DATLY OHARLOTTE OBSERVER, MAY 4. 1895. I. BogsTMs J Hit You? 'The management of the Equitable Life Assurance Society in the Department of the Carojjnas, -wi hes to se cure a few Special Resident Agents. Those who are fitted for this work will find this 2 It is work, however, and those who succeed best in it possess 2 character, mature judgment, tact, perseverance, an the respect of their commn Bty. Think this matter over care folly. There's an unusual opening for somebody. If it fits you , it will pay you. Fur- x ther information on request. fV. J. Roddey, Manager, 1 Rock Hill, S. C. BBKM & CO., District Agents NOTICE. I hereby give notice that at the recent ses sion of the General Assembly of North Carolina the following act was passed, to-Wit: AM ACT allowing an Increase of taxation for Public Graded Schools in Charlotte: The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Section I. That the board of aldermen of the city of Charlotte, N. C, shall have power to levy an annual tax for the support 'and maintenance of the Public Graded Schools In said city, which annual tax shall not exceed twenty cents on the one ban dred dollars value of property and sixty -cents on the poll. Sec. 2. This act shall not take effect until It shall have been ratified by a vote of a "majority of the qualified voters of the city -of Charlotte, N. C. Sec. 8. That It shall be the duty of the Mayor of the city of Charlotte, N. C, to -cause publication to be made, for thirty -days prior to the first Monday in May, 1)6, in at least one of the newspapers published In the eity of Charlotte, N. Cj a notice set ting forth this act and giving public notice that on the said first Monday in May, 1885, 'the pr-" "ill be open at the UAual polling rplacet in t te several wards for the purpose of votiu .or the ratification or re lection of Hhis act. Sec. 4. That on the first Monday in May, -1805, the polls shall be open at the usual polling places in the said several wards for the purpose of voting for the ratification or rejection of this act. That it shall be the duty of the mayor and board of aldermen of the city of Charlotte, N. C. to provide at each of the said several polling places a separate ballot box for the reception of such ballots. Those voting In favor of the ratifi cation of this act shall vote a ticket bearing the word -Ratification," and those voting against its ratification shall vote a ticket beating the word "Rejected." Sec. 5. That said election shall be con ducted by the same judges and in the man ner as is provided for in the election of a mayor and aldermen of said city, and the ballots shall be counted, and the result de clared, In the same manner as is now pro vided for the election of the mayor and board of aldermen; and if a majority of the ballots shall be found to be in favor of the ratification of this act, then this act shall be immediately in full force and effect, but in case the majority shall be found against its ratification It shall be then of no effect. Sec. ft. That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Ratified this the sixth day of February, A. D. 1SH5. I further give notice that on the first Mon day in May, 1SS6, the polls will be open at the usual polling places in the several wards of the city of Charlotte for the purpose of voting for the ratification or rejection of the said act. Those voting in favor of the ratification of this act shall vote a ticket bearing the word "Ratification," and those voting against its ratification shall vote a ticket bearing the word Rejected." This 27th day of March. A. I. 1U5. R. J. Bkbvard, March 29, 1SS6. ayor. A PRESENTABLE PAIR Of shoes is an essential factor in one's dres. The most stylish aud elaborate costume is fatally marred by the appendage of un sightly shoes, which have visibly survived their usefulness. They create the impres sion that you have survived your sanity or yonr fortune. Don't carry the sign of finan cial depression when there Isn't any occa sion for it, but get a pair of our S3 shoes at once. A better article of footwear Isn't ob tainable anywhere. When a boy at school is marked 10, he can't do better. He's per fect. These shoes touch the 10 mark, and you'll touch it too, if you buy them. A large stock II mbrella. Trunks, Valises and Handbags always on band. A. E. RANKIN A BRO. G. Farintosh Alfred S. Amer The Buford Hotel, CHARLOTTE. N. C. FARINTOSH & AMER, Proprietors. 100 Elegantly Furnished Rooms. Hot and Cold Bath and Water Closets on Each Floor. PASSENGER ELEVATORS AND ALL . MODERN IMPROVEMENTS Under Flrst-Class Management. ALASKA, The best REFRIGERATOR in the world. Su$nt just received. Itotft fail to see them before the as sortment is broken. J. N. M'CAUSLAND & Co., Tin aud Slate Roofing Con tractors J. S. PHILLIPS, MERCHANT TAILOR, 31 South Tryon Street, Calls (he attention of hia customers mud the public to his spun stock of SUITINGS and TRIMMINGS and asks their inspection or same be fore placing their orders for dress or business suits. Goods, workmanship and fit the very est DYNAMOS. Dmccr Ockktht Dynamo for Isolated Lighting. Alternating Current Dyn gioa tor Central Station Lighting Power Generators for Railway Plants Xgj WKgrnreHotrw EntfTBtg 459 A Rare Opportunity Mm and Doctors . Talk Together. In his able work entitled Longevity." published a few years ago Dr. John Gard ner, of England, predicts that a vegetable agent will yet be found that shall so letard those changes that bring about old age as to prolong human -.life much beyond Its present limit. . Acting perhaps. Boon the Impulse pro duced by this thought, many eminent phy sicians have called from time to time upon the Shakers of Mt. Lebanon to Inquire of them concerning the secrets of medicinal plants. In which - these sincere, simple minded and Mod-fearing people are known to he wise and skillful beyond all other men. The bakers willingly told what they bad learned, and In turn received from their visitors Duett valuable Information ahnnt disease; which they at once made practical use of. The most important point was that if a genuine and certain remedy could be found for indigestion and d vsnensia. and the aliments growing out of it, a long step ouKt be taken in the its ht dtrwtinn nu ace, said these physicians, begins in a fail ure of the digestion, and sodn mmtdiiMuu at any and all periods of life. The result of tnese consultations was the discovery by the Shakers of the dpaimi moia muil wholly from herbs, and Shaker Digestive Cordial. Its action is magical and worthy of its origin. Where tnere to distress aftereatlng, heart- j burn, sick headache, bed taste in the month, biliousness, weakness and weari ness, cold bands and feet, aversion to food, nervousness or any symptoms of dyspepsia, the Cordial will prove its curative virtues. oenino it is tae reputation or a people who have never defrauded or deceived their fel low-men. in order to test whether tbls remedv is adapted to yonr esse, at practically no cost, you may procure a trial Dome jor ten cents of almost any druggist. w-s Shaving- becomes a simple, pleasant feature of the toilet with the aid of Pine Blossom Soap. A medicated, antiseptic soap, it softens the skin, soothing and healing all irritation and prevent ing skin diseases. Ar il resting any incipient eruption and producing 4 a clear, healthy cora- plexion. 4 PRICE 25 CENTS, A AT ALL DKl'GOJSTS. J FOSTER MEDICINE CO., BALTIMORE, Mt. Every bottle of i1 ! . . . rr . Luis great enervescent ' . , 1 temperance ceveraec is a sparkling, bubbling fountain of health a source of plea sure, the means of making you feel better and do better. You make it yourself right at home. Get the genuine. 5 sallow eoBt but 2$ ceou. TO CH1S. E. HIKES CO., FtUadrtpkia. THOUSANDS OF WOMEN STJFFEB D.N TOLD BJseries. BRADFIELD'S Female Regulator, ACTS AS A SPECIFIC Bj Arousing to Healftj Action all her Organs. It Fanti Health Blaos, a ad Joy te Kelra Tkraackwl the Entire Fraw. IT NEVER FAILS TO REGULATE. "My wife ha been under treatment of leading phy sicians three yean, wiihmic beaeflt- after using three bottles of BKABH KLO"8 FVI1LK KSSOIAVOS aba can do her own cookie ir, milkintr and wahinfr." N. S. BRYAN, Henderson, Ala. BRADFIELD EECtXATOK CO.. ATLANTA, GA. IV Sold by druggists at 11 00 per bottle. DM ""SLEEPLESSNESS CURED. VIGOR OF MEN Easily. Quickly. Permanently Restored. tllPUCTIP II kit; iaold with writ Hi AllNC lib ntnlintten guarantee to core weaknesses, Nervaua Debility and all the evils from early or later excesses, the results of overwork, worry, sjckneFS, etc. Foil strength, tone sad development (riven to every organ or nnrtina of tha bod v. Imn-ovement immediately seen from the first box. Thousands of letters of praise on file in oar othce. Can be earned id vest pocket. Bent by mail to any address on receipt of price. Onemonth'streatment in each hrvr. Prirxt XliX) 6 boxes. 5 00. with Written Guarantee to refund money if doT eared. Bend to us for the Oennxne. urcaiars free. R. II. JORDAN A CO., Sole Agents. FOUNDED IN 1838. r THOMAS BRANCH & CO., Beakers and Broker, 1101 J1AIX ST., RICHMOND, VA P21YATE - IKE. FQ1EIGT FXCIiASCE, LETTEbS OF CKEDIT. Transact a Kervera! Finking Business. 0r sers sxecated ever trrnr private wires en the New Ysrk a as Chicago Excaaae.es hi Stocks. Cettse as Grab): als enters ex-cstas e the Laeeea aatf Coatiaetital Excaaaccs. Basiwsss aas Corrtsasnssacs saScMed. In vsstment SecarMes a saeciart. - e. BTBVBVSBSnsBakwKaBBTBV1 BOCK BEER, yIENNA CABINET, -tlVOLI'S LAGER, All these brands of best Lager Beer we can furnish from our bottling depot on Fifth street opposite the city hall. We also have a large stock! of export beer. T R, PORTNER BREWING CO. C. YALAER, Agent. TeJephQn No.5. - T. L ELLIOTT. MONUMENTAL WORKS GRANITE UQNDUENTS A SPE- fdr" Every bottle of 1 mr it . . rr A Tfc J mw mW KB ixrrjc IS A HOSPITAL Jttdcev - 4 Tbat browa-eyed nurse with wary hair, '-. And Totoe jost like the voice of Jane, Is false to me she's false Is weart , AjmI fickle as the changeful moon. 8ha lays herTelvet hand on me -And smiles surd talks so softly sweet. And makes tnethrtll, and seems to be , jpo pained that Vm not on my feet, i And then when lm on fire for her. - and strive love's Impulse to resist, . She thrusts a (lass thermometer . Into my mouth and leeis my wrist. Then scores she down opon the chart A rising fever; though I'm sure Tla wrong that she who steals my heart Should likewise take my temperature! ITKKB OV STATK HKW& Ex-Sheriff John Z. Falls, of Cleve land, died last week, heed 83 years. The Wilron Uirror has suspended. owing to the poor health of its owner, Geo. W. Blount, Esq. Fifty of the 66 new matristrates ap pointed by the Legislature for Iredell county have qualified. Cunningham's livery stable, at Frank lin, Macon county, was burned Tues day. The stock and vehicles were saved. The first shipment North from New born of peas and cabbage for the season was made Wednesday. The Journal says that fine turnips and asparagus were also a part of the cargo. Rrualrinv of thn V i i v o 1 n rnzp ttiA Messenger says it is on in Wilmington in full force; that there are over 223 heels in that eitv and their value is estimated at from $15,000 to 120,000. The Monroe Enquirer says that Miss Effle Squires, of Lnion county, will go to Japan in the near future as a mis sionary from the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. The Record says that a mortgage was recently executed and registered in Chatham county, payable in the year 2000. The parties evidently intended the year 1900, but it is plainly written 2000. The Mt. Airy News says that Mayor Carter, of that place, has collected and naid into the town treasury within t past year $1,000 in fines, $800 of wh came off violators of the local opt i law. Speaking of the recent Reidsville races, Webster's Weekly says the law- abiding and Christian people of the community are indignant at the fla grant violation of the law and disregard of the moral sentiment of the town per mitted on this occasion. The Bryson City Times says that Sunday afternoon of last week, Ida Gal breadth, aged five years, was playing in the street with several other children and while runnihg stumbled and fell. She made no effort to rise, and on being picked up, gasped and died, tier neck was broken. The Hickory Press and Carolinian has information from a private source that the Seaboard Air Line has agreed, or is about to agree, to see that the money is forthcoming at once to build road-bed for the Chester & Lenoir Narrow Gauge from Hickory to New ton, and thus place the latter in such a position that it will be independent of the Southern Railway, and can inter change rates and traffic with the Sea board Air Line. The work may be com menced in the early summer. The West On Fire for Free Sliver. Washington Special, 1st, to New York Sun. Senator Jones, of Arkansas, is in the city for a day or two. He said this morning that the West was on fire with enthusiasm for free silver, and he be lieved that the next Democratic nation al convention would state the position of the Democratic party in terms that could not be misunderstood. The day for straddling, he said, had passed. The candidate and he cared not who it was so long as he whs a "sound cur rency" man would be a man who would interpret the platform as the masses have heretofore interpreted it. Senator Jones added that he looked for little relief for the cause of silver in the next Congress, owing to the present in cumbency of the Executive Mansion. The friends of silver, however, would keep up the fight until the final victory was won. McKlatey, Reed, Allison. Washington Post, 2d, It would seem that although Gov. McKinley's presidential boom has the strong support or senator frltchard, yet it will not have thtngs altogether its own way in North Carolina. At the Ebbitt last evening Hon. Thomas Set tle, of that State, said: "Gov. McKinley is by no means the choice of a majority of the Republicans of the Old North State. He will, no doubt, have the delegates from one dis trict, that in which Senator Fritchard resides, but none of the other districts will elect McKinley delegates. My be lief is that Mr. Reed is a decided favor ite in our section, although Senator Allison has quite a number of devoted followers." Honors Are Easy. Harper's Magazine A hard-looking tramp came into the office of charities of a certain metro politan church with a most forlorn story of destitution. The minister in charge had previously received unfa vorable reports or this very man from the Charity Organization Society. Af ter listening to his story he said: "I have heard all about you from the Charity Organization Society. They don't think very much of you." 'Faix thin, said the man, "we re aven, fur I don't .hink very much of thim." The silver coinage executed at the United Stales mints during April was $595,000, of which $200,000 was in stand ard silver dollars. Your Husband Is he not dear to you? Should you not be careful of his health? Maybe he is sometimes weak and run down from the effects of over work, or worry, or carelessness. But you need not be alarmed; a taUespoonful of Brown's Iron Bitters three times a da j t or a week or two wiU make him well and strong. And this Is bow It does It: It purifies and enriches the blood and gently stimulates the action of the -vital orcansv and helps them per form their proper offices. " ' Don't neglect trffliag ailments-. Brown's Irea Bitters i ftissaat t take, and it wtQ not scant tae teeth nor cease . coastipatioa.. See the f rasped fTf fine ; tm th WTPPr, Omw book, -Hew t ; Hw4rrf VcsnA trite start ft i fee for 6. sUnn, W " , Cotton Kxchaage ' Statement. New Okleass, La., May 3. The New Orleans cotton exchange statementsays: Aetual average weight of 8,676,859 bales of the cotton crop, embracing port receipts and overland for eight months, ending April 30th, 510.22 pounds per bale, against 499.99 pounds per bale last year. Detailed averages are as follows: Texas 531.79 pounds, increase over last year 10.21 pounds; Louisiana 512.29, increase 9.30; Ala bama, etc, 508, increase 9; Georgia 496.2, increase 7.20; South Carolina 493, increase 9; North Carolina 500.49. In crease 12.60; Virginia 490,74, increase 3.81; Tennnessee, etc., including Mem phis, St. Louis and overland, 513.85, in crease .80. Net increase for the whole, as compared with the close of March of this year. .63 pounds per bale, but compared with the close or April last year it shows an increase of 10.23 pounds per bale. A Mmrderess Aejndged Insane. Savashab, Ga., May 3. Catherine Sweigart, who shot and killed her bus- band about a week ago, and who was held for murder, was adjudged insane in theCourt of Ordinary to-day. and an order will be taken for her confinement in the asylum at Milledgeville. Justice Jackson, of the Supreme Court of the United States, will leave home this morning for Washington to sit on the Supreme bench during the re-hearing of the income tax case. FINANCIAL ADD COMMERCIAL- Liverpool Took Another Tack Yesterday and Declined 3 Points, Which Caused Mew York to Lose S to IO Points. Special By Private Wire to Harrison Watts. Niw York. May 3. Liverpool veered about and took another tack to-day. It de clined 8 points for future delivery and 1-S2d. on the spot, wltb sales of 1O.C0O bales a small business lor Jfriaay, wnicn is Known as "Manchester day." New York declined 8 to 10 points owing to the Liverpool news, the weakness In Manchester and some favora ble reports in regard to the crop outlook at the South. Spot prices here were weaker, bat later on the market took on a different complexion. It recovered the decline and closed steady, tbongh the speculation was comparatively small to-dsy, sales being only 107,100 bales. The recovery was due to buy ing by the shorts, some of whom became rather nervous owing to unfavorable crop reports from some parts of Texas and a ru mor tbat the Galveston News to-morrow will estimate the acreage of Texas at 10 less than that of last year. Fair Hirer, it is reported, advanced on a large business. Hliver advanced 1-ltid. In London. The feeliug here Is one of hesitancy, bow- ever, if we consider tne great majority oi operators who are loth either to buy or sell on an extensive scale a the present time The Liverpool sales for the week were 78.uK) against v2.noo last week; imports, 444W) against 7W.0U0 laat week ; stocks. 1,670.000 against 1,716,000 lest week, and afloat, 147.UW gainst iw.uuu last weea. in aiancnewier cloths were quiet and yarns in buyers.' fa vor. Spot cotton was easy and unchanged, with sales of 238 for spinning and 500 deliv ered on contract. The Southern spot markets were gener ally quiet and unchanged. St. Louis ad vanced 1-1O0. New Orleans bow oaies. ReceiDts at New Orleans to-morrow are es timated at 2.500 to 3,UU0 against 5,037 last Sat urday and 1.6W last year. Port receipts to day were 7JfiW against 14.7M, Including va rious, last week ana nsao issc year, me total for the week is 55.4M3 against 70,483 last week and 4l,f67 last year. The exports irom tne ports were hub to Great Britain. 2i9 to France and 7 25 lo the continent. The total interior receipts for the week were 19.185 asalnst 27Jlr last week and 13,e7Slast year; shipments, 42,91S against fl2 235 last week and 85,627 last year; stocks. ItU ;48 against 1SS.252 last week and lfo.122 last year. New Orleans declined 6 point and then rallied. As heretofore, ihe price here will be guided very largely by the Liv erpool news and the crop reports from the Houtn. I ne reeling is mixea as a rum. una the trading is therefore more cautious than formerly, but some outsiders were buying to-uay . btivkhs a. uo. The Stock Market Continues Active and Irregular. Naw York, May 3. The stock market was active and irregular with frequent, in some Instances, wide fluctuations. J-eutl er rose sharply in the morning, but a little break in the common uncovered stop or ders, which carried the price down 3 from the best figures. Distilling a cattle reel lng, General Electric and Manhattan ruled heavy. Chicago Gas covered a range of 1. but weakened somewhat in the afternoon on unfavorable reports from Springoeld. III. Sugar rose ll2,but reacted under free realizing. The Grangers were irregular, but lost a little ground. Coalers were ner vous, but generally strong under the favor able arrangement to control the Anthracite trade in Slay, soutnern was coupicuousiy strong and Northeastern was 1 higher. JNBW I OKK ISKWS DUKIAU The Feeling Was Quite Nervous In Wheat, and Scalpers Sold Feeely. Chicago, May 8. The local feeling was quite bearish tbls morning at the opening. Scalpers and floor traders were free sellers, as was also a large commission house, trie letter s sales reaching as high as Iuo.ouo bushel. In conequence prices eased off about per bushel from the cloe last night. There appeared, however, unlimited buying orders from some source, and these heavy offerings were soon absorbed, the market later oecoming firm at an advance of 1,a0. The seaboard, particularly Balti more, then began to report a good caih bus iness done, with prospects of more sales, amounting to about 105.000 bushels, were also reported in this market yesterday and to-oay. This stanea tne snorts Duying again, and prices advanced 13r? from the low point, but nan oi mis was lost on real izing f-ales outside of the cash business re ported and dry weather in several localities. New has generally been bearish. Cables, eatly, were weak, while closing quoted Ber lin, as naving lost nearly an ot neraavance of yesterday. Antwerp and Paris were also lower. Norm we tern receipts were large (498 cars) and receipts at primary points bid fair to show an Increase for the week of at least 350,000 bushels over last week. Clear ances were small 243,000 bushels over half of which was flour, shorts continue to be nervous and - are very reluctant about standing on their lines when the market shows strength. The local feeling gener ally Is inclined to the bear side, but trader are nervous, thus laying the market open to very radical changes. Investors and the oeneral outside pub. ic are still the buyers, and they are decidedly getting the best of the deal. Corn opened at about last night's close, but immediately became strong and ad vanced a cent per bushel on further cover ing by shorts, induced largely on the con tinued good export demand at the seaboard and theJIberal charters in this market. Oats do not show much change, but are firm. In sympathy with other cereals. Provisions received another set-back on free offerings and lack of demand. Packers were the principal sellers. lambok Bros. A Co. CITY PKODCCK MAKKKT. Eggs, large demand; Chickens, turkeys and butter, fair demand; Apples dried quarters, bright " " bright sliced " " fancy bright sliced.. " extra " " Peaches un peeled halves, bright. " u quarters a Blackberrlealrted Extra Flour sack Family " " Meal bolted 44 lbs per bushel " unbolted, 48 lbs " " Corn old 64 lbs per bushel new Oats 82 lbs per bushel Peas clay mixed . Potatoes Irish , new T8 8 10 1012 8 T8 1 66 1 00 87 66 66 46 - 60 86 2 00 sweet. . 46(960 . T6100 Onions select, per bushel jsaeon tiog round, per b " Ham " Sides " Shoulders Lard N.C... Tallow Beeswax Hens per head Roosters per bead Chlekens spring small per bead " " large " 8 T 910 4 28 1 4(918 1SS22 30 8 tTirxeys per nt ducks ..; Guineas Geeae ButterChoioe yellow Honey atralnedier : u eomb per n. . Eggs hen a guinea Wheat Rye Feathers new Hidesdry, per )..... " green ... Wool washed. 10 15(920 11 S76 70 f tmYl JtBWX SO COTTON TARNS. Qaotatioata JTaraislied by Bockiagbam i Paolaoa, New York, 33 Leoaard Street, No. IOa-1 and ISs-t warps at. iiVi 11V lsraiia ISWalS 14 11 IIS irvais miis 1113 Jll , 13 Q12 1V13 sa ms-i warps at No. Me-l warpa at No. ana-1 warps at No. S3s-1 warps at. No. is-l warps at... No. a to Ms bunch yarn at. No.l2a-lat No. Me-l at. No.lAs lat No. SOs-1 at.,... No. 22a-lat . No.Ma-lat No. 88-1 ply soft yarn at. . x No. Ma-S ply soft yarn at.. No. 8s-l ply bard at. No. Ma-ply n t at .'. No. I2a-i ply at. Ko14-tpjy at Na,io-piya... No.9Us-piyat. No. 2- 0I9 at ........-j... ...... l4J4'lJl5 Ke.9tplyat.., No. 20s-2 ply chain warps at... ...... - It - No. 24s-3 ply chain warps at....... - , 14 - No. 2ris-2 ply chain warps at ' 1 No.SOa-2 ply chela warps at 17 No. 10 S ply bard twist, at . ' IS No. 20s- ply hard twist at 1S1314 . No. 9Ss- ply hard twist at .i M 1SH BW iOKK MONK MAKKKT. KxwTokk. Stay S. Money oa eall at IWM per eeat last loan, l&.aIMina' offered at 1. . Prime mercantile paper, 4(3 1 per earns. Bar silver V Mexican dollars . Sterling exchange easier,, wltb actual business In banker bills at I iffWm for 0 days and 4 8h44 89 for demand. Posted rate 4 88. g 4 90. Commercial bills, to days, 87(jtt7fe; demand ...... Government bonds Brm: State bonds steady. Kaitrood bonds active. Silver at the board quiet. BALTIMOBB PRODUCE MARKET. Bawixoie, Way 8. FLOUR -Strong Western super I 3Hpi So; do extra 1 sos uu; do family S t3& 40; winter wheat patents 5 Xg 84: spring wheat patents S8O04 oo. WHKAT Strong. No. t reo a no and May t&X'7t: June CM asked: July 67VSS; steamer So. x red 77; southern by sample, 7C71;do on grade, B7t. - JORN Strongi. Mixed spot and May SKj)jiV; June ; July tasked; sxtaiuor mixed 68 bid; Boutbaru wait Soo ; do yellow 66g57. STOCKS CLOSING BIDS. Amer. Cot. Oil... i& N. Paclfle 77 I do pfd...... UHN. W ..... dopid 104 Paeine MAIL.. Reading........ S BVr . . . 5fi St. Paul. do pfd IHM Silver Ctla I4 :T. C.AI 14,! do pfd.... dopfd sua. xtez a... do ufd Amer. Tol do pfd Afcch B.AO Can. Pac C. AO Ch. A A C B. A Q , Chicago Gas 74 Texas rae. Del. Lack lflo Union Pao 12 D.4C.F laJ Wabash. Erie 11. do ola do pfd Gen. Electrlo 8V Ills. Central 1V W. U W. La L. E. do pfd L,E,W 20fa Class A. do pfd i7- do Class B. 107 L. B.-. L. A N L. N. A. AC... Manhattan... Mem. A Chas.. Michigan Cen Mo. Pacific... M.A O N.C.ASt. L.. Nat l Cordage do pfd K. J. C N. Y.C N. Y. A N.K... N. A W. Pfd.., ... t2H ... 661 '.. ivfc ... te do Class C. Stamped '. 100 N.C. 4's ICS do 's.. 121 Tenn N. S.rs... MS (Ml. ::: .. 70 j ... r. ... 10 ... ... Sf4 ... ... 16 Va.ra.pfd 8 do tr ree st'ptd. V do Fun Debt... r U. B. 4's Reo IU U. ft. 4's Coup... II2H U.S. T WH Southern Ry Sa. 14 do Cona l-t dopfd ia4 i.C.4's IW7 NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. Nkw York, May 8.--FLOUR Firm active. Winter wheat, low grades, 2 SOO t 75; fair to fancy 2 &(i$3 30; patents S 40(9 75: Minnesota clear 2 7b(ioS 00: oa tents 5 404 00. low extras 2 iuxmt 75: Southern flour quiet, Arm; common to fair extra 2 i-itaS 10; good to choice do 2 20&8 7a WHEAT Dull, firmer with options. No 2 red store and elevator 6e; afloat 70. Op tions closed steady at to cents advance. No 2 red May June V; July 6St. CORN Dull, Hrmer. No 2. 67 elevator; 564 afloat. Options closnd firm at , to cents advncee May 644; July bt: Sep tember 5. OATS Dull, firmer. Options quiet, firmer. May Si; June 83; July 4. Spot No S SS; mixed Westejn S3V3- LARD Quiet, weak. Western steam 6 874 lid; city 6V4(9- May so nominal; July 7 (17 nominal. Ktfined quiet; conti nent 7 2a; S. A. 7 75; compound V?illt. PORK Steady; mess 13 HX&lt On. COTTON SEED OIL Quiet, strong; crude 2t; yellow prime 27. COFFEE -Steady, 10 to 20 points down. Mir 14 2f14 26: June It iCII 10; Septem ber14 40(1 So. Spot Kio dull, steady ; No 7 lt5V4. SUGAJ6t--RAw.qu't. firm. Fair refining 2,; refined firmer, higher; Off A 84tl-l: standard A. x9l; cut loaf and crushed 4 4 15-16; granulated 7-18. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. I Opening Closing ' S4 3,fa 64 HkSfiVt UJ ' . I ) te wm ' 256H 26 ti 2S29 2S 4 11 20 1 00 12 12 20 i I ! 00 8 00 0 00 5 75 j 6 17)4 05 8 35 86 WHEAT May July sept CORN May July Sept OA IB May June July HEM) rUK& May July l.A Kl May July RIBS May. July DAILY COTTON REPORT. OITT. TO HI. KIP. HIt. Galveston steady quiet nominal iquiet itirm Mjuiet (steady iquiet jquiet iquiet iquiet steady ieasier 6 Norfolk 16 2XU 111 779 6 ira 770 3 18 41 r7 17 78 4 4-5 "102 Baltimore Boston 18-18 Wilmington. . Philadelphia.. 7 :-i8 8 5-18 8-H Savannah New Orleans. . Mobile Memphis Augusta Charleston Cincinnati 6 8A 0 -18 Louisville quiet quiet St. Louis Atlanta. Macon Houston steady 918 Athens Columbus Montgomery. Bel ma Columbia LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Livkrpooi May S, 4 P. K. Middling 19-32, Futures Closed quiet but steady. Sales, 10.000. American, Receipts, American, May May and Jane 8 S3 b June and July M a July and August S 85 b August and September 8 wv37 September and October 8 87a October and November 8 SWfcS November and December 8 83(940 December and January 8 40ti41 January and February 8 4i42 NEW YORK COTTON FUTURES. Niw York. May 8. Cotton ouiet. Mid dling uplands. 6 13-18; middling Gulf. 7 1-18. sutures closed steady. Sales 1O7.100 baies. Highest 8 70 8 84 8 69 .... 6 74 Lowest. 8 S3 6 58 6 81 8 88 8 88 8 73 8 78 8 S4 8 87 Closing May.... 8 7I78 8 f8(jD8 6 8g0S 8 78a7 8 75(78 8 74H0 8 38 A84 8 88 90 8 9495 June. .. July... August September 6 75 October 8 80 November 8 Hi December 6 90 January 6 95 NAVAL. HTOREH. WrucureTOir, N. C. May 3 Rosin steady. trained. 1 IS; good strained. 1 SO. bplnta turpentine, firm at tl. Tar stead r at 1.10: crude turpentine quiet ; hard, L20; aolt, 1.90; virgin, 2-50. ' CHARLOTTE COTTON MARKET. These figures represent prices paid represent waorona.1 to Strict Good Middling Good Middling Middling Tinges Staines Mar s-at Firm ts CONSUMPTION To thk Edttob Please inform yonr read ers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely nee thousands of hopeless cases have been per manently cored. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of yonr readers who have consumption if they will send me their express and post office address. Bespectfulry, T. A. 8locum, M. C, Bo. 183 Faacl Stmt. New York. Ton can bow ride the beat. The B teams Yellow Fellow for M. Have ioat reeelvwai a new lot ot ladles' and girls wheels atrlgnt prion, ana m wit swnie of rne. k w. r. Down, W; F. KUESTER & CO., The new plnmbing firm, are old hands at the busipeaa, and thor oughly understand the latest ap proved and adopted system sj of sanitary plnmbins. Coma and aee tuu Wr are not hiffb vzicad."-' 10 H. S. CHADWICK, i PRESIDENT paiie Engineers, Contractors Specialty: Cotton .Machinery and Cotton Mill Equipment. Sole Southern Agents for tne A. T. Atherton Maoblse Co.a Patent Cotton Feeders, Openers and Lappers; Peltee Ma"J chine Works' Revolving Flat Cards, Culler Railway Heads and Drawing Frames; Providence Machine Co. 'a Roving Ma chinery; Fates & Jenks Machine Oo.s Spinning and Twisting Machinery; Easton & Burnham Machine Co.'a Spooling Ma chinery; Globe Machine Works Patent Chain and Balling Warpers; Knowlei Loom. Works' Plain and Fancy Looms and Dobbies; Foster Machine Co.s Patent Cone Winders, - . . . ' ' ' SPECIAL SOUTHERN AGENTS POR B. F. SturtevanU Co.'s Heating and Ventilating System, Portable Forges, Blowers, Exhausters and High Speed -En gines. . -. ; - - C. A G. Cooper & Co.'s Corliss Engines, High Pressure Triple Expansion, Compound and Condensing Boilers, Heaters, Pomps, ete. . Complete steam Plants from 25 to 3,000 tlorse Powers, - Jones & Langhlin's Cold Boiled Steel Shafting, Compression Couplers, Hancrers, Pulleys, ete. Estimates given and contracts made for the Complete Equipment of Oottoaltllls , . ' l7Correspondence solicited. . CHARLOTTE, N. C. 202 SOUTH TRYON STREET THE IQOE B ST B LUNDER. ON EARTH Is that of the business man, the mechanic, the merchant or the professional man speaking of his own education or considering it as a thing of the past, as A Work Beginm and Ended Before he assumes the duties truth is it was but then fairly best, he is only properly equipped to continue it. Mere practical knowledge of any Art Science or Profession! is not the condition of an enlightened man. The mind may still be narrow, dull and hard, uninformed as to the great world and familiar only with its own 'neck of woods." The movements of society, the vicissitudes of nations, the progress of arts and sciences, have all but slight interest for him. Such a man is not broad-minded enough to apprehend Evee His Owe Chances Of development and success. How different is it with the man of wide and well-directed reading, such as the members of the Home University League are now pursu ing He grows well-informed and cultured. He is ready in resources and competent for new enterprises. His mind has proper Tone, Feeling, Breadth and Liberality, For dealing with all human interests. He is valued in business, in society and in public life. Aside from the studies of youth and the actual preparation for a given pursuit, this is the chief aim of the Leaeue now established. This is why choice has been made of the Encyclopaedia Britannica as a basis of instruc tion. This famous work is the cream and concentration of all human knowledge up to date. With the Study (uide that has been provided fcr it, the guidance furnished to its students and the capable minds that can be appealed to on points of difficulty, no such chance has ever existed for making Keen, Cultured and Useful Men and women. All who perceive the worth of the movement should learn its details and facilities by sending this coupon to the office of the OBSERVER, Charlotte, N. C. COUPON OF ENQUIRY. To the Daily Observer Educational Department:- lam interested in the work of the 4 'Home University League," as founded upon the Encyclopaedia Britannica, ana re quest you will send me full details. Name Address Town and State Hand in Hand go grease and indigestion that's why physicians con demn modern lard. Hand in hand go health and Cot tolene that's why Cotiolcne has received the, endorse ment of the leading lights of the medical profession. When you feel that it would be a pleasure to eat any kind of pastry or fried food, without fear of indigestion, THE CHARLOTTE SUPPLY ; COMPACTS'. - GS3TRAL MILL FPRNI8HKRB AND DKAIJgRB Cf ' and Water Pipe, Valves, Fittings, Xte. B.A W.COLD WATX B j PAXNT FOR FACTORY USE. CHARLnTTVC. 9, O. , H.W. J0H1S ASBESTOS SECTIONAL COVER LNG 8 , For Stasa Boilers, Pipes aad other Heated Borfases. Non-Conductl ng; Corer- , .f i ' ": ines of all Uadar -, r- - ,. - SFTVAM FACXINQ S Flat, Round and a tem, eve. wasgese, tusn, eta., tooraer. -v V.W.JQHX' lW&UJim&kTOlUXriBQ, rira-rropt, Oooi. Dnrabl. Ugat KLCl0i,DPAJjnT-Til Ctulars Psistt tor anrnatcral PBrpotrt, ' Besij tsr pf ;rrt;trrt R achine Conpy. and -Dealers in Machinery.' of a bread-winner. The started. Even now. at his oeoooooooooooooo Street : get lotioiene. seetnattnerxaae mark steer's head in cotton plant wreath is on every- pail. The N. K. Fairbank Company, ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO. Bqnars, for Cylinder Hands, Piston Bod, Valv & TREASURER. SEABOARD AIR " LINE BoHannxa zx xmn J'ajt. STth, ibs. Trains leave Charlotte dally i t-M jl. K-ror Hamlet, Ctaeraw, Falelrh, all points on the R. A A. and B. sO. R. Weldon, Portsmoutb, Old Point Comfort, Petersburg, Klctamond, Waahins;ton, Balti more, Philadelphia, New York ard Boston. Also WUmlngton,Wrlfhtavllleod ali.oeal Klnta on the C.C.KB. Also Charleston, niter and Bennettavllle, arrivlnc tn Wil mington at IS : p. m. - m. Dally for all Bontbern points Tla Monroe, Chester, Greenwood, Athens Atlanta, Montgomery, New Orleans, Chat tanoofra, Memphis and the Bouthwest. Through sleeper and day eoaches from Washington. L. to Atlanta, eonoMUug With roads diverging oat of Atlanta. - 10:5 a. Dally, for Mt. Holly, IA neoln- -ton, CberryvUle,Bhelby, Cleveland Springs, Kllenboro and Rotberfordton ; also Blow Ing Rook, Lenoir and Hickory. 8:90 p. si Daily, for all points North and Booth Mew York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washing ton, Richmond, Peters burg Portsmouth, Old Point Comfort, Vir ginia Beaeh, Weldon, Raleigh, Wilmington and Wrlghtsville, connecting at Monroe with through-sleepers and day eoaehea be tween Atlanta, Gsv, and Washington. D. C and sleepers between Monroe, N. C and Portsmouth, Vs., and for Atlanta, New Or leans and all Bon them points. 8:50 p. at. laily, with sleeper lor Wil mington and all C. C. points. Trains arrive la Charlotte: 10: M Dally, Roc klngham,Wadesboro, Mo roe. Also from all points North New York.Phtladelnhia, Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Petersburg. Old Point Comfort, Portsmouth, Weldon, TRaleiah and San ford. Also from Charleston, Bumter and Ben nettavllle, and from Atlanta, New Orleans ' and all Southern points. 8:30 p. m. Dally, from Rutherford ton, Hhelby, Cleveland Springs. Lincoln ton. J fStwtiuMTr,f jjenoir, mowing Awa t i:i r. m.j isauiy,i I Boston, Mew To -from all Northern points ork. Philadelphia, Balti more. Washington. Richmond, v a.. Peters-" burg. Old Point Comfort. Virginia Beaeh, Portsmouth, Weldon. Raleigh, Cheraw, 8. ' C all local points between Portsmouth and Charlotte, and from Wilmington, Wrlghts ville and all local points on the C. O. R. R. 10:10 r. St. Daily, from all points South and Southwest New Orleans, Montgom ery, Memphis, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Ath ena, Greenwood, Chester and Monroe i close connection at Monroe. 7:6a. m. -y With sleeper, from W 11m In ton and all C C. points. i - . Local freight, with ench attached, leaves Charlotte for 8helby at 4 o'clock p. m., re turning at 10 a. m. daily, except Sundays. The 8:30 p. m. train connects at Monroe with the Atlanta special, No. MS, which ar rives in Raleigh at 1:90 a. m.and Washing ton, D. C, at Ut-M a. m., and Portsmouth at' TOa. m., making close connection for Bal- , tlmore, Philadelphia and New York. The oJbO a. m. train connects at Monro with Atlanta special No. , for Atlanta and all points South, arriving tn Atlanta ap4asengers leaving Charlotte at 8 :00 a.m. arrive in Atlanta at 4 p.m. Leave Atlanta at 1 o'clock p. m.. arrive tn Charlotte at 10:10 p. m. Leave Charlotte at 6:60 a. m., and 8:30 f.m., arrive in Raleigh at 11:46 a. m. and :90 a.m. Leave Charlotte at 6:60 a. m., ar rive a Wilmington at 19:80 v.m, and at Cheraw, B. C. at 8:40 a.m. Close connec tion both ways wltb the C. 4 L. R. R. at Lincoln ton. Leave Charlotte at 8:90 p. m., arrive in Atlanta at 6:90 a. mn- making a double daily train both North and South from Charlotte. . - The Atlanta specials. No. 40J and 408, are magnlnoent new vestlbnled trains, built by the Pullman Palace Car Co.. on which there la no extra fare charged. ... Dally except Bunday. Daily except Monday. ' - f For information relative to schedules, t0- .BT. Johk, Vice Prertdent. J. G. BaaKKBViia. Ticket Agent. J.H.Winnnn, B.A.Nwi.Air, General Manager. T.P.A, - T. J. Awnnnson, V. X. MoBir, Gen'l Pass. Agent. Bupt. Traasnortatlon. . . - SOUTHERN : RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIB LIKK.) RICHMOND A DANVILLE AND NORTH CAROLINA DIVISIONS. isr nrrnor apkii. 91. 1806. ' piiia mhimimI Bflhediila la iinnllshed as Information, and.ls subject to change with out notice to the public. Trains leave Charlotte, N. C: ' 11 w5 p. M no. sa, a any ior ansats uv Charlotte, Air Line division, and all points Booth and ttoutnwest. themes urooia Pullman drawing-room nnnet aieeper oe- tween New York, Washington ana Mont gomery, ana between new lorisna T. gUStme, F1S-TIS uhdhioib Bkiiu cwvbuobu, 9:85 a. X-NO. 87, dally, C. C. A A. div uloa. Inclading Columbia, Augusta, Aiken, Charleston, Savannah and all lonaa points. Througn fuiiman sieeptr -nw York to Jacksonville, connecting a ith par lor ear at Columbia for Auguata. . M A. M. ISO. Wl, aaiiy, w aaniugwu ISoothwestern vestlbnled limited lor At lanta. Birmingham, Memphis, Montgom ery. Mobile and New Orleans, and all polnta South and Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. No extra charge except usual Pullman far. - ' . 1S:H P. Mj NO. 11. aaiiy. bouu raiu, auou- . mond to Atlanta; Pullman sleeping ear. Richmond to ureensooro. . . . 7:16 a. m-No.86, dally, for Washington. Richmond, Raleigh and Goldsboro and all points North. Carrie Pullman sieepera from Montgomery to New York and St. An- gustlMtofiew xora. - w -6:40 p. m-No. 19, daily, for Richmond, Ral eigh. Goldsboro and all points North. Car ries Pullman sleeping ear from Greensboro to Raleigh and Greensboro to Richmond. ft) r. a-No. SH. Washington and South western vestlbuled, limited, for Washing ton and all points North. Through Pnll man ears between New Orleans and New York. Memphis and New York. Jackson ville and New York. Plrst-olaas coach to Washington ' 10 a. MN6. 00. dally, exoept Bundsy. Mixed freight and passenger lor. Btates- rtSUlSo. M, dally, except Sunday , ffr BtatesvUU and Taylorsvtll. . Trains arrive at Charlotte!; ; 'i! a! 2.1 FROM TBJB NORTH, llo A. n.J , "'' " ! pT m. j FROM ATLANTA. S: p. Sf.) 890 t". Si BOM ATJGU8TA. M-lt pT MA rBOM BTATE8V1LLB. Local freight trains- also carry, passen gers. . - ' ' .' Dally xeept Bnnday. - -Jobh M.cmr, W.A.Tyn' Traffle Manager. : General Agent, W. H.Okbkw. Washlngton,D O. QS1 isapenntenaenw Washington, D. O. B. H. HAJUtrwieK, Ass1 I't Gen'l Pw Pas. Ag't, . ' AviaDia,uai CBABI.M L. HOPKina, Traveling Passenger Agent, . b West Trade Street, ' Charlotte, N. C. yittanin OO. TAjrFprawBa.alSM, ga. a, PAsexaexot An raainirr. " aIm , - awtao!B. ... .......... ....t" - t borne " '? .LriJuasMai raa1-, NsVO J SSSllS..........y..... IwSi - rsen ATrtneraw JLT'saae at 'fe'amlei wit a aorta, sexith, and west.. !TWai. SM Freeidens. RICHARD A. BLYTHE, . COTTON WABPS AND YARNS, ' No. 11 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. No. 4s to 200'a Blnrls and Doul '. TTsrps Fat!;.8l ia Chains aiad r:i-.-z, Trail m QlwpASt Hi d !v-.t ft. -i-.-i. : ' r'

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