CQTTpH i - --- - - - 31 o a - g - 7k ; - s- s Of ;, -5 -:,.- tt . f 5 . o a a Whitin Machine Works, PlHTHO, TWISTKBfli QUILXJEKS, UMKS. I STtTAfe W. ORAAtOEDR, I Boutliera Aganti 88 South Tryon St., Clxarlotto, lVe'O. THE GEO. b. mss onrcxx, LUBRICATING OILS AND GREASES corroH uu trads a wskjialtt. CHARLOTTE, N. 0. The highest tobaccos good as Every old knows there af 9i7 TT7 1 as good as MIL odqjdb cEmbd You will find one each two onncCbag, and two con pons insiae eacn lour ounce bag of BlackweU's Durham. Buy a bag of this cele brated tobacco and read the Ctmtxm which o-i-vea m int of trainable presents and how fr to get ern District of Isorth Carolina. In the Circuit Court, Fourth Circnit, Greensboro, Jan. 29th, 1897. With the concurrence of the Circuit Judge, it is ordered that a Special Term of the. United States Circuit Court be held at Charlotte, commencing on Mon day, the 26th day of iApril, 1897, for the trial of Civil cases, and the presence of all parties and witnesses will be re quired. (Signed) j EOBEKT P. DICK, U. S. Judge. A true copy, test: H. C. COWLES, Clerk. AMAN " In explaining to a friend why he and his girl, after a very long courtship, finally i 60T MARRIED, Said it was due ta the fact that the "conversation ran out." Our conversation twill never run out If you will Just let hs talk about ROY AL SCOTCH LINBIST. The greatest value in high gTadei paper ever on this market. Eight styles of paper, envel opes to match, 25c. per pound. STONE & BARRINGER. Book, Stationery and Art Store, 22 South Tryon Street. UP TO DATE ( In Iron enameled, steel clad and copper bath tuba, lavatories, boilers, closets, blckets, links and hydrants, and any thing In the plumbing line. The stop cocks are the celebrated. Oleamer. They are not the cheapest, but are the best made. Pumps in different styles, with glass valve and brass cylinder, reduc ing frtction to a minimum, consequent ly lasts longer. Our work is uone thor oughly In every way. Each Job is guar anteed for 12 months. Give as s trial We give satisfaction. Estimates free. A R. WTLLMAN FOE EENT. 5-Room House, corner Railroad aiKf Eighth . . $10 7-Room House, East Fifth Street . . . L . . $15 R. E. COCHRANE, Real Estate and Insurance. After January 31 tt my office will be Room No. 5, Hunt Building. CHAS. C. HOOK, ARnrriTRrrT Everett Hotel, JACKSONVILLE. FLA Largest Hotel is the 8tate; accom modation for six hundred (600) guests. . First-class in every particular, em braeing all modern devices and im provements for comfort aod luxury. Elevator rooms en suite with baths, eta. Ratbs 12. 5G to 4 Psb Dat. D. W. C. BEN BOW, of Greensboro, N C., ; Proprietor. Wej Watch Our stock closelji and never let it ran down. : We ; are continually replacing our stock with new pieces of furni ture of the nicest quality. Our prices are low and terms reasonable. MAXWELt. A MAXWELL r ; Pcrtner's Hofbra.... ....Ths Best Tonic. It puts new life into you, brings back color, appetite, i strength and health Its marvelous fox building one up after sickneee. It give Tim and bounce, we tell yon. ( il rtfiacr Drewtg wimpaajr. - , l C5arlottv N. !., Branch. . r Lv If' Ifltson Machine Co., j BKSAKISt, FHTISHKB LAPPEHS, U -. KHUCHJTEB OUOn BXAUBf. claim for otber is "Just as Durham." smoker is none just TTabascc coupon Inside sent and how V them.. f mem. ( HffU ITIT fl ntn o e e e Hifll V e V From Each County. The fibjbt person in each coantv in , this cr any of the bordering States who makes application will receive a slx- months scholarship in either coarse for j or HAUtte regular rate. CHARLOTTE Commercial College, Y. U O. A. Eui.dms. Charlotte, N. O. tVrtto for CtetelAcn. THE CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK, CAPITAL $125,000. We are now ready for business at our new banking room No. 9 East Trade Street. We solicit your account and will promise the most courteous treat ment and every facility consistent with sound banking. DIRECTORS: O. W TILLETT, J. W. HUNT, VINTON tlDDELL, B. D. HEATH, i JHU. M - SUU'lT. J. F. WAUS WORTH, i J. P. ROBERTSON, C. VALAEB, R. J. BREVARD. , B. D. HEATH. President. W. H. TWITTT, Cashier. FIRST CLASS Merchant - Tailoring I keep the most reliable goods and make them to measure in the very best manner by thoroughly skilled work men here in Charlotte. Price guaran teed to be as low as the same class of goodi and work co be had elsewhere. J. S. PHILLIPS, MERCHANT TAILOR, 81 SoUTB TRYON STREET ARLINGTON HOTEL Centrally Located, Near Postoffice, OHAKLOTTK, N. C. Under new and permanent management. Sixty elegantly furnished rooms; All modern improvements Table equal to any is the Oily. Rates: 91.50, t2.00 ard 12.50 per day. W. F.BDCHiHAOtnerand Propriety Richard A. Blythe, COMMISSION MERCHANT, COTTOIt WABPS AUD TABSS. No, 114. - Chestnut Street. PHILADELPHIA, PA. E. D. TESS1EB & BRO., Contractors and Builders and dealers in all kinds ; of MANTELS, TILES, GRATES, SASH, . DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, etc Send us your plane and let us bid on your Interior work. We will give you best material and cheapest prices. . " Cor. CoHege and Third 'Phone 8 O. JAS. E. MITGHELL & CO.- 1XS ABD lM.CHXSnrUT ST., wntjnitMti I SI ajro S3 euiofn sr., orcau i conos riRss of ilifinsiB L ATTA PARK; CHARIX5TTBS GREAT. RESOBT. i BANDSOMB PAVILIONS. . UAONTFICENT PLORAXi 4JEEDXat" , . SWIMMINO POOU - . - . : BALL GROUNDS. OAXtS TO AND YBOai PABg BTVIDZT (MM nv THE rAPPSOFEIATION BILLS. FOB DX8TKICT OF OOUTKBTA. The rTaval Asprny ilall Bill Is Swelled by Over Three and a Balf MJHIoaui Siaee It t8 tt Hoth The Armor ,71mt Washington, March L-To-day the Senate, tn a' space of about one hour sad a half, passed the District of Co lnmbia, appropriation bUL. camrina- Items to Ue amount ot $7,444,677, being as exeesft o SJ,C&5.flM ever tne biU Mm it psssea tne Honse. , Balf the smomt is to be paid out of the Treasury ef the United States, and half oat of the rev enues ef the District ot Columbia. Then the naval appropriation bill wa taken up. It carries 135,738,234? a, UtUe over three and a. naif millions more than the bill contained when It - left the House. 'The principal items ef in crease are: Naval station. Port Royal, 8. CL. 150,000; navy yard. Mare Island, CaHfornla, $250,000; naval hospital. Port Koyal, s. c., S4.; tralnlos' vessel ror naval academy, $250,000; increane ot the navy, construction and machinery, $00,000; establishing' a government ar mor factory, $2,s00.00. . , In addition to these items, the appro priations committee reports an amend ment authorixing' contract to be made for" three torpedo' boats, not to cost over $800,000 in all While the bill was being: read, it was ordered, at the suggestion of Mr. Al lison, that the Senate, at 6 p. m., shall take a reeess until S p. m. -- The torpedo Tora amendment uid all the other amendments up to that point, were agreed to without discussion or question. ' The amendment on page 60 of the bill, providing: that no contract f or. armor plate shall be made at a rate to exceed $400 per ton, and the connected amendment, striking out the clause that no Dortion of the. armor shall be pur chased until it has been contracted for. were passed over temperarlly. Also the amendment appropriating $2,500,000 for the establishment of an armor fac tory. The remainder of the bill, having been disposed of, the controverted amendments were taken up. The first question was on the provi sion of the bill that the total cost of the armor shall not exceed $3,210,000, to which the Senate committee had report ed the amendment "that no contract for armor plate shall be made at a rate fce exceed $400 per ton. Mr. Chandler, Republican, of New Hampshire, moved to amend the Senate amendment by making it read: "No contract for armor plate shall be made at an average rate to exceed $300 per ton." On these several propositions a discussion was kept up until half past 4, without any solution of the question. The bill was then laid aside without action on the pending amendment. Conferences were ordered on -the post office appropriation bill and the sundry civil appropriation bill. The credentials of Senator-elect Tur ney, of Washington, and Heitneld, of Idaho, were read and placed on file. The Senate at 4:30 p. m., proceeded to the consideration of executive business, and at C p. m. took a recess till 8 o'clock. A a AvaJ&nehe Partly Destroys the Fa mous St. Bernard's Monastery. Berne, March L The left wing of the great monastery of St. Bernard has been demolished by an avalanche. For tunately no lives were lost, nor was anyone seriously injured; but the monks occupying the monastery were in serious danger for some time before their safety was assured. When the great masses of snow and Ice descended upon the building the occupants took refuge in the part of the building which remained intact, and from there were able to dig a tunnel under the snow through which they crawled. Most of tbem were severly frozen. The Japanese Government Adopt the Gold Standard. Yokohoma, March 1. The Japanese government has decided to adopt a gold standard of currency upon a ratio of 32 1-3 to 1. The silver yen, or dollar, will be gradually withdrawn from cir culation, and the smallest gold piece will be of the value of five yen. The new standard will go into operation in October next. KBCGER'S OMINOUS SPEECH. With God's Help He Will Protect the Transvaal. London, Feb. 28. A dispatch to the Standard from Johanesburv says that President Kruger and the chairman of the Volkradd upon the proroguing of that body yesterday made ominous speeches which have created much un rest. The chairman said that all at control of the Volkraad and aH other and the law enforced to the letter. President Kruger said in his speech that if the storm that was brewing burst they would rely on God's help. The Government would enforce the law placing the high court. under the control of the valkraad and all ather laws exactly as they have been 'passed. The object of the enemies was to ef face the republic, but the Lord would not forsake the people. Other reports confirm the statement that the greatest excitement prevails and adds that protests against the new high court law are being signed. The Pope's Eighty-Seventh Anniversary. Rome, March 1. The Pope gave a re ception to-day to the cardinals who waited upon him to congratu late him upon the eighty-seventh an niveraary ef his birth, which occurs to morrow, March 2. In response to the congratulations of the members of the sacred college, the Pope delivered an address, in which he discoursed upon the conditions of the Church and em phasised the necessity of deciding with out delay, the questions affecting the Angellcan ordinations, and thus put an end to further polemics on the subject. It Xxtoks Ominous for the Three Friends. Washington, Feb. 1. The Supreme Court of the United States to-day, in the case of the Cuban filibustering steamer. Three Friends, reversed the Judgment of the court for the Southern district of Florida and directed the, court to resume control of the vessel, which was released on bond and stip ulation. The opinion was announced by Chief Justice Fuller, and is sus tained by the: contention of the govern ment as set up by Attorney General Harmon to the fullest 'extent. Justice Harlan dissented from some of the conclusions of the court, saying that the opinion of the judge who tried the case below exactly expressed his views. No Date for the Withdrawal Specified in . - the TUltlmstnm. ' ' ' Athens, March L The ultimatum served upon the Greek government, by the powers," Insisting-, upon the with drawal of the Greek army -from the occupation of Crete and the' recall of Greek war vessels from Cretan waters, does not specify any date upon which the evacuation must, be . accomplished, bat leaves the time open to the conve nience of Greece, In completing the nec sary arrangements. Shews That Leo Did n to Beatga. . Washington, March I. The corres pondence of the Department of State with Consul General Lee at Havana, in the case) of Charles Scott, an American dtisen. which was laid before the Sen ate -to-night, f confirms the - published story that General Lee threatened to re. sign unless the Department supported his demand that Scott be released from solitary confinement, - - -fe- . , . "rxeePins. ':-- '-...-. ,""-' r ?",' Send your address to H. K.: Bucklen tt Col, Chicago and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will oonvlnee youv of their merits. These pills are easy ia action and are particularly effective in the cure of eon stipatioB and sick headache.-' For ma laria, and liver troubles they- have proved invalnabler -They are guaran teed to be perfectly free from every de leterious : substance -and to be purely vegetable. . rThey do - not weaken by their action, but by giving ton to the stomach and bowels greatly Invigorate the system. Regular else 25c per box. sola by Burwell & Dmnn, aruggists. FRANK XXAKX DXAD. He Was a Member of Oasis Tsxaple ef the . Mr act Shrine mt ChnrWtte Bained ' Death.. - , B jr, , - V. Special to the Observer.' . . t . . --'- Wlnston, March t-Mr, Frank H ana: son of the late Rev. X E. Mann, died of consumption last night at the: home of his Ulster in tturilngton, aged 2.- 'The deceased was tnjraeed in jnereaatite business until three months ago, when he aoia out ana went te Arizona, with the hope of regaining his health. Con Unumg to grow worse, he returned to North Carolina, week ago.! Hevu a. Mason, Odd FeOow and a. member ot Oasis Temple of the Mystic Shrine, of Charlotte. The remains will be ac accompanied here to-morrow by : del egation rrom piedmont : commandery. Knights Templar, of this city, tow in terment. s' '-t;-- Mrs. Angel, a 70-year-old Inmate of the county home,- was fatally -burned Saturday. Her dress ignited while she was standing in front ef the fire-place. There t werey XI - deaths ,in-Winston during, February. nine " white rand twelve black. Salem had seven deaths, au vnue. - -g -- - . , . Winston sold 1,979,795 pounds of1 leaf tobacco during February and shipped L2 67,808 pounds ef manufactured goods. The colored people of Winston-Salem have organised a Young Men's Cbria ian Association. ' i GIGANTIC CORNER ON WOOL. w Promoters May Sake 50,000,000 by the MeKlaleyTarinV Boston Dispatch, -jg - l One of the largest corners In wool ever attempted in the United States ex ists In this city, In anticipation of the restoration of a 5 tariff on "wool in the near future by the McKlnley adminis tration. The steamer Columbian, which arrived yesterday, brought 8,000 bales of wool, making a total of 26,160 bales which have arrived during the present month. A syndicate was recently form ed in this city to buy all the wool of fered in European markets, and buyers have already purchased 45,000 bales of wool abroad, and will continue tor pur-, chase up to the time of the imposition of the duty, calculated at 11 cents, a pound. The syndicate has raised a pile of money, and a few. days ago cabled $3,000,000 to London agents. It is cal culated that 1,000,000 bales of Australian and South American wool will be brought to this country- by the 'syndi cate within the given time, and as each bale averages 600 pounds it means 500,000,000 pounds of wool and If the duty is placed sit ten cents a pound the syndicate Is bound to clear $5,000,- 000, which will come out of the pockets of the consumer later on. N. W. Rice & Co. are in the deal, and they ac knowledge that they have wool enough on nana to supply tne .new isngiana mills for one year. The True Remedy. W. M. Repine, editor Tiskllwa. 111.. "Chief." says: "We won't keep house without Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs ana colas. Ex perimented ' with many others,; but never got the true remedy until we used Dr. King's New Discovery- No other remedy can take Its place la 'our home, as in it we have a certain and sure cure, for coughs, colds, whooping cough, etc." It is idle to experiment with other remedies, even if they are urged on you as Just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery. They are not as good, because this remedy has a record of cures, and besides is guaran teed. It never fails to satisfy. Trial bottles free at Burwell & Dunn's drug store. Bneklea's Arnica. Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt, rheum, fever sores, tetter, enappea hands, chilblains, coins, and all skin eruptions, and pols- tlvely cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect safisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents a box. For sale by Burwell & Dunn Company. mmiCTMi ,ir commkrcxax. The Cotton Market Was Quiet and Irregu lar, With the Bulk of Business Confined to the Loeal ; Traders The Liverpool Market Declined 4 or S Points. Special By Private Wire to Harrison Watts ew xorit, Marcn l. cotton was quiet and irregular to-day, with the bulk of the business confined to the local professional traders. Liverpool reported a continued good demand there for spot cotton, with prices steady at Saturday's quotations, but as figures there showed a sharp reac tionary tendency, and declined l-454d. to 2-64d., after opening 1-64 to 2-64d. higher, profit-taking sales were the or der of the day . Apprehension in re gard to the outcome of the negotiations for peace in Crete and the Transvaal political situation was the primary cause of the erratic Liverpool market, futures there finally closing at a net decline of l-64d. As we went up with Liverpool, it was only nat ural that we .should react with it On the break traders got a little short on market, and their covering led to a steadier market in the afternoon, with a subsequent rally, on which tne mar ket closed steady, at 4 to 6 points net decline from Saturday's prices. The total sales for the day were 168,600 bales. Spot cotton here was quiet and steady and unchanged, with sales of 358 Wales to spinners and 20.500 deliver ed on contract. Port receipts approxi mated 15,000 bales against 20,377 last week and 13,824 last year. The total for the week points . to 80,000 bales against 84,151 last week and 80,853 last year; Houston to-day received 2,650 bales against 1,384 last year, and ex pects to-morrow 4,500 bales against 1, 947 last week. To-morrow's receipts at New Orleans were estimated at 6,800 to 7,300 against 7,079 bales last year. E. B. CUTHBERT ft CO. The Wheat Market Opened Steady Corn Quiet and Steady A Deer ease la the Ksrapcsa Visible Supply. Chicago .March L Wheat opened steady at Saturday's prices on cables from. Liverpool reporting an advance of d. In that market, but soon eased off 4c on realizing by local trad ers. Later the market became firm on larger decrease in the vsible supply than had been expected. and the world's shipments are officially esti mated at only 2,362,000 bushels against 3,164,000 last week and 5.439,000 last year. These, shipments were the small est within the recollection, of the trad ers, being less than half of last year and 5,000,000 less than the- estimated world's requirements for the week. The European visible supply of wheat also showed a decrease for the week or 256.000 bushels, with stocks in the Uni ted Kingdom were reduced 400,000. The world s visible supply for to-morrow promises to decrease 3,500,000 to 4,000,000 bushels against a decrease of 22,000 last year; thus, with statistics at hand, and all the news generally of a bulush nature, the market- advanced steadily, and closed firm within to "Ac of the highest quotations reached for the day. and c. above Saturday's final quotations, with May in Chicago 75Kc ' S - ' r- Corn was ' quiet though ' steady throughout; the .entire day,, opening at 24c for May option at Chicago and closing at 24v-. Newport News wired that fully 1,000,000- bushels - of -corn would, clear from -that port to-day. The export business consisted "of 14,000 bushels of Corn here. - .j ,0 B. B.- CUTHBERT A CO. S- Strength 'Are Plentiftti fee Csttos- HeavyBeeelnts Predicted. Special to the Observer. , New Tork, March L- The cotton market to-day. although 1 prices were lower;- showed great strength. In spite of Hberal receipts and - very heavy sales to realise, the loss for the day was slight. Liverpool disappointed the trade by falling to respond to our advance of Saturday, and the market here opened to 9 points down. Prices declined further immediately after the opening, but; buyers are plentiful ; for cotton now; and the market recovered quickly. Liverpool - bought heavily here to-day and contributed -reatIy to our strength. May opened at tJftde dined to t.I7, advanced to- 7.15 sad closed: at V J27 ; with the r steady. Heavier receipts are predict ed for this week, but the bails attrib ute this to the recent scouring of the interior markets . of - the Couth - for blocks of cotton. " There Is no change tn the outlook, and we favor buying on aU breaks. RIORDAN 4V CO. A Firm and Either Bead Market A De 7 elded Rise la Lake Shore aTeatase ta the '--1as-sTsisat ' I -' .'p- -. By SofEthere. Associated Press. i s-:. New Tork, March L A rise of eleven points In Lake Shore, to 172.- wma the event .hbxV the , day at the .New Tork h stocK exchange. . iror some time past this stock, has been stejadiiy advancing on rumors of an early conversion of its high? rate tnta jcost-oavinr bonds, and to-day- a sharp demand from the shorts wat-MtsA.nMiier tne .ouying -was for local or foreign short Interest could not b determined np to the close of business. Regarding, the refunding of the companv'a I per coasts nothing of definite -character. mld be obtainedj Dat aocoKung to gooa aumority use ox. ficlale ef the road are making, progress with their plan for an early retirement of the maturing bonds. The market was , also strengthened at. the openings by the receipt of buying orders from Indon. and. the general list moved -up-1- acywhere from "A .to Z per cent., Ore gon Navigation, preferred; Colorado, FueL; Central Lead land Missori Pacific leading. The advance Induced realisa tions ana oexore miaaay tne martcet was da the down grade once inore."- The Anthracite Coalers and.- --Manhattan were especially weak. Jersey Central and Lackawana. falling 2 percent and Manhattan 3 per cent. Jersey central was sold " on the unfavorable .report of the Wilkesbarre Coal Company for the year ending November 8, 1896. An ex- Dianauon or tne statement -by presi dent Maxwell, of the Jersey Central had a rood effect, and that stock ral lied from 94 to 859. Manhattan was heavy declining from 89 to 864 on the revival of rumors that the directors at their next meeting will reduce the divldent rates. Chicago Gas was forced down a point on western reports ot the incorporation of w new concern, wim a capital of $300,000, The I decline brought tn supporting orders, and the less was soon recovered. A reduction in certain grades of refined sugar: had no influence on Sugar stock, which .ruled firm throughout. The changes in the Grangers, Southwes terns and: bltuml nous Coalers were unimportant. Among investment stocKM Omaha, preferred. advanced 3 to 138, and Chicago A Altos 44" to 170. -Only: four-shares of the last ramed, however-, changed hands, Spec ulation closed quiet and' barely steady In tone. Net changes generally showed gains of Vi to- 4 per cent, Lackawana Delaware & Hudson, Manhattan, Jer sey Central and Western Union lost V to 2 per cent. Total sales aggregated 179,183 shares. Including 28,200 Sugar, 21,600 Burlington A Qurncy, and 21.500 St- Faut i i - - The bond market was firm and high er to-day. The transactions aggregated $1,486,000. Treasury balances: "Coin, $129,732,138; currency,.$0,65.43S. Fair Amount of Trading in Dry Goods. New York. March L The week open ed In the dry goods market with only fair amount of trading-. The tone re mained about steady, with prices un changed. ; CITY PKOtTOCB MARKKT. Annies dried onarter bncntT.'... IHO I a ' britttsuced....... A $M lao rj brlxtitaiicea. Peaches nn peeled halves, bright, " peeed bright.. ., B.aeberrios dried- IL n floor sack .... sooasss t&ajt as uamiiy - - Hides dry per k...... " green " " Wool wash Bum hoar round oer noand...... aa 6 " ham . Wi&a " sides ea T " shoulders.... SHOe Oates 88 pounds per bushel. 3830 Peas-clay 6680 nuxed S056 Meal bolted 44 pounds pe bushel 8Sd43 " unbolted 48 " " " 4838 Corn old 66 poands per bushel. . . . 13&46 Onions select per bushel 80Q54 Lard N. O. 7HO 8 Tallow 4 Ducks - iaais Hens ner bead ? 1H30 Spring chickens 1315 Kooevers per neaa. laais Turkeys par pound Guineas 79 s 10919 netao Butter choice yellow Honey strained per pound. " comb per pound KRS hen Rye. .".".t.V.V.V "". Feathers - SO10M .... lswao oaao 89041 rTEW TORK MOTTKY MARKET. New Tobk, March 1. Money on call easy at lttQS; pern can V4 last loan at ltt: closing offered at In Prime meicantilis -naner ner cent. Bar stl-rer 64V. Mexican dollars .... Ster ling exchange moiet with actual business in bankers'- una at 4 6A4 85M for 60 days and 4 S74 874 for demand. Posted rates 4 86 CM 88. Oommerdair bills SsK04 M(. Gov ernment bonds strong: State bonds dull railroad bonds Arm. Silver at the board was quiet NEW TORK PRODUCE MARKET. New York. March l.-PLOUR.-Dull. steady Winter wheat, low grades, S 80 8-; do fair to raocy s va oe; ao patents nxsa an ain neasota clear t 5003 85- patents 4 10dt 8ft; low extras tOOS W. Southern flour dull. steady; common to fair extras SQ&3 iO; good to cnoice a aws W' WHEAT. Snot market dull.1Brmer. F. O B. 87iS0; ungraded red B6&H0, Options closed arm at 1 u i cents aavaoce, no, red March 82t'tAtril .... Mav 80V. CORN. Spots dulk firmer. No . t 8K ele vator; 28X afloat. -Options -closed dull and firm at M cent advance. March . t6; May a: jaiy ai. . OATS. Spots quiet, firm.. Options dull, firmer. March ... ; May 8114. Spot No. i 2iVi: No. 8 white ZSU: mixed Western 9023. LARD- Firm, stronger. Western steam 4 80; city 4 00? May 4 87. BeSned slow: con tinent 4 6o3 D. A. 86; compound 4. PORKj Steadv. dull. New mess fi tSOB J5. COTTON SEED OU-Quiet; flrnri Crude aoaOH; yellow prune ziyjaz. ODFITEE Closed steadv at S tx)inta down. March 9 05; April .... .; May 9 10. Spot Rio dull, steady. No. 7 9K. SUGAR. Raw. dull, steady. Fair refining bs-io. uennea qniet, anu. Jn A sx9 u stanaara a ; ,cni loax ana cruanea x granulated 4H. CHICAGO PEODUCIS MABKKT. sjgs lsnais Opening . Closing WHEAT : March 74 May 74HOX 7554 jo5bn-: March tS S3 May 84 S4H Itsu: i March . 16X 15V( May 17 17J4 Ju..... : 18 18 Mess pork March. May 8 10 8 194 July. 8 88H 8 85 LARD March ...... May?T. 4 10 4 IS Ju 4 90 4 28 March....... May , 4 20 4 BH July 4 80 4 3S5A NEW YORK COTTON FUTURES. New York. Masch 1. Cotton steady. Hid dling" upland Middling Gulf ..... Futures closed steady. Sales 168,600 bales. Highest .-Lowest Closing March f 15 7 08 7 1415 April 7 30 f 14 7 1718 May 7 85 7 17 ' T 8223 Juno. i ao 7 73 7 X7 July 7 33 7 27 7 8I&32 August. 7 85 7 88 . 7"8334 September s so sa . . October ........ , 6 87 .. 8 81 - 6 8485 November 88 6 83 6 804687 December...... 6 tl 6 87 6 818S January........ 86 6 86 6 8a7 I'eutuary .... .... ...... LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Liverpool. ' March t, 4 p. m.-411ddllng 4 1-32. i Futaies. Closed very steady at decline. ms w . .i MoVrch and A pirll.t". , V.'.V. 4 6lb 881b lt62 BfteVy tsDU JttB6-Tiesistes es se July u4 August.. . . ....... September and October. ...... ISS 8 82 S 8 68 V 8 58b 8 63054 utooer aae wosemues. November d PeesniB December and imui ........ .4ft40 8 4TOI8 8 47fel48 January and February. . CLOSING BTOOKB. wcaaOUtOU-.w-i .... 124 do preferred j.. ...... ........ sttt Americm.n 6BiraReSned...w 117-4 a snnma.t,.u- . .................. ao American Tobaeco..,,.... . - tsj, . do preferred r- 103 tCDlao.. .. .............. i4 Baltimore A Ohio. 15)4 Oaaadlaa Paclne...............;.. ssu Cheaapeak AOaio. ....... . ... 17 Chicao. BnrUngton Qnlnev....... ... OhicsGas.....Jjw.:....i........ fSM lUware,LackAWestrn. ...... ...... 15254 Distilling and CatUa Veeding "rie. .......... ......... : -': i4 Lake Erie Wastersv. J 18 T-o preferred. ; 86 Louisville ANsahvIlle,...!,.,......,.. X.-4W Loau-nue a ew Albany A...-.i- H WaahalCUdat...... B4 Michigan OentiaL,..j..,i....., . 88 WW s vtuu,,. ...... . ev se-.-Ti-.vw7w f" II, S. C7TADW1CX. " ?J" , ; "'Ji -" ' it; "'l 4 u - r;. -i w-,: -X' '.202 arid f , Ceiling or wall Fans. It Nashville, Caattanooga A St, Louis.. 7M W nttea etaies vioroage. ............ .... do preforred. . . -. . ... ........ ....... . rlewJereey teuti al. . . 5? uew Tors uentrai . j New Tork A New England. 7. Norfolk ft Western preferred...... loft Morthers Padfio.. ... ' Wji Co prererreo ....................... .... . s orth western 10Mt do nrefened... ................. ........ 1M Paciffc Mail....... Readings 84i Bock Island......... ....i........ 67X Bt.Paul.4.... ....... ,..,. . do preferred. ................ .. . . . . . J339( Silver Oert i flea tea. ,. .................... JHt Tennessee Coal and Iron 4o preterred. ....- SB Texas Pacific. Wabash aclnc -do, preferred. ..i.....- 14 Western Union - - 62 WbeeiiDC A Lake Erie- IX do, preferred 5 Alabama Class A......... if Alabama Class B 1 Alabama Class C. - Lonislanars North Carolina 6s , North Carolina 6's : ?ennessee Mew Settlement 8s 108 88 96 10 va 77 8 " 118 5H 8054 9 106 in 122X VlMr1ri& ft' dAfm-ved Virginia Trust Receipts, stamped... Vfrartnls. Vnndtaur Dent.: ....... nailed 8tatea4's, registered.. . ......... - United 8i&tes4,s, coupons........ ... .. United States 2s. . Southern Railway 6's. Southern Railway, common... .j.- .. .. do, preferred.. .... South Carolina 4Vi's United States new 4 s, regisnssenv. United States new 4's, coupon.. CHARLOTTE COTTON MARKET. These figures represent prices paid to wacons.1 Strict rood middling...... r. .. .... sooa suaaiing... Strict middling . 1 UHUUing.... TiBges.i ..... T10 6K7 00 eosx tains... The market was firm. . NAVAL STORES. . Wilmington, March U. Rosin firm; strained t 45; good strained 1 60. Spirits turpentine firm, machine 2716; irregular 27. Tar qniet at 80. Crude turpentine quiet; hard 1 M; soft 1 6u; virgin nothing doing. T. J. Hodgen & Go. CHARLOTTE, N.. C. Dealers In COTTON, STOCKS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Private leased wires to New York and Chicago. Brokerage on stock and grain Vt ". 6c per bale on cotton, round trade. National Bank reference 'given on ap plication. Office 23 South Tryon street." P. B. ALEXANDER, ' Manager. .Twenty-six years ago a sign in the shape of a star was hung out at the corner of College and Trade streets, with the Inscription: "Mayer & Roes, Wholesale Grocers." Tou will find that same star at .' J NO. S6 SOUTH COLLEGE ST. i With the name of John B. Ross & Co. " WHOLESALE GROCERS, Thereon. Mr. Ross is one of the old firm of Mayer & Ross and he will be1 glad to welcome you at his new place of business and show you through his immense stock of Groceries. Barnhardt&Co., (Saeeessers te Cochrane s Bernhardt.) WHOLESALE PROVISIONS, GRAIN AND GOAL. SOI, 808, 809 East Trade street. CHARLOTTE, N. 0. FREE! i We will give free with each out-of-town order for bicycle- sundries or re pairs for the next thirty days two of the most useful articles used by bi blcycle riders. dTn every repairer of wheels whose orders- amount to $8- or more, wilt be given free one of our new stock wood rims, 28x14. or 28x1. W. F. Dowd, Stearns, Wavsrry, Patee and Business Clipper Bicycles. THE D. i TOMPKINS CO. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Electric Light Plants, Automatic Sprinklers, Steam Heating, Top Rolls Covered, Cotton Mill Repairs, Fire Protection. PRESBYTERIAH COLLEGE FOB WOMEN. " Cti s rtottayy. ........ .... ' Mm ft -;Cmly three months eld and tvsevry 200 students In aO aepartrnenta - Board and tuition XIM per Quarter. This ta cludes light and heat and tosraetloa ta the regular branches with Latin. In struction tn ART, 8TBNOGHAPHT and BOOK-KEEPINa at reasomable rstss j, ..-.,.-----"--- -sjS.; S 'L DEPARTMENT OF ltXOOafWi---Prot.Ck.-P. McCey. director. Price M tnstructios trees 87 JS to 81 per quar ter, according to grada The wary best available teachers tn aj departnMa-tsV Address . , . - r Ulil'lDfc-TlWB'LKT-'ft JUNKtM, - or MISS UU W. LONG. m r-liat 2aiScwfJiTiyon Strtet Cirlotte, H. C1 ?: 1Tt dealers (wholesale f' ' r - j .v f Jt-f - , r Vibyi don't yon give us an - EleciricjVentllatiriir Fans, :' so tnat you Ttayotcool during thef coming summer. ir UKes ; njnei to AU.an'-oraer and properly wire your WRITE is a pleasure .to promptly amwer dker Coa! and I Wood Wholesale and Retail. Bituminous (soft) Coal aj specialty, and we claim ours the best I and most economical grades ever sold here; being very hard, there Is practically no slack (fine coal) such being- clear loss to con sumer,,, . V .f - i - Sole agents for Blue Gem Indian Mountain. Jellico and Coal Creeks r We also handle the best grades An. thracite. Egg, Stove and. Nut. Call at our city office, 85 North, Tryon street (opposite city hallft where samples may be seen and orders left.-r r . . ., - Try-our dogwood; and- persimmon stove wood. It will please you. t: r t. March Is marching In rather roughly, but very likely it will develop into a lovely spring month. By , the - way, marching just now seems to be the or. der of the day. The insurgents recently marched Into, the quarters of the Span, ish carabineers. Thousands ! will ere long march-to the scenes! of battle where Corbett and Fltxsimmona are to decide who is the world's pugilistio champion. Great crowds will march to the capitol on the fourth.1 when Mr. Cleveland marches out. Legions 'will next week march to THE Cheapest Store in the State. To witness the phenomenal display of spring dress goods. Wholesale and re tail departments win both be complete ly filled. Lovely styles emerge from packing cases. Beautiful Percales, Dimities, Marseilles, Piques, Chiffons, Satins, Elegant Lawns, plain white and figured. In such quantities as to almost burst their cases butterflies bursting crysalis bonds. However, the vital power which marches the great majority our way, which quickens every energy of the re tail bargain hunter, which draws the keen-sighted cash-buying merchant from towns miles away, which has de veloped and transformed ; THE BEE HIVE Into an overwhelming success is wound up in these three: simple, little words. UNDERBUY, UNDERSELL, CASH THE BEE Hi, Ever ready to profit-by others' mistakes. For Instance, a gigantic factory near New Tork shipped by mistake 9.000 yards. Victoria Lawns toi New Orleans.' We bought them for v cent less than cost of production. Next week we will offer Victoria Lawns one-quarter cent, less than mills can , produce, and le per yard less than any New Tork job ber can sell them and pay expenses of salesman. - J. D. COLLINS. Sent" To a person interested in humane matters, or who loves animals, we will send free, upon application, a copy of the ALLIANCE," the organ of this Society. In addition to Its Intensely in teresting reading, it contains a list of the valuable, and unusual -premiums given by . the paper. Address. : TBS WATXONAI, nVWUUf ALtXAKCB. - 410-4J4 UiUted OiartUes BdliJA, , ;,T.L. ELLIOTT. Granite afoacuBeats speclaltyr -. ' Aeaxra roa-LBOst Fdkss. 35 W. Trade Street,, Operletta, t? C, 1 -w. J MARCH! -: - I- Rl!(! 1 1 i vn Monumental Ms! and. retiil) in ill kinds of r" f - 4 i. f J order for our. i 1 ' ( 1 ' . t r FORi ESTIMATES.: aH; correspondence.' CHANGE OF BCHEDTJLE ON.THB IPJ itiiTfrn DDUBIEDAILY SEE2ICB " -- February 7, 1897. ; Trains' leave ' Charlotte -for -Raleigh. North and Southern points, 6:10 ln , -stead of 8:28. a. m.' 8:26 Instead of 8:20 p.. m. rN,---. .- " t- 1 leave for Lincoln ton, Shelby and Ruth- - - - erfordton.' 8:46 instead of UU5 a. m. Trains arrive i- at Charlotte from Raleigh, North and Southern points. 2 1:80 instead of 11:85 a. m.; 10:26 in. - stead -ef10r20 p. m. j . From Llncolnten, Shelby and Ruther- - fordton. 8:10 Instead, of 8:20 p. m. m IN EFFECT FEBRUARY 18. 1897. I This- condensed schedule ta published as Information, v and--' is 'subject to ' changre without notice to the public. -Trains leave Charlotte,- N. ;Ct - 1 .10:15 P. M.-NO, 86, dally for Atlanta - Charlotte Air Line division; and all -points South- and Southwest. Carries -.through Pullman drawing-room buffet sleepers between New -Tork, Washing-"' ton, Atlanta and New Orleans. .. - -leans. - ; ; j- - '-p.'-' :.-'"; ; sk .-sts a ar " " aw M , ' vvr A . ' VIM A. M. XIO, t, UtULJV TV BUS UlXlkfVUa and South WBattern VeBtibuled Umitd sAa i - A elaoea - i T1 nswwktwt cvKsa wwa 'U'as-m wKlsa , 1V l AUtaUUss ' A-aa umifj4qis suvtuiruawi r Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, 1 and all points South and Southwest. -Through Pullman sleeper New York to. New Orleans and New Tork to Mem phial Dining car, veatlbuled coach, be- tweea Washington and Atlanta. Pull-. man tourist ear xor sui x rm ma ikv, ouu.: days., . si . i . - ; 6115 A. M-l-No. 81, dally except Mon day, New Tork and Florida Limited. Consists exclusively of Pullman dining.; sleeping, compartment, library and ob servation cars. New Tork to St. Augus tine. . Pullman sleeper New Tork to Sa- -vaanah. -- i. , i- . ' - - 5:40 -A. M.N0. 10, dally tor'-Rlchr mond; connects at Greensboro for Ral eigh and Norfolk. , - . ! - - i 1320 P. M. No. 1L daily, for Atlanta . and all points South. SoUd trains Rlctu t mond to Atlanta; Pullmah sleeping- car Richmond to Greensboro. - ,". 10:15 P. M. No. 85, daily, for Column, bia and C, C. At A. local stations;. Au- ' gusta. Savannah, Jacksonville, carries through Pullman drawing room buffet steeper' between New: Tork and Jack sonville; -also Pullman sleeper Char- - It, LIS (.1 j 1. 11:00 P., M. No, 32, dally except Sun day. New York and Florida Limited for Washington, Baltimore and New York. 735 A. M. No. 37. daily, for Columbia and C, C & A., local stations. .- 8:35 A. M. No. 38, darly. for Wash ington, Richmond, Raleigh and all points North. 'Carries Pullman draw ing room buffet sleeper New Orleans to New York; Jacksonville to .New York. Pullman tourist car from. San Francis co Thursdays. t 4 - 8:30 P. M.--No. 38,: dally,-Washington-and Southwestern Vestlbuled Limited, for Washington and all points North. - :40 P. M.- No.-18, daily-, for- Rich mond, Raleigh, Ooldsboro and all points North. Carries Pullman sleeping car , from Greensboro to. Richmond. . Con nects at Greensboro with train carry- . I.. DiillmBni hv n TtdaiorYt .. .... ..-v- . 7:30 A. M. No. 62,- dally except Sun--day, .freight end passenger for States-", vllle and local stations.-; ' ' ' ' .14:45 P.;M. No. 15,-dally "except Sun Aav for sfatesville. Tavlorsville and local stations. - . j - i " " ! Daily except Sunday. - 1 ;A11 freight trains carry passengers . John M, Culp, - W. A. Turk, i -', Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt.7 W. 3H. Green. . ; Washington, D. C i ; Gen'l Superintendent, , . f . f r Washington. D. C. . 8?H. Hardwick, Ass't. Gen. Pass. Agt, : ,' AtUnU, Ga. w. . . PW .. . , t .- T3 MM A mrr i It East Trade st-. Charlotte. N. C HENBY E. KNOXr JBM OOHSUIjTUIU Ehnincer; Ain HTDRADLia V. Aitesian and tube wells specialty.; General water works construction, surveys plans and estimates. ' - i 1 Borings- made for archi tects, bridge and railroad engineers. i Pipe and primping ma chinery, r 1; r-rfnww a - v -r-vmmvn T - n i tinAULUll fi, Aw j ,. ISTABLISHD IN 1854. , -BejTS8tiai8y;.- EOYAL .- INSURANCE COMPANY, mSUEANCE COMPANY OF NORTH K " '-r.?-''AMXBlCXA,rt:-;- i;?- QEOROIA HOME,: ! VIRGINIA - STATE, , RICHMOND, ?j , AnH other Solid Companies..' "- HUTCHISON, - CRARtXTTE, JTOBTH CAKOLINA,' -'-'-' I-.-'"- ' ; ..j ,';,. j.e. duyal; dectrfoal Engineer and Contractor. Of - flee Zt West Trade Street, Boons ;.vT.r- L CHABLOTTB N. CLt -Are and incandescent lighting. Etjulp ntng cotton mills with electrle light plants a specialty. Estimates furnisaed on all kinds .of electrical work. Call wens, hotel nun cla tors, burglar alarm. mm fiwiiassss eoUadtaAj, TBLH BEST WORK and the lowest prloee re together at t fAaanrea arrlpUag Ustss . SolkeraBteilway; IflmnceApcy. ( 1 1 - nt