AID VI 7T) " I JOSJB ABOUT THI COUV WATB. 1 1 Csm la Bons Fidt EuMtt, b4 to Jn- - drri a Fri-isi Reality Other Days That BT Ueea Cold. When the storm developed brer Flor I la, Tuesday night, and moved Tip t.ung me eoast. d ringing tue warmer .r irons the equatorial regions, and j causing a rise in the temperature in t .is locality, the tubilc was rather in- c. ned to treat the predictloa of a severe cold -wave as rather a huge Joke. T"he v earner liureau people. However, con tinued to (rtve out warnings that the worst had not yet eome, and when the citizens of Charlotte awoke yesterday -morning; and stepped out into, a tem perature of only 8 degrees above aero. . they were rather Inclined to put Joking -aside for the time being' and treat: the j matter, for once, as a frl rid, reality. The storm moved rapidly up the coast on. Wednesday and was closely follow ed by--the cold wave- which1 was men central over the Gulf Bcate,' and, - as 'was indicated in the Observers weatn- er report on Thursday, the cold' wave i passed directly over the South Atlantic States. : Extremely lowtemperatares j were reported from the entire uouin. ndsevere freezing weather enveloped - m- .... .C. - - -- , I . n . . ArfMr Bkln portion -of Florida. : :!iz&i;tis& -.-The folio wing are? some of - the x -c trganeow-temperaturee reported feom the Southern -States yesterdays Knox-1 ville. 25 CbarUttei. Atlanta, e;: xtai- eleh. 8: -Aurusta, llf.MemDhis. 12; Montgomery. Tlfc'Vicksbarg Jlor bile. 13; Charleston, .18; Jacksonville. 22 ; TampaT 22j jQal veston 22j Corpus Christy ;S,HewCtoneans, 28;. Jupiter, Fla., 40. - ' . : The weather over- the' northern and centrtd! districts was not quite so cold --as on the two previous days, yet aero weather prevails over aB of the section :. - from the Ohio and lower Mlssouri val leys to the extreme Northwest, Over the northeastera portion of the country the effect of the storm was stiQ being ' felt on yesterday and the temperature - was higher over that section than over the Souths . The temperature yesterday at Boston was 20, white at Jacksonville at the same time It was 22, and at new Tork It was 22. while at Mobile it was ''--18. Y Mi-if ' : . ' '- -f-V--:? -": t The temperature at Charlotte seldom goes lower during any winter than on yesterday and there are many winters ?r when it does not go as low. During the ' past eighteen years, covering the rec- - ords of tbe Weatner Bureau, tne tem perature has been lower than yesterday only during seven winters, distributed by months as .follows: December twice, , January, four times., and February j nly once. The lowest temperature - ivloosly recorded, wtth .. the - dates - have been - as follows: , December -, 1880, 6 degrees below zero (this being the lowest temperature ever recorded .- at Charlotte); December 23, 1834, a de grees above sero; January t, 1884, S above sero: January 12. 1888, 1 below ' seroiUanuary' 18, 1893,5 above aerer January 13, 1895. 8 above aero; febra . arv 8. 189&. 1 above aero. ' , The worst of the cold wave has '"doubtless been already felt in this lo - . calltv. and the prospects are that the temperature will begin; to gradually : rise beginning with to-day. and that the weather in this locality will soon . return to its normal condition. - -WRECK 05THX CABOUXA CEXTBAX Train Derailed Hear I w.irs. '-I.-- i . - ..-V Teleeeeped. - ! A wreck occurred on the Carolina Central road Wednesday., at Laurel HflL four miles below.; Hamlet. The - train, when it reached Laurel Hill, con stated of an engine, two box cars full of bands who had been at work, on - the lower part of the road, several ether box cars and a passenger coach. The cars containing the - bands were next to the engine. These were drop ped at Laurel Hill, and fortunately for tee men wnnm mat tney were, ror none of them would have been left to tell the storr. As the train was sueed tag along toward .Hamlet the engine be came derailed, throwing the whole .train off the track. The first four cars next . to the engine were telescoped. The passenger coach ran some distance off the ralla Mr. Fv H. Bahnv who was one of .the passengers, was giving In Jiis experience, yesterday at the Bo . ford, . He said it was one of the most complete wrecks he bad ever seen, and I teat the riding on tne cross ties was B.hoatthe rauehest experiment he" had I ever tried. Engineer Martin and the -fireman Jumped from the engine as "she" went over. No one was hurt, but the wreck age of the train was complete. 'MEDICAL SOCXBTTT FOBJtS. Dr. B. J. Breyard, PraideaS Other Of- j aeera Elected Xmmt Mlsht. , LA! majority of the physicians of the city met at the city hall last night at 8:30 and formed a permanent organiza tion, known as the Charlotte Medical Society. - Dr.. R. J. Brevard was elected presl- : - dent: Drs. G. W. Pressly and Geo. W. Graham, vice presidents, and Dr. J. C Montgomery- secretary and- treasurer. A committee consisting of Dr. E. C. i Register, chairman; Drs. J. W. Byers, Ji R. Irwin. H. M. wilder, ir. O. Haw- t ley.- was appointed by the chair to draw up a constitution and by-laws ?; and " report at a- ' meeting" to be held two weeks , hence. There is scarcely - doubt f. that within a short while' Charlotte will have one of the .best and most substantial medical rCletles In the State. -.--( .;-'-. r - , .!, . .-gkattag.....;.; f iMr. Robert GrayJrJ-made a: trip ' to Stewarf a : pond .-vesterday to ex- v- amine the ice. He found it an inch -and a half thick, but thought that by -r this morning it would be fully - three . and Ti nair inches. - jar. Stewart win v charge a small "admittance fee, as it were, to the rink. , : .1 .- Xeve and Marriage Oa the Air Use. , Engineer Henly, of the Air Line. Is to take unto himself a wife Wednesday next. - Be nas chosen uiss seme Arm strong, of Belmont. Several of the railroad fraternity from here 'will ac company Mr. Henly on his pleasant er rand. . w - '" . T,.-. - -, - -1 -f - s Qeataa at the Verge. - tn Mr. Mallonee's office is to be seen - -a) combination desk and ' book . eai made by a Mr. Gray, a blacksmith, of . this county. '- The work and Ingenuity - are remaraaue. Everything about It, The man ia a renlus. He should bei Caaage af gehedal. !A change ef schedule is to n Into en-ect -on tne carouna- central early la rDruary. vxne train which - now leaves here , at 6:2S a. - m. - will leave at S clock. The train which reaches here at H:8S a. m. will be put up sev eral hours, arrivtag about 7:30. There will be no change in the night schedule. L- BJttoa by a Dm. 'Ada Mill yesterday to attend a young I white boy who had been bitten on both arms by a dog. The dog attacked the boy while he -was going to the well. - throwing- him down and tearing bun. - The madstone was applied. .----: TayaTDay. . - ' 1 aai siuiimsm sts a iwsf ws ci " r ' f THliy "IT -of Mrs. Laura Gardner, wife of Rev. ' ir nijM, v. v.iim, s-t. ' postponed from yesterday until to-day ; at 12. so that Rev. R. ; G. Kendrtck. brother of the deceased, might be pres- enc 'There is a new orchestra fntown. The Queen City. The members are; Messrs. iU G. Brown, piano; Geo. S tin son, first violin; John -Green, second violin, and W.- Ei Parker, double bass. ; This new argresa)ioa furnished tnuaier for the german several nights ago, and gave perfect sat isfaction. -'-fA -!9c3iS ! - TatolSaaaas Use Baits es. 'll - 'The Seaboard, through Capt. Rara Fcur'n office, got an order yesterday for five tickets to Shanghai. China. . The parties going are from North Carolina, not so very far from Charlotte. The rate per capita is S2735; the route via Seattle.' 1 -fVhote Hoc HoM. . Some one entered Capt. Alexander's emcke house a few -nights ago and stole he? that bad Just been killed and wmc.1 weignea over . .pounds; also .i r: -1 ' tne Obsa rrer - CiH or Etlp for Uw Pw.' I; ; Tne Observer has never vet 'Winn i on this community, in the name o J any charity - without, a - liberal . resi use. This is true of its last appeal ti at of yesterday In behalf of the Humase So- ciety. Contributions were asked, to buy wood and-necessary food fdr the worthy poor;-those whoV without help xrom l&eir more fortunate bretJoren. would T freeze in the extremely! -eotd weatner wnicn nas prevailed this section for the last sew days. The following: generous oontri fa lUons were received . yesterday -. at ' th t Ob- server offlceu , , J CL 6arrooghs, 828.00 V , 10.00 10.00 ; 6.00 J H. Carson. . Dr. W. iu 'Wakeneia...........vJ 8. Wlttaowsay..... .. ... iv.. ,Jt O. H. Broclceuborough,. ...,.. J Cash . ......,., S.00 Cash ..,.............. rs-oo Cash -.. , , . .,...... i 1.06 Dam Reeves.,....,.,,,.,.....,,.. i pjLoe TOal , - Ji. 60.05 These donations are. appreciated by the. society, but a great deal mora Is seeded to meet the demands, The Ob- I Server hopes that others charita B ly in eltned will contribute to -help swlt this rund to an amount equal tarice)e the societyx; running; during the trying months Jot February and March; If everyone who could would -contribute even a dollar there would be few fireieas rearths tones; few empty pantries.? " -.- The money received yesterday? was turned over at .onee to ev c, i Hoffmann and was expended Judicious ly by tne society. Jrir. ucMinctt. tne secretary, was sick yesterday, but will give his help in the work to-day. The city wagons, were kept busy yesterday deuverlnr wod, ana will be again to day u the kind people ox cjnarlotte will remember the sugerlng. . -t. He that - natn - nity ; usoa tnej poor lendetn onto the Xjora." T&XT OPEN TO-MOKBOWJ fw tk steair l . i Ope Te-M--w There will be a rush- for seats to? morrow when the sale opens fori Mon day night's engagement of-the Btanl ford Company in Charlotte. Thet open ing blU will be "For Congress." one of Miss Staniford's most successful com edies, and It Is safe to say that by the time the curtain, rises every seat In the bouse " Will - have . been soldi- The harming little soubrette. Miss Emma Mrykler- as well as Hang McDonald. Miss Staniford and all the old favorites, win be enthusiastically welcomed upon their return to Charlotte. Miss? Stani ford has greatly : strengthened : her company since here last- -by . the en gagement of. Mr. H. Hollingshead, who is now playing leads, ana miss Emma Sarron, a well known actress of considerable, ability. . ; BMW yarattare VlaaS aaa Its The Charlotte Real Estate Auction Exchange, operated by . the ' Messrs. Mallonee. some weeks ago sold ahe El liott furniture plant. The name of the purchaser, before not given, fin Mr. is. W. Humphrey, Mr. Mallonee received a letter from him yesterday in which he said that he and his wife would arrive In Charlotte the latter part pf this 1 week or first of next, and that he would take 1 immediate steps toward putting the plant in operation. Mr. Humphrey is a business man; and nr. Mallonee thinks - Charlotte will be largely the gainer for his having purchased - the furniture plant. f To Be Buried To-Day. The funeral services over the remains of the late Mrs. Pauline Query will be conducted at the residence, oa North College, between Seventh and Eighth streets, this mornig at 11 o'clock, by Rev. Mr. Stagg, of the Second! Presby terian church. i Mrs. Query had been a member of the Second' church for years. The - elders and deacons will act as pall-hearers. Miss Clara Query, daughter of the de ceased, who has been living an Win ston for several years, arrived Wednes day night. And Mr. Chas. Query, only son of the deceased, arrived list night from New Tork to attend thes -funeral. Tiie Interment wiU be In Elmwpod. -I, Dr. Joha Glabra Maaerd. Dr. John Gibbon's success In Phila delphia has long been a source of pride with Charlotte people, so they swill hear with Interest or an honor recently con f erred uoon him. While South on i visit, several weeks ago. he rwas pro moted to the position of surgeon of the mitnjttfnt Aenartmpnt of trul Pnnfiv-1- vania Hospital, and Dr. T, 8. X- Morton, wno nau nuea tnat posiuon, wirea ur. Gibbon of his election as his successor. He afterward received a number of congratulatory telegrams anjd letters. The office came unsought, land was therefore the more highly appreciated. Basebsll Magnsteai Baseball is to be revived tm Charlotte this season. When Geo. Stephens, Wal ter Brem, Jr., and NesUt Latta take hold of a thing it has to o; there is to them "no such word as fail." Stephens is to manage the team,-Brem will be captain, and Latta will bd 'long or short stop as the case' may: require. The rest' of the team will tbe picked wisely- and well, and whed any one says "play pall," Charlotte -Mil strike in, not out. . V ; 47abaas a the Cea "Among the cosmopolites who register ed at the 'Central yesterday? were two Cubans, ' They were cigar dealers. The Observer had Quite a talk with one of tnem. r tie was a tnorouan cruban. and therefore in full sympathy wilth the tn- surgenta. Me , talked. . interestingly , of Ma ceo and the condition off affairs on ! the Island. -There la still some doubt in the Cuban mind about Macao's death. tne report that ne is in a nossitai be ing very much credited, t I j !aJdehae la Bia TaruAt. Ahmit ten da-ra urn lh ils.vMt1t son-of Mr, J. L. Blanton, f Rutherford- ton, got a - cockle burr L lodged . la his throat, which rendered bimi soeechleea Acting on the advice of his physician be yesterday consulted Dr. : W alceneld, and returned home with the burr in his pocket instead of In bis throat. It had li Tn. 1 Vi.tuai tk. am1 iWA f aasS. LXi Mrs. John lb Scott ;win entertain the Friday Afternoon Book Club this aftermoon uubiect: Geo Wi cable. The- Soroste had a delightful meeting yesterday-afternoon with Mrs. - L. A. Dodsworth, t the Central tHoteL The Eclectic meets this afternoon at edoek with Mrs.- H. . Baruch. Mw Bewail TJadargees An Operattaa. Mr. Luke Seawell bad sin operation performed on his leg while to Phila delphia, having a small tumor removed. A playmate struck him pn the teg witb a roca waen a ooy, caaanig xne trouoie which he has been suffering-, with-some time. He Is getting on nicely, but is not aula to use his teg yeC - - Mr. LeoUe Mr. W. A. Leslie, brethec of Mr. Joan C Lesliet of this city, was married Wednesday: afternoon 4oi Miss Annie McKesson. oe Jk Leslie wn pnw mi uuumiuteij' iior aioai trip North. They will visit their rela tives aara on .their return.; r . , Rev. J. A. Dorrltee sneaks t bovs to-day at the aasociatioa at 4 p. m. All boys under 1 years of age are invited. Mr. Dorrltee will sinx earn Inspirinx songs.: turn taut win be of the sort zront waica au may receive benefit. ' --- - : aavereenisi ..-'' '; The State executive eseosalttea of the Kiauonai jjemecratie party will meet at the Exchange- Hotel, tni Raleigh, on February Srd, Mr. J. C Lonx. the mem ber from here, will attend. . , Mtss Racheal Price. laed 7 died at her borne in Lean ley's township oaturaay last, or pneumonia. ' Bbe was a . member of Gflead church, and was buried In the church burying ground. Mr. SmCey "CaldwelF cled" Wedrwa- dsy night at his home below plnevnle, of grip," Deceased was about 69 years jot. age. ,Ee wUl be buried to-day-at -44 traUt Beth Mas b Actively at Work, to I LU .-' Era the Squib Colams. . - . ' No birds on the market yesterday. Mlas Janle Fox la sick at her home on West.Trada, .' - - . . Mrf J. D. Ford'la to build .two housea near PinevlHe. . , - - 3 . Chlcasoweather has been prevail ing in Charlotte for several- days. .: . ; Mrs. 8. Wlttkowsky, who has been confined to bed for a week, is out acaln. A party of eml grants left yesterday via the Southern tor. Palestine. Texas. "-The frame of the new noose teing erected by Mrs. W, P. Dixon, oa West Klntb street, is up. , ) . . Few, if any. of the machine siops were i tn : nperatlon yesterday, s The. weatner was too severe,:,' - Western Heights was looking iblgh and dry. cold and white yesterday. , as viewed tram- West-Traae b - -r -v-- Miss Jessie Spencer gives a - lumen next ? week Ur. honor of her. guests. Misses Gaskins and Andrew a : , r . The Rescue Home managers decid ed at a meeting yesterday to hava the Gibson pictures at an early day.--- - i-Mr. J. Fi Stroup, whose crib! was burned last -week, -was in town yester day. & He estimates bis loss at mool Thacandy'factbries; then- time yesterday making cough drops. The weather made the demand great. The Atberton Lyceum will bfe re built as soon as the insurance matters are, adjusted and bunding- weathe sets ' Mr. John C Leslie, of Leslie A"Xog. era., has- entirely recovered rrorj nis recent accident, and is able to 1 walk without a stick. -t: - -: I "Among my books, for February," says Manager Gray to himself., "are Eugene Blair in 'East Lynn, and Sea- brook in The Speculation.' -,-. I - v - . The friends of Mr.-and Mrs. Wilkinson will bear witb regret f the luness of another of their children. - it la feared that the child baa diphlberia. Ex-Constable McCord Is Justi wait ing for the weather to break, hrfi says, so he can get to work in the ojitches where the sewer pipes are to b4 laid. near Irwin's creeK. Mai. J. G. Harris' and Mr.iE. L. Keesler have been made charter! mem bers of "The Temple" association. which entitle them to a seat around the chief justice's fireside. I f Miss Cora Wallia one of the most capable young business women Jof the city, baa become stenographer jat the Singer Sewing Machine Company. The new office Is very neatly fixed tip. - Mr. Elliott, the' marble dealer, has under way a monument in the snaps of a box tomb, to be placed at the grave of Mr. Frank lrwln; it was ordered by his mother a short time before her death. - Mr. Walter Brem, agent for the Equitable, goes to Marion in a " f ew days to pay a policy of $2,000! to the heirs of the late J. C. McCurrV. Mr. McCurry took his policy out only two years ago, Mr. Battle, of the Savlngn Bank. and family, who have been occupying Mr. W. T; Jordan's cottage oh west Fourth street! will break up 9 house- keeDins- and go to Mrs. Chas. A- Mose- ly's to board. Mr. Wittkowakv is srettins letters from all over the country in rtjgard to his new Canadian-system bacik. His mail is flooded with inquiries as to the new system. Mr. Wittkowsky is en thused over the matter. -- j -. Mr. Donnelly has the contract for painting the Smith building, pn East Trade. It will present a white front, which wilHnake it more than conspicu ous by reason of the contrast to its present and past color. I The Central Hotel is havig a tre mendous run. The main building and annex have been full to overflowing tor several nights, and guest 9 turned away. The beating of the building by steam is one of the most deiigntrui im provements made 1 to the bouse in years. ;i i The flowers to the cemetery con servatories never look preiiier than on a cold day like yesterday, when the thermometer is in the depths and snow covers the fields. Mr. Thomas as one or the most successful florists j to the State. His plants and flower are al ways in demand. The cltv of New Tork paid out over 860,000 to have the snow cleared off the streets in the great trafficking parts of the city, after the blizzard Just before Christmas. A very few days rafter the sun came out and got in more effective work in a minute than the! clearing force had in an hour. The Sun re marked that it would have been cheap er to have given the job to Old SoL LOSe-TATB CLOTBIXOfCO. Messrs. Liraa-,"Tate a1"1 Hawse! Tontke Company. j Articles of Incorporation $ere filed 1 yesterday by the Long-Tate Clothing 1 Company. The incorporators are: W. L. Long, J. C. Tate, of Chaijlotte, and W. H. Howze. of New Torkjj The cap ital stock is 822,500. with privilege of Increasing. The business to be con ducted will be a wholesale land retail men's clothing establishment, includ ing the Belling of furnishing goods of , all classes, valises, trunxa ana 8 noes, also the manufacture of clothing. All parties in the company; are expe rienced and popular business men, ex perienced in the special lines which mark their; business careerj and the Observer predicts a bright (future for the new company. ; Mr. Howie, for six years past, has traveled for large cloth ing firms In New York. H formerly made his home in Charlotte, and is weii known to the public. Messrs Long and Tate are among the most successful of Charlotte merchants. They take into the new. business the same push and energy that baa characterizied the old. " ' " Newbera Team CosniBg Csele Dots. . It's rather cold to talk of Cycling, bat there is some news too good to keep. for instance' the fact that Mr.- Thos. Daniel, of Newbernv the crack athlete of the. State; is coming- up ! this spring with a team or fine -nicked! men from Newbem, and will tackle any fine riders nere, either on tne road 01s iracx. ar. Daniel was here ' yesterday and - of urse hung up at Fitxslmons drug store, jrtts. - says tne- c?hanotte boys 1 won't ao a thing to those 2ewbern Xel- iTwm .......... -..-. r... :r ; rr- In the meets this season it will seem strange for Fits, not to be. starter for the "Tellow Fellow." He has changed i hia allegiance. . Be hade, he says, will be bis man to future as be is; now also a Columbian. ; i -'j'i 11 r n. Mr. Addertaa's Promotion. Mr. J. W. Adderton. well known In this city, has had a streak of crood luck in a business way. He has for a year I or more been traveling salesman fori Hems. He was promoted this month. being put la charge of the Columbus. u. oranca ox the bnstoes He has a! numcer or men under him. He wiU 1 make Columbus headquarters, and will not be in Cbariotta again for - some time, lie writes that the January busi ness ef the: Columbus branch showed an increase over that of 9. - ' r. Adderton Is Donulare in this see- tian. and his friends will rejoice in his I navina: aone w siiauiw munrt r th 1 - " ' - BMdla, Yesterday, the dav fori nnimr m- colleges, was observed at piddle Inati- The winter examinations are about There are XU students otk the roll.' A. : ladex fca Hew Advorti)! job. - xeibermaa CoJa : nri. on overcoats are oeiow seroJl W. Kaufman A Co.!i-wtmi.'ii. begins to-day and continues three days. - Stetnway & 8ons are piaao makers Xtead tne Star Mills foeery prices j Garibaldi A Bruna havta an rr one of nckera, asr vongress snoea tne ttang t or I com ion. At- uureataa s : . -: A new line of rings pntK received at Pe lamouataia'a a. Alexaader ioffefrs bargain i m a farm. The Charlotte Auction Exchange has a The Flora Staniford Company beetns weeka eogagement at Ute opera hoaae tondav. . a t. i., tpvrdsr1 after The.BurweU &. Dunn. CSompany have One 1 i.iuk at Prcf. Ten.rcU.-roc' in El Fhiionphr of Clothes Thi Col , lVcsthorSoiM Well Clothed Folks. Mr, T. E. Oliver, of Oliver Eros., New Tork, hardware, was here yesterday on the hardware circuit. - Mr. John Davidson leaves this morn ing on bis return to Louisville. Ky. He will return In a month's time to settle up his father's affairs. Mr. -W..S. Humbert, of Charlottes ville. ""V-, Is here on a visit to rela tives. He is at bis aunt's, Mrs. Annie iATdner's. He is -one of Virginia' famous hunters, and is here principally tn searcn 01 game. Mr. C Bruno, one ef the tanrest mu sical dealers la the United States, spent yesterday In Charlotte, he and bis three daughters.? .They- went" from here to Florida for the remainder of the win ter. . --i Mrs. Sallle Redd, of Reidsville, who baa been here on a visit to her oaaga ter. Mrs. John J. Mallonee,- left -.- tor home yesterday morning. - -. 1 Ur. R. A. Pickett, a manufacturer! of High Point, is at the BufortL. - - 4 Messrs. W. C Hutchison tniT P. C. Foag. of Rock Hill, 8. C, were up yes terday to seen Mr. Geo. B. Hiss on busi ness. ; Mr. VT. D. James, who was married yesterday to - one of Georgia's - fair daughters, has engaged board at Mrs. Andre wa. on East Sixth street. He and his bride are expected, to arrive to morrow niaht. - t - Mr. P. E. Chsmbers. of Concord.' left lasrmurht for Washington. Mr. Fred Oliver, went North last night. . Mr. P. M. Brown went to Columbus, Ga, last night. h will bring Miss Nancy and Master William Jennings back with him. . Mr. J. K. Goodman, one of - Rowan's prominent farmers, was here last nignt. buying mvchinery. It was Mr. Robert Craig's intention to be in Gastonla to-day. but he got 1 left yesterday, and Is in Charlotte stilL He will be on hand to-day when No, 1 rolls In end out. -: ' Mr. George Stephens, of Brem. Steph I ens & Brem, is off to Chapel mil ion : business. Miss Linte Atkinson Is visiting Mra. W. H. Barclay on North Pine street. i - . ' U-S ii About the Depot, -. ,'' H The trains on the Southern were but of gear yesterday by reason-of r bad weather and bad connections. The ves tibule, Florida special and local, trains were each over an hour late. Mr.. Wm. Anderson, foreman of the Southern round house, went to Charles ton Wednesday night to look after some matters pertaining to the legacy left him by. his uncle. t y There Is a vacant chair In Superinten dent Ryder's office Mr. Fred Laxton's. He went to Greensboro Wednesday night to see his sister, and 'will! get back this moraine. -The boy at Bret thought of quarantining him, but have decided that- they are not afraid 01 chicken-pox. Cant. John A. Dodson. of the South ern, passed through the city yesterday morning on 86, the Florida special, north-bound. .. - . Mr. J. H. Drake, another Southern of flcial. went by Wednesday night. Col. Turk returned North yesterday morning. . Cotton Town. Mr. Ed. Stitt, who left Charlotte last August to represent Reiiley Bros, m Texas, has been transferred to Missis sippi. He was in ureenvtiie for some weeks, and Is now in Natchez. There was not a cotton wagon to 'be seen on the strets in Cotton Town yes terday. CoL A. L Smith, of the compress, Judges at a rough estimate that there have been over 100,000 bales pressed up to date. There will be others. Messrs. Barrett & Grier, of Matthews. were on the market yesterday with 55 bales of cotton. They got 7.16 for the majority of it. Mr. Rutledge Withers, of Davidson, was down with a lot of IS bales. Thus by thoughtful neighbors was the repu tation of the wharf preserved. Who has the nerve to ask 'Squire C, H. Wolfe and Mr. J. H. Mcdlntock about their lot of Norfolk, cotton? Charehes. Rev. Dr. Barron, of Tryon Street Bap tist church, is expected home to-night: He will return anyway before Sunday- Rev. Dr. Bays had a sllp-up .Wednes day afternoon, which gave him a Be vere shock and shake-up, but fortu nately no broken bones nor bruises. He feu going rrom his house to nis study. Rev, A T. Graham, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Davidson, who has been here all week with his wife at Mr. James P. Irwin's, will return home to-morrow to conduct services as usual in his church Sunday. He will be in Charlotte axain Monday. Rev. Oscar -- Sample, a nephew of Messrs. I. H. and G. H. McGinn, after a visit of a month to relatives here and hereabouts, returned last night to his home to Tennessee. Mr. Sample married Miss Bessie McGinn, for some time a resident of this city. Mr. Doritee la JTast the Man. Mr. Dorrltee, who has been, talking sense and sound doctrine at the Toung Men's Christian Aassodatlon I every night this week, has bad a trial of his faith in the dreadful weather, but he's cheerful, brimful of enthusiasm and zeal and that keeps the fires of his love for the work kindled continually. Con sidering the fearful cold of last night, he was greeted by a good-sized audi ence. Mr. Dorrltee is a Presbyterian, and Rev. Mr. Stagg and Dr. HowertOn have their eye on him in connection -with the work in south Charlotte, which is as yet in embryo, but It is hoped by the Presbyterians in that .section i that it will crystallze soon. Mr. Dorrltee has not completed his course at the Semi nary yet. but will in the course of a few months. He is Just the man , for the work here. - ? j Memorial . Meeting Tribute te tJeat. Keesler. j . , The Hornets' Nest Riflemen win have a memorial meeting to-night, at the ar mory at 8 o'clock., in honor, of their late comrade and itteutenant, T. C. Keesler. Remarks eulogistic of the de ceased will be made by different mem bers of the company. The j Hornets feel deeply their loss. Klned by the Street Cars. " One of the street ears treed a xos sum Wednesday nisht. It ran over and killed It before the motorman realised what the animal was. - It was killed on Morehead avenue, . and 1 supposed to nave come out or an old tree tn CoL Morehead's yard. , : - Death of M. wlUIasaai Mr. B. A. Wnilama, a well-known young drua: man . of - Ulesvilie, . died Monday night at hia home. ; of - heart failure. At the time of hia death he was traveling for a Baltimore house. Charlotte was one of his principal stop ping pointa, and he had a number of friends here. - '...-- ELEQANT- f A handsome line of gold :watclies j for gentlemen and the ladies : would not find it difficult to be pi fiaafifl ITt OUT. r atocK ot ladies - t v' -- ' A ULa JJ.CJU.Ucf . BBS fOOd TTLQfiT& Iyvi QnQ 4r I ri 1 iJUll LO. OUILL I . weatner - prices. TICKERS PHEiTOLIENAL . , m .--y ; If j 1 1 1 1 i I tuiu ,u FORi 3 DAYS ONLY, COMIl Wa put on saia isii perreet eno styles and allslses but not au stzs ia bvereoats, Idblae and blaok, far. beavers, ehtoehlua, ke'ay and afeiux atorm costs; your o1n;to at nas pnes, Wi ortglssi prices were siar; via sea iw. , , 99 boy storm eoau asa overoosts faoturer's eoss. Mnj styles and ah aisei ia bias msec ana gray eea. m ni ton aad laaoy cheviots, yoar oaoioa at ona prioe. tl 00; former price t7 50, $3 50, 10 50. GREAT SUIT SALE. ' fiO man's una tailor mae salts, Not a gait in the lot worth; leu than 110.00 Many f 1100 and $15 0J ones amour at Tte Are Pre that Should Sell Them Q-Mly. 128 children's knee pants nlti, in Imeret and faney worsteds I Yoor ebolee S2 50. Aetnal values S3, $0 and 48. ' They will go rapidly. You may lose the chance unless yon are prompt. W. KAUFMAN & COMPANY. -COILKEtt CENTRAL HOTEL i t , ! -I Over Prices; t 1 i - ; The mercury ha taken a' great tumble, .but the fall its sot half so great as the price drop! in oar OVER COATd. f- i - . '. M C2 50 bays an all woof reefer ooat to fli the boya from 4 to 12; 2 75 teonres ao Irish frieze storm ooat, stses from 4 to:16. 5 00 glvtn you an all wool ' storm ooat, sixes from 34- to 44: 7 50 obtains one f jour men's bios r blaok Washington beaver coat a Take note of our Clothing windoar. Jos. hkwL ft Co. Good Cbth 1 We make ae Ma blows tal k la cheap. W sell gwmts at latiBiati prices. We ra In m pasiMon to bay CLOTH IKO m hea as anybody. We pay cash down for oar goods. Cash talksand- we get a e-ood big-margin off our bills by pay ing eash. We giro the .purchaser the benefit of the cash discount, and can therefore sell good CLOTHING aa cheap aa anybody. Our line of winter Clothing is still complete. Soma good Tallies In OVKK COATS aad tIXJ3XJKS to close then out. I If yon live oat of town your nail or der will be promptly looked after. ELLON & SHELTON, Clothiers, 0 ' - ; j . . so rata TO WASTE. 5 M ? I Overcoats RIust - - - - t f. - & i - - i : l I r ' i i . I : w s w 4 f Strike the nail on : the head and In It roes. The way to sell goods qn'ekly isitd make tne priees irresistible. Our clearing tale of OVERtOT8 means that e ae. going to close ut all oaf stock of OVERCOATS and ULtTERs a- pr e a j ou cannot af ford to isaore if you are at alt interesied m the roods. We do bo earry irobds f r-m season- to team n. Ton ought to tee oar OVERCOATS at 5 00 and to 79 Wilson Bros, colored bosom shuts, worth cuff to match, at el. CO, worth tl 80. E f - ' ' f ' t Leslie I Tiir rniinnnii ini inc oviruniumo Telling Reductions PES, Per Cent In all DpaTtmeiit8 in 5 ; -Spring I r- t v. Tf )i I. mi a li , ' - DAVE OESTREICHER Ton are eotdlaTly iavlted loi join a se lect, limited party of ladles and gentle es for travel throasa Europe ia the eomiaa- summer. The tear embrace Sootlsnd, EacUiid. Fraeee.' 8wttaer land Iuly, Gennaoy (the Shine), and Bollasd. Apply atonee for membership aad fnlt pariiculars to Rev. C. It, Boff ns. OharlnatA rl Ct -t. fiU-N'l IHii sumI butdiag mo ba duot at home as well and as cheap as else where. Then leave your orders at the Qbearvar Printing Xnua, f - , I vercoac .r ee new storm eoaw hm, overcoats any oae style.' ah wool Kersey and Beaver at wis msa auo, oa tne uoiiar 01 nta caoloe make, sew and seaioaable. S7 00 vsrlout fabrics, laeladlog- cteviou, et- $100 j Shirt for 75c. Sale still continues, i ! We mde a mistake buying these shirts didn't buy enough. The moat catchy patterns went first. We shall freshen op the as sortment by adding from our 1 50 line. Consult our famishing window. Jos. LiebermaD & o mil Legitimate Prices, a : Go!!!! f ; t f ; & Rogers. ! Order - to Make Boom for Goods.- After Jasnary Slat mr efllee wll Z-' I . Boom No. S, Hunt Building! IMrd CH AS. C. HOOK, WM& " ia-RfmiTTBrrf THE BEST WORK - aad r the - prices r together at ; the Ol -f ; fan SSBKIMSni';. in i - in w ! a i r ia. l sr K .1 $v rrlntlnjr Ueoaa. , lot ejp ill For ifb, -:- "i m Tu , " - ' " jssBSisswsaa'asssssssBsssssBsB 4 1 w 8tlTfor the usnal prfca ut fast what- paois on buo cost 1 tci.i ais ; lnltos aaK disoled pre-sj Tha is this preea -100 ibtniebea need. We caa'l tea4 C 0THIN'. vm -ibis sale d aerr to It than ever re in nts ; f tji l a'fHp'y mna o. ao eomt and eler Just what yos waavnli ,D ffr,e ' PM V bnleg- . Jast eome and tee If o r cot od Cloihts so heap. Let ua make 30a a freeo of half or twoitblrds the asoal cost. I I ' - .--if-; ssii 1 i . II; . -: Long, Tate & Go. i kT i. i Our Store DURING THIS WEEK. Inch, Hem. 1012e. 15c. 19c OUK 24 OUB STOCKI Have rroven to sellers. It was a lucky butc made, lucky for ua and luckv tor pu. WHITE SOLES. 1UBLE SOLES, DOUBLE HEELS. 2 PAIR. Olostna- out of od si sea children's Hose. y Joe Baroft k Co. -prjl A B L AfK E T On that h 5e of yours these co U nights. It will mak lim Slick aAfflid Warma We h 90c. to them from 1.00. Come and srec KubberfDorse Covers protect tpi i oor horse from rairmd sleet. ivllutf en DTION. llama, -Hood Co. to ved. by limitation. less we Williams, Berry Here Goe a. - Shelton ha vina Interest in said buai- Shirts, A. Stroap, EL C Lmg ' H. H. Hood eomDosf oice this Made Shu sHTI MwtlnuK ' 1m. 8nj he old' stand, under4 the SlOfO. j. u. Hood Co, and aa liabilities of the old Arm i New Stuffs, laterestiog Prik :d1. BARUp, Sheer Linen Bem-Stiibed inch, inch. 25c. nemenii Ijtlngof j l Voon- 1 t power l15f KerT1 (IJ0 oice this yimama will remain witb aa general bnyer aad sn - Mr. 8belton will be wttb Charge of the dress good' First O S3 00. T anklng the publte for tne support given the old flrm for a eonUnnaaee ef tne O. HOOD &.C0. I ef eoafe Bm sol's In odd atses Whether It Is In the field of merchan. dise, the work shop or plow, dollars are the objective point, for the reason dol lars make the financial world. xuo principle upon which our ousi ness Is laid Is therlht one. It Is tha law of dollars mtktef our values, make our buainessi We bby for net spot cash, add a very small profit and let them ao. Men's CufCs 10a. and . 15c; Men's Ties from 6c to 4Sai Men's Handkerchief a -from jSc to 32c; Men's Seeks from Sc. per pair to JBc; Men's Shirts from 2hc to 1, laundered. These came, in tha Harris & Keesler stock and the great est bargains you ever saw. in iBblrts. Men'a Wool Shirts from 3a to 11.60. Men's Cuff Buttons from 2c to 7 5c per pair. : i i ,k, t.i Big- Job tn Men's Underwear boufht in the Harris &i Keesler stock and are aoinar at about half price. - It Is useless to try -to give a correct idea of the; volume of any particular -line of goods. When we tell you the many good' values in Shoes, (and no and bes lihe in the city) we pass hundreds of similar bargains in Hats, Clothing, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets. DRESS GOODS Say 1 Have you looked over our Dress Goods stock late- . Iy?. If not, we Just stop a moment to say we have a magnificent line, and at prices that r have no equals.-. Call and be convinced. - f - Just received a beautiful tine of -. Crockery and China.- ; t m?- The popularity of our Carpet Depart roent lis unquestioned. $10,000 In Car pets; j October ; reduced to less than . $3:000 at January stock-taking, i - . New arrivals! in Carpets, Rugs and noor oti ciot n. Stock elegant. Bee them. Successors ti Williams, Hood A Oo, OVH LOWKKT 8- Chocolates 5 Are aa Delleloas aa Portuondo cigars -abb ring,- ladies and mm Gentlemen., Phone 179, OB CALL AT - 2tt SUUTti TRYON STREET. When we pui out a remedr of nor own til is Just iaa aood as ae ki.ow h.w 10 make U iin4 thee a en' ush o it 'o do good OUR ALLEN'S MaON Ei 1U - COUGH SYKUP is in liberal sixed bot tles and ooejwiil euro as ordinary couth. If lv fails to riv perfect aailsfae Ion. we do j hail we would eipeotyou to do a oder reversed . eonditlo&a fefond the money & Sheppard Proprietor and Mann'aetarers ef ' AiLEN'" CELEHBATED kKlIEDIES Torn to lo a; Shading, Eight years- sg o say arm was caught la a shafting and badly eat sodtoro to pieees, part of tbe flesh slotif bed off, -: runnioc sore oa my arm whieb notbltf"T seemed to reash.- ' I was aavlaaul b M,a. - Person! to Use ber Remedy, and tbe use of a few bottles made a perfect enre, - nd I bar never had any trouble with e for die years, not It soon vteded n i a. ii.n 11.. m, m iniHn mnwwimi to the effeeu h- K m-d ' " JULIUS COVINGTON. VeCelt ft C..1 ' i Nnv till: lM ' OINNEH'SETS J t-WEiRB NEVER SO CHEAP. 1.' (--...-: "-- 1 - OF COURSE THE " MARKET 19 OF : RITBBI8HT lOT POOR FULL! WARE. POOR DECORATIONS flUCH SISTB I ARE 'DEAR AT (ANT PRICE. WT5 HAVE NO! ROOM FOR THAT ORT4 WB HAVE A LA. ROR VARN Of -THE ! FINEST s ENGLISH PORCELAIN SETS IN ALL' SORTS wF DECORATIONS. WITH GOLD EDGE. OF 118 PIECES, AT S1S.M. THET A RB WORTH! S2S.00. AND WE - COULD MAKE THE PRICE 120.00 AND BTII.l. RE UNDER THB CLOSEST UAR. v KET. i - f ! - - --.,.f,.., ( - BAVARIAN CHINA DINNER ftvrra - OF 15 (PIECES, -TNK OR OTHER " DECORATIONS,; WTTH GOLD TRIM MINGS.) .. "THESE ARE not THE COMMON AUSTRIAN CHINA . ioriiTsri MAX A HE BEING OFFERED. BUT ARB FINE. PERFECT GOODS. HA VI LAND i CHINA BET3 IN SUE ' I 1 . A Remedy That Will, - ! i '- - - - HSBBBSSBBaaBsaBiaaBSSBBBBsV Woodall x???g iSSsSl'Si 4-r 17 E 1 i : I 11 I