..DAILY1 CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, APRIL 25, 1886. Jj . GET WELL AKD (STAY WELL Get Bid of Whaf Makes You Sick and Stay jRid of It. It It so slmpi to be win thai we wonder woy mere are so many sfck people. Come to tblnk about it, matt be because tbey don't know waat'a made them sick- 1( they knew that, they cooJd prevent It. waen iney were sck, a khm om cured themselves. But sp I one aa we don t take more care of oar Health, we shall al waya be more or less sleki The simple rales of health are: Keep clean, take exercise, es good food, sooor out your stcmach. v Tbis latt means: DoaH tolerate Indiges tion. Onre it with Shaker Digestive Cor dial. A etomaen fail of undigested, fr mented. pat rid food ts I the onbealtblest tblng you can think of. ? Half of our diseases and troubles come from tht poisons of undigested food. More tbao half of them could be cured with Sha ker Dtgettlve Cordial. I More than half, because often when we tblnk we are sick, wtfare! only weak, and a ocarseof noarlshlng foo dlgestea without effo t by the stomach ( wUh the aid of tha ker Dlgest-ve Cordial) would reinvlgorete the whole system and majke os well. A tu-ceat trial botuei will prore It. At droggtsts. I - - Write for Interesting book to The Sba kers. 80 Beads Btreet. New Jfork More Praise From the Florida Qhatauqua: "The beautiful Mathushek Pianos that have been used during tbeChatau qua were furnished by Ludden & Batea Southern Musio House. Their' fall, rich, singing tone hasfbeen heard to the best advantage in thte Chatauqua con certs and received the; unstinted praise of the artists who have used them." The Defuniak Breezei What a Purciasei says: "I am perfectly charmed with my Mathushek Piano. I have Dever played on a sweeter instrument." MBS, J. D. MltNNKRLYN, Waynesboro, Ga. Full line of the new styles now in our wsirerooms. A great advance (jn any hith erto produced. j New reduc ed prices will surprise all. Ludden & Bates. W. M. WHEELER, Mgb, Charlotte Branch House. rTfl D ESI K ABLE UU FOR SALE. LOTS Suitable for manufactur ing plants or dwellings; sit uated on Eleventh, Twelfth, Graham, Pine; and Poplar streets. All accessible to tracks of Southern Railway f B -a W -m w . ana Uarolma Uentral Kail road. Terms Part cash, bal ance on time to suit pur chaser. FIRE INSURANCE. E. Nye Hutchison, Agent. Here is a front view of the best $75 wheel ever sold in North Carolina. Its name is BUSINESS CUPPER NO. 20, and my price is 55 cash or S60 on-time. Out of 90 of these Clipper wheels sold in past 12 months not a frame has ever been broken good rec ord for any high grade wheel. Can furnish them with detachable or-cement tires. & J." or "M. & W." W. F. DOWD. You are fortunate if Stearns' Yellow Fellow you can get at our price. WATER ! HENKY E. KNOX, JR., CONSULTING AND HYDRAULIC Engineer. Artesian and tribe wells a specialty. General water worr.8 construction, surveys plnns and estimates. Borings made for archi tects, bridge and railroad engineers. Pipe and pumping ma chinery. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Office: Room 5 City Hall. . emcc Blackwcll's Durham Mathushek Mathushek Mathushek If Jr r DURHAM, N. C. Dear Sir: id ilLL Who M4 TOBACCO, offered ro dacco ? W yJ awve Merekste cat oat tMs aMClca ax a it lta star r$er it. r m I 5 j rag umrnw'sHOsv Only a Uttla mink teh iho s,- . That la Lain iwl anit wrinkled and torn. With a May hole where the Uttla pink toe jreeped oat la tag day that are gone. The little pink toe was the "big little pig' - That to market so of ten would go, And over and over the legend was torn , As 1 kissed the little pink toe. - , r "Figgis some more," the red Up would Usp, Ana the story ana tns were Again and again, so nappy were w in otherkood's foretaste of heaven. But there' earn a night, with desolate blight, When death bore mv idol away. And no lltti toe ever peeps from the shoe To be kissed in u sweet ota way. . . But my tear have deluged the littl pink BO . - , - -- - -" And stained It a deeper stain. And I long for the touch that would: chill me in seam, -If it gave m my darling again. Bo, when X am dead toy the Uttla pink shoe or imj aw uh is silent ana ooia. And perhaps np above, In the sunlight of I shall kits the pink too a of old. r K.ATX TMHItOl ItAIt. Dr. Caeahlra and KdJtor Daatels the At- traeUoas at Oak Ridge Commencement. Special to the Observer. Oak Ridqb. April 24. Rev. J. B. Cheshire, D. D , Bishop of North Caro lina, win preach the sermon, and Jo seph as Daniels, Esq., - of the News and Observer, will make the address at Oak Ridge Institute this year. The com mencement occurs May 17th, 18th, 19th. The school is dosing a very prosperous year. There win be forty-five gradu ates la me various departments. A Kind of Alabama Kaxtan. Montgomery, Ala., April 23. The Republicans of the ninth district of Alabama met at Greensboro to day. There were two sets of delegates to St, Louis, two chairmen side by side, and two conventions. One delegation for McKlnley and one for the Reed com bination. BtJCKLKNU ARNICA 8ALVK. The beet salve In the world for outs. oral set, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sore, tetter, chapped hands,- chilblains, corns ana ail sun eruptions, ana positively cures plies or no pay required. It la guar- anteea to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price a cents a box. Fo? sale by Harwell uinn. Tow Boy West Live a Mont. So Mr. 611 man Brown, of S4 Mill St South told by She doctors. at His son had lung trottbli malaria, and be seen a. folic owing typhoid itypi Ired neb tare hundred and seven ty-dve dollars with doctors, who Anally aave alas an. savin: "Your boy won't live a month. fie tried Dr. King's New Dliaoverv. and a few bottles restored him to health and enabled him to go to, work a perfectly weU man. He says he owes his present good keal'n to use oi Dr. Kl ne'e New Uiseoverv. and kuu.i It to oetnebestin the world tor iuok iroaoia rTriat bottles free at BurwaU A Dunn's drag more. PUla. Bead Tour address to H. E. Buekien Oo.. Chicago, aud get a tree sample box of Dr. King's New Ufa Pills. A trial will convince you of their merit. The Dills are easy In action and are particularly effective In the the cure of constipation and sick headache. For malaria and liver troubles they have een proved invaluable. Tbey are guaran teed so be perfectly tree from every aeie terkous substance and to be purely vege tans, Tbey do not weaken by their action, but by- giving ton to the stomach and bowels greatly in vie orate the system. Reg ular sis K per boa. Sold by BurwaU foan.dmgglst. It is Not Necessary To have a big pocket book full of money when you purchase from us. We make tbe terms to suit you and a call will con vie you that we have tbe FUR NITURE you want. I nUiUAiS 0C m. i 1 V 'HjIjIj. tft-oM V. 8. Journal of Medicine.) frof.W.H.Peeks.whomakesa specialty of KpDepey. has without doubt treated and cored more cases than any living Physician ; his success is astonishing. We bare heard of cases of 90 y ears'standine; cured by him. Be publishes a Tslnable work on this disease which hi ends with a large bottle of his absolute cure, free tC any sufferer who may send their P.O. and Express ad Oress. We advise anyone wishing a cure to address. ?rof- W. F. PEEKS. F.D., 4 Ceoar SU Nw Yor. ICE. ICE. Standard Ice and Fuel Company. PURE CRYSTAL ICE MADE DISTILLED WATER FROM Our factory has track oonnectiou with all the railroads, which enables us to load cars without exposing ice to sun or air, tnub avoiding heavy loss in leakage. Ice shipped in any quantity from sack to oar-load, and loaded direct from the bath. Satisfaction given in weight, quality, etc. Standard Ice & Fuel A. J. HAGOOD, Manager. Co., SLEEPLESSNESS CURED. VIGOR OF MEN Eaaily Ouickljr, Permanently Restored. MAGNETIC ERVINEurit ears weaknesses, Nervous Debility and all the evila from early or later excesses, the results of overwork, worry, sickness, eto. Fall strength, tone and development given to every organ or portion of the body. Improvement immediately een from tbe first box. Thousands of letters of praise oo file in oar ofSee. Can be carried in Test pocket. Bent by mail to any address on receipt of price. On" month's treatment in each box. Price $11)0, 8 boxes, 5 00, with Written Guarantee to refund money i f not cored. Hanrl to os icr tne ueonme. t irculara rree. R. H. JOrtDAN A CO.. Charlotte, N. C M D CURED AS IF '1 MAGIC. Victim of ist Man should send at Hco (or a book that explain how full manly vicor is easily, quickly and permanently restored. Konaa Buffering from wealbtes can af ford to ignore tbis timely advice. Book talis bow TT,ll .fnMtiFt), velopment and tons are imparted to every Pr,n "Jf1 T- with positive proofataeaded) ree toaaymanoaappQcation, ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N.Y. or Tobacco company. You are entitled to receive mi racfjfl FR E E from your wholesale dealer. WHITE STAR SOAP with ail Us BlackweU's Genuino, Durham Smoking ' youbuy. One bar off atoap Free -wtth each pound, whether 1 6 ox., 8 ox., 4 ox., or a ox., psylrwtev.r; j;.., - We hare notified every whole sale dealer In the United States that we win supply them with soap to jive you FR Elv- Order a good atrpply of GCMJiNE DURHAM at once, and Insist .on setting your aoapv .One bar of Soap FREE with each pound you : btrr. , Soap la- for a limited time, so order co r.iPArJY wHito dMte, ; A STRAIGHT WIGHT. IThaDez taeratte Farcy Win Have Na Br- sarins and Ho raalosi Fusing! - Poor baalness for ' party mat uas principles to be monkeying witn. ms. Airy mews. : The Raleigh so-called Democrats can get op more disgusting and insulting scnemes tor personal aggrandisement than any set t vtln o nice-grabbers, and public tricksters that has ever confronted the Democracy of the Old North Bute. Salisbury Truth. From 18S3 to the defeat of 1894, the Democratic party of North Carolina had been throwing political sops to dis gruntled members or its party, and again is this , disgraceful "expediency being sot merely suggested, but , ad vised, for 1896. Newbern Journal. - Our political ethics do not recognize as lerimate the opinion, wnicn oas grown popular, that getting the offlees is the end and aim of political organisa tion, hence we. like tbe thousands or other Democrat who have not drunk la the political heresy, will never take any fusion in ours Monroe Journal. Those Democrats who are trying to divide tbe spoils or office with the pop ulist at tbe sacrifice or principle de serve and will receive tne scorn and censure of all honest men. If such a thing had been predicted two years ago as likely to be done now, no Democrat would have believed it possible! Cnat- nam Record. ' We cannot believe there are enough I Democrats in the State in favor of lay ing aside principle in order to carry an election, a procedure they so roundly and justly denounced two years ago, to carry a State convention for it. The duty of Juemocrata is to stand bp for their parfy and keep it clean from entangling alliances. Newton Enter prise. The party in North Carolina would no more submit to a trade on the basis of fusion with the Populists or any par ty any more than they will submit to a gold standard. looking at tne situation as a matter of speculation we do not see any sign that would make fusion possible in this State between the Democrats and Populists. States ville Mascot. It would be well'Ior the Democrats to take warning now and steer dear of all entangling alliances. We have but one hope for victory in tbe coming election. We must stand firmly on principle and avoid all "sops" to dlstffected oppo nents If either Populists or Republi cans wish to support the Democratic ticket, their votes will be welcomed, but the Democrats should never stdop to a "dicker. Wilson Advance. The man who favors a surrender of principle and a combination for the sake of a few offices has no business in the Democratic convention. If by any possible chance this element shonld control the Democratic State conven tion and effect a fusion with the Popu lists tbe deal wourd ba a failure. The Democrats would denounce thesaleand repudiate it. Fully seventy-five per cent, of the party would openly revolt and they would be right. Salisbury Herald. The Democrac ot North Carolina has played truant and deserted tbe land marks, and we hope the time will never come when it will look to Marion But ler for leadership The Democracy as a party ravers silver and many good and party, have never thought of. The Populists, most of tbem, left tbe Demo cratic party; but the doors have ever stood open and they may return and be come members of tbe household again, if they will. Almance Gleaner. We have no time for this talk of fu sion or Democrats and .Populists, it is simply a scheme of hungry politicians with insatiable areed for office. Hach fusion will never be. The Democrats of North Carolina cannot afford to make any trades. Tne Democratic party in this State has weathered the darkest storms of adversity, and it has never been guilty of trafficking in its own in tegrity. We want an honest, straight forward flgnt and if defeat comes let it come, for there is more glory in dereat in honor than in victory in disgrace Let the Democratic fight be made for principle, not for spoils. Monroe En quirer. The Democratic party in the North west has become a by-word and a re proach for the very reason that it stood ready to fuse with anything and any body that promised reward in the way of office, it has fused arid fused and fused, till it has loH its self-respect, lost the confidence of the publio and can t muster a corporal s guard. It now looks as if the free silver men will control the national party, and if the Populists are honest in their free silver views they will have no exouse for re fusing to vote the Democratic ticket So far as fusion with them in North Carolina is concerned on the basis of a division of offices, this paper is unalter ably opposed. Morgan ton Herald. Should the democracy enter into an alliance of this sort, which is nothing more nor less than a proposition to throw principles to the wind for the spoils of office, it places itself in the identical position it so vigorously de nounced through tbe columns of every Democratic newspaper in tbe State two years ago, when the same combination was entered into by the Populists, and t&epnDiicans. Then Democrats every where proclaimed Popullst-Kepublican fusion, for spoils, as dishonorable to both the parties to the bargain, and, in heaven's name, we would like to know how Democratio-Populist fusion in tbis year of graoe would be any the less dis honorable to Democrats we mean, of course to say nothing of theinoalcula ble injury it would be to the future well being of the party. Wadesboro Messenger-Intelligencer. Deelsioa In a Bank Check Case. Gastooia Oasette. The Supreme Court on last Tuesday reversed tbe decision of Gaston eonnty Superior Court, February term, in the cheok suit bronrhk by the Commercial National Bank of Charlotte against the First National Bank of Gtstonla and. Costrer, Jones & Co. On what lines the opinion was framed we cannot cer tainly say, as it has not yet appeared in the publio prints Our readers are per haps acquainted 'with the facta in the case, since reference has hitherto been made to the matter in these columns. The question decided in the ease ap pears to be this: If A draws a check on his bank payable to B and stamps on the face thereof a statement that It will positively not be paid to C, can pay ment of same to O be lawfully en forced T Tbe Supreme Court says not, the inference from its reversal of the decision of tbe lower court being that tbe inhibition stamped noon thefaee of the check is a valid stipulation and is to be accepted as a part of the contract by all woe accept tne paper so stamped. It s an important caae and has attracted much attention in baokier and legal circles. . ; L :?.. . It Will Take t ooe.eoe Fay tfe Freaeh 8ptla41a Claim. i . i Wasbisotos. April 24 Mr; 'Warren. from the committee on claims, to-day favorably reported to the Senate, m.iq amendment to the sundry civil bill, an appropriation carry ia a . little more than SI, 000, 000 for the ; payment . of French spoliation claims that have been aijodicated by the Court of Claims and found to be due.; '. r ' gaoaaaartly Oat mt Lha Wds Tat. Elk la Times. - - - Aeood-stsed snow fell la Allebanv c .unty the 23d of May, 1895. : So don't e too certain about tbs frnit erop tbis yer..r.'. ' v- ?r?-i HeoderaonvDl Times. Republican, ? ; Somehow we are fnoltnM to helieva TBI PANSION BIXJU Opposition to FarmiahlagT Any Belief Rebels Whs Afterward Ueoanao Tan Th Report Besting; Svsatos Received. : Wabhthoton," April 24. -Nearly Ave hours were given by the House to-day to s further consideration, in commit tee of the whole, of the general pension biiL-- - - - : - The speakers generally supported the bilL but all criticised - one or another section, especially those which author ize the pensioning of soldiers who," pre vious to tneir nonoraoie service in tne Union army, had served in the Con fed erate army, or had not received an bon orable discharge. The speakers were Messrs.: Lay ton, ' Democrat, of Ohio; Tracey, Republican, of Missouri; An drews, Republican, of Nebraska; Bur ton, Republican, of Missouri; Steele, Republican, of Indiana, and Connolly, Republican, of Illinois. Their efforts were marked with no incident of lm portance. : - Bills were passed, authorizing the free re-entry into the United States of articles or animals exported tor exblbl tion in other countries, and nine iri- vate pension and relief bills favorably reported at the last Friday night ses sion. The Senate's request for a confer ence on tbe Indian appropriation blu was agreed to. Tbe report of elections committee No. 3, upon the contested case of Cor nell vs. Swanson. from tne nrtn district of Virginia in favor of the sitting mem ber, sir. BwanBon, Democrat, was re ceived and tbe minority given until Wednesday night in which to present tneir views. At 5 o'clock the House took a recess until 8 o'clock, the evening session to be for tbe consideration of private pen sion bills. THE HERO ESHNANT. The City By the Sea' Loving Courtesies to th Old Veteran So Soon to Cross the Bar. Charleston, 8. C, April 24. The ast official meeting of the South Caro lina division, United Confederate vet erans, for the rs-union, was held last I night, bnt thousands of old soldiers are still 1n the city. They will be enter tained as the guests of Charleston until tbe end of the week. Tbe re-union win close with a sermon delivered before the veterans Sunday night at the First Presbyterian church ny the Rev. Dr. Grier, president of Erskine College, who is himself a veteran who lost a leg in the war. The old soldiers were again entertained at lunch and with an excur sion around the harbor by the city 4- day. They were also specially invited guests at the Schutzenfest which the Germans are giving at their park. FINANCIAL AND COMHEKCIAL. Cottoa Advanced Early on Baylns By the Ball Interests, Bat tbe Market Closed 1 so 3 Point Lower. Speelal Br Private Wire to Harrison Watt. JSmw Yobs:. April 24. An unexpectedly small number of notions were tssut-d, and these were auloklv stooped, so nrioe aa vanoed early in tbe day. Tbe large bull in te.est were again buying but Liverpool was lower and less active, and tbe market soon weakened. May showed the greatest firmness and activity. Exports from port were large. The next erop montns were tne weakest. Tbey are lnflaenoed almost wholly by weather conditions, and export from tbe South to-day were favorable to orop prospects. Prloes here opened 1 point higher on the general list and advanoed slowly, but lost tbe Improvement and closed barelv steadv at 1 to 8-DOlnt decline. Liverpool was unchanged on tbe spot with sales of 8,000 bales. Futures there declined point, but closed steady and unchanged to"4 lower. August advanoed 8 points. New Orleans declined 3 polo ts. Boots here were unchanged wltb sales of 800 bales for ex. ort and 851 for spinning. Norfolk advanced 1-16-, and New Orleans sold 1,600 bales. Ex ports from port approximated 80.000. Port reoelpts to-day were 18.774, including vari ous, against 7.101 last weak and MJtSS last year; total this week. 62,20 against 87,470 last week and 70.010 last vear. Houston ex peels to-morrow 1,000 to 1,100 against 1,218 last year. New Orleans' reoelpts to-morrow are estimated at 600 to 000 against 6tS last week 6.087 last vear and 1.748 In 1804. Man chester was aoiet but steadv. Total Interior receipts lor the week were estimated at 81,000 against 16,778 last week ana ct,dis last year. Hiiccks are expected to be about 14,000. Last week there were 248,800, and a year ago tbey were 183,252. Liverpool's sales for tbe week were 68.030. including 47 000 American, against 92,000 last year, of which 86.000 were American. Total stocks there are 1,161,000 against 1,716,000a year ago. Wltb continued iavoraoie w earner reports we iook tor tower prices in tne late montns. MOiKTTBK A WASBVIU., Wheat Advanoed 13-8 Cents Per Boehel, and Coarse Grain Were Firmer. Chioaso. April 28. Wheat. The belief seems at present to be that a large amount of July wheat has been bought on this break by parties who were instrumental in caus ing tbe advance ot May to 68. Whether or no this is tbe case, there seems to be a large demand for J nly around (Hp, as was tbe case this morning. lb wheat traders are in clined to the bear side, aud lose no time in selling freelv whenever tbe market displays any signs of weakness. Tbey felt bearish at in opening to-aay,on receipt ci tne tr rairie Farmer that the condition of winter wheat bas shown considerable improvement dur ing the past week, but tbey evidently sold too much, and alter their offerings had been absorbed from some sou roe or other. they attempted to cover, and advanced the market 14. Reports from the Northwest are conflicting, bnt generally tbey are quite ouiiisn. tome aa vices state mas wiin un favorable weather a full acreage cannot be put In, but if the weather should be clear ror a week, prospects would unoouoteaiy obange Btill the market ba had a good break. The cash situation is strong, anu there is little winter wheat la the country. Bxports bid fair to be large next month. whieh make tbe situation rather in favor of holders, especially If crop conditions should prove to be as bad as at present es timated. Chinoh bogs are beginning to be reported from various sections In Missouri and Indiana, Coarse grains have been firmer, in sympa thy wltb whea.but the market was dull. There was some buying by shorts of May, with an inclination to sell September. provisions were nrmer. tteoeipts oi nogs were about as estimated. It is expected that the contract stock of lard will be 168,000 tierces on May 1st. or 28.000 tierces lnerease over April 1st. The estimate on rib 1 S3 000. pound, an increase of 4.000.000: and of pork. 82,000 pounds, or an Increase of 4 000 pounds. ixAJceoH uaos. at vo. Strong Speculation Canaed am Upward Todeacy la Stock. By Soutbern Associated Press. Nnw Toi. April 24. Speculation at tbe stock exchange was strong early la th day, ana the trend or prices was upwaro, owing mainly to the fact that quotations from London came higher, and that the St. Paul statement for tbe third week of April was unexpectedly favorable. There was a brisk lnaulry for local account for all th leadlna share, as well as the speculative. Tobacco lumped to 78. and the remainder of tne Hat improved anywhere from to 1. Tbe Granger were especially strong, and icortd itte highest nfor yet attaineo. is cn ax ternoon Tobacco reacted to TWA, but this bad comparatively little influence. Even when. Sugar broke from 135 to 11 on heavy aale based on the passage of th anti-trust bill by th Legislature at Al bany, speculation displayed little weakness. If S agar had declined aa much at any other ; time within tbe past few week, th market would undoubtedly have suffered material leasee. Thl afternoon the doaltn was only i V to 114. Bd h close ther was a frao- j uoBSu rally au rosuo, iara was uttie press a re to sell outside of the rank of the ! room traders, and It may ba said that tbe ! market developed great flrmnea under tb circumstances. Nthange In th railway list shew declines of bi to k. while la Sagar a drop of 8 waa recorded. Tobaooo, on the ! other band, advanced Total sale were 1 233.478 shares. Including 67.700 Sugar, 9000 Tobacco, 18,600 St. Paul. 15,000 Burlington A Qoiney. ana is vw tteauing. Bond wer higher. Sale footed np 11,577,000. Dry Gooda Market. Narw Tobb. Aorll lw-In th dry good market the report of two large oottoa mill in Lawrence reducing their running time ha drawn mora attention. 10 us eurtaii. meat of production, wnlch Is in procrae. To-day business ba presented little In the way ox a new reaiur in any department 4.1 1 tn aaara. xnere ta m imtr gmamrnt aemana for brown cotton goods and for cotton dress fabric, and a quiet business la other cot-1 ton nMi aenartmeut. xne . woolen ana worsted good division are without altera tton. .- -- ----- ...... lh Big Ban leader Dot; Baata - '-.:t";--;;:':--" That JfystiS Paepl. Special to th Observer. Nxw Tobk, April 34. This was notice day for delivery of May cotton. About tfioo bale were tendered on contract, all of which were promptly taken. Thl seated May to show special strength in the trading, many fearing that ther is to b a corner la May. The ball leader was again buying Juaa to-day. bat tbe trader are my stifled as to his plana aad purpose. Aurust opened at 7 68, rallied to 7.84, declined to 7.77 and closed at J9?.70, with the tone barely steady. Th mark will probably ba lively enough to suit anybody, bus it fa merely conjecture to attempt to forecast the courss of price, xoaa for tbe late months; which we regard s ft tale, - rxobsa? & Co, f orrr fbodocjc habkxt. Ken sell readllv at mice Quoted. to Appiue dried quarter, brtgas. , . bright siioea........ ' " - , fancy bright sUeed. -- extra Pettheaun peeled- halves, bright .- . .. . , . Quarters " Blackberries dried . Kxtra floor saok. .......... ,...M...I8f A 900 Fa mil v JS10 Hide dry per lb. .. green per lb w oo wasnea ...................... Mens bolted M lb per bushel.... M anbolted 48 lbs ser bash el. . 0 44 Cora old M lb per bushel........ . new .... Oat " S3 lb per bushal A 6S CI! svo o m f a s o aoa mixed Onions select per bushel Baoon nog round per 10. ,Jllll -"1BBfladMI. t,i,tst shoulders.. Lard N. O... Tallow .... a a . aen nor bead aoosser nor neaa .... i. Tnrksys per lb..... UDOU .. Onineas - Butter choice reliow. , Honey strained perlb. . . .. . Egg hen wneat........... Rye..... raatner new . KIW STORK U05ir MARKBT. Www Toss. Aorll 14 M onev on eaU easv as s9 per oens.; lass wssea as 1. in offered at sH Prime mercantile naner. EnM nev sens. oar stiver btm. Mexican aotiars... . eteri lng exchange steady with actual business in bankers1 bills at t a7V(a 87 for SO day and turn i ssft9t b&tIi ror aemana. fostea rmtee 4 8. Commercial bills, so dav. Mt4 demand Government bonds firm State bond quiet; railroad bond easier, aiiver a tne noara was a oil. BALTIMORE PRODTJOK MARKBT. BumtOBk Aorll S4. lnnrrR Dnll Western super 1 so ad SO: do tra 1 atvaa 9fi. do family S 608 80: winter wheat patent sows is, spring wnea paten s 7txffi w. WHEAT-Steadv. No. I red soot and April 707O; May 0tt8V, July wwiwwj: steamer so s rea ; noutnern, oy sample, iimioi no on graae 70fTS. "xrh nrm. mum spot ana April 86H9H; May Krd)W,; Jane S6j bid; steamer mixed 5V.(aH : 4outnern wait s6ao; ao yeuow sn& bid. NSW YORK PRODUCE MARKBT. FLOUR Dull, steadv. Winter wheat low srrade 2 2008 00: fair to fancv 2 8G8 85; do patent S 00(3) 20; Minnesota olear S 60S15; patents S 464S5;low extra sores oo; otty mills 4 nxttt m. Boutaern nour dull, steady; common to fair extra 2 40 uu: gooa to enoioe oo s mam so. ' WHBAT SpoU dull, firmer. No S red tore and elevator 884 ; afloat 88?i. Options closed firm at W to 94 cents advance. No 2 red April 74V.: Mav 71K: June 7i: Julv 71 CORN Spots firm, dull No S 80 elevator: 40 afloat. Option closed firm and dull at K to cent advance. April SS ; M ay S6h; July S. OATS Soot less active. Aim. Option dull, firm. April ; Mav 24. Boot No s awMi! no s white zsh: nuzso west ern xxamy,. ixa.HUuuiet. nrmer. western steam 6 16; olty 4 65. May 6 20; refined slow: con tinent s so: n. A. 5 86; oompouod 4f64. PORK Dull, steady: mess 0 OWaie 60. COTTON BE ED OIL-Qnlet. steady, crude xi : veiiow prime xocaioa. COFFEE Closed dull at in to 16 points down. April ; Mav 18 85it 95; July 12 41x91160. Spot Rio dull steady; No 7 18. BoeaK'Kaw.steaay. i air renningsnTA: refined quiet, steadv. Off A 4 15-lV5Vt: sunasra a b; out I 8; granulated 5H- loaf and crushed STOCKS CLOSING BIDS. tmer. Cot.OU. 14 do pfd N W do pfd do old 68V l06H Amer.8ug Refs do pfd iarz 147 87 734 78 1'37H Paolfio Mali.. Amer. Tobacco.. 71 I Beading. do nza w its i.. 07 Ach liWS Paul. BAO it4 do pfd. Can Pac 60V Sliver ef ft ts.... C AO eh A A 164 i r cai. .... do Dfd 100 - -a m. r ais V, MM - "-y Texas Pao Chioago uas " Union Pao uei Laos .. ioo Wabash D A C F. 1'A do pfd 18 6 10H Brie is1 w u do pfd w L A L K do pfd Gen Electiic... 87 m 106 106 100 111 Central 7 Ala, olass A L, K A W do class ts do class C oo pia 1 1, L 8 LAN 62 I L N A A C W La stamped 4'.. N C 4' do s's 08 10 122 Manhattan 109 Mem A Chas 16 Michigan cen... 07 Tenn N 8 re.... BW4 Va 6.s. nfd 6 6 do tr reo st'ptd.. Mo Pacific 2 io mn ueot U 8 4's Reo U 8 4's Coup 0 8 r MAO 8 N C A 8t L 6 wat'I Cordage... 5 1W9S 100 86 do pld W Southern R'y S's. 98 NJC lORVi uo cons do pfd NYC 08V4 N Y A N E 40 8 C 's N A W pfd 4S U a 4' s new Reg. do coupon.... N Pacnio 1 LIVERPOOL COTTON MRAKET. Lit kb pool, April 21, 4 p. it. Middling Futures Closed steady. Sales American. April... .. April and May 4 1920 till i isb It s 4 16 b 4 11 s May and June June aud July July and August Aurust and September , September and October October and November November and December... 4 08(904 8 03 s 8 60 8 60 December and January NEW YORK COTTON FUTURES. . Narw Tobx. April 24 uotton unlet. Mid dling uplands, B t-18 ; middling ulf 8 s-16 Future Dareiy steady, sales 14400 bales. Highest. Lowest. Closing. April - 7 86 7 84 7 80381 May T 86 7 80 7 81 June 7 88 7 88 T 84(386 July 786 77 7 8i88 August 7 8t 7 71 7 7Bft80 September. .. 7 4S 7 40 7 404i October 7 7 56 7 27(828 November . 7 7 16 7 170H December.... 7 18 7 17 7 1718 January 7 28 7 JO 7 Sl3i CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. I Opening Closing WHEAT April May 6S6B 68aH 61 8 80 19 N 8 65 8 73 4 85 6 00 6W4 July 65K CORN AprU May July 2 UA1H May July MESS PORK May 8 67H 8 77 July IjARIJ May 4 00 July. 602 RIBS May 4 4 80 4 46 July 4 41 NAVAL STORES. WiuraroTOB-. April 84. Rosin steadv. strained 1 46: good strained 1 60. Spirit turpentine steady; machine SS; Irregular 86. Crude turpentine steady: soft 1 70: virgin i sw. xar steaoy at vu. CHARLOTTE COTTON MARKET. The figure represent price paid wagons. Middling fair: Strict good middling.... Good middling Middling .... 74 794 T7H d7 Tinges....... Stalne Mark- Steady. Abegg & Rusch, 90, 92 and 94 Grand St., New York. V A II T I V Correspondence Solicited. JAS. E. MITCHELL A GO., 123 sjtd 124 CTXEsnroT sr., philadklfhia; 51 jJXD 53 BUlOrJEB ST., BOSTON. m COTTON TMS OF ALL KOTOS. Richard A. Bly the, COTTON WABPS AND YARNS, ! No. 114 Chestnut Street,. Philadelphia No. 4's to 200's Single and Double. Warps Furnished In Chains and Reams. la Grey and Colors. Ootton, Woolen aad worsted Yarn In Skeins. dynamos: Direct Current Dynamos for isolated Lighting;. Alternating; Current Dyna- asi ai m a- i o.i. T 1 a.s ower uenerators lor liaiiway Flants. I Ths WESTXsreHouss Elkctsic asd Uan VACTUBTOg vo., - - i ram" I, fafPlrWf I I r 'I 8PECIALTY COTTON American Rt the adontlon if this svstem von ,a id 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 m IUMUIIUUU can be materially reduced; and any degree of humidity can be maintained under The "Vortex" Humidifier makes every day a "Good Day." - IN YOUR WEAVING: There will be less stoppage, the size wCl not chafe, and IN YOUE SPINNING: The yarn will be stronger and more even. . . . . IN YOUE CARDING: Troublesome electricity will be destroyed, and the Eovlnfpwill run more even. ; - v The general product of your mill 1 - CAN Keep in mind that we are Agents kinds. Get an estimate for Call Bells, . Southern - Railway. f PIEDMONT AIR LINE.) RICHMOND A DANVILLE AND NORTH CAROLINA DIVISIONS. : in irmr 'Air. a, 1896. This condensed obedule is published as uuonnauon, ana i suojeos to oaang with out notice to tbe public. Train leave Charlotte, N. O. i wxa p. h-no. se. daily lor Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line division, and a'l point south and soathwest. ' Carrie throach Pullman drawing-room ounet sleeper be tween New York. Washington . Atlanta and New Orleans. VtW AX m. w. VI, , ww mmWMM. mjk southwestern vestiouiea umitea lor ausd t. Birmingham. Memphis, Montsomery. Mobile and New Orleans, and all point south and Booth was. Through nuimsri sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Dining ear. vestibuled flflseii. between waahinaton and Atlanta. u: jo p. Kw 3io. ii. oauy xor Atlanta ana all ' point South. Solid train. Rich mond to Atlanta: Pullman. UeeDinc-ear. tuoomona to ureensooro. ii too p. -m. rv in. rtiv. wot Aucnata. sa- vannah, Charleston, Jacksonville and O.G. A A. local stations. Carries through Pull man drawing-room buffet sleeper between n ew x ork. savannan ana j acasonviiie. ajso Pullman sleeper, Charlotte to Augusta. 06 a. x No S7. oaur. xor uoiumnia and C, C. A A. local station. h:du a h. r o. no, oauy, xor waaningiion Rlobmond. Raleigh and all point North. Carrie Pullman, drawing-room buffet sleener. New Orleans to New York: Jack- son vil l to New York. giX p. sr No. SA daily. Washington and Southwestern vestibuled, limited, for Wash ington and all roittt North. Through Pull man car, Merr phis to New York; New Or leans to New fork: Tampa to New York. Also carries reatibuied coach ana dining oar. 8:40 r. m. ivo. u. aaiiy. xor luonmona. nai- eigh, Goldsboro and all points North. Car ries ruimin aieepmg omr iroin urwoinoni to Rlohmond. Connect at Greensboro with train carrying Pullman ear for Ral- elKh. . , 7 nju a. m. n o. eu, oauy. except bdsost. Freight and passenger for StatesvUle and localstatlons. 4 :80 p. m. No. 16, daily, except snnoay, for StatesvUle. Taylorsvtiio and local stations, Trains arrive at Charlotte: 1 :2SA.K. I 12:00 M . f 10:40 P. If J FROM THE NORTH. 8:88 A. M.-l 6 JO P. M. VFROM ATLANTA. 8:20 "J 8:20 P.' X. I FROM AUGUSTA. 10:60 P. M 1 iOP M STATES VL ILK 'Daily except Sunday. All I reign train carry passengers. Joss M. Coxp, W. A. Ttrnjc. Tram Manager. vwi sa. Ag't, W. H. Qbuh, Washington, D. G. Gen'l superlntent, Washington, D. C. 8. H. Hakdwick, Ass't Genu Pass. Agt, Atlanta, Ga. Chabui L. Hopkihs, Traveling Passenger Agent, - -18 Baat Trad street, Charlotte, N. & For - Sale ! For Sale ! One 300 16 c. p.light dy namo. One 200 ltj.p. light dy namo. N One 10016 c.p. light dy namo. Two 6016 c. p. light dy namos. The above were replaced by larger dynamos and are in good repair and running order. We will sell them or in stall the plants complete. THE :D. A. TOMPKINS COMPANY. having N. O plumbing and - steam flttlns; at Pine- burst, N. C. we are better prepared than ever to do first-class work at a rea sonable price. Our stock is always complete and the work Is done prompt ly and satisfaction guaranteed. Get onr prices on windmills and tanks, pumps,! water closets, enameled Iron baths, terra eotte pipe, etc A. R. WILLMANN; Plnmber and Steal Fitter. ; FOR BENT. 6-room house. 507 North Graham street. .'' 5-room house, corner Mc Dowell and 7th streets. : I . ; 4-room house. 509 North Pine street. V 6-room house, . 511 North X iuo;OMctK. Hi E. COCHRANE, Insurance and Real Estate. H S. CHAD WICK, President and Treasurer. Machine Engineers, Contractors and Dealers in MACHINERY AND COTTON MILL EQUIPMENT ' 202 and 204 South Tryon Street. , !- WB ARE AGENTS FOR U. S. Aerophor Air-Moistening and Yentilating Co's. ' Vortex If i will avoid the trouble experienced last will be increased, and of a much higher quality. , YOU AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT OUR SYSTEM T ' , for the General Electric Co. and furnish Electric Light Plants and Snpplies of all Annunoiators and General House Wiring, We shall have something to say from time to time, i i a ii ... - ii. j e 3 Detween now ana iaii, on me snDjeci ui muuera giiuier ies. We have secured the right of making and selling 1 1 : ' t t. i. .3 -ar :tOuj a 1 : l! 1 1 I tne ceieuraieu ixiurray pyaiem ot eieYatiiigy cleaning tiiu distributing cotton from the wagon to the gin. The Murray System is the best there is and the sim-. plest of all now known. To this outfit we have added cur double box press with I steam , packer, wherein one bale is tramped while the other is packed. C For full information write to us. IJDDFjTiTi COlViANY, Charlotte, N. C. Also manufacturers of engines, boilers, saw 'mills: presses for cotton, hay, cloth, yarn and warps, cotton waste, shucks, tobaooo stems and eioelsiox; pul leys, shafting, couplings, and hangings; structural and other castings, gear blanks. .-;..;.- 2b A. Ii. Seaboard Ait Line ROUTE OF THE FAMOUS "ATLANTA SPECIAL" BE WEEN NEW YORK, WASHINGTON, NOB- FOLK, and ATLANTA, NEW ORLEANS, SOUTHWEST, ALSO THK "8. A. L. EXPRESS." Schedule In effect April 6th, 1896. WISTViXD. No. 41. . . . . SO p. m. ...68 " ...Sit ..ess - NO.40S Lv. Wilmington Ar. Lumber ton - Max ton " Laurlnburg Hamlet Lv. Hamlet Ar. Rockingham w Wadesboro " Monroe Charlotte Mt. Holly w.. " Lin coin ton Shelby Ar. Rutherford ton. . ...665 ' ...7 15 .. 786 ...8 01 ...8 66 ' ...10 80 1 0 10 a. m. so ; 6S " i - 10 40 I 11 86 i -11 60 ii 66 p. m. 1 60 8 00 - ; BASTWABD. Lv. Rutherfordton. " Shelby...... M Lincoln ton " Mt. Holly.. Charlotte , " Monroe Wadesboro " Rockingham... Ar. Hamlet Lv. Hamlet w Laurlnburg " Max ton " Lomberton Ar. Wilmington No. 88. NO. 401 4 88 p. m - 669 i : 66 i - 7 46 J 8 80 " 15 " 9 64 " 106 " 10 26 10 88 ...6 75a. m. ... 18 " ... 707 " .. . 7 40 " ... 7 56 " ... S10 " ... 984 ... 8 49 " ...10 40 " ...IS 60 p. m. PALMETTO R. R. B BAS OH. 0 26 a. m. .Lv..... Hamlet... ,Ar. 6 60 p. m. 10 45 a. m. Ar. ..Chetm IW i.1 lv. t6 80 P- m. a-tpa7wl. 8S282S5oit 0 S S t g ' ts a !st!:: SB BSB P E S S s s 1. . : h o: m- J : : - S5BSS55B BwSPgFir 3; P? ? 5 s tt,pT lit it 4 ' C tc m m a od as 5JJ SSS3SSSP SB -mm B s s s SSSBS W W W 9 p-sl ooei-ioieeSabO cDn sssss Om. i S S 1 B ' B' Dally fDally, except Bunday. No. 409 and 408, "The Atlanta Special." Solid Fallmn Vestibuled Limited Train, with Buffet Sleeper and Iay Coaches no extra fare), between Washington and At lanta. Pullman Parlor and Dining- Cars from New York to Washington. Pullman Vestibuled Drawing-room Sleeper between Richmond and Charlotte, also Portsmouth and Atlanta (open at Richmond and Ports mouth 9 P. HI.) - . - No. S8 and 41, 'The 8. A. I Kxpress." Solid Train of Pullman Sleepers and Day Coaches between Portsmouth. Weldon and Atlanta. Pullman Sleeper between New York and Weldon, also .New York and Cap Charles. IJUtKDXATB OOlTJrxOTIOHS. - ' At Atlanta For Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Texas, Mexico. California, Macon, Pensaoola, Belma and Florida. - At Portsmouth With Bay IAna, coast wise steamers, Washington steamer and "Cape Charles Route" to and from all points North and Kast. - NO EXTRA FARE ON ANT TRAIN. For Tickets. Sleeper and Information ap ply to Ticket Agent, or to J. 6. BA6KKK V1L.LS, Ticket Agent, Charlotte, N.O. - B. ST. Johtc, Vice President and Gen. Mgr. H. W. B. ouovsa. Trafflo Manager. V. E. MoBis, (General Superintendent. T. J. AtroBBaow, Oea. Pass. AgW General Office: Portsmouth, Va. , THK BALANCE : Of these sboe Is perfect because they re from onr stock. Everything about our hoe 1 perfect ; th at' why we're able to'sup ply our patron wltb shoe that are shoe. If there' any portion laooarcr, anatomy which it will absolute red f rom "VTlrrWt r:-r?Irrf s Loe tees. An enuier. i I cold and other ailf n strong; aeleea M eletad feet. There'slB0U are .all. in- hoLJ tb pnraee " gooa snoe," wur en : fully explained and praetleaU; i -Str. ta rr XwS our iuci. ii'i wna our ns makes them cheap. Boeelal Airk tostrtptiycasS customer. .i,.hrl5 S S bOllli till,; I ' ' - rlumicli Tier. summer. The temperature of your rooms the most variable atmospheric conditions. . the cloth will be more even and smoother. rcorrespondence solicited. NOTICE of SALE OP - Furniture Factory By virture of orders of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg; county, made in the case of J. A. Llllott and the Loan & Barings Bank of Charlotte, N C against the Elliott Furniture Company, I will sell, at: publio auction, at tbe oonrt house door in Charlotte, N. C, to the highest bidder, on tbe first Monday in Jane, 1896, being the first day of said month, the real estate and furniture, with machinery, fixtures and attach ments, in the city of Charlotte, owned and lately operated by the Elliott Fur niture Company and described as fol lows: ' c The lot in the said city fronting 9 feet on East Eighth street and extend ing back with that width and with tbe 0. C. Railroad, 398 feet to Seventh street, being the lot recently occupied by the Elliott Furniture Company, to gether with the buildings, maohlnery and fixtures on the said . lot known as tbe Elliott Furniture Company Factorv and more particularly described as fol lows: . : - One wooden building 100x130 feet, with iron sidingand roof; One wooden bulldlrg, 85x130 feet, with iron aiding and roof, nsed as a fin ishing room. i w One brick building 85x35 feet, with iron roof, used as a warehouse. - . One brick k.lln, 60x20 feet, with Iron roof and piping and fixtures. One brick kiln, 24x20 feet, with iron roof and piping and "fixtures. ' . Two boilers,, one 60-horse power and the other 40-horse power, complete and in good order.. .. -. Two brick boiler houses, and a shav ings room with iron roof. ; - One engine, 40-horse power, complete and in good order. One electrie light plant with 26 lights. Equipment of machinery for manu facturing furniture, comparatively new and in good order. - The sale will have to be reported to the Court for Its approval and confirma tion. ' - The terms noon which the sale will ha m,Ha will tnnnnnnl at thA a1f The property may be inspected examined by anyone wishing to chase upon application to tne recetjr, and any information desired w?i be furnished by the receiver upon lite ap plication. ! ; ; R. E. COCHRANE, Receiver. - Central Hotel, CHARLOTTE N. C, T . Under New Management. IMPROVEMENTS of an important nature will be made, inolndiii; new decorations, furniture, ; eto., etc. Cuisine and ; service will be unsurpass- Very reasonable rates - to families and perma nent guests. : Headquarters for Commer cial "Men. -Popular Prices.- - It is the Intention of the man--acrement to conduct the CEN TRAL, in a liberal, FIRST CLASS maaner. Campbell ifi; Gresham, Props. T. L. ELLIOTT. Monumental Worts.' Granite Monuments a specialty. " AeKNT fob Ibon Fbwcks. 233 W. Trade Street. Ohorlotte. N. O. J. E. DUVAL, Eleetrteal Engineer and Contractor. OJSo U west xraae street, uoom l, 1 CHARLOTTE, N. C. Machinery ayi pfr- bor'C(reaadineandeseBt lighting. Kqolpylns son mills va i winu unutpiauiii 9 klty JEstlmates far clshe4 on all kinds of S. oS'Sl' alarms, e3. e v. bur rlar alarms, eti t orrefCDclata no . m , O,

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