" tTP AND EOIKO." These Folks Ht 'A Hrart for Any Tate" - Know Them.' -.- -v Mr. and Mrs. J..M. Morehead are jn the city., - -v Airs. a. m. jueicneowm ne noma irom Atlanta to-night. - Mr. and Mrs. Mae Pineus, of Norfolk, are at the CentraL T - ' Mr. A. S. Thomas, of Charleston, and Mr. T. R- Maxwell, of Columbia, mem bers of the furniture firm of Thomas & Maxwell, of this city. are here on a visit.. J - ' . - - r Vv " Mrs. Hattie Hill, ol Wilford, S. C. and Miss Maggie Youngblood, of Steel 'Creek, are visiting at Mr. J. I. Blake- lev's. i ' " - Mrs. A. P. Earney - mother '-- of Mrs. " John ELBethune, is here on a visit. - Mr. and Mrs. B. R. -Barnhardt, of . r ; 1 . i V l after a visit to their son in trus city. J Dr. Robert McLean and Miss Jennie McLean, of Li ncolnton, are : visiting at , jur. auuiuss. . -- ' Mr, . Reece Harry -spent yesterday - here and returns-' to Union, 8. C, this moraine. .-?- . t- - 'Mrs. Beall, of Richmond, president of t the board of lady managers of the At- lanta Exposition from Virginia, passed lady manaeers at Atlanta to-day. -' Mr,' M. P Anderson starts on his JS orta western trin Monday, lie goes -. id ue interest oi -we vnartoiie uii ana til! 1 IT 1 . . Mrs.Thos. Williams, of Belmont, who has be en spending several days in the city with relatives, returned home yes teraay. .hn:- . ... . Mrs. G. 0 Harper, of Shelby, after spending a few days here with friends, left lor her home yesterday. Mr. J. W..jGallant, one of Colombia's most progressive grocerymen, is on brief visit to friends in this city. He -. will leave for home to-morrow. ' Hnntersville sent to Charlotte yester day for the day Messrs. M. W. VanPelt, J. A. Brown and J. U. Hunter. Mrs. A. T. Graham, of Davidson, re turned borne yesterday after a visit to her parents here. - Mr. M. Wilkinson and Miss Fannie Wilkinson, father and sister of Mrs. E 8. Burwell, will arrive to-night from Augusta. Airs. Sandy Chads, of Columbia, S C, who arrived last Bight, was accom panted by her children. . Miss Mattie Lee is spending several days with Mrs. H. A. Murrill. Misses Pattie Morris and Nannie Mc Donald are visiting at the Mint. Mr. E. McNish, of the McNish, Mein hardt Heating and Ventilating Com pa nv. of Lvnchbure. is in the citv. Mrs. John Davidson left yesterday for Biaiesviue 10 visit Mrs. K. ju Foston Miss Nell Hampton and mother, of Kine s Mountain, are at Mr. L. W. San der's. Miss Hampton returns home to day. Mrs. Hampton remains for a week or more. . Airs, uanpn jsioiz and daugbters, o Liincolnton, returned home yesterday auer a visit oi a lew days here. Mrs. M. J. Davis, of Mooresville, is here with her sister, Miss Sallie Whis nant. Mrs. J. T. Stenhouse, of Huntersville is visiting her son, Mr. T. G. Stenhouse juflgetione was in the city yester uay. ne jeii ior nis nome in Lincoln ton in the afternoon, accompanied by his sister, Miss Sallie Hoke, who ha9 been spending some time with Mrs. F. I.Osborne. Judge Bynum leaves this morning for Stokes. THE BEST Of TALENT. "Eldlewlld" Can Boast This Tne Cast Is Strong. The young ladies who have under taken the sale of tickets to " Eidle wild" find no trouble in selling them, so anxious is every one to see this beau tiful play. Mr. Ferris, one of the best of dramatic critics, says it is to be the best play yet given by Charlotte ama teurs. The dress rehearsal takes place to-night. The cast, which is unusually strong, is as follows: "Elliott Gray," Lieutenant H. R. H. Lancet Mr. Chase Adams "Matthew Beigle," the village doctor. ... "Col. Cavendish May" DrVc: t Mind "Banbury Kolb," a country squire Mr. H J. Hlrshineer "Miles McKenns," chief of the Gypsies .. ; vk- Mr. F. B. Ferris "Corporal Dan," a protege of;Grav Mr. 8. B. Waters. Jr "Farmer Green- Mr. A. Gage r ;ggaS:s on-- i-uitezsisfc I! rK w Mr.J.R. VanNess nfS4 4rthur May " Little Lottie Gray "Lady Florence May," a young widow "Tabitha Stork. nousekee?' Kr,i0kUB 11. . ' v. Mrs. J. Hirsninger "Lady Adela Gray," Elliott's mother.... uc v Miss Frances Butt "Sarah Sykes," a household treasure Mra- 1. Sampson "Primrose," another one ..;,.Wl-!1"lnHhinger Soldiers, Gypsies, servants, etc. . . SYNOPSIS. Act 1. Manor house and lawn wild. it Eldel- Act 2. The old room in the east wins; robbery. ' the Matthew's cottage; the lost child .cy' . One year later. Scenes. xneuypsy aell;"Up lancers and at them." Act 6, Bcene 1. The colonel's discomfiture. """"J iue losi is louua; nappy deaoue moot A Uvely Runaway on East Trade. Yesterday afternoon Mr. Fred Cham bers horse stirred up things about the Carolina Central freight depot. The wagon to which he was attached was oeing loaded with grain at Cochrane & Barn hardt's. The animal got fright- enea ana oasned across the street. Tunning into Mc.D. Watkim' milkwagon and very nearly upsetting it. He next lodged himself and wagon between Wearn's shop and the flagman's house a tne sou in crossing. He jerked loose from the wagon and ran down the track until be got hedged in by the cars. He was then caught and taken to the sta ples. Cotton the Subject. Air. B, K. Barnbardt, who was here yesterday, is first to report cotton leaves. he has cotton with four or five leaves on it. .- iteeeipis . were nil yesterday, and everything at the platform at a stand suu. - Two bales constituted the crop. ; Keceipts this year are already far in excess oi wnat tney were last year. jar. i aiier x-otis, or steel ureek, is w years. or. age. He saw something jBavvruayv ue etays, ne never saw De fore negroes hc hopping fcotton and stopping every now and. then, to go to me ure in tne neid to get warm. - On tho Cow-Cateher. The material train of the Carolina Central was here yesterday at work Clearing up the tracks in the freight - i reman ? ureen, of the Atlanta & nariotte, who was badly hurt several weeits ago, by a fall from his engine, is nT unao,e Je to return to work. , ; The vegetable trains are on the move. tana tney will continue tomoveas-the season advances. t Will SIS at Their Own Board. Mrs. XX H. Burtner arrive) i.et :!, from Hagerstown, Md., to join her hus- oa.uu.wno oaa engaged in business here. xhey will go to housekeeping on East oeventa street. . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Belk will re sume housekeeping. Jnst where they have not decided. - v- . . Tkoy Being Doad, Tot Speak," ( "Not only , the Historical Society, bat the public in general, is reminded that to-night Mr. P.- B. McDowell lectures before the society on "Steel Creek atd Her Silent Heroes.? All are welcomed. Mr. Me Do we 11 has studied the past and his paper will be full of interest. Light rWhere There Was narknesa.'' . Dr. Geo., W. Crtham yesterday re tvo I a cataract, from the eye of Mr J aiiitl lsechourtof Cabarrus. The op-trati-a vsas performed at the hospital. THB BOSK TKA. Tne Belmont Dining Room the Scene Tie 1 5 , i- - Tables.. :r - The Belmont dining room U one of the handsomest rooms in the city,' and nnder the marie touch of the Christian Workers of tne second JfresDyterian church -will ibis afternoon catch the aesthetic as well as the epicure. There'll be much to appeal to in bothLia the "rose tea" which the! Workers have pa red. The tables and waitresses will be as follows: - --' PcfK Table: ; Mrs. J. H. Weddington assisted by J Misses 'Grace i Cochrane, Clara Shaw. Alda Finger; Carrie Todd, Addie Jamison and Maggie Rankin and Mrs. itooen urimin. , " Yhixow Tabus: . Mrs. J. T. Koas. as sisted . by Misses - Bessie Dixon,' Edith Ramsaof. Loala Sorines. Jennie Free man, Zella McCorkle, Miss Slayton ana lira. A. Li. Bmith. ; . - Ghees' akd tWHTTE- Table: ' Mrs. H. 8. Brvan. assisted br Mrs. Ed. BelLMrs. E. L. Keesler. Misies, Willie HU1, Ida and Ella Hand and Mollie Davis. ' Stkawbekky Table: r Mrs. H. A. Jlur- rill, Misses Matjle Lee.Lucy Oatea and p an uurweii. --, - RscEFTioa CoxsnrrBs: - Mrs.: a: Solomons and Mrs. Joseph Baruch, and Misses Berta Uates and Bettie x ates Hours 5 to 9. r Admission 25 cents. The publio in general cordially invited. ' 1R. O. W. OKAHAH SENT FOR. The Scotch-IrUn Cong-res 'Want t Hear . Hi Fapr. r. Dr. OW. Graham yesterday received a pressing letter irom uev. vr. i. n Bryson, ol HuntavSle, Ala.', urging him to attend the Scotch-Irian Congress at Lexington, Va., Jane 20tb, -and read before the congress his paper on -the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independ ence. - - ' Dr. Bryson urges Dr. Graham to come and read his paper himself, but if he will not do that to send the paper, and it will be read and beard gladly. deals with Scotch-Irish and will be lis tened to with keen interest by Scotch Irish. Dr. Graham is a prominent mem ber of the society, and his knowledge of Scotch-Irish' especially Mecklenburg Scotch Irish iscomplete. This Dr. Bry son knows, hence he insists on Dr. Gra hams, bringing the paper. A Charlotte Boy Orator in His Society a' Davis School. The Observer is indebted to Cadet W. W. Fife for an invitation to the commencement exercises of Davis Mill tary School at Winston, June 3rd, 4th and 5th. The annual address will be delivered by Gen. E. W. Moise, of South Carolina, en the morning of the last named day. Cadet Fife is the orator of the Washington Society celebration at 8 p. m., on June 3rd. This is a high compliment to Char lotto's representative, and one worthily bestowed. Masonic. The Blue Lodge met Tuesday night and elected officers as follows: Worshipful master, T. 8. Franklin; ' Senior warden, R. W. Smith; Junior warden, Heriot Clarkson; . Treasurer, G. H. King; Secretary, A. R. Stokes. The other officers will be appointed. The officers are to be installed on June 24th St. John's Day. All the Masons of the city are invited to be present. Dr. Creasy, past grand master, will in stall the officers. The Play Last Night The "Arabian Knights" Good. A good-sized audience greeted the Rogers Company, last night at the opera house. The play was the "Arabian Knights," and the company got all out of the play that was in it. ; "Little Winna" was captivating in her singing and dancing, and O'Connor and "Miss Annie" were "strictly in it.". The company will lay off until Saturday when a matinee will be given. The play, "Leap for Life," will be put on at night. Mr. lirem Led the Shoot. The Gun Club made a good start yes terday afternoon. ' The new grounds were christened, and birds broken right from the word "purf." The scores were as follows: Event 1 Semi-expert, 25 single, W Brem first, Charles Creswell second, A. K. Stokes third. Event 2 Semi-expert, 10 single, W. Brem first, Charles Creswell second. Event 4 Eight doubles, W. Brem first, J. L. Morehead second Those Seceders Again. . Kev. vv. w. orr, oi iiuntorsvuie, was in this city yesterday morning on his return home from Smyrna, 8. C., where he has been holding a five-days' meet ing. Kev. Mr. Sloan, of the A. R. P. church, this city, will occupy the pul pit of the First Presbyterian church Sunday, rn Dr. Preston's absence. The First church people will be glad of an opportunity to hear and enjoy Mr Sloan. Here s Little and There a Little. Mayor Weddington; has promised to remove the stumbling blocks out of his North-Tryon-street brother's way. That hole in front of Mr. Elliott's is to be filled up and the sidewalk generally improved. ; South College street has been con verted into a beautiful boulevard short but "mighty fine." -The street force has done good work there. Jtforth College shows up equally as well, also. The work on both is about complete . Social Chat. Miss Mary Ring abandoned the idea early yesterday morning of having her garden party last night. Nothing but house parties go tnis kind oi weather. Miss Ethel Holt gives a dance to night, complimentary to her' guest, Miss lienouf, of Atlanta. The hours are from 8:30 to 12:30. The Virginia Dare Circle meets this afternoon with Mrs. J. L. Chambers. Wordsworth will be under discussion. Week Day Kotos A boot Sunday Thiact Rev. C W Robinson, of-Wilkesboro, who has been at Dr. John R, . Irwin's, leaves for home to-day. Mr. Robinson is a cousin or ur. lrwin, and was a former pastor of Graham Street church To-day is observed by the .Catholic Church as Ascension- Day a day of obligation. First mass at 6:30 a. m high mass and sermon at 9:30 a. m., vespers and sermon at p. m. v Xr. Prltchard Preacher and Orator. The closing exercises of the - Mat' thews High School takes place to-day. The occasion is to be a great one for Matthews; Rev. Dr. :Pri t chard -will preach - the annual - sermon to night, and to-morrow deliver . the commence ment address. The closing term has been -a most successful one- Rev. Mr Payson is the teacber Sanday School "Worker Haye Bnslaess -"r-'.v- j-Ahead of lhsa.:;, " The delegates to the Sanday school conference, which meets at Wadesboro to-dav, are off this morning, i. Besides the delegates) from Tryon Street and Church Street churchy Brevard Street church wilt send' Messrs. M P. Kirby, Chas. Smith and J. O "Herring and Miss Rose White. : - . ' A Gordlaa Knot of IDinicoJty. " The county commissioners will have a busy session in June. : Besides attend ing to the regular affairs of the hoard, they will assume charge of the work of the county board of education. New committeemen are to be appointed for G7 school districts, which in itself is a tremendous job- , . 7 Zl-, Coder the Kew Teat.- 1 Mr. Baxter Wilson"5 succeeded Mr. Will Hall as night guard at the chain gang. - . - - - --t - . he tower camp is located., near Mr. W. M. Long's, r The force is not large. bat. according to exiuire L,oo worli is being done. - EMIGRATION AQKSTS HEBE. . Party ? of Prominent F arsons Over the Seaboard Boad Examining Advantage Offered to Foreizn Settlers. ; -Another party of excursionists came into Charlotte yesterday over the bea- board Air Line In a special tram. i was a party rwho bad been invited oy Mr. E.St. John to make atrip over the road in rder to see the advantages and attractions of the territory - along tne Seaboard route. ; ' ' . . The party was: being conducted oy Vr Rhode, general airent or tne road. and was accompanied at Charlotte by Hr; Wm. Moncure, 'Superintendent, ol one of the divisions of the Seaboard sys- The leading member r or tne party oi ffuesu was Mr. A. -E. Johnson, of the firm of A. E. Johnson: Co., io estate street. : Boston. Mass..v land and eml oration agents. This : firm : has . been made the omciai emigration agents iur the Seaboard Air Line. Any .one who haa land to sell or who r wants a good class of white tenants for land would da welt to write to this firm direct. The other members of the party were Mr. W.- G. i Anderson, manager or the Boston office of A. K. Johnson- A oo. (this firm also has many .other, offices)-, Mr. F". Aubr, o Baffalo, w: . Y,; Mr. Cbas. -K. Johnson, of the-; newspaper North SUr. of New York.1 The gentlemen of the party seem to be having a pleasant time ana eipreaneu themselves aa most ravoraoiv impressea with the South. Ther were at Shelby last, niirht 5 They trill be in Columbia to-morrow and from Columbia will proceed to Atlanta and other points on tne seaooard Detween nereanu ausou. An " Obsebvbr.: reporter i interviewed Mr. Johnson with the ionowing result : "What is the Durnose 01 4W tnprr My firm has been made byVlce President St. John the official emigra tf on- airent of the Seaboard Air Line We are making this, trip In order that in Norway, Sweden or Scandinavia, mav Interest my agents to say that have seen the country we recommend and I speak from personal knowledge.' t'ls it emigration or immigration aeents?" . " We are emigration agents. We un dertake to find people who want to leave old countries to better their condition in new countries. We confer with and co-operate with your immigration aeents but we are emigration agents. "You look for people in all , parts of the world who want to move, and when you find a restless spirit you recommend the new locality? "We of course take any business that comes but we make a specialty of bean dmavian and German business. We never try to colonize. We recommend to individual families that they pur chase this farm or that and that they become Americans at once. I believe in amalgamation of the superior races. I came to this country my sell as an emigrant and became at once an Amer lean. I find it a pleasure to help others of what were my fellow-countrymen to improve their conditions. "What do you think of Charlotte?" "Give me your card and send me twenty-five copies of your paper. Char lotte is the best town we have seen in the South and we are going to send some people to you here." "What makes this enthusiasm?" "Your public roads alone are a guar antee that this is a leading town and a leading section. "The roads are not alone what we see here. The farming land looks inviting; your industrial development is the best we have seen ir the South. ' The.eity is as prosperous looking as any we have seen In the Northwest, where we are accustomed to look for enterprise and rush." - . ' r - . The party left about 3. o'clock p. for Monroe. Messrs. Kenneth S. Finch and D, A Tompkins showed the members of party about the city. the Oat of Season and Order. After prayer meeting last night the Methodists of Tryon Street church dis cussed having an excursion. It was moved and seconded by a very cool and level-headed individual that it was too arctic like to discuss outings, so discus sion was postponed. H. BARUCH, ine inspiration oi one oi my "Great Sales '.'is wonderful. Why? Because everybody in this section knows that when I make a SPECIAL OFFERING It's genuine and true. No fake efforts necessary to draw the crowd. They know what's in store for them. They know that I have the stuff thev want and that they get it for the pricead vertised. They also know that while I advertise certain things nave plenty to go around : l am not ''just out," I never advertise little catchy odds and ends for a delusion. I pile the stuff up; new, desirable, seasonable goods, and then let them go as advertised Jiverjooay enjoys a part ot my special sales. My sales this week are beyond my expectations, and the good work goes on. Ypu, madam, have not availed yourself of my half-price' linens while hundreds have. I am ready to prove facts positively that I have sold more table linens, nap kins and towels this week than the combined sales on these goods in this town. Your neighbors and friends hare no doubt Bhown you the incom parable purchases made by them at tht electric ; sales. Yoa need not stand back and imagine that you are too late . No "indeed j it is quite different here from the usu al fake sales : the lines are all fill ed in again every evening after I the store closes; I have 161 s of re serve;: wnue my Baies aauy are large my reserve stock is always in shape. JMy black nag1 it white with red paint on it, and.it means no hold up as long as your money laStS. . , . . .-:.;'-. To-day shall be the day of days. A complete change in the offer ings, with prices s till t artner reduced'- I : expect you all to-day early and often. Don't think for a moment that I am giving these goods away. Somebody elss had that to do and the gain is yours. I wilt take care of my "end r of the string. - The goods I am- selling sol cheap are not by ; any means all from .. the Jaffrey sale. I have made many purchases during my last trip North far more advan tageous than the purchase at that great sale. -1 caught them on the fly in many jobbing and commis sion houses. -v ? " - - V I have - them in the house and they must and shall be sold. ; My determination , is backed by th9 price made on them. Don't forget that you want to be risht in it to- day.'. :; . :; -; . -' ' ;: " I always lead.never imitate, and the great Peremptory, Inimitable, Greatest Dry. Goods ; Sale contin ues. - i . .J. H. BAHUCH. "BRIGHT TOtTNQ MEN. Charlotte Kaepa Pace With Modern Bnsl- - boss Hie. r - - "Women in office" is' no unuscal sight in Charlotte. There lis scarcely an office where there is not a woman. They 'are rapidly insinuating : tnera selves into business life, and are found tn he. there as elsewhere, a neipmeew Among the latest to enter the business Circle are: 1 - -' - Miss Delta Torrence, wno empiuyw as stenographer at Jones & Tillett's law office. - - M im UaTjaad. wbo has lust . com nintMi hr eonrae at . the Com merctai riniioirA. ban secured' a position in the D.' A- Tompkins uo. omce stenographer and typewriter. - Miss uessie rucnois, iormeny wuvs .t f''y. as assistant book-Keeper wiens, x w r i turn here.io: assisua k-keeper. book-keeper. Mirs Clara Babbloeton. of this city, haa entered Mr.. A. P. Rhyae's efflce; at Mt. Holly," as .his stenographer." And aa the world moves on. and Charlotte HlU SMiIkm Hew JUHa In Sifnt. Chariolte is humming, " She setihe pace in this respect several yeara ago, and up to date has not been outclassed any wher town ao'TJie douvo. i 1 reaoy ane nats wrres hiiu :b The bum or. three mors, is wuouiug iu the Obsrvkr ears. - - ,f- T.Mr. S. G. Miuer, of xorkviae. v., Vion templates building a spinning mill. HeF-will have associated withiim other South )MXilnltM.:'!'X M H R Chad wick and Mr. A. ' fll. Price, former : superintendent - or tne Atherton MilL are North-working up a new mill which, if their effort sueCeedsi will be built at Dtl worth. ; ? Mr. Bobbins will add the rtmrd new enterorise-'-a rope and sash Cord mill. This will also be built atrDilwbrth tDil worth. . FOR Palm Leaf Fans, Japanese Fans, Toilet Soap, 18 Slate Pencils, Card Hooks and Eyes, Fishing Lines, 14 Fish Hooks, 200 yd. Spool Thread, Thimbles, Needles, Pins, Blacking, and hundreds of other articles! too numerous to mention. hrUUJL lltKJbiAU For hand or machine, equal to Clark's, at 2 cents. 'AW ft mTTROlV No. 3, 2 cents. SI LkEMBROIDEIY In skeins.-wash quality, 2 for 5 cents. GENTS' A HOSE 2 pair for 5 cents. One Case HALF HOSE Fine quality, worth 15 or 20 cents, we offer at 10 cents. Call for gents' 10 cent hose The quality will surprise you Ladies' and Misses' HOSE At 4, 5, 7, 9c. and up Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes and Oxfords, All colors and all qualities, 25 per cent, under regular prices. Visit tk Ree Hive. J. I). Colls. AUAMl'AiUiN ol education is uj on us. It is essential that evtry thinking man read the following: Coin's Financial school, Zocr A Freak tn fi nance, or Boy Teacher .Taught: 25c; Cash vs. Coin, answer to Financial school, 25c; Di'Metallism and "Mono- Metallism, 2oc; Coin's Financial Scnbol uD-to-date, 25c: A Tale of Two'Natfons. 25c; Coin's Hand Book, 10c. : Last, but not least, what every white man in the State should read: - i ' H1ST0RY-OF THE LA8T,GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF N. C. AN EYE OPENER. 10c, - STONE ; & BARRINGER, DRESS FABRICS. A glance at the array we are rdailv placing upon our counters will prove to yoa that we are making a strong effort to win yoa over oar way.?.. Prices,;: too. are marked so low that sales - are -made readily and rapidly. ' - " I Clumsy.weavea and ungainly designs prove to be no good, even if offered at one-foarth their eost of prodaotion . Laces for trimmings never were so lovely, f , - We are showing stacks upon stacks of new thingar. - . . ' . j j Ceri tJ0E BABUCH & CO. Opposite City HalU , .A Slaogliier Is Un. Tis with eenuine resnret we to day begin the most sttipendous saenhee ot iefrant, new ana cnoicti Dry Goods ever witnessed in this city; - '- . - -' vv were comoenea 10 cioso : our n!ac Wednesday in order to ar ranee for this sale. ' lMV:yiB know this city is greatly Hurpnuea at our aeinnuiauou w aigrjose "of :thit tho newest, clean- est and handsomest stock in Char lotte, but we have good reasons for so doios. We regret, furthermore,tnat our fellow-merchants will necessarily feel the force of this mammoth nnloadinK cf 8nch choice stuff at f , (y.nn-n - nf RI,-rarner.br.t y j "?e r -z , . ' i business is first and sentiment secondary. " HEAR THIS: Every dollar's worth, from front door to rear, is to sro and at Drices you never dreamed of. Jf it s a paper ot pins or a nana some silk, you need to see us ff Q Hams & YOU WILL BE Taken off your feet with astonishment when VOU see U-ho nrW of nnr olothins-. -wr. iff o r tyi f mto. take. Not at all. We sim- ply. had a favorable oppor- tunity to ouy cneap, usea our ludfirment ana strucK a bargain. Now vou tret the oenent or it. improve an good chances. Ihey may not be repeated. .Let us surprise you witn quality and price- W e make snirts to meas- ure ana eruaranree tnem to fit. New lot of neckwear for ladies. Co. We solicit orders from a rlicfanno onrl tiHII KATifl crnnrls by express on approval to anr narf nf flip p.nnnfrv. rft- turnable at our expense. SEIGLE'S, TAILORS AND Outfitters SPECIAL SALE. CASH. DOTTED SWISSES. , Wiiitk. 2 pieces at 20c., worth 35c; 2 at 25c, worth 40c; 3 at 30c., worth 50c; 3 at 35c, worth 60c; 2 at 40c. worth 674c. Colored dotSj. white ground worth .,. --50c.', at 25c . Tiress patterns, worth 75c. yard, at 35C ; . 1; SWIVEL SILKS. . These are very handsome; worth 50c. per yard,; at 33c." ' PAKAS0LS. . , Worth $6 at $3, worth $7.50 at 4, worth 10 at worth 55 at 12.50, vThis is the way they go, at 50 cents - on tne aouar. TABLE LINENS. - , By the yard, 95c, worth $1.50; 41c, ' worth 65c; 79c, worth $1; 61c., worth 87c; 28c, worth -40c; 41c, worth 65cr 82c; worth $1.25; $1.10, worth $l.50r tl.65; worth $2.25; ' $2.03 worth $3. . " SHIRTWAISTS. t Only two qualities cat in" , price lo- day. . Those worth $3.75, at $2.50. - Those worth S2.25, at $1.50. : " The above bargains are bona fide, -Bring this advertisement and see - for yoarself. ; Many other ' lines in -: this sale.not mentioned here. - T. L. BEIGLE & CO. rpnii DOGWOOD TREES ARE IN JL bloom, , J - - - " ' And the fish are on a boom..:- - 3V . j s v7 Now's yrar time to bay jour fish hook lines and tackles from - , BiOVN, WEDDINGTON & CO., ' -Who carry a complete line. Long, Tate s fimmwrirm? Singed -la ' better than it -looks,. but - rmr Ten-tollar Serge- Suits are no better than they; look. because they look "no. better ; than they, reallr are. - They ". fit long I and .short men, andf i :illfn6t?disappomtihe. buyer L- -who mefers a well-made, nony . jcipable-v silk sewed vsuit of clothes lef "la : shoddy . uJiand Vine-downy ;"A . JgytfN nmwm . A straw hat that will, suit you for tOc.-,-V; s Summer Underwear 50 cents a garment. Percale Shirts,- collars and cuffs detached, 75c. t Grandest epportunity the patrons of the Racket ever had to buysaen's half hose cheap. We have just opened 600 dozen imported men's hose, which we bought at a great bargain, and shall run the entire lot at 25 to 33 per cent, less than the regular retail price. 100 dozen black half hose at 10c. (Hermsdorf); 100 dozen tan half hose at 12c; 100 dozen tan half hose at 15c. ; 100 dozen Un half hose at 24c; 100 dozen black haU hose at 15c. (Hermsdorf); 100 dozen black half hose at 20c. (HermsdorO About 400 dozen cheaper grades at- 5c. per pair. Special leaders thrown out daily in all the different de partments, and it will pay you handsomely to inspect our stock often for all ki nds of bargains. Williams. Hood Co., Successors to W. J. Davis & Co. WHAT A DAY BRINGS FORTH- Pf fIf!TfI ATINfi I Lit) VI UHliliU PRICES. Keep your eye upon more directly upon this space and j OUR HOUSE, As we will do some funny things with fine summer goods. See us often. Mate daily visits to get the market's bottom prices. They may change, without notice, at any time. 25c. CHEilESETTES EACH. Paris plisse, the ideal goods, 4c. yard The finest olissesold; by some said to be worth 25c. Our sale price 12ic. Thcee thousand yards, elegant style, fine ginghams; any quantity 5cr. - , Batiste, wide and fine tinted grounds or stripes, oc. Dotted swiss 10c and up; 45c dotted swiss at 25c; fine dots. SPECIAL SALE Price on children's imported hosiery 10 and 15c Do not sleep long over these prices.; a OCR SALE IS ON TO-DAY, AND ONWARD INDEFINITELY. Wide fine grenadines lOca yardV ' Umbrellas out of sight in priee; the finest ever seen at $1, $1.18, $1.50. with Dresden Tip Handles. - : - T. L Alexander, Son ;and . Co. THE WORLD IS MINE." u keard to drop this remark' ... waa leaviac Ute sum - TEE f.ESHAW HARNESS CO. ON A- RAM B L E li ! RACKET - STORE -OFFICE OF CHARLOTTE, N. C. 4 ThRP V.' o bo. rt -tri 4 : m :i r ir r The attention of the public is respectfully : called to the condition of the bank at the. close of business Satur day, May lltht 1895. 1 ' ;' The first quarter of a million assets in a little over one and a half years life of this bank is no doubt; as gratify ing to our friends and well-wishers as it is to its officers,! and shows that the 3Fs may be successfully applied even in banking: Loans -"5'2-2 Expense Furniture o,lG w Due from banks and casTi on hand, N. C bbnds, 4s and 0sf 27,il vo Total.. .$251,740 48 A. BRADY, Cashier. Do It Now. clopwdia Britannica, yoa had better cut mail it at once, ior tne oner wiu uo wnuunnu f on will have to pay FULL RETAIL PRICE. j , v : cur This OUT! A'PPI AND MAIL IT., j , to THE CHARDOTTE OBSERVER: Please register my name for a set of v u-j:.i vn-inTMaia.Ritnina your special offer, with the privilege of choose. ' ':. ' " NAME.. ADDRESS. GOOD ADVICE- .ydemeR ; s'nosreP eoJ .srM ? ekaT TAKE IT. Better and Better. GOOD STOBE-KEKPIXQ 'MEANS PROGRESS. LAST WEEITS BEST IS JV'OT GOOD ENO TJGII FOR NEXT WEEK. DO TOXTKEEPTRACKOV WHAT IS GOING ON HE RET IN TERESTING AND YOUCAN MAKE IT PROFITABLE IF YOU CARE TO. JUST RECEIVED, A HANDSOME COLLECTION OF RICH CUT GLASS VASES IN A VARIETY OF NE W CUTTINGS FR 0M tt.25 EA CHl UP, AND THE LA TEST FANCIES IN CRYSTAL AND GOLD VASES. THESE ARE TUB FRESHEST, BRIGHTEST. AND BESTNQ VEL- TIES THATFOHEIGN AND HOME MARKETS CAN SUPPLY AND ARE THINGS YOU I WANT A T TRICES YOU OUGHT TO JPAY. i a.s.-jiEAD &m f fir tt i ; . - cnawrr. W W Mi Ji ; ; " " ft To Keep Abreast, ; , or the Times - " One should ndsvoT to Isd tbe proeeuion. not follow It- To cope with the frugal, im MMraia one. voU must own Toor home. To oontlnoto renting on will ultimately find you In tbe "hlRhways and badges," bereft of opportnnltle with ail one hopeful in the The facta are-stubborn and pertinent Ton should oonder well and eon alder Just where yoa stand t present. - - The opportunity is offered you whereby for fewer dollars and utmost convenience yoa mav own a home, and it should not re a aire a second tboacbt for you to make this provision of comfort for ' youreelf and re-. spectaote iur.;uuuuiii(i wr jour imjiuy E. D. Lattav. OF- is m May 11tbv1893. Capital stock..........! $ 50,000 00 Surplus. . . . . . . .... .'. ........ 2,500 00 Undivioea proms. . :-. J Deposits.. H 1.023' 85 Dne to banks.. 13,707 88 Bills pavable . Total , 5,000 00 .$251,710 48 S. WITTKOWSKY,. - " s;;' President. If you have not already provided your home, office or study with that greatest of reference .libraries. The New Up-to-date Edition Ency. out tne application man wivw 'JCATfON BlANK. - at introductorv rates, in accordance with selecting later any style of binding I may : - - GETTING CLOSER TO THE PEOPLE SO LONG AS THE. STORE STANDS SOLELY AND SOLIDLY. ON The Character of the Merchandise, The Candor of Its Statements. The Certainty of Its Proper Prices, -The Faithfulness of Its Service, IT CANNOT FAIL TO GROW IN FAVOR. -Every day is", a great "occasion, calling upon us to do our best, and, day after day, the sincerest ilat- LWJ us utea ueaiuweu upuii mo elegant male and fit of our Hen's ninfhfnorarifl Axtrfitrifilv low nrices. Our community is very intelligent concerning goods and values. Pub lic judgment catches the facts of the market and acts unon them. Knowing what we want to do and keepirg at it everlastingly is the concrete fact about our, business. We dare not let our atsortments run low and. our prices .run high. It is altogether against our interest to allow, any lack of goods or to permit any doubt of Tightness of price. We cannot wait for our customers to correct our prices.but by keeping constant watch we in sure their correctness Thus our! customers whether ? informed of values or not are' protected. I Our Menus' Suits at $10. are all wool and reliable in make. We have them itj cheviots blue and black and mixed tasiimere; .Tht cut and. ttia.V .r t.hft Hftmft a a those at $15. Oar tailor-made suits at $15,1 either in cutaway or sack.wcre got ten up for real swell dressers, and are equal to the tailor kind you see on th9 streets at $30. The fashion-; able costB nothing here. Our cuta way suits in bliiejblack and "brown at $20 are worthy your inepplKn. Men tf suits in Uavana lSfSUis- j jjTgj Brown ''and-Broflz Brown"!," To.morrow we will have a special sale of children's suits. 590 CHILDKEN'S SUITS. These-are. about $5 suits, having a nominal value of $7, $8, $10. of beautiful quality, elegant weave and this season's production, and for quick sales they will be to-morrow $3. There are about 400 reefer suits; truo Value $5, $0, $7, The price a curiosity X50. Children's lace trimmed blouses 50c to tl; children's straw hals25 to 50c. W. KAUFMAN & CO., - . . - XEADINO CLOTHIERS, We give close attention to mall orders. Goods sent on approval if desired. REFRIGERATOR that saves provision and ice bills is - . TIIU ALiVSKA, receiving the highest award and medal at the World's Fair and New Orleans Exposition. ' ... : A few ice cream freezers left. . J. N. M'CAUSLAND & Co.; Slate and Tin Roofiup: Contrcctors.

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