I - i 1 f i v CABXZT LEWIS UAPPr. - f . . z ... R Won tbe Prize in the Annual ComDCtl ' tlTtrUl. ,,- The C. "1L I, cadets hare always been . considered .AhAndsome lot,-; but the boys -were never seen to i such advan tage M yesterday liftefuooai wjieo they ' turned . on.t fiO on &Q i strong in their spring uniforms; -ready- to engage in thefr competitive drUL The 4:3(Mat carried them Xo the park and there in the open spacef n, front of the pavilion they s had- .their1, -annual competitive drill; apU' Baird,- Lieutenants Twitty and Keesler and First' Serjreant Powell were the judges. The contest nar rowed down to Cadets Baxter Lewis and Tom Pegram, Mr. Pegram got nervous and lost -the dayThe medal, an -ex .ceedingly : pretty gold CUM.- L mono gram with .pin andehalB,' was present :ed Mr,, Lewis byProUW3a'Haywa,rd, ' of the Commercial College, in a happy speech. The boys gave three cheers -for their victorious comrada ndthea took the car for town.-?" Mr. R. II. Jor dan said: he'd siaiwLtreats, so the whole army disembarked 'at Jordan's. Ie4 in and atood i ri line While the soda waier -was passed 'round:'; The whole'cierical force - was converted into -soda water lerka. ", ?:i:-A.?ifi-?'i H-- ' PWf. Bafrd had' on exhibition i yester day -9 atPalamoun tain's, two of his ciool iaedals-wme the prize- drill; the Aether the Barrfnger history medal. . On nffe" latter Is engraved: "fL Bar--iBge,-Historyr1695i BIDDUS COUMGKCEJUSNT. T rro(mn mm Amii(tdBj President ' 1 j .. Sanoders. -t .'' TBe following general programme wiflibe observed at Biddle during gthe commencement week, which t)pens Friday: ..; , ; , r ' Vymg exercises of the- Normal and aratory School. Friday. Mav 31st.at OD.JD. , baccalaureate sermon by Rev. D. J. Saunders,,p. jD, 3undayr-June Snd.at 3 p.'JBi .. ' . ., , .- Junior prize contest, - Monday, ' June 3rdat 8 p. n -- . Alumni reunion, Tuesday, June 4th, at 10 a. m-t Sod the ajnmni address by L. P. Berry, at 8 p, m. .. . IDlass dayy exercises, : Monday, June 3rd, at 10. m. y e ommencemntt? Jane 5th, at 10 a. m., when orations will be delivered by a number of graduates of the schools of art, science and theology. The annual address will be delivered at 3 pr m. by Rev. J. H. Boyd, D. D., pastor of the Second Presbyterian church, of Charlotte. The music for the entertainment will be a special feature. A cordial invitation is extended to the public to attend anv and all of these exercises, which will be held in the chapel of the University, where prompt and polite ushers will attend to the seating of all, and thus guarantee the comfort of visitors. Ht'JDSON WINS. HI Case Heard Six Times Tbe Co i ted States Circuit Court or Appeal, at Rich mond, Decides in His Favor. The celebrated case of Hudson vs. the Charleston, Cincinnati fc Chicago Rail road Company was finally terminated in the United States Circuit: Court of Appeals in Richmond Tuesday, that court deciding the ease in the favor of Hudson. The plaintiff. H. T. Hudson, was injured in April, 1887, and brought suit against the railroad company. The case had many ups and downs and has keen tried six times in all. The rail road company went into the hands of a receive iipon. the application of the bondholders ubder the mortgage.' Hud son got judgment for H,500and sought to establish the fact that his Judgment was a lieu superior to that of the mort gage creditors of the railroad "company under sec. 1,255 of The Code. The court has decided the point in his favor ant the purchasers of the railroad at he mortgage Sale will have to pay his judgment. This is an important de cision for the effect of it is that when a party is injured by a railroad company his claim is superior to the lien of the mortgage creditors of the company. It is the first time the. question has been passed upon under the North Carolina statutes.. - i V - ' ' "OVER THE TEACUPS." Second Church Folks Will Be Looking aid Talking To-Nlght-Cnp Reception. The cup and plate reception to-night promises to be an unusually enjoyable affair. The guests are to be entertained by a short programme of music and after ward served with cream and cake. The children's "Little Light Exercise" is to be repeated for the benefit of the grown folks, and several musical selections rendered. . It is expected that the church china closet will be well supplied with the cups, saucers and plates which are Bo much needed for recentiona nrl so cial meetings. iimjvuowinr youne reo rue urn re quested to meet at the church this eve ning at 8:15 o'clock to assist in serving uo icireaumenis: susses Annie Parks anaeeiene Hutchison, Elizabeth Grier, Anme Torrance, Jessie Henderson, may uates, Kebekah Chambers, Essie Aoaa.i Jkva Uuddeu, Mav McNinch, ljaisy Uates and Sara Lily Wolfe; Messrs. augene Asbury, Archie Ora nam, Pi en Uraham, Frank Wilson, uiresoam aDti uuy wiuiers.- : tteiresnments will iw rAivaH i, . .. . w " vu wmm ; Church between 5 and 6 o'clock this af ternoon. Still in Abeyance. . . . . i . . . . ... - -i nc mutt uousc matter is still in abeyance. As mentioned in yesterday's - Obsehykr several of the architects got Offended and withdrew their plans, among the number Mr. Normann.of At- ir T mT- "'"son, or Lynchburg. Mr. Normann favored open competi tion, not a private seance with each architect. 1 The plans have all been gone through , With, and .the architects diamiaeort wrth, the promise that they will be com- uiuwMieu who at a very early day ine contest, it. was gener- .y vuucnswwu yesieruay, is between Richmond and Atlanta. . www xveiic a Kcmudrr of Other Day The eye of the veteran, as he enters Mr. . M. Sims' store, falls on an object . iu w:resfc grape . snot. . it is the PTPterty of ,Mr. Wi J. Brbwn, ef Steel Creek,' and 'was brought home from York town in 18CI by Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown 'was a member of the Charlotte Grays: s-was Mr. Sims. .The Grays re- it- orKB ot Cornwaflis 1!'"-toWDt nd from the breastworks Mr. Brown took the shot. This was lMi,!nw0r 52.'",d MrCSims, ."that f".iT -oerv koss .at. juettys-ar- helP Wn os, the $di him." thJf rf.ilWWH -."A 0mB Wherewith They Seek to While ; " Aw j lit Bsj.w i . Mrs. S. W. Cramer, Mrs. J.' A.; Solo mons, and Misses Lucie Wriston -and Bleeker Springs, have- amulet- little game pf whist every Saturdays after noon at Mrs. Cramer's. They each Jc now how ,to play.- theirt . hands; and science has a wrestle, weekly, with 5 science when they begin the-game. ; ; Ha trui RJa and. Call Hlxn Bleated. - tUrf Bry. bo is employed by Mik J. E Duval, has just completed an electrical gas-lighting), machine, which Bys win lightr,;t!enty-five lights. 1. no.w workin? on machine to light the fuel in the fireplace before getting out of bed. ile will soon have tt completed. " - - Ka and West Sympathise..' ' "J . . Mr. T. "W.' Andrews is back- from an extended trip in the eastern part of the Kate. The cold weather and rata, he sivp, bad the same bad effects in the c ist as here, hence the truck farmers arc 1 lue, as are the upland tillers of the tESUtE'S FACTORY. The Blachinerr oa the tVay-Hands Al- - ready Here. - i The Observer yesterday received the following letter which, as the writer is so soon to become resident iof Char Jotte, wiy be i-ead Iwith interest: - i " i i e MoiSTjiKAI, May 27. 18951 f The Charlotte Olerter tCAartote, JV. - C: . We have shipped oar plant f our full car loads,) and we expect to be in Char lotte ourselves about June 6th. .We are pleased. 5 to notice continued "signs ? of Southern progress and hope it has only bgujiand,,wil3L4Mntinue, ,jh4 Jncre&se like an interest account. yr , We-send ur ; best wishes to r. all.pur many friends i Charlotte and hope-we will find them H in good shape on ur arrivaLJ ' -u : ' '-(-v.iT. -Yours truly,- .-r-"' .-c iV-5'1 'J?. ' ' s3K)ixet Lkslik. - . Mr. Leslie, as is known, has built a reed an barness miU at-Dilwortb, Tbe advance gmrd of workmen arrived yes terday. They registered at tbe Queen Citjrv Hotel and are: R.flBreaks, of Providence, carding department; Joseph Con tat, Philadelphia, belting depart ment; Frederick Mitchell. Philadelphia, cards; S. Burnett, Fall River, reed. Messrs. Breaks and Burnett are married and are accompanied by their wives. 1 v f CHJJBCH Items of Interest EXCBAS6E. Handed in and Oat - B.ev.DrP"reston"will reach nlht- -J - - - - home Rev: Mr.-AtkinV'ofCbttreh Street church, is under the weather. - He was not able to fill bis pulpitlast niebt, Rev. Pr Brooks occupying it for him. Aiare treat ;is anticipated in Dr. Preston's sermon Sundaytfo the travel ing men. Invitations bare been- sent out to this; large j body meo and all who can will, no doubt, be present on ' that occasion. ' Dr. Preston .has a soft spot in his heart for drummers and railroad men. - - The Methodist JCxcarsion. An enthusiastic meeting of the Ep worth League of Tryon Street Meth odist church was held last night after prayer-meeting 'Jp' discuss excursion. The date was changred from the 18th to the 2Qth. Rockingham is the objective point. Two committees were appoint edone on printing, the other on re freshments. The former consists of Mrs. E. C. Register, W. B. Swindell and Chas. Stone. ; -. , - Refreshments: ; Mrs. S.:. J. Asbury, Mrs. C. C. Kennedy, Mr. C. F. King. Mr. W. M. Wheeler was appointed a committee of one to look After rates. - Coolers for Cooling; Times. The days of fans are here. The 4C's keep up the pace in cold or. heat. To assist in regulating the latter they have arranged to operate' electric fans for all who wish them. The circuit is tobe'putin June 1st by Mr. SampSpn. Al ready quite a number of fans have been placed, and the great comfort they are, both as coolers and fly machines, cannot be over-estimated. The fans are to be had at the D. A. Tompkins Company's. The 4C's furnish the current at moi erate charges. First Shoot Score. The Gun Club "got-at it" yesterday afternoon in earnest.: The ball may now be said to be formally opened, and from this date on 'till the eold weather calls in the men and birds. The club was qn the grounds on regulation time, and a few minutes after the traps were sprung. The scores were as follows: Out of 50 singles each, Todd, 43: An thony, 39; Creswell, 39; Justice, 39; Stpkes, 38; Andrews, 32 Carson, 32; Prather, 30;()rrw(W. S.) 21; Butler,: 17. Mrs. Putnam Writes in Regard to Her Hus band's Death. Mrs. Ina Putnam writes the Obsebvek that her husband, Mr. B. F. Putnam, died April 5th at St. Petersburg, Fla., and not at St. Augustine, as was pub lished. He was confined to bed for seven weeks, before he died. His re mains were takeu to New Salem and buried. Mrs. Purnam is living witb a brother of Mr. Putnam's in Cambridge port, Mass. She is left alone, as their only child, a little girl, died a year in Greenville, SC. ago The Test Flaub Read-. " The Mecklenburg Iron Works has be come famous for its mining machinery, us auijiuitins, as unsEBVEK readers are aware, extending to the Pacific slope. Some weeks ago it begn theerection of a test chloriniition: plat oitWest Fifth street, ? in rear of? the foundry. The plant has been completed and nothing preventing will be operated for the first time to-day. The ore with which the test will be made, is from the mines of this section. How Things Are In Providence. Misses Irene Wearn and Delia Mc Dowell are attending the exercises at balem Female Academy. Mr. lorn Dunn is home from La layette school. ; .. Cotton, the paslfew days, is improv ing rapidly, btands in the . black jack ianas are gooa. btrawberrtes are in abondance and tne prospect for a large fruit crop of every description is most promising. Along- 1m Tig Creek. A party of young folks from Lone wiwn uiiic arrsnw to go on a Dig iisaiageipeaiuon to uowaa s I' ord to morrow. It is to be an all day outing the chills are not so bad at Long Creek this season as last. Probably it's a little early for them yet. Long Creek farmers talk more hope- luiiy about the cotton than those from some other parts of the county. Miss Davidson's Last Story. Miss Josephine Davidson. Charlotte's young authoress, is progressing upward on -tne literary ladtlr. She- h seiaom naa a manuscript re jected and nas oeen mucn encoorageu by. the dif rerent magazines in tbe countrv.'." Thn Observer yesterday read with .'pleasure her latest story -"The Wizard of the urient' published in the June num ber of the St. Louis Magaine -: . ;" With Eplscopallaas.' 'i Rev. Mr. Miller," who is to occupy the rm1r.it tit fi T,n.' T?:- , ifl , auring air. it oilman's absence, is from ureensboro, not Goldsboro: ., - Rev. Mr. Hoffman, who moved sev eral months aira into Mr,. Thos.. Belk'a house on North Chorcb street. n to mow again. ? . tits family i will ; oc cupy the ilolt residence on North Trron street during the summer. , , ' Conuneacemeat at the'C. U.'I.I i The annual examinations at the Char. lotte Military Institute will take place lo-oay, negmning promptly at a o'clock. The: teachers earnestly desire everv parent who possibly can, to be present. Mther friends cordially invited. Er. amiBations in treotrraphv, snellinir. Latin-rcademic, algebra, arithmetic, Latin. Greek and history.! The.rioariac Hill IoJeeU i Messrs. D.- R. , Julian .and - P IT. Thompson, of Salisbury, who were here last week looking for. a. location for roller uouring miu, were- back Yester day, accompanied: on this trip by Mr. N. B. McCanless., They examined sev eral locations but still jached, no ooa clusion. If they can get -a- Bite to suit them they will establish' a mill here. . 'Three of a Kind. ; , t II. H. Knowles, Wj P. Barns .nd' Jo Ellington, all factory operatives, were towed in yesterday afternoon by Chief Orr for fighting and being disorderly in general.. Knowles and Barns belong to the Atherton, and KUington to the Yic tor. - Mnalo a Mint IPajrhw 1 Mint i Park and the , grand i stand therein will be formally christened this evening. The -: band will ascend the steps of the band stand at 8 o'clock. and play for an hour or so. Hint Park will be an attractive rendezvous, - t i . .MIllKEWS."..'."''; i i The Graaby Mills Ora-amlzed Mr.. TThaler " President. -The Columbia State says that on yes terday application was to' have been made to the Secretary of State for a chartee for,-the; Granby Cotton Mills Company. Tbe initial sapital stock of the company is to be 1150,000. ' The petition for the charter will be signed by the following corporators: . Q.jH. Manson,-W. B. 8. Whaley, R.W. Shand and ,Wnv.: H. Lyles.' tTha company is the result of a combination' effected be tween Mr. Whaley and bis friends and the Columbia Land and .Investment CompanyrMr Whaley is to be made president of the mill.- The site select ed Xft thtf Granby Mil! Is on the exten sion of the canaV at the1 upper end of the Green property, near the line of the Pbarlotte; Columbia &Augusta Sail-road.- The mHl will manufacture only the finer grades bF."cotton- goods.' ,VThe corporators have already two-thirds of the capital, stock now in sight, and, there will be but ' little delay in the erection of the milL The mill will oper-' ate30,000 spindles.' . " ' " ' -. ,-. ' - -- - - i hum ..i ' i i r T' m.." - wao is o.! b- -vrixsoN? ' Mr. "Weill, of Rockingham, la Anxious to - t Know. "- Mr. WrKaurnnm yesterday received a letter Jrom Mri Liu Weill,? of Rocking ham, in which he wanted to know who to-TOrBrwri80n of Charlotte, was.1; On tne xtn, writes rxe, a. man came to Rockingham and spent Sunday vat his hotel. He asked Mr. Weill- to cash a check for $20 for him. It" was 'signed oyxj. a: viison ana was made payable to him at the First National Bank of Charlotte. - The check went back pro tested. Wilson professed to know Mr. Kaufman and all the Israelites in town. He said bis house was in New York. Mr. Weill winds up his letter by ask ing: :"wno is u. is. Wilson in your towni uan i getanytbtngoutof him? ' Mr. Kaufman has made diligent in quiry, but can find no such man in CharlotteJ- MIXED QUARTETTE. The Second Church Makes a New Choir Deal, and a Good One. The session of the Second Presbyte rian cnurcn met last night to discuss, amongst other th intra, tbe choir. The hymns win be sung in future, as at present, by a male choir, but in dace of the Anon Quartette, which has just given up us position mere, a mixed quartette will be employed, consisting of Miss Jennie Freeman, soprano, Miss Jan te. Keesler, alto, Mr. O.JI. Norwood, oa?s, ana Air. Charlton i oucts, tenor. With this-combination the Second church should have little trouble in future with its music." Miss Freeman is an invaluable help to any organist. A Visit to the Alexander Heme. Abe Alexander Rescue Home will be completed before manv more weeks. Tbe work is being pushed as rapidly as possioie. .Visitors to the JJome miss the bright iace or 'little ljee." The child's rela tives have taken him from the Home, to the regret of Miss Sergeant and the managers, as all were fond of him. A minister from South Carolina writes wanting to adopt thebabywbich was brought to the Home several weeks ago. The managers meet this afternoon promptly at 4 o clock to discuss impor tant business. A Good Old "Negro Gone. "Uncle" .Nathan White, one of the best and best known old negroes in this county, died Tcesday night on Mr. J. b. Myers' place near Charlotte. Uncle iathan belonged to the White family, or rort Mill, fc. C. lie was the special property or trie- late Col. John M. v nue, io wnom .ae was devotedly at tached, and who m turn thought. there was no darkey in tbe land like "Nath. 1 he old mag-Tan s large farm for Col. unite. IletWas honest-andloyal and the l,ord blessed bim with lon'ir life. He was iboutSO years of age. ' j. : - ' Feacef Behind Them, Thswrjetefrj graduaie" on the wing. A bevy L beau tif nr. maidens passed through hereyrtefdav on the noon train, journeying from Peace In- ..,:.... .t . . i . omuic iu nivir respective nomes. In tne crowd were Miss liosa Withers, oT Davidson, who stopped over liere with M iss Mary Withers; Miss Bessie Itam- seur, and Lula Abernethy, of Lincoln- ton, and others. A Reminder of Hi Success. X he wat c a won by Mr. Fayssoux, .the most successful agent of theMutual In surance Company of NewYork.spoken of in yesterday s Observer, was seen vester- day at Farrior's where it was purchased. It was the handsomest in the shon. A diamond locket and elegant gold chain made the gut complete. Mr. Fayssoux will have a watch and record both to be proud ot. Baseball. Mt. Holly and Matthews open the I II - . , ! . ... ... uau beason to-uay at ffiaiinews with a war-to-the-knifegame. Matthews' bat tery consists of W, W. Moore and Frank tluey. "ttud Moore "Crab Orchard' will also t-assist.' ; Thpro seems to be no prospect of ball in Charlotte this summer. Everybody seems to nave ' sirucK out, ' "... Colored "Ulecusslons." aio a;ior urummea up. his ex cursion yesterday afternoon with baud and fife, and leaves this morning ron&ansoury. several car loads strong. The Rock Uiil -"discussion" ran in ahead of Macs, but be never fails to carry a big crowd. The Rock Hill crowd filled five cars; "vTarnlnc to Mevleea. Mr. Sampson,jDf the4G's, asks theOu- 8KRVKR to say that children learning to nue o.cycies snouia . oe: exceedingly careful in keeping off the car tracks as it would oe very difficult for the motor- man to stop his car, within onlya'few leet oi a cniw railing, as iney are like- ly to ao, on tne track. Tbrea W.UM of JSeaaa oa the Striae The Seaboard and Southern are busv X J ? .. . .- . . w, HuaauBg, vegeiaoie irams inese days. 1 he bea board: trains do not, come this way, and so lust the. number nassin&r daily cannot be ascertained. The bouthero yesterday passed over its' Hoe 41 cars of vegetables, three of . which were Dean cars.' - ,.: They Arm Great. v . In the cominir ofthe Salisbury am a teurs Charlotte has a treat., Everv one wbo has seen he 'play' pronounce them ereat.' The cast and fol to win a- will bring here some of the' most attractive ana talented people of Salisbury. A CsUns-Hata of ttLmiirrk. J' M r. Joh n- M c Do weHl o'tTbhe of hisf re- cent.trlps toIendersonVille, ,mei 4 ipr. &ing.wno, ne learned, hau bcen at col lege at Heidleberg with Bismarck. Ir. King, has i meerschaum pipe which Bismarck gav him and which he prizes I bighlj.5 " S " a : ... 5 - I Trmpcraaoo Sonc. . .i : . ,1 All the boys and girls of the different I Sunday schools of the city are eq nested to meet at the beautiful; yard of Mrs. W. S. liiddell, st Trade street, next Monday afternoon, June, 3;rd' at 4 o clock.; Songs are to be practiced for t be.approaehing. W.. C. , T. U.' conven- A MiataJce. The Grace King Book Club will not meet at all this week.' The Observer's informant - was mistaken about there beioga meeting this afternoon. --".::'. '-'"'"ii i " ' "in r i. Trunin ,-.-'-3"'. Igal Holiday. . ; . . To-day being national holiday the postoftice will close-at 1 p. m.j and -observe a half-holiday. The carriers will make two. deliveries, a. ra. and 11a.m. FEtljOW-CITIZESS. Tea Cam Add the "Ladies and Gentlemen" . if Tob Choose. : " Jlr. T. Lewis, ot Montgomery coun ty, who has been, in- Florida two years, is back in North Carolina and is here for several weeks.,', " t Mrs. J. II. Boyd and Mrs. Josie Du rant will spend several weeks at South port in June. -... ' - ' - -' MrsR. P. Foster,', f .,. Asheville who has been Visiting Mrs. W. C- Dowd, leaves to-morrow for home. " ' Mrs. Dr. B.-W.TBrookshire, of Mont gomery. after a visit at Dr. Frank Win Chester's, has returned home.' -. Miss Abbie Caldwell arrived yester day on the noon, train and is at Mr. A. M. Young's.- 1 - Mr. John McEl wee, a well known merchant, b Rocfc"Hilf,T S. C. was in the city yesterday, f r - Mrs. J.' Q; Baird and children-arrived from Leslie; 8v O., last night- . f -.. Prof. D. Matt Thompson, principal of theStatesville graded schools, was in the city yestereay, ; . T ' -. ' Mr. (and! Mrs. Thos. ' Cfresbam have been la the city for a couple of days at Mr. FP. L. Bonney's. . , ": . Misa Annie Moore, of Hopewell, is vteiting at Mrs. Annie Lardner's. s;kj Mr. J. R. Smith is expected dally from Florida. r Mr. Jabez Myers passed through the City yesterday morning on tbe Carolina Central going west, lie is. perfectly well, he says, and in good spirits, j.tilflss Monie.Martin, of Mallard Creek and Miss Mamie Lowrance, of Texas, Peace girls, spent yesterday with -Miss Lizzie Scott. -i Mr- Lee Little and wife," of Wades boro.'spent yesterday in tbe city. ' Mr. Little is one of Anson's biggest farmers. Mrs. Jacob Duls and daughters,Misses Stella and Minnie, leave to-day for Mi- senbeimer Springs. Miss Alice Springs arrives home from the Agnes Scott Institute to-nieht. Miss Maggie Kelly goes to Wake For est next .week to attend .- commence ment:. ...... Misses Rena and Eunice Caldwell and Isabel le Grier, of Harrisburg, were in the city yesterday. Misses Rena and Isabella went on to Fort Mill, 8. C, on & visit. r Mr. E. B. Hatcher: of Rochester,' N. Y., representing the Stearns Bicycle oompany, was here yesterday. Messrs. Clark McKercher and H. L. Loreny, of Washington, are registered at the Buford. H. B. Adams, Esq,., of Monroe, is at the Central. Mr. D. A. Tompkins is expected home this morning. Mr. F. G. Stacy, of Gaffney City, was here yesterday on business. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Heath and Miss Lena Heath are expected home to-night. Mrs. J. H.TCrutch field is back from a pleasant visit in Winston. Misses Ada Potts and Sallie Jamison and Mr. James Bell left yesterday for a visit at Mr. Bell's oldhomeinPineville. Miss S. Goldberg, of New York, is here on a visit to Mrs. J. Ida SchifT. Miss Goldberg is a sister of Mr. 1). Gol'd berg, formerly of Charlotte. Mr. J. E. Reiley, of the Grand Rapids Seating Company, is home for two months.after a seven weeks' stay at the factory. J. D. McCall, Esq., who delivered the alumni address at Rutherford College commencement last week, and wl:o has spent a week thjre and at CoDnelly bprinps, got home Tuesday night. Mr. P. M. Brown returned yesterday from Columbus, Ga. Mrs. Brown will be absent a week or more. Mrs. Ed. McDonald and Miss Susie Williams goto Fort Mill, S. C, to-morrow on a visit. . Misses Annie Howard, Pattie Morris and Pearl Hudson returned vesterdav from Yorkville. S. C. Miss Howard went on to Mt. Holly. ON THE HOI'S K TOPS. The Latest News In Buildinsr Circles on Call. Architect Hook" has completed rwans for Mr. W. I. Henderson's -new reei- deuce. They show convenient arrance- nieut and handsome exterior. It will likely be two weeks vet before Mr. ,1. D. Ross, the house mover, gets his rollers under Mr.S. Wittkowsk v's res idence. He is to move the house to the corner of Fifth and Graham streets, to give room for a handsome structure uu Trade. Mr. Ross returned vestenlav from Reidsville, where he had several iobs of house-moving. The Ohseuver yesterdav saw nlans of Mr. J. C. Long's new residence. It is almost a fac simile of a $11,000 house in Massachusetts. Mr. I. J. Hilton has the contract. Mr. E. M. Andrews is civinjr North Church street, extended, three addition al houses. Contractor Almond Dunn is doing the work. llev. P. P. Alston, colored, is build- in? on est Third street. The house will be two stories, and very comfort able. The lumber having come, work has been resumed on Mr. Soratt's house on South Church street. Mr. Howie, of Matthews, has tbe contract for Mr. Ed Keid's new house. He is here now gettiDg men and mate rial together. In Rang)- of tbe Urput. Mr. Claud Sigmon, who was hurt be tween a box car aud the platform on his run between Athens and Macon. uu ug uitmt; nome 10 recover, is un anu huoui. tie win return to work by A. L A. J W9 a - m an. airs. i. u. Drisni. wire or nrman Bright, has gone to Central to spend several months. lha stalls, in the Southern round house will soon have , new engines iu them. I oreman Anderson is exoect inga relay of moguls next week. Complaint is being made of the loca motive whistles being blown inside the corporate limits. - air. j. u. isromers. conauctor on a road leading into Savannah, is home for a week's visit, lie is lust from JSorfolk. Bamphriea' .Lawyer Mere. . . Mr. Eccies, a lawyer of AtfantaVwaa nere yesieroay to see Jhas. Llumphries, vne uiau m jau cnargea witn. commit ting burglary at the Central. Mr. Ec oles saw Humphries in jait. They had considerable conversation. Re. Dr. Boyd has also been to see Humphries. tie says iiumpnries family is one 6f tne best Known ta Mississippi, Orphanage Kewa, - - A chapter of , the ; Daughters ' of th King was organized yesterday morning at tuts lovmpson rpnanage. with five members. Mrs. M. I. Prentiss is presi dent; Mrs.-Uapot, treasurer, and Mrs. Mac key, secretary. j ilrs- i'rentiss left last night for a visit to her home near Charleston. - -. ...... ;tr. The Baraeh Bays the Brown Hfonao. most - interesting ' transaction which hastaken-place in real estate cir cles lately was Hhe purchase yesterday morning by atrV H. Uaruch of the Urown house on Kisi Trade street, tho of tne ,ate John L. lirowo Mr. Kruch got the property .reasonably, yery anxtoua to dismosp. of It. , - - " Broom Factory. - ' The Observer mentioned last 'week that Mr. Tillman Brown, otSteel Creek was here looking for a location for a broom factory.- Yesterday he succeeded in getting one of the new store rooms on Aorta "College street, aext to the Southern Newspaper Union; He 'will start werk to-morrow morning. . Bootblack' Faces Do Not Shine. " This U the summer of the bootblack discontent. Yesterday "seven little in jons" all in a row stood up before May or WeddmgUvn. -They bad been pulled for being nuisance about the Central I loteL . Each contributed of his Pennies f 'i.oO to the city treasury. Silence with jthem is indeed golden. . CRO WSING THE VIRGIN. Tbe Slaj Devotfone at the Catholic Church 1 rrXha Procession. "The May devotions at St. Teter's Catholic church closed last night. - Tbe procession. formed at, the convent, headed by the, altar : boys and cross bearer, s Upon arriving at the church, they approached the sanctuary, form ing a semi-circle around the altar of the Virgin Mary, where a hymn was sung appropriate , to. the occasion. .During the singing of the hymn Miss Katie Ki id crowned the statue witb a wreath of beautiful . natural flpwers. Follow ing ; came' the children,: .two by ..two, placing bouquets. of lovely llowers , on the altar. The services closed with ' an address pn the .Virgin by. Rev, Father Francis,: and, the benediction . ol. the blessed sacf amen V 1 . ,- 7,.- ' ' " - ''"'til Chapel HllU - ' ' J iMiss Mtna Brem leaves to-morvbw for a visit in Hillsboro. ' From' thereoshq goes to Chapel Hflf to commetrcemeni. Mfss Bessie Henaerson, ;of ' Salisbury; will also attend commencement. TAILORS AND Outfitters Closing out sales cut no figure witb us. We are giving you the same values advertised and giving you the benefit of good, honest, clean; fresb, desirable goods. If we advertise a cost sale ypu know that ctst means cost. But we are not in that line just now. The special bargains we are now offering are the very best ever shown. PARIS PLISSE. In order to stir up this lot and let it go out of the place we cut the price to 15 cents. Some say they got 28c. for it and not such quality and style as we offer. Light and black grounds. FIGURED DIMITIES. Here's a line pf goods for real beauty, sheerness and lovely printing would tempt you at 25c., but wc marked them 15c. and they hum. DUCKS. Now so much in demand. Choice styles. Thevery best qualities. The sort that was cut close at 15c; here 11c. Twenty-five styles. LAWNS. The very sheer ones in stripes acd dots. Pretty blue, pink, green, laven der, maisse, black and the daiutiest of tints. Price, 10c. WASH SILKS. A lady remaFked that she bought one at a closing sale at 35c. and thought she had a bonanza, and lo! all we ever ask ed was 33Jc. A new line of choice ones just arrived. FANCY DRESS GOODS. Pure wool, honest make; styles that are from the finest importations, U8c. CH ALLIES: Here's a lot of lovely stuff; silk stripe and plain and the neatest designs and the sweetest bits of color. T. L. SEIGLE& CO., ???????????????? BE IN . THI SWIM. a; 4 Why balance on the edge of fashion when voa mav be in ii with one of our These suits are worth all the 0 to $1.00. way from $12. STRAW HATS for sOs. and GOOD UNDERWEAR for r0c. Ought to briug you hero. Rogers & Go. EUECTRIC EUECTRIC "Day current will . bdTnut on Junelsh ' tI No heed of suffering from hot weather. 0; .vuu uu us. aim iscuuic an ectriw a THE COMPANY. : . FANS. FANS, mm (IDS " If F' " i 'I - M - 1 r ' -j t Si MOTriTlrtilTlf hi-rtT'-- f " x" ; "I '9S' i" . -f . THE :Triple :AU iahcef; r Coat, vest and trouserB, inngu rated first by Charles II,;of Enfj land, has come down through the- centuries, ehangirig in detail year by year.'yet the same in principle, It is the change in detail fhat con stitutes fashion or style. To .this we have always paid the greatest attention. T '- C It only takes yon aew minutes to buy a suit cl latest pattern (gcod fit and good wear thrown in) at our store. It nas taken many days and much caretol considera tion to fill our store with just j the right thins: and at. a price, which shall make it acceptable to all Loie Tate & Co. We solicit orcfers from distance and will send goods by express on approval to any part of the country, re turnable at our expense. CRKATES This was fully "demonstrated during the past week by the immense lofc"Df goods I delivered all' over town and country. I want another week like it and I am ready to offer the most con vincing bargains that were ever han died over any counter. Do you want carpets, matting or curtains? Prices amusing. You will never in a life time have such an opportunity again to fix uo your home for so little money, to furnish your diuing table with covers and napkins with tbe quality that very little money will buy, to drape your sitting and bed rooms in silk at the price of cotton goods, to xlecorate your walls with pictures at less than the cost of frames. All of this ts truthfully r.romlsed here and will be carried out to the letter. Hundreds uf ladios have voluntarily remarked that II. Baruch's is the only house that means business when he ad vertises a great sale. I shall Riv6 you another week of tempting purchases. You know that my stock is always new and fresh be cause you know that I sell the stuir and keep my stock full by replacing those sold with new goods. Ask the railroad agents if I don't get more goods than the most of the dry goods houses in- Charlotte combined. The same thing holds good at the express office. But that has nothing to do with the case, because you already know that. Another week of hustling is upon - us and you will find my stock and force right to the mark. The shot to the right or left of me, front or back of me. fall short, far short, of their mark, and Charlotte's great emporium holds the crowds. BY GIVING THEM THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS AND INIMITABLE VALUES GENUINE BARGAINS, EVERY ONE. See here and come here for -duck suits, ladies, iwc., were SI.o. Embroideries, laces, white goods, dimities, percales, wash fabrics of every kind, Gl-iuch organdies, -18-inch chif fons, U5-inch chiffons. TABLE LINEN, towels, napkius, qui Its, car pets, portieres, lace curtains, summer curtains, lambrequins, silks, black dress goods, challies, batistes, crepons, all wool fancy dress goods. Shirt waists, at 3.48. Juennesse plisse, accordeon plaited waist silks, all colors, pink, rose, nile, light blue, white, cream, j-ellow, cana ry; cardinal, were $6.25; now $3.48. BATUINU SUITS. no, for, Dil- worth Pool. A line of samples ladies men's and children's bathing suits Come, givj your order. Iont miss the 10c. counter. 1 New Idea Paper Patterns. Every pattern guaranteed most accurate in fit and correct in style. Any pattern 10c Call for the new fashion sheet for June. VANTINES TEAS for - iced tea. Samples given awny.. Call and get one Don't miss the 25c. and50c. bat coun ters ladies', misses' and -children's. Dress linings and findings to suit every idea, btocic constantly replen ished. - . . , .. Umbrellas, 65c; parasols, white China silk, ,!.;&. Misses and children s par asols, new belts, sbirt waists, stud sets, Countess 'reck ties. Men's shirts negligee. 43c- Under shirts,. socks, straw bats, ties, night shirts. H. BARUCH. JHEFRIG ERATO It you will Eike, writ contains the qualities lb at a L A jave ice and provision. JTepihi3 in mind A pd buy an ALASKA. S K A . N. WC AUSLAND Co.; Slate'an&TLn Koofing Contractors. BEAUTIFUL, ; 1 , ; t '300i and CHEAP Is what, all pronounce our FURNI TURE, who have Visited onr store. , ' THOitAS & MAXWELL. Truthful Advertising Public Confidence Closing-Oat Safe Harris & Keesler's mammoth stock is rapidly going. . Every man, woman and child la the city seems fbbesorambUng to get together whatchangelhey-canin order to get into our choice stuff, ' and why notf : Did you ever behold such an array of brand new stjliih' creations at such a sacrifice? v That .person, who h a penny or a hundred dollars .to invest in dry goods and lai ls f 6 see ;dr goods before buying, is simply throwing., parf of her muney raway. v Wby oujru entire wocit nas 4&een Jtnifed.lf you want a paperj&t needles, don' you eare to'tav 2 prZ ents f on H2 Couldn't wait,.OB odr trade Mobdaytbe peopje would bd crazy- If they dldaH appreciate bese bajrgains4iaTwi frith ree item-Iw,fyw o dicate the way we arex slaughtering the most desirable BVufT of : the day.: $3.50 table 1 i nea at 81.50; wortB : ,Jt! $ t .3 worth $L35 at.92c-i worth aCo' fo'r' 58o.; worth kc. for 4c, etc.; plain , white damask for hemstitching worth $1.35. at 92e.; waists $1.25 at:Sji.t-worth $Iat 6Sc; sUka worth $1,30 at C6o.;r ribbons worth from 13 to 40eiat 10ck. per. yard; lzic. 'zephyr Ginghams" tr M.t other a ioe Ginghams at 6 and "416:; -. tl .53 silk crenoos x 75. s black ! figured brl liantinea. worth the wrld over COci at VmZLV? vLl11 good" for cash JnBtead,.pf Prlesjley s $2.23 silk warp Henrietta at v.. j: $1.57, the grade at $1.87;; $r.bo grade at l.05,i$l.29 grade arlcstri throughout our magnificent ? stock. Many of these goods cost uS more-money by far than we are asking for then! r but they've got t go, and going they are ta appreciative trade,. ; ,T $.'iZ:i&4kiY Facts That Are. Worth Knowing A man can walk into- our cloth ing store torday ,aud. buy better ?:1l'h!?.!?aQiftt a?y nr. - rp'-i. ' t. j are wieriiiKsuigger! Dareams Harris ffi-'lvccs er than at any time in the history of Co, iud Miller Bros., of NowYork. the clothing business. A combnia- Win offBr the entire lot , Monday, tion of circumstances has made at New York cost. You will al this possible andneeessary. Possi- find the Racket abreast with, ble because we pay cash,, which u:- , ni- gets the best, and we will have no other, and necessary because to do business it must be done on narrow margin. Our profit is made prin cipally by saving in discount, not in adding to cost of the article. ' TEN. -DOLLARS 1 1 1 a t .-a.' u in to-oay Duy a uit that was formerly $18. All-wool Clay 'Wor steds or Cassimeres in cutaways or sacks. f 12. oO to $li will buy a BUit worth formerly from $20 to $25 inese wonaeriui oargaius are going rapidly. The large number of suits sold has justified us in making the price so low. The same holds good, too, in regard to our Children's Suits at $2.50, $3, $4 and $5. We could not well afford to of fer these suits for lees than 33 J per c?nt. on the price given, but that parents appreciate our efforts in their behalf, and by their generous patroiiaee make it to our interest - give tnem every advantage in Trif Olirl nnnl !f v Wa osl 1 vnnr n t. tentlOll eil passant" to our assort- f AiT,..u fp: t'.. jr.vi:-.. uicLii, vti mmu iito. ui ucutBCY 01 concention" tho tvlp thin season are unique. They rt com mend thmtdlves to "Our taste by j their rich' combination of color, dressy .effect and all-rOund artistic beautv. We have thrown on our countsrs to close out twenty-five dozen Madras and Cheviot Soft Bosom Shirts, principally large siz-s, wnicn were lormerly $1.60 to $2 50. Wo have made the price to close i)2c. - W. KAUFMAN & CO.. '- LEADING CLOTHIERS. Mail Ordkrs Solicited: A Di New things for warm days. 1 hings every lady will want to know about because they are of. interest only TO LADIES. One fresh lot white narasois. white handles and silvered frames, $1.50. An other lot at $1,95, compares with a,ny- toing iouna ai 20, each one with DRESDEN TIP. 100 snn umbrellas, 20-in.. cood values. noooy nanaies, oc. lo m.HO. "MOREEN, The new shirt material, saves laundry ana money. PERCALES. Auother lot JO inches wide. Still finer styles, If possible, and best percales maae. DRESS GOODS. 36-ln.. woolen from '25c,,down to' 12c. BLACK GOODS. $1.50 crepons, 08c. $1.25 S. F. Henrietta, 75c. BRILLIANTINES, SERGES, Ac, : 50c. swivel silks, ,25c. AND 75c. waist Silks, 4Sc. SO f : 45c. dotted Swiss, 25c. ON ' Hoc. sol, col.orpandy,17c. THKOUGII $1.50 blk moire silk, $1.10. A LONG LIST, ' ,72c. Black satin. $1; extra fine, 100 pieces muslins, mulls, duchess cloth, etc., from 4c. to loc, worth 10c. tofaaC. yard. . - Verily These are BARGAINS And exactly as advertised. No fabn- lous "worths to make the reduction seem greater, - - New moire, satin aiid O. U. rlbbdns; T. L Alexander, - Sot and VCo.i Wta M-Weekly) Pfograraine. iiooday evenioara ' " Musia by I f3'uesday eyeninprs BUFORD HOTEL j. nursaay evenings 1'rida.y evenings Music by full band, econa iveimenu '- .' .- " t Wednesday nd Saturday afternoons Music by liufora liotel Orchestra. i ' t ' ; f . 1 BATHING POOL NOW OPEN. ' BOWUNOf TENNIS and BOATING. J. .H. ;Weddington &; Co., H oni Esnuus TU BKOWJT, WEDniKGTOX A CO. Handle all trades ot hard ware, tinware J and; :.cvcrythiuif kept in a first-class hardware atore. Prices are elose-and jou receive honest treatment. m BnBineBs always on a booni at the Racket. No dull times ever , come this. way. Our wonderful raccdss has dempristratcd 4b?yond all question of doubt that tho peo ple "are with U8!, .that our eystem of- the; best values for the least money ha$ met their approval and that they are fully awake to tbo fact' that a dollar 'a worth of cooil 5 i or aoiiar can oniy cpme tnrougu the 'eysfcem, pf dollars. It is smooth sailing Agoing Hrtj tJebtj but it's stormy; Weather at paying up tim and, there , are of necessity a grr at ra a ; j- in h'rt -r go down ; be fore i 1 RTauoT " All . losses; sustained cte'd i t a'c5Xi; t have to bo-paid by" tht ke i h3jv If you buy out of iVind pay; ii' 'J ; ;J oxJ sCash; which payf for thosQ who: never, pay . or the merchanrfaltSwAVehaVB in augurated a business freed . from every ; taint ,ofjcxed;fi striving I might and main to see'' how low we how ;high. for credit. Our .eat cut in men a imported hoso has found t, ready reBponse and; really they are great selleis and the best values we ever; owned: see them. We are closing a lt of ladies fino Oxford ties on our, SI shoe coun ter: goods made by Thos. 13olton . Laird," Shober and Mitchell wor th double the money we aski 5 - J asb opened , ; a .big lot " of fruit jars chea p.i Habermans : enameled ware at a bargain. Big job in um brellas and pa rasol s. ; , G reat cut in price ot nne nooon , k ciose. Best c, bleaching t6. be found in the? city. - The growing demands forced us to make, another Jteavy yuituaeqiu uniooumiuniio iouui- r i f-- i '; tv-A Xr the times: Gooda fading away be fore the throngs of buyers..- - - Wflfiams, Hood 1 Co.; ; I Successors , to W. J. Davis & Co.v ifoteouwrto HwtXCXl To Keep Abreast OF THE TlMES not foUow It. To cope with the frugal, am bitious ones, yon maul own your homo. To continue renting one will ultimately find youithhl7Iy1n, Dereii of backa-ronnd. - in the b&c kjfronnd I an- . A . . . . .. . m BhQUii ponder well and consider Job t, where TOD Itaild at OKBent. ' .... Tne tacrf for fewer dollars and utmost conycmne I yon may own a Horn and snouia not r J.nir. wrand thnniht for von to miiko thll provision of comfort for yoartwlf and lieotable sor-roundlngs for your family E. D. Latta. GOOD ADVICEJ ' - .ydemcR s'nosreP coJ '.srM ' ekaT TAKE IT. b '.fe " fa' fa Better and Better.1, , (WO!) STOIiE KKEriNO MEANS PJfOORESS; jLA Tt WEEK'S BEST lb NOT tOOD ENOplll Full NEXT WEEK. DO YOU KEEP TItACK OF WJIAT 18 GOING ON IIERKT JN- TE11E8 TING AND YOU CAN MAKE IT Pit OF IT A BL E IF YD UCA11E TO. JUST RECEIVED. A HANDSOME COLLECTION OF RICH CUT OLA S8 VA tiEti. IN A VARIETY OF NE W CUTTINGS: FROM, $1.SH KACII UP. AND THE LATEST FANCIES IN CRYSTAL AND GOLD VASES. ZUESE ARE TLTl2 FRESHEST, BRIGHTEST,- AND VEST, NO VEL- TIES THAT, FOREIGN AND HOME MARKETS CAN SUPPLY AND A R E THINGS YOU WANT A T PRICES YOUO UGIIT TO PA Y. G. g. READ, .CO; "THE WORLD IS MINE. Axaaa wm beard to droit, this remark aa hi .. was leaving tne alora a ; lTiW;RfflWJMESCO. : " -ON A- i! ii ii 1, e 11 : 17 TT mm, K . ".7....