rPhe Jlpgiis. t.OLDSBOUO. N.C. MAR. 14. lS95.itaS PCUU5 HID BY THE ARGUS PUBLISHING CO. Joseph E. Robin-on, Editor, 1 Wtlur A. BoniU, Uuainoe Man 'en Entered at the Post Office at Gold I o.. Jf. C. as Second-Claes Matter. COT I OX I.N MEXICO. A letter from its Washington correspondent to the Atlanta Journal gives some interesting facta in reference to the" cotton situation in Mexico and in this country. The effort has been m.ulo to mislead our fanners by the bare statement that iu Mexico where the silver standard prevails cot ton brings 10) cents a poaud, while the price at present in the United States is a little over 5 ctr.ts. Nobody should be de ceived by such stuff. Cotton in Mexico sells in Mex ican tnoney.for 15 cents a pound. The entire Mexican product is only 70,000 bales. This does not begin to meet the demand in Mexico for cotton and the bulk of tho cotton used in that coun try is imported from the United States. A tariff of 3 cents per jKund in American money, or 6 cents per pound in Mexican money is charged in Mexico for the importation of ginned cot ton. This 0 cents per pound in Mexican money imposed by the tariff certainly will not be claimed, even by the sil ver monomentallists, as due to tho kind of currency used in Mexico. As the United States produces very much more cot ton than it consumes it would bo impossible to add to the value of our cotton by putting a tariff upon imports of cotton. Deduct the 6 cents laid by the tariff from the 1CJ cents paid in Mexican money for cotton in Mexico, and wo have left 10J cents. Cotton in the United States is quoted at 5.00 cents American money. The money for whLh the cotton is sold in tho United States can be carried to Mexico and it will buy 11. cents of Mexican money; so that the farmer in this country can sell his cottou for American money and go to Mexico with that money and buy as much money in Mexico as his cotton would bring in Mexico, less the tariff. This is a simple demonstration or now ridiculous the argument is that has been presented upon the question of Mexican eotton. were there long months ago. The prediction that American manufacturers, with the advan- ! tage of free wool, would have If KaI avsv? a fn T" A ?rwA In civ f months after the new tariff bill i had passed, has been more than realized. Britain is beaten on its own ground and the future is rich In progress. Out Reed in r ReeJ. Speaker Walser started in as a . 1 r : i : jiuj'jci. u.v is tiuaiug cut piwy posing as a Czar, lie is out Heed ing Tom Keed in his tyrannical And ii ni list rulincs. Tnm Rood lis a big man, and his assumption 'of power was not ridiculous. Yesterday Speaker Walser. in , announcing a vote, stated that he would call out the following; (gentlemen as present and not voting, as necessary to constitute j a quorum to-wit, Kay, of Macon, IMcClammy, Grizzard, Duffy, and omitn, oi uates. ui tnese uuny, Grizzard and Smith, of Gates. voted, and so stated. Later the fulness to all manner o( . bad and indifferent leaf, and ee the Lancaster and Connecticut filler alter this j has, a ngni io hitrh nlace , in . the esteem, of smokers. . Of course the I effec tiveness of tobacco smok6 will depend on its strength, BUCKLEN S ARNICA SALVE The Best Sal re In the World for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever. Sor.TeiterCh. p ped Hands, Chilblain, Corns, and, ail Skin Eruptiors, and positively cures Piles, or ro pay required. It is gfiar intl to fire rrfoCt satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents Tr L-.ii. i.i- t r ir:n a. c Dome, tor saie oj v iu uui o ; ovu. Seed Potatoes. T And CHOICE HpCWOX ROptl r7J I other early seed , noia toes .1 liii CHOICE SEED OATS and molasses at reduced prices. Wholes le - and. Retail ' O poer and . -0"tnmiiuB : Merchant. a... Cure,, for Consumption I i am . continually advisiner j- fawnta. find " to get it. Undoubtedly it is the la my others The Discovery Saved His Life, r , IlL.says: -To Dr. King's New Discoy- ; , llpprnnt, 'T.lMf.' Arv I fivA mw Hta. Iwutibnatfi'Mi W Jl 1 1 I I Mill II h OI I II 1 1 1 II Grippe and tried all the physicians tool tr.'X' -i 9 uu ivuui, out wi no avail ,maa was ivenupand told 1 could .notflivw wife Oil; Jifd Tim. H.J UJUUUVJ I ever 'used. "v7. O. Milttbsboxs. Clarion. Pa., Deo. 29, 1894. 1 sell Piso'a Care for Consump- " ' viTafnt. K. KHoarr. PofitmaRtir K , r . -- ( - I tmh wws l mm za Uttsssv I DONT- Havinir Dr. Iflno-'a Vaw ntiunar n my store I sent for a bottle and ' began its use and from the first dose began io eet better, and after nalnc three bot tles was up and about again, : J U worth Its weight la ROld, ?Ve froh'rf- U -. - . 1.1 . i. u i i i .jr. IT . - uur wre witauayk - ' wwi nw speaker read out the same names, trial at Hill & Son's drug storev -ctr.t except that of Smith, of Stanly Curs fo, Headsch 1 J Vila C11 hCl ll HThSt TAI Kmith . . . . . . OUVGv.vU.u iU1 uiuim ui as a remedy lor all forms of head Gates. Smith, of Stanl V Stated ache Electric Bitters has Droved to be me very nest. , it effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headacbbS yield to its influence. We urge upon all who are afflicted to procure a bottle and give this re edy a fair trial. In cases of habitual his conduct, the Speaker stated ifSffituJEtfr HCI ,i ( . giving the needed tone to the .bofcveii, that the names .read were not and few cases ion resist the1 H. necessary to make a quorum, but this medicine. Try it once. Harm it at any time necessary to se- 0011109 0QlJ of1 cents at uii & so's GOLIiSORO .71 4'll ir ...Jr-T-UE that he was not in the Hall at the time, and therefore could not be counted as "present and not voting." Afterwards, in justification of . i.ifi -uy Takes into consideration the -duality i 4i uia.-oou m well as tho price. i6? ? COHj5,to.?iak -"pon? -Vw our Spring stock. N0ir U the time to h. kuuu, ouii ji.u.ioiflttH. ana SXI wool nnrlor shli tj n1 H.mo.o 1 ' i Ti f- v- - w mi unui a. inrv I'liua rv Aiacintosnes at lew than, post. Boys' percaile waUts at cost Vancv mix wuui uxohh inMNiK. miniAi niMAi i ami l r r o fwv, v i4 ,Vi . uuw OOfJ aim W- L.- cure a quorum, he would not hesitateto count members pre sent and not voting. Kaleigh Ntic$ and Obterver. drug Htore. Ladles'i GoverttQIotU Worth $1 For 75c .&ahHHm worth ll'50 a,ia 82 no elling tt 83o, fl. 10 and tU7. Clothing at cost Come to see us brfore you buy .'i;;jiJi.iJ -.W.4d wiH sare you money. The 3ret Uome will be iriUIA trior! ll tK.I - t . tt , 1" J """vj . uo unit wvwg wi tu P.tfllheir neighors what we had. Making Offices for Thcmsclvoe. Early in the session. Senator Dowd, of Mecklenburg, introduc- ea a dih proviaing tbat no mem- Doror tnis Legislature should hold any office created by this General Assembly or to be filled by it. The bill was buried sn quickly tbat it hardly could have oeen saia io nave been given a decent bnrial. At the time of its interment, Senator Cook, of Warren, who then had the Judge ship in his eye, said: "Dowd, vuu were just joifing, were you not?" The Mecklenburg Senator replied: '! was never more in earner.t in my life." I he results show that Cook and his co operation brethren were unwilling to cut themselves off of pie that they were then preparing to bake. I wo Judgeships have been created and both of them have oeen tilled by members of this Legislature. This is the kind of Reform the Legislature is giving the people. cimer oi mese offices were needed. They were created simp ly to give a job to two hungry Republicans. Raleigh AVioa and Eczema , .Covered Head Forehead and Cheek of Baby 1 Doctors iAiavaHInf Tried Cuticura Remedies ; i ,L Change In Three Days ' ? Cure In Two Weeks' , are known as tb best' That fact ' can be proven -by hundreds who werinem. a IT- LcJ ic bit a BKZEtlf BROS, ic 60, Oar ton monthi' old hohr hA a wer l of enema, sail ftBr Iwvlnc d..i.fd sU orseren weeks, initead of ertilitc 1m ' ppmred tulte worn . ' llu fumUeuil, hw k, n l In . uf biwtl were liU)rli i-.'. r"rt with .! on f'j i, of an Inch llil k,n.; . mi j ooulil brut lbl ij,;.; kinirer, ere willing i., ' ' hiinwt wcryth!n (li -r hw htKirtluf. Hat ii. UmviiuouUI o. C . . HRIII-Iilui w.. jT.m (nTetb"tnairil. Tlu tnriww b'la Iwton 11, and tbe rnirki,l cluntp ninnuenin oemnrv, cuHA.oouiploiely ore, anti ai several tlma biiu ClTioiraa After havlnir & I i.i mi wb. mm ini W ma " " - , . 1. fOTW .. U.n.f I.A. 1 I .. Ma. x mkuvjohv r. r ir, ''' IS South Calhom StUattlraonf, kid. -- w' ..Ji 8ome people say Douglas-' fchrie are .i iuku, ovk taey oooiuiua um0iauflux . v hlautt .the amniThatpcoyesIJWll , We keep a great bir stock of theln' kll - j ana Kima inr I i in. (yAunta . ni mk. i v. v.w aim wjww W T. TVinrrl fit, n -win Deeu iiie'wri4.vi onouia. iearin iuitid -t !Ml,f w. V"V , , iH00DicLJ5RinV ;MySij3 Hepdqiiarters FOR - , i . . . i i . WelMvun tn iifi l .1- -.e- ' 3 m.l I ... I wwJN b uw.i- .il'llJiiyi4ftC JP!LT Llul litj Hn- nth. ..... l A - - ...- ...-It law 4 B t-3iy7L a..r;j' : : :iPri i LiiOa o ov Jt'owder boxes of Unique "xaa r-t a r misa: bjnw lpin nd Fancy lings to select from for :oi JT?" vriety,of beautUul . nii "jr" Iu:: wu iwilM . IIUilia ! 4.1 titil V GHRISTWIS-?RESENT. OUTICIIBA. ttl CT wifn Pw:-n t go.P, aa i4ullt bkIii 1-un.iwr n,,. uri.'taa of Bumor UeoiedlM, tmi.t'-nto Um ibo.1 ttfV t. Um tkln, Mwlp, aitd blond J j i" y ..Sold thronghont th world. Prlei. Ctrriotli CMS. Oow.. Sole Prop-WeBo e How to Cure 8U Dlteaaat," free. pilirLKajhlackhead.. red and oily .kla pre. eT I all wined and cured by Cvmuaa Bo.r. O-1 IT! Mil Alll A1AII ll - C Mfji if i mm i is a : . i -av am. at m mm msr k , m i. r 4 h 'ffaWi'Svi?. Staple i Groceries, - AND CETERA L SUPPLIES. C iff li .7 ' Tin .r iiZ 1 rTi.iv iJWlUG STORE. : , ' Pader. Vesengas Opera HousdL J lu;',?prt.GoIdsboro. N. G- K. E. PIPKIN. WHAT FREE WOOL lii DOINU. As the Philadelphia Tim says, selling woolens in England is a new departure for American manufactures to engage in, and yet this is the story the Consul at Bradford sends to the State Department, with the further lit. formation that American wool ens are disposed of there at a protit and that, too, in the face of the fact that Bradford is the central woolen market of Great uritain. American woolen cloth at 50 and 00 cents a yard, which er ports concede to be from goods of a superior grade, is jUst as much a puzzle to tbe English maker a it is to the American at home accustomed to paying much higher figures and to bo lieving the tariff chaff ally thrown out to bolster up the tariff tax bounties. The new tariff disprove the argument of the mg& protectionist very early in the game that a reduction of the duty on wools would ruin trade abroad and the mills at home. Nothing of the kind follows tbe admission of free material, but to the contrary the mills are in possession of a stimulus, the looms and spindles are working op a new competition and Amorf can woolen cloth ia now in the English markets in a n no example of the. "post uwv, piupwr hoc styie or argu ment is furnished by the New zone Jnoune, in an articlfi pointing out the lamentable cuccin oi me vvnson bill upon the sheep industry of the coun- "7- A he value of the flocks of me united btates, according to mis statement, has declined near ly sixty minions of dollars bo- ,,., au ua a. i -a mo uBuuterg.- jryeurjeyes eount or tariff changes and free re brI?1Jt ?nouh o find -uU tAr you wool. But this is not lh owlnl liUed 10 rewrd.-M r -vit .i i . ut ot me aevasmtwin Tha i.. " . iCA JLJi c'ncborT' A. n-i . . a Cn MUSCULAR STRAINS. PAINS aVk. a f ww I a rw WW , -VSSaaSjaVw ... II aoa weaKneai, baeH aobe, weak kid I '""vv'"' sir -r A $400 PmWIa A W6nilSB. specialty of the' diseases' 'of .the gums and. especllLy ilaaU, arauhlesome dl ease known aa.PvArnhfla AlvAniaffa u yommonj and; ,s destrucU va to teeth and so injuVlouaW health'T r a l in. ...inv .Tnan.iuu. .-.a n efit cf.jay treitaeBt are glva as refeK 9 mmSWK Gut mis, PiGtureOiit It contins the faces or a, fath.r ad th rvaa HanivhrAHi . 7 .a. --uk eejne-.iathert where are the daughteny-'1f yeurieyes 61L.V t insuran I":" I r r-' . ence.' of horses, according to the aw client, snows, a decline of more man live hundred millions iu me same period: of cattle, ex- cepi mucn cows, sixty-four mil lions; or swine, seventy-five mil Hons, and so on. The infern i ot course, mat this decline was causexi by the tariff changes. But horses, cattle and awiuo are not less protected than they were before. And if free wool does not account for this los how can we assume that it accounts ior me loss on sheep? The argument destroys itself. Ihe sheep industry has really suffered less than, other agricul tural pursuits since the Wilson tar ff has made possible the meterial development of Amer ican manufactures. W : t . . - . iuswuin enjoys the reputa- .11 u,s.uJS"snea scientist ni8 nnca school and natur ally hails from Paris. This dis v.uLi on appears to rest in the luai iuassinari mvot c- 1.: . l . . . O-w-lMB- r,,uuu inai tooacoo smoka 1 vuo cost perrect safeguard bv way of the annihilaimr T,.f . r at aval S "a, Il I cides auddisinfect.nt8everused auauiLsnes me claim that the smoke of a ciirar hW t,..x. liwin P .llDeLa Pated with living microbes, causes their death with almost miraculoj ThU ojvna a new field of use- afaJ'WlV I a Office rooms on seconds floor, next uwr soum or- Miiier'n. juook store. f hid eiiuDlR mm , ri .rr THE...'. v . -- c .eaeptcWr (?Lq, :ta Or r I . A- ,A AT I iKf W1 ness, their prductions 6xT in Wal.ut .tWld t.d pensive for thesa hrf h-!L jSv "1 00 ,)i1,itrH her thsy keep i . prietors of the J National Sce4 Store will giv v." r Kbt 7 beau. tiful Die tii r a a (Gems for dec-' orating a home) as a reward to -v any one whox. can make -out, - c ., wi uauv u A . . . . ' a" vers-la These were executed ora ' . ., - vvvuMuon woe ZZ: "SPW1? fhelr busi- Is.tlll dolaa- boata-ait.i,M -V . n i. T 'weu I U1D O OI n m u finiMk.aaif I . . I . . . . iuvuumuj what originally coV thoL,. SS. S M Pork. lars will now be given aVav M ttr.ot ia.asjQnria.tl.e Very attention t 5 ' .a7- f.rHe Ssiisiyre in the Stale. .Our im- picVu ,WrraMi? ilRptfa iy. ' them (a select :...r.i rr"1 ' ' . - reward to evcrye Wading 'InS ' ' with n t7J i ,nien lace , 1 witn an a and en1ra(n u.v 5 . -mi i uTnnr i. . , . irair a m kM.TAH (TVV-17ii ii . - : . fxi iuu i vvwwTWJntmBja it audi taotaeii are usin? Ii : . ""w. icamiaira . WLil I r-.. 1 1 'i ? T VJ '-'"uiaa 1 1 '!! DI7B TOUr Orri.M M-e DBniTt i .r.i ... IUDUed. M(tl In n a en ..., .. . ... -ju i xv & ji 1 1 ,nv .uiTlJ , " Lno rliast postriark Will be iriVnn a UVl to th- ai.r7.r?r "r.vn! f U .v ,u"in 3 to nitn $10: n : ven wm be rfven sji Koia. liable to find th- t-.71 you ahould answ-r Promptly; anden close at once with lft-2ct e tamps -ad J-ou will revive the nlStoW pictures and J' ce GtomGanv - v - 7 late Agent.. qpldsboro. N. C men-ev.,W0 w,M,luu nower seeds.: If yovi jwMUe1 H11 rour sfd fmm ,,. ' .rz??1! It In . place Of nar or monv W I rrur Tm.ui Ba Ps-remedi.. r - - - rvvfB 4-Uaa i aa ia I rui af Vy-M aana.JL. r '-am.i .aa 7wsis and civa heathf sleep the world ha, ever' JUa? IU plewanl to theiaste and abscJutZ ' - , v.ciuuuhps. , oestrovs worms, and preVenUconTuUrpns. sootL ni-HsIust Received. " i "'1 Mil N'T"! ill i Pu 12.00 and f2.50.HaU are sold, eiewhere. at.450 and $3 00. pARGAITS.IN WniTIJ SIIIRTS. - ' EGEIYRD rTcS Waow Shade,, to be Wte4 el. up. Linen naAaralalerx.CaA.K.i!tT. Iyaaes 5cts. former nriro 3 a ..n . . . v . . : , t-rboAbei& ' 7 1 ' iUU uue weacnea and sea isiana .Mtoria is put up m oneue ; botUes - OHlv: It la m.t a,.ft7. i"771 with American carpets, which) Addresa. ISA I ION A I , Kirn T-'" r," "7tt Wl on mi.

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