71 CHARLOTTE OE3BRVER, AFr.IL 27. 2C33 i i " I I 4 I I- 4 V 'V KljT ALwut Lis kLiLcrs cf "i Meant -Lebanon. V may not accept their peculiar religious Views. We cnn..t ntr into the spirit of their sacrifices, and therefore we do not atudy their habits of life. It Is not necessary to believe as they do, . but we caa and do respect their sincerity of Daraoee and the honor and nnriht.nM I which mark all their business dealings. other men or elasses of men. This is In the :i cultivation of medicinal herbs and plants. They hare made 1 1 a study for more than one hundred years. They are also expert In ex ; trading from them their characteristic es sences aud medicinal virtues. - -.. . -This Is their peculiar industry Their lives have been devoted to It. By it they are sup- STted. They exeel In this branch as do the onka of the order of St. Benedict with their famous tlqaer called M Benedictine.' . Now this lif e-lon g study on the part of the - Shakers -has not "been in vain. They have accomplished much good. Their medicinal extracts and cordials are known throughout Che world. . .-- The Bhaker Digestive Cordial Is probably - the most useful medicine ever given to the Subllc. It is not a cure for all diseases; it oesn't pretend to be; butoaedisease it will cure, and that is Indigestion. It is not pre tended that it will cure anything else, and a sufferer has sot long to wait to see the re sult. The effect is immediate. Almost the nrst dose will give relief, and. If continued, permanent core will follow. The Bbaker motto is: Prove all things and bold, fast that which' is good." For this reason the Shakers put into the bands of the retail 'druggists who sell their remedy small trial - bottles, which can be had for ten cents each. o that for this small sum the reader can as- 'Cwrtaia whether it is adapted to his ease. ia sat . , ;i ; . - - O T I C E. - DAWS. - - ' " . '.. ; - S 1 Low sobbing waves upon a shadowed shore. Within the mead a scent of sleeping flow ers, ' -A waning moon behind the hilltop towers. And darkness darker than it was before. , v. Gray stretch of ocean neath a sky of gray, Within the pearled East a far faint light, A wind among tee grasses on the height; Below, the distant murmur of the bay. . Dim light that trembles o'er the sombre - FalcHiky that flu-bes suddenly to rose. Then golden bright the sun bis glory sno' And lot a bird Is sinking from the lea. Lydla M. Wood in Chambers Journal. 2 hereby .felve notice that at the recent ses- - won oi tne general Assembly of North Carolina the following . act was passed, to-wit: JLN ACT allowing an Increase of taxation for Public Graded Behools In Charlotte: The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Section 1. That the board of aldermen of the city of Charlotte, N. C, shall have power to levy an annoal tax for the support and maintenance of the Public Graded Hohools in said city, which annual tax shall not exceed twenty cents on the one hun dred dollar value of property and sixty cents on the poll. Heo.2. This act shall not take effect until It shall have been ratified by a vote of a majority of the qualified voters of the city oi unariotte, A Shooting Scrap la Selsaa, Ala. ? CtacntSATi, 0L, April 20. A 'special to the Pose, from Montgomery, Ala., says: A sequel r to the Minter-Dudley trajredyrof a week ago occurred this morning in Selma. Id. Dudley, a rel ative of the Dudley in the tragedy, and Robert Browning, related to Mlnter, met in the saloon of Henry Cassen at noon today and after few words became Involved Hn a shooting affray. Twenty snots were exchanged and .Browning was killed outright, while Dudley, who received several wonnds, is so seriously hart that his life is despaired of. Two men, who, it ia believed, encouraged the difficulty, have been arrested and are now in jaiL The United States Department of Ag riculture has established at the Tuske gee Institute, Tuskegee, Ala., a depot for a scientific investigation of the composition and composition of food among the negroes in the black belt of the South. be the duty of the city of Charlotte, N. CI., to . U. Bee. a. That It shall cause publication to be made, for thirty days prior to the first Monday in May, 1895, to at least one oi tne newspapers puoiisnea In the city of Charlotte, N. V.. a notice set ting forth this act and giving public notice tbat on the said first Monday in May, 1805, the polls will be open at the usual polling places In the several wards for the parpuM of voting for the ratification or refection of this act. Sec. 4. That on the first Monday in May, .1803, the polls shall be open at the esual polling places In the said several wards for the purpose of voting for the ratification or rejection of this act. That It shall bo the -duty of the. mayor and board of aldermen of the city of Charlotte, N. C. to provide at -each of the said several polling places a e pa rate ballot box for the reception of such ballots. Those voting In favor of the ratifi cation of this act shall vote a ticket bearing the word 'Ratification," and those voting against Its ratification shall vote a ticket bearing the word f Rejected." Sec 5. That said election shall be con ducted by the same Judges and in the man ner as is provided' for in the election of a -mayor and aldermen of said city, and the ballots shall be counted, and the result de clared, In the same manner as Is now pro vided for the election of the mayor and board of aldermen; and if a majority of the ballots shall be found to be in favor of the ratification of this act, then this act shall . be immediately in full force and effect, but in case the majority shall be found against its ratification It shall be then of no effect. Boo. 6. Tbat this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Ratified this the sixth day of February, A. D. 1806. I further give notice that on the first Mon day la May, 1806, the polls will be open at the usual polling places in the several wards of the city of Charlotte for the purpose of voting the sal for the ratification or rejection of d act. Those voting in favor of the ratification of this act shall vote a ticket bearing the word "Ratification," and those voting against its ratification shall vote a ticket bearing the word "Rejected.' This 37th day of March, A. D. 1806. R. J. Bbbtabd, March 29, 1806. Mayor. Something Wrong Somewhers hi dozen symptoms tell you so. Disordered stomach, . unstrung nerves and loss of appetite; a feeling of indifference for the world and everybody in it, in cluding yourself; eruptions that try to force the "badness" out through the skin all tell their tale. It's Your Blood that's raising all this disturbance. You'd turn away in disgust from a polluted stream of water, but youll let your blood the food of your vital organs remain in just this condition. Don't dp it; take ' Brown's Iron Bitters It will cleanse your system of the cause of these petty sufferings and fill your veins with new and lively blood, rich in nourishment. Brown's Iron Bitters is pleasant to take. It will not stain the teeth nor cause constipation. See the red crossed lines on the wrapper. tf BBOWtf CHEMICAL CO., BALTIMORE, MO. ICE! ICE! ICE! i STANDARD ICE h FUEL CO Pure Crystal Ice Made from Distilled Water. i Our factory has a track connecting with all the railroads, which enables us to load cars without exposing ice to sun or air, thus avoiding heavy loss in leak age. Ice shipped in any quantity, from ack to car-load, and loaded direct from the bath. Satisfaction given in weights, quality, to. ESfOrders solicited. STANDARD ICE k FUEL CO, A. J. HAGOOD, Manager. 50 Desirable Lots for Sale Suitable for Manufacturing Plants or Dwellings. Situated on Eleventh, Twelfth, Graham, Pine and Poplar streets. All accessible to tracks of Southern Railway and Carolina Central Railroad. Terms Part cash, balance on time to suit purchaser. FIRE INSURANCE, LKYEHUTOHISea," Agent. FLUNO: a IN 1833 lliOHAS BRANCH & GO., lanVara and flrokara, 1 1 11 HA 15 ST., RICHMOND, YA. ' ffsnt.-ic". Scpcrsl tasking Bealnes. Or. e rs titeJ cxir tha r pma.! wires on the - He York and Chhuim fcxefc-ncet -a S locks. Coi- I iua ana ttrajn; t) orders ex ctiled on the London A (.ntmantal ExdiasjSs. Bttsinsss A CsrrssBon- dnc sottotac. Imast. mt SssnrHiss a ssscisttyj : r ill W(r.sjl ALASKA, The be8tTREFRKtEEATOR In the . .:..f: ,..-' world. '.!.::.: : Shipment just received! . 1 Don't fail to se them before the as sortment Is broken. i J. N. M'CAUSLAND & Co. ;.TinandSfate - r. ' "BoofinR Contractors. DR-W. T. WOODLEY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Residence SIS West 9th street (W, J. Davis residence.) . . ; : - Office over Riler & Laird's store. -' Offloe hoars ; 9 t. m. (o 6 p. m. unless professionally engaged outside. - Call timmTitlv awrddvovnl1it. : DYNAMOS.. J ' Dzaxcr Cubbxbt Dynamos for Isolated XiiTbting. Alternating Current Dyna- gjes tor usnuu biaiion j-iignung . Power Generators for Railway Plants Jk S200,000 DETiaX " Oeposltom la th WHlimsBtie, Coiw - Bank vTHl Im Every Gent. Wn.i.TM antic Conn.. 'April 28 De positors in the First National Bank of Willimantio seem to be doomed to lose nearly every cent which they have pat into the bank. The amount of the late Cashier Risley's defalcation is- not known yet, bat more than a f 300,000 de- nctt has already been discovered. ,.The Hartford Trust Company sent out yes terday 370,000 In notes which ft had re discounted for Rialey and wanted tbem examined. It was found that more than 2,000 of the paper bore forged signa tures. Bank - Examiners uooiy ana Lynch think they : have discovered all the forged notes, bat are In doubt as to one of $5,000. They refuse to give the names signed to the notes. - sio record of the manner in which the not? were re-discounted could - be found. The officers had no suspicion that such an amount of their paper had fallen Unto otber hands, and the arrival of the notes yesterday put an end to all talk of opening the bank again. ' The capi tal stock of tne institution is siuu.oou, and the surplus fund wasf26,000. This and probably more than $100,000 in ad dition has been wiped out. 'A TEXAS TRAGEDY. : WIXDE IXrOKS CABEWOKS. - I Botli Be and Alfred Taylo VUmd. "Hot . . Gollty" at Tbetr TrUO. ' LoiDOS, April 28. The trial of Oscar Wilde and Alfred Taylor for unnatural crimes began in the Central Criminal Court of the Old Bailey to-day. Charles Parker and other witnesses who testified at the preliminary hearings, were called to the stand and repeated the stories tbey had previously told. Wilde looked careworn and. anxious, and -was much thinner than usual. The fact that he had his hair -cut, added to his attenu ated appearance. Taylor retained his air of unconcern. Both prisoners plead ed not guilty. The opening speech of counsel for the prosecution was a repeti tion of his previous arguments. - The evidence given by tne young man Parker was vastly more disgusting than the testimony he gave at the hearing in the Bow Street Police Court. Upon Cross-examination, he swore that Wood and Allen received 400 blackmail from a. gentleman with! whom they were guilty of misconduct in that gentle man's lodgings, and that he himself had received- 30 from the same person for the same reason. OOSOOED PRESBYTERY. mm m v. Peas clay..;.;., -: mixed.... Potatoes Irish, ' m WTO.. .... .'.. ."....a. i Onions select, per bushel. .......... i wtcoariiog rounoiper ............ . -Hum , &oaiaerg ... ! ysfclsUW :.st-S-y,WSsaiSMK 2$SMiVMUC4' ' .A4..w feMS I I I ll I i Hens per head ............... .. .. w i Boosters per bad.':............... i Chlckons 1 spring small per ksad - Urge " DuoJts...i.,.,i........... ...... ...... Guineas ...... ....... Bu tteFGholoe yellow. .............. . Honey strained, per B.... - eoniBper ttw. Eggs nen ...... ...... a mnw........ ........... Rye Feathers new..... Hides dry, per Jfc. - gTeen Wool washed.... s-Ve . 60 - dfijoO ' T . rm :- '',-rjsyftss ' la,18 - - s 10 8910 8 ' . W - S3 -mrm r . tHI V T- i "V""T TV H. S. CHAJDWICK, i PBESIDJilMT & ,tiuh. Engineers,! I a 1 1 A TVliA n 11 T T Contractors and tote in Machinery; Specialty: CpttotfMachinery and Cotton Mill Equipment. .-.v .L' s a T A thertott Machine Oo.s Patent Cotton Feeders, Openers and Lappers; Pcttee chinAFv; s.ies a jenxa aiaonin m. iow..i - . r ' . , ht ,. ni.t. v.nnv T.r.i- Looms and COTTON XABSS. En Dr. Slmmosu, of Beastoa, Killed by Father for Whoa. Child He Was Pre- i seribtag. Houston, Tex.. April 26. Last night about 9 o'clock Dr.- J. F. Simmons, the famous physician, called to "see a sick child at the residence of Mrs. Robert Owen. He had written a prescription and was giving directions as to the medicine when Owen entered and, without saying a word, pat a pistol to Dr. Simmons breast and pulled tne trigger. Dr. Simmons staggered back and pulled his pistol, but fell dead be fore he could use it. Owen tnen snot his wife and left the house. Going to his hotel he blew ont his own brains. Owens was a stockman and had been married about eighteen months. In January he came here from New Or leans, and a week ago he and his wife separated. Mrs. Owen will recover. Weekly Beeelpts ef Cotton. New Yobk, April 26. The following are the total net receipts of cotton at all ports sinee September 1, 1894: Galveston, 1,632,929; New Orleans, 2,487.312; Mobile, 245,010; Savannah, 912,982; Charleston, 421,882; Wilming ton, 233.901; Norfolk, 454,268; Balti more. 111,516; New York, 180,945; Bos ton, 295,232; New Port News, 32,984; Philadelphia, 96,352; West Point, 281,- 289; Brunswick, 100,025; Velasco, 592; Port Royal, 149,066. Total, 7,636,285. Paid S300 to Overtavke the Vestibule. Salisbury Herald. 25th. It takes a fast train to catch the ves tibule, but one did it this morning. A gentleman who wished to come South on the vestibule, got left, and being de termined to catch it, paid the Southern $300 to bring him on a special. He passed here at a rate not equalled by any train arouna inese pans lateiy. The vestibule was caught up with at Charlotte. It Closes Its Sossioa at Horgratoa Dele gates to General Assembly. Special to the Observer. Morg ahtos, April 26. --Concord Pres bytery, which has been in session here this weekr adjourned to-day at 4 p. m., to meet with the Fifth Creek chureh. Iredell county, September 24th. Most of the preachers and elders left to-day for their homes. The Presbytery rejected the proposed amendment to the constitution relating to licensure. The following named gentlemen were elected delegates to the General Assem bly, which meets in Dallas, Texas, May 26thr Rev. J. M. Rose, of Morgan ton; Rev. W. R. McLelland, of Statesville; Prof. J. H. Hill, of Statesville; Mr. J. A. Sims, of Concord. The Enquirer says tbat usually corn is shipped to Union county, but the tide has turned this year. Three car loads of corn have been shipped from i Monroe within the past few weeks. No meat is being shipped there and the farmers generally are living at home. yiNAJSCIAX AKD COMMERCIAL. No. 12s- DlT at. A O. 14-X piy - jgg S Sery ffii25sk? Works' Plain and ' Dobbies; Foster Machine Cc's Patent Cone Winders. , . . ; ' ' ' ; ' " , ; SPECIAL SOUTIULBI AliJtx 10 uurw . . . . . ; B. F. Sturtevant. Co.'. Heating sad Ventilating System, Portable Forges, Blowers, Exhausters d High Speed lD C. & OrCooper & Cc's Corliss Engines. High Poro Triple Expansion, Compound and Condensing Boilers, Heaters. Pumps, etc. '. . " ' Complete stetm nn iron w w o,w xm w w .. . .. iw. -.!. to JoneiALanghlin's Cold Rolled Steel ShaWng, CJompreasion Couplers, Han . . EsUmatesgiven and contracts made for the Complete Equipment of CottonIiUs . CHabEoTTE, N. 0. 202 SOUTH TRYON STREET. SEABOARD-: AIR LINE. " scxaDOxn is Emer J Air. K)th, lsd, Trains leave Charlotte dally i - tOO a. K For Hamlet, Choraw, JUIfllth, all polats on the B. A A. and R. A O. K. 1C, Weldon, Portsraoutn, Qaotatloas Farmisbed by BacklnabaaB A , PanlsoB. Kr Yorfc, 83 Ioaard Star oat, Ho.los-1 and 12s-l warps at..;... UW0lH No. M-l warps at......;.......,..... HVS" No. warps at. ...... .... ..... . . 1 V" No.SOs-1 warps at.... ...... 12&&1S No.22s-l warps St.. .......... ........ 13 No. sas-l warps at .... No. 6 to 10s bunch yarn at II JNO. 123-1 at.. No. 14a-l at.. No. 16s 1 at No. 20-l at No. 2-1 at... ... Ko.S6s-la No. gs-s Ply soft yarn at. , No. lOs-S ply soft yarn at No. 8s-2 ply bard at No. lOs-ply hat at i-x pit at at. No. I6s-ply at .:. No. 20s-2plyat No. 24S-J ply at , No. 26a-9 ply at. No. SOs-3 ply at No. 40b-S ply at No. Ss-S, S aad 5 ply at NoSOs-? ply chain warps at.. No. 24s-2 piy chain warps at. No. 26s-2 ply chain warps at. No. SOs-2 ply chain warps at. No. las 8 Dlv bard twist at No. aos-3 ply bard twist at. . . fio. 26S-S ply hard twist at. . . HE T I HIGH PRIEST OP 1 NATURE The New Cotton Mill at Bath. Augubta, Ga., April 26. Hon. Charles Estes, treasurer of the Aiken Manufac turing Company, has contracted for machinery for the new cotton mill at Bath, S. C., now in course of construc tion. The mill will start with fifteen thousand spindles and will make a fine grade of goods. Horg-anon Democrats Will Meet Wednes J day Night. Special to the Observer. Mohqantok, April 26. The Demo crats of Morganton will meet in conven tion next Wednesday and nominate the next mayor of Morganton. Capt. L. A. Bristol is the fusion candidate for mayor. ITEMS OF STATE NEWS. Baby enjoys its bath when Pine Blossom Soap is used. Its superior cleansing and soothing qualities make it a delightful luxury for the nursery. It softens and beautifies the skin, heals chafing and other irritating eruptions incident to child hood. Its absolute purity and powerful curative prop erties commend it to careful mothers. FOSTER MEDICINE CO.,' ? BALTIMORE. MO. There is much mad dog excitement in lreueu. The first strawberries were offered on the Wilmington market Thursday at 35 cents per quart. The Sanford Express learns that dur ing the past month the Seaboard Air , Line has made $40,000 on its passenger traffic alone. R. A. Henry, of Macon county, has run away wiin a aiiss tsryson, leaving a wife and four children behind, says the Franklin Press. Mrs. Josephine Potts, wife of Maj. W. A. Potts, of Washington, was stricken with apoplexy Wednesday and died in 25 minutes. The Monroe Enquirer learns that . m v 1. some nee nuggets 01 goia nave oeen found recently on the Cuthbertson j place, in east Monroe township. Rev. G. W. Lomax, colored, of South- port, is reported by the Leader.as hav ing run away witn a comeiy young col ored woman, a member of his flock. He i took also $300which he had procured from a widow, lie leaves a wire ana two children. Messrs. J. C. Steele & Son, of States ville, are manufacturing a brick ma chine in whicb, the Landmark says, they are having a good trade. Tbey have rood numbers or tbem all over tne South and have just now put up one in South Carolina and one in Georgia. Prices Shoved Irregularity In the Cotton Market, Bat the Net Advance Was 9 to IO Points. Special By Private Wire to Harrison Watts. Sxw Yosx, April 20. The speculation took rather a wider sweep to-day, the trans actions being; larger and the outside de mand a little better. Prices showed irreg ularity, advancing 8 to 5 points early in the dav. then losing this and decllnins 1 to 3. only to recover the loss and make a net ad vance of 9 to 10 points as compared with last night's final figures, tne closing tone being firm with sales of 202,100 bales. Of course the May notices to-day were the absorbing interest, and the fact that a large bull house here stopped tenders of about 43,000 bales, contributed much to the firmness which, on the whole, characterized the market. Besides, Liverpool was active and higher, advancing i-83d.on tne spot with sales of 18,000 bales, and 4 points for future delivery. At one time there was a reaction, as al ready Intimated, and this was due to the loss of most of the early advance in Liver pool and heavy selling here by very promi nent bulls and others. The Liverpool mar ket closed oulet at a net advance for the day of only half a point. The Manchester private cables, however, were strong- New Orleans advanced 10 points on August. Liv erpool and the continent sent a good many buying orders. Local and Southern opera tors bought to a very fair extent, and in the late trading there was very little disposi tion to sell, so that prices were readily ad vanced. Fall Kiver reports are favorable. Manchester is said to be doing a good busi ness It is believed that the interior towns will get about 22.O0O bales for the week, and inat interior biooks win lose someui n ; like 28,000. Houston reports heavy ralus last night. Hillsboro states that rain fell for three hours last night. Other Texas points report fair rains. More are pre dicted. In Manchester yarns were strong and eloths in moderate demand. Spots here were easy, with sales 01 eoo lor export and 104 for spinning. The Southern spot markets were gener ally quiet and unchanged. Norfolk de clined 1-1S0. Mobile sold 400 bales. Re ceipts at New Orleans to-morrow are esti mated at 4,000 to 6,000 against 1,457 and 1,743. The total interior receipts for tbe week are estimated at 22,000 against 24,ise last week n.nd l.08ft last Tear. The Liverpool weekly ootton statistics show sales for the week of 92,000, American 85,000; total imports, 7,000, American 78; total stocks, 1,7K,000, Includ ing 1,800,000 American: total afloat, 110,000, Including 105.000 Amei lean. Crawford, Tex., reports rain, and adds: "Prospects are improving daily." A New Orleans dispatch said: "The present con dltlon of tne planting season Is unsur passed." The 2,000,000 surplus visible and in visible will make itself felt shortly. It is still an irregular and feverish market, as may be easily inferred, and dominated largely by Southern weather news and English advices. Utiviss A Co. NSW XOKK MONK" MAKKKT. Kbw York, April Sa.Honey on sail easy at l, per oeujt. last loan at 1, closing offered at 1. milLSuch as Shakespeare or Burns, saw into many mysteries VAUUua)v woiwj in bankers' bills at 4 89V4 86 for demand. t sew.. Oominerelal bills. demand Government bonds firm; I. . , , , 1 . 1 1 1 B&ate bonds Arm. Railroad bonds strong. I hlCh eClUCatlOll, Ullt DOtU ucan dollars..... Sterling OUCH aS DnaKespeare Or UU1U3, uw iuvu luoujr uVwrn--- hidden from common eyes. Neither, of these required fbtfbeoylfs? and certainly neither had what is commonly called a BALTIMORE PRODUCE MARKET. Baltihom, April M.-FLiOU K-Flrm, I Western super J Hxd3 29; do extra S SSdp 76; do family 2 36(33 10; winter wbeat patents h o: sorlna wbeat patents S 0(1 76. WH EAT Firm. No. J red spot and: April 0SA bid; May July! t&6oi ; steamer No. X red , Southern by sample, 0147;do on grade. u?H.N-.HtRiulv- Mixed soot and April r.m.fa.si Mar 6iV(6iX: July 6i&9; steamer mixed GOtoci'A; Southern white Disi; do yellow 63&- Recog The Great Tnuth! STOCKS CLO&LNtt BIDS. Amer. Got. Oil. . . 37 dopfd 76W Am. Bug. Rett... 10 do pfd Amer. todocoo.. iua do pfd no Atcb '. 64 B.AO ... H Can. Pao 46 C.&O iv Ch. A A 140 C. B. A tt 74- Chicago Gas... . 78 Del. Lack.... ioH D.4C.F Xl Erie 1H do pfd 2k Sen. Electrlo S3a IUs. Central VI H L., E. W a do ufd 7o u. b L. A N 6-4 L.N. A. AC... Manhattan Mem. A Chas.. Miehlvan Cen. Mo. Pacino i M.A O ! N. C. A St. L 70 i Nat'l Cordage.... ett do old M N. J. O V N. Y. O 99H N. "V. AN.E h N.AW. Pfd IS N.Paclflo., do old. . N. W . . . dopfd... Pacino Reading.... - R.I St. Paul do pfd SUrer Ctfs T.C.AI do pfd...... Texas Pae Union Pao Wabash do pfd W. U..... W. L. A L. K do pfd Ala., Class A ao jiass d.... do Class C. That the great trainers for the work of life, whatever it be, are BOOKS. These contain the acts, thoughts, ex periences and accomplishments of the generations that have lived before us. If it were not for what they, dis close to us the past could how only some j crumbling ruins and rustv coins. Moreover, they hide nothing. They stand on no ceremony with us. They are To All Free S? Who 80 La. Stamped 4'a 100 7, N.C.4's. wJ do 6's 10 iTenn N. 8. S's. . . 100H Va. 's, pfd ao tr ree iv pn. do Fun Debt... U. S. 4's Ree U. 8. 4's Coup... U. S. 2's Southern R'y 6s. do uons do pfd B.C.4'8 And it has been proven by a thousand bright examples IS that the mastery of their treasures, even the most lofty and precious, is at tne will ot mm wno wm omy piye in tention and dilligence in exchange. Op this hint was founded the HOflE UNIVERSITY LEAQUEi" Schools, Z Colleges and Teachers are all excellent in their way, DM OUt lb IS U tlUlBUl lU CltOlC Ulttt 106 107 96 108 lit 84 87 SOW 107S NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. Net York. -April .fiaiuk viuiet NO firm. Winter wheat, low t 60; fair to fancy S 763 08; & 60: Minnesota eiear S TeacMers Lessons Petersburg, Richmond, Washington, Balti more, Philadelphia, New York and iWtoa. Also WUmlngton,Wrlghtsvllleed all local points on the CO. R. B. Also Charleston, t Burnter and BennetUvtlle, arriving In W 11 mlngton atl:80 p. in. ' ' ' . . " ' SA-itA-DaJly for all Southern points la Monroe, Chester, irenwopd, Al -hens-Atlanta, Montgomery. New Orleans, Chat tanoogVw Memphis and the Southwest, Through sleeper and day coaches from .Washington, D.Cto Atlanta, connecUne with roads diverging out of Atlanta. m 10:16 A.M-DalIy,forMt. Moy3.I'.lnc:,n. ton, CherryvUle. Bhelby,Cleveland fcprin M. Ellenboro and Rutherford tou ; also Blow ing Rook, Lenoir and Hickory. -: r. iDally, tor all points North ard SouthNew York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Peters, bur Portsmouth, Old Point Comfort, Vir ginia Beeoh, Weldon, Raleigh, Wilmington and Wrtghtsville, connecting at Monroe -with through sleepers and day coaches be tween Atlanta, Ga., and Washington. D. C and sleepers between Monroe, N. C, and Portsmouth. Va., and for Atlanta, New Or leans and all Southern points. - - 8-JSOP. m. Dally, with sleeper for Wil mington and all C. C. points. . ,. Trams arrive la Charlotte : . . 10:S6 a. MDaUy,Rockinghamaaesboro, Moroe. Also from fell points Korth New York,Phlladlphia, Baltimore. Washington, Rlehmond. Petersburg, Old Point Comfort, Portsmouth, Weldon, Raleigh and Banford. Also from Charleston, Sumter and Ben net tsville, and from Atlanta, New Orleans and all Southern points. - v : V.M-DairyJ trom Rutherford ton, Shelby, Cleveland, Sprigs, IJneolnton, Newton, Hickory, Lenoir. Blowing Rock &lokii2Dal!y,irom W points BotoA"New fork. Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, Richmond. Va.. Peters burg, OML Point Comfort. Virginia Beach, Portsmouth, Weldon, Raleigh. Cheraw.S. all local points between Portsmpu th and Charlotte, and from Wilmington, Wrights TUle and aU local points on the C. C. R. . , 10:10 r. K-Daily. from all points South and Southwest New Orleans, Montgom ery. Memphis, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Ath ens' Greenwood, Chester aad Monroe; close connection at Monroe. ' ; ,.: " 7:45 a. m. t With sleeper, from Wtlmlnton and all O. C. points. j - - . ' am Local freight, with eoaeh attanbed, leaves Charlotte for Shelby at 4 o'clock p. tn. r . in . i . dallv. exeeut Snndays. The ?:S9p. m. train connects at Monroe with tbe Atlanta special. No. 4L which ar rives In Raleigh at 1:30 a. m., and Wasblng ton?D. Cat 10: a. m., and rorUt T:80a. m., making close connect Jon for Bal timore, Philadelphia and New York. The 6-JSO a. m. train eonnects at Monroe with Atlanta special No. ios, for At anta and all points South, arriving In Atlanta Passengers leaving Charlotte at o:B0. m. n V H.nt, .IliLm. Leave Atlanta at 1 o'clock p. m., arrive in Charlotte at 10:10 I nlm: Leave Charlotte at 6:S0a. mMand 8:20 . . . n I l A. II.M & TV, tt IX II i, m., arrivs) m cuuwsu grades, t 10ft UBWUVSI 0 '-VVW I - . a .1 11 I . A. . j 7o; patents wln Avpr imnart knowieQffC to US except we are yerauu-. l$Jrr ally ambitious of grasping and retaining it. The fruit is J-trarMm tore aiways in reach but we must pluck it with our own hands. olovatnr MU! nf.nU M. OutlOOS Closed " V- - . , , 11 1 1 i. MOeJevsior wn; ib. k--v-- m fl , I 1, U, nn, I rxA rrr nrhn COO 1TI itmnii nt. iu to i cents mavnaw. au i i n ail rnprpn rw. w 11 vmiiK niiunicuuc tt uvu Z r' . . . - ' - . . . . mm I V WU, mfmmm. ww v, ' . - CORN Scarce, stronger. No , . . ntttr. tt n r,.t, .notions closed dull firm at "ji cents advance. May 524; July 681 An Irregular Stock Market, New York, April tt The stock market was Irregular to-day, with repeated efforts made on tbe part of the professional ele ment to force a decline. Anthracite Coal shares were especially nervous owing to varying rumors in circulation with regard to the situation. Jersey Central rallied, but was sold by bears on every opportunity. Reading was very firm, gaining over 1, and the two Debt wares were strong and higher. Northwestern was a heavy feature of the Grangers on talk of poor earnings for the last half of tbe fiscal year, but St. Paul held well In spite of tbe bearish pressure, based on predictions of a poor statement for March's net earnings. The Vanderbilts showed improving strength with Lake Shore up 1. In tbe InduUrials Sugar was active and gained about a point for the day. In United States Leather and United States Rubber, the advance extended to 2. Gen eral Electrjc was fractionally higher, but at the advance It appeared to meet stock. The specially strong features were South ern Railway and Minneapolis A St. Louis. The market closed irregular, but with a re sistance to the professional soiling. Naw Yokk Niwe Burxau. niTa oniat. Arm. Ontlons dull, firmer Aprti;5;EMay g.; July astt-HSpot No 82? mixed Western ml LARL-(4ulet,easy. Western sseam 7 07H; city i. Futures nominal.. Refined dun; continent 7 45; 8. A. 7 90; compound & 6. PORK Dull, steady; mess It 6014 00. COTTON SEED OlL-Q,ulet, firm; crude Jt; yellow prime 37($27. - COFFEE Firm, 6 to points up. May 18 80(318 8S; July 14 1514 SO; September . ... Spot Rio dull, steady j No 7 IS. , SUGAR Raw, quiet. Arm. Fairrennin t 11-18: refined quiet, flrmi Oil A S Sli: standard A. 8 15-180: CUt loaf an crushed 4 -1644; granulated 16-1H4V. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET, it - - . promotion, profit and success, it is a . u rally Splendid OpportMeity To join the ranks of this League, to share in the guid ance and facilities it presents and to advance with it ac cording to our needs through he magnificent field of knowledge stored up in the ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITAN NICAtt This famous work is the one and all-sufiicient w. Sraa . 1:0 a. m. Leave Charlotte at 60 a. m., ar rive in Wilmington at WW p. "-. nd at Cheraw. 8. Cat :40 a. m Close conn co tton both ways with- tbe C. A L. R. K. at Lincoln ton. Leave Charlotte at 8:20 p.m., arrive in Atlanta at 6:a. rnn making a double dally train both North and South from Charlotte. The Atlanta specials, No. 0Y and son, are magnificent new vcstibuled trains, built by the Pullman Palace Car Co on which there Is no extra fare cnargea. Dally exeept Sunday. , 4DaiIy exeept Monday. ' For Information relat relative to schedules. " r'M. bt. Johk, Vice PresldenU J. Q. BaMSITULI, Tloket Agent. J. H. Wwnaa, w B. A. Nawiawn, General Manager. , T. P. A. T. J. AWnKBSOBT, , V. S. MoBan, ' '' - Gen'l Pass Agent. SnpU Transportation. ... " PRICE 25 CENTS. Sold by aU Druggisfe. SUFFER UNTOLD miseries. E From early child. I ft7PP1fl tfarX' 'trying to cure me 1 of this disease. I visitea riot bpnngs and was treated by the best medical men. but was not benefited. When all thintrs had I" t A A A failed I de- i termined tolsICIII I try S.S.S. and in f our I II U 11 months was entirely cared. Tbe terribls eczema was gone, not a sign of it left My general health built up, and I have 1 never naa any return ox tne disease. 1 I bave often have never 1 vnt kamn a fajlnra tai-nnt. " gkOl W. rRWIJf. Irwin. Pa. Never fans to cure, even when all otber ( nBdiaa have. Our treatise on wooa ana , kin diaeasea niauea free to any address. I tVUT SPEOt lC CO . Attawa. O. THOUSANDS OF WOMEN DRADFIELD'S Female Regulator, ACTS AS A SPECIFIC B; Atoos!ds to Health' Action iK few Organs. It eau JKelsw Healtk Stoma, avad V7 i sae aanrs maei IT NEVER FAILS TO REGULATE. - Hy wife has bca aB4ler treatamt ef leading phy stctaB three yaan. without bsaeflt. After ti.ing three bottle of SaaBLBS RMAtB SStiOUTOR saa eaa do her own eoo sing, milking aad whinr." W. a. mt 1 As,aiaMfi.fc ia. BXADiTX BXCTIATOS CO.. 4TUXTA, OA. Or Sold hydracilataatSljIS perbottl any return ox tne disease. 1 CHILDHOOD NOTICE OP BEIZURK Notice Is hereby given of the selsnreof tbe following prop-1 erty lor violation 01 tne internal revenuv 1 lawsoi tne timtea etaiea, 10 wk: 1 Betsed .near Beasenier City. N. G-, April Sth. 18BS. 4 barrels whiskey and one still can. property of j. w.wtniiw. is ear uaston ia, 1 N. C- April wtn, ikt, a barrels corn wots-1 key, t stills, eups, s worms and 3 Indicator I bones, the property of J. A. Rhyne. I Any person claiming said property lsl hereby notified to appear baton t he under- tlKU-U HI. vuiwv tm &ttav.a., jr.. I within thirtv OOVdavs from, the date hereof I aad make soeh claim in the form and nan-1 ner prescribed by law. or me property wui be declared forfeited to the united Htatea. '' .-,-: .'. ;,s- Hunt, . Collector 6th tst. K. C. Per F. teener. D. C. , April 1S-85. sat NOTICE OF SEliORK. Notice is hereby given of the selsnreof the following prop erty for violation of the Internal revenue lawsoftho United Htabtrs. to wit: Seised at Charlotte, K. March 15th, 1806, -keg of whiskey consigned to J.J. Orump, Moaely Junction. Va. March Slat, 1896, S packages of whtakey ia boxes to J. R. Davis, Waynesviile. N. and one package la box tou I., Mt. Zion, S. C - Any .person c latent a g said property Is hereby notlttad to appear before ths under signed at hts' ofSee la Aahevilis. w. r" within thirty 3D V days front the date hereof I and make such claim la the form and maa-l ner preerioaa or law, or tba property will ue uevmiKH tvitsum to n'" uuitea tstatea. ' M- E. Castxe. Bitfou? The management of the Equitable Life Assurance Society in the Department of the Carolinas, wt hes to se- cure a few Special Resident Agents. Those -who are fitted for this work will find this After Initial Transactions the Grain Mar ket Became Very Finn en Good Demand, Chicago, April 28. Yesterday there was apparently considerable selling by local parties in anticipation 01 gooa rains last ulght. but the weather map this morning ; did not show moisture where most urgently needed. Cables were very Arm. New York reported foreigners buying in that market, while the seaboard was a free buyer here. This induced shorts to cover, and after the initial transactions our market became very firm, the demand becoming better as the session advanced. The strength seems to hlnse mainly on the good cash inquiry. New York reports a number of loads worked there, and while we near of no sales in tnls market, tne inquiry is very orisx, especially at a slight concession in price. The bulls have, had the market the entire session. After the first advance of about the price held steady nntll tne last nour or bo. when a noted large trader became a large buyer, and as offerings were light, prices i very rapidly advaneed fully lp per bushel losing very nrm. Clearances were very disappointing only about 128,000 nnsneis, mostly nour. uiosmg caDies re ported Ldveroooi about 4d., Berlin and Paris about per bushet higher. The market for coarse grains has been very narrow. There was some more chaog ' lng from May to July In corn, but the trade Is small and uninteresting. provisions started in easy at aooutiast night's figures. There was not much doing until the latter part of tbe session. When a large packer commenced buying ribs, giv ing strength to the entire Hue. The close was steady. Lam son Baoe. A Co. . CITY FKODOCJB MARKKT, Kggs. large demand: Chickens, turkeys and butter, good demand Apples dried quarters, bright I W hrl.ht.Hnul fancy bright sliced., r extra nn peeled halves, bright. . - OD.rUn " Blackberries.drled 1 Kxtra Klour sack. family 44 . ....-. Meal bolted 44 Ths per bushel 44 nnbolted, 48 lbs ,-. ...... Corn old 68 ths per bushel.: .. , V(... ...,U...M....,.U. Oats l 93 ths per bushel..,. .WUKAI April May July.... uukji April May July OATH May June July.. MKI K88 PORK April May LARD April May RIBB April May j St !j ij'23 ! 95 I 61 1 1 V 1 fTL. AnnnnY-rv.T. L.n ntnilA AMnnmiTnanf 4rk fill-. Opening Closing teXI DOOK. X lie VCOCtt VH.lt llttS tiictuo oiiaugcuicuv v nish It on phenomenally easy termB, ano-eacn ana every nu cure the work at once becomes a member of tbe Home Unlveraity League and will be taken in band as a student and co-worker by tbe most Famous Living Teachers and Experts. t8 I A study Guide or "Key" is furnished witn tne untannica to assist mows wnu desire to follow. oat any particular line 01 reading, courses arrar.geu, vibuuij connsel is extended. - SUCCESS IS GUARANTEED Younj? men, Business men. Working men, x f..u.i hukwirii men and ainirin? nlen should all learn particulars by mailing the annexed Coupon to the ObsbbvBh, Charlotte, W. O. s 9 U DAILY COTTON REPORT. OITT. Galveston Norfolk Baltimore Boston Wilmington Philadelphia.... 8a7annah ....... New Orleans Mobile Memphis Augusta. .... Charleston Cincinnati Louisville 8t. Louis Atlanta. Maeon. ....... Houston...... Athens Columbus. . . . Montgomery. Belma. Columbia.... TOH. firm quiet firm dull steady quiet Holiday nrm quiet steady uiet rm steady steady steady easy Kin. nar. M 16-19 W4 A S-l 1 820 48 88 1 878 V1 a 677 t m SOS 10. 6t - liB 6i 21 1 COUPON OF -ENQUIRY. To the Daily Observes; Educational Department: am interested in the Home University .League, as founded uoon the Encyclopa3dia Britannica, and request . . an 1 1 1 you -will send me lull details. i Name . Address .... . . P. 0. Station 1 90S I Peaches 8 ie ieu 8 T8 186 1 60 LIVERPOOL. COTTON MARKKT. LiYcarooi April 4. 4 r. itv Middling imtnres Closed quiet. Bales, 12,000. American, Beeelpts, U,000. American, 11,600. 66 60 April..- ..... April and May. ....... Mar and June. ...................... June and July......... . ...... July and August August ana oeptero oer. September and October.. October and November............ November and December. ....... ... December and January...... SS7 S 8783 S 40 b S 4I043 S 42S S 4 j w s S6S iiSS'aiCflfJSuraPTioM NW YORK COTTON FTJTTJBEB. - Naw ToaK. April Jft-Ootton easy. Mid. dllag upland a. 6 15-IS; middling Gull. 1 S-l. mtures etosea nrm. paiea mium i and other food in Cottolene and there "will be . "Ll '". rl no Complaint of indigestion or dyspepsia. V It ' ' u jp2 is more healthful, more economical, better in' : . pi flavor than any other shortening.. Genuine put ' Ef steer's head in cotton-plant Cferll - fel SOUTHERN -. RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIR LINE.) RICHMOND DANVILLE AND NORTH rar arrxoT apbix. It. MB. . nil. 'anadsBiad schedule Is puollshed as . Information, and Is subjeot to change with out notice to tne pumio. Trains leave Charlotte. N.C.I . nscarr. o. so, oany wt ,, 7.. Charlotte. Air Line division, and -all i points Bouth and rsouinweai-- irrw. u.v-b ; pallman orawiug-room oune. "'" twaen ew totwl, wmiiiiw , o. . gomery, and between New Yot and .Bt. Au gustine, Fin- via ColumbU and Wyannah . 0:85 a. at-No. 87, dally, C CAA. ulvt-lon. lnelndlng Columbia. Augusta,. Aiken, Charleston, Bavannsb and "-'.""" polnU. Througn runroau iiwi York to Jacksonville, connecting with par- lor ear at Columbia for .Aagu.ui. . . S JBA. K-No, 87, dally. Washington and Southwestern vestiboled limited lor At lanta, Birmingaam, atempma, "V"'""; ery. Mobile and New Orleans, and aU poit 1 1 s Bouth and southwest. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. No extra chargs exeept usual Pullman fare. -h . 18:10 T. K. rto. 11, aaiiT. buu i mond to Atlanta; Pullman sleeping ear, Rlehmond to Greensboro. ' 7:15 A. av-No. 88. dally, for Washin gton . Richmond, Raleigh and Ooldsboro and all - polnU Nona, vames rnumu ."L. from Montgomery to New York and Bt. Au gustlne to New York. . ' " . S:40 f. mNo. 18,dally, tor Rlehmond, Ral eigh. Ooldsboro and all points J'O'tJ;- ,tr" ries rnumaa ate-vuB I. . . to tUlelgh and Oreensryre to Richmond. 80 p. Su NO. 88. Washington and Bouth western vestibuled, lim for Wasblne- -.11 ntinti TJnrth. Through PU11- man ears between New Orleans and .New York. MemphU and New York, Jackson ville and New York. First-class coach to We-hlngtou. RnA. Mixed freight and passenger lor Btates- Tllle.N.C . . , k o- for 4tl6 P. Ky-PO. 10, awutj, ' -- - BtatesvUle and Tsylorsvllle. , Trams arrive a vi - T iS a. Si FROM THE NORTIt - 11:40 A. mJ -1 SIS rT Si FROM ATLANTA. A A. Jf; j FROM AUGUSTA. ?4-15 i j VVtOU 8TATESV1 LLE. f Local freight trains also carry passen ger, i' Dallv except Sunday. John M.C01.F, , W. A-TpaK, Trafflo Manager. 'General Agent, "W. HrOaiss. 'Washington, D . C. Uen'l Superintendent. r Washington, D.C. B. H. HABDWIOA. Ass't Oen'l Pass. Ag't, ,, ,.. .,.- Atlanta, u A. V f' ' Chaki.ksIj.Hopk ma, i Traveling Passenger Agent. . i: g West Trade Btiet, ' , J --!., Charlotte, N. C. It iswork , however, and those T who succeed best in it possess X character, mature jadgment, tactt perseverance, sun the respect of their cotamu ity. Think, this matter over eare fully. There's an unusual opening for somebpdy. If it fits you, it will pay you. Fur- X ther information on request. I W J. Roddsy. tsxxger. 4 - - - - my I To tea EDrraa Please inform your read ers that I bare -a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been per manently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of yonr readers who have consumption if they will send me therr express and post omce atlarees. espectfslly,: T. A. Slocum, VL. C, i Jih a M nil OWM tt. pENTLESSEN, 6et tbe New, Novel Discovery, Cures 4ronorrhcDa and Gleet ia 1 to 4 days. Its action is magical. Prevents stnerara, . All com. pite. To be earHad ia vast potJutt.' bent by msii la.pisio rackatte, pra-paia, oancvipt of Bigness Lowest. April May............-" mi June........... TT - 66 July..i.i... S 8i n August 87 September....- 8 88 - S TT October....... 8 W ; 8 81 ' i November..... W . . 85 ' ;, ! December.. 7 00 , - . 4 90 : Cloalng lavt . 8.7a77 SWattl . 8 HHmW ' - 8 9Kmt . 8W9W7 r oo: 01 1 THE CHAKLOTTE SUPPLY; C0MPAKY, ; QEBTKRAX. MILL FURNI8HKRS AND DXALKR9 XV 'v" ; . NAVAL STORES. WrxjmtSTojr. N. C April MBoatn nrm. I strained. 1 14: good strained. 1 to.- Spirit torpenuna, nrm a. zf. iw ateaay as u; 1 I cruder torpenUna quiet; hard. UMi; soft, ISO; I 1 virgin. xjiu. , - - . - s and Water Pipe, Valves, Flttlnga,Xte. .. W.COLD WATXB PAINT FOB TACTORT U8B CHAJtLbTTK, N. C. . CHARIXrTTK OOTTON KARJOET. rTbass . fignres seprasent prloef paid' -ragona.1 - Rtrlst Good Mill filing T. I Good MiddUBg... aaF sj.ssi jfiddUna....Tr, 1 ....,..,.,,, ......... asssHt ' sr if to! H. JOHNiV ASBESTOS SECTIONAI. COVEBINGd ' ; For Steam Boilsrs, Pipes and other Heated Surtacea. - Kon-Oondnctlng Cover " " inn of all kinds. . , - ' BTXAM PACSTrJGfS Flat, Bound and Kaoarc, Cor Cylinder Reads, Piston Bods, Valve mTHfluimm ROOFOrO, Flrs-ProoiT Cool, ltrabla, Ufht i-liTl'ufpAXJnra-i KUadard Paiats tor ctrnstrj-al ptirnoasi. Cand far psiertptlr W3AXJCXTTO TtaTT.ROAP CO. , fa Tin Fvvsxt 8srT. ta, 1384. v y-. t, Aeeaosa am raaiaar. Leave Cheraw, B.C.... VSIS Koiloca. ....... 'T.,2 aiiiT. m . .ATTEI av u w sTO, I, Asaaaa a i- Leave l amlet........ t.?, icetioca. ........,.."-' Cstaostlo'a - - TT. a. .e is, avamaa sashAi WAIItt. BICHAKD Ai BLYTHE, ' TOTTON WABPS AND YARNS, No. 114 Chestnut Street, . Philadelphia. - No. 4'8 to 200V: Blr"!e and Pout!?. T7arps Furp'isd la C.-olnt as! 1'ear- lnOfT ' Polcn. C;. "r:-, cl. S3 V KsTTJiuHuUSS tSLWJrSgy 4Jt9 : - IZisvyxcTTZTS' Ca,i C. ,.1.. It f ' ;f -, i . v v . 4l V .. !'' - - CrtHeetor 6ih Tiit. a. C rtfJi T, If f?er, U-Vi 4pr!iii3. est pntHh suupvf s. 1-' .L "- r "ta'al A tt

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