o 4 o 5 4 or n R a x o a o t TO a a o Wbitin Machine Works, WhitinavllU, fgass. CARDS, DB4W1KG, BFOOLCTtS, RKW, BPTBOfl KG, TWIST KKS. QCILI.KRS. IiUOMS. ecttlom Agent, 8 Soutli Tryon St., Cliarlotte, 1ST. O. THifi GJSO. B. HISS OIL CO., fc. pHopccKHgoy SPECIAL PETROLEUM LUBRICANTS. fa ve. Engine, Machine. Shafting. Crank Case, Loom, Spindle, Sperm. Lard. Neatsfoot, Castor, Harness, Brick. Tallow Oil, etc etc Wrist 11 . Crank Pin, Journal, Shafting. Axle aDd Belt Ureases, etc, etc. Boiler Compound, Buboer Hoofing Paint, Grady's Scouree. Cotton Slzine. 0ee and Warehouses: Kos. 17 and 19 South College St., CHASLOTTE, N. C. Phone lift. e Knotty how to accomplish the most work with the least labor, time and mone3 has been solved. mm Washing Powder makes a woman's work light sets her mind at rest keeps her purse closed. Get it before you foiget. Sold every where. Made only by ' - THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. Chicago, St. Louis, New York, Boston, Philadelphia. ARLINGTON HOTEL Centrally Located, Near Posteffice, CE ARLiQTTiS, N. C. Under new and permanent management. Sixty elegantly furnished roomf ; AH modern improvements Table equal to any to the City. Rate: 1.50, 82.00 ar J $2.50 per day. W. F.BUCHANiK, Owner and Proprietct UP TO DATE In Iron enameled, steel clad and copper bath tuba, lavatories, boilers, closets, blckets, links and hydrants, and any thing In the plumbing line. The stop cocks are the celebrated Oleamer. They are not the cheapest, but are the best made. Pumps in different styles, with glass valve and brass cylinder, reduc ing friction to a minimum, consequent ly lasts longer. Our work Is done thor oughly in every way. Each job la guar anteed for 13 months. Give us a trial. We give satisfaction. Estimates free. A. R. WTT.TiM AN. Only One v v . V From Each County. The first person in each county in this or acy of the bordering States who makes application will receive a six months scholarship in either course for ons half the regular rate. CHABLOTTB Y, M 0. A. Building. Charlotte, N. 0. Wrfta for Cataloe-ne. THE D. A. TOMPKINS CO. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Electric Light Plants, Automatic Sprinklers, Steam Heating, Top Rolls Covered, Cotton Mill Repairs, Fire Protection. ICE. ICE. Standard Ice aad Tael Company. f TJRE CRYSTAL ICE MAD3 FROM DISTILLED WATER. Oar factory has track connection with all the railroads, which enable na to load can without exposing ice to sun or air, thus avoiding heavy loss in leakage. Ioa shipped in any quantity from saok to oar-load, and loaded direct from the bath. Satisfaction ffiven in weight, quality, etc. Standard Ice St Fuel Co., A J. HA GOOD, Maaarer. FOR RENT. 5-Room House, comer Railroad and Eighth . . $10 7-Room House, East Fifth Street ....... $15 R. E. COCHRANE, Real Estate and Insurance. Gommercial College, B a s s o D Kitson Machine Co., Ltocaatll, (lui, OPESEKS WITH FEEDKM, BKKAKKKS, TNTERMEDIATB ADD FINISHER LAPPIKS, KIB3CHNEB OAJtOnS BKA Problem f-" ! iraii Boraen ! Eagle Brand! a I CONDENSED MILK HAS NO EQUAL. Sold Every wHEBr Sent Free! To a person interested In humane matters, or who loves animals, we will send free, upon application, a copy of the "ALLIANCE," the organ of this society, in addition to Its intensely In teresting reading, it contains a list of ...e valuable and unusual premiums rven by the paper. Address. THE NATIONAL HIMANE AIXIAHCE, 3-411 United Charities Building, New York. THE CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $125,000, We are now ready for business at our new banking room No. 9 East Trade Street. We solicit your account and will promise the most courteous treat ment and every facility consistent With sound banking. DIRECTORS: O. W TTLT.WTT. J W. ttttkt) VINTON LIDDELL, B.'D. HKATH. v ui . uv x. i , a' t tuo nun I M. J. F. ROBEBTSON, O. VALAEB, & J. BHEvARDi B. D. HEATH. President. W. H. TWITTT, Oaahier. FIRST CLASS Merchant - Tailoring I keep the most reliable good! and make them to measure In the very best manner by thoroughly skilled work men here in Charlotte. Price guaran teed to be at low at the tame olass of goods and work can be had elsewhere. J. S. PHILLIPS, MERCHANT TAILOR, SUTH TRYON 8TRBBT SI 'The Best is Cheapest1 For staple and fancy Groceries, we quote lowest prices for strictly cash. Our goods are the best offered, prices are right, and our system cannot be beaten. Your neighbor has found it so. Have you? Dealing with us will prove that one hundred cents will purchase one dollars worth of goods. We guar antee polite attention and a willingness to show the best kept stock in the city. Moore & Jones. T. L. ELLIOTT. Monamental Works. Granite Monuments a specialty. Assam fob lnon Fen en. 35 W. Trade Street. Ooerlntt. N. O. THE HALF-HOSE THE BEST IN THE MARKET. The nicest-fitting, longest-wearing, most comfortable and cheapest in the end. They are the only half -hose knitted to the shape of the human foot. They can be obtained in Charlotte of MELLON & SHELTON, long-tate clothing co., the Carolina clothlnq co. TAKE NO OTHER. 'WEAR NO OTHER. mm OBJECTED TO J. A. HE5DEBS0H. . - f n , - nioaUTi woounrr swvab him. - i A Wat rerty H.w Meaanres Fry. Thinks CI Til Servioa la aa Awfnl Washing-ton, March IS. The Pmi deraf message, which, after Its being resui yesieroay, was lam on the table. was, on motion ox Mr. Morrill. Kepubli can, of Vermont, referred to the finance committee. The credentials of Mr. John A. Hen derson, appointed by the Governor of Florida to fill the vacancy In the Sen ate caused by the expiration of the term of. Mr. Call, were resented and read, and Mr. Pasco asked that Mr. Bender son be sworn Into office. This request was antagonised by Senators Allen, Populist, of Nebraska; Chandler, Re publican, of New Hampshire, and Hoar. Republican, af Massachusetts, on the ground that under the decision of the Senate in the Mantle, and other cases, such appointments by the Governor were not in compliance with the eon erltutlon. An additional point of objection was noted by Mr. Hoar in this that the ap pointment tn this case was made to continue "until the Legislature should elect." The Governor, Mr. Hoar ar gued, had no such power. He could ap point only until the next meeting of the Legislature. In fact, the Govern or's appointment of Mr. Henderson raigm not last ror six years orny, dui forever, if the Legislature did not elect a Senator. All of these cases, said Mr. Hoar, were on the same footing, and there ought to be a well-considered, careful dealing with them; first by the committee on privileges and elections, and afterwards by the action of the Senate. It was very much more important for the Sen ate to extract itself from the mud into which It got by its action in the Mon tana and Washington cases, than that a Senator should get his seat a week or two earlier. He hoped that under the circumstances the Senator from Florida would not insist upon having a long debate upon the matter now. Mr. Pasco stated the points in which the present case differed from the oth er ones and argued in favor of the ad mission of Mr. Henderson. Mr. Allen moved the reference of the credentials to the committee on privi leges and elections. This was agreed to after further debate, over two hours having been consumed In the discus sion. Many bills were introduced and refer red, among them bills by Mr. Allen, Populist, of Nebraska, directing the foreclosure of the government lien on the Union Pacific Railroad; to prevent over-capitalisation of companies doing an inter-State carrying trade; to pre vent professional lobbying; to preserve the purity of national legislation, and to increase the circulating medium. Al together there were some forty bills in troduced by Mr. Allen, most of them relics of the last Congress. A bill to facilitate the construction, working and maintenance of telegraph ic communication between the United States, the Hawaiian Islands, Japan and Australia was introduced by Mr. Chandler, on behalf of Mr. Hale, Re publican, of Maine. Also a bill to pro vide for the twelfth and subsequent censuses. A bill for a government tel egraph was introduced by Mr. Kyle, Populist, of South Dakota, and one to amend the immigration laws by Mr. iXHige, rtepuDiican, of Massachusetts. A bill for the relief of Wm. J. Bryan, when its title was read, caused a gen eral laugh. A bill to increase all pen sion allowances was introduced by Mr. Thurston, Republican, of Nebraska. A new Nicaraguan Oanal bill was intro duced by Mr. Morgan. Democrat, of Alabama. Also a bill to create a board of trustees of the Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroad .Companies to fund their bonded indebtedness. Also a Joint resolution declaring the Bulwer- 0 ay ton treaty abrogated. Bankruptcy bills were introduced by Senators Hoar, Republican, of Massa chusetts, and Nelson, Republican, of Minnesota. Altogether there were 438 bills Introduced and referred, most of them coming over from the last Con gress. A bill granting a pension of $50 a month to the widow of Brigadier Gen eral John B. Stevenson was Introduced by Mr. Vest, Democrat, of Missouri, and passed. During its consideration Mr. Allison, Republican, of Iowa, asked Mr. Vest significantly whether he thought that the passage of the bill to day would expedite Its becoming law. "I think so." Mr. Vest replied. "I think 1 can get action on it in the House." Mr. Allison's comment was: "I have great admiration for the Senator's con fidence." A resolution was offered by Mr. Frye, Republican, of Maine, calling for cop ies of all orders or instructions, and all correspondence with engineer officers in charge of public works, relative to the application of civil service rules to the operation of works in charge of the engineer department. He remarked, in an audible whisper, that he wanted to get rid of the civil sen-ice, which was "an awful outrage." "Is that a step," Mr. Cockrell, Dem ocrat of Missouri, asked, "in the direc tion of abolishing the civil service law?" 'I regard It," Mr. Frye replied, "as a step in favor of abolishing the civil service rules so far as they relate to the employment of laborers and surveyors in the construction of public works." "The employment by contractors or by army engineers?" Mr. Hawley, Re publican, of Connecticut, Inquired. "By the engineers," Mr. Frye replied. "It is simply this: The civil service rules have been extended by the Presi dent over the employment of all man-" ner of servants through the engineer department of the government, so that if an officer way up the Columbia river wants to hire a laborer for a piece of work, the laborer must have a certifi cate from the civil service commission. And so in the case of a surveyor who may be wanted for two or three days. It is interfering with all the Improve- i ments of rivers and harbors and is ab solutely absurd and stupid." The res olution was agreed to. Mr. Vest, Democrat, of Missouri, gave notice of an amendment of the rules, providing trat no report shall be re ceived by the Senate from any com mittee nnless the report has been con sidered by the committee at a session attended by aquorum of its members. After a short executive session, at which to-day's nominations were re ferred, the Senate at half past S ad journed tillThursday next. Kentucky Republicans Will Elect a Sen ator. Frankfort, Ky.. March 16. The five new State Senators, four Republicans and one Democrat were sworn in this morning. The Blackburn Senators at tempted to refer the credentials, but they were out-voted. This means that the Republicans will be able to elect a United States Senator at this session. Two AaU-Trast mils Rosdy. Albany, N. Y.. March 16. The Gover nor's legal adviser, Chas. Z. Lincoln, has completed the preparation of the two anti-trust bills which are Intended to carry oat the recommendations of the Lexow trust Investigating commit. RHEUMATISM Munyon's Rheumatism Cure is guar anteed to cure acute or muscular rheu matism in from one to five days. Sharp shooting pains in any part of the body stopped by a few doses., A prompt, complete and permanent cure for lame ness, soreness, atiS back, and all pains in hips and loins. Chronic rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago or pain ln the back are speedily cured. It seldom fails to give relief from one or. two doses, aad almost invariably cures before one bot tle has been used. Price 25c MUNYON'S Improved Homoepmthic Home dy Company pot trp a separate cure for each disease. At all -druggists, mostly 26 cents. Guide to Health free . Personal letter to Prof. Man yon. 1565 Areb street. Philadelphia, Pa- an swered with free medical advice for any a mease. lfir.Tmii. nintmj to Have a 1-irrin .rEaOsaStt.tk.Mk, kosailosk. Mm Death, P latiea aad DsstrtteOa AXJ the Way Over j Bird's Pets, Ma, to HaIma,Ark. I - Memphis. Tenn.. March 1C The val ley of the lower Mississippi is a vast in- lana sea. Death, desolation ana dis tress is spreading from as far north as Bird's Point, Mo., to the country oeiow Helena, Ark. The heavy rainfall of the past fortnight in the valley aad the consequent Hoods are the immediate cane of the frightful swelling in the Mississippi in the vicinity of Cairo and south of there. The break in the levee near Nodena, ArJc-Saturday, has wrought havoc in Mississippi county, which is virtually at the mercy of the raging torrent. Many persons ar thought to have perished in the vicin lty. Twenty-five negroes are reported drowned in Bushy Bayou. Many people are in a state of starva tion. The steamer Minnehaha has re turned from a trip to Island Forty, five miles north of Mound City, where sev eral families were found. The women were in water up to their waists, and two of them were holding babies in their arms. Va Mils. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of con stipation and aide headache. For ma' l&ria and liver troubles they have proved invaluable. They are guaran teed to be perfectly free from every de leterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system: Regular size zSc per box. sola by iiurweii Dunn, druggists. FINANCIAL AND OOMMKBCIAX. Cotton Advanced 4 to 6 Point, la the Early Trading In Sympathy with a Bat ter Tone to th. Liverpool Market. , Special By Private Wire to Harrison Watts. New York, March 18. Cotton ad vanced 4 to 6 points in the early trad ing to-day in sympathy with a better tone to the Liverpool market than had been expected and continued alarming reports in regard to the extent of the overflow of the Mississippi river and the wet weather conditions in the South. There was considerable buying by commission houses and room trad ers during the first hour, but the de mand subsided soon afterwards, and left the crowd heavily long at the top. The receipts were moderate at both the ports and interior towns, and the Southern spot markets ruled steady at yesterday s prices. These features com bined served to hold the market steady during the balance of the morning, but when some of the local traders tried to unload in the afternoon the market broke from under them and steadily declined. The selling pressure became general in the last half-hour and the market closed weak, with all the im provement lost and the final prices showing a decline of 1 to t points from last night s quotations. Total sales were 78,500 bales. B. B. CUTHBERT & CO, Bad Weather Preventing Planting in the Booth. Special to the Observer. New York, March 16. The early deal lngs in the cotton market to-day gave promise of more activity. The Liver pool cables reported an advance of one and one-half sixty-fourths in that mar ket- This was regarded as bullish and prices here were 2 points higher at the opening. May selling at first call at 7.08. New Orleans sent a few buying orders early In the session and May rose to 7.12. The advance encouraged realizing and the bears, who are gain ing confidence in the continued absence of any speculative demand, sold freely. prices gradually declined until the close, which was barely steady, with 7.06 bid for May. The reports from the South Indicate that the retarding of planting preparations by the wet weather Is becoming serious. We do not expect any decline of consequence. RIORDAN & CO. Th. Wheat Market Developed Weakness in th. Early Trading, Influenced by Dis appointing Foreign advices and Less Confidence in the Bad Crop Reports. Chicago, March 16. Wheat developed weakness in the early trading on liqui dating, influenced by disappointing for eign advices and less confidence in the bad crop reports from Kansas. Indiana and Illinois. The foreign houses turn ed up af good sellers and .a good, steady stream of long wheat came on the market, which caused a weak opening and steady decline of to lc. per bushel. May sold down to i3A and July 714 in the Chicago market before the selling pressure subsided. General covering by shorts and buying by hold ers of "puts" set in, and as Bradstreet reported a decrease in the world's via ble supply for week of 4.000,000 bush els against 680,000 last year, the market rallied and closed steady within H to of last night s closing. A disappoint- ng feature was the continued absence of cash or export demand. In the ab sence of cash business or foreign sup port, we will have to have more bad crop news to stimulate a further ad vance. E. B. CUTHBERT & CO. Speculation in the Stock Market Strong The Tand.rbilta Displayed Great Firm, ness from Start to finish. By Southern Associated Pres.. The sensation of the day in the stock circles .was a break in Missouri Pacific from 19 to 15 on usually heavy trad ing. The report of a receivership was freely circulated, but this time the ru mor met with a most emphatic denial on the part of President Gould and Di rector Sage. Mr. Gould, in a statement made public shortly after the slump in the stock, denied absolutely that a re ceiver would be appointed and also ex pressed his willingness to cash April coupons of the company at their face value, less the usual rebate at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum. He further stated that the earnings of the road were improving, net for January show ing an Increase of $148,000 as compared with the corresponding month of 1896. In his opinion the attack on the stock and the reports of a receivership were the result of a desire on the part of the bears to cover the short sales in other stocks. The denial alarmed the shorts a rush to cover followed and the stock bounded up to 184. closing at that fig ure. WabaBh stock and bonds declined in sympathy, but the general market held remarkably well throughout the raid. In fact as the day advanced rail way and industrial stocks gathered strength, and near the close the best figures for a long time past were re corded in many instances. The Vander bilts, especially New York Central, Canada Southern. Southwest and Nick el Plates displayed great firmness from start to finish. New York Central got up to 100, Canada. Southern to 50, Northwest to 110, Nickel Plate second preferred to 84 and Big Four to J3H The confident buying of these issues was the subject of much comment and had a great deal to do with the firm front presented by the other railway stocks. Illinois Central, which has been dormant of late, had a spurt of activity and on buying for both local and for elgn account advanced about 3 points to 964. In the afternoon rise Manhat tan and Western Union were conspicu ous, moving up 1 per cent, each to 87 and 86 respectively. Covering of short contracts accounts for the im provement. In the industrials Sugar was traded in ex -dividend of 3 per cent. The stock, first sold down to 111 and then rose to 113. Rubber preferred was In better demand on the denials of the reports current yesterday of a war in the trade. Speculation closed strong in tone. Net changes show gains of 1424 per cent. Illinois Central lead ing. The total sales were 239,131 shares, of which S5.500 were Missouri Pacific, 66,10s Sugar, 8,600 St. Paul and 8,600 Omaha. Beads were steady. The sales footed up 31.310.000. : . Treasury balances: Coin. 313S.783.000-. currency. 366,728.811. New York March It The Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin in its review of the week of the dry goods market says: "There has been little change from the general routine of the market during the past week. The gen. eraj tone j of staple , cotton is without improvement. Spring lines of printed cotton fabrie are generally well situ aied aad steady ha price.: Men's wear woqsea ana werstea fabrics have been in considerable request with a general-" ty steady tons, toot . with no . such strength aa might hav been expected in view of the Impeading tariff legisla tion: i Dress goods jhave steadily ad- f vajaceMwlth ftricesf mostly well sup. portea. tcauecttons jcontniue ssrisfao. toey if ji j -- ! f : orry pkodook maker. Corrected Dally by Ctoo. 8. BalL Groceries. and Prod acs Dealer.) T falWnsisktallaaA Peaches apseled tisltsa, bright.. 3? B1 oeberries dried .. . ... Aflonr-sack ....... Family " " , Hidesdry per ...,. ISOtOO S003SS Wool wasn. Bacon hog tosnd pet poud. 1SUA19 -sides. ear shoulders tuai Oats P pounds per btamhaU. I8$4e mixed i n csnwis Heal bolted 44 pounds par bnaaal SSQU " unbolted 48 4s3s Oora old 66 povnda par bnaaal Ot&iS Onions select per bnshel floaTS Lard R. O THA Tallow tha 5 Dncks 120 Bona osr head s9i Spring chickens. c :19& Roosters ne head laaia Turkeys par pound... Q 8 Guinea 0ail 3eese Batter choice v. llo w 'beta Honey strained per pound a " comb per pound MMOH wasa!rr."""rrrrr."."r."iiv.".".".".T mS4 Rve - Snass Feathers. SS041 NEW YORK OOTTOH FCTUBR8. Rsw York. March M Oottsxi ateul,. M fal dling upland 7M; JsUddliag Gait natures nareiy steaay. Bales msos Dales. nwaos liUSBii Mains March 700 6 W 6 99;oo 7 203 April. 708 7 12 7 16 7 21 7 23 5 95 6 S3 84 6 88 6 7 05 7 05 7 to 7 14 7 18 92 79 6 7 83 6 W Hay 7 O506 7 loan 7 14915 T U&f Jane, July A agast September October .... November. . S 0O1 S 78k7 6 79tW S 830LH4 8788 December.. January.... rebrnary .. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Liverpool March Its. 4 p. m. Middling 4 00 d. ratnrea Closed anlet but stead r March March and April April and May. ... May and Jane.. lane and July Inly and Angost Ans-nstand Bonaember a arasi s eo&ii 3 60O61 8 M&M Sl 8 3 61 s 3 68059 September and October October and November . November and December December and January 3 53 S 3 48 b 3 46&47 3 464? January and February BALTIMORE PRODUCE MARKET. Baltimore. March 16. FLOUR DulL and unchanged. WHEAT Unsettled. Spot 87 bid May 80 to 804; Southern by sample 8SS90. CORN Quiet. Spot and March 274 27; Southern "white 2727; do yellow 26HZ7. NEW YORK MONEY MARKET. New York. March 16. Money on call has been firmer at 12 per cent, last loaned at 2 and closine offered at 2. Prime mercantile paper 33Vs per cent. Bar silver 62. Mexican dollors 4849l. Sterling exchange is dull and easy with actual business tn bankers bills at 4 854 864 for 60 days and 4 874 for demand. Posted rates 4 86 64 88. Commercial bills 4 8484 85. Gov eminent bonds firm. State bonds steady Railroad bonds generally higher. Sil ver at the board heavy . NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. New York. March rs..FLOUE..Dnll. steadv. Winter wheat, low grades, t ao3 25; do fair to fancy 8 24 N); do patents 4 6095 00; Min nessota clear 3 00s 50; patents 4 10&4 85; Av. a . f9 U..,.KAn fll, Hull steady; common to fair extra 3 20&3 50; good to choice 3 Dim 00. U'll t' i T Uka. -1... .lr.11 lb steady. F. O B. 83K: ungraded red "Ot&Xi! Options closed steady at H to tt cent de cline. No. 3 red March 814; April ...,;Ma 7tWt : Julv78K. BE UUKiN. Spots dull, Arm. No. Z ZH ele- vator: 3CQ30X afloat. Options closed steady. M arena.: May w; July aiw. OATS. Snots dull. firm. Outlons W lower dull. March . . .; May El V Spot No. 2 22; No. 2 white 24: mixed western ZI493. LARD Stronger, unlet. Western steam 4 50; city 4 15; May 4 62. Refined firm; conti nent 4 su; s. a. s ua; compouna mox- PORK. Strong. New mess 8 75i 25. COTTON BEI Eli OIL Steady. Crude 20H; yellow prime 234. COFFEE Closed dull at 5 to 10 points down March ; April siay a k Spot Rio dull. weak. No. 7 9H"- SUGAR. Kaw. uutot flrro. Fair refining IX. Refined active, hieber. Off A 5 3-16: standard A 4M; cat I oar ana crasnea an: granulated 414. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. Opening Closing WHEAT March 72V 72 73X May 73sffS July .... 72H4 72 CORN March 23 May 23K 25 16M 16 17 July 25 US1D March r. 16M May 17 July.. 17JK18 MESS PORK March Mav 8 85 9 00 8 92 9 05 July LjA KU March May. 4 SO 4 42 4 32 4 42 Jnly. RIBS Ill March May 4 75 4 82 4 82 July 4 77 CLOSING BTOOKS. American Cotton Oil 12 do preferred 56 American Sugar Refined.. 113 103 78 106 n 15 53 18 166 77 78 15? oo prererreu American Tobacco do nreferred Atchison Baltimore A Ohio Canadian Pacific Ohesapeak A Ohio Chicago Alton Chicago. Burlington Qulncy Chicago Gas. Delaware, Lack A Western instilling ana cams jreeaiag Erie 14 33 85 98 17 67 170 40 H 86K 15 a 1SH to 67 do nreferred ........ General Electric. ... Illinois Central Lake Erie A Western. do nreferred- Lake Shore Louisville A Nashville Louisville A Saw Albany Manhattan Consolidated. Memphis A Charleston. Michigan Central Missouri Pacific Mobile A Ohio. Nashville, Chattanooga A Bt. Louis. Nnited States Cordage do preferred. New Jersey Central Dew York Central.. New York A New England Norfolk 4s Western preferred: Northers Pacific do preferred Sorts western 94 W. 87 27 13 87 10 156 . 24 8 78X 137 63 80 9 7 ao nreienea..... Pacific Mail.. Reading..... . Rock Island St. Paul do preferred Silver Certificates. Tennessee deal and Iron do nrefamd Texas Pacific. .. Union rtdtc.t Wabash 5 do. nreferred 14 v Western Union.... 86 Wheeling A Lake Erie.. IS ao. ntererrea 4 Alabama Class A 104 Alabama Class Bi 104 Alabama -Ola C. w Louisiana Vm 87 North Carollaa 6"a-. ICE North Carollaa r a 124 Tennessee New Settlement rs... 79 Virginia , deferred S Virghua Trust Receipts, stamped 6 Virginia Funding Debt se Cnlled Btates 4'a, registered- ill United (Hate. 4'a, coupons 113 United states le... osS Southern Railway fa 90 ooathern Railway, common. .... 9 do, preferred South Carolina 4"s. ., 108 unites Btates new 4s, reglsSeied 123 Calved State, sew 4s, coupon.. 23 CHARLOTTE COTTON MARKET (These Imres .represent prices paid to waronal Strict good asW4ns... Good Middling v. Strict middling Middling.............. . Tinges .... s'wb1wssBW sv- oo4i e-oeeeeoenoo see a 7 09 T 03 a&sWur INW4 Thenuvket was arm. NAVAL, STORKS. Wtl March .Rosin fins 44; stasias 1 SB. Spirit, tarpeatln. nrne .... 2 ii mm mimw rV .m H -PJ9??1 . hard 1 ; soft 1 89; virgin nothing doing. - t - -nCKTOTK. OOTTOH. Nrtrfolsr. Mama ta Onsanoi Sm SbMih. 714.. Not 1.187: ms 9 mmimm Stock 17.843, , , ... H. & aZBADWiCK '1 ..! s V 1 pariioxteOTacffl 202 and Ceiling or Wall Fans. It Unsurpassed Facilities ::: !::t:l::t: Our facilities for handling heavy groceries are unsurpassed and the large quantity in which we buy enables us to offer the best and most staple goods at exceedingly low prices. We take care of our customers in all Instances and offer them only the best goods. If you should miss our salesmen drop us a letter; or if you are a visitor to the city make our store your headquarters while here. John B. Ross & Co Wholesale Groceries, (Successors to Mayer & Ross.) WATER! HENRY E. KNOX. JB. 0ONBULTIN9 AITD HYDRAULIC Engineer Artesian and tube weLs specialty. General, water works construction, surveys plans and estimates. Borings made for archi tects, bridge and railroad engineers. Pipe and pumping ma chinery. CHARLOTTE, N. C. What a pleasure it is to have Nice, Clean, White Laundry! After yon have taken your bath yon feel a hundred per cent, better if your garments are nicely done up and your linens showing the appearance of clean liness and beauty. We take special care of all garments entrusted to our keeping ana guarantee to return tnem to yon in tne best condition possible. CHARLOTTE STEAM LAUNDRY, F. D: LETHCO, Mgr. JAS. i MITCHELL CO.. 121 aJTD lM.CHMTTTOT ST., FnTLADXLFHIa 51 ABTO 53 STJMstKn ST., BOSTOH. COTTON TURNS OP ILL KIND T. J. Hodgen & Co, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Dealers In STOCKS GRAIN COTTON, AND PROVISIONS. Private leased wires to New York and Chicago. Brokerage on stock and grain H; to. i-r bale on cotton, round trade. National Bank reference glyen on ap- 1. i.fl-.-e 23 South Tryon street. F. B. ALEXANDER, Manager. T. DeWirt Talmage says.... Of all the centuries, this is the best century. Of all the years, this Is the best year. Of all the days, this Is the best day. Charlotte People Agree With the Dr. in the above and would add that of all the cities, Charlotte Is the best city (Mr. Henry to th. contrary notwith standing), and of all the places to bay fine Stationery, STONE A BARRLNGER'S is the place. All the latest shapes and tints. STONE & BARRIN6ER. Booty Stationery and- Art Store, 4-a South Tryon Street. Furniture Buyers Have theft eyes opened on entering onr store and seeing the elegant line o? bed room sets, rockers, etc, at such redioo loualy low prices. We will treat yon right MAXWELL 4 kUXWELL. InsnranceAgency. i ESTABLISHED LK 1854, Representing: ttOYAIT INSURANCE COMPANY, INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, GEORGIA HOME, VIRGINIA HI ATE, RICHMOND, And other Solid Companies i E. NYE HUTCHISON. CHARLOTTE. NORTH CAROLINA. 'mmi mm rest tai s I tT-rSega-sS: ' ! Fire iHiiTsrtsisisi lr 1 rivui .VmUvw -mmm rTn VHst- wm mm I . . . ... , i , ...... , . - M tsy. j THM BBT WORK and tne lowmst 204 South Tryon Street, We are dealers (wholesale Electrical Why don't jyon giYe us Electric Ventilating iFans, so that you may be cool during the coming summer. It takes! time to fill an order and properly wire your DUllUlIlg. ! r WRITE is a pleasure to promptly answer all correspondence. Over 400 Steams i wheels (and t no other) used in the great Trans-Conti nental Road Race or W). rrorn uaiuor nlo Mow Turk. The arreaisst road race of any kind held in the world's his tory. Tet our competitors, admitting that we have the best racing wheels made, say that it b better for track thsn road. S W. F. DO WD. Stearns. Waverly, Fates Clipper Bi cycles. Friends of the Stearns, watch for something interesting. ! The ladies having in charge this com ing event, are displaying Wondeiiul business tact. It would be well for some men to pattern after tneir vtna ana en thuatawm Th mMwu of this enter prise is assured. They never fail in anything, it they are banded together, as they are in this case. The people will come for hundreds of miles away to see tnis exnioit wmcu in mu rc fll h. Miial n th World's Fair. Another drawing card that is attracting every free American ciusen wnnin me borders of North and South Carolina is the display at -y.. k..im(t, mukrlnr more SDSCe than any other hojuse in the! country. and giving us three commoaipus wr rooms to spread ouj values inj presents . .mlHir not nausMlV found in a city of 100,000 (inhabitants, having department stores ts a Biep thing ever undertaken in thisi country. v. .. i -. n V. r. . Wwium tn Hlicb TirO - uur uuoiucm z " ' portions we were -forced to beep pace r - . ill JLswil 4ka with It. in one eiore win we moat magnificent Sine or arees goooa, C111CI DAtUB oHwt " ' . . worth 4c., going at 2c; towels, worth 4c., sold at zc: be. calico ai isov piques, valued at iwc., novinsiuiwu at 7Vic.; French organdies, worth S6c, our price, 25c.; 76c. storm serges at 48c; 81.25 silks at 75c; &8c. silks at 63c; $1 shirt waist for 50c. and 40c etamlne at 30c This is only a brief sketch of the thousands of other articles. Our next store is filled up with clothing and hats. My, to see (those $7 and 88 suits that other houses i.are bragging about being cheap. We Are Selling the Same Right Along for $5. ! Our gift is In money. I "See." Boys pafits, 5c; boys suits, 25c; men's pants. 25c; men's suits, 81.48 and up. Hatst why, we have more than any three concerns In Charlotte. Think of men's hats for 10c and up Xo the best brands; foom 25c to 75c below any other dealer. Boys' caps, 16c Third store room is stoqked with shoes and gents' furnishing. Talk abeut yeur gents' and ladles4 hand-sewed shoes that you have been paying from S3 to 85 for and see onr 31.50 ladies' shoes, all styles, toes, etc. Men's hand-sewed, all widths, only 83. How mucm can you save, if this don't knock tnei socks on of anything in this country you must be color blind. Gents' furnishing: One hundred dosen scarfs. Just in, worth 50c, -only 25c; Seeks, 2c; stilrt, 10c; Harris wire buckle suspender, 5c. ; good laundried shirt, 26c, and fhe very best brands from 25c. to 50c cheaper than any one. If these prices and goods don't attract jhen you are a fit subject for the lunatic asylum. Get in the tidal wave of prosperity by) stepping Into BM Cheapest Store I On Earths 15 to 21 B. Trade St. , Charlotte, - j- - tf.Sc. We Makela Specialty pt SLATE AND TIN ROOFIHS. f Contracta ont oi the city rJoetyet Our prompt attentionv and ; only I tiie .best work executed in all cases. If yon sre building or contemplating building And want to use siace or, tin in jami roofing, write to us for ant estimate. ' 1 I N.L'cCA'JSUKD&CO. Richard A. Dlytho, COU'JISSICl UERCHANT, COTTOM WAJEPg aXD TAKBT. j- . h.HTsw juC Ctnnt : Street, ; . EXPOSITION. i BELK BROS I . : ! t j ! - j ; President Charlotte, N. C and retail) in all kinds of Supp ies. . - f an order for our F I. FOR ESTIMATES. Soatherp 1 Railway. IN EFFECT FEBRUARY It, 1297. This condensed schedule is published as information, and ts subject' to change without notice to the public Trains leave Charlotte, N. C: 10:16 P. M. No. 85, daily for Atlanta, St Charlotte Air Line division, And all points South and Southwest Carries) through Pullman drawing-room buffet sleepers between New York. Washing Oton. Atlanta and New Orleans. 'Pull man tourist car for San Francisco Sat urdays. ' :S6 A. M No. 8 dally, Washington and Southwestern r Vestibnled Limited for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis. Montgomery. Mobil and New Orleans, and all points South and Southwest. Through Pullman steeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Mem phis. Dining car. vestlbuled coach, be tween Washington and Atlanta. 5:15 A. M. No. St, dally except Mon day, New York and Florida Limited. Consists exclusively of Pullman dining, sleeping, compartment. library and ob servation cars. New York to St. Augus tine. Pullman sleeper New York to Au gusta. j f ! . 6:40 A. M. No. Is, dally for Rich mond; connects at Greensboro for .Ral eigh and Norfolk, i -- in-wi v u.-No. lL daily, for Atlanta and all points Soutlu Solid trains Rich mond to Atlanta; muman sleeping oar . Richmond to Greensboro. . 10:16 P. M. No. 35, dally, for Colom bia and C. C. A. local stations Au gusta, Savannah, Jacksonville, carries . through Pullman drawing room buffet sleeper between New York and Jack sonville; also Pullman sleeper Char lotte to Augusta, i - i 11:00 P. M. No. 82. dally except Sun day, New York and Florida Limited for Washington. Baltimore and New York. S:85 A. M. JNO. it, ioaiiy, ior toituaoia and C, S A A. local stations. 0:36 A. M. No. St, daily, for Wash ington. Richmond, t Raleigh and all points Worth. ; carries ituunan ormw tng room buffet sleeper New Orleans to New York! Jacksonville to New York. Pullman tourist car from San Francis co Thursdays. i 8:80 P. M. No. 38. dally. Washington and Southwestern Vestlbuled limited, for Washington and an points North, C:40 P. M. No. -12. daily, for Rich-. mond, Raleigh, Goldsboro and all points North. Carries Pullman Sleeping car from Greensboro to ; Richmond. Con nects at Greensboro with train carry ing Pullman car to Raleigh, v - 7:30 A. M. no. sz daily except nun day, freight and passenger for States vllle and local stations. 4:46 P. M. No. 16, dally except Sun Anv tnr fttatMrvtllsi- Tavlorwvills and local stations. ' Dally except Sunday. All freight trains carry passengers. John M. Culp, W. A. Turk, Traffic Manager, : Gen. Pass. Agt, W. B. Green, Washington, D. C Gen'l Superintendent, - Washington, p. C 8. H. Hard wick, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt, Atlanta. Ga. R. L. Vernon, Travelinir Passenger Agt 18 East Trade St., charlotte, M. c IIIIITCIt P0UBLEDAILY .TO ATLANTA, CHARLOTTE. ATHENS, WHLMINCTON. NEW ORLEANS. CHATTANOOGA AND NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA. WASHINGTON. NORFOLK. RICHMOND. . SCHEDULE IN EFFECT FEB. T. 1897. WESTWARD. - . .: No. 4L Ho. Ssa, Lv. Wirmlngtoa . ...... -3 l3f2? 3 spn Lr. LnmMrios.'. .mh.m Lv. Mas ton .... Lv. Lanrlsbarg Ar. Hamlet...... Lv. Hamlet. Lv. Sock in (ha A isobb ajprn 53Ps . 713pm 7 JP 8 itpsa 4ps. ispsa sspse 5 team , Lv, Wadeaboro Lv. Marshville.. Ar. Monroe. ... ...i... ssa asasa aoasa . 8 Joans Lv. Monroe. Ar. CHAR I.O TTB Ar. Ut Holly. Ar. Lincoln too. ; Ar. Shelby i.. Ar. Ellen bo ro .... . tit tSSOpBB i54Pa At. Rutherford ton Lv.. Kaailet... ClssTT'skWae.i .Ar. Lv. tj m Ar.. i EASTWARD. j -a - Xo.Hl'- Katherfbrdton ......... ...... BUenboro.. ......,... ........ Shelby. t . . .... ...., Liscolntos. ..mot,. y M t. Holly ...... .....it.. CHARLOTTB ......... jMasa . Monroe....; ........... S58ant Monroe .. .. ...... . t... ..sam Msrshville .............. saa Wadeaboro. i T.iam Rockiaghani .. . ........ 7 4isss Hamlet.. ...v.... ....... rsjasa. Hamlet-... ...... ........ 45am Lanrinburg 9 nam R0.4M. 4SSPS : jisps jpst ? fops fjopai : 85pa ; P 7t4psi -1. 31am Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. sa 1 UI Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. .... .... Milton . yMm Lombertoa.v. ........... xo isam Wilmington. 11 ! NORTHWARD. Hamlet . S 15am Ksieifh...... II 30am Portsmounta .... ..... jjopm Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Kichmond' WashisgtoaV .. Hew York ..... . wea4) 6 .S31". SOUTHWARD. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar. Monroe1 .,..t e 4sam Athens L...., 115pm Atlanta; (Central Timet yjpos OaUy. . j tDaOy, except Sasday Both train, make immediate eonaectloa at Atlanta for Montgomery, MobUe,Mew Orleass, Texas, Califoraia, Mexico, Chattaaooga, Mask, ville, Memphis, Macon, Florida, i Baggage checked firoat hotel or residence ts Bowuuon - eiaie room as. vationa made Is advance. ( For Tickets, Sleepers, etc., aeply t W. H. RAMSEtIR, CKy Tmfcet Agt. sx S. Tryea St., Cbarletts, N. C - -R. A. NEWLANO. Oea. Agt. Dsat. " s im h ns.ss, snasaa, us. aeo. Ms. s. BATTB. Trsv. Pass. Agt, .4' I B. ST. JOHN, 1 H.W. B. ULOVBS, ' Vies Pres. sad Osa'IMgr. , t ; TrataaBgr. r. B. McBSB. j T. J. ANDERSON. - Agt WHoi.Ban.m p&ovisioNa. q&aih 'AND COAL. 1 tOl, got, SOB East Trade strert. 1 sa W sBsat BBSsf SP si ii ttasnsi a nam JJoam 8 1 jam I IpB ' 5sei I osm 345am ' 5 am us Barnhardt&Cor, 1 i

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