$ . ' $ ? - i r ! f . t f I i .1; -I -f s X i : S-.r I; !- t s . 4 1 . t i 't- OF r Tb Loan SavinssM : OF CHARLOTTE, N, C. ' The attention of the public "and all our inenas aua well-wishers is ' respectfully called to the condi tion of our Bank at close of busi " ness May llth,M895 - - . . - MERCANTILE, i MANUFAC TURING 1 and i all industrial- ac- - counts solicited-' Sayings accounts a specialty. ' Interest allowed on savings deposits from $5 up. :-: : I NOTES BOUGHT and SOLD. $251,749.48. - Ijoan.'.".. .";:..;..'...W70;'3 61 -Expenses'. - 7 2,053 96 Furn itnre . ". . . . . 3, 1C3 90 Due Irons banks and cash on r " ' " ' - hand .42,270 26 ; N. C. bonds, 4s and 6s. 37,811 75 . Toui: Capital stock.. . . $251,743 48 --, - -50,000 0 2,500 00 -"tTndtJed profits....... . I)cpo?7tS ..;.., Due to banks.....,....;, Dills payable .. . . ,.; i . ' 5.557-73 174,023 8o 13,767 88 .5,000 00 Total.,".; S. WITTKOWSKY, : President. A, BRABY, :.:-:;. 'Cashier. AIR LINE Bchxdoxx in Erncr May. 5th, I8M, Trains leave Charlotte dally: . . 5:20 a. ic. for Hamlet, Cheraw, Raleigh : all points on the B.4 A. ndR. 4G.B.K, . Weldon, Portsmouth, Old Point Comfort Petersburg, Richmond, Washington, Baltl . more, Philadelphia, New York and Bos too Also Wilmington, Wrightsville,aad ait local points on the G. C. R. R. Also Charleston, Bamter and Bennettavtlle arriving in Wil mington at 12:30 p. m. , ; J;9)A.i.-Dallj (or all Southern point - via Monroe, Chester, Greenwood, Athena Atlanta, Montgomery, New Orleans, Chat tanooga, Memphis and the Southwest Through sleeper and day coaches from Washington, I. C, to Atlanta, connecting With roads diverging ont of Atlanta. 10:18 a. m. Daily, for Ml. Holly, Lincoln ton, Cher ryviile, Bhelby, Cleveland Springs, Ellenboro and Ratherfordton ; also Blow Ing Rook, Lenoir and. Hickory. 8:2 p. m. Daily, for all points North and Bouth New York, Boston, Philadelphia, ' Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Peters burg Portsmouth, Old Point Comfort, Vir ginia Beach, Weldon, Raleigh, Wilmlngtoc and WrightsvHle, connecting at Monro with through sleepers and day coaches be tween Atlanta, 6a., and Washington. D. C. and sleepers between Monroe, N. G-, an Portsmouth, Va., and for Atlanta, New Or ' leans and all Southern points. 8:60 p. if. With sleeper for Wllming ton and all O. C. points. r Trams arrive in Charlotte: 10:43 a. K Dalty,Rockingham,WadesDoro, Moroe. . Also from (.11 points North Nev York,Pblladelphla, Baltimore,, Washington Richmond, Petersburg, Old Point Comfort .- Portsmouth, Weldon, Raleigh and Sanford ' Also from Charleston, Bamter and Ben- - nettsville, and from Atlanta, New Orleam and all Southern points. 8:20 -p. sr. Daily, from Ratherfordton Shelby, Cleveland Springs. Lincoln ton Newton, Hickory, Lenoir, Blowing Bock and Mt. Holly.. 10:10 r. jc. Daily,frora all Northern point Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, Richmond. Va.. Peters burg, Old Point Comfort, Virginia Beach. Portsmouth, Weldon, Raleigh, Cheraw, 8 C, all local points between Portsmouth a no Charlotte, and from Wilmington. Wrights vHle and all local points on the C. C. R. R. 10:10 p. sc. Daily, from all points South and Southwest New Orleans, Montgom ery, Memphis, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Ath ens. Greenwood, Chester and Monroe ; close connection at Monroe. 7:45 a.m. With sleeper, fromWllmlntor and all C. C. points. Local freight, with ooach attached, leavet Charlotte for Shelby at 4 o'clock p. m., re turning at 10 a. m. daily, except Sundays The 8:20 p. m. train connects at Monroe with the Atlanta special, No. 402, which ar rives in Raleigh at 1:30a. m., and Washing ton, D. C, at 10:30,a. m., and Portsmouth i 7:80 a. m- makinsr close connection for Bal timore, Philadelphia and New York. The 6:20 a. m. train connects at Monro with Atlanta special No. 403, for Atlants and all points Bouth, arriving In Atlanta at 4 p.m. Passengers leaving Charlotte at 6:20 a.m. arrive in Atlanta at 4 p. m. Leave Atlanta at 1 o'clock p.m., arrive in Charlotte at 10 :1C p. m. Leave Charlotte at 6:20 a. m., and 8: 'p.m., arrive in Raleigh at 11:45 a. m. and 1:30a.m. Leave Charlotte at 6:30a.m., ar rive in Wilmington at 12:80 p. m., and at Cheraw, S. Cat 6:40 a.m. Close connec tion both ways with the C. A L. R. R. at Lincoln ton: Leave Charlotte at 6:20 p. m.. arrive in Atlanta at 6;20 a. in., making r " double daily train both North and South from Charlotte. The Atlanta specials, No. 40S and 403, art magnificent new vestibuled trains, built bj the Pullman Palace Car Co.. on which then is no extra fare charged. Daily exoept Sunday. -Dily except Monday. For information relative to schedules, fare, etc., apply to E. Bt. Jokst, Vice President. J. O. Baskkbviu.1, Ticket Agent. J. H. Winder, B. A. Nkwlabd, General Manager. T. P. A. T. J. Ansxbbon, V. E.MoBki, Gen'l Pass. Agent. Supt. Transoortatlon. SOUTHERN : RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIR LINK.) RICHMOND A DANVILLE AND NORTH CAROLINA DIVISIONS. IK xrrmcr aprii. 21, 1896. This condensed schedule Is pnollshed at Information, and Is subject to change with out notice to the pnblio. . Trains leave Charlotte, N..C: 11:05 p. M. No. 85, daily for Atlanta and Charlotte, Air Line division, and all point South Mid Southwest. Carries through Pullman drawing-room buffet sleeper be tween New York, Washington and Mont gomery, and between New York and Bt. Au gustine, Flaw, via Columbia and Savannah. :8& A. M. No. 87, daily, O. C. fc A. division, including Columbia, Augusta, Aiken. Charleston, Savannah and all Florida points. Through Pullman sleeper Ne York to Jacksonville, connecting with par lor car at Columbia for Augusta. 9:35 A. m. No. 87. dally, Washington and Southwestern vestibuled limited for At lanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgom ery. Mobile and New Orleans, and all points Booth and Southwest. Through Pullman . sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. No extra charge except usual Pullman fare. 13:10 p. M. No. II, daily. Solid train, Rich mond to Atlanta; Pullman sleeping car, Richmond to Greensboro. 7;15A. K No. 8ft, daily, for Washington. Richmond, Raleigh and Goldsboro and all points North. Carries Pullman sleepers from Montgomery to New York and St. Au gustine to New York. 6:40 p. Mj No. 12, daily, for Richmond, Ral eigh. Goldsboro and all points North. Car ries Pullman sleeping ear from Greensboro to Raleigh and Greensboro to Richmond. 8:30p.m No. 88. Washington and South western vestibuled, limited, for Washing . na and all nolnts North. Through Pull n cars Between e unwuu ami new -ik, Memphis and New York, Jackson- n and New York. First-class coach to --Washington. 7 .-00 a. k. No. W, daily, exoept Sunday Mixed freight and passenger for States vllle.N.C 4:16 p. m. No. l. daily, except Sunday, for Btatesvitie ana laviorsviue. . Trains arrive at Charlotte: - 10:66 r. M.) t :lS A, M. FROM THE KOBTB. -11:40 A. 11. :'..'i:..V :M, A. M. ) - P. M. 8:20 P. V. 7:00 A. M. 8: P. M. ' W-JS6 A. If , FROM ATLANTA. - FROM AUGUSTA. -STROM BTATEHV1LLE. 4:1S P. " Local freight trains also carry passen- Dally except Sunday. , Johm-M.Coi-p - " W. A.Tubk, - Traffic Manager. - General Agent, V.H.OBIIN. . ' Washington, D C. -i.--tieni wupenntenaent. Washington, D.C. ,aH.HAMlCK 3Kt Ask t Gen'l Pass. Agt, Atlanta, ua. ' CHABtlS L. HOPKIKS, Traveling Passenger Agent, . S9 West Trade Street, Charlotte. N. O CJETTO RAILROAD CO. X9TAZS ETWT 8PT. SRt MH. ;, , " MO VISG NORTH. - . jn. 1 rAssxasxa a& BJUa. . . Leava Cheraw, S.C ;?im . KoilOCk...... ..ry- :65M8 f- Osborne.. ....-. T:20am arrtTaKamlt.......j 1:43am 3'; ... HOVllna BOOTH. . Leave Hamlet..;. i . . m Vniirwnic ...... .i .... t;Sam Art Ca raw ............ . - x. Vl-... Co eoanectloa BkI at HtmUt with trains north, south, t aad west. - SEABOARD i Ud you' say? J.. .- ' ; Yes, that describes how I feel. ; I have no energy left, nothing inter l esta me. f ; . ... ; ' - i illy strenjrth has left me and i have j i. no Inclination to work. J1 - -No one would take me lor the same. persoo that I used to be." I look and feel forlorn and miserable.' My-splrfts are low, I feel despondent I" nd 1 -n't sleep at night . -I sun constipated and my digestion I feel almost hopeless. It seems to me - - that I shall never be strong - , again. e -f r V - Cheer up, your case! Is far from heing: hopeless, i Yoa are sufferings from general debTlity, your nerves need-toning up, you lack vitality. The cure lies v in enriching ; and purifying your Wood and strength ening the system, r Yoil should take Brown's Iron, Bitters, it will restore yoa to robust, perfect health. You will improve from the first bottle; This remedy is pleasant to take and is n very powerful strengtbener. It doesnot stain the teeth. But get the genuine see the crossed red lines on wrapper. BROWH CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, MO, riiC. BLESSINGS OF A PURE, HEALING SOAP can only be fully realized !;y using; " Pine Blossoni." Ab solutely pure, medicatetl, anti septic. It soothes and heals "alt' inflammation or redness of the skin, removes blackheads, cures pimples.gives health and beauty. A modern family necessity. Price 23 cents; AT .'.M. DKUCCISl. FOR CURES SCROFULA, BLOOD POISON. THE CURES CANCER, ECZEMA, TETTER. LOOD 8AliAAAA4J At Wtilil VH ll Wiiililli tI mmtm sm a a Should Use BKAUrlU.U' - 4 -t 4 Female Regulator It hs fte--i Tal Bnd eiorta i wn-J f derful InBttenee tn etreurttaen- ber system fe 4i bTdrtvlue throapb tlie properclmnnel sll Im-jJ. purines, tteiitin n iki BixensLa ara -auuHeea to result from its ase. , My wife is b3riddM for eighteen -nonthti. Female Kecwlik- 4' 1 for two month0, is arpttins weli. i. M. JOUNbOS, MaJrern, Arc. CBiUdELU K.(iUt,4TOK I'U., aluulXA, "-( J) Sold by all Drucsrista at SVWjVfT bottle. t. Yrrrt tttttttttt tttrtT it S FOUNDED IN 1838. i mr THOMAS BRANCH & CO., ' - Bankers and Brokers, 1101 MAIS STif: RICHMOND, TA. PRITiTB VIRES, FCIEISS IICiiHGE, ietiees of mm. Transact a eneraf eanklog Baslaeaal Or ders executed aver th;r privaia wires tht New York- and Chicago Exchanges ia Stocks, Cotton and Graiav alsi erders f ccvled oa the London mn4 Continental Exchamst. 8 Business and CcrrespenOsnca solSeltaS. ta rettment Securities a specialty. ". tt LMwmjimiBX. mi. wwwww AST0K LIBRARY. - . Aoother large sfiipmentof these hand some half Russia 12 mo. justreceivedj includin? all the STANDAUD PORTS and the, LEADING WORKS OF FIC TION, the best books for the mony ever published 50 CiNTS.. 8 50 CENTS. Calif and inspect - them.' Mail orders given prompt attention. STONE & BAIiBINGER. . Book, Stationery and ArtStore,' . ' " Z South Tron St. . J. S. BHILUIPS, afCUOTT A XTriT rr VTT CIT Ait iiiii mjUJLn jl - Amxiuat.: --. j- .- 31 Sonth Trjon Street, ' Calls the attention of his customers and the public to hisipri.ngrj5to.ckof r. jncinrrniifimT and asks their inspection, or same be-1 forn placiag their jardets tor dress or business suits. ' ' i -- - ' . Goods, worttaanshlp and fit the very est . . , ' ' - . . in state co:::irn;: iitdld BY OXE OS THE COHMmEEJIEJf, CoL Means la Bis Xetter to the Commit teo Mistaken la His Facts There llavd Sen Ketlce 8erved of tb lotrodnctioa of Frew Silver. JteBolatlons The Critics of tha Commltte Appealed to to JDeslt ' in Bcbair r Party Bumrar. J To the Editor of the Ohsenrerr : - : ' : In -the Observer "of Ma v 23d Col. Means writes up the State ltemocratlc executive committee in temperately, in tensely and with motives bora of for- getfulness of his true position in the meeting that nassed the resolutions in favor of the free coinage of silver at the ratio of 10 io 1- To quote Cot. Means: "Because neither by usage and custom. nor T by "anr. authority vested in the committee, did they have the right to enact such a manifesto and issue it to the people of North Carolina, as acting and speaking for and in behalf of the Democratic parsy.' - . ,-T - - Col.. Means , stated in his address to the committee plainly, unequivocally, positively, that-ihe committee did have the authority to pass, these resolutions; there was no question in his mind about that; farther than thisr ft is well known that the State Democratic executive committee is appointed, elected and commanded. to -actrjfor the party, sus tain its principles and carry out its policy durinj? the ' interim ; between conventions. The committee had the authority, representing the various con gressional districts, to pass thia resolu tion, just as the representatives in Con If r ess have the authority to vote upon such questionsiD the 'national balls ot Congress.. The State Democratic execu tive committee has fined vacancies on the .State ticket, acting for and in be half of the party, with no question of its right to do so. - The free coinage of sil ver at a ratio of 16 to 1 was adopted by the Ibouth of the editor of the Observes speaking for and in behalf of the com mittee on resolutions at ine last Mate convention, against the judgment of Mr. Caldwell, it is true, but still endorsed and ratified. In view of all this, Col. Means should not come out of the meet ing and recede from the position he took therein, to-wit: that the commit tee did have the authority to act as it did. ... . . But to quote Col. Means again: 'There was a meeting of this commit tee in this city on ; the 14th of last month. " The financial ques tion was, on the 14th of last moutb, brought to the attention of the commit tee and it was deemed best, by an al most unanimous vote, to let the finan cial question not disturb us for the present; and this committee then ad journed to meet last night for the par ticular purpose of attending. to some matters pending before it at its last meeting, It was never suggested by any one that this great financial ques tion could or would come up before the committee last night." CoH Means forgets that Capt. R. B. Davis, . of New Hanover, introduced with great warmth and vehemence the very resolntion that, the committee adopted, because of the late hour and the - desire of the committee 4o attend the banquet at the Yar borough House. Capt. Davis re quested that his resolution He on the table until the meeting, May 2utb, giv ing notice that he would then demand the enactment of the same. Capt. Daws did push his resolutions in a speech of nearly an hour and several of his resolutions would have passed the committee but for the knowledge of the other resolutions which fitted the situation belter. Therefore I say with out fear of contradiction, that the com mittee was fully, positively and legally advised that this question would be be fore it at its meeting May 20th. I will not quote Col. Means further, but merely add that God forbid that there should be any faction in North Carolinathis year and during our next campaign, with more than 20,000 votes regutered against U3 in North Carolina. It is unfortunate, at least, that one of the party's warmest supporters, like Col. Mean?, should claim that a faction of the committee had improperly sub ornid its powers, especially where, in the intensity of his nature, he has over looked the facts or forgotten them. Your correspondent attended both meetings, . April 14th and May 20th. Grave fears were expressed at both meetings, freely talked upon the streets cf Raleigh, that the party would fail to carry the State if they divided upon the money question, but there was one .opinion apparently-and that was that the gold men would not attempt to di vide the party, and as the people were for free silver, let us have it. Further, in my observations, and I usual ly read between the lines, there was no one trying to bring persons or candidates prominently forward. I know that the individual preferment of no one was thought of for a moment and those of your correspondents who are catechising and ridicultngthe com mittee are simply unacquainted with the situation and I state here that the work and hope of the committee is di rected solely to the triumph of our party; the stopping of the wild, un manageable crowd as seen in our legis lative halls" last winter, who, if not stopped, would suck the very life blood of our State; the redeeming of the State and the cementing of the party to that end, as the honor and welfare of the State will suffer everywhere except , in the hands of the great Democratic party. ' Therefore let me bee yon, Mr. Editor; beg-: Col. Means; let me beg "Cleveland Democrat" in your issue of tne 24tn; let me oeg the accomplished, true and tried Democrat, "Bohemian;" let me entreat "Mossback" to hold his questions up all of you to stop, take into your minds the degradation, the corrupt, damnable crowd that now has the Democratic party in the minority and tf yon cannot go with us on free silver Hght it out in our next State con vention. Teste. May 28th, 1895. SOUTHEEN CBOCEKS MKET. Yesterday's Sessloa Devoted to Discussion of Freight Bates. y. Atxasta, Ga4 May 20-ThW first ses sion of the Southern Wholesale Grocers Convention was called to order bv Presi dent E. G. Leigh, 'Jr.,- t Richmond, at the Y, M; C A.r building this morning at U o Clock. t - :J ,v After a few preliminary speeches, the convention, which is essentially a busi ness body settled down to work; AH th prominent Southern cities from Vir ginia toTexas are represented. Macon and SL. Louis are represented by proxyv , This morning's session was largely de voted, to discussing freight rates and railroad traffic arrangement. The convention adjourned at 1 o'clock until to-morrow morning. - rr - This afternoon the delegates were the guests ot J. J. Maddox and witnessed the Little Rock-Atlanta 'baseball, game at Athletic rark. To-morrow night .the annual banquet wni occur at tne Aragon Hotel. ; . ' -' She had a lovely neck, ' . - - . ' And everybody said '"Who, Indeed, might doubt H?-1-. - That that's vlisc turaed her head. -: ": - -Detroit Tribune. - BUCKLEY'S ABKICA SA1.VE.4 The best Salve In the world foe Cuts, Braises. Sores, Ulcers, Bait Kheara. Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Clitloiains, Corns and all Biun Kreptions, and posi tively cures Piles or no nay required, it is guaranteed to cire perfect satisfaction or ! monei "ffUDdi- Price 25 cents per box. ror eaieuy uufweu vaaa aod Jordan -'1 OCOI Scott. . ' - " ' " . -- Free Pills. 8eaJ your address fo H; B. Bucklen & Co., Chicaao. aad sret a free tumni .hn -r of rii- 1 King's few,.L.ife Pills. A trial will eon- vioco jou of itieir merits. Tbee pills are wry t-asy jd ttcnuu uou are particularly ef fective in thecare of eonsti nation and irir headache. .Kor malaria aad ltver troubles racj ixmtrj. wit- ptuvea in vstuioi . 1 n?V are- euaranteed . to be. cerfprtlv free frotu every deieterlmis substance aua to be purely vegetable. , They do not weaken bv their action., but by ffivlng toae to stonmchnnd ioweis, graiiy invigorate tee system. Ketr ulartixe Sje. per box. Hold by Kurwell & pana and Jordan Scott, druggists. S tubi:ist;isvilli: SCHOOL. Creditable Performances Ey the Popllf Dr. Shearer Delivers An Address Off of - Xotes Oat of His Side Pocket. . v Correspondence of the Observer, ;.. . " IlrsTKKSvn.i.K, May - 23.. The exer cises of the Huntersville High School were on the 23rd inst- The baccalaure ate sermon was delivered on Sunday evening previous to the closing of the school by Rev. J II. Cochran. On Wed nesday evening the exercises - were opened ly the preparatory department, consisting of recitations,; dialogues, speeches, etc." "A spectator who ap preciates education could very readily see how well these, children iad been trained -by ...Prof. Grey and his- assis tants. - - ' - " - ,-Oo Thursday at 11 o'clock; before "an immense : crowd," the exereise3 were opened with prayer by Dr. J. B. Shearer. Prof. -Grey, then made the announce ment that eleven young men would now speak and as there was a gold med al offered for the best Reclaimer, he Prof. Grey) had selected three disinter ested men to decide the merits .of the declamation. - - ,- .The eleventh man was feeling unwelf and did not speak. JTbe ten others did remarkably, unusually well. "- -. "After spending two hours in the ball the cjowd adjourned for dinner, and at 3 o'clock- re-assembled to hear . Dr. Shearer deliver the annual address and present the different prizes.: - The doc tor took from his side pocket - a small scrap book .containing a few notes he' bad lotted down for the occasion. - llis address 'was very plain, simple but very pointed in showing the great Im portance of an education. --. ' - -Alter be bad delivered his address ne then proceeded to deliver the different prises.- -" : - v:.: . Master M urrat.Grey won the - medal for excellence- For best improve ment in writing, a gold pen, awarded to Mr. John McAlvoy. - Miss Shannon Ranson was close on his heels. Lida Adams won the gold medal for best im provement in music; Lillie May Do Armond", for best essay, a gold medal.' After the doctor had delivered the above mentioned prizes he picked at the last box, and after keeping the crowd in suspense .a long time, he called on Ton! V Hunter to come: forward and receive the medal for best oratory. At 8 o clock that evening -the doors were thrown open for a concert which the whole school took part in and which was a great success, t know of-no Other school in Mecklenburg that is superior to the Grey school for prepar ing boys and girls for college. West term begins September 10, 13. Spectator. BRIEFS OF GENERAL NAT CKE. The South Carolina Naval Reserve will probably go on a week's cruise or longer during the summer, Jockey Newcom was thrown by Sis- alpine in the Latonia, Ky., races Tues day, and badly hurt. The Mobile Marine Railway was put into operation "Tuesday It is built to take out vessels up to 1,500 tons capaci ty. It operated satisfactorily. A bov named Heafle,-who had clung to a balloon as it went up at St. Louis Sunday, let j;o bis hold when C00 feet up, and was crushed into a shapeless mass. In a speech at a Cuban sympathizers' meeting at Pablo Beach, Fla., Tues day, Mayor D. U. Fletcher stirred.up the crowd by a fierce attack on Spain as ruler of Cuba. While in bathing at Pablo Beach, near Jacksonville Tuesday, J. K. In- fram,-a clerk employed by the Florida lardware Company, got beyond his depth and was drowned. J. J. Davis and George Boya were employees in the New Orleans Criminal Uourt. They were discharged for lieip ing steal the jury lists. This led to a tight in which Davis shot .and killed Boya. Davis " was Tuesday in court found "guilty without capital punish ment." Rev. Thomas Dixon Jr., almost cre ated a sensution at the Academy 'of Music in New York last Sunday morn ing when he pronounced Protestantism in New York a failure. The audience hardly knew whether to applaud or not. There was one hiss from the centre of the hall. Judge Norwood, of the Superior Court bench, has fallen into a bad habit of years ago, from which it was hoped he had been reclaimed, and has been unable to hold some of his courts. His incapacity at the recent term of Robe son court was such that the grand jury felt constrained to indict him for, drunkenness. Judge Norwood is frcm Haywood county. A number of Northern men are now in this State contracting to purchase the grape crop. They say that in no State they have yet visited is the crop so fine as in North Carolina. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL, The Price of Cotton Advances, Both. In Hew York and Liverpool Gov. llojtst Surprises the Market By Stating; the Acreage in Texas Will Not Be Deereated. Special By Private Wire to Harrison Watts. Nw York, May 29. 14verpool reported sales at 10,000 bales with prices of spots un changed. Futures opened l-64d higher and closed firm at an advance of 2 to 2 points from last night's close. Our market opened 3 points up and. advanced- 0 points more, August selling at 7.28 and afterwards de clined to 2, closing at 24 to 25. The le ports of the crop are very conflicting. Governor Hogg, of Texas, who was oa the floor to-day. verv much surorised some of the cotton men by telling them that the crop of Texas. in nis opinion, wouia net ne oeereisea.oue acre. The new farmers coming la tbe. State would counterbalance any decrease of acreage which the eld farmers Intend to make, on account of the low price at the be ginning of tbe season. He also stated that ho had never known rain to do damage In Texas. Kvery day brings us nearer to the newerop.; ; ; o tow bow as vo. The Stock Market Testerday Rallied from Tuesday's Depression Because of London liayiux on a Moderate Scale.-1 Nxw York, May 29. The Stock market to-day rauiea irom yesterday's depression because of a renewal of London buying on a moderate scale. With a conservative weekly-government report and Indications of Improved weather -conditions In - the west, the bears were Inclined to take profits over the memorial day holiday, but thir purchases were effected only toy raising the level of values.: The Granger rote about 1, with European purchases of St. Paul a conspicuous feature. The Coalers were firm on the satisfactory results of . yesterday's meeting of Anthracite calesageuts, and the low priced railway shares , were slightly better. - Bu via a of an im Droved character caused an advance of over J4 In Sugar. Rubber was strong and active.. Lard rose over IXand American Tobacco, after a full of 1, advanced 1, Distilling and Cattle reeuag .was iracuonaiiy -nigner-- jersey Central, after a break of I'i'i, went back to the opening figures. Paeine Matt dropped tic on the news of the loss ot t he Col l ma, but'uearly recovered all the decline, owing to so extremely iavoraoie annual report. The market closed generally strong. - Nkv Voax Ntfg Hvbixu.- Wheat Coatinnea to Advance in Price - data Suffer a Decline Etc. ; - Chioaso, May S9. The highest point of the crop was reached this morning around the opening, -July wheat, selling at J-Nxc. Tbe weather and the bulletins were the fac tors. The map showed bat light traces of rain- last : tttgnt ana coia weather;' in the mountain districts, the latter moving to wards the east and - suggesting possible frost in tbe Northwest to-night. These were later preureuamj u signal service depart ment but were oUset b'V renorts of - rata In the West, with the prospect ot more to ots nt. . ine I act mat to-morrow is a bolidav ami the -market -a weather-one, -iadueed holders to realise- -Quite freelv Itwt vmxi rains may fail before Friday and thus cause a very ueartsn leeiing; and lower prices. Many of tbe local shorts bad rovered yes terday on -the. late strength, consequently there was not very ui urn of this buy ing early, outsiders giving about the only sun- port, which was somewhat" inadequate to absorb the offerings. - From M - prices eradualiy workt-d back nearly Sa' a bushel. naif of which -was recovered, and the mar ket held steady until the Kansas 3Stat re port was -received which-stated , the pist week had somewhat improved the crop con ditions, at tne same time Western points reported rain and on -this prices, aicain de clined I? per bushel, -tnot of which vm quickly recovered i On - the " whoi, -the wt-ather eonttitlons axe not fntoraliln, fte large -primary-receipts of 5c,ii bushels are e-xptaitied by the fact that a laie portion of theHi re present wheat that hat been re sblpped from Chicago, eo that the -actual ; receipt are not near as laree as they ap pear. Tbe cash lntjuiry has bt-en goud nud considerable business transacted, one lot of jti.tM) uusQels being sold to go to iexas. Closing cables wera lower and clearances Coarse grains opened very excited at the high point of the day. The feature was tbe weatber. Oats were especially strong; but tbe entire line suffered a sever decline oa heavy realizing. Bulletins are jnore fa vorable on corn than oats, but say it the hot. dry weal ber'continues prosnects will be very poor. I helight run of hogs aad tbe ttrengcit la gnus, st well country buy ing, were tbe lnaaeoces la the -provision market. Prices around the opening were strong and higher, but the efforts of pack ers to break prices were later successful to a small extent, although final ft gures are In favor of holders.,- aksox Bkos. a Co, - - CITY PRUD UCa MA RELET. .Spring chfe-kens Oood demand. . Kg-gsand butter sell readily. . -i Ko turkey a oa the market. ' , Apples dried quarters, brtght..'. ... " bright sliced. . ....... , " ; - " fancy bright Siloed.. - .,;, extra Peaches, un peel ed h a 1 ves , bright. - Quarters " - 10 101S 8 3 76 50 87 - Co Kiackoerrieainea Extra Flour saolw... Famllv " Head bolted 44 tbs per bushel. - unbolted. 48 rbs - Cora old 6 lbs per bushel,.. --. " .. - new. . ..... .......... :. ...... . Oats tbi per buahel.,... ......... -. 48 Peas clay. . .r.........v.... . .. " - mixed ........... as Onions select, per bnsheU... 7B1 00 naoon nog round. per a., s xx am. . .... via Sides. Bhoulder..............i..... - larCl Q.-..-V. ....... wmmm ... ft i 910 Tallow 0 JS - 80 "ItrtSlO - )Ot&-2i e 10 - axacss 0t9l6 Hens per head. J.. ...... Koosters-ner head...... Chickens spring small per bead.. " - " ' large , Turkeys per n. Ducks, ........ ................. ....... Grulneaa .......... 4 ............... - . Bu tterGholo yelloir ........ M . MA Hoaj-tralned, per lb.....,-s..., - - ooml per Jb....;;. - aAa.-- S 70 -" BTa4 V llfisfcfc ,.. am . By i.w f l cMi li Featlieriv new. ....... M Hides dry, per Sb)..- Wool washed HE W" YORK ICONIC XT MARKET, . New Turk. Uv ftl.-MnnpT m sail easv at 11H per cent last loan, at 1, closing offered at 1. Prime mercantile oaoer. SfaSVi ser cent. Bar sliver 7V.. Mexican dollars ... terUna exchange Arm,; with v actual business tn bankers' bills at 4 V7Sili for 80 days and 88&uK4 tor demand. Posted rates 4 87V1 4 SsV Commercial blUs.OOdays, 4t34; demand-. Government bonds tna: State bonds dull.. Railroad bonds stronger. Silver at the board fiaiet r BALTIMORE PRODUCK MARKET. Baitikok, May 23 --FLOUR--Kirm. Western super t 60'art 75: do extra 8 COAS S: do family BtKxgWUS; winter wheat patents t ra ; sprjug wsou patents iuw oa. WUK AT Higher. No. t reo spot .: and May 8Ua81V.; June 81 asked: July Sl8i; steamer No. red 787S; Southern by sample, Sl-43; do on grade 7'a!S3. i CORN Easy. Mixed spot and May 38A asked; June! 58 naked; July 575; steamer mixed southern white S9; do yellow 68. ' v; - STOCKS CLOSINQ BIDS. Amer. Cot. Oil . . . S7 N. Pacific ?4J do pfd,....,. 117 Sf.W. .......... et dopfd. 115 Paelflo Mall... dopfd 1U tm mm. ISM. (US i-jo 5SV, 87 1 li M, i7s -H IS lUff Am. Bug. Ref s... do pfd..... Amer. Tobacco.. do pfd Atch B.AO .112 Reading....... . I 7!R.I . 62 (St. Paul 64 -do pfd.... . : ii Silver Ctfs..... Can. Pac.... O. dtO . . Ch.& A..v4.--O., B. fcQ.-... Chicago Cxas... Del. Lack D. A CF Erie. do pfd Gen. Electric. Ills. Central... L., E. A W do pfd. . L.8 L. A N U N. A. AC... . ICO T. U.Ai... B04l do pfd... ... t- re Texas fao.... ... tl j Union Pae ... I ai Wabash ... i 11 do pfd.... ... 7V!W. U ... t?iiW. I. A li. E. ... 85 do pfd...... ... SVi Aia., Class A. ... 82 ! do Class B. 108 ... 45Jij do Class C Vi ... 5,;La. Stamped 4's. 100 f'iN.C, 4'S.. ltt Manhattan Mem. A Chas. . Michigan Cen. Mo. Pacific.... lt. do 6'S. li Wi 113 to Tenn N. 8. 8's... l00iVa.'s, pfd. ...... &yt do tr reo st'ptd. -j. .. do Fun Dent... 15 IT. S. 4's Rec , 4'U. 8. 4'S Coup... ; cHio. b. r IK' v ! Southern R'y 6s . M. A O N. C. A St. L. . . Nat'l Cordage. ao pin 97 4 N. J. C Ny.c N. T.4N.E... N.& W. Pfd... Iti aOlXMU.. lO-Tl 13V do pfd, R ! llB.e.4'S 108 NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. Nxw yoB-si. May i FLOUR Firm ontet. Winter wheat, low grades, z 70 8 b; fair to fancy 8 751 15; patents 4 1 60: Minnesota elear 8 jura 40: patents 8 ee5 10. low extras i 7Wa3 40 : Southern nour.ste-aay, qniet; common to iair extra 2 V8 0; good to choice do 8 50(94 25. WHEAT Dull, lt lower, closing firm No t red, store and elevator U383; afloat 82St83i. Options ;losed unsettled at V cent Ufciine ro si rea May si6; June 017; Jnly K; September 83. CORN Dull, firm. No 2, S! elevator; (6 afloat. Options closed steady and un changed from yesterday. May 67; July &: September 6J. OATS Dull, firmer. Options active and steady. May 33V; June 8i4; Julys. Spot No 8 8SH:J; mixed Western 8235. LARD Firmer. oulet. Western steam t 85 bid; city V, May ?C0 asked; Julyi 7 15 nominal. Rnnea dun; continent 1 w, 8. A.-? 60; compound 6. PORK Steady, quiet; mess 13 7514 60. COTTON SEED OIL-Firm; crude 23K 21; yellow prime 472TH- COFFEE Barely steady, points 15 down. June It 25 U So July ; September 15 iX'iil5 0a. Spot Rio qniet, steady; No 7 IS SUGAR Raw,, dull, steady. Fair refln ing 3: refined quiet, steady; Off A 3t; standard A. 4 7-16; eut loaf and crushed 5 l-466y; granulated 4 7-1604. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. 1 Opening Closing WHEAT May July Sept CORN May. !.. July Sept ...... OATS May i... June..... July...... .j... MESS PORK : May J... July.... LARD May ....i... July - RIBS Mfty .. ..a.. a wia July 81 H282V4 7 8fs 80 62 s:ai Zi 12 83 :J2 90 a so 5 85" e 60 fl 45 DAILY COTTON REPORT. CITY. TOSS KI1. Galveston Norfolk....... Baltimore.... Boston Wilmington. Philadelphia. Savannah.... New Orleans. Mobile........ Memphis..... Auguta . Charleston... Cincinnati... Louisville... . St. Louis Atlanta....... Macon ....... Houston...... Athens Columbus.. . : .....1 steady .... jlflrm .... jfqulet Jjduli .....isteady .....iflrm :...,iarm .jflrm .--ii-- ... ..ijsteady ....iflrm ..-iifirm ... .steady ...1ffrm .....jarm . - 6 13-19 s-i 811 It "isi i 101 3tt7 1 lie 12 - t 91 11 818 "isi a 5-16 I7 - MS. - - l 7 5 7 7 quiet At ... ... J Montgomery. Beima....... Columbia .. . LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. -r Ltvxrfooi May; 23," 4 r. ic-Mldillng .-Futures Closed firm. . -' Sales, ; i American. ; , - - RecelptB, American, ....... " ... , May .......r..i. ......- MayandJnne .... June and Jnly.. - g 6)151 July and August. .t ................... 8 bv&iS August and September.,. 8 SI September and October., .......... 8 6 57 October snd November...;...- I 67i&53 November and December.",.. - 8 b. t. December and January. ......m;.1 3 60 a- January ami February .-.-...i...... .. g SO a " NEW YORK COTTON FUTURES. BiT fou, May-Sa--Cotton dull. Mid dling uplands.- 7! middling-f ttult. t. Futures x-kised steady. Sales l5,10w bates.. - 'Highest May.....ivv... 7 H June........... 7 i8 July.. .-......? Jt . Augusts 7 September.,... 7 i October. T 3 November, w. 7 87 lecember..,.. 7 , January 7 47. . Lowreat. -: 7. 17 7 11 " 7 nT ; . 1 i 7 24 ' f SM V . 7 35 " - ' -'ts-j : Closing . 7 ; 7 K?25 t 7 Si'i.Tl - 7 85(0,37 -7 StW - 7 1K&45 - CHARLOTTE COTTON MARKET, IThete. figures . represent prices , paid to Strict Good Middling. .7. "" j - . - r . 7 0 uooo Mtaaing,.i.. ...., .O 65 - 8 Mtddiiua'........i..t. Tinges .....,...r....... rtaines ... . Market--steady. ...... ft NAVAL STORES.- 7 - . vwn ikotok. N. C.:May . S Koala -firm strained, 1 li; good strained, 1 u. Hpliita turpentine, dull at .-TarHria ti t.j eruue iorm;nuur tteaay ; aara, ijw; aoit, 11 virgin, 2ii. , H. S. CIIADWICK, Mm Z4 Mm r '-'..-r: Specialty: .Cotton Machinery and Cotton Mill Equipment. -f - Sole Southern Agents for the A. T. Atherton Machine Col's Patent Cotton Feeders, Openers and Larpcrs; ret tee TTa chine Work' Revolving Flat Cards, Coiler Railway Heads and Drawing Frames; Providence Machine Co. s Uoving i . a chinery; Fales & Jenka ilachine Co,' Spinning and Twisting Machinery; Easton & Burnham Machine Co. s bpooliu? 1 chineryf Globe Machine Work' Patent Cham and Balling Warpers; Knowlea Loom Works' Plain and I- ancy Looms ar. Dobbies; Foster Machine Co. 'a Patent Cone Winders. ' , ; -.". '-SPECIAL BOUTHEBN' AGENTS FOR BF. StnrtavanU Co.'s HeattJig and Ventilating System Portable Forgea, Blowera,- Exhausters jm1 Il.'gh Speed i: n - 6,&Q. Cooper A Co.' CorlisVEngines, High Tressure Triple Expansion, Compound and Condensing Boileis, LIca t r-i Pnmps, ete. 1 - - -:- - - - J. - - " " ' - - - ; Complete Steam Plants from 25 to s.ooo uorse powers. 1 -',,' -Jones Sa Laughlin' Cold Rolled Steel Shafiinif, Compression Couplers, Hangers, Pulleys, etc. Ftimatea given and contract made for the Complete Equipment ot Cotton Mills . . r tSTCorrespondence solicited. -, , :. 'v-. f - " . t- - r ' - .. OHAREOTTE, N. C. 202 SOUTH TRYON STREET COMPLEXION. TREATED BY - MEDI.J GATED STEAM BY HUE, TOLLY, i The world's ' complexion soeeiallst and dermatologist, located at the Buford Hotel, introducing her new system, dematology and beauty culture, is the only person who has discovered tbe means by which human ity ean bid defiance to time with its cares, sorrows and troubles, to leave Its tell-tale traces (wrinkles ana. lines) which mar tbe beauty and kill the youthful appearance of humanity. Madam TULLYis the only per son in tbe world that can successfully and permanently remove and prevent wrinkles, lines, crow-feet and frown front marring our beauty and youthful appearance. 1 ou ave onlv to call and see Madame Tnlly to be convinced of her skill and tbe efficacy of her nreoaralions and- appliances. She suc ceeds where others failed. She leads and others try to follow: she designs, others try to imitate, tine ana ner xaciai owntiner have revolutionized the science of derma tology. Ladies of an ages are cordially in vlted to call and Investigate and, receive valuable advice and expert consultation free. Ladies, do you freckle or tan? use Mme.Tully's Almond ine, and you can snap vour fineers at the excessive elements. One treatment of Beauty Culture will re move your freckles. If you are troubled with black beads, flesh worms and pimples, Almondtne will cure them. It you are go ing abroad to a summer resort take a jar of Madam Tully's Almondine with you, as you will need it a thousand times. It cures ana prevents an suriace innammaiion anu Irritation. Ladles who wish to treat them selves at home can have Steamers with full directions for use. This facial steamer also gives Russian baths for tna body, wmcn cure Rheumatism, Sciatica and all nervous diseases. Parlor floor, Buford Hotel. Madam Tuny will remain only a short time, as she is on her way to Ashevllie for thesurnmer. THE 837 Broadway, New YorL A protection to firemen against smoke and heat. Property saved by putting the water vehere it is wanted at the right time. TBE BALL LAWN SPRINKLER. It is at -the same time a most effective appliance, an interesting novelty and a cheap sprinkler. SOUTHERN OFFICE, Corner College .and Fourth. CHARLOTTE, N. C. streets, MERCHANTS And FAR5IERST NATIONAL BANK; CHARLOTTE, - , N.O. 1200,000. 100,000. CAPITAL, . - SURPLUS AND PROFITS, J. H He Aden, President; TJ. G. Springs, Vice President; O. N. Q. Rutt, Acting Cashier; Geo. B. Wilson,' Attornef. Accounts of." Banks, " Corporations. Firms and Individuals Solicited , r -Imlrbctobs:' - Jne. H. McAden, '-. . ; II. X. Springs.. H..M. Houston, '- i - Geo. B. Wilsoi. ilfll! American Ball - - Nozzle Company HENRY Ev KNOX, tvJr; '"J. "Office, Room' 5," CHy, hall.)' . ? HYDRAULIC ENGINEER. Artesian . and tube ; well a a" spe cial ty General water work con struction eurveys plans and esti mates. - Borings made - for - , architects bridga and - railroad engineers. Pipe and pumping machinery. - . - CHARLOTTE, N. C. PKESIDEIJT : V aiiiinc : tors and Dealers 1 " - You - Will never neea anouier. close 01 . uyspepsia jvieaicine after a iaeal, it your food' is cooked-with Cottolene, . the- new vegetable shortening, instead' of-. lard, d Cottolene aids" the" digestive powers--lard destroys :' them, j rhich "will j'ou choose? . " The - genuine . Cottolene - is : ldenUfied , by this .trade mark steer's bead jhi cot-, , ton-plant -wreath oa every jxuV - - t X 'Made onty by - , ' The N. K. Fa irbank Company, f , ST.XOUIS and CHICAOO. mtmp T wnwrawwuil PE1CE KSHTDTB farTODKG LADIES, Raleirh; N. Cssjs'3F":; Bend or Illustrated CtIogue to -' ..i;. . . M JAB. D1NWIDDIK, M. A Prtnclpa. , : H.YV J0HNS ASBESTOS .SECTIONAL COVERINGS For Steam Boilers,'Pipes and other Heated Surfaces. : Non-Condueting Cevet- . t r ings of all kinds. 1 , . J v STEAM PACKINGS-FIat, Round and Square, for Cylinder Beads, Piston Rods, Valve Stems, rte. Gaskets, Rings, etc.. to order. ' ' . ". . , . H..W. JOHNS' IMPROVED ASBESTOS BOOFINu, rire-Proot, Cool, Durable, Light ELClDPAINTS--Tha Btandard Paints for Btraetnral Purposes. Bend lor Desrlptlv Prloe-Llt Special Agents: - - - THE CHARLOTT SUPPLY COMPANY. ... THE CHARLOTTE SUPPLY COMPANY '. GENERAL MILL FURNISHERS: AND DEALERS IN - - Machinists' loots anJ 1 Supplies," Contractors' "and Coal ' Barrels, Steam and Water Pipe, Valves, Fittings, Eto. B. W.COLD WATER ; PAINT FO FACTORY USE, CHARLOTTE, N. C. ,. The Ohio Freezer. A Buperior ice cream freezer for the same money you have to pay for. an ordi naly freezer. Call and ex amine the -"Ohio" before buying. ' We 'are sure -you will be pleased. : White Mountain Freezers at reduced prices. Washington Stand.No. 20 W, Trade SL We are getting in same nice Stearns wheels now, although the 1 factory is far behind with orders. Get your order In at once and ride the best: yoa will', never be satisfied until you do. I have on band two or three second-hand Rtearnt wheels which go rap illy. B peak quick. All kinds of wheels and andries. - ! W. F. DOWD. Send your prescriptions to" L. J; Walker's" Drag Store Corner Church and Trade streets, and have them accurately Ailed. - ---- Wi L. OConnelI prescription clerk. GSEH Easily, ualckly, Penaanestly Restored. IVeaJtneaa, IVervsneaa, Debility, and ail the tram of eras from eariy rron or later excesses, the res alts of , overwork, eickneis. worry. etc. rail strength, devel opment and tone gWen to ,evrry orcan ana pwugu of the body. Simple. nat ural method. fmmedW -ate improvement seen. r.tt.. mMnlKlo s(mo references. Book. : explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free.:-.- ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo. II. Y. BOOK BEER, ; -7 l-ylENNA CABINET,;" - - TlVOLI'S LAGER, - r- All these brandsjof best La get Beer we can furnish, from our bottline depot on Fifth street opposite the city hall. ': We also have a large stock , of , export beer. ' -jv ; - -r---" c.-' R. PORTNER BREWING CO ; . . - C VALAER, . Agent.. Telephone No. 5 .C - GENTLEMEN, Get tbe New, Nevet Discovery, PIGEON '-PiHLtt Cores (lonorrhcea and Gleet in 1 to i dnys. It action is luagieaL- Prevents strict a re. All com plete. To be carried in vest pocket, -tient by tnad in plain package, pre-piiid, on receipt of price. SLOUperbeiv :ir - ; . -;. R, II. JORDAN At OO , S.M AeenU - RICHARD A. BLYT11E; COTTON WARPS ANp" YARNS, No.114 Chestnut Street, PhHadelphia' lTo.'4's to 200's Single and Double, Warps Furnished tn Chains and Beams, in Gry and Colofs. Cotton, Woolen and "iVcrstsl Trr. is Tkcii. LI. If I f - - '- : " aVr-TaasK rWM i'z T. : Machinoiy. in 3 1 I w WIHIUMIiiiii nmmn i n .1 niimii i i. t I, . M0REHEAD CITY, N. C, -JUNE -1st. in- TBIS DELIGHTFUL SEASIDE RESORT NEEDS NO PUFF ING. .. ITS ADVANTAGES are ALREADY-KNOWN FAR AND WIDE. . . The leasees have secured in Mr. Wink Taylor, as manager, one of the finest hotel men in the South an all-ronnd man, .who gives personal attention to every de partment ; of; the establishment, thus securing the most - satisfacto ry service to each guest. 7 he table .wil.be supplied with all seasonable luxuries, everything that . the markets of the United States afford will be added to tho treasures of the sea, taken; fresh day by day, f rv m - the waters of sound and oceaD . :k I : ' " The music at the Atlantic will -. be especially fine this season, as -Burns Concert Orchestra, of Sa van nah . ( the only organ i z t ion o f the kind in the"South composed ex tslusively of solo artists), has been engaged for the season.: 1 his fa mous organization. will give-daily concerts, and in the - evening will, furnish exquisite dance . music ,,in the concert and dance ball, which is one of the finest in.'the South. -- The bathing at Morehead, both surf and still watr, . is very tin e, and the fishing has always been one of the; special, at tractions of the place,;: "'y . The rates ? announced I for tho pretent season are from $10 3 J a week upward, according to; tho size and location of ro m. I r day, $2.50 to $4 Mr. Ed S.Flagg, late steward of Ponce De Leon Hotel, St. Augus tine, Fla., will act'; as' steward. Crew of cooks all whie ; also bar bers j.For further particulars ad dress ' ' ' ' WINK TAYLOR, Manager, Mobehead Cjtv, N.C. . THE CELEBRATED ROCK BRIDGE - !- Alum Springs, Va. THE GAYEST: RESORT IN THE MOUNTAINS, CAPACITY 1,000. ... OPENS JUNE 1. RATES REDUCED ONE-HALF- Considering quality of Its patrons, cfaarac- v.. . ter oi accommodations, CHEAPEST RESORT IN AMERICA. " Waters recommended by leading pbyt elans. If a sniTerer from consumption. In digestion, Fcrofula, catarrh, diarrhoea, ln jnale troubles, eie ,- or need eaiety, sur. rounded with s superb class of people, wi ii for pamphlet and be convinced . ibis in a panacea for you i troubles. , DH. 18A1AU WHITE. of Richmond, ,:'.-.. .. , Medical l)tiect.r. " JAS. A. F HAZIER, Managing Receiver. pOR SALE. Two second-hand Sa Mill Outfits, planer, shingle mill, mules and warens. All in good condition. Will ' !.e Jur--ber and shingles as r-1; Tie Atlantic Hote tlTMl Open V