'. " . ... Jf " .... . s -V - Up v . ' - - - 31 - "Jl v - . " J DAILY CHARLOTTE OBSERVER,' APBEL 10, 1807, 1 . A- - THE ROADS UND CONYICTS. COSt K1SSIOJIEB TIBOWlHi f BE PIT. tW K4tw ItrtTe tfc Covatr Cmb hmwi c alii Aatkartty i Caaaot Farabfb !Ma FaaS Uwlre Wllllac; to CorOsorato With th Itoad faalalw4 la tn Um Halloa of the Mr. P. M. Brawn, chairman of board ut county commissioners, yesterday ad dressed to Mr. John O. Alexander, c hairman of the convict and road com mission, the following communication in ' reply to ; the letter address ed by Chairman Alexander to the iioard, which was published in yestrr Cny'a Observer: Charlotte. N. C, April 9. 1897. John" O. Alexander. Esq.. Chairman of Convict and Koad Commission: Dear Sir: I have before me your com. '. iiiunication of the 8th instant addrews- ' ret to the board of commissioners of Mecklenburg county, informing that lody that you have ascertained from l he county treasurer that he has no special funds" in his hands provided for defraying the expenses of working convicts upon the public roads of (Ills lounty. and suggesting that it is iin :ossible to carry on this work "without omplete co-operation" with the board. ..f which 1 am chairman. Tou say you .-ire "charjred with the duty of provid ingitqe necessary funds" for that pur lose. 1 also note that you offer to 'c- perate , with, the board of commission ers In any manner consistent with the duties of both road commissioners and county commissioners, because it was olain to us you that" without such co operation and understanding the work for road making in this county by the onvict Bystem'will have to cease, and the convicts returned to prison." In reply permit me to say that, as you re aware, the board of commissioners is not now in session, and therefore the riuty devolves upon me to answer your communication. I first beg to suggest that ail of the facts set out in your let ter were known to you before you made demand upon the board of county com missioners for the possession of the convicts and appliances for the purpose of taking charge of and working the public roads of the county, and the dif ficulties which have arisen ought to have suggested themselves to your mind before, and not after, you made your demand. The act creating your commission deprives tht- board of com missioners of this county of all authori ty and control over the convicts and their employment upon the public toads. It provides that yuur cummis sion hall pay the expenses of working the convicts by drawing upon the spe cial fund in the hands of the county treasurer for that punose. It has not seemed to the board that they are now "charged by law with the duly of pro viding the necessary funds'' to defray said expenses, and it does not seem to them proper that they should assume any authority in the matter of work ing the public roads of the county, in view of the provisions of the act cre ating your commission. If, therefore, by your suggestion of "co-operation" between your commission and this board you mean to ask that we will assume some such control and respon sibility, we beg leave to say that we know no law authorizing us. as commissioners. to interfere with or take pan in your working of the con victs upon the public roads, and while, as citiens. we feel a deep interest in th. successful management of the work we do nix feel that interference with it would be promotive of the public good, tli uever. if you are advised Li your counsel that it is the duly ol' the board of ounty ( ommissionei s to pi,. vide the "lie essury furels" for .l-fray-' II the expenses ol" the collve ts. I asK that you, will .set from uu. . a statement of t ri i ; opinion upon this :):.'i:t-r. and furnish me a copy of ;h:;l -.pinion. :-. nd accompany it with ten demand foi su- h action promises as y,,ii ma i a U is i he i nuntj c, ,rs i ni issioiici s arc i r, iaw to lake l will piorupllv tins opim,, J, aii 1 di v hi. h 1 v ill call session t nsi.lcr t-'l . and assure y 1 'oa i d must, of , , , limit at ions which can. of course, do warrant of the law. nestly co-operate w prompt mterpreiat i a w i : t -in t he 'U that l. nd by submit boa: J. spechl! the act. if such come, necessary. Awaiting yuur tions. I rttn, Y -maud t. tii together ill this imp- tan t n;at u that w lo I" t he 1 1 sc. a. t ,. it Inn ' he law presorii.es. and nothing beyond ihe t hey w ii most eat - hh you to secure a by tlie courts it interpr. tuiion shall b- further emmunica 'tirs very truly. l M. BROWN. Chan man Hoard Couniy Corns. Mr. Utinni informs the Observer thai It is. and has leen. the desire of the county commissioners all along to do nil in their power to assist the road commission out of its difficulty: inat on Saturday before the niiiviiis were turned over to the road commis sion the county commissioners purchas ed and paid for a month's supplies for the convict camps, in order that time might be had within w hich to have the act construed, in the hope that the Su. preme Court might, in the meantime, point out a way uy which the county commissioners might legally come to tne assistance of the road commission mat no legal steps have yet been ta ken by the road commission to have th act in question construed, but that as soon as any such steps should be taken the county commissioners will do all in their power to bring about a speedy de cision: that county commissioners will gladly co-operate with the road com mission whenever they shall be able t do so without violating the law. The Front Muat Come lion ti. Capt. Ahrens. who has the contract for re-modeling the lower part of the front of the Burroughs building, Sei- gie s old stand, discovered yesterday me wnoie rront would have to uown. i ne supports are rotten ana me wonder Is. he says, that it has not coimpsea long since. The new front i oe an improvement mi the old "' ii win not ne as handsome as me situation deserves, as Mr. Bur roughs expects at some future time t build a new store, out and out. OLIVER WON ON A SCRATCH. TESTKKDAI'S CTCUS HANDICAP. -A Bta Crd far a Fraa Craa-a" OH rr Waa Bat Maaato Tka Km All ToJd. "A big crowd for a free crowd," was Warren Roark's remark yesterday, de scriptive of the number of persons at the cycle park to see Fitsslmons' free admission races. It was a jolly, en thusiastic crowd, too, and the riders were encouraged by friends galore, tod their best. It was 6 o'clock when the riders took their respective places around the track to run the handicap race for the Pope, and Shell & Harrison medals. A few minutes after the pistol cracked, and the start was made. Fred f riiver, Jr., was the only scratch man. Loaded down with an apparently in surmountable handicap, he rode a stand race and cut his competitors down one by one. winning out in the fast time of 8:43 (eight minutes and forty three seconds.) Ixmnie Cildwell rode a wellsustained well-judged race, and was defeated by only a few feet, he not being able to respond to Oliver's fast spurt- Caldwell has a start of 400 yards, and looked a winner until Oliver swung round the turn. pedaJing swift and strong as a locomotive. Oliver's vic tory entitles him to Imth first prizes the Pope medal, for fastest time, and the Shell & Harison medal for first place. liob Hartzfie!d rode well and promis es to make one of Charlotte's crack-a-Jacks. lie was a close third. James was kept out by business en gagements. The next race will corre off on April -3. It will be a five-mile handicap, and entries from Concord and Rock Hill are expected. Many - f Charlotte's fast riders were 'tept out of this race by bad colds. They w ill tie on deck next time. Mr. Kyle Loraled. Mr. I'. M. Kyle, of Bramville. West Va., who, with Mr. H. A. Moore, bought out the !. S. Read china store, has -ented Mrs. B. Rintels' house on West Fifth street, and will be here with his '"amily in a week's time. CAN MAN BE PLEASED? Well, Ave have arrived at the conclu sion that he can. We have lately test d the matter. Several weeks ago we naugurated the new plan of repairing ill w rist hands and neck bands toshirts ree of charge. We are still repairing 'hem. and every one who has patron zed us has ln-n abundantly pleased. MLOITE STEAM UlPhY. -U'NDAY'S SUNDAY'S sl'XDAT'S SCNDAY'S STORM STORM STORM STORM Broke the camel's back, and now out of houses the ladies come tumbling, md at AI.KXA NDKR'S Al.KXASI'KK'S AI.KXAXLiKR'S A I.KXA X I ) F. I ' S t them u:it'er. I'.'ik'-s so maty minds h'-usht and head direct f Xt i-TK'K HOfSKV N'l' TH'K H'U'SF. Nn-Tlt'K HOI'S Ft' XO-TK'K HOCSKt' h f the More things than sand To tine Ah, that's it 'iave weight. First i;s the pretty new goods. Then its prices. Then people are falling into i he cash system and so w here at! stand : like and pay cash. Then its pleasant salesladies. Might mention "tiler causes; these are enough. day w e announce 2il-iiu-h Super Peronie. 1" 2: old price, not hint? strati ire in it. Fvery child is familiar with tveiy one of our ten figures: 1, 2, ;, etc. it's not price we emphasize, but couple quality and price together and you will have the secret. Stiil selling Oomestlcs under par price. Have added fresh teauties to the Cotton ;)ods array, and expect to-day rnore changeable Taffeta Siiks. Kid Clove sale is simply overirrou n. We keep them coming in the to-dav's lad at x".. Jl. etc. I'.X.. J. H.. K. & C. CORSETS. Our 444 at r.O cents is a good one. 1 'MEN'S SOII $7,50. THE BARGAIN OF THE SEASON. All wool smooth face cassimere sack suits in checks, plaids and neat mixtures, thoroughly well tailored sewed 'with silk and trimmings re liable in every way. These suits -sfiurpass anything that has been of- fered in Charlotte for the price. Sizes to fit stout, slim and regular shapes 7.50. Youths' sizes. 14 to li) -vears, $6.50. Boys' Knee Pants Suits. All wool suits in nobby plaids and neat gray mixtures, pants with double seats, double knees and patent waistbands, sizes 5 to 16 years, at - - - $3,00. BOYS' COMBINATION SUITS, extra nantv Pvtra buttons and golf caps to match, sizes 6 to 16 years, at $3.50 and $4. BOYS' SHIRT WAISTS. Extra quality laundered waists, sizes 5 to 14 years, 50 cents each, regular value $1. We took all a manufacturer had, and 'got them at half price. Umbrella Bargains. Ladies' and children's Gloria Umbrellas, 24 and 26 inches, 50 cents each. Sample Umbrellas, 26 and 28 inches, plain and sterling silver mounted handles, $1.25 and $1.50. Easter Neckwear 50c. See our window. Wilson Bros'. $2 shirts, fancy bosoms, $1. Leslie ers, CLOTHIERS. HATTERS AND FURNISHERS. YOUR 1iMh':his-.sfsM S PRING :l::::4:::::::f::W? VSmA VI lflRFllr ' HJI SS I i f . " f t i UDenmo I c ' . -:..;.;':..- - Is the topic of oar thoughts u well m yoan jnjst now. In tmet, we're been tHiwg ( sDoat u ior soma time, ana we're Dee- ges tinr reftdr for too. The remit is. we ere 1 showing to-day the finest line of high-grade custom tailor made SUITS yoaor anybody eise ever saw ut a tauor anop or oat or one. OUR CLOTHING! IS NOT THE ORDINARY READY-MADE, BDT MADE ESPECIALLY for rra It ia different from other Clothing- Yon know what yon are set ting when yon bay from na. Fine fabrics, choice Patterns, excellent workmanship, up-to-date styles. MELLON & SHELTON, Clothiers, HARD TO BEAT! i:t vr:sT tiiadl: street 13 WEST TRADE STREET !l! WEST TRADE STREET 13 WEST TRADE STREET. Frank P. Milburn, 1RCH1TKCT. COURT HOUSES, SCHOOLS. CHURCHES, UlTir HALLS AND FINE BESIDENLE8 A Fake Rare at Derita. a nuinoer or cnariotte sports went up to Mr. James Cochrane' track at Oerita yesterday to attend an adver tises race. Ther were only two horses in the race. Mr. Cochrane was the owner or one. and the other belonged io a man named Ayers. It was clearly Been mat tne Cochrane horse was the netter or the two. A . I j rminK was over it was so pimniy in evidence that the whole af fair was a fake that the . narlotte peo- v uemanueu ineir money, which was rerunaea. t'lirintlan Worker. Two of the most interesting auxil aries ot tne foreign mission work of the rirai r-resoytenan church are the Pres ton Missionary So"ity and the Willlnjc Workers, each, respectively, composed of the l.os and Kills of the church. Last Sunday morniiiK -l one Kirls re sponded to the roli-call st their semi monthly meeting. To-morrow morning the hoys and jrirls will hold a joint meeting, when they will be addressed hy Dr. Howerton. All t.ovs and irirls of the rnnsre(taii..n are asked to be present promptly at in o'clock. Burued to 1 tenth. Mr. Bruce Thonihurs lives in Kerry hill township. Wednesday his 11 -year-old daughter was in the bottom land near the house cuttlns and burning corn stalks. The w4nd was blowing hard, and as the (rirl went close to the fire, her dress ijrnittd. and before help reached her her clothing was entirely "Burned from her body and her flesh badly charred She died in a few-hours. Independence Sqnare CHARLOTT K. N. C. So arc our prices. It tk--s no ai uunifnt t.- mnvirw- you that this, is not a pretty picture. We have n-t studi-M the ai t of djaw in.c pictures like e have that of makins s-lections in furniture nnd marking prices on it tint "ill draw trade this we know how to do, and do. You say prove it? W- s.iy just jsive us a chance, by t ailing hen in need f anything in our line, and we will pro duce the witness-s our prices. Th-y speak for themselves. We have a full line of ail kinds of household ar.d kitchen Fl'RXlTl'RE, STOVES, RAXOi.:S. i;tc Jn fact, we are pre pared to furnish your house from Alpiii to Omesa and the amount we can save you makes it worth yjur trouble to in veKtigatc our goods and prices l.efoie placing your order. Write for pric es if you t an t come. V will pruniplly uitcnd to your needs. We can generally make sat isfac: . u y terms i':r our city customers who not v,-;-h lo pay all cash. Agents for the ceh brated KIMKALL PIA.N'iiS and ORHANS Remember the place. Piedmont FurnitureCo Have You Seen? If yon haven't yon ought not delay s. einii the most novel souvenir yet got ten out in Charlotte "The Stonewall Jackson Home Spoon." Sold at a reasonable figure, and everybody shonld have One. SPECIAL Mekw Al l E ear mql' The newest shapes and colors. Baad bows, club ties, extra large flowing end, four-in-hands and tecks. You have never seen such values. Don't miss this opportunity. The Long-Tate Clothing-Company We solicit orders from a distance and will send goods on approval by ex press to any part of the country, returnable at our expense. ROACH? Who ns -Roach ? Leading 209 North Tryon; Street. Garibaldi & Bruns. J ewelers to the People. Finest Quality, Latest Styles, LOWEST PRICES. IT West Trade street. Racket Store Augusta Brewing Co. ClearCrack H tb Chinch '..!. The township trustees, of C5ear Creek. orderKi all hands out to "Work the road e ltter part of Mlreh. and a erat my holes were filled Tip and tn prove roent generally made to the road. The chinch bug- is doing rreat harm to the small grain. It is feared Jhat it wtU attack the corn. Tb outlook, from that section. In gloomy. . : V 1 Early aadaf la EfMl. Beslnninr last evening the clothing stores will close from now until Oc tober at 7 o'clock. The Arms signing , the paper were: The Carolina Clothing Co.. Mellon Shelton. The. Lonar-Tate Co.. Uebennan A Co., and Leslie ft Hogers. ON TAP IN ALL SALOONS. CHARLOTTE BRANCH. A dollar's worth of goods can only come through the medium of dollar?. It is impossible to gret it through the medium of credit. However, it is none of our business vho sells on time, nor who buys. We have never found it necessary to try to build up our business by crying down the goods and wares of anybody. We reeognize as a fact that people judee for themselves about valnes. and we frankly say ii' any one can sell vou goods for less money than we can. buy them. If we can save vou monev. buv if us. We have all the advantages we could possibly have in buying aod know of nothing undone to master value at the other end of the lane. We are making fuJl use or our victories gained in the markets to forward our interests here. 1.500 pairs men's shoes which we are closing out on our bargain counter for tne small sum of SI per pair. The leath er in the shoe cost more money, to say nothing of the making. l.WiO pairs ladies' fine shoes and slip, pets groinc for 7"c per pair, on a speciaj bargain counter We are crowded for room in our shoe department and in or der to reduce stock, shall offer many iTOipnim "argnins on truse two coun lers. .Nobby lines prents' spring hats. Just rer-ejyed: all the late shapes and stvles al rock bottom prices. Visit our miHinery department for all that's new jn spring millinery. ;ee us ror ! ne best bargains you ever had offered you in Hothinir. This is no idle boast, we have the goods and orlce to prove it. We have opened up a line of hard ware, such as hanv-s. hamestrings. trace chains, cony combs, nadlocks. wash boards, well buckets, churns, batter prints, whitewash brushes, strap hinges which it will pay you to see before buying. Full line crockery, glassware, tin ware and lame? alwavs on hand anil prices away down. coiesale department mmnlMs fr nil lines. Xo end to good values in o rrt Hugs and matting. t-peclat ha real ns In gents' furntshlne department. New arrivals in neck wear. Th best 60c tm!mnderet iMrt 00 the market. Hm felt of ranli from Ho.- tic, and low price, moving goods with a whirl. Come see via. J. G. Hood & Co., '"Old Racket Store. DOJTT PLACE Your order for printing ' uatu yon mem our Mock aad get oar pi wa uumi ia raatiag - Hoi m Hi im p 1 1 1 i n Yoo're Thin kin Where to buy that new spring suit you promised yourself. Ask your neigh bor about the style, fit and finish of our gar ments and you will give us a call. We don't deal in the kind of clothes a man buys only once, and wishes he hadn't done it then! Cloth used in our clothing' is only of the re name kind, put together by expert tailors, sold to you with the saving of the dealer's profit. Come and see our Belmont suit. It is made of a new fabric, skeleton lined, with best satin trimmings. JOS. LI EM RMAN & CO. ABOUT LEFT OF THE ! KAUFMAN STOCK. Our Famous Prices will be in force until every suit is sold. -o- Tiie Carolina Clothing Co. J. A. SOLOMONS, Manager. Florida Vegetables. We have always had a nice line of Green Groceries, and we make an ear nest endeavor to nlease our customer. We expect to receive on to-day's ex press Tomatoes, Cucumbers. Snap owns, e w rounm, eeta, sqnasnea. Egg Plant, Onions. Lettuce. Radishes, Celery, and Strawberries. We endeavor to keep up j with the market as near aa possible. Always gt a cost ticket, j . MOORE 301 N. Trvon St. JONES, i 'Phone 16L DILWORTH FLORAL GARDENS, j CHARLOTTE, ft.. G. ! - ' ; j : Best establishment of Its kind In the State. Plants of ail kinds at reason able prices. Orders from ai distance are promptly filled. Send for Drice Hat. Chrjrsaatbemanm a specialty. . fitutlssT J. BUBCH, nortst. The Emponiuinni's GREAT J KID GLiOVE SACRIFICE SALE. For a few days only we offer our $1.25 Ladies' 4-Button Kid Gloves at 83 CeefSo r Headquarters in embroideries. Took Place PR IL Sfh' and will continue for the season. We have prepared unusual attrac tions. Our Styles g Qyaflities will surpass any Millinery Goods shown in this market. We are determined to make this Our Bamoer . mery season hnce, very low prices will prevail. D.H.BaruGii It Is Conceded That our general stock this sea Bon is the best we have everhown in dress goods, trimmings, em broideries or laces; in hosiery or IJkW V WUj III VJk KW VU) UJi W HI I V printed fabrics; m fact, m every de h partment our varieties are great. Selections good and prices the very lowest. Do Ho BARUCH Good - Advice. 33V1 SHW 30f d3" SOr4.S H3W3CIA TAKE IT. any tire Is a good tire I till some- , tnmg nappens to n, ana ; tou wish you had a then 1 JiO The fiist cost i$ more than othersJ but when you count jthe costj of repair ing the j 6. & J, ii the Most Economical Ride : RAMBLER and be happy. jWe sell! them at $80. 97 models at $60 while they la-st , -I-;-, a THE SHAW-KOWEa iURSESS CI). -Departmnieinit Is one of the best in the State, we make prices that catch trade. ' Best makes of furniture bought right for cash and sold with small profits. Carpets in every make and pattern. Large stock to select from. Rugs and curtains of every description; window shades, Carpet sweepers. o o o o J o I o I o I o j o I o I o D H J r JL:,..

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