BATZTZ Q7IATILC' APiim 10, 1C37. ..I i i i COXTOfl pnitti MHCHltipy -.7.- - ' Whitin Machine WoFks, -- i ? Wriltlnaville, Ma. - CARDS, : DRAWIKG, irOOUOM, RKKTA, rXHKIXO, TWISTER. QU1LLKRA. uwm. STUART CRAMBR, " Soiitliorn Affont CtSov,ttl Ti yon St.. Cliarlotte XHilfi GJEO. B. PRODUCERS Or SPECIAL Valve, Machine. tShnrtlna . J" uiTiBinu, om, ok. juti9r ijm ponau. j&n Doer Rooflng Faint. Grady's Scoaree. Ootton Blaine. OflMiia.'WtnhnMt: Mob. 17nd2 South College Bt- CHARLOTTE, N. a Phone MO. The Southern Pacific SUNSET LIMITED Is the great Call- fornla train Of the favorite winter route Uniting' the East and the Pacific coast Through New Orleans. Having- been equipped without regard to cost. Everything about It is sumptous, and J xteauy no one should Neglect to read about it before going West. Prospective passengers are invited to Acquire this Information by Corresponding with some one of the Intelligent representatives of the road, who. Flattered at the opportunity of . Imparting such information will reply with Characteristic promptness and courtesy. Reflection will convince anyone that A road running below the snow line Is immeasurably superior to those In Latitudes where blizzards prevail, While faster time and more luxurious service Always have weight with those who STearn for comfort awheel. S. F. B. MORSE, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, NEW ORLEANS. Rutherford College FOR SALE. I offer for sale the school property near Connelly Springs, N. C, known as the Rutherford College, one of the finest locations for high school or college in North Carolina. A very fine school is being run there at present. Possession given after the 1st of Jane. Write me for price and particulars. Geo. A. Gray, Gastonia, N, C, NEW! To My Friends and Customers I have opened up a nice and select stock of goods, consrst ing of, jew elry, silverwear, art china and cut glass, at startlingly low prices. A share of your patron age solicited. My facilities for fine watch work unsurpassed. JOHN FARRIOR, S. A. L. and So. Watch Inspector. Own Make FOR SALE BY.. A. H. PORTER & SON, The leading stock of Shoes, Hats and Gents' Furnifihinga. THE D. A. TOMPKINS CO. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Cicctric Light Plants, jfjfltt Automatic Sprinklers, Steam Heating, Top Rolls Covered, Cotton Mill Repairs, Fire Protection SITE MONEY By having all of your wrist "bands and neck bands to your shirts re paired FREE OF CHARGE at the CHARLOTTE STEAU - LAUNDRY. We make no charge for thu kind of repairing when your garments are sent to us to be laundered. F. D. LETHCO, Mgr. J. E. DUVA.L, j- - -: - Electrical Engineer and Contractor, Of - nee la Hunt Building, N. Tryoa at. t: i '' Are and mcaadesoent lighting. Equip- !; Plna-! cotton - mills with electric Mrht-t , plants a specialty, jgsumates rurmshed ! on all kinds of electrical work. . Can v..-..'... beiLs, hotel enundators, burglar alarms, ' . . etc Correspondence solicited. Kitson Machine Co., IiOCBlI, ft orannw with tkxdkus, R RE AKKRA, lJITKKMJCPtATR ARD rnrtftHKR lappkjis, KIRSCHhKR OAMDSM9 BXATBBS. NT. O. HISS OIL CO., PETROLEUM LUBRICANTS. Grecian Helmets In days of yore, when Greek met Greek in battle array brasen helmets aeaaenea the force of destructive blows. Science and Ingenuity have Invented modern weapons of war, so penetrating mm lu-oiy, wnen ureea meets Turk, useless would be the protective helmet. Summer sunshine, however, still cre ates a demand by the inhabitants of this section for suitable summer head gear. The big store which recently r.-ovea to uukxniuk TRADE and COL. LEGE STREETS has opened a splen did line of hats and caps. Boys and men s straw and rur, coarse and fine. No old styles; all this season's bats. and up to date. It is not entirely that our line of HATS is unsurpassed as to styles and quality. m Is this week the centre of attraction for HAT seekers, because of matchless prices. 'Tls the time of 60c on the dollar that quickens the steps of myr iads of marchers who will this week wend their way to the cheapest store in tne state. THE BEE HIVE. Modern w apons. READY DOLLARS, brought down this immense line of sample hats and caused them to drop into tne atata tuvti at one-half cost of production. Price beerins at 8c. ud. HATS that cost originally $2.60, price 1.63 ; nats worth J1.50 and 2 at 75c., ssc, sac, ana ji.z5. FOOTPRINTS IN the SANDS of TIME Footprints drawn by an artist not in the sand, however, but on the pave ment Monday next, fronting the Bee Hive; are emblematic of the legions of snoe wearers who make their purchas es rrom tne bee hive. SHOES. The largest stock in the State. dies' button shoes, with Datent tin. from 48c up; men's shoes in congress or oais, rrom sac up. DRESS GOODS, beautiful line of shirt waists, sample lap robes: immense lot bought at a discount. We are re tailing them at wholesale factory pri ces price begins at 15c; $3 lap robes at $1.98 and S2.25. Best corsets In Charlotte for the price. Armorslde cor sets never break down at the side, 68c, Elegant tine ventilated summer cor sets; glove-fltting corsets at 45c: com mon corsets at 15c. Five cents will buy 3 pairs of men's half hose. Immense lot or hosiery, foreign and domestic We buy in such quantities as, to save middle men's percentage. Men's half nose in tan or black; ladies hose, im ported tan or black, 15c, worth 25c. ; la dles' black hose 4c; golf duck, best styles, at 5c. yard; Victoria lawns, In dia linen, 4c; solid red calico 2 He; men's shoes 25 per cent lower than you can buy anywhere; plaids or coarse checked homespun 2Hc; finished ging hams 2c ; ticking from 5c a yard up; cottonade pants goods at 6c; boys' clothing: boys' suits; men's work shirts 10c; men's work pants 24c; sheeting 2V4c; Buist garden seed 2 papers for lc; ball thread tic for 12 balls; 1. pa pers tacks for 5c. ; book fold India linen or Victoria lawn 4c. yard, worth double the money. FOR ONE CENT 24 sheets note p per, 25 envelopes, Ixl stove polish, toilet soap, box mourning pins, 2 packs need les, handkerchief, card hooks and eyes, key ring and chain. 2 balls sewing cot ton, a boxes blueing, bottle Ink, fine comb, bunch tape, composition book, tablets, 2 thimbles. THE BEE Cheapest Store in North Car olina. J. D. COLLINS We handle all classes of Fancy Groceries At Wholesale, Such as crackers, cakes, lemons, oranges, cheese, teas, canned goods said a handsome line of penny candies. We sell on a close margin. This enables us to turn our goods over in a hurry and, consequently, our stock is always fresh and of the beet quality. We want a share of your trade and guarantee the lowest prices. John B. Ross & Co., Successors to Mayer St Boss. ARLINGTON HOTEL. Centrally Located, Near Postoffice, CHARLOTTES N. C. Uadar sew and peraaaenl maaarssicak Slaty aleraatly furnished rooms; sui modem impraremeata. Table equal to any i the elty. ! Bates: tl.50, W.0O ard M.B0 pay day. ONX.T the . best i work W lan Prtattnar aacbea of tha O e. Send tit your old books aaV have them re-bouad. HE BEE HIVE 1 . i - . a ' : ' ' : i - .' ' ' . -1 '-u u. -' i m ' -.,.-'.' ' . I , - j " ova, - 0 - v i , , tbx Bon kftkksoj t . I Detect Free Priss. : ' "Coma, atns jo nvViaid the-JOn. on tA lore iong. soff and true, Tat I fai wouMTr turn from my cares And dally' .wMlawlth Vn: ' The briar's in Moon and tbm birds sins And the kr gleams blue r.. Sot fetch your mandoline. Margwite, ' And sins rw mang of tore' V t - v - She touched the strings with. careless And umag him so sweet a soacv On bears the throbs of the glad young heart, v . - The blood as It swept aJong. And oft. in after years, the King At chase or tourney or play. Would Idly hum, with an absent mind That sore of a summer's day. But he mandolin hong on the cottage wall.. Its music forever still. And the singer slept m a nameless Brare, Forgotten for good or UL Tor women win love and men forget "Twas the reading of fate alwav: And happy the heart that knows of love if just for a summers day. A OORGRE&aSLAirS KID. JUttt Ckuty Clark DUgfct Ik sad Kastoyes ta the Capitol. Washington Post. - Little Champ Clarke .of Missouri, la a chip of the old blocks. - He Is a bsautiful child, about lave jiaie old, as bright as a dollar, and almost as Quick at reoar- tee as his noted father.. Little champ Is a source of Joy and amusement to all with whom he becomes acquainted, and there are not many people in the big capitol building, on the Bouse side, from Speaker Reed down to laborers who scrub the floors after every one else goes home, with whom be has not already become acquainted. "What's the number of daddy's box?" he shouted, as he rushed Into the House postomce the other day. "Who's your daddy V asked the clerk at the window. "Oh, you know well enough," said lit. tie Champ, with a contemptuous wave of his hand. "I introduced myself to you the other day. The place where little Champ delights to go is the House stationery room. The rows of pearl-handled knives, the silver uppeoj pentais, tne ruDoer oanas, tne bottles of paste, mad the piles of paper and boxe of envelopes are source of amusement to the little lad, and the clerks- encoarage his visits, for bright sayings are ever bubbling from his fresh tips. "What are you Democrats, going to do now?" asked one of the clerks yes terday, when lltle Champ came in. He Kinley Is running things, and you will have to put up with it whether you like it or not." The little fellow jumped into a chair and swung his arms aloft, in the at titude which his father assumes when he is most deeply In earnest. we Democrats." piped up his little voice, "will not be for any of McKin leys acta" Whether the boy would have gone on with a stump speech is not known, but certainly the shouts of laughter that followed this earnest declaration of principles did not disconcert him In the least. IAN MACI.AJIBN8 THEOLOGY. A Trlaagular Fight Crows Out of It Th Novelist Isn't Getting Hart. London Oable to the New Tork 8 an, 7th. At a meeting to-day of the Durham Presbytery, to arrange for the impend ing meeting of the Synod there, the Rev. J. Middlemass, of Sunderland, re marked that Dr. Kennedy Moore had laid upon the table of the Synod a pe tition charging the Rev. John Watson (Ian Maclaren), the well-known novel ist, with defective. If not erroneous, views. Dr. Moore's pamphlet promulgating the charge had been sent to every min ister in the Presbytery. A letter had, however, been printed in the magazine. the Presbyterian, in which the modera tor. Dr. Balgarnie, contended that Dr. Moore's views were unsound, and might similarly be described as de fective. If not erroneous. Mr. Middlemass suggested that the moderator also table a petition regard. ing Dr. Moore. He added that the spec tacle of three doctors of divinity en gaged in a triangular combat might. perhaps, be edifying, but anyhow it let the world see how they loved one an other and what they regarded as of su preme vital importance in church life. He was sure if Dr. Balgarnie charged Dr. Moore with holding defective, if not erroneous views of Mr. Watson's teaching, he would have the whole Presbytery at Durham at his back. The Government la too "Show Business. " Hon. J. Sterling Morton in the April Forum. Among a multitude of those methods for getting money out of the United States Treasury for personal purposes which have succeeded best in recent years, none has been more adroitly worked than the Exposition. It was naugurated at Philadelphia to cele brate the Centennial Anniversary of this republic. In 1876. This first exposi tion appropriated for from the public Treasury was the beginning of a series of shows to be viewed and enjoyed by few tax-payers at the expense of all the tax-payers of the United States. The annexed tabulated statement tells how much success in a financial way the "show business" as a function of the government has achieved. In the beginning of its career even the Phlla- deiphians and other personally Inter ested patriots dared to propose only a loan from the general government, and no man declared for an out-an-out do nation. The idea of a continuous like of "Mrs. Jarley's wax Aggers" at gov ernmental cost did not then exist, any more than the Idea of stopping appro priations for such purposes exists now. Where will promotion. establish ment, and maintenance of exhibitions and expositions by the government cease? Wher is the line to be drawn? What rights to run shows at the Fed eral expenses here at Philadelphia, New Orleans, Chicago, Atlanta, Nash ville, or Omaha, that do not belong equally to Pittsburg, New Tork. Chie- opee, Atlantic City, Louisville, Kala mazoo, Oshkosfa, Niagara Falls or any other American town? Caele Jom Caaaea As a Cyclist. Washington Post. Uncle Joe" Cannon is as fond of his bicycle as a boy in his teens, and there is no other one of all the -congressional cyclists who is so expert on the wheel aa the veteran member from Illinois. 'Uncle Joe" wouldn't miss riding to and from the capltol on his wheel on one of these bright days for a good deal- He hasn't yet taken to golf trousers with long stockings -turned over at the top, but he has a way of fastening his trousers about us -ankles so that, tney won't get tangled up In the chains, that looks for all the world as If he bad tucked them la his boot leg; Just prior to starting out to plow a ten-acre lot. While "Uncle Joe" trundles a wheel, bother oa or off . of it. he hasn't vet undertaken to ride down the west capl tol steps, which Is generally considered by cyclists aa an even, more dangerous feat than that performed by General Israel Putnam, when be escaped from the British soldiers, -mm we used to read about In our little school histories. But there la one thing which Mr. Cannon can do to perfection, and that Is to smoke a elgar while on his wheel, riding ta the very teeth of the wind, and, at the same time.- look as though he were enjoying both the bicycle ride and the agar. - AaOUYe i ta a Bad Way. New Tork, April . Charles White. years old. who says he is am Inmate of the Soldiers' National Home, at Hampton. Vaw was found lying uncon scious orMbe sidewalk, at Roosevelt and Cherry streets, at midnight last mght. At the hospital, after be had recovered Bis senses. M atatea mat ne eame to this city a short time ago to seo some friends. White acted as If he was not right In Ills mind-.- The,' Monti wumr ' county paoer the Trojaivrsays the cold fever has again broken out in Montgomery county. Quite a tot of machinery baa bee ship ped to Ophtr and a number of citlaeaa are bonding their land. lb. Bryaa Wanted Juisspilell tmr Its New York Dispatch, stb, ' " " i ; .- i Montteello, la . Virginia, the birth place of Thomas Jefferson,' should be. William J. Bryan believe.- a national reservation and memorial of the amat Democratic President. The recent can didate for the Preside acy has set his heart upon this project and is going to advocate It with all his chtracteristic energy. Mr. Bryan will put forth his Ideas on the subject next - Thursday Dei ore league of Democratic clubs. He i will advocate that Congress make aa ap propriation for the. purchase : of the property and the maintalnanoe there of, and should this project fail through, then the Democrats of the country subscribe a sum of money for the same purpose. But there is this sUght drawback to Mr. uryan's Hopes the - property Is owned by Mr. Jefferson - M. Lew. of this city, who takes so great a family pride In It that he does not care to part with it tor any amount of money. Mr. Bryan is hopeful, however. . and will push his entreaties and negotiations. Mr. Bryan wrote to Mr. Levy last Sat. urday asking; him to name the selling price or tne Monuceui property and briefly outlining the great project he had for- a national - memorial. Mr. Bryan believed that private interests. no matter how laudable, ought to give way to puduc reauirementa. - He fur thermore believed that It would redound to Mr. Levy's honor to have the na tion to take hold of the birthplace of the distinguished President- Mr. Ijcvy yesterday sent a courteous I reply to Mr. Bryan, to Washington, and duplicate of it to lXncoln. Neb. The gist of his answer was that not all the money in the United States Treasury would Induce him to part with it. This is not the first time Mr. Levy has been approached on the same subject- fie has refused large sums of money for Montlcello. Mr. Bryan knows this, but hopes that if the project is taken up by the nation, the owner may change his mind.- Mr. Levy told me yesterday that were it not for his famtly, which took bold of it soon after Mr. Jeffer son's death, in 1826, there would be no Jefferson home to negotiate for. The Levys have preserved it and main tained it, and have done better than the government could do. "The prop erty consists of 740 acres, said Mr. Levy, "all laid out in a park. Serpen tine roads wind in and out of the park for 20 miles. There is no restriction on the public the park is open to them at all times. When I am there visitors are admitted to the house, and when I am away my card is a sufficient pass port." The Montlcello mansion is known as one of the most famous homes of great men, both in this country and abroad. After the death of Jefferson it passed into the hands of an ardent admirer of his "Commodore Uriah P. Levy, of the United states Navy. Me and his mother made it their home. In 1834 Commodore Levy presented to the United States the collosal bronze statue of Jefferson by David de An- Jours, now in the Capitol. He fought on the side or tne union. When his nephew, Jefferson M. Levy, became of age. he repaired and restored the old home to its former glory and grandeur after it had been closed up for some fifteen years. Everything Is retained in the house in the same style as of the time of Jefferson. Mr. Levy has collected from abroad objects of art and has replaced the lost articles of furniture as near to the style of former years aa possible. The great statesman is buried in the woodland, some fifteen hundred yards from the house. A plain, granite shaft marks his grave, and a high iron railing sur rounds the graveyard. SOCRCK OF THE BOXNTGVN BAT. Tesla Says Ho Is at Work on Important Bxperlments. At the fourt annual reception and ex hibition of the New Tork Academy of Sciences, in the American Museum of Natural History, New Tork. on Tuesday mght, Nicola lesla spoke about some of his recent experiments. The most important part of Dr. Tes ta's address, which was on "Streams of Lenard and Roentgen, With Novel Apparatus for Their Protection," was an announcement that he had discover ed a new source of the Roentgen ray. "This new source of the Roentgen ray," a New Tork newspaper quotes Dr. Tesla as saying, "I discovered re cently. An electric arc is the source. That Is a simple was of putting It. In my experiments I found that the arc gave a wonderful light, which sur prised and delighted me. My experi ment Is to be developed, but I have found enough to satisfy me of the new source." , Dr. Tesla then described that when the arc went to the cathode there was a strong light, but it was when it went to the anode that the wonderful re sults were obtained. The speaker said that he had worked with a platinum cathode and an aluminum anode. "I cannot say anything more about this experiment at the present time," continued he, "but I think that- in the future the results will be satisfactory tn every way." A Wheel With in a Wheal. Soartanburg, 8. C, Herald. The retirement of Evan P. Howell, of the Constitution coming without a word of warning was like a thunder clap from a clear sky. But time win show that there was a meaning in it. The return of Hugh Inman to Atlanta from New Tork. the quarrel in the Constitution household, the purchase of control by the Inmans, all mean some thing, and we don't mind predicting that it means that the Constitution has been bought by the money power, the gold standard advocates, and while the change from right to wrong will prob ably be gradual, it will in time be com plete. Just keep your eye on the Con stitution! It was recognized as the most powerful silver advocate in the country under Howell and .that is why he was given $100,000 for one-fourth in- terest. If our view is correct, Clark Howell will be forced out of the editor ship shortly and by that time the new association which the New Tork Sun is arranging will be ready to supply dis patches to another paper in Atlanta and the force of the "Evening Constitu tion will get together with the Howells and start a free silver paper in Atlanta that the Inmans cannot buy. A tueky Democrat. Raleigh Press-Visitor. . Secretary of Agriculture Wilson has appointed Charles W. Dabney. Jr., for merly of Raleigh, but now of "Tennes see, as Assistant Secretary of Agricul ture under Cleveland's administration, to be "special agent la charge of scien tific and statistical investigations." The salary is fixed at 14,500 per year. This is the largest compensation paid any official in the government service, designated either by the President or a cabinet officer, -who is not confirmed by the Senate, with the single exception of the Director of the Bureau of American Republics. Secretary "Wilson's bestowal of this office upon a Democrat is bitterly de nounced by those Republicans who are looking In vain for positions not blank eted by civil service regulations. A Crowing l.awiaor Centre. Brunswick. Oa- is becoming a more Important lumber port every day. There were snipped rrom the port tn February 5.111.000 feet of yellow pine, coastwise. ana reet. foreign ; 118. &GO rail road ties, coastwise, and 9.000 feet to foreign ports; in January there were shipped coastwise , 357,000 feet of lum ber. L281.000 sWngiee, 77.449 crosstles. Shipments abroad; 1.968,000 feet of lum- T. 371, qpu feet of timber. Total shlD- naenta, lumber and timber, from Savan nah. Charleston and Darlen, from Jan uary 1, 1897, to February 2C, 1897, aggre gate $3,004,074 feet. New Tork. April . The total bank clearings during the week were S1.0K,-WB.aTl.- Increase of 9.2 per cent. Exclu sive of New Tork they were 9464.o4f, aa increase of U-a per cent. rorABTdAx, AJTD OOSarjCBtCXAX. the Somth. As Wen as the Devala Irtnh tm the Spot Blrasttoa. Wove Fsveisbls to fllgfcsr Filues, Bat Only AdvsassS f S peiats. ' . Bpaclal By Private Wif to BarrisoB Watts New Tork. April -Cotton such slight response to the many favor. ablo features which developed to-day as to make it apparent-that outside speculative Interest in it Is dead, and the local sellers do not care to increase their Interest,- All the news, both from Llverpoot and the South as wen - as the developments In the spot! were fa vorable to higher prices, but the mar ket only advanced S to S points for this crop's options, and finally closed quiet and 'easy, with, prices within i to t points of the highest, and showing only a net gain of S to points for this crop, while the next crop months were un changed. Liverpool dosed steady and unchanged for spots, with sales of 16, 00 bales, while ., futures closed te 1 point higher. Spot cotton here advanced 1-16 to 7 7-16 for middling, with sales of 8,100 bales for export and S2S for spinning. The Southern mar kets were steady and unchanged to 1-lf higher. Wet weather prevailed gener ally throughout the cotton belt, and the Mississippi Hood situation showed no improvement. E. B. CUTHBERT CO. Too Oetasa Marhot Opou Thro Points Higher Short sales Net a Pradeat Tea- Special to the Observer. New Tork. April . The cotton mar ket was somewhat more lively to day. Large spot sales at higher prices encouraged the bulls. Liverpool this morning cabled an advance of one sixty-fourth there and our market opened about -three points higher In sympathy. Europe and the South sent large or ders to sell the next crop, shortly after the opening, and prices declined several points: but the weatner conditions in the South continue favorable, and when these selling orders had been filled the market had a good rally.' Part of the advance was lost on realising sales. May opened at 7.08, declined to 7.05. ad vanced to 7.12 and closed at 7.09, with the tone quiet. Considering the present planting outlook, we regard short sales as anything but a prudent venture. . KWAUAN at JJ. Anlmatod B siaeason tb Stock Ksehange, But the Proportion Not Largo. By Associated Press. New Tork, April 9. Compared with the trading on some days this week, there was considerable animation to business on the stock exchange to-day. The market has by no means attain ed large proportions, yet nearly half the sales to-day were of Sugar and Chicago Gas. and the Grangers and Coalers took a large part of the remaining half. The market opened with quite a marked improvement, and as prices worked up ward there was a broadening interest in the scope of buying, but an unfavorable Influence developed and induced traders to take their profits. The bond market maintained a fairly good tone, although some heaviness developed in few active issues. The sales were 1988,000. Gov ernment bonds were neglected at the board, but displayed renewed strength and rose slightly on bid prices. CITY PKODTJOB MABKBT. Corrected Dally by Geo. S. Hall, Groceries, and Produce Dealer.) Apples dried quarter bright SHO x " brightallced. SO 4 fan tt bright sliced. . Paachoa a pealed halvaa. farlrfat. SA " neead bright SO t B oeberrlee dried , k. ra flour sack 1 7SOS 00 Family - " 1 O04 SB Hides dry per B 60 8 " green " " iHO S Wool wash 16MOU Bacon hog round par pound t& 6 ham 10HQU) " sides ta; -shoulders 5HO Oats 83 pounds per bushel. &4t Peas clay 78 ao " mixed K&OO Heal bolted 14 pounds par bushel 40046 " unbolted 18 " " " 40(243 Corn old 6 pounds per bushel taeMfi Onions select per bushel f BOOTS Lard N. O. 7a 8 Tallow 0 5 Ducks 1S0 Hens per head Spring chickens. lfioao Booster per head 120M Turkeys per pound SO 9 Guineas. 10OU 3eese asoao Butte r clioir jcllon 60S Honey strained per pound com d par pouna sviow sggs hen. 8MQ 9 woe eat S90W sooao K041 Bts Feathers.... NEW YORK OOTTON FUTUKE8. New Tork. ADril 8 Ootton steadv. Mid dling upland 7 7-16; Mlddllns Gulf 7 11-18 Futures closed quiet. Bales 115.000 bales. Highest lowest Closlns 7 0507 7 09 7 131.14 7 1319 7 19&K 6 95,98 6 8108S April Mar 7 IS 7 IS 7 81 7 B ss 6 SS 6 84 88 6 82 7 05 1 10 7 15 7 16 6 03 80 8 80 6 83 8 86 June July August September . October..... November.. December.. e H5S 6 8S&8 89O90 January...- reoruary . . March LIVERPOOL OOTTON MARKET. . Liverpool. ADril . 4 D. m. Middling 4 1-38. Futures Closed unlet at advance. April I 63Q64 April and May. 63 b nay ana jane. s rests m June and July 8 e23 July and A u mist 8 8SSS63 Anflmatand Seotember 8 60 b September and October. I 55 s tooer ana noTemoer v s November and December 3 47 s December and January 3 46C&47 January and February 3 4647 r eoruary ana siarcn BALTIMORE PRODUCE MARKET. BALTUiOHB. April 9 FLOUR Dull. Family 3 90Q1 25; winter wheat patents 1 aftdftt JK inrinff wha.t Mlanti 1 ifcfcj . spring wheat 3 9694 10 WHEAT Firm. No. S red spot and April 73Hfc: Mav?SV; July 09 asked; August aw, eoutnern oy I Die 13&n: do on grade CORN Easy. Mixed soot and April XS?i May 87 ; June .. .. ; July J8. Steamer mixed 23&K; Southern white S9M 30; yellow S7627H. NEW TORK MONET MARKET. Ksw York. Anril 9. Monav on call eaav at lH&t per cent. i last loan at Itt: closing offered at 1H. Prime mercantile Baser 3UA4 nar rent- Bar silver SIM. Mexican dollars .... Ster ling axchanse stead v with actnai boauiaaa in bankers bills at 4 8Mt86 for 60 days and 4 8704 87M for demand. Posted rates 4 88H 04 88 Oommercial bills 4 84H04 85. Gov ernment bonds strong State bonds dull; railroad bonds arm. Silver at the board was STOCKS. Atchison Adams Express Alton, T. H Alton, T H pld. Am Express. B O Can Pac Can So Oen Pac C40 Chicago Alton. C. Bit O Chicago Gas. . . . Con Gas C, C. C4 8t L .. Col Coal & Iron O O Oert Del Hudson. .. Del, LW Den it B G pfd. DisiCPCo... Erie Erie 1st pfd, Erie id pfd Fort Wayne OtEI pfd. .. Hock Valley ... Ill Central ..... St P A Dulutn. K T pfd LEW . LEst W pfd... Lake Shore Lead Prust LAN LAN A Man Can MAC MO. MP , MAO Nash Chat Nash Cord Nash Cord pfd. N J Central.... M A W pfd ... N A OiTOo. Northern Pac.. N Pac pfd ...... C P Gulf.:.. 10 148 U 111"' 13 60 TM 8 17 162 71K SIX IMS SX 10 108 158 38M 1SH 1SZ 119 95 & 18 17 13 HS sw 4 851 IS 94 IS 19 66 Northwestern.. -. N W M NYC. NTsNE Ont & Western . . Ore Improvem't. Ore Nay OSLACN Pacific Mall PDAE Pittsburg.. Pullman Palace . Reading. Rich Ter. Rich Ter pfd B Q Western R G West pfd Rock Island St L A 8 F lstpfd St Paul St Paul pfd St PA O. Bt P & O pfd So PadSc gugar Refinery .. Teon 6 A I Texas Pacific T4O0 pfd Union Pacific.... U 8 Expteas W Bt LA P WStL A Ppfd... W V Express Western Union .. W A L E WALE pfd Minn A St P DraiBG Gea Electric Nat Linseed. OolF I. Col F A I pfd.... HTC... T A A AN M T St L ft K C . TStLAKOpfd. Douthero ........ Southern: pfd.-.. Amor To Abmt fob pft.... 10i 154 100 37 13H io" 16 im14 158 12 30 09 73' ' 13i 59 138 14 113 24 8 SO 8 40 S 100 81 1 3 11 10 31M It 18 87 S IB 8 2SK 74 KM 77 ant NEW TOKK PRODUCE! MARKET. York, April t-lXOTrB-Dnll, steady. . WaKAT-OpUoos cloaed IS to I cents hri Noi,r,a AnrU .. May n; Jane July 7Wf. WPJ5weak! No. t ts elevator; tt afloat. Options closed easy at cent Euroo.; pi jaw ssay snu July OATS. nots mile. Spot No. i No I whitens mixed Westei mass, -cmtioae cant decliao. closed quiet and Mav: Julvtl. COTTON BEED OTX-8teadler. Crude veUow orhne a23.T w" COFFEE Closod haraly stead at S9 to 40 pomte down., April 75 May t foat 80; June fM 86 July fas) Id. Spot Btoreak, He! 8CGAB Baw dull; reSned dull. r 202 "and Cotton , .fill tiachfiiery and Cotton THE JA.T. ATHlnRTON MACHINE AUTOMATIC: FEEPERS, OPENERS Are considered by leading cotton manufacturers of this mecnanicai construction anu i or j opening, cleaning anu picpauug wuuu .ii;miv : TH E IE V E N 13 RON ; T H f S. iMACHIN E Ifc arrcnlniolv this rw in to forrti a lap that is perfectly new models ana nave many pataitea improvements, ana ror eral dejsism are-not surpassed byjwvotlietiiial Give us In opportunity Roomi and make it ah up-to-daf wo Beater machines in two andinake single Beater machines lli. iic, Qreeeslboiro, N A Hailroad, Educational i i Population 1890, U. 8. eensns. Population 18W5, eetbxtated from re If lr ou have not been-there ri would be astonished tojsee haVa North Carolina town has progressed in the last twb yeaqj in spite of dull times in other places. It is claimed that mora new buildines, new factories. and siew enterprises have been! than in any other town in tlic S Write tor adescriDtive rtamriilet Dublished bvthe Industrial and Immigration Association. J. I NORFOLK OOTTON. Norfolk. ADril 9. Ootton firm. Middling w. aruaa sales ois tnues; stock 18,707. j ! NAVAL STORES. Wilmington, April . -Rosin steady ;stralned I 40; fBDOo strained 146. Spirits turpentine steady machine S7m; Irregular m. ;xar flrml at 96. I Crude turpentine quiet; bard 1 S0d sore 1 au; virgin notning doing. CHICAGO PROD DOB MARKET. Opening Oloaiai WHEAT May. a. July.T. September OOKN April. May. uly . OATS Julyi, MRB8 PORK Aprils May July LARD Aprti May July. RIBS Apr Mayi July 06 1 6 osxoaeX 4 15Xll 17 I: 8 20 8 32 4 10 4 2 4 55" 4 5SH 4 12 ttfy 4 S7U 4 57E . 1 ' 1- DHABLOTTE OOTTON MARKET V. These figures represent prices paid la Strict good middling- Good Middling j 7,9 7l Strict middling m muling. Tinges.... Stains..... 6&tU .J. Tke market was firm. EAt3Y SHOES. EASY SHOES. EAST SHOE11. EAST SHOEJ1. 3- Jaist about 'this: time of year many. ladies are troubled with tender feet4 Oorns often caused from winter topi boots, get particularly troublesome," IT you value the corns and don't; want to cut mistreat them. them, or otherwise' we recommend the GrDver Soft Lacd Buskins. This id rather an ederly style, but gives prompt relief. No corn, however bad. will give trouble when these household comfdrt shoes are worni' EASY SHOES, i EAST SHOES. EASY SHOES, j EASY SHOE 8. I GILREATH A CC OILiREATH & CCJ Richard A. Blythii, ! COMMISSION MERCHANT, 9TTON WAKPSi AND TARNS. j No. 114, Chestnut Street. I PHILADELPHIA. PA. WATER ! FtENBY E. KNOX, Jit. CJONSOLTINa STDKAULIO Engineer. Artesian land tube wel-s & specialty- General waUr works const ruction, surveys plans and estimates. j Boruigs made for archi tects, bridge and railroad engineers, j . i Pipe and pumping ria chinery. ji ! CHARLOTTE. N. Only pne . rom Each Couiity. The rnurr person in each count y In this or say of the bordering; State who iakea application will receive ntix taontht soholarahip In either court c for era halt the regular rate. CnSARIXTTTB T. L. ELLIOTlr l! i! Granite afoDumenU a special (jr. ' Aeaores ix -Iaosi Wmmatm. 835 W. Trads Street, Cosxlotta. n; a pommercial vollv, jt. BT. O. A. Bnllains;. CharlottevitT. O. ! -j Ji MoDQmenta Wolks! 2ql South Tryon Street Charlotte N. -SPECIALTY ill rruirWt and harl nf -11 nt evlm and ot uniform thiclaiesSaelnhines are made from U make you an estimate for e plant. It may not cost as ?! VyKUb AtJUUi ittib. C id Commercial Centre. 8,817 ent vote, - 11,000 4 centlv vou oucht to eo. You st u kd there withirt that time fate. , W. E. STONE, Secretary. PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE, Charlotte. N. look is that C. The present out' every ava)lable space will be occupied. Those who contem plate patronizing- the boarding depart ment are advised to apply AT ONCE, . For it is feared many will be turned away on account of room. Board is ACTUAL COST 1100.00 A YEAR. INCLUDING LIGHT and heat. Full corps of able, experienc ed teachers in academics department. Price of tuition $12.50 per quarter. DEPARTMENT OP MUSIC. Prof. O. P. McCoy director, compares most favorably with any other conservatory in the South. Piano, Voice, Violin, Harmony, Theory, Organ, etc. Price of tuition from 7.50 to 15.00 per Quarter. With the past year's success, the College Is prepared to do the most thor ough work, and from $75 to $125 less per year than the average institution. Compare Catalogues. Address. " MISS LILY W. LONG or TINSLEY PENICK JTJNKTN. ' We kake a Specialty of SLATE AND TIN ROOFING, Contracts out of the city receive our prompt attention, and only the beet work executed in all cases. If you are building or contemplating building and want to nse slate or tin in your roofing, write to us for an estimate. j. H. licCADSLAND & CO. California or Mexico Both are such desirable objective points for a winter trip that it's per haps hard for you to decide where to KO. LET TJ8 HELP YOU TO A DECISION. A trip via New Orleans and the Southern Pacific to either Mexico or the Pacific coast is one you will never for get. IT IS A TRANSITION FROM FROST TO FLOWERS And the service Is so Iuxusjous that people who have tested the "Sunset Limited' call it incomparable. IF YOU ARE THINKING OF GOING WRITE US. We have a book entitled "Through Story land to Sunset Seas," a handsome volume of 205 pages, fully Illustrated, which we will send on receipt of 10 cents in stamps to cover postage. We also have a delightful little guide to Mexico, which we will send on receipt of 4 cents to cover cost of mailing-. YOU REALLY OUGHT TO READ THEM BOTH. Shall we put you down for a copy? If so, or if you want any special Infor mation, it will be cheerfully furnished by addressing, 8. F. B. MORSE. General Passenger and Ticket Agent, New Orleans. THEY HAVE ARRIVED, r Those Stearns wheels at 160. . Black frames, orange rims or orange all over r 24 and 26 inch- frames. Bead wheels, racers and ladies', wheels all same price, $00. Steams highest of high grade, and easiest of easy running wheels all in this shipment Come and look whether yon buy or not. W. F. DOWD. , We buy right and give our customers the benefit , Barrihardt&Co., (Ssnssiseste Oe stomas Bam ear at J WHOt CSAXJE provisions, graln ANI.,:AL,V ' SOS East Trade (tret t if ; 'HAjLLOTTJBrK. C. UANTELS! UAHTEISI lUAITELS! Come and seo-our new tine Mantels, Grates Etc.. Tiling of all colors. . ; Maateln from U0 op to S7&M. I E. D. TESSIER & BRO. ; . Phoa SO, Conmt CoHwy and ThlrC , Piij Equipment! COMPANY'S I AND LAPPERS 'country to be the standard fcjr hr.! 1 It'is simrile. and ODerateS wgrKnia - ui p, uiuci iu nu " changing over your old Upper much as you think for. We cut oF themi apply new: eveners, lajg IN EFFECT MAR(H 2. 1897. $97. 1 ihUsbM This condensed schedule la publlsli as information, and - la subject ju change without notice to the public v Trains leave Charlotte, N. C: i 10:16 P. U.-Na S5, daily for Atlanta A Charlotte Air Una division, and all points South and Southwest. Carries through Pullman drawing-room buffet sleepers between New York. , Washing Oton, Atlanta and New Orleans. Pall man tourist ear for Saa Francisoo Sat urdays. 3.. - i :S6 A. M-No. w; dallyv Washington ? and Southwestern Vestlbuled Limited for Atlanta. Birmingham. Memphis, Montgomery. Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South and Southwest. : Through Pullman sleeper New York! to New Orleans and New Tork to Mem- ; phis. Dining ear, vestlbuled coach, pe-. tween. Washington and Atlanta. - J 6:40 A. M. No. 10, dally for Rifch mond; connects at Greensboro for Ral eigh and Norfolk. f : -' . ' " -- 1 - 11:80 P. M. No. 11. dally.'foT Atlanta and all points South. Solid trains Rich mond to Atlanta; Pullman sleeping car Richmond to Greensboro, -.i' . ( 10:15 P. M. No. tL daily, for Ooldm bla and C. C. A A. local stations: Au gusta, Savannah, Jacksonville, carries through Pullman drawing room buffet sleeper between New York and Jack sonville; also Pullman sleeper Char' lotte to Augusta. - I 8:S5 A. M. No. 7. dally, for Columbia and C, C A. local stations. - j 9:85 A. M. No. S6, daily. Cor Wash ington,' Richmond, Raleigh and J all points North. Carries Pullman draw, ing room buffet sleeper New Orleans to New York; Jacksonville to New Yerk. Pullman tourist car from San Francis co Thursdays. J 8:30 P. M-No. 88, daily, Washington and Southwestern Vestlbuled Limited, for Washington and all points North. ; 6:40 P. M. No. 12, daily, for Rich mond, Raleigh, Golds bo ro and all points North. Carries . Pullman sleeping- ear from Greensboro to Richmond. Con-:; nects at Greensboro with train carry log Pullman car, to Raleigh. t ' " 7:80 A. M.-No. 62, dally except Sun- day. freight and passenger for States--vllle and local statiena - 1 4:46 P. M. No. 16, dally except fun day, for 8 ta tea-villa, Taylorsville taad local stations. J 'Daily except Sunday. -1 All freight trains carry passengers. : John M. Culp, , - W. A. Turia Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass. A St., - W. H. Green, Waahlngton, B. C . Gen'l Superintendent, Washington. D. C S. H. Hard wick, Ass't, Gen. Pass. - , AUanta. Ga. R. L. Vernon, Traveling Passenger Agt, is East Trade st, cnariotte, rt.i u. JLIMITEp D0UBLELDA1LY SBBSICB 1 ':.oV -('-. ATLANTA. CHARLOTTE. ATBtNS. WILMINGTON, NEW ORLEANS. GHATTANOOGA AND NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA. WASHINGTON. NORFOLK, RICHMOND, j SCHEDULE IB EFFECT FEB. 7, 1887. WESTWARD, Ka. ? t,w. Wilmiartoa .......... "j sops X.V- twb rtoa. ...m, . i 96pm h ,.mm . It Milton m pia L. Laurinanrg . Ar. lisuilrt .. SS3Pa. f t"..J 53Ps. f i t.. ...... 4....M-. 7 3P k leaai ntha. rypm ttjaar iboro ............. t upm '. J.. .... ,ilie.... ........ t8pai I a sjaai 1,T. Lv. Rockins Lv. Wsdesba Lv. Marsh, i: Ar. Uoinw 9" jam L. Monroe Ar. CHABLOTTa) -Ar. ML Holly-..-.. ........ J5P . ....4. is spsi - i . ...., , . .. .. . . .. ! it J5a Ujaa Ar. LtacoiBtoa .. .... Ar. Shelbr-. ........... Ar. BUcsboro ......... Ar. kntherfordtoa . . . .-ypm; tt4aa Lv.. lesoam Ar.. ...... Haialet. ........Cheraw...;. .A. X sopnt EA8TWARO. Mo. . Lv. Kvtaerfordtoa ..,.... ,... L. HUenbero............. ....... Lv. Shelby ....... 33Pa - Lv. Lincoln toa. we-waa' ...S ' T. 7 Lv. Mt. Holly Lv. CHARLOTT8 Ijopnt spn yiopst tpn A.r Monroe . ... . s ssass . Lv. Monroe ............. essaa Lv. MnrsbvUle............ Svjass Lv. Wadesboro. ....... faisss Lv. Rockingkaa ........... T4iaai : Ar. Hamlet.................. ssaaa as jiam i5pn . Lv. Hamlet. ....... ......., S4saa LvLaarinbont . iiaat- Lv. Max ton Lv. Lamberton., Ar. Wilmington ... 9 3oaat i. in inaai It NORTHWARD. , Lv. Hamlet ........... .. t isant Ar. Raleigh...,. ............. it Joans Ar. Portsmoanth ... .....350pm' MS3Pi ; s nam Ar. Richssond ... Ar. Waahiagtoa Ar. Mew York ... isaal "3'Pni i 53sa etjy SOUTHWARD.' Lv. Moaroe ... ........... i 4Saaa Ar. Abbeville. ....... ....... u agaai Ar. Athens ........... ...... ispa . Ar. Atlanta (Central Time) s yoym f 4ass Dsilf. tDally, except SaaAay . Both trains make taassediate coaaactioa at Atlaata for Meatgosiery, Mebile, MewOciraaa. Texas. California, Mexico, Cbattaaooa. Mask- villa. Mcmohis. Macon. Piorida. 1 . Bas-saa checked (roa hotel ar ran Id la is te kiuuuvii.: loom mmm vatioo aaade la advance. Per Tickets, aieepers. etc- apply la ; W. H. RAMSEUR. City Ticket Art. t ! as S. Tryaa SC, Caartoita, N. ' R. A. NBWLAND. Qm. Aft, P. Dsst.' - , S KIsssaM rlease. Atlaata, Oa. - I QBO. Mc P. ATTB. Trav. Pass. Agt, R- KT, 1 AAMIeT ' - W W Vs. sf. AfhtwMk, "".T ssv vuv v svL t tsps i ran. s una-1 Mgr. TraMsSlav. r. B. McBEB. T. J. AHDBBSONi - aeal sphilsasat. OmI I liimemeawicsTL.Q.' l ,4 foeeent; 5-room house on LiddeQ street, right new, mighty nice place, $10; I 8-room house, on North Pine street, he tween Eighth and Ninth, 8;j . 4- room house, No. 1013 E. Trade st, 5; 5- room house with 2 room ? basement -corner Eighth and Railroad, $10. Owners of property may feel berfectly assored that property left intmy care will recetve careful and eonstaut atten tion. - --J-- R. E. CCCKHAKE, 808 North Tryoa ntoet, Charlotte, N. C SlKilMilwai i 1 j 1 t ' i I- s t, J V 4- It

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