CI: I 0 IJ J 1 Y A M TT ;i IJ o c. 1 iAY -4. IN KEaOBIAM. vl v kt SXSICATXD HB8. M. 1 THE GREAT GERU AN gsilB aaurttaIOIxs?nycr REMEDY. FOR PAIN. Relieves aad care ' EHEUHATIS1I, Neuralgia,: Sciatica, Lumbago, EEADiCHS.TOOTHiCHl, SORE THROAT. STBAIXS, - . twm, Cats. Brat . , FK08TBITKS, v a bvjku9, mui f And 11 other bodily ache FTJTCHXo. nrr cehts a bottle. Dealers. DtrectWoa la 11 languages. Th Chart a. VooeJar C. 1 The public 1 rqutd evefully to notice tb new and enlarged iSchodule to be drawn .Monthly. - t-OAPITAL PBIZE, $75,0001 XlcJtelaonlr 13. Shm ! Ptwwf 7N TO MT FBIXXD. ' , , BTJH1XB, " Xtad frtoTHl. bow pMiBpfol la thy raat, A round toy Heot form we weep Our aching bna are e uibed wit grief. ' They tell me. Lbli 1 death' cold alee p. Ob broken tie of earthly love. O hearu bow'd down In bitter pain. Tour unlik will be heated above . f o Where deem can Bovec come again,. The dying eunet asenMd to linger Just to be latest breath B'er ibe eold syetrtoa flaa-er Pealed bar eye-iKa down la dea'h. Blleoe, nor loud barMot weeptnc Can diemrb bes perfect rest. Care, and pain alike are alee sine In bar dear and peaceful breast. Loving heart new sailed forever; . Fa btul friend so love by ail. : , 'jjA Thou has crossed death's see blng river At thy bveaty Father ell. t , Thy loved memory ne'er ea perish, , . ... .'All will mis thy loving waya ; Son knew tbee bet to eharHh I Aad give tbee love and .vraue - t i i Tie bitter pata at parti o t J M k. talntf4AM . WvVl . all il mil VU1 aeaae waea aacela bear i Beyond iau world of cm And one by one we enter The pearly gate, where bleat - ' Saints eatt aogels weleoaae 4 Tli n mil (n fut ' Raw Tnaa MeB . rwrtMi Voture closed at-adyi sales vtf 000 bales. einCft. . ww JUJy eteeawe)eeiewwetw e AOKuat 10280.34 8etenaber lOMa.Oo Oetober 10 14 1ft November.. 0i8f.l4 Deeember - .....,.. .10 Hth in January. rran. ....... t t , ,1 t Mooey. t t I ' t t r DOJaBOM Caab. 7 Currenca. i imenM lower. . Fonr and a bait per eeota. t ' reurpereenta. i , t Tbiwe per eenia.' tr :i , i State Boada et.. , . Cloaed o0M at ' ' ilasama Ctaaa A. 3 to K. ' 't Alabasaa Olaae A. eetaU. t, ia24A VK ia470 4t io'a.o9 10.69A.V0 t . JWI4 t 22V tI17.4el u T '1.12 ; I f . l-ti8M T J .hi J mm mi r Tbeatam El 1 Ae years reU a At borne. In ht In aagolab we T t . Aalaweetto'e i IPheadeaUjh Louisiana -State1 Lottery? "If do Jwavoy KrV a ffSff Mumili rbr a ta MamtNa awJ Miw-Anmbi Draunagt t,f th lotsuiana Stale Lottery ComfXB ana v pe Otowiaatoaa. w fra,maiade ad control V Jjrmmngt aabae. end tati soma am eawdiirfaaV laK- iyatu. Mrua. and ui oaod faith toward all va Un,rivaMthshttomOontfanttouMM aCe, v-ta fmttinnlm cf our mgUrm attack, iorfwrrttiemenC." - Home, tTiaBds. and kindred mlaa the. Toy wacMJ calia cod word of ke- heaven above. bave bowed and wept. eaan. the He. pallid ltpe and brow. nia leverea aruuy iiee. " Beeet song of praise to Ood; ! A solmA sUunevaanard the pstb t fBerleec ) earn bave trod. 1 v3entiy lay ear loved to rest. : Ood guard the sacred tomb. Sweet tarmertaUaanow erawik bar brew v Bejoadeartb'asemn gleoav j l , latra Ym f-Vfv?8 ,jr.a ,iui(iu uanuiiuia Aiiwa Alabama Claa B. ', aiaoem-uasa U 4 s. . f Aeoma' a. - " Oaarat c t aai(i t, fJa ' goMy it- i,; LouUlana CoosoW I . r North Carolina' a, t ' t t Norih Oarollna'a. new. t North OaroUaa'a. fuadtng. t MorUi Garouna's. speelal tax. Dotaa uarouna uibsb (i Tennessee Vm, t i Tenng en, new, i trtinlaOs, t t t Virginia. consoJUlated. Tlrginia. dererred, t x Chesapeake and Uble. cateaaoaad Alton.. .; i t i '- 4' . " t ' ' "' f t t t I t - J v 1 1 t t t i t t i t t r"yt 1 I- Cbleaco Ac Nonb Western, preferred. Chicago. BL. Loom and Mew uneana. Consolidated Coal. 3:11 Delaware and latarawana. t - Denver c Rio Or raw. t 1 - t Krw. t t - t t 1 1 1. East Tonne. , 1 .1 : Fort Wayne. t - . : i s Hannibal and St. Jtaepa. uanem. t i - t 1 1 Hooatoaj and Taxaa. j t uimots centrau . 1 -. : : t - t Lake Score. t 1 f t j LoolavUi and MaabrUla. 1 t t atcabattan Ftevaled, t : : " : ateaipbla and rfiirtaston. 1 t 1 ftf ecropoUtaa Klevamov : 1 ktlavjigan Central. . t 1 MebMe and Ohio. j ' NaabvUleand Cbatxanooga. t t New Jersey Central, t ' t 1 New Orleans Pactfle trst mortgage bond. New York Central. . x j f New Tork Kbvated. t 1 j : - 1 Norfolk and Western, preferred. 1 3 Nortbere Paetfte. common. j j nonaosn raetae. praxarred. t t 1 - "' CwswawlasilaieTa Incorporated In 188 for 25 yer"by tae lalura for KdueaUonal and Charttabteparu with a eamtal of Sl.OOOOOe wbleb a fun d of fiSO.0O0 ha aliiae beenadded. . . By an overwhelming popolar vote fto tranelilja was made a partef the present State OoaatttBttoa adopted Deeember 2d. A. D 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed Br the people of any State. -- - - ItafiTlUWD SINftLX HTJlfBSSt BtWWtBO Will tax piaee mowtbry. . - ' " . , -j It nro sctxaa tm iumicwjs. A 8 PL KM DID OPPOKT0IITT TO JTIW A aaatH,at. . Naw Orleauaa. TmcmcUkV AwT. J.,18S. 159th Monthly drawtag. - .: 19- CAPITAL TBIZE, $75,000.' 4iSl 100,000 TVdteta at Five feoUars kaea. TTaoUoa. u Finaa, to propordon. , ' - MOT 0 PBIZXSt m 1 CAPITA!. PH1ZK. 27K.0O0 ' . 1 . PB1ZX 25,000 1 PnJZk.r 2 PBIXXS OF ...y.... 6 PBrZKS Of 10 PaUZtS OF.... 10.0OG 18.000.. J2.000 . a.ofjo 10,000 . 1,000 10,000 500.... 10,004 200 20,000 100 U0.0O0 60.... 25.004 26.... 26.000 1 vxxoriT IUI nfYH PltTTia. 0 approximation Prizes mt 75a.. ..-t&SlSO t Apprexlmatlon Prtxe of roa 40O 9 ApxlmaUon Prtaea of 260.. 2.260 100 1,967 Prtsec amoonting to. JfW00 Application for rate to etnba abomd only ho jnade to the office of the company In NewOrteanc. For f aether information wrtte dearly, grvtMc fall "address. Address P. Ot Money order, c iteaistcred Vetterato- ? lfEWOBLEAHS HTlHtBAMB : -:RwrlaBiLat Ordinary loiter by Mall or Kxprea to - jJ T. M. A. DATJPHIH,-J - Hew Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, 807 Seventh street. Waahtngton. D. C $30,00Q?FOR'$2: About one month ago. a package of 81000 In bank bills was stolen from the first National Bank of Charleston, and the work of a detective lea to the arrest of John Robinson tbe colored porter of the Bank. After lying in tbe station hoase awhile, he confeased-aed the money was found ; whereupon Robin son w as released by the , crosecutors. But Trial J ustice Gleason eeeinjr this,' sent ont another constable and had. Robinson rearrested and committed to j . 1 a .4 fii i m i There ia taf bel erected oh Sullfvan ' Islanai a, first1 class hotel; with bathing rooms, billiard rooms. &c It 1st saki there is never a warm night on the Island in samitonor a; cold one in winter. - j The army worm' which Is said to be appearing in large numbers in South Carolina is pronounced b ezperiencea judges, the genuine cotton caterpillar, j A negro named Henry! Toole, cdiai Williams, shot and killed an unknown colored man in Aiken county last week, probably In self defence. ; ' The colonization of the-lower part of South Carolina by negroes as projected in Washington vctty is-proBOuncea a fraud by prominent colored men in cnarieston. l Ata same M t Ibcll Craa, This ht what Captain Hodgden said when apeak Ing of an cmoleaaaut experience be had on board ship, near Washington. Bo added; -"The bad Scots of whtsa I aeon felt" Then bo went on le say that be bad severe patn. followed by a ter rible attack wt dysentery. Those wicked crab wooid have been tbe death ot hi bat for to fact that ho always carried Pain Killer -en beard hi vessel. Have Perry Davis's Pain JUUS at nana 01 day and by gat 10 aure rauei. ; -- Ohio and MlaotaslDOt. 1 1 Ohio and Mlaataatppt. preferred. Paetfte Mall. 1 nnaourg. 1 t 1 t ueaauver, t t 1 : 1 ivor, pranrred. t : 1 1 1 1 t ! and AUerhecv. 1 Btebsaond aad Danville. A i t Btekmeod aqd WeciPomt TWmlnat. 1 Bock Island. t t t , . t - 1 t BL Loals and Ban Fraiimseo, t t t 8C Lools. preferred. t t : 1 S-feT?6 11 preferred. 8. Paul .pmfecvad. ; t ' t t Texaa Paolno. t.. t 1 111 unraataeue, t - : ijoa 1.04-i. 118 65 - '189 1 16 IO 8V t0 tJ9 nit .87 a.85 144 1 u 78 t H4 t 1 214 2S VVl - 7 1 140 ., 1W3 o 1.2514 lJOtJMl 474 4tta 8 ' (t9v 844 1214 & .. ssvk . & - Fn 801 42 lie 1 . STOREOR liEN:- Tbo stand now ovup'ed by Mr. J. Koyer. en Weot Trad atrewt. ck xt Mrs. OoerVs Toarocd tenani, with a permaaent b wines a, fair terms et wrea BUI OA BAaUUMuAvO. augl2d2t ' .. . . JUST IN. BestJgrotirrtigKpeqe AJTD- CHOICE HONEY " 5 .-.; tii-J ,1 rU ill-- wy :-r! i j ii ji i'liin Sale Wind. ome in, eiamme our stock and you will find bargains such as ypurieyCT will get again J , ; -"Wet ace closiag out our T ' TT J. il -HXU-LLU.VA1 v i.a.! OF, TOTHX Wholesale s Retail The only ksowa tpaHjU tot EpDepilc Tita.-fca r Qf-Alao for Bpasmc aad jraumg bic3ieas.fea ' yervowsWiakacseiialiklteUeved aad cared.' XqnaHd br bmsm lm daltrloxt of fever ."Cm . jMrHemtzlXe germf of nlsesii and rifkneacv V, veresogly Notchee aad atabbom biooa eorea. ) Claaaaes blood, qTOckeaa alogla cirCTUtlon, Blmlnoiea Bolls, Carbanaicc and Bcald.-ym, -,' 00 rwrnaaaatli asil Miimiil1 1 cams piyi- ,xea, it 1 a (hammig and neaithrai Apencnt,' XfOc Borofnla and King XvO, twla Wotbers. -tCbsnfw bad brsath gee a. sasaeeiaa; rsaee. BfTBoata blUoctsaesa aad dear oomplaxiosC uhbdi rosorrspi ana mairaiccc iaxaursa dirveaStck Headache Ilka the wm4.-W. 'Cestalni bo oraeOc eataartie or opiate. . ay eazes Kuasusim ny xaofxng rx 1 -ri: u.H Vi-i. . s .-:.-!! i ; Sl'MlR CLOTHING jiiiiiirltsnf J--'.J::!.7, Hi KPi?-.; elf".' ',1 1 Mf aivlaar awopili to taw b 1 roaranteed to ears all nervoa fyieiiatte waca aopi.yea an -y. . . Befrecae tbamlai aal larliroritei tfaa boly. fjeres drraeoala or meaey rexande.'m prEndoiMd fa wrtrte rev over 4 fcy t". Aoaaima' ahrsiclaac-la cr. a. aad bfeet. laartlag oUrcrmea fax V, B:aad Boaepa.' IWaum 4f lb blood arm It a conqneror.-s Vvr eats by a leading firasata.- i0.fa. Sm Dr. BA ftJehmwad M eilcai Cot. Po. a Tor tustfavinia aaa emeaurvaeaa araa C.XCCzlaza. Ara.Iiw JTorJu TRADE- .-. ," T '1 Ricunono n DiinyiLLE n. rj I f 2f . a DlTISION4f t I OenDKMKD ICUKDllLBi 1 A r Large Stock fof : 1 .' ' II Leave T BALKS OUi MUBTH. iroer. .Dally...: Data July S. 1SSS. Leave Salisbury ......... 1 Kkcrh feias........ United ocates Trprcaa.' t wso n raaae. Wabea Pactfle pceferred. WeUa Fargo, t t rn uoiea. itt tLast bad. lord. t lJi l ' 4 62a A t 67 81 i . I.BOI4. t 44 1-0 1 a ill TftU. ' 9144 : 1 t rw t 1 18V l BZt4 t ' : t 1.19 1 ax. un. Taaaen PURE WDITE LEAD& Leave Ciruosbjae....,... Arrtva an Arrive Dwrbaa Arrtve Baietga avatiaiewa Arrtvo 880am 6 24am 6.4$ a m 7 26am IOO a 12 14 p 12-64 pi XIUPI X.ZO pi 1 14a. 68. 'Dally. ,.,Troiv. -.'tii. . TO CHEAP. Kiwi,; ft &;.uniLQC!)iLrj. 8WTH BCILDjNO. BOpa 10pm 7 Eft DO m T.68pm Wm awssi a ----- oe .visit v.t 1 ; 4 . L;lffilid BROTHER ifo i-ri.-; ........ 1 Xa 16 Dafiy ezsest Saadav. Tlie'interior' of- our establishment isncrw.renoYateS, and onr stock. so that we cari how r&pme" selling goods again, and if ysu. arf thinking of buying Clothing for MenYouths or Boy s .think df us. i'y 'i'L'l . -. w.:v 1 O" H Arrtva at Arrive tioMebor fSOavaa 46m 6pm x ,t Lmseed (liljofe : BTo. ElOonoeeU at Oreeasboro with B a D BB for all DOtnu Nona. Kaat ana west oc uaaruie. l trallsbory wtu w m c at at ror ait poravt ia wtetjraaic At uiwniooio ana w or w at aaaur. oe at and 68 connect mt iwsnlmio wUBkll K at an 1 for au puaaie en mueea aranea TBALX3 OOUO SOUTH. Xafa.i a9X188S. BA9 K STATX KXMT. Associated Bank ......... The weekly statement of the anawa tao louowtog Less! tenters tnereaae Deposits increase Clrcolatioo deerease... Bsesrve tnereaae Tbe banks now bold la legal requirements .. exeeaaof an 8220.000 44 1.7 OO O.AQO 18600 10O.1OO 87.800 9.338.856 VARNISHES,- &0. Leave ffoldoboro .. Arrive BaVich .. Leave Baietgb... arrive Dorbam .. Airtve B.ilstMMO.... AmvoOieeasboro .... Leave OreeB'tboro .... arrive High rUU. An I re naiisbury arrive caartcoe No. 60. IHSpa a zap 40 a 4Mpnl S4PW 111 110 pm 1041 p !2iiOB'gt 1JUIB Na. 62. iwuy. laioai ta46am 12 onpm 160 pm aadb: ' -IPOPULAS MONTHLY DBAWOia OT r S. ? 3 i" j:i Um etoiilavina.en K, . S"r iclarT Awsrww Slwt, . TMe HearUes WralO iHew Tork Mercury. - ; It will pain a good marry people to learn that Attorney General Brewster, who masquerades as an apostle of pror tection .to. American labor,- imports from London his wonderfai -coats and marvelous pari ts,togt hex- with ether Dortions of his attire. Tbe ruffles of nil shirts and his coats of arms alone are manufactured in this country. That a man from Pennsylvania should bare so little compassion on our infant Indus tries Is enough to wHng; tear from Bessemer steel. - s bat ice of . CITY OOTTOff MARKET. ' "Omai as m JotroLtiOmuTsa. ' - . CatBifrm. H. C. Angnst la- Itwot xae eny exioo manxet rr smrqi at the foitowlng qoo-AUon. Mlovntns. I..... ......... 10 O Low Middltnc. - ljaO 1 f Also Ko. 1 8 Dal y except Bontay. Xaave Ooldaboro . 600 a aa Arrive Bale gh ' UJ.O a m Leave Raleich v 46 a m Arrive Greensboro o 00 p m TWO CAR LOADS No. BO-Connect at Balisbary for an pofnta oa IHuBB. and at Cha'WxXa enrh lao Atr Unt for all botnts la the tooth aad aoutbwe'-. Noc62 -Cooaectsat Charlotte with CCA AM b ror au pouus noma ana mmxaea. ana wtth A uoeior AC Air 1 1 for all points Booth. n. xr. ic. c. raixvkoai). Beesfpts front Berjasfbar lt to ysatii itai, (3:761 i i C Total Bacet Beoeipta same daa, ptatodata... 1 tdlao 4ayM . lal.M.. 68.760 8H.711 ... 63.129 crrr ' Fnopccg majulct. ' : rBeportad by T. B. Maooa. AOOVST 11.1888. Tbese TJraadaiTSocay ri tfie ra W otreach month (9unojIxon)telX Bepeated adioa. Hpa tf Federal and State OaoiU bAveplaoed this eompany beyond the controversy of the law. TO Uila eonoaBy belonsa taa aote honor of haying laAunraledUie only plaa by which their drawings are proven honest and fair beyond question. N B The eompany has now on hand a large capital and reeervefund. Bead carefully the list of prize for tb . AUGUST DBAwXBta. S80.000 10,000 6,000 10.000 10.000 PElMa 1 11 ldwftfwH w Sr at a -a-a 1 , SS-'ff. . nrin 111 X I laWi ji 1 " 80 Prma. VtOQ eaeh...... 100 Prtaea, 100 200 Prtaea, 6Q rKX) Prtaea, - 2 irwi rniM tfl 9 Piea, 8300 saoh, Appraxiinanon rroes 13. uu . JIW - - ew " MAI Ii a rjotant rmaody la an ehront afaai ' la these dlaeaaes It will reatnre los la tbe nee of tbe medicine 10 order to carry the system all the pouoooa aamere x . Beaadails la a aovarelni reraedT "orall of the blood. It has no eqoal for the core of aer- , omi (Ilsoovr. Bead thlscerwejeater ' j a<iMuav. rfuiy lu, ibiv, : t wrjcddlrkatnnaar teetlBMmr to tbe merkeet Boearlalt. by aylng that aomo right year ago I waa totally prostrated, and could get no relief front oor family physician, pot altar taking owe doom ot Ultra-1'! I became entirety vesSoiwd to heslih. ' I now weigh 176 lbs , bat when 1 Ore took year medldBel weighed onry ISO. I ebeerfuliy reo ommend B to aTi7and eapeclaliy to loose amWxert with nerrooe oeotmy. ; aus. a. a. aisrwiw. : MASKCT3 BY TELEGRAPH. Buzuta PBicaa. l.aer buabfl Mbau -. , mt J; ' Baajavwatte. perbnehel White. " PaAvtna, aerboaheL Family. Baper Oara, abetted.. BnuaD FatTTT , t Ippiea, per DX... 1 peeled. Unpeeled. ... 6VUZ60 BSa66 860)90 . 1.2Ja.60 eOa6 .. l.lOal.16 6Aa76 .. 2.402.60 .. 2-802.40 .. 2.2ia2 80 8366 8a ea7 44 r. - ; MO. 60-CaCy. svAstVsv vfsBaamleBBOvFQaM Attire .UrosrTlli--..... J.... MO. 62 DaOy. t r t .tt kU 1 .4iaiB pat . II 20 pm .12-O0Ln,t 1 Arrtva KemwuUle. Ant irx2iam 11.8'tam 12 04p 1TW. KO. 61 DaCy.i Arrtve KerTjerwrUk... Arrtve Qreisasborow... NO. t 3 68 DaOy. J. H. McADEN. arrtva TsraarrrlQe. Axxtv 1 6v44pm 6.20 pa 70 pm 60 a a &05a 7.IO a at WATB 7BIw,aU4SITV B4ILHOAD.' may 16 DBUGGI8T. North Carolina , TestimDnials ; eorjia iroBTH. Pora' OF Leave Chanel E1U... Arrtva UnlversUy. .. No. 1, Dally ! r Bwnday. Irish.. Cabxasb, per poaad..... waa per Doahei.. 10.000 10.000 12,000 IO.OUU a Prtaea. 200 a Prise. 100 t.neo Wbnla 82: Half bOjbO .811200 Tickets, tit 27 Tleketa ,10U.2" f , Bemlt Honey or Bank Draft rn Letr, or send Bf kipree. DOJTT eSND- BV - BBwi&TaMD LRTXB OB P06TOFFICX OBDKB. Order of So aod upward, by Xrpreaa, can be sent at onr ex- . tieiiaa irtflraa an nrisr In 1 B. M. BOABDMAH, CborVoraoarDal BtHlalng, LotnavfUa, Ky. anrt - AUaUST 11. 1883. aonmic. If AVAL 8TOBX& OaAnXvroa Turpentine flan at 881 bid, bat held higher. Boela firm; strained aad good do. 81.2638180. Wmrraerroa - Bpint of TorpentliM firm at XB. KasiB firm: strained. Sl.20: rood do: 61.80- Tar firm at Sl-8a Crude Tur penUne steady, hard $1 .26; yellow dip and rl gin, f2 26. . , , PBODOCX. Balttkou -0t-teady; Boathero 1 M6043. Weatera whtte 40043; mixed 87d40; Penaiylva nla. 88048. Provision -qolet aad easier; men pork sto.0OasiB.2o; boik meate anoaioer an eiear rtb ldee cked. 8a8. Bacon -ehooldera 8; clear rib side Vu bam 161491814 Lard refined. 104. Coflo qelet; Mto sargoes, or dinary to fair. gVt a 6 Sugar- quiet: a soft g. Wbiwaay-steady, at tL18f2SLl8Vi Frelahta s North Oarotlaa. ...... ; awoa, per ooren.. ........ PoctTar Chlefcana eprtnc Docks Turkey, par tb.. r w j e , per rb.. net ' I Mtrrraat. per tb., not. nfc: ' " - ..... Wool, washed no washed. FSATaxaa, new, Baas, per poond........ bxxi ma FT LB Mbatt - KOaB8 6675 2a2Vl 40a6l 2626 1820 loan 1830 loaia 26a80 mail 86a40 . 7aS ; 7a8 SalO 86 26 46460 111 F4TIKS II THIS artTB (LV, . OATB flEU TUB rue sooro south. 11.16 1 12.18 1 Mo. 2. uaiy BROWN ' COTTON A GIN. Lave UulvHanj...... Arrtva Chapel Hin..,.. 12.45 p 1 1.44 P TCot a Eh Oraruin oa acnoai zus PBICK3 WB0LK8ALX. per po-md.. Prim Bla Good. V1D. ... j. ........... t . r SagvByrop.... ....... -. Choice New Orleans... Commtm...... .... .. . Salt Liverpool fine .. .... In prices on- B wlfl's Specise baa boon the mean of bringing health and happiness to thous and who were pronounced Incurable of Blood add 8kla Dteeaae. fair : demand, nri changed; When quiet and easier at SI. 02 1 for August, kl.034aSl 084j for September; No. 2 Chicago eprtnc $1.02: Fo. 8 do. WO: Mo 2 red winter SI-O0V. Corn - quiet and easier at 614 for cash. 604tor August, 49f60 for uepcembec OaU-eash teady; options easier: 2844 for canb. 2oiAa28U tor Aogost Pork in (air demand bat lower at 8 1 2-8 7 Vyji fl 'A ISO f 0 r caah. S12 80r) til RS foe una aiO-BAfttlS 87 Vh for BeDtem- ber.LardouletaBd lower at S4.17VtaSH.20 for Tr, new. per bundle. Tlx. epUoed. ....... . . ..... offering. Corn, per gallon. tro '. -BaAJTDT Apple, per gallon. Perr - ... WntA, UikiDeriiorja par gallon.. L2ata tor Beotembea uid bat easy 1 shoal- oerfh. Tallow, per lb HE AB THE W1TP1 ESSES. N. C hot round.. ... raeee uam,N.C.. i , navwcdl rroaa m SXrrta1 taaeUM. - UptoMaylavtl had apent at least Sve bnodred dolara for treatment by many of the bent mMI"1 men. without any benellt. IuffrdexcraUttDgly, and aU- my beat friend advised ms that tb Icy nana of death was fast apploaehlns 1 eangbt at 8. 8. 8. like a drownlog man at a straw After- taklnc two bottie I could feel a change for lb better. The aoice began to dlacnaraa freely and the rheumatism to abate. When 1 had taken six botUe avery core had healed and my skin began to a, uim. a natural aooraranoe. - 1 oeratated onUl I had taken twelve bottle, large a!x Mica.. ..., imm . .b. . ...... .. . .... 88t MaiO 10alOV4 9sal0 SOafll 8846 eoatts 4042 BOaBS r ' 7480 BVaalO 1.76 10al.f tlAA 81.60 S2.O0 11 00 1214 14116 1817 SalO 1 ? -ia 1 H j. - and there is not a symptom ox me uism L 'remaining, and I feel aa well aa I eve rout. . I have gained twenty-one poond In flah. : -wa wnm tptnda wonder, ac Bf lmnroved eaah and AnansC S8 20aS8.S Bulk maata In fair demand den 80.00; abort rib 60,80; abort dear S7.16 WhUkeysteal... , ! ' , a'a. . i. icOTTOPL flAi.TBrroB Firm; middling 94; tow mid nin oiaa: eood ardinarr 8tAe: ne reerlDta 668; gross 668; sales 478: atoas 6.867: exports eoaetwla ; Ureal Britaia t eoaoneat , rraace t to enanoei . 1 t j 1 NoaroLB Quiet; atlddlmf 0; hot KoeipU 13; gross 18; stock 18.206; export ooaat nae ; sales ; exports to reat Britain ; to eonnnenc . BAurmem Quiet; raiddllnc IOUs: low dllng 94se; good orulnary 8Me; net reeelpta m.awT -. . nam. , - - . . . . ,a Ida. iwsrut-in-rr BMtaia 1 te aontlnent 1 to Franc t I : w aw a " a. w w a w i s FATjarTaAhua.Jnaary 18.1882. Taw follow ioc BerUea boocht and awal voar wine last acaaoa no a ernci oaiMatnx na reached aa. Toaeaa rarer to a1! ttnem with eoeadenoe, a wen aa a . . w. ca a M to wnli'SamiL wfew will- if u an 11a lou.aauoakintaiaaeaon. Dr. a. aauw. Kooeson eo Bory Baraaa. Haraett 00. . n C IX Nixon. Cumoertaal eo. Dr. H. A. MeBwaln. Cumber land eo. Alex. Paw. dun bed an 1 eo O serge A. Tyson. Caav&ertawdoat. " Barton ax rlnkrth. ranibrrlsnd. CO. Alex. Batcher, ComberUad eo. emtth at Alexander, Cnmbertartd es. Co. Jo. B. amrr. caaaberlaad a. 1 ; . B. P. auarpa, Bobeeoa . .... . : . Teler a Fort, Cumberland co. ' - ' J. A. Averett. Curabt-rlaBd eo." ' Nery leauatiguuy.- . A. B. 1LL1AM3 A CO. 8oooeaaarato J. D. WIXLlAMSftCO. , mWbIUvsk WonoFCoannAJjrr' L .... WlxsoaUX. G. Jartnary 21, 1882. The Gin of yoar mat Had at aotd by aa last eaasoa wita otaer kukm, cava rmwacaneral aaiJa- faetioa than any set by a, w have beard a wwd of eon plaint and snail advise oor eumomer purchasing umi nextseaewa. bay tae -Dceau,' iorjirrBUsBAB Tax Baowx? Gnat oats StraxAonaB.'' uiuwi n. u aearaary , iosxi i Tb BH tsuea. W we mown oexore tni wasoa, . . . , . . . 4. K. SHX&BOl) A CO.! Thb Bbbx Wb Fats Xtxb tjbxd akd Wb Eats L&xn UTxaAX." , t 21 Ucxrjr &avtzvtXszments. The Great Kerinesaw Ronte. alj- Wxstbkh ATtAjrno BAiiJKun CoarrAirr. f r TLASTA, OA, August lOts, 1883. f, : miui mw trMidi wonder as my improve - eondhlon. I bave recommended it t - aaaay. and la every instance with complet oeeas. I believe that 8. 8. 8. has saved : me from a borrlW. death. - . i.-. . . :-j,u yoincj, in.; " I am ear that Swift's Specific saved my life. I waa terribly poisoned with malaria. - and was given up to die. Bwlft'a epecino rei.To. m imimtvi . .im . Itlth.ptremeQoMb, , enpt Gaa Works. Home, ea. : WTfle for copy of tb little book free. " , -SI.O0O BJEWABD wUl b paid to any . "cbemlrt who wfU and, on th analyal; of ' -lOObottleea.8. 8 f one 'particle of Mr-r eury. Iodide Potaaalam, or any mineral aubatance. " ' ' -! . TtW 8WTTT BPXCmC CO., v. . .-X .. i. Drawer 8, ATLAXTA. UA. Bfwioa Steaert estddlina lolA: le 10: coed ordinary 84te; net reoetpta ; areas 711r salee- t vtow v.4gOeS' to wreat Britain to Tranoa : eoaatwia. 1 "t ;- ; i '1 " 1 r TJ? ". i s Wiin wrrjM--Qulet : middling ftt lew mid dling (MA; ejooo ordinary M 9-18 bet reeelpta 14: rreee 14; sales tsoea 1 Z8tf; mr, eoaetwla : to Great Britain : to ttnent : to ahanael 1 . i. ' IIBUSDIK, r t wm f . r turn 1 J Waliav on hand a targe lot of aaperlor Ink la 20 lb tin backet which can b bad at net coat woen cash accompanies erdev. Thi Ink otvo ; cents a pMind. and ui flmrat aaiela lor Ids or ?OWtSAB3XaVXSP0BTJ2B drtft.N- ( ITIL, MKCSANIJAL ANO MIKISO MNQI N6i"X!C3 at tb BevrtwUtK PolyVBehnlo Ia autnta. Troy. N. Y. Th oldet enclneerinf reboot m imwMv -Next trm betna fcerHmbr lata The B-iier tor 1 "KJ eontaai a t 01 u era y s for tae past 66 years wlfh their polUdns; aeoara of study, reqo! repeat expenee. eta, Addree, SATIS M - X6, Pireoto. pymADBiJraaA-QTUet; middling lOtset tow middling 10c: avod crdinary 8i. net re ceipt t fjoaa t mm rt 02911 I ? I port Or iBrttala - ttoetraaru- T 1 r4 BATAaTVAa Xay; middling W4e; low mid-4 laro dllng ftVfcei SOoVt ecunaj7i i; ne re eelpt 9tTros Bs -oaiee 21 i ,tek 2.929; xportaio soaatwlee ; to Great Britain Franc r-i to oonOnent . ' rTa-w ' Oaf .bibs -Flnn ; middHng .91 low mMdlina 9V4; good ordinary 8a net reoetpta, 82: aroas 29B: UO; aaoox 64,lS8t.axpormiwrsatBrtmia - ; tFrane ; to oatwu . to evnunen - vo ehaniMi t t Mobiiji TuTsi arf'!!ms"?xet frnr Aldd7lTAt Ble; good ordinary 8 fec: net reeetnta 102; groaa 114; aajee out atoca o.eo. lunm wwwin to rran 1 - vra'.xtruain 1 o Thre Kxeurslon Train wtnisav AUnU by tbe Weatera Atlantis 4tallreds oa Monday. Arg. 20th. 183. forth great Southern Xxpoaalon at IomvJi,Xntocky. ' . - , . Fim train leave Atlanta at UO a avj axrlras LautavUl . l . 1 0 midnight, Second train leaves Atlanta si X25 p. m.t arrive Louisville 7.60 a. m. Third train leave Atlanta at 1L40 p. m; arrives Loularttl 8.40 p. m. - Bzoorno ttekeu will b sold for ta roond trip ax toe lowpnee i , r 1 M ( I ITS PUM.1KIBUVHV THF, I I 9 ed to vsiiwn on or eoxore Mptamaat srr ws. hrotara Sleeper reaves axiarua salir si X63 a m f or Loulavill wllhoat enanre. 1 For farther Information aodrssa Adair st Peters, agenisi union iwyw, siiania. wr BL W. SklNN. Gearal Psaaapgat Adsat, Atlanta. Ga aagizaiw rTcoTLAJts f mar, X, a, Jcnnuy 29, 18$3. We have been Mdn tea alx v aaw Rnmfi(n' Oil , Feeder and Cbodenaere for tb past two yeaia. and we do not hesitate r eay that u 1 th beet w bave ever oae end wa bav awed several. Itaivee enure eatlafattoa. and sine we havw found It to be U nsnt by oe It give as p'easur to add oor teatlmooml aad 1 acorn mend It to all who may wish tow a Ola. : . ri ,5 v. k,i 1- - aUAU BHiiia t "BOfllB OITBS BBTTBB SATTS ACTtOvi EB FB BSBW AUD OOMDBKBBB ABB ODVCSDSP TO , -1 .',.t .rlia:-.- aUTJ.TOAX.4 , . -.. " f . o s nt ..Bit as. K. C- Jan nary SO. . BeDtytoa- to voor . of 94th. vrlah to sav that WW bav had a very attafaotory experten In selling Tb Brown Gin, Belt-Feeder and Condeaeer. ' W commeneed eiilng rbree year ago, and oor scale have rapidly tncreajed every year. Last year we otd about forty oottit. ovary en giving entre atlaf action so fr we hve been aot Uj learn. No win aoid m thU Slate Sive- better aAUfaeUoa than th -Brown." while tbe Feeder and Coaoetv ser ar conceded to be eooerlor to an in the aaai- ket ft..---iJ LATTA di MTATT. .T I-'.-? s notice; 1? yi!V.vf ASHEVILLE Gra -t-r A. . . I win opaa my marKet oa Tryoa straet mi C3t- cholo aeef and rawttoa- Than kins th smbUa for pea awnwaaaw A KapaaiTiiiiy aa a BaaTwvifnll v. v-aaglla3t., r- i.itvr A. 3,X0dXUi 17 -T C A F T7 A 1 OiBocss Detaabea. uctna, wlUt 16-hprjs turn Tubular Boliar, in pertect order and a coo a new. with all neeeary pi pin and onneeuoua. J Alao a 20-tneh Pony Planer, a wood beocing aoe chiiie. with tbarufiv PulKya. -Aa. aad a t-toch Circular fcaw and M:5 ailcf bjji Ub sold aa i .U-AUUO mix.. 1 j ,1 , .. ... i ti j to Fran ; Mar rs Bteady; mlddTlns Otto; low adddUnc 9it Rood ordinary 8lAs net recai.U 28; g oaa 2t; . aipanta 100, sale i atoaa 11, 6dd; sploners . - - - -- " AC ta Quiet: middling 94t tow vniddtlrtg 91Ac; good ordinary ei . vault t 28; ebip mU :ale 81. - s CXCAHT row Bteady; mldSJlng Vjfl; tow laid, dllng fe w good ordinary 9c; net ravta 40 1 r 40t ewes t -rwt.. 239; yiorta ewatw to GrX trtJ ' ; to ooi..era ; to Franc -1 to efamnal v ITbwT Qaia: r i"S bx nldtrrw npianda 104. m ..r r orreaa IC c: e"v aoadated net ree!pu 1.11; xior tJt tLiV , Prvpare for Harvard. Tal. Urdvejrattle of To? ginia. North Carotma and riouta Carolina, or any proinuieuk out leav ui uomnu. Total expense in Grammar School, par sss - loaof 4Q aaura ........................ SI00 BlgbbehooU....... .. 2lO , 3esiwiilofB )ea)ver-iOv lf3.aad (oor vjaAASAaxy TIJ a mam a Tna .. . .'. .. Paor. C18TKIB FALX. OfBOBZP.fAXkA &T ang!2dlt i . - . Pnnclnala.1 : Dcistcsper Wanted ytgoodrehoa. XSirea'! ' LOCk Bqt 41, CharVoue, R. a :;Applto, SALEM AOADEIUYJ t A i -. ...... , . i fr.w ew rt CATH AWSulL g STO EsCJLTs ri!T IB-, Oil br 6th- For nee catalogue cnnUialii re qalre menu for admission, coarse f study ! th eventl department, terms and expenses, ali th PrtnciiaL auxv;w :Ptte assjliii Can Witol Cn Train 60 ard 61. between Ha Tart and Montgomery, an b-tmea Kalelgh and Old Fort on rraias n a&d 53. betw eea Washington aad Auausta, and Danvilk and BJehmond. and Char- ton and sfontoBry. , . gap rnro oga tie: on au ax wreenaooro. Kal Uh. Ooldaboro, Malmaoryand Charlotte, for all potoafoa n, Soathwest, West. North ai.d Kas. or Kaitg ant 1 ates to Louisiana. Texas, Arkan sas and to Snatnw eat, aid -a - x m h lAkwxr. at BLtvunTiB, u . snager. woo. xaa agent, Blehxaood, Va. . . . CABOUNA CENTRAL BAILROAD - CD. 1 0liiki oa? Buraaia laanmn r. I Wilmington, N. t. June 14, 883. 1- ON and after Jan 18. 1883- th fellowlnc echdaV will b operated aa this railroad: ; Pamenger. Man and Kxprees Train: DaOy. : 1 Lea Wtlmlnron at , 7 10 P.M. Mo. 1 V . 1 Arrrre at Cnartotta t,. ........ TJX? A. M. ' ' ) Laavs Charlotts 6V45.P. M. Ko. 2 V ..... -r- . , 1 Arrrr at Wttaunctoa aL... 8 25 A M. Train No. 1 aad 2 a at regular stattane owly. and potato doalgaatatl la th Company' lini iau- .-: f-j j x nun no, 1 waws pt oanoay. Sav Nw.2 do 4o -do. t - - . : " IxclFYetgbtwtth Paaamccr Car albvahed. l ' Leave Lwrlnbars at ....... . ....... ..'6o A. M. Arrlv at Cnarlo t 8 25 P.M. Leav ChArtoO at........... 7.10 AM Arrlv at LaurlBburg. 616 P. M- Bheloy Dtvlwon. Passenger. Man Xxpres and -FrelghA-Dally except aundaj a. - ; Lev Cnarlotie,......... A80 P. K. Arrive at cbelby. SlOOP.M. Leave tebelby. ... 7.00 A.M. Arrive at Cbartotta 1089 A.M. Tralaa bo. 1 and 2 make clos connection at Jaamlat with B. A A trains to and rrom Balclgb. Through Bleeping Car between WUnUnston and JbarioUe and Ha'eth and ChaxloUeL i Tax Train No. 1 for btateavUle, stations West- av. Anevuie and pt-lnta West, ' 1 ' Alao. for Bpartaaburg. OraeoTlile, Atben. At ana au pouua rguiawen. a. ju kb, Baperrmenaent, r T. W. rt.tBSV General. Paaaenger Agent, BsyI2tf ' - ' v - '-' C irlatte, CLnnlia 2nl Aumsta iMroai ' 1 " -'" .' Pasbbbsbb rwAprartarr. " ij 1 , - :Coixmbxa.& U. Jo'y 11, '83. f . Oa aad After th 16th tnst the f -flowing wm be the chdal oa Lb U-A L. N.t. Division: . , Leave Netan...........'.,...........,7.oo axn Leave LloeeioxoQ...,.... ,...8.8!iM Lea to Dalia & a a a Leetteetoola...... :10 02 am Leav tjtovar ,i....... . 1 1 08 a m Leara XorkyUia . H.Kfitm I Axrlv Chester.. 1-20 pm am ctitier.... .... i 50 pm Leav TerkvtU.. ..7...... Tvo"iCJevar .4.rr..'.rf"..rfvwj5 pm 4 25 pi 0.1 rt n m Leav SaUaa ,..h.7"B2S p m acave A.iLc:Hiuoa. .....,.s p m A,rnve Ievnon...... , B.00 p m t : . (xacsiTiaioN: . " , : Xava C!1. jZ ... 6.00 p m Lrava Bleaborg 6 OOp m Leave Fort Uwa.w ... ............. f!4-i p m Arrtve Laocaater...,...,..;.. 7.25 pm Aave LAnMulA, l fu 1 m rw I c ..-.. .... . " .... . . . . v. w f-fwAva Fort La....iili,..,....,., &48 a m Aeave Kiohsaig w.. .,... ....10 80 a m nwar "... . . , .V4 ...,,.......! 5J -isIyl64U. nv. S.CABDW6L1 1 AstUOtn. PasavAgtl OMUOiiocino. 12 rUEfffi' iCDtlfrs Street, Ctsilotts. K. O- - ran stock always In store. Elgheat pr& raid wriaryiquanauetM wnea ana vats luiyiauiX -i ' l.i. 1.1 i ? ii We will rot be undersold by any clothing, house, either large or small, and that we will sustain, our reputation of sell ing only superior clothing at extremely low pri ces. Respectfully, ' ; - x; Tadng Oothlen and Tsflors tAGENTSFOB THE PEABL SHIBT. BIBGIfS II mm Grand tie aiinjr Ont Sale TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW STOCK. Warereooaa an lafta hAk4Abiik wttn rih t r.. m - - . , them oa. Haven't rom 10 aeor them. New stock eominr in. Mam ikm. in. y. aaonuia anA are practically aew tnaomaaenta. All In -plendld condition, aad will be given tr aal etx rear' aw trainee rrofeseloaala ami otnera dMirto, tr. nht.i. ... V. a1 j ww yiwnh wiu una wa cuauc J. - ceo una wavv 1 style ar aos cAib aid ate no.vrai.Tr vjirrii. paid for. GBOXB QUICK AND BX fOBX THX B ST STTLTtS JIBS 6X32TK. All Piano described below are folly guaranteed for six year. . From two to are 1 KB SIOCB. r I JF"- syle I, soTwre. 7 1-8 octave, rich rosewood eaie, c w d les.rned 8 month. S3 0O 2 6-raaJaa A Beh aiyle . aqMre grand. 7 l a octaves, it rcscwood carexCTa UrxcraV tnjee malilnf. weed 1 month. 93 SO. . . . 3 K ranted: Baches wo a above. iMtfathrasmwtSS ' j i. 4 aranteb Bach, style l.nprtght.7 1 1 octavo, rich roeewood ee. used three months, S30O. 6 Krawlch & Bach, atyle 8, eibJiet grand, uprlg-ht, 7 1-w wetavea, mwrnUcent rMwwedcwe?MDerblr ornameoted. used three moatb. 64 JO. " 5 Hoiatrom. aprteht, 7 18 octave, rosewood ease, owed trasea.asad about one year, S225 7 O S. Pease, aoasr, 7 I 3 octave, rosewood ease, entirely new. not used a month. 6275. B Grovaateeo. square cTand,? 1-3 oetavaa, neh rosewood case, three mould ns. aerpenans pUnlh. not used a moaLh. S-i'JO. i - - . D?'fff-7 l- ootav. rosewaod ese. serpentine plmth, carved legs. used aboot 2 years, 1200 ke-OiCht. 7 18 octave, rosewood eass, used about three yers. SloO. Omid.uertgb,7ecave,ro9ewootOwe. nd abot two years. Si76 - ! S LrJf111- tTl l0- -'-rlght. 7 ocmve. rosewood cae. ued about two years S3 51. 13 Bonthera ttoaa. styi 16, upright. 7 octave, roeewooa ease, used onry one month. 82 26. ! i r?01? Goauatyl 6. q lare, 7 octave, rosswood ease, need about three year. Si 76. Jo htattanahek, sty) v. aqoare. 7 octaves rose woo -1 ease, used about two years S260. 2 kpathoabek. stylo 1 5 upright, 7 octavea, rosewood ease, used on month only. 6350. ' 17 Barna. aaed alx months. amX ' . . 1 8 Artoo, style l. squt'e. 7 octave, rosewood ee, not nwid a month. J225. . 19 Anon, sty to A grand, 7 141 octave, rich roajwooi esse, finished on back, three moaldlng. not need a BMBth. 6275 - ,-, 3? iItol,fHi?2,,,pI?bMtT" rlchroeewood ease, not ased a month S2R0. 54 AnUT 5 ""VrVi1 otae. rlch rosewood case, naed three month S275- 21 f J!?0 LT ,Q11rtST7-La , floe rosewood ease, need only ne moaih. 6260. 23 Ucate &Co-. aqare.7 octres fliieroaewoodea u oyer, $t7L 'A Arin. style 8, rq'iare, 7 1-1 ossm, nne roseaood cxae, not used a month. S275. 25 Same, aaed about atx mostha. S250 .-w"waawii.wo.. . .. ..,Deiod.ln .?w00i- eoT n book eoaUtnlnr f4 1 6 worth of musks. We pay all freight over S10. Bent on 15 dar- trial If daaired, and w p iy all freight U the Instrument U not satisfactory. Ts cr cesit Aedaictlai i r . The easy tonas given. wr caab, ar rive pr cent, far fall payi alx aaaKtba. RE M EMBER, i'TWf EBit WltBlW . Tb tea per cent, discount for cash. Tbe five per Oary 225 cash sad 610 monthly an til the Instrument fa paid for. per cent, discount for full payment In six months. 1 a sx yw smrant and prmig ox inai. . , . , , - Tkwkt many of taese are strtotry first das, nigh grad and hlsli pctoed Pianos, ranking to oua!I. Bolab and tone with the very beat lnetnuneots made. . . u, . That nearly all are new. or nearly sat aad are praettealry jut as good as aew. , -;vJ ' That only Pianos named 00 tat sheet are offered on auch unusually easy pavements Tnat deUya are dinger us. and to secure any of these bargains you must peaJc qaisk. -, -That we will also sea any of these pianos for S23 sash sod balance by Ostoper 1st, at firs per cent, osT the long dm e price a. ' : '... WRITE US AT OMCE, , t " . .; H. McSMITH 3o21dU fJJJLl B LOTiF. IV. C. THE CHEAPEST AND LARGEST Andre ws Foldiaff Betls. ' -a uS2!. S5 Stylea. Rai'.-n . 8f :iAl I iH"' - ' if iGT.' t - -- ; - ... Stts li l-0 iidt: ill wJ-iC Jit - ,fj ': :1 -il in; 1-. V-siri.;f,ifI-T Ei (VI. : AN DREWS. "nifiAVY TUMBLE." "-T ksep P'e with b heavy' deeHa In elothv fr;I put the- pnee en- family work to regular weekly customer at IO cent and upward, per dozen pieces Tb prices wia be in proportion to toeeiftef work to don. a ; V r-ffc .ulrt. eothvr eiJ enff don ta the latest Itthia Kubber AuaaUo A uxiAh, aad don't f nvt 14, , AN.aAXITH. 12U CharlOto Launory.- -S i w bve In eonneetlon with oar prtr' b- first !&" Mficer, pl Uio la eee irr V vwl'ldo well to aend for puce, ahictif .1 1 1 aa tow as 1 none r any Luidsry in tae t- aj work o"on prompt'y tain, 1221 9 1 Ki5,. 1 1 .---. i,j. nzlltt