.1 1 .... f' - ' ' a. I ' o H. 8. OHAWIOK, - CHARLOTTE ENGINEERS, CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN MACHINERY. SPECIALTY: ; COTTON MILL MACHINERY AND COTTON; MILL EQUIPMENT. SOLE SOUTHERN A.GENT8 FOR . . f 1 'f''1 ij s cn j2 South Try on Street -THE AMERICA -N- THE WORLD'S GREATEST The first time in the history of any civilized country the people have been con sidered in the publication of a new dictionary. THE AMERICAN ENCYCLOPAEDIC DICTIONARY Being a thoroughly accurate, practical and exhaustive work of reference to all the words in the English Language, with a full account of their origin, meaning, pro nunciation and use. This Dictionary is a revision for the American people of the Encyclopaedic Dictionary that ia published ia England by Messrs. Cassell & Co., of London. How to obtain this Dictionary for almost nothing: On another page of this paper will be found a Dictionary Coupon. Three of these coupons, of different dates, will, when accompanied by fifteen cants, entitle the holder to part 1 of this Dictionary; the whole work will be complete in about 40 parts, of 96 pages each, bound in b-vy covers. A new part will be issued each week, and coupons will be printed daily until the Dictionary is complete Any three of these coupons with 15 cents entitles you to any issue or oumo.T of the Dictionary. By this means you secure the best American Dictionary, i:'-.ining two and one-half times the num. ber of pages in either Webster or Wui caster, for one-half their cost, and you get it so easily that you have a work of genuine worth without feeling that you have paid anything for it. Out of town subscribers will please send a two-cent stamp extra to pay postage For further particulars call at the Observer office. -o- THE OBSERVER has made arrangements with the pub lishing house of D. Appleton & Co. to re-issue the famous Art and literary publication, pDOGODtPOgaflDD DODOtPO OR, TTDd LsicdgD Mo LLBw Dddo The mountains rivers, lakes, forests, waterfalls, shores, canons, valleys and other picturesque features of our country delineated by pen and pencil, ISSUED FOR THE READERS OF THIS PAPER! Complete in 30 weekly parts at Ten Cents and 4 coupons per part. Each part will consist of 24 quarto pages, and will contain one large full-page Steel Engraving, printed on heavy plate paper and pasted in. In addition, each part will contain from ten to sixteen beautiful engravings on wood, executed by the best American artists. TTDd QBOoaipflaDftft ougDODDjy mpmm9 GENERAL MILL FURNISHERS and DEALERS IN Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Contractors' and Coal Barrows, 8team and Water Pipe, Valves, Fittings, Etc. U 8. & W. COLD WATER PAINT FOR FACTORY USE CHARLOTTE, N. C. B R. Cochra-b, President. Gso. W. Guiim, Vloe President Charlotte Sash, Door and Blind Manufacturing Co. (Incorporated under the laws of North Carolina.) CJASH. TV OOR8, 1, TLIBT8, HfOTTtDINO, "TWL6, OO B8, jliOOLDIWO, IX AH L Estimates made and orders solicited. Factory DIKKCTUKS J. H. Wedding-ton, Geo. w. Graham, J. W. Miller, E. M. Andrews, R. B. Cochrane, Walter Brem, C. Dowd. CEREBRINE (Hammond.) Iitracti or the Brain of the Ox. Prepared According; to lb a Process and Under tile supervision of Dr. W I I. H A Si A. HAMMOND. Of remarkable effi cacy as a resistant to the advances of old are; in nervous pros tration or neuras thenia: Hysteria;Ner vous dyspepsia; Hyp febondrta and mild forms of mental de-rariir-nieot; Fudo tional brain disturb aaces due to defec tive nutrition of the ortrao: Temporary or loDg continued bialn exhaustion resulting frrtm intellectual or -motional strain. A .ingle dose will, in cases of this charao ter. frequently act as a oomplete restora tive of tbe nervous system. In Insomnia resulting from over mental work the ef fects are most happy. Date, B drop. raios. (3 drachms.) 92.00. if i ifclXtid So ; Where local drug-fists are not supplied with 1 he Hammond Animal E tracts, they will be mat ed, tvgether with all existing Literature on tbe subject, on receipt of price, by THIS jOltiattSlA OUKMIUAL CO., Waahlsgtoa, D. C. JoaDAB & Scott, Agents for Charlotte. MERCHANTS :: AND :: FARMERjS' NATIONAL BANK, CHARLOTTE, N. C. CAPITAL, $300,000. 100,000. eCRPLCS amd PROFTTS, J. H. McAden, President; H. G. Springs, Vice President; J. R. Holland, Cashier-, C. N. O. Butt, Assistant Cashier; Geo. E. Wilson, Attorney. Accounts of Banks, Corporations, Firms and Individuals Solicited. DIBJtCTORS: Jno. H. McAden, H. G. Springs, H. M. Houston, Geo. E. Wilson, J. R. Holland. Charlotte College Music and Art. . . ".'eaala- musical institution in to uar- Jaad . A oomfortsble home for noa-reeJdeat a eomiortaoie some tor wn-nsiawi dents. Moderate) terms, abundant - - tdenta. Moderate terms, aounaani Tf vitafss. Special olasses formtnr aV 'pralJ or address ' ac fLLRl a Oaibtvbb. Dlreetoi. r - -f - MACHINE Pettee Machine Works BUILDERS OF Revolving Flat Cards, Coiler Railway Heads and Drawing Frames, With Latest Improvements. If you contemplate purchasing Cards, don't fail to investigate the merits of the Pettee Im proved Revolviug Flat. Sales over 3,000 WRITE FOR NEW CATALOGUE. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED AND GIVEN PROMPT EDUCATIONAL REVOLUTION. (QFtF r A i.rPTiKS. nLnnima. 1 BWSI.9, DaLUSTSKS, F LOOBUJO. If rLlSO IL1FO 31D1JNU and Office Cor. 9th St. and C. 0. and R.4D.H, K'i Charlotte, N 0 WE MANUFACTURE A We guarantee that it will discharge all the water that condenses in any system of pipes and will not discharge any steam. WE COVER WE oaft fflffl8Qtp8 WE Renew the Necks OF STEEL ROLLS And Square the Ends! THE D. A. TOMPKINS CO., CHARLOTTE, N. C. tutiy.Oakikly.PinuMMtty Hsuei oXeviia eariyarroreer LUiaMBlb rrerwork, alckneea. worrt. ua strength- dvi: pmeat aod tonetivea s Hare tin m wtTil ana hilatlon mmd proofs aasjied LEGR ywtf i I later of Use body, fissnae, sssv arai BMCboda DssaMda. rmt EtlE ISEOICItCO.vBsfms.B.Y. President and Treasurer COMPANY. 1 ATTENTION. Charlotte, N. C Why Is It? That the most successful busi ness men are the strongest believers in Life Insurance ? I That they are, is attested by the following letter from a well known business man who held a Tontine Policy in the Equitable Life POWELL & SNIDER. Staple axd Fancy Gkocebies, obaiv and flour. Asueviiak, N. C, Jan. 18, ISM. Mb. W. J. rtODDEY, Bock mil. 8. C. Dear Sik : I hayc accepted the cssh value of my Tontine Policy In tbe "Kquitable," wbich matured Jan. 3d. 18M. I desire to say that I am very well pleased w Itb the results, as an evidence of which I have applied for more assurance on same plan. Respectfully, W. F. Ssidkb, If you are interested send your age and let us give you figures on a Tontine Policy. Address W. J. RODDEY, Manager, Department of Carolinas, Rock Hill, S. C. jMnimiiiiMMnmmnnii.ttiMui.iiiuii.imimg KEEP STI E 1 And it will Keep You Cool Drtnk it when you are thirsty ; when you E are tired ; when yoa are overheated. When- r ever you feel that a health-fnviug temperaiice S drink will do you good, drink g n S RES' i Rootbeer ! A 25c. pkg. mukesSKaUons. Bold everywhere. H Send 2c. stAmp for beautiful picluro cardii uid book. S The ('has. li. Illrcn Co., Philadelphia. 3 nunmiuiiuiiiimmmjii HENRY E. HYDRAULIC ENGINEE R Artesian and Tube Wells a specialty General Water Works Construction, Surveys, Plans and Estimates. Borings made for Architects, Bridge.and Railroad engineers P 1 PB AND Pumping Machinery Charlotte, N. C. The 8TEA.RNS Is slill at the top. Did you know that every mn's race in Atlan ta s tournament tb 9 h inst. was won by Stbarn s whevU Fitzsimmons iD the lead? The tame thine in Charleston April 4th, and watch the Yellow Fellow and Stearns Specials Monday. 14th. on oar track. Wc expect great thicpa for It. Watch "Nanct Hanks" on Yrl- low FELtow" Monday. w. r. UOWD, 41 So. College t. wneeis repaired and rcntec. Summer rate beg-lns Hay 1st. Business practice from day or entrance. Collesre roc ommended by Bankers, Wholesale Merchants, etc. ocna ior prooi. Aanress Principal. . Dr. E. C. West's Nerv and Brain Treatment Is tola under poatire written (guarantee, by aathor lied agents only, to care Weak Memory; I .oca of Night Xrfmes; Eril Ureams- Uick of Confidence; Xtervoomeee; LaaBitnd; an TJrains; Vara of Power of the Oenerative Ortnuis in either tx x, rawed by erersertion; Yootafol Errors, or Rxceseive Use of Tobaooo, Opraas or Liquor, which nog lead to Misers, Owwiniption, Insanity and Death. Ey mail, 4 a box; for $5-with written ruarantve to cure or renma money, w MI 'S IXJl Uli SY HI P. A certain core ior CoagaK. Coida, Astlran, Bronchitis, Croup, Whoopin Ooutrb. Bore Throat. Pleasant to lake Small sis dlocoatrmjed- old, FOo. in, now 2Ec; old 8. u. Alexander 4k Go Charlotte. N.C. I UBS. VIFISLOV'S 1 sconiina syrupi t rjadr, TeojMn for oner t'ST Tears iTJSSJbJXhottt . eii,r SaBMdy for iitrrlHVj. , g IfjflllHilL L3 -1 - gill I LIFE Qn a w.tmu w fr m ITinraMimr HtWIil lBT.lBU SMS 1SCU Tli uiml Deatb hard hr bia mrtal Stood. Poised for the blow which sousrht another ure. The wheel revolving passed bottt bad and gooa. Till TJcsdemosa came, marked for the knife. Ne'er had the angel seen. He paused with dread. Then wept and 'gan Fate straightway to im- piore, f) gnarfl aueh txantv anil mark out tsatead Some other one leas fair. " Twas thns de- oreed," Relentless FatM ronllA "Sn lt it be" Death bowed and, trembling like the qui rring reea. Let fail the stroke, and made no farther plea A sadder tale than this love doth not girt; Br djtng, Desdemona, thou sbalt live. Lbovabd Chaki.cs Vas Korrts. Bailey's Comet. Wilmington Messenger. Hallev's comet is comin?. But it is aa vet verv far off. some two or three IhoU' sand million of miles. Professor Beryls writes to the Mew York Sun: "It passed across the sky twelve years before the birth of Christ. It passed aesin when Nero was Emperor; again when the firtt of the Antoninef had jast beauff his oacific reim: strain when the Goths were preparing to attack Rome, and yet again in the days of JJiocieuan, the advancing Huns beheld its transit in the year 373; and it was blszing ia tie sky when their Grest King Attila was defeated at Chalons in 431 It appeared since then in A. D. 530, in 608, in 684, 760, 837, 912 and 989 Again in 10G6. 1145, 1223, 1301, 1378, 1456. 153 1607, 1082. It is coming again and has been seen. Better Than Official Position. Chicago Becord. Henry Watterson tells of a politician who was inveighing again, t Cleveland berore a number of auditors in washing ton. "I'm going to quit," says he. "I'm go ing to get out and keen out of sigtt for the next lour years, x Know a eeciucea spot in the James river country where I'll go and live. It's an ideal home for a weary recinse About two nunarea yards back of the cottage there's a spring house aud close by is a mint bed, while just across tie creek a mend ol mice runs a distillery. A Kentuckian was among the auditors, and at this juncture he interrupted the speaker. ''Excuse me, it ranger, but that must be pahdise I Congressman Culberson to Ketire. Washington Post. Congressman Culberson, of Texas, who has been on a visit home, returned to the city latt nigLt. When asked if it were true thtt he had published a card an nouccing his retirement from public life, the colonel gave an affirmative nod, and answered that he was not a candi date for any office. With the end of the present Congress he will have served for twenty consecutive years in the HouEe, where he is held in the highest esteem by tbe members irrespective of party. There is hardly a doubt that he could continue corning to Congrees as long as he liked Sncklen's arnica Salve. The beat salve in tbe wnrJS for Cuts. Bruits Sores, Dicers, Halt Rbeum, Fever, bores, Tel ter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns aad at; Bkin eruptions, and positively cures Pi! or o pay required. It is guaranteed to iv, perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Prtot a oents per boa. For sale toy Burwell a Duds and Jordan ft Boott. wholesale drua data. Specimen Case. S. U. Oifford. New CasseL, Wis., was troub led with Neuralgia and Rheumatism, bll Stom-ifh way '1 iconic red, his I.lver was atfeot ed u no alsrmititr detrree, appetite fell sway. qd titi was u-rrilny reduced in flesh and auinp-tb. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. KdwaM Sh'-pv-r1, Harrison, 111., had a run aintt sjoie o.j iiit. lu ot fiirht years' standing. L'uscil ttirt LoiUiMt ul Klit inc Bitters and jievrn boat s f liui'kl. u's Arnloa Salve, snd bis lig is so'ind ft d Jobo Speaker, Ca ta na, ., l. J live im 'tie Keve- sores on bis leg dooiora cuid bu incurable. One bottle Electric Hf 1 1 --. i 1 1 1 i-n hoi Bucklen's Salvs oured bim enttrr-ly. Sold by Burwell & Duua and Jordan & boon, wbolea&la druearists CS Vhoc Bar.y was slok, we gsve hr Cantoris, shen she was a Child, she cried for Castori. Ahen she became Kiss, she clung to C&storia. ffThen she had Cb4ren, ahe gave them Caatoria. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION THE LOAN & SAVINGS BANK, AT CHARLOTTE. N. C. IN THK COCNTY OF MECKLENBURG. AT THE CLOSE OF 13 US IN ES8, ON THE 4TH DAY OF MAY, 18SH. RESOURCES. Loans on real estate $ r.00". 00 All other loans and discounts Iuf,4u7 S2 Overdrafts 6.5 fil D .c from Banks lG.fitB Tit Duo from private Bunkers VAi (4 Furnitureand iliturcs Current expenses 3.018 TK Cash item WJ S5 Mivercom UKWt w National Back Notes 1,003 00 Total $137,155 01 LIABILITIES. Capita', stock paid in $ 3!.2.t0 00 Undivided profits Deposits subject to chock 44.MI7 07 Uuh to Banks 3,iV( 2:1 rabbier'8 checks outstanding 1C2 ;EJ Demand certiticatts of depoiit 0i) 50 Hmecertlflcatesof deposit 2(1 Oil Si SavlDga Deposits 1!',:3US :n Total $137,15-) 61 I, Archibald Brady, Cashier of the Loan Sc Savtogs Bmkof Cnarlotte, N". C. do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Archibald Bbady, Cashier. Correct Attest: J. P. WlLSOH. ) O. A. TomI'kirs, Directors. J. D. Chkbcb, ) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ' Coi'ktv or Mecklssburo. 1 Sworn and subscribed to before me this 1Kb day of May, lt'M. C N. O. Butt, Notary Public. Tbis Bank acts as assignee, administrator or executor Wills written and kept safely in our safe deposit boies Safe deposit boxes for rent at $2, $.') and $5 per year. B. WITTKOWSKY. President. A. Brady. Cashier. : AND BEST IN tbWRVai T m O Eh CO Beware of imitations. Be sure to get ;he origins!. Made only by eod TAYLOR MFG. CO.. 8t. Loom. JEW GOOD8 1 The most elegant stock of high grade goods in the city. DIAMONDS, WATCHB8, Chaiks, Spkctacxsb, Cut Glass, Htku lihg Stxteb and Silvkb Platkd Waei. Come and see the new novelties. Respectfully, . JOHN CARRIOR. OHN -E ARRIOR. R. R. Watch Inspector. kaw , IbWRVSl T u taaa il-V11"!0 TO WtAT"' I ZaG 34mHactMLytr m h m RIArLORMAM'f'eeOT.Sl sr. touis. -a-aPf p TAtjAmo Direct current dynamos for J isolated lighting. AltaruaSlnK carrent Dynamos fur cen tral edition lighting. Poiar Generators for railway ilaata. ifrm. rsarrasHOtirB Elkctkic ihd 1 Mahtjtactcsiho Co, Charlotte, N. C. Boataeaa Prlaelplaa and Dalnc Well Ooatemplated Iaprsrsasatl. Yorkville, 8. C, Special, 14th, to Charletoti News and Courier. The employes of the Chester & Lenoir Jiauroaa were paid oil on the linn Inst. Sent of ore the 15-h of each month hat been pay day, but President Harper has been paying off from four to six days ahead or time since he has taken charge. The business of the road continues to grow, and freight and passenger receipts are considerably ahead of the same time last year. The people appreciate the er forts of the new management to operate the road in the interest of the people, and are thro wine all the patronage pos sible to it. The rolling stock of t le road was badly ran down when surrendered by the Richmond & Danville crowd, and it is necesBary to improve what is on hand and increase the nam ber of cars, locomotives, etc., in order tj do the business. Major Harper informed your CDrres pondent that he contemplated the par chase of two new locomotives at an early day, and that he was considering the ad visability of adding a parlor car 1 1 the passenger equipment. The road handles a large number of passengers daring the summer, as it is the only line from the South that reaches anywhere in the neighborhood of Blowing Rock, N.C. one of the most popular summer resorts in the two Carolinas. Each day the wis dom of the coarse of the stockholders in patting their interests in the hands of the present management is becoming more apparent, and unless the Richmond & Danville octopus takes some under handed advantage of them it will not be many months before the road, which has long been an object of ridicule, will be a source of pride to the people who suffer ed so much from its mismanagement when in the hands of aliens. MOUKT PL IE AS ANT OOBUSJEKOKBIBHT. Work on the Patterson Factory to Begin Next Week Personals, Ete. Special to the Observer. Coxcobd, May 16. Invitations are out for Mount Amoena commencement at Monet Pleasant. It commences Jane 3. The baccalaureate sermon will be preached by Key. H. S. Wingard, D. D. The address before the missionary so ciety will be by Rev. M G. Q. Scherer, of Concord. Tuesday, 8 p. m., they will have the senior class exerciser Wednes day, 8 p. m., the musical concert, and Thursday, 10 a. m., the graduating exer cises. The class roll is composed of Misses Bessie K. Crooks, Mary E Ora ham, Bertie Kime, Mabel L K zjr, Mary C. Mohr, Belle Moser, Marie A Schulken, Carrie A. Bhirey, Jessie L Thompson, Costis Wingard and L'zzle Weiman. Work on tbe G. W. Patterson Manu facturing Company's factory will begin next week. Chapman & Co. will make the brick and the D A. Tompkins Com pany, of Charlotte, will ptt in the plant, etc Rev. 8 R. Burrstt has gone t Rowan to assist Rev. Stamey in a prctracted meeting Mr. Thomas CacnoD, of Spartanburg, is in the city -Mrs Bar grave, of Lexington, is visiting Dr. C. M. Payne Mr. J. W. Wadsworth was here yesterday. I he lawn party at the Central M. . cbarch last nigbt was qnit? a success Mr Robert Gibson s big mastiff went mi l They gave bim 12 grains of m;r phine. It had no effect. A r ill did, t'aough. BUDDRN DKATH IM PKBSON. John Fitzgerald, of Busby Fork Dies In a Durham Sun. On Friday last John rMzger-wd, of the Baeby Fork neighborhood, wei t t) Rox- b )ro, and while there drack quite freely, and during the dy gi t iulo a figlt witi John Hicks 'Ihey were before tie mayor and fined $15 each Tbe nut day, Saturday, Fitz 'eraid went bic to town and wanted to r&ew the difficulty. e offered the mayor $10 to lt him thrash Hicks, and in the meantime he imbibed more whiskey. About 12 o clock he le.'t tiwn in his waOD, which he had driven ovtr to git fertilizer, and when about three miles from town he took out his horse, secured a saddle, and went back t ) Roxboro, with tbe dttermication to have a settlement with Hick?, lie created no disturbance, and left town again. In going back to his wagon he fell in with Eomo of his neighbors, who were in a wagon, and he got in with them They drove on until about eight miles from Roxboro, when it was no ticed by Bome of his companions that something was wrong with Fitzgerald Ihey stopped at a dwelling near the road, intending to take him cut and send for a doctor. When they lifted him up they found that he was dead. He was probably about 37 years of age, and had been drinking excessively for several dayp. Fine Bala at FlneTllle The Town Gets a Mew Doctor- Good Farming, Etc. Bpecial to tbe Observer. Pineville, May 1G. PiDeville and vicinity were vieited with a splendid rain yesterday eveniDg probably the best of theeeasor. Ii will b3 of immense value to wheat acd oate, beeides perfecting the stand of ci f.on. It is ftared tbat the negro, B .b Nrlaon, who wrs brttilly p junded by Sam Cald well last wet k, will not rec iver. Rev. T. P. Banner, pastor of tbe M E church at Pineville, has gone to Con nelly Springs for hia health. Mr J . U. Parks, a model farmer, is showing the Pineville farmers how to make cction and cm, on the Milled phc?. His crop is in fine condition and well advanced. D . N G. Moore has decided to locate tt Pineville for the practice of medicine, and will hang out his sign Monday, the 21tt insf. Dr. Huiter, who has been studying under Dr. Rone, left for his home the lo'.b. The Strawberry Crop. Wilmington Star. The season for strawberry shipments to Northern markets from truck farms in tbis part of the country is nearly ovc r. The crop waa damaged early by coid wea'herand later by drought, and the yield was less thia hair of a full crop. But prices have been higher this season than for several years past, and many of the truckers say they have made more money on berries this year than tbey did last. The recent drop in prices to to cents per quart will not give them much concern, for with most of them, as stated, the season ia practically over. A Peuder county sciDper isst year sent 1,000 crates to market. This season he expected to market 900 crates, bat his crop, he thought, was ruined. A week ago he had shipped 213 crates, which brougtt him "more clear money," as he expre&Bed it, than his last season's crop did. A shipper in Duplin sent 90 crates to market last week, which sold for 85 cents per quart. HaoUiriTlile High School Closing. Correspondence of the Observer. HrjsTBRsvrxLl, May 16 The Hun- tersville High school will close it j exer cises on Thursday, the 24th. The prc- eramme b tries on weanesaay ricbt with the primary department, uader Miss Sallie Pttrick; and the musical depart ment under Mss Mane Sunonton. On Thursday morning and evening the young men will declaim. The nrst class in the morning will contest for a medal; in the evening the Becond class, after which Rev. Dr. Greer, of Due West, 8. C, will deliver the annual address. The young ladles will recite ana reaa compo sitions st 8 p. m , and afterward will come the delivery of tbe prizes. Rev Roger Martin will preach the annual ser mon on Sabbath the 20th, at 11 a. m. Mrs. George 8. Turner, widow of tie man who was hanged ia Spaitinbarg, P. C, for the murder of Sd Finger, died on Tuesday of last week, rfter aa illness of several week. She leave fire chil dren. Her death occurred in Spat t ib bnrg and her body was carried to Gaff ney Ctj s4 interred by the side of ber He Cloaaa Omt at Kaaadry WIta sWIckid- 1mUs( nplfo Bparfaara- Itxlaa Play Ball With fjbawtett. 8peclal to the Obeerver. Bfabtaxbtjb, S. C. May 16 A wholesale shedding of blood was nar rowly averted her this morning, and had it not been for the timely arrival of the police several persons would have been cut or shot t3 pieces. Tom Har mon, crazed by drink, entered the steam laundry, where the employes were en gaged in work, and with an 13 inch bladed knife -commenced cat tine and slashing promiscuously. The employes fled to what they tnougm were eae quarters, bat Tom soon roatea i tm u of their hiding place and pat them t flight. Several policeman came in i nick of time and DromDtlv arrested h:nj He had on his person a dangerous look ing pistol. The-baseball club is getting in shape to meet the Charlotte team, in Charlotte, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The boys are in the pink or condition and are determined to capture all three of tho games. The Charlotte team will have to play great ball to defeat our boyr. VfBGINIA. CALUCD ON FOB MOM ST gas Decline to Pay sad Claims aa Offset Washington, May 16.-United 8tates Treasurer Morgan, on request or tie rec retary of the Interior, yesterday made a demand on A. w tiarman, jr., me l reas nrer of the State of Virginia, at Rich mond, Ya , for the payment of $540,000 of Virginia Bute bonds held by the United states Treasurer as Indian trust funds and now doe. The State declined to honor the demand and Stat a Treasurer Harman informed Treasurer Morgan's representative. Mr. Russell, that the Attorney General of the State of Virginia would send an official reply to the demand, giving his reasons for refusing to pay tne Donas. In 1860 the Secretary of tbe Interior, out of the Choctaw, Cherokee and ether Indian trust funds, bought bonds of the State of Virginia to the amount or imu,- 000, payable at maturity in 1894 The United States government in inveiting Indian trust funds in this manner gained payment of the interest and principal, and has paid the isterett promptly and regularly ever since. State Treasurer Harman, in declining to pay the princi pal of the bonds, said the State of Vir ginia had an offset agamtt the United States for more tban $540,000. No of ficial action will be taken by United States Treasurer Morgan until the of ficial wr ttan reply is received. DANOIB IN A CAT'S BITK. George Hock Will Probably Lose His Arm Ovisf to a Wound. Reading. Pa., Dispatch, 14th. A c&t's bite has brought George Mock into the hosDitil. and t? save his life it may be necessary to amputate his arm. Mock is a young machinist, and has a ptt cat w;tl which he amused himself. He was pelting the animal wnen n sud denly turned on him and bit him severe ly in the fleshy part of the hand back of the thumb j rii.t The cat did ni t Ut go after having fattaned its teeth in his hand but clung to it viciously Mr. M?ck finally mauageu to snase thecsteff. This was Bcveral days ago. He paid no tttett on to the affair, until his hand began to be inflamed and pained him so severely that it was nec essary to send for an ambulince to-day and take him to the Reading Hospital. He is now under treatmett, but it is feared that his aim will hare to be am putated. Uretk. riles His Appeal Bond. Wa8d isoton. May 16 Representa tive W. P. C. Breckinridge this afternoon gave a bond of $100 to the clerk of tbe ;upreme Court of the Dis'rict c-f Colum bia, his brother Brigadier Geniral J eeph C. Breckinridgs, Insptct r General United States Army giinz his surety, for the purpose of securing an appeal in tbe case of Pollard vs Breckiuridgo in tbe District Cou.'t c f Appealf. On the heat ing of the motion fr a new trial before Judge Bradley on the 28 h of latt m nth, he was given 30 days in which t fi e a bill of exception in order to make an ap peal. This bill of exception can be filed at any time before the 28'.h of this month and on Judge Bradley's approval of it the cafie will go to the appellate court. Deputy United States Marshal J D. Cole left Jacksonville, Fia., yesterday morning with Sinclair and Jarvis, two United States prisoners, for Columbu", Ohio. Sinclair was sentenced to 15 months' imprisonment for using the mails for fraudulent puposes, and Jarvis, the ex assistant postmaster at Satsuma Heights, also goes uo7or 15 months for the embezzlement of $150. FINANCIAL AND UUHHKKQUL. What Llrerpool Did Yesterday Was No Kncoaracememt.to New York. Special by Private Wire to Harrison Watts. Nw Yobk, May 16. What Liverpool did to-day was no encouragement to tbis market, as after opening tbe same as yesterday, they closed 1-M lower, and will not open there aain until Monday. This will leave us here without tbe influence of Liverpool. We an ticipate l.ttle cbange. Inasmuch as there are no new features likely to develop during that time unless it may be favorable or unfavora ble crop accounts. it is supposed that the summer months here are very 6tronirly held to a large extent, and tbis may deter a bearish movement in tbose positions. The market at one time to day was very steady, but it did not last, and tbe close is 3 lower than last night. The crop movement continues on a dimin ishing scale, port receipt to-day being 2,224 against 2.710 last year, and port receipts for the week indicate about 2,000. including Brunswick, against 33.600 last year. ATWOOD, V IOLtTT & CO. A Decidedly Weak Tone ia the Closing, ef Stocks. Niw York. May 16. Td re was a decidedly weak tone to the Anal dealing-i ia the market on account of the raid against tbe Grangers stock. 8t- Paul led tbe decline, and a number of stop orders were reached. All tbe Indus trials were heavy, in sympathy with the drop in rit. Paul, but supporting orders were dis closed in Chicago Gas. The liquidation in Lead was continued, and the Keene brokers had, apparently, orders to sell at any rally. Sugar was fairly firm at concessions from the early afternoon recovery. Tbe Havemeyer brokers bought on a scale down. The room traders sold. General Electtio was strong and there vn a good demand to cover shorts. The borrowing demand was well distributed throughout tbe list, with a brisk inquiry for Atchison and Distilling & Cattle Feeding. KlKASCIAL AND DOMESTIC NlW8 CO. At the Open!nGraln Was Weak, bat the Mark Later Advanced Slightly. Chicago, May 16. Around the opening this morning there was continued liquidation, and prices were very weak, showing no disposi tion to react until ab-aut midday. There were, however, some very good buying or ders in, and when offerings were finally ab sorbed the feeling Armed and a slight advance was recorded. Shipments from Baltic and sundry porta were large, amounting to over 4,000.000 Ca bles showed continued weak markets abroad. During the session there were some reports received from Kansas and California stating that the weather was extremely hot, and that hot winds were prevailing, etcl, where condi tions were perfect. Tbe receipts of spring- wheat continue al most nothing; in fact, the total receipts of both spring and winter are very light to-day-only 15,322 ousbels against 160,454 for tbe same day last year. Shipments were 106,54 bushels against 04,647 for the same time last year. Total clearances were 868,000 bushels. Out side markets were a trifle firmer, all of them appearing to bave been oversold yesterday. The close bero was quite strong, with indi cations in favor of holders. Corn and oats bave'beenstrong-.laample lota of oats very firm. The market for futures was narrow Provisions were weak, hogs at the yards closing about 15 cents lower. Lamson Bbos- a Co. city ntoDven aVA&Karr. Eggs firm. Chickens, butter and corn dull. BrjTIBQ FBICae BA8LH BTO. A WUAUTT Cabbaee, per Ik . la Apple a noa quarters, Dngn.i bright siloed " fancy bright sliced . . ' extra - .. green per bushel Peaches peeled, bright... fancy " extra dark not wanted.. unpeeled halve, bright. quarters 44 . Blackberries, dried 4 S 1 60 7 10 8 Kaspoerrves.. ... w Borueoemee p Kxtra Flour 1 60 1 75 H Family fear-bol 1 ted 44 lha. per bushel. 63 pnsnii... ....... .; i Oata SS fes. pet bushel Peas clay..... salxed... ....i.. ....... Potatoes Irish . m lf 08 a a su Onions select, per bushel isaooii i-iosr rouno. per is.. .... Ham Bides . Shoulders.......... ...... Lard-K- C X Tallow .j Beeswax -j. ...v.. Hena-peraead. J. j... Rooster aer head.... 10 fil ls 23 Chickens spring mallper p " large " Turkeys per lb f 90 8X 0 IS 30 15 10 18 X 60 6 3X 30 micas......... Guineas ......j. ... Goes -i Butter Choloe yellow; - Fair j Honey strained, per lb . eomo, per Knr hen guinea .f. wsesi 4... Rye - I- Feathers new Hides dry, per ft........ srreen Wool washed . MOM BY jMA&KST. Hn Voik. afar 18. Monev on call easy at 1 per oenU last loaned at I and clos ing-onerea as a. mitai f rime mercanme :paiwr o y mi nui Bar-silver tlx. Mexican dollars ... bter- Inr xohange Is firm, wits actual bust neat: in bankers' rails at i 876)1 87 X for 60 days and 4 88X ! for demano.. Posted rates 4 8814 4 Ml Oommeroial bills 80 days 4 8JX4 87; demand .. Government bonds lower, etate oonds duU. SaUroad bonds weak. Silver at the board neglected BALTIatO&B PRODUCE MARKET. fLons-duIl. western super 1 8308 CO. do extra 8 16U3 60: do family 8 7003 00; winter wheat patents 8 26623 60; spring wheat pat ents &m 80. . w u bat uniu no s rea spot aixwoix; May S7a7; Juno .. .. ; July 68t59A: Steamer ho 8 red 61X&k. Milling wheat by samp) 66Yg5B. I . . COHN-Dull. easy. '. Mixed spot 15 bid; May UJt b d;July 4a-gMVi; Aug steam er mixed 4i bid; Doutaern corn by pie 4Xv4a . ; STTOCKB CL08LNQ BIDS Amer Cot Oil ItX H. ft W. Pfd, .. to .. 1 .. 16 .107 .141 .. 14 X .. 16 .. 8 ,. 64 do nfd- . .. 70371 Am Bug Refl... .103 AnnfJ 93 fi. Pao , do pfd. .... N. w ........ do pfd Pan. Mall American Tobacco 81 k dn nf d Atcb h m n 10 k . ts ; 6 a 17J 131, . r,sk . si 190 . SiX 3 Hdg .... i W P.... Can. Pan R.I B. Hani C. k O Ch. A A do nfd MX C. B.Q Chicago Oas. S1L UtfS i"i T.a I ia JJel. 1AOB.... D.SO. F I do pfd Tex. Pao.,.. On. Pao iWab BR .... 8 .... .... 7 .... 1 .... b3 .... 10 14 X . . 100 .. !C2 .98(019; B. Tenn do pf d Brie do pfd W. fj. W. - L. B..... tf nfd do pfd.,.. 30 General Klectrlo- &ii Ills. O 1 L. B. W 15, 'Ala. Class A. do nfd " do. Class U. An Cimmm CI . . L. s :so 1. a 1 4&J4 La. Stamped 4's ..iuu . 100 . . 121 . 60 ...103 ...Kil L.N. A.a.... 8 n. yj.i-m Man ixsx Mem. A Cbaa. S Mich. C 97 Mo. Pao Art as, Tenn. Old 6 's.. do. N.B. 8'S. do. N. S. 6'S M A 0 19 An M a aa TWIT N.C St L 73. Va ' nfA 10 Nat'! Cord 21 X do pfd 43 n.j. c :?8k do. tr reostmpt.. 86 do. Fun ueotbvxia u. o. rinm uo D.8.4'sOoUD 1!3X N. V. C 98K N.T.tN.l 6.V U. 8. 8'S 96 NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. vr.nnR nail. weak. Winter wheat low grades 1 1032 50; Patents. 8 1003 3): Minnesota cieaz 2 25282 76: Patents 3 i6&4 15: low extras 1 I0tf2 50; Southern flour dull, weak. Common to fair extra s uuw n w: uuoa Choloe do 3 CO da 60. WHEAT Dull, Orm, H higher. No 8 red store and elevator 68: atloat f8Xe&8. Op tions decline! X to , rallied to S cents aad cloffed nrm at X to over yesterday. No 8 red May 68 : June bs; Juiy (VlRN-null, aieadv No 2 12 X elevator: 13Ji13K atloat. Options dull and steady t M cent tower- May 12; Juiy a cp OATS wore activo, firmer May 37k; Juno 3T.S: July 31 No 2 hlte June 41. Spot No 2 373lX; No 8 white 4IX4S4U: mixed western ai(4ion; wnite 00 LA Kl iaSier. quiet, neewrn iauii;unru 7 60 47 5: city 6. May 7 65 asked; July 7 4U, nominal. Refined ouiet; Continent 8 W.; 8. A. 8 40: Compound 5ti!. ,,,. rtiRK-Oalet, steady; mtsa 10 w iw.a to. COTTON SEED OIL Quiet, nominal: crude 3 ; yellow 3L BOL&BBI3 voreurn camiiiMi new eLS 30TaW8: steady, quiet. , , PEANUTS-yuiet;tncy nana-picaea uwm. roirWRlt tinrinns dull, steadv. 5 points down to 10 up. May 16 S6(a;l5 3o: July 1 16; Bept 11 55W 54 60: Dec 13 90. Spot K10 dull. teady. N01 is'i. snuAR-Ftrm. fair den and Fair reflniDg 2: Reflued active. Steady. Off A, 3 11-lfVoil 16-W; Standard A. 4(a) i 3-18; Cut loaf 4kg4 16-16; Crushed 4 3k I 16-18; Uranulated 40t4 5-16. CHICAGO PEODCCB MAEKK1 Opcoing 1 Closing 64 X 54fa55fi 50 ; 56(o,57 67 6K 7 37 37 87 833 c8 31 3U ; 33 2"i 304 11 fa II 95 11 9j 12 00 7 30 7 80 9 93 Q 9 6 10 6 20 6 16 6 17 WHEAT - May July Sept. uua- Mav July sept OA To May June July M maa rut- May July LARD May July hi ua Hay July LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. LrvxRPOOL, May 16.. 4 P. m. Midnling 3 i5-l. Spots -8teady. deoaand poor. Futures Closed dull. Sales 10,000. American : receipts 7,Oj0. American 3.1u0. May i 351 Mav and June 3 63 judo and July..... 3 64 July and August... & August and September 3 66 v September and October 3 67 v October ana woveraoer ao November and December o s December and January 3 60s January snd Ftbruary 3 61 b NEW YORK COTTON FUTURES. Hishest ... 7 S7 (1 Pi ... 7 01 ... 7 1 .... 7 10 Lowest 7 24 A m 6 M 7 01 7 06 7 (6 7 10 7 14 7 19 Closing 7 3tjft H 94W5 H S7 7 0lat(2 7 0 ifm 1 (rVaW7 7 09(ei0 7 Ull4 7 lBil January. May June July August . September. 7 II October 7 "11 November l December 7 S3 New York. May 16. Cotton quiet. Middling uplands 7: middling Gulf 7. Sales 559 bales. Futures closed firm. Sales 88,400 bales. Friday only. vaoaa4,o aa o.ao ra 9? ? 8 a -oC . . -tx i-.o-'- - J OS "r5: t I - QB 9 00 w jii"t ::i : : : . I : : : -I ta.fOs - - . f - O C ssa. - or i tm a-a.SMi)ecai s5 ..... . .... . . . . ....... : : ': l: I : ! ! I MAT Alt BTORBS. WrucrstOTOV, Hi 0- May 16. Rosin firm. Strained 86; gooa strained 80. Spirits tu r peauae. ' steady 26. Tar firm at 1 16: erode turpentine firm hard 1 Oj; soft 1 7; virs-ia 8 16. CHAR LOT TS COTTON MARKET. (These agurvs j rapreeeot prioes paid wagons. Strict Good Middling to Good Middling 7k Strict Middlm-.... MiddHnsT.. Tinges....- i Htftr "m f-- I 8-16 I 6 a i : q i : I :S?W : Richmond & Danvillecof , ..-,.u.-;- .( - BAMTJBL SPBWCBR.'F. W.HUIDfOFBB atBU BaVM OOASufc. Aoaiva- - " '" ".-' ' SCITBDUT.TI. ! la effect May 13 1891. TBAINB LUV1 CHABLOTTB. H. C.r . n . . r w . .1 a, r:h.ylAt.La AIT 1&5) Lino diviston anS aUpoinU b Southwest. Carries tVrough Drawing Room Buffet Sleer bt. Nsw York. .Washington and Atlanta. DAILY for O Ot A, tonlJL00J,ll tag OolumWa, Aug-nsta, Aiken. Lb ar ia- tvanaaa and all Florida P";' Solid train Charlotte to Jaekajnjuj. with through sleeper from New Yor. Carries Pullman Bleeping oar between Charlotte and Angnst. i ,w no. 87 DAILY. wassinatoB and Bon t- weatern Vestlbulad IJmited. for At V, at. It 20 P. M. 8-JO a. at. 1QA0 P. M. 1186 r. at. a.M lanta, Bfrmlagham, Memphis, Mooc gomery. Mobile, New Orleans; ail point! South and Southwest. New Yora to Kew Orleans. NewYork to Aujuu tnrtoa to Memphis without ehanre. No extra ehargs except asaal x-uii- Nofaa. DAILY, for Washington. Klch saond, Raleigh. Qoldsboro and ail Elnt North. Carries Pulln'an Ble r oars from Atlanta to New loX and Jaoksonville to New York. 7.00 a. M TOO' r. at Carries Pullman BleeptasT ear f rona ereensLcro to to Balelgh, and to Bica- NO.nM DaW, wtsJkanro"jh Both Western VesUbuled Limited. Jfoi Wuhica-ton and all . polnta, Worth. Throuxk ears between New Orlean and New York. Augusta andWashinir; 8:39 r. M. ton and Tampa and New York, ana Mam Dhis and Washington. 4:00 p. mu For StatesviUe N. O. " . TaaiJVD T .1 a -fc - . ilNooifBOat THX MOKTBL. 925 A.M.lji- i '.-.-.T- 6:10 P: mIUkOM ATLAWTA. ' M9 P. M.I 1 i - -.1 ; 8:80 P. M. ) .. . . Daily Bx. Bun. f.IROM RAniTIlirr olAaab. ! :JL'hSShiJ Tnmo aianaaar. W. H. flEIlN. 04D1 HaBtrSI, WashlngtontD. 0. " Washlnrton. D. u. S. BThaRdViCK. A 88t Oenl Faas rer Agt. ; it inia va 1 LMBTTO RAILROAD. i . 1st BFvartr Armrt rn. 1898. MOVING NORTH. to. I. PASSMan Airo rMiosTv imfr. Leave Cheraw..... f-JiS 5! Kolloca...j..... On born : I ia--tf0pra J - I SI HI Charlotte.- m Mpm - Cleveland Springs J:19pm " Wilmington ":Mpm BennetUviUe "S pne " Charleston. .....JOdWpm MOVING BOTJTH. f -TO. 1. r-ASSKHOBB AND rBuaaT BAJ ve Cleveland Springs , Charlotte.- t....lSlpm - Charleston i " BennettsvlUe v..,.tMpm - Wilmington. t0am - Hamlet..... 8:46pm Osborne 8.-t pns Kollock.... ......... .... .aaym Arrl'e Cheraw iiepn Wat. MOHCrOBA, PTesideBt. Seaboard Air Lino. BOBsetrLn rsr Brno March 25, ISM. Trains leave Charlotte, It. 0.1 J ' il:40 A. at. Dally.except Sundays lot Wilming ton, Monroe, Wadeaboro, Rooking, bam, Hamlet, Charleston, Sumter, Darlington, Bennetts villa, Raleigh , and all local points on the K. A A. A. L. R. R- i ' 10 p. M. -Daily .except 8unday, tot Mt, Holly, Lincoln ton, Cherryvlev Shelby. Cleveland Springs, Bllenboro and Rutherford ton. oonnectlng at Shelby with the C. O. A C R. R. for Manon, i u. : i ll p. a. Daily, t for WUmlngton, , Ham let, Raleigh and all points pa the R. A A. and R. G. railroad a. Weldon, Portsmouth, Old Point Comfort, Petersburg, Richmond, Washington, Baltimore. Philadel phia, New York and Boston with throuarh sleeper and day coaches from Atlanta, Ga to Washington, via Monroe, Raleigh and Weldon also sleeper from Charlotte to WU mtnarton. i " ! - ' 9fl5 p. if, - Dally, t for Monroe, Chester .Green wood, Athens, Atlanta, Montgom ery, atoniie, new vrnwma, vui- nooga, Memphis and points In the South and Southwest.. ThrouKh sleeper and day coaches from Washington, D. C via Monroe to Atlanta, connecting - with roads verging out of Atlanta. - - i trains arrive in Charlotte, NOt , 1 8J a. sL Dally, with sleepertfrom Wilming ton ;also sleeper and day coaches f rou Washington, Richmond and Per teraburg to Raleigh and Monroe, with quick time and elose connec tion from New York and Boston via Washington or Portamonth. 8:30 a. a. Dally from I Atlanta, Chester, Greenwood. Athens and points South and Southwest with sleepers from, Atlanta to Monroe. 1 :36 a. a.- Dally, except Sunday, from Ruth erford ton. Shelby, Cleveland Springs, Linoolnton and Ms. Holly. From Marlon. N. G. and points ou the G. C. A C R. R. I ' I. i .-45 v. a. Dally, except! Bandar, from Wil mington, Charleston, Sumter. Darrington, Bennetts ville, Hamlet and Monroe. Also from Baleteh and all points on the R A A. A. L. It, R, r ' i The 8:16 o'clock p. m. train connects at Mon roe with the Atlanta special 134. which arrives at Raleigh at 6:15 a. noj and Wash ington at 8:40 p, m making close connection for Baltimore and New York. It also oonnects at Monroe with the Atlanta -special. No. 187, for Atlanta and all polnta south, arriving in Atlanta at 40 p. m. Passen gers leaving Charlotte at 11:40 a. m. arrive at Unarteston at vhj p. uu iimrw, t.u Arrive at Raleigh at 6:08 p. m. . Leav ing Charleston at TdO a. Cheraw. 110 a. m and Raleigh at 10:16 a, m..arrive In Charlotte at 4:45 p. m. i I is. Passengers leaving Charlotte at 11:40 a. m. reach Ralolgh at 6.-O0 p. m.; leaving Raleigh at 1A.IE. . ra.Ah I Ih.rlAttA At 1U n. HI. Close connections both ways with C O. A O at Shelby, made by the 40p. m, and 1136 a.m. trains. i . . j .i " . .. . The Atlanta specials. No. 127 and 134, are magnificent new veatlbuled trains, built by the Pullman Palace Car Co., on which there Is no extra fare charged. I C ose connection made both ways with the C. A L. R. K, at Linoolnton for Lenoir and W. N C. points, by a local aooommodation train leaving here for Shelby at 7.45 a. m . and re turning at at 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. For information relative to aohedurt. fare eto apply to 1 l 1 - ' "'- I-. J. u. VAaaaavud.au iraiii anui. Jpo. C. Wnrpan, ux.j . MlTIHA. Genl Manager. . J. a nawartH. Genl Bupt. i B. A. NawLAND, Gen'l Pass. Agent. i.. T. P. A. tH Except Sundays. j xoept Saturdays. j THE BOSTON 1 J HE BOSTON I I SHOE STORE HOE STOKE Is the place to bny yonr Hhoes Cheap. Ziegler Bros.' Ladies' Shoes at i . i actual Cott. ! 11 East Trade street. A Chance of a Lifetime., i -I TTTANTBDI IMMEDIATBLT Canvassers If and avanta in averv oit in th llniuvii States to introduce . I ..mm. . . m . m m a . p ! w-. . . . VIYIUL.IUIY1 I It rMttVU, The Elastic Ink-Holder for Pens. ! From $3 to (10 easily made with 6 hours worV dally. Call or address, THEO. B. WEYEH wfs 140 Nassau St.. Room 40, New York City T70R BAJ-B X1 An elegant two-atory dwelling. with all modern improvements, 1 ! v., ..... gooi i ! 1 : V 1 : neignoornooa t ,.!.. - t - on ' -i : , Bonta Txyon streot. ' :. I I 4-." -" -I - An opportait y for some one wanting I I ' r--'.'-.,: ''' '. . - . a good home. .1 R- B. nOCnRANE K. IjOOIIRANE. I and Whiskey EAb'tg vureu a sorni wiui oat pain. Book of par- 1 iicniare sent IHi.r; 1 K. if. wnw.i ttv m 11 WTTLt unooitea.w ms. - - - 0W 63 : Market- Qt(lt i

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