DAILY OHARLOTTI3: OBSERVER. OCTOBER .18. ISO1. Seaboard Air Line 8cHxDum or Smcr BjefT. Jh, 1896. " Trains leave Charlotte dally: ' - 6:20 a; v. Few Hamlet, cheraw, Ra'eigh, all point on the R. 4 A. and R. 4 G. R. '-"Weldoo, Fortsrnoatn, Old Paint Comfort, eterburgr, RJebmood, Washington, Balti more, miaaeipma, sew ioriiMDoiio. - Also Wilmington. WrttrhtsrlUeand all local v points on the OCR- R. Also Charleston, - Bumter sod BennettsTUie, arriving in wu mtnvtan at 18:80 o. m. ' , 60 a. m Daily for alt Houthern points - Via Monroe, Chester, ureenwooa, Athens, Atlanta- Montomerr. New Orleans. Chat. tanoo?a. Memohta and the . Southwest. Throanh sleeper and day coaches from v "Washington.' D. C, to Atlanta connecting ' 10:48 A. K Daily, fo M. Holly. Lincoln " ton, cberryvmeLShelby, Cleveland Hprlnga, JKlien Do ro ana iwiae luraum ; tito iiloW' im Rook. Lenoir and Hickory. - 8 .-20 p. m. Daily, for all. points Worth and South rnew lorg, Boston, Philadelphia, juinmum! wumjjujo, mcDmono, feter bars. Portsmouth. Old Point romfnrt vir. clnla Bech. Weldon. Raleleh. Wllmtnctnn and WrigbUytlle, connecting at Monroe with through simpers and day eoaches be- iwa aiiauia, us., ana w asaingtoa, u. C and sleepers between Monroe . C, aad roranrowB, v a. ana lor AtiA&ta, New or leans and all Boa t her n not n fa. J p. m With sleeper four Wilmington Trains arrive in harlot t: V ; 10:48 At .Daily from Roc kin Kfiam.Wades bro, Monro-. Also from all points North New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington. Stab mood, Petersburg. Old Point Comfort, p.-rtomoutb. Weldon. BaleiKb and Bantord. Also, and from Atlanta. New orteans and all Southern points. 8:80 p. aily from Kotherfordton, N'T,:"-. Hickory, Lenoir, Blowing Rock Sii?olly. 1:I0p. jC. Daily, from all Northern points Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, Richmond Va, Peters burg, Old Point Comfort, Virginia Beach Portsmouth. Weldoa, Raleigh. Cberaw, 8. C, all local points, between Portsmouth and Charlotte, and from Wilmington. wngnisviue ana u local points on tne c . R R. 10:10 p. x. Dally, from all points Sooth ana Hontnwestrftew Orleans. Montgom ry. Memphis, Chattanooga. Atlanta. Ath ens, Greenwood, Chester and Monroe; close connection at Monroe. T:5a. x t-ith sleeper, from Wilming ton ana an c c- points. - Local freight, with coach attached. leaves caanotte tor saeioy at 4 o'clock p. m., re turning at in a m. daily, except Sundays. The 8:20 p. m. train connects at Monroe with the Atlanta special, No 403, which ar rives In Raleigh at 1 :30 a. m., and Wa-hing ton D. C, at 10:30 a m., and Portsmouth at 7:80 a m, making close connection for Bal timore, Philadelphia and New York. The 6:30 a. m. train connects at Monro with Atlanta special No. 408, for Atlanta and all points Soath, arriving in Atlants as p.m. Passengers leaving Charlotte at S :80 a. m arrive in Atlanta at 4 n. m. Leave Atlanta at 1 o'clock p. m.. arrive in Charlotte at 10:1C p.m. Leave Charlotte at 5:20 a. m.,and8: ?. m., arrive in Kaieign at ii : a. m. ana :20 a.m. Leave Charlotte at 6:30 a. m., ar rive in Wilmington at 12:80 p.m., and at Cheraw, 8. C.,at 9:40 a.m. Close connec tion both ways with the C. A L. R. R. at Linoolnton. Leave Charlotte at 8:20 p. m., arrive in Atlanta at :20 a.m., makings 3oaDie oaiiy train oocn n ortn sna eoau: from Charlotte. . The Atlanta specials. No. 403 and 408, are magnificent new vestlbuled trains, built by the Pullman Halac Car Co., on which there is no extra rare charged. Dally except Sunday. Daily except Monday. For Information relative to schedules lares, etc.. apply to K St. John, Vice President. J. i daskkrvillk, Ticket Agent. J. H. Wilder. B. A.Kkwhsh, General Manager. T. P. A. T. J Andkrson, V. E. McBf.k, Gen'l Pass. Agent. Snpt. Transportation, Southern Railway (PIEDMONT ATR MSR .i BI0HMOND & DANVILLE AND NORTH CAROLINA DIVISIONS IN EFFEOT OCT. 7, 1895. This condensed schelule is published as lnformatioQ, and 1 nuijoct to change wlth- Trains leave Charlotte. V C 10:65 p m. No. S6 dally for Atlanta and unariotte Air j me uvision and a 1 points South and S mthw-st arris through ranmD arawmg-room nutlet gleenfvr be tween New Yorir, Washington , Atlanta ana new uriean. 8:20 A. M No. 81. dally, Exposition Flyer, for Atlanta and p ints isouth. Pullman drawing room vest! baled sleeeinir cars h- tween New York, Washington and Atlanta ana veuouiea coacns oetween Waahioe ton, Charlotte and Atlanta Solid vestl- Duieo train 9:85 A. if .No. 87, dallv, Washington and Southwestern ve-.tiboled limited for Atlan ta, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery. i.i uiuc muu nnw w n ana ail points South and Southwest. Throncrh Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New rom to Memphis, i-jning car, vestlbuled ooacn, iwiw jen asnington and Atlanta. li:ai P m. No. 11, daily for Atlanta and ail points south. oIld train. Rich mond to Atlanta: Pullman sleeping car. 11:00 P. M. No. 85. daily, for Anenata Rk. vannah. Charleston, Jacksonville and C C. A. local stations. Carries tbroueh Pull man drawing-room bnfTet alienor hitwcon New York, Savannah and Jacksonville. Also x-uumau sieeoer, unariotte to Augusta. 9:35 A M.-No 87, dally, for Columbia, aubuk'o ijiisritraiun, oavannan ana ail Florida points; C. o. a A. local stat'ons Carries Pulftnan buffet sleeper. New York to Tampa, connecting with parlor car at voiumuia ior Aueu-is. 8:80 A M.-No. 36 dally, for Washington, j,iiiiitumu, iwiifisu auu an points JNortn Carries Pullman drawing-room bnffet sleeper, Ne-c Orleans to New York; Jack sonville to New York. 1:10 a m. No. m, dally. Exposition Flyer for Greensboro, Raleigh, Wa-hiugton, New York anl points North Carrie Pullman drawing-ioom vestlbuled sleeping car, At lanta to New York ; ve-ttibuled coaches to Washington, solid vestlbuled train. On Thursdays and Suudsys of each week car ries Pullman sleeping car between Atlanta and Richmond. 8:80p.h. No. S8 daily. Washington and Southwestern vestlbuled, limited for Wash ington and all points North. Through Pud man car, Memnhls to New York; New Or leans to New Yo k; Tampa to New York. Also carries vestlbuled coach and dining car. 6 :J0 P. K. No. 12, daily, for Richmond, Ral eigh, Goldsboro and all points North Car ries Pullman sleeping car from Greensboro to Richmond. Connects at Greensboro with train carrying Pullman car for Kal eigb. 6:00 A. M No. 60, dally, except Munday. Freight and passenger for Statesville and InAAl t.At irtne 4;15 p. m No 18, daily, except Sunday, for Btaiesville. Tayiorsviile and local stations. Trains arrive at Charlotte : 9:SA.K.l n;5 FROM THE NORTH . 10:45 P. M.I 1:00 A. M. j ell) p"n.fFBOM ATLANTA p" i. ( FR AUGUSTA. nfs'S! FROM STATESVLILE Dally ex -ept undy . A1I freigri tMrnsea-ry pis!ie(M John m cplp, w. a Tdk Trafflc Manager. G-n'i Pas. Ag't, W.H.Gkmv, Wash nston, i v. taen I Superintent. - Wh1rgton. D. 'T. 8. H. Hardwick As,t Geu'l Pass Agt. , Atlauta, Ga. Char ks L. Hopkins, Traveling Passenger Agent, 18 East Trade street, - , vnuriotte, JN. C DALMETTO RAILROAD CO TO TAKB KfFFCT KltrT.BD. 1894 MOVING NORTH. 2 v r." Z' s c :S0 a m -J .h,,rn 7:20a m -i!r?-3iVt"'It 7 -40 am MOVING SOUTH. uam Leave Hamltt .. . a.jn. , Arrive Cheraw . XS t Close connection made at Hamlet with trains north, south, east and wh" i " kk cresiaenc. NORTH CAROLINA College of Agriculture aad Mechanic Arts. SStil8t?;.lonr.?f th,s College will begin September 6tb. Kxamination at ,nn ' i . J ,in. Auut. Young men deslrlns; a technical education at an unusually iow cost will do well to apply tor eatalosrae to A. Q. Hoiladat, Pres., - DETECTIVES. . . Wanted A brisrht, reliable man to repre sent os in each city, town and townsbin to omplete our system All legitimate de Seetive work taken in ail Its branches and performed bv tbe best professional skill In ti parts of the country, also eommerelal k information secured and collections made Write for full partieolars. testimonials ant if endorsements,: Address Hootoern Division American Ueteetive Agency, Lock Box 298, Winston, N-C. , ATTENTION. When in need of lumber, shingles, lathes and lime a! ways ero where you ean bay the cheapest. 100,000 feet of loci ber just arrived; prices, quality and measurement guaranteed. Yard on N. Graham street near LiddelTs foundry: E. L. PROPST. 1 DOEtE.i BlQfiOETTii! IGAREtTES 'W.bukeSoftaiCot.- I Jr MEAMERiCM TOBACCO C8.d'-1 MAOC FROM High Grcdo Tob&cco ABSOLUTELY PURE Cotton is Advancing, BUT CHIN A.rrROCKERY and GLASS WARE ARE NOT. we nave more dinner sets man we have room for. We are crowded for room for fall stock, and for tbe next two weeks will sell for easb a $10 din ner set for $8, $12 dinner set for $10, $15 dinner set for $13, $17 dinner set for $15, $18.50 dinner set for $17.50, $20 dinner set for 1S and so on. Don't forget the place. 1 d Fkrnoy, No. 20 W. Trade St. EXPECTANT MOTHERS Wc Offer YOU A REMEDY Which Insures Safety to Ufa of Mother and Child "IVIothers'Friend" Bobs Confinement of its Psin, Horror sad Bisk. My wife used "MOTHERS' FBIESTD" be fore hernrst child had no cramps was quicklyre lleved suffering bnt little no pains afterwara recovery rapid. B. K. JOHNSTON , Eufals, Ala. IV Bent by Mail or Ezpresi, on receipt of price, 891. OO per bottle. Book "To Uothern'mjaled free. BBADF1KIJD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, OA mA toy all Druggists. FOR CURES SCROFULA, BLOOD POISON. THE cures CANCER, ECZEMA, TETTER. BLOOD THE Ball Nozzle Co, 837 Broadway, N. Y. A protection to firemen against smoke and heat. Property saved by putting he water where it is want ed at the right time. npHE u Rail I nwn Snrlnlrlap 1 1 v v mm anrsj aaaamiwi It is at the .same time a most effective appliance, an nterestmg novelty and a cheap sprinkler. Southern Office, Corner College and Fourth Streets. Charlotte N O JAPANBSB A SiPf sni Onaplete Treatment. eltlng ei HUPFOSITOHIES, CapralBB of Oinrment ni two Hotbh at Ointment. A never failing Core tar JPitemat arr nature sad degree. It snakes as optkm wM be fciiile Kt injeotioM of oartoolio BCid, whjon ate minful saA anldom a permaMnt tsnttn often re sukir.it in deatb, onnseeesaiT. Why endure this tercibl ltere W jruarantee boxes ict euro any rr osom -jalvcd.il box,6for$i Sentlarxuil. . . 1APANESE PILE OINTMENT, 25c. a Bex. CSfiSTIPATIOWru. the mat r.IVTB and STOMACH ROUIAT0K aad BLOOD FUKU IKK. Eaall, mild aad tJeassn te iake,cseeciib7 sdeptad foe ekUdna's ase.. CO Sssss i& centa. R. H. JORDAN &TX.0harIotte, N. C. LOOK HERE. I am prepared to give you $2,000 life insurance for the same premium most of the mutual companies charge for $1,000. At the age of 35 $2,000 twenty year life will cost in the Travelers $31.01 per year. Ia the Giants $1,000 twenty year life will cost at same age $35. - It '8 dollars and cents to you. No dividends, ba tontine surplus to disappoint and dissatisfy, but a guar anteed contract in every point. Ro E. Cocliraine ! 201 North Tryon Street. . . ' si t ill Sm CURB hxb BONsirx-s arrsT the sweetxst ' , THING. , 1 William Page Carter, In Harper's Basar, , Her bonnet's Just the sweetest thing, ' - - it Boots the world as she she goes ; It's tied down by the sw-tet string. I'd like to be that string, bat 'Mj r The baunnet mlc&t not be thing Bo sweet if I should be the string. . ., J Her bonnet's Just the sweetest thing, ' : li tlOT S D1I SDOTS Br V. - Tbe birds tb birds begin to sing; They want to sing as she goes by; -They think it's daybreak.and Oh,myl" -It's Jnst because she's passing by .. Her bonnet's Jnst the sweetest thing, .. . t roofs In Jnst the s we test hair. And eyes and moats. 1 he birds will sing; They think it's spring when she Is Altera j It's just because she's passing by 1 , 1 want that bonnet, bat "oh, my Vi Why rose of roses J Why be shyt , Abont tbe s we--test bonnet's string The lads, t he lads will sign and sigh f -- For God's white rose that makes tt spring And daybreak for tbe birds and I jnst want that bonnet, bat, "Oh, my I" WTBX IN TATtXKST1XXJB. Mr. Alspaagb's Bar "Banted an4 afr. Burke's Bests Ignited Bat Saved With out Difficulty. Correspondence of tbe Observer. Tatxobsvxlib, Oct. 18. Tbe town was visited by two fires this morning. Fire was discovered about 3 o'clock in tbe barn of Mr. U. I. AlsDauph. For a time the town was panic stricken as everything is so dry that the mere men tion of fire was paralyzing. The barn stood just back of Mr. Alspangb's dwel ling house, but the wind blew . the flames in the opposite direction and tbe house did not v&tch. A small building in tbe yard took Ore cut was extinguish ed. The loss is slight. Happily Mr. Alspaugb's horses were out at the farm, and no live stock of any kind, except two hogs, were in the building. The hogs perished in the flames. The second fire was at Mr. R. B Burke's residence. This was extin guished before any damage was done. A Mr. Pennell, living in the southern suburbs, started to the first fire and in passing Mr. Burke's noticed the blaze. He stopped and put it out before it had made any headway. Mr. Burke had gone to the first fire, and knew nothing of the dancer 01 nis own premises until a runner went and informed him. When the crowd learned that his bouse had taken fire, the impression prevailed that tbe town had been set in several places, and excitement ran high. Such, how ever, was not the case. Mr. Burke's bouse caught from an ash barrel. The oritrin of the first fire is doubtful. The most plausible theory .is that some one slept in the barn, and either negli gently or wilfully fired it. There was no insurance. CARtlSLK IN DEHAHn, We Will Address the Mew York Chamber of Commerce, Bat Mast Decline Other Invitations. Washington, Oct. 16. Secretary Car lisle has accepted an invitation to at tend the annual dinner of tbe New York chamber of commerce on Novem ber 18th next. Mr. Carlisle will deliver the principal address. It will be on sound money. Mr. Carlisle has declined to accept an invitation to deliver an address at the Tammany Hall ratification meeting in New York on October 22nd, as on that d n h ; u ill been route with thePreside it 10 attend the Atlanta Exposition. He has also declined an invitation to ad dress the labor -union organizations at Chicago, 111., on December 10th, on the subject of sound money. Mr. Carlisle states that about that time Congress will assemble and his presence here will be necessary. He intimates that he may find an opportunity later to deliver an address before the labor organiza tions of trhieago on tbe subject. Secre tary Carlisle has received an invitation from the Hurst Iiemocratio Club, of Baltimore, to deliver a political speech at their meeting on Saturday, Novem ber 2nd. It is probable that he wil. de cline the invitation under the rule lajd down Dy trie iresiaent tnai caoinet-oi-ficers and other government officials are not expected to make political addresses outside of their own State. Tbe Dry Goods Market Continues to Im prove Prices Going Up. New York, Oct. 17. The attendance of buyers to-day in the dry croods market has shown some improvement m numbers. Thus spot business has presented a somewhat livelier appear ance, ai,d in a number 01 directions actual sales compare favorably with preceding days of the week. Through tbe mails a fair aggregate business has come to hand in staple and fancy cot tons. In tbe woolen (roods departments the demand for men's wear continues indifferent, but the tendency of prices n some fabrics, such as clay worsteds. is against buyers. Dress fabrics are very firm, with a well-sustained de mand for both fall and spring goods. Tbe New General Manager of tbe Georgia Central. Chicago, 111., Oct. 17. The St. Paul, Minn., Telegram says: It is reported that A. B. Plough, vice president and general manager of the St. Paul & Du luth Railroad, has been tendered the position of general manager of the Central Railroad of Georgia. One of the receivers of the Central is R. Bom ers Hayes, president of the St. Paul & Duluth, who resides in New York and has a number of railroad interests. Mr. Plough is at present in the South in company with President Hayes and ex Governor Merriam. Railroad Pimp House Burned -Fine Crops, Happy Peopler Special to the Observer. New London, Oct. 17. The railroad pump-house at this place burned down this morning at about 2 o'clock. Mr. Judd had several cars loaded with wood standing on the side-track that would have burned had the fire not been dis covered just when it was. - The people through this section are happy. Crops are fine, and the only thine they can find to kick about now is tbe dry weather. The String; to It. Richmond Dl paten. The Charuttb". Obskrvbr happily characterizes th- resolution of Mr. Law rence, of Ohio, in the Farmers Con gress at Atlanta, as "free coinage with a string to it." That is, the resolution inviting to a bl-metallie conference the countries friendly to silver, and not in viting those countries which have the gold standard, or are not bi-metallists already. " Shonted "Tive I France" at tbe Kaiser. Paris. Oct. 17. Le Journal published a dispatch from Metz which says that an unknown man shouted Vive la Frsnce "from the window of a cafe in Metz while the German 'Emperor and Empress were -passing on Tuesday.and fails so points from one day to tbe next The police endeavored to find the or tender and arrested several persons on suspicion. . J est Natural Movers. Salisbury World. The Observer Is right. There is not another town in the State that would have had such an outpouring of people as Charlotte gave both Buffalo Bill and Keene on the same night. Charlotte and her people are just natural "mov ers. IX, OOO Spanish Troops Ka Boat for Cab. Madrid, Oct. IT. It Is - announced that 12.000 troops start for Cuba on Oc tober 22d. A jury in Judge Baker's court at Chi cago, Tuesday, awarded ex-Congressman R. W. Dunham $15,000 damages for the alienation of his wi fe'a affec tions by Major E. L. Allvn The former Mrs. Dunham is now lira. Alivn. th ex-Congressman having obtained a divorce. , - - J. D. Hubbard, colored, was sen. tenced to three years in Albany peni tentiary yesterday at Greesboro h Judge. Dick; for. sending scurrilous ana inaecent letter to a woman. - KTT8BUBO BAKES IX TBOCBTE. Tb Interest " n tbe City's Jepoit, Which Wst Paid to Kz-Aselstaat City Attorney Hobm, Most Bo Made Oood. PrrfsBUKa, Pa., Oct, 17.- To-day City Controller Gourley and City Attorney Clarence Burleigh made a formal, de mand on the three 'banks for the. in terest tbey paid to ex-Assistant City At torney W. H. House. The demand was that the amount of this Interest-money be made good to the city. The new re gime in the city attorney's office went into effect to-day. The new officials were besieged by callers all day. When asked about his official visit to the First National Bank, the Allegheny National Bank and the Tradesman - National Bank, Attorney Burleigh said: "We were respectfully received and told in each case that the matter would belaid before the board of directors. - An an swer fs expected from the banks within twenty-four hours, althoueb no time was specified. The sub-finance com mittee of councils will meet to-morrow' afternoon and representatives from the four banks used as city depositories are expected to be present to give answer as to their intention of paying interest on city balances. Tbe investigating sub-committee has discovered that loans of city money were made from ex City Attorney Moreland's office to pri vate individuals. COLUIB DKNIK8 THK CHABOES. As President of the Atlanta Exposition. Be Declares That tbe Bis; Fair la Com plete, and tbe jPrtees Reasonable. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 17. This morn ing President Collier, of the Cotton States Exposition, furnished the fol lowing card about the charges of ex tortion and incomplete condition of the exposition for the press: "Unfounded rumors have been cir culated to the effect that the Cotton States and International Exposition is not now complete, I deem it my duty to make an official and authoritative announcement that the exposition is complete and ready for the closest scrutiny. The reports that extortion is being practiced upon visitors and charges increased are untrue. Reason able prices are charged in every in stance. Signed "C. A. Collier, "President." The jury of awards of the Cotton 8tates Exposition met this morning and perfected the assignment of juries. Tbe list of jurors present was increased by the arrival of r. D. H. Burnham, of Chicago, the architect of the Wurld's Fair. ITEMS OF GENEKAL NAT ORE. Dr. William T. "Sylvester, president of the city council of Jacksonville, Fla., died Tuesday of hemorrhage of the brain. Fifty of the North Carolina editors at Atlanta decided to visit Chattanooga and Nashville, the others remaining at the exp. sition. The new battle-ship Indiana did a preliminary run over the trial course near Boston Tuesday, making over 15 knots with the greatest ease. She can probably make 16. The steamer Woodhall, which cleared from Baltimore for Progress, Mexico, and which is new at New Orleans, is an object of suspicion by the Spanish minister in this country. Among the additions to the jury of awards at tbe Atlanta Exposition are Prof. Joseph A. Holmes, of North Caro Una, on geology, and Mr. Gilford Pin chot, of Biltmore, expert in forestry. The London Morning Post will publish a dispatch from Paris saying that official returns show that the number of Spanish troops killed in fighting or by disease since the opening of the campaign in Cuba is 1,997. Ross C. Van Bokklen, after embez zling about $35,000 fr m tbe Merchants' Loan and Trust Company, of Chicago, fled to the City of Mexico where he was recently arrested, and has arrived in Chicago in the custody of three detec tives. The mutineers in Goa, in India, have refused to accept the amnesty offered to them by tbe .Portuguese officials and nave commiteea further acts or vio lence and spoliation. Tbey have looted the treasuries in tbe city of Goa and and wrecked several buildings. Attorney General Harmon yesterday afterno n telegraphed Hewson E. Lan- nan, United States marshal for Dela ware, to return to the owners the arms and ammunition found upon the tug JUauraus, which was seized about the 1st of September near Wilmington. Del., for intended violation of the neu trality laws of the United States. Sir Philip Currie, the British ambas sador to Turkey, telegraphs to Lord Salisbury that the scheme relative to reforming the administration in Ar menia which was submitted to the Porte on May 11th last by Great Brit ain, t rance and Kussia, has been ac cepted by the Turkish Foreign Office and that it only awaited the Sultan's signature to put it into -effect. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. A Decline In Liverpool Caused a Big; Drop in Cotton Near the Opeaing, Bat a Gain of 2 Points Was Scored at the Close. Special by Private Wire to Harrison Watts. NtW York. Oct. 16 The higher ODenin. of our market was due to tbe fact that Liv erpool naa not aeeuned sumctently to place I hem on a par 1th ou' closing prices of ltst evening, tney being onl 1-rMcl. lower on futures, with sales of 12.000 bales at un changed prices. Jannary sold at 9 85 on the op-ning call. Liverpool then began falling rnpiuiy ouu uur uiirset naturally louowea until the January option touched 0.16. beinz a decline of 28 points from yesterday's high est. LiverpMrs close was easy at a net luss of 6-64d. equivalent to Ml of oar points). X he decline was snch as might have beeu execiea to ioiiow a speculative rise so rantdandas excited as the one that hub characterized tbe cotton market as during luh past to nay uorningoi tne abnor mal feature of New Orleans onotatlons bel g at high as ours (On October 15th and I6ta the January option closed at a high, r Crure la Ne - Orleans than, in New Y jr.) Wetbink that a large part of the rereoi advance ba ' e-n iu to manlnala- iou 'v va-Q who sold n every sbarn on ward turn. Tbe tnan'DuHtion of he nricw- tt th c in New Or! an ha undaunted ly dee a d ne to a freer Liverpool and en ab'e selling in that marker, wbich tbe manipulators are reported to have bee do ng on ev ry opportunity lately, and as long as New Orleans remains on an abnor mal levl tht fact remains as an evidence that at New Orleans the lo .g 00 1 ton has not been anloaded and therefore continues a menace to the long side, as any attempt at soon liquidation may caue a demoralised market at any moment. - Receiota to-dav were liberal and bonld they continue so moea longer it may oe roun i that tbe d c Ines of fco-dar and vesterdav are nnl. forerunners of mo e serious ones. But, not withstanding these unfavorable conditions threatening the bull side of cotton, we still believe that purchases made on material breaks are likely to prove profitable to the man wno onys conmentiy ana is protected by ample margins. In a market that rises eeeuiatlo on so points margin should never oe nazaraeo. as tbe ehanoes against makin a successful trade are too great and pyramiding at prevailing price should be discountenanced, as It would be almost dis astrous. When the present weakness has been overcome and expected light receipts are Tvnueu wmwaot uios it at ail UBtiaei j that prlees may go higher than th y have yet been, but with so ma eh room below into which prlees may drop. It seems to ns that a bull cannot be too eeurtous. Daring the last hour there was a good tone to the mar ket and final quotation show a reoovery of 10 to IX points and a net gain for the dey of 3 points, Jannary being 9.tT to S.28. Total port receipts were 8A.M& against 4T.141 lank Kar. Transactions of the day were S9S600 les. Boot cotton in this market is 1-1': lower ( trlty) and Is easier at most Southern ports. . Danixi.OMIkjuc Co. The Stoek Market Depi Naw Toftxv Oct. IT Tbe stoek market was depressed to-day by the infla nee of mgner xoretgn ex jnaoge, wntcii excited fears of early gold exports. 1 here was no heavy selling pressure, however, and expec tations of forthcoming favorable returns of ear ni nasi prevented more than fractional declines la tbe Granger. The Industrial snares were weak, out the eat losses rare y exceeded 1. Paei&o Mall la the afternoon suffered a decline of a point. Some rase tlons occurred in the stocks of iron ' and steel companies. The market closed auiet bat heavy at general losses. ,- , . JMBV XOBK HIT) UtTSXAV. Wssst Strove a tbe Opening and Weak Later 1-4 Coat Adyaaeo. - -Cxicaqo, Oct. 17. Whjlt. The same features of strength early and weakness later which characterised the market yes terday prevailed again to-day. -The first transactions were at an advanea of about f over yesrerday's tbe market'' advancing an additional V bd holding steady around 0J for Deeaniber-the for pert of the ses sion. Tbe weather map showed no rain and the predictions for to-morrow promised none in the winter wbeet belt. Namerous report were received from this section stat ing that tbe drought was. working consid erable injury, which were corroborated by tbe Cincinnati Price-Current. Cables in stead of Swing lower as generally expected, earns In firm, second Liverpool being quoted dv higher. Shorts became good buyers, Kd by a large professional, and there was some good baying for outsiders through commission houses Offerings were light under S10, but as soon as this price was reached they were noticed to be very free, apparently from the same source as yester day, and as sooa as tbe demand baa been satisfied tbe market declined easily about , some of the early buyers turning sellers on a report from Argentine that tbe crop in t hat ooon'ry would be tbe larget on record. This reoort was quite contradictory to one received a short time ago, which stated tbat locusts were ruining the wheat. In ad dition to this tne-North western receipts were is ge; primary arrival- were over don Me last year's and clearances were smali. Ou tbe other hand, the flour output for the week was very large. Towards the close the market rallied , final quotations being about over yes t-rdy' closing. - There was a fairly good demapd for the near-by deliveries of corn from ontstde sources. with a disposition to seli May. Re eipswerea little less than the estimate and shipment were Urge. ' . . Provisions were easier on the continued large receipts of bogs. Packers and scalp ers appear bearish. Lakbok Baos. Co. CITY PRODUCE MARKET. Fggs very scarce, big demand. Balance 01 market well suppuea. Applesdried quarters, bright.... 14 bright sliced " " fancy bright siloed. " " extra Peaches unpeeled balves, bright. " " quarters " Blackberries dried Extra flour sack , Pamny " " , Meal bolted 44 lbs per bushel . . " unbolted 48 lbs per bushel.. Corn old 68 lbs per bushel new Oats 82 lbs per bushel Peas clay " mixed Onions select per busbel Bacon hog round per lb " bam " sides " shoulders Lard N. C .., Tallow M Beeswax Hens per head Roosters per bead Chickens spring small per head " " large " " 6 6 8 s - 8 2S 69 . 2 60 60 48 60 45 60) 1M 7l S5 IS 15 1020 18 lurmyi per id Ducks Guineas . 10(3)1(5 Geese 8086 Butter choice yellow 12 18 Honey strained per lb 12 " comb per lb Eggs hen IS " guinea 1 Wheat 65T9 Rye 70 leathers new , 44 Hides drv per lb v " green ner lb.i 2 Wool washed WS NEW YORK MONEY MAKKKT Nsw York, Oct 17 --Money on call Arm at 234 percent.; last loan at 2, closing onerra at zi Prime mercantile oaner, 6IA'fl per eent. Bar silver 674 Mexican dollars . . Sterling exenange strong; wtrn actual Dnne-s in bankers' hills at 1 STfai 8S for 60 days and 843 'or demand. Posted rates 4 4 m. Commercial bills, 10 days 4 ct,n, ; aemana uovernment 00 nog t-asier. State bonds dull; railroal bonds lower. Silver at the board was steady. BALTIMORE PROFTJCE MARKET. Halt mobs. Oct. '7. FIHJK - Klrm. Western super 2 46 J SV do extra 3 75TaJ i 0; do family 8 ?&8 60- winter wheat patents a &0OZ1.1 w; spring wheat paten s 8 7ur4 110. wHEA'i' Dull. No. J red spot and October 85W; fecember 67!; May ; steamer No 3 red 62-UI Southern, by sample fWgxi7H; do on grade OR-Steady. Mixed spot and October 87V(!' ; December ; January 833-$i; steamer mixed ...; Southern white S738 do yellow 8738H. NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. FLOUR-Qulet, steady. Winter wheatTIow trades 2 c0; lair to fancy X 80rt 45; 60 patents 8 SOrttS 75: Minnesota clear 2 7S($8 83; patents 8 854 20; low extras 2 2& 2 60; city milis 8 8o4 00. Southern flour dull, steady . common to felr extra 2 10O 2 80; good to choice do 9 -0r&8 30. W H EAT More active, sterdy. No 2 red, store and elevator flaty; afloat 6H. Options closed steady at to cents advance. No 2 red October 86; November ; De cember 67H : May 70 CORN spots moderately active, strong. No 2 S rleva'or; 8W afloat. Option closed quiet at cent advance October 47: November SJi; December 8; May 85 OATS- Scots quiet, easle-. Options dull, ea ler 0'tobr 23; November : De cember SS'8; May A Spot No 2 282y; No 2 white s . mixed western 2425. LARD Quli, lower. Western team 6 00; city 5 75. October 6 00 nominal; re fined slow; continent 6 46; S. A. 6 80; com pound 4 &5 PORK steady, dull; mess 75(310 00. nOTTN SEED OIL Firm, quiet; orude 24; yellow prime IS. COFFEE-Closed steady at 10 points down. October 15 85: November I51015 IS: Decem ber 15 00. Soot Rio steady; No 7 I6if. SUGAK-Raw dull, steady. Fair refining 8V: refined quiet, steady; Off A 4 5-1 4; standard a 49i; cut loaf 5; crashed 6 ; granulated 45 00. STOCKS CLOSING BIDS tmer Cot Oil... 32 N Paofllo do pfd... N W do pfd aclfli Mail eadlng I 104 106 148 29 20 77 74 1 679s 42 101 10 22 92 15 47' 109 109 100 102 r 2 111, UlS 97 96 12 87 105 do pM 72 me sug tie is. . iu; do pid 100 mer. 1 obaoco. . B2V do pfd..... 10 eh..., 21 BsO SI Ca Pao 80V, CAO : 19V, Ch 4 A 163 C, B A Q 86 St Paul do nfd Silver cits c C A I do pfd Texas Pao Union Pao W abash ... . do 1 pfd W U W L 1 do pfd...:.., Ala,elass A do class B do class C La stamped 4's. . Chicago Gas m t,el Lack 16! O A C k rie II do Dfd 25 Gen Electric,... ill Central .. L, E W. . ..s.... do pfd AN'.'.'.".!"'.'.'.". too 77 151 L N A A C, N C 4's Manhattan 10 do 6's Mem A Chas. 15 Teun N S Vs.... Michigan cen.. Mo Pacifio M AO C A St L v at'l Cordage. . do pfd N J C N Y C 100 2294 76 8 lfi4 112 lOO'A 61 Va frs. nfd do tr reo st'ptd. . io un ucDt.... U S 4's Reo U S 4's Coup. . . . D S -2's Southern K'y 6'S. ao cons do pfd C 4's N Y AN E. N 4 W pfd 14 CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. f Opening Closing 59 60i4s4 64 24 2J 2H 276 28 n is 18 14 2o aoji 8 85 85 45 87 8 85 8 65 6 72, 6 70 600 4 97 4 77 476 WHEAT Oct Deo May ofeN Oct NtiV Deo t. OATS net , Dec. May MESS POHK- Oct Jan LARD Oct Jan RIBS- Oct. . Jan......... , LIVERPOOL, COTTON MARKET. LIVkBPOOL, Oct. 17. 4 P. X. Middling Futures Closed easy. . Bales, ..... American, . Receipts...... Aerican,w... October ... .....i........,......,... ........ OotohAr and KmmhIuv November and December. December and J anuary January-and February February and March Marcb and April. . . ......... April and May.............. Mv and June 4 61(352 4 S258 4 &9&4 4 fi9&5 4 56 V 4 6758 4 69S . 4 80 b 4 lJS dune ana juiy ...... July and August.. NEW YOBK COTTON FUTUBB8. Nsrw Yoxx. Oct. 17, dling uplands B e-ts; Futures closed firm. . Highest. October 9 20 November.; 9 17 December 9 21 Cotton easy. Mid middling Gulf, t 9-X6. Sales 898,800 bales. ,. Lowest. . Closing 1I6 14MSI6 04 - 10 9 SS 35 - & - 9 49 stxasi : ft 7(m SrV(WJ7 9 40T43 : 4Sfi17 4051 January , 9 85 ' eoruary.. ss March.. ..... 9 4 ... A pill. ft 47 May .......... 49 June 65 CHARLOTTE COTTON MARKET. These figures represent prices paid to ',tjr . wagonsj. i- ; I Strict good middling. ,.. ; : n 90 O b&LUC .................. uarket steady. H S. CHADWICK, PRESIDENT ANDjTliEASUru: Engineers, ' SPECIALTY: - Cotton Macblusry .nd Oottoa Hill Equipment. Sole Southern Agents for the T. Atherton l.schir e Or-:'. Patent Cotton Feeders, Openers and Lappera; Pettee Machine Works' Revolving Flat Cards, Coi ler l"wZ and Drawing Frames; Providence Machine Co.'s Roving Machinery; Fales & Jenks Machine Co. s spinning and Xwisi in Machinery Eastoo A Surinam Machine Co.'s Spooling Machinery, Globe Machine Wirki' Patent Cha n and Ba ing . arp ers; Knowlea Loom Works' Plain and Fancy Looms and Dobbies; Foster Machine Co. 'a Patent Cone Winders. 8peclal Southern Agents for B. F. Sturtevants Co.s Heating and Ventilating System, Portable Forges, Ulowers, ui hausters and Highspeed Engines. ' ' ' . , O. fc Q. Cooper & Co.s Corliss Engines, High Pressure Triple Expansion, Compound and Condensing Boilers, Heaters, Pumps, eto, . " . ' ' . Complete Steam Plants from 25 to 8,000 Horse Powers. . , , Jones A Laughlin's Cold Rolled Steel Shafting, Compression Couplers, Hangers, Pulleys, eto. .. Estimates given and contracts made tor the Complete Equipment of Cotton Mills. . ESJ-OORBESPONDENCE SOLICITED. '", . t GHARLQTTE, N. 0. 202 SOUTH TRYON STREET. COURT SALE-r- OP YALUABLB Iron Mining Property ABD .CITY LOTS. By virtue of the decree and pursuant to the orders of the Superior Court of Gaston county at tbe September term, 1895, of said court, the undersigned re ceivers and commissioners appointed by said court will, on the First Monday in January, i (it being the 6th day of January, 1896,) at 10 o'clock a. m., at the office of the "Bessemer Mining Company in Bessemer City, N. sell at public auction to the highest bid er. on the terms hereinafter Darned, the entire property, real and personal and mixed, and assets of every kind and description, belonging to tbe Bessemer Mining Company, corpora tion, consisting of about (1,700) seven teen hundred acres of land in and near the town of Bessemer City, N C . lying on both sides of the Charlotte & Atlan ta division of the Southern Railway and constituting the valuable mining plant of said Bessemer Mining Com pany, machinery, tools and. appliances, office furniture and fixtures, ores on hand, &c, to be sold in a body and as a whole A full, complete and more particular description of said lands and mineral and timber rights, easements and priv ileges may be found on reference to the several deeds to said Bessemer Mining Company for the same.which are in the possession of the undersigned, and are duly registered in the office of the register of deeds for the county of Gas ton, in the State of North Carolina ob tained by said Bessemer Mining Com pany from the following named corpo rations and individuals, to-wit: From the Bessemer City Mining and Manufacturing Company; tbe Consoli dated Manufacturing Company; the Fidelity Bank, of Durham, N. C, trus tee; J. A. Smith and wife; J A. Pinch back; R. D. Ormond and wife; Benja min M. Ormond and wife; Jacob Or mond, and others. At the same time and place the un dersigned will offer for sale as afore said, a very large number of city lots belonging to said Bessemer Mining Company, located in said town of Besse mer City, .N. J., and suitable for buup- ing lots for residence and business pur poses, laid down upon W. R. Richard son's survey and map of Bessemer City, N. C, which will be designated and pointed out to purchasers on the day of sale. Also the " Fire Clay Tract " of land in Cleveland county referred to and conveyed to said Bessemer Mining Com pany by said Bessemer City Mining and Manufacturing Company by the deed registered in book No. 20 (deeds), page 523, in the office of the register of deeds for Gaston county and also described in the deed to said J. A. Smith from R. N. Patterson and others, dated March 24th 1891, registered in the office of the reg ister of deeds for 'Cleveland county in Book B B of Deeds, page 223. TERMS OP SALE: One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash and the balance of the purchase money to be paid within twelve months from and after the day of sale, with interest from the day of sale on the deferred pay ments. Possession to be given the purchasers on receipt by tne undersigned 01 ine one-third cash payment on the purchase money, and tbe purchaser to be there after responsible for and liable to pay all taxes assessed against the property purchased by him, and title deeds with held as security for deferred payments. It will be optionsry with purchasers to anticipate and pay the deferred pay ment of the balance of the purchase money at any time after the date of sale and within the twelve months afore said, and thereby stop tbe accruing of interest on the deferred payment. Any further information desired con cerning said property and tne saie thereof mav be obtained on application to the undersigned or to their agent, Charles L. Lawton, of Bessemer City, N. O. J. 8. Cark, of Durham, N. C, E. T. CARRniGTON, of Bay City, Mich.; Receivers and Commissioners. -Sept. 20th, 1895. ICE. ICE. STANDARD ICE & , DEL COMPANY. PURE CRYSTAL ICE MADE FROM DISTILLED WATER. Our factory has track connection with all the railroads, whloh enables us to load cars without exposing ice to sun tr air, thns avoiding heavy loss in leakage Ice shipped in any, quantity front sack to car-load, and loaded direct from the bath. 1 Satisfaction given in weight, quality, eto. Standard Ice & Fuel Co., A. J. BAGOOD, Manager. Ladies eenni sole, hand sewed walking boots. Thi shoe has a round toe, tip' of same leath er, which is' dull finish, perfectly waterproof ; the toughest, most durable leather made, very soft; will not scratch or rough on train. ' Made with a In buttons. The best shoe we have ever offered. ,T7idth D, E and F : Price 3.50. ,-..-.. --. THICK SOLE SHOES GILREATH&CO yi aeliiif! Lonrav. 1839. ERSRINE COLLEGE, DUE WEST, S. 0. 940.000 New Building! A full corps of thoroughly competent and wide awake, progressive professors. Courses in Latin, Greek;, French, German, Eng lish, Mathematics and tbe Sciences, v Degrees of A B. nd B. 8. cooferred upo those who comolete the courses leading to ssid degrees.4 With ber course as fu and as broad and her standard as high as any similar institution in the land sh offers EDUCATION AT COST. Appreciating the fact tbat manjt worthy boy are poor, the friends of Erskine-College, through the Indness and liberality have made it possible for her advantages to be offered o any and .all who enter her doors at the exceeding low cost of from 1 110 to 9145 for all necessary expenses for nine months. - , For new catalogue giving full particular, apply to - V REV. W. W. ORR, REV. W. W.4 GRIER, D. D., Huntersville, N. 0. . PRESIDENT, r . : Due West, 8. 0. Printing -for If you want printing of any description call at the Observer Printing Hbiuse and leave your order. . In Flat and Ruled Papers we have the following well known grades : Montague, Regent, Royal Worces ter, Crown Derby, Moorish Linen, Pare Linen SfrwVL- llrono'a H anrl ATrtHp flll 1 i ti An . Rnn H Pfl- Book, News, Cover and Poster Papers in all grades. Papers for Circulars and Announcements, Invita tions and Receptions. In Envelopes we can supply you with a variety of size and qualities. Cards of all kinds. Tags in lan?e quantities. Fine Wedding and Visiting Cards". Papers for all classes of printing. Send for samples, ancL, prices. Observer Printing: House. - R. E. BLAKEY, Manager. WATER! HENRY E. KNOX, Jr., CONSULTING AND- HYDRAULIC ENGINEER. Artesian and tube wells a spe cialty. General water works con struction, surveys, plans and esti mates. Borings made for architects bridge and railroad engineers. Pipe and pumping machinery. CHARLOTTE, N. 0. (Office, Room 5. City hall.) m DESIRABLE LOTS OU. FOR SALE. Suitoble for manufactur ing plants or dwellings; sit utea on Eleventh, Twelfth, Graham, Pine and Poplar streets. All accessible to tracks of Southern Railway and Carolina Central Rail road. TermsPart cash, . bal ance on time to suit pur chaser. Fire Insurance, E. Nye Hutchison, Agent. (SUCCESSORS TO JORDAN SCOTT.,) Wholesale -:- Druggists AKD KAXUTACTUREBS OP Standard Pharmaceutical Preparations, Office and warerooms 10 North Try on -street, Charlotte, N. C. Sole agents for North Carolina and Georgia for Dr Hughes' Family Reme dies; also Sedalgia and Neuralgiallne. SeneVfor quotations. J. S.! PHILLIPS, Strictly Merchant Tailor- 31 South Tryon Street, -. - Has just received a fine line of - ; Seasonable Suitings. ' Also the latest styles of ; TROUSERINGS. - .? Whloh will be made to order at rea sonable prices. Only first-class work. 1895. Everybody Charlotte, N. C. fi. A 6-inch Pump, Complete and nearly new. THE St Mary's School for Girls, Raleigh, . O. Advent term of tbe Fifty-Fourth Rcbool Tear will begin Kept. 19, 1W5. ftpecl&l in tention paid to Physical Culture and Hy giene. Address tbe Kector, Kcv. B. Bviom. D- P All the latest designs in Silver Novelties, Souvenir Spoons, Card Cases, Etc. JUNGS in all the designs, gold, silver and the prettiest Diamond Rings to be found anywhere. JNO. FABRIOR, . S.' A. Li. Watch Inspector. Y)ft T 1HB Charlotte j Commercial (tollere ' u And lukvn w V r. nl Kd gg - "'""on.. Thetame.opt.orioolty is open to yoo. r -fT" uir !TtA.flareM -1 ' JACKSON HATWABD, Proprietors, Charlotte, XT. 0. OR ft l T D. i m DBS Conor:

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