I I f 1 ' r f 7 . , 3 ..... - , ' -r - -v :---wt-, ; y j """ """ MP . a cotton leimii cHipfeHV ill''" tf;! W 5 JO r - M I 3 r i . . Whitin Machine Wopks, j - WhltinsvilU. Xass. CAKM, dhawikq, arooras. mu, rcnnKOi rwuins, qcuxxbs. STUART W. CRAMBRf Southern JLacn. ! OS South Tryon (St., Claarlotrte, C. miK GKO. B. OIL, CO., LUBK1CAT1NG OILS AND GKiiiSjLS. O rt MILX TBADI A SPKOtALTT. CHARLOTTE, N. C. money, worn weu without FOR RkNT. -room ootuge. South Trjoo street; city wftier; stabl. 7-roon dwel lag. West Fifth rtreet; wa ter and gm 1 room boute. 303 Et Fifth street. 3 story dwelling, 308 East Sixth street. Gall and see me before you rent a bouse. R. E. COCHRANE, Inaaranee and Real Estate. SOS North Trvoa Street. P0RTNFF3 BEERS I They will f?o to the tender- est spot of your affections. H Portlier Brewing Company. Oharlotie. N. C, Branoh. C. Valawr, Asrpnt. Eichard A.Bly the 0 TT()N WARPS AND YARN9. No. 114 Cnesiout street, Pbiladelphia. No 4 to 200's Single and Djub'e Warps Furnished in Obatns and Keams Qif.ery and Oolor Cotton, Woolen . A W ... ol Vn lin 50 Desirable Lots FOR SALE. Suitable for manufactur ing plants or dwellings; sit uated on klevenfh. Twelfth, Graham, Pine and Poplar streets. All - accessible to tracks of Southern Railway and Carolina Central Rail road. Terms Part cash, bal ance on time to suit pur chaser. FIRE INSURANCE. E. Nye PTdtchtson. Aeent. ARLINGTON HOTBL" Centrally Located, Near Postoffice, cn arjlotte, n. o. Under new and permanent management. Sixty elegantly famished rooms; All modern Improvements. Table equal to any In the city. Rates: tl.50, $3 00 and 13.50 per day W. F.BCCeiNAfi,OvnerudProprietPf jas iun. 123 altD 134.CSBSTiroT M., FHILAOXLTSIs, 31 ajto 53 smiMXB ST., Boarmr. enrmv nm of ill uvds. i i r I a T JTCl llllt15 CsO I ! j j He s PINE RUSSIA CaLP RA.L8. : leoa edg. m dtu pjiued toe. "' f Prii' HJn f. 1 rnw ne-lUced 1 These r het. gride RoMia leather. DUNK 1 band seed r- rular ena om w rk. ard blood remedy, and nercr fails to. per 040'i t-bad ta any better grade. D wanenUycnreCan:er,Scrcnla. Eczema. and E widths. - - i O I LREATH & CO. 4 TMK BEST WORK and the lomt i prices sto tosattwr at th Qbwarraf I : Kitson JacbiDe Co., IiomU, ass. BKIlKEKIi XKTKSlUEitIATB AVB mnSHEH LAPFZKS, ij KIBSCHXU OASOIJIO BKA? The Highest Stop in good and profitable housekeep ing is the use of the famous cleaqer Gold Dust. No woman who wiants to make a success in conducting her household affairs, ?n saving timei;and fret and worry in keeping her in nana, can anora od ao WASHING POWDER. : It keeps the cleaning well done up, with little work and time. Bold everywhere. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANS COMPANY, Chicsg. SLUiife, New York. Boston, PliQadcIphU. SLEEPLESSNESS CURED VIGOR OF MEN Casihr, Quickly, Permanently Restored. MAGNETIC NERVIN our we&kneeee. Nervous I f is sold with'Tirit k ten guaracto to ieeee. N en-runs ueDiiity as a ii u Tils from early or later exceiises, the results ol overwork, worry, eickseee, etlo. Fall Btrength, tone and deTelopmect given to every organ 01 portion of the body, impovtment lzncaeaiatei een from the 6 ret box. TTiotiBsnds of letters of praise on file in oar office. !;Can be carried in eet pocket. Bent by mail lo any address or receipt of price. Onn month treatment in eaeb box. Price $li10, 8 boxes, JS 00. with Wriuer Guarantee to refund money lit not cored. Haoc to as f cr the Genuine. Circulars Free. R. H JORDAN A CO.. Charlotte, N. 0 L ADIIES MTOTmOf OR. FELI3! LE BRUM'S Steel SPecajroyal Pill ' are the nrf n n i I o n A nti f FKENCH. safs aid reliable ran on the market. Price, $1.00; sent by mail. Genuine sold nnlv h S.L. ALEXANDER !DO., Druggists, Sole Aseota. Charlotte. N. C E BRUM'S FOR ITU Eli SEX This reniedv beins in jected lirectly to thr beat oT tho dlseaser of the tiionito-l rinar Orirana, requires a chance f diet. Car gaarantOed in 1 to St zz days. Kniall plain pack -fTTT by mail, Sl.OO W J JnSo!d only by S. Lrf ALEXANDER A t30., Druggists, Sole Agents, Charlotte, N. 0. Manhood Restorea OR. E. C. W EST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT THE ORIGINAL, AU. OTHERS IMITATIONS, I sold nnder positivv M rititen Cvaaraatee, by anthorised asents only, to 4lure Weak Memory, UiztiiseM, Wakefulnees, Fitt, Hysteria, Quick km, Miarfat Losses, Knl Drems. Lack of Con fi ll en o. Kervoosneas, Lassi tnd( i, all Drains, Yoath. tal Errors, or ExoessiTe Uee (f Tobacoo, Opiate, r Liquor, which leads to Miiery, Consomptioo, laaanity and Death. At atofre or by mail, $1 a box; six for 45; with writteb-naraatee t eare ar refaaa Bsry. feiasaple paest. age. oontainins nre days treatment, with mstrootunis, ZS cents. One (ample only eaca person, at store or by 1 Bail. ty Red Label Special Extra strenijth. for lmpotency. ;Loas of Power, Lost 1 an hood. eteruity or Batrmnetw: a box; six for 93, wrti rtttea rusraon . n w, , .lil. t. . . . S. L. ALEXANDER b CO., Druggists 8o'e A rents. Charlotte.N. O. Of the Face. Mrs. Laura E. Mfans. of Smith ville.Ga., ays: "A small pitnp",cf a strawberry olor appeared on rty; cheek; it soon Vegan to grow rapid ljf, notwithsUnd ing all efforts to itheck it. My eye j became terribly tnf.tmed, and was so swollen that for quite a while I could not see. rr The doctor said I bad Cancer oi the knost malicmanl sf-IawNtypei and alter ex sSsw hansrirtv their r-fforu hans ting their effort with put doing zne any eood. thev Cave np toe case as nopejitss. wntn in formed that my fathei bad died from the same disease, they said 1 must die. I as hereditary Cancer Ms incurable. ' fajnM le ,e began to discharge atxji continued to do for tnrre months, thfbn it began to heaL 1 continued the ibedicine while !iger until the Cancer disappt ared en- tirely. This was severs! years ago- and there has been no return of the disease. n , A Real Blood Remedy. Cancer is a blood defease, and only ? blood remedy will cnjre it. S. S. S. JZritUed purely vetHabW) is i real hennwnsm or any other disease of the (stood, bend lor onr booka om cancer and. Blood Diseases. mailed free to any ' address. ; -wirt topeanft Swift Co Atlanta, Ga. "-, T1 Biua fall sold to wwV AfTcn Cancer :- . -'I ... i S' j . f ( DAILY. -I HTGIENK. Et Jain Gaxette. 1 ran consmn but little meat, lly microbes it Is snolled: fl And sure I think X cannot drink. ; iSave water that ta boned; : i Ard I'll endure low temperature; Since by the doctors told ' That to lire long and keep ua atrpng Tls better to be cold, r j .. 'v. . .1 ; So let bacteria scourge and. scare. With ailments manifold, -. To do us good we'll eat no food, And keep our bodies cold.. : Ij love no roast except dry toast, ; And that at stated terms. And little bread I eat. in dread Of pathogenic germs; Of milk, no whit I take lest it Zymotic ills enfold. And fevers breed yet most I heed : To keep my body cold. A keen east wind I never mind. And fifty Fahrenheit Is the degree that best suits me. By day and eke by night; Thus wise I strive to keep alive. And haply to grow old. With beef ur. carved, athirstand starved, And perish with the cold. 80 let bacteria scourge and scare. With ailments manifold, To do us good we'll eat no food. And keep our bodies cold. CALL TO THE S. C. V. Major General Norfleet Urg-es the Formation of amps in North Caro lina to Keep Sacred the Memory of Our Dead and the Cause They Held So T3&r. To the Sens of Confederate Veterans in North Carolina: On the 30th day of last June, in the city of Kichmond, Va., the camps of the Sons of Confedeiate Vee.ans, then or anled, were formed into an associa tion to be called '-the United Sons of Confederate Veterans," the same to be governed by a constitution and by-laws similar to that of ' The United Confed erate Veterans," and having depart ments, divisions, brigades and camps under a general head. The State of North Carolina not hav ing a sufficient number of camps to form a division. General J. EL B. Stuart, in accordance with the constitution, appointed a major general for the di vision of North Carolina, whose duty should be to have command of the camps already formed, to organize oth ers wherever it can be done, and to put forth an earnest effort for the good of the cause, to the end that there may be instilled into the sons of Confederate veterans in North Carolina a proper veneration for the spirit and glory of their fathers; and to bring them into association with our organization, that they may aid in accomplishing the noble and glorious purpose for which our organization was formed. We believe that there exists in the bosom. of every son of a Confederate soldier' a love and patriotism for the holy cause his father held so dear, which needs but to be stirred to bring him to Join heart and hands with those who seek to keep ever fresh the hal lowed memory of North Carolina's no ble sons who All a thousand nameless graves; to keep ever green the turf which marks the last resting place of those Jtnown to us; to lend kindly aid to the survivors of many hard-fought battles who need our assistance; to minister to the wants of widows and orphans; and to build enduring monu ments to the memory of our intrepid heroes. This is indeed our purpose, and for the accomplishment of this our sis ter States have almost perfect organi zations. Shall North Carolina be behind? Shall this State, which of all others of the South sent more men to the civil war, be lacking in this work? Let it not be so, but noble sons of noble fathers band yourselves together to aid us in this work. If there is a camp In your section Join it at once: if not and there is a camp of Confederate Veterans, se cure the aid of its commander and ad jutant and form a camp; write to the division headquarters and you will be furnished with Information In regard to the formation of a camp, election of officers, or any other aid which may be needed. When you are properly or ganized your camp will be placed on the roll of "the United Sons of Confederate Veterans," you will have representation in the annual meetings, and then it will be that keener and deeper interest will be taken in the work; and many an old soldier's heart In North Carolina will be made glad to see the cause he loved safely guarded by .strong and dt-voted hands, who will minister to his wants in declining years, and finally lay him away to sleep beside his comrades till the last bugle call, inscribing his name with the cause for which he gave the best years of his life on the tablets of immortal history Jn letters that can never fade. ROBBERT C. NORFLEET, Major General Commanding. Winston, N. C, Jan. 18. 1S97. INDIA AND HER SCOURGES. Philadelphia Record. India is one of the most dens;ly popu lated cuntiiP8 of the world. In British India the births per year are computed at S.382,000 against 7.164,000 deaths, showing during years of ordinary healthfulness an increase in the popu lation cf over one million. The great mass cf the inhabitants are poor, and th production of foodstuffs lne the most favorable seasons Is not largely In excess of consumption. The past year having been a year of scarcity, a famine now prevails In some portions of the country, adding vastly to the dif ficulty in staying the ravages of the plague. Ninety per cent, of the strick en victims die. The appalling misery of the situation admits cf no adequate portrayal. SHE SLEPT ELEVEN DAYS. Danbury, Conn., Dispatch, 17th. Charlotte Pittalli, the young woman whose long period of unconsciousness has been attracting attention from medical men, awoke this morning, af ter having been in what appeared to be a deep slumber for eleven days. The doctors have been Inclined to the opin ion that the young woman was con scious of what was going on about her, but she says that she remembers noth ing of her illness. The foreman of the factory where the woman was employed spoke harsh ly to her and she fell over in a faint and did not recover consciousness until to-day. COLLEGES GET THE FARRT WEATHER MONEY. Albany, N. Y., Jan. 19. The Court of Appeals to-day decided the Farry weather will contest. The effect of the decision is to distribute the three mil lions of dollars involved among the fol lowing colleges in equal proportions, viz.: Amherst. Bowdoin, Dartmouth, Yale, Columbia, Hamilton. LaFayette, Lincoln, Maryvllle. Marietta. Adeioert, Wabash, Park, the Wesleyan Uni versity, the Universities of Rochester, Cornell, Virginia and Hampton, and the Union Theological Seminary. CONSUMPTION DECLARED SUB JECT TO QUARANTINE. New York. Jan. 19. The health board this afternoon passed an amendment to the sanitary code declaring pulmonary tnbercolisis to be an infectious and communicable disease and requiring physicians to report all cases coming under their observation. The board proposes to treat con sumption in the same manner as cases of diphtheria and other contagious dis eases of a mild nature. Isolation wfll be ordered if the circumstances require such a course. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. J M. Purefoy. a general merchant at Wake Forest. hs made an assignment. A factory girl was killed Monday morning at Haw River. She attempted to cross the track in front of a train and was struck and killed- Ensign McCormJek has been detail e to represent the navy on the board for arranging a government exhibit at the Tennessee Centennial Exposition. The British steamer Xaby, before re ported ashore at Dam Keck S ration. Va was floated at 7 o'clock yesterday morning and proceeded for Norfolk. BUCK LE VB ARNICA BALVTC. The beat salve ! the world for cots, braises, sores, ulcers, salt rhenm. fe ver Nre. -tetter, chapped bands, chil blains, mm and -an skin eronttons nd positively ear piles r is pay re quired. Tt Is guaranteed ; to jrtv ier ee MtwfMtktn srwwiey refunded. PrW 2S rsnta a box.'' Foe aal by Bar - 4 OHARLOTEIIJ OESnRVriii JANUARY WKTLER TAKES r THIS : FTELD . AGAIN. , J - Havana, Jan. 19. Captaift General Weyter, accompanied -by his J tafX, started for the field at 8 o'clock this morning. , " The general took a carriage from the palace to the outskirts of the city, where' be mounted bis horse, and rode in the direction of San Jose de la Lajas, to the southeast of Havana, a ;; . He was escorted by several regiments of cavalry and a body guard of negro troops recently drafted into service. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Cotton Makes an Advance of About 10 Points and Closes Steady. Special By Private Wire to Harrison Watts. New York, Jan. 19. The early Liv erpool cables this morning were disap pointing, and prices here opened 2 to 5 points lower. But Liverpool rallied af ter the early transactions and prices here slowly advanced. The estimated receipts at the ports for the day were light and the interior receipts were also moderate, while there was a small de mand for local account, including some covering of shorts. The receipts at the ports proved to be even smaller than the early estimate. The spot markets In the country were firm; there was an increased demand on the spot here, ar. i Manchester advices were favorable, in spite of talk of curtailment of produc tion as a result of the plague In India. Prices advanced 7 to 10 points, closing steady, with sales of 114,200 bales. New Orleans advanced 7 points. Liverpool was unchanged on the spot, with sales of 8,000 bales. Futures there advanced 2 to 2Vi points. In Manchester yarns and cloths were quiet. The port re ceipts to-day were 21.029 against 30,216 last week and 24,693 last year; thus far this week S0.281 bales against 80.&39 thus far last week. The exports from the ports were 21,370. New Orleans ex pects to-morrow 6,500 to 7,500 against 6,065 last week and 6,896 last y'ar; Houston expects 3,500 to 4.000 against 2,303 last week and 3.224 last year. Au gusta received to-day 571 against 249 last week and 462 last year; Memphis 510 against 881 and 520; St. Louis 718 against 302 and 273; Houston 6,463 against 9.410 and 5,475. Memphis ship ped to-day 1,549. St. Louis 3,498 and Houston 5.097. Spots here advanced, 1-18, with sales of 1,641 for export and 104 for spinning; 300 were delivered on contract; middling 7 against 8 5-16 last year. Mobile declined 1-16. McINTYRE & WARD WELL. WHEAT SUFFERS A FURTHER DECLINE. Chicago, Jan. 19. The local feeling in wheat to-day has been bearish, and the market suffered some decline in con sequence, but not as much as the sell ing and heavy feeling would seem to warrant. Below 80c there seems to be some resistence and prices show a less inclination to decline than when above that figure. The weakness of local se curities perhaps had some Influence, but the chief factor, that which has been prevailing for some time. Is the bearish attitiude of some of our large local traders and some St. Louts profession als, who are taking advantage of the light speculative trade to bring about a decline. Scalpers are naturally taking the side which appears at present to be the more popular, and it may be that this selling will create a large short in terest, perhaps too large for the good of the bears. Liverpool closed id. low er. Continental markets were un changed, with the exception of Paris, which was 10 centimes higher. The of ficial figures on the world's wheat ship ments proved smaller than v. as esti mated yesterday, the total amount from all exporting countries being 4, 132,000 bushels against 4,589,000 the week previous and 5,148,000 last year. Brad street made a decrease in the world's visible of about 4,000,000. The cash business was light. St. Louis reported about 50,000 Bold, while some 25,000 were sold from here, with a little ex port business at the seaboard. Clear ances were light, 165,000 bushels. Our market closed rather weak at the low point of the day, or c. lower than yes terday. Corn and oats were again weak, es pecially the latter. The trade has been much lighter than yesterday, with no speculative feature. Provisions were weak and lower, on selling by longs. They were also in fluenced by the decline in grain. LAMSON BROS. & CO. COTTON LOOKS RATHER BETTER. Special to the Observer. New York, Jan. 19 The market wore a healthy aspect to-day. In the absence of support from Liverpool, there was some liquidation of long cotton in the early trading and March declined to 6.96, but Liverpool- rallied and quiet buying caused an advance here. March selling up to 7.06. At this point there was much selling to realize profits, and March reacted to 7.03. But the weakness was of short duration. There were more buyers than sellers and prices again rallied. The close was steady at about the best of the day, March being 7.057.06. No one can say -hat there may not be another slump. That is a question of rec jipts. But whether cotton goes up or goes down, wo believe that we have seen the wor"t and we favor buying, especially upon breaks. The Improvement in the dry goods trade and more cheerful advices from Fall River strengthen our confi dence in the future of cotton. RIORDAN & CO. THE STOCK MARKET SCORES A GENERAL GAIN. By Southern Associated Press. New York, Jan. 19. Advances in the stock market were quite general to day. The reactionary tendency yester day was due to extensive realizations and sales for short account ended ab ruptly with the opening of business this morning, the firmness of the Lon don market, the reduction in the dis count rate of the Imperial Bank of Germany and advices from Washington that the Cameron resolutions on the Cuban question would be shelved, all contributing to the strength of the local speculation. Before the expiration of the first half-hour of business Sugar ran off a point on the announcement of a reduction of l-16c. in prices of re fined sugars, and the general list yield ed 44 per cent, in sympathy, but the decline was soon recovered and as the day wore along material advances on the closing figures recorded. The rec ognized bulls gave their specialties ef fective support and commission houses generally reported numerous outside orders, the demand being stimulated by the reactions of y- to 1 per cent, in the market and the Inability of the bears to shake out long stock. The continued low rates of money also exert an Im portant influence on the security mar kets. Consolidated Gas led the upward movement, rising ZVt per cent, to 148 on rumors that the efforts making at Al bany to reduce the price of gas from J1.25 to Jl per 1,000 will result in the adoption of a compromise measure. Su gar, which figured for nearly one fourth of the entire day's business, moved up from 116 to 1181 on reports, which are not credited in usually well informed quarters, that a settlement of the war between the company and Arbuckle Brothers was imminent. The advance otherwise was equal to h to 14 per cent., outside of Manhattan, and American Spirits, perferred, which jumped ' about 2 points. Chicago Gas rose IVi to 79. the highest point in a long time. There has been heavy out side buying of this stock for some days on the belief that the bill to permit the constituent companies to consolidate will be passed by the Illinois Legisla ture in the near future. The dealings aggregated only 227,331 shares, but they were well distributed. Speculation closed firm in tone, at a small reaction from the highest. Net changes show advances of Vk to Vt per cent.. Sugar leading. In the specialties Consolidated Gas gained 3V4 per cent. The bond market was firm. The transactions aggregated $2,273,000. Treasury balances: Coin $122,630,243; currency S4S.480.e83. t;HE DRY GOODS MARKET. New York. Jan. 19. The Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin, in its weekly review of the dry goods trade, says: Although there have been no appar ent developments in the market here during the past week in cotton goods, j tne tendency naa. been towards an im proved, business, and at the close the general tone shows a slight gain in cheerfulness. Buyers have been tn very fair attendance, helping business along on the -spot ' at first bands and imparting a more active appearance to the Jobbing trade, whilst, the orders wnsunsL to aud T mail um ot ever- ran .recent averages. 'It a noteworthy that the gain has been made entirely in the way of small, to quit moderate transactions, there being no disposition evinced on the part of buyers to indulge in fuller Individual operations in any direction.- It Is lar that the general run of cotton-goods buyers are work ing in close stocks, and an expanding business under such conditions is an encouraging indication of considerable distributions in progress throughout the country. Almost - eheerrut in senti ment, the market lay not actually any firmer than a week ago. Fancy spring fabrics have sold fairly without change in prices. Much, the nest business of the week wan done in gray cloths of the print cloth order, large sales of business being made at yall Kiver ana else where and producing a firmer tone. Ru mors of short time in the -Fall River mills are still prevalent, and a number of other New England concerns are re- portea to -be contemplating a curtail ment of production. In the woolen goods division conditions continue sat isfactory, and the season in new heavy weights is unusually backward. Dress goods have been moderate request. Col lections are generally satisfactory. CITY PKUUTJCE MAKKKT. Apples dried quarter bright " bright sliced. -lanes' Dnrnbiucw.. . . T Peaches anpeeled halves, bright. " peeed bright Blaceberrfes d ried - o62 2tSJ85 56 m sh 15K&16 lOMrtilS S& 7 && Extra floor sack Family " Hides dry per t... ffNWII Wool wash Bacon bog ronoo-per pouna nam - sides BhtnMAM . Oates 32 pounds per bushel. re a ciay - S0&56 33&4S 4S&38 42I&45 6054 7tt8 2& 4 13515 1330 7&S 1012 2S& 915 SC10 85I&M0 soeo VJMCU .......................... Heal bolted 44 pound per bushel UU WO Corn old 68 pounds per bushel Onions select per bushel. Lard N. O Tallow Ducks Hens per head - Spring chickens. Boosters per head Tn r If v Der nonnd Guineas - Butter choice yelibw Honey strained per pound como per vounu. Eetts hen . wneat Rye Feathers. - NEW YORK MONKY MARKET. Nsw York. Jan. 19. Money on call easy t iu nr cent.: last loan at IK. Cioalng otrerea at . Bar silver M exican dollars Ster ling exenange ami wim actual dohurh in bankers' bills at 4 84K4 85 for 60 days and . , OfTlZ fn. MnanI PfMlT.fl MtM A ft?il i'ss. Commercial bills 4 83tt4 84i- Gov ernment Donas Dinner: suite duwu uuu; railroad bonds firm. Silver at the board was steady. CLOSING STCOK8. American Cotton Oil do preferred Americas Sugar Refined do preferred ... American Tobacce. do preferred , Atchison Baltimore & Ohio.. Canadian Pacific Chesapeak 4 Ohio- Uhicago & Alton Chicago. Burlington & Quincy Chicago Gas ; Delaware, Lack tt "Western Distilling and Catwle, Feeding Erie do preferred ............. General Electric- Illinois Central Lake Erie & Western do preferred - Lake Shore Louisville & Nashville Louisville & New Albany Manhattan Consolidated Memphis & Charleston Michigan Central Missouri Pacific Mobile & Ohio. Nashville, Chattanooga A St. Louis. United States Cordage. do preferred New Jersey Central New York Centra New York Sc. New England Norfolk & Western preferred Northern Pacific do preferred Northwestern do preferred... Pacific Mail Reading Rock Island St. Paul do preferred Silver Certificates Tennessee Ooal and Iron. do preferred.. Texas Pacific Union Pacific. Wabash do, preferred Western Union Wheeling & Lake Erie do. preferred Alabama Class A Alabama Class B Alabama Class C Louisiana 6's North Carolina ff's North Carolina S s Tennessee New Settlement 3s Virginia 6's, deterred Virgiuia Trust Receipts, stamped... Virginia Funding Debt United States 4's, registered. United Sjates4'a coupons United States Ts ... Southern Railway 5' s. .'. Southern Railway, common do, preferred , .South Carolina 4Vs -'. United States new 4's, registered United States new 4's, coupon 14 1174 104 144 ltt 56 18 165 78 78 150 i54 35 31 4 IS 70 154 52 91 M 15 90 234 14 674 102. 9SX 45 17 13 34 101 152 2K 27H e 77 131 644 30 SO 10 7 7 17 krS 2 11 1044 103 96 95 100 124 774 5 6 63 nm 111 95 90 !9i 1034 120i 121 NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. Nsw Tore, Jam. 18.-FLOUR Dull, steady. Winter wheat, low grades 2 303 35; de fair to fancy. 3 5034 75; Jo patents 4 ft5 15; Minn clear 3 75Q4 00; patents 4 355 50; low extras 2 303 35. Southern flour dull, steady ; com mon to fair extra 3 3a3 65; good to choice 3 754 05. WHEAT Spots dull, easier, steady. No. a red F. O. B. 97; ungraded red 77&97. Op tions closed active and weak at H to S cents decline. January 88; March 89; May 86; July CORN Spots diull. to Vt lower, firm. No. 2 28428H elevator; 242 afloat ; steamer mixed ; yellow . Options closed less active and weak at s cent decline. January 38H: May 30; JiLly 31. OATS Spots dull, steady. Options easier, dull. Januarys'; Febuary 22te; May 22 ,-pot No. 2 22Vt; Bo. 2 white 244; mixed West ern 2224. LARD Quiet. Western steam 4 25; city 3 80; January 4 30; May Refined quiet; continent 4 50; S. A. 4 80; compound 44M4. PORK Quiet, steady. New mess 8 508 00. COTTON SEED OIL Steady. Crude 20 204 ; vellow prime 23. COFFEE Closed quiet at S points down, January ; March 0 459 50; May 50 9 55. Spot Rio dall, steady: No. 7 10. SUGAR Raw dull, steady. Fair re fining 2 13-16; refined steady. Off A 3&i 1-16; Standard A 4X ; cat leaf and crushed 5 00 granulated CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET" Opening Closing WHEAT January - 774 775 May 79X 794 '&-"-'5 January 22 22 May 84 4& Juo1t- January - 16 - isv May 18 .18184 July. IS u MfeS PORK- December ...... January.. 7 70 7 70 February 8 OS 7 82U LARD December - t j. January 3 95 3 DO February 4 10 4 05 ' RIBS December - January 4 024 4 034 February 4 174 4 07J4 NEW YORK COTTON FUTURES. New York, Jan. 19. Cotton steady. Mid a ung upiana : Jniaiing unit Fn tares closed sready. Sales 114.300 bales. aig-test 6 98 Lowest Closinc January February .... March April May .... Jane. July August....... September ... October...... November. .'. December.... s S3 90, M 7L 709 7 li 7 20 7 16 702 6 80 S 80 as mi7 00 9m7 00 7 05M 7 OS 7 13 ? 20 724 7 28 7 29 7 02 6 88 SOT 95 7 1Z13 7 1920 7 2435 7 28429 7 29330 70608 S rti s stxasOT 6 95&9B LrVEKPOC'L cotton mabxet. LlTerpool, Jan. la, 4 p. m. Middling Fatntmi Ctosad varv steady. ij-x50i oer.... -........... December and Jan nary.. Jaaaary and February, 57lffi58 S S7M sebraaryana March March and Aprii..... April aad May... v. ...... .. .. May and Jnne.,M.......n........ Jane and July... July aad Aumwt August and September..-...... Seutember and October. .. ...... October and NoretDber 3 S7S8 39b S9fl0 1 58 363 34 : CHARIXJTTK COTTOIf XAKKXT. TThess Bgnres reprsseatt prices paid to waaonai Strict good middlings... ... ... ; t l5i Good Mlddllg.mr.....r.. J......... 7 is' Strict middling .1 7 M iddling,-,-. .. ........ '.-'-r"r ''7 90 Tin .-... ...rf... ...... i....... s 6V44?.s- Stains........... - Market vary Urut- Keceipts yssierda-r tM 20,1897. 7i hi , uuauncAi -- iter M fTT 4 - f SOS AXD S04 SO Cm TBTOS i' 11 unarlotte Maefline Charlotte, orttfCaxolina -dxaxxbs vm Cotton Mill Machinery jaeoteioLlgbs Plants, Knitting Machinery, Saginte. Boil ers, onaiHujf, eu. or. ..1,1 ti aMfcial attention to the' f- xjoome we sou, Knowles Loom Works, Wreester. Hass and Thaw are the lanrett builders of Looms Looms for every variety of work. We sold over 8,000 of these Looms last Correspondence Solicited. bales. Market advanced 9 points In New York. Private advices state that Liverpoo is buying in New York because of the ad vance. Wit-aiogton n. Jan. is. ttosin im; srrainea 1 45; good strained 1 50. Spirits turpentine Brm: mac nine iam umguiar steady at 9. Crude turpentine arm; bard. 1 JO; sort ; virgin i mi. MAYER & ROSS", Wholesale Groceries, 30 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS, HAVE REMOVED TO 35 SOUTH COL LEGE STREET (WHITK fKOST.) Sale of Virgin Cotton Mill, ! In pursuance to an order of the Su perior Court of Mecklenburg county, made at the June term. 1S96, In the case of J. W. MuUen against the Virgin Cot ton Mills, I will sefl at public auction, to the highest bidder, on the premises of the Virgin Cotton Mills, in the town of 'Huntersville, N. C, on Monday, the eighth day of February, 1897, at 12 o'clock m., all the real estate and prop erty known as the Virgin Cotton Mills, located in the town of Huntersville, N. C, about lS.miles from the city of Char lotte, on the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio railroad, described as follows: Thirteen acres of , land, lying on the said railroad, in or near the town of Huntersville, N. C, on which are situ ated the buildings, machinery and equipments of the Virgin Cotton Mills, to-wit: Metal roof, brick, mjll building, 50x185 feet, 13 feet story (in the clear), with engine and boiler room. 36x44 feet. Office building and four tenement houses. The machinery, consisting of one hundred and one looms (Woon socket) engine, 100 horse-power (Reynolds-Corliss) boiler, 60 horse-power (Erie), together with other machinery necessary in the operation of a weaving mllL Terms, cash. For Information address JAS. A. BELL, Receiver, Law Building. Charlotte, N. C Transformations i OF THE NINETEENTH CKNTUET. The old Stage Coach has been, replac ed by Palace Cars, Telegraphy has been substituted for Horseback Couriers, the old Flint and Steel Shot Gun has friven way to the Modern Double Action Breech Loader, Science, aided by In genuity, has evolved the old Tallow Dip into beautiful Electric Lights, X Rays locate and photograph the bullet instead of the painful probe. . The lat est the old double structure corner Trade and College streets, has been transformed Into a mammoth modern store room. Everyone who enters ex claims, "One of the prettiest stores in town a wonderful transformation!" THE THE Cheapest - Store IN THE STATE. Has llovet In and transformed the scene into ac tivity, hustle, rush and business. It is not the pretty store, however, that creates the boom. The real stimulus that pervades and keeps the BEE HIVE in perpetual motion is diffused by a single magnet coiled up in that little word, UNDERSELL. i Our gigantic Wholesale Department up stairs is already being 1 crowded with new goods and is daily being vis ited by keen-sighted, dose-buying mer chants from this and adjoining States. Merchants of high rank In commercial circles patronise the BEE HTVB be cause we save them time, freight and money. To-day we offer in Retail Department: Turkey Red Calico, fast colors, at 2to.: Finished Check Ginghams, 2c; White Sheeting at l?ic; .. Buttermilk Soap, 2c. Immense line SHOES. Can save you 25 per cent. Fine Shoes solid for men 75c Men's Half Hose 2ttc Laun dry Soap 4 bars for 6c Virginia Smok ing Tobacco VAc For One Cent: Pocket Handkerchiefs. 2 naekaarea Needles. 2 Boxes Bluing. 2 Thimbles. Bottle of Ink. Box Blacking, Composi tion Book - Tablets. , and hundreds of other articles tor 1 cent. . 5 v - J 1 j. d. colons: Wonderful Bee Hive t. . ' ft t STKKET, : Equioment onus oj t Providence, JCI. in the wjorld. year. P TO DATE In iron enameled, steel clad and copper bath tubs, lavatories, boilers, closets, blcketk, links and hydrants, and any thing (in the plumbing line. The atop cocks are the celebrated G learner. They are not the cheapest, but are the . best made,! Pumps in different styles, with glass valve and brass Cylinder, reduc ing friction to a minimum, consequent ly lasts longer. Our work is cone thor oughly in every 'way. Each Job la guar an teed for 12 months. Give us a trial. We give satisfaction. Estimates free. A R. WTLLMAK. I COAL, COKE Al POD WHousauaaOBniaL. Bituminous (soft) Coal. a tpeetatty, and - we claim ours" the ' best and I moat economical grades evei old " here; being very hard, there It practically no ; slack, (fine ooal) tuah being clear loss to consumer. , Sole agents for Blue Gem, Indies Mountain Jellico, and Goal Creek. We alio handle beat grades An thra cite. Egg, Stove and Nut. Gall at oui city offi oe,85 North Tryon street, -(op posite City Hall), where samples me) bo teen and orders left. Try our- Dogwood and Persimmon stove wood. It will please you. FIRST CLASS Merchant - Tailoring I keep the most reliable goods and make them to measure in the very best manner by thoroughly skilled work: men here in Charlotte. Price guaran teed to be as low as the. same class of gooda and work can be had elsewhere. J. S. PHILLIPS, MERCHANT TAILOR, 81 SaUTH TRYON STREET T. L. ELLIOTT. Monumental forks! Granite Monuments a specialty. Aojcnts fob Laos Fxscbs. 335 W. Trsde-ftreet, Coarlotte. N, C. Barnliardt&Co., (usesss s t Ooearaa BsrahartM WHOLESALE PROVISIONS, GRAIN I AND COAL. . 801, 803, 305 East Trade street. ! CHARLOTTE. N. CJ" Merchants who intend handling - RELIABLE SEEDS This spring should write for our price on Corn, Beans, Peas and all varieties of Melons, Okra and Beets in bulk. ' ,tl v 20,000 papers all kinds. : ' ! We can save you moaey. MNS CO. DRUGGISTS. 28 SOUTH TRYON STREET. ' Opposite the Hotels. ' , 'Phone 179. Everett ::iLHqteI JACKSONVILLE, FLA f ' - Largest; Hotel la the Stated accom modation for tlx hundred (000) gueate, Firat-claaa In every particular, em brasing all modern desices and im provements for comfort and luxury. Elevator rooms en suite with, baths, etc Ratm $2.50-to M Pkb DAT. " 7 ! D. W.C. BEN BOW, -of Greensboro, N. Cr , Proprietor.: '. Only One . '.' . j From Each County The itbst person in each county la this cr any of the bordering State 'who makes application will receive eels montha sciholarsblp In either course for ohk hut the regular rate. Y. 1C. O. A. Building. - Cliarlottel'N O. ..-X" $m tor Catatesresvojji We erpect to do a larger liuaineas in 1897 than any prevtooa year by offer sg the ' 1 ' --,;.' : BEST FUBNITtTRE That cans be made at the' faetory at r jk bottom prices. " " - , ; Maxwell & MaxweD. yV PRINTIira .and binding can be done at home as well aad as cheap aj else where. Then leave yoar erdara At the Observer Printing fiesae. i : I "i i ibt. : FITZS f .: f"1 t ft 'President and Treasurer. (PULED UMITE0 vss iTtT DOUBLE DAILY SEBYICE A TT. A WT A ISPTTinT A T.w A aWUl mmm mm , - A. L. EXPBES." ATLANTA, NEW ORLEANS. TEX AS RALEIGH, NORFOLK, RICH MOND, WASHINGTON . and , NEW YORK. BehlalslneffoAprU6tn,iai. ,' Lv.Wllmlncoa.a 0 pjsu r, liumbsrsea.. M , , Maxton...... tit ' Laarinourg.. Hamlet (U LT. Hamlet..... fit ArJRoek'gham. T M " wadesbore. oi " . MMrM.....IU :. ..tltioam .......... Mass ......... a Mam 1 .......w.iauass loass.... m i 103 - lias - i.Kg5.: .u Hess.... B "2 . v ' 01ia.rloftsai...lS SO " ' ' sis. Holly..... ...... M lAaeolntoa.. " (Shelby .... Ar. Rutherford toa nasTwaxo. HO.U M0.46S. Ha M tv7 Rutherford ton.. . .. rfordton......i.4.4 86pm .....gj inton .U ...... Shslbf .. lilaeolnt Vk. Hollv. Chariotts a n am ao jKODivf....,,, a i . i r 0 m Wadesboro... T sr s ss - .......m g . Koekincham. T so Mat ....... 5 1 . Hamlet TU 10S . UasaU a 10 ......tio ao pes : . lAanabaxg.. t .,113 80 ass . Maxson 1 S6 am Lamberton...lO 40 ............ 4 00 as ar, tr. wumininon.il nu yiq. .......... . - rautsTro a. a. Baascu. r s a. m..Lr Hsmlst.... .. Ar. a Ms. as. 0 st a. m..Ar .Ohsraw..... Lv. 09 p. sa. . North and Kest Leave Charlotte BJa a ss' snd 8.S0 p m eaily tor Raleigh. Norfolk, ftlohmond. WashlQgtoa. New York and tae aast. f -;-'.' ' South and WaatLsav Charlotte aJa a sa ana 130 p m dally for Clinton, Green woo, Asaevllle, Athens, Atlanta, Macon, New Or leans, Mamphls, Portsmouth. . . , Not. 0 and 401. Tbs Atlanta B peel at," Solid Vsstlbulsd Train, with Buffet Sleepers -and Day Ooaehsa, betwsea Fortsmootk asl Charlotte. , ' . H No. 88 and 41. The B. A. L. KzprsM," , Solid Train of Pullman Sleepers and lay , Ooaeheo betwesa Portuaosth. Wsldoa and Atlanta. ! -i . Bat aage ebeeked from hotels and rest- denees to destination. Sleeper and steams , reservations made in advance. - NO EXTRA FARB Vt AUT TBAIBT, Vor Tloketa. Sleepers and lafermawon . ply to W. H. KAMBKUst, city ticket agsas.. Charlotte). N. O. --i - .- . ' . B. A. Nawi.irn,Gn. Agent Pass. Dept a : Kimball House, Atlanta. Ga. ' :. Ono, MoP. Battb, Trav. Pass. Aces t, Char lotte, N.O. t . "t S. Bt. JoRK.VleePresldeat and een. Xga, H. W. B. Uuovsa, Trams Manatee. V. K. HoBia General Bupertntendan. : ... T. J. Ajmaasosi, Gen. Pass. Ags. . Geaeral Offloes: Porta mouia Va. i m - (PIKDMONT AIB LUTE.) BXOXKOBTO a OA1TVILLJB AND WOKT CAROLINA BIVIBIONa. ' - ' ' -IN EFFECT JANTJABY 18, 1887. " lnformatlsa, and Is subject eoaaago with- 7 oat notlee to the pablle. , r . Trains leave Charlotte. 9. 0. t v v 10:U r. st-No. ts, UaUy to Atlastte aae . Charlotte Air Line division, and ell polats ... eonth and aontkwestt Carries throat , fUlimsn STSWlD.mrai vuovi itvvvvi. . sween stew x ore. w,niMgiwM,-iii BirsBiagham and Galveston. - , ; 8s8 a. at -No. ar. eauv. Washlartoh anA Bonthwestern vestibules UmlMMl forAUaa ta, Birmingham, Memphis, Moatg Msry. ' Mobile and New Orleans, and aa points ; South and Bonthwest. Throuth Pull man sleeper New York to New Orleans and N ew York to Memphis. IMnlnc ear, vesubale :. eoaeh. between Washington and Atlanta. . Pullman toarist ear for Baa Praaeiaeo. Baa. eave. - i ' "''..' "'. 5:15 a. m-No. 81 dally except Monday New York and Florida Limited. Consist excla- t sively of Pullman dining, sleeping, compart znenf, library and observation cars New y York to St, Augustine. Pullman sleeper New York to Savannah, . - ' 1 6:40 a. su mo. wdallyfor Rich mood; eoa- nsot at Greensboro for RalelRbsnd Norfolk at Danville . for Washingtoa and poiata , -North. ' ' V" . - . . ; Urit. '. Mjro. 11, dally for Atlanta and all - potats Boota. BoUd train. tUek- I mead to Atlanta: Pullman sleeping eea , 10:16 r. m. N at, daii. Columbia CCA A. local stations; ao gosta, Bavaanan aad . jaeasoaviue. Carries throufb - Pall man ? drawiag-roombaflet sleeper betweea ew ; York, iavaaaak and JaeksonvUle. Alee .- . PaUmaasleener. rihaxlotte to Aesnsta - 11KI0 p. m. No. 83 dally except Sunday, New York and Florida limited for Washington, Baltimore and New York, Pullman aleper Bavandah to New York. - - r.Ml : M a. u. JMo.- T, dally1, -fof . Ceromtda aad OC A A. loeal stations. . - 1 A. mo No. as, dally, tor toeealarto - ; Blehmond, Ralelihand all points North. , CarriM PaUmaa drawing-room bsffet Sleeper, Galveston vto- New iYorkl Jfea- vwvuvwmw Mvmm-t " " York.. Pullman tout 1st ear front Baa Free-.., Bouthweetern vesUboled.HmlWKl, lor Wao- Uf ton and all points Sortt.TsroBfsrsii. xaaa ear, MearvhU to New York; J-tjOj. r leant to Nsw fork j Tampa to New jork Also sarrles restibuled eoaeb aad Blaine , Sigh. Gotdsboro aad all polats North. Cas , nee PuUmaa sleeping ear trom Oreonibora to Rlohmond. Conneets s ' Greentborsv with train oarrylaf Pullntsn ear tor Kal- To a.1 mk 4tMfwvJMy; Prelght andpaeaangev tor BtatesyiJie and loeefstetions.- r- - 4:f . ir-Ne. ta, daLk sxeept Snnday, fs BtatesvUle, Taylorsvllle and loeal stsaioa. ; Tvata iv st Charlotte t ' v-: nrt a. m. . K-.-.-i .-I- - -1;.' I.S...J pbom tmb jittai. 18:40 p, m. ' 8T. ATJGC8TIKB. s-M Vs I "JUM AOUBtA.-r 4Sa;lth-0M OOLTJKBIA. :. S'4Aa.bi. . hr.vi l.t r A 11 trmmtkm Be irsiMserrv si v. i7 a. mi. . Trains Maaagaf. W. H.GBKBX, f Gent Pass. Art, WuklnitAi.li. CL . . TMmmmwi - . . " . m ' n .. 1 1 . . . . . - !f area iiMiiK;' , r-,T-.v- ashutsn.TXO.' & K. BABVWXtnc, Ass't Gea'l pass.. A r. t . .- . Atlanta, tsa. st. ifcTnsnnosr, - - - t ; Paiseager At, . J- .7r'T-caaro-te. W. Ol . J; R; DCfVAL, Kleetrical Engineer at id extractor. Of- -j lice a West Trad4 Street, Boom ; ' - '1, C HARLOT? rB N. C Are and Incandescent lighting EqulP pinr cotton mills wM b ectrJ'1llshJt ; plants a specialty. Es timates trnUhed on all kinds of electrical work. beHs, hotel enunelatori burglar UatcK ate,; ConggpoBdence oUclted. "(.Si',. i ' irv l .:': i C ( - - . f. mm Sonthe Railway. f i 'if 1 ' 1

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