DAIIjY CHARLiOTTE OBSERVER, AUGUST 22, 1895. aboard Airline 8ohbtc zv Imn lCAYtrX,IM. Trains leavn Marietta dallr:" Kr For Hamlat, Cheraw, BtltttK U points on th& A. and B. G. Weldon. Portsmouth Old Point Oomlorv Petersbarv. Rlntamond. Washington. Baltl- orV?blidlpkia, New York ard Boa Ion. Also WUiiUngton,WrfghUvUlsaaa. aU.oonl Points on the p.C. B. B. Also Charleston, "uaMrua isenneiwvuio, arriving " w li mine ton at 18:30 p. m. . 6:20 .a. k. Dally for nil Bonthsrn points In Monroe, Chester, Greenwood, Athens A tlan ta, Mont gomerr , Ntw Orleans, Chat tanooga, Memphis and the Bouthwest. Through sleeper and day eoaehes front "Washington, D.C., to Atlanta, eonneotlng With roads diverging out of Atlanta. K:S a. m. Daily, for Mt. Holly, Llncoln ton, Cherrynjie, Bhelby,Clereland Springs, Kllenboro and Rutherford ton; also Blow ing Book, Lenoir and Hickory. - tdp. m. Oallv. for all nolnts North and Booth New York,. Boston, Philadelphia Baltimore, Wash In r ton, Richmond, Peters-1 oarg f ortamouta, uia row uomiorc, v ir glnla Beach, Weldon, Raleigh, Wilmington and WrightsTllle, eonneeUng: at Monroe with through sleepers and day eoaehes be tween Atlanta, Oa., and Washington, I. 0 and sleepers between Monroe, N. C, and Ports month j" Va., and for Atlanta, New Or leans and all Southern points. 8:50 r. m. with sleeper for Wilming ton and all O. O. points Trains arrive in Charlotte: 10:8 a, M Dally.Rockingham.Wadesboro, Moroe. Also from all points North New York,Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Petersburg, Old Point Comfort, Portsmouth, Weldon, Baleigh and Banford. Also from Charleston, Sumter and Ben nettaville, and from Atlanta, New Orleans and all Boathern points. 8:90 f, x, Dally, from Rutherford ton, Bhelby, Cleveland Springs, Lincoln ton, Newton, Hickory, Lenoir, Blowing Book . m, Dally , from all Northern points Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, Richmond, Va Peters burg, Old Point Comfort, Virginia Beach, Portsmouth, Weldon, Baleigh, Cfaeraw.B. C-, all local points between Portsmouth and Charlotte, and from Wilmington, Wrights Tille and all local points on the C. C. B. K. 10:10 jr. m. Daily, from all points South and Southwest New Orleans, Montgom ery, Memphis, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Ath ens, Greenwood, Chester and Monroe; elose connection at Monroe. 7:46 a. x. (With sleeper, from Wiiminton and all c C. points. Local freight, with coach attached, leaves Charlotte for Shelby at 4 o'clock p. m., re turning at 10 a. m. dally, except Sundays. The 8:20 p. m. train connects at Monroe with the Atlanta special. No. SOS, which ar rives in Baleigh at 1:30 a.m., and Washing ton, D. C, at 10:90 a. ntu, and Portsmouth at T:30 a. m., making close connection for Bal timore, Philadelphia and New York. The 6:90 a.m. train connects at Monroe with Atlanta special No. 408, for Atlanta and all points South, arriving In Atlanta at 4 p. m. Passengers leaving Charlotte at 5:S0 a. m. arrive in Atlanta at 4 p. m. Leave Atlanta at 1 o'clock p. m., arrive In Charlotte at 10 :10 p.m. Leave Charlotte at 6:20 a.m., and 8:20 P.m., arrive In Baleigh at 11:46 a.m. and :20 a. m. Leave Charlotte at 6:20 a. m., ar rive in Wilmington at 12:80 p.m., and at Cheraw, 8. Cat :40 a.m. Close connec tion both ways with the C. A L. K. R. at Linoolnton. Leave Charlotte at 8:90 p. m., arrive in Atlanta at :20 a. m., making a doable daily train both North and Soutl: from Charlotte. The Atlanta spec Lais, No. 402 and 408, are magnificent new vestibuled trains, built by the Pullman Palace Car Co., on which there Is no extra fare charged. Daily except Sunday. -(Daily except Monday. Kor information reiairve to aoneauiea. ipply to fare, etc E. St. Johw, Vice President. J. G. Babkxbvillb, Ticket Agent. J.H.WIHDXB, B.A.NIWLAND, General Manager. T. P. A. T. J. Asdibsok, V. E. MoBn, Gen'l Pass. Agent. Supt. Transnortatlon. Southern Railway. (PIEDMONT AIRLINE.) RICHMOND A DaNVILLE AND NORTH CAROLINA DIVISIONS. IK UTIOT APRIL, 21, 1886. This condensed schedule is puDllshed ai Information, and is subject to change with out notice to the public. Trains leave Charlotte, N. C: 11 :00 p. m. No. 86, dally for Atlanta and Charlotte, Air Line division, and all points Bouth and Southwest. Carries through Pullman drawing-room buffet sleeper be tween New York, Washington and Mont gomery. 11:06 p. m. No. 35, daily, for Augusta, Sa vannah, Charleston, Jacksonville and C , C. A A. local stations. Carries through Pullman drawing-room buffet sleeper be tween New York, Savannah and Jackson ville 0:86 a. if. No. 87, dally, C. C. A. division, Including Columbia, Augusta, Aiken, Charleston, Savannah and all Florida points. Through Pullman sleeper New York to Jacksonville, connecting itb par lor car at Columbia for Augusta. 9:85 a. m. No. 87, daily, Washington and Southwestern vestibuled limited for At lanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgom ery. Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South and Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. No extra charge except usual Pullman fare. . 12:20 p. k. No. 11, daily. Solid train, Rloh - mond to Atlanta; Pullman sleeping oar, Richmond to Greensboro. 7:16 a. m. No. 8, daily, for Washington, Richmond, Raleigh and Goldsboro and all points North. Carries Pullman sleepers from Montgomery to New York and St. Au gustine to New York. 6:40 P. M. No. 12, dally, for Richmond, Ral eigh, Goldsboro and all points North. Car ries Pullman sleeping car from Greensboro to Raleigh and Greensboro to Richmond. 8:80 p. m. No. 88. Washington and South western Testlbuled, limited, for Washing ton and all points North. Through Pull man oars between New Orleans and New York, Memphis and New York, Jackson ville and New York. First-class coach to Washington. 5:00 A. x, No. 60, dally, except Sunday. Mixed freight and passenger for States- :5s p. m. No. la, dally, except Sunday, for Statesvllle ana Taylorsviiie. Trains arrive at unanotte: 10:46 P. M.i FHUM XiEi nunxn ; A. Bt. FROM ATLANTA. ) FROM AUGUSTA. FROM STATESVILLB. 9:28 A. 11:59 A. 6:50 A. 8:20 P. 8:20 p. 7:00 a. 8:90 p. 10:86 4:10 P. All freiarht trains carry passengers. Dally except Sunday. JOHM M. CTJL.P, W. A. TTJBK. Traffic Manager. Gen. Pas. A aft, W. H. Qtus, Washington, D O. Gen'l Superintendent. Washington. D. C. is't Gen'l Pass. Ag't, Atlanta, Ga. Charies L. Hopkins, Traveling Passenger Agent, 89 West Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. B. H. Hakdwick, Abs1! JJALM ETTO RAILROAD CO. To Take Kffkct Sbpt 98d, 1894. MOVING NORTH: NO. 2. PASSIKSIB AND FREIGHT. lMve Cheraw. S. C A. 6:30am " Kollock 6:60am ' "Osborne 7:20 am Arrive Hamlet 7:40am MOVING SOUTH. NO. 1. PA3BBNGKK AND FREIGHT. I jiave Hamlet 8:40 a no " Osborne 9:00 am " Kollock 9:30 am Arrive Cheraw 9:50 a m Close connection made at Hamlet with trains north, sout h, east and west. Wm. Moncurb, President 50Desirable Lots for Sale Suitable for Manufacturing I rlanta or Dwellings. Situated on Eleventh, Twelfth, Graham, Pine and Poplar streets. All accessible to tracks of Southern Railway and Carolina jj Central Railroad. . Terms Part cash, balance on I time to suit purchaser. FIRE INSURANCE, E. HYE HUTCHISON. Agent. &S Sroam1 Iron BitUrt you net, Your Wife the mother of your children you promised to love and cherish her, but are you taking proper care of her Health? She is probably not so strong as you are, anyway ; and then there are diseases peculiar to women that often make her weak and ailing. But Brown's Iron Bitters will make her well and strong. It purifies and enriches the blood and beautifies the com plexion. It permanently cures Constipation, Neuralgia and Headache, and drives Malaria out of the system. Brown's Iron Bitters is pleasant to take, sod it will not stain tbe teeth nor cause constipation. See the crossed red lines on the -wrapper. Our book, ' How to Lire a Hundred Years." tells.all about it; free for 9c. stamp. V 60 BmowN Cbkmical Co., Baltimore, Mo. for units who bxdb. The women down at BlllvilJs hare got the ? bloomer erase: They're ridln'ronnd on bicycles an bloekln' all tbe ways; ' : They say it makes em healthy, an they're gain for it strong, An the men are bakin' biscuits as cusaln' all day longl Bicycles en' bloomers ? : ' : ' v ..--Never saw the like; - .-- Nver is no tellin tf 3.' - Where llghtnln's sola' to strike I : The women down1 at BulrUIe have got the bloomers right; - . They're splnnlnT down the-big- road an roin'ontof slKht: p They're done with foreign missions hnreh An' enssln' fairs are coin' wronK. the men are mladih? babies an' all dar Ion?! Bicycles an' bloomers Gittin wnss and wnssl '"- . Lord knows where we'll git to Before they're done with osi The women down at Blllvllle they're goln - with a will ; : They're racing with the railroad trains an' rolling down the hill ; - They're got the reddest bloomers their bi cycles stre strong. An the men wear "Mother Hubbards" an' enss the whole day long I Bioyeles and bloomers All the men are "goners!" Don't know what we're coming to Lord have mercy on us ! Atlanta Constitution. THE MORA-SPANISH CLAIM. IT 18 SETTLED BT COXPSOHISE. 1 at s (e e) ( ) ( e (e e) (e ) Ce ) t Cm e) Ce ) Ce e (e e) Ce ) C e) Ce e) Ce ) ( e) Ce e) Ce ) Ce eNa'e'e'''S, S 8 999'&& ff 9 A Healthy Skin A Beautiful Complexion insured by the use of Pine Blossom Soap A-purifying, healing, med icated Soap. An up-to-date necessity for the toilet and bath. CO., . Price 25 cents, AT ALL DKfGGISTS. ' FOSTER MEDICINE BALTIMORE, M D. FOSTER'S GKRMAN ARMY ASO NAVY CURK f .r S:.in di:a. s is a permanent and untaihng n-tmdv or Kczema, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Rtvi; Worm, Poison Oak, Pimnles, Bl.nches and every form of eruption. Multi tudes testify to its merits. 50 cents per box. e) (e e) (e ) ( ) Ce 5 C ) ( e) Ce e) (e e ( Ce e) (e e) C e) C e) Ce ) C ( Ce ) ( EXPECTANT MOTHERS We Offer YOU A REMEDY Which Insures Safety to Lite of Mother and Child Mothers'. Friend" Bobs Confinement of its Psia, Horror snd Bisk. fifi My wife used MOTHERS' FKIEBTD" be fore her first child had no cramps was quickl v re lievedsuffering bat litUe no pains afterwaru recovery rapid. H E JOHNSTON, Eufila, Ala. m Ban .v Wall nr Vtti i-t'. An receiot of lrIA. Kl .OO Mr bottle. Book "To Hot hers" mailed Free. BBA-DF1KLD BBGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, GA. Sold by all Drnnista. JAPANESE IF CUEE and Treatment, consisting, of atTDDwrrnBTf.R. nnsnles of Ointment ana A TTew Boxes of Ointment A never failing Cnre "ie oi wrr natnre and deerree. It makes an ODeration with Ae knife or injections or iwuuui. ., " oamfnl anddom a perinanent core, and ofto raiting in death, unnecessary. Why endure tnij terrible ateeeee r e -oivod. O a box. 6 fori-?. Sent by mail B boxes on only pay lor benefits re. 25c. a Box Prevented, Liver Pellets ie areet LIVER and BTOIMUH iU.uiJiiAin mo BLOOD PURITIEB. . Wmail, miiQ ana P'" " ulaoted for children s ase. 0 Doses 25 cents. R. H. JORDAN A CO Charlotte, N. C JAPANESE PILE OINTMENT, CONSTIPATIONS the areet I IVER and 8TOMACH.REGTJ GROFULA Hiss Cells Stevens, Of Boston, Mas&, writes: I have always suffpred from hereditary Scrofula, lor which I tried various remedies, and many reliable physicians, but none relieved ma. After tatung s bottles 01 I am now well. I am very grateful to yon, as I feel that it saved me ;B from a life of un- snau and take pleasure in speaking only words of praise for the wonderful med- icine, and in recommondinjr ft to alL TrnatiaA on sfe B n na mm Bsa Blood and Skin Diseases mailed tree to any address. FOR RENT. Boom Dwelling; water and gas; 600 North Pop lar street. Room Dwelling: water and gas; 615 North Church street. . Mo Eo CocHiraee INSURANCE AND : -. BEAI ESTATE AGENT. 7 .8 CURED i SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta. Ga. You will make a mistake if you fail to see us before buying your FURNITURE We have some pieces at astonishing low prices. THOMAS & MAJCWELL W A T n HENRY E. KNOX, , Jr OONSULTINQ AND- HYDRAULIC ENG1KEER Artesum and tube wells a spe cialty. General water works con struction, survey s, plans and estimates. Borings made for architects bridge and railroad engineers Pipe and pumping machinery. I ; (Office, Uoom 9f CUf kill,) ' THE IIOHT XCEAR XLK PAB5.r A Watnrallmed Citizen of America Gets the Value of His Plantation In Spain, Less Interest- The Administration Weald Have Seised the Pert of Havana If Spain Had Deferred Settlement Much. Longer. Washington, Aug. 20. After many years or controversy, tbe claim of Maxima Mora, a naturalized American citizen, against the government of Spain for tbe value of bis sugar plantation in Cuba, has been amicably settled, or rather practically sofor Spain has until September loth to make the payment. Spain's final and positive agreement to pay at an early date was made some time ago, but since the cabinet council at Madrid committed the government to that promise, a difficulty arose through a further decision of the council not to pay the interest on the claim, amount ing to about $800,000. It was believed the time that this attitude of the cabinet would result in serious difficulty between the United States and Spain. The patience of the Washington gov ernment has been worn ut through Spain's consistent policy of making romises and then failing to keep them. So seriously did this government view the refusal to pay the interest, that a plan that might have involved the United States in war with Spain, but probably would not, was decided on by the President, Secretary Olney and Sec- etary Herbert. This was no less than n intention to seize Havana and hold that port until the Spanish government aid down the amount of the interest, or ntil custom revenues, amounting to he full interest, had been collected at the Havana customs house by the Unit ed States officers who would be placed n charge. The statement that this' plan was practically arranged, is maae on the best authority. In coming to such serious conclusion, tbe administration found a precedent in the recent action f Great Britain in seizing the port of Corinto, Nicaragua, for the purpose of collecting indemnity to a claim for sub- ects who had suffered at the hands of the Nicaraguan government during the Mosquito troubles. Rear Admiral JJunce, commanding the North Atlantic squadron, now cruis- ng in rew Kngland waters, was select ed as the officer to command the expe dition to Havana, and his fleet was to consist of the New York, the Montgom- ry, the Raleigh and the Minneapolis, at present composing tne squadron or evolutions, and the Cincinnati, now at Key West, Fla., and such other vessels as could be prepared for service in time. t is stated in conclusion that tne evo- utions which the strategic squadron is upposed to be practicing along the At- antic coast are merely designed to sat- sfy curiosity as to the assemblage of uch a large number or vessels. There was little doubt in the minds of those who arranged the plan for the seizure of Havana, that Spain would nay the idemnity very quickly when she learned of the character of the per suasion to be employed by this govern ment. The waiver of Mora, however, with regard to the interest, obviates the necessity of carrying out the plan, which Spain by prompt payment would probably not have alloyed to pro ceed further than the receipt of an ulti matum that the interest must be paid or Havana would be seized. The agreement between Spain, the United States and Mora was arranged after repeated conferences between Sec retary Olney, Senor Depuy de Lome, the Spamish minister, and Mora's at torney. Secretary Olney is at Falmouth and Senor de Lome at Swamps Scott and Mora and his attorney were sum moned to Massachusetts to sign the agreement. Mora waives all claim for merest ana pain, represeniea oy ee- nor de Lome, agrees to make the pay ment on September loth. The princi pal of the claim is $1,500,000 and it is to be paid in Spanish gold. When the agreement was made Mora asked that the American amount be paid to a rep resentative of the United States or his attorney, either in Washington or Mad rid, but Senor de Lome insists that it should be paid to Mora's attorney by Martinez Campos, the captain general of Cuba in Havana. This dispute could not be arranged and does not appear in the articles of agreement. Injuries en Both Sides The Block! Penned dp In s Barn. , , Correspondence of the Obesrver. : Elk Park: Aue. 20. A4 section of mountainous country ten: miles from Elk Park, called Poga, was the scene of a terrible fight on Saturday last between Deputy Sheriff Green - and posse, and a family of blockaders by the; name of Cable. It seems that these parties are a lawless and very dangerous set of peo ple, and bare been defying Uncle Sam's laws for several months,, and have been scouting for some time on account of the recent trios of United States mar shals in that section. 2?ot only b ave they been violating the whiskey laws, but have threatened the lives of several peo nle H vintr near them, and on Saturday last Deputy Sheriff Green witb. twenty- five men went to arrest tnem, wnen they were confronted by about fifteen of the Cable's and their friends, and a desperate battle took place, in which there were a great number or snots ex changed, and after the smoke had clear ed away, it was found that two of the Cable boys, with their fat hem nd moth-; er were wounded, the father fatally, snd a man by the name of Greenwood, of the sheriff's posse, was killed. The blockaders then retreated to a barn, where they are heavily armed with Winchesters, and another battle is ex pected soon, as Sheriff Calloway hCs in creased his force to one hundred armed men, and surrounded the barn. Excite ment is running high, and it is feared when the parties meet again that -sev eral more lives will be los before the trouble is ended, as the men say they will never be taken ante. fThe above is a contradiction of a dis patch dated from Knoxville, Tenn., August 20tn, and published in yester day's Observer. It was stated in this that the fight took place in Watauga oounty, when Elk Park is in Mitchell. Two officers, moreover, were reported as killed, while only one or tbem is reported killed in the above, and the two young Cables, it seems, did not escape unhurt, as noted in the press dispatch. THE DEPOT BDKfiED. By..L Feathers new. . . . Hides dry, per lb.. " green "... Wool washed...... 44 - SSW kOBK IfOXXT J1ABJOCT. -; ' Snr ToKjc, Aug Si. Money on eali eaay as i per oent; lass tons as i ntosing offered at 1. Prime mercantile paper, 4 per eenv Bar stiver SSH- Uexioan dollars .... Sterling exchange weaker, with actual taalness In bankers bills at 4 Wit&S1;. for so days and 4 SOftS S0V for demand. .Posted rates 4 SOfUi 4 904. Commercial bills, so days, 4 demand . .. Government bonds firm; seas oonos steaoy ; asurosa oonai lower. euiver at uie noara was negiecteav ' BAXTXMOBX PRODUCE MARKET. BAI.TUCOBK, Ang. KliOtrB -Dull; Western snner t Sofa! 75: do extra S snas 16: do family S SSS SO; winter wheat patent ora au; muring wneas pasence osus w WBSAT-Staadr. . Hs. red hxh Bad August Beptember 66sjg; Octo ber steamer No. red 36S; Southern by samnle. S7&63: do on crane msfuw-jbasy, arm. Mixen spos ana angnsi September SHStMi October : steamer mixed : Southern white i(ga; do yellow 748. Struck by Lightning at Bessemer City and Entirely Consumed Fell Under a Train. Special to the Observer. Besskmer City, Aug. 21. The passen ger and freight aepot at tnis place was struck by lightning about 4:30 this morn ing and entirely consumed by tire. Near-by residents were awakened by a heavy peal or tnunder, which Tarred the houses very much and it is supposed the bolt struck the depot direct. There was very little freight in the depot. The building cost about $1,500. It was built last year. A passenger on the south-bound train coming in last mgnt reports that ne saw a colored man at High Point last nisht get thrown under the train, his arm being broken and otherwisecutup. No particulars could be learned, but it was supposed he was running the blind baggage. Great Strike of J ute-Workers. Edinburgh, Aug. 21. The strike of the jute-workers in Dundee is spread ing rapidly. Thirteen thousand work ers went out to-day in addition to the 7,000 or more who struck yesterday. The strikers are very orderly and are giving the police no trouble. SEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. Spr YOBst, Aug. Sl.-FIOTJK Dull, weak. Winter wheat, low grades 2 Sa$3 90; fair to fancy 8 QQ&S 0: patents S 40s 90; Minnesota clear 3 66 ($3 26; patent s 6S4 ao, low extras 9 SU & uii city muu jfr zu; Boutnern nonr UUUi warn, w inn ubfll a w 80: good to choice do 8 90(03 00 WHEAT Dull, easier, with options. No 9 red, store and elevator e7H&t&; afloat sj$. Options closed steady at to S cents decline. ISo t red August 7H; Sep tember J; October May 789. CORN julet, easier. No t U elevator ; 45Ji4o afloat, options elosed weak at A to iVfe cents decline. August ; September 42; October 1; May ST. UAiB uuii. vpeiou uuu, easier. Aug ust ita; September Ufa ; October 24; May tll4. Spot No 5 28&-26V, No 2 white txhi; mixed Western Vo,n. LAUD Quiet, lower. Western steam S 45; city S 150 20. September 6 49 nominal. Re fined dull; continent 7 00; S. A. 7 tt; com pound 44 PORK Firm; mess 11 25 11 76. COTTON SEED OIJL-Dull; crude SI; yel low prime 2tfVB27. COFFEK-Easy. 10 to 25 points down. August la O&9I6 15; September IS 00; De cember 14 90(911 VS. Spot Rio dull, easier; No7, I616i. SDGAR-Uaw, steady, quiet. Fair refining i 15-16; refined quiet, steady ; Off A 00; standard A. 4 7-10(9: cut loaf and crushed 5 l-ls6V; granulated 4 7-1644. H:1S OHADWIOK, PRESIDENT & TREASURER. Charlotte VI achine Engineers, Contractors and Dealers io Machinery. Specialty: Cotton Machinery and CoftonMill Equipment. Rai Rm.tw a mt. r a tb a p AthArton Uanhtna OoL Patent Cotton Feeder. Opener and Lappers; Pettee M ; chine Works' Elevolving Flat Oarda, Ooiler RaUway Heads and Drawing Frames; Providenoo Maohlne Uo. ehlneryj Falee A Jenks Machine Oo.i Spinning and Twisting Maehineryi Eaaton A Burnham Machine Co. s Spoo"" chinery; Globe Machine Workt' Patent Chain and Balling Wnxpew; Xnowlee Ioom Work' Plain and Fancy lxoma ana Dobbies; Foster Machine Qo.' Patent Cone Winders. - - - ; - SPECIAL SOUTHERN AGENTS FOB 2 . B. F. StnrteTant Co.'g Heating and Ventilating Byitem, Portable Forges, Blowers, Exhausters and High 8peed En fines. . . . : A'A fiAntanainv Ttntlers. Heaters U. u. uooper A uo. s uonus engines, uiga jrreaiure Aripie axpsjuivut wuhwiuiu Pumps, etc. ' - Complete oteam Jriants irom zo to uorse powers. " . Jones & Langhlin's Cold Boiled Steel Shafting, Compression Couplers, Hanpers, Pulleys, etc. Estimates given and contracts made for the Complete Equipment of Cotton Mills r3S Oorrftsnondenca solicited. - CHARLOTTE, N. C. 202 SOUTH TRYON STREET OFFICE OF Te STOCKS UL0W1NG:B1DH Amer.XJot. Oil... 28N.Paclflo. do pfd . Am. Bug. Bef s.. do pfd Amer. Tobacco. do pld Atch B. &O Can. Pao C. 4 O Ch.A A C, B. & Q. Chicago Gas Bel. Lack D. &C.F Erie do pfd , Gen. Klectrlo Ills. Central Li., E. A W do pfd L. S L. & N L.. N. A. A C Manhattan Mem. A Chas Michigan Cen... Mo. Pacific M. A O N. C. & St. L Nat'l Cordage... do pfd N. J. C N. Y. C N. Y. A N.E N. A W. Pfd 73 do Dfd. ioa n. w lots do pfd S Pacific Mall... 106 Reading ITH R.I 81 St. Paul 6S do pfd i SUver Ctfs 160 T. C.AI 0 do pfd.... 80 Texas Pao 16SHI Union Pao 20 V Wabash sl do pfd 20jjiW. U 5;4;W. Lu A L. K.. 100Hi do pfd !Ala., Class A. 77 iol 61 do Class B do Class C 1 La. Stamped 's.. 4;N. C. 4's m do o's 16 Tenn n. 8. 8's... 101 Va.6'8, pfd 8KVR do tr rec st'ptd. do Fun Debt... 7i IU. 8. 4's Keo 1 U. 8. 4's Coup... 3 U. 8. 21s lijE'-ilBonthern R'y 5a lOpfci do Cons 67 do pfd iSiS.C. 4'B 17S 102 14(5 28H 81 128 98 It 18H a 1H w 15 J 108 10H 100 100 102 124 V0 112V4 112W " 05 l4 41 105 Loan and Savings Rank, Charlotte, N. 0., ) Aug. 6th, 1895. j The phenomenal Buccees of this Bank as a depository for ' 'The Sav ings of the thrifty and as a Bank of Loan," being now a well ac knowledged and duly appreciated fact, a, testified by the sixteen hundred (1,000) depositors, and the gratifying balance sheet at the close of business on Monday, the 5th inst., being $274,128.02. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET FINANCIAL AiD COMMEKCIAL. The Cotton Market Was About lO Points Higher Yesterday. Special by Private Wire to Harrison Watts. Niw Yobk, August 21. The weekly gov ernment weather report from tbe cotton belt was in accord with information re ceived by us from oar Southern corres pondents, being mainly 01 an uniavoraDie character. This and a good response from Liverpool caused a very buiusn opening here, amounting to about 10 points advance. First Liverpool cables were 2V points up. to which 2 were added later. Sales, 10,000 bales. Tbe close was easier, after a very strong tone, and showed a net advance for tne day of 4 points On oar opening October sold all the way from 7.40 to 7 47, most of tbe sales rmlnir at tne mgner neures. xraaine was very active, and at 12 o'clock showed 128,000 bales. There were bat slight re-actions from the hlehcst opening figures, and dur ing the last hour there was a rise to 7.4 for October and 60 for December. New Orleans was vry strong, their October bing only 18 to 20 points lower tnan isew vorK. spot cotton was firm in the South and 1-10 higher at Galveston and Memphis; also 1-10 higher in this market 7 There were light rains at Brenham and Corsicana, Tex. it was clear and pleasant at Dallas and Clarksvllle ; hot and dry at fans, esnerman, xayior. MoKinney, Waco, Austin ana Han An tonio. The close was practically at the highest of the day October 48, November 63, Oecemner ou, January o. oaies. ubibs. 1). O'UiLL & OO. Opening Closing WHEAT Aug I 3 82M, Sept HiCH 62 Dec 68W4 66 CORN . Aug 87 88 Sept ' 3? 8i Dec 81 81 OATS Aag ! JOs 20 Sep! ' 20 Wt May : 2S4 2s MKSS PORK ! Aug ! Sept ' 85 S LARD I Aug J Sept 6 15 0 10 RIBS j Aug ' Sept 8 15 6 10 We are now desirous through "The Press" to acquaint the pub lic that under our charter we are authorized, and now solicit to be come the 'Depository' of WillsV To act as Administrators ana Executors of Estates, To become Guardian for trust funds, To buy and sell Bonds Stocks snd to negotiate loans others. To rent safety boxes, etc Respectfully, S. WITTKOWSKY, Pres't. A. BRADY, Cashier. MERCHANTS AND FARMERS NATIONAL BANK, CHARLOTTE, N. C. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. LIVIRPOOL, Aug 21, 4 F. x. Middling Stock Irregular and Feverish. Niw York, August 21 The stock market was irregular ana leverisn in tne inau& trlal list, bat firm as regards tbe leading railroad shares. Good crop reports, the absence of Important engagements of gold for export to-morrow and the lowering of posted rates of foreign exchange encouraged bull sentiment among proiessionai irauei s Oraneers were strong io spite of selling of St. r"aui DV lodqod, soa maae small gains insDite of re-actions from nlener ngures. . r-t . . among tne Antnracite oaiers ousque- hannah A Western rose over top. but fitts burg fell over 1 and Jersey City lost a like amount on email sales- Among the special ties Manhattan fell 1, rallied and then went back to the opening Ugures. Nashville, Chattanooga A St. Louis stocks were decidedly strong, and Lake Erie A Western rallied sharply. Bear manipula tion in the Industrial group was directed against Sugar, which lost over B. Chicago Gas on realizing went on aoout 2&. Amer lean Tobacco was supportea Dy snorts oov ering, but after erratic fluctuations, cover ing a range of nearly 4, it ended below early figures. The market closed unaltered and feverish. MW YORK NEWS iSCREAU. Kntares Closed strong, slightly easier. Sales, American, Receipts, American, August 8 61 s August ana septemDer a oi s September and October 8 82 s Octo'jer and November 8 63 b November and December 4 01 b December and January 4 02 s January and February 4 OS b February and Marcn 4 Olftsoa March and April 4 08 b April and May 4 07OS NEW YORK COTTON FUTURE8. Niw York, Aug. 21 Cotton quiet. Mid dling uplands 7 8-16; middling Gulf. 7 13-18. futures ciosea nrm. eaies zia.aw Dates. Highest Lowest. Closing. August 7 41 7 40 7 4344 September.... 7 48 7 86 7 42048 October 7 49 7 40 7 4319 November 7 55 7 49 7 654 December 7 80 7 53 7 6O(80 January 7 65 7 60 ' 7 8a85 February 7 7 7 tvs i cwS70 March 7 75 7 f 1 7 7476 CAPITAL, ,L"J,UUU. SURPLUS AND PROFIT?. 100,000. Accounts with Banks, Corporations, Firms and Individuals Solicited. directors: John H. McAden, H. G. Springs, H. M. Houston, Geo. E. Wilson. CHARLOTTE COTTON MARKET These figures represent prloei paid to wagons.l Strict Good Middling Good Middling Middling Tinges Staines MarketSteady. T4 TV. s who is "I must Take the Rest. Tidbits. "Now," said the physician, noted for his heavy charges, take your temperature. "All rie-ht, responded the patient, n a tone of resignation. "You've got about everything else 1 own. There s no reason why you shouldn t take that, too. ' Allowance Most Be Made. Washington Post. The delegates to the annual meeting or the Keeley Uure League are assem bling at Harrisburg and all sea-serpent stories from that vicinity will be sub ject to the usual discount. ITEMS OF STATE NEWS, The Seventh Day Adventists-are to hold a tent meeting at Raleigh in Octo ber. In Iredell Superior Court last week. as stated in the Landmark, the prosecu tor again won the notable case of bher rill vs. the Western Union Telegraph Company and the defendant again ap pealed. The Salisbury Herald says that R. E. L. Parker, of Rowan, made a nearly successful attempt last Saturday to com mit suicide, by cutting bis throat, lie is a hard drinker and this appears to be all that was the matter. Mr J. E. Cochrane, a Statesville pho tographer, is having a great ran on pic tures of the late Fred. Douglaar which he is framing and selling to the colored people, and the Landmark- suggests that he might do a profitable business in this line among some of the mem bers of the late Legislature. Provisions Were Weak But Corn Was Firm. CHioteo, August 21. There has been considerable pressure to sell to-day, both by professionals ana noiaers. xne only strength noted was at the opening, after which the maraet became weak, remaining so about the entire session, scoring adecline of Tbe depressing influences were fur- tner taiK oi goia exports, a report tnat me Agricultural Department at Washington would raise its estimate on winter yield of bushel per acre, making a difference of over 11,000,000 bushels from Its July report. weak foreign advices and an almost total lack of demand except from short Interests, Some of the best traders who have hereto fore talked bullish are now inclined to feel a little in doubt. This feeling is naturally being taken advantage of by the bears, wtio are losing no cnanoe to onng to near upon tne market ail Avauaoie news 01 a Deans u character. The country is doing very little In the way of buying; in fact, many linea held for this interest have been liquidated within tbe past three days on stop order. Local receipts were 74,ioo nusheis, against 496,533 the same day last year. Amount withdrawn from storage. 45,541 bushels Close cables quoted Liverpool d. and Ber lin I'-AC'-im. lower ; Antwerp ana fans un changed. The cash business amounted to loo.ouo ior airect snipment to eanaio. con sidering the advance in freight rates to 2 per bushel, this business was good, more especially so as cash is quoted 144 over Sep tember. This merely goes to show that Chicago Is the cheapest market In which to buy wheat, and that the decline the past few days Is partly the result of speculation ana not entirety a cnange in tne situation. Corn held firm, notwithstanding news has been bearish, consisting of favorable grow ing wneas weatner, large receipts, amount ing to 417.500 bushels, and the reports from Nebraska. Trading, however, being nar row: clearances were 190.403 bushels. Provisions were weak on selling by local parties, nork suffering a decline of 10 per barrel and lard and ribs about 54 per hun dred. The decline In grain may also have naa some lnnuenoe. LAXsosr Bros. fc Co NAVAL STORES. Wilminstoit, N. C. Aug. 21 --Rosin firm. strained, 1 Id; good strained. 1 SO. Spirits turpentine firm, it1-, Tar steady at 1.8S; orude turpentine quiet; narai.io;soft, .oo virginal, so Take vour vacation In a pair of our sum mer shoes or you won't half enjoy it. To ct the most ont-of anv occasion you must be dressed for it. Shoes constitute one of the most important items In your outing outnt In buying shoes select what will prove most serviceable. Just now we are giving a vaca tion to former prices and are selling at greatly reduced rates. A. E. RANKIN & BRO. U1TT PKOUUCK MARKET. Market well stocked Prices holding wen. BDCKLEN'B ARNICA SALVE. The best Salve m the world for Cats Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chiloiains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect aatla faction or m-.n a v nlnndm. Prion ttt mnu iwr in. For sale by Borwall Dunn asd Jordan I rnaa clay, Boott -. .. - : - Those who have need Dr. King's New Dls- j covery know its value and those who have not now have the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised 'druggist and get a I Trial Bottle free. Send your name and ad dress to 11. E. Bneklen A Oo. Chicago, and ret a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well as a CoDV of Oulde to I Health and Household Instructor free. All I of wbiehis guaranteed to do yon good and eost you nothing at the drug stores of Bar 1 wmi van" srja j orwsn &w; w . 7 Apples dried quarters, bright hrlirht (llftAi fancy bright sliced. . extra " " Peaches nnpeeled halves, bright. " " Quarters r Blaokberrie,drled Btrawoernes per quart.. . Extra Flour sack Family Meal bolted 44 Raper bushel . " unbolted. 48 n5 " I Corn old 68 lbs par bubal new .. Oats S3 fas per bushel..... up 8 S "io 8 8 rm 3 60 00 46 SO S6 87 H BEFORE TAKING Your departure for the summer re sorts do not forget to drop in and leave an order for your favorite newspapers and magazines. They will be mailed vou promptly. Do not fail to read the new book by The uaugnter 01 tne uon federacv. Miss "Winnie" Davis, enti tied. "The Veiled Doctor." Cloth, $1.25, Miss Davis works possess high literary merit, which fact, coupled with the in nate love which every Southerner feels for her. makes anything she writes doubly attractive. STONE & BARKINGER, Book, Stationery and Art Store, 22 South Tryon St. Jno. M. Scott & Go mixed sal WhnlaenlA - nulMkalMlMfkmbd run ul U livivomv Bacon Hog round, per a.""...." , ts . Ham....... ,.... ........ so . ... Sides... ...... - ebouldsrs........ ............. ; 3 Lard N.C., ....... 8 Iucks. ...... ...... ...... ........ - 1 ' 10 Guineas..........-................ ... .'- Geese............... 086 Butter Choice yellow. 13 Honey strained, per r...... ...... 10 comb per r. Eggs nen. ...... ...... . Is " ralnna 79WT91 gcn1 for rjuotation. (8TJCCE8SOKS TO JOBEA'S 4k BOOTT.,) Druggists ABO JiAXTJFACTCrBKBS OF . ' Staadard Pharmaceujgrl PrepaTalioiis, Office and w&reroo m s 1 0 North Try on street, Charlotte, N. C - ; Sole agents for North Carolina and Georgia for Dr. Hughes' Family licme- dies;aiso Kedaig-ia and .ieuraisrtsjinft and for etc. The Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Cclored Race, at Greensboro, N. C. The fall term will begin Wednesday, Octer Snd, 19B8 Examination for admission will iJJrwZRElmAThiamT. October Snd and. 8i Eaamlnatlons of county stu- dents will be made in each county by the county examiner on the i nrst P . "T. T .1... n a rrimitn. Horticulture. Dairy Management, the Mechanic Arts, I Natural and Economic I i Science, with special reference w jneir .piiuwviuu. numberofirirU will be admitted, for whom, in addition to tbe , iim nfllfa regular course M study. Instruction will be given In Muslo, Sewing, Jp,k 1 dry work. This school is endowed by the United States and the State Of No'tb Carolina. It Is not sectarian, and is not oontroiiea or innuent.ea oy moj .... . County students, tuition free. Other students, tuition per session 810 yen ut sTunasTTa - Board, per week 1 H Lodglng.oseof room, bedding, etc ,pe session WW Instrnetion of piano, two lessons per week, per month.. j JJJ For addmo'oai ter'tSieS c.tlog'utl'whlcn ce'n'bV had by "iddreirtng "The President of th Arin.,inri r,ii MhnicAl colless lor Us Colorea uaee," urewnmivi v. mm i Should remember to use paly two-thirds m as much Cottolene as they formerly used l of lard or butter. With two-thirds the g quantity they will get better results at less j cost than it is possible to get with lard or S butter. When Cottolene is used for frying J articles that are to be immersed, a bit of bread should be dropped into it to j 1 ascertain if it is at the right heat. When the bread browns in half a minute JJ i the Cottolene is ready. Never let Cottolene get hot enough to smoke. slun bmun rm: Tk irrla( pu thraM W OTIS wkM tk OMMlM to pat te. CtlMnttatik? IS ocHb( paint macr w ura. It mmr mattara ka kC TUB V. K. KAIIIBANK COMPANY, 8T. LOUIS ajsd CHICAGO. . 11 9mmmmmmm99mmm99mmm999mm9m999om9mmmmmmm9mmmmmmtm O TTn Cottolsns trade-marks are "CUtoima" and a tteer't head in cotton-plant tervaUA. THE CHABLOTTE SUPPLY COMPANY, GENERAL MILL FURNISHERS AND DEALERS IN Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Contractors' and Coal Barrows. Steam and Water Pipe .."Valves, Fittings, Kte. 8. W.COLD WA.TKB PAINT FOR FACTORY TJSX. CHARLOTTE, NO . H. McAden, President: Vice President; C. N. G Cashier; Geo. E. Wilso H.G.Springs, Butt, Acting . Attorney. PEACE Institute i for Yoip Ladies, RALEIGH, N. C. . Advanced, thorouirh, select. Particular attention to advanced art. Regular Conservatory of Music directors from Leipsio and Boston. No superior work done anywhere, North or Bouth. Board, tuition, one mu sic and two hours practice for $275 a year. , . ' , JA8. DINWIDDIE, M. A. (University of Virginia), Principal. u. Farintosh Alfred S. AMER The Bufoid Hotel, obaklottk, . o. FARLNTOSH 4 AMER, Proprietors. 100 Elegantly Furnished Booms. Hot and Cold Bath and water Closet on Every Floor. PASSES GER ELEVATORS AND ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS Under First-Class Management. ICE! ICE! . STANDARD ICE & hUEL COMPANY. PURE CRYSTAL ICE MADE FROM DISTILLED WATER. Oar factory has track connecting with all the railroads which enables us to load cars withou exposing ice to sun cr air. thus avoiding heavy loss in leak- acre. Ice shiODei to any quantity irom Baca to car-load, and loaded direct from the bath. Satisfaction given in weights, quali ty, etc. CSTORDERS SOLICTED. STANDARD ICE & FUEL CO. A. J. HAGOOD, Manager. New Popular Styles. Ladies' French Kid Strap Sandal, beaded satin bow, $1.75. Ladies' fine Dongola Kid Sandal, sat in bow. Datent Ud. Drice tl.50. Ladies' Patent Leather Sandals, for dancine, satin bow, silver buckle, price 1.25. These are genuine leaders, all new and very popular. All the novelties in fine footwear. GILREATH&CO The Waveriy Bells are here; also the T..mn and Mid set Re) is. Stearns Yellow Fellows always in the lead. New stock of Clippers, better than ever, pi ,VO - Repairing spd enodrtei? ELECTRIC FAN ELECTRIC FAN Day current will be put on J une 1st. No need of suffering from hot weather. Call on us and secure an Electric Fan. THE D. i Tompkins COMPANY. Take a peep in my store and see the pretty SILVER NOVELTIES, SOUVENIR SPOONS, and the PETTIEST DIA- brought to Satisfaction MONDS ever this country, guaranteed. JOHN FARRIOR. Je Se PHILLIPS Strictly Merchant Tailorings, 81 South Tryon Street, Has just received a fine line of -Seasonable Suitings. ' Also the latest styles of -TROUSERINGS. Which will be made to order sonable prioes. ; Only flrst-elass work. THE American Ball - - t i n JNozzie uomi any, 837 Broadway, New York. A protection to firemen against smoke and heat. Property saved by putting the water where it is wanted at the right time. TBE BALL LAWN SPRINKLER. It is at the same time a most effective appliance, an interesting novelty and a cheap sprinkler. SOUTHERN OFFICE, Corner College and Fourth streets, CHARLOTTE, N. O. at rea A large supply of -; TtJKNIP SEED --That will grow, at L. J. WALKER'8, Drugs, paints, oils, and druggists' sun dfe, corner Cbarch and Trade streets. We have another supply of FRUIT CANS For family use. For preserving or put ting up vegetables you should have one of our OIL STOVES. Make no heat in the room. Porcelain Kettles from 20c up. We have two or three refrigerators at a bargain. J. N. M'CAUSLAND & Co., 81a te and Tin Roofing Contractors. ' Builders and Contractors: When In need of flooring, - celling, weather-boarding, ' ' r shingles or lime, don't fail ,, to get my prices. Satisfao- : tlon guaranteed. . 1 E. L. PRQPST DYNAMOS. Dtjbxct CUBBKirruynamos for Isolated Lighting.' Alternating Current Dyna? mos for Central Station Lighting Power Generators for Railway Plants THB , W KBTINQHOUEa ELBCTBIO aZTD . MaKUTACTOBrifQ OO,,