DALLY CHARIiOTTB OBSBRVEB, JULY 31,1895 ' Xau Keeall CM " - , PmtiV TTnnqton."";; of ITorewell. ! - who has bees North on & business trip, : -was here yesterday on his way home.,,.:: ; Mr. John G. Bryce is at hi place of business again. After spending several - weeks at Morebe&d, he went, on recom mendation of friends, to Seven Springs, tUev. -Edward Mack's favorite resort, rand was mnch pleased and benefitted, : Mrs. Badham, Miss Carrie Badham and Capw Geo. l Bason and family ex pect to go to Hendersonville shortly to spend - a week or ' so. ; Miss : Badham will not return to NewYork until the latter part of August. - ' Capt Slaughter, a well known tobacco man. of Danville, Va., was In the' city I yesterday on a drummer's errand, v -v Mr. C. 6cott will make his usual visit -to relatives in" (Sraham . this summer ,-He goes in about1 a week's time.? . ..Mrs. P.; M, Winchester and children a leave to-day for a. two weeks' stay .at . Patterson Spr i n gs. ' -Dr. J. IX. McAden, who has: been North on business since Sunday night, la exnected home this morntug. 'k CoL R. M. Oates is home after a short trip to the mountainous parts on busi- , tains, be says, for pleasure.. ..-:-' UnPnWt n Rnsa ArnMla to CTO tO Connelly Springs soon for a two weeks' tay. - Mrs. Manie Davis has returned from Asheville. Miss Maggie Threadgil). of Wades boro. is visiting Mrs. W. M. Lyles. Mrs. R. H. Jordan is expected home ' this morning from a visit in-Henry countv. Virginia. Miss Janie Patterson, of Mangum, who haa been visiting at Old Fort, ar rived here last night, and is with her sister. Mrs. C. W. Tillett. - Clerk Morrow was welcomed back to his "throne" in the court house yester- dav morning. He was quite sick while in Monroe, and came home earner man ; Tiflexneeiea. on, mat account. Miss Delia Torrance has returned from a visit in Gaston. Miss Sue Tor rance is spending several days in States ville. She expects to.be home Satur day. - , Miss Emma Lewis has returned from Durham. Mrs. Ed. McDonald and Mrs. John Walter Miller go to Harrisburg to-mor-row morning for a few days' visit. Mr. R. Margolius has gone to New York. Mr. S. Reid Stooey, of Columbia, is visiting at Mr. A. P. Salley's. He will remain here until September 1st. Mr. Stoney is a relative of Mrs. R..J. Bre vard. Miss Jessie Spencer has gone to Ca tawba Springs for a stay of ten days. Mr. Chase Brenizer returned from Cleveland Springs Monday night. . Mis Daisy Marable, of Mt. Olive, is . visitine at Dr. I. W. Faison s. Mts Marable teaehes at Pjace Institute. She is a daughter of Dr. Marable. Miss Maggie Rankin will arrive home fmnvthD Nnrth thismnrninf Mr. Chas. T: Burns, of Washington. D. C, will arrive here this morning on a visit to his brother, Mr. W. H. Burns. Mr. Richard Gwathney. one of the most popular of the Kichmond drum , mers who come this way. spent yester day in the city. Mr. Gwathney is to auit the road, much to the regret of his fair friends in this section. Minister Ransom passed through Charlotte last evening over the Sea board Air Line, on his way from Blow ing Rock to Wilmington. Mr. J. W. Thackston, of Raleigh, was in the city yesterday. Prof. Jerome Dowdbas returned from Boston, and gone to Newton. From there he will join the merry company at the Watauga, at Blowing Hock. .Mr. C. A. Daniels, bookkeeper at Hr ris & Keesler's, has returned from f visit to relatives in Oxford. TBI HOUBEH 1U.B flCNIC A Cliaoco for AU to Help the Orphans at Bariom. The third annual basket picnic and re-union of ex-Confederate soldiers at Mooresville, takes place to-morro. This picnic will be conducted as usual in the interest of the Orphans' Home. Addresses will be made by disiin guished speakers, and music will be furnished by the Statesville band. There will be exercises by a class of orphans and bicycle races. A track, has been graded and put in splendid condition. and all cyclists are invited to be present and enter the races. Special railroad rates have been secured. The train leaves Charlotte at 7 a. m., returning leaves Mooresville at 0 D- m. Round trip ticket from har- lotte. $ 20; StaUsville, G5c: Taylors ville, $1.60 and all intermediate points in proportion. Everybody is cordially invited. All mends of this cause are requested to bring baskets. Mill Motes. The lights in tie Sjtsh Cord Factory were turned on last night for the first time. The lightiug was done by the 4C'.s. Mr. A. P. Rhyne, of the Rhyne Mills Mt. Holly, was in town yesterday. The Stanley Creek Mill is to increase . its capital stock from $20,000 to $:t4.000. The mill was never in a more prosper oua condition. The Liddell Company, of this city have taken the contract for the steam plant of the Henrietta Mill No. 2 for oattery or three eighty-horse power boilers.' Tbe Henrietta is a water power, but requires steam for heating and other purposes. The company has tbe contract for all tbe architectural castings for this mill, which will amoun to something like fifty tons. Retarninx Force. me . u. u. a. camp is expected in today, Asheville was tbe last point mule From all sources comes the -news tht ihe boys have had a good time. The Hornets got in yesterday, ooe and all delighted with their trip, and grateful alike forcourtestes extended by the Seaboard. CoL Johnston and Mrs. T K Robertson" and daughters, who went with the company, returned also. The boys sav Ocean View is the, place for them. -They will live in sweet an ticipation all winter of returning there nixt summer. May-Leave Karnnr. luui Miweted. It is not improbable that the fare well service to Miss Mary Torrance in the First church Sunday night will not be held, as'Miss Torrance may have to leave" here , Saturday night instead of .Monday morning, as she intended. She expects a telegram any day telling her when to leave Charlotte, If the party of missionaries with which she is go Insjleavea St Louis Tuesday night in stead of Wednesday night, she will be compelled to leave hereSaturday night. w ku'" . n Mr. Munroe A. Kennedy is deploring ! the loss- or $76 50. Ilia had" put the money between the mattresses almost half way up the bed. Yesterday morn ing he found a window open in his bed - room, and on 'looking for his money i disc vered that it was gone. He was robbed in the night. ' - -- - " 1 ' -1 ' ' ' ." :.F .8sK(rsitni. - " Miss Annie King, who' has fitted her- 'self for a professional nurse, and who assisted in nursing Mrs. Bason, during , her illness, - leaves this morning for : Durham to accept a temporary place in the Watts Hospital. : Miss King prefers to settle in Charlotte if she sees any opening hem. - ' . - . r Charlotte la to", bear Gen." Gordon. The Y. M. C. A. star course committee has secured a date with him almost a Christmas present to barlotte De cember 23rd. A rare treat ia In store for the ;Queen City..: . ' - ; . Mow Tuaessr at the Urihsssf, Miss Uessie Drayton, of South Caro - lina.whose services have "been secured! as teacher at the Thompson Orphanage. I has arrived, and will open her summer KfcOOMo fS djs, r . " m Porter Breaks Hnbu Gles Messrs Jim Porter and Will Glenn are members oi me nre ueirwui. VMtn)tfvcn nr about ft . o cioeav- feeding timeMr. Porter was up stairs and Mr. Glenn down stairs in tbe bait. The former remembered that it ; was fAAd time.? He went to the slide-pole, thn hia W around It. and down be hot. About the time tne tnouirnt oi it being feed time occurred to r. sor ter it also occurred to Mr. Glenn. The latter started toward the stall und, na- fortnnately .for- him and Mr. Porter, passed under the pole, - just exactly in time to be struck bv Mr. Porter. - Mr- Porter's knee struck Mr. Glenn on the aose, break ing It, so that it was knocked entirely round to one side. r. t'.orier ran for a doctor as quteKiy as ne couw, seearinar Drs. Misenheimet and It. J. KrAvard. Mr. iorter was more-uia- turbed over the affair than Mr. Glenn. He has been the cause of several people eettinr hurt in the, last -year and has crotten auite sensitive on me moieci. The affair of yesterday afternoon was nnrelv an accident, aa were me ovner inluries Mr. Porter ia dieted. 1- Mr. Glenn was doing well last night. ' - jl rva-t. . Mr. Howard 'Vrinehestor and a Colored ' HaHari(ht. Mr. J. -R. -Winchester clerks for Messrs. Lonff Bros., of East Trade street. He has a son 20 years old. named How ard. "Messrs. Long have a drayman named Eli Rodd v. Koddy. has a son about 15 named Will. . Yesterday after noon young Winchester and Will Roddy were at Mr. u. A. uanieis store, on Mvers street, u A discussion arose in which Roddy disputed Mr: Winches ter's word, and got kicked for so doing Roddy's father, who lived in rear or the store, was called in bv the boy. and he and voungWinchester had a pretty lively racket. ' Fistic arguments were oegun ith and rooks afterward resorted to. Winchester says that Roddy cursed him and Roddy says Winchester: abused his child. Roddy claims that Winchester struck him on the head with a rock and threatened to get his gun and shoot him if he came in tne yard to get nis horse. Winchester says the Roddy boy threw a rock at him, str king him on the leg. The mayor will hear both sides of the complaint this morning. POSB8 AND TABLEAUX, Tho I ant of the Entertainments for the Hospital. The last of the series of entertain ments for the benefit of the Hospital will be held in the city hall to-night week, after prayer-meeting. The nature of the entertainment will be unlike the orecedine ones, partaking more of tableaux than music. Some of the fair est of the fair have been enlisted and the programme will be full of interest First will be the poses plastiques; next tableaux mouvevant, next popular ballads illustrated by six of Charlotte's pretty girls "songs without words as it were and last a graceful exercise of club-swinging. The ladies of the hos pitals are in need of funds. They lost money by the two last concerts, and will ask the public, which has ever been kind and generous to the Hospital, to remember them and their petition next Wednesday night. Ia the Happy Summer Time. About 9 o'clock last evening a party of you tig people left in buggies and sur reys to take in a lawn party at Derita They returned in the "wee small hours," after having a pleasant ride and merry time on tbe green. This evening from 5 to 7 Miss Sdllie Bethune's Sunday school class will en joy a party in the mint yard, not in V ance Park. The Sunday school of Ebenezer church, A. R. P., will have a picnic to morrow. Several from Charlotte will attend': The . party of wheelmen picnickers which went out Monday night is likely to resolve itself into a permanent r ganizat'on for the summer, so delighted were all with tbe trip. Some of the Uapttst boys of tbe cuy gave a straw ride last night. The Messrs. Tessier were at the head of the affair and made it a pleasurable suc cess. The young people about Mr. John Glenn's, near Amity, unite in a big pic nic Monday night next. The Sunday school or bint Martin s Chapel will have a lawn party this af ternoon in front or the chapel. Houts, 6 to 9. Church History a ;o mptiml By the Oh srer. itev. r Krueti noi- only gives ni own fl'HJk a'l needed attention, but ttml- time now and then to "go over into Macedonia." This week he is lending a helping hind and voice to Rev Mr Thomason, of Grover. The meeting is so tar, a success. Mr. l'rurtt win r- tnrn Saturday. Rev. Jesse W. Siler, of Providenc- alter a month s rest aoo recreation in the mountains, which he 1-ives as horn has returnei to his pastoral work hi. d duties. itev. or ureasev writrs that he is en joying himself very much in the moon tains or lrgmta. and asks for exten sion of time. He wili not return hy Sunday, as expected, but win arrive ti e latter part of next week. The service being conducted by Rev. Mr. Little at Steel Creek are b ing largely attended, and the interest is great. As a gentleman expressed it "they are having a hallelujah time." A Trip Through the Tard. The Southern's increased business has made it necessary to have more rolling sr-ocic. a new engine, just rrom the Richmond Locomotive Works, is on the way here now. Fourteen large freight enrines moguls are being built, and will soon be ready Jm leave the sheos. The Southern is making ready for in creased business as it adds more and more tributaries to the main stream. Cap, B, A. Newland. passenger agent of the Seaboard, spent test erdy hereon his return from Norfolk, wh re he went as special chaperon of the Hornets. He extended his trip to Baltimore, but touched at Norfolk off and on to see how tbe boys were faring. Superintendent Rd:r, of the South ern, wrote Mr. Gresham last night; "We expect to have the carpenters out of the depot -aturday night, and want you to serve breakfast Monday morn ing." The Atlantic. Tennessee & Ohio is to take its place yet 'mongst the railroads of the land. Abo t eight miles of new steel rails have been laid, and when the whole shall have bee completed there will not be a better stretch of road in the State. . Stills That Orlad "Kxeoedlas; Snail lit may not be generally known, but most of the wheat of this section of the country is milled at Caldwell's sution or Id Cabarrus. ,. r. - Kick Tredeo wick called this fact to mind" yester day. He was here with his wheat.- on his way to Caldwell's Station. Another party frdtn the Sardls neighborhood ac companying Mr, Treden wick, was taking his wheat to Concord. The mills in Cabarrus and. at Caldwell, like the mills of the gods, "grind slow, but exceeding small. . . -..! .Mr. R. E. Cochrane gives an at home to-morrow evening from 6:30 to 8 o'clock ia honor of Mrs. S. C. Moore, of Macon, Ga., and Mrs. Robt. Cochrane. ' - Misses Flora, and Nancy McXonald will be "at home" August 6th, from 8 to U p. m., so cards . issued yesterday anuouace. -. a. - , . Alia aaI Ills. Sit C. A. Cook has been unite unwell Iaiu - - his return' from Wilmington - AMs Annie Graham Shaw is missed f roan 4ier dk at Wv E. Shaw & Co's. She i suffering very much " with eyes, aDd J? unable to wpr , EinnuM rwrfccr ; -inner pm'T!Tl at hix bbui-uui. i i.j.' - - i r, a- -- - . ir HISCr!t FOTJfTKD AT HIS BBOTHXR Be Call Bin Oat Oi tbe Porcb. aad O FlreoaBim His Brother's JUtoI Boap- ped41nsoss a KUIIaav - . " . ' , - But for the glanee.of a ballet ana tne snapping or a pistoi,5 ino vj.j would have baa a aissressiog iravncmc to record tbi morning.. - - " Messrs. W. V. Buchanan ana wewion Buchanan are, brothers.- sons of Mr. A, L. Buchanan. , . w Mr. W. F. Buchanan has m bandsome house on Mint street. a ' Yesterday afternoon abot 1 3:30 o'clock be went home to see. if his wife did not want to go to. ride.;, He was stand ng in the sitting rooro talking to ms wire. wbea ttbeir Hille- -daughter, Jessie, ran" in and said: "Uncle Newton is at the gate, Oe'a -gt J S gon and he wants to sew papa. - - lira. -Buehanao at once became . alarmed and-begged Mr. Buchanan not to go out ;to see him : the children began erring also, - and be sought their father to - stay indoors. He told them they ;were iooiud, iiieru was no danger, that '2iewi mien have a gun. but be- did. not mean him any harm . He .finally tore himsel f loose from nis wie anu couureu uu walked out on the porch. "YOU TOLD just an be stepped down about two . . , . . . i i. tons ha urtrtresRHa nis . oroiucr. wuo 'thevJEenJ wan nut-on tree, about la reel aistant irom niiu. saying: - iNewton, uia you wuk vj kc me? Kewtoosata: " es; r ran a, you told He did not finish the sen tence, but raising his rifle took partial aim and fired. Mr. Bucba an said he aid not know at first whether he was shot or not. Mrs . Buchanan, who bad watched him go out. and saw Newton fire at her husband, began screaming for help, the children mingling their cries with hers. Mr. Buchana -turned quickly after his brotherflred, went in ' the house and got his pistol. When he leftJhome a weeK or so ago he turned his pistol over to the youug msn who slept In the house. He was not aware that iYjiad been used at all, and supposed that? it waa full of cart ridges as be lert it. tie ran out on vub porch and pointing it at bis brother, who was in front of the gate reloading bis gun, pulled the trigger. The pistol snapped. - The two brothers were oniy ten iee apart at this time. W. V snapped the pistol Be vera I times at ruewton, out it tailed to go off. . Newton, in tbe mean time, had retreated and stooa on tne pavement a few feet to southward of the gate. He bad succeeded in getting the cartridge in the gun by this time, and as W. F. raised the pistol again to fire, it failing to go off again, however, Newton fired again. Again the bullet passed by Mr. Bu chanan without touohing htm. new- ton then ran down Mint, turning into Fourth. A small white boy who was no lar from the scene of war hastened for the police. He met Officers Jetton and Farrtngton. They strucK out alter iiir. Buchanan s assailant and overtook mm . . 1 a in the alley-way net ween tne uenirai and Belmont Hotels. He was arrested and taken to the Tombs. THE AN1MU8, Or rather snpposed cause of the trouble was this: Mr. and Mrs. A. u. Hucnanan. parents of the two men who faced each other as deadly assailants yesterday afternoon, live on South Brevard street. Newton Buchanan lives with them. Mrs. Buchanan is away, and during her absence Mr. Buchanan the old man is staying at Mr. W. F. Buchanan's. Mr. Buchanan is old and has very nine to say to any one. l esterday afternoon ne was sitting on tne porcn at nis own home when Newton approached. His father saw he had been drinking, so did not speak to him. Newton after awhile called him off. and asked him why he did not spesk; saying: "Frank has told you something; he has been prejudicing you against me, and I II go and see bim about it i n get even witn mm. ne got his gun and went out. Mr. Kuchanan, rearing that ne was gomg mj raise some disturbance at nis son s. w. Fs , put out after him. to go to W. t to tell him to wntch out for Newton The l.ttter, however, out-walked the old man. and when the latter got to VV. F's lb brothers had faced each other, ach with fold steel in his hand level, d at the other. KKWIO.V BUCHANAN la about 38 years of age. Hehaslivt d in Charlolse for some years He drink continually and is generally regaroto as a desperate character. About a year ago his brother. W. F ,who it is said. h., supported him for ars and spunt hun dreds or dollars on him. paingnimoui of first out- difficulty and lhen another, sent him to tb K- tey Institute. New ton refused to take the treatment aft-i getting there eval letier-i passea between the hrothers in regnra to the matter, W. F telling Newton what he thougnl of hi C"iuluct. when he was trjiug to make something out of bl-w and save him. j coolntss sprang up between th mei-. They had not spoken scarcely fr a year, but W. F says bad no trouble of any kind in thai. lime. He had uo idea tha' Newton had come to his house, he said, to attack him. H said further that while he should dislike to see him pun ished be felt that it was but a protec tion to himself and family. Newton, he says, is, a deserte character. He is always cutting s m one or gei ting into trouble of one kind or another. Mrs. Buchanan thinks the law should take its course. She fears for her hus band. Mr. Buchanan sats his brother had been drinking, but that a person not knowing him well would not have de tected it, as he can drink a great deal without showing it. The prisoner was seen in the Tombs last night. He refused to make any statement whatever saying he would tell nothing but what would have to come out in court. AtUnst slSslddc. Jim Phlfe, colored, lives with bij mother on Eighth street between Cald- well and Davidson. Jim, it seems, nao toiled and striven and amassed a for tune of $8 50. Yesterday evening his mother - forced5 him to give ber the money.- He became desperate, and went, ud street and purchased some I morphine. Preferring death to life! without his money, be swallowed the morphine and was round afterward by his mother,1 in." a stupor.- Physicians were summoned, and worked with him for some hours. He finally revived. ' ' ' ' la Otxto. . . " Cotton took a spurt yesterday, as far i as receipts were concerned. It jumped from an average of two and three bales a day to 21 bales, by wagon. The platform has a corner on cotton. There are are about 40 bales on - the northeast corner; and tbat is all. "Squire Severs says, and he's a.atbor- j ity on all things, that there'll be cotton I in bv the latter part of August. Other "wise men' and learned sages" of - the eonnty do not agree with him. Ttor WntA4Uhiac.1' . Yesterday afternoon Hr. Vti C. White Wv2ttvZTi Slade Smith, of Cincinnati. - The SKSS TrTm smiSrwMrMT. RSet- rie; Miss Adeie wiukowsky, Mr. j. b. feriiIyi chosen for the fish, and thither the j liberal disCOUIlt f Orthe Un party repaired about 4 o'clock, and. re- - j A; . . j -' The Prtae la 8t Before Tb The Smith Manufacturing Company has offered a fine gun to the member of the Charlotte Gun Club who makes tbe best score out of 300 shots. The score for yesterday afternoon was as follows: . Anthony, 42; Stokes, 42; Orr 37: Jus tice,. 23; Butler, ; Uaertner.i 12; Pratberfc28;Carson,l; Todd 43,-Cresj rA f - TI Ti Ai,s(u r w A ; ...... lA5Siffnee of , n, parncft, Master Jenks Brady Giro HJ "f .;- Other Fteaawro. - v " & -The "tent party"- given by Master Jeoks Brady yesterday afternoon was a unique and pretty affair. The tent was pitched ia the lawn, and with its bright canvas and flying colors attracted the attention of all who passed. v "After, games many, the little ' folks went withla the tent where cream and cake were served. Those invited were: - Misses Picket and Clara " Anthony, Mister Jones. Sarah and Estelle Har grave. Julia Christian Bleeckr and Lit lian Reid. Flora Bryan, Mary Neil Mel Ion. Louise Boyd and Louise Hutchison. Masters Miller Wheeler, rom Wilson, Horace ttyers. Smith and Tom Preston, Fred.- Jar and Charite. Misenheimer, William Oaten, Tom Boyd. Edwin Cans- ler; Archie Jenkins, John . Margrave. Jackson Christian.' Edgar and Ulenn BaSkerviIIe, Ted Irwin, rfohn and Worth Andersooi Roland Pruett. James An derson, John, ' Andrew - and Jamt-s Hutchison, Holt and Erskine. Ardrey, Jack and-pf audle , Anthony. WH4T OIO HK WAHfT Mrs. Sinpaoa tomd Two Btraago Tlairors. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Simpson live some miles jn , the country. Monday Mrs, Simpson started out into the or chard and saw two men Math Rushrn nnA Uamn Mnllia linger an inni tree. stoppedfare mighty levers thatmove were at work, j After. going somf la nun oka Korfl ms nonlffiniiQ Kif lhA rAsl? nk;Mt nfik.u ioit ,nA t,.pH hlnow is tlie time to invest in footsteps. As she n eared the house she a.. Dnekln nwi1n TAIVafvl T k A VlAllfiA I , : . i . . .,.,f tftUVl Id Ul I U U w AM. a a a aaa vwbj mingthedoor as.he weBt. He thought J she had not seen him and after she re-'i,. i i -v.;. turned the man hurried in to ask her tlCleS Of daily Want, aS Shirt what waa the cause of the noise in the hotrse Mrs. imDSon accused him of being in the bouse, but he denied it Dr. Sanders to Ectore Blddte Hs;lts Rev. Dr. Sanders, of Biddla Institute, goes to Asheville on the 14th of August to deliver a lecture beforethe Young Men's Institute, a college in connection with Vanderbilt"s work' for colored men .Dr. Sanders' subiect will be: "Some Elements of Racial' Success. The buildings and grounds of Bid die Institute are to be lighted with elec tricity. The 4 C's will furnish the cur rent from town. They talk of running cars out to Biddle, and Dr: Sanders ano theBiddleites can see themselves coming into town on an electric car right now. IHschargLns; a Filial Duty. - Mr. W. P. Stevenson, of the bar of Chesterfield. 8. C. was in the c ty last night on his way to Iredell, of which county he is a native, to see his vener able father. Mr. btevensoQ married a daughter of the late Gen. Wf L. T. Prince, well remembered here as hav ing been a professor in ' tbe Charlotte Institute for Young Ladies, about twenty years ago. Dr. Craig Hero. Rev. Dr. John N. Craig, secretary of the executive committee of Home Mis sions of tbe General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, spent several hours in the city yesterday. Dr. Craig makes Atlanta his home. He was re turning from attendance on a Church I court in this state There are rew more able men in the Southern Church than Dr. Craig. Furniture Men to Take a Day Off. Messrs Thomas & Maxwell are to give their employes a day's outing To-morrow is the day, Rozzells' ferry the ol ace. Those to whom this enter prising firm will give pleasure are: Messrs. E. J. Manning, Q. J. Joyner, J. B. Walters. W. A. Black. C. G. Woo ten, John Kizer. Iewis Hbuser. OeSe tOUpt ' White organdies, 2 yards wide, worth 50. at 38c. n White organdies, 2 yards wide, worth GS. at 48c. Yellow dotted 8wiss, worth 25; art 14c. Red dotted Swiss, worth 25. at 14c. White dotted Swiss red used to 10, 20, 30 and 22c. White Dlaids and stripes cut from 30 to 12c " Navv blue duck reduced from 15 to 11c. Best percale, worth 124. l He- Beautiful quality crepons at luc.' $1 25 silk crepons in cream, pink aid Olue at 50c. One lot waist silks going at 21c ' Black organdie, with neat, white ures. 10c. fig- Colored organdies and dimities reduc ed to. 19c. Nob belt buckles, new designs, 15, 17. 28. 39c. Black belting, proper width. 19. 23 tuU 35c; red bel.ing. gotKi quality, 23c: hlack lisle mitts only 5c; 75c silk gloves reduced to 25c; pearl buttons, all sizes. 5c: pins, common quali y. lc; pins, fin est quality, 3c: needles, best gold eye. 3c; few pair white chamois gloves 50c: good variety narrow val. laces; all fan going at. a song; just a few very hand some parasols left name your pric and take your choice white, tan, brown and fancy; beautiful black serge, a! wool, 33c: new black goods bargains to-morrow; white lawn reduced to 5. 6. 7. '8. 10 and 12io; special offers in gents' furnishings of all kindssocks, hand kerchiefs, collars. Shirts, Summer cra vats in all shapes, suspenders, etc. If a bargain hunter ou need ns now". Harris 1 Keesler. fi? sipec WitfckwskyV Column. AND ff All those indebted to the late firm of H. "Barnch, in the ; retail r department, are requested to :pa at once Those indebted to tlld.'Whole sale department and whose bills are not dlie, WliL by anticipating the payments, not only ao Mr. ;i.s a . great favor but will be allowed, a WOT WAIT ! S. Wittkowsky, .'3-5- TO-DAY I : A.icost Vsale that mnans "soiuethincr:.- in plain wori , we a re Belling this -great stock' ".at. actual cost: cost means :cost and the crowds .that . tlock nere mornings and afternoons fi nd the nrices bear us" out in the Statement: doing what we - claim, . proving t.w me public that jou are selling at cost.-that their dollars itnis ereat stock or summer dis-Mggjrables and necessities; I . . . curtains, linens and the ne - - m Icftssitio.s of house, to say -- 5 nothing" OI the thousand ar- I waists v parasols, umbrellas, i underwear, , corsets, silks. f dress goods, gloves, hand kerchiefs, laces, embroider ies, wnite gooas. rugs, car pets and mattings are in this sale: it ALL goes and at the lowest 'figures ever iquoted; if you want to get ia it come to-day. T. L. SEIGLE & CO. White Dmck The demand tor duck is never satis fied. Bolt after bolt has been scattered from our counters The last order ol the season has been made. The famous boot 1 nee duck (white) is again on sale at 12ic; limited quantity. Its Substitute Is also here; a heavv, twill back, white. 27-inch materia), 10c. yard. einwfoi!e Oar sale goes plowingon, rutllingthings here an . there, cattering excellent values all over the. State, reducing the stock amazingly daily. Anything in Summer Goods goes in our sale. Lawns of all. kinds. Mulls, Or gandies, etc. Mail orders receive prompt attention. Few White Kid Gloves 50c , 75c. and $1.00 No SI. 18 black 20 inch Dresden tip Umbrella like ours. A Harvest Time in an departments for departments for buyers who want Dresses, Waisi Materials, linens. Doilies, Sheetings, Quilts, Parasols and Gloves. Remnant Sale Just one-half price. Remnant Ribbon one-half to three-qu;irter-aru lengtns. Gauze Vests 10c. 15c . 20c,. 25c . us ual prices, but most unusual figures on such goods. Cheviot for boys' pants 15Jc a yard. r. L Alexander. Sim anil Co uUK o in the paper is OUR DO SO in the store. NEW LINK- 15c. eac SHIRT WAISTS. H. all sizes, ANOTHER JXTT 50c. EACH. black and white, special J Vewtilmake lo Navy and black measure for you a double VAKr bkirt of these and storm fcKRGKS; a 1 guarantee 4 A f HEW LOT JUST Df. J fil at r HANDSOME ALL WOOU SKIRT MADE TO MEASURE FOR YQU ONLY $1 40. FIT GUARANTEED. JOB BABDCH A CO Opposite City. Hall ; JUST THINK ! no0eoOe66 of.DIAMOiNDS Will be disolaved in our show windows to-day. la dies especially invited to ex amine these jewels. The handsomest and largest col i lection ever seen in, the (South. John Farrior. 19 r ; Ralph Waldo Emerson Savs f Boston people can say these things without turning a hair). "The virtue of art lies ia detachment, f n: sequestering ooe object from the embarrassing varie ty. - We will detach from tbe em bar-, rassing variety of our stock and present for your considers' ion one object or ar ticle: Royal Scotch Linen Note Piper. Tastefully put up in pound pkgs; comes in eight styles; octavo and coml. rough and smoo.h, ruled and plain. 25c lb. Envelopes to match 10c package. : (, ' STOKE & BARRINGER, Book, Stationery and Art Store. : " 22 South Tryon St. ; - J'ail orders given prompt attention 7 jar 5 ftMB fSfoffiefs ;bf Boyfe Are careful about their ap-i pearance. . It is proper they. should be.". Youngsters like to be well dressed and ought to be as means allow, v lira best dressed boys in the city are those who wear, our ar tistic . suits. The line of olntriincr wa carrv is fit- i zL u.'..lAf Class III BVCIV .uauuuioi.i,.,.,- m mn,. on. bringing VV p. Piin ht JirtV nOV tO a nice- I s " . . -r. ty, and the money-saving we re offering this week will surprise you. Don't forget thfi hovs. Ihere never was a liPtfpr j'hailPP to ffPt first- a Oetrer ClldllCC IW geiin ai fijiss r inTninc e.npai . vv e must close out our stock. Prices can't stand in the vsrav Down ffOPs the fifflires WdV. .LJOVVIl goes llie "feUi C 1 and OUt gO the Cjothing. Don't wait. W. KAUFMAN &. CO., Leadiug Clothiers. - -m -m o a Orders by mail receive prompt attention and goods sent on approval. t i 1 i.if J . J 1 I to nor. oe iian ui esaeu when all our Summer Cloth- - . I ii -if 1 : ing IS gOlDg ailiail iue puce if -fiurrVir tn swll for. " . . n... fn.u.o hrtf woalhov J U I LUIIIVUll 11VV V mm m suits are ouly half the weight of warm suits, but have double the comfort in them; cool enough for day, warm enough for evening, nice enough aud cheap enough for anybody. Clothing may make a man cool and happy or warm and miserable, lake your choice We sell the pleas- inar kind. We like to please people and can please you if you will let us. Long, Tate tfe Co, One Price Clothiers. - We solicit orders from a distance and will send goods by express on approval to anv Dart of the country, re turnable at our expense. It's .Thin Cloth ing Yovl Waet We are well fixed for w you. VY e have some thing good at a very low price. How would you like to have a 2 Negli gee Shirt for fl.25? We got them to-day at a bar gain and they are for you. Zephyr cloth in beautiful patterns; each shirt has 2 collars and a pair of cuffs. If bought regular we " could not sell them for less than 12. Double-breasted serge coats $4.50 and f 5; White:; duck . trousers fl.25. - . a-. ' .VV-- aaa. . w 5 INUKE INE'.LU KKUAliLE TSA FiRE , IXSLM'CE Cl' The JETNA : s the only insurance company that has invested ' 7onr home securities, : ' and . to-day hold S67.000 in Mecklenburg-' eosnty bonds Represented In Charlotte by 7. Ro E; Cochraine 1 ' " '-. - INSURANCE AND , " v ? . RE Ah ESTATE AGENT. XlkrA ink k- AUGUSTA BREWING CO.'S ; SPECIAL BREW ON TAP AT ALL SALOONS - . t ., . ... . , J. Hi-i-VVED DINQT0N & CO., Hardware v- v ; How Drooltious the times!. How ev victory to Charlotte and iU energetic ,.-.". t- . - i : i .... .11 around us. adding substantial' growth to the upbuilding of our wide awake little eltv. - There is nothing uke mov ing and doing in this world. As tner chants we believe that every dollar a - a worth of "f001" we can send abrad is to tfat esteDl victory for Charlotte. If wn w ah to build our cttv. we must m duc.4 people to come, and when once here we must offer inducements toonng them back. " Water runs down hill hy a natural law. and people go where their ,.... t,i hv alswss natural. From the beginning we adopted tho idea o- nrogression in our Business uu u't left nothing undone to move it to the front. FiTort! Effort, what wll it not doi And tki nur great business growth is hm a faint illustration of I he great won ders to be attained in building-Obar lotte, building it to a great cty. ttever in the history of the Racket have we offered greater inducements to buyers than we are offering this seasou. ah through the house work of cutting nrices and clearing up broken lines con tinues. The large lot of fine straw bats at 25c, worth 75 0 to 81. 25, raised a sen sation and they will soon be gone, now can we sell them so cheap? we are ask ed. Why, many lines of goods come to us for much less than half what it cost to make them. . We never stop to think about that; we put 00-a small profit and let them go. We are closing an elegant line of gents Hue halt hose at, iu. it, and 24c a nair; They are about as cheap as the bats. You may nevir get snrh porwis again for the.nrice they are offered at. We . carry the largest and most attractive stock of carpels and matting in the State, and our reputa tion for selling carpets cheap is weu known. Buving direct from the mill in large quantities, saving you the jobbers' profit of 15 to 20 percent, tsampiesaea nrices sent on application. Good stock buggy whips from 8 to lie and going ranld v at me Drice. neareciwuK , Rni Kant goods, made by Geo. Westenholm.Wade lflj ;i llllb I UJ'l 1 V JWW rm u u " and Butcher. See them." logeiner wUh a Hne o 8helf hardware. pocket knives, scissors and 8 noons at rock bot- I . 1 I,: t 1. U.... Irtinn1a wm prices, dsiuuh .cur,o,jvu u..-, dav honks and memorandums, witn a full line of pnper and enveloi es, gath ered up by the law of dollars and offer ed away below the low. water mark of competition. ' New arrivals in glass and China ware. Hath tubs and tin water sets. Visit this department and go all through the house and secure some of the many rare bargains offered. """ - Wilms, Hood S Co., 4ncwawft to W. J Davi v f5. SPECIALS IN CHINA DINNER, SETS, THIS WEEK IT IS OUR rLKAHfJKK TO OFFER FOR THE COA SIPEU ATION OF CAREFUL BUYERS THE BEST VALUES IN CHINA DINNER SETS EVER SHOWN IN THIS PART-OF THE COUNTRY HA VILA ND L fSf VO ES CHINA. HR PIECE DINNER SETS, IN A VARIETY OF Da LI OA IE SfHA Y OR BORDER DECORATIONS, COMPLETE. ONLY $M 00. AUSTRTAN CHINA SETS. W PIECE RAGGED ROBIN DECO RA TION. NA TUBAL COLORS vntn GOLD TRACINGS, FOR 825.00: BLUE BORDER DECORATION, $5 OO. O THER HANDSOME DEC OR. A TTONS. tSa.OO. THESE ARE NOT OLD SHOP WORN SETS: BUT RECEIVE! U THIS PAST WEEK AND ARE HIGH- CLASS GOODS. ; G. S. READ & CO. Mrs. Joe Person s Remedy - -IS A Flee Tomiic. - Unequaled Alterative, Unfailing Blood PurihVr, Almost Maglcalin its Cure of In digestion, Infallible in cases of Scrofula. In short, the Remedy Is a core -for all the evils that flesh Is heir to,' that result from impurity of the blood. ', " ; - For sale by all leading druggists over the State. ..' v i . . -THE WORLD IS MINE." -mi wax keard tn:n, M reisark. ar h waa IMtvlMa- lam nu r .... ., v, , HIE W.l.SOiW HARNESS CO. I! A M B I E 1 ! RACKET STORE; TO-DAY. . H. A. RENZ, Agt. Ve are going to sell put our water coolers, ice picks, ice shavers. ; and other summer "goods cheap. ; Dealers, ' . 29 East Trade Street. Roaring Gap Hole 1. a' n ROARING GAP, ALLEGHANY - COUNTY, N. C. i The most delightful summer resort in ihe State. Open from June 1st to Oc tober 1st, 1U5. All modern conven iences. Hot and cold water in hotel. The cuisine and general service will be the yery best and terms only tl per day, 7 per week and t25 per month. Trains leaving Greensboro, N. C, at 10:30 a.m. reach Elkin at 2 p. m., and a carriage drive of 15 miles takes you te hotel in 3 hours. Address, - t. A. CHATHAM, PROPRIETOR, ELKIN, , - , - - N. C. TT TT : rl is am fl0TTl To Keep Abbeast lv .of the Times On saoaid ondeavor to lead tha pHT-Hton not follow It. To cope witn ins irugm, am- blttona ones, you must own your nonie. 10 continue renting one will ultimately nna you In tnenignwayamna imhik, itwh.i,i opportunities wltb all once hopeful In the Dacaarouna. . The facts are stubborn and pertinent You should ponder well and consider Just where you stand at present. ' . . The opportunity Is offered you whereby tor fewer dollars and utmost oonveDlence you may own a home, and It should not re quire a neoond thought for you to make toll provision 01 coraiort ir juih .. pec table sur-ronndlnas for your family . E. D. Latta. TKUB i'EE'S SAlE. tTmi., . h,r vlrriiH nf n defd of trurt executed to me 'by John . W right and wife, Hal tie w rich t.-nd negiiivo in omk t., page 7, Office R Klt of peedn, Mckl-n- tourg county. North Carolina, 1 win en at public auction, at tbe county court boate door, in the fliy of Char otte. North Caro lina, rriaey. tne viu uu.,i. ... 1HM5. at 11 uVI ck M that certain lot of land in the city of Coarlotie, Ward No. S, bln part of lots Noil. SMiaod Wl.ln aquare No. iH, an Kb own and dianttl on Beer'a Mtp 1 1H77) of aldolty: Beginning at a stake or post on Sd street, Bryaut'a Soul heafct corner, and runa with Sd atreet la an Eastern direoJ tion ", feet to a staae; tnence paranei withU street in a Northern direction im feet to a stake ; thence lu a Western direc tion parallel with 3d street 4V feet to a stake; thence parallel with D,T atreet 1WJ feel to tbe beglunlng corner. ,? Terms caah. .. aB,iuuH"i .. , -i-i'-;:,. ', Trustee. Charlotte, N. C, July 9tb, im. wed TRUSTEE'S; SALE. Under and by virtue of a deed of trust executed tomeby 1 C. Beraand wlfe.Mag- KteByers, and registered u uooa i.pse w ia ofllce of Heglsterol eeds, Mecmeu- burg county. North Carolina, 1 win sen a public auction at tbe county court nouse door, u the city of Charlotte, North Caro lina, on riaay, ine vin any u " 1M5, at IS clock. M., tba certain lot of land in the city of Charlotte, In W ard No. 2, bounded as follows! Beginning at a iioMt, the southwest corner of the colored Lutn eraa eburch lot, on street, and runs with Sd atreet In a Western direction 44'4 feet.to a post; tbxnca ta a northern direction, par allel with a." street IHX)) one bimd red feet to a poar, tbence in an eaien -uirwuuu and ta ailel with Id street (44'4) forty-four and one-toarth feet to a post, L.ullieran cburcb Kt: thence lb. a sou.ne.n aira:w (101)) one buodred feet with the Lutheran ehnrch tot to the beginning. Terms cash: to. b Cochkank, .... Trustee - Cha-Iotte, N.C-, July'9th,is!5. wpq 1 1 nrynOSbj contemplating having, mod X ; em heating apparatus put in their residences had better not wait until September or October to have their work done as they may not be able to . have the apparatus properly r,ut ,nS" they wait until that time. Hdter hatre tt done now. We have , ; EXTRA INDUCEMENTS 1 in Affa, in ttiraifl h&vinir work done at v once. Let us hear from yu and we will have one of our representatives call on you. McNish, Meinhardt & Co. v d1 TjYNCHBUKG, va. ' EA.sY SHOES ' 01reat.e lo the wearer. pu can't be easy unles your fe i are. To- wear bad or 111 fitilnc oboes brings speedy punlhhmeu. A -oiuortrl- he la a bappy combination of ttaatnaiher. soperlorltv in inaunfactore and a fine nl Tbal'a ih- case wtb our ah e ever lime: they're Ibe best that can be produced. ' - submit tbe shoes to prove this statement aud refr toour prices to prove their cbeapiies. There's a whole volume of logic in theae figures. 1-inecalf l'.rWA p. KANKlN & CO. " THE. , . ; LATTA PARK lias been emptied and thoroughly cleaned and is again open to the public. The pool is open for all " ' from G;30 a. m. to 8 p. m. . . SPECIAL BATH j CAR: leaves the square C a. m. 1 ' 'cm ki -"' c J-