- . . . . .1 : THK DIAMOND MJCET. A XEGKO MO&TAIXT WOUSDED. 8clia4 Sat ob .Sefeatla A Adam-Coiuieraf Will Go - for : :5 - BMordBadaeed Bates. The Southern States Passenger Asso ciation bu agreed to sell tickets, on the ! : ceruncate pian, jar -. if . rare zor me round trip.; The parties buy a ticket , for full rare and get a certificate, which will be s lamed . by . the -secretary -of the . Cvela Club and the railroad scent here, c and return -ticket is then sold to the i holder of - the certificate for one-third fare.- This should insure a good crowd from outside points. - T7ufTtti?r. -who. bT the way; Is a Tar Heel, will be here, and comes with the avowed, purpose of meeting and de- eating- Adams. - Sehade- will be hece for the same purpose, r Then' there are : rnnnftniL Glenn. Murchison. Mixson Ifax welL Temule. ReddTi Beck, Carson - and others with jnst such. ideas. ; The results of all this will be the grandest contest oar people will ever see.e Ev ery man named above holds or has held recently a record and has broken rec-. ords. Some of these men are known, and need no introduction; the others are equally as good and said to be better. Scbade wul pass through here on Tuesday's noon train bound for Green wood, . u., wnere ne win meei tne other fast men, and all of .them will come here September 13th. Connerat will go for the 2:5 record, which will be 5i seconds fastertban tnat m&ae Dy mm In Jacksonville last month. It will not surprise the knowing ones if an even two-minute record is made on the track here, as it is known to be very fast, Sims, on May 21st, made a half, with bad pacing, in 1:011, and said he conld have done It in two or three seconds faster time with better pacing. A great many Class B men have made enquiries about this meet, and a large crowd of that class could nave been got ten, but our people are more interested in those they know, and it was deemed best to have only Class A events. It is thought that results will prove the wis dom of this course. It is not generally known that Char lotte has two full-fledged "professional riders. Guesses ia order. A BIG CATCH. Tbe Gaston Fox Club Bring In Six Foxes, Eight Coons and Twenty-Eight Squirrels Five days ago the Gaston Fox Club, consisting of Messrs. T. S. Lineberger, J. H. Wilson, Jr , T. E. Shuford, 8. N. Boyce, li. H. Davenport, Dr. R. M; Reed, Lee Kincaid, Wm. Strong, Don Huff stickler, T. W. Micheam and Joe Chason, passed through here on their way to Rockingham for a bis fox hunt Yesterday morning they returned with s'x fox tales, eight 'possum jaw-bones and 28 squirrel hides. They had a most successful drive, off only four days in all. They stopped at Ellerbe Springs They had with them 63 dogs. Besides the game mentioned above, the crowd brought with them fonr young live squirrels to tame. The club was royally cared ior by Messrs. Tom leak and Walter Steele, and the Rockingham people in general. The Sick. The boy, Arthur Satterfield, who has been quite sick, said to have had hy- aroDhoDia, is again better. Mrs. 8. J. Asbury was called to Da viason eariy yesieraay morning by a telegram announcing Miss Julia Thomp son s condition as no better. Miss Thompson is a graduate of the Commer cial College, and her many friends will deeply regret hearing that there is little nope or her recovery. Mrs. Asbury and ner son, master nranat, who accompa nied her to Davidson, returned yester- aay evening. Lomax Walker was better yesterday The Wilmington Colored Clob Will Come Again. Chafing under-the recent defeats at Wilmington, the Quickstep Baseball Club, of this city, have worked like Trojans for the last few days to get up a guarantee fund to induce the Wil mington club to play three more games here. Yesterday the contract was closed on both sides, and the guarantee signed by well-known Charlotte busi ness men. The final games of the sea son to decide the championship of the State will be played here on the 11th, 12th and 13th insts. Both teams are scouring the country for players. A Black Cat Did It All. Yesterday evening late Vince Senior, colored, Dr. J. W. Byers' driver, was hitching the horse to the buggy, and just as he had fastened the traces, a black cat ran under the horse's front feet and frightened him. He broke and ran, coming out Third street into South Tryon. His gait was so fast that his feet slipped out from under him in front of the Associate Reformed Pres byterian church. The horse was bruised a little and the buggy demolished. Quite a crowd gathered at the scene. Vince was so scared that he was black in the face. Big Shows, Two. Mr. J. C. Henry, manager of car No. 3, of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, was here yesterday with his men, post ing tne city ana country in every direc lion. This is only one of ten of the ad vertising cars, ana car JNo. d is an oppo sition car to bells iiros. -Both shows are to appear the same month in Charlotte and each is doing its level best to out do the other in advertising. Every Window, nook and corner has a circus picture exhibited. Sf cCansland & Co. Doing Business. MeCausland & Co. yesterday shipped one or tneir large Majestic ranges to iieimont uoiiege. It was nine and one nail reel long. Two large ovens went with It. Messrs. Gresham & Jamison, of the railroad eating house at Monroe, after searching Portsmouth and Nor folk for a range for their eating house at Portsmouth, came to Charlotte to buy their range. Xhe Anti-Toxin Treatment tor Diph theria. Drs. Irwin & Misenheimer are giving one or ineir patients, jar. O. J&. .Nor wood, who is sick with diphtheria, the anti-toxine treatment. This is the first time this treatment has been introduced .in the city, and probably in the State. Mr. Norwood's case is a bad one and the 'ieultS ; Of the new treatment will be eagerly watched. tatk of NUt of Mecklenburg la Ala- CapUin Wm. D. Alexander, who was born in this county 79 years ajro, died ,in Birmingham, Ala., last Thursday. "He. married a daughter of Captain Dunn, Of Union county, S. C. He was a Member of Ithe ' Baptist Church, a well-read and a very intellectual man. He lea res an aged widow and children to mourn his death. , - - Th Cottoa Soasoa Has Come. Yesterday brought 20 bales of cotton . to town; 15 bales were new and 11 old. Messrs.-Dosjer and Blakeney, of lower Providence, had in two more bales of new. cotton, making four for this season from their farm. Monday will bring a good number of new bales in, as the re ports of many being ginned yesterday have been heard of. fias. nrwe TTUoa .With tbe fefoaroa . Bleb SehooL. . The musio teacher at the Monroe High School is Miss Florence Wilson, of New Hampshire. - She has had four years in the New England J3onserva i tory, and -is a musician of the highest talents.. She has taught in North Caro lina ia the Statesville Female College. She arrived ia Monroe Friday. - la the Criminal Court. -'. . J." -D." Arnold 'was let. oft in the Criminal Court yesterday by ' paying 71 r. Reeves, the man whom he-assaulted. $50 and 50 of a doctor ilC . 5 . Old man Humphrey for incest; Judg-i-t '"-as suspended on payment of cc - v ; led fce would leave the Stata, .JSaffataUerad Jen Umu Shot Xaa Night-Yfc Tro- . ble Atom Orw Boekiag Wisdow. - Late last night at the house of Essie Abernatby. colored, on West First street tutvMA Mint ana tnurcn, mere wa a ahnntinz affrav in which Hamp Ab ero&thy, colored, was shot in the foot and John Lomax," colored, in-the right side, the ball going through the: liver Into - tbe bowels. - tie is mortauj wounded.- - - - The fuss began . by some outsiders breaking out the . window glass with a rock. In the house-were Halle Aber nathy, Essie's husband, and Victoria Caldwell, colored. Dan Kelley, white and two other white men strangers. tome one from the outside, Essie says ir was two colored boys, Sam Harris and Sohn Lomax. threw rocks y and broke out the side and front windows. Then -Daa Kelley started MP?the win dow but some one caught him and told hi m f" not ' to: go, for he would get shot, but he went and shot out the window. boon Hamp Aber- nathy came In from across the street and said he had been shot in the foot. Kelley asked who it was that did the rocking. Hamp said: "There is the one. 1 guess," pointing toward John Lomar, who was on the sidewalk. Kel ley immediately fired at Lomax's face and the latter ran. He ran on till he fell mortally wounded. Hamp Abernatby came to , ponce headquarters and swore out a warrant for Dan Kelley, and Officers Black, Monster and Farrington arrested Kel ley at his home and placed! him in the Tombs. Dr. Wilder was sent for and admin- tered to the wounded negroes. A COLD WAVE COMING. It is Central in the Northwest Now, and the Advance Guard May Be Expected in Charlotte This Evening. A cold wave of very decided energy is central this morning over the North west, and the weather has grown de cided' y cooler at all stations west of tbe Mississippi river, l'rost was reportea from North Platte, Neb., and at Bis marck, N. D.; the temperature fell to 30 degrees, this being the lowest tern perature ever recorded at that station during the first decade of September. This cold wave will move gradually eastward over the Central States, and while its intensity will, of course, be greatly modified as it passes across the country, yet its eucci win bo ien, ue cidedly in all sections. The cold, dense air blowing out front.the high pressure area which attends the cold wave, and coming in contact with the warmer. moist air overlying the more southerly districts, has already caused a general precipitation over the central valleys, which condition, however, will soon give place to clear and cooler weather. The effect of this cold wave will be felt in this locality during the next 36 hours, and the present hot weather will Iikelv give way to cooler and more sea sonable conditions for a few days at least. Judging from the eeneral conditions, the indications are that there will be showers in this locality to-day, with gradually falling temperature during the day, and that the weather will be decidedly cooler to-night. Dr. Boyd's First Sermon in Kvanston. Dr. J. H. Boyd preached in the new Presbyterian church at Evanston, 111., last Sunday, the first sermon in the new church. A special programme of sacred music was rendered by trained singers. The organ is a new one and cost $7,000. Two numbers were exected by Miss Lina Mae Haynes, organist of the First Presbyterian church. Miss Haynes is a musician of great promise and ability and a pupil of Harrison Wild. The church cost 70,000. The Chica go Evening Post recently contained a column write-up of it. Mrs. Boyd is not expected in Evanston until October. Some Impressions of Foreign Travel." The Rev. Mr. Hoffmann will have for his subject "Some Impressions of For eign Travel, at his 8 p. m. service to- ay, insteaa oi u a. m., as stated in esterday's Observer. Mr. Hoffmann as lust returned from a highly eniov- able European trip. His previous his torical reading and stndv enabled him to see and appreciate thoroughly all the sijh s and scenes o hn j uroey nd ne has stored away a vast amount of information and description. His soourse to-night will doubtless be most instructive one. e t Sept 16tb, 1895. 3:30 P. M, CYCLE TRACK. Reduced rates on all railroads and from all points; certificate plan ; greatest riders of the whole South will ie on hand and will take part in the grand co teats; races will be far superior to those of May 20th and 21st, as number of .fast men is more than double ; price of admission, 50c , and tick ets will be placed, on sale at the Haberdasher's on Thursday, 12th ; no extra charge for carriages or grand stand ; races will be p st poned one day if ra n interferes. . a r ' 2;-:;; 1 M t stock Of wheels la atill tare anil Mm plete. although I have doid quit a number the pttat wwk.' I oav left an bartralna in opntt-haiKt wheotsali prices, weights mad tylt. Btat prio and welcht yoo want anavseanlll tbe bill. . W.P.DoWD. jenral repair work. Bundrlea a tpeiaity. WE HAYE Chaser whether his Docket book ha ,hi or little and terms to suit all. Come, look and be convinced. THOMAS & MAXWELL, Furniture, Pictures, Frames, etc If you want to smoke drop in . - - , - - , - at Lu j, ai -. - r -" - ker's ""Drug ' ' - " - ' -r Store," corner .t -'.'rl Church and;' ' - . . Trade sts,, - - r-' J ' . and get a good cigar. - , Prcs.crirr v.n work a specialty. n tllUU 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99: 99 99 99 99 99: 99 CLOSEFISTE0 PEOPLE - r - -- - - - v,Are of .many kinds and many minds.Youve - - '' .' heard about the man that used the wart on his . . ' nose for a collar button, the fellow, who stops" - his clock every night so the works will- wear - longer, the chap who eats his meals looking in a mirror that be may imagine be is eating - double,-tbe man who wouldn't walk in the sun ' at noon for fear his shadow might ask him to lunch, But the very meanest man is the one who says he can't "spend" the time to exam ine our wonderful black worsted suit for $10 when we say it is the best in the city for the money .7; , . . . 99 99 99': 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99- Telephone 9. n 99 99 99 99 N Fall ew Well-se"eoted, cash-bought bargains, without -an equal in style or quality and away down in prices. Our shelves BEAUTIFUL, NEW FALL CLOTHING We have been kept busy the first choicest productions now on our counters it is a little eirly to talk overe ats, fact that we have the prettiest line of FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATS to arrive in a few days Melloira Hen's asud Boys5 Next to H. Bariacfa, AUGUSTA BREWING CO.'S FINE EXPORT, BOTTLE AND KEG BEER, SODA WATER, KEG AND BOTTLE CIDER ! ALL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY. SEicin. Invoices by every mail; goods by every freight train; the rattle of nail puller and hatchet; these are signs of business at the place; some goods are in and ready for you; others coming every day; Monday is the time for a handsome robe for the fall; they are beauties and one of a kind; fancy silks in new weaves for' waists, 6 yards in each piece; wool checks, 38 inches, at 50 and 60c; for waists these cool mornings; J. B. and P. D. corsets still being closed out at cost; about one dozen laundered shirt waists to go Monday at si price to be named here, sizes 32, 34 and 36; another lot of waists at 35, 50 and 75c; small assort ment huek and damasktow els very cheap ;few pieces ta ble damask that will inter est housekeepers; not many napkins left but what's here are below value; the carpet room has some tempters for housekeepers; the store will be loaded down with new goods in every department in a few days; we are busy makiDg room and slashing in price on every hand; keep up with this space. T. L. SEIGLE & CO. Fourteen years ao I was taken with an ulceration of tbe lips, which caused" me great anxiety as well as suffering. Both lips were perfectly raw .nd very painful, smarting and burning ail the time, eausing me great suffering. There was one sore which remained on my lip for 14 years, and I had grave fears as to the end.' I tried lhebest medical treat meht the coantry afforded, and various remedies that friends would prescribe, but nothing had any effect on me what ever nntil I " tried Mrs. Joe Person s Remedy. I saw her and she told me she thought she could cure me, I tried her Remedy last October, and my lips were soon, perfectly eared and have hefn well ever si nee. I told Mrs. Ppntnn I would pay her $50 if she would cure me but she said no, she preferred my buy ing her medicine. I did so and would not, taltek hundreds Of dollars foe, what it has done for me. , " , , - " .: J.'fLTf ART... Millbrook, Wake county, N. C.,; March -V 99 99 99 ood. and counters are loaded with AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. week of our opening showing the season's with new additions to stock every day. but we lust want to remind you of the ever brought to Charlotte. heltoe West Trade Street. A. RENZ, Agt. THE MAN ABOUT TOWN No matter what faults he may have, knows above all others where to buv the tony" furnishing eroods. Men about this town often come to us; all the time, if they can. They know us to be the people to carry every new line the instant it be comes fashionable. Anoth er thing: the man about town is apt to be " broke" sometimes. Iherefore he must needs buy cheap and he comes to us. . Boys, keep your eye on our window this week. Something will be there to Long, Tate f Co., One Peice Clothiers. We solicit orders from a distance and will send goods any part of the country, re-1 turnable at our expense. WIS8TON. N. C Coa. Mais aksSdSTS. J. L.JLuDLOW,C.E.,M.S., Sanitary and Hydraulic X lTT I X H, h, K. ' " ... "... m " I Water Svmtn, Bmusi Ptstih ml - BTKirt WFBOTiHMMi Keporta, Plana, Specifications, Estimate of Cost and 8aptrintentnce of Coast roe Uou. Watik Bcpplt and 88ikaoi DrapwSAE. for Iso lated Instuntloas sad -Plants. Watkb rowct BCKVKTf 8- Plan ana estlmat of cost of developing and utilising, Available Power aq1 Commercial Valu oetermiaed LADSHAJW I L TADSH AW r " CITir. AND MIL.X. KSGrNKKKS. 8petaIy-Irg la tb construction and equipment of Vol ton Mills, fcteam and Hy, draulie Power Plants and tbo LHVelopmQt oi Water Power. - - . KSl5HOE.9f AH& COW8TRUCTOB8 Or THI j.-. BKHUIITA JIILUi, -w.. Aadress, Henrietta, IT.'Cn Rutherford Co . Th irreat lire cash values we now offer are full of interest to the puretas- in miKlift. "Send os sampiea wnn nriRM wnmvji from, everywhere, and the goods go out ,1a, alt directions, and no wonder, for such prices . were never made public before V ' , - -- Thousands of talri of tKe very1est thWmide at about balf-price. Ele- eant eooda. We never did sell shoddy nwuig hot the very best of roods cheap. Wk. we sell everybody shoes. See the throngs in that department. You don't have to ask if the goods are good or eheap Yoa just seetneexperx ony rs taking two or three pairs apiece. We tell you this pocket logic goes home. We have been telling you an the time that values like ours would nack a house anv time, wnen a customer can ouy an m. sr. . . '. T t T Reed or a John Kelly's hand-sewed shoe for a lady from us at $3 and $2.25 they are not going to pay tbe otner lei lows S3 to S3.au. "iso sir ree. They may like tbe other fellows goods, but bless your life! it's money saved to come to us. Why, just as long as we can sell 2-ply all-wool Ingrain Carpets, and the best made, and save you 15to20o. a yard we shall be able to sell tbe goods. You need not complain of hard times and the price of cotton when you can boy of us a full knee-pants suit for a boy at 35c. 85 and $6 men's suits for $3 50, Elegant $2.50 and $3 pants for $1.50. and yet this is what we are offer ing. 500 men a and boys and children s suits, all made up for this season's trade, first-class every way, bought at 60 cents on the dollar of the cost of making. These we bought at our own cash offer from a manufacturer who was hard-pressed for dollars and willing to sacrifice to get the cash. Over 500 pairs of men s fine pants to arrive next week, bought at split dollar prices, and will go at half price. Of course we don t make any money on Barker Mill Bleach at 7c. and dress ginghams at 5c, and a few other staple articles. To be candid, we never counted on profits in these staple goods. We have always followed up the plan of letting them pay their way through the house. Our great fall purchase coming in daily, and in the next ten days we shall have housed a stock of goods second to none in the South. Come to the Racket for bargains. Williams, Hood & Co., Successors to W. J. Davis & Co. ; 1 SCHOOL DAYS are here. Careful mothers will find much to replenish in their children's wardrobe. OUR HOSIERY STOCK win surprise you. we are having a strong hold on the it iir hosiery trade because of the I excellent values we are sell ing. JOE BARUCH c CO Opposite City Hall. 70 Dozen QA TOWELS. Big lot AJ-Ii scooped in. Got them cheap'. They go on sale September 9th. You never saw such a towel bar- tin. Big, fine fellows, every one of them. 1A &1 OA J-VC. EACH. G1V DOZEN. Quantities no cheaper. HOTELS and DeoDle at a distance. send in your orders with the cash; it you are not pleased casn refunded when towels are returned. Act promptly. Look out for our pall NOVeltleS m dress goods, otyies un- sumassed bv anv. All Drices and grades: all colors and blacks. L HexaBder, &m Co. 1. $20-Ha?e Ten a Dinner Sei?-$20. JfOr COMB WlTTl $SO ANJ TAKE TO UIZ TICK OP THEM. TUBY ere 940 TWO TEARS AGO AND T1IBT CAN 'T BE HAD FOR ANT LESS NOW IN ANT OTHER STORE IN the BEST DINNER SETS EVER OF- r jsitiu am. nm ha rjs vn ui . -n n T. . CTT u. , T. 11 r . "T . VTTT . T " r THREE OF THEM. THEY ARB the BEST THIN AUSTRIAN CHINA FOR TWELVE PEOPLE. GOLD TRACINGS AND EDGES AND DIF FERENT DECORATIONS. - TEA SETS, DECORA TED CHINA. 56 PIECES, $5, $6 and $7. . - HA VI LAND CHINA TELA SETS. 56 PIECES, ASSORTED DECORA TIONS, $m: TOU ARE INVITED to SEE THEM BUY OR NOT, AS TOb LIKE. s"V" lr G. S. READ - & CO.. "' - IlCPOKTEJtS ASD BETAILKBS .' ;; "Fine Chinas-Cut - Glass. ' 11 w ,5tsdk IN The signals are up for a great storm that is approaching the Central Hotel corner from the east. Everything in its path will be swept away, v Nobody in the building will be safe. January 1st, 1896. is the date set for the arrival of tfytorm. By that time W. Kaufman & Co., with the others, must be ready to move, oyrfhe We are DreDariner for our goods may be protected from the "blow," and ask that you help us in our efforts to move our large stock of seasonable merchandise, consisting of ; Men's, Boys' and . . . f-m .-v - ,. -t.i Men's and Boys' Puraishings. HateCa We need your assistance and we will pay you handsomely for your services. of CLOTHING will be sacrificed nothing will be reserved everything must go. We are compelled, under the circumstances, to dispose of our entire stock an elegant assortment of stylish garments, the crowning effort of twenty years' experience in the clothing business in Charlotte; even at a loss values will be given you such as were never before offered. Wonderful bargains in every department. At the time when it is necessary tor you to supply yourselt ana iamiiy witn WDINT Our goods are all new, made the biggest and most reliable manufacturers in the country for cash, not ; on time, therefore we can cheerfully guarantee the best value in the quality and make qfevery garment sold. This is a grand opportunity for you to save OO'I 9 ffl A( T1PP 7Ailt on your purchases. Be on time, then; follow the old adage, l)0 1"0 lU lJ yd IaJuU Ijo not put off till to-morrow what can be done to-day. Kemember we carry the largest and best Ooirflr P1 Ac (Tlxirtfl and Furnishings m the selected stock of Jivoiwi. in length, and all the available space, every nook and corner, in fact, is replete with bargains. We have been with you twenty years and have never misled you by our statements, so come and meet with certain success; inspect our stock, hear and see our prices and you will easily believe that 5010 Stock w. LEADING CLOTHIERS. Goods at these prices sold for Central Hotel corner cash only. MPORTANT Owing to the fact that our term of co-partDership expires by limitation Sept. 1st, 1895, and being very undecid ed as to whether we would continue business or not, we inaugurated sever al months ago one of the greatest slaughter sales ever conducted in the State. There's scarcely a family In this whole country but that enjoyed a rich harvest from this sale. For good rea sons, among them being a brighter out look for this city and a much healthier financial outlook for the whole country, we have just determined to continue our business and push it as never be fore. Our buyers are now preparing to purchase one of the largest and most complete stocks of fine dry goods ever brought to this city, and we propose to do the business by having the correct stuff and selling it at prices which will not fail to please. Special attention will be given to fine dress goods, trim mings and wraps, though every depart ment shall be replete with the very lat est novelties in their respective lines Our bouse has already won the reputa tion of being the lowest price house on nice drv eoods in this section, and we are determined to increase that envia ble rep by sending ourchoice stuff into every nook and hamlet throughout the Carolinas. v We boldly challenge any competitor to produce better values than we give, and henceforth if they give anything like as good they've got to sret a move on them. Watch for the new stuif. & BICYCLE REPAIRING. Xargest and best equipped repair shop in the State. Difficult repair wo'k so licited. J. MARSH HEIZER, 35 South College. BELLS,LANTERNS -AND -WE" SELL- OCCASIONALLY. Come to headquarters be fore you boy. - r - iM W. 'HARNESS CO. Hams Keesler Bicycles! 1 OF DANQERj 3 the cominsr storm bv digging Children's Clothing: . . , J)f LOT exclusively for our order, -i wwiwijijijiji State. Our store is 175 of Cloiii is NOTICE, Owing to the fact that the workmen have been unable to finish our store' in time for us to open September 2d, we will have - to postpone the opening for a few days. Notice will be given in due time. - ' " The Charlotte' Dry Goods Enrajporniminni, ASSIGNEE'S SALE.- w altera ana-wait;; the wo"d heading this column. The time has now arrived to act. To the many friends of Mr. H. Baruch, I am able to tell the pleasing news that his affairs are "about arranged and that at an early date he will start out anew, to supply the trade with all the novelties to be had but it quire Forty Thousand Dollars (40,000) in cash Xof& complishtnis much-desired result, and to aid him to raise this sum of money, I respectfully request 1st. That those indebted to him will do him more than a favor by paying their accounts, and ; ., 2d. I advise the public that from and after Tiiesclay next, the 3d inst.,'I will expose for sale (cash only) his entire stock of goods at- -Assignee's Prices." (Every body knows what that means.) But I am short of help, and to avoid confusion I will' make sales of special goods on special days. I commence for next Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday to close out all of his stock of Millinery, Ribbons, Veilings, Fans, Parasols and "White Goods. All these lines must and shall be - sold. Come on come soon and stay late. -( ; r ; s - Yours truly, 1 , - : ' - S. WI-TTKOWSKY, 4 ; ' Assignee nf Vtntrnrtt Tie Family Coffee II iUeS Sft bhs tne pest steas hammer on the market from : : : : H. WEDDINQTON d CO., -'!.'. A -Z' - Ilardwart Dealers, ' ' - - . " 1 East Trade Street. s orm Gl&tfoitijt immense storm pits, that HO and bought this season from at Your re CO , (THESE FIGURES MEAN .. , SOMETHING.) N