'ua foww'rtjtt next, to aux'i boldbii br rfceuid at I 'o-.ock a. on Arrjst 10. Tbe transfer book a wU be el"""! f-n 1 q'cldw. m. Aont ia to Beoteir-r J . V -"-wT., . itnaaawiiMtstlr .f.:L I '..i. l tMMdaiTr."1- fjoe-. '3 1 f yo ' t- . -tJ it i0-",i .-. p h .' . . J t ... 14 C ". ' J. liL 1, lu.I 1 t!l . J.--i. ;IW. IW.!l .kMV i f DAHBYfl PnOPHYLACTIC : FLUID. -'A-If aahoia ArUela .Car TJnlTaraal ' Toe Searlat Eradicates . :1TALAHIA. Trphoid Vavara, IMpattaafla, Ball. Tattan. TJloarated Sora Throat, Banal! gam, Maailaa. aad aOlOentaaioaaXMaaaaaa. Pcrsoaa trmltlaaoa taa Sidk ahould aaa it frMiy. SeaHc Feverba aed. ma aaowa a paaad aracra tbe tluid waa YeOaw Ferar has beca cured with H altar of Dipfetaaria yiatd to tt. It OIALL.POX BadSoraai gU'A'LMO af StwaO fez FBJSVX2rrD Aanitiif oflyfcan fly waa . .Ukaa with .ad by bathiaa wttS Imsmra A( vannra looa. hanalcaa aad ntmaA. forSoNTanat tt a a aaaaB-poa. . I Fkudj tha pal not rUillriane Cootmiom dcatroyad. a- yraaad -VA, .: ChlWilaa rilVa, ptttad. aad was about taa hooaa acaia ta thraa waaks. aad m ethers had k. I. W. Pabj nejoai, Philadelplua. SattWIataCaamlaa. loaa aecaiadbytoaaa. .a Claaaaa it eaa't ba surpaaaad. "Catarrh (caavad aa v Prevented. Xryaipala cnraiL. Tka pfeyafctaaa W Darbvs Fluid irnmfiillr In th I ---'-- - - 'Ma . " ' aaa of KNDhtharla. t Am SatldatafcrAalaMl . or Veaetahla . Poiaoaa, SUogi.etc- - . -tl i I aaedtaa Fluid feto? aor present afflictioa with - Scarfat Farar wbh da , cided advaataga. . It ia tadispaaaatae ttribm aick- A. SouainwaaCK. Tataar dried op. Claolra prevented. VJleara pirifd aad Xa eaa of XkaaUi k aapald aaaaad aboot tha corpse t will aoaaa. wit. r. (oto, Kyrie. Ala. Tbe emln nt P1t afdaa, J. MTAlUok XL Maw Xaa, sart: "I am eoarfaaead PidC Tarba ProphyUctic Fhtld is a TahiahiadWafcxtiat. Vaatderbtlt tJarrarairs. waml lJ taaoratically aad practically . aa airrpreparatioa with which I aai aa .N. T. Vurrom, Prrf fhaiiilm. StaafcaaatCd.1 - m mm neanaBMBUM B V wr. Columbia ProC.tJrfTeralty.Sja L .Mercer uiiiStrT A. I. . atar. uao. V Pariosoy aarailna.-- Uarf faaarilhT'T , tt llii nm U at'Shaa daaaaiarvdJ!!! twaaadrtaaS2? beta riaiaacd.- For I 7. -.'. J VT. Wis w m- ma " y ynactBrlBw Chcaats, PHILADELPHIA. 3i NOTICE. su.i'i :,; WiToa'a Ovatrta. f ; ": T; .1 ratartntte. N. O. Jaly 80. '83. . f AO Bajtlaa airMat to Oia nanont a m V Tax for tba Brtrliaaa of nwrinxin. K. s-jr--- to tba dty of Cbartetta ara aerator aottflad to ap- jrvw uw ey hi aouactor as one ana otxaut ana SaVfertBalrLleaiiaa. . . xaoaa wao (ail aa hara tba tax eoUaetWa iaal(4 lot tha of tlMtr Uanu TM Ka tm 1M f Aoaaat naxt. wtll ba UaMa 1 or taa nujt, t vmaaoa of tba Bavanaa Orriinaaca. "JL - w. - W.G.lAXiWXU, !" jSog3d9t . ... , Mayo. t;a? i, iioroi- iiti iaW-i; 'if 5 cent: KivrSa ; 1J: .-r ::, ialas; aitethaar , Es. Tws-ae; Cheat nmTE Lfluno. o I..."f.i5J.i ,,.j, , t.;.M-.,:.,, ' ; Iaajw.roda atm ndoead In prioea as taa gfji? ps'Ui'XiUV't paaaea for j- ,r . 1 SD1M GC3DS,T0 ek sold cheap. oods .9ath J ii;l.'.i.-tijr..v:r' -aiil.- feain-i , :?? j.j r;,;,;!'.. - Kt oty llif-AHlXrOAllTUNXOF-; t ,1ia-t,Jil:o ,T;,.j ;kSov V": " f ' ;f ii.lfi.Ki?e 'ifjj J: fa. .1' fiv K ;uj..iuj r 1 Ifr.TTwt 15 3ri ; it fl '. 1 Otsibut" ha,bi.'rr!l ? ftft? f l01:Jhlfrj Lb; JlW;.bilSijI ..i.,nit' uljiJalf '.vi3' 'HE NO, TEA. ilijf.ill'rf ffjHEi'NO .'TEA;1' HE" NO TEA. ... i 1- .e-'-V, f - ft i JUST RECEIVED. MMmth (idnnTiio anrt Raw uiyuuiiu vuuyuiva uuu uuio (4 1:. I lil, tiv -a- v wa "J J .'"in.- 4 ... kt .Ji...j j-.:j'jf ! ..- ... ; ....... . . i vtorti mil i.atteulT J "-""W". . ji: "JV;:. J ' .',')

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