5 - H - , 5 'CI- . s-- - a-; s. - HI- : .... .V 31 - 'I a," $ '4 .a - - -j 14 ft - - i - r " - . ; - v - . ' 3 r FUIJD3 FOR VAL'CL'S IIONUIinr BALTIMOKB COTSTBXBVTJEfr h 35.00. A Bank f New Buorer Csm Arpa la Weka Cart Hw Cuin a Hu Clerk Wltli Uw B Fratotf-ItoUlch fMpIe Talk ar Xot Abt tba HoOraft CaM Military Expected at the TJnrellinc Ex ercises; the 8. Ju X. Hakes a One-Cent Special to the Obserrer. - Jf . " v RataiOH. April 28. The fact that J , 3. Moore; a cleric of -the late Legisla ,; tare; la saif .io ha v in- hi possession -.' the original protest aiened- by MrRay. . of Macon, and over thirty other Demo- - craU of the House against the , false statement by . the fusionists to the " Fred.Donglas ; lesolutlonafwas calledLto the attention of several omciaia to -day. How does Moore happen to have this? - How did he ge,t it? - What right-has be to it T ypeaiter vaiser ordered it apread ' on the lionse journals, asall the mem - bers present and all the reporters -vwili -. swear. -The original . should" be . in the archrreshere. and. the.-jonraals shoold ; show the eepy. . t " " . A prominent - jrentleman " of 3 Vance county tells me the fusion Legislature - appointed, lonr ; magistrates 4 in Wran yiUe, joae of. whom .Is entirely-unltfidwrt -and has- never, bees- heard . of la -ithtr eottBty; one" is a - resident ?f another Zeouaty, and the olher two are"? white i men who. can cannot read "or . write W.A. Withers, sTand captain eeneral of the Knights Templar, left ttday for Oxford, to inspect: Da; Molav ijom mandery No. llw Mr. Withers, tells me there are now ZSuommanderiea in the State, with a membership of some 60, The directors .of the insane asylum hee are called to meet May 10th, to . consider among other things the qoes - tion of water supply for protection aratnst Ore'i It: will- then be -decided whether connection will be made with the .city, mains or whether a pomp-will oe put in to ve water pressure. - The- Republicans here are ia -high- ; spirits in regard to tne municipal ticket they have put in the fiel SdmeTof them talk, a good deal publicly in -reH card to their prospects of success, say ing they have none, here .are good .reasons for belief that thia is dope to throw DemocraU off their troird. There ia no end of talk here about the action of the authorities at Charlotte in letting Bank Cashier Holland escape, and making no attempt to arrest him. It is also, said that suoh occurrences tend more than anything lse to bring tne. law into disrepute. it is"& class U- tine tion against which the poorer class instinctively and naturally rebels. A tmvp thlf nr fworer instAiul tt abb Ulrm, HolUnd, -would have been instantly locKea up. . j. nere are nunareas oi morel deservine criaiinals than he now in the I penitentiary I stripes. These are the tbings people say. An effort was made to get ,a pardon for the Salisbury bank emoezKier.' SOieiy oeoause oi Uls posi tion. It failed. Another was made to get-a pardon for a noted State criminal - oecause it was tnougnt ne. too, bad a "pull," but it did not work.. Holland, as a calculating and systematic thief. people say, is a many times worse crimi nal than the half-starved br half-clad - wretch who steals food or clothing, and goes oy tne quickest route into tne peni tentiary, t .-, . . - Nearly all 'the inmates of the insane asylum here attended the performance or uarris' circus tnis afternoon, on the invitation of its manager. It will be-several months before the libel suit of Barnes against Crawford comes up in the Superior Court. Mr. Crawford, who has been here several - days, left to-day, and so did Ray, of . . Macon, who had been nere several days on legal ousinesa. This was annual "field day" at Wake - Forest College and quite a party of . Ral . eign people went out to see the sports on tne atnietto grounds. - Next Sunday Bishop Cheshire will confirm quite a large class at the Church of the Good Shepherd here. The Republicans in the-fSnrth ward have put - up an independent ticket. It Js Claimed that this does not amount to anything. " ' Dr. Peter E. Hines will be in charge of the ex-Confederates unvellinsr dav. It is thought that at least 15 companies of troops will be here. Notice is re ceived that those from Henderson. Ox- ' ford, Durham, Louisburg, Fayettevtlle, Maxton, Lumber Bridge and Charlotte will come. -The Wilmington -division of the Naval Reserves wili also attend. . Next Monday the citizens' com mittee of arrangements will et actively at work. A great deal is to be done. The 8. A. L. makes a one-cent rate, after all. , Now will the associated railways ioiiow suit i - J ' ? j - f t In the Superior Court here to-day there was argument in the important case oi tne btate Treasurer against Bates and other directors of the defunct Hank of New Hanover at Wilmington. - Counsel for the directors: contended - (hat the Treasurer had no right to brine suit? mat ii ne naa any right at all be ought to have brought suit as a credit or and on behalf of himself and -ail creditors. Counsel -for the State as- : sorted that the proceeding Instituted by the Treasurer was a properone and that nis rignt was dear.. , r Governor Carr. to-day received from Dr. T. J Boykin, Dr. Pugh, and other Baltimoreans, $55 for the fund for the - Vance monument: Governor Carr tells me he now has $1,469 in hand and $200 more is reported, while 1 7,500 is the amount required, - r v , . THK OKX.X OBSTACLE KSMOVED. Tno Bo-Orgnntaatlon of the Cane roar - Tndkln Tnr Railrood la SiKht. -J2AX.TDCOKK, s&a. April au. "i'he re- organization committee of the' Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad, Mr. W. P. Blackford, chairman, met to-day and a settlement '.was reached with representatives 61 the North State Im- " provement Company who were present. Ibis removes the only obstacle to the . re-organiiation oC the road i and the committee hopes to secure a decree of Xorolosure In June. .LchBiBT 'Ann snwaisli . . 'xnoy will Go Out n th Western War- .,.: .-! , PathToirothoT..' . WasniHQTOir, April 26. Ex-Rer.r- t sentative Sibley will leave his home in Pennsylvania to-morrow for California to open his campaign as the nominee ' of the new - silver party for the presi- oency. f v extensive .preparations have been: made for. his reception and iie ; will address meetings at, a number-of - places along the Pacifio.eoast. Seea- tor Stewart is arranging -his bnsiness anairs so that he can loin Mr. fiihlnv ; Tnn tfnoloOntat Conldnt Cnrry n Ward. SpRmnrncT.n. til.. vAnrfi fi" Q--Z rr.-iTTTT rw . '-1 ry Liuricnsen. in.speaxinff or thn tioo Of thaHonRSt. T l.rr 1 stmt TT--;T7"r T7 ySZr' " . -1 - .uivuuii. tuu; i n , mm i 11" 71Z "',f ou vo go into tne i fight, -for they. : know wuuia exmoit I their weakness. The whole . i . iTthrnSSSr in tKo of,. ,.fPK-. I rrrrirfCr.t "T" "oanent. nrJr.4' lM : gold bugs. Mh7, J PWlplaee that advertised flHuale.. My .Dodoed te-i Allow one Xroo Colnago : "V-hicago, April 25. a - number ' of uemocratie silver leaders held a meet ing to-day at headquarters "in relation to. the forthcom ing monetary conven tion oi tiiinois democrats to be held at Kprtngtieid. r it was decided to Allow; about nrty well known and free coinage venracrui w lorm pin ! tne Cook ' county deJegatlonr".The avowed object 3 . . . . 1 . . . tm w sauw me aingie stanaara advocates the strength of the. silver movement aci to coavlnce thea . tbat t: y 4 have not t"ea read out of the partr y te RECEIVED Bf rJBUtItKr, " DIAZ. The Klnister PreaaU tb Ietter of tbe PiealSemtef the United Stat Accredit- in utm SKxn.leo, amd Is Covdlally B "VTAsHDrGToir. Apri 23.; The State De partment has made public the remarks exchanged between;; Minister-Ransom and President-inaz, ; wnen me former presented hM credentials reoently; ' Mr. Hansom was fresh from the atmosphere oi tne state .Department -and apparent ly thoroughly imbued with the policy oi tnia government ,to ward other re pntncs- i Minister Kansom aid: ""Be Frest dent: I have, the honor to present to yo the letter of the Fresidentiof the United States of Ameriea, - accrediting me as envoy extraordinary ami minister plenipotentiary pear tne government the United states of .Mexico.; in: per formiaff this duty I am not insensible of the resDonsibili ties and honors which attach to the position, u ne relations ne- tween tne two great: repuonea aiviaea bv a continental line extemainjr across the con tfneat from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean, must -ever be, ableet of serious interest 5te-everyTa trlouc citizen or ootft 'Countries. ' thoughtful observer eau cross the beau dary and not realise that; every consid station of interest, every obligation- of duty and everx .senjtiment .of f patriot ism enjoin peace and amity as tne poll cyI had almost natd,' as the taw be tween them. ir- -- "The United States and Mexico rec ognise that justice between nations, as between individuals, is the mother o; peace and the first law ofhuman hap piness. - - i "They regard national justice as na tional honor the ' greater the power of the nation the neater vits sense of ins- tiee. They bothv Jcaom that ttoua) discords hays " been ; the most fruitful sources of public calamity, and that national friendships have been almost universally the. privilege otpuhlio and personal wdfareii vL- j: s t --jVi: ; v.Ta-day oeace! is the interest : and doty of all uations, :bnt to the United States and to Mexico bound In tern tory tegether by the- Indissoluble laws of nature- and united 3y the ties of eommercer by the sympathies of popu lar - government and oy tne time Hon ored experiences of respect amity and harmony promise the most substantial beneficence. ; w ( , - . . ; , "No friend of either country can be hold the increasing lines of travel, the newly opened channels of trade and busines the constantly growing Inter ests between both people, their -enlarg ing and exp&ndinr commerce, now ex f'iitLng in promise the immense invest- wp"". 5ui,crjriei, the magnificent improvements of every I character now in progress, the new In- dustries springing up, and. old ones re vived and magnified by co-operation between--American.: Snd. Mexican citi zens, all indicative of good will and reciprocal benefits I repeat, no friend Of either country can behold these host- agea of peace, friendship, and well do ing without a sense of high gratification ana patriotic nope. ; "The improvement and prosperity of your .country in this respect, sir, may well excite the congratulations of man kind. Tou have furnished to the world another example that commerce is not only the busy harvester of wealth, but the-grand promoter of civilization and the great preserver and keeper of the peace. 1 reel that L should not perform my duty to-day, if,,, representing the people end government of the United States, I failed to express their sympa- thy and-admiration ot your - aspirations and successful if-bors, supported by the patriotic people or Mexico, for the im provement of commerce, for the liber alization of trade, for the establishment of order, for the advancement of liber ty and lastly, for the. cultivation of a confiding, enduring jahd honorable friendship with the United-States "A few weeks since oor country had the misfortune to lose, near here, an illustrious citizen, soldier, statesman and distinguished diplomatic reore sentative, the Honorable Isaac P. Gray, at the time of his lamented death our minister to Mexico. (Your touching and tender attention in his last hours, your .sorrow at s his death and the ex aited Honors paid to his character by your government aaa. toe people ot Mexico have affected deeply the sensi bilities of the American people, and will; long be held in cherished remem bra nee,, ...... r am Charged by the President to express to you,' sir., m unmistakable wordshis sincere and cordial friend ship, and his ardent wish for your hap- piuesaand nonor and.tor the continued prosperity ana improvement or your country, which have so prospered dur ingyonradministratiOB., "With sentiments like these. Mr. rresiaent, n - come -among you as a friend, . representing a - country of friends, and I pray; to i our ; Heaven! v r atber that in some ' way my coming mas do good to both countries. I . cow band to you the letter of GrOver CI eve land,: President of the United States of America, accrediting me as minister near the government of Mexico. Among the complimentary references or iresioent Uiaz was this, in his reply: "Being: acquainted' with your distin guished record, I do not for one moment doubt that these relations will con tinue to grow closer and ' more intimate in accordance wita tne xriendly spirit WfllEhUlhnltM f. hA twn Mranimanla ' I Ponnsylvnntn to Be. Bepresonted at At I Harrtsbpro. Pa.. April . 26. Itf'. the House to-day a ioint resolution was rr- teivcu irum tus oenaie proviaing- ior : . m . r-. . . . . .... ... m tne creation oi a commission -to f reDre- seot the Slate at the Atlanta Cotton Ex- posltloh.'.lAfter being amended so as to include the President pro tern. ' of the Senate and the Speaker of the House on tne commission, the resolution was ' passed. A XJOOSK PACK, Taken from a Charlotte stt XUerA atory ror v omen Only,' The Obskbvkr had a peep yesterday at a letter a Charlotte man who is in Boston, wrote his. wife;,. It appropriated therefrom a page, the story of which, it entities a cnariotte Man ehopping in Bostoni. , - a . - - . Dear. dear, dear! -I trid tnem mhtm. . 1:: . ... 7.-7 r T-c- -"- ping ior you tnis morning., such a hullabaleo and bedlam I never took part in oeiore: tne women tainea ana tney talked, they " whispered, and thev acreameu, tney e loo wed and they pushed.- thev kicked and .thev at ror- gled.v big .women,' and.little .women. pretty ones ana ogiy ones; tubby " ones ana scrawny 'hand-painted' ones, women, with babies and women with bundles, but all intent .o4 getting the best of tb&.bargain counters, if thev ujeu. kvr- it-jtoeyyanaea tne things ""T" ' f wings, mey okrcigneu vnem. tuey crane nea tnem on i;n- i .i . 1. .. . j . 7 : . .mrui. wrey o nej graooea tnem xrom each other. . -4 .1... . 1 . 1 . 1 the poor shoo girla. Oh. isn't It ex eitinir! 'Isn't it Ivlv - n ,ln hits j, love it! A . few bought, but most of : Hjesapnoricauy tnrew tne Stun HSBut this asabove described- was WW compared to what I found In respect, ior tne. sex xoroias my describ- ing what occurred there. It .is, proper Mtaay tnat most oi tne siutr I otibiiumI had not the slightest trace of damage uj wwF.'isuws or oiMtwiSK It n only a dodge by which the merchant was to transform theordrnariivdemnro. quiet, ladylike- woman into n-demon woi norns, noois, elbows, knees, bad temper and a big voice.. And yet I livef Rev. Dr. Pritcbard will return: from Gaffney City this evening. He has had a nne meeung there. - - -The iNashville-nvansvllle .. basebafl game was pestj-oaed yciler. coutc! raia., .- "; ay oo sc- IKE ETAEOAEO FIXED FOK A THIUE. It Has Obtained u bjnetln Ktrmlr- tngTwo Western Boada Until tli Su preme Co art Can Decide ' : ' :L - Atxajtta. Ga.i April 20. The Sea board Air Line has obtained an injunc tion against the Nashville, Chattanooga &St. Louis Railroad and tne -.western & 'Atlantic Railroad, restraining them from proceeding under the decision oi Indira Tjnmnkinsrruntilr Hhe . United States So preme Court can" decide the issues which have been carried before it. The-order eranted this morning, has the effect of placing the - Status of the issue - between tne teaDoara -ana tne Western & Atlantic about the same as It wax before the circular was issued by the Southern, Railway nd Steamship Association, boycoiting the : Seaboard Snd refusing permission to its roads to grant pro-rating , arrangements to, .the Seaboard. -s ' - ' - . ;. Under the restraining order granted by Judge .Lumpkin, the West is again opened up to the Seaboard and the Sea board is xirtualiy free from any Boycott uutil i the Supreme Court decides the Question Involved .ia,the ease- which was submitted to Jud?e LiUmDkln - In f aewtbe restraining order ' makes th'e Seaboard as free as to pro-rating ar- raneemenu witir other roads as it : tne Southern Railway and Steamship-Asso ciation never existed until tne. u preme Court decides," . t f The- Seaboard people express them selves aa confident, of Jthe . issue . before the Supreme Court o f t he Un j ted States. The Impression Grows That 'the United States Will StexMl By4he-Islad Ktugdom. LoNooar.'Aprtt 26.Tne -Daily News nas tnis aispatcn , irom iioKonama "The memoranda-" presented' by the Russian, GermaandJFrench,jninisters at Tolcid represeutipg the f session " of Liao Tone to' Japan as a constant men ace to Peking, calcniated to nullify the independence ot Uerea; therefore the powers, desiring to show their sincere friendship for Japan; advised her to re nounce tne possession oi tnis territory, The friendliness of this advice was. es pecially emphasized. The r note, it was said." was not intended to be and .open or convert menace. The "Impression grows that Japan can rely upon - the friendly counsel end good offices . of the United States in preventing her being deprived of the fruit of the vie tory." London, April 25. The Standard's Paris cm respondent says of the joint protest made in Tokio by Russia, tier many and France: "There are signifi cant indications that if anything be- pond pi atonic protests are meditated, France will back out of the alliance. The . feeling against coercing . Japan grows.." . ' MAKISKS TO LAND TO-DAV. ; The IlleanruB Government Could Not Pay the Indemnity by Midnight. Lokdow, April 28. The Standard informed that British, marines will be landed at Cor in to to-morrow; also that Senor Guzman. Nicaragua's minister in Washington, received a dispatch from Managua to-day saying that the government would not be able to pay the $75,000 indemnity by midnight. The Standard learns that a powder magazine near the Conn to custom house exploded this morning, killing several men and wounding Dthers, The XUtlmatum Sot Modlfled. London, April 27. Neither the Ad miraity nor the Foreign Umce had re- ceived any news from Nicaragua at midnight. The Morning - Post, says "The period of the ultimatum "having expired, it is regarded as probable that the British will now occupy Oorinto, The government has not modified its ultimatum nor directed Admiral Ste phenson to extend the time' Hot Handed in yet. Goum, Colombia, April 26. Advices received from Nicaragua to-night are to the effect that at 9 o'clock this morning the NicarSguan government bad not handed its reply to the British admiral Uncle Sam's Attitude Courteously Correct. London, April 20. The Pall Mall Gazette, speaking of the Nicaragua dif Acuity, says that the attitude of the United States in connection therewith has been as courteously correct as i possibly could havo beeo.Tne paper adds that this is a good omen for a close understanding upon the Chino-Japanese question, and the action of ureat Britain maybe relied upon to teach the Spanish-American countries that none of them are too insignificant to treat foreigners deeently. Nerve vs. Kervoasnesa. New Orleans, La., April 26. Capt, William H. Bean ham,, agent for the Mill Creek Distilling Company, and for the past six years a member of the New Orleans board of police commissioners committed : suicide this morning at Long Beach, a summer resort on Lake Ponchartain, while saffering from ner vous prostration. Captain Beauham was very prominent in military and so cial circles.Oyer the entire country. Ordr to Stop It Moil Matter. Washington, April 26 Judge Thomas, assistant attorney general for the Post office Department, to-day issued fraud orders against the Publishers' Collec tiou Agency, wn icn con tin ues to use the "so-called newspaper laws to force collections. Postmasters at St. Paul Pittsburg and Chicago, where the com pany has mces -were noticed to stop its mail matter. A Society Co Xrfend the Gold standard. .. London. April 26.? The special i com mittee appointed at a meeting of repre sentative mono-metallists on April 5th, met this afternoon to form a society en titled tne association in oeienceoi the gold standard. They drafted : rules which -wui be submitted to a general meeting in tne near insure. - . - - Memorial .day. exercises 'were post poned at Atlanta until Sunday on ac count of rain. Juucien . I Knight will deliver the oration to the Confederate veterans and the ladies of the Memoria ; Association at Oakland Cemetery. - ' daskbaix TmsKbar. AtKewTork: ?J - New York .....1 S-x.O 0.1?4 0 x. 14 Boston,-.. ............0-0 o e i s o e o s Hue fiiu-nev xomri: .tosMta, . jsr. rotNew York, C; HotOn, 8. Batteries. WHmd, Atolen ana Jtiyau; uermau. and Bcn.nvr. . - . . At Baltimore:- , t " - Brooklyu.r...-.,. J -OS 0.-S. e.0 -rs Baltimore.. .O I 0 C 0 -8" 1 x 13 bm aits-jHoonivn : Baltimore, is. jcr- rfr Brooklyn. 4: Baltimore, 1, Batteries Stein and Barrell; H offer and Boblnson. Umpires Murray ana Uong. rv At Washington: ; t Woshmrtoa... 0 0- s o ;4 e s xis PhtlxtnlntilA. ' . O 1 1 O 411 O O I4.rrorffiiiaaeipDin,; wnsniogion.a. Hat tones Mtrtut, jsocatey ana vtements; Mereet naa MCta-uire. - ; ' ' At St,trfttta: -i . ' ' i Pittsburcw-i.O 0 t i .e e o s 8t.ioi...v. i.e e a o- o ,o - o o Base hits rittnbnrg. 13; St. Ijouls, SJSr ron PltUburg.S: St. Louis. S.! Jlattertea- Bawley - and Baadeu; Breitenatein : and AtLouUvillei . - ; Cblero-LoulvlIle icame poet poned rain. Only Ave gamoa were ached ulodW ,'r i - " -. - aournaaw i.nAua. ' ATr.airrA.On:ABr11.SR-Nrli 4.000 ceo- nlo wore oat this afternoon to o the mo mortal- aramo between too Atlantaa nod cbAttottooaraa, It was n mostenthnaanstie crowd, and the game was greatly enjoyed. Tbe score wast . . -, AUanta... - 0 S O-l a 1 -1 Chattanooga . . S 1 O Qr 8 - nM.iiit atlaatn. 10: -Chottanooea. lo. Errors At loato. 1 ; Chottnnooca, 1. Bocter- Sehmldt ana AtBStiani; rwanit.swi Fishec. , . At Montgomery: . . t , Moutcomrry. :. - 0 : l e e , S .7 New Orleans. ....... OO T 0 o o. - Base nlto Moocronvrj, i- ew urnwii, .- Errors Montgoaaery, 4; 2lew-jrjoa,a. Batteries Bailey, and; i&pwiazz.urmitq. Utile Rock i.T '-'"e S 1 0 9 t eS llsmrbia. -.0 1? O 9 a S O S KffOfi ? ' , i ; t.-. Pat. i I" : C A STEADY $m IIAIKTAIKED. rXWEB KV1DKCKS OW HKSITATIOK, The Commercial lie port oC Brad tree nnd. Du This Week Are Sneonmctng W StrikM thoXlrnwhack Thorrenxy in Oil Xan Started m Dnu4 tor XnB Kny Coming; In from the Interior. Nsw Yoiue, April 26. R. Dnn & Co.'s weekly review of trade to-morrow win say: Neither the rise In specula tive markets nor the steady train in . in dustries has ceased, and it is wholesome that there are fewer sizus of hesitation in the productive Industries than in tne speculative prices. Wage Strikes grow more numerous ana cause some irouoie. and retail demand lags behind whole sale sales, and jobbing purchases be hind nroduction in some branches, but throno-h many confiietine reports the fact shines out that the industries - are gaining, not with a rush 'and a whirl, but more saieiy. - - It is less clear nnat rsuroaaa are io- ereasins their earnings,- or that over- nradnetioiL or cotton - will DO uureu uy o i u the advance of If oenta In price or that miriMerlnff ,' short . sellers of wheat wui help to market the large1 surplus.;: But revival oi activity in au tne uirecwuna. if possibly excessive in some, helps con fidence to take tne tnroneao long neiu. by distrust. . - r " ' f . - Kecaverv i not oiten mmeiu ically equitable. ''When, the load of de gression Is lifted, and men - find that better thinrs have oome to stay, there mnst ba manv contradictory ohanjrea. Quife a number of works have advanced wages during the week, but strikes to compel an advanoe, 4 possible for some hot not for others: have erown much more numerous. -. Some shops are clos ing for want of orders,-'but a larger number are resuming work, t Prices of shoes and cotton roods are rising; wool and woolens are lower. It would be a distinctly uuuatural movements 4n vitiniy onlv-distrust, if .Its were- sympa thetic 'and. "with, equal 'Step in all branches. Cotton m ills jtre getting more mnnT tor -roods and have Quite gener ally ad vaneed wages, y Consumption of Northern apinners. at the maximum, would be in -eight months 1,350,000 bales, but the v have actually taken 1,950,000 and have a proflton 600,000 bales controlled of over $4,000,000.; The consumption Is large and advances seem to be warranted. , - Iron production, stimulated because nrA. coke and oil were to be dearer, is retarded bv shrinkage of demand for products, for on the whole, new busi nsa is said to be smaller than in Febru ary or March. The structural demand for htfiltfnes throughout the country was never larger. The frenzy in oil has started a large demand for pipe, ana heets slirhtlv advanced. Kails are atairnant. thouerh a shade better at Chicank Wire for fencing, for nails, and wire rods are so dull as to ' be scarcely quoted, and bar, though lifted a shade, meets no increased demand. Bessemer pig-is lower, and- sales of Southern pig In Northern markets have been large at zo cents advance. Monev is coming hither from the in terior. and a larger demand for com mereial loans appears, especially from manufacturing towns in New England and from importers. Failures for 18 days in April show liabilities of $5,975,592, of which $2,632, 770 were of manufacturing and $6,288, 722 of trading concerns. The failures for the week have been 230 in the United States airainst 179 last year and 37 in Canada against 20 last year. THE RTBXNOTH OE PBICES. It U the Feature of the Week After the Striking Previous Advance. New Yobk, April 26." Bradstreet's to-morrow will say; Thefeature of the week is the continued strength of prices of staples after the striking ad vances of preceding weeks. There is a firmer undertone in nearly all lines of trade, but at a number of points gains in industrial are more marked than in commercial lines. The flurry in petro leum is succeeded by a very dull mar ket. Woolen dress goodsmills nave se cured a number of orders for fall de livery, which accounts for the moder ate activity In tho market for wool Cotton goods aro firm on the advance in cotton and higher wages paid East ern mill operatives. - The number of strikes for higher wages Increases. About 25,000 people have struck in April, most of them for au advance. -. The number of vqluntary advances in wages reported Is large. During the past two weeks the wages of 50,000 operatives, most of them in tex tile lines, have been advanced without strikes. As most of those who struek for. received higher wages, fully 70,000 industrial operatives appear to have had their waees advanced since the be- trinnine Atril. Among leading Southern citie?, Nash vllle, Savannah and New Orleans alone announce any improvement in feeling or demand, and in those instances is pronounced. Released on Parole. Sastiago die Cltja, April 26. Robert Ramsey and'John McKeozie, the two British sailors of the schooner Honor, from which alaceos expedition was landed, who were arrested and brought here asprisoners, have been released on parole pending trial. SKE'S, TAILORS AND Outfitters FASHION SHEETS We take pleasure ia announcing: the arriv al of tne fashion abeett tec May Also May Delineators at 15c. i copy ; snbscTiptiona to" trie ieiiu eator received at $1 per year. CKKfOHS. -if. you want t handsome black ciepon we have here aline of exclusive atyles, no -.- -a . : M w a . twoaitae, at io a suit; or ine vatd some gems at $1 and 1.25 ; in black only: in silk at $1.25, 1.50 and 2.00 r a line of colors at 1.25. GRENADINES. Black Bilk grenadines, in single and double width ; handtorne designs and the quality 'the top-notch of perfec tion, $150 yard; jdouble widths, 12.50 and 2.it. - ; - - STORM SERGES. A .full line of these i agerly sought for fab rics, in navy and black ; the hard twisted, firm tort that ' wear iike iron: 50, 455, 75e, 1.00. - ..- HOSIERY. Bik drive in ladies' fast black htse ; finet imported hoe"l5,.20, 55,rfi5, 50c; we are now opening a lot of .lIaok sjlk ose at Oc. pair; '--." ; TJNDERWEAB. Lisle thread and silk, vests: these are gems' of beauty at the price, 15. 2;, 50, 65o : all are ? perfectly made : the weight for warm weather. . Drives - " TT'J I i M. : in jniusiin uuuerwoarvujnMSk cuv ers, .gowns, .: chemise, . pants and skirts ; far Iesa than you "can buy the; materials to 'say; nothing of the making- - -' - - : - Lawns,' Organdies, . Jaconats, PlissSTsnd m house-fulli of - lovely printed ; cotton fancies iox i the warm days. . . - '" - u:::3 iw::3-Ena it'. H. -J CONSTERNATION: kce'totaM, 41.75,2.0025. sFi: zv pair oi n Lace" CuiS: rrr tains (white) all full tape bound "edges extra wide,-; extra quality, full lenerth pretty Datterns, 6 lots of 40 pairs each worth from 2 to-f4e-- at lr 1:50. 1.75f2.00, 2.25. i Like all mv sDecial offeriDes, they won t last - long until . tne last pair is sold these prices will take them; come early. THE DERBY i- BR00ATELLE. satin hnish, 6 different com bmations and color ings, . . POMPADOUR, interwoven with erold tinsel, two toned, ele gant and rich color and pat tern combinations. P0RTIERS. : Chenille, solid colors and solid with handsome Dados, (8 colors), $2.50, 3.50, 4.50, 5.00. PORTIERS DRESS GOODS. Serges, black ana navy blue, all wool the greatest bargain, the best value&ever offered, do, 49, 65c; compare them with the dye, 50c, 65c. and $1 Qualities sold else where. I will guarantee to save you 15. lb and d5c. on every yard. I have both Storm and fine French qual ities. The Muslin Underwear and Duck Suit sale contin ues. More of the 25c. Wool Dress Goods and Challies. H. BARUCH. A SACK COAT May or may not possess style: it may or may not be oi gooa quality: it may or may not possess careful workmanship. Ours not only "may" but DO possess each of these features, and they possess something - else besides. They each possess a little ticket bearing upon it the lowest possible price at which good suits can be sold. The cheapest of ;all (we refer now-to entire sack coat suits) is 1 6.50, and from that up to $25. Secure sum mer sacks soon. I he choice a . . or an immense variety may be yours at small expense. Long, ; Tate j : & Co. We BoliciLbrders from a distance and will send goods by express on. . approval to any; part of the country f re- tumaoie at our expense. Don't forsret tbar we have a general -stock of when you are up town making your purcnases. ....... . , . 4tur prices will suit yoa.- ' -' THOMAS & MAXWELL Yoa can now ride the beet." 'The Stearns Yellow ti low for ;(. Have lust received anew lotot ladiee and pi ris'v heels at right BARGAINS! SrfVj&jS - Kill Portiers Tapestry l ' - a r . fcy Forni rices, ana wui rent or ne. . ' ... - V.i'.DOTO. ? rrrrrrrrrnfrrtf t the COLOR Fashionable people are i go insr to wear. this season. i, : It is- the " decree of fashion. Teh dollars is all we ask for an fall wool sack suit of dark seal t?Mruwu,f -vine yiuyvi shade' to wearj, maae rignt and perfect fitting - Regu lar." lonir and fat "Sizes. " It will cost you only-'V - l' itir 10.00 toberriirht "in -the ewuu and you will have'as good a suit as was ever sold at this price. 7 . ; V ROGERS & CO WHO'S 111 IT? Yes, -who's dotDe the business? That's the oueston which we cap afford, to ask of all people in this city and surrounding country. Boldly do we assert that more handsome" imported - Pattern Dresses and new, nobby and sty 1 ish Silks for waists and trimmings are daily going out from our place than jFrom any-other two houses of the place. , . W have utterly paralyzed . the Parasol business with our mammoth and beautiful line ; wholesale prices do the work as nothing else. & We are compelled to ask the in dulgence pf our out-of-Charlotte trade, for we have just been so busy it has been difficult to fill all orders as promptly as is our cus tom. But we are now working night and day, selling the local trade in the day time and filling mail and express orders, at night. Send4n your orders, however, and we will guarantee to save not less than 25 per cent, all round. The handsomest and cheapest Black. Goods, most beautiful Embroid eries of Jthe absolutely new type, exquisite Laces of every style, Or gandies that are irresistible, Black Satin for skirts that capivate you, and lovely thin Wash Good's that cannot be described. HARRIS & KEESLER. W.KAUFMAN & CO Our etock of Spring Clothing is now displayed, enite in .almost; endless variety of shade fancy or plain, light or dark artistic . ef fects in Worsteds and JFlannels bright, catchy designs in Fancy Cheviots, Imported Clays and Vi cunasmade in Eegent Cutaways and backs are abundant on our counters.5 810.00 Will buy a Man's Suit, all wool perfectly cut and serviceable worth easily a third more. 812.50 TO 815.75 Will purchase a suit of imported material, accurately jnade--com owing style and. service and. lm pressing every one with their won derful value. ' FANCY VESTS. Striking ''conceptiona'' in white and figured Duck and i Marseilles, from $1 to $3.50v- . 84.5Ct5TO 86.00 Will buy a Boy'i Suit, either light or dark, aizes from 14 to 19, that will meet ail requirements in . per- iecnon oi maxe ana . auraouiiy. We have others tin. fancy, fabrics for f7, fmantjflir. ... - - j - fz.w. uniiaren'a double- ' or single-breasted Suits in plain.navv blue or brown ; also a full line of mixed - or . plain suits, excellent weaves, ages 4 to 15; worth $4. , JBTRAW HATS, r All new goods leading makes- latest styles--men 'si boys', chil dren's Straw Mats in variety too great to discuss. , A look at our Straw Hats guarantees a sale. X Leading: - Clothiers- Our TIES are marvels 1 of beauty. 1 Th is is to certify that I have been familiar with Mrfc Joe Person's-Remedy for two years; have seen it used In a number oi cases wnicn . naa not been relieved by the use of the ubuaI reme dies recommended and used, by.physi elans.'.' X unhesitatingly recommend it in altas x of chronic dyspepsia 'with the usual and distressing symDtoms ac companying it. I can also recommend it in all cases or aerofuia, diseases or the skin, rheumatism and all other diseases arUlng-from a. disordered condition of the blood. -"- r f i -fcV-..r . T. W. CAUPBELU M..D. BUN mm DfrTK CampbelTs Opinion LOAN :; AND::! SATOIGG OFFICE OF THE LOAN AND SAVINGS BAXIK, TO THE PUBLICr'Nm As it is not renerJl y known to the Its very liberal charter certain rights and - privileges not generally jrrant banks, b1 desiring to familiarise the public with i avlt ;speclil priv ile;; that it might availitself ot our services, we give here below a succinrt inenuoa oi oar powers. . ..,'. : .' V.'W are a "Savings Bank" la which, up, and receive interest on all sum .of from the first dav of every quarter. . -We are alsa a "Bank" or iioan ana We can lend money oq Real estate -WE ; V:8 v'f '-?NOTES AND 'We negotiate loans" for -iBlIJY 1 , Wiloiit Recourse to 'tlie "Seller Thus: A i holding a note from'B and C,.can sell it to and be relieved from further liability or risk tjri' 1J ai 0; in other words, A gets his money and the Bank tak its jchances'0.-coUecting-,it'ouVo"Bnrl CJ "This make a special feature of our; Iank ji&d,. we iayito tl , We r authorized to act as Trustees for Estates. ;To be receivers and assignees by order of Court, orby Tn met am Executors and Administrators. 7r" ..u. y .To-collect moneyi3ntere8t or dividends and re-invest same for parties. To buv and sell stocks and bonds and any marketable securities . , r To rent safety boxes for the safe keeping of valuables from loss of Are ai burglarC.:--.r-J': - - ; : , f : Vjlf' I l't ."'-; - 1 Mercantile accounts solicited. v . --4. ,t 's... f- Although only In operation a little over eighteen months, we have the plea ure and satisfaction of having on our books over one thousand depositors on tL Savings aecount, comprising patrons of many1 counties in this and. other. State' Fl ve hundred business or checking account.! i 'i t-" ''.; ' ' 'Desiring to Btt. I further expand our business, we respectfnlljrask the publio t give tho foregoing their earnest consideration, and call its attention to tne stato ment of bur condition as reported to State Treasurer on March 5tb, 1895. I . - Cashier. '' - - V. Loans on real estate . vf S,too S8 other loans and discounts. . .. 187,835 M Overdrafts ...... ...r..iv.. ........... 8388 State bonds 1PM yalue)..... ....... f7,0( W Iran from banks. v...... ...... 81JS38 TO Parnltar and flxtar...;.... .... .." S.lts 90 Current axpenaes J,06 03 Prtmnimion twod., 81175 Cash Items. ...... TjSe 88 Gold coin, UOO; silver eeln, 2,0OS. .Stoi Natioual bank: notes : 10.000 O0 United States notes. S,466 O0 Total ..... 7.tt3l t - ' ' j - I,' Archibald Brady, Caohler of the Jxn the foregoing statement 1 true to the best i," " . . . B worn "to and subscribed before me this . - - - Correct Attest r . - ' S. WlTOtOWSKT, D. O'Donoqhci, ' ' " , B. A. DDBH, . " ",.; Directors.- No-Marfet-is-Out-of-Ooi-ReacIi IF T11E GOODS ARE THERE THA T TOU OUGHT TO HAVE AND WE OUGHT TO GET. ' EVERY COUN TER TN THE STORE HELPS TO PROVE THIS AND OUR GOODS ARE WHAT WE MEAN TO CHARM TO U WITU-NE WES T OF THE NEW, WISELY CHOSEN AND WITH EVERY ECONOMY BROUGHT INTO THEM THAT TAKING GREAT LO TSA ND KNO WING- WHERE and i WHAT to TAKE MAKES POSSIBLE. JUSTIN: , 4f TINSEL EMBROIDERED FOUR FOLD SCREENS, 6 FEET HIGH VERY HANDSOME ONLY $4.00. BEST BARGAIN EVER OFFERED IN SCREENS SEE THEM JA PAN ESE A. D. COFFEES AND PATTY PANS AT 10c. EACH. , G. S. READ & CO. SWISSK- . Dotted and plain. ORGANDIES. Chiffons and mulls. EMPIRE FANS. The latest fan fad. .... 'V WHITE. PARASOLS. Dresden tip, black sun - umbrellas, tl.50 ladles' sizes," silk. WHITE KIDS H . W Jf.i. t!. - -.Also tearlr mode," tana, slate and viavn 40-CENT rioSESS CENTS. rSoecial values Only a: few left. CORDELE 1IARQTJISE. t "j - . The latest add ition to a perfectly lovely line, of Summer Fabrics, al- 5 most too dainty and pretty to be real. . See the line of Crimpalines, DeVenes,. Duchess and French - lawns....; . . '. . . LACK STRIPE MULLS j ' t -And Swivel silks all bordering onn f vision In beauty, and "here to be eei- bought and worn by the fashion-makers of our city. , MOIRE SILKS, , . Black goods, colored goods In? pat v tern suits, and by the yard..ffH i ...... T. L .l!-ye 4 " . - .l J ... i i. i . i I. - 1 ei" . o CTJW I :- e 1 1 I e g. S; . i gaSill-fl: 'par. yX h H, v. a o u l r w p. & 5 w 1. , .i.,' CHARLOTTE, IT. ; ; I publio t laree that this Bank has v rtailies can deposit In any sum frni V and upwards, interest comciei 1r ' - uiscountr - ? and personal endorsement and on CAN- i MORTGAGES." pafties or buy tlieirl)aper 4. assignor - 'Vte rjapital stock paid In.; Surplus tv ntfi.v .. . ...-.. TTnilvllMt imtHil ..... I 60,000 0 ..m...h Iepoait (ubject to check,...... 110.6-J7 e Due to bank S.ors t Due to private bankers....... w... , STH ' Caablers checks outstandlnf...,. f f Demand certificates of deposit..... Lfcflj 7 Time eertifloates ot deposit., . 1 Baviags deposits .......... Total 'il . .I227JM8 9t Statu o Nokth Oaboz.iha. ; .3 - - COUHTT OW M KOKXJCIf BU MO. and Savings Bank, do solemnly swear that of my knowledge and bllf. ' - . . i AMHiRibD Bsadt, Cashier. 18th day ol March, 18MJ. - . ' i C. N.U. Butt, Notary .Public . i . ; .- f j, il : r - i t-; i 1 To gain the victory, in buying pains prestige. To keep it in eell-1 ing wius popularity and prosperi-J ly. uar success couia - not nave, come through the beaten paths of the old regular with ! his regular terms and figures. 1 . It is the keen, close cut. live cash values that draw the great multitudes to our house, and, in fact, every "day that we open our doors to the trading i publio is a special salesday, as we are con stantly getting in values that go regardless of hard times or . sea sons.. j .';:'' : .t::.,.?-i:';V .: -Just opened up large additions to our elass and china stock; and buying as we do, in large quantities 'enables us to save tho publio at least ; ; per cent. along this line. : - T Our spring stock of clothing far sur passes anything we ever olfered. Styles the very latest and prices a magnet for the attention of everybody. . ' . ' Hat stock iull up and prices 'lower than ever olfered on bats. : . '," It is useless to undertake to describe the great attractions of our '.millinery department, or stop to tell of the nine ladies who conduct it. The department has been such a complete and .pleasant surprise to ladies far and near, and they have talked it up so thoroughly, it, has become one of the great attraction of the Racket, and the business done is most satisfactory to us all. . .. . We'ehalliose no opportunity to ad vance the 'Interest nor keep. fully up' with the latest things out. - , - Monday next we shall . open up a beautiful line of ladies' sample hats and flowers, bought of the well known, millinery house, ulllvan. Drew & Co. See them. . '-. .!:;- Bargains at every turn, throughout the house. All the departments doing a spendid business. Making hundreds of little profits and saving the patrons of the Racket thousands of dollars i all iloei of merchandise,-. : , . Williams, Hood & Co., Successors to W. j -Davis & Co. TTTT . vnrwiy. til ii To Keep Abreast 'V- ' of the. Times . ' fit One ahoold sskleavor io lead the procession, not follow it. - To eope with the fruKal, m bitlous onea. you must own Tour home. To eoatlnoe renting one will ultimately find you In the "highway and hedge," bereft of opportunities wltk all onea hoDeful in the background. :, The facts are stubborn and pertinent Ton should ponder well and consider last where you stand at present. I ' ' ; los-opporturmy is-ionerea - yon wnereoy for fewer dollars and .utmost eonvenlenee you may own a homeland it should not re quire a second thought for you to make this . provision of comfort for yourself aud re spectable aur-roundlngs Ior your family v. : E. p.Latta THE ' DOGWOOD'. TREES ARE IN X-vbloom, And the flsbr'arexn a boom. j Now's your time to buy your fish book, lines and tackles frpm , ;: 4 1 - . " BROWN, WEDDINGTON & CO., Who carjry a complete line. - J JQR. J. R. IRWIN,; , v l:. PHYSICIAN AND STJhGEON. Offlcet? No.-3, Uarty EulJJlng, RACKET- SW : i: .;.::;: l-r.A

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