INYASIOjr OF : THE FRONTIER flmiXfi BEBIKD TIKEIU XI9ES, .-. Bwk ( Iuufnb, With A : V. FrwItlMiM aa Cald, Cm Ike fntUv, Taking the Oaib. "Liberty eat, a . I' They tt-Th MiMt l Itnritaw YVita Wen JMImi Frormtto. ' ;; Athens, April 1L Accounts are very -eortnicting as to what really happened ; last Friday, r when the Xromler ; was :- crossed by tbe insurgents,; Oa Friday a monk from Jit. Athoev assisted by hia ,. .abbot and two deacon, he hi a religious service at Koniskas, at wbieb all mem. bera of the invading- body partook of the atrment, and registered the oath . of the order, "Liberty or death." In addition to large quantities of ami munition and provisions, the force bad ' in gold. rurins Friday night following" the service, the frontier was crossed, they moving in the direction of Scbrewek. A second band, number un known, had a rendezvous at Neseros. on the frontier, about thirty-five kilo meters north of Larlssa, and near the coast. This band was smUarry equip, ped, and took the oath. It crossed the frontier on Thursday nitfht. marching on Karya- As everywhere in the Vale of Tempe, in this portion of th- frontier, the roads and bridges are in a condition of thorough repair. This (Sunday) morn ing the roar of artillery can be plainly heard at Larisa. from the direction of Karya, where Slnsinikos Is evident ly forcing matters. General Xiakaraa and his staff, with some knowledge of tile movements afoot, which they were unwilling to Impart left -eteruay for Tyrnaves, the most important Greek position, near Klassona. Four batteries of re inforcements followed them from tbe same point. At headquarters they de clare that -nothing is known as to the raid, and will say nothing as to the probable character of the raiders. How ever, some additional light has been thrown upon the subject to-day by an interview between the Associated Press and a prominent Greek, who Is evident ly In close touch with the league and Its plans. The Creek said: "The move ments of these bands is all in accord ance with a very clearly defined pro gramme. For years thousands of Greeks, even little children, have been in the habit, on receiving a shilling, of putting half of It into a national box in the cause of pan-Helenism. For many months it has been the plan of the league to stir up all the pan-Hellenic peoples l y means of armed bands. Now that a great moment has come In Greek history', we have seized upon It. Our aim at present is to get behind the Turkish lines and to stir up all our brethren. "Whether or not Europe Insists upon the Integrity of Turkey, Greece Is net animated by selfish views, or with any desire for annexing territory to the kingdom. She demands not only a true and complete Independence for heroic Crete, but the same independence for EpiruB. Macedonia and Thrace. And she demands this also for all the sub jugated populations of Asia Minor. 'Therefore, Greece will face any dan ger. In order to reach tfcat end. Years of frightful suffering and unnumber ed crimes and tyrannies have been forced upon those who are our kins men, by faith and Mood In those coun tries, and we are pledged in the most solemn way and inspired by the most sacred and ennobling principles of lib erty, to do all In our power to ltft from them the curse that burdens them." NEWS OF THK FIVHTIKG. Artillery Battle Between Greek mi. I Tirk-Tlie Orreki Lou t.1 Men at Cl it af . Mat Place Their- las Severe la fturgent !- in a BwtOfc With Chaweun. lndon April 11. The Times lo-mor-i-u- will print the following dispatch from Its correspondent at Larrissa: Coussio. the accredited representa tive of the Ethnlke Hetairria, tells me that he lool:s for important news to day (Sundnv). He has been in confer ence with 'Ireek deputies, and with leading supiortei-s of the patriotic movement, who have recently arrived here, and there st'ems to have bern a deliberate plan to leave in the hand? ot the Kthnike Hetairria, the initiative. The Greek outposts are being quietly strengthened and '"small detachments are proceeding t their positions under cover of darkness. The latest informa tion received here on the subject of tht: rata snows thai thr invading Insu gents first advanced iwrd rhassanca It is repirt"d that the. Turks opposed the attack with artillery. The Greek losses were 22 killed and 1'T wounded The Turkish losses are said to hav been much greater. It is reported that another attack was made on the Turk the Greeks succeeding In planting flag. Stringent orders have been issu against irregular firing, and the- pen alty of death will ! imposed for an infraction. - !ome details aie m Hand at last a to the skirmish near Gravena. O Jn inursaay nmrninK. i.;ihj fcJuzanoi. nni formed and commanded by Greek offi ers. crossed the frontier near Balti mon. and advanced to a point near uravena. Here they met a detachmen or the Fifteenth Chasseurs, on picket duty in the woods, and hemmed them in. A sharp fight ensued. The sixth battalion of Chasseurs came to the rescue, under the command of Is lam Pasha, and drove the Euianoi back to the frontier. The insurgents lost 150 killed. At the same time the Greek artillery ns craiK upon a t urkisn Dlock bouse. ana the firing continued until mid night, the combatants retaining their respective positions. It is not known now many Turks were killed, hut It I said that the number was small. IfiDIUNANT DEPOSITORS. Taay Meet la Chicago, Farm n la to a Pro tot mad Rasa Strong Beaolataoa. Chicago. April 11. Eight hundred de positors in the Globe Savings Bank met this afternoon to protest against the treatment they had received at the nanas or C W. Spalding. Its sresident. and fellow officers, and to devise means tor rescuing, if possible, some' portion of then- savings which had been tied up by the bank's failure. i Resolutions were adopted calling the attention of the General Assembly to the large number of bank failures that nave occurred within the State, during the last few months, and urging legisla tion for the establishment of a State banking department, to have unn'U. ion over all banking lnrtttmions of the mate, and urging also, the enactment of more stringent criminal laws for the punishment of defaulting bankers. Counsel for the depositors will appear m cvurc to-morrow to institute crimi nal proceedings against the bank of firials SPANISH TROOP I'lT TO ROUTF.. ", Galtepiag After, Ortva Than Inta Their Fertifteatiaaa. Then Camp la Flat Sight. Cincinnati. O.. April X snecial to the Commercial Tribune from; Havana Bys: a snarp guerrilla fight occurred guineas, m this province, yesterday utuiuiufl, iin xav men on each slae. Car. Man eel del Gado, of Col. Her- nanaes s forces, teadinsr the Cuban. After two Aours the Cubans drove the Spanish back Into Guineas, galloping " . aimosi wrtnin gunshot of tbe Spanish soldiers. The Spaniards retreated. into their fortifications. Tbe Cabana looted several stores ; on the outskirts, and camped there nearly hw a uay m ptain sight of the Spanish Tarna Oat Bj tfea FovaUst. Manhattan. Kan.. April. 1L-Th. ,. missal of Prof. Geo. T. Falrchild. for is years president of the State Aericnltu ral College, seems to have been only the beginning of a clean sweep proposed by tbe hoard of regents. Th dismissal of Prof. Fairehild was folio wed yesterday by the discharge of 14 other members of ne lacuity, and numerous outer em Pove of the Institution. No causes Jferte preferred against ' any of the veieasea. The board of re rents, which is controlled by tbe Pub. ulists, simply stated that the diaphsra--d instructors "were not i In harmony wttfc the fundamental principles of the v "a Wttal aWctaa t luriou. " I-oadon. April U. A dispatch to' the , Hst Xfeceblad. the Dutch newspaper dselaree that the leadins- officiala of the v TraosvasJ speak ooenrv of m wk England mm inevitable, mad ever that It . trMI be caaTted rSgm Bp te Table Bey. ; The River teadily railing mm Taj n ia JBast Spirits The Wats Will JMssp fw Ky May 1, ; . Memphis. Tem April IV Tbe water in tbe Mississippi delta is slowly need. iug, Reports received ' here k to-night from the overflowed -country are most encouraging. ; The day : baa -.; been an ideal one and every planter in the delta Is i bettter spirits. : -.- "- -. At GreenviHe tbe river, aa well as tbe back water surrounding the town, in stationary to-night. Everything is in readiness for the receipt and distribu tion of provisions from the govern ment, and as soon as the army officers arrive, the work will be actively, entered Into. At Lulu. Miss., a decided improve ment Is noted. There is still some suf fering in the back country, but it ia be ing alleviated by tbe planters. A transport of the government arrived to day and will assist the destitute at once. " Tbe Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Rail road has been busy all day with pile drivers, replacing washouts and bridges. The road will probably have trains running into Lulu and C larks dale on Tuesday. It is now bUeved that the water will disappear by May 1st. and if this proves true, a fair crop can be made. The overflow will leave a sediment, or deposit, which greatly enriches tbe soil, and the planters may yet be able to balance their big account with the Father of Waters. The river is falling at Memphis to-nlgbt. At Vicksburg, Miss., and all points south a steady rise la noted. THt CHIEF KNG1XKF.R-9 REPORT. The Flower Lafco Cntum ana U Big Vol urn of Water fooriug Throng. It. Memphis. April 11. Major Pabney, chief engineer of the Yasoo levee board, has arrived in tlrsatlty from the scene of the Flower Lake break and had a consultation with Captain Fitch and ike members of the levee board, who are here. Major Dabney said that on Thursday he had measured the crev asse by engineering Instruments- and found that It was 1.875 feet wide. Since -then he thinks that the width has in creased to no less than 1,960 feet. The upper end of the levee, tbe one that has been doing all the cutting, has been tied, but Major Dabney says that he is not certain that it will hold at that point. He was asked for an estimate of the volume of water that is passing through the crevasse Into the delta, and placed the amount roughly at 180,000.000 cubic feet per hour. "What will be the chances for clos ing the opening before tbe time for the June rise?" he was asked. "It will be absolutely impossible for a levee of full size and height to be built around the opening, before that time. With the circular line that we will have to follow around them. It will take some SM.000 yards of dirt to make a levee there, and that will eost between $40,000 and $50,000. It could not be finished in time for the June rise, but In the event that the present rtood In the river goes down in time, we will probably make a small levee along the line, to be followed later by a larger one." With the river falling all along the front in this district Major Dabney noes not expect any turther trouble. A Satisfactory Situation at Maw Orleaaa. New Orleans, April 11. Tbe river is booming, and in spots the water was over the 'aprons" of the levees, making ueposus oi mua. j ne au mon ties, now. ever, deny any additional apprehen sion, and are resouiceful In combatting any inroads made by the river, rapidly applying temporary barriers of sacks filled with earth, and such other de vices as appear most expedient. In th adjoining -parishes of St. Bernard and Plaiiucmints, the levees suffer most from wave washes, but the officials charged wh h the duty or maintaining the embankments in good shape are straining every nerve to keep out the water, ne clear weather is rapidly dry ins; tlie rain-soaked levei-s and facili- taiinK improvements. In spite of th rising river the situation can lie de scribed as satisfactory. Tlx IJurrn'. Hlrlhdav and the Aiuericaoa In l.onduu. I.ndon, April 10. It has bwn decid ed to eeiebrate th" Queen's diamond Jubile- by the simultaneous lighting- of bonfires on tht? hills around the coasts, jt lo o'clock on the day of the sixtieth anniversary of her ascension to the throne. June 20. The Americans of this city nave tormed a committee to pro mote a jubilee fund to endow a hospi tal, or ror a similar ccari table purpose. iiliam Waldorf Astor, Bret Harte, Artist Broughton. Novelist James, Lady William Beresford, Mrs. Bradley aiariin. air. jonn . ucKar. Mr. Bam uel Colgate and numerous other prom inent people are members of the com mittee. To InreKtigate the Incursion. Klassona. April 11. 3:30 p. m. No di finite details have been received here as to the incursion on the frontier last week, fr.onem Pasha has sent an off! cer to the scene, who is expected to re turn to-niKnt. RICHEST SHOE IN AMERICA RICHEST SHOE IN AMERICA RICHEST SHOE IN AMERICA Ladies' wine-colored vict kid. whole cut supper, fox, Oxford tie. roll edge. top ana front, coin toe, straight tip, hand-made shoe; low dress heel. Width B. C and D. 1 to 6. nrtca 12.75 This is the most elegant shoe-making we have ever shown: every shoe is the work of an artist. Trilby wine-colored polish: finest aressing ever made: price 25 cents. The only up to date shoe house. OILREATH & CO. GILREATH St CO. OILREATH & CO. Bicycle Costumes At boiled down prices. Here is as of - tmng lor this week only : English Cheviot Suits ia proooae- ' luaia enecte ....... . fnaoi asBtmere and Tweed Suits ia the' very latest patterns, . 8.501 Scotch Plaid Suite, guaranteed all J mMae w,tn rernroreed seato 95-00 1 Brown and Ott l crown ana Uray Huts, made of , . I exoeiient Wear-restStUUr ClOth. - )MlaM liar nmli and nrirta iMfnia great values for S3. 79 1 uos. & CO. LOERHH - . DAIIiY ..... I fc H ' THE Sizes to fit stout, slim and regular shapes 57.50. Youths sizes, 14 to 19 years. $6.50. i i Boys' Knee Pants Suits: All wool suits in nobby plaids and neat gray mixtures, pants with double seats. double knees and patent waistbands, sizes 5 to 16 years, at - $3.00- BOYS' COMBINATION SUITS, extra pants, extra buttons and golf caps to match, sizes 6 to 16 years, at $3.50 and $4. BOYS' SHIRT WAISTS. Extra quality laundered waists, sizes 5 to 14 years, 50 cents each, regular value $1. We took all a manufacturer had, and -got them, at half price. Umbrella Bargains. Ladies' and fchildren'sl GloriaUmbrellas, 24 and26 inches, 50 cents each. Sample Umbrellas, 26 and 28 inches, plain and sterling silver mounted handles, $1.25 and $1.50. Easter Neckwear 50c. See our window. Wilson Bros'. $2 shirts, fancy bosoms, $1. Leslie & Rogers, CLOTHIERS, HATTERS AND FURNISHERS. Racket Store Men's suits all the way from $1.50 to 116. Special bargains In a lot of men's t7.0 and $12.50 suits, thrown on our job counter, choice J5. Men's dress pants tl.5o. market value 12 to 12.50; men's dress pants $2. market value 13: men's dress pants J2.60, mar ket value $3.50: men's dress pants I3.&0. market value $5; men's work pants 33c. market value f0c.: men's work pants 75c.. market value SI: men's work pants $1. market value $1.50. Boys' knee pants from 5c. to 75o. : boys' corduroy pants 50c Child's junior suits, fancy trimmed. S to 8 years. S1.2S ur Special bargains In child's "Faultless" suits, double seat and knees, $2, warranted not to rip: if they should rip we pive a new suit In stead. Nobby line men's dress suits $10 and $11.75 that you can't duplicate for less than Sl'i.&O to $15. SHOES. SHOES. SHOES. SHOES. SHOES. SHOES. No end to Rood values in shoes and slippers. Men's solid buff shoes at $1 per pair, well worth $1.50. Nobby lin ladies' and misses' slippers, black and tan, that came in the Lynchburg stock, bought at SOc. on the dolar, and will be offered at less than manufacturers cost. Just received an elegant stock ladies misses' and children's slippers. G Qerstle & Co's. make. No better good on the market, at a, big saving in price We are offering thousands of the best bargains you ever saw in shoes. All we ask is a look to be convinced. Beat stock hats we ever owned, and at prices that will save your pocket book. No use paying a big price for hats, when you can secure the leading brands, with all the late shapes, of us at a saving oftentimes of 25 per cent Try us on hats and see If it is not so. No question but our Millinery Depart ment is the largest and best equipped of any in the elty. We Just simply mean that It shall be so. and as we sell first-class millinery, as we do every thing else, at much less than the usual price, we never fall to score a home run. s Thousands of dollars' worth of goods In all lines being forced out at less than wholesale cash. We buy goods cheap in bankrupt stock credit wrecks; matters not where, so they are cheap add a very small profit and let them go. Come see as and be assured you get the worth of your money. If we a t save you money, we don't want you to buy. J. G. HOOD ft CO.. Old Racket. Old Racket. HARD TO BEAT! So are our prices. It takee no ar gument to convince you that this Is sot a pretty picture. We have not studied ue art or arawuur pictures like we nave ui or ma sing elections m lomltarc and marking prices on it that wilt draw trade this we know how. to do, and do. Tu say prove it We say Just give as a chance, br ealBnar when In need of anytbina; ia our Hnav and we will pro due tbe -wltneseee but prices. Ther tine 0f ... an kinds of bouse bold and ranges. Etc . In fact, we are nre- pared to furnish your bouse from Alpha Omega and tbe amount we can save rou makaa it worth vour traubia to la- plscing your order. - . Write for pnoea. u ytm ' can t come. w ; wiu promptly attend to your needs. ' We can generally make eatisfactory terms for oar city customers who de not wish to pay au cash. : - Agents for the celebrated ' - KIMBALL PIAN03 and ORGANS. Femernber, the place. -, j r . 'Piedmont FumilureCD., "Wo. IT Wast Trade street OHAKLOTTI3 GZZJZZVTRm APr.IL 12, I I, ' 11 . I . I.. ., THE SEASON. BARTjAIS of All wool jsmooth face cassimere sack suits in checks, plaids and tiezi mixtures, thoroughly wejl tailored with silk and trimmings re liable in every way. These suits surpass anything that Has been of fered in Charlotte for the price. fvlillinefy ARE YOU ARE TOT' looking for a stylish hat for less than the usual fancv millinery price? IF YOU ARE IF YOU ARE you can surely find it here. At our store You can't find Mademoiselle from France, Because we never gave her tbe chance To come and give you song and dance. Or even bore you in her parlance. OUR PATTERN HATS were made in our workroom. Joe Baroefa k Co. WISE PEOPLE WISE PEOPLE WISE PEOPLE WISE PEOPLE SHOOK; THEIR HEADS SHOOK THEIR HEADS SHOOK THEIR HEADS SHOOK THEIR HEADS AND PREDICTED FAILURE : AND PREDICTED FAILURE; AND PREDICTED FAILURE; AM) fKlSDlCTlCD FAILURE; Good 30-day customers expressed re gret at being forced to trade elsewhere when we entered the field as a NO-TICK HOUSE. NO-TICK HOUSE, NO-TICK HOUSE, NO-TICK HOUSE, and left the credit ranks once and for. ever. To-day we welcome the very ones j wno couia never pay cash: sell the very ones who were personally offended when they learned our terms were NOT CASH TO ONE AND CREDIT TO another, we have fought the bat. tie and dearly won the laurels now seen in our increasing trade. TtDK FLOWS TIDE FLOWS to as well as 'out. We are in the in coming, rising tide. Packages quickly delivered, n O. n out none left unless paid for. unangeapie i taffeta silks. to-daVa great iavonte. excellent quality, hiirh russet, summer shades. 76 cents. Lus ter-like silk., wide, figured mohair, gren- aoine, im tefla n. vara. 444. the finest M cent corset vou evee saw; oioen cents to (1 each. More kid gloves arrived, and the sala goes on growing. 60 CENTS, the little check, all wool. 10H CENTS sale, perealee. f ; ., ALEXANDER'S, ALEXANDER'S, " W. TKADE ST. 1 W. TRADE ST. 1 W. TRADE ST. A I.KH A MDER 8, OPEN FOR BUSINESS. I Want Tout patronage. Mr line of I en giass ana Dne-a-br&o bag no equal '"..j- " micnem, ouunonos. Jewel ry and clocks in the latest styles and patterns. ALL NEW. These nice! goeos ax socnt low prices will astonish any one. JOHN FARRIOR, &1L aid Sa WatchInapector. Florida Vegotablos. -we. nave aiwava luuf a him u aest endeavor t please our eatooen. we expect ito receivs on to-day'e ex press Tomatoes. Cucumbers. Snap Beans, New Potatoes. Beets. Sanashea. I Kkk Plant, Onions. Lettece. Radishes, I r - We enAeevVen to kan nn altk mrmwt. mm soar as paaalBia. Always. e a. east .Uctet. - '. " MOORE JONES. " a M. Trron St. ThM US. his c arc showing a line of neckwear - which includes every shape, every style, every fabric .known to tljie neckwear world, and our whole stock' is offered 4n the foundation of popular prices, .i ; 53' IIILLLUI1 Gent's Furnishers and Clothiers. Mail orders solicited and SAY YOU Take $30, 8rnd$15onasTutandpnt15inyourpoctet Won't yo feel bet ter than if you upend $30 on the suit and have nothing in yetir pocket ? Ton would if the $15 suit was every bit as good, if not better, than the $30 one. Yet you pay a tailor $30 for a suit that is not any better than ours at $15. I I Go to the leading clothiers in your town, that is, THE LONG TATB CLOTHING CO., look over their suits and well wager your tailor never sees yon again. BBcnniijm ..r i The Long-Tate Clothing Company. We solicit orders from a distance and will send goods on approval by ex press to any part of the country, returnable at our expense. j THE The weather is getting warmer and ladies, no doubt, are thinking of making up their summer dresses. While out shopping, donH fail to visit the EMPORIUM, where yon will find a large varity of ORGANDIES, Lappert Btripes, and other goods suitable for Summer wear. The prices, we promise, will be as low as the lowest, We also call your attention to the large variety of SHIRT WAISTS, LACE CURTAINS, LACES and EMBROIDERIES. Dave Oestreicher. ROACH .?;. j -. v A i ; Who is RoacH ? 13B' 1 Leadimg 09 North Tryon Street. . a 1 Finest Quality, LOWEST Barrels of 1,200 and kegs of 600. Fresh, crisp and nice; just in. Cakes and Crackers Cheapest Pattnt FIOBf in the city. M. C. MAYER 6R0CERY COMPANY. Phone 192. Good - Advice. HVl'SaW 30f d3H- SONLS H3W3QA TM E I T. j :o: -r.: i i W UIII.I. I Ulli have our prompt attention. r -:o;- 1 Latest Styles, PRICES. ANY Tl RE Is a good tire till some thing happens to it, and then you wish you had a 2o a2& o3T C3 C3 The first cost is more than j others, but when you I count the cost of repair- : ingthe j G. & J, is the Most Econoruical. i-ii Ride a RAMBLER and be hippy. We sell tfeem at $80. models at $60 fcvhile they THE SHAW-HOYELL HARNESS CO. Have You Seen? T If yon haren tot oaght not delav seeing the most novel aaoTeoir yet got ten out in Charlotte, j . fT6 Stonewall Jackisa sen weit flnlil at imaimuslile jn ms. ' and everybody shouid have one. Garibaldi fi. EMPORIUM, j K:-iSp5sa."l I . -.4, ; ; :; . iilliiiii : vlTrimined Bannets and carri and street wear a tugci uw wimj ufuiy iicw ana unginai: laeas irora our own work rooms, ijllie latest shapes in untrimmed Togues, .Tiui:- Dans a pa cngusu waiting ri bc rrencri rjowers and D.rLBariiGli Dress No stock of Dress Goods in this Market like ours. - It is true that our sales in that department have been the largest w.av?Levet e?iyfd- Encouraged by that fact we have within the p2tst few days added largely to this stock and we are now showing a complete line, embracing all the latest novel ties. i t Specially New Our Sunburst Skirts to Ready made skirts and town. We can please everybody and our low prices are a com plete surprise. White and Drinted wash tvery conceivable tabnc can be found in our great stock You can here buy the choicest of these for the price that is charged for; inferior goods elsewhere. Hosiery We show the lareest stock of Hosierv and oinvpe in this State, represent only the best for the mo (iey.. D.H.Baruofi Furniture. Representative Designs Did it ever occur to vou that furniture resentatiyeof yourself? A tasteful and refined environment implies personal Qualities of a similar natnr Vnn should I?e attractive in design, M aai a A m m al 1 m 1 a i 1 I uiuiuuuj! in cojwr ana aecoration. "'i . DoirOn needthic. kinH nf FnrnifIiro WT fusion tOr ail Darts Of vour hnnv anH nnr nnV i il. least attractive. Parlor, Bed Room, Dining Room; Nursery. all can he found in our large and handsome stock. Carpets, Mattings, Riigs In this deDartment we hav- fnr ih.v r ... offerings. - Our lines are new attractive. - I a . v- - . - Hats, in the -choicest desfom' fnr. large number of imported style V nats. - , t--r . all the new milimery; trimmingjSaJ Goods, order. shirt waists arp the faxnri UA , , fabrics and Gloves makes and give the best value, graceful in outline and har- and attractive. Prices specially ' . J Jewelers to the-TeopI. ' I - 1 , ' '- l: - -fV - l' M - 5': , - - -? :

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