COTTON JVIIlili JflHCHirlEHV i r -I ill- rrtrikZl' 5 i 9 " M m w o ar : ' I (1 Whltiii Machine Works, WWtiria Villa, gait. C1KDS, DKAWMO, RPOOLin, XKKU, spiukihg, Twumu, onuni, s ro s t 1 aW STUART W. CRAMER, outbern Asant 38 Soutb Tryon St., Oliarlotto. PC. O. THE CHARLOTTE SUPPLY CO., ! MANUFACTURERS OF Pure Oak Tanned Leather Belting and Dealers in Cotton Mill Arlington Hotel. CENTRALLY LOCATED i NEAR POSTOFFICE CHARLOTTE, N. C. Under new and pennanent maaagemenL Sixty elegantly furnished rooms. All modern Improvements. Table equal to any In the city. Rates: $1.50, $2.00 and $2.60 per day. W. F. BUCHANAN, owner and Proprietor. WHEN YOU WANT Watihes, Diamonds, Jewelry. Spec tacles, Clocks, Art China, Cut Glass, Silverware. Belts, Pocket Books and novelties in up-to-date designs and low prices, I lead the market. Your watdh cleaned $1, mainspring: $1, crystal 10 cents. Workmanship un equaJed in the city. Call and he convinced. JOHN FARRIOR, 8. A. L. and Southern Watch Insaectsr. FIRST CLASS Merchant - Tailoring I keep the most reliable goods and make them to measure in the very best manner by thoroughly skilled workmen here In Charlotte. Price guaranteed to be as low as the same class o goods and work can be had elsewhere. J. S. PHILLIPS, MERCHANT TAILOR, Njo. 31 South Tryon Street. ICE. ICE. Standard Ice and Fuel Company. PURE CRYSTAL ICE MADE DISTILLED WATER. FROM Our factory has track connections with all the railroads, which enables us to load cars without exposing ice to sun Of air, thus avoiding heavy loss from leakage. Ice shipped in any quantity from sack to carload, and loaded di rect from the bath. Satisfaction given In weight, quantity, etc. Standard Ice and Fuel Co. A. J. HA GOOD, Manager. The D. A. TompkinsCo. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Electric Light Plants, j Automatic Sprinklers, Steam Heating, Top Rolls Covered, Cotton Mill Repairs, Fire Protection NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. i Sealed bids will be received for the erection of the A. R. P. church at Rock Hill. S. C, until noon of May 9th. Plans and specifications can be seen at the of fices 'Ot Dr. I. Simpson, at Rock TTill, or Cnaa. C. Hook. Charlotte, N. C. Contractors must be able to file satis factory bond. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. New! Perfection Refrigerators, Blue Flame Oil Stoves, ( Peerless Ice Cream Freezers, And a full line of summer goods. J. N. McCAUSLAND & COMPANY. Slate and Tin Roof Contractors. 200-211 South Tryon Street J. E. DUVAL Electrical Engineer and Contractor, Of fice In- Hunt Building, N. Tryon St, J CHARLOTTE, N. C Arc and Incandescent lighting. Equip, ping cotton mills with electric light plants a specialty. Estimates furnished en all kinds of electrical work. Call bells, hotel enunciatom, burglar alarms. ixirresponaence souatea. Your Prescriptions Are given oar emreful attention in ' every respect And the beet of drags ony used in their preparation. S. L ALEXANDER & CO Corner Church and Trade streets t.- i ft e B Kitsoo Machine Co., Iiotxiall, Ssa. OFXKEBg WITH IXLUIKi, BBMAXEM, IHTEKsf EDIATB AID naUHEK LAFFEBS, CAKDING BEimt and Machine Shop Supplies. Who tpenedthat Dome or MORES ftootbeer? The popping of a cork from a bottle of Hires is a signal of good health aud plea sure. A .sound the old folks like to hear the children can't resist it- HIRES Rootbeer is compcied of the very ingredients the system requires. Aiding the digestion, soothing the nerves, purifying the blood. A temper ance drink for temper ance people. Mm&t ooIt by Tlx Charlts I. Ultra Cm., Puis. ipukap nakea I cadoss. Sold frrara. Gail Borden Eagle Brand Condensed Milk. The Leadso fsFAMT Food. Philadelphia Underwriters' Financial Standing, January 1; 1897: " Cash Assets, $15,609,932-32. Assets available to policy holders in United States, $4, 000,000. Lareer than that of any fire companies American or foreign. E. NYE HUTCHISON, Agent. May 1, 1897. CHARLOTTE. N. C Trustee's Sale of Hardware. I offer lor s;. th of starle hardware, th-. enu.t.- iuck of Jno. R. Pender, consisting of farm implements of every kind, cook stoves, belting, cast materials, cutlery, paonts, oils, etc., in faot a well assorted and complete stock of staple hardware for cah. This is a fine opportunity for any one who may wish to engage in this line of business in the finest agrirultural section of North Carolina. Come at once and examine the stock. F. S. ROYSTER, Trustee. Tarboro, N. C, May th, 1SS7. Exposition Visitors Should bring their packages of unlaundered garments and de posit them with the CHARLOTTE STEAM LAUNDRY- We only require a sh'Tt time to launder your garments in an ele ant manner and return them to your stopping place. F. D. LETHCO, Manager. NOTICE. You can get a good set of upper or lower teeth for $7.50. The best made $10. Gold fillings $1.50 up; Amalgum 75c; Cement r.iV. Extracting teeth 25c.: painless extracting 40c. Crown and bridge work done ;n the most approv ed style. OR. J. H. NEWELL, ROOM 4, DAVIDSON BUILDING. CHARLOTTE. N. Own Make iHQE, -fir. f Far Sale By A. H PORTER & SOI. Leaders to Shoes, Hats and Gents' Fur nishings. I WEST TRADE STREET. ALL OHJDHRB tor Job printing sent to th Observer Printing House will re. cetv the best attention and the prices will be the very lowest. BDKNKD TO DKaTH ABOAKD SHIP. la Tin taa Umimi IsM-aa, New York, May 9. The Kallory line steamer Leona, which left her pier on Saturday bound tor Galveston, took fire at sea, put back, and arrived in port to-night with 16 corpses on board. The dead were 13 steerage passengers and three members of the crew, who succumbed to a terrible nre at an early hour this morning. The horror of the story can hardly be told to-night. Those who are dead were penned up be low decks, and although frantic efforts were made by the officers of the ves sel to save them, the fire had gained such terrible headway before the dan ger was discovered that all escape was cut off. The steamer carried In her cargo many bales of cotton. It Is not certain how the fire originated, but when it was discovered, it burst forth with such fury that it was impossible to reach the steerage. Even the steer age passengers apparently were un mindful of the danger, else the smoke and -flames had not reached them. The saloon passengers were first aroused and in such a manner as to occasion little alarm. When it became apparent that the fire bad cut oft the steerage passengers, the captain and his men poured great quantities of water down the ventilators, and heroic efforts were made for the escape of those penned in. In this way eight of the steerage pas sengers made their escape. The Leona left her pier Saturday at 3 p. m.. with 11 saloon passengers. She carried a general cargo of mercnanouse. Captain Wilder was in command with First Mate Wallace and Second Mate Sweeney assisting. The chief engineer was Tavlor. with three assistants, and a crew of about 7a men, including fire men and deckhands. BECEFTIUM TO XL 11. A?. I) MBS. TILLEBT An Elegant Social Affair In Waldon A German. Correspondence of the Observer. Weldon. May 8. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Garrett gave an elegant reception at their beautiful suburban home at Chockoyotte, last night, to Mr. and MrB. W. B. Tillery. Among the guests pres ent were Misses Emily Long, Kate Pres- cott, Estelle Edwards, Annie Pierce, Annie Bell Alsop, of Weldon; Kittie Weymouth, of Portsmouth; Effle Wane, of Georgetown, Va. ; India Bumgardner, of Staunton, Va., and Messrs. T. C. Harrison, W. B. Harrison, R. T. Daniel, C. G. Evans, Dr. Pierce, Frank Garrett and others. The evening was pleasantly spent in music, dancing and conversation. De lightful refreshments were served and the party then enjoyed a hay ride. Mr. and Mrs. Tillery( in whose honor the entertainment was given, have Just re turned from their bridal tour. Mrs. Til lery was formerly Miss Myra Garrett, a sister of Mr. Paul Garrett, Miss An nie Garrett assisted in receiving. The german given here Monday night was one of the most delightful of the season. About twenty couples par ticipated ln-the dance. Mr. T. C. Harri son led with Miss Kate Prescott, ac knowledged to be one of the loveliest girls in the State, Mr. Frank Garrett, assisted. Among the visiting young ladies present were Miss Beulah Wil son, of Morganton; Miss Kittie Wey mouth, of Portsmouth, Va. ; Misses Sal lie Powell; Maud Davis and Hattie Hedges, of Emporia, Va. The music was furnished by an Italian band. Church Kextival in Oxford Annual Cele bration at the Orphan.' Homo- Correspondence of the Observer. Oxford, May 8. The ladies of the Presbyterian church gave a strawberry festival Friday evening at the home of Mrs. J. C. Cooper, which proved a most enjoyable church sociable. The pro gramme of music and recitations was very attractive. Music was rendered in beautiful and skillful style by Mrs. Fleming, Miss Lottie Britt. ...iss Car- mady. Miss Currin, Miss Weiler and Miss Lizzie Hilliard. The recitations by Miss Carrie Hobgood and Miss Lulie Biggs, added greatly to the enjoyment of the evening. A party of young people from Hen derson and Oxford will attend the Chapel Hill commencement, chaperoned by Mrs. E. j. Davis, of Henderson. Preparations are being made to have the annual celebration on the 24th of June, at the Orphan's Home one of the most attractive ever given on that date. Harry Tucker Elected to Saccted HI. Father m Law Professor. Richmond, May 10. A special to the State from Lexington says ex-Congressman Harry Tucker has been elected to succeed his father, the late Hon. J. Randolph Tucker, as professor of law in Washington and Lee University, and has accepted. ITEMS OF STATE NEWS. .Mr. Ogden E. Edwards was elected mayor of Blowing Rock. A telephone line from Walnut Cove to Piedmont Springs, via Danbury, is a et-itainty. Most of the money has been subscribed. Evangelist Fife is holding his meeting in Durham in the opera house. The Greensboro Record says the churches W'ull not let him have the use of any of th-ir buildings, nor was the choir se lected to furnish the singing allowed to rehearse therein. EfCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 25 cents par box. For sale by the Burwell & Dunn Company. SOMETHING TO DEPEND ON. Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm of Jones & Son, Cowden, 111., in speaking of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that last winter his wife was attacked with la grippe, and her case grew so serious that physicians at Cowden and Pans could do nothing for her. It seemed to develope into hasty consumption. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in store and selling lots of it, he took a bottle home and to the surprise of all she began to get better from the first dose, and a half-dozen dollar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption Coughs and Colds Is guaranteed to do this good work. Try it . Free trial bot tles at the drug store of the Burwell & Dunn Co. OLD PEOPLE. Old people who require medlceine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Bit ters. This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whiskey nor other in toxicant, but acts as a tonic and altera tive. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding na ture In the performance of its func tions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion- Old peo ple find it Just exactly what they need. Price SOo. and SI per bottle at the drug store of the Burwell St Dunn Co. JUST RECEIVED another lot of those 1125 and (100 Stearns Wheels, at $60. This is probaly your last chance to get one of these high-grade Wheels at the remarkably low figure at which we are now offering them. WAVERLIES We have also decided to place '86 Waverlies on the "free" list at $49 each, spot cash, as long as they last. W. F. DO WD. We also carry a large stock of Bicy cle Sundries and can fiU orders prompt ly. T. L. ELLIOTT. Mod Qiaeiital Works Granite Monuments a specialty. AGENTS TGB. IRON FENCES 338 W. Trade St-, Charlotte, N. C monnux man bcbooi Fnreaaa of tna Praaarty at Kaek Bill by DaridMi Callege Hormml OaUega GIri to Picnic at Patterson Springs. Special to the Observer. Rock BUI. 8. C. May 10. The prop erty of the Presbyterian High School here has been purchased by Davidson College and will be opened in the tali. The original cost of the property was between za.wo ana sae.uuo. ur. Baew, of Davidson College, formulated the nlans for the acquisition of this proper ty by that college. The execution of the plans was put Into the hands of a committee at Rock Hill, consisting of Prof. E. B. Johnson, of the State Nor mal School; Dr. T. A. Crawford and Rev. R. C. Jones. The property was re ceived Saturday by Messrs. Wilson, Dunn and Brown, of Charlotte, and Davis, of Salisbury, as a committee rep resenting the trustees of Davidson Col lege. The cost of the property was near $10,000, of which $5,000 was paid by Da vidson and the remainder was raised in Rock Hill and Bethel Presbytery, the work in the Presbytery having been done mostly by Rev. J. H. Thornwell, of Fort Mill. The Normal College girls will on Fri day go to Patterson Springs, N. C, for a picnic The picnic party will be about 400, the entire school. The college infirmary is now finished and is under the charge of Dr. Miller, who is a very successful lady physician, residing in the college, and also teach ing. The Florida Senatorial Balloting. Tallahassee. Fla. May 10. The bal lot for United States Senator to-day was: Chipley 33, Stockton 33, Raney 15, Hocker 3, scattering 2. FINASCIAi. AND COHMKBCIAL. Cotton Broke Badly on General Realizing and Declined 10 to 13 Points. Special by Private Wire to "Harrison Watts. New York May 10. Cotton broke badly to-day on general realizingand de clined 10 to 13 points, thus losing all the improvement established during Thurs day, Friday and Saturday of last week. Liverpool cables were very unsatisfac tory. Spot cotton there was marked up another 1-32L to 4d. for middling, but the total sales were only 8,000 bales, while the market for futures, which opened 4 to 2d. higher, closed easy, at a net advance of point. These advices were supplemented by bad trade reports from Manchester and confirmation of Saturday's advices from Fall River, showing that spinners there are still running their mills at a loss, with lit tle demand for print cloths, even at the lowest prices on record, and stocks again accumulating. The weather con ditions continue all that could be desir ed for rapid development of the crop and the receipts were liberal. The gov ernment report proved much more fa vorable than had been expected. It es timated the amount planted up to May 1st at 81.9. only 6 per cent, less than last year. The market closed barely steady within 1 to 2 points of the lowest and 10 to 13 points below Saturday's final prices, after sales of 106,100 bales. Spots here declined 1-16 to 7 11-16 for middling. E. B. CUTHBERT & CO. Wneat Under the Influence of Good Re ceipts and Kxpected to Stiow Decreae in Condition of W inter Wheat. By Private Wire toTbad B. Seifrle, Mg'r. Chicago, May 10. Wheat to-day has been under the influence of the govern ment report, which is issued this af ternoon, and is expected to show a de crease in condition of winter wheat, of at least 5 per cent, for the month of April. The large decrease in the visible supply would indicate a decrease in the world's supply for the month in the neighborhood of 5.000,000 bush els. California advices to-day claim that their crop has been injured at least 25 per cent, and reports from Australia are that a severe dought exists there also. More bullish news of French crop are also at hand, and cables generally showed good advances established. The trade to-day was of a waiting nature, the two principal features being a good demand for May wheat and the cover ing of a large line of shorts for a prom inent St. Louis operator. The market is in good condition to advance if we can get a revival of interest among export ers. Corn and oats and also provisions were practically unchanged anu fea tureless. Large decreases in supplies of coarse grains offset the effect of the growing weather, and larger receipts of hogs are usual at this time, so buyers are not alarmed at the slight excess. The Bureau's Monthly Cotton Report Kstlmates a 6 Per Cent. Increase in Cot ton Acreage. Special to the Observer. New Tork, May 10. The monthly cot ton report of the Bureau of Agriculture was issued to-day. It fell upon a mar ket in which business was almost at a standstill. The local traders considered its estimate of an increase in cotton acreage of nearly 6 per cent, as a vin dication of their bearish view s, and sold freely. Liverpool and New Orleans also sent heavy selling orders here. The speculative demand was limited, and these offerings resulted in a sharp break in prices. The market opened better, in sympathy with a not unfa vorable Liverpool dispatch, but liquida tion set in immediately after the open ing, and prices declined slow:ly, until the announcement of the government's figures, then the weakness became pro nounced and continued so until just be fore the close, when short covering caused a slight rally. August opened at 7.50, declined to 7.43, advanced to 7.46, broke to 7.36. reacted to 7.38 and closed at 7.37 to 7.38, with the tone of the market steady. The bureau report ha.s intensified the general bearish senti ment, but unless Liverpool breaks sharply, we think its effect is over. RIORDAN & CO. Good Crop Reports and Improved Fram ings Give an Impetus to Buying. By Associated Press- New York, May 10. The market for stocks to-day showed signs of decided strength throughout, though the deal ings continued dull and prices advanced very cautiously in spite of improved prices for Americans in London. This was supplemented by some small buy ing for London account in this market later in the day. The excellent crop re ports from the Northwest and improv ed earnings, both those reported and those rumored for the immediate fu ture, gave an impetus to the buying of railroad properties in that region. The Grangers and Northern Pacific re ceived the most notable benefit from this, St. Paul and Burlington especially largely dealt in. Omaha lagged in the improvement and showed some contin uance of heaviness growing out of dis appointment that no further dividend will be declared this year. The ex change situation and the resulting or accompanying gold movement continue to mystify dealers in stocks and are confidently predicted this week with demand sterling exchange ranging from M.87i4e$4.87V4. An evidence that the gold shipments more certainly the re sult of the obligation of the tremen dous trade balance in our favor hereto fore established during the fiscal year, the larger figures of last week's im ports at New York exceeding J18.000.000, are pointed to as conclusive by those who seek to depreciate the idea that any special demand for gold abroad is responsible for the outgo. But, exports of gold at prevailing rates of exchange leave unexplained the fact that on the Saturday previous to the first gold shipment demand sterling ruled at $4-88 to 4.88 after having been at $4.88 and upwards on the pre vious Monday and $4.87H$4.8734 the week preceding that, without inducing shipments of gold. In fact the ex change houses had determined that there was no adequate profit for them in gold shipments under a rate of $4-88 for demand sterling. The fact remains that further ship ments are looked for and that fact has a sentimental restraint on the buy ing of stocks. The bears on Western Union to-day added to their stock of ammunition the Supreme Court decis ion affirming the validity of the Ber liner Telephone patent, which it is al leged foreshadows opposition from the Bell Telephone Company in the tele-: graph field. The stock led the list in number of shares sold, fluctuating ir regularly, and closed unchanged. Sugar was weak at times, but recovered the decline. Consolidated Gas fell 1 on profit taking, but recovered. The Coal ers showed sharp fractional gains. Cov ering by shorts forced Tobacco up two and the scrip 113 and the same cause yielded Leather preferred net rain of one point. , The market closed quiet bat firm. ' The total sale or stocks for the day amounted to 143,281 shares, includ lng American Tobacco S.200; American Sugar Refined 15.200; Burlington . A Quincy 10.400; Chicago Gas Trust re ceipts 8,400; Northern Pacific preferred 6.400; Reading 10.000; St. Paul 14.100 Union Pacific M00; Western Union Telegraph 15,600. Trading in bonds was attended with considerable animation but prices of the leading issues ranged narrowly. Borne decided change were noted either way In the Inactive low grade mortgages. The aggregate sales were $1,812,000. Governments were active with the demand for the new 4's coupon advanc lng the price to 123 on transactions with 122. Sales were LO00. Slow Market and Light Baslneas la Dry floods. New York. May 10. It has been slow market in all branches of the dry goods trade, and at the best new busi ness was light; too light. In fact, to warrant any special reference. Deliver ies on former purchases, however, re turned a good volume of sales, but each succeeding week these become smaller. Printing cloths are quiet but steady, at 2 cents. In fact, these values show no weakness In any direction. CITY PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected Dally by Oeo. 8. Hall, Groceries, ana rroaace ueaier.) Apples dried quarter bright. " Vr4rVt alf,r is: fan -v bright sliced. . " " exfta a " .. Peaches nn peeled halves, bright. peeed bright SO 5 SO 7 H'vDemei anea.. k. -Ta flour sack 1 79Q2 OS family " " i oosz z maea ary per m so 8 green " " IY.& S Wool wash 1SH Q Bacon hog round per pound 06O ( " ham 1MQ13 " -sides HOT " shoulders SWQ 6 Oats 83 pounds per bushel. 3846 feas ciay twaou " mixed 5S0xn Meal bolted 44 pounds per bushel 40&45 - unrjoitea ts - umta orn old 66 do and ner bushel a&4S Onions select per bushel Eras hen 103 U wheat ssaso Bye rtOQM f eat tiers 89041 Lard N. O rvta 8 Tallow 2HO 3 Honey strainea per nouna " comb per pound 810H uhck. lovszu Hens ner head anetas Spring chickens. 15630 boosters ner bean laOiM Turkeys per pound 8 9 Guineas 10aiS 3eese Sft&SO Butter choice yellow 10415 BALTIMORE PRODUCE MARKET. Baltimors. May 10 FLO OB Stead v Family 4 86&4 65: winter wheat Datenta 4 70&4 00; spring wheat patents 4 2S04 50: spring wneat 4 ive4 zu WHEAT--Firmer. SDOt and Haf Htl hid July 7 Southern by samule ssaSs. OOBN Firm. Mixed and Mm Ssaam; June KH3M; July 2tUs2M. steamer mixea 2HSa?t; Houtnern white . . i yellow zHp3U. NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. New York. Mav 10.-FLOTTR Firm, higher City mill patents 4 8505 30; Minnessota pat- ems v. winter wneat patents 4 enxa 4 tu; ao strain nts ux0 so; ao extras a lws 1 "; do low trades 2 ?56i 86. WHEAT. Spots Arm. Options closed easy ai v urn.e. nu. s reu mav ov?k : jane J o 1 y 7 ? CORN. Snots steadv. No. 8 red 30 elevntor 31 afloat. Options closed steady. May 29; PORK. Steady. COTTON SEED OIL Dull. Ornde prime summer yellow !3.&2U off summer COFFEE Closed dull at 5 to 10 noints ad vance. Spot Bio steady; No. 7 invoice 8 00; joooing SUGAR Raw strong. Fair refining 2X- NEW YORK MONEY MARKET. Nbw York, May 10. Money on call easv atluIM per cent.: last loan at 1 K : closlnc oierea at i!4em. Prime mercantile paper "iWOA 00. Ster ling exchange firm with actual Dusiness in bankers' bills at 4 88U86tt for 90 days and 4 &7?7H for demand. Posted rates 4 87 V4 tei uommerciai Dills 4 8M&4 H3t. Sliver certiorates euxui. Bar silver st4. Mex ican dollars 47. Government bonds firm: State bonds dull; railroad bonds ttrm. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. Opening Closing Ti 74 H 78S 72 8BHf 8X 24 24H! 86 ax&sai I7t 17; 17 173 18 18 8 60 9 65 H 62H 8 65 4 00 3 9714 4 05 4 02 4 15 4 10 4 70 4 67 4 70 4 72 4 72 WHEAT Mav , July September CORN May July OATS May July September MESS POBK May July September LARD May July KIBS May July September. . . CLOSING STOCKS. Atchison 10A I Northwestern Adams Express 150 I N W pfd 154 Alton. T. 11 60 i N Y C 89 rtiion. Ltipiu. -- ir3r, 07 m E-x Dress. lid out x western .. 13 11! Ore Improvem't 51a ! Ore Nay 10 411 OS Li UN 16 Hi O Can Pac Can So Con Pue 7 PaciBc Mail 27 CiO 1K Chicago Alton, lien C. Bi 0 74 Chicago Gas 824 Con Gas 1 634 C, C. C 9t L . . 29 Col Coal & Iron S C O Cert 10 Del Hudson. .. 106 Del. Li W 146 Den A R-G pfd. 37 Dis i C F Co East Tenn Erie 11 Erie 1st pfd 27 Fort Wayne 160 GCNJpfd 120 r ill pfd 85 Hock Valley ... 1 niJCentral OT St P i Duluth. 18 K i T pfd 27 LEA W L E i W pfd... 63 Lake-Shore- 163 Lead Trust 24 P Di K VI J'ltisburg 160 Pullman Palace . 157 Reading 1874 Rich Ter .. Rich Ter pfd R G Western 12 R G West pfd.... 30 Rock Island 63 St L A S F lstpf d .... St Paul 74 St Paul pfd 131 St P A 0 56 St P A O pfd 138 So PaciOc 15 Sugar Refinery .. 115, Tenn Oil 19 Texas Paci8c 8 T A O C pfd 50 Union Pacific 6 U S Express 38 W St L A P 41 WStLAPpfd... 12, W F Express 101 Western Union .. 75 X v at r. W A L E pfd.... Minn A St P.... Den A KG Gen Electric... Nat Linseed.... Col F A I Col F A I pfd.. H A T C T A A A N M . . . T St L A K C 1 LiN 44 2k 17 31 10 15 87 LAN A.... 4 Man Can - M &C M C M P M i O Nash Chat N ash Cord Nash Cord pfd N J Central... M & W pfd.. .. N A Oil Oo Northern Pac. 82. 15 96 13 17 66 5 78 22. 4 TStLAKCpfd. 18 Southern 7 Southern pfd--.. 26 Amer Tob 7J AmerTobpft 104 13 N Pac pfd ta UP Gulf 1 NEW YORK COTTON FUTURES. New York. May 10. Cotton steady. Mld- uiidk npianu i u-m; maaiins truir Futures closed steady. Sales 106.100. Closing 7 3i38 7 3839 7 4K&.42 7 3703S 7 06(307 6 83t8t 6 8384 6 85086 6 89&00 6 tea5 6 97099 May July August September October November. . . December... January February March April LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Liverpool. Hay 10. 4 p. m. Middling 4Vi. Futures Olosea quiet at advance. Mav 4 11 b 4 10 b 4 09b 4 08 b 4 64303 t 60061 1 54 v 52 s 5051 $50051 May and June.. , June and July July and August August and September.... September ana October. . . October and November.... November and December December and January... January and February.. ., February and March. March and April. NAVAL STORES. Wilmington, May 10 Boats i strained ... j gwu Himiani e-pints vurpeaune arm machine 96; Irregular Tar steady at 1 OS. Crude turpentine qaiet; bard 1 to: suit a v, virgin a sv. Norfolk, May 10. Cotton steady. MiddUing 7. Net 101; gross 101; sales 97 bales; stock 13,457- CHARLOTTE COTTON MARKET. These fgnres represent prices .paid to waaona.1 Strfctrood midaling. Good Middling....?... Strict middling , , Middling ..,.. 4... Tinges Stains. The market was firm. T 85 7 80 ..... ? 7 7 57 40 Highest Lowest 7 50 7 38 7 51 1 38 7 53 7 39 7 50 7 46 7 18 7 06 6 94 6 t 8 86 6 82 6 95 6 84 7 00 6 88 7 03 7 02 . i H. 8. CHAD WICK I " ' -. , . " , f f Prealdfliit sttd-Timrarar CtarlotteMacMnee 202 and Cotton Mill Electric Light Plants. We have just erected and started in our hibition rooms a new nuLuiiiuuu iuiiuiiiu iiiuuidiiu. This machine is a wonder. It automatica Hy makes bands for Spinninf rames and other machines. It is the only Automatic Banding Machine in the world for making loop bands. AH interested are invited to call and see it in actual operation. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. CHARLOTTE Board of Trade. THAD. B, SEIQLE, Manager. Stocks, bonds, cotton, grain and pro visions. For cash or on margins. Commission on Wneat, Corn and Oats, i. Direct private wires to New York, New Orleans and Chicago. Promptness and Reliability. Phone 196. 12 Sonth College St. Barnhardt&Co., (Successors to Cochrane & Barnhardt.) WHOLESALE PROVISIONS, GRAIN AND COAL. 301. 80S, 306 East Trade street, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Jas. E. Mitchell & Company, 122 and 124 Chestnut Street, Philadel phia, 51 and 63 Summit Street, Boston.. C01T0N YARNS OFALl KINDS Richard A. Blythe, COMMISSION MERCHANT, OTTON WARPS AUD YARNS. No. 114, Chestnut Street. PHILADELPHIA PA When we began bnsinees three months ago we stated that by courteous treatment and prompt attention to all orders, we hoped to merit a sha'e of the grocery trade. It has been thoroughly demonstrated to as that the merchants took us at our word, as our business has gradually grown each month. It has taxed our entire force to its utmost capacity to fill aril orders the past week. We did it, though, ana with the best goods that comes to this market. Visitors to liris city will be many this month, and wj want all visiting mer chants to make onr place of business their headquarters. The "latch string hangs on the outside," and a hearty welcome is extended to all . We can interest those merchnnts who contem plate replenishing their stock with good groceries. We have them at attractive prices. John B. Ross & Co., gjticcessors to Mayer & Ross. Marie Correlli Has a new book. Read it, "ZISKA," - - Cloth, $1.50. Other books that are very popular now are: QUO VADIS. by Sienkicwloz, cloth t2. A SINGULAR LIFB, by Phelps, $1.25. ON THE RED STAIRCASE, cloth. $1.50. AMOS JUDD. cloth, 75c. We would like to order you a copy of "FARTHEST NORTH," by Dr. Nansen; two volumes, J10. STONE 4 BARRINGER. BOOK, STATIONERY AND ART STORE, 22 S. TRYON STREET THE CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK, CAPITAL $125,000. We are now ready for business at our new banking room No. 9 East Trade Street. We solicit your account and will promise the most courteous treat ment and every facility consistent with sound banking. DIRECTORS: Ci. W TtT.T TTTT J W. RnNT VINTON LlDDELL, B. D. HEATH, JNJ. at. W1T. J r. WALIt" WUKXtl, J. F. ROBERTSON, O. VALAER, R. J. BREVARD. B. D. HEATH. W. H. T WITTY, Cashier. President DRINK HOFBRAD, Bavarian Hops, ' Canadian Malt. R. PORTNER BREWING COMPANY, Charlotte Branch, C. Valaer, Agt Phone No. 5. CALL FOR.... AUGUSTA Extra Fine Draught andlExport'.Beer ralso all kinds of soda waters and ciders. r ; I 1 CH ARLOTTEj BrUNCH,5 J j J A. B1NDEWALD, Mgr 204 South Tryon Street Charlotte N. C . SPBCIALTT - Machinery and -AND- u -- mo DOUBLED AJLY SEEEIjCB TO ATLANTA, CHARLOTTE, ATHENS, WILMINGTON. NEW ORLEANS, CHATTANOOGA AND NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. WASHINGTON. NORFOLK, RICHMOND. SCHEDULE IS EFFECT FEB. T, 1817. WESTWARD. He. 4. Lv- Wuwiisgtwa .... .. ss Lv. L an aerie. i...nm.. s Lv. Lariattrf ...... 31n Ar. Hinin L. Ktti let...... Lv. fcocklstaaas I 3fa Lv. Wade bo ro . waaesbore mni Lv. Marshvills A.r. Moaroe Lv. Mesroe Ar. CHAR.LOTTB . ar. ML Holly Ar. Lin coin to a ... , Ar. Shelby Ar. Eiletiboro Ar. aalherfordtoa J joam lyaiB f fmm it 43sm 13 aopm l spm IS SPS ftjeain Lv is oosaa Ar ..Hsmlet......-Ar. 6 som -Cheraw Lv. t sopni EASTWARD. Me. St. Lv. RptlierlbrdtM Lv. BUcabero , ... Lv. Shelby ... ..... L. Lincointoa ....... If. 4SS. 4 3-pnt S5" 3pm 7 eopn iSpr- 10pm 9 40pm Lv. ML Holly Lv. CHAB.LOTTB .. Ar. Monroe Lv. Monroe Lv. Marshvtlle Lv. Wadesboro Lv. Rockingham Ax. Hamlet Lv. Hamlet Lv. Lsurinburg; Lv. Utxton Lv. Lumber tos Ar. Wilmington.- S leant sjjSam jam . sjasa j 41am ; 4SS . nam josm 10 iSass n 30pm Is 31am II sspm 11 sjpa NORTHWARD. Hamlet ijaaa n Jjpm Raleigh 11 30am 1 nam Portsmonnth g ypm 7 yam Lv. Ar. At. Ar. Ar. Ar. Richmond 6 50pm 8 15am Washing-ton li 10pm i3ipio Wsw York 4 53sm 4 3pm SOUTHWARD. Lv. Monroe 4am f ipm Ar. Abbeville ussaas 1 40am Ar. Athens I 15pm 145am At. Atlanta (Central Time) 1 jopm 3 seam Dally. tDaily, except Baaday Bots trains make immediate connection at Atlanta for Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Texas, California, Mexico, Cbsttanoofs, Mash vill, Memphis, Macon, Florida. Bsg-ae checked from hotsl or rcsldenc ts destination. State room mmm steeper reaer- vstions mane in advance. For Tickets, sleepers, etc.. apply ta W. H. RAMSEUR. City Ticket Aft. sj 5. Tryoa SC. CkarhrrU, N. C R. A. NBWLAND. Osm. Art. P. Dent. Kimball Hsu. Atlanta, da. a BO. Mc P. ATTB, Trnv. Pass. Art. Camrtotts, N. C B. ST. JOHN, H. W. B, OLOVCR, Vlca-Pres. sad Oen'l Mgr. Trains at sr. V. B. McBBB, T. J. ANDBRSON. Oen'l Sapcinteaeat. Oen'l Pass. As fiElEKll OFFICES. WRTJIOffTl. TL Southern - Railway. IN EFFECT MARCH 29. 1897. This condensed schedule la published as Information, and la subject to change without notice to the public. Trains leave Charlotte, N. C: 10:15 P. M No. 35, dally for Atlanta & Charlotte Air Line division, and all points South and Southwest. Carries through Pullman drawing-room bu.Tet sleepers between New York, Washing Oton, Atlanta and New Orleans. Pull man tourist car for San Francisco Sat urdays. :3S A. M.-Jo. XI, dally. Washing-ton and Southwestern Vestibuled Limited tor Atlanta, Birmingham, . Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South and Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper New Tork to New Orleans and New York to Mem phis. Dining car, vestibuled coach, be tween Washington and Atlanta, 6:40 A. M. No. 10, dally tor Rich mond; connects at Greensboro for Ral eigh and Norfolk. 12:20 P. M. No. 1L dally, for Atlanta and all points South. Solid trains Rich mond to Atlanta: Pullman sleeping car Richmond to Greensboro. 10:16 P. M. No. 86. dally, for Colum bia and C, C A A. local stations: Au gusta, Savannah, Jacksonville, carries through Pullman drawing room buffet sleeper between New Tork and Jack sonville; also Pullman sleeper Char lotte to Augusta. 9:35 A. M. No. 37, dally, for Columbia and C-, C. A. local stations. 9:36 A. M. No. 88, daily, for Wash ington, Richmond, Raleigh and all points North. Carries Pullman draw ing room buffet sleeper New Orleans to New York; Jacksonville to New York. Pullman tourist ear from San Francis co Thuradaya. 3:30 P. M. No. 38, dally. Washington and Southwestern Vestibuled Limited, for Washington and all points North, :40 P. M. No. 12, dally, for Rich mond, Raleigh, Golds boro and all points North. Carries Pullman sleeping car from Greensboro to Richmond. Con nects at Greensboro with train carrying-Pullman car to Raleigh. 9:05 A. M. No. 16, daily except Sun day, for Statesville, Taylorsville and local stations. Close connection at Statesville for AshevtUe, Hickory, Le noir and Blowing Rock. 4:30 P. M. No. 62, dally except Sun day; freight and passenger for States ville and local stations. Dally except Sunday. All freight trains carry passengers. John M. Cuip, W. A. Turk, Traffic Manager, Gen. Pass, AgL, W. H. Green, Washington, D. C Gen'l Superintendent, Washington, D. C B. H. Hard wick. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt-, Atlanta, Gait- L. Vernon, Traveling Passenger Art, 18 East Trade St.. Charlotte, N. C T. J.Hodgen&Co CHARLOTTES, N. C Dealers In COTTON, STOCKS GRAIN AND PRO VISIONS. Private leased wires to New Tork and Chicago, Brokerage oa stock and grain ft; f (r bale on cotton, round trade. National Bank reference given oa ap plication. Phone in. 23 Booth Tryon atreet- -F. B. ALEXANDER. Manager. Equipment THE HALF-HOSE ARE THE BEST IN THE MARKET. The nicest-fitting, longest-wearing, most comfortable and cheapest in the end. They are the only half -hose knitted to V, 1,1, .. 4-V. Y, r, ... - Asv , . They can be obtained in Charlotte of MELLON & SHELTON, ' LONG-TATE CLOTHING CO, -THE CAROLINA CLOTHING CO. Take No Other. : Wear No Other. PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE, r Charlotte, N. C. The present out took is that every available space ; will be occupied. Those who content- -plate patronizing the boarding depart ment are advised to apply AT ONCE, For it is feared many will be turned away on account of room. Board ta ACTUAL COST 1100.00 A YEAR, INCLUDING LIGHT and heat. Full corps of able, experienc ed teachers in academic department. Price of tuition S12.50 per quarter. DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC Prof. G. P. McCoy director, compares, most favorably with any other conservatory in the South. Piano, Voice, Violin, Harmony, Theory, Organ, etc Price of tuition from 37.50 to 315-00 per quarter. With the past year's success, ' the College is prepared to do the most-thorough work, and from 375 to 3126 less per' year than the average : Institution. Compare Catalogues. Address. MISS LILY W. LONG or TINSLEY PENICK JUNKXN. - Coal and Wood. - Best grade soft and anthracite coals; ao dust, no slack. j Pine wood, seasoned. . . . ' . Oak flre wood. - Stove wood: seasoned pine, dogwood and persimmon. Leave orders at city office ; No. 35 North Tryon street, opposite city ball. or at yard office, corner College and Second streets. Telephone No. 170. TAKE A DIP Not a dip in the "briny deep," but a dip in one of A. R. WILLMAN'S ;V,. UP-TO-DATE BATHING TUBS.' Ton cannot afford to go through tbe summer months without having all the bathing accessories at hand, especially ' so while the prices are so reasonable. A. R. WILLMAN. . All repair work given prompt atten tion. . WATER ! HENRY E- KNOX. JR. CONSULTING AND HYDRAULIC Engineer Artesian ana tuDe weiis a specialty. General water works conrtruction, surveys, plans and estimates. I .Borings made for architects, bridge and railroad engineers. .J Pipe aud pumping machinery. f CHARLOTTE, N. C. Blank Books Of any size and style made to order. We use Medlin's spring back and hinge. A trial will convince you that this is me strongest and best book thade. r Old Books Bound over and made to look better than ever. MAGAZINES and PERIODICALS Bound into volumes in plan or ornamental bindings. : OBSERVER PRIHTIHG HOUSE CHARTiOTTB. N. C