cotton dtm flcpuSEy , , ; f ' essssssssssassnseswssjsss. - .' i rjfl I f 0 v I ; S I s u?h It f CI f 8 1 er st 1 - 2 .5 s or o ft K 2 of - 0 u tn a H Whitio Machine Works, Wfaitinnvilia, Y3ass. CAKDS, ' DR4WIDQ, SPOOLERS, BXEU, SPINNING, TWISXEBS. QfTUXKBS, LOOMS. STUART 'W. CRAJVCER, OS Soutti Tryon St., Olxeurlotrte, IV. C THE GEO. B. HISS OIL CO., LUBRICATING OILS AND GREASES. oar tom misju tbadi a bfuulit. CHARLOTTE, N. 0. BLACKWELL'S I MS't!iQU lis 1 wvxrtz -i ! DURHAM V-- ff-k 11 , I Yon will find, one eoapun ' 1 " ' tllljjsr i gi nvrrV -'!df each two ounce ba, " , 'y 0 L f r two coupons Inside each, 7" flf9S(i ill I I ounce bag of Black- , J3- -ffl 1 1 ff I Si. .1 Durham. Bay a bag yLrm 'il ! 1 Eii' c ii celebrated tobacco ir'l!' TT i1- mm ,-. utl l ; ad the coupon -which jll yjSjjy'ga'. t yvgffl!i& r: 1 ti.w to get them. "Wf11 ' '! '1 f " ' H"! HThe Obseintei Printing Utest tad Mott Approve! Modem AppHtncei'foT th f j speedy execution of PRIMTINQ la the best manner. I w. DONT PLAGE YOUR 0RDB8 FOR ' fhtfl jmmmt Stock mmi get rar PtIcm. Iu.gst rtock of pat -d I.ETT1K HEABS, PACCTT Won HtADS, BILL HlAPj, $TATEKtrn, EWTELOTM, CKP, TAOS, ETC, ETO- Weddinf Invitations tnd VWflnf Cutis, Write tad Colored Flats, Uncus, Book, Cover, f ogter tad Mews Paper. PRINTING INK AMD YKKVEKf SUPPLIES GENERALLY. K. E. BLAKE Y, MANAGER. COAL, COKE AND POD HniHin AITD KBTAIXi. Bitnmlnoaa (toft) Goal a ipeolalty, and we claim onn the beat and moit economical grades ever told here; being very hard, there la praoMoally no slack, (fine coal) snoh being clear loss to eontumer. Sole agents for Bine Gem, Iadiaa Mountain Jellico, and Goal Greek. We also handle best grades Anthra cite, Egg, Stove and Not. Gall at our city office, 33 North Tryon street, (op posite City Hall), where samples may bo seen and orders left. Try our Dogwood and Persimmon stove wood. It will please you. READ THIS. Seven-room dwelling No, 500 North Popular street ; can be bought on easy terms and at reasonable prices. R. E. COCHRANE, Real Estate and Insurance. Our Popular Shoe! Our new style $4 tan shoe for men is goinjr to prove the hit of tbe season. Made from the best grade Russia calf; entirely new shade of tbe popular ox pioo& colors. This leather polishes a rich mahogany, and will not spot, as do the lighter shades. The "swell" toe is pronounced Just .right. The sole la the best ever put on a shoe, and will not squeak nor let in, damp. We expect to sell one-thousand pairs of them In the next ninety days. Widths AA to V- lim tn 19. Trifw ti AA 6ILREATH & COMPANY, We have bo old stock to naload upon yoo. Koihlag but the newest and brightest - things in Fnrnitnre. We guarantee the lowest prioes mod the best work. Maxwjxi. Mixwxix. Kitson flachine Co., OPEMEK8 WITH FEKDKKS, BKKAKKBS. HITX3UCKDIATB AXO mUHEE IAJPPKRS. XXBSCHJOEB OARODie BSATKBSV jw w .II. SEE? House Q Rated Pipew tn tbe State, PHONE 179 The FAT Purse AND The THIN Purse BUY JUST THE SAME QUALITY at our store. Yanderbilt with his millions oan bay no better drngs and medicines than we offer you because no better are made. FITZSIMONS & CO., Druggists. Opposite the Hotels. Richard A. Blythe, COMMISSION MERCHANT, COTTON WABFS AND YARNS. No. 114, Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ARLINGTON HOTEL Centrally Located, Near'Postoffica CHARLOTTE, N. O. Under new and permanent management. Sixty elegantly furnished rooms;. All modern improvements. Table equal to any la the city. Rates: tLaO, 12.00 and 13.50 per day WJJU(liM,0wEcrcJferi2L; JAS. R MITCHELL &G0. 123 axo 124jCsrjtnTr raajUDStnaa ii 81 AJDttSTJlQCaBaT COTTOH TABSS CF ALL AH XSXSH BOSX. : ' - , k " -i The door lies open and the crate twtngt wide: All are made welcome even sua and " t run. Well IcnowB the host,' and knows with - conscioTia prldev That all- who leave his door will come again . . -.-:- The -refuge o the homeless and ' the lost: And no one hungers there, unless It be ueiiMt .iW..'.'. S. R. Elliott, in the Century. POUT1GAI. JTiXAXS. Osscriblmg That at the Populist They Stepped la Wbora tha Kecro Befased te Go Whore We May Be Dolus? Feo- gMaWcoag. To tbe Editor of the Observer: I have said that the Populists' ideal was not -only a protest. It was a retal latlon, against the Republican ideal retaliaUon in that it admits that the government may bestow special bene fits, and that the only mistake that the Republican party has made Is in the class upon which . the benefits have been bestowed. It Is clear, then, that Populism meets Republicanism on its own ground, and contests with It there. The govern ment may give: It has given you. must, in consequence, give us. The premise admitted,, cat and dog fight roiiowB, unless there is .-an agreement which divides the spoils equitably, and even then, there is growling. I remember what I heard said by the wisest man I ever met, years ago, and years after the negroes became citi sens, to an audience of whites, and anent the negroes: "These men are citisens, a component part of your po iiucal system; unless you elevate them they will debase you." Full of this idea, I went to a negro, without any desire or intention to patronize him he was too able a man for that and asked him this question: "Don't you see, , that If your people take an in dependent position, they can make themselves necessary to both parties, and within reason can demand any thing they want, and can get it? "True," said he, "but how about prin ciple?" 1 Old not think, then, that his own rape would remain for twenty years true to what they regarded as principle, while part of my own would place themselves in exactly the post' tion that the negroes might have placed themselves at that time. And I can't refrain from asking now: "How about principle?" 1 can write calmly about our present State politics with difficulty. Here is a party which represents about 40,000 voters in the State, -yet it deals with both the great parties on equal terms. it dictates to both of them: give us half the offices or you get none,' and it is perfectly willing to deal with either, provided it gets its share of spoils; yet so far from seeing any thing wrong in this, it brags of it, struts about the streets of Raleigh. and says to an admiring crowd of fop ulists: "Oh, what a smart boy am I! It is as perfect a case of unconscious immorality as was ever exhibited in the political history of the State. Yet Irovidence, making of men's smart ness folly, has raised up the famous 19. as a reductio ad absurdum. The offices in the gift of the Legislature could not satisfy both Republicans and Populists. They might satisfy the bolters. So the bolters, reducing the Populist princl pie (?) to its ultimate ratio, find them selves contented, if not happy, In hold ing all the offices to which the Popu lists are entitled ( ?) Side by side with the wound we find the cure. Seriously, though, and I would have every person who reads this article to approach it seriously, are we not doing the people a wrong when we fail to at tack these men as they deserve to be attacked, not the voters many of them are honest but the wretched self-seekers who, appealing to the weakness of the voters, are bent only on getting themselves a comfortable oifice. FRANK NASH Hillsboro, N. C, Feb. 16, 1897. DrKSTKOW FINALLY HANGED. A Fortune Spent In the Effort to Clear Him His Crime Continuances, A p peals, Mistrials A Noted Case. Union, Mo., Feb. 16. Upon a scaffold erected in the Franklin county jail yard in this village, under a clear and sunny sky, surrounded by about 100 parsons, the majority being physicians. newspaper men and deputy sheriffs Arthur Duestrow, of St. Louis, was le. gaily executed to-day for the murder of his wife and little son, in that city three years ago. The condemned man. who has simulated insanity since the day of the crime, kept his role until late last evening', when, by his an awers, it was evident that he keenly realized that the end was near, and all hope was gone, in the battle for life. Duestrow was in receipt of an income of J10.000 a year for life, settled upon him by his father. He was studying medicine in St. Louis, but had practi cally given himself up to drink. On the day of the murder he had made an en gagement with his wife to take her sleigh riding. When he went to keep his appointment he was drunk and quarrelsome, and abused the servant who admitted him to the house. His wife endeavored to draw his attention from the servant, when he turned upon her, shot her four times, and then held up their baby against the wall and put a bullet through its head. A fortune has been spent in the effort to clear Duestrow, on the ground of insanity There have been five continuances, one mis-trial and one change of venue in the case. The case attracted wide at tention, and has established many precedents by court rulings upon in sanity pleas in defense. DISCUSSING THE KATE QUESTION. Meeting of Sailroad Officials In Charles tonMam's the Word. Charleston. S. C, Feb. 16. A gather ing of prominent railroad men was held hare to-day at the Charleston Hotel. It was attended by W. W. Finley, vice president of the Southern; John M. Ea gan, of the Central of Georgia; T. K. Scott, of the Georgia Railroad; Reuben Foster and J. M. Culp, of the Southern; T. M. Emerson, of the Atlantic Coast Line; Cecil Gabbet, of the Georgia & Alabama: F. B. Papy, of the Plant Sys tem; D. F. Jack, of the Plant System; A. G. Jackson, of the Georgia Railroad, and J. B. Cleveland, of the Charleston & Western Carolina Railroad. The meeting was called by the three gentle men mentioned first for the purpose of discussing the rate question in the Southeastern territory. The meeting lasted for several hours, but the gentle men who attended it declined to say anything far publication, on the ground that the business before them was or a routine and technical nature. THE POSTAL BAROMETER. It Shows a General Business Depression Increases Shewn at Bat Few Idtrge Cities. i Washington. Feb. 16. Postmaster General Wilson to-day gave out a statement showing the gross postal re ceipts of the thirty largest postofflees, for the month of January, 1897, as com pared with that of the same period of 1896. The total receipts for January, 1897, were 42,839,911, and for January, 1896, $2,944,354. a net decrease of S104,- 443. The eight largest offices including New York. Chicago, Philadelphia, Bos ton, St. Louis. San Francisco, Cincin nati and Brooklyn, show decreases in receipts. Only nine of the thirty offi ces show increases. They are Balti more, Cleveland, Detroit, Washington, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Providence, Albany and Newark. Tbe receipts of the PostorBce Department are consid ered to be a good indication of the pros perity of the times and this statement shows a general depression of business; in fact,' tbs decreases for January for this year have been the greatest ior some years. Titers is Nothing So Good. There is nothimr lust aa rood as Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption. coughs ana colas, so aem&na it ana ao not permit ins dealer to sell 7011 soma substitute. ' He, will net claim there la anything better, bat tn order to make more nraftt he mar claim something else to be Just as good. Tou want Dr. King's New Discovery because yon know it us to saxe ana reuaoiev ana guaranteed to do good or money re funded. Far coughs, colda eonaamp tion and for all affections of throat, chest and lungs, there Is nothing so good as ts Dr. King's New Discovery. Trial bottls free, at BurweH A Dunn's drug store. ; KKSTJI.TS OF TBOR BtAKOITCVKES. . - ' sf -" - -H-V T1m W of ! Gnu, si t XJittto, BaUsfaetory "wd Jmstruetir The ture. There is no material change In Search lights Crest.; Exeept ta-JTsg sytfaer tone or-prteet, ,f :' Vg lstliA 4t?ls ! I crrv Pimimric mi svfi - "l??; ""JrUimlerhsarlsr TmM... mt possible Just now to rightly estimate tiMM-esults of the manoeuvres. Officers who will discuss the matter at ail ex press great satisfaction with what has been accomplished. This consisted mainly In, exercises with . the search' lights and guns of the ships. .Nightly mere was practicing? with - ughts on ship boats sent out for the special pur pose. The ship would pick the boat up. and then following It with the light a record would be made of the observa tions taken at all distances, until the limit of the light was reached. Tbe practicing with the main batteries was especially Important and interesting; With the smaller guns considerable ac curacy was developed, some of the ships striking then- floating' targets frequently. The work with the heavy pieces was less accurate, but far more instructive, aa he - men needed this practice the most. The New Tork. for instance, struck her target no less than twenty times during the practice with both of her batteries. While the of ficers do not say so, it Is probable that the work with "the searcmignts was somewhat disappointing at times. On clear nights the lights achieved per feet results, but they proved utterly in adequate to cope with heavy fog or mist On the night when the Vesuvius ran the blockade the lights did not car- rv 500 yards. The Maine will leave the fleet to-mor row and proceed to Port Royal, where she will coal. It Is stated positively by persons in a do si tion to know of what they speax. that the ships stood the firing of the crreat guns welt : neitner tne guns, tur rets, or gear of any kind, receiving any injury. Nominations by the President. Washington, Feb. 17. The President to-day sent to the Senate the following nominations: Medical Inspector James R. Tryon, to be medical director; also a number of other naval promotions. To be chaplains in the navy, John ii. McJunkin, of Iowa, and Dean R. Le- land, of New Jersey. He Was Endorsed by Mr. Bryan. Washington, Feb. 17. Rev. John H. McJunkin, of Washington, Iowa, ap pointed naval chaplain to-day, is f Presbyterian minister recently at Mis soula, Mont., and Ruskin, Neb. He was born May 2, 1869, and his principal endorsement wss from Wm. J. Bryan. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and post tively cures piles,! or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisrac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents a box. For sale)' by Burwell & Dunn Company. , FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Cotton Market Opened Firm and Ad' anced 3 to a Points In Sympathy With Liverpool At the Close Prices Showed a Decline of 8 to 10 points. Special By Private Wire to Harrison Watts. New York, Feb. 17. Cotton opened up firm and advanced 3 to 5 points, in sympathy with the better J-iiverpool markets, but later developed weakness on efforts of the bulls to liquidate. The short interest had been eliminated and the crowd had got long of the market on the early advance, audi tne buying power having thus been exhausted sales could not be made in the late trading except at a continually lower range of prices. All the news from Liverpool, Fall River and local dry goods centres were favorable, but they failed to bring In much new speculative buying. The tone at the close was easy and at tne lowest, witn prices showing a net decline of 8 to 10 points from last night'B closing. The total sales were 149,900 bales. February 24th will be the hrst notice day for the de livery of cotton on March contracts. and it is understood that a large num ber of notices will be issued. Exten sive preparations are making for plant ing another big crop. Our agents re port an unusually heavy demand for fertilizers. E. B. CUTHBERT & CO, The Wheat Market Showed a Steadier Un dertone and Cloeed Firm at S-8c. Net Advance. New York, Feb. 17. Wheat showed a steadier undertone to-day and closed firm, at c. net advance. The market was stimulated by better cables, clear ances of 25,864 barrels of flour at New port News and 348,712 bushels of com. making the total clearances equivalent to 334.000 bushels of wheat and 863,000 bushels of corn. Exporters here took 10 loads of wheat, and this also helped the market, causing shorts to cover and influencing some new buying by scalpers for long account. Beyond this no new features were developed In the situation. The trade was light, and was irregular and unsettled to-day, and chiefly professional. E. B. CUTHBERT & CO. Cotton Goes Up and Then Recedes. Special to the Observer. New York, Feb. 17. The advocates of high prices for cotton received a set back to-day. The Liverpool market ad vanced again this morning, and prices here opened four points better.May sell ng on the first call at 6.98. One prom inent house bought heavily, and for time it looked like another bull day. May rising to 7 cents. But tne shorts were practically all covered. Specula tion was absent, and when brokers rep resenting New Orleans and Liverpool urdertook to unload a portion of their recent purchases, the advance could not be sustained. Prices gradually receded and with occasional reactions of a point or ' two, the market steadily declined until the close, which was quiet with 6.87 bid for May. The feeling was more cheerful after the close and May sold at 6.89. In view of the firm, and in some cases, higher spot markets in the South, we consider the decline here ro-iay to be unwarranted and we favor buying. RIORDAN & CO. The Stock Market. New York. Feb. 17. There was a falling-off In the trading at the stock exchange to-day. The sales aggregated 54,106 shares against 179,000 yesterday. In to-day's total Sugar figured for 32,- 600 shares. Tobacco fora9,200 and Leather, preferred, for 13,700. These were the three mast active stocks. Ir- rei alarity was the chief characteris tic of the speculation at the opening. but subsequently the market showed a tendency to improve, the result of a sharp rise m Tobacco. This stock jumped 3Vi per cent, to 72. and the ad vance was credited to manipulation. Sugar was erratic, and closed per cent lower on the day. The reports of fresh competition and realizations for a small pool are acoun table for the de cline. In the railroad list Northern Pacific and the Grangers were firm, while Hocking Valley and the Anthra cites ruled weaker. The first mentioned were bought by foreign houses, about 3,000 shares being taken. Hocking Valley stock fell 1 per cent, and the bonds 59 pen cent, on the revival of the receivership- reports. It was stat ed that the company had not provided as yei iqr tne interest aue Aiarcn 1. Nothing official, however, could be ob tained on the score. The losses in the Anthracite group were far less import ant and excited little interest. Among the Gould stocks. Missouri Pacific fell to 19. Manhattan was feverish. ranging between 86tt87, The belief still prevails in certain circles that the directors contemplate a ' reduction tn the dividend rate.: This is being used by the bears with some effect against the stock. In the last hour speculation snowea nnnness on; covering or snort contracts, but in the final transactions leading bears again sold and the mar ket tn consequence left - off steady and nrm. T here was little news to affect speculation, although believers in high er prices attempted a long time to use the reported improvements In the iron and' steel trade to bid up the market for stocks. The falling off in the earn ings of the St Paul road for ihe second week in February had no Influence, and less attention was paid to the proceed ings of- the Lexow investigation com mittee. The usually active stocks show bat slight changes either way. Tobac co gained Z per cent, while Western TJnkm and Missouri Pacific lost 41 per cent. - f i - , . - Bonds were nrm In tone to-day. The total sales were 11.237,000. - - New York. Fet 17. Treasury bal ances: Coin, $134,34,368; currency, $58, 703,496. , r ..; The-ry Geoda Uarkait fTnehaaad. I " New Tork. Feb. :i7.-JThe JSry gooda market to-da.y- preaented. no new fea- ' 2 " . bright sliced hj ii - .. fa lriKht siloed.. . . " ems, s " ; Peaches unpeeledlialves. bright. n ear paJS3rmrrr MLrm iKqr wmcm. ........ Family " j.,. Hides dryper .... seoasss assesses sat tsw&ieo af Wool Baconhog lound per pound ...... ... . . nam...... ............ -sides . , " shoulders gates as pounds per boshei K$ae ... SAiftita jre dy ml wt Mil BUM ....... ..1. ................ VOUPOO Meal bolted 44 pounds par bushel ga&tt " nnhnttwA St : 44a OorirOld-poimdpetnisbL... 4S&45 Onions select per bushel 6054 Lard M. O... , 8 Tallow..... 4 SM0 4 Ducks ia&is Hens per head 4 18S0 Spring chickens. 191S Roosters per head... 115 Turkeys per pound....' 7 t Ooineaa I0tt Butter choice yellow . ia15 Honey strained per pound.. j." oomb per pound... SO 10 Eggs-hen - 183)30 Wheat KQM gyo- eoaee Feathers. t6Q41 MONEY MARKET. . New York, 17. Money on call quiet lVs tol per cent. Last loan, at 1 and closing offered at VA per cent. Prime mercantile paper S per cent. Bar silver 64. Sterling exchange dull with actual business in bankers' bills at 485 to Vi for sixty days and 487 toVl for demand. . Posted rates 485 H to 488. Commercial bills 4834 to481. Gover nment bonds steady; State bonds quiet; railroad bonds generally firm. Silver at the board was neglected. BALTIMORE PRODUCE MARKET. Baltimore, Feb. 17. FLOUR dull, un changed. WHEAT. Steady: spot 88; May 81; Southern by sample 8 to 90; do on grade 83 to 88. CORN. Steady; spot s&id February 25 to 25; March 259. to 25; April 264 to 23; May 27 to 24; steamer mixed 23 to 23; Southern white corn 28 to 29; do yeliow 26 to 27. NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. New York, Feb: Flour weak, un settled quiet. City mills patented 4.80 to 505; others unchanged. Southern flour unchanged, weak unchanged. Wheat spot marked market quiet; F. O. B. 90; ungraded 72 to 91. Options were moderately active and firm at to cent advance. No 2 red Feb 81; March 82; April 80; May 80; June 79; July77; September 75. CORN. Spots dull, firm. No. 2 28, elevator; 29 afloat. Options dull and firm at cent advance. February 28 ; May 29; July 30. OATS. Spots dull, steady. Options dull, firmer. February 21; May 21; July 21. Spot, No. 2, white, L3; mix ed Western 21 to 23. LARD. Quiet, firm; Western steam 4.10; city 3.70; May 4.20. nominal. Re fined dull; continent 4.35; 8. A. 4.60; compound 4.40 to 4.25. PORK. Steady; moderately active; new mess 8.25 to 8.70 COTTON SEED OIL. Firm, moder ate demand; crude 20 to 20; yellow prime 23 to 24. COFFEE. Dull ; 5 to 10 points down. February 9.00; April 9.00; May 9.05; Ju ly 9.10; December 9.10. Spot Rio dull, weak: No. 7 9. SUGAR. Raw, firm, more active; fair refining 2 3-16; refined more ac tive; unchanged. 0LO8INO BTOOKB. American Cotton Oil; 11 M 113X 103 71 100 J4V4 15 54 17 163 74V4 7X 152 iiii 34 34 93 16 68 154 49 H RT 15 89 80 21 do n referred American Sugar Refined do ore f erred : American Tobacco do preferred Atchison Baltimore St Ohio Canadian Pacific Ohesapeak A Ohio Chicago A Alton., Chicago. Burlington A Quiscy Chicago Gas ueiaware, iacic ec western Distilling and Cattle Feeding Erie do d referred General . Electric Illinois Central Lake Erie & Western. do d referred Lake Shore Louisville & Nashville Louisville A New Albany Manhattan Consolidated. Memphis A Charleston Michigan Central Missouri Pacific Mobile A Ohio Nashville, Chattanooga A Bt. Louis. 67 United states uoraage. do d referred New Jersey Central 98 BS 37 17 "st ag 104 12 25 24 66 75 132 64 26X 80 8 7 New York Central New York A New England Norfolk & western prererrea Northern Pacific do d referred , Northwestern do d referred , Pacific Mall Headum Rock Island , St. Paul do Dref erred Silver Certificates , Tennessee Coal and lion do Dref erred Texas Pacific Union Faclnc Wabash. 6 do, preferred 16 Western Union. . . 81 Wheeling A Lake Erie.... do. Dref erred. 9 106 103 98 95 101 122 80 6 6X 62 111 113 95 69 9 28 105 Alabama Class A Alabama Class B Alabama Class O Louisiana 6's North Carolina 6's North Carolina 6's Tennessee New Settlement 3's Virginia 6's, deferred..... Virginia Trust Receipts, stamped. . Virginia Funding Debt United States 4's, registered.. United States 4's, coupons. United States Va Southern Railway 9's. Southern Railway, common do. Dref erred South Carolina 4's United States new 4'a rnffiHtered. . . 122 United States new 4's, coupon.. 122 X CD CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. Opening Closing WHEAT February , 72SiX Mav m 74"an 73 74 70X71 1 23 24X 14 16X 17 February ;.. 81 Mav 23U&K July 84 UATS February Mav 14 1$ July. HEsa tin- February Mav. 7 77 7 85 7 95 July 70 LABU February Mav S 86 3 90 4 00 July S 96 RIBS February Mav J... "S is 4 02 4 12 July 4 05 NEW YORK COTTON FUTURES. Nfass Vnah- CnV 1st J WSJe Asvw a visti 1U, VVWU sfVTTCSAiT. JO-IU d ling upland 7 1-18; Midling Gall Futures cloeed quiet. Sales 149,900 bales. . Highest Lowest Closing February .... 7476 March 6 88 S 75 6 7&&7S April 98 S 84 6 8182 Hav 7 00 nsn tnetM June 7C4 ( 93 7 VXm July 7 10 97 7 9698 August 7 11 i in e B9i7 00 Sentember ..... 6 81 s 73 7Amn October S 72 S 69 S SSt&SS November S 73 S S8 S S788 December 8 78 in: a Ts-.73 Jan nary..... ... .. .... NAVAL STORES. Wilmington. Feb. 17. Rosin firm: strained 150. good strained 155. Tar: Nothing doing. Crude turpentine, nom inal; nothing dolngj LIVERPOOL COTTOH MARLET. UverooOL Feb. 10. n m lftln"Hi Futures Clneed tdMnilir. Febrnar ... r eoraary ana Marcs...... March and Anril .1 - 5354 S 636554 S 6455 153(3154 S 65 s S 655S S 636354 S48C34S S 44 b 3 43 b &pru ana stay..... saay ua June........ June sad July........ 1 1 a L august ana beptember.... ......... September and October...... October and November , November 'and December.... uecemner ana January CBALOTTX COTTOH MARKET, These figures uniieseiii nrlees nald to wagons. . ji i , Strict rood mtddlUB. ' - - Ml Good fuddling........,; ..." - S SO Mlddlingw........v..... . ,....T 11-M XaPyCsww s- W W OSSfiS wlr mwm mm s . . 4 WJ Tbe market was Arm. . H,'8.CHAtVICA, Cfiaiitlotte'M 5 LL.. - v ' 1 1 sos AiTD so south tbyox stkkkt, - 1" :r - . Charlotte. L We have added i to bur already large stock of Electrical Supplies very handsome Combination Thev are on exhibition in our office and are said to be as handsome as any to be found in this State. They are just the thing for a residence, public hall or church. Call and see them. r ! ; Correspondence Solicited. 1 WE HAVE III STORE. And are ; reoelving daily a large stock of Heavy and Fancy Groceries which we offer to the wholesale trade at close prioes. Any order given our representatives in and out of the city will be appreciated and reoeive oar prompt atten tion. Respectfully, Jno. B. E0SS & CO., Suooessore to MAYER A ROSS. A CHARMING LINE OF Wedding - Presents. OUR LINE OF -SILVER W ABE IS OF FIRST QUALITY. Don't make yourjurohases until yon have seen what our store oontains. . GARIBALDI & BBUNS. Repairing of all jewelry. Mighty oaks from little acorns grow, And the early bird catches the worm. Prepare your ti-uck patches and get them In apple-ple order; land well pul verized is more than half the battle. Seeds will spring up much quicker, and grow faster. The marvelous growth of the plant established here by is worthy of imitation. Deep rooted. The chilly blasts of winter nor the heat of summer does not check its growth. The branches thereof extend over a portion of North and South Carolina, furnishing a resting place for the weary pilgrim, traveling from afar. Constant stirring is necessary, not only for the farm, but for merchandise as well. The main point in selecting seed is to get them fresh and pure. In the mercantile life do as you would wish to be done by. Our aim in life has been to represent every article of goods Just as we thought they were. Never color any thing to make a sale. That is why we can look every man in the face, feeling satisfied that we have dealt honestly and fairly with all. Another considera tion in making a success of anything Is to be well-balanced. Know what you are doing and do it with all your might. Our buyer is setting the country on fire every day making raids into the great manufacturing centres; gobbling up some busted concern or gathering up railroad wrecks, shipping to us daily BOOTS. SHOES, CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, HATS, GENTS' FURNISHING, NOTIONS, Etc. Always something new, and frequent ly sold for half the cost of making. If you fall to visit our mammotn estab lishment you will most certainly miss some of the choicest bargains of your life. Be on time and get some of the first fruits of our labor. Cheapest Store Earth. 15 to 21 East Trade Street After January 81st my office will be Room No. 5, Hunt Building. CHAS. O. HOOK, AROniTlCOT EXECUTOR'S NOTICES. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has this day qualified as the executor of the last will and testa ment of James Allison, and that all persons having claims against the said testator must present them to the un dersigned for payment on or before the 1st day of February, 1898. IT. J. ALLISON, . Ixecutor of James Allison.' This" 13th January, 1897. PRINTING and Binding at home as well and as chess as Than leave your orders stt the m BROTHERS. BELR BROS' i -.-r.-W -i-.t---''4 V Treses!. '..---! Electric anil Gas Chandeliers! UP TO DATE In Iron enameled, steel clad and copper bath tabs; lavatories, boilers, closets, bickets, links and. hydrants, and any thing In the plumbing lines The stop ooeka are the celebrated Qleamer. They are not the cheapest, hat are the best made. Pumps In. different styles, with glass valve and brass cylinder, reduc ing friction to c minimum, consequent ly lasts longer. Our work is dona thor oughly tn every way. Each job Is guar an teed for 12 months. Give us a trial. We give satisfaction. Estimates free. A- R. WTLIiMAN. FIRST CLASS Merchant - Tailoring I keep the most reliable goods aad make them to measnre In the very best manner by thoroughly skilled work men here In Charlotte. Price guaran teed to be as low as the same class ol goods and work oan be had elsewhere. J. S. PHILLIPS, MERCHANT TAILOR, si south tryon street Everett :-: Hotel, JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Largest Hotel in the State; accom modation for six hundred (600) guests. First-olass in every particular, em bracing all modern devloes and Im provements; for comfort and luxury. Elevator rooms en suite with baths, etc. Ratks 12.50 to 14 Feb Day. D. W. O. BENBOW, of Greensboro N. O., Proprietor. Presbyterian College FOR WOMEN. Charlotte, n. a Only three months old and neany 200 students in all departments. Board and tuition $37.60 per quarter. This in cludes light and heat and instruction in the regular branches with Latin. In struction In ART, STENOGRAPHY and BOO K - KEEPING at reasonable rates. DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC. Prof. 6. P. McCoy, director. Pries sf instruction from $7.69 to 116 per quar ter, according to grade. The very best available teachers tn all departments. Address MR. TINSLET P. JUNBUN, or MISS LILT W. LONG. F ire Insurance Ageney Established in 1854. RepresentiDg: Royal Insurance Company of North America; Georgia Home; Virginia State. Rich mond, and other Solid com panies. ; E. Nye Hntchison, Charlotte, N. C. February 8, 1897. T,J, H0DGEII1C0 I) Of embers Philadelphia Petroleum and Stock Exchanges), BROKERS And Commission Merchants. Private Leased Wires To New York. 1 Orders ex'cut'd in one minute Philadelphia, V Small commission charges. -Chicago. ) Small margins. ; Stocks, Cotton, Grain iProiisions BOUGHT OR SOLD FOR CASH or carried on small margins. . ; - i Onr national bank references are Metropolitan National Bank, Washing ton, D. O. ; the Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Co., S16 to 320 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. : Koto Our commissions wUl be on stocks and grain, 2 per barrel on pork; 5o. per hale on cotton. 1 i Office: 23 South Tryon street, with 8. A. L. office,. Charlotte, N. O. , , Orders by mall solicited. - I . J;E. DUVAL, Meetrleal Knginser and Contractor. Of- flos M. West Trade Street, Room i . l. CHARLOTTH3 N. C Are and. incsndesoent lighting. ' quip ping cotton nulls with electrto light plants a specialty. Estimates furnished n all kinds of sJectrieaU work. Call seas, hotel snnneUtors, btsrglsr alarms. eta, Worth Carolina. and elaborate i CHANGE OP SCHEDULE ON THE DOUBLED AJLY SEEYICB ' February 7, 1897. ' t Trains leave Charlotte for- Raleigh, North and Southern points. 6:10 In stead of 6:25 w m.; 8:25 Instead o 8:20 p. m. I ' Leave for Lincolnton, Shelby and Ruth erfordton, 8:45 Instead of 11:35 a. m- Tralns arrive at Charlotte from Raleigh, North and Southern points,' 8:30 Instead of 11:35 a. m.; 10:25 In stead of 10:20 p. m. From Lincolnton, Shelby and Ruther- . fordton, 8:10 instead of 8:20 p. m.. Southern -Kailway. iFIBBlf OITT AIB LUrB.k BIOHMOMD DAJTT1LIJE MMO KOKS " I - ,- ; . OABOLIH A ' DIVIBIOBIB. , . . . IN EFFECT JANTJABY 18, 1897. I . rnlsoondsnssdsehsdals ts pabushed as ntnrmailBn. and Is subleot SO ohanc with-. out notioe to the public. i m tor Attest and Charlotte Air Line division, and ail points Sooth and southwest. Carries throng n Pullman d ta wing-room buffet sleepers be tween Mew Torf. Washington. Atlanta ; Birmingham and New Orleans. ! Pullman tourist ear for Ban jrraneisOQ. flon- sS A. u-T8o. ST. dauv, Washington and Bon th we item Testlbnied limited for Atlsn. la, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and alf points ; South and Southwest. Through Pullmsa sleeper New York to Hew Orleans and New Yorkto Memphis. Dining ear, vesttbnled ooaeb, between Washington sod Atlanta. 6:15 a. m. No. 31 daily except Monday New York and Florida Limited Consists e xclf- f slvely of Pullman dining, sleeping, com part ment, library and observation cars New : York to Bt, Augustine. Pullman sleeper New York to Savannah, J ' :o a. m.-Mo. lodsiiyfor Riohmpgdieos neet at Greensboro for Kalelghand ortolk at Danville tor Washington and points North. i ' . IS JO r. n-No. U, dally tor Atlanta and all points South. Solid train, Blok mond to Atlanta; Pullman sleeping ear, Biehmond to Greensboro. . 10:16 r.nv 16, i. oolumbta O. O. A. local stations; Augusta, vannah and jaeatonviUe. Carries through Pullman drawing-room buffet sleeper between New York, savannah and Jacksonville. Also Pullman sleeoer. Charlotte ss Augosta. r- 11 :00 p. m. No. 32 daily except Sunday, New York and Florida limited for Washington, Baltimore and New York, Pullman sleeper Savannah to New York. . . m a. m. no. sr. daily, tor Ooinmbia and 0,0.4A. loeal stations. . ! s: a, kNo, as. dally, for Washington Rlebmond, Ralelgn and all points North. Carries Pullman drawing-room nuffes sleeper. New Orleans to New York: Jack sonville to Now York; Birmingham toNew York. Pullman tourist ear from Ban Fran elsoo Thursdays. - ' v L. . 8:80 r. m. No. SS, dally, wasnisjws svbm Bonthwestern restlbuled, limited, tor Wash ington and all points Norta. Tbrongh Pali man ear, Memphis to New York; New Or- leans vu a. w ivir.iiir- -" - . Also carries rsstibnlsd eoaob and dining s:40 r. w-No. IS, daUy, for Blehmond. I " . sigh, Goldiboro and all points North. Car ries Pullman sleeping ear from Greensboro with train carrying Pullman eat for : Bel- f:ao a. at-No. ss, daily, except Haaflay. , Freight and passenger for BUtssvilleaad loeaf stations. L- :st r. M. o. lo, exseps Btatesville, Taylortvuls and looal staUoat, Trains srriTe as unnwi 6:05 a.m.) -t v ll,'tif:FBOM THB HOBTH. ' lisr. at. I 10:00 p. M, J :. I S :S0 rl '. PBOM ATLAN I A 8:M- "J : . 10:50 p. m. BT, AUGTJ8TINH. from AnaputA. , UiWr'Jul I rSOM TATKaTI.LiaB.j Dally exeept Sunday. ! Ail freisht trains carry saissEfsrs. Johs m. coxr, W. A. Toax. Traffic Manager. wen i rmmm. ri,j W. H. euiii, washing ten,l, C tNB'l lS'i Washington,!). O. : HAUWX0K, Ass'l enH Pass. Art, .1 . Atlanta. 8a. B.H. Traveling Passenger Agent, 11 East Trade street, Charlotte, N.d NEW BOOKS. KING NOANET, by . F.' J." Btlmson. ninth 12.00. ' .w.- - ' I THE SEVEN SEAS, by Rudyard KIp-f flng. Cloth $LS0. GOV. BOB. TAYLOR'S TALES. ' Paper 60 cents. ' t PHROSO, by Anthony Hope. ' i ? i r-lnth 1 7S 1 (: ' TOM GROG AN, by F. , Hopklnson) Smith. ! - Cloth $1.50. ! STONE & BARRINGER. Book, Stationery and Art Store, 22 South Tryon Street., WE MAKE A 8PE0IAETY OP ! We claim to sell the best stove that is brought to North Carolina. We have some handsome testimonials: from our customers 'who have used our. stoves. J. N. McCausland. & Co., 1. Slate and Tin Roofing Contractors. ' We pay particular attention ; to . our ; prescription business and dispense only i PURE DRUGS AT REASONABLE! I PRICES. A full Una of the very best Oils and Faints and Paint Brushes. S. L. Alexander & CoJ, ! " Corner Church and Trade streets. I Barnhardte-Co., f sou sneers Oeenrsas S) BarsJisrdt.) WHOLESALE PROVISIONS, GRAIN . i AND COAL.. 801, 803, 803 East Trade street. . CHARLOTTE. N. C. THE BEST WORK and the lowest , prioes go together at the Observes trlBtisar Hons. - ; r . . . STOVES v - I K'w - S