i Voir. Vni. No. 64 OLD DOMINION op Norfolk; va; Manufacturers of the celebrated OLD DOMINION and y FARMERS' FBIEND brands of ammoniated fertilizers and acid phosphates. We are still to the lead as the largest sellers la southwestern North Carolina, and for the fall trade of '95 and spring trade r!0 -.e will offer our well knowu brandttesserTER IN QUALITY AND MORE PERFECT IN MECHANICAL CONDITION THAN EVER BEFORE. We sell a LARGER TONNAGE In the State of NORTH CAROLINA than ANY MANUFACTURERS DOING BUSINESS IN THAT STATE,- with er located in or oat of it. ; - Ask the Department of Agriculture at Raleigh for corroboration of this statement. Iu significance is irresisti ble. Represented at all points by agents of the highest standing. tW Write to us for name and address of your nearest agent. Old Dominion Gaano Company, NORFOLK, VA. Hot weather usually weakens nerves, uBa ina oiooa, leaving tne Doay ema ciated and unable to resist disease. DR. KING'S EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPHITE LIME and SODA restores the wasted elements to the svs tem. Easily digested, rapidly enabling the constructive forces to make the lean man fat. Try it. "OURWELL JDURWELL Jk 8ole Proprietors aft DUNN, UNN, Manufacturers, (These figures don't mean anything just put there to attract attention.) I aod Loao Association As Usual ahead in winding up maturing series ; Six Years ' is the limit of all our series and we hope to run out a few more within that peri od. Last five series average $53,200 each. Interest Six Per Cent. ' TIT . iLt-1. J a. i 1 . . j ve iniuit investors win realize i per cent., an taxes paia oy tne Association. Capitalists and savers, can you beat i this? P. M. BROWN, President. A. G. BRENIZER, Secretary ORGANIZED 1874. -THIS- National Bank OP CHARLOTTE, N. C. United States, State and City Depository. : Paid up capital $178,000 00 Rnrplas and an divided profits 181,000 00 rrouiiuiu uu u. o. oonaa 12,000 00 1348,000 00 what custonaen of a bank want are accommodation and safety : the latter the more imoortant. This bank has a surplus of 1173,000 00 An nuiuuu b urai l J tnj uttl io its T capital. . rersonai liability or shareholders. . 176,000 00 I ., . ,w , $348,000 00 11 lTOI W1U awvo bD0 Bei8 ID WD10D 'the capital and deposits are in- vested. Th liabilities are the deposits, say $350,000 00 ..Less cash on hand j,000 00 wtids net uaoiuty $185 000 00 Good notes and other se- t entitles $445,000 00 Personal UabllitY of shareholders as above 175,000 00 $630,000 00 !uVi ' "'""wror every ii liability, , wjooBHooo anon consistent with " - uBiHiziR, Cashier i J. 8. Bpxncib, President. Co. 18 and 20 Thomas Street, N. Y. Dry omission Merchants t Consignments of Cotton f " uoods Solicited. -Liberal advances desired. made if tood one9.iiLblef;5IwiE 5 v Six or eight horsa-power. - - tHALOTTI GBASITB COKPAJrT. DR. W. H. WAKEFIELD i ' .- - : WIIX BE VS HIS OFFICE AT 509 N- Tryon St., Charlotte, All days except Friday and Saturday of each week. ? Phoitb74, Practice limited to i - Eve. Ear. Nose and Thoat. I aI' D fannn It P I lfi.! tfiM ikiinui , v. a. imiciiiidiuier, I Hi in i ruysiciacs aaa surgeons, ' f Office Nov 3, Harty building, opposite 3d Presbyterian chureh. CHAS. C. HOOK, A BOfllTECT, CHARLOTTE, N. a H. O. HERRING. . DENTIST. Of Concord, has looated In Charlotte for the practice of his profession, and respectfully ask the publlo for share of their pronaje. Office fat the Dayid- Da botliiujj. . , , Y-'i- .; : GUM COMPANY $110,00010 The Mutual Boildin Commercia COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE BatTiicoMt, Md.. September 11. THIS IS TO CBBTI rY THAT l'HE LI M I TED PAKTNEBHHIP heretofore -en-teredlntobyJOHNE.CRBY.TU8TAL.C 8MITH sndGKOBGKH. BAYNE. as Gen eral Partners, and MARTIN LANE, as pe dal Partnern the seventeenth day of Osto ber.ln the year elgh teen hundred and ninety four. 1 hereby, with matoal consent of all of thesaid Partners, DISSOLVE t and Cu. CIjTJDED. ' " . As witness our bands and seals this ele venth day of September, In the year eighteen hundred and ninety-five. . JOHN R. CAREY, ; Seal GEoRGE B BAYIfE, Seal. TUN STALL SMITH, Seal General Partners. MARTIN LAWK, - ffeal. J I Bpeoial Partner. THI8 CERTIf I3ATB COP.t LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, made this eleventh day of September, In the year eighteen hundred and nlnety-flve, by and between JOB v B. CAREt. GEORGE H. JBAYJSB and TUN STALL SMITH, as General Partners, and MARTIN LANE and ROBERT KNIGHT, as Special Partners Wltaesseth, That the said JOHN CABBY, who resides In the city of Balti more, in ne Mse or Hsr7tsoa;uKUBui H. BAYNE, who resides In the. village of NntlT. in i he State of New-Jersey, and USerALL BMITrt, who resides tn the said c.t tf Baltimore. as General Partners, and MARTIN LaNE, who resides in the etty of Wilmington, in the State of Dsls- ware, ana hud max khiuhi, wdo reuam Intbeettyof Providence, in the State of Rhode Island, as Special Partners, have en tered into a LI M ITED PABTN Est SHIP un der the provisions of the seven ty-third article of The Code ol Public General Laws of the State of Maryland, for the purpose of conducting In said elty of Baltlmo. e the W HOLESJPCE AND COMMISSION DttY GOODS Br-SI-NE88 under the firm name of CAREY, BAYNE A SMITH. The said Martin Lane, as one of the said Special Partners, has contributed In cash to me common stock of the said partnership vhe sum of fifty thousand dollars, and the said Mobert Knight, as the other of the raid especial Partners, has contributed in cash to me common stocK oi me sain partnersnjp the sum of on- nan a red thousand dollars, t Xne said partnership is to begin on the eleventh day of September, ia the year eighteen hundred and nlnety-flve, and to terminate on the tenth day of September, in the year eighteen hundred and ninety eight. - As witness our hands and seals the day and year first above written. J'HN E.CAREY, Seal. GEORGE H. BAYNE, fceal t TUNS 1 ALL SMITH, IBeal. General Partners MARTIN LANE. Seal. ROBE it T KNIGHT, Seal. I)R E. P. KEERANS, DENTIST, 7 West Trade 8treet, Charlotte, N. O. TNPORTED and American sardines. X cheap, medium and fine salmon, 1 and 2-pound crabs potted, devilled and sandwich meats, lunah, lamb and ox tongue, light and full-weight oysters. kippered herring, cod-fish balls and chip beef. Bethdne & White. WT ANTED quick, 3 modern houses, v v all conveniences, on or near car lines, C to 9 rooms. A. Dux can M. Osborne. T7V3R SALE. Beautiful building lot JL West 10th; 5ixl40. W. S. Alexander. DIAMONDS, IAMONDS, RINGS, 1NG3, SEE ) "VfEW and TRETTY THEM, f EW and JT RETTY, PALAMOUNTAIN ALAMOUNTAIX, -THE! tioie ATLANTA. GA. Centrally located. All conveniences. Opposite postofflce. Hickey& Scoville, Proprietors. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT. Two Nights Only, commencing Wedn etd y , Sept. 18th. Mr. and Mrs. S.dney Drew and Com pany of Select Players under the man agement of Mr. McKee Rankin. On Wednesday night will be presented the Three-Act Comedy -entitled Arabian Nights, ADMISSION, 50. and $1. Seats on sale at M. P. Peeram's, the Haberdasher, without extra charge. Just arrived, an assortment of genuine Granite Iron Ware. ICE CREAM FREEZERS AND WATER COOLERS at cost to close them out. A beautiful array of Fine Orates, Tile Hearths and Facings. J. N. McCAUSLAND & CO., Slate and Tin Roofing Contractors. FOR LADIES. : DERMAL BALM Keeps the face, bands and oft, white and beautiful. skin FOR MEN. Its use after shaving prevents all irritation, keeps the face free from pimples and smooth as vel vets Prepared by . ft. H. TOftDANT Jordan & C8-: PrescriptioBlsts. w"isstow,n.c co Mais abo 3d 8t I. L. LuDLOWtO.E.TM.S.; Sanitary and Hydraulic ENGINEER. WATER Bcrrilis. Rivikagi Btvarawa and BTBirr Imphovkx cats; v Reports. Plans. 8necitieations. Kstimates of (tent and SuprtBtendnee of Construction. Watib Burrtr and snwasutea DrsPueAX.for Iso lated Institutions and Plants. Watsr Powib Bobviys. Plans and estimate of cost of developing and utilizing. Available rower ana Lomxnercuu vaioe determined SPECIAL NOTICES Go iiiii.i Opera Hoase flTK SCARED uytuumte Kxpiodee la Qaanr A Timely - - Wajrfnjr.-'' . Mr. J. T. Clark and" Mr. J. W, McKoy are workiQc a force of hands on the Yorkviile road,, gettlnff out rock, inurday afternoon the hands were in tne Quarry aa usuaL settina a blast. ; So touch absorbed were they that they did not observe that the piece of bagging wuica was mrown oter tne oox or dyn amite was on ore. A darky on the bank saw the flame and called to the men to rtin for their lives. There were 25 men in the qaarry, and the way those 23 niggers scrambled up' out of tbat quarry "was oantion."- r One man ran back and tried to prevent the explosion by using his bat to extinguish the Barnes..' The rest of the men yelled to him to run, and thinking himself that he had better flee as a bird to the mountains," be fled. And just in time. . xie naa . Dareiy dodced ; behind tree before v:!- there waa - terrible explosion and the air ' was .fill ed with" rock and dirt. Jjnyot trees Besr me noie were'Droten and evervthinff in the ouarrv blown out. But for the timely warning of the man un me osdk not a man oi tne twenty Qve would have been left to tell the tory. mr. iacnoy was sitting Borne distance away on a rock and he was considerably shaken np. 7 it was some time oerore the men could be pnrsuaded to return to work, LOCAL WEATHER REPORT. 8. L. Doshzr, Observer, Charlotte. N. S pU M, 1886, 1p.m. a A ROM ao.io WMF . I WKATHBK. I Clear. I PijeOIFITAT'H it I .00 Maximum, tl ; minimum, 68. Correspondlng date last year: Maximum, 8 minimum, 68. WXaTHIB rORECAST. For winds North Carolina Fair; warmer; east PEOPLE'S COLUMN lO Cents a Lis, Six Words to the Usa O J . WOKLK.Y. who has been associated Cj with W. Kaufman At o. for six years in the capacity of clothing salesman, has con nected himself with the firm of Mellon A Shelton In the same capacity and would be pleased to have his friends and old custo mers call and see him. "TT" ANTED Comfortable room with fV board for a lady. Prlrate family pre f erred. XN8URANCE accents want the latest thins: X which always represents the best seller and money-getter, w e have -'the best on earth." and you want to see it. Life insur ance reduced In price and our policy condi tions now lead tne worm, uon'l miss writ 1 m to the 1. F. A , 404 Cathedral street, Bal timori, Ma. (Mention this paper.) if BJ. M. J. Archer, formerly of Char lL lotte, is located at 45 West Cain street. Atiaoia.UH , ana win rarnisn rooms -aa board, or rooms, to parties attending the exposition, at very reasonable rates. Bit' nation near postofflce and urand Opera House, on one of the raoln car lines leading to tne exposition grounas ryiHE Whkiy Chakiottk obsibvib I has doubled its subscription list within the last year Now Is the time to place yonraavertisement. O100 BICYC E, ii eating: nsed five weeks lalbs, for $90. Box 174, Halinbury, N. C. TT1UKNISHKD apartments wanted, suit- AJ aoie lor nouseaeeptng. Two adults and two children. Obsebtib. Address ' A. J ,"Chablottb rrHK neatest dress hat made is toe Yon- JL man's. No hat in the world is better made It is perfection Long, Tate A Co, nave exclusive control oi its sale in cnar lotte. --fTAX FR4.NK, Boienllflo Optician, 14 i.VJL North Tryon street "VXTATCH the cream tn the top of our Jars TV or mux. mojj. wsiudi. HE BUY who wants a bieyole must read . Lone. Tate A Co's advertisement on fourth page. X AM delivering from the wagon. I drive JL 112 quarts of milk before breakfast How Is that? O.C.Moore. X1TANTKD Matron for the Alexander TV Rescue Home, Charlotte, N. C. Farty must nave no cntiaren. A.aa res at once Mrs. Robert Gibbon, Charlotte, N. C. "ITT" ANTED Three gentlemen boarders for Tr winter at 2tt South Tryon street. HP t K most fashionable and best made hat 1 Is the celebrated Youmans. Long. Tate A Co. have the exclusive sate of it in Char- lotte. Please look at It. TRtLBY hearts, chains, pins and lockets. T. L.. Alexander, Bon A Co. "1TBS. DONALDSON and Miss Birdie ill Wilson's kindergarten school will not open until Beptemner zaa. T"ONT think we will do your printing for JlS nothing, but we will do it in the best style. Observer Printing House. TT OfG bang combs and MJ Alexander's. link cuff sets at rrtO REACH the country people advertise A. U tit WIIItT CHiBLOTTI OBSIBVIB. The largest weekly in the State. THE way the bread did fly yesterda y. Had more customers than we can accommo- ate Bend your orders early Monday. Fasnaoht. ADVERTISERS please hand your ads. In not latet than T o'clock. T10ARDEK8 wanted at lxWestMorehead street. A BH5YOLE LAMP that burns kerosene XV at 2.50. Bells at all orices. New stock to open np Monday morning. W. F. Dowd. C TT N TICKBTS printed at the Obser j ver Printing House at bottom prices TTVJR BRNT-Store on coiiece street re- ' cently occupied by Burtner, Webster A Ou. W. B. Burwell. VITANTED Respectable families 'for T v carding, spinning and twistlnc rooms also spoolers, reelers and doners for nirnt wors. Apply to Ben j nttau. traps, uover xarn suts lneviue, N. C. OT. MARY'S SEMINARY. Charlotte. K. O O., for boys and girls, eondneted by the Sisters of Mercy, onens Mondsw.Sentembar z, iwo. ise mnaergarten juepartment specialty ; also music, languages, eta. fTJR FAC1LITIAS for fine and unique p'luung are unsurpasseo. uoserver Printing House. Brokers and Commission SPARTANBURG i S. C. " . Consignments of all kinds solicited throughout the United States. Our mottoQuick sales and prompt returns. , ; ' . Correspondence solictited Jas. E. Mitchell & Co.. 122 and 124 Chestnut st,, Philadelphia. 51 and 53 Summer at, Boston. - :r - COnON YARNS OF ALL KINDS. ; - . CHARLOTTE Aod prepare for life's work by get tin g m ihorougniy practical business education. . Write for "Small Book of Large Facts . , JACKSOS A UAlTAtD, Proorletors, Charlbtta.N C. mm NTS CHAKLOTTE, K. P., SUNDAY: MOBNINQ;, SEPTEMBER 15M895. LOOKING AFTER THE INJURED BOOT AS WE1X AS MOVZ. CARED won , f . ,jf At the Toms Meat Carlstlaa Assoeiatlom . A. Berlca of Talks By Dra. Olbboa and ' Woedley Six Sefeskoe Talks Abater By IHfrerMt SciemtisU. . The arrangement for the coarse of lectures on "First Aid to the Injured. to be delivered at the association, have been completed. ' The course will consist of not more than eight lectures,' to be delivered by Pre. R, L. Gibbon and Woodier, be gin nine. Tuesdav October 1st, each lecture occupying about one hour, They will be above all things plain simple ana practical, technical terms. etc., being studiously avoided. The examinations, -will - be conducted ; by urs.' n;.- ax. urevard and fressiey. As the name implies the aim is to render men- capable of rendering Immediate assistance in case of accident and to give the injured person relief until a phx&ioian asarrivesL HosrtoAtop oieeaing, -treat dm, oaaaage, carry wounaea persons, restore tne drowned, treat burns, scalds, etc., with, perhaps, some bints on nursing, will be taught. The lecture is free to members of the association. While the purchase of -text books is not compulsory. It is advised that those who desire to take tbe course send for them. They can be had of the Society for First Aid, etc., for twenty -five cents, post paid. Tnoae who pass and desire it can secure regular diplomas issued oy tne society, which bas Its headquarters in New York The committee on practical talKs and free lectures at the association will have a double course this year, both of which will be for young men and will be free, regardless of membership. A series of six science talks has been arranged, beginning' the first Monday inoctooer, one a month to be given xney are as roiiowsr 1. "Some Curious Facts About Air Water and Motion," Prof. Bivens 2, "What Makes a Street Oar Go?" Mr. Sampson. 3. "Fact and Fancy Concerning the Earth and Stars, Prof. Bivens. 4. "Eclipses, Time, Tide and Weather, Observer Dosher. 5. "Soils and Rocks,' Prof. Bivens 6. "Atoms and Molecules, Chemis try of Every Day Things,' Prof, Hnipes. Part of these, if not all, will be illus trated and will be not only practical hut intensely interesting. A course ol talks on travels will soon be completed, the list being not yet ready lor publication, it will, how ever, be opened Friday, October 25th by Rev. C. L. Hoffman, who is reoog nized as a most interesting speaker on almost any subject. s THE DREWS. They Drew Crowded Hornet ia Atlanta and Birmingham Plays Ahead. Manager Gray felt that he must re deem himsell and the reputation of the boards over which he has control or else slide down "The Cellar Door" of time and be heard of no more, so this week he baa secured the celebrated Mc Kee Rankin-Sidney Drew combination They v. Ill bold tn boards down two nights 18th and 19th and will be greeted with fine houses, as they de serve. They come highly recommended, in faot they are so well known that an endorsement is scarcely necessary. A gentleman who saw them recently in Atlanta was congratulating Manager uray on having secured them, lie said they played at the urand, in Atlanta, and there was standing room only. The Birmingham JNews says of them: "The Kan kin-Drew combination con tinues to draw and delight large audi ences at O'Brien's Opera House. The company is very pains-taking in their rendition of each of the plays on their repertoire, and, being excellent actors, all of them, cannot but please. The play for the first night is "Ara bian Nights. For the second night, as a curtain raiser, "in Honor Hound. Afterward, a three-act comedy, "The Snow Ball." peck's bad boy ill have the right of way Saturday He will be on hand in time to give a matinee, and will also entertain the public at night. It is not the "old boy, but an entirely new creature a boy that will be sure to draw a good house, lor be is said to be very, very funny. "white sqjjadkqhv' Manager Gray is corresponding with a view to retting this spectacular play here. He says "it is one of the finest." and he is sure will delight Charlotte. Stole His Chickens. Mr. J. P. Oibbs, of Davidson, started to Charlotte Friday afternoon with two coops or chickens to sell. He stopped for tbe night at Mr. Will McCravens. two miles from the city. When be got up yesterday morning and went out to look after his chickens, they were "out sight. He afterwards found one of the coops with eight of the smallest ohickens In it, down in the hollow some distance from the house. The ether coop was not to be found. -It had been stolen in the night. Mr. Gibbs says the loss was heavy to him, as he had spent all his money in the purobase or the chickens. . Dr. Planter and His Tent. Dr. Plumer, who has been in -Char lotte for a week oc ten days assisting lb the Gospel Tent services, left yester day morning. Dr. Plumer made a fine impression both as minister and man. The tent meeting will continue through the week at least, and until coldness of heart and flesh makes a close neces sary. ' - , :, The tent will be kept here for use again in the spring. The Second Church Pastor. The Second Presbyterian church is hot on the i trail of a preacher. Mr. D. W. Oates spent last Sunday in Balti more, hearing a minister recommended by Dr. Boyd," whom the Obskrvkr has also heard much of, and who the church wl.l be fortunate in securing. The choice has narrowed down to two and a decision and call will likely be made this week. Whoppers. ; . . .. j Mr. P. P. Zimmerman returned yes terday from Blowing: Rock, bringing the Obsekvkb the two- largest apples It ever saw. . They are almost as large as cocoanuts. They re cariosities in the frnit line. ' , - Mr. E. J. Garrison, of Berryhilh was telling yesterday of having apples, five of which would fill a peck measurer , -. A Good Advertisement. - JT The Charlotte Granite Company will be represented at the exposition bv a beautiful mlnature monument, made of granite from its quarry in ; Iredell county.- Mr. Elliott has the work nearly completed It caa be seen . at his marble yard Toesdav. - It will be shin- ped Wednesday with some other expo sitionexhibits which pass this way. - -,J -The Slefc. r V-? Mr. W. a White, who has been sick for several weeks, was better yesterday, j air. w. jb.- van .writes irom Hot rings. Ark., where he has gone on ao- wis neaun, tnat ne is improv- Ul t her t V ' "HOID OS THESE. - r- Yof Mnatt Pay Toll UTti Pass This Way . PrleeT Tear Buu," ; Mrs. Anna" Sturdevant leaves on to morrow night's vestibule for New York to visit a friend the wife of a naval of ficer. The little- boys of the ; house write Mrs. fiturddevant to "be sure and brinff her rabbit book." - Mrs, Sturdi vant interests young as welt as old peo ple wiia ner readings.' r Attorney General, Osborne and wife went to Lincolnton yesterday morning to visit at jndge Hoke s. . - : Mr. T. B. Seigle got in yesterday morning from the North. Ha returned via; Raleigh. Evidence of his work In the metropolis will be following him every aay, now. 4 Mrs. B. Rintels and her handsome daughter, Miss Eugenia, will go to New xotk ior tne winwsr. Mr. M. J. Freelaad, of Concord, was a passenger on the noon train yesterday. The Methodist church of Concord Is to have svnew organ, and Mr. Freeland ls tarfne attitude of listening and looking at present. i ' Miss Bettie Summey returned from Baltimore' Friday, and left yesterday for uaffney. o. u., where she bas Dosition for the winter. : i J. H. Craig, Esq., one of Gastonia's props, returned home yesterday after visit to his daughters. Mr. D. R. Harry Is back af te a pleas ant stay of a week in Salisbury. Miss Grey Atkins, of Boydtan, Va. came in last night, and spends to-day with Miss Bessie Sanders. To-morrow she goes to Due West, S. C, where she will teach in the Female College. - Miss Mary Grier is home. She got in last night. i Mr. Claud Mathews went to Columbia last night. - Mr. Sinclair Black welder is here on visit to his parents. 1 Senator Davis, of Florida,' passed thnsugh tbe City last night en route to Washington. Mt- C. A. Moseley came in from Balti more last night. - Mrs. John Farrior and children re turned last night from Goldsboro. Mr. Will A. Leslie leaves in the morn ing for-Morganton, where as mentioned in yesterday's Obsbtkvxb he will go into the drug business ior himself. Mr. Dan Summey is in town. Mr. Cbas. Williams returned last night from. New York, where he had been to purchase his fall stock. The trade of -the Racket demands an im mense stock, and that is what Mr. Wil liams bought. Mrs. M. P. Pegram, Jr., returned from Blowing Rock yesterday. " Mr. James Northey, who had charge of the telephone exchange during Su perintendent Denoon s absence, has re tOrned to Richmond. Mr. Heriot Clarkson returned last night from Columbia, S. C. "Uncle" Johnnie Vogel got back yes terday from Philadelphia, where he went on business and pleasure combined. He met bis sister there. She had just re turned from Scotland. Mr. D. Scbaracb. of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., is at Mr. R. Margolius. Mr. Victor S. Bryant, of Durham, will be in Charlotte to see bis brother, Mr, Ed Bryant, to-day, and from here will visit his parents near Pineville. Mill Metes. Mr. Chas. H. Wilcox, the well-known machinery man, was at the Central yesterday. Mr. C. Spring, of Providenoe, was cir culating 'round amongst the mill men yesterday. Mr. f . SI. Farber, a prominent mill man, or Baltimore, arrived in the city last night, and was met by Mr. R. M Oates, Jr. Elsewhere will be found notice of the dissolution of Carey, Bayne & Smith, of New York, and the formation of a limited special co partnership under the same firm name. Tbe general partners are John E. Carey, George H. Bayne and Tunstall Smith, and the special partners ara Robert Knight, of Provi dence, R. I., and Martin Lane, of Wil mington. Del. Mr. Moore, the new superintendent at tbe Atherton, is giving perfect satis faction, and things are running smooth ly, as they always do at the Atherton- The Money Question Where It Will Be UUCOIMQ. The "boys of the association will hear Prof. Harding, of the O. M. L, for the first time in many months, at 3 o'clock this afternoon. All boys who like a good talk should hear him. "The money question is a deep one. it applies to individual life as well as to the financial policy of nations. It will be discussed by Rev. H. L. Atkins, at the association to-day at 5:30. This is the first address in theseriesof "Knotty Problems to be discussed at the asso ciation during the next six weeks, and will probably call for a large audience of men. Strangers, especially traveling men, are cordially invited. Ail men welcome. Cotton Town "of a Badday." ' Mr. T. L. Dulin has the honor of bringing in Crab Orchard's first bale. it was s the market yesterday, it brought 8 1-16. Cotton Town was on the move yester day. There were lots of farmers in, and everybody was busy. Cotton men will be Interested in tbe following platform data: Receipts for tbe first 14 days in September. 1894, 565 bales; receipts for the first 14 days In September, 1895, 188 bales? receipts yesterday, 59 bales; price yesterday , 8 1-16; same time last year, of They toil Apples mnA Money. Two mountaineers came to town yes terday morning with a "tale cf woe." While camping out near Charlotte the night before, three men came by In a wagon. They bought three bushels of apples at 30 cents a bushel, and handed the owner $5. He gave back the change. When they looked at the money yester day morning they found It was a. Bank or fiieefcienourg note. . - - Tbe police bad news last night that the wagon containing the three men had gone on towards Gastonia. At the Onb. ; Several new members ' have been re ceived at the Manufacturers' dab lately. f An electric clock bas been placed in the hall, and is found useful, especially at night. : :. ' - ; j c . - , Tbad Tate Is In charge of the barber shop. Club; men can have his services whenever desired- .Sr-iJf''. A number ?of schemes, business and social are proposed for the winter. Mr. H H. Lane, formerly of the New YorkLifeend a partner of Mr. J. D. Chdrch,,o"t- this city, is now connected with the Matoal Life, of NewYorave Mr. Archie Harris, special agent of the Paletine. who has recently made Charlotte his headquartersv -ia - back, after; trip of several weeks. When you uk hhn where he's been, he looks towards Nashviue. . , ; -- - " Bight Mr. John Springs Davidson sava all of Long Creek, excepting three men. will move on Charlotte " Saturday next to hear Butler andHenry-the de serter.' - The three sUy-at-homes. Mr. Davidson says, are the only rold-bun in Long Creek.-; The Obseste b thought Immediately of Abraham And his "fer adventures." v AJTD BUS KESTKD THE SEVENTH. -" wssannsnainssM ' - f The Sabbath Was Mad far Man, Hat Mi tor the Sabbath. - ;; First Presbyterian church Subject of the morning sermon: "The Change in Job's Experience, or Two Stages of True JTaltb." Job 42:5. Night: What is He vent" The last of the sermons OB Elijah. - Text Luke 0:31. - 'Associate Reformed Presbyterian church. Rev. T. W. Sloan pastor. Ser vices at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Subject of morning sermon: v"Some Needs of Oar Church;" text. Rev. 3:17. The pastor . hopes that all - members of the ctrarch will make a' special effort to at tend this service.- Subject or the even ingsermon: SomeKvldeecesor Love. The public is cordially Invited to both services. " : -i-.. .- cj At St. Peter's Episcopal church to day Holy communion at 7 :30 a. l usual service with sermon at 11 a. m and 8 p. m. Subject, morning service "Tbe Christian s eternal stay." Kven ing: "Infallibility." All are cordially invited. . St. Peter's Catholic church First mass at 8 a. m.; Sunday school at 3:30 p. m.; vespers and sermon at 7:30 p. m "And he said: 'Young man, I say to thee, arise.'" Luke 7:14 will be tbe text of the morning sermon; subject of evening sermon: "Confession." All are weloome. St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran church, W. S. Bowman, D. D., pastor, Uivine services at II a. m. and 8 p. m. Citizens and strangers are cordially in vited to attend. The many friends of Rev. R. D. Perry, of Halseyville, S. C, once resident of Charlotte, will be pleased to know that he will occupy tbe pulpit of tbe Second Presbyterian church to-day. both morning and evening. His sub ject this morning will be: "Lord What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do?" Night subject: "They Came, Not to Preach and Teach Jesus Christ." . Rev. Dr. Bowman will preach at the Atherton Lyceum this afternoon. A good sermon and a large crowd may be expected. A praise service will be held at Tryon Street Methodist Sunday school this afternoon, followed by an address on the "The Rescue" by Dr. Preston. Services at St. Andrew's Memorial Chapel, Seversville, at 9 o'clock a. m., and at the Memorial Chapel of St, Mary the Virgin, Thompson Orphan age. Holy communion at 11 a. m. Evening prayer at 4 p. m. Alone the Ball. Train Dispatcher Ketcbam has taken rooms for the winter at Mr. J. a. Koss on North College street. There are rumors of changes of schedules on the Seaboard. Tbe Seaboard's new eating house at Hamlet is going up rapidly, and will be an elegant building. uresnam and Jamison will have charge. There will be about 25 rooms in the building. Mr. Frank Williams, one of the Sea board's clever men is spending to-day here with bis family at Mr. B. F. With era . Mr Williams headquarters are now in Atlanta. Democrats Will Probably Meet tbe Foe, The Democratic executive committee is making an effort to have two speak ers here Saturday to divide.time with Butler and Henry. The matter was discussed yesterday by prominent Dem ocrata and was thought well of. The Obbebvsb was in the conference, but as the speakers selected have not yet been communicated with, is not at liberty to give names. Suffice to say tbe choice is good; there could be no better. If they can see their way clear to come the week may wind up with some run after all. At the Park. The Latta I'ark bathing pool was closed last night for the season. The pavilion and other attractions will re main open permanently. This popular resort is drawing crowds of the best people of the city, and deserves the large patronage which, under its able management, it has received during the summer. There will be a sacred ooncert this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. Mayor Weddiogton yesterday ap pointed Manager Farnsworth, of Latta Park, a special policeman. Dick Morse Mad. Dick Morse "carried the war into Africa" yesterday in an unexpected manner. He halted his wagon right in front of No. 2, Hoover's wholesale liquor house, and took his text. He let loose all the invective possible against whiskey and whiskey sellers, but was stopped short by the police. He was informed that he was violating the law by interfering with a legalized business, and tbat he must desist. His face was redder than his chart when he stepped down and out of the wagon. Dick was mad. The Colored Industrial School. Considerable interest is felt in the Colored Industrial School and Orphans' Home, which Dr. Manly ia to establish here. He has located the school in Greenville, in the northern part of the city, and will begin work, to-morrow. The boys are to be taught different trades painting, carpentry, shoemak- ng, etc. c or the present tbe school will be conducted in the Methodist church in Greenville. Dr. Manly hopes to begin building soon. Church Kotos. The Young People's Missionary So ciety of Tryon Street Methodist church ha,ve sent forward to the general treas urer fiou as the contribution for the last conference year. . Dr. Montrose is to preach at tbe con gregational church at Groveton to-day. Dr. Preston will make a talk this morning to the Sunday school of.Tryon Street Baptist church. - - All the Way to Wisconsin. -- Superintendent Ryder' is ever think ing of his friends. Yesterday he ship ped. Mr. R. A. Cowan," Superintendent 1 of tbe Chicago A Northwestern. Rail road, Wisconsin, two 60-pouad water melons, "just to show him," he said "what North Carolina could do in the melon line even this late in the season." PrrMed Tltoy rmll. Burtner, Webster & Co. will not try to establish themselves again asa firm. Each man is to get the best settlement he can. and all begin business again on their own hook a Mr. Fleet : Wolfe, of the firm. Is to go to Spartanburg, S. C, to work in a branch -house of E. M. An drews. - , :. msii Bid it? Long, Tate & Co. yesterday received their bicycle. It was bought at Shaw's and is as pretty a little wheel as 'boy could wislLfej They have j. ltn in" their south window, and there It will remain until some boy gets tbe lucky number ana is tnus entitled to take it oat. s '"""J J fineness! ' "' " The cobweb party was a success. ' the little ones enjoying- the ' unwinding -of the cobweb very much-- There was no special prize, each one receiving a prize when be or she brought in tbeir number which was at the end of each web. ; - ' - W1U Bold the Train. Capt- Ryder, with-his' usual courtesy and accommodation,'has consented to bold the Siatesville train-to-morrow afternoon until after the races. The Davidson CcHezs bovs arc especially ap- TO-MORROW'S; ; GREAT , MEET. THE CTCIJB TAXEBT Of THE BOTJTH. Charlotte Baa Been ns sack Bscss ss Arrange j for To-Morrow "All O-nek-a-J aeks Here Sehade - so Charlotte's Color Sehade Both , Hart-Th - Other 3 Blders. - .-,. The Obsebveb's special from: Fits, stating that Adams wculd be here for Monday's races; was a joyful piece of news . to all 'cyclists, especially those most interestea in, tne races, : , - sAdams left Jacksonville last night and will arrive here this morninar. : He is not trained down to a fine edge, bat he will not make bis friends ashamed of his efforts. - His only object In com ing here is to show his friends that he fears no one," and appreciated their many favors. j ; - Schade is also pat of condition, so these giants of the Southern wheelmen will meet on equal terms, and will have to keep a sharp eye on tbe other men and ride as they have never done be fore, i ) Gilmer is one of the best judges of speed in the country, and Is noted for his accuracy in! handicapping; 'he thinks the present! lot of men the best matched ever gotten together. For proof, of this examine his - handicap figures. There is; no doubt bat tbat these races will be the best ever held South. The finishes will all be close, and every raoe fought from beginning to end. Maxwell came In yesterday morning, He is small, but his speed is not meas ured by his inohes. All . who know him say he is bound to be the next champion of the j South. Some even say he will be a second Zimmerman real wonder. 11 Connerat comes In with Adams. Some think that he is i over-rated, and base their thoughts on his recent perform' ances at Greenwood. The truth of the business is that he Was unwilling to run the risk or railing as schade did., A man with a 2:10 record is no slouch. and our people willj see that Connerat is a mover. Murchison and Mills are unknown quantities but it is safe to say that they would not seek such fast company, if they did not have some good reasons for doing so. j Lowrance is well known to Charlotte ociety and quite a favorite with them. He is a fast rider when in perfect trim. He collided with a street car several weeks ago and did not hurt the car but not so with himself; he still feels the effect of it. He bas defeated Adams In a quarter mile and that says speed. Frank Jones at the last moment has entered severa1 events. He has the grit for a fast rider for he bas had mo practice. Those opposed to him had better look out for that sprint of his. It is thought Fitz. will arrive this morning, as several telegrams came for him yesterday and were sent to Atlanta and returned, it ; would hardly be a race if srallant old Fitz. were not here. The many mends or awaraeid were shaking hands with him yesterday.' All who were interested in cycle races two years ago; will remember him, and re call hisjrame race after Ragan after he bad cone down over scnenck. He lost the race but won the best wishes of the people. He is here for tbe races. Says the track here is the best be ever saw. ENTRIES. -.2 First, race, novice, one mile First prize, pair M. &, VV. tires, value eia oo. Second prize, cyclometer, value S3. Entries S. L. Smith, DeWitt Mills, Franck Jones and Harry Powers. Second race, one mile, open First prize, diamond SoU, ; Second prize, dia mond S15. Entries Geo. N. Adams, Fred Schade, K. N. Connerat, F.'B. Maxwell. C. W. McMackin, W. T. M Ir on, i. t. xempie, i J. . itrson, vv Murchison and C. O, Beck. ' v : Third race, - boys one' mile J-Flrst prize, pair Waverly Hires, value, $12.50, Second prize, pump $1.50. Entries Harry Powers, O. IE. Anthony, W. E. Stone, Fred Walters, Lester Pearce and Robert Railed tre. i J - Fourth race, half eqile handicap First prize, diamond, isu,w. second prize, diamond, S15.00. Entries Geo. Adams, scratch; Fred. Schade. scratch; F. B. Maxwell, scratch; R. V. Connerat, 10 yards; W. T. Mixon, 20 yards; C. W. McMackin, 20 yards; J. T. Temple, 25 yards; J. S. Carson. 40 yards; C. O. Beck, 40 yards; W. Muchison, 40 yards; J. D. Lowrance, ou yards; ueVV itt Mills, 90 Jards; S- L. Smith, 125 yards; Frank ones, 123 yards; Harry Powers, 125 Firth race, one mile, JNorth uaroiina riders First prize, diamond $25.00. Second prize, diamond, $10.00. C. W. McMackin, J. s. Carson, c. o. Beck and DeWitt Mills. i i Sixth race, two mile handicap First prize, diamond, $50.00. Second prize. diamond, $15.00. Entries Fred. Schade and Geo. Adams, scratch;' F. B. Max well, 40 yards; R. V. Connerat. 50 yards; W. T. Mixon, 100 yards; MoMackin, 125 yards; Temple, 125 yards: Murchison, 130 yards; Uarson, 10U yards; Beck. 170 yards; Mills, 200 yards; J. A. Lowrance, 200 yards; Smith. 225 yards; Jones. 225 yards, and Powers,: 250 yards. Cbas Ragan, referee; Frank Mahan, A. B. Sanders, A. Ai Kirkman, judges; Joe Garibaldi, Cbas.! Oreswell, J. W, Todd, timers; clerk H.H. Orr; .starter, kj. watson. i ! TICKETS. Tickets on sate at the Haberdasher's, 10 South -Tryon, at 9 o'clock Monday morning. Price 25 cents; no extra charge for stand or vehicles." No tickets will be issued to club members. The treasurer will be at the gate and will pass all tbos who are square with him. ; The ticket business bere bas been abused. Hence this ar rangement. r .. . . ; WATCH THB 3c'S- " -J? Schade will ride under the colors of the Charlotte Cycle; Club, and paced by his generous rivals, Adams, Conne rat, Maxwell, Temple, McMakin and Carson, will go for the Southern record held by Connerat. May he be fortun ate enough to lower it 1 A local sport, just returned from the heart of gold-bugism, Is ready to bet 5 to 1 tbat Sohade will beat Adams in any event they enter to-morrow. Who'll take him up? . ! ! vTH"--' Bchade says Maxwell is the coming rider of the South, j His most remarka ble feat at tbe Greenwood races was his running over Schade and not being un horsed. He and his wheel r stick to gether. -v H j ; -. " i Heizer also says Maxwell is tbe coming: man. and t with training . will easily be the fastest Southern man next year. . tie beat Bchade the only two events he lost at Greenwood. It ii said that he is the man -j tbat kept Adams from that meet. ' It Is. conceded by all who have seen Adams and Maxwell to gether that Maxwell is the equal of Adams at any distance and can beat him at any distance 'less than a mile. Maxwell has a hankering after Char lotte diamonds. '--. If it rains too hard to prevent the races takin g place, they will be post poned until Tuesdayl - - - - '' - s - - Te Xtorm. ' " , The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Conard, who spent last winter at Mrs. Brady's, will be glad to know tbat they are to return to Charlotte for" the win ter.? They are nowin Virginia. Ilr. Conard,' it will be remembered, is 'post- PRICE 5 GENTS WEIX-fiEASONED. The Hews Ton Final tn This little Type Is . ... " Always Well Prepared. The Jewish Hew Year' begins Wednes day evening at o'o'ocavs. ,- , -'-Several tramps struck the town yester day. lxok out ior tbem. .. t Mr. Max Prank has moved his offloe to Ho. II, North Tryon street. The enrollment at tbe white, graded , school Friday was 1184 children. - Pritcbett, the painter, yesterday fln lshed re-pain ting two cars lor the iO's.. Miss Jsnnle Keesler is stenographer pro tem. at Andrews'. Miss Mary Anarewa is iekvv?-.. :"'7..'.:'j.-:',- - -Tb9 to& Umatrtiw ,irlrinit the Southern np-town offloe, in the Central , ' Mr.B.L. Bugfrs, of Berryhlll, was sell ln( 66-pound melons yesterday. Me got 7S eents Ior each, ; ... ; ..... -- ' . . -r;, Capt John B. Irwin is to move to the elty this week. He has delayed his oomln g lor several months. ' There were stormy times about Pine ville Friday afternoon.. Ho one was sorry. teel rreek is happy. Its high school opens to-morrow. Mr. MoUutchen, ot Un ion, 8. C, is to be the teacher. : The young people of Berryhill are an tiolpaUng a big time at a lawn party at Mr. DM. Mitchell's to-morrow night. .- There was no mayor's eourt yesterday. The third time only sinee Mayor Wedding ton went Into omoe this has occurred. Tiokete for the races can be had at tbe Haberdasher's. ladtea will find it con venient to buy tbeir tlokets before going to the grounds, . . . ..-- -r- again the tourist hotel agitation has be gun. The latest Is that within less than a year s large tourists' hotel will be begun on isouth Tryon street. . . . . .If r. John McDowell Is to hoard daring the winter with Mrs. Furber Jones, in 1U worth Mr. Mo Do well wlU be on the road tae greater part of the Ume. Berryhlll Is furnishing the largest met- ans on tne market at present. Besides the -Bakler melons. Mr. Mm Wilson had some yesterday weighing aT pounds There'll be a scarcity of niggers In town to-day. A big oamp meeting the last of the season is in progress at Jewell's. The livery stables had oemands many yester- , day..--- ? .v, ' :.f y- -V Mrs n. 'CPiekard asks the Obiievir to correct a statement made about ten days ago to the effect tnat sne na sax. v am xanaer. or unerv www w ried. --'. -.v-'--.. The Shsv Bievele Club hasrun away from the Ol mer Club in numbers It can boast 27 names on Its list. Meets are soon te-ee held by Misses Caro Brevard and Ade laide Clarkson. ,-: - : 'i .: clalsnover the grape-vine telegraph yester- -day to the effect that their circulars In ref erence to the eourt house were being largely signed id tbe county. ; . - . mmnj wAatAMlAV tA a Margaret Morebead's on the 1Mb Inst. The bride is to be Lura Morrison and the groom William Horn. : Warfiii san riotintv Bnrvevor ; . Spratt and Alderman Wilder yesterday the eastern part oi tne . tnat -tne nuisance ow auawu. s , People are still surmising as to what mm. emIm aind Brrsn are to do when they Hive np the Central. The supposition is that tbey will open tbe Belmont as a reg ular hotel. "The more the merrier." . m..u..i..i Worth riMliKin itrul are j fast KfOvUlv WA A' V a wan - very much pleased with the slse and style of tne new nriage dsibi iwi Central on tnat street. They have waited ion and natlently. and at last comes the reward. -,.::.:...; Charlotte is to have another "White House." .Col. Morebead has given Mr., rtonnAllv ths sonlrset for painting his handsome residence. The body of the house Will be white, the blinds dartuoJive and tbe sash black, work begins to-morrow. ?' - HOT DIVIDED. " , Bells Bros. Bring All of Their Mammoth , Show Here. v.' Everybody hereabouts is plctorially advised that Sells Brothers' show will. nav its first visit to Charlotte Friday. October 4th. The various interesting and amusing exhibitions massed under twelve huge tents need not be re-enumerated 'but tt is pertinent to say that one and all will be forthcoming, as Sells Brothers are impartial managers and at every performance return pre-. ciselytbe same abundant and satlsfac- tory equivalent ior tne price oi au mis sion. ' . Sells Brothers wish it distinctly and finally understood that their mammoth how la nnt divided, never was and never will be, but is Always and every where fullv, fairly and squarely pre sented in its vast entirety. Sells Broth ers are truly tbe pioneer showmen of America. The street parade is said to be im mense. MUSIC BT THE BAUDS. Colored Brass Band Contest at the Park ; Tneeday.Viy'rcJi.i.:',,;1 The colored orphanage, jnst removed here from Knoxville, Tenn., now appeal to. the charitably-disposed persons of Charlotte to enable tbem to equip their home here.' The solicitation is m a very -modest way. Tuesday from 3:30 to 10 m. they will have entertainments at the park as follows: At 3:30 p. m., base ball; at 5 and 8 p m., musical contests between three brass bands; prize to the best, one fine cornet: to Ihe second, a 5 gold piece, contributed by the 4C's. Tbe wbole affair is. under tne manage ment of Rev; Dr. Manley, a leading d i vine of the Southern colored churches. ,. The admittance fee is small and it is to be hored tbat a larcre attendance will encourage tbe promoters of this charit able enterprise to push the -work for ward,..-, : V -5:-.'.-, ' - .... - . The Shrine as an Advertising Medians. , Mr. K B. Hartman, superintendent of agencies for the United States Ma-- sonic Insurance' Company, attended a meeting of the Shrine here in the sum mer and was so much pleased with 1 Charlotte that he writes 'Squire Hilton . that he expects to bring his family here for the winter, and possibly perma nently. .":;-T-':;'."r;J Still Attraetlng Them. Mrs. Bradv : exDected to close her bouBC at Blowing llock on the 1st, but writes that people are still coming to the Rock, and she will not be able to . leave an til the loth. ? ' - " ' :py " Catholic.; .; S ;: ; Bey. Father Bernard of the Monas tery, was here yesterday. He reports the college as opened with fine pros- BUhop iiaia a aestinatiou is unio. He will dedicate several churches on his trip. - -- v 4 ''':''.: TEtBGBAPHIC BBIICfS- - A fire at McLeansboro. Ills., yester day morning destroyed property valued1, at $75,000. T,i:, Vrr' ' :, ' C. W. SDioere. a prominent tobacco-, nist, of Richmond, died in Petersburg, ytui yesterdayv .vvrfr t "' ' The Col ambus, Sandusky & Hocking Railroad. In Ohio, was sold yesterday for 34,100,000. Bidder unknown. ProfV t3.-TV RUey ;'of '-Washington, who was Injured yesterday morning by being thrown from a bicycle, died at 11:53 last night. 2 - - J M, Man yon. of PhUadelbhia. has wired Lord Dunraven that he will buy the vainyne at aiatr price in order to have a satisfactory race with the De- lender. . . In Sonsonate, Salvodor, .the rebels are still rioting, and they now number over 300 men. Wednesday they wore meet by' the government troops &dJ a zzat ensued m wnicn cj reoeisanai. I atriots were killed.