i- " .4 a, V ' - r 1 . - b. f I " t ! J Dl&ILY 1897 ' ' - k 9 FATHER WORTH'S FIGQERING. TOTAL- AJPFKOFBIATIONS 990,m, Ta In 111 1 to CrnnU SS,- Ptiifctw f Gorrarmsr Jmasaa Irsasll. P t r Hospital BMfdi Max Taka TiMialu by yrw Tar Bxb Doat Has ttata s Ask far Pia la Waaalagfa Dr. Blaea-aaU Will Hn Charge of tk 1 Hofl Iafcsias t ia It1- t af OaM Ktsws Tfca Oararaar Psr- aBs ! Taaat The OoTrBor Da- atoaa daadtaa Daekary ta Ba FrsaMmt af the Faaltaatlarr Board A seabaard - Air Uh Traia BUIU a Mm Hear Tta. RalelKh. March It The Ptate Treas urer to-day completed his summary of of all the-- appropriations, regular ana SDeeiaL Here are some of them: IVaf Mate School At Moreanton, regular 140.000. soeciaL S34.&00: State Normal and Industrial Colleee. regular, 12..r0, special. $12,S00; University, regular. 20, 00, special. tS.OOO: Institution for the Blind, regular, $S.00, special. J10.000 in 1ST! and the same in 18S8. for new du-iu- ing; Colored Teachers' Training acnooi, $5,000; Colored Normal Schools, regular, $8,500. special, $4,000; expenses of Leg islature. $73,000; expenses of executive department. $26,000; expenses Judiciary department, $60,000: expenses of rail road commission, $11,000; Bureau of Labor Statistics. $3,500; agricultural societies. $2,250; Capitol Square, $600; carrying convicts to the penitentiary. $8 000; fugitives from Justice. $2,060; in terest on 4 per cent. debt. $133,000; Ox ford Orphan AsyluVi. $10,000; Col .red Orphan Asylum at Oxford, $3,000; geo logical survey. $10,000; pensions, 000- public printing. $17,000; sheriffs for settling State taxes. $1,000: State Board of Health. $2,000: State Guard. $6,000: State Library, $300: Soldiers' Home. $8,500; general contingent account. $20. 000; penitentiary contingent fund. 125, 000; Colored Agricultural and Mechani cal College. $7.S00: Western Hospital, $90,000: Central Hospital. $55,450; East ern Hospital. $40,000; department of criminal insane, $3,000; State Firemen's Association. $2,500. The total of all ex penses of the State government, in stitutions, etc.. is given as $980,890.84. Last year the figures were $833,000. In the way of Income are the follow. Ing items: Pensions. $105,000; bank li censes. $6,333; building and loan taxes $784; tax on bank stock. $1,464; drug gists' liquor licenses $641: express com pany's tax. $3,000: insurance compa nies' tax. $46,333: piano and organ deal ers. $1,750; public and special taxes. $529,891: seal taxes. $849: sowing ma chine license taxes, $2,400; telegraph and telephone $1,403; total. $698,000. There was a rumor current to-day that there was a plan on the part of the newly appointed directors of Ihe hospitals for the insane to tske posses sion by force. The whole business now goes into the courts. The Republicans are attempting to ridicule the Demo cratic contention that the act "grah hint" the hosDitals Is unconstitutional. R. P. Reinhardt, who. as stated three waolcn im takes charge of the convict farm near Wadesboro. is here. He says he is utterly unselfish, and while he has a nice piece of pie himself, would like to see the other faithful get some also. To his mind, of course, tne raun nl ore the Republicans and the bolt ers. He says Senator McCaskey. the irrnnd nhark of the bolters, tots two of the farms on the Roanok-. Caledor 1 onH 2 The contention of the oprtonents of nr.vemnr Russell in his tight against the lease of the North Carolina Rail road is that the State has no greater rights and privileges and powers man the private stockholders; tnat it is ex actly on a parity with them. People who return from Washington say the North Carolina Republicans are strictly in the push for offices; that no people are more forward in asking for the good things to be given away. Dr. George W. Blacknall. so well known the State over as a hotel man. humorist and manufacturer of "colo nels," is to have charge of the Atlantic Hotel, at Morehead City, next season. Mrs. Frances Lenox Johnson, daush ter of Gov. James Iredell and relict of the late Dr. Charles E. Johnson, died late last night here at the home of her son. Mr. Charles K. Johnson. Her age was 79,and she was a most gracious and cultivated woman. She had for many weeks been sick with pneumonia. Her husband was an eminent phvpician. and was surgeon-general of the State ilur ing part of the war. The design for the new auditorium, dormitory and gymnasium building at the institution for the blind here -as accepted by the directors last night. Work begins at once. The building will cost $22,000, and will be tnree sto: its In heigth. The auditorium will scat 1.000 persons. Frank P. Milburn. of Charlotte, is the architect. The size of the building is to be 65x100 feet. John Groves, a young .vhite man. is to be tried here next month fur the murder of Henry Wall, colored. George W. Waring, of Columbia. S. C has the contract for building the Presbyterian church here. The clerks of the Senate and House report that the work done by their re spective departments cost $1,624 less than in 1895. Among to-day's arrivals are Solicitor W. E. Daniel. James A. Lockhart and W. E. Lyon. The latter is a gold-miner. He says there is greater interest in the development of gold-mining in the State than in a number of years past: that ores which have been considered too refractory will now be treated un der new and greatly improved pro cesses. Governor Russell pardons Emile L. x num. ox Asneviue. wno was serving reuirare on tne roads for car rying a concealed weapon. Physicians ",u" a 'o nis reeoie health, and th Governor of Pennsvlvjinin nnH ok,, . thousand other persons asked for the The directors who from Concord, where the meeting of the uireciurs or tne Coleman Cotton Mill, which Is to be operated by negro labor was held, report $80,000 of the eapitai stock subscribed. Postmaster Charles M. Busbee's term uura not expire ror a year. The penitentiary board meets to morrow, and will for the present make very tew cnanges in the management It is Gavernor Russell's desire ih Claude Dockery shall be chairman of me ooara. Work began to-day on the new Pres byterian church here. Washouts to-day south and west of nere delayed the Seaboard Air Line and Southern trains. A white man was struck by the Sea board train near Vass last evening while walking on the track and was killed. The Supreme Court to-day filed opin ions as follows: Mcllhaney vs. Rail road, from Mecklenburg, error: Suther land va Merritt. from Duplin, affirmed Burnett vs. Railroad, from New Han over, new trial; Remington vs. Kirhy irom rew Hanover, new trial; Atkins vs. tjrampier, from Sampson, petition to rehear dismissed; Railroad vs. Street Railway, from New Hanover, error; State rs. Ashford. from Sampson, af firmed; State vs. Perry, from NVw Hanover, affirmed; Gregory vs. Bullock, from Granville, error; Bobbin vs. Stan ton, from Granville, affirmed: High smith vs. Whitehurst from Pitt r.- Appeala from the eighth district 'will be i-iuiea next Tuesday. 1 Will take a Jpok at soma of oar new trie la tana, now shown for the first time. The "Rugby Special" at $5.50; the "Columbia JPlain," and ."Hail Co lumbia" at $5.00, are dandya. The cloth top "swell" toe at $5.00, and new ox blood "weH" toe at $4.0. are clean out of sight. Nothing tacky in all our stock; everything up to and ahead of date. "Tis not possible to show all our styles in the limited space of our win dows. We have everything to be found in any shoe bouse, and are always glad to show anything without regard to a sale. P. 8.: Our ladies' window will be ar ranged soon. 8ILREATH & GO. THE - BLOOMING - .IS WITH US. The Great Power of Litt i i e Pric e s ! Your Interest Demands Your Attention Yon must join the crowd and ride a wheel. The highest of high grade wheels, the RAMBLER - FOR $801 Second-hand wheels from $15 np. There is no use walking it will make your feet sore. We can give you a light for 90c ! Come to headquarters before yon buy a wheel. CRIMSON RIMS are more than fine this season. "96 Ramblers $80 while they last. Yonrs to please, THE SHAW-HOWELL HARNESS CO. Racket Store By the strong current of public favor which comes to us as the voice of one man we are able to sweep the mercan tile fields as no other house ever did. 40,000 square feet of floor space, 25 de partments full. of goods. Thousands of dollars in all lines of merchandise forced to measure arms with dollars Just in. 50 employes kept busy. The best bar gains ever offered in Charlotte await you at our counters and must be sold. 100 rolls China matting, full 40 yards to the roll, will be offered at $3.75 per roll. Elegant stock ingrain carpet, all wool, at 42H cents per yard. Full line Moquets and tapestry car pets at rock bottom prices. The best line Smyrna rugs in the city and ery cheap. Nothing to compare with our shoe stock. $i'0.000 invested in shoes, most of which we bought at 50 cents on the dollar, and our prices can't be touched. We have never in the history' of the Racket shown such an array of genu ine bargains. Never offered clothing at such astonishingly low figures. Why. $1.. buys a full suit for man, 2oc takes a first-rate knee pants suit 4 to 14 years and 'he same proportion in fig urea holds good all through the clothing SIOCK. Dress goods and linen departments were never better equipped. Jood values in dry goods, notions, hosiery, corsets and gloves. Kittle early but Just a word in behalf of our millinery. Our effort this season surpasses anything in our history and y ou may expect to see the grandest dis play of millinery ever shown in Char lotte. Rest assured you always find the Racket with a full head of steam bar gains coming in all lines and going rap idly as they come. Visit the great money saver The Kac-ket. New goods are pouring in daily. Every train brings fresh additions to our Spring Stock. We invite you to come. Will cause you to visit us by our so potent art. We will, though, use no charm other than the charm of little prices prices that are really low, and showing and selling you merchandise that will deserve vour praise for richness of design, exactness of style, penection 01 in ana quaniy or material, we Know tnat you win not reaa tnis neeaiessiy. i nis nas oeen wen proven Your interest demands your attention. Our statements being accurate, we can command you; cannot hope to do so otherwise" OUR DISPLAY OF WHITE AND COLORED SHIRTS Solicits your inspection just now. Colored Bosom Shirts tinted into perfect beauty. A great variety of shades. The very i i -i j r ,i t j. i. r HE - tin cttL rtt-t tn r i. pl'1 i' 8 -r i r- J laiesi aesigni 01 ine ucm inanuiaciuren. rnces, ilk;, 91, $1.40, i.ou. rercaie anins, conars on or on. ah colors, rnces, 68c, 88c, 51.25. White Dress Shirts, plain or plaited bosoms, 50c to $2. " Wo IntQ rift tn Qlictsill The old and well merited reputation of the house for completeness in our Boys' and Ifu III ICIIU III OUuldlll Children's Department. We will strive to add to its abundance of choice values: chain the allegiance of the old, and draw new friends by making prices right and giving them the right kind of goods. The -ii i 1 -j ii or Mit or vi 1 .... 0 3 . Y . . ... 0 . - nces vou win una consiaeraDiv on. nomine on in tne material, we are nminer comnemors hard h nws with p ovps ntt. triking straight from the shoulder, with the unparalleled and unapproachable values we are offering; in the Kaufman Stock of 1 1 i:Ui. 1 1 r , i v' neavy, nieuium a.nu ngui weigiu ituimirg. nere are Mime 01 inem : e are agents for Butteirick's patterns; ready to I supply them as well as all reading matter apper taining to them. There is nothing in the make-up of your wardrobe foi. J. G. Hood & Co,, Old Racket Store. I aa to Tato Marnlag't Adverttsemeata, Alexander's greatest sale or domes tics ia now in progress at 13 West Trade street. Young men will be interested in the new tans lust shown for the first time at Qih-eath A Co. 'a. K. t. Tessier A Bro. have a new line of mantels, grates and tiling. afonyoB'a rheumatism cure is guar anteed to cure. Oo to Faanaent'a to-day and try his molasses candy. Stylish link cuff buttons at Pala mountain's. Mellon ar Shetton give you some good advice for that husband of yours. Leslie Roarers are selling all wool suits for $7.60. Send to the Wheeler Wall Iaper Com pany for particulars about the piano that is to be given away. Q. 8. Read A Co, give a notice to those indebted to them. The Star Mills corn meal Is the beat. Hashes' dry shampoo is the thing to cleanse dirty heads. For sale at R. H. Jordan, t Coa. Joe Baruch A Co., are enjoying a fine trade aa a result of right prices. The BnrweQ Dunn Company's 711 cigars -always please smokers. The 8hawHwU Harness Company has wheels from $15 op. The Rambler, high grade, for $S0. . Send to Ernast J, Bush for catalogue of DU worth Floral Gardens. Getting Ready For War We have declared a war against high prices on furniture. We begin right now. The fight Is on and you get the spoils. Everything in our ware rooms will be sold at reduced prices. Suits for parlor, reception room, bed room and dining room. Odd pieces and beautiful desks and cabinets. Here ia prices on 4 few articles and everything else accordingly: Solid Oak Bed Room Suit. 20x24. German Bevel Glass $12 90 A Nicer One. with S4x30-erman Bevel Glass 14 "5 A good Spring for 1 85 A nice Folding Bed for 13 50 Good Oak. Valure Coveted, Fold- - - Ing Lounge 7 75 Large Rocker, cane back and bot tom, with arms 1 SO Oak Wardrobe. C feet 6 inches high, double doors 7 75 Hall Racks from $3.50 and upwards. Piedmont Furoiton Company. No. 17 West Trade Ctreet. STARTLING VALUES IN UANTEL CLOCKS. Have you ever een ourlfne of Clocks? If you are half-way in need of one of these indis pensible articles, you will find just what you want at our store. Garibaldi & Bruns. Repair Work? Specialty. 55 All wool H colors men's Suits, ght and dark. In worsteds, cheviots and cassi- meres. Made to sell for $8.50 and 510.50. $5.50, 7.50, 9.37, Men's sqr. cut Sack Suits. Cassimeres and worsteds, light plaids,dark grays, fancy grays and browns. Old prices, $8.50, 10.50,16.00. $7.50 Men's Sack Suits, in fancy gray plaid and cassi meres and brown check che viots. Made to sell for $12.50 to 15.00. $1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 4.00 Men's fine pants. Heavy, medium and light weights. Gray pin stripe worsted fancy cassi meres. Made to sell for $2.50, 4.00, 6.00, 8.00. $8.00 Men's Sack Suits, in brown and gray pin checks. Worsteds, cassimeres. Made to sell for 13.50 to 16.00. Youths' long Pants Suits, ages 11 to 19. Cassimeres and worsteds. Fancy grays and bro. pin checks, 2.50, old price 6.00; 3.50, old price 6.00; 3.75, old price 7.50; 4.50, old price 10.00; 6.37, old price 10.50; 8.10, old price 11.00. $7.50, 9.62, 11.87, 12.30, 14.85 Black clay worsted suits. Regular prices, 12.5015.00, 18.50 16.50, 22.50. Children's Suits and Pants. We will surprise you with the values we are offering in this line. It really looks as if we were giving the goods away, our prices are so small. NO GOODS CHAEGED A WATCH FREE WITH EVERY $5 SUIT AND OVER. The Carolina Clothing: Co -SUCCESSORS TO W. KAUFMAN a CO. - The Emniporiiiuiinni The Aost Extraordinary Sale of BLACK : DRESS : GOODS TAKES PLACE THIS WEEK. 50 inch Sicilian, worth $1.00, at - - 47 1-2 46 " figured Brilliantine, worth 75c, at - 42 1-2 " 60c, at - 321-2 black Crepon, French make, worth 95c, at 47 1-2 Serge, worth 65c, at - - - 32 1-2 all woll Henrietta, worth 60c, at - 29 40 46 40 40 DAVE OESTREICHER. mrsst i'iAiiii "i 8iiis,im SPRING DAYS AND WHEELS GO TOGETHER, The suit of the season is new, and is not the unreliable suit you had so much trouble with last year. The new knickers fit rather snugly, and have short box cloth cuffs which button just below the knee. These suits must be made of the loud, yet pretty Scotch cloths which are so popular now in business suitings. Our line of golf-cycle suits are noted for perfection of style and exclusiveness of fabric pattern, They are well-made, honest suits that do not betray signs of cheapness, although they cost no more than the trashy suits the average clothier offers. A good wheel suit is cheap, a cheap wheel suit is extravaeant. Our prices range from $4.50 to 7.50. HE'S THE ONLY HUSBAND YOUHAVE, i And you care about his appearance, probably, more than he does. Nothing is more dressy than one ofjour new shape STETSON HATS. Ask him to drop'in and try one on. MELLON & SHELTON. The Long-Tate Clothing Co. We solicit orders from a distance and will send (roods on approval by express to any part of the conn try returnable at our expense. GOOD TRADE. Yes, we are enjoying a good trade, evidence of our right prices. $3 Marseilles Spreads at $1.75. Linen Hack Towels, 20q40, st 15c each Sheets and Pillow Cases cheap enough. 11.35 ready -hemmed Quilt for $1. Three pair for 60c imported black hose. DAINTY WHITE GOODS, , R&f BELTS, GLOVES, ; HANDKERCHIEFS ARE HERE and help swell sales, and so does OUR :-MUSLIN : UNDERWEAR. Joe Barncb & Co. Inflate Your Tire By tbe new method of compressed air stored In a tank ror toe tree use of wheelmen, and Incident ally take a look at eur line of wheels. They will please yoo. Fun line of sundries, up-to-date, repair shop. 1 IIARSH HEIZER, 41 South College St. , H I MID By the credit yoke to one house? Are you wedded to the old-time, long profits necessary for tha merchant to float ? Are you pursued monthly by a pack of hungry collectors? Do you oftentimes pay some one else's WH? If you know of evil why not avod it. Alexander Asks no one for money, presents no bills, makes no pay-to-morrow tickets. It's all over at the counter; customer pleased; trade dismissed from mind. Belts: Hundreds for at once sale, green, reds and all colors. ' ; Belt, special qualities. 23c, 28c. 33c Add 25 per cent, to each price and you'll nave credit-house price. ' Small check spring dress novel ties. Grenadine silks, the all prevailing Fouland Silks 50c, a Yard Up. Greatest sale of domes tics we ever had. Third lot bought and tbe sals ln- thi yard wide sheeting. 17c yard. That's 43c a sheet. So much for cash. 13 W. TRADE ST. Mail erders asking.. aolidted. Sample for f ALL POL SUITS $M SCITS FOR MEN NOT THE ORDINARY KINO OF "CHEAP" SUITS THAT YOU SEE IN "ANY OLD PLACE." BUT SUITS MADE OF ALL WOOL, FAST COLOR FABRIC. CUT IN LATEST STYLE, MADE AND TRIMMED AS GOOD CLOTHES SHOULD BE. WE DO NOT THINK YOU EVER SAW SUCH SUITS AS THESE FOR $7.50. WE NEVER DID. IN THESE SUITS YOU CAN GET THE NEW PLAID EFFECTS. OR IF YOUR TASTE IS MODEST. YOU CAN HAVE NEAT MIXTURES. PLAIN COLORS OR A BLACK CLAY DIAGONAL THAT BEATS ANYTHING YOU EVER SAW FOR LESS THAN $10. We still have 32 fancy bosom shirts for 31.00. Better get one of those bargain umbrellas, $1.00, $1.25 or $1.50. Fine shirt waists for boys, the $1.00 kind at 50c. It will pay yeu to look at those $15mens' suits for $10. Caps for men and boys, 15c and 25c: worthy nearly double. LESLIE & ROGERS. Sole agents for Knox world-renowned Hats. t n. wyWv. I umbrellas, iipy We will offer for the next few days a GLORIA UMBRELLA with Steel Rod and Crooked Bamboo Handle, really worth two dollars, for 86 Cents. Jos. Lieberman & Go. 2" MMTELS! MANTELS! MMTELSI Came and see our new line Mantels. Grates. Etc.. Tiling of all colors. Mantels from f LSO up to $7S.S0. E. D. TESSIER & m. Phone SO. . Corner College and Third. NOTICE. Tour City Taxes are past due, and the law requires me to ADVERTISE AND SELL. APRIL 1st. , Come and keep your property from being advertised and sold Office hours from 8 a. m. to p. m.; Saturday open until 7 o'clock. W. B. TAYLOR, C T. C SPRING AND That cannot be supplied from oiir superb stock. We have never shown as good and as finei ! before. All-wool dress goods at 25c. eoods from 35c up. Blick and mohairs: 50 different Itvles of fabric that has been produced in 1 i line of general merchandise i pandsome novelties in dresiV icolored mohairs; diarur.ible! DiatK gooui, in iaci,:verv Black ID)r0ss Ooods -9 K i ( r A V r-r TYi li lad cxfflac in nfiicfc trio 4ir1ac Cd.il uc ivjuiiu licit. i lie, ia ico i oijfjicj m Yvouij, uic isiwi jij iv-j in skirts. These two departments will rank with the largjest in thp Smith. I )ur assortment ot I , Domestic and i i French Organdies Is immense in size and exquisite in patterns. They are already going fast rather earliy but to secure choice styles they must be selected early. Our Hosiery and Glove Departments have no equal hereabouts, abd so mth our Corset Department. Thousands of Handkerchiefs of 0very description. Laces and Embroideries to please the moist fastidious. Table Linens, Napkins and Towels are our great specialties, j - We also offer fancy articles of every description. Millinery In this department we shall this! season excel all previous efforss. ? ' j D.H.Baructi F TURE TALK. Our Special Oiler for This Week in Our Furniture Department. Sideboards, Dining chains, Hat racks, Parlor suits, Bed room suits, Wardrobes, Ladies desk,; Office desk, . Folding beds, j Lounges, j Leather Chairs. j we .will offer a special trade dis count for this week worth your consideration. You always need a triece of new Furniture, and xiow is the time to secure it; we mean what we say. 4 A Special Discount For This V, 1 -V reek Caroe The Only Complete L . . t ami MattiDg I Stock in the market together with ah en tirely new line of) I Giuirtaiiiiisaed Mugs offering such advantages in your selections; that jyou must avail yourself o ! k . 1- M ''Matchless Prices," Our Motto. D.H.Baruch Kl - ;K- ii-P I s r 1 A 1 t I I i '-..- 4 ' S. 4 f

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