i "1 - f , , 1 ' ( " I. , -r H. S. OHADWIOK, - . CHARLOTTE ,1 WHINE ENGINEER", CONTBACTORS AND DEALERS IN i MACHINERY. . - SPECIAXTT: ' : j - 3 COTTON MILL MACHINER Y AND COTTON MILL EQUIPMENT. 202 South Tryon Street, THE OBSERVER has made arrangements with the pub lishing house of D. Appleton & Co. to re-issue the famous Art and literary publication, tPBoGOfltPOSGflOO DODCglPQ OR, TTDocs LLsiddgD M DHyc Dnoa Til f mminHlnc rltrprc 1 oV fnrctc tiro f- i-follc clitrc W W WAS. .S.J.-y p V I V IMAAkj MAAWAV canons, valleys and other picturesque features of our country aeuneatea oy pen ana pencil, ISSUED FOR THE READERS OF THIS PAPER ! Complete in 30 weekly parts at Ten Cents and 4 coupons per part. Each part will consist of 24 quarto pages, and will contain one large full-page Steel Engraving, printed on heavy plate paper and pasted in. In addition, each part will contain from ten to sixteen beautiful engravings on wood, executed by the best American artists, depicting the most charming scenery to be found in this country 3o full-page steel engravings, 400 beautiful engravings. on wood, 700 pages of letter press. A genuine 'steel engraving with every part The coupons will be published in each succeeding issue of the Observer, and four coupons, each of different date, and 10 cents, will entitle the bearer to any one part of " Beautiful Picturesque America," as described above. For further particulars and specimens of the work apply at the Observer Office. Tib QBDdsiDgdGQ QDflDpDjy (EcDQDDQDSiDDsyp GENERAL MILL FURNISHERS and DEALERS IN Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Contractors' and Coal Barrows, Steam and Water Pipe, Valves, Fittings, Etc. 8. & W. COLDWA.TER PAINT FOR FACTORY USE CHARLOTTE, N. C. R. B. Cochbajh, President. Charlotte Sash, Door and (Incorporated under the Si D OO B8, S, TUDS, rotTWOrQ, "TBWBX8, I) ALTJSTBR8, TjlLOOBIBQ, BIX.Q 8, DUVDS, illOOLDlIJO, M mu, JJAI,C8TBBB, LOORIKO, Jm.lMa OO RS, . Estimates made and order solid ted. Factory and Offloe Cor. 9th St. and C. C. and R. A D. K. Rs DIKKCTOR8 J. H. Wedding-ton, Geo. W. Graham, I TL 1 ii XT f J. W. Miller. K. M. Andrews. K. B. Cochrane, OliariOtte, JN U waiter lirem, c Down, i BUT," SAYS SOME MAN, "I mean in the next ten or twenty years to make a great fortune, and so I shall leave my family when I go out of this world, very comfortable." How do you know you are going to live ten or twenty years? If we could look up the path of the future, we would see It crossed by pneu monias, and pleurisies, and con sumptions, and colliding rail trains, and runaway horses, arid breaking bridges, and funeral processions. Are you so certain you are going to live ten or twenty years, that you can warrant your household any comfort after you go away from them? Besides thatthe vast major ity of men die poor. Two only two out of a hundred succeed In busl . ness. Are you very certain you are going to be one of the two? a&i EqjtiMe Policy Meets fUe Ctrntm pej. EECUBEOSE. W. J. RODDEY, Hock 8iki " - s. c. SHJiM & CO , District Agents. WE 1 PROMPTLY AND GUARANTEE Good Work THE i mAirntrTWO n Charlotte, n. a DRAW RO - - - - BOLE SOUTHER N AGENTS FOB sv Pettee Bevolving Flat Cards, Coiler Railway Heads With iau to investigate tne merits 01 tne Jrettee Im- 1 wb mm i m provea K.evoiyiug riaL oaies over 3,000 WRITE FORJMEW CATALOGUE. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED AND GIVEN PROMPT Gso. W. Graham, Vice President Blind Manufacturing Co. laws of North Carolina.) $3 to o rder. - Early last year we reached the Million Pair mark that we had made of these justly famous goods. Suits to order, $13.25. DONT BE A READY MADE MAN. Pants Company AND BEST IN Beware of imitations. Be sure to get ib origin&L M&de only by eod TAYLOR MFG. CO.. St. Louis. LADIES DO YOU KNOW DR. FEUX LE BRUM'S STEEL 080 FEPYB0Y8L PILLS are the original aad only FRENCH, Bale and re liable cure on the market. Price $L00; sent tv toail. Cienuiae eold only hy alIWf " With nf ihi luiil. lii ii I n to be Ma hrtmnilj. A8 A PREVENTIVB S. I. Alexander Co.. Charlotte, ft. C. rias. -wiasLows- S00TB13 SYHUPf irM b Vniloos of Hrrfhim fnr tbet . TUTCNTV.riVK CXHTft A BUTTUL Plymouth Mi r" J"k. CCOROMY 1 - ' gl4 MCPtfltMLTIV V a K) fco DO IWL09 man r'ecovvaf i "iMl1' iSS President and Treasurer c i " - r COMPANY. Machine Works BUILDERS OF and Drawing Frames, Latest Improvements. If you contemplate . purchasing Cards, don't ATTE NTION. Charlotte, N. C MERCHANTS :: -AND- FARMERS' NATIONAL BANK, CHARLOTTE, N. C. CAPITAL, - - - $200,000. SURPLUS AHD PROFITS, - 100,000. J. H. McAden. President: H. G. 8 Vice President; J. R. Holland, Caahier; C. N. Q. Butt, Assistant Cashier; Geo. K. Wilson, Attorney. Accounts of Banks, Corporations, Firms and Individuals Solicited. DIKKCTOKfl: Jno. H. McAden, H. G. Springs, H. M. Houston, Geo. E. Wilson, J. R. Holland. Commircial National Bank -OliUORl, N. U. Capital, $175,000. BxmpLus, $146,000 ornoiki J. B, Spencer, President. A. u. isrenuer, Uuluer. D. H. Anderson, Teller DXBBCTOBIl W. X. Holt, Frank Coze, Jno.L. Morehe&d, Win. Johnston R. M. Miller, H. C. Ecclos, Joseph McLaaghlln, R. M. White, Lawrence 8. Holt, Jas. H. Holt. Deposits secured by surplus and per sonal liability of stockholders to double amount of stock. A feature peculiar to National Banks. Accounts of Manu facturers, Merchants, Capitalists, and those acting in a fiduciary capacity so licited. Exchange on all parts of the world bought and sold. HENRY E. HYDRAULIC ENGINEER Artesian and Tube Wells a specialty General Water Works Construction, Surveys, i. Plans and Estimates. Borings made for Architects, Bridge.and Railroad engineers Pipe and Pumping Machinery. Charlotte, N. C. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The firm of E. Nye Hutchison & Co., doing a general Fire Insurance business in this city, is this day (22nd March, 1894) dissolved by mutual consent, R. M. Mil ler, fir , and C P. Wheeler retiring from the business The business in the future to be conducted by B. Nye Hutchison, who assumes all indebtedness of the old firm to whom ail bills due the old firm must be paid. Signed E. Nyb Hutchison, R. M. Miller, 8b., C. P. Wheblrb. Charlotte, N. C, March 23, 1894. We wish to thank our friends for their patronage in the past and bespeak for Dr. Hutchison a continuance of the same liberal support received by the old nrm. I Signed! n n. miller, bb. C. P. Wheeler. A R WILLMAN, PLUMBER AND 8TEA.M FITTER Is it hot enough for you ? Every other man you meet will ask you. You can avoid being hot and keep perfectly cool by getting one of our iron, porcelain- lined, copper or zinc Tubs. Defective Plumbing put in sanitary condition and guaranteed for one year. , EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Havinx qualified as executor of the last will and testament of G. D. Parks, de ceased, this is to notify all persoES have ing claims against the ssM estate to pre sent them to the uderslgatd for pay, meat on or before the 1st day of April A. D , 1895. All persons indebted to th ssid estate are requested to make Imme diate payment. J. O. Thomas, Executor of the Will of Q. D. Parks. This March Slat, 1894 oaw & Dtu amos Direct current dynamos for isolated lighting. Alternating current Dynamos for cen tral -station lighting. Ppwer Generators for railway plants. The Westing housk Electric and Manufacturing Co. Charlotte, N. C. O OBN WANTED We want to buy corn in. car lots ' or less. Write us for " prioas. OOCABAHS & BAJUTKAKDT. JUST COMPLETED A number cf preliminary sketches for six sad eigfct-rrosi house; AH original designs ana prpoerly planned for Southern ca mate. I - ; Ahas C Hook, Architect, -t - ; Room 1, HArty Building, Charlotte, N.O. WILD BOSK. Boses la sprlo-tlBM blowing1, -Blooming- in summer and fall. . Are sweetest of flowers growing. ' Holding mj heart In thrall. The pale-wfclte Bridal rose.. The blueh-rep row, I France, 1 American Beauty and Jacqulmtnots la their place my senses entrance. But the wild rose In the mora, Ita ebaiioe filled with dew. Gladdens the break of dawn. Brightens the whole day through.'? Just a wild flower by the war. Blooming alike for all ; Tea. the wild rose, I say. Is the sweetest rose of all. E. W. E. A POUTICAL C SI8IS. The Cataract ea Mr. Gladstone's India aad Silver-Social Parity 1b Sag llsa High, Ufe. , Copyright, 1834, by the United Press. iiONDON, April 7 Since the govern ment's majority of 88 dwindled to 24 last Thursday, the Conservatives have high hopes of the ministry being forced to re sign. The Liberals recognize that a cri sis is pending, end that they may soon be forced to go to the country. The Social Purity Association is rep resented to be engaged in shadowing nightly the movements of a number of prominent members of the House of Commons, cabinet officers, and other distinguished persons, their detectives being instructed to keep a minute record of everything they discover bearing upon the morals or the persons shaaowea This information is being gathered, it is understood, with a view to its use in the next general election. A minor society paper mentions Liora Koeebery as having recently taken a midnight saunter through the remote quarters of Islington and Camberwell, whither he had gone to study the social unaer -currents Experts in currency matters have esti mated that there would be a considerable rise in the price of silver-under the influ ence of a revival of trade with India, which must considerably increase the demand. The Statist, in a review of the silver situation, concludes that with India free to say buy, 30 J. will be the minimum, fad, if the mints are re opened, the range will be from Sfid. to 40d The government intends to appoint a commission on India coinage which will be composed of a number of experts in matters of coinage and include several members of Parliament Mr. Gladstone will return to Hawarden on April 11th. The cataract on his eye has so far advanced toward the condition necessary for surgical treatment that the operation upon it will probably be per formed in May. Dr. Nettlesship, the celebrated optician, will visit him at Hawarden twice a week. A Babe ob the Engine. Bffiosrham, I1L, Dispatch, 7th. A eirl baby, 2 weeks old, was rescued from a perilous ride last night on locomo tive No. 148, from Terre Haute, Ind The baby was found snugly packed into a wil low basket and was perched on the for ward end of the running board cf the lo comotive, securely tied, and with it, neat ly folded up, were two dresses of fine ma terial, a nicely embroidered flannel skirt, besides a bottle of milk and a bottle of paragoric. A tramp who was round on tne engine, says the basket was placed on the engine in Terre Haute by a fellow whom he took in the dark to be an unfortunate like him self. The tiamp avers that he subse quently examined the basket, and, ascer taining its contents, pulled off his coat and covered it over. The little waif is well and will ba cared for. An Announcement and Decision of the Supreme Court. Washington, April 9 Chief Justice Fuller announced to-day that the Su preme Court of tbe United States had granted the motion of the Solicitor Gen eral to advance the cases cf the United States vs. the E. V. Knigbt Company, of Philadelphia, popularly known as the Sugar Trust esse, and that it would be heard on the 3rd Monday of October ext. The Supreme Court to-day decided that lager beer was not a ' spirituous liquor" within the meaning of the statute pro hibiting the introduction of " spirituous liquors or wine" into the Indian Terri tory. Also that it is not wine. A New Party. New York Sun. Gen. Adoniram J. Warner, an Ohio man, and at one time the Democratic Congressman from the Marietta district, and now president of the Bi-Metallic League, has arrived in Washington. He proposes and Intends, it appear, to call a convention at some place in the South or West, probably St. Louis or Memphis, for the purpose of launching a new po litical organization, the corner stone of which shall be the free and unlimited coinage of silver, and combining the 8" nth and West against the North and East. The Caae. Detroit Tribune. "Woman, dare not to defy." She was pale, but resolute, and she met the angry eyes of the man without quail ing "Uive it to me." With a savage snarl he seized her wrists. A cry burst from her lips. " Brule," she shrieked. The paper fluttered from her hand With a smile of malignant triumph he snatched it and, returning to his coffee. perused in detail tbe cross-examination of Colonel Breckinridge. Dr. Wharton Declines a Call. Danville, Va., Register, 8th. Rev. Tlr. Wharton, the ev&neelist. who has hftfln nrfurhinf in this citv several days, has recently received a very flatter- log call to tne unurcn or me apipnany, one of the largest and most influential Baptist churches of New York. He had the call under consideration until yester day. -when he wrote a letter rrom nere declining. Dr. Wharton will remain pastor ot the liraniiey cnurcn, in c&iu more, and continue to do evangelistic work as heretofore MuehJea's Arnica Salve. The best aalre in the world for Cnts,Braises. Sores, TJ leers. Halt Kbeom, Fever, tores. Tet ter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no par required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Prioe fe cents per box. For sale by Burwell A Dunn and Jordan A Scott, wholesale drug Cists. A sToBsehoIA Treasw.. 9. W. Faller, of Camajohsrte. If . Y sayi that he always keeps Dr. tngs New Disomy ery in the house and his family has alwayt found the best results follow its use; that ha would not be without it, if procurable. O. a.. Dykeman. druggist. Catskifl, N, Y says that Dr. King's New Discovery is undoubtedly the best ceugh remedy; that he baa used it in hit family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that is claimed ror it. Wby not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles free at Burwell A Dunn's drag store, and Jordan A Scott's, wholesale drug gists. When Baby was sick, we gave her Gastorla. When she was a ChQd, she cried for Ourfrda. A hen she became Hiss, she clung to Gaatorla. When she had ChCfren, she gave them Ossrorls, J. S. PHILLIPS, MERCHANT TAILOR SI 8outh Trvon St.. Has Just received another lot of season able Suitings and Trouserings which can not be surpassed for beauty and excel lence. RS. M. A. & C A. BLAND, DENTISTS 21 North Tryon Street, - Charlotte, R. a 1 in and Whiskey Habits lirfli cured at name with octnin. fioDrnimr ' U j '"o ts sent FKCE. I O. 1. WOUl-UlY, 41. U. RBPVBXJCOAjra 4kXD OOAUTIOB. Peps. Hast Coats fealf Way oi Will Bo Ho DesX. ' Winston Republican. ; There is some danger, ir seems to us, oa jnepuoucaua inrougnoui the otkte be ooming unduly exercised over the ones. tionof coalition and feelings oa this ac- guuu BsgBnaerea not warranted Dy the situation and that will prove ultimately, ii nu aorcauy, auxtiui to party harmony, The Republican : has published the views or correspondents from all sec tions of the State both for and against coalition and still has in hand a number or letters on the subject The prepon derance of sentiment is largely against fusion on any general line that would involve the yielding or sacrifice of any principle, but everywhere there is a sen timent that, as sensible men. realizing the great power of the " machine," Be publicans and Populists ought to come to an agreement in the matter of honest elections and make a common or a coali tion fight for county officers and the con trol of the Legislature. The Democracy are busy devising plans by which they may make a State campaign without having to defend Mr. Cleveland and the administration's record at Washington in other words, framing some plausible reason or reasons excusing themselves for their failure to carry out their pledges made the people two years ago. If the people are appeased to an ex tent to enable them to lodge even a half way belief in their excuses, with the power of the "machine" operating under the present election law, they hope to do the rest and hold the State, or at least a majority in the Legislature. How ii tbe ropuusts realize the situa tion they know there is much less hope of success, alone, for them than there is for the Republicans, yet so far there has not been an intimation from any source of a willingness or desire by them to make any combination against tbe com mon enemy, the "machine" Democracy. We submit that until this is done dis cussion of plans for or against coalition by Republicans can do but little towards deciding the matter. In the ninth district an agreement seems to be well under way, and may prove practical, bat as yet the develop ments are qoudiiui. Nothing for the Megro to SXake By Help ing ropunn. Star of Zion, Colored, of Salisbury. The history of the Populist movement shows that it has been inaugurated and carried on by a disgruntled element of the Democratic party which has changed in nothing except in name, only from bad to worse. All the crazy political freaks that disturb the public and the legislation which would unsettle, if not disrupt, our whole system of govern ment, spring up and are advocated by the Populist element. They are gener ally as much, if not more, opposed to giving fair play to the negro than are intelligent and progressive Democrats. The reasons lor this are apparent The Populists are made up, as a rule, of the element of white people which has always been opposed to the progress and best interests of the negro The action of the so called white Republicans of Alabama, the votes of the Populist mem b;rs of Congress and in the various State Legislatures on all questions which con cern the negro give evidence that there is nothing in that party, or a coalition formed with that party, that will prove of benefit to the negro. There are only two parties that can hope to have any show of success in this country for years to come Those are the grand old Republican par ty which once stood for human rights ana fair play, ana the Democratic party which is co w In control of national af fairs. The history of the two parties is before every intelligent citizen. He who can't find what suits him in the one should try the other, since any other course amounts to little more than lab a lost We advise colored men who can't flad it convenient to act with and for the Re publican party to either let politics alone or endeavor to make some sort of deal with their Democratic friends as will give them a chacce to exercise the right of franchise in a manner that will pro mote the best interests of the country and State. The time will come, if it is not already here, when colored men will find it to their advantage to act with the Demo crats in some matters, especially those pertaining to local and St&te affairs. As between Democrats and Populists we prefer straight out Democracy with all that the term implies, to Populism. The Democrats have cct the Kepublicana an excellent example When they were out of power and in the minority they kept their organization intact, nominated can didates each year and continued the fight until victory came. If the Republicans even here in North Carolina will only do likewise, return to the old landmarks, preach and practice Republican dectrine as it was in the days of Lincoln, Sumner and Grant, and the doctrine of a free and untrammelled vote and fair count for every lawful ciftzen, with modified pro tection to American laborers and Ameri can institutions they are sure to win. A BIO LOSS OF TUKTI.K SOUP. The Great Beptlle'a Armor Plate Smashed and His Soup Material Sent Adrift. New York Herald, 7th. A genuine green turtle died a meek turtle death off H at 1 eras last Wednes day morning lie wus a big fellow, six feet long, cl ad in stout armor without a defective plate Bis head was as big as a call's and his flippers had a common stroke of forty revolutions to the minute. tie was Heating lazily arcund about thirty miles south southeast cf Hatteras when the little fruit steamer Weihaven struck him above the armor belt and cracked his back. He resented the indig nity. He dived down and came up against tie bottom of the steamer with a bump that made the skylights rattle, second Olncer Itasmus, who was btanamg amid ship, ran aft and took a look over the starooard side. There he saw that turtle rising out cf the sea like an enraged Aphrodite. "He angered himself much," explained Mr Rasmus "His eyes made fire and he opened and shut his bill and made hi wings go like a wind-pump " The crew learned over the rail and watched the turtle's ineffectual efforts to climb the steamer's side He fell back and floated astern There was a low whirring sound, and half a ton cf tor to'se shell and soap me it fl oa'eiupout of tbe foaming wsks. The VVelhaven's propeller slew taat turtle even as the Philistines were slain by the two-edged sword. Captain OiesoD, tbe commander of the Wilhaven, which arrived here yesterday, thinks that the turtle was asleep when first struck It is certain that he was put to slesp before the steamer got through with him. Hello Beaows the War. Montevideo Dispatch, 7th. Word comes from Rio Grande do Sol, rv tKsa t)X anw rs-nr s-I ass 1 A AtPrAivxAiiiont UJ VAAAV 4Lt0 VT Ja. 171 SB, sVJAVS BtU VJiVUUVUSj that Admiral Mello's flirei, which sailed from Desterro yesterday to meet Presi dent Peixoto's squadron, forced the bir of Bio Grande yesterday. Soon after the fleet was In front of the city the big guns oa the Aquidab&a and Republic were brought into action. . The city of Bio Grande was bombarded, and was still under fire when the correspondent sent his dispatch. Forces landed from trans sports sent ahead will attack Porto Ale gre. President Peixoto's garrison near San ta Borgia has been nearly annihilated. The revolutionary forces surprised the loyal troops and blew up the citadel where they were quartered. The slaughter resulting was terrible. -The Goldsboro Daily Argus celebrates its nlntn anniversary and appears in handsome new outfit.' It is a paper of ability and principle and its people should ao ueu best ror is. - The ubsbiteb con granulates Editor KoMnson upon haying reached this good hour in such good snape. v'- - - j j":- -- &. rv mce, sieuaota, ITL, writes: "Have used your Japanese Pile Curs and found it a sure aim persnuen euro. - BuMI Dy S n, uiuai . vu .!,- : so OOT. JAJCTtS TTJoWa.' He is m Cdidato for the SWaao--TBe8it- BMMBniMHH,- " I 1 The Washington correspondent of the Winston Republican accredits the fol lowing expressions to ex-Gov. Jarris: j . Adverting to the approaching cam paign in the State he said: WI am a can didate for the United States Senate. When the camDaiirn opens I shall be there and shall do some plain talking. . I shall call a spade a spade. i "if Vance's health continues to im prove, of course he will be in the canvass and no man ever received such a greet ing from the people as awaits his appear ance In the State campaign. With three tickets in the field Vance and the Demo cratic party will repeat the victory ot laaa. "The State convention when it meets will be in the hands, completely, of vaace and tne anti-uieveiand element. Undoubtedly that combination will con trol the convention, and it is equally cer tain that no resolution either indorsing or repudiating the administration will be entertained " It will be a campaign of surprises.' he said, "and the results will also be sur prising. Thousands of Democrats will vote against the congressional nominees who will vote the straight .Democratic ticket for members of the Legislature and county omcers. " The reason for this is that the Demo cratic masses under no conditions will surrender the State government. They wm cent desperately to maintain Demo cratic ascendancy in the State. For this reason, coupled with the fatal weakness of the administration and utter inability of the Democrats to defend it before the people, the divorce of the State and na tional Democracy is imperative " A X.OHO IS LAUD WHAIJB CHABK. Story Reprinted for the Benefit of the moroneaa mty jnsnermea. East Hampton, L I., Dispatch, 7th. This was a field day for old whalers in Amgansett. Soon after sunrise two whales were seen aooui a mile and a half west of the village. Soon the whole village was in commotion, irive boats were launched. Capt. JoBhua Edwards' boat was the first to get close to one of the monsters. The harpoon er launched the weapon, which sank deep into the whale's neck. The monster quivered, lashed the water into foam and was off with the speed of a locomotive. Racing a mile seaward the whale wheeled and sped off again so suddenly as to almost throw the men overboard. When it was about three miles off shore Capt. Jesse Edwards, with his crew, drew alongside. A second harpoon was driven into the whale, but failed to reach s vital spot. The bomb lance was dis charged into the whale's right side and Capt. George Smith fastened a third har poon. Finally streams of crimson spouted from its nostrils, dyeing the water . Half an hour later the fight was over. The second whale having been lost sight of, the other crews returned to aid their comrades. They made fast to the carcass, and, after an hour's hard work, the monster was towed back to the vil lage. The crews figure that the day's chase will net them $2,200. A Differentiation. Hock Hill, 8. C Herald. The Governor of North Carolina might say to the Governor of South Carotins: "We do things differently here." For, while in South Carolina they now tax the non-resident shooter $25 and put him into jail for thirty days if he goes gun ning without license, in North Carolina they welcome the sportsmen from abroad, lay open their hotel registers for his name, point the way to their quail fields, and send them home with an invitation to come again. The above is from the Forest and Stream. The F & S. does not know that the Legislature of North Carolina is composed of men who legislate for the good cf the State. They are not driven like cattle by a boss . As a scheme for unloading the unem ployed of the West upon the States far ther east, the "industrial army" move-, ment is proving a success. Another army, 1,000 strong, is moving eastward over the Southern Pacific from California, packed in box cars. At Oakland the army at first refused to embark in box cars, demanding that the bloated corpor ation furnish passenger coaches, but the police and citizens drove the crowd out of town. Judge Jenkins has declined to recede from tbe position taken in his recent rul ing, denying the right of the employes of the Northern Pacific Railroad to com bine and conspire to quit work, with or without notice, for the purpose cf crip pling the operation of the road. In de ciding last Friday the motion of the rep resentatives of organized labor for a modification of bis previous order, Judge Jenkins declined to modify except by striking out a clause which might obscure his meaning FINANCIAL ASD CUHHEBOI AI- Blaming Low Prlees on ''Tariff Coeer- talatles" Now -Port Receipts. Special by Private Wire to Harrison Watts. Niw York, April 9. The market has pre sented no new features to-day except to show that interior stocks are still beiDg re duced. Liverpool opened and dosed about 1 better than Saturday, wltn spot sales or lu.uuu. The nort movement so far this week is 19.300 against 25 SO last year. We shall probably receive 4,uuu tor tne wees, against os.uuu last year. The market continues inactive owing to the unsettled c nlition of everything because of the uncertainties ol the tariff bill. Our closiDg is 2 to 3 below Saturday's, al though at one time we weie 1 higher. Ex ports to-day are 13.200, while port receipts are fl 375; port receipts to-morrow last year, 9,900. Memphis, St. Louis. Augusta and Houston lose. In the aggregate in stock. 7 700 bales since Friday last, indicating a loss of aoout 20000 bales for the week at tbe weekly enu merated points. Atwood, ViOLSrTT a Co. Boom Traders In Certain Stoehs Cover Tbelr Shorts Nsw Tors, April 9. After repeated attacks to break x be prioe of St. Paul and Rock Island, room traders gave up the contest sod began to cover their shorts all along the line. The close was made at a substantial rally from the lowest point A good demand for low-prloed industrials wig also developed, and General Electric and Sugar showed tbe most strength, while Whiskey Trust and Lead were neg lected. American Tobacco was a strong fea ture and advanced on tne execution or a num ber of investment orders. Gas wss firmer ia the final dealinxs in spite of Intimation from the West that Attorney A o looey's decision will be asrainst tbe Trust. Casmack brokers raided Western Union, but their attacks met supporting, ana room traders inen sniitea to the long side of the stock when they found thatitwss becomins' scarce in the loan mar ket. The strength of Richmond Terminal was maintained on Durchases by leading cemmis alon houses It is Intimated that Judge God will sign tbe order or foreclosure of the Rich mond A Danville before the end of the week. Jersey Central was higher just before the close, on the appearance of orders from inside interest, but which failed to be executed be cause the limits were below selling prices. PlSASCIAL. CHKOKICL.A. A Weak Market Boob Boeamo Btroager. Chicago. April 9. This has been another day of Intense nervousness on the part of traders. The opening this morning was very weak. May declining to 62. Cables were very weak and the element appeared right for a general rain over Kansas. This weak ness lasted but a few minutes, however. A large trader began to bid for wheat, but he found offerina- so araroe and the crowd so anxious to join hint that prices very quickly advanced a half cent, remaining around 63 for some time, when another' spurt carried them to G4. This broucbt out realising orders aar jin. and denreaacd values a cent ner bnsbel. at which point tbera was a slight recov- ry, Tne visible supply ngures snowea a oevrease of 606.000 bushels This decrease for the past two weeks has been a little disappointing, and it appears that the ratio will need to be a little large In order to satisfactorily decrease over tne laree viainie Deiore aaotner crop comes into sight. ' Provisions have been very strong. Bog re ceipt were again under tha estimate, with nogs lu cents mgaer. i ts wnoie uao was in good demand. Lamsos Bbos. Co. CITT PBODCCK BtABKBT. Eggs firm. Chickens, batter and corn dull. Btrraa pbxcxs-basis so. l qoaxxtt. Cabbage, pern... 2 Apples arieo quarters, ongns. . . . - fancy brijrht Sliced , extra " - .... 8 ' green per bushel............. I ttD Peaches pee tea. rrngbt. ...... ........ aUsJlOy jo4 extra .... .' dark not wanted.... unpeeOed hal vea, bright-.- - qaarters - ... Blackberries, dried...-. ....... ........ Raspberries. Whortleberries prime................ Kxtra Slow-sack res ISO .1 75 63 63 MeaV-bolted M lbs. ne bushel unbolted. 18 Bis. " 11 m new r...i. .- ii : 53 as 43 SO 65 SO " V 60 corn m as ma. per basnet Oats S3 Si, per bushel..... Fees clay " mixed... i...... Potatoes-Irish.'.. .......... i...... , sweet JL Onions loot, per bushel J..... Bacon Ho round. per m..i...... " Ru L 60 JO 11 - 9 10 Bides..... Shoulders Lard H. G Tallow SI Bens per head Boosters aer head.. S3 23 Chickens spring small--per Xb " large f 80 Tii r keys per Docks 8X 80 30 15 10 Guineas Geee Butler Choice yellow .. Fair Honey strained, pee lb . " comb. per rb.... Eggs-hen guinea Wheat Rye-... Feathers new Hides-dry, per ft - green Wool washed 1 - VM T5 50 e 3X 30 MONEY MARKET. Nsw To ak. April t Money on call easy 1 per cent last loaned at 1 and loslng offered at 1. s Prime mercantile paper 831U pet cent uar-auver sj. Mexican aonur . ater- iar ezonans-e is Arm. with actual business la bankers' bills at t 87 at 87 for so davs and t tfitou esx ror Mmtro. roetee rates 4 864 89. Oommerelsl bills 40 days t 8SXI87 ; demands mHlt - to Tern ment bonds strong. State ooua higher. Railroad bonds active. Silver at the board neglected. BAXTIMOBB PKODUCB MARKET. rijOt7K-Oulet. Western super 1 8Jtt CO; do extra t 16t3 60: do family S :0tf 3 0b; winter wneat patents 9 -OiOJ to; spring wneat pat ents 3 Km 90. WHBAT-eteadT. No f red i3t 83 X SA i X April S3-43; May 8Xt41: July Steamer No a red sotfdOs. Milling, wtvai by mm ole 153. HORN Firmer. Mixed ; snot and Anril 45 bid; May 44WSH1; July 45. Steam er mixed Did; Boouern corn or pie 45 STOCKS CLOSING BIDS Ann Oot OU Si N. A W. Pfd.. N. fee do pfd N.Vf do pfd Pac Mall Bds- donfd.... 72 (374 . 6 .. SIX , .1C ..243 .. 17 ... tlX 9 .. 71 64 . ISO ..SI .. 19 . 73 .. ;i .. 8 .. IS .. f Am Bug Befs 62 dnnfd 8 American Tobacco sfi do pro- u'l Atch if B. A 0 81 HAW P B.I Can. Pao 6 C A O . Oh. A A HO 8. Pan! dO Dfd O.B.AQ 72 Chicago Gas MX 811. Ctfs T. O, A I Del. isusk let D. A O. P S5 M. Term 4 do pfd Tex, Pao on. Pac Wab do Did II Erie. IT dOjPfd. An nfd. 13 General Electric.. 41 I11S.C W.tLI 1 do Dfd M 60k L. K. A W. :s Ala. Class A. .. . 99 do pfd . C8 .lrt . 61 . .139 .' 9i" . 3IX . 18 . 74 . 22 V . 46 !14 101 . 12 ! do. Class B im do. Class O 95 L8 L. A N L. N. A. AC. La. Stamped 4's...luO N. C.4's W Man do. S"s -...ISO Term. Old S's SO do. N.8. S's 103 do. N. S. 6't I0t do. N. 8. 8'i 77 X Mem. A Unas. . Mloh.C Mo. Pao M. A O N.C8t L.. Nat'l Cord ... Va-rs Pfd 60 do. tr reostm'pt.- 86 do nrd do. Pun Debt - 59 N.J.C D. B. t'lKM lit N. T. C N. T. AN. B.. U.S. 4'sOoup 114 U.S. S's M NEW TOBK PKODUCB MARKET. FLOUR Dull; Winter wheat low grades t(iOtfl2 45: Patents. 3 6tf3 5i); Minnesota ieS?s 502S 90-. Patents 8 9004 40: low extras I 05442 46; Southern flour quit t, nrm. Common to rair ercra s uuvs a w. w u Oholoe do 3 1044 SO. . WHEAT 1UM. easier, closing; arm. b red store and elevator nw; anoai ia t. Options closed weak at to cents be low Saturday. No red April MX;. May 66; July 61. . . ... COKN--Kairiy acuve. ciosog wwi. u m elevator: ano&t 44 . options ciosea eiemay and uochanged to ' down, April 13: May 44: July 45. OATS (airly active, nrmer: opiums uun. firmer. April J7: May 36 i July a. Bpot no 3iia3i: No 8 wBite ihuij: nuxeu west ern 8(SH: white do 334. i. a Kit-iJiiift miner, wwwni iwau viiraou 84: city -k: May 7 .:6. neflned quiet. Con tinent 8 ty. S. A. 8 40; uompouna stop. PORK oull, nrm, no saios. COTTJN 8EBU OLL-Quiet, firm: crude !: yellow 3232. , lfOi.ARRBa BorelB-n nominal: New Or leans 30GA38-. steady, duiL PKANUTB-VUiei. COPFBK Options quiet, unchanged to 6 points down Ap 11 18 X: May le iytfi iu: lept ll Ja. 96: Ceo 14 20. Spot Klo dull, nominal: No 7 17. SDOAtt Haw, auu, Bteaar. iir touuiub. 2: Rented stea y. Off a, a u-iwo: Standard A 4 l-isffli; Cut loaf 4 li-16S: Crushed 4 13-!C5; uranulated 4 i-lCtf4. CHICAGO FRODDCI MAHS.Br. Faailv sack Ope tun ir i Olcsing 61 62 2 13 64 61 88 34 no 38 33 tfV 31 81 31 32 ift 29 ! IS 07 18 43 12 0 12 42 7 22 7 8 ItO 7 12 S 27 45 s i: 7 a. UAAi'- April May April... May July UA ITS April May July........ May July..... LARD May July May July kiVBKPOOi. COTTvU. kiAaiiB; LivxBPOOL, April I- 1 r M -Middilut Spots-Quiet. pMoes unchanged. Futures Closed quiet, and steady, ealee Kt.030 American ....... Receipts 1U.UUU. American April April and May May and June june and July July and August August and eeptembr. September and October, k . October and November- November and December December and January... 4 09 s 4 8 a 7 f'8 4 0310 4 11 S 4 13 S 4 l s 4 13(314 4 14(S15 4 :5&16 NBW YORK COTTON FUTURES. Highest Lowest Closing 7 6t63 7 S'46 7 1k5'2 7 77M 7 2t83 April - May Jnne July August .... September. October No. ember. December. ... 7 70 .. 7 76 .. 7 8! ... 7 81 .. 7 r3 .. 7 M ... 7 W 7 4 ... 8 01 7 '5 7 71 7 8 7 M : i 7 81 7 74 7 91 : 8 13 7 787 7 WWZ 1 8'e6 7 901 January Maw TOBK. April : . OOlton auu. A Middling uplands 7X: tnidaling uuu e. Sales 8.8 bales, guturei Closed barely stecdy. Sales 71,600 bales. gBgorgo Bps Bigf o CT" 9 - 3:::: 3 - 3 : : I : Friday only. m c : RRjBle5BBeBB g a i a - if casvTiy? ocr f : : 1 . M AtvCVB9MS. 0O H'4'-rW003io4)' UasM l f : : : : j : : . . : : : : . t i : j . . ; .. t,:. ?!:: . stri ' n.-.-c.w-..r.. 2 5 : si ssvs? s: 2- aa . g o Ii ;STAYAL 8T08 Wrt.mrmvram. H. C Anril S-RoaJn dull. Strained 60; good strained 95. Spams tur Mntla. stead r 2SK i Tar firm at SO: crude turpentine . firm hard 1 1 scft 1 00; vlrgiaz vj. - t!HALOTT tSVVTltt )Agsri. 1 The figures represent prices paid - vanSAl Strict Good sliddUng.. IS Good Middling . ....-7 Strict Middling..... T Midiiing. . : . Ti agree ; Stains.... - llaTKStHStesdy. : .. 1i . e97A Mm Richmond & Danville V w ,,- t - ..-.o ..... UNCIL BFSNCSS, V. W.HUTDslKOPBR BapaSM yoSTBJA, steoelvers. - la effect December S4, 183. - CUAIB5 L SLAVS CHAJtLOTT. K. 04 ' . inin f DAlhT for Atlanta Charlotte Al Svl . TJb divtsloa and all points Booth and r Southwest. Carries throush Pullntaa l Drawing Room Buffet alee per betweea aoo New Tork, Washington and Atlanta. ' DAILY for O OA) A. AlvlaloaLinclud 9-JD ingOolomb1a,AugustsuAlken;Chajrlse .M..ton. Savannah, and all glorlrta polnu. 1140 1 Solid train Charlotte to JacksonvUle, P. M. with through alseper from New York. lu 1 Carries Pullman bleeping ear between P, K. 1 Greensboro and AugutU and Danvhie i ace Charleston.! . ; '' Sdt No. 87 DAI LT , WMhtngton and Bonth A.M. westers VesUbuledLlralted, for At lAttta, Blnninghaa, Memphis, MonS Mohlle. Now Orleans: all Points South and Southwest. New Tork se Nn Orleana. Now Tork to Augusta iuf Now Vnrk tn Ttnua and walk ash- nn. lnrton to Memphis without ehango. Mo extra charge except usual Pull- man fare. 1 : - i NO. 88. DAILY, for Washington, BJoh BBondT Raleigh, 1 Ooldsboro aad all polnU North. Carries Pullman Bleep- , mg oars from Atlanta to New York end Augusta to Greensboro, and Charleston to Danville and Jackson ville to New York. ' ' ! . NO. W, DAILY, for Klohmond, Ral eigh, Ooldsboro and all polnU NprtA. 0rms Pullman Sleeping ear from OreensLcro to to Raleigh, and to Eloh- fio.n DAILY. Washington fc Sotk Western VasUbuled Limited, pl w..hnrtfin and all DOlDtAa HOrtB 8:15 A.M. A0 r. M. Through ears between New Orleans and New York, August and Now York, and Tampa and New Torkand Msss phls and Washington. - I in. V RtatAavtllM M. C TlljfrARRrvk AT CHAMLOTTB I 1A.JA P II I " ' iiS a. M.VPROM th rtoara. 25 A.M. S0 A. M. 8:10 P. M. S29 P.M. 250 A. M 8 KM A. M. 8 30 P. M. 110 A. St. fSOst ATLAJftA. j PSOit ATJwCSTAr.. Daily Bx. Bun. PROM STATMYI t L SOL HAAS. 1 A VU&K. Tratrio Manager. .1 ' uoa. rasa, as. . rs Washington, D. C, WMhlngaBU. ftp, S.ETDWIOlt ASf -ga? (ALMSTTO railroad. 1 I imn Aran, n. UM. MOYINQ NORTH. 1 o. S. PASssgosa Asm nnsn nfi?. Lcavs Cheraw "2$ kouocx Kri? Of! born. . . . JH9 P Arrive Hamlet P cnariotto. STSI Cleveland Springs MJ WUmlngton S 2! 52 - BennetttvlUe P Charleston "i fm MOVING BOUTH. KO. 1. PASSBWOSB ASTD VMIOH a ve Cleveland Springs ,J2j55! Charlotte f a5i?2 " Charleston.. 1 ,S?2 " BennettsviUe..... "P " Wilmington f2!S Hamlet B:j552 " Osborne SXE? Kollock S"-????? Arrl'e Cheraw. . . . . L "SfSf nupuusua, ivsuisvsios Seaboard Air Line. BOBBDUIJI nr KrvaOT March 25, 1864. n 1 . rka.lntf W. flj 11:40 A. M.--Dally,exoptBundaysJoiWtolng- ton. Monroe, nwmwro, bam, Hamlet. Charleston, Sumter, DarUngton. BennettsvUle. Raleigh ' and all local points on the R. A A. A.L.R.B. . . ... 4 M P. v. Dally.exoept SSLI&JttZ unooinvon, -w.,. Cleveland Springs. Bllenboro and Rutherfordton. TOnneotlng at Shelby with the O. O. A C. R. R. for Marion, iN 43. 1 ' :1S p. M.-DaUy.t for j Wilmington, nw- let, ttaieign au the R. A A. and R. A G. railroads. Weldon, Portsmouth, Old Point Comfort, Petersburg, Richmond. Washington, Baltimore, Philadel phia, New York and Boston wit through sleeper and day coaches from Atlanta to Washington, la Monroe. Raleigh and Weldoni also sleeper from uaariono m v u- mlngton, 9:16 P. M DftiTy.t for Monroe. Chester.Groon- wooa, atnens, au.uun """rr ery. Mobile, Sew Orleans, Chatta nooga, aiempnie ww Boulh and Southwest. Through sleeper and day coaches from , Washington, D. C via Monro to Atlanta, connecting with xoads verging out of Atlanta. 8.30 a. if. Dally, with sleeperrfrom Wilmrag- ton: also sieeper ana ay "i Washington. Richmond and Po- : tersburg to Raleigh and Monro, with quick time and close eoanee tlon from New York and Boston, via Washington or Portsmouth. 8:30 A. .-Dailj from Atlanta, vaerar, , Oreenwooow aunn South and Sou thweat with sleepers rmm Atlanta to Monroe. 1 596 a. vv - Dally, except 8unday, from uth- erroraton, oneiuy, i" . Springs, Unoolnton and Mt HoUy. From Marlon. N. C. and points on the CO. ACB.R. , Daily, exoept Sunday, from Wil 4:45 V. u.. mington, Lnwimiuu, DarFington,BennettavlIl, HamHt and Monroe. Also front Kaledka and all points on the R. A A. A. L. R Be i 1 : ' ' The : o'clock p. m. train oonnejots StMoa- roe witB tne Aiianw iptoim ii arrives at Raleigh at 606 a. m- and was lnrton at 3:40 p.m-maaina; for Baltimore and New York. It also connects at Monro wim ln." . S?eial, No. 127, for Atlanta and all polnta SOUtn. arriving in auwiw K" - . persleavlng Charlotte at 11:40 a. m. arrive at Charleston at 9:30 p. and Cheraw, Ul P-nu Arrive at Raleigh at 60 p. . Leav lng Charleston at 7 JO a. mherawlH" a. m and Raleigh at 10-.U a. m.jirrlvs in Charlotte a 4:45 p.m. ii-in. passengers lenvina vuww. - - w r reach Raleigh at0p.m.; leaving Raleigh at 10:13 a. m.. reach Charlotte at 4:46 p. m. nnu,tlnm hnf h WSVS With C C. A U. at Shelby, mad by the 4:50 p. m. and 11 U a-m. The AtlanU specials. No. J and magnificent new vestibuled trains, built by the Pullman Palace Car Co., on which there U no extra fare charged. ..h C;oe connection made both ways with tn C ft L. R. It. at Llncolnton for Lenoir and W. N C. points, by a local iwommwuuwii leaving here for Shelby at 7.45 a. v. and re turning at at 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. For inrormation reiauvo w etc.. apply, to w. JSC C WlKDBB. JU T. MSTB RS, . oen'i Manager. . . T. J. ABDBHSOM. B. A. HSWXAI'D. st. T. P. A. Uen'l PaiM. Agent. tBBxoept Sundays. xoept bat ur a ays. rini. i,ainaaa flnlloM In tne Carollnas teaching Business Practice from th day the student enters. An Institution recommended by bankers, wholesale merohants, eto at home. Deno ior pruux. aouno Principal. Charlotte College ' Music and Art; Th leading musical lnstltatloo In the Car ollnas. A comfortable home for non-resident lady students. Moderate terms, abnndaot 'free advantages. Special classes forming as the Urns, caiioraaaress . C. S Gabrtsbr. Director. FOR DBaDaDtfBiiog a Write 8SNSEMAN & SRICKENSTEIN, Salkm. XT. O.':- , ;"-' Best of Bcferences. j PRESBTTERUH HIGH SCHOOL, 1 U ROCK HIIaU b. a, Boptu ' Bw. UtiJ A VoUtg Fvrrforr bAA1sVi1 JVf the ft idkasl a 1 n r. a X7A. - . I ' Ios-aaewwB v w-w aasa uvs wicaosaa sj sZSAiAJUfJ UtJ Address Sxy. ALax.hrBxni, Preaiae - 3

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