Whltto Pachlns Voyks. . Kltson fJachlne Co ';. "3 LCSO. EIIX. I i -r Awaits, IIIIIUHi eTaTfaX .. I WWtm MlEKMPlia A Finravflw rwittn4 oviuaBft ' 1 1 i mman tmma, - 89 Sota-tlk She'll! ; For an diseases of the Kidneys, inclinlinjj Bright' Disease; as well .;s for B diseases and afiectious of the Bladder and Urinary Passages, there is so specific of equal value to LINCOLN Lithia Water. Acknowledged by eminent physicians to be the best and moat effective of all Lithia Waters. As- unequal ed and unfailing remedy for Govt, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Nervous Affections, etc. 11 " '-elAeeesofslboshav. 3 . il i in which laeSV "S W IrrMfllra ftkMtMa aV 1 ,Wr, owacondontaag wrrmL h Iar " sanetsest Boreal I oeeo-aTBMese-tstref ef the tested Said. Afterm mamimg e. aua of th. Linoeia Ltthia Water ftae hMM tltiaei oeeapwd aot I thsa St per cent, of the totals. o I luiimiij, ttd after Bain the Seconal ut I tae particles of ailmaMn were emreiy see- If a crelible. Liaeoln Lrthie WiwkuacM 1' bke auis ia Aiasaataarla of Prea- J Va navaey. I nave aiede pgrsenai teat., -7 Va where the Ltneela Litaia Water aw beee T miMiud eaa certify teaym kaowl- VaVeaae to the torea-oine; facta. sfvat--7 V. teatioa was called to the ebo-e caeee - lr. r. W. Hashes, the at-jP mNaiUI PRJIKUB. It. DKaXTaW Bene, tlT&Zjj r-t l eaaaaaatawa- IiindnpA is sold by druggists generally, or in cases of one dozen half gallon bottles, 5.00 F. O. B. at Springs. LINCOLN LITHIA INN New Tor Sua. : They were tandln? la th sunlight . .. Of the summer twn of life; , She was stilt without a hufiband, ' He wu waiting: for a wife. -And her cneeka were rich, and rosyt - And her lips were Inaciaua red.: ,., So he pressed her dimpled tinkers - As he looked at her avnd said, Aa they stood there on the heather - Where the road had crossed the rill: "May w not fare together .. . s : Up this Ions, hard hill - Mow her hand begaav tr trentbiev - " And her eves were foil or tears. - Aa she trained them on the road that - Wound awar among: the years; ; But she had no voice to answer - - Him: h could not understand. :: . For the future Lay before her. -' Uk a. far-off fary land. There was sunllgrht on the heather, . There was music In the rill . As tbey went a.way together, ; lOrtimes the -way was sunny. Other times 'twas mil of lures. But the love that had come to them Was the true- love- that endures. I Though the bonny brow la wrinkled. Thoturh the raven lock be gray.: Tet the road might have been rougher Had she gone other -way. , Now the frost ia oat the hea.ther,i And the snow is on the rill, - And they're coasting down - the short side ' .-:,' -. , Of the Jong, hard bin. -CI WARMAN. A FLEECE rilUS IS KSW TOSS. BuategatilnM Stacy SI sUdlSaT VIU With liiam, Oil, Vanish ate Basis Batw sTaeeher Msssgsd m Hesss Veil ef Cbildnts. New York. June 23. A Are. that caus ed a loss of $260,000. and called out roost of the firemen in the city broke eat this afternoon tn the JK "eZe"'rr I of the diptomatic corps at Washington bonding a he northeast corner of I ha, thus iaTnrevented u nburn of 7 A Craalty and TTroc j to llr. Ehenaaaa New York World. It is Impossible for the family and friends of Secretary Eherman longer to conceal his melancholy condition. Has not the time now come when further at tempts at "concealment are the worst conceivable cruelty: and wrong to Mr. Sherman? . ' ' , ." . - Only the forbearance ef the members Greenwich and Leigh streeta.Tbe flames l taxed the firemen to their utmost and the Interior, of the building was de stroyed. 5."- V - 1 i The first floor and basement were oc cupied by the wholesale wlne-and li quor firm of B. Dreyfus 4 Co., and the i second floor, to the roof, was filled with oil and gaa stove. Adjotntog the buUd-Jyocite annexation teavee no doubt nnusanu miiED up. A aTeettsg ef Csmsserelsl Bedies t test Agalast the Withdrawal ef Bav Pamphlet aod full informatioa mailed upon mruest. LINCOLN LITHIA WATER CO.. UXCOLSTOgi, I. c I The George B. Hiss Oil Company, LUBRICATING OILS. CHABLOTTE, N.C f of" Truth Philadelphia. June 23. A specuU meetinir of the members of the mart time, commercial, giucei s and other exchanges was held In The Bourse to day, to consider vne proposea witn draws! by the Oceaness Steamship Company, of Its direct service between MvauBat and this city, rreataent BartoL of The Bourse, called the meet ing to order. William R. Tucker, secre tary of the board of trade, stated that one of the few connecting links between Philadelphia and one of the most im port ant Southern ports was about to be broken. The proposed move of the company, the speaker said, Is from the belief that an arrangement may be made between the present company and another company to divert the commerce of this city to the ports of Baltimore and New York- Col. James, formerly of the Oceaness Company, stated that the company had been losing money for some time, and unless the Pennsylvania Railroad will give the companies the same backing that the Baltimore & Ohio Company extended, the result must be loss of trade to Philadelphia. Frank A. Haywood, editor of "Southern Prog ress," representing commercial bodies of Savannah and six other Southern porta, stated the South was ready to join hands with Philadelphia in estab lishing a new Hne of steamships be tween Philadelphia and the South. Before adjourning to meet four weeks hence, a resolution was adopted" call Ing for the appointment of a commit tee of fifteen members by the chair man of this meeting, the committee to consist of one member from each trade association. The said committee to con sider all facts in connection with the Savannah service and to report to this meeting within four weeks from this date, with such recommendation as may Bee fit to make. it cut from everyday experience. Knives and forks and hoi water don't agree. You can't change the fact, but you can change the water. The secret of keeping handles on, keeping them white, keeping them tight, is the use of warm water and , i SOLO DUST WASHING POWDER. The best cleaner in existence for greasy things and everything else. Sold everywhere. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. bl Moil, aew r Xfrocurm, 2A A United Stats Flag Torn Down. Halifax, June 23. The United States flag was deliberately torn from a string or otoer nagB on sackvlile street yester. day. Queen Victoria's Jubilee day. The nags were displayed by Thomas Lownds from his residence. The flag was a very large one, and only the band of It was left on the rope. Some time ago Mr. Lownds received a threatening letter concerning the United States flu which was displayed by him on another occasion. The outrage was committed early in the morning and the perpe trators fled before they could be ar rested. THE CHARLOTTE SUPPLY CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Pure Oak Tanned Leather Belting and Harvard Defeats Tale. Cambridge. Man.. June 23. Tale lost the game with Harvard to-day by score of 7 to 5, before the largest crowd in years. Batteries Harvard. Paine and ScanneU. Yale, Hocker,.F1ncke and Goodwin. Umpire. Murray. Time. 1.5& Yale Wins. Poughkeepeie. June 23. Tale wina tne freshman race: Harvard second Cornell third. SOMETHING TO KNOW, It may be worth something to know r-. i ,-i ,, -it j i rt . . 11 worcn someining to Knovi Dealers in cotton Mill and Machine Shop Supplies that tne very "est medicine for restor ef r K ing the tired out nervous system to . healthy vigor Is Electric Bitters. Thii It is Not Always Safe to Jump At Conclusions! Therefore, do not think that because the This medicine is purely vegetable, acts bv giving tone to tne nerve centres In the stomach, gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneys, and aids these organs in tn rowing on impurities in the blood. Electric Bitters Improves the appetite, aios aigestion. and is pronounced by those who have tried It as the tt best blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. ssoio ror sue or tLOO per bottle at xsurweii & uunn xiruff Store. AHAfsillPII St eats am i.a..a. I"'"- -in), vuru, WIICkM UDotKltn rti mi Nti HUUSt tUrnS OUt hanHmP f the flrm.U. practical undertaker sndem - v ... w , i iiju-i-. oaiisntCElon a 1. HAS VET M'COKKII.U g. - COR.N McCONNELL A CORX. Undertakers axd Exbalmkim. 309 North Tryon Street Hunt Block. u cans, uy or mrnt. Dare prompt stten- Jirs. torn, wife of one of the members ikersndem- gusranted In every I tion. particular. printing it necessarily means that high prices ymELS! MANTELS! MANTELS! are charged. We won't do poor work at any Gratel!.nrofB-IIcori-,,trt aiantels from L60 up to f75.M. 1 price, but by using materials adapted to the re- quirements of the job you can pay little oJ much. You will often find our prices for fine work even below what you pay elsewhere for E. D. TESSIER & BRO. Phone SO. Comer College and Third. WE have Just put In another new and inferior work. One of the main reasons for our great success is knowing how to charge for each and every job of work. We don't have to guess at it, and make you pay more for it than it i? worth. It is always safe to deal with men who understand their business men who have had years of experience, and riot only know l-how the work should be done, but know how to make the prices right. This is important to you. We make very low prices on large contracts for Book and Pamphlet work. Don't place your order until you get an estimate f rom us. OBSERVER PRINTING HOUSE, WE HAVE JUST COMPLETED the Printing of the largest Job book work ever done in Charlotte. It has been done with great care: and when van send us your small jobs they will have us un oarezui attention. Observe rnnunt tiouae. cnartotta. rf. C ing on the west, and which-extends back. formlnaT-and "L" around tt. is the United State bonded warehouse of Walker A Williams. Hand reds of bar rels of spirits aod whiskey-are stored la -the warehouse, and the Arm en kept their attention toward this building. and prevented Its catcnlcg fire. - The second floor of the building burned was utilized as the office - of Diets - A Co. has thus far prevented an exposure of Mr, Sherman's condition that would be as pitiful as it would be public - -Fortunately Mr- Sherman has talked so freely that he has prepared the put, lie mind for what must inevitably come. His pathetic explanation that -he had been told that Japan, was about to seise Hawaii and therefore hastened to ad- ln anybody's mind that he la realty not re sponsible and that the plotters are tak ing' advantage of his mental condition. This Ja -a most painful subject, one which would not be publicly spoken of were it not- that the very highest na tional Interests - are- involved. The World" refrained-' from speaking of .tt until speech , became a public duty. And the kindliest and most -generous feet- 1 1L6T1.C 0. Government bonds were in moderate demand and Improveu slight ly on purchases of Sdi.uOO.. . . Xnr Good Market. . New York. Jane 24- The dry goods j market is without notable change. Bales continue with . regularity - along lines which have been popular. Fail goods are i in steady requestiln both, cottons and woolens. Summer weight cotton fan- tics are well sold up. bilks are In fair ly good shape. . Knitgoods are quiet; hosiery without feature and underwear generally backward tn fait lines. In staple goods the bulk Of demand for brown an bleached gooos is lor hurry i orders at low prices. rrint ctotns.-arc auiet and firm at SW cent a Prints con. tinue In fair request, with no change in the character of the trading. XL S. CTTADWIi CHARLOTTE u a C I -w 1 I I.-,. . L SXB-u'd 2M South Tr-on Street, Chirlotis. I!. C. Cotton achincry and Coiion !. . , - We are Special Southern QT70TATIOM8 g5rTXOa YAWHU The third floor was the shlppina- depart-1 . un. Ttr, mentrtk fourth floor was the packing 1 ntjonaj reputaUoo animate his admlr. department, the fifth floor was the Ja-i.rs n aakimr that these who have the panning and painting department, and the two top floors were occupied by the soldering and machinery department. One hundred and fifteen.- hands -were employed by -the concern, and of this number fifteen were young- women and girts. - -How the fine started is not known. It broke out, on the third floor in a small storage room. The first Intima tion was at 12:35 p. nw when the auto matic fire signal sounded. Then smoke was seen coming out of the storage room, and the alarm was given to the workmen and .women In the building. The young women became panic strick en and were all rescued. The fire spread with alarming rapidity, and the dense smoke soon filled the streets with firemen. The water tower was put in to use and poured hundreds of tons of water into the building, while a dosen large stream were being thrown by the engines. The names soon reached the fifth and sixth floors, where .the varnish, oils and resin were stored, and then greatly Increased in volume. The halters of the horses in the adjoining stable were cut and they were driven into the street. They ran wildly about. scattering people in every direction. Primary School No. 11 is lust back of the burned building. Two hundred and fifty little scholars were In the building when the fire broke out. The scholars were marched into the main room, where the principal kept them back for a time by telling them stories. The whistling of the engines and the ring ing of the bells was finally too much for them, and they became uneasy. Then they were ordered to rise and sing America." They drowned out the noise madeby the firemen. A 8TATKSVTIXX BUI. ere to asking that these who have the power prevent the further desecration of Mr, Sherman's name and fame. ; as ark Aniewd Safety. - Portsmouth. Eng.. June 34.1 The training brig - Sea Lark, concerning whose safety, anxiety has been ex pressed, gad which was due here on Thursday last from Queen's Ferry, to take part in the naval review of Sat urday next, reached Spithead safely to day. The-brig bad been disabled in a gaie. and had also been detained by head winds. I A Sea Capiata bios is gavsnaah Savannah, Oa June 24. Captain David D. Jones, of Nevin, Carnarvon shire. North Wales, master of the Brit- ish bark Cambrian Queen, died sudden ly here this morning. First Mate Hugh Lewis has been appointed master of the vessel by the owners, W. St Co., of Liverpool. Thomas Military Called Oat to Protect a ftegro- Jackson, Miss., June 24. The Capitol By Sseldaghasa A Paslaws, Vsw ' , , Fhilaslolphla aa Chicago. r- New York, June S No. Ida-l and 12s-l warps ati.lJ 12H No. Ms-l warps at ..4.......Utt Na ISs-t warps at ..134 No. 20s-l warps 'at .,, .. No. S2s-1 warps at ........... .144 No. 26s-l warps at .. .. . ....14ft No. ts to 10a bunch vara at ..12 No. 12s-l at U mVA No. 14s-l at .,..,1:HU Nos. lCs-1 at ............U No. aos-1 at ....................IS " No. 23s-l at ... .,..13 No. 26-l at 14 No. 8a-2 ply soft yarn at 12 No. lOs-2 ply bard at ....-...12V4 No. gs-2 ply hard at .. No. lOs-2 ply hard at ., No. 12s-2 ply hard at '., No. 14s-2 pty at No. lGs-i ply at ........ No. 208-2 ply at No. 24s-2 ply at No. 268-2 ply at No. 30a-2 ply yarn at .. No, 40s-2 ply at No. 8s3, 4 and 6 ply at No. 20s-2 ply chain warps at.. IS W. 91a.9 nlw .hain varna n t ..lg No. 26s-2 ply chain warps at ..1" No. 30s-2 ply chain warps at ..IS " No. 16s-2 ply hard twist at 134 No. 20s-3 ply Jiard twist at No. 36s-3 ply hard twist at ..16 CTTT PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected Daily by Geo. 8. Hall, Groceries, I ana rroauce xsaier.j GEIIERAL ELEGE1G - . We Make Contracts f;r ELECTRIC LIGHT T " --l-and all kindsof Electrical V.'c- 1 Ve carry the largest Hne of Ekctr:::! any house in the South. A i Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. " -- .. - " . Correspondence:. General Kectrio Ca'a Generator. .12 12 .,13 iJi ;"!i4v ......15 15,. ......IT 22 .12 Light Guards of this city have been or. dered to crystal Springs, Miss..fto pro tect a negro in tail there, for the mur der of a farmer at that place a few days Apples 1ed auusr nght... BW J tasty Drtntaiicoo.. Crumbs of Comfort. That's IVhatThoy Are; Ladies Black Serve Cloth Buskins, wide soles, fiat heels, very light, durable and comfortable, elastic on vamp with bow, sixes 8 to 8. Price 60c, by mail 60c Orders filled the day received. Stamps taken. All kinds of comfort and easy shoes always in scocg. GILREATH & COMPANY. B A8KB4 1.1. T E8TKBDA V.i One of the Social Events of the Season At- tesded ky gsvsral arlotts Ulrla. CorresDondencs of the Observer. Stateavtlle. June 23. The dance given by the german club, at the Iredell Blues armory, yesterday evening, was by far the most notable event of the kind Statesville society has had for quite a while. There were 36 couples on the floor, and everybody who par ticipated seemed to enter into the pleas ure of the occasion with an enthusi asm worthy of any cause. The Italian band of Charlotte was up for the oc casion, and their music would have caused a twitching in the feet of the most rigid Puritan who ever talked through his nose. Among those present were Misses Frances and Helen MaJ lory and May Oates, of Charlotte, and Lily Brown, of Winston, guests of Miss Lottie Caldwell; Miss Georgia Lowe, of LowesviUe, who Is visiting Mrs. Jas. White; Miss Mary Andrews, of Char lotte, who is visiting Miss Es telle Carl- ton; Miss Carrie Goldberg, of Char lotte, who Is visiting Mrs. Isaac Wal lace; Misses Maggie and Myra Weaver, and Miss Ray Whitlock. of Asheville. and Messrs. Carter and Boger, of Mor gan ton; Will Neave and Gus Bingham, of Salisbury; Arthur Corpenlng and J. r - lxng. or Catawba; Arrmstead Bur- ell and Will Bell, of Charlotte, and F. P. Lewis, of Boston. Quite a number of Invited gueets. not dancers, enjoyed the occasion from po sitions near the wall. At Boston, Boston 2 1 0 2 2 0 10 12 Baltimore 00200010 2 E Base hits Boston 19, Baltimore 10. Errors Boston 2. Baltimore 31 Bat teries Nichols, Bergen and Ganxel : Nope and Robinson. Umpirea-j-Emslie and O'Day. At Chicago. i Chicago 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Cleveland 0200030005 Base hits Chicago , Cleveland 10. Errors Chicago 1. Cleveland t Bat teries Callahan and Donohue; Toung and Criger. Umpire McDermott. At Pittsburg. Pittsburg ... .0 2100O210QOO S St. Louis 0 2000112040 17 Base bits Pittsburg 9, St Louis 18. Errors Pittsburg 6. St. Louis 9. Bat teries Hughey. Tannehill. Leahy and Sugden ; Hart and Douglas. . Umpire Sheridan. j At Brooklyn. ! Brooklyn 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 7 Philadelphia ... , OJ0030005 Base hits Brooklyn 12. Philadelphia 11. Errors Brooklyn 4, Philadelphia 4. Batteries Payne. Kennedy andj Grim; Wheeler and Clements. Umpife Mc Donald. ' Peaches aBpeeled halves, bright. ' " peeed bright. B'sebeitfoi dried l-j floor sack .................... Family CAT LIU & GO, 1 nM 05 no Church streetNew York. s vwossi L ... -n . vi umaix-j wvm, o.m,u. ea 4MOS seal '.'.V.U hSI Wnol wash Baconhog round per pound, "van.,.. ..... - .. " -sides. .... " shoulders Osts 43 pounds per bnshsL nna r it . . . " mixed SAO60 Meal bolted 44 pounds per bushel 40946 " unbolted M " " " 40043 Corn old 64 poBBdl per bushel 4204 Owtrtfia aslaea ne boaBSl. ... Ream haa - MM Whaat . 86088 Bys.. BS4VS Hons- strainsd oer sound........ comb per pound 8016M Ducks. 1W3ZO Hens per bsad snasn Spring chick ena 10O10 Roosters per bead 12Q15 Festhsrs. 54M1 Lard N. O. I Tallow 3M Umneas wain Butter choice yslloa 10O12 Another Batch ef Mew PsstmsSters. Washington, une 24. The foklowinar fourth class postmasters were appoint ed to-day: Virginia Blenhiemj J. W. Smith; Brownstown. J. W. HudislU; Craddocksville, G. S. West: Davfe Mills. J. L. jacoDs; uniwyn. j. u. Anderson, Greenbackvllle, J. T. Hill: Hintoii. J. D. Linawaver; Kimballton, J. P. Buchan an; Lipscomb, J. W. Goode: i Mount Laurel, J. M. Green; Stokes, W. B. Stokes. i North Carolina Marion. G. Wi Craw ford: Qultson, A. F. Ryan. THE IOWA DKXOCKATg. nilAMCIAI. AMD OOKBOCKOIAI. A Ticket Nominated With Populists nnd Republican oa It One Hundred Seeed- era Walk Out The Sentiment for Bryan Overwhelming No Quarter for Gold IBnoerate. Des Moines, Iowa, June 23. The De mocratic State convention adjourned this evening having completed its work. The two allied conventions, the Silver Republican and Populists completed their work slightly in advance. The ticket was composed of two Silver Re publicans, the two Democrats and one Populist. When thlB became known there was a special Populist convention. the middle-of-the-road faction, under the leadership of A. W. C. Weaver, walking out. The seceders numbered 100 of the delegates. Gen. J. B. Weav er's faction remained with the Demo crats, whereupon he was bitterly de nounced. But for this rupture the un ion of all the three silver forces would have been complete. The candidate for Governor is F. E. White, Democrat, of Keokuk county. The sentiment is almost overwhelm ing for Bryan. Every reference to his name was greeted with lusty cheerinar. tils picture was displayed repeatedly. and every time an orator pointed to ward it there was applause. There was no quarter given to the gold Demo crats. Cotton Dull With Trading Largely Local Xlnetnatlona Within Narrow Limits. Special by Private Wire to Harrison atts. New lork. June 24. Cotton was dull with trading largely local and fluctua tions within narrow limits. Liverpool cables were better than expected, spot cotton there ruling steady and good de mand with sales of 15.000 bales at; 4 for middling, a concession of 1-321 from yesterday, while the market for futures opened steady at c advance, and closed steady on that basis. On these advices, our market opened flrfn, but the speculation was not strong nough to hold it. The market later developed weakness and prices lost all the 'early advance. Covering of shorts in the last half- hour, led to a rally of 1 to 2 point, at which range the market closed quiet and steady. ; E. B. CUTHBERT & CO. NBW YOEK MONEY MARKET. Sww York, June 24. Money on call easy at l&lla ner cent.: last loaa at 1: eloalaa onerea at loivt. Prime mercantile smDer t O0JK4 00. ster ling sxchanse steady with actual busmess in hankers' bills at 4 t&H&l 8S44 for SO days and 4 for demand. Posted rates 4 87 OA go Commercial bills 4 8SH. silver rw.rtlAr-.atnR MttV. Bar silver SOW. Mex ican dollars 47. Government bonds strong: Stats bones dull: railroad oonas strong. BALTIMORE PRODUCE MARKET. Raltimosk. -June 24 FLODB Dull Family 4 0r4 40; winter wheat patents I S.04 70; spring wheat patents 4 mwt sui anrlne wheat 3 8S4S4 00 WHEAT Dull. Spot and Jane T3; Jnlv COVTrUA. ftonthern bv aajnnls 7S CORN Firm. Mixed snot aod June mK&2D: Jnlv 28K&29: Ancust 2au29fe: steamer mixed t7&Z7: BOutaem whits .. .. ; yellow 3N&31. NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. New York, June 4. FLOUB-Qoiet. steady w h kat. Knots a tin. no. l nonnera new Vnrk- 77U niLt: No. I Northrrn Dalath 7H4 afloat. Options closed steady at advance. No 2 red June 7; Jnly 78; September 70 CORN. Bpets steady! No 2 2tt elevator) MM afloat. Omiona closed steady. OATS. Spots Arm. Bpot No. t 224- Op tions closed active ana .sieaay at M cent ad vance- Juiymt. LARD Stead v. Western -steamed July 4 09. Benned quiet; continent ; S. A. : comuounu -Dull. 208 Chestnut street, Philadelphia- COTTON YARNS ALL NUMBERS. Skeins, Warpa, Cope and Cones. , COTTON GOODS We are holding all of Mayer & Ross' Customers without any special effort. They, as well as many other buyers who daily visit our atore, know a good thing when they see it. We take care of our customers, and a good many ways that no other wholesale house In the city a do. Our line of fancy cakes. crackers, and fancy candy is away above the average. Come see us. We will treat you with respect. John B. Ross & Co. Successors to Mayer Boes. WHOLESALE GBOCEK3 Southern Railway. IN EFFECT MAT 2. 1897. CHARLOTTE Board of Trade. THAD. B. SEIQLE, Manager. PORK. Mess 8 25Q 7. COFFEE Closed barely steady at 10 points decline. Bpot Bio quiet. Cordova 1191714. SUGAR Raw. firm, fair reflnins 00. CLOSING STOCKS. Now Is the time to hedge on your cot ton crop. Active grain market and the stock market on an upward swing. Full Information furnished when re el ues ted. Out of town business solicit ed. Reliability, promptness and satis faction guaranteed. Correspondence solicited. NO. 12 S. COLLEGE STREET. Phone 196. The Dauntless In Tow. Washington, June 23. The Treasurv Department has received a report of the capture of the Dauntless off the Florida coast, which agrees in all im portant particulars with the facts at telegraphed from Key West. At the request of the officer In charge, the gunboat Wilmington will tow the Dauntless from Key West to Jackson ville, where she will be turned over to the civil authorities. The arms and am munition of the boat will probably re main where they are until the case is decided. Philadelphia Underwriters' Financial Standing, January IJ 1897: Cash Assets, $15,609,932.32. Assets available to policy holders in United States, 000,000. Larger than that of any fire companies American or foreign. , E. RYE HUTCHISON, Agent May 1,1897. : CHAMjOTTB, N. C. CALLFOrL... Extra Fine Siaoght sad Ibrport Beer also all kinda of aod waters aod J- CHARLOTTE BRANCH, ; v- , '- A. BIND EW ALD, Mgr a. e. rimy, r:r. mem, r. T. L. ELLIOTT. Work Damage Salt Against Western Union. Raleigh Press-Visitor. 22d. 1 The case of Hinton versus the West ern Union Telegraph Company was de cided In Durham yesterday. The amount of damage is fixed at $1,975.25. message was sent from Mra.W. A. Hinton. at Stems, to W. A. Hinton. at Durham. The message read: "Your baby is very sick. Come at once. Lily." It Is alleged that the message was not delivered to Mr. Hinton until more than twenty hours afterward, and upon his reaching Stems the child was dead, and the body was in Bueh a state that it could not be carried off for burial. His wife has had nervous prostration nearly ever since. BUCKLENS ARNICA SALVE. The Best 8alve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe ver sores. Tetter. Chapped bands. Chll Mains, OOrns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively Cures or no nay reouir- ed. It Is guaranteed to give perfect sat isfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Burwell A Dunn. NOTICE OF SEIZURE. Notice Is hereby given ef the eelsure of the fol lowing property for violation of the in ternal revenue laws of the United states, to-wtt: At Charlotte. N. C.. June 8th. 1897, 4 barrels of corn whiskey, the property or it fa., xurtrtvme, or Eagle, N. C Near Poole, N. C, June 14 th, 1897, 3 barrels of corn whiskey, the property of John Drew, and 4 kegs of corn whis key at Salisbury, N. C-, owner un known. - Any person claiming said property te nereny raounea to appear before the undersfamed at Ida office tn Aahervm N. and make claim ia the form and manner pi escribed by law within thir ty 30) days of the date hereof, or the property will be declared forfeited te the united Btatea. ,-", W'.s- HAIL I. ROOER8, - "v ; Collector fcth Dtat K. C Per X V. LEEFER. D. C JuneU,U97. . - t A NORTH CAROLINA LADY'S EX- A Texas druggist, f one of North Car olina's best young- men, too) writes of MRR QRIERS REAL HAIR RE STORER, Tour preparation is the beat I ever handled, combining- hannlrmmsso a cleansing properties with everr requisite oz a perfect nair tonic" And dont fat-get that E. M. Eater, the Ca nadian, said: have aold dnrtneT 21 years, and bandied dosens of so-called hair restorers, but not until is Char lotto I found MRS. GRIEB'S REAL HATS RESTORER, have I ever fnnrM a perfect remedy for dandruff and fall ing nair.- At wholesale by BurweQ A Dunn Cow Charlotte: Jno. M. Soott a Co.. Charlotte: StobL S. Bellamy. Wil mington. N. C-; Owen A Minor, Rich mond. Gilpin A Langdon, BaltirnoreTMd. For interesting- faistorv of Rl H vr i-a.-r C The Cotton Market Quiet, j Special to the Observer. New York, June 24. The cotton mar ket was quiet to-day. Liverpool cabled us a rather encouraging report this morning, that market advancing Might- y, and the spot sales there beinjg very large. Stimulated by this dispatch, our market opened quiet, firm, and 4 to S points higher. The advance was! short lived, however. The weather In the South was still most favorable, ajnd our local bears sold freely. The rise was lost in short order and then the market became exceedingly dull and resrained practically stationary for the test of the day: August opened at 7:30. ad vanced to 7.34. declined to 7.27, and clos ed at 7.27 to 7.28. with the tone iof the market steady. The temper of A lanre majority of the traders here is still bull ish. but we fear their hopes will fail of realisation. RIORDAN & CO. i I Trade Was active ia Wheat, By Private Wire to Tbad B. Belgle, Mx'r. Chicago, June 24. There has; been quite an active trade in wheat to-day, with the interest after the first hour about equally divided between July and September. Previous to that time the latter remained almost stationary while uiy was very nervous, and fluctuated rapidly. Shorts were active buyers around the opening, but about 7i)V of ferings appeared large and prices! broke to 6Vfcc. Local shorts then turned their attention to September, and that re corded an advance of ftc. Julys reoov ering was sustained early. There was some re-action on sales by holders, and a temporary withdrawal of support on the part of shorts, but the latter became buyers again on a continental cable re porting serious injury to the Russian rye crop, and advices' from New York that prices of rye had advanced lc This was really the only news that had any influence on the market, i There was virtually no cash or exnot de. mand. Seaboard claims were! light. Liverpool was only Mi. higher. ad the Price Current was rather bearish in Its summary of conditions that wouldlordin. arily cause a depressed feeling, but there seems to be a large short Interest! at the iKcocBi. vrwiBnurraoie nervousness pre vails, and although some of the more aggressive bears are Inclined to ett on bard spots, . there is a disposition to cover on breaks. The close is at a high point with indications rather favorable to holders. ! Corn is firm and advanced Kc! Best buying -seemed to be by orovhtio trad ers. The weather is favorable, out the impression prevails that the KTowina- crop is late. Tne price current contin ues rather bullish on the corn situation. Provisions opened strong on the light run of hogs and prices carried over from yesterday, but offerings became large and prices eased oft later, closinsj show ing an aavance in pent ox zfc cents, and a decline la lard of 6 eents, with ribs uncnangea. - I LAMSON BROS. CO. Atchison ISH Adams Express 15 Alton, T. H. ofl Alton, TB pfd Am Express--., 112 B&O.T. 1014 Can Pac 2 Can So 50 Cen Pac 00 17 Chlcaso Alton. 160 C. BAO fB Chicago Gas... 1H Con Gas I S C, C. C&StL.. 24 Col Coal & Iron 1 C O Cert 14S4 Del Hudson...- 109 Del, LAW IM Den A K O pfd. 41 Dls 4 C F Co East Tenn Erie Erie 1st pfd,.... 13 Erie 2nd pfd ... t Fort Wayne 17 GNpfd W CAEI pfd.... 9S Bock Valley ... 2tt 111 Central 7 fit P A Duluth. 21 KAT pfd am L E A W . 14 L E A W pfd... Wis Lake Short...- 174 Lead Trust 2B a. I. wj A N A H Man Can 87X ' MAO W Northwestern.--- 116 3T aaorlalijd Praam, v : v7-- new TorkV. June 24. The orieen. of stocks made a further average advance to-aay, putting tne top levei in the cur rent bull movement one notch hisrher. The advance, however, was not univer sal, -atta aome prices are lower. The volume of the dealings was smaller by over 40,000 shares than, yesterday, but was rather better distributed, though the Grangers. Chicago Gas. Bay State Oes and Sugar absorbed about, three fifths of. the. total dealings, srorecsastn ef May statements of the Granger roads give suggestions of a taverabte show ing, and have helped the ad ranee. The total sales of stocks to-day were 21S.75 shares. Including - American Tobacco S.106: American Sugar H500; Burling, ton A Quincy 21.800; Chicago Gas 14.B6V; LouisvUle A Nsshvtlle 6400; Northwest 1S.100; Omftba 1&.100; Pacific S,0e; Reading 6.900: Rock Island 14.400- at Paai 21.100. Continued improvemena to shown ia values of railroad and miscel laneous mort -aeres. with considerable trading rioted ia Lssues of recognized consfanies,-. The agrrei.te rsle were M C. M P . MAO Nash Chat...... Nash Cord Nash Cord pfd. N-J Central.... MAW pfd N A OilOo Northern Pac.. N Pac pfd CPA Gulf 98 10 to s in si 30 44 14 41 2 N W pfd.. NYC N YANE. Ont A Western . - IS Ore Imnrovem t. Ore Nay 1 OB Lot (J rl 1K Faciac man mi PDA E H Pittsburg.. 14 Pullman Palace . 167 Reading 28) Rich Ter ml Rich Ter Dfd..! R G Western ISH K U West ptd en Rock Island T2 U, T J. U E 1.. w.9A St Panl V 80 8t Paul pfd 138" ftp u St r A O Did 141 So Pacidc 1514 oaiar Keanery . . 133 Tenn C A I 24 Texas Pacidc 10S4 T A o v Did 40 Union Paciflc... 6S4 V s hipiess . . 40 WSlLtP....;.. WStLAPpfd.. IM, w K Express..... 103 Western Union .. 63 WALE K Vv AX 1, a Did 8 Minn AMP 1 Den A R G J0 Gen Electric 33H Nat Linseed 1Z Col F A I Vi col r at I pto 87 HAT O T A A A N M T 8t L A K O . 5M T8tLKCp(d. 181 Southern 9 ooatnern pra.... zuu Amer Tob 75V44 AroerTobpft.... t6H Amo ipiriw..... iii do pfd 2014 io?n A CONTINUOUS ' I am w - w-v a r tAHltSi I iUIN. Ton can no longer see our excellent exhibit at the Woman's Exposition; but you can at all hours of the day see an exhibit at 40 South Tryon street that is far superior to any Jewelry Stock in the State. See the handsome display of Diamonds, Stone Set Rings, eta SHELL & HARRISON. Repair Work a Specialty. POD WOOD CHICAGO PBODOOB MARKET. Opening Closing WHEAT July 70HOX September , frtS December CORN June.... 2X July 24 beptember 25 OATS June July 17a September .- 17 HESS POKE June.... July TO September 7 10 LARD Jnne July September-. 4 07 RIBS Jnne Jnlv 4 47J4 September 4 53 7011 SiH 3w 2IKOX 25825 DONT BUT TOUR STOVE AND FIRE WOOD UNTIL TOU GET OUR SUMMER PRICES. SEA SONED PINE. OAK, DOGWOOD AND PERSIMMON CUT TO OR DER, AND TOU AVOID THE AN NOYANCE OF HAVING IT SAW ED AND SPLIT. YARD COR NER COLLEGE AND SECOND STREETS, PHONE 170; ALSO YARD 850 NORTH POPLAR STREET. PHONE 23-A- A. G. CRAIG & BRO. 18 Is 7 52)4 T W in 4 0 LIVERPOOL COTTON MAKET. Jons 24. 4 p m. Middling Li tea pool. Fnturaa Closed steadv. Jnne.,..".- ............... lane and July . jury and Aasrns.... .. Tax Notice. I am instructed by the Board of Com' missoiners to give notice to all persons who are liable for poll or property tax and fail to make a return of the samg to ityi the list-taker during the month of June, 4 30 I ....... 1887, that doable tax will be entered, and other penalties prescribed by law strictly enforced. P. M. BROWN, Chairman. August and September.'., September and October. O -touer aad November November aad December.......... December and Jajna.rv... January and February... ...... February aad March ........ March and April .............. .... 4 014209 4 04 b 03304 4 01 a 3 7ffW 1SISS 9 40450 4sb a 4sb 2 41349 2 485 NOTICE. NEW YORK COTTON FUTURES. Haw York. June 24 Oortoai nnlot. Mul- dUng upland 7k; Mlddllns Gulf ...... Futures ciosed steady. , Bales M,00. : Hlarhewt lowest fllnaine Jans,........ .... - .... .ines Jsly.. ........ 734 - 7 27 f St Aairas.. 7 il ' 7 27 T ssaSO nemoet ..... 7 07 7 m 7 eaaus sober. ........ IM S 02 November. .. sea s 78 - a ?& cemoer s ss s 81 s ftltK2 aiarr . is a as a fKftaa Fehrmary ..... ittSs March ... j - MkaSM Aoril.n..-. ... . .... , ,...:r,, ... May .......... .... . ...j . y .... You can get a good set of unoer or lower teeth for 27.60. The best made $10. Gold fillings (lit up: Amalgnm 760.; Cement SOo. Extracting teeth ' 26c; painless extracting 40c , Crown and bridge work, done In the most approv ed style. OR.J.H.KEWaL( ROOM . DAVIDSON BUILDING. - f, CHARLOTTIE. N. C. CBULRIXJTTB! COTTON MARKET. fTbsss fbjares nyiassal micas paid te BtrUarod middllM-. : SO .. CroodMlddHag . - T Strict mtddliag ..-..........- " .... MtddHag . .... ' t 7S T1na-eav........---.....Tt27 TB talas. SS07!at The a-aarkst to steady. -r-- - NORFOLK )TTOnT. -" , Norrolr. Jnns xL-raMtnei axemdv. If Mallne J V-fO. no B: STUBS S, stack BJKi. , . . . NAVAL STORES. , I - Wnmlngtrm. June- 2f grttri ts tammttiM steady at S:.-. "2; roin htm at t 2 1 a. Im'iu tsi-'-.- .a f'-vo; bl 1 SJ-t soJH fe; virs o iar jui;.tt 1 i-s. Only One ' From Each Connty The first person in each county in this or any of the bordering States who make applicatioa will receive a six months scholarsbip fa either course for one half the regular rate. - . -"-v---CHARLOTTal Goinmercial i College! T. M. C Building, Charlotte, N. C. -- e CWKITIS FOR CATALOG US WHEN TOU MAKE a contract with ue for printing we will guarantee to rive you ALL that you contract for, or no tsy, C-it-rver TrlzV.zz l.oast, (i This eondansed schednle it pahUshsd as information, and Is , subject to ehang without notice to the publio, -Trains leave Chauiotts, N. C.: 10:U P. M. No. 2S, dally for Atlanta 4k Charlotte Ale Line division, avnd all points South aad Southwest. Carries through Pullman drawl ngroom buffet aleepers between New York, Washing Oton. Atlanta and New Orleans. - PrUl- i man tourist ear for Baa Franoiaeo Sat l urdays, via. New Orleans and Southern Pacific. :26 A. M. No. ST, dally. Waahingtoe and South westers) Vestlbuled Limitef for - Atlanta, Birmingham. Memphis Montgomery, Mobile sad New Orleans, and all points South, aad Southwest Through Pullman sleeper New York; te New Orleans aad New York to Mean phis. Dining car, vestlbuled eoach. be tween Washington and Atlanta. - :40 A. M. No. 19. dally for Rich mond; connects at Greensboro for Rsl elgh and Norfolk. -.-,. 12:24 P. 1C No. U, dally, for Atlanta and an points South. Solid trains Rich mond to Atlanta; Pullman sleeping car Richmond to Greensboro. - 10:1s P. 1C No. 25, dally, for Colum bia aad CX. Cm .local stationsT An. gusts. Savannah. Jacksonville, Carries through Pullman drawing room buffet sleeper between New York aad Jack sonville;' also Pullman sleeper Char lotte to Augusts, i 2:25 A- M. Noi 27, dally, for Columbia and CCA A. local stations. 9:30 A. M. No. 26, daily, for Wash ington, Richmond. Raleigh aad all points North- Carries Pullman draw ing room buffet sleeper New Orleans to New York; Jacksonville to New York. Pullman tourist ear from San Francis co Thursdays, via New Orleans and Southern Pacific ' i:W P. M. No. 28. daily, Washington and Southwestern Vestlbuled Limited, for Washington and all points North, j f:40 P. M. No. 12. dally. . for Rich- I mond, Raleigh, Goldsboro and all points North. Carries Pullman sleeping ear from Greensboro to Richmond. Con nects at Greensboro with trail) carry ing Pullman car to Raleigh. 2:05 A. M. No. 18, daily except Bun day, for Statesville, Taylorsville aad local stations, j Close connection : at Statesville for Asheville, Hickory, Le noir and Blowing Rock. 4:30 P. M. No. 2. dally except Sun day; freight and passenger for States ville and local stations. , - ,w Daily except Sunday. All freight trains carry passengers. John M. Culp, 1 W. A. Turk. . Traffic Manager, oen. Pass. Age, . H. Green, 1 Washington. IX G. Oen'l Superintendent, Washington. X. C & HL Hardwick, Asa-t. Gen. Pass. AgL, t At'""', Ga. i R. I. Vernon, Travelln g Passenger ATL, is Bast Trade at. Charlotte, M. ti. - KsrtuCrR sr. mm: TO i. - . . U - 1 ' - C " IS VIA TIIC UIO UU1.....LJ LL a v iwr a wv . rXT n-T 7 Tr1 c i ' " Aid Lw v.. ' - Fast, bandgome eteamshtps I v Norfolk, Va, dally, inciudin? t - at p. m., lor new tors u.re, t, ji . . . . t . . , , , , sengers from the South. Fomhwi-: ; fort and Virginia Beach en rout. First class tickets include mea. r . Stateroom accomodations. For tickets and general inform n.U apply to railroad ticket apents, or to 1 B. Crowell, agent, Norfolk. Va.; J. 1 Mayer, agent. 1212 Main street. ...-.-mend. Va. - -W. U GTJILLADEU, Vice Prs ' ' SaaUA AUUU JUiMIDVgVl f V W 4. i " - ' . its- - c If V'a! TO ATLANTA. CHAR LOTTK, AT WILMINGTON, NEW - LC. CHATTANOOCA AND Z PHILADELPHIA. WASS.T. .- f NORFOLK. RICKriCXD. tCSISCLa lH IFFCX T, 1-- Haeertsa. fM,, ,. ! sxtes,.,..4....e. f v. i.sanaaargi.aaa.. ..- e. ltaanlet..u..u.u....aa a ijm. WMe ie m tea ........um a r- - r " L. nam let.. ..-, L. asckisgkaat a-v. v. aaaiDerB ...,. Lv. Marhvili..n.,.MM... 4 " Ar. i& ea ms. i k Lv. Mesrve.."i.1. ...... f s at tBAKLVlTS tiMMM. asanas As. Ht Hellr......M..ru.. As. Lisceiates) ........ .... a, m Ar. thdv..MmMHiM ..... tr.KUtKMrt ,.nlMi.lfI a ..... . At, aatherforatos wne i -a...... T 3 tfS 'i'l'mU 4 . .- I p- m ' - f.aaa II asa a,.pas It "' re sssaa av.M..., assaass Ar., ...Cheraw lv. ter- Arlington Hotel. CENTRALLY LOCATED NEAR POSTOFFICIt BAST WARD. ; .. . - . Mast, Cv. a . vl,si Ai staa ..-. ...... .. Lv. nuaaete...M.eMaaf . ........ Ls. Shsley.......e .t-.. Lv. Liacolstes...,..eaeMe., ........ Le. Mt. Holly --....., Lv. CHAalOTTS ...... 3 team Ar. Meswoe .. .... mm. a sm Lv. If onroe u I eaaa Lv. M ereav-41 ...... .... 0 ssam Lv. wadesoore. ......... Lv Ar. Lv, Lv. Lasrlsnerg ............. f lua H. Minos....... mu. a jeaa Lv. Laakrton..,......M... e leeaa Af-Wllatlattoa. isjgpm v. e ereavii ...... .... ,am V. Wadesoore. feiaai v. Xscklsghaat ............ f 4 r.HiaM......s hs v. Baas let .. .. l4sant r ' ! 1.-MA i4--.ta 4-v--l le Ja It -(. II t... --a Lv. Kssilet , Ar. kaleirk. Ar. Fortsmontk Ar. aichmosd Ar. Washiagtoa ar. Hw vera ei WORTH WARD. ti Tfaj Iiafa: rr- 4 ydm . -,., ....... iusa - 11 3eaat .,-1 irp. . II tepat 4 Ta SOUTHWARD. iv. Mearee ......w...... s 411 4 r. Abbeville.,. ............. 11 --- . Ar. Athens 1 1- i Ar. AUaata (Central Tlm- s -t . 4 V1 CHARLOTTB1. K. C Under new and permanent management Sixty elegantly furnished rooms. All modern improvements. Table equal to any In the city. - Rates: fLEO. 22.00 and 22.M per day. W. F. BUCHANAN, J Owner and Proprietor. ' -' - The Trinanph Care for Liquor, Morphias aad Vobseoa Habits. Drunkenness is now recognised as a disease. An extra physiological, con dition of that part ef the nervous sys tem and nerve fibre wherein take place tne activities underlying the conscious state which controls the will power. - It being a disease of tne nervous system, is a pathological condition which dis turbs the mental equillbreum, or, as it were, a defection of the will power. termined Dypsomania. An office has recently been opened In. the cltv of Charlotte, N. C-. for the treatment of this disease as well as the opium and tobacco habltsj under the name -of the Triumph Liquor, Opium : and -Tobacco Co. It is being- successfully : managed by Dr.'B. W. Brookshire, a physician ci 4 years in tne practice or medicine in this State. A ! cure Is guaranteed for from 150 to $100. There is no confine ment, but the patients are allowed to go about their every day avocations. while under the - treatment. i For further information, address all correspondence to Dr. B. W.Brookshlre, No. 17 South College street, Charlotte, N. C. ". MORTGAGE SALE) OF CITY PROP- , - I ERTY. " - - . . - ' By virtue of a power vesetd in me by a deed of trust executed to me by W. J. Black and wife, Mary A. Black, on the 4th day of April, 1892, -and re corded in Book 22, Page 297, in the oAoe of the register of deeds for Mecklen burg county. 1 will sell at publio auc tion at the court house door in the city of Charlotte.- N. C. on Thursday, .the 8th day Of July. 97. at 12 o'clock, noon. the valuable city property described in said deed of trust, the earns being the pioperty situated on the south corner made by the intersection of Trade and College streets, In the city of Charlotte, known and designated on tne map or raid city as lot No. sr. in square 13. is Ward 2. fronting fifty feet and running back with ooliege street on one aids and the line of Long 4V McWhirter on the? other, eide M feet to Long ' MeWhirter's line, f The- same te - the property on which ' are - located - the store-houses now "occupied by O. W. Norman aad the Wilson - Drug -Com pany (formerly by Thomas Reese A Co.) .Terms cash. ..This the 24th day of April, U97. : -4 -a-i-- - w. cy MAXWEm Trustee. Pally, ; tPaily, axeept Saay Beth traiai stake isamevlat nrrtiom e) AUaata Cor Mostsosacry. fctu, tore, Texas, Caltfomi a, Mexico. Caanasesea, fc. , villaVMemshla, Macoa, eionoa. 4 Bagcaaa checked froia hotel srree(4trses te SeatiaaUos. Stats ream aad aisayar reava-i vatiasi au4 ta sAvaaca. ) Fsv Tickrta Sieepera, , asvlv ta W. M. KAMSBUnt, City T1rt Af. - $ . Tryes St., CWwtws ti C . B. A. NEWLANO. f. Art, P. P 4, . - kiaasail 1 as.., Abasva. Ca. . -- ' OBO. Ha. P. ATT1, Trev. Fsaa, Af ' .s. . Claris sae. ka, W B. ST. JOfN. " ft. W. . CLev", 1 Vics-Pree. aad Osa'l Mgr. 1 ni r. B. MeBBB. . T. A ArCEESSCOt, 1 assl Ssyetatsaksst. . ; , Oea'1 Faae. Aft ' ICE. ICE. SanJard Ice t;lLM::'3 FUR fUtYSTAX. ICE MADE FROM ' y DISTILLED WATER. j . r . v- Our factory has ' track nnect!on with all the railroads, which enables 114 to load cars without exposing ice to sun or air. thus avoiding heavy loss fr"n leakage. Ice shipped in any qmimy from sack to carload, and loaded i rect front the bath. Satisfaction t-v- i In weight, quantity, etc. Standard Ice and Fuel Co. : A. J. HA GOOD. Manager. FIRST CLASS !sy Perfecticn R:f rigeratsrx . EIss flzzi CO Stsns, : ' Pesrtsss 158 Cresa Fr.szsrs, And c a full - line : of summer I HI h. wftlaSi a psifsiHu j u L.rr,.i Slate aad Tin Eooftng CJoutTactora. 209-211. South Tryon Street HAVE 1 'ark TOTJIt ; LEDGER and - other books mads at the c -server Merchant v Tl1!: ' X keep the most reliable r'" make them to measure In t best manner by . thoroughly workmen here In Chariot' guaranteed to be as low a 1 class of goods and work elsewhere. - Jo. S. PH& MERCHANT TA - . Va. 21 South Trj . :F0H TiLh S-reom house on Llddell e'-i-rl, : new. mighty nice piaoe; tn. -room cottage, 3i,3 Last liltli 915.00. - -room house, North Pine, 1 Eighth and Ninth, la.CO. -room dwellinsr, fcouth J' , right new nevr occur " Owners of property v. 1 ly assured that protx-rty 1 s. i , i will receive constant ax; 1 t : tentioo. . RsLc::::::: 202 North Tryon street, C;. OTTOJ IM