- . . -i j war ':rVir'AL t THK BUST alEDlUat , T Baaci Ha Clrclt KOH ADVKHTlSEIttV . "This Amus o'er the people' rights Dota aa eternal vigil keep- No soothing tniu'of Mali's Cab lall it hundred eyes to sleep." VOL.X11. , a . SrMi IGOLDSBORO. N. C. WE DKESDAY. JANUARY 28. 1891. NO 91 tilt mil" X-iW TH (tfm 11 'Ihi I tri4THICOtTO,of ' we THE ARGUS I ANOwcbay. ScBscBtrrios tuif fob Wbsaxy t One copy, ona year, in advance...! 1 00 One oopr.alx months, la advance. . 50 One copy, three month.a advance 15 Srascairnoa Bits roa Dailt i One ejpy, one year. taadvaaee..,. 5-P OnecooY.ilxnKntha.lnadvsaoe.. 160 Oot codv. one month, in advance. 60 Cher en be ne better taediamof adv rtising thta through oar columns, aa - oar paper goes daily Into the hands of IU many restart, thus, keeping tem ever ra mi aded of our advertising merchnBt; and ai the chief reason fur constant adver tUlag to fo fcavetbe advertisements read as, often m possiVe the ad vantage of ad vertlaing in Tbb Dxttr Aaacs la at onoe evident, as on patrons will have their ad Tertise'nenU road afresh every day. Bates famished c application. ' ' NKW ADTBRTISEMBTT. For BeoW. r. Millar. rilood PuriBar Mra. Joa Pammlt BawWr. Xotloenf lel-W.a;0,B, BoMoaoo. Go at. LOCAL BRIEFS. Mi88 Fibabb Dewit, of Raleigh ia vititing Mr. W. F. Kornegay. The -planting of peat i$ now the go among oar local trnckera. all Thb "Old Folki Concert' ia being arranged for on an elaborate Kale. Messrs. Job ayd Gbobgb Pibby, of Princeton, were ia the city jester day. . . Miss Hattib Howabd, who baa been visiting Mitt Mt4e ' Lee, left yesterday for her home inTrboro. Wb regret to chronicle that Mrs. Joe Carrot! ia qnite tick with pneu monia at her home on William street Evcbtsoot shoald bear in mind and not fail to; yiai the tapper of the ladies of 8 1. Paul's charch td morrov: evenings t ., Thb rrEtnrr 'of Dr. W. J. Jones from New York, bringing the news oi tneir. ton Win s unproved condi tion' is very gratifying to their boat of friendiin this, community. , -I . .: ji'-i i . ; j ' OtTR v mod - friend ' Mr. Jetfcre Howell; of Fork township, thinks he baa beaten the reeord, and fa itep ping bih in cooaequenoe. He killed a two-year old porker Jaat week that upptx sue oeam av av poaoua. 't--.i!l.'i tl K". :(') -- '' ,y ' Thi hill Unni . thm CUrtral Aa. epmhty providing for t!he eatabliah ipeut of aState Normal and Indna trial' school tor girli is creating con8iaexabie aisensaion: pro and con. that ii waxlngVrm tod intereating. A.' ' ' ' IT Ii indeed cioriona that the e- farious "Force Bill" bai been azain thwarted. M'hef Eada."-' re not tqual,'jeven in the - brote ; force of numberB, to tbe inperiorlBtelligence of tbeirDeenocratio opponenu the people's championa. t . u.a i It would perhapa be well for the Board of CSoantv Com mission era at tht-f coming, monthly' meeting. ' to condition of enf ooontj jail, fiTb remedy Will anirgeat itaelf npon due inapecuonJi ine premiaea." . i x ; Now ia a good time for tome of oar pu oiw pin tea, progressive onsi nest men to come together and take atpna tar ikrtrpRtiorv lit m. , larM . to baoed warehouse in Goldihoro. Thia ia one of, Goldsboro'a greateat needs, I ' I ITT I . . auu w vau. nave iu n or oou rt it . . , . - -' - ' ' . . . v flr.n. 'RIm TTft!Uw ht w1 knowarv coJored., drircr' of the, floe ' tpan otm'uWof the! -Ooldsbnro Oil Mitia, in w bwh wiu wh mvj - ways took ao mnch pride. ' it dead. He died yesterday of pneamonU. He vat a qaiet and faithful aervant. - "rr- " t. . ; - .- - CAre4ur.WT.Dortch,' of the uoiotbofeJSiBeaT vent-to Baleigb jetterday to interview Hit Excelled cy Governor Fowle in mnrd to M- earing one of those Gathng gnnt for - u cummana nere wmco me ouie IS i TYWvtvl 4a miuim iaah t mm f Via ' U. S. OovernnMBt. Goldsboro being t ' great railroad centre, from wnicn a apeedy move could be made in any . dinpotion in rjt nf amprcrnAV. tboald have one of the gnnt' bj ail I Firrr-EiRarr rose res. The BeotloM BUI aad the Oonn Re olatkm Defeated la the ftaa . ?i tM Adoption of a afotloa So lakaay in jspyamoavaaeat mil. - j - ' Washibotobi, Jan. 26.-8eatb. The 8enate met at noon in con tinuation of the legislative day of Thursday last, the pending question being the resolution to Amend the rulea by providing a method of clos ing debate. Mr. Morgan returned the floor and continued the argument began Saturday ia opposition to the Ero posed rale, and to the Election iw bill, both' of which meaaaret he claimed, on the authority' of he New York' TinuJt, to be for advancement of Hameou's project for jre-elecfion. At 1:20 Mr. woloottl asked Mr. Morgan to yield the floor to him to that be might move to tate np tut Apportionment bill. Mr. Moriran aaid he would do to, altboagb, he vat at a very intereating point in hit speech, wbicb be truatea be voald never have the opportunity toreaumt. Mr. Wnlonfct then made that mo ti6o,'and Mr. Dolpb moved to lay it on the table. ' The rxint of order against the lat ter motion vat made oa tbe Uemo cratio tide, but the Presiding Officer (Piatt) overruled it and held that tbe motion wat U order. f The vote wm proceeded with. amid great excitement, ana. there . was mnch confusion and tone ill-feeling in relation to paira. Mr Daniel aaid that he had , been paired with Mr. 8quire, but aa he vat informod by . . V aT aT a ak the Senator from mevaoa (ult. Diew art) that the Senator from California rRtanfordl waa in favor of DrOOeed ing with buainete, he voald tranafer Mr. 8qutre'a pair to Mr. Stanford and would himself vote. Mr. Aldrich himself objected to the proposed tranafer, and insisted that there waa no authority for it Mr. Stewart admitted that he had no direct au thority to pair Mr. Stanford with a Senator in favor of tbe proposed rnle. but laid that Mr. Stanford told him before leaving tbe city for . ... a m New Yorktbat be was in zavoroi taking u1 the Apportionment bill Mr. Aldrich asserted, on the con trary, that Mr. Stanford had told bim distinctly tbat be vaa in iavor of the pending resolution, and he ( Aldrich intimated that the propoa ed transfer would be taking anfjur The controveray ' dereloped tome acrimonioua feellnr on both aidea, but the matter ail aetuea oyjar. rwr.iel eavfnv that if there vaa any doubt or ditpate about HW would let bit pair vith Mr. Squire ttand and that va the upshot of it The a ma nnAatinn also arote BS to the pain of Meetra. Sboup and Mwlr. but tbe final retoit vat mat -pairs tood aa follows: Messrs. Pierce and Rmwn: Plnmh and' Gibaon.'fetti' grev'and Paaoti Squire' and Danief, Shoup and Coiqnttt, Bauaers ana Xngallt, ChandkrV BndBlodgett, Muudv and Hearst. Ill CfiHUa auu Voorheea. Mr. SUndford tUuds at abeeut, not paired. ; . .' ' f The mult vat announced yeas Si, naya 35 ao the mouoo to lay on the table vaa re i cteo. i no, an nouncement vat greeted vith ap plaate oa the Democratio tide and in ?. .i l- J v tna mime, xnia vaa reseovcu uv Mr. Edmnnda. vhoinaiated that the Chair should enforce the rn let of the Senate, and that - if there vat any repetition of the disturbances iuc gatiac tv auvum vivhmi , , . Tb following U the vote io details :Yu Meaara. Aldrich. Allen. aVk aMllnmaa akAHM Kal A I aaat VaWl Alliaon; Blair, Carey, Collom.' Davit, Dawes, Dixon, . Delphi "Edmnnda, Evarta. Farwell. Frve. Hall. Hawley. Hisonci, Hoar, alcuonuen, . so.cu.if lian. MaodtTsoa, Mitchell. Morrill, nu i- -m.i. Du..A .tmm ' R.. yer, Sherman, Spooned, StockbridA, Wamn. W liaon 01 lowa ' . -K 1 i NiTtMerra. BsrbonK Babi Ber rv. Blaekbun. Bntler. CalL Cam eron, Carlisle, Cockrell. Cuke, Euttta Faulkner, ueorge, llorman, uray, Hampton.' llarns. Jocet of; Arkan tat. Jonet of Nevada. Kernu, Mo Pheraon' i Morsran. i 4 Pavne. Jrogb. BaosoBV ' Beagao, .Sbnrailf Teller, Turpie, Vance, Vett, Walthall, Waeb . ..... . I m a. t "WWT1 burn,' Wilton , or . Atarvuna, wai cott-3$. V ii rrf A vote vaa then taken on Mr. Wai oott'a motion to take u d tbe Ad portion ment bill and it vaa carried by a like vof a veaa U xta vt : 84--tne . onl f difference being that Mr. Pettirrew'i pair vat transferred from Mr. Patco to Mr. CalL. There vat no dittinct outbreak of applause at the final iud ce&t of the movement 'asaiBiv me Electiona bill aad tbe proposed rule, but the feenhg of jubilation waa not Lit great on the Democratio aid i ir. ni.t. i. I ...k anu air, uiair jnverpupw bv muat that vbea alnaa vu down that wai the time to get up, and to nov thlt vat tbe ume to taxe np ana pass me Edneation 1ill. rCafl of "order" from the Democratio aide. aaaa. . m, . a a Tbe retoiutaon for. me ameoameuv of the rule having been thua die Mvd and relearated to the calendar (M-tbe Elections bill bad previously been) the Senate proceeded to conaid eration of the Apportionment bilL i Featala Normal School. At noon on Monday the House of Representatives of the Legislature took up the bill to estabhah a for mal and Industrial achool for. White girla. Great iatereat vai felt in this meatnre, and thegalleriea vw entirely filled with ladiea. The bill provides that tbe achool shall be lo cated at tome point which may make a tatariplion. Mr. Gilmer, chairman of tbe com m it tee on Education, aaid Jbat com mittee had made a unanimoua report lu favor of tbe bill. He then p'O omm) to trAt the billand lU Mpita. anl called nnon the members to tnnnort the meaanrfc He felt ture every member was in favor, of a movement along tne line ox puouc edneation. No man who waa not in faror it anrh an advance eoold .bave come to thlt aeealOn' of Legislature. Mr. Henryu)ppoed the bill, Bay ing he did not think it met the de- manda of tbe actuation, jie aesireu to know whv the University should not be thrown open to tbe girls. He said the bill waa an outrage upon tbe women, because it requirea mow who atndied at the school to repav the Sute for their tnition.by teach . . ... a a If . . 1 log in tbe puWio tcbooir. u uok ODtbe present school system which costs $718,000 annually, of which $650,000 goes to teacpert, ana ine remainder to officers, lie aaia to if bill provided for giving away U,- 000 of the people'! money. The bill, he tbongbt, wat. prepared io creaw some fat offices. He coma no InstifiA ion for tblS Dill. lie attacktd tbe University and aaid the. ncn people ana nos vue ywi g benefits of its. The refcalt as re- irarda thia af hnol would be the tame at at Chapel nil I. x n , v niyerany ith 1fifl atndenta. costs tbe State $20,000 a year. He thought ' three- fourtbt Of tbe acnoianmpt mere ahonld be riven to females, and tbe .. . - .. . latter ibOuld not be requirea to pay by teaching for their tuition, om put npon the tame footing aa the von A ir men. He aaid if aacheol of thia character waa established for the white, one mutt, under tbe oousti- tntion. be. established for tbe ne- O - m anr ! A Mr Bryan, of. wayne, ,aaw p ien a deep interest in tbit measure. He aa. d th relation of me teacoers w the Stata wat different from that of othtr professions. , , To the woron. who, make . tne oesi leacoers, mt State" looka for the gre t -majority of its instructors. Such an institution at it proposed will prove a godoend to the, poor girli of North Carolina. H waa . sore the Odor . People of North 'Carolina would .appland hia action in supporting this wu, whloh will eneonraet : thb poor girls of the Bute.' "He thanked God tbat hia people vera not a niggardly peo ple and vould rejoice in a bill which opeht the doort to tbe yon ng women. nr. Diinurr iwh wwuiij '-r port of the bill at of great moment and intereet to tbe whole people of the State. He bud in this measure tbe-kwtereat at a father magnified into a liXfrW 'No 1 man knowt what J a1 d.xayWigioT njlwhfn :U may need . a helping, band. n ... .... i 1 1 wanted tbe iignt oi eoocauon wnwp noon the arirlaat it la upon the boya Tf. hii.'nba1itv. and Tuatioe for all the neopfe of North Carolina. if r Bay allowed Mr.lunner and spokH bitterly aainn toe mil tabting" eaiecy vamwecxion uvswn requirea women taught at tbe a hools to become pnbllo acbool teachers. Ht opposed the entire' bill, however, even if tbit proviao waa eliminated. t If trtnn mada a canital sneech in adVocacy 9? tb biUsying it wat dae to tbe-woroen-vx ice ow ma ihit provision thoold be made. Pe titiona for this tchool had come, from thonaanda of women. - . - Meurs. Peeblea and rntcnara baa quite a tharp tpat ia regard to tht bill, and at the end of this (be Hoaae adojurned leaving tbe bill at nnfln iahed buainett. The deUte wat to be returned yesterday. The bill , will probably pan by a' good ' majority, ft . n. . i. A.MAaf Buoklan a-Ardoa St4ra.4 r--. u Tbb irxaf oALTia thewotw Por cow, Braisea. oorea, u wart. pu nunn. nw Dotes, mar, vaappaa uanua, vsuumuia, Oorna,aaa all Bala rmptkaa, and na tively euea PUsa, or ao psy required. It it) guara mean give penec aauaiacuoo, or moaar iwiaadad. Prio B6 ecau per . . r ak. O box. roe rue aw 4. xx. uiu m ooa. ..- : r. - paaotHo Bitten. . ' :ThU retaedy Ubeoomlnf so well known aaH so popular aa o need no sppo al nien tioa. AOi who hat ed EieotrU Bitters Bin the .same aongof praiae A' purer madto nedoes a t exist and it is t uaran tred to-il all that la Claimed. KlttHc Bittera vful corr all dla aaoaol th Lt er and Kidneys, will remme Pimple, Holla 8alt tthenm snd other affections caused by impara blood. Will drive Malaria frran tha.avatem and fevmtu w-11 as mn all Malarial fcven. T cut f Headache. OnstpaUo. ana tnatgatuon .niraaaad. or me7 reinnnau. rnce 50 eta. and 11.00 per buttle at J. Ht Hill eon's diUr stora. - -A Woader Worker. M rr&a Tlaffmaa. a toudit man if B irliatita, Oblo, Ut s that be had been under tha care oiiwo pnwmani ruy'- dans, and used their treatment nnUl be was not able to get uroana. ,ueJ P'v nonnoed his case to be onaiitnptiob and lncarable. was penoa.le4 V . try Dr. Kinff'aNtw Diaouven for uonsnmpuun, Coaahs jid Colds and at th ttiine was ' i . .u. ... ... ..,1. V. ... not kuia ao WIJK acmaa uia mviym wuu ui resting. He found w fore be haa u. a bah of a dollar bottle, that b was utn ltur haoontliiUcd tottse V and Is to-day enjoying good health. Ii yon hav ai y throat. Lnnr or Cheat Trouble try it. We guarantee aatiafaction. Tilal bottle ( W - wa. a l l a J ' . I at J. xL X1U1 KDona arun awn Ourdraa Joodi (ieportment offor an elegant variety to all thaw In t d oi anything tn that line, tju nniuaia Notice of Sale. ITnilar and bT vlrtaa oi a dr&tee oi thf Superior Conrt of Wayi" CUDty N. O, in the action oi Joie) h N. Crawtitd vx Rsbccea Btlla- ce, rendi-rad at September term 1800, 1 will stsll for cah at tbaaonrt bonaa door in tbe cm f (lotdsboro, N. O., at 19nolci m n Monday, tbe XOth daofMrch 1891. the lands described in the pleading in aid action, being a lot in me-iown oi Fremont, N. CM which waa coovejei u B. F. Mai hew by IleDecca uaiuoce iy mortgage dead of datn lit April 1887, kod recorded in tba office of the Reute- ter ot Deeds of Wayne county tn boos No. SO. page 87. W. R. O'B. R blnw, Jan. f, 1801. Commui n- r. NOTICE ! TWILL BELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION", Cm . omriit nfaix montbl. on tliC 7IU lay of "Febrwary, lWtrt " r1 court bouse door in uoiaauuro, iu iui lowing articles, bel'ingiag to tbeeatate .,f A. Knrh. denaaaed. to wit: On Holler and Kneina. one Combination Wood worker, one Variety Mnller, one Planer, two UthS, one lennoning nia hin. utiu rmt off Saw. one Sandpaper inr machine, one MortUin macblne. Obafiing, Polleys. Mta, Tin -la, etc. ' I. B. FONVIKI.LJI, J.n 18,1801. ' A'trur. FOB BENT. nME OR MORE YEARS- The brick Imildtnn rowoccupwd y M J D W Hnrtt ai a Tailoring eatat. I.M.m.n.t. Piiaaaaaina'irivrn i nX Kebrttarv. . loauWt ol Miller & 8hn- n ki or J.F. Miller. - WHJLTKJSHAD. rIai ' I YliBBEABOM. aoAawrr aar arajww bewr 'erred to the tradaof taiseltrbr J.B.PIVKB, - AthlailaU lathaOltr riahJIarkat. Jant-tf BAUBBUItT, B.U r, . Ctorm Barter i ' Invlrahlj Itaownii-Bfli , s , WBTaHNMKEM.Dy Whaa Babf was etc, wa a bar Caatoria. Waaa aha waa a ChM. aha ertod f or Caatorla. aha WaaaM Mfca, aha clung to Caatoria. aha aCMdiwa, aha fare UCaeorla Baby'a Sbott PoUabr. 9 emts or I bottles for 25, cents b,t the New York Bargain Store. nestOowFatd'' ", On the market It is composed ot rt Rnn. Ctfn. Paaa and Oat, ail mLxad and nonad together. I do ntt claim br it that every one that tr es It will like P-nothbjg Is aniveraally pop ilar hat I am aattanad lha treat majority who ate it will call a second time. For aaleonly by , B. Jf. PlUVETT, Carpets, ail kinds, mattiag, all widths. rags, ail kinds, aaa tne price m n wn at ?. :- W41L B iOi. .. . -- i j Plnaavoole Oem. , ... ,.' The latest and lihest drink oi tba season Try it at Robinson Bros. Urngjbtore, THE - CASH Surrender valno put 0(H)n a num ber of articles in my stock, has re sulted ao satisfactorily that I have decided m CQN'l'IJViUH -The tame policy for a few dsya longer. The list will bo changed or hddt-d to daily. Thia ia not imro idle talk, it moans Goods m im zfionsi Than you have becu buying them. It is certainly worth your while to all and aco what LOW PRICES we can make yon for SPOT - CASH. I. B. FONVIELLE. COU. W. CENTER & CHESTNUT. COME AND SEE OUU NEW STOCK OF Dry Co)di. Neliont, Hits, OArs. boots & shoes. CUT i'Eli.i CI iLL GOODS. l'ani goous lucis. per yu. anu up, Calico 4ct; Domestic 6ct; Bleerhing 5 cts. Stocking! 8 ota. NT C heavy n'aids 5 cts: Oiniibum 8 cts; Hata Ik . v i MK 40 eta; and up, liooti at cost; obvet, ladies 11 00. men's $100, children's 85c. and up anv uriceevuu wtuL A 11IO LOT OF NOTIONS. GROCSIS ! GR0CE1S! ; Mrtit. Flour. Lard. Fnear. Coffee. MoUtea, Best Gilt Edge 'Butter 25 . w m m V . . . and 30 eta. per id. Dest ira ou cu best pure lard 10 Ota EUREKA CUE SE 15c Mik buiscuit 10 cts, lb; pure apple Vinegar 25 eta per gal. Soap ban for 5 eta; Starch 5 cu; Coffee 20 cU. per lb. Smoking tobacco 2Q cts. per lb.; 8nnff, Cigar, etc. All tbe above gooda told, k STRICTLY FOR CASH. , fQive me a coll and we guar antee satisfaction or money re funded. ' ed; l. edmundson. TIME IS HONEY. fiO DIRECT TO LU FOR ANYTHING YOU NEED IN THE GROCERY :-: LINE, -AND THEREBY- SAVE : TIME. WHICH IS EQMALENT TO IM. Thb Place, w Should Lu M HKNIa MXBDOr I i COFFEE, SUGAR, BAKING POWDERS, SOAP, TAB, STARCH, POTASH, CANNED GOOD8, Aa, IS THE STORE OF K. H. PIPKIN, ON WALNUT ST. V. 8 It t BX.LIXQ QOODfl RIGHT DO ran To rait tba TIM WA ant hia alaea IsHBAO- qCabtbbb. Ward tbe Barber guarantees aaisiae tion. In hair catting aad shaving. Art L stone Winter vara begianlag 8eptamlr S3 Photograph! enlarged. Tor fall particu- ,PPiy XI8S KATE GALLOWAY, Studio, corner of Caeataat aad James aueete. T H-dti Art. xriu ruddu ralffham la now Dretared ti An., m. rim taOia different braackes of CWna palattag. Orders front a diataaee 'Miatea. xenns naui uwi w jtifBi ADimnSTATOR'S HOTICB HaTlna axaalMat aa Aa) atobtrlx ,ta aaata of A braai raa4. aa ua j i Say a Jaw- i mi ii , iit.i.M aaall l tatobaaa .aid .aatota, to aha taai !i!2inrJil fo aarmaafia evbefort thakX aajof Jaaaary, pliU to bar ot ih-tr raeovarr That Mta way f Jaaaarr. Pj rthai aottoewtU wa rr.rwi. t 7 HAJieTrBBi,j mm w m 111LUIU r

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