' ' - - J - v - - V N -------- , ft - ...-.,, jf1- r5J -."-- CHARLOTTE, N. C SATURDAY HQRNINGr AFRIL 27,-1895; PRICE 5 CENTS "s -i I i If 4-" f - 1- SPECIAL NOTICES. - TTJST received. A lot of nicely cured v country nams. -Also as bice apple caa be found in the city, ' ' v- ',-Babkatt& Bjuaxklt. Phone X0&,, ,, MANY of the finest designs that rare made in this country are to be found in our stock of wall papers. - y-.-. ' Wbeeleb Waix Pafeb Co. : THRESH spinach, snap beans and as- JO paragus: apples, oranges, lemons, bananas, raisins, nuts, figs, ca"ndy,cake ; and extra fine bread. 1-vv.-?"'-:.v.V, ,."-.'- BjTHUJUt& White. . - F)a KENT. 5-room Poplar and Tenth, of May. . - W, S. cottage Corner Possession first MOULDINGS' and kind. J, H of every "description . VanNs88& Son, Photographers. - W ATCHE watches, i k. , watches. J. 0. PAtAJtOtnHTAIH.- XLACKERlBaABd -tf in large cans at $1 p strawberries per dozen. -:- .? Vkwa's Pboghessitb Qbocebt. . TpoilSAtE. J " -That property near the Southern Rail way Company, in Ward three (3), known -as the "Mecklenburg Ice Company." Terms reasonable. P ' -Apply to CLARKSON & DULS. H INGLES, SHINGLES. Good heart, yellow pine shingles $1.75 per thousand. Ceiling, flooring and weatherboarding at lowest prices. E. L. PROPST, North Graham street. 0?0ommercial men will flnd3 flLEQG'S I r EUROPEAN K HOUS GREENSBORO, N. C, (just across from the depot,) i irst-class in every appointment. Rates reasonable. Cafe open day and night. 'THE showa unquestionably the sound and prosperous condition of the company, and the management, the publio and especially the policy-holders, in whose Interest the great trust is conducted, are to be congratulated upon its solid ity and security." This is what the Insurance Commis sioners of seven States say of The New York Life fter a most thorough examination of all its affairs (made at the request of the company). It is the only company that you know all about. Its accumu lation policy guarantees more than that of any company in the world. J. D. CHURCH, General Agent. One Thousand Dollars will be paid for the arrest and delivery of J. R. Hol land to the U. S. Marshal of the West ern District of North Carolina ajChar lotte, N. C. A warrant for the arrest of the said Holland for embezzlement is issued and is now in the possession of the U. 8. Marshal of the Western Dis trict of North Carolina. Merchants' k Fanners Bank, OF CHARLOTTE, N. C, By J. H. McADEN, Pres. DO III If so, you surely would not do it without com plete plans, specifica III tions, details and the necessary forms of con tract. I'nf further Inl formation call at my office. Chas.C.Hook, Planter anil Dealer, To know is to test. Send J. EDGAR rOAU, Baltimore, trial shipment coun try produce, poultry, hides, &c. . He is from S. C. Will treat you square and prompt. Quotations and reference. H AVE Your cologne bottle filled with " B. & DJS T7ARINA COLOGNE. J- AKliNA VOLOGNE - t "It has a specific odor; delicate .'and lasting. IJURWELL & XJUNN, Wholesale and Retail Druggists.. H. a HERRING, DBNT1ST. r Of Concord,-has located in -Charlotte for the practice of bis profession, and respectfully asks the public for a share of their patronage.: Office in the David son building. D R. E. P.- KEERANSv DENTIST, 7 West Trade Street, CHARLOTTE, N. C. B. a. BRYAN. - GKO. W. BBTAH ; B. K, BRYAN" &C0.; 'Grocers and . Gccnnlssica : Uerchnts. '" Prompt attention jgivenr to consign stents.. - - 'a beautifui. : bx.tu naod4om IKEDFIrITE,; Financial Statement $1,000 REWARD OUR BOTS." -1 ' A JSnutfJ Audience Hmd " -,;'-it-l- 5 - . - The rather small audience 1 that at tended i the ?Varsity Glee, Jlandolln, Banjo and .Guitar Club concert last sight was - pleasantly.; disappointed. The clahhas not heretofore sustained an enviable reputation, but can now Ire looked upon - as suocess. This is largely due to Messrs. Bristrol and Lake. the leaders of tMe Mandoljn and Banjo and Guitar Clubs, 'respectively. c , . - The Ol5SKn"vKa's criticism ia that the Glee. Club should sine ' less difficult music, .and sing imore carefully" what they, do sing. ' Snap,: dash., and jovial goou nature s .wnat one wants in a-ol-iege glee club, concert. -' , The last-medley was good, and evoked hearty applause from an audience al ready tired Cut with the long wait. The 'Sleigh Ride Gallop'.' wai, perhaps, the best: number of the evening. Nof criticism is offered for the instrumental part of the program, and it Is more than probable that if the Club - Improves another,-ryear -as much as it has iu the last, that it will be recognized as a flrgt-class organization, A good house will probably 'greet the "boys next yearas they really deserve.': . 1 . " , ; Jait Aboat Dctora. It. T-.-Wwsdtey lefrTWt WighTfof the eastern pact of the .State on business- ;He; will return Tuesday. :vTtoe cat came back," i. !e., Dr. Uov Mana way's driver. He made oath to a bona fide runaway, both on his part and the part of the horse, and after a whole some lecture from the doctor, was re instated in favor. " It looks quito natural already to see Dr John R. Irwin coming and .going about Charlotte. Charlotte always claimed Dr. Irwin, anyway. : ; Death of Dr. Crier. Dr. A. S. Grler, of Pineville, died last night at 11:40 o'clock, at the residence of Mr. Juno Russell, in this city. Dr. drier had been in fai?ing iiealth for some time. He was persuaded to come to Charlotte. - He did so, arriving here1 only Wednesday night. - He was taken suddenly ill Thursday night, and never rallied. Deceased was about 38 years of age. He was a brother of Mrs. It A. Potts and i Mrs, J. A. Russell. He leaves a wife and one child. Presbyterian "Wlieel. Rev. Dr. Boyd is flying on his new wheel a 20-pound Rambler. He is de lighted with it. Dr. .Boyd says the wheel has. given him additional flesh and vigor. He now balances the scales at 175 pouDds. Wilmington's clergy, it seems, are also on the mount. Dr. Hoge is one of the most graceful riders seen on the streets lately. tOC AX. WJKATHJGB REPORT, B. L. Doshib, Observer, Charlotte, N. C, April 30, 1886, 8 p. m. BAKOM mm JTBMP. I 88 I WUTEU. I PJtKCIPITAT'N. Cloudy. Maximum, 67; miniWnm, 61. Corresponding date lust yenr: Maximum, 75; minimum, 58. WEATHER FORECAST. North Carolina: Southeasterly For wlndi. PEOPLE'S lO Cent Une, Six Word to the Linn. X OST Between 10th St. and Y. M. G. A 1 J hall last evening, a breast-pin; smn.ll circle of gold dnisies. A reward for its re turn to 711 N.Tryon street. LOST During the fire, my pistol. It was dropped in Hitch's stables. Finder will please return to W. 8. Orr, chief of police. VTEW Irish potatoes, beans, squash, , rad- Jl lshes. spinach, lettuce, turnip salad. John W.Todd. FOR BALE First-class small hotel; good business established. Terras easy and a bargain. Hotel, care Observer. RECEIVKD TO-lJAY Remnants in wbite goods. 5, 8V and 1? per yard. Williams, Hood A Co. "ITT A N TE D Good all-round female cook TV for desserts and bread included; also ; also hotel experienced about 65 rr porter for nice little about 66 miles from Cbarlotte Apply Monday at 12 m. Observer ofllce. 71RE8H beans, squashes, Irish potatoes. 3 Bi-idgers A Co., 'MS West Trade. S' TBAWBERRltS, pineapples, bananas. apples, oranges. J. w.tooci. err f if WANTED on good real es 5 i ilUU tate for 3 years. F," Ob- gKBVIB. WANTED, $5,000 on real estate centrally located, for 5 years, at 6. "O," Ob- SSBVEB. WANTED on city real es- iS)&iJJJ tate,one or two years, at 6 lntret, payable monthly. Lock box 57, city. JONES' celebrated Hams and Smoked Tongues j ust received at W. K. Bennett's. TTIOR BENT- Two communicating rooms -s & Co.s store: first floor: r over Kogers & Co.s store; thoroughly renovated. Geo. W. Bryan. TTtOR RENT 10-reom dwelling, No. 3U1 N. Jj Church street. ' K. E. Cochrane. TTIOR BALE One second-hand Brewer X? brick machine and one IS horse-power Erie City engine and boiler, with attach ments. complete outnt ror making brick For terms apply to Hugh. W. Harris, Att'y ENTHYMAL TABLETS are a combination of oil Encalyptus, thymal, boric acidV oil gaulthe ria and menthal with aromatica, possessing mild anticeptio prop erties, suitable for general in ternal administration. Partic ularly serviceable in inflamma tion of the mouth and throat, and ' in emoving; -from the breath unpleasant odors arising from fermentative decomposi tion of food in certain forms of indigestion. Sold by RTT XOJEtDAN O., . n. tJ ORDAN KJO.,-Z The Retail Druggists, i iliU- i DR. W. H. WAKEFIELD WILL BK IN HIS OFTICE AT -.. 509 N. Tryon St.. Charlotte, April 21, 22, 23, 24, 2329 and 3a , '. 'PHONJt 74. ''. PVa.nl ce limited to ' ; - : ' 5 Eve, Ear, Nose and Thoat. MAX FRANK, - SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN Gorrfbiipg and detecting all errors of refraction, ueaaacne optically treated. Eyes examined free. Offioe at Davidson B0X3MBEEB VlTENNA CABINET, X IVQWS LAGER, All, these brands of best Lager Beer we caa furnish from our bottling depot on r utn street opposite tne city nail. r?. We also have a large stock .;o f ' port POETNER BRHWINO CO. - . .1 i C. VALAEK, Asent. COLUMN REFLECTIONS ; OF : THE FlREi THE BCIXS TIXWXD Bt UtmOKKDS. v ' I ? :.IJ11 '.- -'it . V MterchamtaBasy KcVtas; Teir gtorlri; The ' Dbrla Betas ClaareA--WsMi CaadettBMl Hundreds of people -hung' about the scene ; of Thursday's ; fJra yesterday, Some were, there. Irom uuie cariosity, others to help clear away the wreckage and' see what : was iai the . debris that could tesavedygi-jij-ijj '$: f t In the early morning the work of re moving the debris was greatly hindered by "the rain which came in a steady down-jkmiV3. 'jtVir-y - -The ruins i were' still . smoking, 1 not withstanding the fact that the fire de partment kept fdar streams of water going all night long and notwithstand ing the rain. The smoke came from the, cotton. , : , ' :;: '- J;l i ' A more perfect picture of ruin and desolation was never seen' in Charlotte than the block on -which the- fire oc curred, Some rdeaof it can be gotten from' the accompanving cat made by ArcbitecVHook from a photograph by VanNess. " : IA.patiaa 'of itwrear and dividing wall or tne warehouse remains stand ine. and portions of- the side walls. These -will be taken down at once, as they were yesterday condemned. ' College street still presents a terrible scene. The only change in tne situa tion from, Thursday night is that the wires have been taken out df the street, new poles erected in one or two places, and new wires run The telephone com pany had 40 : wires cut. All Of the fire alarm wires, were down. 'Various line men were at: work yesterday putting up new wires in place of the old ones. The wreck of. the rear portion of the stores facing on Trade street is ' best seen from the interior of the stores. The rear end of Sloan's cotton office. Link's grocery store, Hoover's No. 2 establishment. Fields,' and Duncan's grocery stores are complete ruins. In them the warehouse wall fell. The business of yesterday with these mer chants was clearing away, as best they could, the wreckage and debris, and getting at some idea of the damage by fire and water to their property. Quantities of goods lie buried under the ruins. Link succeeded in getting his goods out pretty well. He stored them in the Davidson building on Trade street. He opened his store as usual yesterday, but the principal business of the day was in getting straightned np. Hoover No. 3 removed what he could from the debris, put up plank partition and began business again. Sloan secured the vacant store room in the Central Hotel building, next to the Charlotte Hardware Company, and moved his office effects there. The desks, books, etc., were found intact. Fields suffered the most damage, ills entire stock is more or less damaged by fire and water. He was unable yester day to do anything. He had a force of men at work in the debris, but maae little progress. He closed his doors yesterday, and they will remain closed Hintil the insurance men get through with him. Duncan fared almost as bad as Fields. He was less damaged by water, apparently. Yesterday was spent in digging goods out of the de bris and moving them to JNo. 43. JNortn College street, where they will be tem porarily stored. . M. Hoover, who moved his entire stock, had it all back in place yester-- day by noon, and had resumed the even tenor of his business way. He cannot tell his loss by stealage. Other Trade street merchants who moved out got their effects back in with little Or no loss. . HowelL Orr & Co, : moved first to the Howell building on Trade . street, but that not "proving , satisfactory, they moved then to R. A, Lee's office, and are there quartered. E. B. Springs & Co. have their stock of buggies in the city hall. Their desks, books and other office effects have been moved ' to the Springs & Burwell building on South College street. This building was filled with the Ada Mill cotton, which was moved to make room for Mr. Springs, to the Rock Island: warehouse :t Brown A Weddington carried what goods they saved out of the fire to their retail store. rt - ..j&ftitj,- Circumstances made it " Impossible Thursday night to get At allot, the in surance figures at that time.. -The total figures as revised are as lollo ws: 'Xaoa. 11. naurnton agency H O. Link, stock, tl.000 in St. Pant Fire and Mutual; $1,000 in North Caro lina Home: Fields & Co.. stock. S1.000. St. Paul Fire and Mutual; S1.000, North Carolina Home: Sl.OO&rirgiaiaFire and Mutual; . R. A. Duncan, stock, Il.WO, Bk Pail Fire and Mutual; $1,000, North Carolina Home; I,000, Llon." '"r ; T -sCN. a. Bntt atrencv: - H. Watts, building, 1 1,800, hcenix, ixnaon; .Howell. On. is CkK,. building, $2,000, uaieaonian HowelL Orr & Co., i cotton, $1,500, Uommerciai. union; Howell, Orr & Co., furniture, $500, national, or uartrora; r H. Link, stock, ' $1,000, , Penosyt vania: - . . . II O Link, ttookt $1,000. FJre Asto- oiauoa; chlUci Link, stDCk ?lf5K, :.v'C05iDeM V Field & Co,r stock, $1,000, National of Hartford; -. . -:-' W. H. Hoover, stock. $1,500, Palatine; W., H.. Hoover, stock, 1,500 Cale donian; : - J. H. Sloan, furniture, $1,000, Pala tine; ' ; , -,-; - U.-A, Duncan, stock, $3,000, Spring field; ( - J. M. Kendrick," furniture,- fixtures and stock, S800. Orient; M. E. Kendrick. building, $1,500, Southern. . BJ. Nye Untchlson agency: Holton building, $10,000, Virginia Fire and Mutual; i s ;; Brown & WeddingtonL00O in Vir ginia Fire and Mutual; 3Q0, North America: $3,000, Georgia Home; $2,500, Atlanta Home. " -, ... . -""" Springs & Co., stock, $.1000 v Brown & Weddington lso had $2,500 with the Greenwich, Miss Addie Young's agency. i-? U . . ; . i R. B. Coehrase agency: Brown & Weddingtonbuilding.yEtna, $2,500: N. B4& M.3,500; stock, $3,000. Oatea Bros., cotton, $090, Imperial. ' COTTOH BtJRITED. . Howell, Orr & Co, lost about 140 bales of cotton,' and Oates Bros. 16$, the 1 latter mostly burnt ends of cotton. Howell, Orr&Co.'s, insurance on cot torf2,000T Oates Bros. $600. Howell, Orr &. Company also had $500 insuian:e on office fixtures and $2,000 on ih0 building. NO IJiSUBAKCK. The building occupied by E. B. Springs & Co. belonged jointly to Mrs. E. S. Burwell and Mr. E. B. Springs. It was not insured. ' Loss estimated at about $2,500. FIBST MONEY PAID. r Howell, Orr & Company got the first adjustment. Mi. Seibles, of Colnmbia, representing one of their companies was in the city, and he adjusted their loss in his company, paying them $2, 000 insurance on building. SAFES. Springs & Co. lost their safe. It went down with the building. Yesterday afternoon Mr. J. P. Carr undertook to fish it out of the ruins. It was a dan gerous job as the men had to work un der the tall rear wall left standing. Mr. Carr told them it was a dangerous job, but they were willing to undertake it, but after working several hours gave up the job. Howell, Orr & Co. threw their safe out of the rear window. It was a large, handsome safe. It fell with the combi nation down. It was not hurt, except scorched. Yesterday morning it was turned over, the combination opened, and everything found intact. REBUILDING. Charlotte never retrogrades, so it is naturally inferred that the owners of the burned property will, as soon as the Sr. zzm rSssss "fS THE RfiSlfLT Of THURSDAY'S FIRE LOOKING 'mists have rolled away," prepare to re-build. Just such a structure as the warehouse, may not be built, but stores that will be but little less ornamental to the street. Tessier Bros, and the broom factory moved yesterday to their new building on the corner of College and Third streets. Webster & Dowd will likely take the store vacated by Tessier Bros, and the broom factory. "A BTBABtOB BTOHY. " A number of years ago Messrs. Bur well & Springs bought the old Rock. Island Factory building, put new floors in it and repaired it generally. When the work was finished, Mr. Burwell (the late Ed. S. Burwell), asked; "Shall we in sure itl'T-Mr. Springs replied that it had stood there for 25 or 40 years, and nothing liad ever happened to it, and said: ".Suppose we don't?" They didn't, and in a month it was burned. About two years ago there was a fire in Statesville, and among the property de stroyed was a store the property of Mr. Springs. It was the only .property which he bad that was not insured. Three tips and out: The College street store, which he lost in the flre, of Thursday was the only property on which he had no- insurance. Mr. Springs has, perhaps, paid $35,000 In surance in his life, and yet every time fire has gotten a piece of his property. it happened that it was the only piece he had which was uninsured. WAXX.8 CXSDEMK0 XSQOTTKB's HEPORT. In compliance with instructions to inspect and report noon" the condition of the burned buildings we respectfully report, tne following: The, walla. ( maining standing or tne-burned build ings are dangerous, and, w recommend that they be immediately taken down, via:--''. :. r'"f t r " ; t ' The wall of the Sanders & Black wood buildlne next to Holton and the rear wall to the basement; the dividing wall of iAQSzs stare jsnd ino. z rear partition; the partition wall in ihe rear and be tween Field and DunCan; and-the para pet of Capt. Watta' JuUdingr the tall section second and third story of the Sanders & Blackwood building to first story, and the rear end of the Holton corner building next to College street pavement, also a portion of the rear wall of the Holton building ' must be taken down to a safe point. . X Respectfully submitted, r' - - .T2!2'- Bunding: , ' D. Ross- i)l pU?B' i Charlotte. N, C. April 26th. - . - Dr. M. C. Hunter, secretary and treas- arerof the Virgin-Cotton MiUa,: Uun tersville, was in the city yesterday. He ,rth lMt"Wrt to bar spma sd- AGOODWIKD. Officers RJglev and XanToa-rdt Get Their ?! Officers Rigler and "Earnhardt arrest ed two white men last night, , named Clarence Gibson and Jesse Tatem, for stealing. The wo spent Thursday night at Mr. JVm. Hughes', in this city, Gibson being a brother of llrsv Hughes. Yesterday ' morning when Ibe - family woke up, Mr. Hughes found that he had been robbed of some nnderwear, and a pair of panted He reportedtheTiaatter to the police. ' TJie two officers .-named above, started on the hunt last night.' They found their men under, the coal Vhute at the. Southern ?depot " They found that he men bad In their posses sion a lot of knaves, pistols, money; wrenches,-etc., belonging to Brown & Weddington. t Gits?n proved to be-a fugitive from justice, f having been -sent up from Cowpens, 8.. CM for shooting E. 4 trainT ,.' , ; Biddle Klre-rrof. Mmrtmxjl Hevae BmBd. ni1l!a U.1il. Ac. itroyed by fire yesterday morning at :30 o Clock, oelonged to Lr. May bury, one of the professors. He Is Jn Peters burg Va. j on educational matters. His wife, two daughters and one of the stn dents at the ITnlvaraitT ' wKrA In the house. The student waked up with a feeling of suffocation. He jumped up Ud tried to reach the door.. Maybury's wife heard him, and opened fear- door io see what was the matter. As she did so the flames burst through the ioor of the room In which the stu dent slept. The family came near being-burned. They saved nothing but a trunk. A $400 piano, and an organ perished in the flames. Loss covered by insurance. - Kailroad Men . Corns Tu-Morroi -Their The railroad boys come to-morrow, . A large representation is expected. The committee of reception in lull consists of: Conductors Boss, Laird and W. Si Orr: Engineers Meredith, Creswell, Hunnycutt and Founille; Firemen Jj E. Smith, Nisbett and La nyoux. Ix . Grand Chief Hannahan, of the B. L. E.; ts expected; also Mr. B. R. Lacy, who is a prominent B. L. E. man. The orders will assemble at the Ar lington Hotel, and march from there to Tryon Street Methodist church where they will listen to a sermon by Rev. Dr. Creasy. After din nor they will assem ble in Masonic Hall and spend the af ternoon in executive session. The Cranford. The Cranford Book Club meets this -afternoon with' Mrs. Josie Durant. The evenings at Mrs. Durant's are always looked forward to by the club with more than ordinary pleasure, Mrs. Durant is such a whole-souled, cordial hostess, . - - Drawn by Architect C. C. Hook from a Photograph by Van Ness A Bon. DOWN COLLEGE STREET FROM FIFTH. THE MASQtEBAOE. Mbw Adelaide Clarkson Wears tbe Gold Wateh Other YtI ze-Winnern. The skating carnival at the audito rium last night, was a decided success. Manager Gray sold about 1, admis sion tickets, and the people were all provided with seats, so they got a good view of tbe masqueraders. A gr-at many young ladies were masked. Little Miss Adelaide Olarkson was dressed aa a fairy. , She was award ed the first prize, a lady's hand some gold ' watch. She was decidedly tbe prettiest skater on tbe floor, and justly won the prize. The second prize, a pinsn rooxmg chair Jrom .Andrews', was awarded to Willie' Stone. He represented a cow boy, and his costume was fine. Mr. John uresweu won tne intra ana last prize, a. pair of skates. He repre sented a country girl and looked very "tacky" beyond a doubt. He furnished the amusement for the spectators. The judges were Messrs. W. B; Kidd, J. B. Cleland and ..three young ladies, who were nameless. It May, ot It May Hot Be. The fbllowinfi- statement of the aver- age weather T conditions for the month of May, taken? from the records of th Weather Bureau station at unarioite ior a period of sixteen years,; will show the general conditions or tne weatner wnicn may be expected during the coming month, and also the extremes between which" It is possible fothe different elements to range; " -w. Temperature: Average for the month, 6& degrees; warmest! May was that of 1887, wifli tan I average of - ?U 'coldest 1891, with an average or fr ntgnest temperature during any May was 95. on the nth, i!jar lowest, as, on the 7tn, 1S89; killing frost occurred in spring, April 2d. " ; r" . . - : Preci pitatf On Average for the montbi 4.36 inches; average number; of days wlth otie-BttndredthoT an inch, or nrore. 'i-J greatest I monthly; 11104, Inr 1886; least monthly, 1.15, iu 1880; greatest amoun t recorded ia any 24 consecutive hours, was 4.83, on the 18th, 1886, Cloudsandweather; Average number ot clear, days. .11, partly cloudy days, 12: cloudy days, . - - Wind: The prevailing winds have been from the- southwest; highest .ve locity of wind during any May. was 30 miles,- from- the west, on the .3rd, 1893. ' - ii j .r . m ii ' T is ii mi in .ft. i ' - '.'jr.''tCfcasBa Balatsb. : The Southern Railway will make a rate of one cent per milo to Raleigh on account of the na veiling of the Confed erate monument on May 20th. " This rate will apply to individuals as well as Conreoerate; veteran. ; "xms is a very lowrsto and Chariots should fenii MECKLENBURG'S COURT HOUSE A-. CXBCnpXAB KEXATTNO Chalj mai Weddiaytoa Otvea Ube Com- Btlaaleaerk' Ideaa About ib Iiw BaUdlns . : 4-TIatj ia4 Flrwiea T-:..-' ,- ,w . , ,3 ; A circular Is to be issued to-day, guide post, as it were, to-architects through out the country who want to-make a bid for' the new court house, t which reads as follows: i ? v, ' -iu, ,s J- '"- , " ;': TOX CTHCtXAB ' : : The county xf. .Mecklenburg will build ' a new' 'court house to cost $45,000 to $50,000,r and I am instruct"' ed to advertise.: for competitive ! plans and, apeciflcations, ;wi.th the right re served by the committee to reject any oraH placs i; 1 ; The plat of ground upon which1 the building will be located is 99x108 feet, on the west corner, ,or 83 feet on Trade street and 193 feet on Church ..street, j the principal entrance to be from Cb urch street, i About naif .basement I with nine foot pitch, and basement to be about four and a half feet above ground level. Our ideas about the rooms and vaults, sizes of these being about as follows: . Clerk of Court's liooms. Main office 16x30; probate office 14x20; vaults 30x20. Register of Deeds. Main office 2x20; copying office 12x20; vaults 30x20. Sheriff's Rooms. Office 14x20; taif collectors 20x20. - Grand Jury Rooms. 20x30,with ante-. room for witnesses, 10x20. These rooms; to be located as far from streets as pos sible and to have a rear entrance. County Commissioners' Room.-lCx20. Treasurer's room. 16x20, with vault 6x10. ' - Clerk of Criminal Court. 18x20. Solictor's Room. 12x15, with ante room 12x15. Two Petit Jury Rooms. 16x20. Judge's Room. 12x16. Sheriff's Witness'Room. 12x14; sher iff's prisoners room. 14x16; janitor's room. One court room each for the Criminal and Superior Courts; Criminal Court room to be the largest. Furnace in the basement to heat the halls and court rooms. Material. Pressed brick, with gran ite trimmings; slate roof. Halls and court rooms to be wains coated: building to be well lighted, and as near fire-proof as possible. Would suggest steel ceilings and wainscoating. Would want the clerk of court's, regis ter of deed's, grand jury, county com missioners' and sheriff's offices on the first floor, other arrangements of rooms left to architect. Architects will please submit plans, with cost, of buildings; also with cost of plans and supervision. The commit tee will compare all plansacd should any plan be accepted, all others will be returned to parties submitting them. Tbe commute will allow thirty days from this date in which to submit plans. J. 11. VVedjwsgioK, Chairman of Committee. Charlotte, April sl'th, 1805. Lod: Breath Ketorn to Warren Boark. The afternoon of the fire, Messrs.- Warren Roark and Chas. Wads worth had gone out to Wadsworth's faTm to fish a little. While sittine on the bank of the stream, Mr. Jim Wadsworth dashed up on horseback and told "Charlie" that the town was burning up, and that their stable was on fire. The fishermen dropped tackle, bait, guns and all, jumped in the bugjry and came to town so quick that Warren Roark says he lost his breath and hasn't found it yet. He says Tarn O Shanter wasn't in it. Several people tried -to stop the horse, thinking it was running away. , ' 1 1 111 Nethias New. Bank Examiner Miller is still here. but there are no new developments in the Holland affair. There is no- news of the missing cashier. Some still ad-. here to the belief that he is concealed in town: Others think he is safe be von the line. "The officers are still on the alert, and 'will follow the least clue. The general opinion is that Holland will never be caught. - Dr.- McAden says the bank is getting itself to rights. ana mat tne -affair should now be dropped.: -in '.'i';:. . f j f- - ' , 'r Sandera-CaddeU. - . . Mr. J. P. Sanders, who haahad charge pf tbe Gresham eating bouse for several months, was married aeveral nights aero to MissCaddelL of Ort Hill, a niece of Mr. i. d CaddelL of jhe Biblical. fie- corder. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders, are ex pected to arrive in Charlotte to-nigbt. Jfoone knew of the intention of Mr. Sanders to wed until iust as he was Ieav- , . ',. j. S'f-.jajKalra Kplaeonat. , Wednesday afternoon ot next week an Interesting service will e lield at the Thompson Orphanage.. The little or phanage chapel is to be consecrated: Dean Barrett will preach.the consecra tion sermon." The services will attract many from the city. Rev. Mr. Wet mo re, of LI ncolnton,, down attending the mission. .' 7 Cards tro T Cardav-were received last nbrhV: an nonncing the marriage.. May, 16th, of Miss Isabclie Davidson Montgomery, of Qoaeord, and Mr. Beverly Sydnor Jer mae, of Raleigh. The ceremony'' will take' place -at - the Central - Methodist charch. Concord. Mr. and Mrs. Jer man will a? liome, Fa3ei?b, after 4 .1 Dr. Barrett Preebed a Great Sermon 5 -f -m Omsis Sbja. j'; Consider the Lillies," was the tweet, suggestive test which Dr.; Hoga took yesterday -morning as the ground plan of a sermon which was not the'Jeast beaut if ul of the several he baa preached He sooke of the growth of the Illy as analagous to the soul's growth beauti ful and perfectTinfolding from within. The service last nirht, owing to the bad weather; was held in the Sunday school room, bat the building 'proved entirely to raaiL-Aviarg; congrega tion was present.,! 'in subject o. tne evening j was The FaithfuF Saying or. Uoge has the gut or originality; is thought is not -like tbe i people's thought: lie is high above 4he average, man. HTs sermon :wss 5 full of power,' beauty and thought. To-morrow morn ing he will conduct the communion ser-. Tiee and to-morrow night preach bis last sermon on the subiect : The Sav ior's Bible.'?. ,. .; il.: ii-V'Wi1 1 A large audience, composed of repre sentative, people of the different, con gregations of the ' city, assembled .at the Episcopal church last night to hear Dean liarrett's sermon on vi ne, boul" His text was Genesis 2:7: r fTheLord God made man of the dust -of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils" tne or eat a or lire." xne suDject was the soul as related to the body Dr. Barrett spoke of the great need of posi tive truth because of the discussion of religion : in every form of literature, in scientific, in fiction and in magazines, etc., 'the ' Consequent unsettling - of faith;? his aim to be Bot a negative 01 doctrines, but a statement of facts. The jsoul and, body, he said, were mar- ried,Uod periorm lng tne ceremony wnen Ue breathed into man s nostrils tne breath of life. He dwelt on the change of body, but the continuity of the soul. Doubt, be said, was the soul's suaaow. He compared a thread of faith to the first small wire that spans ' the chasm upon which the mighty bridge is build ed. His flights of rhetoric at times were beautiful, . and his eloquence grand. "., Dr. Barrett will bold only, one service to-day, and that to-night. After Sun' day he begins with two sermons a day. Monday the congregation win oe sup plied with cards and pencils with which to make notes, and ask questions which will be answered, at the morning ser vice. . - ,;VS , . : Subiect of sermon to-nightr "Soul In Relation to the Body." Sunday afternoon - Dr. . Barrett win hold a children's service" at 4 o clock. Sunday week, he will preach at the I Y. M, C. A. rally, his famous sermon, 1 "I pray Thee have rae excused. XK. disss AProiiraxn f ' CorrespBdeiit for the Kw ilgwat Safvtee It will interest Charlotte people, those especially who take an interest in cli matic effects on people and things, that a signal service is to be estabitsnea in connection With the weather bureau, which will deal with the relation of climate to sickness . and death rate. The morbid it v and mortality in this section ate to be reported. A correspon nt is to be appointed at eacn station. Dr. J. W. Byers has, been pnoi nted.rot CharloaeT TThe mbllcwill agree with the Observes in saying (that a better appointment could not have been made. Dr. Byers is one of the best posted men ou such subjects in the State. "The tSreatast Thins; in the World. In the rush of the fire Thursday night, the Obsebvkr forgot to chronicle thl marriage of one of its men. Mr.' E. L. Fee per man. Mr, Fesperman and Miss Alice Beattie left (own about dark. "unbeknownst" to tbe old folks, "stepped over the line' and were safe. The knot was tied bard and fast. They were expected back yesterday, but up to last night had not put in an appear ance. There were rumors ot trouoie with the "old man' and the young man, he who had robbed the parental roof The groom holds a case down in the Obsekvsb composing room. Fireman Green's accident Broken Ribs Fireman Green, of the Air Line, is laid up with two broken ribs.' Several nights airo his train, ireient sso. 40, side-tracked at a station on the road to let the passenger pass. While the train was standing on the track some boys uncoupled It at several places. When the start was made tbe cut off parts ran together. Fireman Green was on top of 1 one of tne cars, u ne maaea , bdock knocked him off. He caught tbe lad der aa he fell, and this probably saved his life. His injuries were only broken, ribs. rirTrVbirlwlnd. Flakes of burning cotton were carried across the city Thursday ; afternoon, as far as the Ada. Mill, and but for ex treme watchfulness on tbe part of the force handling the cotton, Howell, Orr & Co. would have had two fires going on at the same time. The "handa-Twere telling yesterday .01 a "bin wniriwina mat occurred u that section Thursday, about the time of the fire. It carried, the cotton round and round, and high into the air. Tne Season ef "Storma" Opened A' mirnrise - nartv. made tip Of very voane people, stormed Miss Elmer Fife last, evening and en Toyed a delightful time plavine frames ana otnerwise amnsins themselves. The party con sHted of "Misses Woodfln Chambers. Emma Ardrey, Fannie Andrews, Ethel Fi ncer Saide Keesler. Fan nle Si mms. HattLe Brenizer, Mable Irwin and May McNHaeb;. Messrs. Walter ; regram, Charlie Bridres. Will Ruddock. Mar shall Collins. John uraig, Julian ree- mon and liamner Irwin. -. . if .,. j ;- " ; " . ' 'Knocked Oat, ' , . -.-'- CJbas. Klrkpatrick, colored, lSi at hU home in this eity in a badly mutiTated state. .Thursday afternoon he-add art other nerro. a workman at Leslie's new fitctbry. hadsome words, whereupon the other, negro, fell upottiKlrkpatrick, and would have beaten him ; to s death but for, the interference of some of the other hands. : , . --The Odd Fellows anniversary exer Fellows an ni versary I cfsea were postponed . from ' last night until some time in the near future. Rev GVA. Page, who was to hateu delivered the lecture before the ' lodge, . met with an accident to his eye, and,could not be present. . - , ; - -- -r ' V Aadthsr Details to MeekleabwrgV 1 Dr. C."flenderson, of r Hopewell,- son of Mr. A. R. Henderson, was here 'yes terday oa his return home, after having completed; his course In. dentistry at the University of Maryland. Dr. Hen dersoa has not decided e where b,e will locate s -r . V " , Abont UepotsV . JH.r. w. A. I'xuric.' irenerai naaaanra is j agent of tte Southern, passed- through the city last night, on. his way north. Mr, Turk Is eutting rates at .a lively rate, as , can be seen from the reduction of the faro to Raleigh, mentioned else-' Another Clrens en th Way, , White's Circus and Trained: Wild Animal Show will open a two days' en gagement here Monday, says .Manager lOrsy " He pronounces the show a od "OTEBHXAD, OVKKIIEELV Itma WblcbtVer Tk- Any Way They ; j c - ; ChftM t Cornel " Tha Dutch have taken Holland. " Been Head's "Japanesque' window? r'2Lj,tf; Nathan's little boy Is much Tjetter. Th Cartoh-Burwell cards will be Issued tOrtlay. v -. :"; :. -.: The . tn-.Tofs soort contrlbntod two -JWrds, to I be jaU yestertbiy. , ; , The Observer hears ; that Mrs, ' C C McDonald, or Mint" Hill, Will move to town and llv with Miss Carrie Maxwell. i-The-- school at TterryhUI ; eloed last night. Prof. R.C.- Frewmsn and his pupils gave a highly creditable exhibition. - tn tb debris In HowIl, Orr Co.'s of AiuLutrdkY.seoDT of sketches of North Carolina, by Gov. Vance, was foond.t r ' .tjy TM&foB. town marshal of Moores- : vllle. broneht Ab Johnson down esterdHy. Johnson was wanted lor acrimsoooituiUuii jLxie.Vr. H.Broadriek. who wm hurt in the runaway aaveral days ago, made bis p SMaranco ystrday, a fMie disfigured, but till in iheriog. rif.r :; :,' v- V TTAvimnd' Abornathy. who has been a t th r-Vinrlotta I.labt infantry. . colored, has bn dishonorably discharged. Tht paper. m yaabsrday.f : . liTfa flr broaa ui Mr. John McNelys IrtptoStatesvlUa. Ma was going u ationa th . Morrlson-Bcarr reception last - night,. and co spend several days at Mootesvtua with ralawvea. Ap-f n ' rl:- -': SiTb firockmann ' Concert' Company of Greensboro, wU appear In . Cssrtotw. onl"' time in JUOS H nigni, ,.m ""-'.J tha Oasaavan bespeaks toflt kindly re ception when jtoiiasvr.;j. f: ,V. ' L.'. nlnasant' company of relatives and- friends gathered at Mr, 8. W. -Crow Us, at BboptonT Thursday. to meet his daughter, MIm Mattie Orowell,. who; U hom from Columbia, and his son who has just re turned from Baltimore. i - ' Mr.C. W. Williams, on oi tn opwr- tors at the cotton icnnn. na none w New York He will not return before fall. If then. Mr. Alex. Btevens, also of thees- ebanre. who tnoogns 01 voiug to uivuu- , SHADOWCKAFHS. . ' Outlives ofysmllUr Objects Seen on ba T TOvarbauzh is In the city. Ho caAeln last nfght and, of course, is at his old stand the Central.:: rw.y . Mr. Chas. E. Johnson,! oi ivaieign, . expected in the city to-aay to spena. Sunday witn nia.wnc, wuaan ... n G.;' E.; Ytlson"s. r J. ' . i " " Capt. Andrew D. oowies, oi otates- viile, is at the Centra r- i , Mr. J. H. cryan.or ienor, wnw ii the city last night. t. Ta Mrs. It.- li. ityourn, i ""'"J . v Miss Robesonrbf Fayetteville, came in laat niirht on the Carolina Central. They were met here by Mr. R. L... Ky- burn, ana win leave iur ouvi morning. . - - ' ' . r,,.,. - Mr. E. D. LJooey ana wue, vi jloiouu, O.i are at the Buford fof a few days. Mr. Lawrence Dodsworth is expected In from Reidsville to-day. ' Miss Llazio Young, of Concord, is, spending several days with Mis? Adele Hutchison ' : I 1 '' Mrs. Samuel McCubbins, of Salisbury, arrived here yesterday to visit Mrs. D. iS'w' E. Cliri's'tian,' of the Ralel gri 1 News and Observer, is in the city, ' Mrs. Armond Myers, of Wilmington, was noted in social circles yesterday, : v Miss Etta Shaffner, of Salem, who has been visltlnar Miss Bessie Sanders, returns home this morning. .. rJ . r "'tvn' 15! u,i a n Prfnea nss returnea -w Mr. Jo Lindy is in v miaaeipnia. Col. Paul B. Means was in the city yesterday. 7 v - i.l'CuiX-- Air. J. A, jaaniniw;""ivijt" . the city.- . . ... Mr. J.D.- McUall leit last, nig nt nr T?ioirh tv take papers in tne case. preefl between Dr. J4M. Hehderson I ySa.?i,Tl B- Dowd. ,M. Mr. 0. R. Crowson- is back from WadeSboro. " -j ' '.- Miss Mattie Lee, of Goldsboro, arrives to-day to remain at Judge Bjirwell's un-s til after the. Carson-Bu welt -marriage. , Mr. A. P. Sloan, of Bennett,; bioan Co., of New York, is in the city. He is represented here by Mr. John W, Cobb. ; Rev. Dr. - A. ,c;nurcn, uroiuer ;v Mr. J. D.f Church.? who.preacnea nere y,. recently, spent Thursday nignt m ids? city, on his return North from Jackson- Charlotte Socially Teas In Honor of Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Kreneta. Mrs. T. S: Clarkson ave a tea Thufs- 1 . day night in honor of mrs. nmos j. - Walker, 01 urooKiyn. iura. vurMim a a charming hostess,, and the evening: was one of rare pleasure. - une guests were: ' Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Geo. French, of Wilmington, Mrs. : II. - Harucn, rs. . ; J; Hirshinger, Mrs, J. a.houioiui, Mrs. C. F. Jones, Mrs.; E. 1m to.eesier, Mrs. John Walter Miller. ; :a . Mrs. John E. Brown invited a num ber of friends to tea last evening. to. meet Mrs. French. -The bouse present-., . ed an attractive appearance, ana tne -enests were more than delighted to be .; there to aamire ana enjoy juts, oiubb , hosp i tali ty. m :?i r, .-. l. ,; V . TsOoBythS Desraft,.;-;''- The- county board of education is preparing its own obituary. It will have the pleasure, of reading it June 1st, as at that time it passes into a iwib of non-existence. The Office ji i county superintendent, of ; education is aiso to be abolished, xne noaru 01 county commissioners will", have the pleasure ..... of dealing, with affairs educational as well as financial..: . . , ,( .. , ; The Louisiana Weekly Review, an insurance papet of New Orleans, proph- : esles f or Ch ar iotte th us : i ' -i" A-6olony- of thirty-five from Michi gan and Ohio recently bought a tract of land near Charlotte, N. C, and will soon occupy It," - ' - ; 4 ' ,lakee. k ; Cotton was none too plentiful yester-. day about town, ' Receipts were only 24 bales, and only four, or those wagon cotton. . ..-; 1 L Mr. M. Oglesby, of Cabarrus, had a 20- bale lot is, -but he sold only five bales. - .' ;-J5.- -a nra ;f-v - ..: . ,. I desire to thank all friends who so kindly hel ped m y f am tiy pack a nd m ak e ready-; for .removal th.e evening 01 the A' Card. . " Se desire io express our thanks to all ' -whlte and iilack who assisted us to save' our property the afternoon of tha nre. -. . : ,. 110 well, ims .v vo. a. fanl. . - .. ... I desire to lh nk mv many . friends .ost heartily who so kindly helped . to remove the goods from my store uuriuz the fire last Thursday, and can assure them that their aid was most mgniy ap preciated. S J..EauiSET- Xnaexte Tbia MemtaaTe Advertisement. Just in. tinsel rembroldered four-roia screens, 64 leet nian, very nnu I only S Japanese X. b coffees a-d X xty nans at io cents wwn.iiu. - - Brown is the color fashionable PtfP'f" going to wear this 'In-Wool atM n nurehase a sack of dark sl brown for 10 Tmn-t forget Tbonas M""8" nt anything in the turnip f line- ahcy I wans earryas""? -"'.n rriff' Korw pa.rHTuOrb7N Y'rlycSr country bam. and apples at Barrett A Blakely'a. 4anyof tbe finest designs that are mad a In this eountryi ar to fund In our stocli o7wall wer. ' Wheeler WaU paper-Co.' Fashion y Sheetf, crpons, grenadines, atom eergeir. hoMeff, underwear, etc., ?t T. For inflemmatlon of- tbe mMJth - tn l throat, and for rmovln Jromme brm tinpteaant oU'r'. trv 1 nthyraul t .wv, , J fcf 8.ii(J t I', iii J . i ii 10. v.. arsLea ty . i , t ,.o, jKMEia. ' " - ; -v cue. l'opuur pricc3 - rr:-.., a I

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