tlvS.i WITH ERIN UTO 1 1 The Daily Akqus, XdTtoa) to Mothers. kfra. WbMlow Sontklna Imi ehaaU al NEW STORE! ways be aaed whe ehildrra are out Una teeth. It raUarat tba UlUe sufferer at oaoe 1 1 aro dueea aaturmi, ejuiet sleep by reitertac tha LrVTBRYf SALE OOLD8BORO, li. O, 8EPT, SO 1880 enira iroai aaia, ana ise luue eaaraa awaaei aa "bright at a be una. it is wry pleaaaattv taata.taootheataaablM.aofta(a the ruraa, ailaya all aala. rattevaa wind, rerulatas tha howela.analstbabaetanw a raa.adaruedlae. '- i ... J6. T "V AND. - IX DARK IAT. for shadowy teaaaea af raadaa ikyi A sober aaturaa day dawa rral ChiUHvar winds thai BMaalosalafe -Aad sob tbroucb willows as ibay swayl rhaaa. whether artaina frota teathlac or Mhar HEW DEPARTURE! HEW PRICES I E2CEAUGS:: ; J STABLES a. 1 vweatv-ae aaat a DOtUe. Tba aoaibre shadows lotarlaea Belpw brawa Urabf of arohlaff traaa, Ball hlddea, lies earth's sera aaeaadraa Ltn&oa Hot Drop. foroooirbaaad aoMa,taka Leasoa Hot Drops Far sors throat aad broaeeJUe, taha los Bot Drops. for BueaaMWla aad lamnttl twa I um -... . . .- Caneer of the Nose.- aaoeaia a aaowar 01 aoaUarad leai aaara apHarad aa avraaaav aaat CALL AITD EH CT .4 aa4 at baiaad atatt of it, 1 aaaaa alarat aa; aaa ejaMlMdaiynbTaleiaa. Iltatraati- ii7 Mm maj tmantw aaa f W2W."J1"' ' abaaaalt- , , , Wmtm kaaaaaaiaa - A. WE sre now ready for our FALL TRADE. We hsre msde great - hMiuralinn. rt A.. tn T AftrtFST RTTSTrJVRa tkti'P.II A wWpaW .a4 tank. ia Ua fofsll Uroat aad lane diseases, taa Laaaoa -Jfw" awa.aMa.aB Hlfwwtaj aralM Wnp I Vin-ni Whl ta ramlahed bopea of years wow wjIdT -l Uka ruasat leaves drift o'er their oaK Carina btrwaoait iunMl)iraiaaai mm . ataat atar aa faoa, and Uiaaara fjaw lartar aad vara ta aarr wif.aatU I had oaelod. ' ad anal I araa ta aia trnak itm mtmM. I u IIV f " 1WM B wV IMV aAtUwWa aVVWSttaahW M W 4 a1 Winter thsn we have done heretefore. We hsTeboosht the LARGEST Walnut street Westof Bent of Saw Hsntrre uaMsooro, juv . aaraada4tatakft.B. S aad a raw boOlaa , aawad aaa. Thai waa aftaf ali ifea daaaara aa4 L. a elfsant sd! rail bis praparatina. I BuM by druniala. M oaaU Mr boUla. Frw and MOST DESIRABLE. STOCK OF GOODS which has ever been iMpadayT or aw aany, ay y. ANaaia. Oa. brought to uoldsboro or any other city in tho State, and we propose to HEW STOCK ! a i m t a a HENRY & LI. LvEEE our aei wiia aaa at as Mrs or aver! AaiArUw Wtlf. sell their lower than eer. Wo have adopted the J. I. D1CKIIIS0N, war aaruauaa aaa lauaa. laaraaacaa) . lataimal taa - . ' MW.M.T. MABW. 1 Waodhary, Hail Camary.TaiAA f Traatlat aa Cinnr-r maOad fraa. WTeJ'ariyCO,AUaa,firh: I fROH FUM. BAGGING: BAGGING CLOTH . HI ', w AND v ri -AND ; : FULL CREAM OH EE8 ThT SOU OOtioQ M OOMMlWtOB SDd lUMUtM HIGREST MARKET PRIBEL TLOCR MBAT. MtAT.alOLA8ES.8tTQAB P. Coffee, Tobeooo, Ljra. Potash. Kerosene ott and thVbeet UkJisSaad RLACE TEA la . . X : . ! uaMsooro ,. . .. KOI -SI s jniOIHT viffl - - ' ..- .. 4 Aod other articles to hirmi to Mntka In (took all the Um. Ask for paloes before buying iwtint .. - . ,., . 7 IAT. . Off AtWT V M - '" . .CIUUCIKO, '",. DUioirit. . Ail f rpi I la Ai) MylM " AT MOOCrtATE PRICES" 4rgM Job Office, i ; ; j v ' . Ji Oddtboro. N - 4 Cm hi HOriM MaiW m(ii .. . . . . . a -t 4 u. l. uuuuunu C3-GMOE eiiVSSii rt Calf aai Xtwl Wiwrf Otala. "V . .Ma tlvW ".tTt' ' txM mm f-nrWr rw) is bitlon4 Md t rrot lnwrnMium Bk tllffl MHrtboMMkltittimnrtoM. " TSiar shiodVfiWtV Km HOOD y DRITT. WATCH ivoniiG, ' . '. , ." - , mi'lnoea,ftowa,ontrotat : . ara aerbr ooUflwJ that waara fully vrmm to f urn ik a. thn. aoofury oonnrctlon wit tM cita ataioa and aaa aupply prwapur STATIC!! 'IT !.!t3TlL!II3 'w ! T imw a"- f'nnsWnt caateriaJ a u.J :tn' . ir, at uoo.Ua tjurtav . ,7) .! aUesUoa order hould ba atwxl al wiue. - .., . W i -V. . ' wrt 1 - rOBIAXIBT s(." ootMMao . o Ouilding Hateriali 8A8n, BLINDS & DOORS, Bulldero Hardware, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, WHITE LEAD AND OH Hotwe and Carrig pAint ETiLtTim;:' jit easbwa&s. Varaona who expect to' hoUd naw luiaii or raaair aid oaaa. will And It la thir latanat an oaU oa ua befora Doraa4ctrac tbalr plana. SMITH & YELVERTON. Sam Gotion& Son, CITY M ARKET. Tlw Tejemi f lit Trtde ii GMtti. U " 'aaxaaajaBBaajajaa " TheylatUJ bol l " tbalr owa aad MpPr Uw BEE?, HUTTOH Al M XIT THB BT-rVITHJ, Tbalr ahipolna ordara alofva to other towns aaora tbaa doabia tba combined retail trada of tbalr euao pernors, while tbalr eit trada Is aiaipij laaaaaaaav . 4. . ... . - - -Tl 8EXD TOTJB OROKBS TO SAM COHEN & SON. TJadeY Oraaory Houae and st CU7 Ball. NOTHING SUCCEEDS auooEgs, is tha ;qoet -arct".derfl . )iaf ueyet fUa U any iDttajAca, bo : mattej irrist the disetae, from LEPK08Y to th slm pJest disease known to the human system. The scientific men of to-d7 claim and prors that erery disease Is CAUSED BY MIOROBES, AJtD BiBiirs inCEOBI- SxtennlsAtea the Microbes And dnyes them out of the lystem, and wW that is done 70a cannot hare in ache or pain. No nutter, what the disease, whether a simple esse of Malaria Ferer or a combi nation of diseases, we core them all at the tame lime, aa we treat all diseases cons tutioaallj. --. v " '. . , BronoAltu, Bnenmftuam, Kianey vnd ZATeX. DImam, Chill etn4 rtrreroinla Troubleaj, la an Its forms, utd, In faoty rery DLa e&M known to tha Eumu Syav torn." ; . .-1 in Bee that our Trade-Mafic (same u abore i"r pears on each jag. -' r ' ' Fend for book "History of tM Kicrobe Fr'"f," giren away by. ' S lltlLER GHANnOw, OOX.Tgll30ItO -' IT CT-- OA.TA.TmTT OA1TT E3 COTZP ' - ' 1 wrtl W0A1. APPLTCTIOX, as tay oanacit reach tba sat af tee dtaeeee. Catarrh Is a blood as eonaututloaal dtaeaaa, aad la order to cure It you bare to take Internal remedies, ii. 11 rtrrh Core la takea ioternallr. aad directly on the blood and uucua surface. Hairs uatarra vureejeo iiwi bwtoim. it waa preecriDea oy "waw we oe (it,iciib a this country for years, and to a rrruiar pre- arlptloa. It Is ooixpoaea or me beat vokw bow a, corntwnea wive we wwnrouu purm-T, Mine direct It ob tbe mucus turfaoa. Tba perfect oombl nation of tba two InrrediaBts Is whatproHiori'i'''iwoorterfal reeults taear f f,,rT. rit)il T'T Kuhhiuihii HTOt . J. I hS IY A CO- Toiodo, Who. Bold fcf a? ' ay V . - ', : . " "4 V ' '. 1 :.lE!iidtitl:ii! VtM STian aioTr lUff 8a jl a s J aaalaeWt.. v J Merchant MWa mnit rt op new bargain adTertlaemeni for to morrow. What shall we tr jT Partne "Bappoating we sdrertise that we actual! make a profit on oar goods. That will be some thing new." America Va ' UXrsi BfllltoWl would lie i to look st some yalixes." Dealer "At about what price!" Mrs. Bul lion "Something st about $3." Dealer "We hsve no Tslises lees thsn $10, bat I can show yon some aery decent rases for $5," Am er ics. She pining for plesisnt worda M0ht George, I cannot nnderstand it Why yon ls?ish this wealth of loyo on me when there are so many girls more besntifal and more worthy than II" He "I'm blow ed if I know." Spare Moments. An. Erentfal Deal ,'gpcaklog of poker hsnda," asid yonng .Pbs can, of Tezss. MJ onoe played W a tbreeornere4 came in which one mirbeli five sees and the1 ' 6(her man a six ahooter w "And Tuuf And I. held an ioaest 8t John News. m ' - -S"ncceea st Isit. First ' attor "Did yon hear abot De Rantet Be was playing hi Kansas 1 few nights ago, and the house fell upon him." -Second actor "How for tnnate. That's the fint house he ever breght down. I hope it was a big one." Epoch. On thss even ae-Cl qbjtntiiIVi bate to be a dmer of one of Bbe- pajdl stages with that strap at Uched to my foot." ; Second club man Mt doesH hail U was njvn CIbmn-"No, but how awfnl U tuti W to-iafw j6nr leg polled all the time," New York Herald, -, She after marriage MYou told me that I was your first love, bat I have found 4'wtble ' trunkful of letters from all aorta of girls, just hnralinw . with . tandrrTBMa.u - ile laid you were'the "first I'erer loved. I didn't say ydn were the first enr lo?ed me." New York Herald. A half "doreir people whose names are familiar to thousands in rery exoloura up-town oale gone evenini last1 week One jot! the party was an ex-judge who Is now a member of one of the'moit pros perous law firms : in 'New York. This gentleman's eye hsppened to meet that of ODe'of UiO waiters. M0op4 eieiung JudgeJ? the,wa . uutJu wvyitwk uiejin pal giant, "how-tio you dof I didn't ace too, -1 hope ; yon art well 'V C -; '-i i :J vV , ' Qafte well. thank jon,w said the waiter lf. :c, -a . j ; "It seeW to in4 Judge," remrrk ed the diner at his side, tbAt ' yon diaplsy an-; nnusnal amount of courtesy, in greeting a waiter."-, - "Do yon think so- Wtur the judge went on reflectlrely, "I think that waiter deserves it He . client of mine, I drew a deed foi him this week for a piece of pro perty on Forty-second itreetfc for which he paid 32,000 la cashr - Wholaaaia sad Satail Deaiar la FAMILY GROCERIES, Cigars and Tobacco. COUNTRY, PRODUCE, UsfacUon duaranteed, TO ALL CTJSTOIdXRl Q-ive 2Ce b, Oali. OORMBK H1T AW MABABT STBKBTB. if. Illffi EtC. -:o:- 0V BBSrLOrjR. BOUGHT BSFOBB 0JJ TUMaUSB. O PT BBS BRIOBT, FAT SSPTSMBKB TIBBCBS LABD,:PUBB HOdl f JQ TUBSMIOBrBBSH BUTT IB, fjg OASS BAKIIfOfpoWDBRS. ' Qfa BBL8 8DOAB. 200 BACK8?ALT- JJ BBLS PUBI APPLB TIN BOAS JQ BBIATPUBB APPLB CIDBB. tiff 0A8B8 WILLIAMS CBLBBBAT A) BDIBK4 Q OBOSSpfATCHKS. gQJBOXBSSBOAP. , a i .o; HEW CROP RICE. FULL LINE OF FANCY GROCERIES ! 'TOU GET lion dial Oil of a-Dir THAN ELSEWHERE. couiBWi&iTrrBKARDcaxsTSw 4 Gottoh SediP ' t . BB1B0 TOCB 00TTOM SXBB TOTflC G0LBSE0E0" OIL.-. IHLLS1 ' i .'''' : , : -.. '. ' ' ', ' WI FAT TH1 - , , HKsi'.vcisnv:piicEi In all of our Departments. This System has given such universal sat isfaction, that our trade will be pleased to know that they can buy roods- at the LOWEST BOTTOM PRICES, without jewing down, and they will receive lull yalue for their money iu every instance. All our gooda an marked down at tho LOWEST SELLING - PRICE - FOR - CASH, And a child can buy Goods at our Stores, just as well and aa reasonable as the teat judge of goods. We will not deviate from this SY8TEM, We have just completed our NEW IRON FRONT STORE, 25x100. which we thill use for our DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, And this will enable ua to keep s clsss of gooda which we have not been able to keep before for lack of room. All our DEPARTMENTS are now separate and distinct, yet adjoining each other by Arch ways, and our Customers csn get sll their wsnts supplied without leavinar the stores. We have a corps ot polite and attentive Clerks in each Denartment. who will take you our NEW, LARGE and ELEGANT ASSORTMENT of GOODS OUR CLOTHING and GENTS FINISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT Occupies a space 30x100 end we shell keep the best stock of CLOT 11- 1NU and UJNTB UUrusillIHU UUUL3 ever oneroa in uis market. We also make suits or stogie garments to order on short notice. This Department will be in charge of Messrs. W. T. Hol lowkll, Sol Einstein, J. Goiin and 0. J, Gbibwuld. OUR DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT Occupies s space of 25x100, and you can flod in this Department all and everjthing needed for Ladles Wear, Dross Goods, Notioni, Em broidery, Table and Bed Linen, Blankets, Carpets, Rugs and Oil Cloth. This Department will be in charge of Messrs. Job Rosenthal, A. R. Spies and Misses Annik Bailee, Lizzie MoDoKALr( and Mabt Gxiswoli . OUR SHOE 'DEPARTMENT Occupies s space of 25x100 and is well stocked with the host quality and best make ofSHOES for Ladles' Men's, Boys', Misses snd childrens wesr. Erery psir ot Shoes Gusrsnteed- This Department will be in charge of Messrs. J. H. Wioob, Emmett Powell, Hebman Ries and Abe Cobkb. Our Grocery Department av Will be in charge of Ma. R. G. Powell, Jwho will strictly attend to the wants of the Trsde. : OUR .- WHOLESALE - DEPARTMENT Occupies a apace ot 80x100, and rm . a T a stocB ot goods comprising urj uooas, onoos, lionoas, xxaus, uusur- naaaa1 Kw anw W rinliaal a Hrtnafl. and wfl shall make it BO oblOCt for Deslers tq buy their goods from us. We guarantee our Prices to be as low as similsr Goodssn be purchssed in Northerra markets. We hsve adopted the LAMSEN:-: CASH :-: SYSTEM In our stores and the Cash Stand will OUR OFFICE FOR TRANSACTION OF ANY BUolNEoo ttk ka Vtrrn will Ka aa hfffflf ftf.m in tllfl Olothillff DcDSTtment. and Mb. Jfuvrcs BLoenMs, who has always revly in bis Lmeoi uuiy. 3rvd-.Ee. TOTTTT SL POWELL , la our COTTON BUYER, and he will give the Highest Market Prioe for tha staple and we shsll do all we can to make Goldsboro the Beit COTTON MARKET IN THE STATE. nn BTORPH A Hk a PRIDE " and wo hope to get a fair share of your Patronage, which we shall try to merit by Fair, Square and Honest Dealing, and oar motto is, as It always hs been, FULL .V VALUE .-. FOR JOUR V MONEY: AND NONE BUT THE BEST OF FOR HM.K. "Vo3?3r IRespeolAfrLllr, EE.. WHIL pleasure in waiting on you and ahow merchant and large buyers will find y-1 Ot Tkf .a. TT - A- .ataaaav- beinchsrgo of Mies Eliza Evans. chsro of the Books, will bo found TO AN I UlTr UKUUUnil GOODS WILL BE OFFERED & BE0i3.