BIANY PEOPLE ask" whjr the'CARi . . OLINA MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE .COMPANY dotes fibe vrritel ' ioSuranQe -at a lower rate than foeigaj companies. -Here are our reasons:' ' ' -vr,: J ' ' . "We expect to carry oot every promise . 'we make., to the public; and td,pay promptly; and in full every-. joss .we : Ciieta In Tf ... mf(A 'AnlvJ cmflllKnft oa i the best classes 1,'Ot, -property, , and charge for oar policies arate.,lhai the past exDerienCdof tbe-old compa nies has shown to be sufficient to cover all losses and ex penses, we' know th at we WILL SUCCEED, -Mho old companies .'not only - have, a "large and profitable '..'business already bu&tjv&JrtJw'eu be- sides a Iarge-inieress income iroBTTheir 1 Invested assets: TjMARpLlNAJtfU H TUAL must charge a rate sufficient to :-VA sKlillAlv B11PA tit Tn11o(tin4 nnnnnh CSJif T ""6" ,cuiiuiu v oj (ru99iuiu losses, . anu at'the same lime gradually-accumulate AurpfuS f und. " If-we charged lees than standard rateSrthere would be-possir accumulate a surplus fund: first, for the lroXeoUonJof "our 'policy-holde'rsi.'aad, sccond.'loenablcjinhe contest for bvrilpcSs ayprein ac in the - f a tare - to , uvuj JVfcU ni.u ait ukutrs. , : p.i,i : it Por'these reasons we 'adhere strictly to the established rates, and feel sure bat,-very one who wishes the CARO LINA. .MUTUAL, .success,, .and , would like to?r see- us build up- a successful SOUTHERN INSURANCE COMPA NY, "will agree with us that the position we haye taken is right. DIRECTORS:" M. P. Peham. - Bam'i, E. White, P. M. Hkowk, Hebiot Clabkson, E. B. BfrincWj J. T. .Asthont, B. D. Heath,' " J. W. Miller, A. O. StTMMEBVILIJL P; M. BROWN, E. B. SPRINGS, Presidents Vice President. ' O: PURBER JONES, Secretary. ' ORGANIZED 1874. Doited Slates; Staleand City Depository. Paid np capital . .-. Surplus and Undivided nrdnts. 1175,000 162,000 ,T 337,000 OFFICERS: Li.'V . J.H.8PKSOIR, r. :-' President. A. G. Buknizer, - - ' Cashier. B. H. A!HIB9i, - Teller. DI RECTORS: JAMRSH.HOLT, WH.JOHN8TOX, FaAWK CftXE, i Wm. K. Holt. Lawrence . How, R.-ivr. WurrK, . JNO. L. MOBSttEAD, L.RASK8HOLT, H. C. EteLEK. J,.BFEKCtK, R. M. Millfb, Sr. INTEREST PAIP OS "TIME DEPOSITS. Especial attention gtven to accounts of merchants and corporations. Cotton Mills will And it to their interest to establish re lations with this bank, as It has had large experience in fnanaging tliat class of ae oouats." Strength, Courtesy Promptbiess. ' This most delightful of ill wester North Carol iaa resorts is now open and ready for guests. SPECIAL RATES UNTIL JULY 1ST. For circulars and full information address ' j - J. B. AVilkinson, Prop., Shelby, N. C. C c. a f 1 Ir. Kins s : Cuban Chill Cure never fails ' to Cure " chills and v fever. A trial will convince you of this fact. Prepared and sold by TURWELL & TPUNN, -XURWELL & -LUNN, - ' Wholesale, and Retail, Druggists. . B. K. BBTAN. ' - GEO. W. BKTAN. B. IC. BRYAN & CO., WHOLESALE ANQ TAIL ;J Grocers tujd Coimissiea Merchants. Prompt , attention given to consign menta. - "- SCIENTIFIOTIOIAN Correcting and deteetlug all errors of refraction.J Headache optically treated. Eyes examined free. Office at Davidson building j-oom, Ni9, 7, FiUnv, ; DE;AV. H. WAKEFIELD ; "WILL BJE IN HIS OFFICE AT - m m Tryon St.; Charlotte, Jtie 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0, 10, 11,12 and 13th. 1 i 'PHOHK 74, Practice limited to -t - - . - THE Commercial - National Bank Cleveland Springs. l.Sf);1). ' yt-. : -E?e, Ear, Nose and Thoat. -- " " !- tkt a- ... i i . i. K. IRWIN. PHYSICrXK4 Ami URfiEON.' 3i . Office: ; No; 3. Uftny .Bu-iidi '"Residence-' No. ll-tttTlhstreel? miu T. ' woodley: f PHYSICIAN AND SURGEONS f n Uefiidenc 3l West Sth street OT Davis .residence .1, ' " '' '"' - Office 21 S. Tryon street (up stairs.) Phonell6., . Office hbiivii 9 m.' to 6 p to. unless professionally engaged outsider ! - Calls promptly answered day or night. VL. ,V!j C-' II ERRING, : ' Of Conceed; has located in Charlotte for the practice of , Ms profession, and respectfully asks the publia for a- share of their patronage pffieeln the David, on building. - -" - - " ciiarlotte; n; c. ITAaTY BPIl.DTf3, - - --..-tT- KAB COKiT LoVift. - J. - The pemocratic"conveniion ofPeoria countjv Illinois," wa-held at Peoria yes terday and delegates instructed 16 vo?e for free'Coioage of 8ilverf ,were elected There was no opposition , " tOCAt WEATHEK RKFOKT, . S-IUosHaK,OMerrer, , nil - I . - fci I . . Clear, r I Maxlutuiu, 8S; niiiuuum, Oi. Gorrespcndmg ante last year: MaiclmQm,?; mlnlxnani, i - ' AVEATHJEK-BXJSECAiT. li'or North Carolina: Fair: warmer In eastern; cooler, Jtt western portion ; sooth lO; Cent a IJna, Six Word to tb Us. ITTASTBti.-Board for man and wife In U -- private famiir: ttut -hare bath "Tr. eare Observers - i-'- ---.' - - tTST AH rive D-A n ne native mare atad fj for sale at Bitch.' stables., - - . ANTED-Safe famll v"borser also two- BACON, Lamb, Crabba, Hare; 3herrri Lemon, may- have ail written boou vera, but H takes a Standard Cleaaable Bo trigerator to preserve sucn iooa. or sale by i. 8. Read fc Co. ' - .--: . o UJ, SAUCER AWD" PLATE," 36 cents. DOKT FORGET that we are contractors and builders. Tessier Bros corner i'hird and College streets. T - - - . S1 EE ANDREWS if you want a home at a nargain-. " WANTED IMMEDIATELY Experi enced - ciano salesman for Charlotte and vicinity, with good record, to represent prominns- manuracuirer ; salary or com mission. -Apply Mr. Powers, Arlington Hotel. . - -' ' -: . iii.i.-ilrf :i f iii 1 I 11 i 170"R RENT-DesIrable- 7-roora house; lj- modern-conveniences1: eood locality. Utiyn k 15 ro, - , . OUR COWS are carefully washed, dried , and curried before milked. Mel). Wat- kins. - ,! ,: G lO WITH your friends to Cleveland springs xuescray. Fare only n. KDREWS has some eheapiiomea for l sale. ; - . - THE FINEST and most costly presses, . tbo most experienced workmen and ijood material make the work turned oot at the Observer Printing House look better loan mat uonenewnere; XITANTKD Mac hinTst "a)nd moulder; T? both, must come well Recommended. Address Black sburg Maiiiue and iron TOO WILL regret It if yoa don't go on L the excursion Tuesday. A HDRBWS has an elegant six-room cot x. tags for sale cheap. C. HERSDON, awn in )i maker, carpet m layer, upholsterer, 80S N. Church St. TT- AND- DEEDS printed: and Tor sale at XU the OusEavKB Printing House. SPECIAL D U. E. P. KEERANS, . DENTIST, 7 West Trade Street, Charlotte, H, C. ; TWS bread-bayers f "Cliftrlotte have decided that we: are sunnlvinc them with the best bread ever made iu a bakery in this city. BEnnme & Whitb. S TRAWBEIUHES fresh daily. SiBKATT BUKELY. COLLEGE and I'EIIKS COLUMN 1TCES. "TV school medals a specialty. J. C. Palamountajn. SEND your photograph to your best friend. ; J If you haven't one 3. H. VanNess & Son can soon supply you. WE sell our wall papers in complete combinations, as they come from the factory. : ; ' ' WheeLek WaIi Papeb Co. STRAWBERRIES ; . fresh vegetables. . ' ' II. O. IilWIK. WILL SELL at a bargain nine room, two-storv dwpllintr nn Ti!nst Third street, 2J blocks from-square. V. S. Alexander. WILLIS' ladies' and gents' dining rooms open at al! hours. Every thing first-class. Attentive waiters. . 1 J. H. Willis. Pythfas, AN (THURSDAY, i EVENING, ( JUNE 4rs, BT THE an Dramatic Clab, , .. 1 3AI.ISBCUV, N. C. 20 People. Costumes superb, made especially for this occasion. Stage ef fects unsurpassed. An evening of de light to lovers of legitimate drama. -, , . lyifMisiiir, '35; 35 :d& $004 i- ff fSeatstoEl sale at M..P.! PegramV with out extra charge. '- '-, S UNBURN A doesn't bother those - . - who use , ; DERMAL BALM. . It prevents as well . as. cures, ana lor any '.face' eruption 'tis unexcelled. . . ;C For use after shav- ing it ia the best of ; . ,. all. Prepared and ; . som only by ORE JORDAN ORDAN fc o.. vof I The Retail Druggists: .C1TTT TAX iRETURNS. NOTICE.--t.Th4A 1s to aotiTy a'J ar sons1 residing in efte-fcity no. Charlotte, who wwoTi have eontrol t taxable property In-the city, on he 1st 3 one, 1895 to retura to me oir ar "before - the last day of June i. e. during the month of June) a list of their taxable property in said city, and also te make return of all taxable polls. j - By authority d the amended Charter of the City ol Charlotte, Sees 30. r ; " ' 'i:rRED NASH,. I, : Clerk and Treasurer. . Notice to l?ebtois . , All persons who are indebted to ; the firnirof Brown, WeddiogtOn & Co, are requested to make settlement at once with . -p. JL BROWN. THRNEW COURT HOUSE vnnM w a. tteauty If irirauid with Iredll iiranite. wuhik usb bo aifnefeTUSBin lest, no nun, uwb nut uiiwuiur wti hi nag t-iiree distinct colors blue when runic, dark blue when polished, white when hammered. CUAKLyTTEORASIIE COMPANY. , Opera Honse THRBIE KILLED AT A SAWr MILL. ASOIBXB 4 PIED. FBOH" IXURIZS. Tbe Worst Disaster la tb Blxtory of Cald well Coanty The Bailer Exploded B--, caase af the Rashaess and BeckJessaeM -v of the Fireman Two of ibe Dead Son of , Accdi Confederate ' Vateraas Two Men AIM Dadly Iujared. . Special tj the Observer. 7' : I axlorsville. May 29. Three men were instantly killed and three r i h . terribly wounded at a saw mil lower part of Caldwell county yesterday by the erplosion of & boiler. The killed ae Ed Deal, Gordon Oxford and Pen der Oxfod. There were only! sis' men working at the. mill, and those that were not killed were hurt so badly that no one was able to go for - assistance. Neighbors hearing the noise a went ,to the mill and found the situation ias above stated.; Nothing approaching ine awruiness of tois disaster ever Hap pened im thls.f sectioa before. Two ; of the wounded men' are . not expected ; to live. . The mail rider -from Lenoir to this place was among the first ."to arrive at the scene. - The mill belongs to Kil nan & Oxford and is : located 'on the grade about half wav between Ienoir Another and xlore Petailel Account. Special tt the Obserrert ;U -i.; ; LEifCftBl Tay 29-The wrsif disaster in mo aistorT pi tae CQuaiv occurrea near Powhsville P. O., about 12 miles from Lenoir, yesterday. It was the ex plosion i of a boiler at Deal's saw mill, resulting in the instant death of Ed. Deal, the fireman, Pender and Gordon Oxford, and fatal injuries to a Mr. Jones, who died five hours after the ex plosion.! Twoother younjr men" were also badly bruised and scalded, but 'will recover! .It seems lht the safely limit withtnis boiler was ioa ixmnds pres sure,! i but the fireman? f recklessly weighted down ?the safety - valve sand was trying to get 125 pounds. ' The re sult was a sad one. The two young Oxfords had heen working In. the-woods near by, and bad come to the .mill for water; the others were employes. The miif, tor, some -reason, had been stopped temporarilyi and, all I si meo were; Btanajng? in ;a .groups near tne boiler tat the fatal, moment. ' Pender td GordonHlxford were sonsof oiir'es teemed countyman. Mr. Sion H. Ox ford, who was a fearless and valned soldier in the. Twenty-second North Carolina Regiment. Especial sympathy is felt for this old Confederate veteran in this sore bereavement Having learned that passengers froraTJ Charlotte go via Salisbury in order to reach Lenoir the same afternoon 1 will say that th$ "present schedule between Charlotte and Lenoir, over theiCarolina Centrai and the Chester & Lenoir Rail roads, is a most excellent one. Leaving Charlotte about 10 a. m., passengers reach Lenoir via Lincolnton at 2:20 p. m.. Returning (same route), leave Le noir at ; 4:30 p. m, reachins Charlotte about 8 p. in. i The. mileage and time are considerably less this way. ttl j k SIfn Oet a Drop CMewd Fenon- ala, Etc. ' - - Special to the Observer. Concokd, May .29.- This morning while three eolored; men were on a scaffold, finishing up the front gable of a new colored church being built on South Spring Street, wall, scaffold and men all came tumbling downs Nonepf the men were much hurt t ? ' -Superintendent C. E. . McCluorr of Richmond, is iu the city. He met with tr.e subscribers of the Bell telephone in ibeSt,, Cloud Hotel to-day and made ;irraogemeDtswith them for improving the service. Misses Addie and Magfne Cannofkre- turned home this evening from Agnes Scott Institute, Decatur, Ga., via Wal- halla, S. 0., where they have been visit ing friends. Mrs. L. D. Duval and her little grandson, Master John Swink, left this morning for Augnsta, Ga., to be absent a month. The seventeen-year locusts have ap peared in central Iowa. BASEBALL IESTEKDAY, If ATI ON At. LKAGtrX. --At New York: New York :.2 2103010100 0 10 Philadelphia 0 0 62C011100 111 Base hits jxew York, ie: fmtaaeipnta. 90. Errors New York, fi; Philadelphia, 2. Eateries Kraus.Clarke.Rusleand Schrlver; McGil! and Buckley, v At Washington: - Washington 1 2000 201 0-8 Pittsburg. ...... ... 0 0 s 0 0 0 1 1 38 Base nits v asnincion. r.s; fittsburg, ii. Errors Washington, 6; Pittsburg, 8. Bat teriesMaul and MoGuire; Kiilen, Haw ley, Bagden and Mack. . i SO0THEB5 JjEAOITX. At Nashville s . Nashville, i. 0 1-2 0 1 1 0 06 New Orleans. ..i..o 5 0 O O 2 O 7 Base, hits Nashville..; 9: New Orleans, t. Errors Nashville, 2; New Orleans, .r Bat teries Daniels and Trost; Smith, Braun aud Oonding. At Atlanta: T ' Atlanta..:. ..,.;....8 0 0 0 0 1 e 0 4 Little Rock 0 o o o e 0 0 e e Base hits Atlanta, 11; Little Rock. 1. Errors Atlanta, 1; Little Rock, 2. Bat teries Horner .and Wilson; Brlggs and Ft field. At Chattanooga; . . ChattanOoga 0 0 2 0 4 6 0 0 17 Montgomery..;.... .1 wo t i u u e o Base hits Chattanooga, 18; Montgomery, 12. Errors Chattanooga, 0; Montgomery, 4. Batteries tCeeaan and Somers; Uoatgom- ery, rte&i sua Kenoe. i ARE YOU IN IT? The new (pass thaMs to b organized and "niade pretty by Madam Tully's combined Vaporizer and Inhaler. Profit by those that have tried the treatment and co and do likewise." What has proved the most eiricacldut ?in "Tail pulmonary diseases? Hot,, dry, medi cated vapor. . There is no treatment In the world for diseases ! of the.1 throat that is equal to the hot,- dry,. medicated vapor. Tms Is the only perfect . vio- latilizer for the treatment of 'consump tion, bronchitis, bay fever! : asthma, whooping Cough, catarrh," la grippe. diphtheria. This is superior to- any other treatment for diphtheria and other diseases of the throat, and is the true! method of administering nerve tonic Tar nervous prostration- Diseases and their treatment are con stantly changing- line or the ablest ana - most ex perienced professors in Rush Medical College said to the witer, ia fewdays since, that tne treatment. ol , uiseases had so changed that a - medical woik written ten years ago was hardly of any usenow.i, - - - ,J i,. ; Madam Tully not only can make '-yon prettr." 'but case's are known where "con sumption has been treated with success by he hot, dry creosote vapor. s - . :-Tbis vap3rlxer is recommended and endorsed. by the most prominent physn '.l: r-ij -.. n . cians oi tne uuueu owsirs iuu vanaua, besides many ladies' here in Charlotte who have been lucky , enough to be undetfr Madan TtiUy's v charge! They arev torooL suTljcient tnat ? pimwes: blackheads and all facial blemishes can and are removed easily.' - . Mr. and Mrs. Tully also give massage and Swedish treatment, steam and medicated baths, hair shampooing and scalp diseases treated. ." Singeing, which stops the hair from ; falling; afier; the first treatment. ' - Massage, as everyone knows, is not only a fad but an art; and this art Mrs. Tully has reduced to a science. She and her facial beaatifyer have revoln lionized the science of dermatology. It is important that alt the ladies iconieonpiaiing taking tne massage .. . ' ' ......... e . ,. .... i i treatment should call at once as their stay in Charlotte is limited. - . Tarter oor Buford Hotel. - SALISBURY K. OF P'S. TO KCILD. " Colored Exearsionlsts There A -Marriage 1 - Xt Nibt.- llnli Special totb Observer. ; ;: Salisbuby, May 29,--At the;meeting of the Knights of Py thjas last night, the louowing gentiemen -werei appointed ra committee , to make all necessary in quiries and investigations in reirar&lo the proiiosed baildme of the Knights A..H-Bovder-T. F.KIiittr. W. IT.Over man T fi R fXhey wiu report later on the matie I ' Ao excursion, train of about 250 col orea people, irom tock , iiilK , u.. ar rived here-about. 11 o'clock, to-day, to attend tne commencement at -Livingston College. They were a .-very qu'et, orderly set of negroes, , To-morrow will be a big day herewith the colored peor pie- - .Tbe graves at the national ceme tery decorated and there will be 6peecn-maklng4 , A large crowd-is ex pec ted. . . -,' .t . ' , ; The banquet given by the Rowan Bar Association at uuna s mountain to-day, was a crcat auccft4s" . v :-.--..--r - Mr..JohuA.. Sbuman and JJLss Jenr ie Cauble were united An marriasre at St. John's Lutheran eh arch at 8 b'eleck to night, , llev. C. B. . King officiating. A largetuowd of f riends - -was presen t f o witness; the ceremony. . v The ushers were: u m. isrown, u. L. James, j.: t Miller , and C.TP. Reisner.. After the wedding the happy couple left oa train No. 35 for Macon, 0a., on a bridal tour. WADES BOKO GRADED INsTICCrS. The Ciosin;JCTBlBer'a Execlae -Addresa- i es, Kaaays, Diploma Persoaal. f Special to the Observer.-- ;' t -r," WaiJESBOBOii " "May: .-t-Th second evening's exercises of the Wadesboro Graded Instittite com mencement con sisted of comic songs, dialogues, essays. a valedictory address and presentation of diplomas; -"-The - valedictory was spoken by Mr. Fred J. Core. It was a beautiful, touching and well delivered address. An essay by Miss Bright Mc-Collum.-rThe Ilistory ol , the Cjlass of aa, was interesting: aud i nstructive. Diplomas were : awarded ' Miss, Bright McCollum and Mr. Frederick: 3, Co.e presented by Rev. E. L. Siler .with- a few encouraging remarks. Then the stage was flooded with flowers, present ed by the school to the faculty. : . . i There was not even standing room in the school building. The old adage. there is always room for one more,'1 seemed to have failed last night. Quite a large number of "sports were at the depot when the west-bound - estibule rolled ia this morning, to meet one of Mangum's fairest and most accomplished daughters, Miss Pauline Stanback, who is on ber homeward re turn Irom Peace Institute. . Trinity i College . Alamnt - Banquet Tho Programme. Special to th& Observer. Trinits- College, Dukdam, May 20. The indications point 4a, larger at tendance of old students and alumni than everhefore assembled at a-Trinity commencement. One of the most in teresting occasions of the commence ment will be the alumni banquet at the College Inn Tuesday evening, June -ith; The occasioTTwill be graced by the pres ence of ladies and music will be furnish ed by the Durham orchestra. Hon. u. S. Jjradsbaw will preside and act in the capacity-of toast-master. Toasts will be responded to as follows: Our t President. by 'let A.LP, lrioiiy vtmegQ asar actoroi ine&iaie Welfare, by -Hon.. Ben j. F. Long; Ante- Hellum Days of College Jjife,. by Rev. W. C. Willson; Education, the Support of Law and Morals, by Judge W." W. Allen; Class of 1895, by Hon. W. P. By- num; response ra behalf of the class by Rev. T. A. Smoott The Women of the Old North State, Especially the Wives, Mothers and Sweethearts of the Alumni, by Mr. S. J. Durham. Death of Mr. 8. A. Dixon, of Durham : Dnke'e Trasteea Win Their Salt. Special to the Observer. Durhajc, May 29. Mr. S. A. Dixon, who was recently elected city tax col lector, died suddenly yesterday at Chase City, Va., where he had gone for his health. His remains reached here last night and were buried to-day. Messrs. Ballard and lley, trustees of B. L. Duke, received a telegram from their attorneys in New York this even ing, stating that they had won the suit against Alven Beveridge and got judg ment in their favor for $22,000. The mayor had ten cases in his court this morning nine were drunks and all plead guilty. Torrid Weather in Chicago With a Cold Wave Coming. Chicago, May 29. The records of the Weather Bureau do not show t bolter day than this one in May for the last 25 years. The oldest residents', memo ries do not recollect as hot a day in and about Chicago for the time of the year. Thermometers down town ranged in the afternoon from 92 to 90 degrees, the official reading being OS. ? Iff the face of these remarkable changes -in tempera ture during the last three weeks, the official prophet gives warning of a cold wave which will arrive from the North west in the next 48 hours and may drop the mercury 40 degraes. Inoffensive Looking Bat in the Toils. Special to the Observer. . r A yettevuxe, al ay 2, J. L. Bain, a seemingly inoffensive man, was arrested to-day .at Cumberland Mills, a small mill town near here. Bain s crime was that of shooting a negro by the same of Berthea some time ago at Dillon s, S. C. Bain after doing the shooting, got the drop oh the officers and made gocd his escape. He had engaged to work,- both himself- and , family' at" Cumberland Mills. Bain has been taken to South Carolina for trial. -, .-( The South Caroliaa Caae Postponed Again. Ricbmosd, Va.i, May 2ff.-The United States Circuit Court of Appeals did not hear the South Carolina appeal to-day Court adjourned until F riday morning at 10 o clock when it is expected the Chief Justice, will be present and 'to gether with - Judges Simon ton. and Lingoes hear arguments on the-motion to docket an appeal from the decision of Judge.-. Gotf ia the South Carol! n a registration eases. ' . .UNIPH. ii i " -li iiil-ilniMii i ii il i'& . The Fnaeralef the Late oha A. Uorrla, New Obleahs, May 20. The remains of tbe late John A- Morris were brought to this city this morning or the South ern. Pacific llailroad in .a special car which had been placed at -the disposal of the family and relatives" by ' the San Antonio - &. Aransas y Pass u Railroad Company. The funeral will take place to-morrow auernoon at 4 o clock and the body will be interred in- Metairic cemetery, j ' ; f ' ' CmBitBCmsof Lowell Academy. Corres pondenceof the Observer., s-... . The closing exercises of Lowell Acad emy will lake place Friday-Mayv31st. Kev. Dr. w . b. Creasy, of Charlotte. will deliver the literary address. Prizes and medals will be -awarded - Friday night. - ProL W: S. Campbell, princi pal,-ana aiiss Jvate Liineoerger, his ac complished assistant and music teacher; have had. a very prosperous; term and have given universal satisfaction. ' Iheodore Lurraut-was arranged at Ban Francisco yesterday he fore Judgn Murphy forihe mnraler of I'.Nnche I mont and Minnie iIIianiH. He plcd ed not guilty.- Boib cases were at t To CLASSIFYING: REYmE MEN. MAKING THEM CIVIL SERVICE FOLK. All Anbordlnate OBtcm- f xeept .Deputy - Collect era In. the. Claaaifled Service and ( These oon trill He An Illegal Retailer ' Discharged Beta nee fie Waa BS-Jodge ..JSeymonr. Suntnaeaed to -Richmond An Inatanee of - Uow ' Kai " Neva Dead, in, th AtUtade of PrayeiV Speciaio, taCOhserter . - 'J i i Ii aleiit; M ay-. 2. --G eorge LCIIoy t arrived here-to-day for Hbe 'purpose of classifyiffg the revenue: officials in the civil service.1 - He says ihat all save deputy collectors 'are bow; tinder civil Service, and that the- latter will soon be embraced by its' provisions. Mr. Hoy t recommended three persons -as a board of civil service examiners Nearly all the deputy collectors in thisdistrict are now here. "There are also many attor neys present from xanoua parts ofhe district. The latter is increased in size by the addition of our counties. 1 he Circuit Court room was again crowded to-day. - '.Three-? moonshiners were eonvlcted yesterday;, all? being ake county men ancr? au- Irom ; Aew Light township the? worst part; of the MMinty. Three of them were of the r Xorious liay family.'. Li here are: now Uoimoonshiners in JaiLhere. Not a tew ofkhe defendants and witnesses in the many cases are filling up with -whiskey anii just as soon as they get in the least disorderly to the station boose or Jail they go. - t '- " : Fourteen, car-load3 : of excursionists left .here, in - two trains, at "o o'clock this morning, for Norrolk . If wa the annual excursion of the Sunday school of -the -Baptist' Tabernacle,- whieh has over 1,000 pupils and is ;th -largest in the htate. ---- - . -..- r The weather has now become warm and apparently settled. Tbis . is more encouraging to .the farmers, extremely few of whom have any ?ood - news to tell of thei r erop prospects. . . One of theh-. many - suits brought against theCaraleigh i Phosphate Mills here was on 20, sacks pffertilizer which were sold to 1L, V. Denton and which it wa alleged were untagged. It ,is how. fodnd that these particular saeks were properly tagged. , The, company claims that it has bought enough tags to coyer ail the fertilizers it has sold.?, .1 Qood, progress is now being' made in thai -excavation 4for-the foundation for th Baptist Uuiversiiy for Women. There is. no . reason , to apprehend any f urther delay in the work. By the end ofrjlhis year it is -expected the main building will be completed- The brick woik will be begun .to-morrow, and l,lfO,000 brickjwill be required. How news travels; A couple of weeks aga a waggisn lruit dealer nere dis played .a lot of pineapples,, with a sign "Wfswn in unatnam couoiy. . &. news- page' reporter saw, this and the ,mer chiint -loaded him up with a story to. the eifjctthat the pineapples were grown onjf Be Harnnger rarm; .near Lock vine. in xjfim the story went out ana now it is fa all the papers. The New York Even iag Post says the culture of pine apples in North Carolina is quite suc cessful: N'owcomes a letter from a s - O . . . - i 01 iff manuiacturer 01 iruit syrups iu New York, saying that the pineapple crop in l lortda is nob gooaand asKing forra supply of Nor',n Larouna iruit. JusS. to think of pineapples in Chatham coifnty! ' t Bhe banquet, driven last evening Dy tbeilocal council of the Junjor Order of ican Mechanics was a pleasant af fair. . Covers were laid for 73 perso.ns. There were seventeen delegates at the meeting of the! State council. Mayor Buss tells me that the purpose of the new city administration is to have better streets and sidewalks and that it is determined to , have them. Bad streets and sidewalks are the great drawbacks to Raleigh. Their absence works a positive Injury. One of the two Kepubiican aldermen here who were ousted last week said to day that as yet no course of action had been decided on by them; mat mere might be a suit and there might not; that the election law does not say how they should be ousted.' At all events nothing can be done untiithe October term of court. ' Early this morning Mrs. Barnes John son was found dead by her bedside at her home here, in the attitudeof prayer. 8ome of her family had gone on the Sunday school excursion, hhe was about 35 years of age, and heart disease caused her death. Governor Carr makes requisition on Governor Evans, of South Carolina, for William Pharr, who two years ago escaped from the sheriff of Watauga while the latter was bringing mm to the penitentiary here. Pharr was ar rested for robbery -at Charleston but escaped conviotion, yet his arrest led to the detection or his name. John Morrison, of Moore county, waa discharged in the United States Circuit Court here this afternoon, it being stated that he was i)i years old and was about to die in the over-crowded lail. He waa charged with retailing whiskey without license last Christmas. He is the oldest prisoner ever befora-.'the Federal Court.. Charles E. Johnson is elected presi dent. J. S. Wayne vice president and B. R Lacy cashier of the newly char tered Mechanics'. Dime Savings Bank of Raleigh. -. -.'.f , -.; - Kobt. a. Jones, 01 Kaieigh. .is ap pointed brandy deputy for this revenue Judge Sevmbur. of the Federal Court, to-day received a telegram . notifying him to cro to Richmond at once to sit on the Circuiti Court of Appeals. He replied that he could not go until Moo day; so : the court will adjourn Satur day. It -will itry as many cases as possible and clear the lail cses. s Dnr- iag the past ten days 50 cases have been disposed .of. There , have been twenty cocvictions and ' a remarkably- large number of submissions. , J. he-" grand iurv returns a true bill against Charles Lu Murphy - fori stealing -uu irom a registered letter while -he was railway mail agent between Washington and Tarboro. - TRINITY COMMBNCKSUSNT. The Kxerciaear Begin Bandar Some the Thine oa the BUL V : at Special to the Observer. " . . '4 .i '. DruHAii. .." Mav. ;29.r Trinitv College commencement' wiiL begin. Sunday, at which time the .baccalaureate sermon will 'be'tireachel by Kev. DrWv'C Morrison, of Nashville, Tena. Monday, Jonedrat 1050 a: m.,. the literary ad-. dress I will-ba made -by President K. B. Craighead.',bf Clemson College. 8. C Monday afternoon at jS.BO- o'clock lion. J .'-A- Iockhart, of Wadesboro, delivers the alumni oration, i Monday evening. beginning at S o'clock,' the annual de bate will be held, preceded by orations by E. K. McLarty, ot the Colombian, and C.C Weaver, of the Hesperian So ietv. The Query will be: -. J'ilesolved. That Independent Action ih-Politics is Preferable to t'arty Allegiance." Tues day wirnbe Commencement Bay proper. and will be occupied with graduating exercises- .Tuesday h igh, J a banquet will be given to the alumni.. The exer cises are put So early inHthe week from the fact-, that Chapel iiiU commence ment comes in conaict sivinne; same occasiofvas Trinity;; Tha.chif, maea ger is iIrvt.-. bparger, of Mt. Airy, and Mr. J. li. hrwtrk, of Italeigh. ? eUiet snarsll. Thf rf-rresoutkiive in the debate v.M be, ffyni tli Coltimbin Scietv.--MvhSr,--ti. T- Roe and. P. T- Durham,-wlm.arq 01 the atTirmativ side; Irom the iniety, jL Smoot - and F. A. Licney, oa negative. -, ' - - - - - tvh -1. It SOUTHER? s COTTON MANUFACTURJS AProminent New England Mill. Man Xx- K , preseee Bla Oplalen ?ome Figure. liALTmoEE, Md.f May :2aL--The sper cial cotton mill edition of the Manufac- tarersMlficord of this week shows -that I the amount 6f capital invested la Sooth era conon-m m. increased 1 mm -i, - 90P,Oain l8SO -and $01,100,000 la--1800 t 8107,000,00 aV present, while .about tl2UXK),000 additional will be spent- ia the construction of the; mills now build ing and projected . In .1880 the South naa 7,ooo spindles; -in 1SS, ? 1,700, 000 Bpindles, and at the preSent .time 3,000,000 spindles, -while the mills under construction wilit add -.500,000 spindles more, or a total of ,t3,500,1WQ spindles. th us doubli eg , I he : entire- cotton m ill business of t he South, since 4890. , :i-. i ABumbe' of -leadiBg 1 New England experts give their views upon the cot-i ton manufacturing advantages -of - the Southern Sutes. Mr. D. M. Thompson. of ; tbc-Corllss EBtine Com pan vr of Providence, and for twelve years man ager of the largest mill ' corporation -in New England, rtraaihg-420,000 spindles. says ?of the'-: Sonth'sv . ottooTmtlI lacillues; - j 1 ears ago, after a careful consideration, 1 became f ally convinced that the South; possessed superior sdr vantages for the manufacture, of cotton yarns sad; coarse goods, I have had : no occasion - to change the opinion" then formed. I have great faith in the pos sibilitie8of theSotb, l-believe-it iis and will long- continue a profitable field for investment ia the manufacture of cation, I believe there ia an almost il limitable field . for 'the extension of oar cotton manufaeturiae in .this country, - and , that with , the exten sion into Sner numters ; o . yarn and higher grade of, Jabxics in, the North and with the .opening of new markets througu the agen cy of .the teouth s w perior advanlages a, vastly; larger. pro -duct of coarse goods can be made- vl -Lbe'ieve that the extension of the man faeture in the South, should, be encour aged by all people. It will establish a bond of interest bctweeiOIew England, the M iddle states and. the Southxhich will, be of no little good toJLh& . interests of the nation . and in -.the near future will be recognized in the icuiustrial and political arena of our country as a, fac tor of national importance." ,; THE "LOST CAU3K" HKKOEf KORTH. Theyare Welcomed With Warmth at Chi- . ago Longstreet Lionized. . . . . CaieAOO, III. May 29.-r-Tbe South sent its most distinguished liviog. rep resentatives of the "Lost; j Caused to Chieago to-day to witness the unveiling bf the monument in Oak wood cemetery to the Confederate, dead those who died while- prisoners of war at Camp Douglas in this city ,t; Prominent Chicago civilians . and welcomed the guests .sod saw that the first day of their visit was pleasantly spent. -' Lieutenant General ames Longstreef. accompanied by - his daught&is, Mrs. - Sanders, and Miss Louise Longstreet, preceded the main party, arriving last night. - Southerners find.citizens of Chicago united to do the-venerable Georgia soldier alk honor. Later in the day he divided the- honors with General Wade Hampton. The Southerners stopped, at , the Palmer House, and during the day were tendered a banquet at Kinsley's. Mayor Swift welcomed the guests. General 8. D. Lee spoke and General - Wade Hamp ton presented a resolution in regard to General Gresham's death, which, was drunk in silence. . ., - Longstreet, General M. C Butler. General Black,, of Illinois, .Fitxhugh Lee and others, spoke. , The monument will be unveiled to morrow. :. r. i .: ,,; NOBODY BUT US. The Kansas Democrat ie Executive Com mittee Wooid. Net Adopt Free EUvex ReaoluUoaa.. Topeka, Kan., May 29. The Demo cratic State central committee met in this city this afternoon and adjourned without date. The scheme of the ad vocates of free silver to have the com mittee issue an address favoring the un united coinage of silver and advising silver men to act together regardless of party, was defeated after a heated dis cussion. . A large number of those present and voting were Federal office-holders who are responsible for the defeat of the resolution. They held that it was not the province of. the committee to! adopt a platform or to take any action made purely the business of a delegate con vention. - - Says American Horses Cannot Beat It. Losdos, May 29. The Sportsman says that the horse w orcester, nve years of age, which won the Epsom plate yesterday, covered the seven iur longs in 1:12 2-3;.: -"This" ; the Sports man says, "cannot be beaten. in .Amer ica, where the record for seven furlongs is 1:23K The Sportsman asserts that the horse was timed by a Benson chron- ograph. - - ? . - . . ' Destitution iu Oklahoma. -' '" Wichita; Kas., May 29. Citizens of Garfield county, O. TM arrived to day to solicit food and clotbing for des titute families living in the-east half of that county. ' The death of a child from starvation is reported from liar field county. - ' - ' Monroe's linneh. " Monroe was handsomely represented in ; the city yesterday in a lump were Mrs. Frank Laney, Misses Lura Laney and Mand Ogburn; , Messrs. Oscar Blair and James Stewart. Mrs. Lnney went to Galfney City, the young ladies to Asheville. The gentlemen .. stopped here. - . They AH Bead the Observer. ' A small brief in the Observer yester day morning stated .that the Library dl rectors would iena out tne i,uuu legacy at interest. Before 9 o'clock Dr. Graham had had a number of applicants. Ue had no trouble in placing the money. 'f- ' ' - Oh t the Belia l " " "-' The "Young People's Mission Band.' of Tryon Street Baptist church is : to give a bell, or a "belle," entertainment. The young ladles-will represent the city belle, -village telle, country belle, , mod ern belle, and a belle of 50 years ago.' ' ' ' la the "Warae. The Syrian woman who was operated on at the hospital .is recovering rapidly. There ate seven or eight patients at be .rhospita!. Four of them are eye patients of Dr. Geo. W. Graham s Philip Ci TJoeppenschmitt, -of.-Chics go. casnier lor oenziger srotners, alter being discovered to oe i,auu snors in his accounts; shot and killed himself . i.-.i... - .i i i..,..i... .i v. i. i, v.?;, ? Index to Thin JgorsUag'a Advertiaewnsmte - Th Ran II I n't twiver la now f n the North. Lookout for bargains next week. ' - ' --if yon-wans to 4ook. jieet- svext- haadeontA, let iyng,xate c-o. aeii you one oi uieir su'ts. . ' - - -iiet -one-oi, tnose, f iu smta tiras t sogers Co are selling' ana yoa wiirpe in tne swim. - Selgle e is tue ptaee so gei nargains in ary irnnrla They sell as tbev advertises - Sunbant doesn't bother thoe - who ise iMrmat BalDk Sold, only by K. II. Jordan , itamon and T;lhas willt piaved at the nous?, J oi- i uj . oy tne feaiiawury ira ' lab. . . - . . . l.-i ,o a- NVh 1 te f: re -n: ik i " 3 tbe best tread in tue city. -. Fr"ch ptrawoerri-everyday at Sarratt t fj ('i. - . - . . " .1 . C. Patatnountain make achool medals a t iecttto !- are iarnHrd by the D. A Tou3raiis CiiiaS-acrf . . "TUB. LAND OF THE SUN." Charlotte Might at the Treseat He. 0 Claused Bright Beams Stored. Twenty-three !n.the Jail at present,,. .Cotton receipts yesterdejr five bales. -The hot weatUia-wUl -re-opea-Uie park seison.... ..There are eieht applicants for the civil ervice eiNoioaiKiu, - . iv-'i-t s -.. -A civil cerrtee examtoatfon is to be. held Saturday at the government building. -Superior Court meets next week.and the cnnuaai yourt on tne fnu, -j b.Rmnt nii-nt e belnsr laid on Graham street, beta eju x raae ana Mio ; it --. CaDt. rred. NaSb. the city clerk, wilt be gin next week taktag tax retuxna,. j wTlii'rii m itm-Ml rebearmal for 'the souk recital thia aiternooa 10 tne nauat bai. t, ast nleht the trolley wire broke oa th square-, aeiayang tne ears lor sumf univ,. ttertra aft Post wilt not go to Salisbury oa tne excursion pu oioe iffuiw traiu Ton and- a -oab. saneer-and plate -ai e wanted at the Second Preaby let tan, bnrcb tonight, ,T v 4.,t , ?., ,.. .c ri Th - board - of. coantv eommiuioneri have ordered GOO yards of rock on the old Htatesville road. r:. ; ' ' Not Ulna; has been heard. as yet, from the pigeons.- They should have made the home run by this time. - sKjtt vtw.i Thev Racket etore yeeterday booght two good draugat noreea irom air, aimimu, i Wadiworih'a stable. j , , iMr. I . 'Wi Durham, who is to resume the marble busmeBs, wiu buiia a nopan at oi Mrv. l)u;rha.m;i store, , (" Mr. JUT.smithif representing me ue- blold BAfe and Lock Company. of carton. O , In the city for a day or o. - 1 Smith A Flour noy yesterday received a car-load of fruit jars., They are not to be caught napping tnls heavy jr ait year.., A j-Mr ' Ii Reld. of Plnevllle. has been added to tbu roll of the Commercial College and will Lake a thorough, course, thla suiu mer. ;'-..v:fasr.':'fta.;i- MrVpP?Zimmer'man is trying bit hand oa the Incubator the one which came near burning Ur.'. ttreebam out of .house mod Bank ExaeiiVner MiHer has Wit' jetflhi isbed up his work In the Merchant and r armerj-Bank. .Lie , wilt be here, at. least Mtaa Marie Ajithonv Is not expected borne until after tne marriage of her cousin, Miss Mary uensei. wnicn taaee puwv u Kiehmoad aexs month j.r; -r. .. ; : .; r-'Xi ' t ' -Vt. M6Adeo ays that he woukla't give one old-time aulitim. auvh' m Governor Taylor-described, for all the germane, rose teas, pin teas ana, me . uxce ue eyerBaw., r. One of the handsomest, booouet seen this season Was sent the OBaxavxa yester day by MrsEdward Hooper. The flowers were ,-rown- ia nnnDf ;tuwxdu were-beauUtal....;.. ' tdwmit TZTl Seed time will be over at. the Charlotte . Oil and Fertilizer Work ibis week. The last of the seed will have beeu worked up by Saturday, then wui commence a period of, shut-down aees,, ;; )j i---apa5;s-wt. Cv Theeiosinir exercTses of the nchoofocc'U- nvlnor ( hnfttmiAnt, nf Ui , first -. Hsntist church, colored, wll be beld Jto-nlgbi.- The publio is invited. Rev. V, ti Williamson u principal of the- school." ; ,'f."-. :c "- ' Miss Annie Klh', ot Kogwoorf; whore- eently eompleted ber .eouni - trained nurse tn cou(i xnonui nai pai ao onrr from Durham, but aha has not. aecidt d yet what the will do. Miss King was here yes terday. - ' .' . -" - .! - Mr. Albert Solomon's beauty is spoiled. temporarily. Yeeterday-morning he ' uas riding his. wheet on Noph-Tryon etre-t,-When he eoillded with the street, ear track. He fell on his lace, tearing up one siue oi u fight badly.' - ' : ':: The operation which Drai'Petree Snd Wilder expected to- perftrirt oa - W: li. Drauchne. at tne nospitai. -was postpoaca. as the youug man 'a mothers-came, and -was so rauca opposea jo. tne anue tost ui wa-eeessarsri.jf-,',c,:.J' " .J. --The Orsibvkr' left'riis' tbrou'ah Mrs. Chas. Price aud Mr Tbeo. E. Klutts that Sallabory will make an -effart to have Gov ernor Taylor arrange a return date- there. Tney, witn ati oi eansourj, were uutn car ried away With him.- Pneumatically TrLV.., That was a great trio which left here last night for Washington Alderman G. A. Howell, Messrs. Arnold Sbaw and M. -Heizer. .: Any one looking -for them about the capital to-day will find them at the .'cycle track.' They - went up to attend the great meet and see lit tle Schade run. They are all Sc hade mea and will back the boy up to-day. ; Mr. Shaw Intended going to vW ins ton yesterday morning but be took time to deliver a wheel to Miss Fan Burwelk and when he got to the depot the. train was about .half way to Uarrisburg.. : r Gilmer wen; to Winston; of course. he did. He went to chaperone Reddyr ; -. ..u r ; 1 . . . ) t-jL. . - , There came near being a serious ac cident at Cochrane A Barnhardt's yes terday. The ; loading , platform ;had something over 100 sacks of grain on it, Several of the hands were standing on the. platform loading a car. Suddenly they felt something begin to give, way under them. Some ran, others jumped; Just as they did so, down werit about 20 feet of platfornf, and the bags of grain. ' The distance . between the ground and) tne piatiorm was aoout ia feet. The wreck was complete as far as the platform was concerned. , y ... ';" :-" v'.''';; The Sick. ' ;'": :. : Sanitary Policeman TorrenCe is laid up. tie is missea on tne streets. .. Mr. Boss itoDertson, jr.. was not so well yesterday. He is not able' to be out of bed." r. . i . . ' ' ' "" J Mr. Louis Thompson, of South' Cald well street, was stricken Tuesday with paralysis.' - , '. X .' V Mr. w. 'AVLeign weni 10 uaieiga to work with Mr. E.' R.' Dodge. He was taken sick shortly after arriving there. and was so unwell that he determined to Come home. He Is now up and about, - ----- 'Ahetraeta, - i !i b ! ThC court house looks like a commer cial college. " A long row or tables was placed yesterday la the corridor. 'There are no vacancies there, neither iff either of the two room s ' used by : the 'ab stracters." - - '-' '. The sight of so m'aftyeirls is having a demoralizing effect on the court house officials.1 ; They never found work hard before. ' " ''- - .Social.. ."jifc -;;! The last club germsa of the season takes place Ao-nighJ. c. M r. Waters will lead.. ; .,?;-.,i i'isJ.-?'1 There was an impromptu gathering of young people last; night: at Misses Mary and Lou Robettsoa's. T Jancing wa in order, n : v ; 1 .?-! ? w c-1. i Mrs. John W.- Miller will entertain; a charming' coterie of yo a ug, people-: to-; night at a tea to Miss olattie Lee. . yii. l'J?Z .Chartotta the Beat mt Al?i The Obhebveb had a talk yesterday with Dr. B. F. Fuller, of Portland,. Orer con-; Dr.. Fuller has, been here a, couple of weeks.:, He has traveled, air over the United States lor his health, i-ateiyne visited Knoxville, AahevllleMorristown and other poiatsia this State and,, Ten nessee. and .he finds none, be ssa-s, com parable to CharloUe. ,- "It is thenicest town I have struck t,asi, v saia ne. . 1' :7' Carda for the 6th. Stylish cards were-issued last evening announcing , tne marriage, xnuraaay evening, Junefithrof Miss Sallie. Dixon to Ml- Thos.Jay Wilherspoon The ceremony takes place at 8 o'clock'in the Second Presbyterian .church. .-.' .;,. .' . :' In Pared be; ' . " . ' S The ilittle five-months-old t -child of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pickard died, Tues day night, and -was . buried yesterday Theoider -cniia, wno was also lit, is oetier.. -., , " .. ; . -.. r -- -- . A Sociable - ' J ' ' '"Miss Minnie Belle Grier ls to enter tain a number of her friends in the way of" aJ sociable, at her Ihoma in ,the southern' part. f ' the ity.', Friday A'i WRECK OT TUE STEAMSHIP COI.I-' Only' One' Boatful of l Passengerji n. 1 vYlve Sailor Eacape to Tell the ttorj . Bow the News of the Disaster jWan I--;-joelved atSaa Francisco. San tBAKcrsco, Cal., ' May 23 T5 i Paciflo 'mail steamship Colima . was wrecked betwee'n Maatlan and Aca- i ' coon May 27th, an l the present iiulica tions are that over 150 j t r s ms pens.h d. Only 19 are known t6 1 e Loco '-vi . The Colima was an iron ci:el.t -tons burthen, , SLe was built 1 v 1. . , ofr'Philadelphia, ' and sailed froni t- City on ihe ISth'instant in c ,n! Captain J. F. Taylor.; The oiler i..,uiii were: Ik E. Grsrfilth, flrstolllcer;Ge i i Langham. second ' ofticbf;: O. Haus :., third officer; L!.Wj T.' KirbyV' surgeon; T.E.' Berry, freight clerk; A.! K. Rich ardsbn,' storekeeper; Wm. A. Stnjiii, chief engineer; . ED. Reardoo,. firt engineer; II..-, Fjnley, second engiueer;. F- vTomnexeg, . third ehginefir.. , Thexe werd 40 cabin-' passengers; 00 steerage pa3Sengersi,'40 Chinese and 70 oniccrs and crew.. - ' j , T . , , , i . Tho news of she-disaster reached -tins city through .dispatca;recclved by the agents of , tho .Pacific. Mail Company." Oue of ihe steamer's small boats con-.' taining 14 passengers and five of Hie- crew, reached the Mexicas tcoast, and it was, this party ihst telegraphed the news or the wreck. None or me remain ing 150 passengers and' crew have "beqn heard ofv 'The names of tlie passengers rescued have not yet been learned.- ,- iTbePaciflc Mail Steamship company. has been advised that the following passengers "and crew ' were lahded" a t Mansautllo hy the first boat: -' Cabin: Cushiog. Thornton, Domingo, Albino, A, J. Sutherland, Laralua , and Steersee:"J. w.'Lirew, u: uoss, u. W, Boyd, Aato IUmiz, G, Rowan, - Jos",: Salg and,T JO'FeiL . .. - Crewr. Anson, carpeater tticnardson, Rkymbnd and Morref. V ivt; ).,.. - la tho-passenger'-yist-aii tnoso iavsa appear t as belonging at. San Jose do GuateTmrta.,., Richardson, ia . the,tbipA storekeeper and the first intelligence of irje wrccK came irom aim,. . - .f M' - Shortly after the dispatch from Utch- ardson-was received,a elegrara iwx&; eeivedj from :be. compaay's, agent at Manzahino to tne. cuect inat tne snip . had gone down-aha thit 14 passenjers khd five of the crew had; reached shore a a small boat. - Just how many pas- fcehTJers ,were aboard the vessel, when- . . . . . . , - . i. tne accident occurrea wnicn sent ner tq jtlte bo( ton? t - cannot be asoer tai ncd t present. The vessel stops at Maz itlun and San Bias before reaching Masanillo and passengers were - landed and taken On at both portsv-':) : ; nvi m !. ; .The corrected passenger jut can only - be made out when, the names of .the pas- t ten gers who went ashore and boarded. the vessel-at' those two prts are're-'1 Ceived. - ' .i; .-..-.'-. .vi,?,eicif6' The Colima was .bound for Panama ; and was due at Msnsanillo on Sunday, ,. thei!5th Instant-The dispatches show that the vessel foundered oh Monday,'' the 27th. off ManzanillOi which' would t indicate that probably some - accident to the rosminery occurred, which; re- tarded. the progress of the vessel and prevented' her from" reaching 'Maox-' n-uio oe i ore ano tounaerea. 1 a ne vessel - had air :. Life-boats.' which ; bung from .. davits ready to be launched at a mo ment s notice and it is thought that all . bf these cculd have been ' launched, - no matter- how rapidly the vessel sank." - ; ..The telegram received by the compa- . hy's agent only accounts for . one, boat and the fact that more bad not arrived ' at Manxanilld at the time the dispatch ' was sent is the only indication that the." loss of life may. have, been ; very .great. Alexander Center, genera) agent of the . company, says he is confident that oth er boats will come, but if there was any ' loss of life it will be impossible to give . full -list of the dead as on its . wny down the vessel-doubtless picked, up. other passengers in addition to those ' She-took from this city. ' ' w - The boat containing the rescued men - Was picked . up at sea , by, the steamer ,. San" Juan, north-bound, to this city from' Central American ports.' She im-" mediately put into ilanzanillo with the paved, and.i accordl ng 4 to . '& Ispatchca r flnce received, at once went to sea again , n search of other boats. , . - , Immediately upon the receipt here of the news the Pacific Mall Company sent 1 a dispatch to their agents at Acapulco to send the steamer, Barracotte, , which had just arrived there from Pomona, to make a thorough search for,' the five ' other boats - which ? it 1 is thought t sre either afloat with, passengers .and crew or on the coast near , the scene of the. disaster.' The latest concerning tho dis aster is a private message which reports there is a possibility that several more boats are adrift or have landed on the coastN ; The disaster occurred about 50 miles from Manzanlllo and be tween '" that port and ; - 1'unta ean Telmo;-v- a ' bend - In the ' South . Mexican coast. .. .The' Colima had been. out several .hours . when tho accident occurred to her'macbinery Which " caused her to spring a leak. She 'tilled quickly and it being night, and all tho ; . - ;'-.. f - - A . - - - m - a t. .. passengers paving turneu in ior iuu . bight; great difficulty was encountered " jn arousing them." Confusion and wild: disorder followed. . One ,,bat was low--ered and five . swung .out, . but as far as is known the one boat was the only one -that got a good distance from the ship before-she webt down- -1 : - '. It was Impossible to see whether the other boats, pulled away, before being , Sacked under by the sinking vessel or not... All of the rescued passengers -lost , their c'othiog and baggage. ; . , nil THE JUST JUDGE. The Jacksoavllle City Court Order: th Keleaee , of. All Prisoner - Who Carried . Coneealetf Weapon."., f J.j. t ,'. , .'.Jacksonville. Fla.,; May , 29.- Judge., uromweu juiooonsoi ino cuy yrimiuat. Court o-day ordered the release, .of . all & prisoners serving sentences In ihoenun-'-ty; jail for carrying concealed. we pods ; or shoot ing at another, This is because' Governor Mitchell? yesterday set aside tbe sentence imposed on Banker Marvi n for a like offence:- Judge Gibbons says aS the Governor interfered for the5 banker; toe Intends to interfere for7the; prisoners; without money About 20 prisoners wiii oe reieaseu. , uiooons aiso states he will make penalties light here-' after.' ' 1 r ' ;"J j: ' No Railroad Commission for Florida. .. Tallahassee,' Fa., Ma 29. There wilL be no railroad commission law rji acted Jby-f the'- present ; Legislature. Some time ago the House passed such a measure and it went to the Senate, where it was indefinitely po&vonCil. To-day a motion to take uptbemeasnra was defeated 15 tos. As the .Legisla ture will adjourn Friday, there will Le no commission -for the next- two years anyway. (l . - - 83 la All Lost in th Wreck ot the Epa:.. . ; - - . Steamer. . Loxdos, May 29. A Central I.'e dispatch from Madrid siys that 71 x-- and 13 women were lost by the w - -ing of Ihe steamer Dom Pedro. drowned were mostly Italian, 1 and Swiss eroigran'-. T! ' gunboat Use"' -". : ' . 150 LI YES -ViERS LOST