- - - TUB BIST MED1UU Reliable Advertisers mm To Eea& thi Hese Clrdi est thi columks or FOR ADVEBTISEUS. TO BBCTJBI CTJSTOatgXS. if "This iuct o'er the people's rights ; Doth aa eternal vigil keep j No soothing strains of Mala's eon Cea lull iu hundred eyes to sleep." 1 1 VOL. XI; cJ GOLDSBORO; N; C.v FRIDAY, SEKfEMBER 2(if 1890. NO, 149 '4l - . 1 X L L R III :ML JL'ZJI Tlioj: DAILY AND WBKKT, itna aupr. mm rear, la ftdnoon.. - .....(LOO One oopr, el anth, la adranoe. UO One eoejr. OM atonta. la eATBJtoa. - M annaciiiPTio HATaaroa Wbielt: On away, OB pv, in ilniN, One oopf. six Booth, lo edraaoe.. ' tt'.tyU .?., .. .. ', rVThONOM bM kotter modlnai of adrer In than through our columns, aa our MM e-oe. d.llf into Um fcaada of lu many readers, thua kaopina- taea .rer raiatnded of uradver ti n merchant, i and as too chief reaaon for jonaUat adrertlttoa' la to have taeadrertiea- cm raaa aa giira a uuaiioie. im wnaKn at edvertlelag la Ta CuiLrAaotr. la at oao yktcct, aa our patron, will air. their adrer- IMiMMti read- afreah erery day. MUt lur- at.bnd oo application. - , , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tall and Winter OoodaX V Bargala Store. r Norton Tarn Sweat rotatoe-J D Daalaaj. -tbauautMm ouraf by Mre. Jo fwoaH LOCAL GRIEFS. they TOki ln iwr jind me him think he Is getting' something. xne wnue -.Kaaa wiii now - cutm dozen ortwo fat: offices, oar,, the strength of Skurlock'l nomination, who ftint coinir to eet . MTthioz bot I Txi aalmtantial oompliment and enaonenient ox we aaminumuon 01 hU Excellency Got. Fovle contained in the amoving of Chairmen Carr and Smith ; before the State ooaTen- tion of DexaocraUa Clutx ia Baleigh, that 1100,000 u now ured to the State annually at the peniten tiary alone, -will be exceedingly grot frienda throughout the State. He haa had more , maligneri than any prtTioui Oofernor of the State; and o, too, hare brainle&i newspaper critics, with no D&rtr fealtT or sense of propriety or jnstice, winded them selves at him as never before; but the fads of his administration spead for themselves, an,d they are going to tell for a Democratic victoro in November. Ar3Dttoinsr"to bear Sam Jcnes?" is now the'" interrogation everywhere upon 5 pnr street, ;And many are goiniv- ''-1' '!' Nixi -j prisoners,; 3 jrbite and 6 colored, all males, passed' through this city yesterday, from New: Ban over connty-court, on their way to the penitentiary at ftlpigh, . Bora, gymnasium class will be or ganized at the Young Mdn'shris tUn' Association rooms this after noon, . AU that waot o join most be PR band promptly at pre o'clock. A KOTHia colored excoriloKvitited this yesterday from along the Hue of the A. n. u, a. k. Ana yer.lQ- omplatai pf ac.rcity of labor fo piCalDg VUIVJH M THIT do s.y that Eugene Bedding field, State Secretary of the Farmers' Allianoe, made -tbrilUng speech before the State convention otPem oeraUo' clnbs in Ealeirh.Andit was sound Democracy all through. ' X Twro" small tenemeat houses on the farm of Mr. W.F.Kornegay, near the city's limits on the asylum road, wf re destroyed by fire yesterday morning. The cause of the fire is not known. TBI gosd old farming and sqb tantial county of Greene was largely tepresented on tb Odldsboro. cot to i market veaterdav. there being over 40 bales from that county alone toU htrc,' Thii speakrtolumM i OolcUboro, as . a profitable cotton market for the farmers of this entire 0i of the best political speakers i the State. Hon. W. . A Qndger, of, Ashevilie, will address th public In this city, on the prolitical issues of the day, at the Court llouse, on fridaornext weeVOct at 12 o'clock. -.Every body Is invited to hear him and he should have a great ll. - I crowa on. we www f t W t - J :M kamnn ha CmborafT if chairmanship of ' fetatfl conjpntipn of pemocrac flubs in :aleigh,i in,: ihe -person of onr uiented and Bopular townsman r jlra B,' Aycock, who, on Ukiig the chair, says the Baleigh Aeict and -Oltervers 'of yesterday, j ."displaTed a. tanfth of that oratory which has ? made him fame. , , Bra vote of the association the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Asso- H.tinn will be thrown open, to- the ; lxliea thia afternoon and night from ' three o'clock until, ten,' and every : Friday hereafter,' The' ladies are - JordQly Tn'ri Wl toaVail themselves Rs 1 pririlcse. $o progt8 wnsio will be provided bat the wo- rarv, pymnMiuni loa rwri wu w ticu lerrloe.'.--; v-- r .-Thisi came" near being a great deatrnction of valuable property in ifeia citv bv fire mtenlav afternoon, and but . for our system of v.for wnrVl and the CromPt mOft " - - " ' " .A ... to then by the null hands, UofcUUpro a great ipsa in PEXISONAL MENTION Mr. Gea W. Dewey is in the city. Mr. P. M. Pearsall, of Trenton, was iu the city yesterday. Miss Mariana Cobb has returned borne from her recent trip to Boston and Cambridge, Mass. Mrs. ILM. Dewey went down to Wilmington yesterday af teruoon to visit her daughter Mrs. J, C. Slo- oumb and to attend the Sam Jones meetings, ' . - Capt 8. M. Denmark, o the At lantic Uoast Une. now naving " heidanartera in Tarboro. was iu the city yesterday, and hia many friends Here were iaq y w nju Mr. Jos, Semon, advance agent of oWajtbhara & Arlinirtou'l WW United Monster Show,' that is to pe TMdav of next week, is in the city to wbul the town." Masters Joe Street and Frank Hy men went up to Raleigh yesterday to enter aa , studenu ac (me a. College: Th Abgus wishes them much progress in tneir siuaies. v p n. Arnold, the popular minister O fTbeniscopal",faftK'who crave ao anccessfal a missiap here Mka atro. will Tit Qur pity again to-daji anrt will preach in St. Stephen's churou to nieht. The pn lio will be welcome and are cordially inyited, for this year but for the greater struggle of 1892 when G rover Cleveland (great cheers) or some other good man becomes the Demo cratic catdidate for President. He alluded to the increase in the value of State bonds, which in February, is no particular objection to sectious eight and nine from any quarter. The bone of contention is in sec tion 7, which extends for two years the terms of all country offloers whoit official lives expire January 1st; 1893. There are about two 1889. were at 9 for the 4 per cents, thousand aspirants for office in this and are now 100, a gain of eight per State, whose hopes will be blighted cent in leu than two years. The by r this provision, and they penitentiary is now self-sustaining, seem to haye friends in the and to-dav a net balance of 135,000 Convention. The remainder of the is shown iu the statement ox M franchise report was adopted. (Jon earninrs since March, 1889. This Aiding factious. of the Committee does not include the value of the I on Education have harmonised dif- prodnctsof the rich farms on the ferenots end agreed upon an unani uoanoxe. And every oeot incurred mous compromise report. ii; 1 l i! I , dv me pemtenuarv uu own uu hard to beat, stare. guished. Every department of the j High Bonool. government is conducted within the appj opriation. II? urged action by oo jg men, c itbu-'aam and energy. ?he news wl Six caea in is enoour- a r. j i WWf m 3 agin?, ltteus tnac w. i. urawiora and Baldy Williams will be elected to Congress and that there win oe a solid Democratic delegation in uon gress, save as to the Second district lie urged nnity in action and a broad patriotism. In conclusion he bade the visitors a warm welcom to Raleigh, and took occasion to pay the Dersonnel of the convention a high oompliment Ue closed amid great applause and then President Carr introduced Mr. R'chard N. Hackett of Wilkes, to reply to the Governor's admirable speech of welcome. Mr. Hackett an earnest young Democrat, spoke The Mount Olive Iliah Schoel is a high grade institution for the education of both texee. iu teacher ao tnorouen wo k. fetation oommencee September 1, 18U0. $00 to 90 psr aeuion will pay all expen ses. WrHe to Edward K. Britton, 1'rlncl- pel, Mount Olive, N. O. dur $1.60 and $3.00 shoos for Ladies are at the .New York Bergun Ward the Barber guarantees setlsfao. tloa, in hair catting and shaving. Our Line of Hambenri, Flouncing! and V bite Ooocls are immense, O ive us a call. Try J. R Oriffln's Navy Five Cigars. TOMt Uaa-ea. If rou have not tried Mies Aun Tolor's Yeast Cakes, 10 cents a dozen, you should do so at onoe. and you will, use no other. well, and in the name of the con ven- Always fresh at the store of Mr. C. G. i- k. n.n.n,n. ii-J Perkins, oyo can secure them from MIbi ina tne nearneas euoru 01 vn in vention to secure Demooratio snoceas and auprewaey. He spok of the - . . ; i supreme necessity 01 xeepng true liemocrau at tne neim. ue auuqeo to Vance, and this brought out great canon applause. W A . Mr. farr namea aa temporary fthairman Mr. 0. B, AlOOOk, Ol Wavne. who was oouductea to the . If T U.. n Tnn. tne pnair oy mess,-, utoouuo iela IL M. Worth and Jerome Dowd . . i i a it. Mr. Avoock returned tnanaa xor tne bonor. and said that it was to the vnnnir men that we must look - for afttioo. He feared that the Demo Art) Miss Caddie Fulghm is now prer&red to open a class ia the different branches of Ohiaa painting. Orders from a distance solicited. Terms mads known on appti- s bar 10 cent Half Hose at the New York Baffleta Btore, fs - Raoket Utore. Umbrellas at the 'cents to $1.73. Racket Btore irom 47 TVOoee, Kerr's Spool Cotton only 4 cents at the New York Bargain Btore. crata were not this year prepared for Racket, to DaaH fail to see the new dress good st the nacm ovore. We Aie Affenti For the Hanan & Son "fine Men's shoes. Give us a look. FUCHTLER A KKRN. i tha'detrncti4a cf the Enterprise amVcr Cprpny's r';st The fire originated about tie dry lilns, but was promptly extlnniuhed be fore any damage was done. 1 Thi Eepullicani cf this Congress- aaw- YeiscrdaTJ nominated one J a Sherlock, a negro, of Fayetteville, to run aiupt the Hon. B. F. Grady. Ttat ia lait like the white Hidicals: lj Ureter they find a bopelea case J tHE DEMQCRATIO CliU W. QovertHTfYwlaad Otfrefe k . latetMlal an tka WllailDtrtoa Ralxioh, N. Cn Sept 24-Dele- gates to the cute conyenuon o Democrauo ciuds, came m m wuu erable numbers last -night anoTearly this' morning, though the attendanoe is not aa Urge as was. expected.' But there was plenty of entnuiasm. xne delegate talked wtfU uacn otner reely and - macn gooo, , wamono u tWiwar. At noon we conTenuon met at Metropolitsa Hall, and it was a pleasure to see that many ; well known Democrats, both youn and ra seated. Senator Vance came ixT on an- early train. He got man a riaartv handshake. - ine en J. . ', 1- L . .nJ ll. fhmium tot mm is Ercata w will be given 'an ovation' to-morrow, - Preaident Julian 8. Carr wu apr .1.. u ti mad his war to the stage and i so were i Gorernor yowie Unit Hon onsaman ' Bunn. ' Mr. Carr called tne convenuon w wuw aaid the meeting was held alter dne consultation with the able Cnainnan r,f ha state Executive committee, Th$Tbjeot is to secure clunlty,1 He urged that a broad spirit of patriot- Um anrt a . 10VB OI tne i WiiMWim party characterise all theects of the convention-' - . -- Mr. B. a Beck with. Secretary 01 tha Democratic State ExecutiTe com- mittee, then read the call for the convention. : Pxeaident Carr tntroduoea uov , . 3 ernor Jfowie, wna pnw a nlMinreat seeing so man v of tne diitricta represented v to-day. Us said it' was eminenuy proper vnat the cNnpaign should begin hef e on this toot ; He gave a sketch of what the Democrats hare done and then ni-bceeded to denounce the Force bill and said Notth Carolina stood pre pared to resist, the enforpement of that law by every means knowiito the Constitution. He said the pre- action, and that tne party realty rested more lights iW biorA Work, earnest 'wVk, Uau absolute neoetvty. The RepnWica,n party il torn to, pieces, lnt let H not no ror gotfcn Uar U can in furty-elght hours unite. The negroes begin voting at 18 and vote two years after Raoket Store they am dead, lie said ne was a New goods arriving daily at Democrat because he waa a white Dwr man. The idea of voting for "cleyer'M-. r Of AM Reoublicana waa a farce, U they are CKlvej. iei tei sum. Rpnnbl can party. V tney are yaieq - s ' r A w . nntofoffiria thev will then become nAtnnArate. - f Lstugntert. Mr. AT cook'e etirnng apeeoh was wen re- TJenteuant Governor lloit tnen spoke and a committee was appointed . n If A. .u1. to invite senator vauce j eica. Duncan E. Mclyer, of Moore, waa msde permanent chairman anq Robert Haydn, of Ca,ria.ttei eere iarr. iDeeches were made by Mclver, A n Jonfts and E. W. Pou. The resolutions presented ty T Smith, chairman of tne com mlttee on re 1upoqs were aaop I n'li. h ii ii im tmif a. IMA rll mm J m-,.mm, n . 1 1.1 cmk..m mi vramajaaaBam aaaaa-aa) sat UM aBaaraaaaaraakaL aaaaaaakaaa 32 LOST. CHECK, NO.XUM, 18H0KD TO S Uoorra W. Lane or lloaror, by I. 8. O. BAUU for tXfi.il. OQ Dank of New lUnorer. All parsons sr. hereby wame4 n-it to trade fur sama. SEED RYE. JHAVB HO BUSH RL8 OK SBRD HYK. bioolleot qnallly, fur sale. A pply to JOHN O KANT. Svpt-AMaw IU Bbloe,N. C. FOR RENT. rpHl UPPBB FLOORS 3 of the MeaaeniDr BulldlDff. on Weat Centre treat, Apply to Sept.KMf. JOB. KOBBNTHAL. Mr. J. C. Honderaon, Gen eral Maruurer Chattanouira Houtbern E. R, Co. tays bo doea aot believe thrra I. a oaaaof HhoumitUra that Mr. Joa Paraoj's Uaraedjr will not cure, and that It I the ft neat medicine for IndUrea Uon be haa aver need. FALL IS UPON OS' HOW, ND ALL AUB LATINO IN THBIB FALL STOGK OF 600DS. t am uotraoalrlocOoodalnXABLUAD LUTS but oao .all you (uoda at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. I aw not advertlalnt BAPOIN8, but adfertiee OIK) 1X4. Call and eiamlue my stock of TOBACCO!' TOBACCOl, : CANDIES! .CANDIES! -CAKES! CRACKER8! ETC--CAKE8! CRACKERS! ETC- My .lock la ooinpleta Id every particular. ROYSTER'S CONFECTIONS A SPECIALTY. J CAN PCT TOU CP A HANDbOMB paukac. of the flneat CANDY In a one, two, three or Ova pound FANCY BOX. ALL. KINDS FRUIT IN SEASON. mm? WANTCT9 TBS Norton Yam Sweet Potato CAN BB FUKNISHBU AT J. D. DANIELS PAILT. AT OU CENTS PKH BU8HBL. IS YOUR PROPERTY INSURED ? books, mam iwdimls, (tc. Ih latest works In the beat novel. Blank Becks Stationer Etc. Tbo Bneat lino of Ink. In the olty for book ; keeping and veneral baalnea. WHOLBBALI TFOK Fire Insurance Agency. leon a isumm & CO.,' GOLDS DO BO,' N- O. Wo aolluit raur In.urance. Wa have ai tha lUkptf aoa uompaniea ana .erne ram a. oiner iW-Mill-ynl, Hju. u. iMifffiM nl.iiintf vour Itl.ur.ntia. IfenU fkipl a-dwu. tost Moelved a beanUIkl line of fcassoM l the Raoket Ktore 1 1 v Lawn Tenhla Just recel red, a large line of Men and Boys Lawn Tennis Shoes. Giro as s call. Have four hair cat at Ward the Barber's I On Ioe, Rich Jersey Milk. be supplied. U. -r MRS. A tew families can P. 0. FREEMAN. Just Reoevrad A beiutifiil line of Chillies and Olng hams at FUCHTLER A KERN 8. ted nnai 'mc ly the be Linsr tnac - . a a present organ-zation of. cinos mada nermanent and that it be tended to every neighborhood 10 tne Raoket Store. If you want good goods for a little money go to the Rtcket btore. ex- Tha rii-at SUo. Perhaps von are ran down. caaH eat can't sleop, can't think. canH do any tiling SUtej pledging the services of joang J0 y0tt ih0ttid heod warning, men to the JJemOCrsuo panj aau w i you are UKingue nm nep into nerroas rHn(T mmnntTirrostration. ion neea a nerre ionio &17 h ifi L Mentions UKlectric Bitters yon will And the represenUtiTea n the oooventions remedv for mtorlng your nervous and nreinz the bUte Executive com- ITltom t0 iu normal, heatthv eondluoa. mlttee to provide for the same, ex- Surprising restvu fcJkw the use of this : v aanirofinnn 1.1 piuswaiui, A vuiu imju a.m..bmtv. w gwu iuki.6v-v-. r - . ana tne wver ana ajaneys resame tiarv which resulted in the saving of healthy action. Try a bottle. Price 60e CROSSCUT CIGARETTES SoIIuIUok a share of your p. Iron. ye, 1 am VOURB TBULT. Ji II. GRIFEIN. Corner ander Hotel U ragory, Ooldaboro, N.O THE QUESTION AKSWEM rpUE QUESTION ASKED BY the people is, why is Ed. L. Ed- maodson doing so much bnsinoa. The answer is, because he ia STRICTLY BUSINESS. He bought goods before the rise, he discounts his bills, and only charges his customers what others Ear oj buying on long time; and uvs in large quantities, and.re tails at . WHOLESALE PRI0ES And buys only Good Goods, jrnar anteeing entire SATISFACTION or money refunded. lie has now in stock, not to arrive, the largest and most select stock of MILLER & SHANNON. 0AUC0- 0ME8TI DRE8S Goods, Pant goods, Ginghams, Tickings, Oil cloths, Uorsots, bhirts, Drawers, Socks, Stockings, Hand kerchiefs, Suspenders, lists, Caps, Boots, Shoes Clothing, Etc. Crock ery and Glassware, Snuff, Cigars, Cigarette, and lots of other goods too numerous to mention. ie sure to call at the store of ED. L. liDMUWDSON. atore, Wal- IF TMBHB 18NVONB ABT1CLB WHICHl ADDS TO THE OOMPOHT AND COM PLETENESS OF A LADY'S UU GEN TLEMAN'S TOILBT, IT IB A GOOD AND HHAPELT TOOTH BRUSH. WB HAVB NOW THB LARGEST AND MOST UNIQUE LINE SVBH D1S PLATBD 1N,OOLDSBORO. When yoa pnrohaaa a brush, don't neglect I buying a ootue at our Violet Orris Toi Wasl. Than your denUl toilet will be oomplete I Racket Btore. ' Thev are bnsy opening Racket Btore. milliner) tne A Big" Bargain. Fuchtler 4 Kent are selling Summer soita at $8 SO. 8ummer coaU at 23 cents, Qlva as a call. Keokrwear. The finest line of Neckwear Jut received FU HTLKKdt A&Jtn o. over 4100,000 annually; denouncing the Federal election uu ana tne mc Kinlsv tariff billr nrring all Dem- ocraU to stick to their party and to disregard side issues; . nrging the neeeaaitv Ol eiecanz a democrauo at J. H. Hill A Bon's Drug Store. Booklen Arnloa BalT. Tata Best Salt la tha world for Cuts, Bores, Trlter, Chapw Bada, Chilblains, Kidney and Uver trocble,' Happy Eooalers. Wm. Tlmmons, Postmaster of Ida villa, Ind.. writes: "Electric Bitters haa done mar far ma than all ouier meaicines com- binatLfbr that bad feeling arising from Opposite liilPe Drug nut street. JohaLeslie, SeDtemlr Zi. For full partku- Lerislatnre which will redistrict thetivijWes iPilea,or no pay requiredTlt State properly; , enaori awnatur Vanee a,nq fm&fy Tnnj5 nl,.f elecuflo. c. - ... Corns, and all BkmEfUPtiona, and pusi- farmer and stookman, of sama place, says : Is nana teed ta aive perfect satiafactioa, or money rarunded, Prtoe W oeata par uu, sM by J. n. mu a eoa. atlAsissrrpL HFlaf ElecUio Bitters to be the best Kid-1 te liter medicine, made me leal um a naw man. j. tt. uaraaer, mrawm merchant, uma town, says : EJectric Bit- tor. I. 1 tut tha thin for a man who is all ma down and don't care whether be lives or dies; be found new atrengtn, gooa ap- Axt Leaaona. Winter term beginning Photographs enlarged. lars apply to MlOSAkAlA UAJulAn AI Studio, corner of Chestnat and James streets. oept Tha CoBsUtatlonal Ooaveaiioa aad IU nor a. - EleotrioltjlnaBottlelanoHumbtyr T bought a bottle or Wests Eloctnc uuns I ZT'a .,. ,. i.v. ail a naw lease !w.? P" "li, Di 1 oa life. Only W a bottle, at J. H Hill all that it is represented lo be, and I aXT't Dm Store hearUlr recommend It to the pnblio ren-1 '" w a raa a Raoket Store. Collars, cvJfs and Racket Store. handkercbienv at tae A Qraat BanrsOn, Ladies Vests at 10 cents eaahat 1UCHTLXR KERJT8. erall; paration here .to-dayj was not only ' Jacksox. September 2L It was discovered to-day that there is such Racket etara. powerful opposition to sections, eeyi 1 uen, Aau and caps en, eight and nin.e ct tha report ox , the Committee on tTancnise rrga lating elections of officers, that by unanimous consent these ' sections were recommitted, to be made the subject of a separate report. There T. . A. 1. UKALI I , Clerk Superior Court Wayae County, Qlorlsb Silk UmlMrallaa, A few left at the New York Bargain Store. at the Racket Store A Fins Lot of Oranfes, Bananas and Cbiaqnepios lost arrived at the Popular Grocery aad Fruit Establishment of J. D. Daniels. North- era Appier; Raisins and Nsw Crop Nats oa the roan. - Raoket Btore. Hosiery, glcrres and tidies at Store. the Racket Racket Store, A full line of shoes Just .opened at tha Racket Store. Tney were bought before aoee advaaced, therefore we can eed cheaper than ever. " At Tha N. T. B. S -TT.e boat 30 cent Corset in Ooldsboro. Pineapple Qem. The latest and finest drink of the season Sep t , Try tt at Roblnsoa Bros. DrBgJBtura , Get your shavlnf done at "Ward tha Barbers.' . Y