Vol. VII. No. 146. CHAKLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY MOBNING JUNE 18, 1895. PRICE 5 CENT SPECIAL NOTICES. T3HAtANX LODGE NO. 3," A. F. & X, A. IT. There will be a called metinc this evenin? at 4:30 o'clock to attend - the funeral of Brother C. Adams; members will- report promptly at the halL Ail Master Masons cordially invited to join with as. By order ' A. R- Stokbs, Secretary. - A TTENTION. Knights of Honor. Xi. You are ordered to assemble at the Masonic Temple this evening at 4 o'clock to attend the funeral of Brother L. Adams. J. UlKSntNGSK. Bacmoaktex, - ' ' Dictator. fcSuT of style, oat of the world." KJ Do not put out-of-date roods on your walls? that will make " you blush when your mends drop in." Wheblkr Wall Papkb Co. yyATCHES, Watches, v Watches. J. C. PAJUAlCOUirTAIM. . "1117ATERJIEL.ONS! f T Watermelons! - - On Ice At J. H. Willis Dining Room. E IN EST assortment of cakes in the city, and the largest and best loaf of bread for the money. Call and ex amine. Bethttkk & Whitx. TiHR SALE. Valuable residence jP property on Trade and Tryon streets. W. S. Alexander. R. E. P. KEERANS, DKSTIST, 7 West Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. ORGANIZED1874. Commercial National Bank, Of CHARLOTTE. S. C. United States, State and City Depository. Paid up capital $175,000 Surplus and undivided profits 162,000 $337,000 OFFICERS: J. 8. BPKifCBR, - - President. A. O. Brkniz.br, - - Cashier. I. H . AH DiKSOK, . . Teller. DIRECTORS: Jams H. Holt, Wjt. Joiisbtox, Kb an k Con, Wc. b. Holt. Lawbihok S. Holt, II. M. Whitk, Jno. L. HtfEiBUD, L. Banks Holt, H. C. Ecclks. - J. B. SPKXCEK, K. M. Millek, Br. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Especial attention Riven to accounts of merchants and corporations. Cotton Mills wilt And it to their interest to establish re lations with this bank, as ft has bad large experience in managing that class of ac counts. Strength, Courtesy, Promptness. jOTHING cures headache like LEE'S HEADACHE REMEDY. It is safe, sure, speedy. Try it. -T3URWELL "TiUNN. -JLIUKWEl -XJURWELL & JLUNN, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers. WANTED. AGENTS FOR THE HARRIS STEAM DYE WORKS, KALEIGH, N. C. Will dye samples free of charge, and let you deliver the work before paying us. You can easily make from five to ten dollars a week, without one cent of capital; prices have been reduced one half; don't buy a new suit when you can have your old suit made new for about one day's wages. Address all or ders to THE HARRIS STEAM DYE WORKS, Raucigh, N. C. CITY TAX RETURNS. NOTICE. This is to notify all per sons residing in the city of Charlotte, who own or have control of taxable property in the city on the 1st June, 1895, to return to me on or before the last day of June, (i. e. duringthe month of June) a list of their taxable property in said city, and also to make return of alt taxable polls. By authority of the amended Charter or the City of Charlotte, Sec. 30. FRED NASH, Clerk and Treasurer. Yv H H T yonr eyes tail yon and yonr . AA-Lin health is gone, what have you left? Doot 'netrlect vour eves. Thn an tha only ones yon will ever have. Sight is priceless. Read carefully. Consider can- utaij-. Among me many diseases of toe eye win KHimainui in nve varieties. 1 1 can bamadily cored by glasses nrnnnri-v fmnnd to St the eye. Eyes are not always alike. Call on Max Frank, the scientific optician. ing Office hours: to 12 a. ; 2 to 4 p. m - . r " FRANK'S. DR. W. H. WAKEFIELD .7. 1rILI BE IS HI8 OITICB AT 50JH.Try6n St., Charlotte, June 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 31, 25, 20, 27th Phoi74. " Practice limited to .. Etc, Ear, Nose and Thoat. qrR. J. R. IRWIN.; - PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office: No. 3, Harty Building. . Residence: No. 15, East 7th street. DR. V. T. WOODLEY. - PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. - Residence 318 West 9th street (W. J. " Davis residence.) .. . Office f t 8. Tryon street (up stairs.) Phone 11$. . - - ' Office hoars: 9 a. xtu to 6 p.m. unless professionally engaged outside. . -v Calls promptly answered day or sight. H. a HERRING, - DENTIST. Of Concord, has located in -- Charlotte for the practice of bis profession, and respectfully asks tbe pubiio for a share of their patronage. Office In the David son building. - . " ' " TBEJTEW COURT HOUSE would be a 'bauty if trimmed with Iredell -Oranite, -" which baa the highest ernshin test, no -- Iron, does not discolor with aire, "has three : distinct colors bio when rustic, dark bine Xttn poIib.1. white when fcs0T"'re'J. c ha r.Lorr g g sasiisio pant,: UOGAI, WKATHEH BRPORT. Z: ' " 8. Lw Dosh is. Observer, ; r -Charlotte. H. O-, Jan IT, DBS, 8 p. ra. babom I imk I wsathis, i nuumiiii )ti to j Clear. SO Maximum, 73; minimum, ES. Ctor res ponding date last years llatlmnm, St; minima m, 7. WXATBCS rORKCAWT. .For North Carolina: Increasing; cloudi ness; easterly winds.- v MASONIC DIRECTORY. Is Tuesday . - ! SICHSIOS iJODOKf A. . A A. X. 4 ; 2nd Toesday CHARLOTTK COXKAiTBKBT TO. 2, K. T. 3th Tuesday . .. FUALASX LODOK SO '381, A. F. A A. M U. A. If. - 4rd Tuesday chaklottjs chaptie jro. 39, ataxoesoay - , ' - ROYAL COUHCIL. PE0PLE'S: column le Casta st Ltu, Six Words Xm the Ua. BICYCLE BARGAIN New; ad J or table ears; finest saddle. ,U. Arlington Hotel. A FiNK shade; a coot spring; nice picnic gronnas at iMCEiagnam. -- - AND DEEDS printed and for sale at i the Obdutu Printing House. rVK said it before, and 111 . do it onee more, tbat it is cheaper to bay bread tnan to make it. J.Kaanacht. Beigle. ELP tbe band by going on the delight- lui excursion to wumtngton on sul. FINE OEUBOIA MELONS A ear will ar rive this morning ; largest of season ; send in your orders. K. H. Field A Co. LOST Building and loan pass book. Re turn to C. L. Hun tar or B. J. Caldwell, OU ast Eighth street. , VANTINE'S TEAS this week at SSxt, 50, 5c. 8.V. instead of Sie. CO. 75e and tl. This week only. II. Baraeh. TTOR benefit of excursionists the steamer A? Wilmlmrton' will run an excursion to Month Fort on the morning 61 the 26th. PA B ASOL8 My entire stock of white and black parasols must be sold this week. The prices will clear them. H. Ba raeh. MERCHANTS' excursion to Wilmington and Ocean View July Wb: $3 round trip; thret days. Irwin, Hall A Emery. FA8NACHT will furnish refreshments on the excursion to Rockingham Thursday nexU J JAM MOC KB $1.25, 5, f 50, J3. Beigle. WHITE ORGANDIES 70 inches wide, :EK; white linen lawn, 25 and Sjo. H. Barneh. THE Methodist excursion leaves Char lotte Thursday morning at 7 o'clock; re- lurning, leaves nocuBgasm ai o:ju p. ill . BEEN PARK party will leave on Krl X day. June 21. Ii:43 a. m.. via Carolloa Central Kail way, .and reach hotel for sup per. Kemember, round trip to Blowing Rock only S5.8. and board at hotel So per week. Apply to Jo Harty, at Pegram's. CHARLOTTE wUl send a strong baseball team to Rockingham on the Methodist excursion on the 20th. WANTED Energetic youDg business man to manage branch office. Halary $75 month and share in profits. Must come well recommended ani furnish oK cash. Address Manager", Box 564, Asbevllle, N.C. VTKW crop hay; fresh and nutritious; x clover and orchard grass, clover, tim othy and meadow grass, the best ever of- lrea on Charlotte marfcet. J . H. Myers, mz East Trade, Charlotte, N. C. ITASNACHT and Willis will have charge ' of refreshments on the excursion to Wilmington on the 25th, RANKS and bankers, get our prices be 1i if-., ntnplnir vnnr Arfir for nrtntint onserver Printing-House. OCHOOL8 and colleges will save money tO by sendlne their orders for printing to me ODserver printing House. T . C. HERNDON, Charlotte, N.C.awn JLJ ing-maker. carpet layer, upholsterer, M North Church street, tuthuAsun MERCANTILE printing in the best style, at bottom prices.. Observer Printing House. The University of North Carolina Embraces the College, the University, the Law School, the Medical School and the Summer School for Teachers. Tui tion, $60 a year. Twenty-eight teach ers, 471 students, for catalogue and hand-book address President Winston, Chapel Hill, N. C. HUYLER': Delicious Candies Just Opened. R. H. ti ORDAN & C&: The Retail Druggists. FOR SALE. A complete weaving plant for the manufacture of SEAMLESS BAGS, at Reldsville, N. C, July 12th, 1893. A. H. MOTLEY, R Receiver, ! yC-' Beidsville, N. C. ' BTThi8 machinery is entirely new and can be used n?t only for making seamless bags but for weaving' various other kinds of coarse fabrics. t ues, thurs, sat. 1 cnAs.,a?nooKt ARCHITECT, - CHARLOTTE, 0. , " : Visits Madic to Any Part of thjk Cas ouras, os Short Nones. -.. - KeiD Widen, Lybrand ft.. Ok, S ,-' PUBLIC ACCOTXNT AST8 , DEXGXt AUDIT AND ADJUST BOOKS TOB BASKS, PARTNERSHIPS AND 7 - CORPORATIONS- . ' 508 Walsct, St. . PmLArtKifaiA, Pa. Toes Thu San. - ' ATTENTION , TEACHERS. The examination for teacbers to fill vacancies in the Charlotte Graded School will take place on Thursday and Fiqf ay, the 20th and 21 st of June, 1S35. TV e, 9 o'clock a. m. on Thursday for whites and on Friday 9 o'clock a," m. for colored teachers,- at tbe graded school building. - -. rr.rD ::A:H,Tre-.su:;r. SOUTH CAROLINIAKSTO MARRY MB, CAPERS, MISS TKFjrHOLK.TO-DlT Kverytblaa in Oeorela Apssan to Be for CM Bitver Bant mss Better la Sew York ':; Than tvw Three Tears. -r Special to the Observer. ' I l- - Washikotos, v JUne r lT--lvepresen ta tive Lester, of the Savannah district, arrived to-day He aaya- aearly every thing: i free silver down - in Georgia, and that -the present outlook in tbe country is a free coinage national con vention. ' i - ,7 : An employe of the House postofGce, iast back from a trip to Isew lork. represents business as better than for three years. Iarpe wholesale firms are employing extra salesmen. " A letter from Mr. Robert Ransom. dated from Raleigh, Saturday, states tbat the general has not at any time been very sick, . and is now very much improved. - Arter a day or two at bis home he will go to ' Greenbrier jsnd thence here. N He is, in fact, expected here in ten days or so. y Seventy-five men having been put on extra to-day at the Government Print ing Office, it is thought the-evidence in the Carolina contests will-soon be ready, Messrs. Brooks, of Grifton; Hill, of Ki&ston, and Gold, of Wilson, were three North Carolinians who were caught at Fort Washington last night, among the many thousands from this city who went too see tbe sojer" lads, and all staying late, fonght each other and the militia for a chance to return on the boat. Brooks, the News and Observer correspondent, says it was rough and tumble for a while. Mrs. Payne and her nephews, Gen. Cox's sons, will make a Northern trip soon. Arrived: G. B. Hanes, wife and daughter, Henderson; If. A. London and daughter, Pittsboro. (left). To-morrow at 12 m., at the Ascension Episcopal church. Mr. John G. Gapers, of Columbia, S. C, son of Bishop Capers, and assistant attorney in the Depart ment of Justice, will wed Miss Lilla Trenholm, of this cily, formerly of Charleston, S. C, granddaughter of the late Secretary Trenholm and great- great-granddaughter on her mother's side of Wm. II. Davie, one of North Carolina's most distinguished charac ters in the revolutionary and constitu tional periods. The late Comptroller. Wm. L. Trenholm, the bride's uncle, of New York, and her brothers, Mr. De- Saussure Trenholm and family, of Brooklyn, and Mr. Prank Trenholm, of New York, will be present. The bridal couple will leave immediately for New lork, Brooklyn and West Point, but: will return here in ten days to reside. The ushers will be Mr. Frank Tren holm, of New York; Mr. Thomas F. Brantley, of South Carolina; Mr. Samuel A. Putnam, of Alabama; Henry M. bane. Dr. Belt and Mr. Harry Clapp. Miss Josephine Trenholm will be maid of honor, and the bride will be escorted by her brother, Mr. DeSaussure Tren holm, of Brooklyn. Mr. Walter B. Capers, of South Carolina, will be best man. Jso reception will follow the cere mony, owing to the recent death in the bride's family. ANOTHER MILL FOB CONCORD. The Cannon Manufacturing- Company to Ituiltl It News of the Drowning of Mr. Kerr Tbe Rogers Company Disbands. 8 pee la 1 to the Observer. - Concord, June 17. The Cannon Man ufacturing Company have recently de cided to add to their plant here another mill, to operate 5,000 spindles and about 125 looms. The mill will be erect ed on the company's ground, near the reservoir, a few hundred yards above the mills now standing. This will necessitate new buildings not a few. The sad news of tbe drowning of Mr. Will H. Kerr in Annapolis harbor yes terday was a severe shock to his numer ous friends here. It was through him that the enormous Kerr Bag Manufac tory was placed in this city six years ago. The Messrs. Odell will attend the funeral in Raleigh Wednesday. An exciting game of baseball was played at Forest Hill Saturday after noon between Forest Hill and Concord teams. The score was ! to 7 in favor of the town boys. The Rogers Comedy Company dis banded here yesterday morning. Mr. Rocrers and daughters. Misses Winna land Lora, leaving for Salisbury, while tne balance of the troupe returned to Charlotte. THE GLEE CLUB AT SHELBY. A Large Audience Well Pleased The Club Off for Yorkvllle. Special to the Observer. Shelby, June 17. The Davidson Glee Club arrived here Saturday and in the afternoon went out to Cleveland Springs where they were entertained by Mr. Wilkinson and sang Xor the guests, x nat nignt tney sang before a large audience in the Shelby opera nouse. a very select and attractive programme was furnished by the club wnicn was carried out in excellent style, and was highly appreciated by the audience as evinced by the fact that they were encored a number of times.. On Sunday morning the Glee Club furnished the music at tbe First Pres byterian church, and Mr. E. L. Wilson. of the club, made a very interesting talk. The boys seemed to have had a very pleasant time and left. this morning for lorKvine. Unriiftiaa Endeaverera Want u Anti- Prlse-FlKhtlng iw at Oace. St. Louis, Mo,, June 17. A special to me vnroatcie rrom Austin; Texas, savs that in view of the fact that there is no law against glove-fighting in Ibe State of Texas, a movement is n foot to persuade Governor Culberson to call an extra session of the Legislature and declare prize-fighting illegal. - The Christian Endeavor Society lias the matter in charge and" are bow at work in the different counties of tbe State preparing a petition to the Gov ernor with this end in view.' , . ' Ne Relraee for Oscar Wilde. Losdox, Sane 1 The Attorney General has refused to grant tbe appli cation of Sir Edward Clarke for the re lease of Oscar Wilde on the ground that the indictment under which he was tried and convicted was defective. WHAT THE SELLER SAYS. Whet is the use of talking hard times? Don't you know it makes times harder? Stop-and think what the effect is. . It does no good for you, and makes the man think bard. times are here sure enough.- It - doesn't make tbe cloud scatter or the sun shine brighter: nor does it make gold; silver or paper dol lars circulate more; and if we wait we are sure to get left. -: The girl cant strike a match on the seat of her pants, because she does not wear them; bat when she wants her wheel with her bloomers on. then watch her and see if the fire doesn't lly. -1 . i am not advertising either, but am ready, willing and anxious to sell you a Pratt cotton gin Boss press, steam engine, saw mill, corn mill, cane mill, or fly fan; and if you-want machinery of any kind, even a wheel barrow, drop me a postal and I will see you as soon as possible. S- F. HOUSTON, M'g'r. No. 43 j:. Col!?- ?t,. Cr!oltcvN. C. . ' -' f. : , A GXSKBAX. BOKOKO WABXHOCSK. Mr. A. K. Jllgeder -WUl Establish One at Statetrrille Bait, Kaxor, -all Per- Special to tbeObservex. ; " Statesviclk, Jane 17. A. K. Kllng ender has sold out his interest in the Key & Co. Manufacturing and Distill ing Company and will open at once a renerai oonded warehouse here lor the storeage or liquors. He has filed his bond for $50,000 and Commissioner Miller has issued the papers establish ing tbe warehouse. This is sue eoA terprise for North. Carolina, there being bo other warehouse of this kind In the State. It enables tbe manufacturer of spirits to store tbe article to the Jiands of the government, so-to speak, until the owner gets ready to buy the stamps and sell the goods. The warehouse" is open to distillers all" over the country, who will doubtless take advantage of this scheme as they - do sot have to lay out money for stamps ana noia wins key, to get age on - iL Again, . the blockader often blockades because be has no money to bay stamps. Under the above scheme he need not blockade on this account as tbe warehouseman's receipt is ne gotiable paper, therefore the govern ment and distiller are both benefitted by a bonded warehouse. The Statesville baseball nine will play the Morganton nine to-morrow, at Moreanton, and it promises to be a very fine game. a The Statesville colored nine went to Davidson this morning to cross sticks with the Davidson nine. Will Dal ton permitted th3 sunshine to gleam upon bis razor while toe train was standing at Mooresville. Mr. J. M. Deaton, dep uty sheriff, saw tbe knife before it did any harm and brought the coon back through the country and lodged him in Statesville jail. Kev. H. C. Uaithcox, general secreta ry of the board of education of the Evangelieal Lutheran Church, arrived here on tbe vestibule to-day fronr-Abi-lene, Kan., to visit his mother, near Troutman's. Mr. Haithcox attended the General Synod of his Church last week at Hagerstown, Md. Mr. John S. McRorie, salesman for Wallace Bros., who left here last week for an extended trip for his house, re turned home late this evening on a freight train, very sick. Dr. W. J. Martin, Jr., and Mrs. Martin, of Charlottesville, Va., are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Thos. E. Anderson. A BURGLAR AT MONROE. He Got la a Full Kight's Work and Did Seme Bnslness Identified Bat Escaped. Special to the Observer. M os hoe, June 17. A burglar turned himself loose upon tbe town this morn ing about 3 o'clock. He first wen', to tbe house of Mr. John Crow and tried to cut through the window blinds, but the noise awoke Mrs. Crow and the thief, was frightened away. He then moved on to the residence of Dr. W. B. Houston and went to the window of the room occupied by Dr. J. Y. Fitzgerald. He got the blinds open, reached m, took Dr. Fitzgerald's pants and escaped, leaving the gate open. He went about laO yards, took the change out of tbe pockets and threw the pants away. Dr. Fitzgerald was aroused by the rogue s leaving the window and got a pistol but could not tell in what direction the burglar had gone. He next cut through the blinds of a window in a back room of Mr, H L. I letcher s residence, went in and sot Mr. Fletcher's pants, and was just get ting back id ihe passage when Mr. Fletcher awoke, saw the negro and knew him to be Tom Purcell. He ran out through the rear of the house and Mr. r letcher had neither time nor chance to shoot. He went the Lancas ter road, taking a circuitous route. scattering baggage checks.letters, notes, etc., as ne went, tie got $s in change from Mr. Fletcher. He made attempts to enter one or two other houses, but was frightened away. Purcell is about 5 feet 8 or 9 tnches high, weighs 150 or 160 pounds, is quick spoken, black, has round face, is a slick liar, and a painter by trade. It is not known which way he went, and people here will appreci ate any information, as they would like to have him arrested. His wife lives in Maxton. Another entertainment will be given at the High School to-morrow evening, it is being managed by the ever ener getic Mrs. J. C. Fletcher. The music and recitations will be fine. Capt. George Welsh, perhaps the most popu lar conductor the Carolina Central ever had, will add to the popularity of the programme by assisting in the music. ,Mr. Theran Candle arrived home this evening from Wake Forest. Though the boycott rates have ceased on tbe Seaboard Air Line, tbe travel is so nearly as large as ever that the dif ference can scarcely be noticed. HOOKER OUT FOB SENATOR. Btissipelppt Political Complications Hay Pat Gov. Stone iu the Senate. Jacksox, Miss., June 17. Hon. Chas. E. Hooker, representative of the sev enth Mississippi congressional district for many years, and who was accident ally defeated for renomi nation by J. G. Spencer, an . administration man, last fall, announces his candidacy for the United States Senate as successor to Senator George. This still farther com plicates tbe senatorial race and may re sult in the election of Governor Stone, the administration or "gold bug' can didate. Stone's three opponents, ex Governor Lowery, Hon. H. D. Money and Hon. O. E. Hooker, are all strong advocates of tbe free coinage of silver at 18 to I, and, though tbe State is Jargely silver, such a division of votes as the three kilver candidates will get may re sult in the election of the ''sound money' candidate. . MC8T PAT BACK TAXES. Tbe Mississippi Railroad Comal ssion Will . j 8ae a Kailrwad of the State. " Jacksox. Miss., Jane 17. The Missis siDDi railroad commission -has. at the instance of State Revenue Agent' Ad ams, decided to bring suit against the Mississippi V alley Kail road Company. now tbe Illinois Central, for back taxes amounting to about 5250,000. -The offi cers of the road are cited to appear here the first Monday In August to show cause, if any, why their road should not be assessed for taxes since 1886. : "When the assessment shall have been, made tbe case will have a run through the courts. The case involves the right of the .revenue agent and the railroad commission to assess taxes on property that has escaped the regular assessor.- . To Raise m Heanmeat Xm the St other f AtBXASDKiA, : Ya- i June - 'l?. Tbe women of Alexandria, prompted by a desire to commemorate the virtues of the mother of Robert E. Lee, propose to erect In that city a monument to her memory. c An association . for . this purpose has been formed in Alexandria called the Anne Lee Memorial Association. This association has issued a call to the ladies of the South for aid in raising a fund adequate to provide a shaft befitting the worth of the lady and the eminence of her son. - Contributions should fee sent to Alice H.- CoJquhoua, secretary, 818 King street, Alexandria. -- - The Seaside Athletic Club officials, of Brooklyn, announced yesterday that the Choyinski-liall gbt announced for last tiUi.i caa oeen r- pcr.ea tj ccit t GOV. ATKINSON IS TLRY IIU StrrFERJSG EEOMi; appendicitis: He Was Stricken Saaday Heraing, Havlag; Reeeatly Returned from Atheaa 81na tm$c Spells FeUewed By Rallies A a Op . eretlon. Bleat Be Performed Bat the XJereraoi is taw Weak te Uderaw It. Atulsta," Ga,, J une 1 7. Reports from the bedside of Governcr Atkinson this morning are that be is Testing much better and if improvement continues the doctors may decide against an oper ation, a here seems to be a steady im provement in bis condition. : Gov Atkinson : was taken suddenly and violently 111 Sunday morning - at ,3 o clock, and four physicians were-sum moned. They found him- suffering from appendicitis, and twice 'during Sunday and early Monday thought an immediate operation would , be neces sary, but each time ; tbe Governor ral lied and the dangerous operation was postponed till he should gain strength. The attack of the Governor was ua- eS pec ted and there were no symptoms to show tbat It was coming on. Satur day he hid been in Athens, where he had been attending the session of the board of trustees of the University of ueorgta, ; - lie was in bis usual jovial spirit and seemed jollier than ever when be ar rived in Atlanta that night. Saturday night he walked down to the Kimball, where he met a few friends and held pleasant conversation. He went home rather early and retired, to wake in the condition told above. It has been known that Governor At kinson has been afflicted for some time with appendicitis, bu it has been a long while since he was troubled and there no immediate season for serious alarm. " When he was first made Speaker of the House of Representatives he was taken suddenly ill in the same manner as Sunday, but the attack was not so severe, iven oeiore tnat ne was troubled sometimes with a pain in the right side, but was unable to account for it. Later Gov. Wm. Y- Atkinson's life is hanging by a thread to-night. He rallied perceptibly this morning but not sefncientiy to permit the doctors to perform the operation for appendicitis. At 10 o clock to-night be was removed from the executive mansion to Dr. Holmes' sanitarium across the street. As he was being moved from the man sion he stopped those who were carry ing him and signed a respite for a man who was to be hanged on Friday. The Governor said he might not be alive himself on Friday. The case had been laid before him and he thought the condemned man was entitled to an other month of life. The operation was performed suc cessfully, four physicians being in at tendance. At midnight the Governor was unconscious and the chances for his recovery "were considered about even. MAJ. GUTHRIE DELIGHTED. He Came Home truiu ssemphis Greatly Uplifted Particnlarly Pleased With Till man's Speech Robbery and Murder of an Old Lady Mr. Bryant's Business in llurhsln. Special to the Observer. Durham, June 17. Mai. W. A. Guth rie reached home from Memphis yes terday. He was very much built up by; ht3 attendance on the convention and says he is now fully satisfied that the silver men of the whole country will i 'get together. When asked as to what would be the result of a square fight between the silver men and the sound money men, party lines being done away with, he said he did not care to; make any prophesies, hie says the Populists had a majority of the com- j mittee on resolutions and to that extent : could control the utterances of the eon- vention, but. preferred to act as conser vatively as possible. He was pleased very much with Tillman's speech, even with the sacrilegious and violent abuse in it, and seemed to enjoy hearing Gro- ver Cleveland denounced as a greater traitor than Benedict Arnold. On being asked who Mr. Keith, of North Caro lina, was, be said that he was the only lemocrat from the State who was pres ent. Keith is from Wilmington and was mde one of the vice presidents of the convention. He said Tillman told the people of Tennessee that tbe South Carolina way was the best, viz: to do tbe cheating on election day not to cheat a man out of his office after he was elected. Tillman also said that his party had been ready for years to bolt the Democratic party. . Mrs. E. S. Pollard was killed, and ner house robbed of $800 and a considerable amount of clothing on Friday evening' at Fort Mitchell, on the line of the Ox ford .& Clarksville Railroad. A rene gade North Carolina negro, Sol Taylor, of Granville county, and three negro women have been fixed on as the perpe trators of tbe crime. The women were arrested Saturday night, and to-day it is reported that Taylor was arrested this morning at South Boston. He was in Chase City yesterday, and an attempt was made to arrest him but he escaped after beiae fired at with buckshot. If be had been caught by any one of the numerous posses scouring Mecklenburg county last night, he would most cer tainly have been lynched. Last night Mr. K. Ij. Patterson, of this place, received a telegram from Baltimore stating that Mr. W.H.Kerr bad been drowned. JSo particulars were given. This morning another message was received : stating tbat tbe remains would be buried in Raleigh en Wednes day. M r. Patterson left this morning for Baltimore. Mr. Kerr was -a son of the late State Geologist Kerr, and formerly lived here and afterwards in Concord. . He Invented a bag machine and other machinery which gave him a competency.- . i Revr Dr. W, W.Moore!s sermons here yesterday were very fine and were very much enjoyed by the large congrega tions which came out to hear him. He left this evenine for Winston-Salem. Mr. Victor S. Bryant, of Roxbor. is over here as special commissioner to examine tbe accounts of Messrs. Ballard and - Halliburton, trustees of W. T, Blackwell, and decide in what way the creditors of the fourteenth and last class shall be paid. He will be occn pied several days with tbe work. " He Is a sound money man but says be is rather lonesome over fir Person county. -' 1 Miss 'May Pegram, jwho has spent nearly a month here, as the guest of Aiiss iutnet HODerts, ; returned to uhar lotte this evening. She . made manv friends a.mong our young people who hope she will visit bur town again this rail- - - - - - " . , . Rev. Wm. Black, of Maxton, passed through here to day en route borne from Burlington, where be closed a se ries of continued services this mominsr. He says there were about fifty profes sions as tae results or tne meeting. About a month asro the revenue offi cers seized a pair of horses which were hitched to a load of blockade whiskey The horses were put at Jourdan's sta bles and Friday night some one stole them. ' " No clew to the perpetrators of the crime or. the whereabouts Of tbe team has so far been, found. It was air leged at tbe. time of the seizure that the horses were tbe property of Mr. D. M. Andrews, of Roxboro, but so far as I know jo evidence to that effect has yet neen givn. ' The Ccar' r Oak Driving Association of IIirtfr.rvT, Cot:n. d!r":Ivj r- RZ i eft"? r .'- ! ! 'ATTACKED THE DISTIIXERIKS. A Fasllade Between Depaty Marshals and . Vaknoiri Parties la a Boat, - . . : Chicago, Ills., June 17. -According to the report of Deputy. Marshal Unas Nordrunw made to Marshal Arnold the first attack made on the distilleries In charge of Receiver McNu.ta, took place at an early sour this morning, the Sbufeldt i Distillery, of Chicago and uawtborne avenues.: being fired upon by - a,; party of men In boats. . Shortly after: 1 o'clock'ttbe ; deputy marshal guarding tbe distillery noticed a party consisting otj eleven men, cautiously coming up the river In two large skiffs. On reaching the southern end of the distillery grounds the boats were slowly pulled over to tbe west ban k or , t ne river When directly opposite the di tillery, the oarsmen ., were ordered by a young man: in tbe first boat to cease row- ing.and a second later to fire. The next instant a succession of shots was heard. the bullets rattling against the walls behind which the deputies were stand ing. : A minute later a - second - volley was fired at the distillery. This time tbe deputies returned the fire and for a few minutes tbere was a brisk fusilade of shots. The men In tbe boats finally rowed away, tbe deputies seeding a shower or bullets arter tbem. in one or the deputies was - injured. It is not known who the attacking-partjr were, or whether any of tbem were injured.. M think the crowd in the boats, thought they could make a rush and drive my deputies away," said Marshal Arnold this morning. It was a -concerted movement and was nr doubt de? liberately planned beforehand: Who is at the back of it, I cannot lell. I do not see lust what was to be gained by getting temporary possession : in tbat way. The deputies guarding the dis tilleries will hereafter be armed with something more than revolvers." t-:,'.. ABFEAL FROM 8IMONTOS. The Utis-ation Coaeerain- the Pert Royal A Aatrtuta Transferred to tbe Supreme Conrt. WASHiSGTOjr. June 17. The corporate and physical existences of the Port Royal & Augusta Railroad are involved n two cases which were docketed in the Supreme Court of tbe United States to-day, coming up on appeal from ane judgment of the United States Circuit Court for the district of South Caro lina. In the decision of the present appeal, however, only a question of jurisdiction is at stake, the merits of the causes not being yet at issue. The State of South Carolina, through its proper officers, instituted suit in the Sttte Courts to forfeit the charter of the Port Royal & Augusta Railroad Company, upon tbe grounds that its control by the Central Railroad ana Banking Company of Georgia was in violation of tbe provisions of that in strument and of its obligations as a competitive common carrier. Suit was also instituted by Honn, I'opper & to.. stockholders in tbe Port Royal & Au gusta, asking for the appointment of a receiver and for an injunction to pre vent the Central Railroad and Banking Company from operatiog the Port Royal & Augusta, or otherwise exercising con trol of it. These suitrwere removed to the fed eral Courts on petition of the defend ant company, and tbe complainants moved to remand tbem to the fetate Courts on the ground that the Federal Court had no jurisdiction This mo tion Judge Simonton denied and from the judgment of his court the State and the stockholders appealed to the Su preme Court of the United States. THE Fl'SKKAL OF II. M. PARKS, ESQ. ItWasLarsely Attended, Evldenciog; His Standing; Among; His Neighbors. Correspondence ol the Observer. Pnr evi i.le, June 17. The funeral of Mr. H. M. Parks was held at the resi dence last Friday evening by Rev. J. R. McAlptce and was attended by the largest crowd at any funeral that was ever held in this section of the county. It seemed that almost everybody who had heard of the death was present. Mr. Parks had lived the greater part oi his life in the neighborhood in which he died, and this spontaneous outpour ing of his neighbors and friends, to give expression to their grief over the loss of a good neighbor and a true friend, and to offer their sympatbies to tne be reaved family, is the strongest testi monial that could be offered as to the life and character of the deceased. He was a man of positive character and' the strictest integrity, and was always on the side of morality and right, lie was for many years an elder in tne Presbyterian Church and loved his Church with a devotion that was al most sublime, and always contributed liberally to its 8upport. Asa husband and father he was kind and consider ate. He was a farmer and never en gaged in any other business, and by in dustry and application lived comforta bly, educated ms children ana ieit a good-sized estate. ' 1KCENOI ARIES' WORK. The Cause a Disastrous Fire in Green. ' ville, O Thieves Loot the Town. Greenville, O., June 17. Fire start ed at 10:30 last night in the rear of Mo zart s store. Tbe names quickly spread to adjoining buildings and soon the very heart of the business centre was ablaze. Among the burned buildings were tbe Daily Tribune and Courier-News news paper offices and tbe Methodist Episco pal church. .., The fire was tbe work oi incendiaries and in the excitement thieves looted the town. Two ineffectual attempts were made to set fire to buildings in different parts of the city.. Two persons were in jured. :Tbey: are Charles "Dalrymple, of Mozart's store, ana ueii uaugneriy a member of the city fire department. The latter's .injuries are on the bead and are of a serious nature. The Piqua and Richmond departments were ap pealed to and sent aid, but the fire was under control when tney arrived, une estimated loss will reach $323,000; in surance $50,000 - The Anaaal CssaeU mt the Jtrltish We- bm'I Temperance Association. Losdox." June , 17 Tbe nineteenth annual council of the. National British Women's. Temperance Association be gan in the City Temple. Uolborn Vla duot, E. JCC, to-day. The ; presidential address was delivered by Lady Henry Somerset, president of the association." Brief speeches were also made by Miss Frances H Willard. Miss K?a McLaren and ,'Mesdames Auckland.. Pear sal), Smith, Ward, Poole, and Chant. Miss Willard, la tbe course of her remarks, said that a large number of , adnesions to the women s movement- had been made in Belgium, country which, had hitherto shown the least sympathy with the cause of temperance, i ;, Rev. W. T. Hogg, of Greenfield Col lege, : Illinois,' stated that names were still being added rapidly to the monster petition, 90,000 having been secured by British women within the last sue week Anetber Aartuta Still to Inerease IU Ca :- . ". pacity. -, - ' . ArocsTA. Ga., June 17. The Laneley' Manufacturing Company, situated Rev ersl miles from Augusta but the gencr al tiCices being in this city, will add 15,000 spindles to .their rUnt. The This company hss a splendid tcc r i i r: .:-r.5V?r. nfioi the p WEATHER AND CROP, REPORT. --5: -,BMBMBwsaBMasswBse-'- -: -if1' i--f,'' coxbinoN GXXEitatxv favorable A Hew Railroad Arrangement -Three Elee trieal-Storms la a Hlht Chief JesOce Cam pbeU Bear Deem mm Senator Be tier -The a JT. Has Him A Jag Sheriffs Set- tllBK Up Well Beveaae Beisare, Etc Special to the Observer.,. f r:; r-kM Raleigh. June 1 7. It is said that the Southern Railway will handle a great deal of its freight by way or isorioik, on trains? passing through this city and via Selma, thence over' the Norfolk & Carolina Railroads The Southern rec ognizes the fact of Norfolk's value as a point for quick and numerous steam ship conneetionA " When the Norfolk & Carouna uailroaa was built it was paid for jointly by the Atlantic Coast: Li oe and jthe Richmond & Danville. The latter got io a tight place and ibe At lantic uoast Line baa to operate tne road. - Now each of these big lines, -the Atlantic Coast Line and the Southern, has. its share-MF handle heavy traffic over the North Carolina Railroad via Raleigh, requires big engines and these reoulre heavy rails and stronger bridges. So it appears tbat this part of the North Carolina Railroad is to be improved at last. It is also said the Southern will take the' steamers off its York River Line, and put them on Chesapeake Bay between Norfolk and Baltimore in op position to the tsea board Air lane,. : Excellent progress is now being made on. the Baptist Female University here. It wilt be at oiice one of tbe largest and most : ornate jscbooL .buildings in the State,-;: --ii-f .i-::- Four electric storms swept "over this city last Saturday night .between 8:30 and -12:30, the last being one of tbe severest fn many years. Torrents of rain fell and lands are In some places badly washed, f For over an hour the lightning was as nearly incessant as it ever is in this latitude and the roll and crash of the thunder were practically continuous. It was a local; storm, as tbe sound of thunder Is not audible at a distance greater than 18 miles. This is strange but true. ". :' ::"v': .--i Some or tbe Republicans are having a good deal to say about Senator Marion Butler these days, une oi tnem saia to-day that be believed Mr. Butler would be the North Carolina Tillman. Chief - Justice Campbell, the dis tinguished jurist from Cherokee", calls Mr. Butler an mgrate; says no--was 'made by tbe Republican party and that bat for the latter party would have. been nowhere. Tbe Chier Justice, in a fine burst of rage, said 'I htm tired of this Marion Butler." The moral of this is that Mr. Butler was "a good enough Morgan" so long as he was in fellowship with tbe Republicans, but now that he has made bis declaration of j independ ence they do not need him in theirbus- iness. State Treasurer Worth says that all the counties save 13 have paid State taxes in full. He says this is about up to the average. The Treasurer , also says that be bas had the stove peddlers hauled up with a round term . in Ala mance county, where five of them have been arrested and required to furnish $300 bail for their appearance at court., Bank Examiner Malvern 11. raimer to-day made to the State Treasurer his second and final report on the Farmers' Bank at Roxboro, and says the bank's affairs are now all right and it is regu larly doing business. - : : ; Mr. uoscoe Nunn, -assistant weatner observer here, went to Newbern, hifS home, lo-day and will be married there to-morrow. . - Governor Carr returned this afternoon from a short visit to his farm in Edge combe county. July 1st the assessment or railroad, steamship, telegraph and telephone property by -the railroad commission begins. Tbe data are In hand. Chair man Wilson, of the commission, sa s the general outlook for most of the rail roads in the State is better than it was last year. Tbe new electric Jignung company here is wiring the union. passenger sta tion, putting in 70 lights. Next month manv alterations are to be made at the depot, so as to give one large waiting room to white and one to colored re males and also one to males of both races. The room now in use for colored passengers will be converted into a bag gage room. ; '". Four convicts were to-uay sent irom the penitentiary to the granite quarries at Graystone near Henderson - Senator iiuller is taking a course oi study in the University summer law school at Chapel Hill. This is a proof of his wise .desire for knowledge and also of the utility of this excellent school. Deputy Revenue Collector Woods re ports the seizure of a 55-g'allon illicit distillery near "Pritchett; also of a 65 gallon one near Thompsonville; Peputy C illector Gibsdngot a small "still In Richmond county, and Deputy Collec tor Moffit a 3-horse wagon and team aid a lot of whiskey in Randolph A uintv ' , The eieventu weemy weatnerxrop bulletin? for the week ending lasSat- urdav. savs the reports oii correspond ents indicate another favorable week. The temperature was below normal, rising above normal wi in maximum temperature over 90 only oji Friday and Saturday, but the weather was not cool enough to injure crops. Very beneficial showers occurred during the middle of the week, - the average rainfall for the State being 1.23 inches-. .- sunshine was slightly deficient, ' Crops have made progress during tne week ana tne pros pects are more promising. .-. -: In the eastern - district,: though cool the" first of the week, warmer weather and favorable rains the latter - part greatlv benefitted crops. :' A few local hoa v v raina occurred: the amount . of I Sunshine. was. iss tnan toe. uormai. Though grass is -getting troublesome. farmers generally nave crops eiean ana c j .... , i- in good growing condition Tobacco. Is doing fairly welL. but worms have made their appearance. :. A correspondent remarks , that it has a tendency - to button out on account of preceding dry. iweather. .; Cotton - is nearly all chopped. Improves slowly; may be con? sidered nearly v - month' late. Corn, though . very backward, is improving. with good color out poor siana. insecva are still doing some damage. " Some corn is iast coming up. In the extreme anuthern rart of the.Slate it is begin ning to tassel, uorn is aomg .pener than cotton, and the prospect for a good croo has increased ' this week.- Sweet. nntatoea are still being set out. Some,: oats nave een cut; . anvi-uuusu i.wm F . . . .... A ...1. - A ; report heading low, tbe crop .wiu pe an average. Wheat nearly ready for har vest. Shipping; Irish- potatoes contin ues with yield probably half the aver age. - - Fruit is still . shedding.- Rice nianting done at iasu -,- - - - - - , In the western district a fine week with plenty of sun at the majority of places during the evening or aignt not leaving ground itooLwet to plow next morning, except where' heavy raips oc curred.: a portions; or - uaoarrus ana Rowan counties. Ihe extreme west l been drier than 'other portions -of tbe State. A hail storm occurred in Surry County, damaging wheat.: - Farmers are better up with their work than in other Kpctionc. The -outlook, is promising. Corn is growing rapidly, and late plant ed is com ins P fine a lttle damsge by bugs is still occurinj. Wheat and rye are being cut. Wheat is good, oats are fine, especially spring oats. A few cor respondents notice smut and rust in vheat. Irish r--"sia ll-'ori ri st :H crop is probable In this section. . u-:s are free from rot; cherries are rii Gardens are looking nice and clean. The grand lodge Knights of Pythias meets at Mt. Airy Wednesday morn in.?. C. E. Holloa is grand chancellor. : News teaches bere to-day of the ar rest of two incendiaries at Ktnston. . The loss by Saturday morning's Ere at Louisburg was $S,000. Secretary E. G. Harrill nd an ad vance guard of teachers left to-day for Morehead City to attend the teachers' assembly. . , Tbe trustees of. the blind institution have rednced the salaries oT all the of ficials save the principal. The total re duction is $1,200. -Fletcher Griffin, colored, was tried here to-day for: a horrible assault on Rena Utley, also colored. She was in a delicate condition. He trampled her body until he caused the death of her child and almost killed her. He is now in Jail. - Fifty convicts wm be sent rrom trie penitentiary, to-morrow to vue tvouKy Mount Mills. , . - a a 1 . .. Governor Carr makes requisition on the Governor o( South Carolina for Davis Baker Carmichael, who stole a borse in Cumberland connty, took him to South Carolina and sold him. . T A number of witnesses cited ta ap pear before the- Arrlngton committee arrived this afternoon. They are all from Nash county, and are L. M. Con yers, T. V. A vent, B. H. Ixrsby, S. E. Eure, J. J. Cockrill and W. H. Arring too. Lord Chief Justice Campbell has had a Jag yesterday and to-day. n SEQRO TIKKMSM, A Report That They Are tm Be Put en the Western Vorth Carolina It ail read Death at BaUsbury. Special to the Observer. SaIjsbury, : Juno 17. Mrs. T. W. Lowerv died suddenly about 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon at her home on feast I nnis street She was about 45 years of age and a widow and leaves four daughters. v;-;:.r:! :' Miss Bessie Krider leaves to-morrow morning for Searcey, Little Rock and Hot Springs, Ark., on a pleasure tour. The bar-room ot w.r. . o. aneppara, on Innis street, was broken into some time last night and some money and a quantity of cigars stolen. - - A rumor Is current sou it is ciaimea to be pretty straight among the rail- am wi kasa f fef rt an"A flomnn - are to be put "on the Western : road. At... V. rmnm iA fit D f A. ment tbat the negroes can be employed for S35 per month, while the white fire men are paid 40 to $45, and it Is proba ble thia wi" be done to reduce expenses. Commencing yesterday central time 1 TX-.,an A iPhu Woe UuaCEVCU UU LilCJ n cnci u . W'lu- conductors now run through from Knox- Gentry's Trial for Killing Mads York . ' Poatponed. -. . " . . PHUADEtPHiAJ.Pa. June 17. James B. Gentry, the actor who murdered his fiancee, Margaret W. Drysdale, (Madge i p v . , I t MU A ' xorae; tne actress, um ir - numo uc- rense lU,uw oas oeen suDscnoea prin- ; i rta 1 1 r hit mamrkAra r T inp inPHiTirni sr. m. fva.o p wo a sa I syrtfaf ftAfnfA -1 11 H PA Arnold in the Criminal Court to-day. uj agreement tne tnat .was pusiyuucu . . . i . counsel for tie defence were not - pre- Allen Thurman's Home . Is for Sound ' , Money llrlce on Top.. CoLTJimcs. O.: June 17. The Demo crats of this county, the home of Allen W. Thurman, have elected a solid anti free silver delegation to the State con vention. Thurman's free silver candi date in his own ward was overwhelm ingly defeated.' it is generally believed here now that Senatot'Brice will win the coinage fight and prevent the adop-. . tion of a free silver- plank by the State convention. . , r ... .' Three Ne cross Hrowned at WrlghUTllle. WiLMUferos; N. C, June 17. Three colored fishermen,' Thomas Nixon, Hezekiah Mack, and Ashley? Peden, rlrnwnorl nlf VVrlchtsville beach this morning by their boat capsizing in.' a heaw sea. 'i here were lour men in the boat, only one of them - succeeding in reaching tbe shore. . - llwlnv tn nnlicn interference the Dix- on-Erne fight did not come off at Coney Island last nigbt j f 1 : . Thn emirt House.: iail and lvcftum at Cleveland, O., were in danger from .t nre late iast nigni. y Index to This llornias;'s Advertisement, Andrew is ofTerlnc some good bargains In bed-room suits. -- - . Ifyouwantaoicyeiecau on w. r . iowa. Towel bargain. 1'arU plltse, swivel silks, waist silks, erepon, etc., at Bigle's. Macninery tor saie a. n. o.wy,r Kaufman is applying the ax to the price Of his stock of clololni;. , - - The University oi florin t;aroiina,,napei Hill. . . . Watermelons on ue at wims . TKn will he a enlled meeting of Pbnlanx Ixidge No. 8,'Av V. A A. M, at ;30 o'clock this evening. - ',,. Attention ani(llllvl nouur j, ninum- Do not put out-of-date goods on yonr wallbu get the latest patterns from thus Wheeler Wait yaper Co. HuylerU canaies as joraaa s. - Cotton, gin. Bofs presses, steam en?ln-, saw-mill, corn mill or cane niiU . . Houston, maaer. - .,. ., Watcnesaijratamounmin s. . --BASEBAIX TESTKRD AT. . :" T KATIOBTAI, I.XAOCB. r " At Brooklyn: t ' Brooklyn ........... .CO 0 0 . 0 S 10 Cincinnati. .,-.v,...0-e 1 0 0 0 1 10 S Base hits Brooaiyn.o; vincmnan, s. -r.r-rorsBrooklyn, S; Cincinnati, 4. Batteries Dnab and Urim; Foreman, Bhlnes and Mer- ritt.- - -' At New York: , - lew York ...,:. OA 0 ' I S 0 0 1 T xalvlHe. ..;...-.. 0 S o 0 0 2 0 u j uii. v. Vaik ' f i , t,nlvl1lA. 10. 1HJIUIW www " - -- -- - uries tieriuan and Bcnrlvor; Inks, .ah ner axui Welch. - - , "At Philadelphia: - . - " ThltdlDhla..' ....0 fi H 0 0 0 0 29 Pittsburg. .......t-.O Oe O S O S 0 5 Base nits-i-fniiaaeipnia. v-, ihmuuik, o. Error Philadelphia, 1; PitUbnrg.S. Lat teries Carsey and Clements; Hawley and Klnslow. At Boston First game: RMtnn .. ..:.'... 0 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 0. Cleveland.. S I 0 1 0 0 0 5 010 ' Base fi its xo von, a; tiHvwaim. i. er rorsBoston, ; Cleveland, -4. Battrls Nichols and Oanzell: Wallace, Knell aoJ dimmer. . Beoond game: . " '- ' Boston ..:....0 4 0 0 4 0 0.1 09 Cleveland. Vv....w.O 0 O 0 0 1 O 7 - Base bit Boston, is; Vieveiaou, h. x. i -rors Boton. 1; Cleveland, 3. Batteries BuUivanand Teony; Yout.gand Zlmmer. At Baltimore!' ' ' , RaJtlmore..... T 0 0 0 1 8 O 1 IJ Bt. Jxmis. -...0 1 4 0 l 0 0 0 O & fMSe Ull-DHtUllJrVt JO liviijui i.- rors Baltimore, 1; Mt. Louis, 4. liatterles Ksper CiarHsou and Clarke; Khret aui Peit,-'.:--.-,- ::;. ,. - :,-r . SAt Washington:;.." -:f -: : ' Washington. . 0 1 0 0 0 0 S 1 2 7 Chicago ...0 1 S :5 0 0 -!' - Bas hlts Washingtmw l; Cbicgt. 1. Errors WashtnRton. t; Chicneo. l' teries Ktockdate. MeOulre, M alarkey, fco (i and Coogaojrlffliband Klttridgtj. -: ' .. j SOCTBIIK IiKAGt'. At Little Rock:. " , ' Little Rock,'.. 5 0 0 1 0 0 ? O -It Mempht... ....... .4 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 -n Base hits Little Rock. 13; . Memy-L. Errors Little Book, 6; Mwnrhn. 4 i ! teries Morse aod H) e; Qulgg an j u ; . At Atlanta: : .: Atlanfa . . .:..'... ,1 S 0 0:0 o CbattanoofT. .,..... 0 o 1 o I baxe hUn Atlanta. 11: Challant'- Errors-Atlanta. 1: Clm: -nootft, :' lrt Norton and Ar -ii ; j. u and Fi-shfer, ... :At Montgomery)'-.-' ;" Mont2mery-:T J ' ' i w tjri-m. 1 ; ' Be bits 'lwnit(.!..ry,;l.!j -7 i' rr " ! t - :' " -- v, S ; '', T" i di.. I ' ' :