The ApqUs. GOLDSBORO, N. C MAR. IT. PTBUSHKD BT THE ARGUS PUBLISHING CO. Joseph E. Roblnuoo, Editor, J Walter A. Bonita, Uiutlness Man'er. r. 1 ST. PATRICK'S DAW This is St Patrick's Day! And yet, bow few of the millions who celebrate the national festival o TrnUn In everv aaarter of the -w w. V ff trnw remember that in a few years it will bo fully fifteen con inrios Kinco be was born.. The place of his birth is uncertain. h'Ust claimed bv France ana r- Scotland as well as by the nation which be redeemed .from pagan ism. It is certain that though born a freeman and even of patrician rank, as his name ira plies, he was captured and sent a kbie to Ireland: that he broke the fetters of bis body, and hav ing regained his freedom, deter mined to emancipate the souls of his enslavers. This was fourteen hundred vears before the Declaration of Independence; but it was only five hundred vears after the creator Declaration of Human Urotherhood by the Son of God. If the man Patrick was not Irish born, he, like every other man of noble soul who came to Ireland, speedily became "more Irish than the Irish themseh es" as the Rev. E. W. Oakos, of West mead, would say; and Patrick the saint, so formed and moulded the character of the people whom ho loved that his name and his festival day are synonymous with Ireland wherever an Irish man dwells. Such union of man and country is without a paralled in the history of the world. Saint Denis of France, Saint George of England, Saint Andrew of Scotland, Saint David of Wales, are names which havo ceased to carry any personal meaning with the people of the countries which claim their sponsorship. Even Santiago of Spain has not been heard as a rallying cry for cen turies, but Saint Patrick and Ireland are inseparable ideas. Even thoJrUh Protestants honor the patron saint of their nation by keeping his feast every year on the Seventeenth of March; as Washington recognized it by giving the pass-word "Saiut Patrick" for f he day that saw his English enemies driven out of Boston. The Irish whom St Patrick went to redeem from paganism : were far in advance of their neighbors of Northern Europe! They were a brave, enterprising people whose ships had traded with the Mediterranean and whose armies had overrun Scot land, England and Franco, The legions of KingDathi were turn ed back at the foot of the Alps only after their monarch had died bya lightning stroke while waving his sword to point out the road to greater conquests. While the whole of Britian was sunk in savagery, the Irish en joyed a syitem of just laws, had the arts of architecture and metal working and cultivated literature in a rudimentary way by giving especial tonor to poets and bards. Hospitality was not only a national virtue but was a duty imposed by law. Their religion was a gentle, if an err ing creed. Aa John Boy leO' sang: The Sun, Ufa-Giver, was God on ' hlfh"' Men ohl)TJ the Powoi they Ht; And tbey kept the faith as the m rolled . Hy Um oltymn Beltane 1w,'' And again : But we O Sun, that of old waa our Coa, we look in thy face to-day, aj our Druid who prayed in the aa- rieot timN nod with them we proud!) aay: W hav wronged no race, we have robbed no land, we hare nver ciipreaaed toe weak!' And thl is tbe face of Heaven la the nobler thing to apeak. " The' Apostle found in Ireland noble material, and he made it nobler. As the American histor ian Towle says, "he led the Irish Frntly," which is the only way they can be led they can never be drivenand when he died. "he bad done a vast and noble wnrlrr and his last hours were (rliul.tanAil with a holv iJV.' at the thought that he had led whole nation into the Christian fold." BETTER TIMES COMING. Uon. J. Taylor Ellyson, one o the most astute business men in Richmond, and one of the most cautious of men in his state ments. irives it as his deliberate opinion that the country will now have at least two years of pros perity. He believes that the new era will begin with an active business during th3 spring months, and that the business o the vear will be very satisfac tory. Tt Is the first time since the panic began that Mr. Ellyson hiiA seen davlicht head and the first time that he has felt like ad sing his friends to invest their W-fc . - A. I L. it monev. lixil lie oe leves mat me danger line has been crossed and that the way is now clear. Those who know what excel lent iudcement Mr. Ellyson has and who know how conservative 0 ij he is in all his statements and predictions, will take comfort in this word of encouragement, and weeriveit prominence, because we have faith in the man and in his prediction. Sibley is in demand. Nevada wants him for President Senator Stewart, who carries Nevada in his pocket when he wants to; but kindly leaves it at the old stand among the Rockies most of the time, has received a telegram rora Governor Jones stating that Senator Stewart's Governor ap proved resolutions indorsing Sib ey and his silver platform. Sena' tor Stewart doubtless forwarded he telegram to Sibley, who will at once put his ear to the ground to hear which of the other pocket States will be first to second Nevada's motion. . Nevada has population something less than that of Venango county, in which Mr. Sibley resides. Venango isn't clamoring for Sibley, how ever. Horses and Sliver. According to the silver, mono- metal lists the low price of cotton is attributable entirely to the sus pension of silver coinage. They refuse to take into ac count the overproduction of cot ton and wouldhave the farmers believe that If ur government should coin an unlimited auantitv of silver, cotton would be. worth a great deal more than it is now. If cotton is thus dependent up on silver other things must be so too. If tbe failure of the gov ernment to coin all the silver that could be carried to its mints has run down the price of cotton, why may not the same . explana tion be given for the wonderful decline in the price of horses? In 1890 there were in this country J 4.213,837 horses, and their average va'ue was lpG9. Accord ing to tbe Federal Agricultural Department there are now 15, .893,318 horses in the United States and the average price is only 30. In five years the average value of horses has fallen nearly one half. .The free silver men me tal lists,, where the raising of horses is " a leading industry, howl the same tune that we bear from the silver monometallists In the cotton belt The suspen sion of silver coinage is the cause and tbe sole cause of - all the trouble. The free coinage of silver and nQthinj else will set things right . The almost universal substi tution of electric for horse power and the inreased num ber of horses have had nothing. to do with the fall in price, according to free silver philosophy. Horses are so cheap now because there is less demand for them than there ever was before. Cotton is cheap now because the supply is so far in ex cess of the demand. These facts are so plain that they are recognized - by every body except the free silver mo nometallists. They have .only one idea and it U impossible to push it aside long enough to con vince them that free silver would not make us all rich and happy. Atlanta Jimrnal , BDCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE The Beet Sal re in the World for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever. Sores.Tetter, Chap td Uauds, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles; or no pay required.. Jtu gaar- antel to give perlect samiacuoo or money refunded. Price 25 cents ir bottle, for sale by J. 1L Hill & Son. The Discovery -Saved Hia Life. , Mr. G. Calilouette, " Beaveravllla, IIL, aaya: 'To Dr. Klngjs New Discov ery I owe my life. Iwu taken with la Grippe and tried all the physicians for milua about, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live, ilaving Dr. King's New Diacovery in mv store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three bot tles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep our store without it." Get a free trial at Hill & Son 'a drug store. Cure for Headache, Aa a remedy for all forma of head ache Electric Bittera has proved to be the very best It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. We urge upon all who are afflicted to procure a bottle and give this re edy a fair trial. In cases of habitual cons -i nation Eltctrio Hitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and lew cases long resist me use oi this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only fifty cents at Hill & Son's drug store. ALea Baby wu tick, v jt bar CastorU. Wbea aha wu a Child, aba cried for Cutona Wbea aba became Kiaa, abe clung t Cutocia. Wbao aba bad Andrea, aba gavbthdm Cantor! Eczema Covered ' Head Forehead and Cheek of Uaby Doctor Unavailing . Tried Cutlcura Remedies , Change la Three Days 1 ' Cure In Two Weeks - Our ten month' old bahy had a'ver" lol cam of aoaeina, and afior havlns id . r I IX orsaven week, imutad of gouius; I m -, aiipearea lobewori '. II t urelta I, cbcvk, at I l , of Uj.i1 ara Unintli arcd wiih tntba otaf , ,' of an Inch ibirb.aiiil b.' ' could bear thU l, " lonpiT, vr wiilT.i, almost eviTy(iilar !! bad hca Ml oh llavi a tutuino i!ul of i v piveibcina trir.1. Ti tor an li'in laat an , aiarsil your re... on Ifay 11, and the nwu:.rtable cua'i; ' naa taken placi on .m.iv M 's a wo-v't ' nineteenth centnrv. We hfntii to nv CUBA, completely .rca li.i iv-wli.u ... ore, and washing it wlih llv CrTi'fi So aeTeraltlmealav. Att'i'.'imtmxT' ri him Cdtickb 1( - r lmuti::i - .1 After having attc. (1 1.' t fr tao u faoe waa aa clear as any chiM' cnnld in. U aow aa clea-i of ; je i h i Iio o . cr . '. eaa hardly Unci worJj Jo cxi r?ji o r n heartfelt thanki. ... , Ma. a?n Mtw; JOHN r T 88 South Calhoun 8t Baiiiinort, J.. cutoa vor.xs WcrEs:- CcncrA. the erdat fikln 8oP, an xqulatui tkin fun riff urui; v ninn.TiiT,iMMw li.oi I'nrincr ami tmtxn of Humnr Humediwe, wt!tii(j the mil? 'fft.f and enonomlpal Irm'mnM for v-rr d rJ 4he akin, acalp, and blo4 -. Bold thrOdffVoat tbe world. Priem IVrtnta. ' Oe.;Hor,3ae.; PomaOnua aao Cuia. Conr., bole rroprieton, Boeton. - " Uow to Cure Bkld Dlnaeea," free. PIM rLKS, blackhradi. d and oily akin pre- aoa ourea Dr UTM UH SOAP. - C-i MUSCULAR STRAINS, PAINS JT T and weakneaa, back acbe, weak kid. T J Dry: rhvnaaUam, and cheat paine 1 "V relleTed In on mlnnta br the Co I atV Uoora Anti-Fain Flaater. . K$400 Puzzle But tills Picture Oct! it cuni nnniiiaiacraoil lamer and ' three daughters; you see the father,! where are the daughters? If yeur eyes ' A m Kaia-rvc nnn rr rt tv. fln1 It 4k wac xt aa aft ui vmwuu v uuu U tt fTX jfX are entitled to a reward. CTThe pro prietors of the National Seed L. . Ml I 'FREE 7.beau- Itiful pic tu res (Gemn for dec orating a home) as a reward to any one jho can make out the three daugh tors' faces. These picture Wdre 'superbly ex united id col- . kifjt 'H' or by a firm of art publishers who were obliged to liquidate their buai-t. ness, their productions being too ex. pensive for tnete hard times. The en- tire stock as purchased bv u ait what originally cost thousands of dol-. lara will now be given away to attract attenuon to our National CotLEO- Tiov or Flower Seeds for the season of JtSU Ihe publuihed price of theae iicturvs was i.w, dui we will send uoiu i series or seven; as a reward to every person finding and marking the three daughters' faces with an X and enclosing same with sixteen two-cent stamps for National Collection: No. 1, containing an im mense variety of the choicest and mot beautiful flower seed If you purchase V. ( .. ... ' . juur aeeus uum us one season we will ajwaya nave your orders. We guaran- w lwipci eaiitj action or funded. 400 in CASH PMKMll'Mx -Ihe person sending as above whose tnTtoIf! h? arlif Pwtmark ; will be given a .WK upright piano; the seconJ $2S In cash; nnhirJ $20; to fourth 15 to hfth $10: and m nie,t?',VriU. el:en SS ia 5 !AK,,Mb,e fiDd the ,thPe fac yo ahould anawr promptly; and en- clu onoe ,wIUl i-2ct stamps and you will receive the valuable lot of pictures and aU by return mail abmngton, v. C. , arl2-Jl-w2w LWV S I I' : . 'Seed Potatoes. - i ' 1 r : . - riminE IIOtJLTO.V ROSE,' -- An.1 rLhei- earlv sued potatoes lu fine order. Also CHOICE SEED OATS and niolafcstw at reduced prices. U. M. PR'IYTT, WTulosate nd Retail O.oeer and Ca mniL-sioa 21 eirbact. Tot)iilJ'a thing right Duu-wftorG TifMade. EX W HU RTT Mam Tailor, 'N.;C. GOLUSORO THE Shrewd. Buyer Takos Into consideration the 'pS uality of the gooJ.1 aa well as the W L. oe. are known as the beut. That fact . can be proven by hundreds who wear them. Some people say Douinaa shoes are high, but tbey continue using them J -.just tne same, inat proves they are not -'' . . . . We keep a great big stock of them al the time lor ladies, genu and boyt, W 12 Douglas Shops for boys at tl.75 . ana z are tne Dost in tne world. Sold only at fi00DBRin?5 Toilet Articles Onrx nottlts, ' .. ' Fniic- l'ioce, Articles, i'owdor Doxes M unique Design and Fancy Finish: . A great variety of beautiful Things to select from for I CHRISTMAS RESENT AT ' s. DRUG STORE, Under Mejsejiger Opera Uouiet . Pr.B: Fi' flRRINGTON. " 'Dentist.-. In the practice of Dentistry makes a specialty oi tne diseases oi tne, gums ana especially inat troublesome dis pense known as Pyorrhea Alveolar is, bo Douoiassnoe SHANNON V - VUVMiThmnn anil Qsi rijuit.piintiia t't i..t h .A vs. Iri,,,,. ' Patrons having experienced the ten pfii 0f my treatment are given as fefer Offl ee rooms on second - floor, next door soutn or MillerV uoolr Store. ... - !Tli6 'Old Reliable ; ; the Chy'Beel 'ilorkct - . . -OF. ; ' -: 5. GOHH & SON Is btill doing btr9in688,at thi oid stand, on. Walnut street, -where they keep ooDsianuv on nana rine MouBtavta Deef, tender and well butchered. Pork. Veal, Ttrrkey in season and the very finest Sausage in the State. ' Our im- tnnse sfrigerator ia always stocked nd ur customers are never turned of diasatisfied. -Respectfully, S COHN & CO. CASTORIA is truly a'mareloe t&m forcblldi-on. Doctors prescribu tit niouicai journals recommend it and more lean a million mothers are usin? la. fH 1 M . . -. . a lu . jjiauo vi paregoric, uateman a . Drops, so-called Bcothincr othor narcotic and stupefying remodies. ik. ..a 4---,.- . rtru .uvia.wiuot.uBuu uuoeiB ana irive heathy sleep the world has ever seen. It is pfeasant to the taste and absolute! ly harmless- It relieves conatipatioT tfuiets pain, cures diarrho-a and wind coflc, allay, feverishnesa, destroys orm' nJ Prenuconvulslonn! the child and gives it wfrwhtaJaDd natoral l.p. Castoria is thech nacea the mother's fiiend. ..Cwtoria is put up in onMixe bottle only. It is not sold in bulk. DonTaE the rlea'or prombe that it is "just at 'ooS" '-will aos were very purpose. , I I famHr. and to get it. Fndoubtedl Best CoTigli Eledicine I ever used. W. 0. Miltiitbesgkb. ' Clarion- Pa., Dec. 29, 1894." I eell Piao'a Cure for CJonsump tion. and neverhave' any' com- -r. i, t . . t . r. i i. flaints. E. SflfiKxr, Postmaster,., borer, Kansas, Dec 21flt, 1894." Mi&ffipoBtuni! ' CLOSING-OUT SHLt " RegaJdlc38 of cot,t6 make room for twi ouiv ui v.iuLuee, anu an wool - Macintoshes at less than cost! Roys Tjerearle ' waists at cost - Fancy all wool drees goods, former price "Ladles' Covert 'feloS Fine all wool undershirts and drawers worth tl.?-5,- tt.50 and t2 now selling at 1 fc3c, 11.10 and tl.37. Clothing at cost. Coma to see us before you buy; ' ' we can and will save you money. ' The Srst to come will be n-ade glad' and tell their nelghors "What we had. - BIZZELL. BROS, ic 60. Ngw Dorden Dulldlna - - THAT My; Stor FOR Sed i, Beans ; Flowr;SMfeirStbiile Groceries, . .' r.V AND CtSTERAh SUPPLIES. , ,,,, R. E. PIPKIN. . Same Old Stand, - ; Walnut Strcet.'GoldsborOaX. : ' ":: , :. . ' Instira nee L l of In'Stiff'Hots Our 12.00 and ?2.50 llats' are sold J BARGAINS IN WHITE SHIRTS. JT;US1AE?;.KGRIVED One case Window Sharps, tt ri 3 c a m anades .octs. former toriee 85. A 5dutherland,; presume Ve have used over ' ' one hundred Dottiea or i'lso a Cure ; for Consumption in my I am continually advising otters - it ia the - - - - - DONT our Sp'rtng stock. Now U the time 16 buy unaer sains ana arawera, Tery cneai and drawers. Ter cheap. f 1 bnd $1.23, now fioo and 75c. is Hf3ddqiiarters dimpatiy - 'f'Nevv-York. CJ-4 and OH State 'Agent. Goldsboro. N. JMst'Received. ' elsewKcre at 2.50 and S3 00. rw retail nA w tA. a a j iaa away UU U LJ M-dklivL full ima hioKo tBi-nA Brinkley & Co.

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