One Whitehead & Atherton Aonch, Two Beater Opener in good condition and will open - T- l A ne automatic reeaer nuicnuu ) u new inacuine; nas ocen in use ouiiime over a year. Can be seen in operation at the mills ol the Pee Dee Manufacturing Company, Rockingham, N. C. It is offered for sale owing to an increase in the equipment of the mill, necessitating an Opener Lapper ol larger capacity. Jn excellent bargain foranyoneinneed ol sucna machine. for further information, or the undersigned, REPORT OK THE CONDITION OF THE LOAN & SAVINGS BASK, AT CHARLOTTE, IN THB COUNTY OF MECKLENBURG, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS, ON THE 18TII DAY OF JC LY , 18W. RBSOCBCB8. Loans on real estate . t 7,82 Ou All other loans and discounts 12u,l 22 Overdrafts MM 02 Due from Banks 16,434 C6 Due from private Bankers 87 92 Furniture and fixtures 3,122 15 Current expenses 3,793 00 Cash items 444 63 .Gold coin !5.()O0 00 ' amUv. 8ilver coin 1,1X10 00 f 'WJ w National Bank Notes 1,000 00 Total S159.512 60 LI A BXL.ITIK8. Capital stock paid iu., Surplus fund Deposits subject to check Due to Banks Due to private Bankers Bills payable Cashier's checks outstanding Demand oertitlcates of deposit Time certificates of depositr Saving deposits Total 39,375 00 . 43,800 76 . 4,800 38 37 . 15.000 00 20 00 3G2 86 . 29,033 05 . 20.920 16 . . $15U,512 60 I, 8. Wlttkowsky, President of the Loan 4 Havings Bank, do solemnly swear that th foregoing stutement is true to tuo best of m knowledge and belief. 8. Wittkowsky, President. COBHECT Attest: J. P. W11.8ON, 1 1. A. Tompkins, Directors. C, A. MiSENHKiMEH, ) STATE OF NOKTH CAROLINA COUNTY !! hecku.nbi:bii, I Sworn to and sulscr:bed before me this 25th day of July, l,s:i4. w. H.Twittv," Notary I'ub.i- THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK DBSIUNATBD UNITED bTATBS, 6TATB COUNTY AND CITY DKl'ueiTORV. CAPITAL. $175,000 SURPLUS $155,000 J. 8. Spencer, President, A. G. Brenizer Cashier, D. H Anderson, Teller. DIRECTORS: J. H. Holt, Wm. Johnston, W. E. Holt H. C. Eccles, Lawrence 8. Holt, R M. White, L. Banks Holt, R. M. Miller, Jno. L Morehead, J, 8. Spencer, Frank Coxe. SAFETY.PROMPTNESS, ACCURACY Accounts of merchants, manufacturers and capitalists solicited. Interest paid on time deposits. WHERE THE SNOW BIRDS NEST. GRANDFATHER -:- MOUNTAIN 6,000 FEET ABOVE THB SEA. me new ana Deaamui -Csceola inn is first-class in all appointments and within a comfortable walk of the GRANDFA THER fifty miles cf easy grade an equaled roads drives amid slopes and gorges to o,6W leet above the sea. Until you have enjoyed the famoas Yonah- losseo Road skirting the Grandfather to Xiinville, you have missed the chief at traction of western North Carolina. "These are me only roads 1 nave seen in America which resemble the great Swiss roads." Prof W. James, or Har Yard "lhe most Deauurui mountain region 01 the continent immunity irom hay lever. rror. Asa way. Thee Linville trout river winding around us in sight others conveniently near, protected Dy stern laws to patrons open wood fires fall wraps in summer no mosquitoes no black flies where the sky is so blue and so near and where the grandeur of sunset is so great. Most reasonable terms. J. T 8KILES, Proprietor. . Linville, N. C, formerly of Luray Inn 28 CITY LOTS On "Graham," "Poplar" streets "Pine" and (4th Ward ) Part cash and balance time to suit purchaser. on E. NYE HUTCHISON, Agent. Fire Ins. and Real Estate. Charlotte, N. C, July 20, '94. A. R. WILLMANN, Plumber and Steam Fitter Competition is the life of trade, and makes every competitor hustle for it. We are always bustling and invite you to call. Prices are right and work guaran teed. Fall line of water closets, baths, lavatories, pumps, and everything needed tot water or steam constantly on hand. Defective plumbing put in sanitary con dition. - One pipe machine for sale; cuts from to 9 inches. andclean 2,500 lbs. 01 cotton . I l 1 1 address Pee Dee Manufacturing Co., Rockingham, N. C CHARLOTTE MACHINE COMPANY, U. S. Ghadwick, President and Treasurer. Charlotte, N. C. WHY NOT PATRONIZE HOME PEOPLE ? We guarantee all our work hrst-class work. CHARLOTTE SASH, DOOR Office and Factory at TTDdcb .QBDoaitpDciDO'S GngDQDLty QBoDDDDQDaiEiDa GENERAL HILL FURNISHERS and DEALERS IN Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Contractors' and Coal Barrows, Steam and Water Pipe, Valves, Fittings, Etc, 8. St W. COLD WATER PAINT FOR FACTORY USX. CHARLOTTE, N. C. ROARING GAP HOTEL. Commodious, New, Chkap, On Top of the Blue Ridge, 3308 Feet Above 8ea Level On the corner of Wilkes, Surry and Alleghany counties. Three hours' drive from Elkin, N. 0. Hack 50c to fl. Summer excursion rates to Elkin. Trout fishing and scenery the best in Western North Carolina. Rates: f l a day; $20 a month. Sixty rooms rapidly filling. W. E. HARDIN, Prop'r, Roaring Gap, N. O. THE B0F0RD HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C QUINCY & FALLS, Proprietors. ICO Elegantly Furnished Rooms. Hot and Cold Baths and Water Closets on Each Floor. I'ASbENUEK ELEVATOR AND ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. RATES TO 8TJIT THE TIMES. Your patronage solicited and appreciated. WATER ! HENRY E. KNOX", JR. HYDRAULIC ENGINEER Artesian and Tube Wells a specialty. General Water Works Construction, Surveys, Plans and Estimates. Borings made for Architects, Bridge, and Railroad engineers Pip AND Pumping Machinery. Chirlotte, N. C. -COMB TO THE- WASHINGTON STAND NO. 20, W. TRADE ST., For anything you may need in Crockery, China, Glassware, Tin ware and Honselnrnishings. We have on hand a large stock of goods and new goods arriving weekly. Don't forget that our prices are right. We are selling good goods almost at low as other dealers sell shoddy goods. Come to see us and be convinced that you get bttter for the same money than elsewhere in the city. Smith & Flonrnoy. M EW W ---. v LfFE Dr. C. C Wast Mane and Rri. T, sold HXtder positive written guarantee, by author bod agents only, to cure Weak Memory; Low of Brain and Nerve Power; Lost Manhood; Quickness; Night Losses; Evil Preniue- Ijwk of Cocfidenoe; KervoaanetK: Laseltiitfe: all Drains: Lots of Pnw of the Generative Organs in either sex. caused hj Overexertion: Yocxtliful Ejiimk. or KxeMdT. I ' m. . . Tobacco, Opiom or l-itm r. which eoon tead to Misery, (Vwuraptlon, Insanity and Death. By mail. SI a box; 8 for S5; with written guarantee to cur- or re rand money. WEST'S COI'GH SYKUP. a certain rare fr Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping OoifcTh, Sore Throat. Pieasaut lo take fimaU aire dioHinued; old. Sue. idatt, iwtw ; oU laue,BuwSCc. OUABAKTEia lssuud only by 8. U Aleiaader At Oo, Charlotta, SO. KT &utTra4.Btreeti Lapper, with Automatic Feeder; per day in a satisfactory manner. ' 1 - and at prices as low as any for AKD BLIND MANUFACTORY. Corner 9th and A Streets. WB MANUFACTURE A We guarantee that it will discharge all the water that condenses in any system ol pipes and will not discharge any steam. WE COVER TOP MLQJ WE 0 WE Renew the Necks OF STEEL ROLLS And Sou arb the Ends ! THE D. A. TOMPKINS CO., CHARLOTTE, N. C. ICE! ICE 1 1 ICE!!! Standard Ice & Fuel Co. Pure Crystal Ice Made from Distilled Water. Our factory has a track connecting with all the railroads, which enables us to load cars without exposing ice to sun or air, thus avoiding heavy loss in leak age. Ice shipped in any quantity, from sack to car load, and loaded direct from the bath. Satisfaction given in weights, quality, etc. Orders Solicited. STANDARD ICE & FUEL CO., A. J. HAGOOD, Manager. MERCHANTS :: -AKI- :: FARMERS' NATIONAL BANK, CHARLOTTE, N. C. $300,000. 100,000. CAPITAL, 8URPLUS ahd PROFITS, - J. H. McAden, President; H. G. Springs, Vice President; J. R. Holland, Cashier; C. N. G. Butt, Assistant Cashier; Geo. K. Wilson, Attorney. Accounts of Banks, Corporations, Firms and Individuals Solicited. dibkctobb: Jno. H. McAden, H. G, Springs, H. M. Houston, Geo. 2. J. R. Holland. Wilson, VIENNA CABINET : Export Beer. Virginia Extra Pale, Export Lager, Keg Beer, Fresh Bottled Beer, Deliver to any Part of the City and ship all mail orders PROMPTLY. We ROBT. PORTKER BREWING CO C VALAJ5K, Agent See our line of valises, bags and steamer trunks. The "Prince of Wales" Valise is the finest thing made. Shown exclusively by us, English Frame Glad stone, and Club, all sizes. Absolutely the best coods made, and the lowest prices ever named. Full line of telescoped cases in leather fibre and duck. Lunch boxes all sizes. Send 10c. and get one of our Improved valise tags by return mall. GILREATH ILREATH CS: J. E. DDVAL, uonioax Dsmii amo ooavavaoKH, Cnwi,- XT tHH OBXY WOULD. Hew York Herald. Whit a perfectly lovely thing It would be. How the world would fill with light, It the "Heavenly Twin" would Mil away On "dhlp that Pag In the Night." 'Bluphamoiu InterferaBiea." Argonaut. : - The death of Lord Coleridge recalls the magnificent barranet given to his lordship by Emory A. Btorrs in Chicago some years ago. Just oerore supper was served constables appeared and levied upon, the table, floral decorations, etc., and the festivities did not proceed until several opulent fnends present voiun teered security for the debt for which these heroic measures were taken. Btorrs was not at all perturbed by the proceed ing. As soon as the consumes had de parted, he turned to his embarrassed guest and remarked: "Your lordship. pardon this interruption ths blasphe mous interference with the lord s sup per." The Third District at BlelB. To the Editor of the Observer: Your Raleigh correspondent, in his re port of the State Democratic convention, omittea the names or tne committeemen from the third district, which were as follows: On credentials. 8. H. McRae; on organization, I. U. Faisoc; on plat form, B. J. Hale. Yours truly, J. B. Uhdkrwood, Secretary Third District Caucus. Fayetteville, Aug 10. Bills Approved by the President. Washington, Aug. 14 The President has aooroved the act to submit to State taxation national bank notes and United States Treasury notes; an act to author ze the construction of a wagon and foot bridge across the Chattahoochee river at or near the town of Columbia, Alabama; an act to authorize the construction of bridge across the Perdido river between the States of Alabama and Florida. Breckinridge Beslajna and Qualities. Washington, Aug. 14. Represents tive Clifton R. Breckinridge, of Arkan sas, who was nominated several weeks ago by the President as minister to Rus sia, to day telegraphed his resignation to the congressional convention which met in his district this afternoon. Breckin ridge also to-day qualified as the diplo matic representative of the United States at bt. fetersburg. ITEM 9 OF STATE HSWB. The Greensboro Record says that Judge John Gray Bynum, of Morganton, thinks of going to Ureensboro to live. Deputy Collector Gibson reports to Collector Simmons the capture near Lum- berton of throe wagons and teams loaded with blockade whiskey; also the seizure at Clarendon of a 70 gallon registered dluillery. The latter was made for lr regularities. The Sun says that last Saturday night young John M. Waiters, ol Durham, drew the drapery of his couch about him and laid down to pleasant dreams at peac9 with all mankind, fie cannct re member what he dreamed, bat when he awoke Sunday morning the little bone of his left wrist was knocked out of place, and he could not use his hand. It is stated that a party of New York capitalists contemplate building a line of railroad through lower Currituck county, connecting with the Norfolk & Southern road for Norfolk. Currituck furnishes for shipment large quantities of truck, lumber, corn, fish and game. The line would be of immense benefi: to the seine men at Nags' Head and Roanoke Island. The London Times announces the death at Berwick on Angusi 9th, of James Allen, the head of the Allen steamship lino. fm bos ar la tk worM tor deer. Bait Kfeeura. rerwc TS unnel Hnada. Chi'h atnav Cbrna and aS Skin ruptioije. aad peaitrrely cure Pi it or so pay rorjuirr n t a-uaranta to fsrrect aueTacti'jn er aoBy refunded. Prtoa aeata per toa ror cata tar-rU Piina aae mmu a Cure for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of Headache-, has proved to be the v Blectrlo Bitters oeaT. it enecw a permanent cure aoa the most dreaded habifual sick headaches yield to l(p influence. We urge all who are af tleted to procure a bottle, and give this rem - ly a fafr trial. In oases of habit oal ootisti ptloq Electric Bitters cures by giving ttre needed tone to the bowels; and few caeea lonk resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only 50 cunts, at Burwotl A Dunn's drag- store, and Jordan S tittXt's, wholesale druggists. Tml-j 3abT mt ,-.k, wt j- hsr Oaatori. "Then the wm a Chi'-A aha cried for Castor!. V hen aha became Miss, she dun to Caatoria. hsa. ate ad Qj;4?n, abt f 'Atm Caxtai'la. : out of employment, or in : a position that you do not : slike? Possibly the soli c-i 5 iting of Life Insurance is jj : your special forte. Man-: : people have, after trial, : i been surprised at their: : fitness for it. To all such i it has proved a most con- i E genial and profitable occu- : pation. The Management E of the : Equitable Life j : in the Department of the : xCarolinas, desires to add: : to its force, some agents E : of character and -ability. : : Write for information. 5 : J. Roddey, Manager, : Rock Hill, S. C. E tniiHiiiiMiiiiuiiuiiiiiimiHi,,,,,; BREM & CO., District A gents. North Carolina, ) In Superior MXCKLKHBTJBG CO0NTT, f Court. Thcs. A. Blythe, trading as Richard A. Blythe, plaintiff, vs. Frederick Eastwood, trading as East wood & Co . , defendant. BOTICK OF ATTACHJtKST. To Frederick Eastwaod, the defendant above-named: Yon are hereby notified that the above entitled action has been commenced by a summons issued against you by the plain tiff above named, in the Superior Court of the county and State aforesaid, to re cover of you the sum of $380.79 with in terest from the 3rd day of March, 1893, upon an account stated for goods sold and delivered to the defendant by plain tiff in January, February and March, 1893. Yob axe further notified that a war rant of attachment has been issued io said action and that said summons and warrant of attachmec t are returnable to the next term of the Superior Court for the county and State aforesaid, which is to be held in the court house in taid county on th first Monday in Septem ber, 1894 Issued thij 7th day of August, 1894. J. M. Mobrow, otv wed . perk Superior Court. Are I You I BOHEMIAS" AND HIS JUNIOR. IBS BBOOIUS "CUCKOO. Bis Defenoe of Senator JarTia Wllaalas; ton Waldoa Transaction and Bis Vmat Mall Vota Reviewed -The Senator Don hie Character avs "YTaltlne; Btateaaau" and Ksllroad Attorney Senator Vi Was a Supporter of the Faat Mall Ap propriation. To the Editor of the Observer: My papers, for several days, failed to reach me, and hence the communication in your istue of Auguit 5, s'gncd "Bo hemian, Jr.." has just come to my notice This last effort of thst precocious youth is so irrelevant to the main question of this long drawn controversy that I would take no heed .of it but for the palpable attempt of the "slave," in imitation of the "master," to avoid the necessity of answering tbe charges preferred against the latter, wnen mis i avenue aspirant for literary fame and senatorial protec tion was about to make his debut, no doubt it was embarrassing to him to be without a name. Yet, urgent as were his necessities, I submit that he was not justified in committing larceny and blackmail. Had he refrained from an aspersion on my literary virtue and rec titude, and had sought instead to have conserved the eternal fitness of things, he would have done so well to have adopted the name "Cuckoo." He at tempts to discredit the arraignment of "Governor Carr's.Senator" by innuendo, in true "cuckoo" style, when he alluded to my "fishing expedition" among the attorneys around the capital. "1 thank thee, Jew, for that word." It was indeed a "fishy'" transaction, engaged in by a "fishy" politician, that I was investigat ing, and that is now being defended by fishy" methods. By the way, speaking of "attorneys for contingent fees," the only testimony submitted by me from an attorney was that of Attorney (?) Jarvifl, and there was nothing "contingent" about bis "reasonable compensation. save, perhaps, the amount He was sure of enough to buy a good farm, and if he had succeeded in cheating the public treas ury of that $119,000.for which hefougbt so earnestly, "as a citizen" and a patriot. ne no doubt would have received enough "reasonable compensation" in addition to that to have bought a nice block of that juicy railroad stock, the cruel op pression of which gave him bo much con' cern. "(Juckoo, true to the character istics of his namesake and in servile imi tation of his master, insists on indicting Governor Carr, Attorney General Os borne and Treasurer Tate, as well as the General Assembly of North Carolina, along with our Governor-made Senator, for tii corporation grab of the public money. Those honorable and distinguished gentlemen need no defense from me, nor any one, and the cowardly attempt to screen the real culprit behind their fair names and fame will prove a boomerang to the conspirators, the boss and the "cuckoo," unless I over-rate the inteiligeQce and the manhood of North Carolina's sons. Iu brief, tbe sit nation was this: Those men to whom the honor and weal of North Carolina were entrns'ed, found themselves confronted with endless litigation, or compromise, annoying and perplexing alternatives by which "Statesman" Jarvia sought an ad vantage for his corporate client. Those gentlemen worked ror the best interest of the State. Mr. Jarvis, "as a citizen" and a "visiting statesman," dtmandedthe 'pound of ilesb, like Hhylock, although he had not so good an excuse as that cruel Jew, for it was not "so nominated in the bond" which he held. Bat I will not pursue this line further unless the base, or the "Cuckoo" can be nduced to meet the issue, and stick to the question. Then I will underake to meet srgamect with argument, inquiry with Etatements and denial with proofs It may satisfy "Cuckoo" to believe that the candid, frank and manly utterances f Senator Jarvis are saflici'jnt for his friends, and that means the people of North Carolina." He is usurping a Popu'iistic prerogative when he assumes to tpoak fjt "the people, in the first place, and there are not many people in North Carolina, I imagaine, who are willing to support a man for high office who is nnder the charge of wroDg-doiag, in the second place. No doubt tnere are ome who share the sentiment ol tee gen tleman in South Carolina who said he and his friends would v:te for Czar Till man if "he was caught Bteaiing a hog,' bat their number is net great It is true that you can add to this unsavory crowd a better element composed of those who are so blind that they will refuse to see, and for various reasons do no, want to know, the truth. Yet, when all are mar shaled under the banner of the corpora tion attorney, he will have a minority, I think. "Cuckoo" takes me up on my state ment that the f 196,000 of "fast mail" fame was a contract price. The fact is that I was right The Postmaster Genera! requires the railroad company ta agree to perform certain and specified extraor dinary services If the company com plies it is raid, and if it fails it forfeits the payment to the extent of the failure The act that appropriates that money, places it absolutely at tte disposal of the I'ostmatter General, irovideil , that he use only such part as he deems necessary for the good of the service. Both Mr Wanamaker and Mr Vilas used that money and if they said, as "Cuckoo" al leges, that it was a useless expenditure ot pnblic funds, they are guilty, it seems t j me, of either duplicity or dishonesty, or both. His witness, Senator Blackburn, is rather an unfortunate one. That dis tinguished Senator had an the tame bill under discuisioo, carrying $100,0X0 for a fast mail to his country, cut it was demonstrated to the Senate that it was not needed, and hence his schrme was defeated Then he voted against the one providing for a needed service southward. However, none of "Cuckoo's" illustrious array of witnesses represents North Carolina; none of them was appointed by Governor Carr, and none of them, so far as is known, ever received any compensation, "reasonable" or otherwise, from the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Company. See? While it is immaterial as to what you call the price paid for a fat t mail service, it is de sirable always to be accurate. Every one that knows anything knows that the word "subsidy" has two distinct uses and meanings, one a goad one, the other a bad one The good sense implies co-operation, help. The bad implies a gratuity to fa voritism. Where value is received and L adequate service rendered for a given amount, no honest person can call it a "subsidy" in the bad sense of that word. This is the whole thing briefly stated. "Cuckoo" says that the Atlantic Coast Line did not ' slow up" when it lost the appropriation. Perhaps not, but It iuds. one train less now, and the North Caro Una point along that line receive New York mail from five to twelve hours later than formerly. Just the same. It is also true that the Postmaster uenerai had a statement from the Piedmont Air Line people that they could not afford to ren der the present service unless they re ceived adequate additional pay. As to the ''Wild Dutchman"' of the Sea board Air Line, it would be safe to say that it is run at a loss and solely as an advertisement of a new and delightful route. As to whether North Carolinians ad j scent to the superb South ern Railway system receive sufficient re turns for the amount paid br the general government for the magnificent service rendered by that hustling corporation, or not, 4 am willing to leave to them to de cide. . Just here I want to thank "Cuckoo" for the figures, so carefully and abundantly copied into his la:t comma nication, relative to the regular compen sation of railroads for carrying the mails. Net that I needed them, since I have the same book, doubtless, from which be copied them; but because they added strength and weight 1 3 his otherwise very gaseous matter. Bo many references have teen made by Senator Jatvia and his "Cuckoo" to my hostile relations to Senator Vance, that I Jfeel it Incumbent on me to allude to them. , Jn the grit plwe, X HD to lay to those who have been weak enough to be influenced br such refemmeea. that Rene, tor Vance was always favorable to an ap appropriation for fast mail service to . -w-r - . the South, although it did not help his particular section of the State at that time. He did not regard it as a "ntelaea expenditure" of the public funds, as the self-confessed usurper of his toga pre tends to. in tne second place, l want to say that I have no word of apology nor any feeling of regret for anything I ever said about that illustrious man I made only honest criticisms of his public acts ana at no tune, personally, neia any reel ing for him other than affection. I de plore the fact of his name having been used in this controversy in the irreverent way that it has, and none but ghouls and cowards will invade the sanctity of tbe grave for selfih and base purposes. Before concluding. I wish to ear for the benefit of "Cuckoo." who presumes to advise me as to the handling of. my Faber," that I shall in the future, as in the past exercise my right to criticize fairly and honestly the public acts of ail puonc men, l wm do so without fear, always holding myself respon sible for my utterances to those men or their duly authorized "Cue kocs I have criticized a public act or senator jams and have given my reasons for doing so. If they are not sumcient l can furnish additional ones. I. for one, am opposed to North Caro lina joining the list of Pennsylvania. Ohio, Maryland and other States by being represented in our highest legislative oody by a man tainted with scandal and under the suspicion, well founded, of being subject to corporate influence. Except along the line suggested already in this article, mis closes the contro troversy, so far as I am concerned, in the columns of any newspaper. To those who have been patient enough to follow me through it, I am grateful. Of those newspapers that published but one side, it can alone be thought by any fair- minded man that they are a dishonor to North Carolina Journalism. HOHKMIAN. Norfolk, Va., Aug. 13. THB TKHNKSSKB DEMOCRATS. Governor Turney to be Ke Nominated To- Iay A Compromise Bllrer Plank. Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 14. The Democratic State convention will meet here to-morrow to nominate a candidate for Governor. There is no opposition to the re-nomination of Governor Peter Turney, which will doubtless bo madebv acclamation. There is much division among Tennessee Democrats on the sil ver question, but the disposition among the delegetes who have so far arrived ia towards compromise rather than conten tion. This makes it probable that the financial plank in the platform will de clare for the coinage of both gold and liver at such a ratio aB will preserve the parity of the two metals, or some other indefinite phrase that both factions can claim as an expression of their views. The Democratic majority in the recent Supreme Court judges election over the Republicans and Populists' fusion was only about 10,000 and the Republicans claim that they could have won if their forces had been thoroughly aroused. They will make a determined effort to elect tho Popnli&t nominee for Governor lti .November and this state of affairs has wakened the Dtmocrsts to the necessity f preserving party harmony. Hlh (School of Orange Presbytery -A Few Principal. Correspondence of the Observer. Mebass, An?. 14 The board of trus tees of the High School of Orange Pres bytery have elected Rev. Robert Milton Latimer, of Franconia, Ala., principal, and he has accepted. Mr. Latimer comes to the school well recommended as a teacher and as a gentleman ot rare at tainments. With John Hunter Grey, A B , of Davidson College, as assistant, the high school has a teaching corps equal to any high school in the State. The school rc.-.npies th famous "Bingham School" building For catalogue address High School of Orange Presbytery, Mtbine, N. C. BRIEFS Or USMCBAL MATUKE. It is figured by Col. Breckinridge's Kentucky enemies that he is certainly de feated. An ed.tor who has made an extensive tour through the Northwest, estimates that the spring wheat crop ia Minnesota and the Dasotas will be the second largest which the three States have produced. He figures the wheat yield cf the States at 125,000,000 buahols. It has been discovered at Sioux City, Iowa, that a firm has been slaughtering cheap ranch horses, the flesh of which is made into "dried beef." The product is all shipped to Jersey City. The pro prietors say they have converted 1,100 horses into "dried beef." They buy the horses for less money on the ranges than cattle can be had for. Two negroes who assaulted Hiss Pottf, a 14 year-old girl in LaFayette county, Fla., a few days ago.wero caught Monday morning. Tney confessed their guilt and were carried to the scene of their crime and lynched. Miss Potts' mind has been affected by her ter rible experience, and it ia thought that she will never recover. The inquest over the body of Hon. Calvin A. Blood, of Detroit, Mich., who was found dead in the house of Mrs. Black on Fifteenth street, was finished yesterday morning. No evidence was elicited to clear up the mystery of his death. The jury's verdict was that Blood came to his death from a revolver shot wound, at the hands of an unknown per son. FINANCIAL AMD COHHIKCI1U Tbe Action of Congress on tbe Tariff Had It Effect on Liverpool. Special by Private Wire to Harrison Watts. New Yohk. Aug-. 14. The action in Con gress yesterday on the tariff evidently had it effect in Liverpool, although the advance on this side yesterday helped the better feeling there. How far commercial conditions in this oountry and abroad will be affected by the settlement of the tariff question, as it is now practically settled. Inasmuch as the President will doubtless sign tbe bill, can only bo deter mined in the next few weeks, because if In dustrial enterprise are to derive any benefit therefrom it will take some time for them to get in shape to give evidenoe of this to tbe country generally. In the meantime an un dercurrent of feeling a exhibited on tbe stock exchange, which Is perhaps more nearly the pulse of trade than any of the exchanges, is decidedly of a more bopefnl character and. In fact, tbe dry good trade ha been gradu ally getting better for the last ten day. Reports from the crops are not altogether as favorable a they have been, especially from the Atlantic State Our advice to-day from Greenville, S. C, speak of damage from excessive rains last week. The movement of the new crop is also not as heavy as expected. This is not surprising in view or tne depressed markets with early shipments, and we ex pressed a few days ago a doubt a to whether the movement would be liberal in view of these conditions. Liverpool improved 3 points arter having been l higher, boot sale were 10,000. The improvement here was 3, after having been 6 higher. AlWOOD. Viour Si Co. A Tremendous Trading Day W ter- day In ths Stock Exchange. Nsw Tobk, Aug. 14. The business In the exchange to-day ha been very largely in the band of big house. Wormser Be Co. have done a very large business, and Moore A Schley have been very active. Several Broadway houses say they have had more boaine to day than for a lo jg time. They say that quite a percentage of their business has been sell ing, taking profit by people who bought some day ago on tbe belief that there would be a tariff boom. It Is believed that Mr. White sold considerable thigar to-day. Wormser it Co. bought t,(Mi share of Sugar on one order around 108. Prince A Whitely are said to have given up a Broadway house on their sale of Sugar Wormser Co. are believed In the crowd to have sold Distilling A Cattle Feed ing. The rise In Burlington Quincy was on covering with a rumor that the regular divi dend might be declared after aiL f UtASCIAL AJTO DOHBSTIO NSWS'OO. Whest Ops mad Lswsr. bst m th Ab asses ef Selling, 80s a Firmsd TJp. Chicago, Aug. 14. Wheat opened lower on tbe large aocsi rec iipta 12 ears, 232 over tbe estimate. No long wheat oomlng on the mar ket, and absence of selling, it aoon armed up on the good demand, both for local and out side account, one aide, a noted corn trader, reoorted as having bought Z0-Q0u buehAia The good export business was quite a feature. A report this morning says KB loads were taken yesterday for export. Mew York was a buyer early. . IU clearance aggregated about IftLim. Kn.K.l "TJtt TiTT I There was a Arm undertone to tbe market) land prices sooa showed again of vto leeat ove Us etas of yterday. Forwlen cable. I mn nnoournjniur. ana aninaj wore nooanginff, and ahiraienta from India, ttaiuo ana senary pons aiimtwq a,uuw,iRAj. American ahlnmeota wen 3.417.000. too total supplies for the week 6,436,000 bush els (European). Total oiearanoee a porta whai and flour. 640jOQQ bushels. The removal of the uncertainty ree-ardlnf the tariff bill has given oonnoenoe to investor aoa ia toe po tent factor in oausinjr tne advance. Corn opened weak on more ralna In the west and lower forelrn cable. UffeHnss were lia-ht and the outside bavins apparently taken tha bnll alda uilo. the market Boon Itmn. mrA nrira wadnallv idvuMMd. 8en- lenioer raaa-ed rrom ma io an at tne njgneet point. A train of 3X from yesterday was shown. The Iowa bulletin (com orop) has deter rio rated materially ainoe Aurutt 1st, when it was rated at 40 oer cent. A lanre portion is now beyond keep, and 1 rapidly belnir eut to save the fodder. This, with the Light estimates io? to morrow ma oar lent etreofru io mo market The closing was firm, at near the hla-h point for to-day. Uata opened firm with rood burin' for oountry account, and an advanoe was soon Kained. Offerlors were llsrht. thoura reoelDta 887 oars were fully up to the estimate. The Keetember option rsnsed between K)X and 30V. oioaina- within of the hla-h nolnt. rroviaioD were nroog sua nia-ner at tne openlnf, and offerings were light. Keoelpr of boa- at the yard were laxWO. being 8 000 under tbe estimate, caused good local buying, and prices were 10 cent higher, cpeoulative future at the close were steady, with prices a shade in homers ravor. .Liaksobt tsaoe. a uo. CITY PBOUUCn MAKKKT. Bggs firm. Chicken, butter and corn dull. BUTIHO FTUO Cabnper...... Applee-drled quarters, bright - hvi-fet alined - fancy bright sliced. . Peachee unpeeled- halve, bright! - quarters Blackberries, dried Raapberrle W hortleberries prime Extra Flour sack Family - sack Meal-bolted 44 . per bushel I'M 1 76 6S 63 63 - unbolted. US Bs. - - new Corn eld 69 D. per bushel new Oats as a. per bushel 80fa(6 66 4S u clay mixed 110 SOTrfM) TVs) 100 HO Potatoes-Irish sweet Onions select, per bushel T5 10 Baoon Hog round, per nam Bides Shoulders Lerd-N. C 10 Tallow Beeswax Hen per head Rooster per head Chickona spring small peT B large " se si so Turkeys per ft Duck Guinea Geese so 18 15 30 15 10 Butter Oholoe yellow Pair Honey trained, per IS comb, per IS Kegs hen 14 guinea Wheat Bye -. - Feathers new Hide dry, per fh green " " Wool washed 13 B 9010 s T5 60 e 8 30 MONET ftlABKBT. New York Aug 14. Money on call easy at I per cent, iaat loaned at 1 and clos ing offered at 1. rnme mercantile paper oxubi. per oeni Bar-silver 62, Mexloan dollar ... Bter- lug -exohange is lower, with aotus) business in bankers' blllS at 4 eSaOt se V for SO days and 4:S7t 8'X for demano. I Posted rates BJwt ew. uomswroisi nun eu aays 86 (tf demand wovernment bonds steady. Htate bond higher. Bailroad bond strong. Silver at tne board negleeted BALT1MOKB PRODUCE MAKKBT. FLOUR-Dull. Western super 1 7C91 90; do extra 2 U02 80; do family S 6083 88; winter wheat patent 2 W3tt3 10: spring wheat pat ent 3 (SOW 7a. WHEAT-Firmer. No t red soot it Aug 65h5; Bcpt B&MWKSDeo Masked; Steamer No 1 red t3&Wi. Milling wheat br rampl 68(a)5S. OOBN-Insctivo, Orm. Mixed spot and Aug 59 ; Sept : ; bteamer mixed ; Boat hern white S3; do yellow ft.)2. STOCKS CLOSING BIDS amer Cot Oil 2th do pf d '-'iii Am Bug Kefs 10J dopfd T American Tobacco it 4 do pfd :ca A ten 8 h. a o 73 Can. Pac 8 N. A W. Pfd. 21 N. Pao 3A do pfd IB W.W ICS do Pfd Hi Pao. Mall. II Bdg at w p B.I . ma il S3 6' s . S4 18 7S li 7 10 S3 10 to 10U 101 bO 100 v l C. A O l Cb. A A 138 S. Paul dopfd Sll. Ctfs T. C. A I do nfd n RAO J8X Chicago Gas i Del. Lack :f5 D. AC. It- as Tex. Pas it. Tenn 101 do nfd :7 On. Pao Wab dopfd w. cr. W. AL.B. do pfd) Brie 16 do pfd tV General Blectrlo- 1118.C L. E. A W ID Ala. Class A. ... do Pfd tX do. Class B do. Class C . .. L.B 131 L. A N 54 L. N - A. A C 8 Man 1174 Mem. A Ohas. 5 Mlch.0 85 Mo. Pao M. A 0 31 N. C A St. L C3 Nat'l Cord 21 do pfd it S.J. C 11 La. 8 tamped 4 'a N. C.4 do. 6s Tenn. Old t'a 80 do. N. S do. N. 8 6'-. ... S's ... do. N. 8. 8s 79 Va.S's pfd 7 59 113 114 tf do. tr reo stmpt, do. Fun Debt . O. S. 4'slteo N. Y. C 00 N. Y. AN. E 18 kT.8.4'sOoup. TJ & I'l SB NEW YOHK PRODUCE MABKST. FLOTJR-SteaSy. Winter wheat low grades 1 82 60; Patents, 3 7BB8 SO: Minnesota clear 3 IBt3 &5: Patent 8 45404 U: low extras 1 fo53 60; Southern flour dull, easy; Oommcn to fair extra 2 1083 00: Oood to Oholrw do g Oj4t3 60. WII K AT -Moderately active. No 2 red store and elevatoar &8; afloat 68a69. Op tions closed Orm at l(dl cent over yes terday. Noy red closing Aug 51: Sept 5: Dec 03. COKN-Dull. scarce, stronger. NoJ620i Si elevator: I afloat, option closed arm atltt2 cents advanc . Aug : Sept 61: Dec ST. OATS-Quiet, firmer; options active, nrmer. Aug 33; Sept Ml Oct 3V Spot WO - i: No S white 37SB37: mixed western 31Xffi3l; white do 36S36. L AMD firmer, uuiet; western steam ciosea 7 96: city Kenned firmer; Continent 8 30: 8. A. 8 86; Compound (. TOKS- Firmer, quiet: mess 1 uuwia tu. COTTON SEED OIL-Flnn; crude 89; yel low 33. MOLASSES Foreign nomtnai: new Or leans open kettle I76W7; steady, dull. PEANUTS Uuiet: fancy band picaeo COFFEE Options steady, unchanged to points down. Aug 14 Ibi Oct 11 HO, Dec Spot tuo null, stesay: no 1 io. SUGAR Haw, Sm, dull: Fair refining 3: Refined active, firm; Off A(o 7-16, Bt and ard A 4B-lsrt4a: cut loaf 6 M 7-ld; Crushed 6V5 7-18; Granulated 1 9-16(04. CHICAGO PEODDOB MARKET. Opening I Closing 63 61 54 K(3 17 6S 63061 68 630451 . 66 63 66 SO 30 tBX 30 31 81 18 46 13 70 13 60 13 75 7 60 .7 67 7 61 7 60 7 30 7 45 7 30 7 46 WHEAT Aug Sept.. lieo coas- Aug Sept OCt. OATS Aug Sept Oct. MESS POM E. Aug Sept LARD Aug Sept RIBS-r Aug Sept -LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. -LIVXBPOOI. Aug 11. 4 P. at. Middling 3 S-r-32. Futures-Closed steady. Sales 10,0j0- American 9,300 Receipts 6.CO0. American 8,100. August August and September i tOOM) September and October 8 49O50 October and November 8Mb. November and December 8 61 b December and January 9 68 January and February : illb February and March s Mtros March and April.. 3 66 b April and May NEW YORK COTTON FUTURES. Highest 41 T8 .... 6 81 6 86 .... 6 at 6 93 ....71 .... 7 11 1 18 . Lowest 6 71 6 78 8 80 5 88 6 91 7tl 7 II 1 14 Closing S737 7778 6 W(aM S 8$W August .... Santamber. October November. DMffmtMr.. SftUtfB January.... February.. 7 OSTaKS f 6&W10 March... 7 141416 ApriL 7 vma Nsw Toss. Ana- 14.-41o.ttnn outer, stead v Middling uplands 7: middling Gulf 7; Sales i.a balsa, Futures olosed quiet. Bain ecXS balits STAY All sTXOEBa. WiLnrnswvosT. N. fx, Aug 11-Rosla steady, trained 86; good atrainsd SO; uptms tar pen tine firm 27, Tar steady at 1 30; crude tarpsauns Arm, hard 1 ilk soft 1 70; virgin S su. CHARLOTTE COTTON MARKET. These Bgurss represent srloes paid Xo wagoas.1 Strict Good Middling.. T 7 f 7 X Good Middling Strict Middling... si lauiing binges ...... Stains... Msrkst-rirm SOUTHERN RAILWAY. i: fPIEDMONT AIB LINE) M' RICHMOND d liANVILLB AND NOKTH CAROLINA DIVISIONS. i IU EFFECT JTJHB 17, 1894. ' This condensed schedule la published as in formation and is subject to Changs without notice to the public . . fXAJMB LSArOHABLOTTB,If.cU TV A W A 41. St. a.Kl,-A A t SB IrVKt I iAlii M. UsT sftUsVUl SJBJ vaSUIVtsW P. M. 13:30 Lin division and all points South and Boathwest. Carrie through Pullman Drawing lioom Buffet Sleeper between P. M. DAILY for O C A A. divtton,lnelud iu nnlnmbi. Asmsta. Aiken. Charles New 1 or a, waaningwn ana auuis A. M. 100 ' . ii. ton, Savannah and ail Florida point. Solid train Charlotte to jscsaonyiuo. with through sleeper from New York. Oarrie Pulunan sleeping oar between Charlotte and ABgura. No. 81 DAI LT, Washington end Bo - - VMtlhnUA Limited, fry SdS and Bcuth- A.M. At- tents, Birmingham, Memphis. oni gosjery.Mobils, New Orleans; all points Booth and Southwest. 1 New York Jo New Orleans, New York to August and New York to Tampa and Wash ington to Memphis without change. No extra charge sxospt usual Pull- NO.aBV&aILT. to Washington. Kick mono? Kslelgta. Ooldsboro and all Joints North. Carries Pullman Bleep fnToa front Atlanta to .New York and Jacksonville to New York. nu 11 DAILY, for Klohmond. Ral figX&ldro 'and all poinu North. CaS-rlM PuUmanBlesplng car from ereensLoro to to Balolgh, and to Kloa- "o?W DAILY. Washington A Bouts Western Vestlbuled Lim'tsd, For anA all nolntSi NOnsW 7:00 . M. U30 St. 8:38 r. M. Through oar between New Orleans and New York. August and Washing ton sad Tamps and New York, and Memphis and Washington. p. rn-f or BtatesvlUe N. C. INS AKBIYB AT CHARLOTTE : 4 31 rA 10:40 V. St. I 11:00 NooaV FROM THB MOETSL. BdA A. M. I 8:10 It I BOM ATLANTA fc2P.M.l .A.M.i-A0,0,TA' 8i P. M. I 11:10 AM. I 1 ' nail. nr. . (FROM nATSSTUt JOHN M. CULP. W. A. TUaA. Trams mnanii w. - . - -r iTaBSsSr. 6al Manages. . Washington, D. r. waahingson. u. u. i hIrBVu U ASS1 wen'rej Agt CBAB. Ij. HOPK.INS, Traveling Paasonger Agent. 89 W. Trade Street, Charlotte. N. C. PALMETTO RAILROAD Cf. . L .m tocu xo u(WN6 NORTH. mo. a. vAssswosa ass gaaiOBt'. Leave Cherew. 8. C ' V ?S . KollooK... t V-SiDm Osborne 2 i'E Arrive Hamle t..--- uvinu kw u ... SO. 1. PASSSHOSa AID f SSIOH. Leave Hamlet Osborne ii.v.Z Knllnek !-" ieOberaw r.HKam mnM imnnMuon made at Hamlet with train north, south. west , . TT sale savsi v Wi Seaboard Air Line. sonBDUva i Bvvatrs July 8th, 1894. Trams leave Charlotte Dally: 6:30 A. M. For Hamlet, cneraw . Raleigh. all and K. A u Portsmouth. Old Point Comfort, Petersburg. Rich mond. Washington. Baltimore. Philadelphia. New York and Bos ton. Also W.lmlngton, Wrigbt ville, all local point on tbe C O. B. B. Also Charleston. Bumter and Bennetsvlile. , Oaily for all Southern points via Monroe, Chester, Greenwood, Athens, Atlanta. Montgomery. New Orleans, Chattanooga, Mem phis and the Southwest- Through iienner and day coaches from &"n D. d "lBr.tA.con nectlng with roads direrglng out of Atlanta. 6 J0 A. M.- 1005 A. M. -Dally, lor Mt. BOUT, -3 unerryviiie, omw.w. Bprlnga, Bllonhoro anJ Kutber Iodwm. Also Blowing Root Le noir and Hickory. . 7i5 p. R.-Pally. for all K'n'"-ii. ti.ui. York. Boston, rnnu"i'"!-v" , more Washington, M6 ? tersburg, Portsmouth, Old Point? . OomfSrf:virginia Beach, Wjlto. Ralelgb. Wilmington and Wrtghts vllle, oonnecUng at Monroe with through sleepers and day cbos between Atlanta. G a., nd WMb ton. D. C, and sleepers between Monroe, ft . C. and Portsmouth. Va. Train arrive in Charlotte. ... 10:25 A. M.-Dally. from wnminjnwi. sleeper. wroi""i "'Sr Caroli.m Ucb. -v' Monroo. Also from all point North-New York Phil adelphia, Baltimore. WaB.,'nJj!01nf Richmond. PetersWrg, Old P"'" Comfort. Portsmouth. Wdon, Kaleigh and Sanford. Also f rom Charleston, Sumter and Bonnetts ville. . 75 p. M.-Daily. from Butb?rlor(ito,r, f'leveiana DprioH, ""r","r' Newton. Hickory. Lenoir, Blowing Rock and Mt. Holly. 9:48 P. at.-Daily. from all Nprtne po-u- Boston, new 1 ui. ""' h Baltimore, Washingwn.Rlchmond, va., Petersburg. Old Point Com fort. Virginia Beach Portsmouth, Weldon. Raleigh, Cheraw, B. U all local points rwtween Ports mouth ana Charlotte, and from Wilmington. Wrightaviile Bnd ail local nointi on tbe C. C. R. . 9:45 p. at.-Daily. from all P'n u'i.- BoUthWMl--Pow Vil"""1 " Ornery, Memphis. Ohattanjoog-, Atlanta, Ainoiia, Chester and Monroe; close connec tion at Monroe. . . Local freight, with coach attachod, leaves Charlotte for Hhelby at 4 o'clock . " turning at 9:45 a: m. daily, excopt Bundays. 1 to 75 p. m. train connect a Mon roe with the Atlanta spscial. No. 40B. whlon arrive In Raleigh at 10 . nj;. f1W"d: lugton.D.Cat 10:0 a. hl, and JPrtsmou at 9a. m.. making close connection lor Balti more, Philadelphia and NewYork. The 6 JO a m. train connects at MonrOJ wytn Atlanta special No, 403, for Atlanta and al polnU South, arriving in AtUntaat 4 p. m. V paasenger leaving Charlotte at 5.J0 a. m. arrive in Atlanta at 4 p. 1ti'aS4? . at 1 o'clock p. m., arrive in Charlotte at, 9:4 p. m. Leave Charlotte at 6:; a. m.. and 7J p. m, arrive InRaleigh at 11:45 a. Dj,a;m Leave Charlotte 630 a. m., arrive in "liming ton at 4:30 p. m., and at Cheraw. B. Pj. at 9:40 a. m. Close connection both waja wivu . r. a T T D a. f Inn-lnlnn. V The Atl.n'tA .pecUls. No. 402 and 40. ia nAW wn..t V.nlnyt train, bull I IU w'w built by . aaa the Pullman Palace Car Co., on which there IS no extra fare charged. : , . , For information relative to schedule, rare et0" Ppl7J.tO. BASKBBvn-LS. Tiokst Agent. J. H. WlJTDBB, GenT Manager. N " T. J. ABTDBBSOM, B. A. KaWTLAKD, Oen'l Pass. Agent. T. P. A. TRAVELERS' CHEQUES. Or TUB American Express Company arc good anywhere in the world at race vaiue without Identification. Principal office of Co., OS Broadway, N. Y J. S. PHILLIPS, MERCHANT - TAILOR, 81 South Tryon Bt., Has just received some exquisite suitings and trouserings. Leave your order for a good fitting suit . . T. L. ELLIOTT, MONUMENTAL .WORKS ' Granite Monuments a Specialty. 235 W. Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. MRS. WIKSLQW'S SOOTHina SYRUP .,b s.n taststat w.w MtlllssMgif Mtttl r f- i 1 f J -riiJJr-fi wbllsj tihtiisf fjr ovn HV VMri 4 It tlM CbHti. SMffeu X h) f lIUy t li pala. ctir -wfiMst elc fts4 t ti i" v j Brsayiiy y r n ibsvtim tw, ' C THS STRIKE 18 OVER. We have Just received two ears of meat and have more on the way. All orders will be promptly filled from I this time on. Send to us at once for all kinds of HEAT and ;; GRAIN. ' COCHRASB & BARHHAUDT. GBLbaia dBa " pOciociDDSj, ARCHITECT, - BOOH 1, HARTY BUILDJKO, . Charlotte, Jf. O. t3T Three years wita tj, f , Ho Wi, Of naSaUnpOO, Ut V v.. 0

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