Alb All! LIIvE iji Ernot MAT. WK. 1395 leave Charlotte dally v 5: " J a. m. Kor Hamlet, Cheraw, Raleigh, ' I l oinu na the R. A. and B. Q. K. n, Portsmouth, Old Ioui uomrorv rs'iurs. Rirbmand: WUbUKtOE. "ia,ltl t r, Pnii ArtwinhiA. New York atvl Button. A i -to Vv'ilmlngtoa,Wrlgntsvllle,aadalliOO&i points oq the C. O. R. K. - Also Charleston, ... aLrand Bennettsvuie, arriving in wu 6:- a. m. Bally- for all Southern point ia Moo roe, VMiwr, umnwooa, Aineni - tsDooga, Memphis and th Bonthwesk. . i brouzB ueeoer and dav eoacnes from . Washiuirtoa, D.Cto Atlanta, connecting 10 : 13 a. m. Daily, for M t. Holly, Lincoln, ton, CherryrUie, Shelby, Cleveland Springs, r.neuooro ana ttuinerioraion ; also oiOW In? Rock, Lenoir and Hlefcory. - - 8:90 P. M. Cailv. Cor all nolnts North and Booth New York,' Boston, Philadelphia, Haltimore, WaehiD ?ton, Richmond, Peters- burg Portsmouth,ld Point Comfort. Vlr- Rinia Reach, Weldon. Raleigh, Wilmington . and Wrlrhtvlll. at Manrao V with through sleepers and day coaches be-,j : and sleepers between Monroe, N. Cn and t-onsmoutn, va., and lor Atlanta, New Or leans and all Southern points. 8:50 m With sleeper tor - VUnUnt- ton and all O. C. points. - ; - , Trains arrive in Charlotte f -- . , 10:43 A. ifc &aly,RocklnKham,Wadeboro, Moroe. Also from fall point North New .: T orhr.Phlladelnhia. Rul Uman. Wuhlnrtmi: fiiobfuond, Petersburg, Old Point Comfort, Si AIaa frnm PlilaaAi xAH ir isfuniHD . w ninnn . ka iai arn ani Man iam f t F, LlVt 1 T A anH, n Tl- AalA.a - vu , vxai AY7D WVU a fJUUlWI slUU JWU and all SoutiielTea,;at. , - j i 8:90 p, wt-ltiZg? from Ratherforuton, Shelby, : Cleveland Springs, Llnoolnton, NewtorHiekorylonoir Blowing Bock - and Mt. Holly. , 10:10 p.M-Dailyromalf Northern pomu Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltl . more, Washington, Richmond. Vi.. Peters , barg. Old. Point Comfort, Virginia Beach, :4. C. all local points between Portsmouth and Charlotte, and from Wilmington, WrighU- villa and all local points on the C. O. K. B. - 10:10 r. M Daily, Irom all point South and Southwi t New Orleans, Montgom : ery, Mempu , Chattanooga, Atlanta, Ath- . ens, ttreenw. :I, Chester and Monroe; elose -g connection a t Monroe, r;- - ? ;45 a. n. rWlta sleeper, from Wllmln ton . v fend all CC. point. - -.- -..- Local frelght.witheoac lr attached, leave , Charlotte for-Shelby at 4 o'clock p. m., re turning at 10 a. m. daily, except Snndays. m. iniuuuiin. ww mi w.m aim. sii ii ii is .nnnsw. .x. ... ' l ag suwp. m. tnun counwn nt buhum - with the Atlanta special. No, 403, which ar- on, D. C at 10:80 a. mn and Portsmouth at T:S0 a. bl, making close connection for Bal timore. PhilatlelDhia andNew York, - . i The 6:20 a. m. train connects at Monroe T- wlthv-Atlanta . special No. 408, for Atlanta - and all points Bouth,, arriving in Atlanta " at 4 p.m. . - - ' -. : arrive In Atlanta at 4 p. m. Leave Atlanta -. lib x u -k iu nrtiTC iu tiwriinw ju.iu w p. m. Leave Charlotte at 6:20 a. m., and 8:20 f. m., arrive in Kaleigb at 11:45 a. m. and :M a. m. Leave Charlotte at 5:20 a. m, ar rive in Wilmington at 12:30 p. and at . Cheraw, S. Cat :40 a.m. Close connec tion both ways with the C A L. R. R. at Lincoln ton. Leave Charlotte at 8:80 p. m-, 'arrive in Atlanta at 8:20 a. making a .. doable daily train both fiorta andtioutU from Charlotte - r " The Atlanta specials, No. 40S and 403, are - 'magnificent new veetitraled trains, built by . the Pullman Palace Car Go on which there ? 1 no ex tra fare charged. r Daily except Sunday.' ,". . . ilally except Monday. . Wor (nformAtion : relative to schedules, tarn; etoj apply 'to ' - - . E. Bt focw, Vice Presldentv i" J. O. BASRanvjioc, Ticket Agent. I- M WHH1V B.A.NWI.5i. - i - " Oeneral Manager. T.P.A. V (4. HoBit, Oen'l Pas. Agent. Supt. Transoortation. . SOUTHERN : RAILWAY. P1BDMONT AIB LINK.) - aUlHMONl) A DANVILLE AND NORTH . . CAROLINA DIVISIONS. " or xyrsoT apkix. 21,1896. ' 'f on condensed schedule is pno!lshedas laformatlon, and Is subject to change with .oat aotioe to the public. -Trains leave Charlotte, N. O.: -- 11 :06 p. M. No. 86, daily fdr Atlanta and ' Charlotte, Air Line division, and all points Booth and Southwest. Carries through - Pullman drawing-room baffet sleeper be--tweea New York, Washington and Mont gotnery, and between New York and Bt. A n . gusttne, Fla., via Columbia and Savannah. - ,9 ato A. v. No. 87, dally, CCA A. division, Including Colombia, , Augusta, Aiken, Charleston, Savannah and ail Florida . points. Through Pullman sleeper New York to Jacksonville, connecting with par-l-r ear at Columbia for Augnsta. - j. yj)5A. M. No. 7, daily, Washington and Son tb western vestlbuled limited for At lanta. Kirmlrjf ham, Memphis ( Montgom- - ery. Mobile and New Orleans, and all points rtnlh and southwest. Through-Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis: No extra charge except tisuat Pullman fare. . - 12:10 p. M. No. II, daily. Solid train, Rich ' tnond to Atlanta; Pullman sleeping oar, Richmond to Greensboro. .7 -L-w 7:15 . kNo. 8ft, dally; for Washington, ' Richmond, Raleigh and Qoldsboro and all f" ilnts North. Carries Pullman., sleeper rom Moiftgomery to New York and St. An eustlne to New York. :40P m. No. 12, daily, for Richmond, Bal eih, Goldsboro and all points North. Car- - rios Pullman sleeping car from Greensboro .'. o Raleigh and Greensboro to Richmond. - &-JU p. Kv No. 88. Washington and South western vestlbuled, limited, for Washtng :: ton and all points North. Through Pall man cars between New Orleans and New York, Memphis and New York, Jackson- . fllle- and New York. . First-class coach to Washington. ' rf . m. No; 00, daily, except Sunday. Mixe.1 freight' and passenger for States ville.N. C. . :. . . - I :ift p. K-Noi 18, dally, except Sunday, for Htatesvtlle and Taylorsville. if Trains arrive at Charlotte: 10:65 P. -K.I ,t:.- :25 A. M . FROM THE NORTH l;40 A. s:fiO A.: M. ) 4:-J0 P. M. FROM ATLANTA. p. l(.l 7:00 A. M, I FROM AUGCS7.V. , 8-.a p. m. f "V4-15 vl ml rBOM ST ATSS VI LLE. i. Ixtcal freight trains also carry passen gers. .; ' ' laily except Sunday. JdlTM M. Cnia, - -i W. A. TtTKK, ; Traffic Manager, - Osnrni Agent, W. H.OBIIK, WK-hinvm. D C. Uea'lBnpertnteiideni. . -Washington, l. O. H 1UHBV1CK, Ass'tGen'l Pass. Agt, . ' Atlanta, Ua. V CHAKtBTSL. H0PKIWB, I r ravel Lug Passenger Agent, 1 , V - West Trade Street, J - - Charlotte. N. C. TALMETTQ RAILROAD CO. 1 i foTAKKlTCT SKPT SV, 1891. ' i MOVING NORTH. t V TWO f, PASSIVetlt ARO rBEISDT. Leave Cheraw,J, U . . .-- --. :) a m ... Kotlocfc; :50am Osborne. .--. 7:20 a m Arrive Hamlet; . . &r. . . . . r. ...... .7:40 a m - MOVING SOUTH. J 1, rAWIHOKR A BnonT. ? Leave Hmlet....- 8:40a m --; Oeborne. ...... ,9:00a m Kollock...... am Arrive Cheraw. .-..,v:....,....-..:Wam - Close connection made at Hamlet with trains north, south, east and west. . -.i,.-.-.-" Wk. Mo5QV as, President. i ' i , : . , mm ; NATIONAL BAKK;. nAKLTT 4 '.4itaC ' - - SUllPIATS AKr PROFITS; tKW.OOO. . I00.00O. -Acckmnts "of.- Banks, Corporation, Viw im1 individuals fcsolicit , - t in . U. MeAden. . Hi M Houston. II G. Springs. Gao E Wilson. KICHARD A.. BLYTHE, ixTTi)N WARPS ANI YARNS, No. 114 Chestnut Streets Philadelphia. " No. 4' to 200': Single and Doable. Warp Furnished la Chains and Beams, la 3ry and Colors - Cotton, Woolen , 1 CVtrsta.4 Yarn fa Rkelna b'OIi OVER FIFTY YEARS ' :.3- Wi:tslows ;3 ; v- Soothing Syrup i p"a ai for children while teethlno omii" i cUlld,softensthegums,aUay cur. s wind colic, regulates the .ciisn.t tocl?, andls the best remedy - i.'rrh'w lw,tatv-flve cents a bottle 1 ty -ii.f5;i:s'.s throuihoat the world ir i i i VH. McAden, President; H.O. Springs, ' yv President; C. N. G. Bntt, Acting i - Vh Gu.E Wilson, Attornev, . Headache. This dlstressinz malady Is caused by a run-down state of the health, aad .is often a forerunner of other and more dangerous diseases. ; r : D fpwi JBlttersfe cures headache by - rembvins the. cause of It; and this Is the way it. does it.-" .1 i ';tv ;.i - ? 'x ', . It purifies and enriches the blood, ' quickens the action of the kidneys,; the liver and the bowels, and gently and pleasantly stimulates the diges tive organs, and in fact thoroughly renovates and tones up the whole system and ? you ' have no ; more headache. And besides it is pleasant to take, and will not stain the teeth" nor cause constipation. -. -' Is this not better- than " dosing yourself with disagreeable and dan gerous drugs which at the best can do no lasting good? Don't be deceived by Imitations. See the crossed red Mines on the wrapper. -Oar book, "How to Uvea Hundred Years," -tells all about it; should be -read by everybody-, free for 2C. stamp. 57 . BROWN CHEMICAL CO.. . BALTIMORE. MD. . The result of using Pine Blossom Soap is k clean skin and clear, beautiful : complexion. It is the best and most effective medicated toil et isoap known. An ab solutely pure, antiseptic soap, possessing power ful cleansing and cura tivb properties. It both purifies and heals. In dispensable -for toilet and bath, PRICE 25 CENTS, - i AT AU. DIJUOGISTS. FOSTER MEDICINE CO., : BALTIMORE, MO. FOSTER'S GERMAN ARMY-AND NAVY CURE for Skin diseasrs i a permanent and unfailing remedy for Kczema, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Ring Worm, Poison Oak, Pimples, Blotches and every form of eruption. Multi tudes testify to its merits. 50 cents per box. " From early child- .GZEiflA nood nntil l was 1 grown my family j spent a fortune trying to cure me 1 1 of this disease. I visited Hot springs and was treated by the best medical men. but was-not Denentea. wnen all things had r n ft 11 ft tailed 1 de termined to li 1 1 1 I try S.S.S. and in four I 1 1 U III months was 1 entirely cured, i- The terribls eczema was gone, not a sizn .ol it lelL My general hearth built up, and I have 1 1 never bad any return of the disease. 1 GHILDH00D yet known a failure to core. vrjuv. ... A 1 V T XI,. JUL ui. a am . Never fails to core, ' , even when all otner 1 remedies have. Our ktreatiseon blood and 1 I skin diseases mailed ' free to any address. 1 SWii-T SPECIFIC CO. Atiinta, Ox.- "MOTHERS' FRIEND?' i CURES RISIMS-BREAST. I have been ,Bi midwife for years,, in each ease -htre " MOTHERS . 1 FRIEND was used it accomplished wonders, sliorteue-l labor and lessened the pains. It is tlte best remedy tor rising or toe .urease Known, ana Mas. M. M. Bhewsttr, Montgomery, Ala. cnsni. Ill BIAIHCH UC UH II. If li V UHOOi ' J&m IWtl.. llAiilr Ta Unlt.Kif I mailed f reo. E BAD FIELD REGCLATOB CO., AUauts, Oa. SOLD BT ALU DBC00I8T3. JAPANESE A N tn! f!p!eo 'freatioent. eoa!lnot ''liri-Ofll'tUir'BS. Cajeal'S jf 'OiRhcent and two v.xi rt Onftaant. A Ert KiBns Caw for Fileaof i r tiiiun atvd dwoa. 1 -ai.tkoa an operation wtta -ni'c rrr in.iiioa cf wi otin acid, weicll are . r.f " iwjfloiti a pcriataaut fwl often r o,' - 1 u?ikv onriBofRm T Why endure this 'A: rift- rr? We itarantee8 boiM jr, . 5 - rvu r -..r You el rT for beaauta r c,. u Luw.f frr5. Sect bxmail, . r ' ' ".::ii$ PILE OINTMENT, 25c. a Box. , . I irAI lUilbrssaeseUverfetlets .hoBiwwI TVER ad STOW KVH KfcXi (JLATOB Bnd !U.UOI PUR1F lEM. mtii, miiu nan ihwmi to RiH JORT1AN A.C ProtWJZ.Peeke,whoinslt(4a specialty of EpHepey, has without doabt treated and eared mere esses than any living Physician ; his sncersa is SKtrmishing. We ha ve heard of eases of 90 wars-V tandiag cured by him. He pabllshes valuable -rorkonttls disease which ka eeads with a large botOe of hit absolute eare, Ire to aay soUercr who may send ti ej ? J"-0- aad Kxpress ad dress. We advise anyone wsl;g a ere to address. Prof. w. 11. FEK, V. IX, Joflar St. New York. Latta Park-Wcctlivgramme. --. i. 5 Monday evenings Tuesday eveninjra I' -, -Music ot -BC sXJli D IlbTEIj Tharsda y even ings O&GIIESTRA.- Fndayvenings Music by full band, . Second Regiment. L 4: , : ; - Wednesday and Satiirday-afternooiis Musio by Iluford Uote. Orchestra.- ''Jl ' -ilr -.-.' - A - - - BATHINO POOL NOW bPEN. . - : . ..... 1 . ' ': -BOWLINQ TENNIS end BOATTKa BsKBVnOasssBBssssi THE ITOX PBOrEKTT THE rLACK. Th FnbUc Does Not Expect Private CitI xen to Help Buy. a Site for Its Court House.. To the Editor of the Observer:' : " .There has been a good deal of back ing and filling on the question of select ins a-site for the new court liouse, re sultinsr finally in the determination to leave the matter of selection to the commissioners.- Why is so much inter est being manifested in the location of a site? '. And why is i. that a special can vasser has been commissioned and sent out to get up subscriptions for or reduce tne cost or a certam . lot spoken of in connection with this building? is the eligibility of the location to be determined: by the donation of the neishbors who wi&h the buildine in their vicinity or on their street 2 ; Is thfs the modem method of selecting suitable sites for pnblic buildings? .Instead of catering to any local interest, would it not be more in tne line oi public trust and public duties -for Uioae entrusted with the management of this court house matter to go on, locate and build without any regard whatever to local interest or: personal liberality? -h The tax-payers who are ,to "''pay - fcj tins .. building don t. want, any pri vate, subscriptions - for toe - purchase of . a lot to build onJ-. They have never solicited it nor have they author ized the- building committee or com missioners to. receive any such. Men don't -generally make donations for pubiic purposes without, expecting to be reimbursed in - some ; way. J It's a nice thing to talk about giving' with out receiving, and there, may be -some sentimentJn casting bread upon; the waters, but there is not much human nature in such thing. If the people . of this county want a new- court house, which to my mind is . very, doubtful, they expect to build it in the ordinary way and without resorting to private subscriptions for the money or any prt of the money with which to do it. There Js no sense, noth ing meritorious . and no superior financiering skill displayed in - tax ing or squeexing the pockets of pri vate citizens for the v public benefit. Now let the commissioners, if the duty has devolved upon them, sensible and practical men as they are understood to be, go about this business in the most common sense and practical way by considering first the eligibility of the site; second, its con venience to toe jaif; third, its position as a daily reminder to the pilgrim and the stranger passing in and out our gates of the . enterprise and progressive spirit of our people? and in the fourth and last place, the possible advantage of location for any changes, alterations or additions that the future may de mand. Considering the first proposi tion, the elegibility of position, no one, not even the most zealous of advocates of the Johnston and Wittskowsky lots, will undertake to challenge the tact that the .Fox lot is in every way better located and possesses advantages as a site for a public building vastly supe rior, not only to the lots already referr ed to, but to any in the city. It is situ ated on a plot of rising ground at the corner of West Trade and North Pop lar streets, one of the latest improved and most beautiful streets in the city, and is magnificently embowered by the wide-spreading branches of a Dum ber of grand old oaks that have furnished the shade and protected from a hundred summer suns the little children of this historic old town. For convenience of location, in response to the second proposition, it is, for such olass of buildings, not too far from the business centres of the city and has al together the advantage in point of near ness to the jail, by a brond public and well macadamized avenue in South Mint. This alone, when properly con sidered, is a matter of more than ordi nary importance as regards the safe handling of prisoners and the freedom of the officers, from the annoyanoeof idle and curious crowds. Considering the third proposition, its location will be in the Immediate vi cinity of the United States public build ings, on the principal gateway leading into the city from the Southern passen ger depot, on West Trade street, and will present, from its elevated and com manding site, the beauty of its archi tectural design and handsome propor tions in the most favorable light. As such it will for all time be an ad vertisement to the strangers coming within our gates of the taste, enter prise and progressiveness of our people. In conclusion, referring to the fourth proposition, there can be no bet' ter testimonial of the good sense, wis dom, and foresight of those 'entrusted with the management of public affairs than a thoughtful appreciation and provision for Ah e possible demands of the future, as regards desired attrac tions, improvements or additions. Certainly there is no location in the city answering these conditions in every respect more fully than the Fox proper ty. A large lot i a a quiet neighborhood, with handsome residences, on theoity's grand thoroughfare, in close proximity to the United States postofficeand mint buildings on the one side, and the magnificent First Presbyterian church lot, with its beautiful lawn and stately structure, in full view on the other, together with the possibility at all times of an abundant supply of fresh air and a broad and beautiful court, this property is indeed an Ideal site for any public building. Mecklehbubg People. PUT I r ON THK FOX PROPERTY. Another County Heard From aa to the o . .cation of the New Court liouse. To the Editor of the Observer; Since the South Tryon street chip pers seem to have dropped their gun and run, I thought I would let go my old flint and steel. - Dollars and cents should not be considered in the locating of the new court house, ft is too Im portant a matter for a few thousand to cut any figure. There is not but one suitable location - in the city for a nice courthouse and that is the Fox lot. If left to a vote of the people, I ..believe eight out of ten would vote for the Fox lot as first choice, and the present loca tion as second choice.. J VT - ? I am unable" to: find ariy one who wants it on South or North Tryon ex cept those who are directly interested. Everybody knows that West Trade la tbe great thoroughfare where our new courthouse would show off to the best advantage. "An honest man lis the noblest work of God. "- Let's put - the court house where a majority of the people want it, regardless of self-interest., Let the committee heed the voice of the people and. locate, the site on West Trade. - - ; 'Pike." . - ' . Rev. Dr. Mc Anally 1ead. -r StILocis, July 12. Eev. Dr. McAn ally, senior editor of the Christian Ad vocate, nd one . of the most promt nest men in the Southern Methodist Church, died at his residence I lere at 11 o'clock last nights Dr. Mc Anally was -born in Granger county, Tenn-. August 31st, 1817. lie came to this city iu IS31 and assumed charge of the Christian Advo cate. Daring the civil war the paper was suppressed on account of its advo cacy of the cause of the Confederacy." I ' BUCK-EN'S ARNICA SALVE. The- best Salve In the ' world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, ChilDlalns, Corn and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively eare Piles or no pay required. It guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. -Prioo 2H cents per box. For sale by BurweU A Dunn and Jordan A gootW t ; - - - -f t.-r , , - ;..'--:.' oid pie. tr- f'-X Old people who require medicine to repu late the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy In Electric Bitters. This medi cine does not stimulate -and contains no whiskey nor other intoxicant-, but acts as a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach aad bowels, adding strength and srtviag tooe to the -organs, thereby aiding Nature in the performance of the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent afptti'r and aids digestion'. Old pcoplo llnd it just what they need.- Price fifty cents pvr itot tleat the drug stores or Burn c 11 Je Dunn and Jordan bcott. - - 10 OCB mVEESIl'IEO INTERESTS. North Carolina at lAst Has What She Has . Been Clamorlns Tor, BIorgaHton Herald, -".:..- Our exchanges say that a' 'has been established" to raise turtles for market in Union county. Charlotte has a breeches factory that is preparing to make bloomers. Sampson county sells this vear $10,000 worth of huckleberries. A mongoose ranch has been established in Buncombe..- Shep Dugger, of Banner Elk, writes - novels. - Albemarle Ana Pamlico sounds are being stocked with a slow winged breed of ducks that Pres idents can shoot. Our eastern counties have shipped this " year $5,000,000 of "early -garden- sass.".. We had ; been selling monazite for a year up in' these diggings before the Scientists" knew there was any in America.. yceyieue gas in quantities Sufficient for illumi nating purposes is a .discovery . of a North : Carolina i laboiatory. We. are growing everything from bananas to DUCK wnea.ii. no USfO ts very urau politicians, from.Mplutercrats'l to Pop ulists, includinz the great flower of the political garden the double, white and yaller" flower, called by botanists tne fvchiariMariannbUlerenci. Some em inent Uaieigh Democratic botanists are now experimenting with the pollen of this plant on the rose of - Democracy: We have prayed for diversified: indus tries. We've got thenu. But the thing may be overdone ; . .FINANCIAL ANJJ COMMKBCIA1V Liverpool id Not Kespond Liberally to the Advance on Thfs Bid Thnrsday, and New York Opened 4 Polati Davn. Special by Private Wire to Harrison Watts. NiwTosk. Jnlv 12 Boot sales in Liver pool to-day were 7,000 at l-32d decline. Fu tures closed qnlet at last a shade better pricea-than yeBterday. This was not a good response to oar advance of yesterday, and the opening here was at a decline of about 4 points, which was recovered and ana In lost daring the day. The market was dull and sagged daring the afternoon, closing at aDOUt tne lowest ei ior August uuuiw October, f There were- more reports oi crop damage from cool nitnu ana rain, a "tip circulated on the floor of the exchange atatad that the Chronicle to-morrow would be bearish, as its Texas correspondence would show that - no serious aamaee naa been caused by. the recent rains. This ru mor was afterward denied. Boot markets In the south, a well as here, were steady at unchanged prices. Tbe Stock Market Was Irregular, Bat Closed Strong for the Standard Stocks. Kit Toek. July 12. The stock: market was htffhlvsneeulatlveandlrreeular. Llaul- dation aad bear attacks kept the Industrial list weak as a whole. Leather, preferred, feu 4 points, but recovered hail the loss later, the common losing a little on the dav's net results. Sugar declined about 8 and rallied feebly. - American Tobacco was 1 lower, and Distilling fc Cattle Feeding was barely steady. Chicago tias received better snnnort than In several days, and rose over 1. Tennessee ceai a iron was irregular, bat rose 1 In the afternoon on reports from the Houth of the practical com pletion of new combinations. Northeast' ern. after a break of 4. rallied . Read ing was a strong feature. The Grangers and other Kailwav stoexs. alter irreeuiar con cessions in the mornine dealings, recovered smartly in tne last Hour, xne maraec ciosea lrregnlar, but fairly strong for the standard StOCkS. NEWYOBKNiWS BCBiAU. There Is Little or No Change In Prices of Wheat, Hot Corn Advanced 2 Cents. Chicago, July 12. The. increased activity in the erain markets Is again attracting outside attention, and to-day trading has been of ft more general cnaracter tiian ior some time past. Confidence, a very essen-" tlal element in the u reduction of results, is being gradually restored to the demoralized bulls of three days ago, and-their belief in higher prices seems now more firmly estab lished than on the previous occasion. They will certainly 4e more careful In their nor- chases, and In following the market op, will imeiy pay more attention to me dubs oi their pyramids. News and conditions to day have favored the buyer. . Reports frcm tne .worm west are connicung, out tneiacv that they are so, thus suggesting an uncer tainty during the present critical stage of the crop, is considered bullish. Ho much damage could occur from now on that sen. gutne Dears are piayingciose to iub suurc. A cable from London making a decrease in theacreage of W, and a low condition of the British crop, encouraged holders la their belief that foreigners will ultimately want our wheat. The movement in this country is very light, and receiving centers are generally not looking for heavy re ceipts. Should farmers sell Jnst enoagn to pay their harvest expenses and store the rest, wnicu our aa vices ieaa us to oeueve a great many will do, and with the elevators in control of contract and milling grades, it would certainly have a very telling effect upon prices. We think wheat has merits around present prices. The cash market has been firm under liberal buying by the short interest .' September corn advanced very quiesuy nearlv 24 immediately alter tne opening. The good export demand and the light con tract stock bus caused the score, the wide spread between September and receuiber is causing some comment, bat at present, with such a small reserve on hand, we can see no special advantage in selling the for mer ana paying tne latter, ua tne otner hand, should the short interest be large in BeDtember. that ontlon could easily be ran to suit holders, while the new crop months mignt newean. Provisions, after showing a good advance on the light hog receipts, settled .back and closed somewhat under yesterday. The de mand does not meet the expectations oi holder, and as a result, there Is enough selling to weaken the market. LiAMSOS JBKOB. C UU. CITY PBOOUCE MARKET. Spring chickens Good demand Eggs, fresh, sell readily. No turkeys on the market. Apples dried quarters, bright. ... origntsucea fancy bright sliced.. Peaches nnpeeled halves, bright " ' quarters r Blackberrtes.dried.......... Strawberries per quart Extra Floui" sack Family " ... Meal bolted 44 lbs per -bushel " unbolted, 48 lbs " " .... Corn old 60 lbs per bushel. ., " - new., .t. Oats S3 lbs per bushel Peas clay-. ...... .i - mixed . Onions select, per bushel........... ' Bacon Hog round, per n. ........... Ham:-........... .......... ' Sides Shoulders Lard N.O . , Tallow..... ...... Beeswax -. ...... . . . Hens per head . .v. .vr. Roosters per head.. .. Chickens spring small per head - " ' large : Turkeys pef H ....,...., .-.J- Ducks. . . ........ r Guineas .-. . .... ...... Butte r-Choloe yellow '. . '. . ". '. .'. '. . '. . Honey strained, per lb " comb per ft... Eggs ben ..... :-; " guinea.:...: ...... . Wheat..,.... ..i. .COTTON YARNS. - Quotations Famished by Buckingham ft Faalsoa, New York, 33 Jonard Street, No. lOs-1 and 12s-l warps at No. 143-1 warps at No. ls-l warps at. .', ......... No. 2us-l warps at............ Noifis-l warps at. No. 26s-l warps at...-....'..:.. No; 6s to 10s bunch yarn at. . No. Ks-lat .. Il?il2 u (3.1214 13 ..13 ftfl3i4 ... 18V4&18V4 .. . " 14 HV4 :: . ; .. " li4 .. i2ais . 12113 ..13 (g,14 : . 12 .. v 13 1S No. 14s-l at..... L. No. ltfa 1 at....,... ... No. 203-1 at..... . .... No.22s-lat...v........ ......... i No. HOa-l at. . No. Hs-I ply soft yarn at. . . No. lOs-2 ply soft yam at, No. ply nara at. No. lOs-ply hat at. 13 1S mv ar 13 13 rNo.I4-s ply- at.... ., . iNo-ios-piy as ..i. .................. No. SOs-xply at. . ; . No. 243-2 ply at. . v....r..,,.... No. 2t)S-2 ply at...,, , No.80s-2plyat.C; ..-.....,... No. 40s -2 ply at....... No. 84-3, S and a ply at No. 90S-2 ply chain warps a t.. No. 543-2 ply chain warps at. . ..v: No. s-2 ply chain warpa at. . . No.aos-3 ply-chain warps at. No. las S ply hard twist at.. . No. 2U8-3 ply hard twist at. . , . No. 2is-3 ply bard twist at .1. '?isr 1514 1017 -li - " . -1 .. 1 is 4. 1H4 -VI' "13 .. - ' 14 .:M311 ' - - NEW YORK MONEY MARKET. HkVYobs, Juiyu-Moaey on alleasy at tV4 per . cent last loan at U oloaing offered at L - -.-, Prim meroanUla paper, 8V4i per cent Bar ill veri'.-Mexican dollars ... Sterling exchange strong,' with actual boslness in bankers' bills at 4 8&l eV for SO days and 4 80s so1 ' tor demand..' Posted rates 4 8Vd BOH- Commercial bills. 00 days. 4 S4 8t' ; demand Government -bonds firm: State bonds quiet. Railroad bond strong. Silver at the board was quiet. BALTIMORE PRODUCE MAjiKET.-..; BALTIXOKX, -: July 12. FLOUB-Quiet, Western super z &Yo,l 75 ; do extra 8 Vy.a, 40: do family 3 & SW; winter wheat patents 8 Sw.i l ; sprfng wbeat patents 8 h,X34 00 - W 11 KAT Unsettled, No. i red spot and JuIy,iWV'gii,-.4; August ; September 4H'a-i ; sweamer No. 2 red tSCaWa1',: Southern by sample. W&s; do on graue 82VW7K - - - IXIRNDull. - Mixed spot and - Jul v 9H; August f Afc y-wptwmber .. . 4H Ma"; steamer mixed - . ... .. j Southera white 6li.; do yellow 63nj5Sv. - STOCKS CLOSING BIDS. Amer. Cot. OU dopfd Am. bug. Ret s.. do pld.... Amer. Tobacco, do pld...... Atch. .......... ...j B.40... C'an.Pac.i.ii... c.o... , Ch.A A. CBitO, Chicago Gas....'. Lei. Lack........ D.C K...,.. Erie do fd M ,N.Paclf 4i 7a-?il do 13 W 144 .29 101 N.W.... - do pfd--.. . .... 1114 Paciao Mall ti-1 1 Reading........... 1"M,:R.I. - iu tit. Paul. ... ...... 71 . fit do pfd...... .121 fic'PilverCtis. TVs KTt-i 12 Ic7 IT.C.41 5i - do pfd..s - b-u Texas I'ao.. 1S3 Union Fac. 2"S w abash do pfd.. - 2 HA W. U : B1 Gen. Kleotrto... Ills. Central...... W. L. A L. K... . 16U asm -do pfd km L K. A W. . ?, a&iAla.. Class A. 107 . . " do pfd.: i.'J !M do Class B..., 107 I 8 .. 47 do Class 0...f W L, A N.J,.,...iM.i , 5as! La. Stamped 4's 100 , mas UW.A.AC .. S N.0.4,s. .. .I,. rlH . Manhattan. ill'. do '...... 125 Tenn N. 8. '.,.". K0l4 Michigan Cen.. ia4 MO. pACiflCL.... -82H v piu. ...... tr-i. do tr rec st'ptd. 6 M.A o.... saj ao run ueot... oz, U. 8. s Rec..i. t lT..'s Coup... UV a. 8. S'.,..... 7- Nafl Cordage. ' 1 Soathem R'y 6s. N. Y.O. :....! ioiV.1 OUlM ...... donfd 4 N. Y.AN.B.,V. 494f c as . w --ia.::'.... .: i4iii S.C4'....r... 100 " NEW TORK PRODUCE MARKET. NxW - YOSK. "Jnlv - - 19 FLOT7R . dull, steadier. .Winter wheat, low grades. S 70C3 Si); fair . to ' fancy - - S &04 00: patents 4 S0,'4i 60: - Minnesota clear S to rs 40: natents S fttxat 75. - low- extras x 70 (d 8t: eity mills 85. Southern flour-truiet, steaay 4 common to lair extra z 4(xas lb: good to choice do 21XS4 00. w nisiAi uxul. nrmer with options no z red. stora - and elevator HCtVSVA'. afloat 72.. Options jlosed firm at 1 to 1 cents advance. iSo z red July . 7196; August 714 September 724. ' , coKNwuitt. scarce, nnu. ' no 1 iw elevator: W J afloat. Options closed steady at 1 to 1 cents advance, Juljr 60; August ;. . : Hepiemoer u.. - - -OATS Quiet, firm. Ontlons dull, easier. July 27: September 27i. Spot No S7V4 27?i: No 2 white S3V: mixed Western laki uuiet. easier - western (team so: city 6 10S 15. July ; September 7f nom inal- Keaneo dun : continent, J is: a. a. 7 B): compound 6&V. - . ' - . - ftmit Htm; mess ix suais ou. - 4-.OTTON - SEKI OIL Uulet: crude 23 vellow trime SWktiim - - - - 14 55: September 14 70 U 1. Spot Rio quiet, stead v. . No 7- 1om , - - SUGARRaw, firm, active. Fair refin ing i refined active, firm; Off A t$ii standard A, 4 7-lW; eat loaf and crushed 6 1-16 &y4; granulated T-1604. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET Opening Closing 44 1 i - iifa94 i u tax 23 H 8 it ao . u i74 11 85 . - 11 374 40 32 6 50 0 It 6 IS 6 IS S 2 S3 WHEAT July...... ... Aug...... Sept ... CORN July. .............. Aug . Sept , OATS July. Aug Sept...... ... . MKSS FORK- July , Sept LARD July Sept RIBS July ... HSept LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Livkkpool, July 12, i F. M. MiddUng " Futures Closed quiet, steady. Sales; . . . American, Receipts, . . American, . July... S41b July and August a 43 b August and September 44b September and October . ; v 45(445 October and November. 4(gn7 November and December.. 3 47( December and January S 4.44U January and February 8E0s February ana -darcn - oi.-woz March and April 3 62(S8 NEW YORK COTTON FUTURES. NkwYokk, Jul IS. Cotton easier. Mid. dim I? uplands 7: middling nir. 1. Futures Dnreiy ateatiy estea lajiuoDaiw. Highest Lowest. Closing S0M1 SI as7 6 95jm 7 0001 7 oao 7 lOSli 7 leSw July ... August . . September. October. ..... s 6 Mi fl ft . 7 Oi 7 C7 7 12 7 fl rt m. 6 95 a VI 4 (.") 7 00 7 01 7 19 November. . December. . . January February . . . March .... .. CHARLOTTE COTTON MARKET. These figures represent prices paid to Strict Good Middling 1i Good Middling 7 10 Middling .V Tinges. .- - 7 Btaines" 6V4J4 Market-Firm NAVAL STORES. Wi itoii, N. O. July 12. Rosin firm, strained, 1 17V; good strained, 1 82V. Spirits turpentine firm at Tar firm at 1.80; orude turpentine steady: bard. 1.20: soft, 10; virgin. THE" American 837 Broadway, New York. " A protection to v firemen against smoke and heat. Property saved by putting the water where it is wanted at the right time. THE BAIL LAWN SPRWKLEB. It is at the same tine a most effective appliance, an interesting novelty and a cheap sprinkler. SOUTHERN OFFICE, ; Corner College and - Fourth streets, r - CHARLOTTE, N.. C. , Other people, may tell you thej sell cheaper and give better terms than anybody else Pin Charlotte, Don't you believe it until yon have seen our FURNITURE and gotten our prices.- ' " ; ': THOMAS & MAXWELL 9y The prettiest dinherwareori the market; 7 illuminated witl'gold. Also handsome line of new ; "glass, 1 vases. rose bowls, , berry; setst ca-raffes-, butters, ; sugars; &d Ohio - Freezers are selling every day.' : They ' are the best, i "We have a few fruit jars left. Calltn us.fbr. all seasonable goods in our liner feytci Ski U 20 Utdt St. Bali Nozzle Company Poppy Smitli &Floiirnoy. H . S. OHADVI GK, 1 J U 2311 ) XiTT larlotte I i K Engineers, : Contractors . and ' MkL - ib. : - - Snecialtv: : Cotton Machinery and Cotton . v ;' - . " . '-'. mm 1 eoieeouthern Agenw lor the Ax. enme woras; itevoiving iai uaras, vouer tuuiwj uwi. mu ---- , p,0h.t ; ehineryi Fales A Jenks Machine Co.'s Spinning and Twisting Machinery; Easton & Burnham achine Co. i m oo.. -chiaery; Globe Machine Works Patent Chain and Balling Warpers; Knowles Loom Works Plain and l ancy i-c DobbiesiFoster Maehlne Co.'s Patent Cone Winders. , . " - : , ; r r ;-PCIAL SOUTimraN AGENTS BF. Stnrtevanu ci's Heating and VentUating System, Portable Forgea, , .fj. & Q. cooper & vo.t uoriiss engines, uign rressura Tripie expansion, yumivaau u e - ; Pomps, etc. . . - - - ' : - ". ' Jones & Laughlin's Coid Colled Steel Shafting, Compression Couplers, Dancers, Pulley, etc. Estimates given and contracts made for the Complete Equipment of Cotton Mill, CHARLOTTE, -N: l it-flMot;ii: An eqjeriment-but ftnds of liousekeeoers never could use any shortening but lard, now - pi use COTTOLENE and couldn't be induced to , change, simply because it is better, cheaper and . : i g on fjr.INTaREST TO THK MAN WHO PAYS THE COAL BILL. - JARMAN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CO., . KiHUrACTDElBS Of .... - . .. "'-. --..- . " JARMAN V OXYGEN GENERATORS r - , ' For the economical eonsumptlon of fuel." Can be applied to any boiler. Haves from 10 apontuelbilla.- General Office, Durham. N. C. PEA C E UtayioIf o Advanced, thorough, select. Particular attention to advanced art.- Uegular Conservatory of MusIq directors from Leipsio and Boston. No superior work done anywhere, Ttforth or South. Send for new illustrated catalogue to JAS. DINWIDDIE, Al, OUILFORD The Advantages of this prosperous College, Vnnr- Tnrf f!miTncxlimia Bnildincrs. healthful influence. Classical, Scientific, Latin-Scientific Courses. Normal, Busi ness, Art and Music Departments. College and Society Libraries, Scientific Laboratory and Cabinet. Faculty of able instructors. Charges moderate. For Catalogues Address, The PRESIDENT, . I- , D enny, poor G r Dry Com mission : if. Vtrr h St.. V-w Vo.k. Horner Military OXFORD, N. C. The fall term begins Sep tember 3, 1895. Boys re ceive careful training, intel lectual, moral and physical. Catalogue sent on appli cation. ity College, Durham, N. C. f Trinity offers courses in Mathematics, Philosophy, Latin, Greek, German, French, English, History,: Political Science, Political Economy, Bocial Science. Chemistry, Astronomy, Miner- alosrv. Geology, Physics, Biology and. Bible. ... BEAUTIFUL LOCATION; BEST EDU CATIONAL EN VIRONM ENTS AND THOROUGH INSTKUCTIONS. S171 tot220 pays all college expenses per year. - - . . Next session opens September iuo. For Catalogue, address JOHN C..KILGO. President. L) O DAVIDSON, N. C. Fifty-Ninth; Year ! Bep September 12, 1895. Nine ' Instructors; , ' - j . - . Ample Laboratories, Cabinets Appa ratus, Librar i eft, Heading Room s. Oy m- nasium, iiau urouaas, lennis vouris, etc. : " .r "" - $ Classical. - Mathematical, Scientific,1 Literary. Biblical, Commercial. . Send -for catalogue. " -- . j. 6. shearer; President. The University of North toling Embraces the College, the University,? thA Law Srhool. the Medical School and School Davidson 10 ue the Summer School for Teachers. Tui- ' September, 1895 and if not sold private tion,' SCO a ryear. Twenty-eight teach "j ly, will then be offered at public auc ers, 471 "students." For cataloeue and, ' tion. - The Gaston county property at hand-book address President Winston. Chapel Hill, N. C. - .v. . LAW SCHOOL- "WAS1I1NGTON awn LKE U' IV ".V - LEJflSGTON, VlltOINlA." - . Opens Sept. li r or rataloiufi ItlrM JOHN RANDOLPH '1 t KK!, 1 -t- ir"". tr o i-u-. -. 1 1 r 23 1 . . ......-.. I M - r . f.4 AUierxon jtiacnme vaj. raicm vAn.yu :?0 :202 S6tJTH?TRYON STREET a frwed SucpsiTkovs- z H "who at first thouffht they - more healthiuL v xne genuine , g has this trade mark steer's head -in cotton-Dlant , wreath HI every paiL . Look.Tor it' g ' Made only by . ' .Tho N. K. Falrbank Company ST. LOUIS aad CHICAGO. ; -, -:. -. . .- Charlotte Office, 51 South Colloge A. (University Of Virginia). Principal."-".' COLLEGE. open to Young Men and Young Women. ; - - - Noted for its Christian and home-like CrTOFOro COLLEGE, JT.C. Goods : 36 Bedford 5L, Boston. 1 69 Jackson Sti, Chicago. '-: . SALE OF Valaable Real & Personal Property. By virtue of a Deed in -Trust to me made by J. R. Holland, and by - virtue of a resolution of the creditors of said Holland, "passed at a meeting of, the creditors held in accordance with the terms of the deed in trust. I -offer for sale the following real estate an personal property - First That house and lot situated in the eity of Charlotte, N. C. and known as the residence of J. R . Holland, ad joining the lots of John , VanLanding ham, John F. Orr, fronting 160 feet on East Trade street, and extending back to Fourth street, and all tne - household and kitchen furniture in said dwelling aiex the assignment of the personal ex- J eruption bt said Holland in such person-' ; Second AH those lots In the city of : Charlotte, situated on Mint street, and which-waa conveyed to said Holland by Wi Mr-Wilson and wife by deed dated . Dec 20. 1893. and registered in Meck lenburg' county, Book 84,,: page 504.. Klvotrinal mnntutxer auo Coiiimilur, 'ffio. Upon these lot are erected many dwell- west l ide btieet, itoon i ing housea'which pay a fair rentat , . Cbariotte, M. c. ; - , ; Third )ne lot in Dilworth, being lot,f ; Aro tncandewsent if ghting: K4"ui.' No. 8 in square No, S3 .on the ' msp of .ping eotton mills with Kieetrie Light flam ..U rtilwnrt.h rorwrtv. which wil Con- : a specialty. Kstlmat-ea furnisbod on W r"J;7ir-r L--ti:. n n.i veyea oy weuutiv ,vvuu..u Construction Company by aeea a a tea May 26, I891rnd registered in aieca- i Ienburg county, N. C.r io Book 78, Page J Fourth One undivided half or that , lot In the city of Charlotte at the corner t of Colletre and 8th street;; which - was conveyed to J: U Hoilaod and Ti H Gaither by Catheri ne Warlick, by deed dated Noembcr 23r 1887, and registered i n Mecklenburg xoantyf! 1 ni Book 17, page 530.A'-s-'-- ''-' -V--,i. 'a.; is-Fifths-All those tractt of land in the county or Qaston, situated on the South Fork of Catawba river,- con tai ning: 318 acreaV more or less, and .known a the ' liiver Side Dairy Farm. ot J.-JL-Hol- - land. - r 8Uth-All tSe cattle,- hbrsesj 5 mule, - hc.wsgxm8.'farmf9ftcolar1ry4$j:f tares, furniture aod all other "personal " property of every kind whatsoever on HhV aforesaid -Iarm:,:andi tuedc by the " 5 said Holland In the cultivation of said . farm and operating dairyswhich; arti--'-J clea are too" numerous to mention.- A achedule or wbich will o snown oy ine trustee to any one who may wish to nnMlnuo, Aln tvafinniM. two Riirri&s. one pbnjton, v one ouggy, saaaies, . Har ness, etctjs'"iv i All of the aoove i property will heoiFer ed at private sale until the first day of the court house in Dallas, on Tuesday, thd 10th day of September, and the property in the city of Charlotte will be offered at public auction rm Tuesday; the 3d day of September, lio.'-'s;0:vt IVrsons wishin ir to purchase the prop- rtv nr.anv-nart thereof will confer i the uudersigned as to " price, and i at sale.. If sold at public auction swill ba made known on day of j. n. ltcAd::n, Tr :. CLarlolte, N. C, Ju!y Cih, 1 Gistccit Gazette r'.i u.;;. r - " 7" Olil J t ; Hill Equipment. W.Atir t n A M ft i I . I"rf TSl PCt3 " t -- - - Vavip" I FOR Blower. Exhauster, and High EpccJ I "a- G. FarinfcV-- "'UfrcdS. fie Bnford ,Uotc - "... OUAKLOTTa N.o. hmim iw. Pftpmian. .; too Klegantly mrnisad rux.m r 7 - . - - '-' HOI and Pold Bath and ww i;ios o r 7 . Kaob no -PABSlEWtfKll KLKTVATOR Arl A ll . -'-',,"' MODBKN lMFKOVKMKNTH Onder rirswClass Mangeunt NOTHING LOVELIER CAN BK FOUND IN WOMAN THAN T O STUDY HOUSEHOLD 'GOOD. Milton's Paradise Lot. ' We have borrowed from the musings of the muse of Mr. Milton the above quotation, with the sole object and end of informing you that we have a large line of very pretty shelf papers, assorted colors.. Call and see it, send and get il. and make the kitchen and the pantry look clean, bright and fresh. "STUDY HOUSEHOLD GOOD." STONE & BARRINGER, Book. Stationery and Art Store, v; ..- 22 South Tryon St. Oil Cook Stoves, ; Ice Cream Freezers, u-; .. ;.r 'Majestic Ranges, And a liiie-of t.ther things that aid in making life pleas ant.: . - " MIS l MCA U SJjAJN V & uo. , - .'"..7 r"-:'' - -: t m a - a i f - . . . . a a. Kiate ana nu mxiuiiK vip "r , J. S. PHILLIPS, Strictly" Merchant Tailorings, ;'- 31 South Tryon Street, -TT Has just received a fine line of Seasonable Suitings.-1 Also the latest styles of" - -TROUSERINGS. -.. - Which will be made to order at rea sonable prices. . Only' first-class work.'--; j ,-. ... , N EW BOOT FOR LADIE4 U Brilliant kid button, needle toe, patent tip, Chicago vamp and heel fox, light sole, black finish, price $3. The perfection of style, the crowning effort of . high' art : shoe makiog; this ahoe takes the lead as oar latest production 1 r : Unusually fine stock of low shoes and slippers'. -, ' -v Never buy a shoe till .you have examined our styles.. GILREATH & CO MONUMENTS , ; l- TV. DURHAM, , " CTABLOTTBT- H. v Ct s'- Write for designs and estimates. J. K UyAL, klndioI Electrical Work VD DOlISf 1101 - . Annunciators, Burglar Alarm. aDaniMaoiteut . , ; . dynamos;; DmBCT Oukkkkt JLiynamos for Isolated Lighting.? Alternating Current Dyiu -moa for Central 8tation Lighting ? Power Generator for Railway Plan u " Thx. ' WBsmfOBOosB ELBarrBiQ awn, ' --'-"KMAKrACTOBTHO ' Co.. ' .. ; - ' ':. '"f.'', ' Charlot. N , O ruUNOtO l l38 i aw, THOMAS BRANCH & G3 '.j lMkr mm Ilrofcare, II I HAI5 ST,v EICUKQ3D, Tie pKiflTE IRES, FCSEIC5 IIC21in ; lEtTKK CP CBEE1T. 'traasacv Saaersf tanking Buslnsas. r cule4 er their private oirss Ins le. vera and Chicago Exi xchanoes fat iiseiis. ' Canon ana Grain: sis orders sieowtM lbs t, B 0 an lnunwui Liwi.nDfi. . Hwntis ana C. vraspondence seUclleA, ls ' wwii. SBSClalty. -: w tsrxmr When they call on you at borne, partake ol your hospitality. lKn't five tbn.i -wine when they are Uiirsty; a bi ; ariait wouiu iu tqx lea te them.- lleer is bet if r ; not tx-cause It iscbiirr tbn w'n. l"t I't-CHUse good beer POhlNLU' lit) KB HAN, for ln slauce la at once refreshing, pure na v)ilom, nnd von ea Urluit.dep wiln lout teeltas; any 111 effects. "... Hvery Wfll-"?gulatfl bouse will nave a supply of ' ' rOHTNEIl'3 GEE BEER. Alasfei Refrigerators,