MENKEUS TALCUM Sell Tooth Brushes that dont shed bris tles. Every nish guaranteed or a new brush furnish ed if the bristles come out. Miller's Pharmacy powder eocts. Large order just received Call and get a free sam ple. ' - Miller's Pharmacy . "This Akgcb o'er the people' rights ' Doth an eternal vigil keep ; No soothing i trains of Mala'a son . Can lrll iU hundred ee to sleep". VOL. XX- r GOLDSBORO, N. C, THURSDAY. MARCH M. 1895. NO. 183. GENEHAL ASSEMBLY. Yetrdr. TrMdlas la tfea Lagilatar . Raleigh. Mar. 12. In tho Senate to-day Mitchell and Farthing were appointed a committeeloei amine the books of the State Auditor and Treas urer. . - . Bill passed third reading to al low divorce to be granted when either party to a marriage ab sents himself 6r nerself from the State for. two years, the absent ing party not to be allowed to be married again. -- ' Paddison filed protest against bill for the relief of Sheriff Ke nan, of Duplin, and Parsons filed a protest against the divorce law. Bill to furnish 50 convicts for 100 days to" work on farms cf deaf mute school, at Morganton passed. nominations for penitentiary directors were made as .follows: T E. McCaskie, J. T. B. Hoover, J. E. Bryan, H. B. Parker, H. T. Wakefieid, Meyer Hahn, John E. Cheek, Henry Dockery and R. L. Herbert -They received 29 votes. E. D. Stanford, of Yadkin, re ceived 26 , votes as State Libra rian. The tellers reported that Stanford had received in the House and Senate 74 votes on joint ballot. Lieut. Gov. Dough ton declared these were not enough votes to make an elec tion, 86 being required. Senator Rice asked if the Senate could not declare , Stanford elected. Lieut. Gov. Doughton declared it could not. . Rice asked if the constitution- prevents such a declaration. Lt. -Governor Dough ton replied it did. Rice then said: "It makes no difference about the repoftr I want the Senate to declare Stanford elect ed." Great laughter. V .1. The tellers reported" that the nominees for penitentiary direct ors had received on joint ballot 77 votes. The Lt.'-Governor de clared not enough rotes- hvd been cast to make an election, as 86 votes wore imperatively nec essary under the law governing such elections. ; . , j - - HOUSE. In the House Ray moved to dispense with the reading of the journal and on this demanded the yeas, and nays, this being for the purpose of seeing whether there was a quorum present. -There was a : dispute as to whether enough rose to demand yeas and nays and the reading of the jour nal was called for. Fifteen rose and the last vote was only 1. The clerk was so slow in finding the journal that Ray, Democrat, at tacked him and this led Speaker Walser to leave the chair and attack Ray in a bitter speech. Ray replied in a scortcher, but said that he had not reflected upon the Speaker. He denounced the latter's language. Walsgr then apologized and so did Ray. Resolution to -expunge from the journals the expulsionof Jos iah Turner was tabled. To correct the line between Alamance and Chatham was ta- The House concurred in the Senate amendments to the di vorce law bill were referred to. 6aeof the amendments provides mat i shall not appiy any case which occurs after its pas- ssurtL Stanford, nominated for. State librarian, received only 43 votes, and the above named . Fusion nominees for penitentiary trus .tppsftnlr 50. The roint was made that there was no quorum, and the speaker said that the re- port would simpiy speaic ior n self. - " ' - A resolution was adopted to raisa a committee of three to in vestis-ate matters relative to the fish commission. Tha iudiciarv committee pre sented its chairman, V. S. Lusk, with a cold-headed cane. v in borne spoke and French replied for Lusk who is sick here. Peebles introduced a resolu- , t.inn in favor of free coinage oi silver and of the repeal of law against State bonds. For this. HUeman, Populist offered a sub ctitntA in famr of issue of na' - tnral currency bv the govern - French moved to table ' the whole matter and this pre vailed. a 1 1 9 hfl House took a re AN OUTRAGEOUS ENDING." "WHOM TUB GODS WOtXO DESTROY THEY FIRST MAKE MAD." Tha FumtvnUU Inb U Hava Can ladar TbU Bam and Maat DU tha Death lrU Deodai ad Aba Mlddlatoa Theaa T and Koloni What gaaatar FowIefTTopuIUt Frant Sampaoa, Said: inherits nil of Gcaaral Intaraat. - Aug cs Bureau, -Raleigh, March 13, 1895. To-day is the last day of the legislature. , Adjournment will surely come at 8 o'clock to-night, for there is no quorum present to-day and the legislature is still in session only by consent to en roll bills. " .' - ' ' It would have -been far better for the f usionists, however, if a they had adjourned yesterday for the proceedings last night will give them the - blackest sdrt of at! eye. The action of speaker Walser was tyrannical ana un fair in the extreme and 'gave rise to sensation after sensation. Tumult reigned and the whole evening must have seemed to the legislators present like a bad dream. The minority was simp ly run over. Two of the speak' er's actions were unprecedented, one was his voting in order to make the necessary 1 number to bring about a suspension of the rules of the house. Smith ob jected to this on the ground that the speaker was ioroiaaen irom voting bv rule 8. This made no difference to Walserand he went right on, rough shod, declaring Mr. Smith out of order. Smith her.ame so ansrv that it was with difficulty that he was prev ented by friends from attacking Walser in the. chair. The other ruling was to close the doors of tno House ana noiw lei meiuuera go out or come in. As this was done -without a call from the house it was unprecedented and tyrannical in tne extreme. , - As it was. this ruling of --the chair brought about one of! the gravest and most . disgraceful scenes that has ever been wit nessed in the Legislature. A riot was narrowly averted. Abe Mid dleton, ' the negro door-keeper, in following the speakers 'in structions was standing within the hall,- holding the door with both hands. Capt. K. U. teenies, and Mr. Lee, from Haywood, at tempted to leave, the hall, but . . r V i mi were stoppea oy Aiiaaiewn. i ney resented this and.. a struggle en sued: other negroes rushed to Middleton's aid and members and spectators rushed to the der fepse of Capt. Peebles. - In- an instant there was a whirling, struggling mass of vmen about the door. Pistols were reacnea for and there would undoubtedly have been bloodshed had not the door flew open and Capt. Peebles and Mr. Lee .gotten out. .jar. struck over the eve and Capt. Peebles' arm was caught in the door ana nuri. a rioiwas mnat. fnrt.nnatelv averted, but the incident will long be remembered as & most disgraceful one a ne ro laying hands ' in violence onon a legislator. uut tuen this seems to ne . a nigger ses i " . ... sion." ' : y Thia morrrinj? the caucus nom inee for State librarian, Stan ford was elected, but his elec tion will not amount to a row of nine as there was no auorum in the House. The nine additional penitentiary directors went the same way. . The Democrats naa tne lusion ists "on the run" in the House fn.dao Kfanv" of them have cone W UUJ. ' J , home ana tnose wno remain are rv-imnietelv demoralized. In it w"ir - . . , all Kay, of Macon, Keeps as cooi as a cucumber, and tantalizes the f usionists out of existence, ai most. ' This moniin? the bill extend in or the limits of Goldsboro.which riassed last eveninff. was ratifieu. Lyast evening a telegram was read by Munroe from C. B. Ay r.ock denvinp; that he had ever mid Grant he wanted the town limits extended. . . -. Senator Fowler 6aid this morn ins". 'Tm disjrusted with this whole blamed business and am r"oin to ret out of Raleigh on the -first train, whether it . goes mv wav or not." That seems to be the feelinff of most of the fusion members. They have been on a big strain the past few weeks, for some .have tried to4 think for themselves Local politics are 'looking up. There are now no less than six avowed candidates for . , mayor. There is an inclination to take local elections out of politics. Whit&rules-for Raleigh"4s the cry of all parties. The negroes gave this town a big scare.. "What has Wake county, next to the Banner fusion county, gotten from - tho legislature," said a prominent Republican who has been in . Congress, to-day." "Otho Wilson.' lift indicted crim inal, and HaTrv-RoDerU. ft Demo crat aud confessed forger. I tell you I'm nad. . The Wake county A new feature has been decid ed upon for the Confederate monument. - It will be a star of electric lights that will hang just over the monument. Each point of the star will; be com- posotf.or a cluster ; pi electric lip-h'ts'&nd in the center "there will be a patlcularly bright clus ter. It is a pretty idea and will be a beautiful addition to a beau tiful monument. $ The trustees of tho University meet here to morrow. Mr. Harry Howell, a University student and a Goldsboro bov. came down to day to appear before the trustees in regara to .tneir action on a matter of concern to the - student body at the Legislature. Mr. R. L. Burkhead. . who proved such an efficient clerk in the treasurer's office, will give up his place on the 10th of April. lie will be succeeaea Dy wapr Martin, an old line Fired on the Flag. . New York. March 12. Tho mail steamship Allianca, which arrived at this port to-day, re ports being fired upon by a Span ish war-shin off the coast of Cuba, March 7th.. It will probably lead to international comunca t.ions..H Tbeystarvj.told .by the ship's officers is that at day-light last Friday about o.ou o ciock a. ... il l Al m., wnile - going mroua mo windward nassacre. the. Carib bean Sea to the Atlantic a ship was seen coming out irom unaer Cape Maysi, the eastern point of Cuba. The stranger laid her course with the evident object of intercepting the Allianca, and at 7 o'clock she hoisted the orange and crimson solors, which taken with ner buna ana general appearance, left no doubt in tne minds or tnose aooara iu auw nca that she was a Spanish man-of-war. No sooner were the frir- boat's colors Been at her mizzen-neak than uapt. uross man. of the Allianca ordered the Stars and Stripes to be hoist ed on the lack-staff over the taff riail and dipped three times in salute. The marine courtesy waa returned in kind by the war- shin, and the Alhanca's ensign was unbent from its halyards and stowea away. . Hardl v had this been accom plished than the Spaniard again Hisri laved his colors, ana as a mark of extra politeness Captain Crossman ordered the Alliance's flag to be run up and dipped again and then lett nymg. Again was the salute acknowledged, and then, to the utter amazement of thosa aboard the American blank : shot was fired from one of the war-vessels lor vtrtk.rH nnrt sruns ' . The shot was prODaoiy means as an invitation to tne vuianca t heave to. but- Capt. Crossman had no intention of obeying the summons, lie remarKea to sec ond officer Russell who was on dutv on the bndsre. "The fc.pan- iard seems to oe nringasnot,- ana then calmly kept to his course fionn another blank- shot was fired, which the Captain greeted by saying, "All right; teu mm to shoot." A third shot was fired, buvthis time it was 6hot in earn est. It. was a solid shot and not a harmless blank cartridge with which the crun-boat next charged her bow-port rifle, and she yawed from her course tnat tne gun might be aimed at - the Yankee merchantman. The course of Jhe 6hot could be seen where it richochetted along the water be fore finally going to the bottom, a full quarter of a mile short, of its mark. Still Captain Cross- man kept his course and waited for the gun-boat to overtake bim'ARaus. - . if it could. The' black smoke began to; pour from, the gun boat's funnels and .the water around her bow to heap up in a way that showed that her fires were being vigorously stokod and steam forced up to its big heat limit ' The gun boajl fir- cdagaiar" ten , minutes later, and still again, after another equal interval of time. But ob servation through the glass showed that she was gradually falling astern and after a chase lastinir for twentv-flve miles she gave it up and laid away on her UUUUU,v Capt, Crossman was very indig nant over the occurrence when his ship was tied up this after noon, lie said: "We were from six to eight miles off shore whon the occurrence took placo and were not in Spanish jurisdiction at all." -f The Protest Against the Douglass . j Resolution. There was quite a hubbub in the House yesterday afternoon, when Mr. Ray, of Macon, offered, on his own behalf and in behalf of those Democrats present, a protest o the action of tho House in passing Lusk's resolution con taining "a pack of lies" in regara to the adjournment in honor of Fred Douglass. The protest was couched in respectful language and was such a plain statement of facts that Mr. Gizzard French was forced to admit on tho floor that it was "technically true." -' It aroused the ire or tho Populists to a boilinjr point, be cause jt stated tho fact that tho original resolution of Crews to adjourn at 12 o'clock, in honor oi Douglass, was amended to read "when we do adjourn" on motion of Mr. Grumpier, Popu list member from Sampson. Mr. Johnson, Populist from Sampson, wanted that portion oi tne protost that referred to the motion of his colleague stricken out. He admitted that Mr, Crumplerdid make the motion to amend the Crews resolution to adjourn in honor of Dbufflass "when we do adjourn" instead of "12 o'clock," but contended that the Speaker ruled Mr. Crumplors amend ment out of order. The Speaker said that Mr. Johnson was richti The fact that Crews, of Granville, accepted the . amendment or suffcestion fit does not matter which you call It) of Mr. Crump- ler, of Sampson, ana that tno identical words used by him, in his amendment or suggestion, are used in the resolution, shows that Mr. Johnson and the Speak er are tiuibbiinsr over twceaie dee and tweedle-dum. The material point is that tljo Ponulist member offered no ob jection to adjourning in honor of Douglass he only wanted to change the hour of adjournment. In other words. Crews wanted to adjourn two hours more anxious ly to honor the miscegenationist than did - Mr. Urumpier. Thai was &U.Iialdgh News Observer. Hatteras Lijfht House. .Washington. March 12. The Light-house Board is informed that the temporary structure at Diamond Shoals. North Carolina, withstood, the recent stormy weather well, being but slightly damaged. Superintendent of Con struction Rettig, who made the examination, made soundings there and reports but littlejf any weourinsr" in the sand about the structure, confirming the opinion heretofore held that tne oottom is of sufficient firmno'ss to erect upon it a lighthouse. The plans are in an advanced stage of pre paration. Tape Henry. Va. March 12. The report that President Cleveland is suffering from a sn rained knee is false. It has nrnhnb v SDrunir irom some veia . . M i rrrnnhirt Or tvnoffraDhical error. Mr. Cleveland has been unusual ly well during his entire cruise in these waters. The v loiet is still at anchor in Pamlico sound n ear Cane Hatteras. A t an early hour thi9 mominsr Mr. Cleveland was off to tho hands, i ne weatner is now pleasant. ( If vou want a first-class family newsDaner subscribe to Tub Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report AD0!LUTEE.Y PUCE Black Goods Black Crepons: Novelty Figures, Plain Black Serges. A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF Spring Silks For Shirt Waists and Dresses At Extremely Low Prices. M,E. Castex&Co. NEW GOODS, NOBBY THOUSEUS, v ... - - NEGLIGEE NOVELTIES, Poems IN Scarfs, RIGHT STYLE IN FURNISHINGS, LATEST DEIIBYS, NOBBY ALPINES BUTTER T -KionOOn0i0oO0009 'MX . FOR OUR Aurora ' I claim a better article than haa ever been aold from any esUrn Cream-e-y, I fully understand lhat Ihla l pretty atronfir talk, but 1 can afford thia whej I know positively that I have the Gooda to back what 1 aay. My object In not to aoe bow cheap an article I can nell, but how pood and at a pn e with- in ine reacn oi iue iua, uouu ... . , packed, I have wile control of them in thU market. Try them and if you do not lind them better than any you have used then buy no more, 1 need not aay much about the Alliance. Peaches we are now offering, junt get a can of them, compare with anything else on thia market and If not found far buj erior end back for your money, I am selling goods on their merit, please renwn.ber this. This U Jut the aea.n whon a Bice apanlnh Mackerel, proirly prepared, is something yod w 11 relish for your breakfast. Codfish Ball are not bad to talce either, coule down and see what we have to offer you. The columna of The AUOU3 are too small for ns to tell you all, so come and see, LB. RON VIELaIaR WEST CENTRE STREET. Glorias, Lansdowtts and Sublimes. the latast novelty cfTot-U In ool and ulllc war p. i all-wool, from 35c to 11.00. In .18, 41. i( and 50 Inch ldthtt, at 37, 4 M and 00 ctntn. NEW GOODS -AT- Einstein GlotMno Go., G0RREGT DRtSSERS And Haberdashers N EVEIt before In the history of Uoldxltoro haa finor buttor been offwrod to thetrmlo than our K. K. and Aurora Creamery, Our K. K, Creamery, i wo aMcrt the Dnont Creamery Butter sold la this city in print, Now Listkn, to those who have not tried lt I hare thin to say; "Send and gut a pound of It and If you do not find it better than you have bought, (re member I except none.) 1 will make no charge for it, Tou van try lt on a propoaltLon like thin, you aeo I take the rlak and leave it entirely with you. Brand: cess until 8 p.m.