AFBCCTTD. A ' ? Ta&j from On Went Xnia . v ' y distressing story -:r. f. -rn 7 3 " ist, a .C ilias -on, of s, wai a pupil at the Due West ...:! Academy last year. "SV"fc.en the --n was drawing to a close, nr father . .e hr to meet him In Nashville, at .. .h ari 1 eucb a hotel, at sues, and such a lime. She left Due West after com. i.iencement for Naahvtfla. When she got i here the found that sne- was ahead of time, and that her father umot ar rived. She thought she had mode a mis take la the hotel, and atarted out to Irmlr film at nthfr boiels ' Not Cud. - fas tem.iiim w tad first stopped at. There a gentleman met her who told her that he had. sees her father at snca and auca m hotel, and 'that Jf she would go with him. he would Jake her directly to her father. That was the last seen or heard of her. Her father -came 13 hoars later, eit pectin g of course, to jBnd We daughter awaiting aim at the hotel. He was told of her.haTlng bees there, of her hunt for Hv and of her tearing the hotel with a. strange man.. - . " The f Oi-servers ' - Inforaisnat , - had daughters at Xae West College, who : tag has been heard of her. -s ? - v txacveks jaasocianox ; ronmra, A CosuBittM Bj-Lmw ApaefetesH Also ' n the special Tas Kloettea. . - The "teachers of the county, in ac cordance with the oall of Prof. Gray, of the boasd of eountjr education, met yesterday . noon in the court heuse to .form a teachers association. - r. -- There wer IS teachers present.-, AtV ter the meeting was called order, disease! on on county educational mat- iers was mouigea in, severa miereeung : talks being made in reference to attr- - ring the. people tip to great-activity along the educational line. A committee composed of the following was ap- . pointed to draft by-laws: . H. K. Re4d, - J. PS. Reld and Thoa. A. Sharpen A oomraittM consisting- of J. Watt HeoQ, James Jteid, Thomas A, Sharpe, . CL E. Bot and It. H. McAllister, was appointed to canvass the county in the . Interest of the special school-tax elec tion to be held oa the 10th f -August. - wheo'Meeklenbnrg will decide whether or not ttw tax will be levied, k ?. - The-association adjourned to meet - next -Saturday at the city nail at U . o'clock. AH teachers in the county are --cordially Invited. - -..'.. -vV ;-; Gray wui organise an asaoda- f-Colored teachers later. If they ;j- Barry Kmi oa Trial. ' The ease of Mark Dintenf ass Ts.Harry . Knox,, for an assault with a deadly weapon, was taken up In the Criminal Court yesterday afternoon. Mr J. I. McCall apenrpd for. Knox. Solicitor ' Webb Is assisted by Mr. E. T. Canal er. The evidence. was concluded yesterday eftemoon and the argument will begin 'to-morrow, Knox, Itwlll be remembered, entered Dintenfass barber shop, in the early spring and' shot at him. The ball miss ed its mark, the two men grappled, and Watenlaas succeeded in getting the pis - tot out of the. hands of his assailant, end "struck him in the head with It. Knox -was drinking at the time. He bad -been in ZMntenfass employ. S ' ' . f" 1 Paige's Players. :-" Beats were placed on sale yesterday for the opening, night's performance of Paige's playera am Manager Nmt had the pleasure and satisfaction of seeing many men of many minds, and yet In this matter of one mind step up and purchase seats. Emma Myrkte Is attraction-enough in herself, but "there are others" this time who will appeal to the crowd but little less than the fas cinating little star. . . .The company .arrives to-night, and will : fill a week's engagement in the - opera house. A Chicken Xttapnte and a KeJeeteA Can- A -correspondent writes the Observer from Eds moor, 8. C, telling it of a ; chicken dispute which was pulled off on the 24th near Mount Holly Metho dist; church. He gives the names of 1 4,bi eports" who. he says, were present from Lancaster, Chester,. Rock Hill and . Charlotte-but tails to give his own name and so his communication goes to the the waste-basket under the un- -ehaogahle. rule which the wayfaring - man. .though a fool, can read any day in the week, except Monday, at the top ; of the editorial page of this paper. " f fJeTeteransBaek.. ';. . - The Veterans, like the Hornets, got in . from NashvlHe before expected. The former were not looked for until last . Bight. They roiled in yesterday morn ing. Each and every one of them was delighted with the trip. As to what they did "One of the Party" tells elsewhere. Veteran W. B, Taylor says the Nash ville exposition 'is much bigger ' than the Atlanta exposition; and that Nash Atlle is bigger than' Atlanta any way. ' - i .,'C3? IKpwortlt Chapel. , . ' - The "Five Little Preachers" will be at Ep worth church on North Graham street this evening at Sunday school. Hour fcSO p. m. All invited. - Some more of that excellent ice eream I ke that served last Monday- night will served to-morrow night at Vance - ark for the .benefit of Epworth Metho ist. chapeLMuslo by the band, Mon- ar night berng regular band night. ; The Hew iTaertaker?.-:-': MeKSrs. McConneil A Cornf ichari - te"s -new undertakers, who have ea i iahed themselvea in the Hunt btura l - on North Tryoa street, have beau- csrfedrtheJr window very mutfe by the ; 'dltion-of palms and other'-; plants. imyfs BomieiBtn! -nave a nrsccfasS'- es tS' ashmen t. &b ! trfttintr Kjlr 1um of the trader. Air, ItleConneU and Dr. : li-ves are .old triarHm.- . . i. . . -i '- It was mentioned -In yesterday's Ob--server, that the cty has borrowed tSO.- In EaJtlmorft '- -TTia In. n mrmm tiateo at b per cent, ft is not very often ;that- money borrowed by Southern - of Interest and that this toes was ne gotiated without dlfoculty at this rate ir Is proof of Charlotte's deservedly exoefc. lent credit., j . , --M:- - ! -:'r:..veieyedaejlvea,:ar ' Ch i3ren Efey -services wm be. held t3-tught at. 8. 30 O'clock at the Metho c t,t - Episcopal r church, ' colored. on outh. Graham street. Rev X Wr Da- "i ta pastor..The Young Remblkr will ' e rendered, and taken part in by near - . - all of the children of the Sunday .oou . - Have Tee Made Tear Tax statmres? The limit of time of makins' and tak- 1 tig tax returns expiree oa the The rush In the lister's oflice yesterday was the greatest - of 'any day, since the books, were opened. Over- Stie returns were made. Uj to date 2,eoe have been maae. xnera a re about. 3,809 taxable I ersona in the township. ,' .'-. the returned' nasslohary. la the First "ard an interesting talk on China; her i.imuuiauua, m iw rrencn la a pteaa- svouof, so aigntneu ana re i in manner that not even the Oen tl Assembly could object- to. her ,-eakmg la public t - BsmisrKaf faytagv" The Fea board's cheap Saturday rate from here - Wilmington ts paying r bjohk. rnaay nignt S3 tickets to ticket Oltit -:TMV , MarfW .hi nkw have been sold every Saturday night ri wm poi on in is season. V'-.iewja.Jt'fcChaw. 'K- The A. R. P. 's are to build a new church at Rock HiO, 8. C Mr .j. Y. Or iers, of this city has the contract. He nd force leave - in the moraing- for oca nm, and brick laying will begin a soon as they go there. The building i to cost between SS.OuO and tT.twe. , .r", WIU Locate la Jiew Vers. ' .7. Dr. Albert Vlltson boa another week f f pleasure and leisure ahead of him. " i v-ir he K-aves for New York, to beetnJ 1. a career as a physician.- He baa the elements of success, and his friends aere expect nathina- less from him. S - TU AV 1.3 U 19 BIWOU AC! 'present t-m of court Is a spe- J-: XJB-'-r - ii:e neif l iw the ling a t "-i i---t- u0 nd the v .,;:. . ?. eld pays t.. i. - -.- Wagon I T"?ie Sunday achor.: 't churc-h wui Superinter THE TICTOB BflLX LOSES. Tee Jery Decided Agmtmmt tba Will Yr diet Beadered at S 0Cleek Xase Kvealag. The famous case of the State vs. the Victor Mill, known In court house par lance as the "micro he case," was con cluded yesterday afternoon, , . . - The verdict was "frailty." . ' CoL H. CU Jones, for the prosecution, etnwd the ararument. 1 tie case was fTiven to tl.e Jury about 6 o'clock. After ftetoy out aooui an nuur lav juij for information . on - the point as to whether the miO was liable if it was not the soie cause of the .sickness or only tributary thereto.-- . The Judge stated that if the pond con tributed enough to generate sickness, the company would be liable; He furth er stated that if the iurv agreed by is o'clock, he - would receive tne verdict; otherwise the verdict sronld Q over until Mondays. i-r i-W -n ' At 1:3 the sheriff was notified that the Jury was ready te return its verdict. Number of people wanteu to hear the verdict, a the caae has been one of un Bsual Interest, owing to the nature of the action, and the able counsel em ployed on both sides. As soon as. the verdict, was rendered i?coonsel - for de fense lodged a. motion for a new- trial. If this is over-ruled, an appeal will be taken.-?-?-; it. a -r --. ' f : Jndre Sattoaremarked yeeteraay mat that this had. been remarkable for the signal and. distinguished ability of -the lawyers on both sides. - "It was a battle of giants." said he. "The ease was con ducted oa a lofty plane of professional ethics." , - Tba case waa. begun Monday arter noon. The evidence was in by Thurs- day afternoon. -when the argument be gan, it continued two oars ana av aau. j as -AiirT-iT-Htwr uat, reeple Sttr If the Air Deesat-Here Svt- Lieutenant Win Sbipp and family are to New Torfc They go West later in the summer. - -;; - Zz ' ' Miaa. Ella ' MCAden . ten. yesterday morning for Columbia, S. C, to visit school frienda - - - - . - --f-?:--. " Miaa HatUe Mowbray arnvea rrom Anderson, & C, last night, and is vis iting Mrs. H, H. Orr. ;- .-- v Miss Lacy MCAoen return ea to sao- Aden viQe yesterday noon. - - ' Mrs. s. a, Massey. or unester o. u is at. Mr. W; M. Vandever'a. Mrs. M. J. Zrake- who baa been liv ing at Mr. W. R. Jones: for several months, has ret urn ea to junevuie to Hvew. : :'-.-' " "'f Mrs. R. W. newen. I Koes; hhl . C - ia visittnir at CapL R. K. vochranCs-f la the party yesterday which, left for the Seashore Hotel. -- A Miaa Pattie SUnson is to go to Cali fornia, with the Christian Endeavor oarty. On her return she will stop on a ranch in Colorado for some time. Mr. E. IX Latta, and son. Mr.. is- bett Latta, went to the beach yester day morning. -. s '; Mr. Bryan overcasn goes to Winston this week after bis family, who are at Dr. Creasys. . - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph wearn ana son are spending a week at Taylorsville. - ' Mr. uuncan Mcuonaia arnvea name yesterday from Lynchburg. He leaves with the Charlotte party for California to-morrow night- - Mr. G. W. Pitcher went to Blowing Rock yesterday. Dr. John K- irwln laniuy go to tne country this week for the summer 4 Mrs. S. M- Howell and Miss Nina Howell, will return from- Columbia. 8. C.. Tuesday. They have been visiting Mrs. Jasper Miller. Secretary Manan. or tne I. M. A is off to the mountains. Mr. Carmiehaei, of Wilmington, is with. Mr. W. R. Taliaferro for a few day a j Mr. w. fs. cianton got oaca . irom Washington yesterday. He didn't bring a mint with turn. However. Mr. and' Mrs. Ed Durham and son returned, from Henrietta last night. Mrs. B. 8. Davis and son, who have been spending a week at Mr. J. Watt Kirkpatrtclc a, in Sharon, returned home yesterday. Miss Alfreds IS all went to cnester, b. C., yesterday on a visit. Mr. K. L. jsngie, manager oi cne Singer office, is back from Salisbury, Miss Addle Houston, of - Hopeweu. who has been at school in Ashevlile, returned Friday night, - and went on home yesterday morning. Mrs. J. W. Stagg and children, and Misses Fannie Stagg and Maria Jones, of Richmond, leave Tuesday for Blow ing Rock. t Mr. - A. L. Strauss, representing Straus, Gunst it Co., the "Old Henry Rye" people. Is at-the Central. Miss Julia Stinson Is back rrom a visit to Davidson. Mlrs Lottie Linton is at Moreheid. She win be absent several weeks. Miss Mattie May Faucette. it Dur ham, the guest of Miss Bessie Banders, returns home to-morrow. Mrs. W. B. Taylor goes to Kock Mill, S. C, this week on a visit. . Mr. Lester Keerans went to Cleve land Springs yesterday. Mr. C. A. Dixon came in yesterday from a business trip South. Miss Matilda Folly, of Aberdeen, who has been visiting Miss Mallonee, has gone to Mount Holly on a visit. Rev. J. u uavts. or tne trpracopai church of Concord, who has been the guest of Mrs. W. is. Holt, returned home yesterday. Mr. J. k. xayior ana iamiiyr or Greenville. Ohio, came last . evening. stopped at the Buford, and leave this morning for the Seashore Hotel. - Mr. and Mrs. John Leslie and daugh ter are - spending to-day in Concord. Tbey went over .yesterday.- ? Misses Came May ano Netue uoca- ery leave for Mangum Tuesday. PmBytarian Barrtoes.tsi Smith Charlotta. The South Charlotte Presbyterian wQl have-service Uus afternoon a 5 o'clock in the sradea, school chapeL Rev. Mr. XKn-ritee preachins. The pub lio cordially invited. Mr. Dorritee has rented Long's hall, in OHworth.- where a Sunday -school la to be- estahllshea. and held every Sunday. Mr. Dorrttee has been active during the past week tn visitlnff resbytertana in Houtn unariott-e. ae? tmnas tne prospects for the work there are most encouraging. -1 i; : ' - Wr- ' . r 1 Trr lowt KMko4bt. Trron street Methodist church: Men' prayer -meeting at 8:30 a. m; pTgwnmg &v u , sir. mm o.m h . , iy the pastor, Rev. Vf. W. Bays. Sunday school at 4. p. m. Class meeting Moa- . .. ..... .'V... , ..... .. 1-1 . O.M . . V- - Oeath .fan. BeUaad , i ' Mrs. Frank Holland, wife of the well- known engineer, died Thursday at her home In Columbia. S. C. Deceased was known In this city, having vtsitea here at different times. .. , - - cj OPERA HOUSE, W F0UR HI8HTS - CSLY. commencing: Monday, June 28. Paige's Players- And ; tb Dainty little Comeoiennv EMMA. MYRKLE. vs.nnHagon 10, 20 and SO oenU Seats on sale at Jordan's Draff Store - " Without Extra Charge J a!" Jr It is a great satisfaction to oa and of large benefit to our many customer to know that we stand in a positioa not only to make prices in competition with Charlotte, but also with Jarge citiee, as New York, Baiamore and Richmond oa goods in our line, such as Bagging and - Ties. . " Sugar, Molaseea.7 Cakes, Crackers, afatchee, Candies, JBaking Powder, etc. " - .- - U.J5.t,WEHC:.:CERYCC-?ArtY. 47 and 49 Sa College St. . PHONE 191., . The Elltery of Keckleabar g. Readers of the Observer were appris ed, montns aso. of the formulation of a plan for a mistorv of MfOcieno'ur coun ty. Mr. IX A. TomrKias, it wu be re membered, made himseif respor:;bie for it and a committee of three was s - pointed to take the matter la ) : 1 This -committee choce Prof. J. A. Liv ens, editor, end it wul interest the pub lic to tuow that this gentleman has pa tiently gathered all of nia materials to gether and has just, now , begun - the writing.- i , . .-- ereate satjsfactory sales these daya We never came nennona vaiuea. 3 auu Vrmw what these imoda were selling- tor; look t the reduction now; good must he gotten out of the way. IpfTtsfefsri TtssV Msti: m and 15e . wah Goods for 9c yard. 25c grade rOJt Bows tat lOo. each. SHo. Linen and Silk Batiste fT9c yarX 35s striped Silk Batista for SSe. yard. -?.?5 8Uk and 1 ail nwmr tar 1.25 yard. 3 50 all over Ecru Laos for 1,75 yard, . ; We will continue this week to ".":- UAKE SKIRTS FREE OF CHARS E, but only of Woolen Zraas Goods. Just Arrived. Sash BiSiteL 'Taffeta Moire, at 21, 25 and S9o. Wliits PIqua ;;0 at t9. 8S.85, SS and 88o. yafdT i Hosier?; . Black, with colored embroidered instep; also black boot with high colored tops; prim 3kx s pair, ,: . Ton are not likely to better our prioes even at a'fiie sale or any other sale. We offer fresh stocks at all times. Joe Baroch & Co. OPPOSITE CTTT -KAT.U ": r Thinking About It? THINK OF In connection with the trip. There's lots of little things you'll want before your trunk is strapped and we want : your trade. We'll make it to your in terest to Invest with -us.-: Selling for cash only gives us ground floor on price to make ft j INTENSELY INTERESTING for you to have the cut price on sum-! mermgs, Featherweight Shields 15c pair. ' Black Drop Thread Hose 17c. pair; three pair for SOc. I Summer Corset; best In more ways than? one for 65e, that's -made; ranks along- with sac ana fx grades. i 444, the finest. 69c. Cornet known; then there's R. G, jr. B P. N, etc all M 13 W. TRADE ST, Kids white. Tea, excellent two-snap, 85c, i- Ladles' 2Sc. each. Bows 20c; others Collars. Cuffs, Bibbons. Fans, Gauze Vesta r Silk Batlsts, cut price. SOc yard. White Parasols 90c 1.200 yards 17 to J6c Tawna, etc, re duced to lZVkc. i i Ladles' Farnisbers and Kastlers.! -' CASH TO ALL. I Charlotte Commorcia! College ". Is the place to get a business education. - Get a catalogue at Y. - M. - C. - A. - BUILDING. "MRS. JOS PERSON'S REMEDY &S A WONDEKTUL MEDICINE." I Wlndsor, N. C. May 24, KL Five years ago 1 was completely rua down from general debility. Mv liver didn't act. 1 had Indigestion,- was Just as nervous as i couia oe ana was al ways tired.- iThe least exertion would bring" on shortness of breath, and; It was a drag to me to keep up. A friend or mine who Md been cured by using Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy,- told ma to take tt; i bought - one-half dosen and look It luat because I bad to take sometaing. X suffered ' greatly -' fro or wakezulness, would lay awake, often the greater part of the night, unable to sleep. When I waa on the second bot tle i got so I could sleep, aad when 1 had finished the six bottles I waa. Weill Indigestion cured, that shortness ! of areata cured, and I (eel like another person. Mrs. Joe -Person's Remedy is a wonderful medicines. It did me' more good than anrthins; I -ever -took tn my life, v . MRS." T. W-. MORRIS. .' t There are Brare xoQee for the dollar In an - A'ETfJA; AT $75 than fat .anything in tha f -- ;-ahapaofa bicycle that waa T . 4 ever constructed. -'. 1 J. . Marsh ; Heizer .sells them. - We doat claim to have toe only wheel built a some others do, but we do claim the best wheel made at from $1S to $20 each leas than others of - equal - quality. Our sales prove is. irar tell the tale: 1(MI00 Steams 60.00. - r 75.00 Dsiaiea 87 5d v 75.00 Busineas 37. 5a ' 75.00 Waverliea 49.00. Clippers 80.00 to 74. 00. 6U tw CrawfOrds 85.00. w. r. DOWD. yRciIiiGlicns Going Away n - - i f Alexander s Mandav Bans, pnoee . J ' :t ; Evcrythiiiij in tho Houbo is Offorcd Regardless of Cost. 7 ; Somo torrifilc cuts aro made; lots of thorn half price. " We axe after the cash, and as T7o :must havo it, to know' there. i3 only Qnb way to got it." " '7- - 7 : -y r';..: :. ;r; ; - : All our 65 and . 75a shirt waists at 35a, all our 01, 0L25 and Q1.50 shirt waists at 75c.;; all our 02 50 to 0350 shirt; waists at 01 50. :Tablo linens same Vay ; in fact all goods will beofiered at prices far bo low cost of manufacture. Our-salesof this nature have, always -been attractive; this one is to eclipse them all. Prices D.Iir Dafocfi Catchflim! Cattlli IaheardiBiusny sectioaMoftteconntry just now, trying to overtake the bur- 51 are and tooxderen. Soma of 4hcm manago for awhile to cover up their tracks, 'ho recent deeds committed .by this band Is shocking in the extreme, i If the same power was nsed to catch this gang ;i3. : BBLK BROTHERS , 7 Use In cosi trolling the trade of this section, they would be easily overtaken. Dol lars does the grand act for na Why these weak-kneed merchants, . panic man nfactnrsrs and such like, tumble right in our net. Baying goods in this way at about one-half what they cost to make, and with oar one short profit added and stop, catches the folks gwine and a coming. - :;. . .. -; ; KEY-NOTE I This is the secret of our success. Making benefit of it; for instance, if we get an to make, and we bay it for fifty cents, cheap that joa wiU almost feel like it Watch toe crowds any day in tne wees tons. Just now we are creating a big $ia00 snjts at from $6.50 to $10.50. Salts worth $9 60 to flu. 00 going at f40 to SAOO. 14. &0 and 15.00 suits. 11.98 to 12.48. down as low as 11.48. Several hundred pairs Jc(b raits, all go at the anuorm 2oc- We are everlastingly rawing tJ&in in toe snoe jnarset too. cnrning loose thousands of taira of ladiea' Oxfords in tan, black, green or any other color at about one-half the cost of making. Sow is the time to be "Shod, '' think of it, $2.00 shoes being eold for $L50: $1.00 shoes 75c down ae low as 85a Whoever heard of such a thing? "tJatch !Em," of couree we do. and you can't pull them away either, after we.once use our "rabbit foot of low prices, ijadiee unaervees 3o ,8c and 10c worth 25c. Lawns, dimities, sUkonet crepoas, worth 10c, 12rc and 15c. an go en our 5c. counterthe talk of the town. Bibbons, 1,000 pieces just in and going at one-half price. Sample line of gen ta' underwear worth anywhere from $1.00 to $1 60, closing out at 60c, 8o- Butcher Shoe Counter opened to morrow j $1.00 sad $1.23 shoes thrown on ic Come and. take your choice. We are righf after yon. 8ojnst as well eomelong with the thoosanda who daily make onf place eadejusrters,' r: r - r - ' BELIC BROTHERS. -.1 Ch pest Store on Earth. . 15 to 21 East Trade Street, CHARLOTTE N. a - - v-' Look over the list. first class, and prices Men's Suits at 6.90 and 9.90, reduced from much higher - prices. Men's Pants, several hundred pairs at exactly half price Kn ox Straw Hats reduced to nearly half regular priceT Sa: nple Straw Hats at 50c.; worth nearly double. Sa nple Night Shirts, 50c., 75c; just about half prise. Beys' Laundered Shirt Waists, 50c.; usual 1.00 quality. Wilson Bros. 1.50 Negligee Shirts at 1.00k ' -Crash and Linen Suits at greatly reduced prices. Excellent quality double breasted Serge Coats at 3.75. Excellent quality Serge Coats - -"v Mail orders get LESLIE & FREEZING IN MIT VEATIIER. The wrong time of the year for a drop in ice cream freezers, but as we I are overstocked in this line1 of goods," we are ; bound VJ KCl I1U Ul L11C11U 111 o- --- rirrtr trixhrtv .. thm nut' fast, have made such cuts5 - - as thisr The. celebrated t Bells. Lanterns and ail v Vf Hue - niuuuidiii - - aic selling for., ; : J 2 Qsartx Freszerj, $1.40 3 j.60 6 7- : 233 a "r .;:1-:; 3.03 The "Arctifi," another good freezer, - but not J quite "sa good as the "White Moun- tain" are going fast from r $L10to 2.50, 2qts. J5UL0; : 8 qts. $2J50l- Much cheap-f er to freeze your own cream j and at the above low -figures everybody can have, their own freezer.' ' ; vr J am i kyle, CROCKERY. GLASSWARE, HOUSB- FtrEjnsmxGs, etc J. E. DUVAU Ectrical r- "(vht and Contractor, Of- t-.-e la I- '--.t i" )' I-. N". Tryon St., C. -iXI-. t.O'i i ..i N. C X rear. I Lieu- -sct-f t fcchtms-. tiu'w f'T r coi:oa t s v "i eiftrtc -.-t a - . 1 i i 1 ...... I l 1J . i tnat will as Sound D. that - . a ten strike and giving the masses the article of merchandise that cost a dollar we let it go at a very small margin. -So was a gift We sre here to do yon good. ana yon writ see uaa maaing wieir way stir in Clothing circlee by selling $12. 50 to price ox owe jooys pants ec,; ooys suiwi The goods are seasonable and are. way below value. and Vests at 3.75. best attention. : . ROGERS. Ramblers $80. They Lead the Crowd. ;You Save $20.00. T-hey run lighter than any wheel on earth. ' Second hand wheels as-low Bi cycle Jewelry.; Star- tali " Harness -1 Co. ; A Freeh Sopply of Nobby Fob , - -. - for OenU. Stylish aad decid- 'e edly tbe thing for a gentleman's :r w-.Wteh.;;. ; A naraling . Una of ' Ladies' Card Cases and Ladies' -f Belt. , AH the ladies in town ' " - can ba pleased -at our store ia .-: our hew rnpply of Novaltka, -Pricea to suit the hot weather. Ctiribaldi 6.Druns, Reming Ramseur, - CIVIL, ENGINEER 23 a Tryoa St . Charlotte. I. C. The conatruction and EaaiLtacee cf .,c j-ren fr-t I -a- m'CatchHii! U. l v., w J I Li l titl you, II. Oarucli Grandest Opportunity Ever Rac (ei Store, ' We have thrown out to the ettlsens of Charlotte and vicinity hundreds of barsalna, thlnss of matchless value and we are proud of our ability to have dona so; but during all the history of the RS.CKET we hare achieved- no greater victory tjpr, our trade than, our t- - Great - Cut to reduce but Shoe Stock. Juat think Reed's hand turned slippers being thrown oa our bargain counter lor 75c per pair. Tet this is what we are doing, j Of course we have not the sixe to suit everybody, but if you get a fit you get these goods for lese than one-third the usual price. ; Bargains at every turn 'all through our -Shoe Stock. Men's shoes from 75c up. , . ' Our facilities to buy are only equaled -by oar determination to sell goods ' cheap, and we shall do both- to push our business to Its utmost. - We have just placed oa sale 1,000 pairs men'fe slightly damaged pants from: 25c. to T2.50 per pair; worth from SOc. to J5. Big lot damaged suits at half price. Boys' knee pants 10c . Wash pants SOc Men's waah coats 1,0c and up. V Big lot of embroidery at 10c; worth double the money we ask. Our ribbon stock to the finest in the city, and in order to reduce and turn It into cash quickly we have- put the following- low price: All ribbons ranging in price from 38 to 68c have been put in two lots and priced 33 and 48c. . - : i .!.'- .. - i . ' " ' " ; Great - Reduction - in- - Shirt - Waists. Our 25c. line reduced to 20c All our 83, 88 and 98c. waists reduced to 75c; excellent values here, see them. 50 dosen linen towels,. sixes 25x52 at 25c each., worth 48c. It will pay you to see our S and 10c laces. New stock doils just received; very cheap. Half bushel marbles at lc. dosen. It is impossible to go through all the departments and tell you of the hundreds of matchless val ues we are offering. Come and see for yourself. J GI HOOD & OO. 11 and J& North Tryon Stl :i r - - Old Racket THE EMPORIUM y Offers a reduction in Summer Fabrics, Such as LAWNS, ORGANDIES, ETC. wiAiurtistFictjOnlr. 1 -:cc- Dave Oestreicher. The Leader of Low Prices. -. There is a . OLfiriding satisfaction when you . come here. We wouldn t waste space telling of our clothing and our prices if they were not right. Dealing, with us is a safeguard against poor quality. The suits we offer at nominal prices are not accidental purchases from out-of-date man ufacturers, but are the newest recreations in ex clusive patterns of the best material. Cut, make and goods tight. Prices fight too. - . e . are closing tout our stock of boys shirt waists at 25c. eacn.i former price 75c. and $1.00. , The-Long-Tate Clothing Company. . We solicit orders from a distance and send foods on approval by ex press to any part of the country,- returnable at our. expense. Office Mercliants; iThis is a subject important often the first impression on It is important, as you know Furniture. equipped "office desk enables" io- dispatch your , business with more accuracy and dispatcnl I am showing the. biggest line of fine and medium priced before." My prices are. the lowest ever known- I have bought a'quantity in ordef to get thet pricey f can help you in your business WiIt make a special ElfiDK Leading Dealer in i Furniture, FILTER - i i iiil I iliiJ I 4 w i-'f :F D.iLOaruGh Offered to Buy Goods Cheap. - Price - Sale of John Kelly, Strtiby'a and E. P.--' prices on all Lawyers; Doctors: to you all. : Your . office makes your customer, client or patient it : should- be GOOD. " A well office desks ever shown here reduction on fine desks."; : Carpets . Pianos and Organs. Certainty -- Ton oaa drive away disease and save a doctor's -h bill in many instances by filtering; your water. Only a little money will be. required to place one of our Stone Filters in your house. Our line of Stone Filters ranks right along with the best in tha city; our prices probably a tttle leas. - . a di V M il Bv arraniri-rnnl' with a rtiitS..i.iMSrtiia-ttams ni niMiitjiia.-mm. ? mi n 111 iSwp .ttf aim aiil mmamnum .mmimmMmL:m H INTERESTING SITOIli f3 - " - - - O , i-T r if our, front counter an elegant assortment of the cele brated ECLIPSE SHIRTS at the uniform priceof ' v ' - " 750. These shirts are the latest styles and fabrics. Soft .-4 Bosoms, with collars and cuffs attached and detached. M - . - , : - - kj Regular $1 and $1.25 values. Also an ' -- - u Elegant Line ; : Soft Bosom Shirts. Fl ri irf m New Very nobby styles, with and detached cuffs. SEE M OUR If lie Carolina M ' ; - ioc, HI -r.. - ' J. A. SOLOMONS, Manager. fa ... Mail orders entrusted tons will sent on approval, -charges paid one STBAW STRAW STRAW STKAW STRAW STRAf 50c. on 50c. . on 50c. on SOc. on RAW JOS. LIEBERHAU Qi CO. Dathing Suits Join In the pleasuree of the bathing pool at tha park get one of our Bathing Suits and you will be strictly in it The cost ia so ; small that it is not to be taken into consideration. And then, if yon go to the seashore you win not have to depend on bathing bouse keepers yoall have your own accessible at all time. Light Weight UnrJonvoar . Your attention is especially directed to our line of Hen's Under, wear all aizee; best material used in their make-up and well made.; - -, r-. . ; , - . . - . Cogiigc Sliirts: Are in demand just now. VTe have a most charming line of soft light weight Negligees with and without detachable collars, ' 6 A V D. II. y crocli mannfjirtiirr wi n!ri- nn I i -" ili : '-f t .a - and Complete.; white bands for white collars FRONT COUNTER. Clolhine O receivo our beet attention, way. - Coiili Goods j . - , " 1 Bl !Srsrraji5 -siw.p'Sii-si-', , the Dollar tho Dollar tho Dollar tho Dollar HATS Hats HATS HATS HATS ' HATS -HATS HATS t J ai ii i U LI u LJ fca I i t a t i t a i i j i i. ?.IELLOIiT s SHELTON, C"i cr,r c f r