if, subacnption : 58.00 a Year. " , " : - : v : f T. - j 29th S BHIES.. AMMRPETDAli NOW BEADT TO RECEIVE SUB" 3RIBER3 TO THE 28th SERIES ; ! irt peymeot to be made the flrtt "day la Mft'eh. Gall at the office of r mwviuim ih ester yonr Bam. ? 8. WITTJTOWSKT. President; K COCHRANE tfee'y and Treat srchants & Farmers' it i&viNational Bank. Interest paid on time DepoUts. aat both larse and small soliel Safe DapMlt bozM for rest. . J. H. McADEH, PntflMt, l- M. MILLER, Jr., Cashier. 1 BE , . - entral Hotel. NEW :-: ANNEX. ort oooQinodioni; eentr&llj loeated; elegantly fnraiabed. -THl aveling Man's Home, SOOD TREATMENT; POPULAR PRICES. i SHM CAMPBELL, ProprtetvTS mm hotel AND- Imont Vtel Annex. 1 NEW" ANACEMEHT, ote Completely Overbaaled, Pa il aod Painted. ;w D otoK Room on Parlor Floor danoiMt to the State. lmoot Hotel Newly Freaooed od rated. EBTTHINO FlR8T ClAJ58. Popular Prices. ;cles & Bryan. SPECIAL NOTICES. ;i)R3E. Oaitle "d CnlokiBnTfeedTof il kiq , ai b tt m prices. 4 bT.B Mills Gbockbt. Joe lR7o. NA .UTii bfax.q ar era f r cd- jsies at reason 1 Die pno I'ne Dtt iesoo saoh th nes tell you that read is the floest in ton. I J. Kaswacht. ii)iY svrup peaches He ; bet oream ooro hj ; p-e poiiene 8e : Ar- jle s, Lerac or Capital 0"ffee 17o; Jes Armour's oap 25c; cash sales ,1. ndsy and Wednday. 1 Sikks A Stitt R RENT 6-room Oti age. South Tryon. well loeated: net 7 room Iitg No 804 Mest Tmth; 8 room illog Weit Eieveoih. 1 W. 8. Alszandsb J ele4nt ioe of ladies' and gents' Vold and silver watches at reason- prices. J C PaiAKomrTAiN. HE Gem Bakery is still Id the rieg nry their bread: it is deltetoos Jetbe w ath r la ebad call sp 1661 lanythiog you want lo tbe bakery Iwiil be deliver d at y .ur door. I ' r-xiHNhB A Willis fE hve anot Hunars Tl other lot of those $5 00 he are beautiful ln- Dnts f..r the mnv m HaXLKH Wall Pafsb Coxpast. HVi8 you tried the M -del Steam i.auodry tsnder pre seat manage 1 f sot we want tn hear from von. fie 160 and let ns cat! for laundry. Jno W Todd, Prop. at E P KEEKAN-, f ENTIST. p--?v waST 1 &XOB OTKXKT. ssl58 1. li. a. O. BROOKES, DENTIST. ;s corner Fourth and Tryon ttrseta. he I18B- " Qharlntto, N. "! fRithe very best and freshest I Flower and Garden Sreds, go to PT j''" Oa They have no jiarsW-v. stock. !i -s ) 60a. corner Church and Ninth. 1 Modern 7-room dweiting for rent, j: D. P. Hctchbon. Li. ALEXANDER, ft DENTIST. 2 No. 8 Sooth Trvoa Street, unarrana, n v. OR. GEO, J, WMk ice7 West Trade Street. ictice limited to eye, ear. .nose and throat. JAiTTA PARK kRLOTTBTS GREAT RKSOBX VNUSUSHrAVlUONlL I1NIFICENT FLORAL GAPT tWIM MING POOL, BALL GROUNDS. : ft TO AND FROM PARK . ",TTB MIVrrws w is" TX7 -TX " ITJo lfl hi A ' lf s- XLa-, II CeiVCllClU 3 - VV II'" "to KJX" ? i" '. 609 NORTH - TRYON : 8T -.---EVERT WEEK-DAT-' IK-e, FEBRUAY. . EXCEPT -WEDNE8DATVHI8PRAO.; TICE IS LIMjrTED TO ETB.y," J N03J3 ANfi THRuS 7 V BTTaTR Opera House,5 JOLT OHX. WEIiCOMB -i THE EVENT OF EVENTS. THE BRTLT.TA NT COMEDIAN, Thomas 0. Seabrooke SUPPORTED BT A SPECIALLY SE LECTED COMPANY IN HIS . GREATEST " SUCCESS. - THE t? SPARKLING.' WHOLE- SOME COMEDY, The Speculator, By GEO. H. BROADHTJRST; - - Management Duncan B. HARRISON. Beat comedy seen in year New York Herald. A better comedy than "The Henriet ta." Boston Globe. As "The .Speculator," Thomas Q. Sea brook, achieved the greatest . suc cess of bis artistic career, and was heartily cheered on the conclusion of the second act. Baltimore American. The Speculator" is Intensely inter esting, admirably constructed, and Is filled with bright, clean comedy lines and situations. Mr. Seabrooke scored an emphatic success. New York World. f , . The star player and company were away beyond anything seen here this season. Providence Journal. General admission 60c.; parquet 11; balcony 7Sc Seats on sale at Jordan's drug store Tuesday morning" at o'clock. 0PEKA HOUSE, ON K RIGHT OHLT, MUMDAI, FEB. 18. "Ti rr u Now rannlns at the LUC Vaudeville Theatre, London. 1 1 A V Beignlnir Bit at the ' A Nouveaute Theatre, Paris. PARISIANS. A REFINED HIGH-CLASS COMEDY Management CHARLES FBOHMAN. PRESENTED 4 S0O Nlghta in New York. HERE i too Nights in Boston. AFTER , . (KO Night in Chicago, WITH THEOBIOIN AL ASTEBICAN CAST W. J. Ferguson, Jas. O. Barrows, Cfaas. B Wells, W. K. Shirley, Louis Hendricks, Tnilv HarshalL Sadie Mart) not, Mrs. E. J. Phillips, Margaret Gordon, Vtncio Darts. Marion Paxtoo Fairfax, Ue raiding aeuohne. Frank A. Caunon. Viria Oeden. Percy 8. Sharps, Pearle Dudley ADMISSION: Parauet tl: baloonv chain. 75c; general admission 5"c. Seats on sale at Jordan's drns store at o clock Saturday without extra charge. J. L Ludlow, 0. J!.-, M. tf. Sanitary and Hydraulic ENGINEER. 431 8ommilt St., Winston, N. a Wins Btrrruca. 8bwbbaob Ststvits and Btsiet Improtekiktu; Reports. Plans 8peclficatloas, Estimates of Cost, and Snper lntendence of Construction. Water Supply and Sewerage Disposal for Isolated Institu tions and Plants. Water Power Surveys. Plans and estimate of Cost of Developing and Utilizing, Available Power and Commercial Value Determined. Su ety Bonds. The Board of Directors The fidelity and Uo- Jnmpany of Mary- bv- increased the Capital Steck to ai.ooo.tHIO. maklns the as sets of this company, over $!.iV.000 besides the stockholders' liability.- This makes the fidelity aad Uepmait Company of Mary land th- strongest snrfty eomnany In the world. They iro on yonr bond T. U.BPU1NKLE, Special Asent and Attorney, CHARLOTTE. N. O. TUB CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK, CAPITAL 6125,000, Will commeBce business ia their New BaoklBc Room. No. 9 East Traoe street Sionday, February 1. We solteit acoxunte, and will promise courteous aad hbervl treatmdnt and every faeility consistent with sou no haoklng. DIRECTORS: O. W TILLETT. J. W. HUNT. VINTON LIDDELL, B. D. HEATH. JitU. M BW1T. V, F. W1IWWUKTU, J. F. BOBEBTSON, O. VALAER, B. i. BREVARD. R. D. HEATH. PmMMt W. H. TWITTY. Cashier. Frank P. Milburn, ARCHITECT. COURT HOUSES. SCHOOLS. CHURCHES. CITY HALLS AND r Lit RESIDENCES. Independence MqsatVr- CHARLOTTE. N. C. D8S. M. A. & C. A. BUND DKNTisra. 21 N. ThYON 8TRKKT -25th- Motual Buildiii Loan A83O0IATION. ROOKS NOW OPEN FOR THE j Call aid lake attek aad thoae want- inf to borrow B applioatloos tot . We are la better nosltioa bow to sbd- ply money to bet d or K hoaees thai we nve oeeo r-r moBThe past r..: IN rERET6r ct. Jt RNINQ3?P cr. P. M Bmowmv President. A G. BaBTtKa. v i . ; iwtaryv; Horses -ur,lules. ' sf- L THOMAS aa last grrtvad from Tet-aessee with another lot .f - r Fine; Mules arid Horses.- - IffThoBaseaa oe fousd atBLAlTS STABLE. He I knew a everywhere as aa hottest, st- ok dealer, aad Jiiastoek Jbasalwajsaeea-fonnd just as ha rep. reseated thenw uau aad aeo his atoak DefdnHUBytng, i ' Too are cordially Invited to Join a se lect, limited party at ladies and a-eatie bmb for travel tfcreua-h Europe in the eomtoe? summer. ' The "tour -embrscss Sootland. Ensiand. Franca. ?- Haritwr. Und, Italy. Germany f the Rhine, aad ' "i-S for beVsWp; and fas particulars to Rev. C L HoS awn, vaarintte. r. ex Pope Vood Ashes 1 For Sale. fiMV8lLiorjiV)f-53. "r i XeQ-nr, N O. HAKPEKWBl K-.Y-S liquid mus e. bqUied DOMrv. rina. mellow, r. freahiBf; and deUflious. - Sold by an wbst. J M IkOiT. I I i Charlotte. N O. ; ' ; THE ComEieraal National Baok OF CHARLOTTE, N. a " J. S. SPEfifER, Presidtat AG. Brenizer. Cashier. PIACB . TOtTB BANK ACCOUNT WITH TO. CAN TOC IN XYEBY RESPKCT. Surety Bonds. The bonds of the Fidelity and Deno. it Company, of Maryland, are accepted vy juoges oi estate courts and or the Circuit and District Courts of the United States. Capital stock $1,000,000; assets over $2,260,000, Give a body in the strongest surety company In the world. Call on or address. - T. H. SPRINKLE. Special Agent and Attorney, V, ' " r Charlotte. N. C ICE MEN, ATTENTION! Third Annua Meeting, SOUTHERN ICE EXCHANGE. T --Charleston. 8. C. " February 23 to 26. 1897. SceclaL Rates. Fare from all. points. For aU inormation write to SAM IAPHAMii Charleston. S. C. ... YOUNG MAN. Sober. qnJck and reliable; thoroughly tamiiiar witn omce work, double entry book-keeping, etc.. wants position with reliable house, where chance of ad vancement would, be offered. Not afraid Of work; moderate salary; best reTc.'oSer?e? UUU. S- Care C-OSerVer. I We Can Sell You Cloth-covered, steel -bound, brass lock trunk. sulUble for ladies or gents, at the remarkably low price of $2.50. Genume leather rlnb baa hIm et $1; nice leather tourist or shoulder f strap 10c.; fun leather bound telescope or sample case (small size) 50c. Best and strongest trunk strap ever made, all lengths, 60c Russia leather valise tags, glass face, 10c. AU the latest styles In footwear. GILREATH & CO. YOU CANuKr ti rJDCTtnD'Via UK. UKrAiUtVl O Dyspeptic Mixture FROM Bnrwell & Dodo Co. i F you are particular to hdke your ions precisely put together, goto i --. JOEDAN'S. PHONE 7. WE HAVE III STORE, . t . Aad ata receiving dally a large stock of Heavy" . and. aaey Qrooeries whleh wa offer to the wholesale trade at : eo prieea. Any order- fia t our teprsieatatlvag-la and oat of the eity wi 1 ba apprvelated t aad. reeeivaaar proBpt aUea tioa. .. BespetraUyv : ; V 8neeeaaorsto MAYER A ROSS. We wW give free with each otrt-6f. towa order for bicycle, sundries r re- fZZ JJer 5? 1 I the most useful articles used by bi-1 cycle riders.. Bicycle mair mes are eepecially Invited to ask ' for these, which wfil be mailed free to them only, with or without order. Also our trade rn-we m ir imi.tm t ll!IZw Bc. IB?Js?'l'rt' stock of these goods, in addition to our! large stock of bicycles, ever brought to um swata. W. FY DOWTX t learns, m BleySaw.' Wavavlyv Patee CUjrper Prescript CHARLOTTE, N. 8 DND mk. BkxAji brrEs boitd FOB swo.oee.' t n iii s ii.. t j An laiaaeUra Roit JaCoaaeetloa Wlta Hl Bifc-H R.n That Ha Will r.. . CWceo, PeBT IT Wtttr J; Bryan mp peaxea tn court to-oay ana rave, bond - , - 8L.5!2 view eeaceraias bis future movements. Mr.- Bryan said: 'I shall continue to lecture as: occasion reo aires, .but shall devote only a smalt portion of my time to this work. , I sbaU spend as much time as possible In Lincoln Asi a rule, my ' lectures will -be aiven under the auspices ot rpi-metallte leasuea, or sim ilar org-anixattons. 8y leeturtn I am able to vudt the-dlffsrent parU of the country : and . discuss various quest loss in connection with the government, without being- a burden to any one. aad can ajt, the same time earn a U vln-, . IXCALWATBDCB. 'nWOKXT .' "S. li. DOSHEB; Observer. -f''' Charlotte, N. Feb. 13, 1897: p m. Barom. j Temp, t Weather Precip, 8e.jg f 62 f Clear .00 Maximum temDerature 6S. minimum temperature i - - ; . - SAME DATE LAST YEAR t Maximum temperature C8. minimum temperature 4&. pU-.i.V' ; .. PEOPLE'S COLOMIM J.. f to she Uae I Coats a Una, i PRINTER WANTED to work on coun- - "v. HIlS red. Address "I, care Observer, WANTED Agents, ladies or gentle men, to canvass Charlotte and other towns. Address "Manager," 1413 East Main St., 2d floor. Richmond, Va. LADIES' GENUINE WELTS, $2.25. Berry hil, Johnston & Co. WANTED A Jersey cow, with second! or third calf. Black Point. Address i A. M. Crowell. Monroe, N. C. PATRONIZE HOMiS INDUSTRY Smoke the Hlrshberg's cigars. Use nothing but the finest Sumatra and Havana tobacco; employ only skillful hand workmen. Give them, a trial and be convinced that he can make as good a cigar in Charlotte as there is made anywhere In the land. WANTED A partner with capital of a few hundred dollars to engage in. a business that is a monopoly In Its spe cial line, and will pay big money. I furnish half capital, if you mean bus- Iness, address "Big Profit," care Ob- server. FOR RENT OR SALE Nine-room dwelling house at Dllworth. B. It Scruggs, No. 6 West Trade st. ANOTHER BIG LOT dimities and lawns.: worth 15 to 25c at 8 1-3 and 10c J. G. Hood & Co. ' LAST CUT Ladies Jackets at half price. J. G. Hood & Co. READ our advertisement, real estate at auction. Evening Newt, Charlotte Auction Exchange. 8PECIAL OFFERS in our linen de G. Hood A Co. partment this week. f. WE WILL SELL on the 17th Inst, to highest bidder lot 607 East Seventh st. cnariotte Auction exchange. r . 1 FOR SALE at wholesale Red rust proof, white Vlnrlnia snrlnjr seed oats. IF. D. Chambers & Co. WAD-PoslUon by husUlnVyo : hhnk.Vasnlnv r.rramd l. . XX: " i drees. "S," care Observer. Z 1 . read Tills 7-room awening. no. sou r i-ortn ropiar street; can oe Dougnt on easy term and reasonable price. R. I E. Cochrane. I WANTED A few boarders, with or I without rooms. Apply at 213 West I Fifth street.- CHARLOTTE Hardware Company stock for sale. John W. Morrison, city. ONE THOUSAND (L000) pair Mundell's finest shoes for misses, boys and 1 children, representing the over-produc tion of the manufacturer at and under the actual wholesale cost, for cash only. Sale commencing next Monday. Berry hill, Johnston A Co. FLAT FOR RENT North Tryon; mod-1 ern conveniences. Also two extra rooms. Apply 610 North Tryon. f NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC We" offer for the present, bulk hulls at $2 per ton. Baled hulls at $4 per ton, and baled feed at $? per ton; cotton seed meal, in small quantities, at - $1 per sack; meal. In ton lots, $18. If you are a user of any of these feeds, now Is the time to buy, and we want your patron- age. North Carolina Cotton Oil Com pany (Charlotte Mill), T. J. Davis, Manager. DO NT FAIL to equip your little family with Mundeli s fine shoes, while you can wet them from ua at and under wholesale cost, Monday morning. Ber-1 ryniii, Johnston Co. BEST BARGAINS we ever offered In a I lot crockery Just received. J. G. 1 I Hood A Co. I WE ARE NOW READY to do your binding and ruling. Mr. J. H. Med- lln. the best binder In the State, has charge of bur btnderr He will do your work weH and make prices low. I uend in yonr orders. ATTENTION, DRUGGISTS Well as I sorted drug . stock, fixtures, etc.. for sale, at a bargain. Inspection and cor-1 responaence solicited. 1 j. W. Keerana. Assignee Macon Thornton. . FOR COUGHS, "colds' and hoarseness use Hornets' Nest Couxh Drone. For saw y ail oruggists and dealsrs. : INTEREST PAID 'oa 1 time deposits. J Merchants and Farmers National 1 - " ' DR. WAKEFIELD has rrane taak 1 borne (with is offic) and can Del The resetettoa tattodoeed yestertaa I fnmut mt nt. ue. u ... U. u.' D.,k uiu. -t. I Tryon street. i: I ' I satk nrnnarr nnv l enanta ana rsimiur rrstluiisl Bank I FOR RENT Oeveii-tuout East t Morebead street. All conve-1 niuices. H. A MurrtU. FOR SAJB Hargaia. ; a-room cottage, modern im Dro vemen ta : aia Mnrth Prttar atreeC. N. J. BberrlH. . . ATTENTION Woader X-Ray Miu chine." Wonderful reenlrn. - uw. distinctly each bone la the hand. En tirely new; portable, weighing lab. A gold mine for street and traveUnsr ex hibitors. Price $25.60. Bent C i. r prrvtiege examination, for $5.60. Haw- kbta Broaw sole manufacturers. No. t, 1 ,hsa - aaaa, Stosskv- XTtrXllcw N. C -- - . WE do not want boys .1 wrltCL but men of ability. $30 to sue I Jtt wh i-. , ir. - nu 'JZTZ " ' ' f FOR: RENT Stores aad offlcea. West I TfSllS and North Irnw StneL Isnwa I Harty. ',7- J - 1 FOR RENT Large balL Baxter Davldsoa. - ; ! SeOCa, 1 A Y UORNIN G; FE BttUAB HOUSE " CLERKS :rAPPpmtD.1 pum af PSSV' ?n. T JreJl. to forbid any non-resident to -1 ' ' tMy9nalmUm'bton..hwUngt'- and'.'to Jra XIST. 1 ; - 'V:.' -5 "Tl 't?tet"ti! fpalH for cleaning Unet putting down new Ct.rk R j'. Oppiu.a ta niU-lt raatUng and ktlling microbes; to pro s CMft-m4 Tsw Maeb FwerI Wjss tm tect partridges anM wild turkeys in Ire 4lawtponlt tbt Thotst ctayatw U dell, and making it unlawful to hunt JmIum Casair-rnMUUi Couirty A- them when the giound is snow-covered; UittrfsMM Iaau Bad ChaDtr ; S3. Privats Xaws of 1S3. Jtelattag to ; vieta, - AMMBded Leaves - fi ..eraated several Senators ... ICaay Bill latrodaeed ia Roth. Braaelies rarkn'a KwltiMi feUUr rrtk ThaC ha SO , Days' Sotle mt Repeal of tha O. A K. B. .K. Co.'s Charts Bid Mt Beaa Clvea Was Ja4naltely PastiMBAd mil Fassed 1 Kegard t Pleading JUaso f UaUta- : Hans in Caaa an Kxeeator Fails to Make . Plea for Hlr-At-ljwTli Western Criminal Circnit Coar Ctvea Power to PIsfsss of tlvU Cases. ; - ' "4 -M -J. Beponed for the Observer. -,,; .:' ".i." ft. SENATE.- .-r i ; ; 'pf Raleigh. N. Feb. 13 The Sen- ate . met --at 11 . - o'clock, - Ueu- tenant-oovernor Reynolds presiding. Leave of absence was granted Messrs. Henderson, Grant, Person, Cannon and Hardison. ' '-. I U": Bills and resolutions were introduced as follows I n Mr. Smathers A bill to 1 authorize Haywood' county to levy special tax. Also (by request) to amend section 2737 of The Code. - ; . j. ; Mr. Ray A bill to incorporate i the I James Bakes Lumber Company: also I wwnsnijv asn county; to aiiow tsun - U Wll to valldatTSe y Press matter of m. i?1u,T,V.V Sl-rlall kinds: td protect squirrels in Per- of William Bellinger, taken before a clerk: also to amend chanter L nrivnto laws 1883. relating to the Rocky Mount Agricultural and Mechanical Assoeia - . t. o1q to furnlah ronsln flnnivni Curt'Xrt. tZa&JZJFV" Court reports to Graham county. I Alfred Williams A Co. for stationery i ; Mr. Sharpe of' ' Iredell To Incorporate tell county; also fori the churches In Iredell relief of E. P. Morrison, ex-Confederate soldier of Iredell county. Mr. Rollins A bUI to authorise Mad ison county to levy special tax; also bill to amend secUon M4B. volume 2 of The -ode I ! Code. Mr. Walker A bill for the drainage of low lands on Hogan creek In Rock ingham, county. Mr. Hyatt A bill to provide an addi tional terra of court for McDowell county. 1 Mr. Anthony Bill to allow D. Green Palmer to peddle with license. Mr. Anthony A bill to amend section 163 of The Code, relating to married I women Mr. Maultsby A bill to Incorporate the Columbus Drainage Company; also to make a picket fence four feet high a lawful fence. Mr. Shaw A bill to establish a nor mal school in Robeson county.. Mr. Early A bill to Incorporate i the Garysburg Educational Association. Mr. Alexander A bill to incorporate the First Presbytery of the Associate Reformed Church; also a bill for jthe building of certain roads with convicts in certain counties. Mr. Anderson A resolution to pay Miss Flora Creech for stenographic re port of the evidence In the Swlnson ex- Mr. Grant A bill to Incorporate the j town of Dudley, Wayne county. Mr. Smathers A bill to prohibit the hunting of birds on any land In Hay wooa ana saeciuenourg counties, j Mr. Alexander A bill to place D.I W. Garrison on the pension roll, i Mr. Person A bill to protect the lives of prisoners or accused persons. The .ollowlng bills were disposed of: ' To. incorporate the United Workers' Aid Association. Passed second . And third reading; to validate the probate of a deed of William Dellinger taken before a clerk. Passed second and third readings; to pay- Miss Flora Creech for stenographic report of-evi dence taken before the Swlnson wa- rogHo U HOD Mlatlnr tn onnvlre. najtiuwl 1 : , j --" . . second and third readings to furnish Forsyth county with Supreme Court J reports, passed secorra sna tntro reaa-ior rings; to incorporate tne- uomman iyiap- i ufacturing Company, : assedj secpndl jtjb 4 his dalnwlil be keenly felt and third readings; to. juneod chapter lin church arul fitatlJr. He was the main m, Laws 18S5. concerning the payment of scrip, checks, eta, passed, secpntj d 1 third, readings; to place Jesse Miller on pension roll, passed second . and third reading. Bills on third reading: i To incorporate Roanoke Rapids Com pany. Halifax county, passed: to make; D. W. Garrison a first-class pensioner, passed; to levy special tax to builu a bridge over Roanoke river in North hampton and Halifax counties, passed; to stimulate taxes in the rural districts. passed; to authorise Franklin county to issue bonds to pay Indebtedness, passed; to authorize Richmond county to issue bonds to . pay . indebtedness, passed; to incorporate the Wlnston- ipassea; to incorporate me wiiimun-1 Salem Southbound Railroad Company, I passed; to Incorporate the FoxaWay I Company, In Jackson county, Mr. Ray I opposed the bill at. present, because it I gave too much power to the company to condemn any land, and he would like it to be re-committed to the com mittee ' to further examine into ; the merits of the same. The bill was re ferred to the Judiciary committee. To amend the charter of the town of En field. Halifax county, passed; to amend the charter of the Asheboro & Mont gomery Railroad Company, passed sec ond and third reading. At 2 o'clock p. m. the Senate adjourn ed until Monday at 4 p. m. " HOUSE The House met at 10 and Bey. Levi Branson. D. D., offered prayer. Bills were introduced as follows: Mr. Jones To allow Alleghany 1 to levy special -tax. Mr. Brown Toprotect fish; in Trent river. - Mr. Schulken For relief of ex-Sheriff McPhail, oi Columbus. I Mr. Gallop To regulate hunting arid fishing in Currituck. . 1 Mr. Morton To tax cigarettes i 15 cents a package. l Mr. Harris of Hyde To prohibit the I sate 01 mioxicauiiK wiuors , ia iu county. .- Mr. James to protect oeer ana rur- keys In Pender. Mr. Ward--To declare ordained! min isters and Justices of the peace public ofBeers,l .:. . . , ' ' - -Vl t , Mr. Schulken To provide .for pub lishing &00 copies of the public and 106 copies of the private laws of 1891. t. Mr. McBridi -To amend the charter I of LiunbertonV' : 1 j 1 I - Mr. Leak To allow the Forking1 of I convicts on certain roaas in Anson, ana 1 timtx-t th health of the DOODie of Wadesboro. x , t ? ' I I that the requisite $0 days notice waaff ntrt frlTTn tmi ThT rill tir rrtml thr rhar-1 a. ui-j 1 road Company, - was taken nix and waa 1 Indtely.ixponed. Mr. Iury pi.llL 17 testing a as last sucn action. -1 - - Th; bill to provide for and promote the oyster Industry of the State came Mr Harrisvof Hyde, found fauUI with the provisions ot the bill: In re gard to license for dredging,; Insist tnat tne out imposed a tax on who take oysters f or nrlvate uml Ur. Hancock Insisted these were not taxed. The bUI passed Its second and third readings. n vi -1 The Speaker announced as: assistant I enroll tag ciergs, appointed by Lieu ten- anfSovernor Reynolds and hbnserfij H. I F, Jones. A. V. Miller. J. C MaxwelL A. 9. Byrd. A. C Lehman, r. B.'WImbislu A. SpruiH. D. V. Carroll. On motion of Mr. Lusk. the, House confirmed these the Home inftml thMu . - -wisppoiBuiBata - t - 1 Bills - passed - allowing ' Washrairton 1 ifirrJPJfJ " rv"?": rrr?' . "'. ! were cast); te allow Brunswick county I to lew a snedai taw imJni. I nnms.amM.Hh I wiTmintonT Zlr7ZZlT&r.2: l ur ss resoer is eoanrud: I this. betBgthe act allowing a eounty to I I vote a tax of so cesta on the $100 fori Y; 14 189. I quire a tar. of $2 for each bear killed; THUB.CTTT FCIX OJT H-Ff" I 'or relief of ex-treasurer O. A Durant,'K ' ' ' I of Rrurunr.-b.. who Inxt ilEM hv h' , I lo amena secuon ztu qi los toae BO tm peuuvaer may eieci io w us petition in the Superior Court of the ! county where the i ' indictments - was found upon wheh the convection took place, or in Jthe county wherein be Is an actual and bona fide resident at the time of filing! his petition, which appli cation shall be heard by tbsudge at term. .. . "' -.!. --,-' r Bill to allow John W. Thompson to practice dentistry in the thirty-fifth senatorial district, which was tabled a few.uays ago. was! on Mr. -Deweese's motion taken from . the table. Mr. Bryan, of Wilkes and Mr. Piatt favor ed it. - while , Mr. Scbulken and : Mr. Dixon; of Cleveland opposed It, saying it proposed to encourage persons who! violated the' law. The r.111 falkMl tn pass. Bills passed providing that In all ac- tions brought by helrs-at-law or minor I children defendants in action to plead any defense which ; might have been pleaded by an executor, or in other words to. plead the : statute of limita tions in case an executor or adminis trator railed to make that plea ) or them: to abolish August term of Cas well Superior Court; to establish Glover I". K,na lo protect squirrels in r - er - I quunana. w incorporate jreao not 1 1?00, .and. Ladder Company ' of Kin - 1 . "" T i V , i rvnyin to create omce oi collector in Mecklenburg; to allow aU justices of v" i wucvuii ii I Mecxienourg; to aiiow an. justices oi v r-av.-a iivmm co .as sv3 va. aw uys av I ana interior courts power to taxe ana icerxuy icinawieagmcni ox iu graniurs I and private examination of married I 5,meln Onslow and IredeM excepted). i iva s axas . m. siacit vu A ci uuwuauoi Introduced a bill to allow that county! to levy a special tax: Mr. Lusk Bill to appropriate 11.000 annually to the Ldnd- o:,,.ZlK.r, . Utu L" 1 8utton bill to protect public water sup. nlioa liv iwmiriTxr all rnmninha olHno - u'.ta. rt tuba nM..ntinn. n nwvAA the supply from' contamination and that In cases where the supply comes from small lakes or streams not over fifteen miles long, a sanitary Inspection shall be made weekly or oftener if the board of health advises, failures to do this being punishable by $25 fine; Mr. Young, biilto provide for the paving of streets around the capital square. Bills passed creating a new township In McDowell; to give the judge of the Western Criminal Circuit Court the same power as a civil judge and strik ing out the word "criminal" in the des ignation of said court and allowing the Judge to hold special terms, at $100 each. Mr. Lusk saying there were over 400 cases on, the civil docket and there was a great demand for more courts In Buncombe. : At 2 o'clock the House adjourned un til 10 a. m. Monday. A bill to protect the lives of railroad passengers was tabled. DEATH OF M K. JAMES H.HOLT. I BTJDDEN SUMMONS AT EABLT MOBN. .. . - ' ine nwormtM tnrcn or oriinKton Loses Its Strongest Pillar; the State a Valuable Citixen, and ; the Home a Be rated HnsbaJMtaad ratbar The rnneral. News reached the 'j city yesterday morning of tbeTdeath Of Mr. James H. Holt, at his teome at Burlington, yes terday morning at 2 o'clock. Mr. Holt was taken sick Friday night. Up to that time he had been In his usual health. His sudden, death was a Brre&t shock-to tits familv. and when the fact becameknown here yes- ' Ufar..ile was a son er me laren;. m. noit, a brother oT MrT W7 ZE TIolf , and a brother-in-law- ef rMriJea. H. Youns:. th c,t We ws-6ne of the State's ,,. fel.0 rnt infliiontiai .m. JpUiar the xhyrcWnaRurlinst5n. He was esteed i his kiadlywarm heart, his generosity, his wllUnTjess- tQj.fcelix, those less for tunate than, himself, ard for his ten der, loving sympathy for all In trouble. He was by birth and nature a Chris tian gentleman. His Church and State mourn -him. ' Mr. Holt married Miss Laura Moore, of Rockingham, who, with eight chil dren, seven sons and one daughter, sur vives him. . . .. ' Mr. Holt -was chairman of the ex amining board in the Commercial Na tional Bank. The directors met yes terday afternoon, and appointed a com mittee to a his death. . mittee to draft resolutions in regard to The funeral services will be held to- day at 2 o'clock. The Commercial Bank will be represented by Mr. J. S. Spencer, president; Capt. A. G. Ecci niser, cashier, and Mr. H. C v r . . . . . I saio. j. rx. zoungana asugnier, Mrs. 1 r. a rv.rf.wnHh I morning for Burlington. Miss Sadie I Young and Mr. Henry-Nichols fallowed 1 last night. A NEIGHBOR'S ESTIMATE, A former citizen of Burlington, speak ing of Mr. .J. H. Holt yesterday, said: 'I have known him intimately for eight years past4 and have ha l opportunity to Judge him welL I always knew him as a kind, tender-hearted man, strictly upright in all hi" dealings, with a kindly feeling for sufTerin? and bereav ed humanity. He loved his Church (Presbyterian), and was !-aear!y always 1 In his place on Sunday, nnd if no ser vice at his church, would worship with another jlenomlnatron. He was fond of 1 his home and. home life, snd took great 1 delight In gathering hlri children at home on Sundays. Burlir gton has suf- fered a great loss, as wet as the State, in his death; and the : Presbyterian church In that town Its strongest sup- mrt H A DOUBLE TRAGEDY. A Lady Dies While Preparing a Corpse for Berlal Protesting Against Annulling Special to tb Observer. Concord. Feb. 13. News reached the city to-day of an almost unheard-of eo- incidence, which happened in -No. 8 township last Thursday morning. Mrs. uus uarringer. a miu iif-g laoy. "."f iT" .." m-i " lWI,n vypnoia pnewmoria, urea, a neighbor. Mrs. Jacob Almsn, a "woman most amiable ladv. was sent for to come and be corpse foraurtaL wwie 1 p" " ui,.r..irau took suddenly Ul and died wtthm three ""y wc.-, m, burlaL The death of Mrs. Aiman is at tributed to heart falrore. and to hav ing become unduly excited. - - - I UTGE'iroKWOOD EXDOR8KD. f t 1 Bar Stand By mas In a He of j lattoae Mr. Webb's Hard Work. ; 1 -to the Observer. - - - Monroe. Feb. 13. Court r closed here to-day.The week's work has been well end rapidly done. -Judge Norwood nasi Impressed himself upon our people as I a lair-minoea juage. Tnur. azternoen aite Charlotte. because ber peome were meeting of the bar was held and resolu tions strongly endorsing the 'Judge as Tm. Ahla mnA ImnartlQl . wm. nnflfll. ln,Ub...4.,i , m.. inti... .Iwtl iuuiwi' wytipr. .... MMW twvi-muMv i -lexoressed the. desire. that tha Lewlsla- tare mnt A nneclal term of court aad Jad rwood w jirau . - - , Managing Dr.Taiakago. - . ,. . w. - n.tw. w.- 1' m . .! - !1?" TV Tolm.m. nn th S4th. . lfr. RnwaLrr tm manaacer for: l,TaJmaxwon hia &oulh- era tour. . , ,. - - LEGISLATORS L AKE WELCOME ret; r"-"'J"', Y' j.t.. wvu.i re-i. J. . - i ' , . --.--: They to Bs th Bm-DUw- ; fiaeaU of a,' Wsnsnsstarers ; Uat HMkMk " - Valkl ui thM Uood Koads the Text ataaaiasU w"gi"es "" snmsaipssssas After a- night of refreshing leei In the good oeos at the central, ihe gen tlemen composing the legislative com- rrittee sent to Inspect the . roads - of Mecklenburg, apeared on. deck about :30, yesterday morning, -ready for the sights and. experiences of the day before mem. - Mayor Weddington and . committee of citlxens with carriages awaited the legislators. 1 They were - not: long in embarking. and soon the line of drive , was taken up, and the visitors were spinning o'er" the macadam of the city and country. After a visit to. the camps: on the Dowd road, the party drove through IMIworth ' and Atherton. visiting the Atherton Mill: then on, to the Camden iwimuun, w jwi .,, c-wwv dence and Monroe roads were driven op The visitors were not only pleased. but enthusiastic, the various- expres sions and sentiments1 being voiced be low. The party returned to the city about 1 o'clock and did full Justice to the fine dinner Mr. Campbell, of the Cen tral, served. AFTERNON TRIP. i in the afternoon the committee visit - ed the convict camp and saw the work of cruahine stone and of aenaratlnc It i0f crushing stone and of separating 1 I for rofid use. 1 The following data was obtained from I r.nyineer epratt: ! z; . : trice paiu to larmers tor stone uen v i ered and piled on road ready to be crushed. 40 cents per cubic yard. About 100 convicts usually worked. Cost of roads about $2,800 per? mile. Cost to maintain and guard convicts. 25 cents each- per: day. Worked in gangs of 60. - f Two gangs in Mecklenburg county. Each has an outfit of machinery. Each outfit of machinery cost .about as follows: r. ,..$800 1 "(S"" o-iim I CTTUSher, etC i,. 800 Roller. 600 Teams, tools, etc., 2,500 Total ...$4,600 The steam roller Is nut down at $600. There are two in the county. On cost $350; the other $2,800. The people on the Vanderbilt estate say that a horse power roller better than a steam rol ler. I it is thought that $5,000 is needed for any county for a plant to crusn ana semi ate stone. The tents used have frame or board sides and roofs of canvas. A! design is now made to make roofs of corru gated iron. ? The tax is seven-tenths of one mill. and not over 0 cents per hundred dollars. The county commissioners are P. M. Brown. Chairman; J. u. aaaier anaw.r . Kuykendal, and Mr. Sadler is chairman of the road committee. The board meets about four times a month. The chairman gets four dollars per day and the other members two dollars for nr.eetinsr davs. Prof. Holmes says that the cost of hauling, to the farmers of the utate. I r.r.nnto Kv Ava mllllnn dnllnro mrmi'l I V 1 JTC" " V-CI " ' t to make good roads would De more than well spent. AT THE CLUB. Returning to the city about o'clock, the committee went, by Invitation, to the Manufacturers' Club, where they were greeted by President Chadwick, Mr. W. T. Jordan, Dr. J. H. McAden, Postmaster Robertson and other: mem hen nt th club. i - Here a Ihnch bad been prepared, to which the committee was Invited, ana which thev seemed to enjoy. At the close of the lunch. President i Chad wick, on the nart of the club, wel corned the visiting legislators to the hospitalities of the club, in a neat and friendly speech. 1 The delegation appointed jr. : j. . Ferguson, of Haywood, to respond to the speech of welcome. Mr. Ferguson paid a tribute to his own county and then to Mecklenburg. He expressed his own and the committee's, high appre ciation of the reception that Mecklem v,iircr hAi rivm tn the. members of .-- Legislature. He was pleased that In Mecklenburg's hospitality no inquiry hnri hwn made as to nolitics. but that all Charlotte wanted to know was that her guests were North Carolinians. Mr. Ferguson paid a tribute to the women of North Carolina, and spoke with eloquence of the progress ; in in dustrial development in the last ten years. ' In response to calls. Dr. J. H. Mc Aden. of Charlotte. the: spoke. He said he believed we were making head- iv nv tn industrial aeveiopineu, hoped for the support of Oie ,Legis-I lature. amer iu u , . .A v. vnti 'nealc. rni -T h t -unninxnam. 01 rnwu, 1 county, wasinvited to This speech . nnnnlnvtism made a most -- I nieuint and eloquent speech. , He I spoke of Mecklenburg as the home of j the original declaration diiuuC and -of-Vance. He favored good roaas. .1 rTd believed that the Mecklenburg I movement would extend over the whole I 0 a ,t r n THft wirnitv. was I wi r. a. wuj v - - . . i li-i nn n. imiM in favor on evind roads, and expreswia- am MMMtt nr vnu ne nsvu e mc ... i his visit. He believed that tn worn here would -lead to aeviopmem. the eastern State. ; Dr. A. B. Alexander, of TyrrelL wae next called. Dr. Alexanler was glad to come to Charlotte. H was glad he had come here and had learned.; much about the building: of roe-Is. t Next was called Mr. J- B. Freeman, of Hendersonvllle. Th s antlemsn made the sneech of the evening. He ..m inrMitmont in railroads went to foreign people, in most. cases, The investment In good county roads made by Mecklenburg county staid here for the benefit' of the people. Rome bunt mada for the benefit or Rome. Meck lenburg's county roads were for the -mod of the county. It mrst not oe nn itaMtMut that, he deseri'd his home. The rTendersonvine com try w(M the most beautiful rountry; atthecowntrv around Asheville : and HendersonvIHe ma nnt onlv beautiful but had power In wrwtd river to run all tre factories of he Carollnas and to spare. " He wanted tn nee good rrmdn'from HderaonvITle sjl the warto Charlotte. He booed bin trrwn would meet tut half-wa with wrwvt rrtadej' Mr. C. M. cruen. or jonnsotj, wan oand. - Mr. Cruch said that im pi ete nmona a mTer u I s wanted rn n mt down u snpwrt- any wnwt ronveraerw rood rosde. We have resources here w this' State . and he wanted ' them develored. He was in favor r whatever edweaHw wuld auallfv home people to be efficient in the devel wmentf home Indnstrles. . He Saw n reason for good citizens to be scared of axes tf the money was to, be . so applied that It weuW benefit the peo ne. He was wljilng to "vote, for tares hat wtild educate the reoTt'e aal de e1ot the home- resenrcsn. . He praised Charlotte for ,lenc. wining to invest wwmey for the benefit cf the people. vfeh er poor. He wanted to eongratn- wining to meet stranrer and ex pend to thetn .the hasa, of welcome. He-had met kind and homtt'ble people before.: hut must credit Charlotte with having no superiors, i 5"" WrK PnettT editor of the Wool and The rext gentleman ranea was r. icrwton Beoorter. or Boston. a, Mr. Bennett bapnened to be In the room, but even wtthoat notice, -lie re fnonded mest happflv.-TTe told a 3obe nj.ijJWMj.-'. i w.i. a ivew Kneiand iaor vm bed eaten oysters.- frledV-stewed and brnfled urlt her -bosom- rose, and fell th -the -tide; He brought - a - me wears from ttta North aa follows: i.Tbe North Pric? 5 Cents: had net gone out of the business e manufacturing cotton, but sha hoied for the South every success and. pros perity. . ... . , - Mr. - It- M." Crumpler, of Sampson, was unprepared, but could not fall to speak in favor of Mecklenburs- rmli and of Charlotte's hospitality, . He had been in the Shenandoah .-valley In the - l war .thought that the best people. OCI k. k slihnni k.b , i.. . w.-mMwm n v. n VI. &u. opinion, he thought . Charlotte peoplar ana cnariotte roaas- were next. rroL J. A. Holmes, state Geologist, being called,, said that be had been coming to Charlotte for a number of years, and he considered that this coun ty had now-reached the condition of being the equal of any. county In the uniteo etates uv road buiiainr. , lie could not. say. that Massachusetts, or mew . Jersev or. Tennessee could . sur pass Mecklenburg-county. North Caro- -Una, In road building. , He said that New York State had shut up her con victs to keen them out of competition . with honest labor. North Carolina bad done better by-putting her convicts on a farm and making them self-support ing. .Thinsv however, how . deficient our system most yet be,- when we mats 1,000 men. without wives or children self-supporting. ' We ought" to make these men do some good. - We ought to pat mem on the road. t They ought to be made to do . more than support themselvea' They ought to be made to construct Yood roads for the benlit of the present and succeeding genera- ; tkms. They should be made to heln to correct crime by making easy com-. mumcauon between good men. - We should not abuse people who do not . agree with us about - good roads, r but - 11 ,rVrth7 I rue with u,em XP I thm - ... .. . J ; " J' Mr. J. ' M. Terrell. . of wake county. then spoke. - H it -chairman -of; the . committee on public roads and turu- pikes. He said that he. felt that he had little fitness for the' position that -he held on the committee, except his Interest tn , good roads. . He wanted - Charlotte people to visit Raleigh. He said, Mecklenburg had better roads be-' cause the people here were willing to- be taxed: willing to invest money for the benefit of all people. Agricultural , classes ought to appreciate good roads, v because they must use them most. . All -good dtlsens ought to be In favor -of : good roads, because the country peo ple needed support at this Uiua, Our resources are boundless, and good roads would develop them for all our poople. V He was glad ,tr hear Mr. wnnett - speak, and he wanted New : England people to come South. . This 's the gar- den spot of the woria, -ana mere ur v room here for a long time to com. i - : 4 Mr. E. F. Ekldins. of Stanly county. was then called. He said that he bad. - confidence In the resources of this State. ' He had faith, also, in the patrtotlsm of the people of the State; he wa ready to favor any movemnt to bene-, fit the whole . people and tms istate. Dr. S. M. Lyle, of Franklin county. then answered a call - He was here j ten years ago and would not. now rec ognize this city as the aune place. Btinsr a ohrslclan. he made a com parison between the organisation of a country and the anatomy . .of a human , -being. He thought good roids for free Intercourse of people as important as - free circulation of blood in a nuraan le lng. Mr. J. El. Lyon, or Lrarnam, was next called. He said: "It seems to me that . enough has been- said. vWe are the Jury and we are ready to renaer our vr- ' diet. Mecklenburg roads are good. I represent a county that favors good roads. I learn nere to-oay tnai w I " 1V5 m-,,i.-rv. Our town is an en- temrlsinir one. and we can teach Meek- lonhnrw soma thlnars. but we can all learn something; here about road-building." Mr. W. H. EL Lawhon, of Moore.. then answered a calL "I am no poUtl- clan." he said, "but I think of. Mefk- , Ienburg people as men, of freedom. . I am criad to see they are now leading to free live-stock from oppression, t; He saw many people were comma Moore from the North, and that his county had already made a move for ward and was going well ahead. " i This ended the reception and speecn- m a king. The party adjourned, to the rvmtral to auner. Mr. George - camp- bell, proprietor of the Central, leading. ; the way. ; . r.'f Mr. fa mn bell was with the committee during the day, and did everything in -his power to make them comfortable and enjoy a pleasant day. - ,..: - A PPRKriATTVE VISITORS. 1- After the entertainment a&d speaking the members of the legislative com mittee held a special meeting at ins Manufacturers' Club. ' !rr. T.vnn. of Durham. ! was1 made , chairman of this meeting, and Messrs. , Wrenn and Ferguson were made sec retaries. ' -1 - Dr. Alexander offered a resolution that -a committee -of three be appointed to draft resolutions of thanks to Char- . kitte for the hospitable entertainment; of the committee. - Dr. Alexander beg- - ged to be excused from serving on tne t committee. - The 'following committee . was appointed: a. j, woye, oenaie; cruch and S. H., Lyle, House. tu.iiuiicW ..u-, w- SJS Invited to visit and inspect the roads tr .i.v.u- ,. n- of Mecklenburg . county,, having . per-. formed ;J"?- Tlrst. That the county which led the Mtate ana tne iimon in n uti freedom from British rule, has also led, the State and the Boutn in tne grana ReeorMt. That the wonderful growth in . . - .a prosperity, the increase - in vaiue or rnuiw 'wmia ' remunerative uiuytmni. - nrices, instead of starvation wages. .Is - - in a srreat measure due to tne oerter 'sciHt tea for - transportation. ' Now. ;v: therefore; be ft v ? Resolved. First. That we are con- ,:: vineed- that next to edues-tlonal facflL lea : the - srreatest factorw in the ut- - hntldtna- of our State -wltt be the Im-' nrovemerit of our public Msrhways. and : - hrourb this means the abolition of the ' flve-mflllon dollar tax which our pres--, enf bed roads irnnose annually upon -. the peortle of this Ptate.'-1 i l ; "Seconds That Mecklenburg eounty -j-has the best road and best svstem of -sreriririg-msds In the State, and. i . Third. If there 1s a more kindly, gwn al and tioiroltable- neople ths n the In- ; ' hitants of the "Hornets' Nest." they , tuw never crossed our-path. 'end. j : FVnrth. That we ewfend our thenfcs n the rttens of Charlotte for then ' thoughtful kindness in providlns- fir wr comfort and nleewe while In their nldst, and to the Stat Good Reds" Lee rue for the rlndness shown tis while. enroute, through It seeeeery. ; . A. J. irrrrvt. - - r ; ", , 5 - a. nyrPww'H. ' J. M. FTfWELLfc . V - P. H. LTLB. , M Fr b Crwnwtee. . ? CH? FOR THE PTATE CONVICTS. Tbe members pf the committee eoid . Mainly ee how rich conntles eould dn niieate. the raehods And mseMnery. f . Mecrienbttrr. but whet could the ooor . counties do?. A. emsVilrur outfit would , v coet nbont Mono, at the least, . , t f ( Some-thonght the Ktate mlgh.t itnp4 . K Inp nd pt 1.000 convicts on th -eonda. These fttate convicts. 1 3 .hnlld - , : m.!n State rosda. Tbla would reoulro ;;: the purchase of SO outfits of machlteer, . . .i. . ... ........ . . B. total met or sprinnr-nvfua riKiny ... tnwsed do'l8rn JTmltMng teame. r""- v IMv Hfry thousand dollars would wnr- ' flee to buv twewfv ontgts for crushing tone, t start with. The farmers conl.1 .--1 furnt-i the stone, ewoept n some, few . local!. where railroads would haal It at coet. ' J, - The cost to maJntetn. keep and rrjird 1.000 convicts would he about $100 pei ; : r wear. each. - . Tbe ttai for . the i.ono wetttd" be fteO.000. These shrwld rm'ld ' 10a mOnt of road per year. The fttato ceid-'rakef no better hveslmi. . ; The above Js cheaper; thn Mecrjen- i hursr's. roads.: but. It should ewer the cost; as in many parts of the State the v mads need not be so well rraded.aa m i ; Mecklenburg:, and on a : larger . scale tb fitate ought to build cheaper. . j -The counties snotua nuiid nrancn tni - subordinate roads. In poor counties ; --eluded on Fourth Page.) r - ! - t - 1 1 1 ''I - I V- I S 1 f i

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