- Tj - . . . - j KO TO BAC is sold under a positive guar antee to cure the to bacco and snuff habit. We keep it. Miller's Pharmacy. ,TOBACCO CHEWERS. We have a Tooth Brash made especial ly for you. Guaran teed not to shed its bristles, only 35o Miller's Pharmacy "This Akgt;s o'er the people's rights Doth aa eternal vigil keep t No soothing strains of Malas ton Can lull its hundred eyes to sleep". VOL- XX. GOLDSBORO. N- C, SUNDAY. MARCH 17. 195. NO. 13G. i " 1X ll ; ! ; - LOSING THEIR PIE. . o it vy rrsioMSTs rremxo ocr that fTSIOM WAS A KAILtKK. Their M SUppiag From Ihn Pmtj jy and tha Kud U mot YU Omm Haa drva Tbirtf Taoaaaad Dollar Xx-cm-. Tnat KM of taa It- fcwman". Otaar IUmi of laUrost. Argus Bureau, I Raleigh. March 10, 1895. : Still tha undoing of the Fusion-: ists continues. Every day brings to light more shortcomings which mean that more Fusionists who expected it will not reach the pie counter." - It- now turns oat that in the election of directors of the Agricultural and Mechan ical college from the State at lare, there were only 83 votes cast for them. Eighty-six votes are required to elect, and so these gentlemen dp not reach the coun ter. This means that there will be no change in the management of the agricultural department. I saw Mr. Bruner this morning. He said he had known the fact that there were not enough votes cast all along but that he had said nothing- about it- The mat ter, he said, would probably be contested in the courts. The Newt & Observer this morn ing points some startling facts about the , late Legislature. The "Kefawmers" spent $130,000 more than did the last Demo cratic legislature. That force of a committee to in vestigate the Arrington case is still here and it is very doubtful if they will get away tor months. They are not the kind to give up 7.00 a day without a protest The rumor that there Is to be a strike of Seaboard Air Line en gineers is unfounded on fact, say a number of them. Another cut was made by that road - in fare rates to-day. One can travel from here to Atlanta for eight dollars. This morning a member of the Seaboard Air Line officials ar rived here for the purpose of be ing present at the ceremony ol presenting a handsome silyer service to Major Wilder, who for many, years was vice presi dent of the system. The presen tation addresses were ' made by Messrs. T. B. Meares and B." It. Lacy, on behalf of the traffic and mechanic departments. A num ber of prominent people were present at thecereniony which took place at the ireydence of Major Winder at 5 o'clock this afternoon. Superintendent Scar borough savs that the new book law will Areata havoc among' the! schools. iWttenounces it as a very bad law. It will cost the people throughout the State over 1 200, 000. Tom Bailey who was local editor otthe "busted" Daily Caucasian is now with the Ginn Com nan v. ' Capt. ft. B. Peebles gives if as his opinion that trie legislature had no richt to aoDoint a Rail road Commissioner, but that it is tha Governor's riffbt to appoint. This would be all riffht. were' it not for the fact that a Democratic Legislature aDDOinted commis- . ' A A sionerft. Ot ho is safe. Pneinnicta hfira are loud In their denunciations of the mem berswhorun away when their mv Rtormp.d and left things the Islet, font rlmro in tha hands of the Democrats. They undoubtedly kent man v -of their friends from getting to the "pie counter;" but pay had stopped. . t frnvpmnr Carr is trreatly prais ed at thft wav he conducted him- fiftlf Anrirur thft Session Of the Leffislature. His foresight and iudtrment as to when to act served in great measure to ena ble thft Democrats to save wnai they did from the wreck. -fiomft time aero Mr. George B Moore was thrown by a dog which ran between his legs. His hip was dislocated and he was rArriprf to Rex hosDital. He has steadily become worse and he is now not expected to live inrougu thanichL One Republican in town spnt 1 . . .1,,. tha whole two momua iu mc Legislature for the express pur twea nf ctflalitlC MllS." Said BU- LVilO V A O w nthor Rpnnhlin this morning. V VUU V W W vta crotra tho man's name, too. Supet vitor of roads McMackin, haanrHprPd five carloads of stone from Greystone. The stone there is particularly fine for road mak ing purposes. There will soon be one stretch of 5 miles of smoothly macadamized roads from the city.. The President Had a Pleasant Uunt Norfolk, Va., March 15. It was exactly 1:05 o'clock when the Violet made fast to the buoy wharf in Portsmouth. Presi dent Cleveland was standing on the upper deck. " A light mack intosh which he wore protected him from a disagreeable rain which was falling. In a small row boat on the off side of the Violet was a Virainian reporter. When asked about his health he replied: "I am.feeling well; in fact, I never felt better. The report of an accident to me or iginated in the mind of some newspaper man. We killed fifty brant, three geese and fourteen snipe. I went away on pleasure and I have certainly enjoyed my- a w i . . a sell, l nice tne route we nave been over. The Violet discharged a lot of emptv oil cans and after taking on coal left for Washington at 2 o'clock. An officer of tho Violet told the Virginian reporter that If the weather was clear the party would arrived In Washing ton about daybreak to-morrow morning, but it was possible they would anchor in the Potomac for several hours! reaching Wash ington about 10 or 12 o'clock, to morrow. . Senator Butler to Sit Among the Republicans. . Washington. March 15. The disappearance of eighteen Sen ators will maice an entire cnange in the appearance In the Senate floor when that body , meets again. Instead of a majority of the desks being on the Demo cratic side they now appear on tne republican side, ana in tnis connection it is interesting to know that at the request of Sena tor Marion Butler, of North Carolina, his desk has been plac ed on the Republican side, bena- tor ttutier is tne ropuiisi eiectea by the fusion Legislature that at thesame time gave the two year term to oenator rntcnara, jo publican. . The fact that Senator Hntler has asked to be seated on the Republican side is taken as an indication that be will act with the Republicans .in matters per taining to the organization and other questions that are not in- consistent wuu uia vie wo uu neculiar subiects. Senator Ran- - som, whom he succeeds, proph ocioH that Rpnatir Rutler would at all times be found acting har mony with the party in tne sen ate that was antagonistic to the Democrats. i.- r , ' a - ". ' The Smallpox Epidemic. Little Rock. March 15. Dr. Rule, hospital surgeon for the Gould railway system, has been n Hot Hnrmes me.iass iori- . . . ... , . m niffht. He 'has been- detailed to investigate the smallpox. o IT p aava the disease is on the de cline. Chief McMahon has dou- hipd tho force on duty for the nurnoseof enforcing the quar an tin a regulations in this city. It is now practically impossible for persons in tne miectea ais tricts to enter Little Rock. The cordon of sentinels have strict instructions to arrest" invaders. Conway and Plummerville yes tarda v Quarantined against all infActpd maces, uae case vi . - . -M smallpox has appeared at Buck ner. Last night the health au thorities of Columbia instituted a Quarantine. No stranger wil be allowed to" enter the town during the prevalence of small- pox anywnere in tne owtw. A 1. fl 1. A. . Efforts to Break a Will Fall. Atlanta Ga.. March 15.- Th-pffnrt to break the will O tha late George Washington ;Dye, of Elbert county, has failed in the lower court Dye left an estate worth 1100,000 to his negro . . a housekeeper and her six cnudren, whose father he was. His rela tives attempted tobreak the will, but the jury rendered a verdict to-day sustaining it. This is in accordance with tbe decisions of the State Supreme Court. After Dye died. fiO.OOO in cash was found packed in an old trunk. He owned 7,000 acres of land in one body,' and was known in his county as "Governor" Dye. 'If you want a first-"class family newsnaner subscribe to THE Akgvs. SANCTIFICATION. A SyaopcU of tk Sarmea aactlflco- tWa Proaekoa by Kt. K. W. Ookos, la Taia City Saaday March Uu We are indebted to Mrs. F. D. Swindell for the following com prehensive short hand report of tbffsplendid sermon preached by Evangelist Oakes in this city on Sunday, March 4th, which we are sure will be read with Interest and profit by our many readers this morning i Hat, Roman, It, I t, Cognate Tajr, Banctlfication Is different from, the baptism of the Holy unost. we win ditcuss first what Banctlfication Is not; then what it Is. It is not the eradication of the fleeh or sinless perfection. That would place us beyond the flesh. Cleansing i not a point in life, but a line, and the same is true of faith. Fellowship with Christ is one of the highest experiences of the believer. 1 John, 1-7. While In England I noticed the cleVr beautiful eyes of the colliers brighter than the eyes of others. The reason of this is, that In their work in the mine the particles ot coal and dust would often get into the eye and the lachrymal gland continually poured nut its teara to wash the foreiim sub stance away and this constant bathing ... ... . i . . i ,01 tne eyemaae so Dngnt snaciear. We are the apple of the Father's eye and Jesus Christ is the lachrymal gland. Hh) blood cleanses, etc Having sin and sinning are differ ent To be sinless, is to be deathless, and Christ was the only deathless man. lie did not die on the cross, lie gare up his life there. The sting of death is sin. The day is coming when we will have absolute victory. - Ranntification is the Derfected ' self- Tha Adaraio state. In the trame of houla aa nlaved in England the' ball hits the mark, but it is not the ball that directs ltaeii. Dut tne nano wai threw it. We cannot sanctify ourselves Phrlat Hnna thn work. It is not sanoti monlousness I thank God I am not like other men. I do' not do tnis or that and wear this or that. It is not a special gl't for finding fault with God's cntldren. It is not Ireedo ra from temp tation. ThA ChrtBtian throuorh temptation rats the flukes of his anchor around the ... . . 1 . . . 1 - Ll inrone oi uoa ana snortena uw cauio. Not freedom from the Christian war- fiM hut a nrttnaration for meeting the conflict. . Tne higher we get the more fearful tne temptation. faui never aiscussea vaia uwmuc Huruiti fixation is a rift ' obtained in Christ and attained as an experienoe. It is both positive and progressive. AhaolutA in that Christ Is made unto rVhtAouHiiefia and Banctlfication. Pro trrmsaivavin mat unnvt ruiea ui ua auu " . . . ... i . i ... i guides us. It Is made real by surren Ha. mrA nKAillannA- Absolute Banctlfication lnciuaes aeain nf a flaah. Procrreamve sancuncation is the development of th fruits of the nthkr in maturltv. One the seedllnir,' Hn uhnaiin ua. una uuuritri vuo the other tne Harvest, we muB u . nf in whinh sanctl flcatlon is inher- - . .IT. . V... enL We m-ow in. not Into sancunca tion. Spiritual adjustment la tne woric nt m. mnmftllt ffTOWth. the WOrk Of 11 'e. a.tiafay.tinn la fatal -to brOA-ress. We mi. tw vlAldinor to Christ, and in the n.intnlarrar exoeriences. To illus- ...o whiu mT bov u at scnooi some nnA m&keai him ft rift of tea thousand . si a l.HAn.M I a wAfflt ti va ion sawsH niib h miiw iiiv a atss) w va a- j w -Papa, haven't l enougn money w k J : himrnlaV" Ya. mv son. and so I eot him the bicycle, After a while he m , r a. AnAallon V a van 1f. T Anomrh monev to educate me" Yes, j m vrsi 'i wini mil nuuuiiMViii uvvwu w mn hA ornea to colkica. mi wui wv w v. , - Than he U graauatea, - ne asus, im.ant f Anoiirh monev to buy me a A A. eW I vai -a v . . T mmuv Yes mv son. "Oh 1 my lamer, r .m Vwxrinninir to see what mv ten tl...aail 1AI IS rW Will (1 1)1 bilUUBBUU awaaw qa ( t with thA.vcuDtr unrisusa- iv. A.mAn MAnAiit u mAt the larirer U mA nntu Ha rA&lizea that Jeaui Christ UION ' " . MAA AVAVV TIMV1. PmorwBive sanctification Is the ex .(tn nt faith . The more we arrow in utuutwuu .Va mnm novar other neople's faults i.Tv v&nntnth natitMilf." If wesret Into stificatlon we will not tell peo-ple-thelr fault. As we grow In sanctl tiflnation we stow In love. Love never laiiouA. ..... 1 1 , " Progressive sanctification is humil ity. Sometimes, though, our humility is our pride turned Inside out, One of .v- nt a sanctified life is. some a. it nn t hnfora we do. Sanctifi VUQ UUAW " cation Is the death of self. Ssnctlflca Oon is Christ living with us. When we wt. tA tha nlaoa Of humility. We "in .t m what ia aaid about us. -A man once asked Mr. Wesley what was sanctification? Mr. Wesley r- plled. "No man should turns: too hlfi-hly of himself." And in reply to the same que won acaAii, , aid "Sanctification is humility." it ta crmw in this irrace we crow tondar. trentle. perfect. Banctlfication fa nnvflp to forcrlre an Injury. It is fnritv. We can lie with a hand v . u,. c&npttft.-atinn. when It comes means'pariUon of body and life from the world. Separation from able things, the theatre, cards, dances, Once a woman died in a theatre, and oh! there was o much consternation. iin. readfuL" the Deoole said "to die in a theatre!" II It was not a good ale IB UWi MTJ. uh .M iiviw. r in It waa not a COOd DiaCe, uim i m, .. - m - trt ha In. . 1 Oh. young man, young worn an. nmr w s w v be found In a place which It not fit for you to die la. Sanctification keeps us in the place from whence we are willing to go into God's presence. Sanctification is a pure speech, -to keep unspotted from the world, Tls visiting the poor and needy, the widow and orphan,1 the sick and the imprisoned. Go and do this, and thus be ready for the greeting of the Lord, Pnivi irwAph ! nifh a man. la (rood hi it. oh! his but! lie don't till In your little f spor paiiorn. ; Jesus Christ is too big for a paper pattern. . - These little buta are like flies in the ointment. So live as tq boo only the good In any one. My brother is mv looking glass, In which I see myself. : nr .1 . 1 A w see wsm we iouk iut. We tret what we eavo. and we tret what we looked for. ; A .umhtti mrhnt wnnt to Reme. passed all through the great city, and when asked what he saw? said he never saw anvthimr. "Whv! said he." there was not a lumber mill In that whole cltyl Never saw anything because there was no lumber mm mere, Wa rl va InvA va ant 1 nA an attnna- phere of love begets the same. Sanctification Is the ability to bear th Inflrmat.lna nf tha waalr. Not to ait in judgment upon othsrs. 1 nave seen cuurcnea pruaen vu jjiwot because of somo of their people who professed sanctification, s Sanctification shows christian dig nity. Let our speech be in nroderation. Absolute sanctification is Christ in' the heart. ? Progressive sanctification Is Christ in the eye, Christ in the foot and Christ In the hands. a ( A man was converted, and would be baptised in his new KSit, ' watch and pocket-book. Said "iso, 1 wiu not lane them off, I want all I have to be bap tized." Thorough consecration of all. A Door man was under the" influence of that happiness and soul destroying monster atrorg anna, no waa uuwn ui the dlU-hThti neoule. as tbev vent by said "Oh that la only dronken' Dick.'' The Samaritan man,one with sanctl- .i i . J , . A V. 1 ncaiiou JUjiiB huui. cams anu iicipciu him up, and told him that Christ loved .. K ..... . i . him. Ana Ultea up nis voice ana, neart in nrntsr and cried oh! (Jod for Christ's sake save this oor man. But for Thy mercy and Tby grace, it would be me. And tne drunken man asaea --are you the Jesus Christ of ltlohdaler Whv should we be sanctified? First sanctification is your purchased right. Jesus suueroa uu we wignt ua iu- flad. Knnnnd. aanctincatlon is a means nf anrvinn. Kanctiflcatlon is not to make us happy, but Is t.0 mke us useful The lrlest baa the Diooa mars: on tne ear, the thumb and tho toe, ' IaomI Jettus seal with Thv blood-mark nn oar. thumb arid font. ' , Dare you take the blood ann trample nnnn It! Never let your ear, your hands, your feet, dishonor the blood of Jesus Christ To be sanutirriMl is the win oi uoa la r'hrlut in ua. It in the surrender Jesus the hearts blood flowing iq living harmony with mat oi uoa. o4arateu aoul and anirit for the "waltinc of the King- The Arrington Investigation. The precedent, established by the Legislature, of authorizing legislative committees to investl gate alleged - acts of wrong-do 1UK UJ lUV WA.VAA .A.A , mnst nernlcious one. The courts! are established fqr litigants, and if thev are cresided over by In- competent or bad men, or if the law is defective, legislation olight t. hA enacted. Bat to authorize a committee, without limit' as to time or ex Dense, to review tne Supreme or Superior court, is a piece of supreme folly of which no sensible Legislature could be cuiltv. t . ., m- .... Tint, since tne ieirisiaiure ae- termlned to establish a new me thod of proceedure, It is a mat tor tnr recrreb that it did not select sober and honest men, who had some knowledge oi law ana had some regard for their repu tation, to conduct the inveatiga tion. Neither of the members nharo-pd with the duty is capable of performing it, and as they are notoriously mcompeteut, me uiu natuMnsr will be nothing more than a farce. Mrs. Arrington believes she hM been wroneed. If so, and tha LAfltrislature deemed her wrongs so unusual as to require a new method of ascertaining and riirhtinff them.' tbey owed it.. tr her themselves, and her nn&prs to annoint a committee nf unber men to . undertake the work. She makes grave charces asralnst prominent gen tlemen. . Tbey will be glad of an oppertunity to judicially answer the charges. The- public .. W A like U see litem question-lrington haee jus;ice. She has at last UUUUUCU o uiuuum vw uema her complaints. It is a gross vmnr to her that those appoints eri Aro nn worth v and Incompetent a . I ... 4Va a..lr Qcci rrn ti VJLHiSiVlUl bug nv iajuiuww .1 . r r,rm nmit VlAVM.. i QgllX, iitcy ' Att w v VVOVI . ,i yr '' m. Highest of all in Leivcubg Powers Latest U. S. Gov't Report ITS AD6OL0)TniI.V. PUCE This I3utter has boon sold on this reputation of being the bust. We receive irosn snipments ovory position to fill all orders at 30 Gents Per Pound. SUPREME. SHORTENING TAKES THE CAKE I T Ia. Va 1Uaa.w T 4tr.CllTllWTITITTW nr. K.a .. viral Va.mt siKlat Cat. I aft a U X w IW litiU IDB aM mA ' KJ j - t 1 l U i mltlod by eminent pbyslclaus to be more tjau at tnir store ana boo our umpitty WOOL Toilet Soap. BiZZELL BROS, & CO., LEADING GROCERS. OPINIONS Of Some Prominent Grocers See what some of the lanrest the Aurora brand of butter: The largest retail grocery In tho State or Ohio, says: we navo handled this butter for nine years and it has given universal satis faction. The largest retail dealers In Chicago say: We have handled this butter almost wlthoura break for sixteen years and have found it a very superior article. A leading house in New Orleans which has used It for 11 years say: It always gives tne most perrecc sausiacuon. The leading retailer in Loulsvijle, Ky., says: I have found tnis batter trlves general satisfaction and suits my trade better than any I have handled. . . M. From the leading grocers in Uincinnai I: we tninic it tno nness we ever saw. Tha Pi.nnrlo)nr nf tho flnoat otiirA in Detroit sav: We have been selling this butter for some time ourselves ana customers. The best house In Buffalo says: We have usod your butter con tinuously for the past four years and have been well pleased with the results. From the largest dealer In Atlanta, Ga.: This butter gives per feet satisfaction to all my customers. Loughlln, of Dallas, Texas, says: You can use our name in say ing the best you can for your butter. The above are the opinions of a few leading grocers of different localities, all agree that they have found nothing better. But listen,. I am much more Interested in what the housekeepers of Goldsboro say aboutthls butter than I am about the opinion of all the grocers on ' the face of the globe. Try it and let us hear from you; we want your opinions and are not afraid to have thorn. Yours Truly, ' I. B. N VIEIaIaR WEST CENTRE STREET. FrolitiG Cotton Grower: The Old Standard and Reliable Plant Food, Wa confidently offer the Prolific Cotton Grower to the trade and farming- pub- lie as the equal of the very beet commercial fertiliser. Fr TT FARMERS' FAVORITE FERTILIZER: This 18 a special -If f brani watch we offer as the equal If not the superior of any goods In this Bute of tha same commercial value. rroilllG Truck Grower: All Enquiries Promptly Answered- Gbldsboro II. WEIL A BR03, Soiling Agent lor (olcUbor. 'MARSH Rocky Mount Butter. market for sovoral years and enjoys the iwsaay anu x nuay, anu aro now in via aaaswa sawwa ibjvuwimu wholosoma than animal fat vi i. i visMiLn. aou hawu o houses In this country say abdut A . . A S S. A ft A, with the greatest satisfaction to Made rich in ammonia and potash which render it specially valuable foe potatoes and all vegetable crops. - Oil - Go. F. K. BORDEN.

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