P.VTTjTT CHAHIiGTTIj OE 3HHVXHI, - AUGUST 7, ICC J. LOOKING ABOCSD. From All Directions Come Foople Who Are They?Rea4 and Know.l Mr. J. W. Keerans - arrived b home Monday night.. He has been the rounds of the springs and ..mountain resorts, stopping longest at Glen and Connelly Springs. ' - - Miss Hattie'Mahn, of Wilmington, is the guest of Miss Carrie Jones. :. r Mr. and Mrs. J. ft Burroughs, and Mr. and Mrs. W. IL Dula left last night tor Atlantic uuy. Mr. D..P. -Byers has eone. He. went to Atlanta last nisrht. - - Mr. John Snider, of Birmingham, has Joined his wire here. sc-iSSHa !LJ 'from tJamden, . U., to-morrow. Miss Carrie Maxwell comes home to has been for a month or so. - Maj. John D, Shaw, of Rockingham, - was in tne city yesterday. - - li - Mr. W. E. Griffin has returned to the city after an absence of several mtX ' Virginia. m nu' iTruiin MJr.-JfrrianK Uogers wis in the city yesterday. - Miss Carrie Wilder is rive home to-morrow. expected to ar- Mrs. -J. B. .Rankin went to Newton Monday afternoon to attend the funeral .. of her nephew, Mr. Robert J. Shlppv . Mr. Ib J. Walker is back from a trfb .which took in Cleveland Springs and Chimney Rock. " :ixr:;: Mrs. A. J. Baird, of Jacksonville, will arrive this evening to visit Mrs. C. . C. Hayes. . :. - Miss Bonnie Oates returned from Con cord yesterday. She fell in love with ; Concord, and no wonder, for our young ladies who have visited there have ever received great courtesy and attention Mrs. S. J. Hilton is back from Ail ; Healing Springs, Alexander county. 'Squire Hilton is so much pleased with the, springs that he will remain a : month or so Ion eer. Misses Lily Nash and Ada Friday go to uastoma naay on a visit. . Mrs; b Powell and children returned yesterday from a stay of some days at the Kocky River mine, where Mr. Pow ell is at work. Mr. Josiah Croley is visiting relatives and friends in the eastern part of the State. . Dr. and Mrs. O'Donoghue leave this morning lor ucean View and Wrights ville for a short stay. Miss Josye Pharr returned home last : night, after a pleasant visit to Rock Hill, S. C. - Mrs. T. D. Walsh and Mrs. Mollie Scott went to Gastonla yesterday. Mrs. O. M. Lfore and children, of Concord, came in yesterday on the noon train, accompanied by Mr. R. M. White, - wno naa neen to Concord on a visit. Miss Fannie Tessier went to Spartan- ourg, . u. yesterday. , Mr. H. C. Wall and family, and Capt J. Kj. Marshall, of Rockingham, arrived nere yesterday morning and left at noon for Saluda. Capt. Marshall family is at Saluda. Mrs. Judge Jos. T. Nisbet and Miss Marie Wisbet, of Macon. Ga., will ar rive in Charlotte from Winston Friday at noon and be the guests of Mrs. Edwin D. Latta. Mrs. Nisbet has many friends in Charlotte, having visited Uen. and Mrs. Young some years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fitzsimmons will be down from Cleveland Sprines to night. Mr. and Mrs. A. P Rhyne and Miss Lily Khyne, of Mt. Holly, were down yesterday, shopping. . Mr. and Mrs Rhyne leave week after next for a trip Mrs. J. M. Plammer arrived hdm yesterday morning on the vestibule from Baltimore. Her daughter. Miss 8816 flummer, will not return for sev eral weeks. She will stop in Washing ton on her return triD. Misses Bessie and Julia Robertson, go u umiouia iu aay on a visit. ON THE RAJ 1.8. Capt. Green Here Yesterday Notes of Track. nr TT y, the t Z a ' reen, general manager U1 uooumera, arrivea in the city ves ul""""s ou leit at noon, accom pauieu oy superintendent Ryder and woniractor tuiott, for points down the Air Line. Capt. Green does not come th's way as often as he "used to, but ne nevenneiess continues to be a gen ersi lavorite with train men in ind out of service. As one of them said yesieraay: "mey don't make them any cleverer man that man. Mr. Fleming Kamseur, of the Caroli . na central freight depot, is . his vacation in Lincolnton. spending o , vm- Anerson, foreman of the Duumern rouna nouse, and one of the oi nign degree, of this city will take the water route to Boston dur ing the conclave. He goes from here to x-ortsmouin over the Seaboard and from mere to isosion by boat, hopine to nre vent, by an ocean trip, his usual attaek of hay fever. Architect Hook left last night for Portsmouth on business connected with tue new tarouna Antral depot in this city, tie win return by Saturday. xue oig waiting room at the South station is me tning tbe public long - Cycle Notes. miss jmim enannonhouse, nothing daunted by her fall, was out on her wheel again yesterday. She attributes tier acciaent to guards with which she ,unn uer aress strapped down. " "mington could just see 4he six f L 79 riae that she has sfgni if . caKornes3 to run with, she wvum give up me race right now. But come on, noys; Uharlotte wants you xieizer nad a letter from Sehade yes- wuereAaams was rid i n aw as due .1 - s s u ,ae in1, fie wanted to uiui on me track again , fTl a. nn ... 0 j-uo. xvamoiers- run was postponed jmwj hbhi to-morrow. 81ck and SafTerlBr. Mr. Archie Anderson, assistant regis ter of deeds, was not at his desk yester- , "cnn nome sicg Monday even I.nf : An1d..d.ld no sho ap yesterday. , ren is an indispensable "article" about the court house and his speedy urs Arthur L. at uer nomeon south Church street. . - : - ... j met lii ar. .oni aoaston, or Stone & Bar ringer, is quite sick at his home in this - ' Conn try At Home." The tain; yesterday afternoon W :?Z ... contingent from the ini. wm uias ne mewonald party at Mint Hill, as expected, bat those who wen and returned last night report the norougiy eiightf ul one. f "hie Maxwell, of Charlotte: MISS Pattie Mnrris nri stt,oU t-. j Mi&s McDonald, and their combined ef- tne party a grand success. At the Gap. If, U n riu-n ; .... . . -. , uuuim, oia or me Dro- -" v . wit? ivoarmg . uap, lloteL eu. ycateraay n. Charlotte, and the iT lQe tlme Andrews rrr?,"" new fa'aiture for the r nam reports a good sea- Mrs. Wriston and Mr. and Mrs.1 J. D. Church are still at the Gap. - " .'- -'- " '- A OorrectlM. ..; ' '- ' In the: list, of.;-Charlotte Industries published in Sunday paper Mayor iveadingtoa was given as president of the Bellows Works. The works are owned and operated by Messrs. New comb & BerryhilL - - An Open Boll. . " Mr. R. A. Grier, of Steel Creek; found the first open boll of : cotton in hi Sttt"iy. He's not hilarjoos oyer it, however, as he says It's a sin of a poor crop. . ... , -Death ef an Infant. '- 1 r. unci rs. J. hoa. Mo- Donald, of I ..s to.-nshfp, diedvester Uiy mor-.; Itsaf ; was three months. CHATTTFTED, The - folks Who Axe ' Interesting - Are Those '.Who Knew a Variety of News Catch On. , - " ' The concert to-nighW rhre link Is the.Odd Fellows badge. -Th Odd Fellows nave the ton to-day. Pone and rose at the'eity ball to-night Looks like a bridal set. doesn't It, in An- arewi' wmaovrr The Gun Club did not shoot yesterday, out wui snoot to-oay, .;;; . .The Mandolin Clos gives a concert In Monroe on (be lstn. - :. . - The flnanee eommlttee met last sight U1U ttlMUWM W?OVHUW": -"' ..-.'.V ........ Derita averages a plcnlo a weea j batar day is the favorite day. r - .-Mr. VT. B. Wat Democrat, qualified yesteraay as a magistrate. .. Cotton reeeipts went np grade yester day, xnnmner ox Bates nanoieo. ai -The Surface HH! mint li moving on. -xney are woriijfiiw nfcmaiong, 'iryon street yesterday with crushing re salts. -The.eoanty flnanee eommlttee was : In session yesterday, settling with the tax col lectors - A came of ball is to b DlaTd Fril Beiwmn aewwi mua dbstob on ine m swell Charlotte i and surrounding coon try a heavy shower ot rain were blessed with last evenings . Help the Hospital by occupying a chair in tne city nau ko-mgm, a. seat wui oxuy cos you xa cents ; Office Jetton will spend his vacation at Blowing Rock. The Bock always has at- tneuons for tne ex-eniei.; Miss Ella Jamison has accepted a posi tion at me -oou xon- jtaaery. one oegins ner eierasupaionaay,. : ... Jakft" ZTewell was In town yesterda; The first thing he did was to pay his respeei to tSqolre Maxwell and Sorogglns. long Creek Is hauling wood as well as watermelons. - Most of the "spots" seen here yesterday were from that section. Mr.W. H.Phlfer. of Monroe, who was here yesterday, came to divide the property rs. ureen lxng into lots, preparatory to The Atlanta excursion is due to return this morning. Officers Klllough, Bigler and Wedding ton and the Chinaman come in, too. - . Mr. 8. j. Durham, of. Dallas, was over yesterday to purchase household furniture. tie ioana wnas ne was looking lor at d rows'. Perry Hlnea. one of Wadsworth's driv ers, was arrested yesterday morning for raising a disturbance at the Carolina Cen traioepot. He cursed Robert Morehead. A merchant of the eity paid Steel Creek a very handsome tribute yesterday. Bald he: "I would trust anybody from Steel Creek white or black. They are all good people. Kverythmg that comes from Bteel ure reek is good.' STOPPED SHORT' AGAIN. A Telegram Holds Up Work Compress. There's another hitch. on the Work was stopped again yesterday at the -compress. The sailors and other hands were all at work yesterday morn ing with their tackle, pulleys, etc moving the pieces of the big press, as nrst come to, wnen a telegram was re ceived frem headquarters ordering the work stopped. Capt. Green and Supt Ryder appeared on the scene soon after, held a consultation with Contractor Elliott, and when the noon train rolled out the three went out on it. The next move on the Seaboard-Southern chess board, in reference to the press, watched with interest. SCHOOL MATTERS. New Books to be Introduced A School Censns. The school board met last night in its August Bession. The principal busi ness which called them together was to discuss arithmetics. After full and free discussion, it was decided to sub titute Mune s arithmetic in the place or ine one now in use. White s geome try is also to be put in the tenth grade. borne one suggested that physical culture do put in me school. Action was postponed indefinitely. A suggestion which will be acted upon was that the mayor, in taking the census of the city, take also a census of me school children. Church News. Rev. J. E. King, colored, of the Eois copal ministry, returned to Raleigh last nignt, alter a visit to friends in Char lotto. Rev, King is rector at St Augus iiue a vuurca, xutieign. The library of Tryon Street Baptist ouuaay scnooi win consist or 175 books. and will cost $60. There is to be special service at Cen tral Steel Creek church Friday, Satur o.ay ana eunoay. liev. Dr. W. M urier, or Due West, S. C, will preach f'riday, and Rev. J. T. Chalmers, of Philadelphia, Sunday. Rev. A. G Kirkpatrick and Mr. C S. Brice, of Woodward, & C, were here yesterday A protracted meeting began at Ebe nezer last night. It will continue week. 1 he A. K. P 8. are in session to-day at Woodruff, S. C. The young people 01 me aecona tresoytery are assembled mere. Mr. McCall Will No Doubt Sneeeed elf. Him At their meeting Monday, the county commissioners win eiect a superinteo dent for the county home. The present l . . 1 . If. T r iff-si . . . lutuuiueui, air. J. v . AiCvjail. Will no doubt be re-elected, as the commission ers "know a good thing when they see it,' and this being true thev will not likely supplant Mr. McCalL He has made a No. 1 superintendent and the ubservkr casts its vote for him now and on Monday. ...- The Crop Will Be Short and Sweet. About the last shinment of Georgia meions was unioaaea nere vpstprrtnv no use in calling on the patches of Georgia and South Carolina, as long as vnariutte jias Jtserryniil. rtw Creek tteei creek, "the river," and last but by no means least. Ferrel Town, to araw on. '1 he crop threatens to be short and sweet, u. ne weather has been so dry . 1 . . i 1 . t . . wu su mtsions nave oeen made very tvnk vui vucrtj u uo tewer 01 mem on account or the drought : Behind the Counter. The 1st of 'September will see two new races in t. JU. Alexander. Son A. Co.' Mr. u. w. Davis, of Woodard & LiOtnrop'a, Washington, D. C. and Mr. v. ju. lieu, or Btatesville. Mr. J. n cannon has, signified his intention of not returning to Charlotte in th fall He will remain at his home near Gmns. noro. - - Miss Marele Adams.' of Joa lUmih a Co. 'a, is to leave shortlv : for Nw Yoir. wucre ue win aiuay tne tnuunerybusi 1 1 ill' 1 a .1 . . . ' - ' ness. . Priests on the Retreat. J our Catholio Driest wn nnti t toe station yesterday noon. ' The w x. k aners uernam, or Wilmington: Price, of Goldsboro: Quinnl of Nhr and Scales. They are what is known in Catholio circles as secular nrioste They belong to no order. .Yesterday they were en route to Belmont. wh they go in retreat to-day. The retreat win last mree days. - 7- V . iod at the Plate ; Kewa comes from Monroe that twn negroes got into a row onr a. f ball several days ago; and one after striking the other on the head with a u&k, nuiwu u a autre ana mt him t. the throat, severing the jugnlar vein. . .Hlt thaHlfk. air. union, who works at the- fnmt. tare factory, was painfully hurt yester- ujr ue was strucK on me hip tY saw, ana was unaoie to walk the rest of the day. Drg. JLrwin -and Misenhcimw attenaea mm. - . Ptve Ont of One. Mr. I. Meyer, of U. Baruch'sl yester day purchased a lot on the corner of tj odrv and McDowell streets. He will make nv lots instead of one and will build "on esl. THE SEW CEXSl'S. GoeselDg Began Yesterday Morning svs Soon as the Observer Was Out Telling of the Action of the Board. The Observer has long been of the opinion that Charlotte : needed two things a new census and a new direc tory. The matter of a new-census has been discussed on the streets for sev eral months and the Obskrvkb is glad to know that both census and directory are on the way. - "- ' : ' ,The city haa' made such a remark able spurt ' as to population in the past few years, that it is dne it aa well as the new comers that thev be repre sented - in the "numbering of - the tribes," so :, the. city in general was pleased yesterday morning when it saw that the ' board, of aldermen- bad de cided on a - new census, and that the work, would begin at once. - ? - 4 . -' -As soon as the action of the board was published yesterday morning peo ple began guessing on the result. The suburban settlements which are : 1 much a part of Charlotte as is Engle wood and other sections of Chicago a part of 1 its manicipality, should be counted. These settlements are hot cut off from Charlotte by any division or line, but' are continuous Snorth, south, and west of Charlotte. . Including- these, Charlotte's popula tion to-day, it is estimated by conserva tive lnggerers,"ris between 18;000 and 20.000 people. : . . ;" ; ... ; The detail of the census will be ar ranged by Mayor Weddington. He has not as yet decided just . how it will be taken, bet in . conversation with one of the aldermen a month ago, when the matter was being discussed, the latter said he could take the police and have the census taken in a few days. COTJMTT COMMISSIONERS Order. Stoa; to Bo Placed On Sororal ' Beads New School Committeemen. ' The county commissioners were again in session yesterday. The work of the day summed up thus :- V It was ordered that 1,500 yards of stone be placed on the Walker's ferry and Lonegan's ferry roads, near the four-mile post, to be paid for when used. The board also orders sufficient stone to be placed on the Salisbury road to macadamize that road to the five mile post. A. D. Campbell was appointed school committeeman in District 17, in place of J.Wilson Miller, who failed to qualify. J. Lee Sloan, Sr., resigned as school committeeman for district No. 42, De wese township, and W. G. Sawyer was appointed in his stead. J. H. MoNeely was granted license to retail liquor at No. 234 East Trade street. The board will meet again next Mon day. IN THE VESTRY ROOM. Items of Interest to Episcopal Readers. The Daughters of the King are cast ing about for a room for the Woman Exchange. They had the use of two rooms in the old city hall free of rent, and fear that they will not be so fortu nate as to be relieved of rental in the future. The regular monthly meeting of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew will be held to-night. The congregation of St. Peter's Epis copal church is more than pleased that Rev. Mr. Miller will remain with them until Mr. Hoffmann's return. He has given perfect satisfaction and pleasure to ail to whom he has ministered Rev. Mr. Hoffmann's letter in Sunday' Observer was read with pleasure not only by his own people, but the public at large, lie writes as delightfully as he talks, and be given him. greater praise could not In Blocks of Five, 1. e., Five Coaches. The Atlanta excursion which left here Monday morning was escorted as far as Abbeville by Capt. J. G. Basker ville, ticket agent, of the Carolina Cen tral. When the train reached Abbe ville it consisted of 13 cars, all packed to the roof. Three more were waiting at Elberton, Ga., and 230 people who had bought tickets. An excursion train of seven packed coaches of whites and blacks passed through here yesterday morning on the Carolina Central, running from Klien boro to Wilmington. j Mill Notes. Capt. Thos. H. Haughton has adjust ed the loss by fire at the Tuckaseege Cotton Mill. Damage was assessed at $375, all of which has been paid. The fire, as will be recalled, occurred in the picker room. Mr. 8. J. Durham, purchaser of the Bessemer City Mill, was asked yester day what he -would do with the mill whether or not he would run it himself, He replied that he was very much de voted to his law and would hardly give that up. The mill, it is presumed, will be operated by Capt. J. M. Odell. Colored Sunday School Workers. The Sabbath school convention of Catawba Presbytery will meet at 11 o'clock to-morrow morning in Belle- fonte chureh, near Harrisbura. Re duced rates have been granted over the railroads. A full delegation is expected from the schools of the Presbytery, and a large attendance of people from the region round about. The annual sermon will be preached at a, p. m. by Dr. Sanders. Subiect The Mission of the Sabbath School The convention will last two days. The Shaw Clnb to Have "the Right of WjM This Afternoon. The Shaw Club has the "right of way" to-day. This : afternoon Mr. W. S. Shaw, in whose honor the club is named, will take his girls on a run, and then bring them back -to his house, where an ice cream treat will be awaiting them. While there he proposes to test the camera with them. - He knows they are the best looking o.iuo in town and be s going to make the camera say so. - Mr. Shaw is to be the central figure of the group. A Trip Every One Should Take. The American Pharmaceutical Asso ciation meets at Denver, Colorado, Au gust 14-21. . For this occasion, the Southern will sell round trip tickets for o.yo. two routes will be offered either by St. Louis, or Kansas Citv Colorado Springs and Pueblo, two of the most famed places of the West. will be taken in en route. The Mani- tou waters are aiexhiliarating as cham pagne. These the ' traveler to Denver finds on draught from Kansas City on Breach of Promise. xne county commissioners and Mr. Lu ai.- McAllister nave gotten into a kink, as it were. The; commissioners. so the story goes, agreed to pay Mr, Me AUlster 1223 if they ran the road just back or his .house,' They looked the ground over. and. according to the Ob serves g Informant, staked off the wav. on alter wara aia not run me road that way,, so Mr. McAllister threatenshem with a breach of promise suit. Concerning Monroe. Dr: Blair, of Monroe, father of Mr. Blair, the druggist, of this city, is still lingering jon- lie oas been paralyzed for some time, and is in an unconscious condition, r , v- .------ , 11. a- aqusi, .sq., or Ai on roe. was here yesterday. The business which brought him up, was the sale of a small piece of land in Pine ville township be longing to J, M. Farely, colored.. Price 35.-, . " - " . 'T - - Mlas JM' Work. . 7. "7- r Miss Carrie Jones in KWYofI Thursday for a month's stay in order to catch on to the latest in the fall stvW of millinery,, before resuming her work in Chattanooga. She has a yearly posi tion in the largest store in Chattanooga; is the head of the millinery depart ment, with 16 girls . under her, Mia Essie Jones, her sister, who was witbJ her last year, will return with ber this year. - - THE ODD FELLOWS CONCLAVE, THE? MEET TP-DAT IN THIS CITT. The ' Advance Guard . a Good no The First - Session; This Afternoon A Wel- : come to One an All. t - rr .:.- The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows meets in this city to-day. r The session will be held this after? noon in Masonic baiL No special programme: of: exercises could be given by the local lodge - last night, so alL the public can know until to-morrow - morning is, that this is the day of meeting, and that' the following advance guard arrived last night and took rooms at the Central: : v s M. W. Jacobi. Wilmington; J. A. Wil liams and W. D. Gaster and B. C Gra ham, Fayetteville; W. H. Cohen and P. H- Pelliter. Newbern; J. P. Sawyer and W. A- Allison, ; Asheville; L. C. Howlett, Greensboro; J. C. Allen, Tar boro; C. E. Headen, Elk Park; J.J. Mc Eachin, North Carolina. Mr. Pelliter is -the grand officer, the head of the order. The rest of the delegates will be in to-day on the noon train. - Officer Duke, of the police force, who is an enthusiastic Odd Fellow, was looking after the delegates who arrived last night. Several of them found their way to the Manufacturers' Club and spent several hours there. - The city sets its "gates ajar", to-day1 to these representatives of the three mystic links. . They are cordially - wel comed and are assured that the freedom of the city is theirs. - -' : WHO? ... .:. The Second Church Puts That Iaterroga - tory to Itself Four Applications In The next question which naturally presents itself to the Second Presbyte rian congregation is: "Who will we get to Preach to us? , mo one has. as yet. been suggested, or thought of. This church has been particularly blessed with its ministry, and the members feel confident that they will be able to se cure a preacher who will rank second to hone of the five able men who have successively 'and successfully filled this pulpit. The Second church is the largest church in the Southern Assembly. It seems to have a knack of getting and losing good preachers, so the present situation, which, while they each and all .regret, yet, at the same time, in spires them by past experience, to "take heart of fgrace,"and cast their eye over the broad and cultured field of Presby teria nism, and find some one who will fill the bill. Already four applications, or equiva lents, have been received, three of which were from the North and West. A "lookout" committee, the Ob server learns, will be appointed San day- A Second Sight. Mrs. Elvira Turner, of Cool Spring, Iredell county, is about 80 years of age and is nearly deaf, and also blind from cataract. She came to St. Peter's Hos pital, and yesterday Dr. Wakefield per fored a, successful operation on one eye, removing the cataract. OFFICE OF y The Loan and Savinffs Charlotte, N. C, Aug. 6th, 1895 The phenomenal success of this Bank as a depository for ' The Sav inga of the thrifty and as a Bank of Loan," being now a well ac knowledged and duly appreciated fact. a, testified by the sixteen hundred (1,600) depositors, and the gratifying balance sheet at the close of business on Monday, the 5th hist., being 8274,128.02. t We" are now desirous through "The Press" to acquaint the pub lie tnat tmaer our cnarter we are authorized, and now solicit to be come the 'Depository' of 'Wills, To act as Aaminiswators and Executors of Estates, To become Guardian for trust funds, To buy and sell Bonds and Stocks ?nd to negotiate loans for others, To rent safety boxes, etc , etc Respectfully, S. WITTKOWSKY, Pxes't. A. BRADY, Cashier. ENTIRE STOCK WlTHOlfTBE SERVE AT EXACT COST. We continue this great sale to day and you have once more a great opportunity to buy - dry goods; this-stock is new, fresh, clean, desirable goods of the very best qualities and the very choic est styles; you -can bay now at the great wholesale cost price; we are making ready ' for our great fall business: we shall then present to you one of the choicest gatherings of dry gcoda ever shown in the State; new people, store to be overhauled and beautified.' atten tive salespeople and the choicest goods manufactured at the very least cost: you must get the ad vantage of this great cost sale now ; we mean business: tnere s no drones and no foolishness here: we say the stock goes at cost and at cost it goes ; we mean what we say and do it thousands of glad, nappy customers are living wit nesses to the fact that we are Bell ing at cost : every day the news spreads : the crowd continue And the stream of buying humanity wends its way Seiglewaxd"and "bargauiward, for : the two are now synonymous ; -the stock, is not allowed to run down in the staple and needed : thing for -we have what yon want here , duck, - shirt waists, narrow laces ; you must not pass this opportunity ; you know fortune ; knocks styour door but ence ; take the opportunity to-day. T li. SEIGLE& CO. Bank Senile So MlllIneTand Fishing. mF. John Alexander, oi Provi- dence, is a noted hunter.and very nearly as good a fisherman. . Being a little dry, as all Providence people are, he con cluded, if the water wouldn't come to him; to take himself to the water, so jesierday morning he gathered some of like mind and feeling as himself, in his neighborhood, and came by this way to the river. The crowd brought a lot of wheat along, taking it to the-roller mills on the river. The . Providence - party consisted of Messrs. Alexander, I. P. Lee, Will Rankin, W. T. Baskins, J.. II. Barnett, R. Wolfe and W. C. Barnett. They were joined here by Mr. J. M. Ken drick and others. - - . f ' ". Good Tlnae on Wheels -.r . - Mr. R. E. Waggoman returned to the city Monday night from Hillsboro.where his wife is siek afflicted with a fatal malady. Sunday Mr. Waggoman went to Salem where he has entered his two boys - at school, and MoHday after noon he and two salesmen made the trip from Wins ton -Salem to Greensboro, 31 miles, in three hours and three-quarters, stopping long enough at Kerners ville for one of the salesmen to sell a bill of shoes. Boa Voyage. ' ' Mr. O. P. Heath sails Saturday, from New York for Liverpool.- He will probably not go- on the continent at alL but hopes to join Mr. and. Mrs. B. D. Heath and daughter in London, shortly after his arrival. : ; '"- - T-:- Bicycle Repairing Ot every description; all work guaran teed. . ! J. MARSH HEIZER, 35 South College. Formerly foreman for Gormally & Jeffrey MTg Co., Washington, D. C. The new system of tuning and voicing the - STERLING ORGAN gives a quality of tone the equal to which can be found in no other. The action is light and very elastic. The reeds in every part of the scale are free and respond to the slightest touch of the key. The bellows is large and powerful; the pedals work so lightly any child can operate them with ease. The pedals are covered with a patent mouse and dust proof device, a feature more desirable than any other one tnmg . except tne tone. Cases are handsome in de sign and finish. The prices are low. Write for cata logues. Ludden Southern Mosic House. W. M. WHEELER, Mgb, Charlotte Branch House. To ALL PERSONS Who are indebted to the late firm of J. T. Anthony & Co: This is to again notify them that they must settle or the claims will be placed for collection in my attorneyVhands. I am compell ed to settle up tihe old business and will not grant longer indulgence. Very respectfully, J. T. ANTHONY. tu and wed -V WE LET 'EM NO MATTER HOW MUCH THE SLUMP IN PRICE. White Goods, Thirf schedule presents our stock and prices : COST PBICE. SLIDE PRICE 8c yard 11c " 15o " . 18e 22c " Oc yard 9 " 13 " 16 19 COST DONT COUNT. JOE BARUCH & CO , Opposite City Hall.. OUR DEFENDER ' " - For the feet in hot weather 1 oar sannser shoe, mad bota in black and tso. Mak the summer voyage aa pleaant as possible by traveling in the coolest and easiest foot wear ever oroaocea. : our sne are eooa for tbesammer. not only beeaase they're eool. bat beesnse they'll last ynt the wbote leanak Bail laoow so out low snoee -at low price . , , ATE. RANKIN & BRO.- , , THE LATTA PARK wimming Bates SLIDE Has been emptied' and thoroughly cleaned , and Js again open to the publlo.' The 'pool is ; open for all - , : from 650 a. m. to 3 p. 7a... ; " SPECIAL BATH CAR ; j leaves the square 5;30 a,' m. Good Bye Sale TO ALL THE f Last roll call over, the remains of our grandest stock summer fab rics ; you can buy re ran ants ;now half price J splendid length?,; good to have next season others save this way, why not you? August, the dreaded dull month; shall not be so with us ; out prices ' are; too low ; last cut, close of season, end of. bargain days. ' ; Now Infants half or three-quarter black or: white hose and ladies' superb grade bal briggan hose at August prices ; 500 yards shop soiled ? embroidery at half price ; 50 fine hair brushes at 25, 85 and 50o Lyons is the finest tooth cleaner; cleaning up odds and ends ; room-making for fall goods name your wants and get our August prices ; they are below zero on all . cool, summer goods; 20c fans 10c, all others half price j fine imported figured Swisses from 37Jc now 15o ; if you want a woolen dress for early fall better get our prices and see ' our good? , 25c up, you know ; 50c and 75c white kid glove sale. , I L llexanie M M Co. They Are ; All the Got The new Cable Brim Soft - s) 7 i s Hats are having an im- s) mense run. We have them in the new colors gray" mixea ana crown mixed; i These hats cannot be im- J itated in very cheap goods S on account of the cable brim. S2 and $3 Each. Rogers 6s Co.j IT TAKE One dollar rakes in two dollars worth of clothing in our establishment. There will be doubters un til they come and see,but it is a fact. Simply be cause we are making our mid-summer slashes j in prices. The clothing must go at some price your price. See that $13.50 summer suit for $10; no wonder; you wonder where our profit is, but you'll come to us always,maybe. It will not be our fault if you are not stylishly dressed ; we give you the , opportunity ; embrace it as you do (or did) your best girL , Our $3 trousers are the talk of wise people. Long, Tate & Co., One Price Clothiers. We solicit orders from a distance and will send goods by express "on apprpyal to any part of the country, re- tmrnable at our expense - . ' "THE WORjLU IS MINE." A. man waa her4 tlroi tbla rem Tiffi w:EsShaw;iumessco. -ON A- II A M B L E R ! SUMMER GOODS 2 y AUGUSTA BREWING CO.'S f SPECIAL BREW ON TAP AT ALL SALOONS TO-DAY. Merchants should see them before buying others. ; V : J H. WEDDINGTON & CO., - , f .. r "- . "I -Hard ware Dealers, "-. - - . " " Z . . '29 East Trade Street RACKET STORE. ttractioeg Never; Cease ' AT THE We have bought the en tire stock of goods belong ing to Messrs. S. B. Norris & Co., of Raleigh, N. C, about $10,000 worth in all, consisting of Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies' Furnishing Goods, and $5,000 in Shoes. Here is. another grand op portunity for bargain seek ers to buy goods cheap. The great landslides that find their way to the Racket, prices cut in the middle with dollars, never fail to attract attention and tickle the tender chords of human nature, 4the pocket books." Stock will be open and ready for inspection Saturday next, and as our bargains come and go rapidly it will be to your interest to call early. Williams, flood & Co., Successors to W. J. Davis & Co. For Summer The best and most stvlish furnishings in town are to be found in our stock. We show more taking novelties than any other house in the city. Our shirt department is a triumph of summerness, presenting everything cor rect and elegant for negli- gee, Business and lull aress wear. Is it neckwear you desire? You can't find half as" much worth seeing any where else as we are show ing in tnis line. We lead. and we have the goods to proye it. Why be only half satisfied when you can" be doubly suited for less money at the great furnishing head quarters of - W. KAUFMAN & Leading Clothiers CO., Orders by mail "receive prompt attention and goods sent on approval. ? sr MRS. JOE PERSON'S WASH ; -. -will eure sore eyes. , . s- " fkme years ago a child of one of my neighbors was suffering, terribly with sore eyes; toe eyeballs were red, being very much inflamed, the lids were sore and. discharged all the ..time. The child's eyes bad been sore about two months and there was danger of ervsin- elas. The discharge was so copious they finally got so they were closedall ; the time. : I had so much faith in the virtue of Mrs. Joe Person's WASH that I per suaded the mother to use it. . We did not use the Uemedy as tbe child had no disease and only needed theexternal sn llicniiuu-. "nc itcc . use vi loe VTSSrl made a perfect cure and tbe child has never.been troubled since. The aDDli- cation Is altogether painless, belnir verv soothing and healing-. . - We have used the Uemedy and Wash in on-r family for years. We use it for everything as - a .family medicine. ' I have never seen, a sore the Wash; would not : cure "t nd the Rem edy can not be beaten as s tonio to build one tin when the system has rnn- down, and it wfll certainly break -up chills, for I have used it time and again for ten years and it tias never raiiea me yet. - - 'Miss. Martha W. Woonr." r Bethel Hill,, Person county, N. C July 17, lt)5. - , A. RENZ, Afft win-. de Assignee Wittkowslty's Column. AND - All those indebted to the late firm of H. Baruch, in the retail department, are requested to pay at once. Those indebted to the whole sale department and whose bills are not due, will, by anticipating the payments, not only do Mr. JB. a great favor but will be allowed a liberal discount for the un expired time. S. W ittkowsky, Assignee of H. Baruch. ptARtDTTt i i as asm To Keep Abreast of the Times On should endeavor to load the procession not follow 1U Tdcopwlth the fmal, m bilious ones, yon must own your home.- To continue renting one will ultimately And you In tbe "blRli waya and hedges," bereft of opportunities with all onoe hopeful In the background. . i - - The facts are stubborn and pertinent Yon" should ponder well and consider Just where yon stand at present. The opportunity is offered you whereby ' for fewer dollar and utmost convenience you may own a home, and it should not re. quire a second thought for you to make this -provision of comfort for yourself and re. speotable sur-roundlnns for your family "E.D. Latta. Torioirrow,s SPECIALS. . Beautiful quality black belting, 19, 23 and 35o; , the nobbiest belt buckles oet shown at Id, 15, 23 and 3!lc; Oxford ties reduced to) 88c, $1.10 and $1.28 these a re worth at shoe stores $1.25, 1.50 and 2.00; black", red and navy Tril by tecks, best! quality, 25c; lOo pearl buttons, all Blzes, 5c; elegant grade black crepons H8c; exquisite black serge, 40 inches, 73c; good all-wool black serge, 401 inches, 33io; remnants : of i black goods for skirtaat job prices; nobbiest percales shown this season 8Jc; few col ored chemsettes reduced to 15c: $1.5 silk crepons now going at 50c; children's parasols worth $2 50 at 75c; organdies at 19c. sold elsewhere at 40c; best veilinps In the city from -15 to 50c; Thomson's glove fitting corsets in 6 grades; few J. li. corsets in white and black, at less than cost; good lndia linens 5, 0, 7, 10 and 12Jc; we, seem to sell all 'the ribbons- challenge all dealers to come within 3Vpe cent, of our special ribbon sale; selling medium and high grade gauxe vests, regular and extra sixes, at wholesale or factory cost; lots of gents' furnishings, and every article at a price you'll be charmed with; a cusiomer said to us, "how can you sell goods for less than : cost, for many of them are Certainly less?.". We told htm that but one class of merchants could legitimate ly slaughter goods and that class is one that pays for its goods. Our stock is paid for and It's our business whether we make or Ipse on it, but the merchant wbo dares slaughter, merchandise not paid for in order to s"-ney for fast living or other purp&j- ve debt pay ing is a thief and a scoundrel and worse than he who steals a side of bacon from your smokehouse. & Keeir. 'FILTERS ARE A NECESSITY. IF TO IT VA L VE THE HE A L TU OF, lOUJiSKLF AND CHILDREN FF'K Tit A T YOUR D 11 IN KINO WA TEH 18 FILTERED. - D 0NT 8 A Yj YO V OA N' T A FFORD IT. ONE DOCTOR S BILL WILL ' I'AJT FOll MANY FILTERS. WE HAVE THE ONLY EFFICIENT NON-PRESSVllE FILTER on THE MARKET, THE D.L0CK SYSTEM SO ARRANGED THA T IMPURI TIES IN THE WA TEH DO NOT SETTLE ON THE FILTERING MEDIUM. . -: . THOSE WHO ARE L 0 OK ING FOll a it EFFICIENT YET LOW-PRICED FILTER ARE REQUESTED TO SEE THE SUCCESS CAPACITY 8 GALLONS. WE HAVE the FLAT DISC FIL TEHS FOR $1.00. G. S. READ & CO. WITH WHT ii .in- L-J? n II fl ii n Harris 'V..