DAI jLY JOUR N AL-O B S E R V E R :SJJ N D A Y AU G U S T 12 ; 188 5 BTJSJjrESS KOTICCS. F TlliqMttMH!' v " -" . ..- - AskfAenneteattaeBt ptryslclaa .- Or idi sceool. what It im beet thl K la the world for Qolatug and allaying all Irritation of uw ail loniu or nerroua compiainta giving natural. aaUdUke, refrehtnir s'eep all the time? And they will tIl too unhesitatingly t "dome form ct bops r .. . aurmi. . . . . - Ask any or an of the mrnU eminent physicians: w 'What u tbe dm mod only raimlr that ean be relied oo to cure ell dis-see of the kidnei and art nary organs; such aa Brtghi's disease dlabeieo retention or inability to retain aine, end all toe diseases and .l'menta peculiar to Women-" -And they will tell yon explicitly and emphatic ally 'Bacha" Ask th aarae physicians "What la the moat reliable and sweat eare far - DHver diseases or dyspepsia: consUoatioo. in digestion bllltoasness, malarial ferer, ague do , and they wl I tell yea: Mandrake I or Dandelion Heoee, wben tbtsi remedies are com bin d wttb Others equally valuble And eomounded Into Hop Bittern, sacb a f - lOneluded next week. r ,- ,- 1 . ; A OABDa ' . To an who are offerln from tbe error ana la TlsereUoos of yoath, nervous weakness, early de eay, loss of manhood, Ac.. I will send recipe that will cure yon. FBXX 67 CHAB8B. This greet remedy waa discovered by a mlaatonary tn Boatb America. Bead a aeif-oddresei J envelope to the Ksv. Josurm T. Inui, Station D, Mew fork City. Qerv &&vzKtiszmtnts. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pnrttr recreagtb and wholeeesseasm More eoriiasiatiK nan use ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold la mpeonon wita me meJUtvde of low teat, short lht. alum or pboaphote powders. Sold only In Wholesale by SPRINGS ft BTJBWXLT Charlotte, r a mayt 'Hostetter's 8tomseb BXters by tnereaslng vital poer and rendering tbe ptarvlcal function regu lar and active, keps the system in good working od?r and protect It against disease Tor eon sUpaUon, d speolaand river eoaktlalnt, nerveoe am, kidney and rheumatic ailments. It Is Invalu able, and It affords a aore defenee against malari al fevers, besides removing all traces of such dls ease from the system. Tot sale by an DruggMs and Dealers generally. DIPHTHERIA HAS NO CHANCE WHEK TREATED WITH Perry Davis's Pain Killer This wonderful remedy has saved the lives of many, many children who were almost dead with DIPHTHERIA. 8. Henry WIIboo. lawieuue. 11ml, rT : tberia, and decided that no retnedin eoold reach It. Ferry Davia'a Pain Kilter and my We." , , , XJbeona T ITashiiB. W. Tt.. mtk- T had painters' ootto an d dl phtheretie aore throat very mmy. rmiM iiwr uon nua away." DRUGGISTS ALL KEEP IT. LOVELY COMPLEXIONS POSSIBLE TO ALL. TVhat Katnre denies to many Art secures to all. Hagan's -Magnolia Balm dispels every blemish, overcomes Redness, -Freckles. Sallorrness, Rough ness, Tan, Eruptions and Blotches, and removes all evi dences tjf heat and excite ment. The Magnolia Balm imparts the most delicate and natural eomplexional tints no detection being possible to the closest observation. , Under these cirenmstnnees ' n faulty Complexion is little rahort of a crime. Magnolia Balm sold everywhere. Costs, only 75 cents, "Kith full di rections. ? - - 3 NOTICE. VAtob'b Orrica, l Charlotte, N. C. July 00, '03. f . Ail nartle. sabject to ths payment of a Itoense Tax for the prlvtie of e-wduoting their boaineas In the efy or Casrlette are hereby not Sed tarap ply to tbe elir tax eoUtctor at once aad obtain and pay Tor their IAoeLse. t . --:! Those aiho fall to have the tax collector's reeetpt for tbe payaaset of their Lieeese Tax by the 10th ef Aoirost next wui b liable for toe penalty for vtoUOoo of the Revenue Orrtina ce. , - . W. CL aUXtrXCL. ang2J9t May r. .Easy?s FfiAHIC SIDDflLLS ,S0AP. - ', 1 ;i I?-1,: ?AjsaeahaasVilf M . TarteVaC Geese, tMctcsi is! Dsch S. M. iHX3WEl;IU2S: Ml 1-:'. 'wfVi i. STOMACH IvastaMafle i i 1 ITEMS OF INTERESTS. 1 1 Telegraph, wires are; all laid tinder ground io Eoglblj cltlea. ll'j f- Tbe receipts of the big Saratoga hotels mast be 4,000 a day to make any kind of a profit. .Scientists now claim that white la the proper color for winter garments and aarx ror inmmer. A. Vermont villager, had his walk and front yard pavea with headstones from a cemetery. A firm of vinegar makers in London entertained 100 men at dinner in their 53,000 gallon Tat. Every other man who meets at the Clifton House. Niagara Falls has a title and is a foreign tourist, r ? -, -. It costs 1,500 to give a garden party at the Grand Union. Saratoga-and soBae. afternoons they are omitted. . The total f nnded debt of the city of; New York la m.207j00enot including-' 915,808,704 revenue bonds issued in anti cipation of taxes. The Attoch bridge, In British India, when completed, will nave five spans, two of 808 feet each and three of 275 M ev W a a as a m . b-i - e loeu. xb wlu oe enuray oi.iron. i n The famous Canonehet 'is I still held by tlov. Sprague, although he Is not 11 v- ing mere, and all tee nousenoia goods have been removed, leaving the Bouse vacant. . ... : 5 n t f , t r 1 1 It ss se quiet a! Oeein, Grove after 0 V on Ue Superintendent MaiHnxf the Brook. lyn bridge, blames the hot weather fori the tbe decrease of travel over that; aifueuire, out iooks ior oeicer Business In tbe fall. The falling off from June tcrjaly was full 30 per cent. j rne reduction of the teiegrapn rate in England has enormously increased tel egrapbic buainea. A firm of soapmaken sent out OyOOQ telegrams by -wy of ad vertisement on the day the cheap raU .ravorlte sport at Atlantic City is to be towed by a abark. ' A 'big . book M baited with live fish. It Is soon snap bed up, and then thefnn begins, unless tbe shark takes a notion to dive to the bottom and pall -the bow under wa ter. The fastest time'ever made to the summit of Mount Washington was 0-jtfred Wednesday by Captain Jacob Vanderbilt and Wm. Torn bull of the vanderbilt party one hour and seven teen and a half minutes, in one of the stage coaches. PERSONAL. INTELLIGENCE. ' ' ' - ie f j Captain James B ads ' has" received from tbe government S 1300,000 for his work at the moutb of tbe Mississippi, j - Dr. Green President of- tbe Westers Union Telegrpb Company, was expect ed to sail from .London for home to day. Tbe Rev Joseph Z Tyler of Augusta, Ga , bas received a call to the pastorate of the church of Christ in Sterling, Brooklyn. Tbe London Truth says Mme. Adel aide xtistorl, tbe tragedienne, bas an nounced her intention of making fare well tour of America Mr.Tilden is ten feet high and weighs a ton. Ilia gigantic bulk casta a shadow tbat darkens tbe uepubliean party from Maine to California. ' Durioff sixteen years' service In the ministry in thia country, Dr John Hall, or mew xorx. nas been kept - from bis pulpit by sickness only two Sundays. . The divorced Senator Fair, now abroad, is down for another marriage. The bride ia to be the daughter of Prof. Dare, a London expert in telegraphy. Major Isaac Shelby has presented to tbe State of Kentucky a gold medal whicb was given by Congress to his fa tber. Isaac Shelby, the first Governor of toe butte, ior meritorious conduct in battle. Congressman Wm. D. Kelly, now at Brighton, Eugland, bas recovered from the effects of tbe operation to wbich be submitted before leaving Philadelphia, and bis health ia good. President Arthur went to Kansas twenty-seven years ago to look up a site to start a law office, but could not find one to suit him and returned to New York. F II Co wen, the London composer. who is a viva! of Sir Arthur Sullivan in higher realms of music than those of "Patience and -Pinafore, w ill visit the United States in November. Judge Wm. S. Holm in. Congressman from one of the Indiana districts, has served nearly twenty years in the i House, lie is prominently named as a democratic candidate for tbe Presiden cy lie is now visiting California. TUE AVS IN BRIEF. Mrs Ashby, sn insane Atlanta wo man, was engaged in swallowing a youDg kitten when a neighbor happen ed in and rescued it Ooly the cat's hind legs were visible. A Chinaman has SDnliad for a rjosi. tion on the Philadelphia police force. He says bis countrymen are too sharp for the Mellcan policeman, and need one of their own kind to keep them in order and ferret out their wickedness. About 150 members of the Ohio Liqaor Dealers' Protective Association met in Toledo Thursday to organize for the fall political campaign. In hia open ing address the President arraigned the republican party for its misdeeds and bitterly denounced the boott law. Prof Henry Toule Hind, of Windsor, Nova 8cotia, has published three addi tional letters in relation to the Cana dian fisheries arbitration, in which he renews his charges of fraud. One letter is addressed to Mr Gladstone, another to Sir Stafford Northcote, and a third to Mr Hamilton Andrews Hill, of Boston. An agent of the Treasury Depart ment now in San Francisco says that during the past ten years Sd.000,000 worth of opium has been smuggled in to that port, and that the smugglers have been assisted by corrupt customs official", who have received 30 per cent, of the profits. . , Explorations of a recently discovered cave at the base of Lookout Mountain, opening at low water on tbe edge of the Tennessee river, three miles from Chat tanooga, have developed a wonderful cave of unknown depths. At the ex. treme point of exploration a very large late was encountered, into which the water poured over a fall 150 feet high with a noise like thunder. " ; - The national party of New Jersey, at their convention at Asburv Park. Thursday, adopted a platform favorinar government control of railroads and telegraph lines, demanding that all money issued should be a legal-tender, and favoring a postal-telegraph service and equal taxation. A section in fsvor of female suffrage was adopted after a warm discussion, but one asking for prohibition laws was voted down, i :s. i ; f - Better TMsus Sie,eoet '" ; 1 . -I spent ever S 0.000 tea 28 yea's, said Major B. W. mnee, of Boston. Maes, -la balng eteetored ior epuepay. i eaaptoyea tae eest parsMtane in Hew Orleans. Bt Louis, Hew Tor. Philadelphia,' Bewow Leeden and Parte, bat ail teae parncwe. svsneritoM e wviee bas eqred me ectlrejy.".. Si so. .u.Uj j , - j .'''..-.. :i . - ' TEavellr' srerreaia ' ." - It Is easily proves that malarial fevers. eonsU- petion. torplduy ef the liver aad kidneys, reoerst dbt Ity, Dervooaness. and aeaalgte aLcsente yteM readliy te tbta great oieease eouq oarer ixop Bitters It repairs the ravsgee ef diaeese by eon- verusg ue xooa into rica (Mood, and it girts new sie ana vigor to lae agea .and issne aivsjs.iT i rnaaw Arau Man rA m ea av aars a em ! visa wdsmsi -isb ea ffiss vavm a wno snetzear after 10 1 edock is llaH I to be jarresteil sta "creating ft slistSM I I -Torkt y tm-f To It. CLaBX J03HTOH.' - Brr I tarnk I snooid sen yoe OBMthtes; beot yoor nwoa errep. ana i am ae am aay tmn aatae tmpks My doctors a Xurepe deefoed toc4ber to sena me to America tor um sea varan. a.oeti atzaMttdUlme n good: and befog reryiU )ndeed petMsaldeeC tbe. oeeen. some of my people breugtU me yew Indian Blood eyrnpTbia J bare akea, sbd altboosti l did not Has tbe taste of it at erst, I eoottaoed U, foe tbe bitterness aoea swit efl, and It bas dooe sae ae srochcood. Um mom to my treat Joy, I am enabled to seud yea this nabs, to say that I am aaothw man. Day after day I have laipreeed Motd I aa as present really e.otte well. I hall se-eeerMH to atiew yea to make anr nee of this that yoe a ease, and er ortrate tary a hail mireerar aaswer. aoy.lekec of Inquiry uia. wamj mm .... . mi - - - ,j y -I am yoor obedient sertaaL -T- .-V- c. r ZTrO-r-VturiLLX. i As an aatboffrmph this dceoment la lMerest&M as Jja Mara.ul4 de Leqnnejte the roanr Umelet mw of tbe other skteVhpoeml aridtbose of Teanyeon hanng abeol turn targast sxreatotsaala sarepe. ':- i i taa tstsH -(,? ia-ci 2 - "iatni r" 9 ' :: ' r.'i.isiTiiai He. 1. 1 ssa - BB Warner ft Co.; Hirs-f have beeat eeredet sn sffeetlon of tbe kidneys by tbe it yeer SAfe Skioae -aio iJiTervore.-- - - n. c V 1 5 1 H ! 31 II - J b A a eera, A La, nnete Meek geviad. Beware afltJUn wa, . . : - -r- i . nun ersv UftTM. r"T-v s)sivs srkaewt ta. CT - SAFE. . U- WAKIU d COt, nnr M.V. apris . ?t f-,f ; 1 Imported Goods ! AT UlI. JORDAN CO.'S, DRUGGISTS. HAMKTCftCHRV XXntiCTS-PMaU and Lett Vs (In balk). B Mae Bon a Ihosapeoai's Sallied 8 seels. LuohVs T Tender Water, ate. a. H Joan am a oa. WS9 TTyoa Street, COIDBa Yd 8 tCBXT fOWOXBS. lows.Faara, Lutein's and 47 1 1 Toilet Soaps at a. m. jamAJi sron, ALaorsStosk of John T. lewU PareWhtte Led. Centenntai Lead, and rare tlnsaeS OU, jest received at B. B JORDAN a Ca'B. Tryeo Street sTIXWd IHVaHT FOOD. CoeoeeedMCBc, Vstennnes Meat Jidee and Imperial eranam yast teeslvsS as . . K B. JOBSlKCaS. ' Tryea bxreet. 1HO IXIClL envrr aad Peep Berk Seep at a. H. Joan am scat ' Orog fatore. WE hve le More tbe Bsee Fieeeh Braady aad f mper ed Wines U r menkrfnal nee M U iOttOAN at CO.. Prugglats. Tl LACK ENAatZL f jT Or dee al - a h jo&nAMauo's. Try oa Street LAWBKMCX-. Lanee's. Kenta. and the Ox lord (Kngitab) Yucca and Hair Birlea at H. H JOoOAM CO 'd. " Dreg Store. A REAL RBE3EDY, NeltkiM irigstlcAl sier dtavst Irs Orl-ftr - Sees Scletwunc avradl scirie. A BCHEDT ef over Twenty-rive years standing. a stauasluic saore popular at bocae. and where beat kooa-a. than ad other Htmu of Ms kind. endorsed by the best Phjs.cUns and nragxeta at 1st home. a rbhedt that Mr. C W. CrXem. Ooodeater, Ala . says rais ed hi w f from an lnvadd's bed, and be believes saved her Ue. A REniDT of which a prontnent Atl tnl aerehast a thl. t would bare gvn S600 aa soon sa soa aa I would a nickel tor what two beaies of your reerilrlrte did for say daughter. A BEJIEDT In regai I to which & J. Caaaels. M.D. TOragglat of Thomaallie,Ue,ssys: "I can recall tnstaxioes In which U afforded relief after all the osoal reaae dlee had Ul ed - A BEHIEDT. aboot whleh Dr. W. B rerrelL La Gt. oa.. writes: -1 hsve used for the last SO jeer -s. raedlelae yoo are potttng up, and eonelder a iau beet eosablnauoa ever aottoa together for the di seases ior wuen u is recommnooa. ST of which Dr. Joel Bran bam. Atlanta, said: i have examined the recipe, end have ae hesl'a Uon la edvlstsg Us ass, and eonadentiy reeoas sseadat" A BE3IEDT whleh the Bev. B B. Johnson, near Marietta, Oa says be bas used In his fanUly with "the utmost satisfaction.' and recommended It to tbe famtliee "who foond It to bo Jest whst it le reeonunended a BEneDr - Of which Pernberton, Ivetson A Denlaon say: We have been seutng H for teeny year, wtta eon staatly lnereaaUig sales. Tbe anlele la a staple arllb na. ajwl mm of attanlnf a mr1l k asniiDr . . ". of whleh Leaser, Banktn a Lasaar sayi "We som ao gross tn rew awewns, and never sold tt in aay piaos rw won u was wamea SgSUL . i A ItEMEDr ' v by whleh Zr. Baogh.ot Lenuare. 6a says I eored ene of the most orwrtinsle caseeef Vicasi- ws sixbstkcatiost uii ever osjae wniiui amy knowleag,mlihafew bottles. . - tdKirilfOT " of whleh Dr. J. CL Htns. Notaevlge. Ala , saysi I am fatly eonvtoeed tnat It Is an rivalled for that class ef dlaaeses which It els! as. te eare. A BBBBDT aboot whleh Mai. Joo. C Whttner. of AOants, well and favorably known all over tbe United rJtatee aa a General Insurance Agent ssjs: I used thla itriaedy. before tbe war, oa a large plantation e a great number of eases, and alway wtth aoeolote A BE3IEDT shoot whleh J. W. Btrange. of Cartersvllle. Ga , reruflee tbat one botte cured two members of his family of menstrual irregularity ef many years standing. , A yxKnvsnT- . . tbat le ciirxi thaji ajtt orsraa vxtHciini ef Its kind lnb. rld. beeaeae two ayrrrxas WiU ccas zes kost OBern An cask. . A HKaftltV la regard to whose nn railing. anrtvaUed eurstlve pTopriertvee-I have many hnndreda of tesUmo nlaia. Tn 6kxat fopttlak bxxxpt is Baas mu)"! BadCLATOK, (Woman's Best Friend) for in vrmu wiamaii .... ' Prteer Small atze 7S eenta. Large Size SLSO. oom rropneior ana svanaisomrar. j. bbIditxlii.' t i Me. 108 8. Pryor Street Atlanta. GsJ I ELAJCH BATiBAXI ty sad rich perfoaM. It I eet.res to el ray Blair the leetkfal Celev A ta dasdrafi aad falmtg ef the hair. taa.A tl.HI. .Hta-aOfc,T. O I a. Iv 0 O DURNHAKS i V xi .P w f?FVW :?rfi PAMPHLIT FRtg BY i v . rr J ii. ii ii. .., .mm mm ! It 1 1 1 V i 11 r a tmw m m a JJ10w ... .i f ,K ,J sW- . , W e, t i "W t-J- MIl liyP. I a- iJ i;. ; -. r -H? Succgg so rt o Ettenger:: 'i-'ii fci.lW M .m ,j.rrru. i ...... - . r . I - .fm9 .. . I hill. rix. 3 m; I- Wiiere - People are apt to think that If they were only richenough to be Indifferent about the eoet of a thing, it would be easy to obtain just what they want in the matter of clothing. .If you've ever tried it, you know this to be a fallacy. - NctbiOs- is easier than to spend a lot of money in dressing your boy, but tbe difficulty Is in choosing. One mother considers the beauty of the new garment. aaouiez scrutinize ue max ing. wnue a third estimv bow it will look alter a month's wear.! We are watchful of all these details, and our experience enables US to determine What Will wear batter than mt nna not am Kimrt. . We sHv rnn tbs beoentof -wbat.we know In the srepreeentaUon of oar goods, and Ft is sale to be guided by our judgment aa to the reliability of them, while exercising your own taste as topatterns and style of garment. Tbat we are honest la our aeaire u serve voo eocienuy, our readiness to take back goods and refund money the beet teetj and at no aeason of tbe year Can we rive you such great valtre for little money aa jnst now. For in our effort to clear out all remnants (j Usui iuie we nave piaoea upon our Bargain Boys' any! Yputtif SUmmernbate; Children's Short Pant Suits ages 4 to 10 years 81.50 Boys' Long Pant Suits, ages 10 to lo years. Q.vfiB....?!r.? T TT.. i n .A Boys' Heavy Linen to ia years..... ..i Children's Woven Casstmere Suits, ages 4 to 10 years, the best sell. Ing suit we hsve bad for &30, reduced to. ......... An entire ceuntit of Knee Pant Suita. all wool. 4 to 10 years, em bracing all the styles and .pat terns from S4S0 .to $6.50, are placed to sell at. . .1 Large lines of Boys .All Wool c o 5 . o . faaT 1 C" Kaita. agee 10 to IS years, prices 7J50 to f 10JOQ, are reduced to. .S5 i j We are! n numbering also the neces sities of cur customers in our s O Mens' Department, ! And our counter attraetiw patterns i .AeTaV' . S7,50 o Bp r-r Will prove a pleasant surprise to gen tlemen who are accustomed to paying at other houses 1 $12.50 .A FOU INFERIOR SUITS AT LESS VALUE. 50 CENTS Can be doubled In value and usef oln by exchanging it for STRAW BAYSTTE ENGINES. Portable and Stationary. T ... T ea toe Oor Vartatle Cot-eff TCogtae took Goad Medal at 8t Learte. Mew le 1 TK COMX aad SXX IT. The OMkXDA MOCaTXO xaOUfX ane ef the amest highly Sal one of the beat VKXHCB BOBS OOBJI MILLS The en the atarket sis, fnaa IS se so ttad trees as 10 TaosheU goedaseal Xrery ene gnsranlsed pxxaLxas Tiraxarpta and sxr abatobs ve bee trie SBsQaSMsBastf CAB LOAD Daniel Ptatt Bevoirlng Bead etna Avery atnner who has tried one say they are the CAB LOAD Perry t draft i OIAHT Cora and Cob hCUs Xrery have aae-trm grssd tress 4 te hoebeM n4HXS 8TJLXT PLOWai-The N readeetheenewUsA tsrae seatM eocaer. A BOSS P&XSS. a Kfflt, Sbafttag, Primes, Jet Pasps. , Pipe XiBsTXlta. some and see these eoods aad get prlcee. ParOeswho eottrjo same er large ssa eh Ins shops are to ean aad atarstae say sample Variable Cot-oS or wntefor " JAXX3 V. JOHKSTOK, CoOege Street Charlotte. M. a saar29 HOME COMFORT. After as try XwOsi neThAlBlve ef r?wiae,::?aar- "Iwlahte asTmed Doctor X .aa as entered his boose niaerjryntuevuiBi the b.terlor ef the State ef Hew Tork. after a. tecnooi aferht ride er avajiy ,mlles have been down among tbe moontalas to see a nan. who, the mesaerger said, was very atdt and not Dksty to trre ta inorDlnic, anlesa he had immediate help; and Xoond , hint anfbjrlna Trass a lerbee aharn attawa- aa- anlto, art.!, hkhm. lry might hare reUeved tn ten rnirrates, if they had a grata of sense and taw er three stmr remedies m tbe boaee. Bat not tkey meet ramAm gl as pfga, and whea tbe least ache or peJa takeo them, stnd ror a doctor,' whether they ever pay him or not" -- " - - " . a i "Tut rrrinf nr. anal tin af inula isaisiTlss. si yon ean them, do yen expect people te keep tn tbe Boose T asked the wife, as she potawd Tata a em of hot teew ' ' i'T 'I ' v ? ,i U thla- gasa. answered the Boetor. if they aadceJy pot s BXHSCars CAPCSCB POBXTOS PLA8TXBonthe raaas stomach, he wooid have an right la aa Aoarr aad saved aaa a dreary ? in all ordinary eotBplalnta K cores st onea. ' are einainated noathesysSsmrey Uon.or by aanlea of them Plaster rmgUsaatJLl B taottes the sorpld or gans p act aad. seads Bs sooth trtg tngpaaa tttraogfe the myrUd pores ol the skht AU ether piaassra etHige tne psiisel la wait Zaeyglsehlm aeve fee te mrom. Benso gs phmser grvea him help to-day. Which la better, do roa UUas r Bar the CAPUKX and keen tt ta Che house. -PrJesvaA eenta., . w i , eeeJMTVA Tnlinarai Tliaiaianaianiel fasTiliTa Mew Tork. ,- . - - utMaae r i Can attention to a g I !I:iTy-'!iifc3y.Grcceri:3i i I - Jjul, tiy are for Oraage 'msa. LtghUrng Blie , FewdArs, &d kU gtris a J fnaimi FOwdez. i Also agents ret ASas Powder, ChTtTOJyeertne) an m im ma is umsi earthiges, uapa, xxause i sal ft'Tssea' FsrSai wxcUsc lacs' pedega I and !2ig rcs?a FtrSAi TntdUoi irkawSsea I a . i heals sad two ptjdoos essaprkss an BIQ Hbwtd;Buv Theffi ' ' 1- ' - ...... .. . . '- ' ..'v a: t :Ii.-M -1 1 . w. r ; ef t o o .. lO xnznzn pa a o 5 5 5 B 5:5 .70 M Pants,: sges 10 T tb b cri co on c - S A O B 2 P 240 860 eontaicinr various .Crf ; es - of all Wool Suits at o 2 to 3-i 5 'I a regular dollar HAT. JPrisctlluuxans. re Save Our Usual lam ittnxtiTe Stctt 0 FOB THX Spring and Summer Trade. -:oc :o:- HAJ$x B9J!?"ET?!i Bows, l t cxa, xlow A XBAnjATBAaa, ormamsmtis7 silks. bb.uxo, airn,, aa lUNaanan and eeallDe. and will aoaetauUr add te all tee NovaJOM U the line durtng the si soon as thev anorer ta Hmm Vatk. stock WB eaaeSaaaCTaSseTSal SJXMAJTa US I rYOTIOlfS Staid r AH CT DBT GOOXM te be found la the eft?. Our nee tost received the finest stick tn tbe etty at tbe we sen fee and BaveaeeredB price. lira. P. QUERY; apr P. 0. MUNZLER AS Tti&k & IhJTOy C&kjl wiuui lint I (Of PhfiadelDhla. Pa .1 ' V''1i'i)..,u'.!.Aj i, m 'd v-rf u te gcrDecr, i i r?t;S BBTJEMt'A BifrMrrav.a eeipriea ada--. - - i -1 ? -t Loek Box AiC. Ctoartooe, xTtV U '.'i !-'A r-.l-is .' ': 4T3 .ft M .-. --St. o:- lPair wes Platform Scales, u i n i.:j v. -: " - r- y ' I 1 1 IfLarirtiSsfo fH make", I i.ljllili if -t t'yfiu i-tiwn . I k ti. .'.Ttr . vvnreU I K'iLii .a. n. a rvj e a v a t - i : ; - ATS1! - -f-' -m Pl -Miliums J ,ii ea. . . S: IV - --rr, - H New SpriDg Styles ! wevee, Laees, Xmbrotderles, Trtmmmsm, Corsets aedallktndsof .. 7 W . ;a r lrcratea Ia!i RICHMOND, :VA.-; - sts ErrABuama) octobeb, isse. t - TsvUUDXS OTf-- STAHONARY AND PORTAlBIiE ENGINES, - saw giLTsi. eaaxsT mi.t m, aiiij onxMnfa, eTcc. .... Bon. visa otiu xnrns mads to o&sxb ov ibow, oa srxxx. cALKoia rxxrz with HYDKAUIilC PRESSES, Aael aai KlrseT ef j nyeTnsUle 2!3fiU!S5lTZ2 oar SMW Bta rjMlM StWSTa aBBMamjaVVtSBZjSSJBBs t i.! Great Rc3ductions eoeh as OXKTS LOW BliriVW TSntCX Al Specialaiail!i ISiiiaJaMaiDs !! 1 :;:;TrunIw TO jMAKB'ROOM FOR QUE." fall stock J i j ai it.- .? " : -t ,s-" ' ' '( ' ' - ,.j er V) BEDDING,&C. i " . A TTULL USX Of, -... CHEAP ' D E D S T E A D Sf" FAALOB aad CHAXBaTA BUTTS. fJOV.F STfTSfkl Sail Its Ii Sa. - taT a "" Trade street ChszlotJe, McrCsarXlam. - ; CENTRAIi BOTPLf DnOWRED IN DEEC neeaE The taetlsstr. and yoa ssay sues: a pta there, : mat tne peepie ec taie ewaui are nxsry te oe : dsy into the ear ef The uerraea cunk at tne seeotM oerace. - - , or uts pee annram : It rets dp kidney troabka. as a aoaee a etor eirr anian knowhtdge or the Usees and a ten. IS 5 I C"' xae sairmigns ernooper i of rarrea lonree . .torpid nanssew aad ail tha aartteefooBM of Rrkrltl'a - a, - This aseiaaehety feet aeneiiila rn Taxrtferehe wesaleeef I A. A. eiKlek i ' BXXSOS'S CAPCtKX POBCS - ri.aHTAfc. waiea at eoce saBigaiee tneee ayeip oaeav . aie" x a emi. Aaxyoar a. - teat mj HI a JOBjtaOJI, Coeselses, -, JelSdew 3 fj t j . Mew Xorfc. 1 1 . HE NO TEA. HE NO TEA. :HE'NO,TEAi i r- , i HE NO! TEA. x-- i:,-- .1- t s ;0s ' : -nc HE NO TEA. HE NO TEA. -AT Wilson Bros., .-s v : c..' .1 SOLE AGENTS. im7-SDPPLYK600DS. v?;i-. J3 4 x JTJ8T RECEIVED. , - " -i .- ' !- CROCKER j lift I I QIASSWARE, rl'I TM'VTJ'X'TJ 17 I J- A Cl V Yilllr, I :;A3CD HOTlOJlH Tyrfgw i f .tjf. " J .1 j i - itV -4 .-t Tr-.5 -j;t .n tars.ll... 7 : TuM 8' thsTrr'r0 'i-P V-Ti,---t xxTna Axt ' nVrwi rwiii-r--' I I j . - - - - : i - iilli Ii,,l:;:- :'"" 11-41 J I asesasthai waehad St Edmond. lMtew iisutiis rsmr tor setnng KrS-ly ? T!. '15' 1 . in th3 Prices of Tall GOODS and TRXWCH Ttra,'" t. atitts gg CBJlr- aMavrx-arw, ao , t -nom & nmsniNOEi,r 1: SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT. v CHARLOTTE, N. C. h THE, IMPROVED r i i i ui 23 a c:z:llnil XTLLX (atJAXAMTXKD I ttrrbailaa Tb. cyttmeera ar. larr aad wtta. vfck eMt UMBmcW ' t- BbeOirkl atari, of- Ptrth toa, ta. tma. r-sa Traei rsr - ' tohi I, Iwaakaat, Iraa aoTlava (bawkat - . . I aajaaaaatoiadac Vtf - ' - kua KliataadiM tb. aa i .ilitrj I.. . . ' I NTaoi; s w,-. r, . "--- - xerTAaTxaa' fai. OOWyWiai - a, brVeaVe 111 if 1 Jjl rrV I : - tsOW rXIC8 , Price, og I ''WKkBsif: ,.vm Self-'. ! gjaa - rcadavor Tedr aja v ' ' ' fVn.rlaaai'V. - Coadaaaer. H Z See rtS !S Z ' ruaee- . - m e eee f Zj. VIZ S2' "eee ee- mSS " S!! - -. sat ee ee ase ee ee I KM Ssrtor tin) raaa jaa aay outer two aaaka. om& aed f a. CKrr amanttracf mmu im .kini. . , BO WM COTTON CUN Cew Sew Leaden, Ct i&y 17 daw was warn ; - PO UTZ'S CATTLE. POWDERS HORSE ANO Ko Bora vfn rfla af notin m m Ttm k- vxa. if Foatra Fowdera are aaad ta tiroa. ' roa ere wui core and jirereu t Hoe CMuu, Poatr-s Powdere will prereDt Garae lit Fowls. roots a rrawd.T. WUI In. ..... tk. mmmmw m.i. and cream tvantr oar eani nk. tJ.t,.. and ewaaa. . . - - - ... Foar Powder, jrm eare erpreTeat altnoat srraar " Dr?". to waleU Boraea and Caitie ar. aobiect. rwTOrewpiM Viu rra tATUrMtlat AVD X. VOTTT2. TrrepMateajT " SAI.TTHOaXl.arD- Stcckicf tllirtla Ccsalitsp Sale. - I offer my enttre stock of MAABLX MOSU- "f iaiujs zor saw as ana below eosc 'vTnos eghiac to ptmat wtn fiad Btotheir tntereat to ejxaaune my stock bsfora parchaemg alaewhera. . . ' ' . Special ladsxeirarats effered to HarSle Pealew, as 1 m eloclas out to qna fit bustaeo. ' . '; '"-'i - I ' r- w O. BXE3TEZLL, " : : Opposite Ttrst Presby terlu Chareo, -; T7TI0I 5 STTV fW 2: '.Celled CrT--. - - - - .. - - rf' Kir.